100 | Kopije |
Copies |
101 | |
1024 | Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintManager nije podržan u obezbeđenom prikazu. |
Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintManager is not supported on the view provided. |
1025 | Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintManager mora da se preuzme i pokrene pomoću rukovaoca događajem PrintTaskRequested pre upućivanja ovog poziva. |
Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintManager must be retrieved and initialized with a PrintTaskRequested event handler prior to making this call. |
1026 | U jednom trenutku je moguće registrovati samo jedan rukovalac za događaj PrintTaskRequested. |
Only one handler for the PrintTaskRequested event may be registered at a time. |
1027 | Moguće je kreirati samo jedan PrintTask kad je prijavljen događaj PrintTaskRequested. |
Only one PrintTask may be created when the PrintTaskRequested event is raised. |
1028 | Navedeni parametar PrintDocumentSource nije važeći. On mora da podržava Windows.Graphics.Printing.IPrintDocumentSource i IPrintDocumentPageSource. |
The PrintDocumentSource provided is not valid. It must support Windows.Graphics.Printing.IPrintDocumentSource and IPrintDocumentPageSource. |
1029 | Navedeni delegat PrintTaskSourceRequested nije važeći. |
The PrintTaskSourceRequested delegate specified is not valid. |
1030 | Neophodno je navesti nisku koja nije prazna kao ime parametra PrintTask. |
A non-empty string must be provided as the name of the PrintTask. |
1031 | Moguće je pokrenuti samo jedan DocumentSource kad se pozove delegat PrintTaskSourceRequested. |
Only one DocumentSource may be initialized when the PrintTaskSourceRequested delegate is called. |
1032 | Moguće je navesti samo opcije iz parametra Windows.Graphics.Printing.StandardPrintTaskOptions ili prilagođene opcije kreirane pomoću parametra Windows.Graphics.Printing.OptionDetails.PrintTaskOptionDetails. |
Only options from Windows.Graphics.Printing.StandardPrintTaskOptions or custom options created with Windows.Graphics.Printing.OptionDetails.PrintTaskOptionDetails may be specified. |
1033 | Neophodno je navesti važeće ime opcije. |
A valid option name must be specified. |
1034 | Navedite važeći objekat opcije. |
Please provide a valid option object. |
1035 | Stavka sa tim imenom već postoji. Navedite drugo ime. |
An entry with that name already exists. Please specify another name. |
1036 | Ova kolekcija je objavljena. Preuzmite novu instancu kolekcije. |
This collection has been released. Please retrieve a new instance of the collection. |
1037 | Kolekcija povezana sa ovim prikazom je promenjena. Preuzmite novu instancu prikaza. |
The collection associated with this view has changed. Please retrieve a new instance of the view. |
1038 | Prethodno stanje greške je zanemareno. |
The preceding error condition was ignored. |
1039 | Zahtevana opcija ne podržava pristup preko interfejsa Windows.Graphics.Printing.OptionDetails.IPrintOptionDetails. |
The requested option does not support access via the Windows.Graphics.Printing.OptionDetails.IPrintOptionDetails interface. |
1040 | Tražena opcija ne postoji. |
The requested option does not exist. |
1041 | Neophodno je navesti jedinstveno ime opcije. To ime ne sme da se podudara sa imenima opcija iz parametra Windows.Graphics.Printing.StandardPrintTaskOptions niti sa imenima kreiranih prilagođenih opcija. |
A unique option name must be provided. This name may not match any of the option names from Windows.Graphics.Printing.StandardPrintTaskOptions or the names of created custom options. |
1042 | Neophodno je navesti ime za prikaz za ovu opciju. |
A display name must be provided for this option. |
1043 | Očekivana je varijanta tipa %1, ali nije dobijena. |
A variant of type %1 was expected but not received. |
1044 | Ova opcija ne podržava navedenu vrednost. Odaberite vrednost koju ova opcija podržava. |
The value specified is not supported by this option. Please choose a value supported by this option. |
1045 | Navedena vrednost premašuje maksimalnu dozvoljenu vrednost od %1!u!. |
Value specified exceeds maximum allowable value of %1!u!. |
0x10000031 | Vreme odziva |
Response Time |
0x30000001 | Pokreni |
Start |
0x30000002 | Zaustavi |
Stop |
0x50000004 | Informacije |
Information |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Graphics-Printing |
Microsoft-Windows-Graphics-Printing |