slc.dll.mui Klient-DLL for programvarelisensiering 5e0f70dfb704a64d31f610f9b7bb36bc

File info

File name: slc.dll.mui
Size: 77312 byte
MD5: 5e0f70dfb704a64d31f610f9b7bb36bc
SHA1: a376d1effef8e44ab8a5e9f65dd57b7e59ab6ae0
SHA256: 7af7df187c91cbdc0d3f76aff6434979f6d998f8cc30fa95036e0e2d15bd28e6
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

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id Norwegian (Bokml) English
100Muliggjør nedlasting, installasjon og aktivering av digitale lisenser for Windows og Windows-programmer. Hvis tjenesten deaktiveres, kan det hende at operativsystemet og lisensierte programmer kjøres i modus med reduserte funksjoner. Enables the download, installation and enforcement of digital licenses for Windows and Windows applications. If the service is disabled, the operating system and licensed applications may run in a reduced function mode.
101Software Licensing Service Software Licensing Service
0x4004D30FKlarert tid er allerede oppdatert. Trusted time is already up-to-date.
0x4004D601Hurtigbuffer for kjernemodus er ikke endret Kernel Mode Cache was not changed
0x4004D602Policyer som krever omstart, er endret Reboot-requiring policies have changed
0x4004F00CSoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at programmet kjører innenfor den gyldige grace-perioden. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid grace period.
0x4004F00DSoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at programmet kjører innenfor den gyldige løpeperioden ved manglende toleranse. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid out of tolerance grace period.
0x4004F040Software Licensing Service rapporterte at produktet ble aktivert, men at eieren må bekrefte produktbrukerrettighetene. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product was activated but the owner should verify the Product Use Rights.
0x4004F065Software Licensing Service rapporterte at programmet kjører i den uekte løpeperioden. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid non-genuine grace period.
0x4004F068Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at programmet kjører i den gyldige løpeperioden for uekte programvare (type 2). The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid non-genuine grace period (type 2).
0x4004F401Software Licensing Service rapporterte at appen har en Store-lisens. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application has a store license.
0x4004FC04Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at programmet kjører innenfor den tidsbaserte gyldighetstiden. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the timebased validity period.
0x4004FC05Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at programmet har en uendelig løpeperiode. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application has a perpetual grace period.
0x4004FC06Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at programmet kjører innenfor den gyldige utvidede løpeperioden. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid extended grace period.
0x8004D102Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at maskinklokkeslettet ikke stemmer overens med det klarerte klokkeslettet. The security processor reported that the machine time is inconsistent with the trusted time.
0x8004D10BSikkerhetsprosessoren kan ikke brukes når et feilsøkingsprogram er knyttet til. The security processor cannot operate while a debugger is attached.
0x8004E026Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at det ble angitt en gyldig produktnøkkel for løpetiden for et tillegg der det ble forventet en Windows-produktnøkkel. The Software Licensing Service reported that a valid product key for an add-on sku was entered where a Windows product key was expected.
0x8004E101Software Licensing Service rapporterte at filversjonen for tokenlageret er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store file version is invalid.
0x8004E102Software Licensing Service rapporterte at tokenlageret inneholder en ugyldig beskrivelsestabell. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store contains an invalid descriptor table.
0x8004E103Software Licensing Service rapporterte at tokenlageret inneholder et token med en ugyldig topptekst/bunntekst. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store contains a token with an invalid header/footer.
0x8004E104Software Licensing Service rapporterte at et tokenlager har et ugyldig navn. The Software Licensing Service reported that a Token Store token has an invalid name.
0x8004E105Software Licensing Service rapporterte at et token i tokenlageret er av en ugyldig type. The Software Licensing Service reported that a Token Store token has an invalid extension.
0x8004E106Software Licensing Service rapporterte at tokenlageret inneholder et duplikattoken. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store contains a duplicate token.
0x8004E107Software Licensing Service rapporterte at et token i tokenlageret har ugyldig størrelse. The Software Licensing Service reported that a token in the Token Store has a size mismatch.
0x8004E108Software Licensing Service rapporterte at et token i tokenlageret inneholder en ugyldig hash-kode. The Software Licensing Service reported that a token in the Token Store contains an invalid hash.
0x8004E109Software Licensing Service rapporterte at tokenlageret ikke kunne lese et token. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store was unable to read a token.
0x8004E10ASoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at tokenlageret ikke kunne skrive et token. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store was unable to write a token.
0x8004E10BSoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at tokenlageret forsøkte å utføre en ugyldig filoperasjon. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store attempted an invalid file operation.
0x8004E10CTjenesten Software Licensing rapporterte at det er ingen aktive transaksjoner. The Software Licensing Service reported that there is no active transaction.
0x8004E10DSoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at filhodet i tokenlageret er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store file header is invalid.
0x8004E10ESoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at en tokenbeskrivelse i tokenlageret er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service reported that a Token Store token descriptor is invalid.
0x803FA065Aktiveringsserveren har fastslått at den angitte produktnøkkelen er ugyldig. The activation server determined the specified product key is invalid.
0x803FA066Aktiveringsserveren har fastslått at det er et problem med den angitte produktnøkkelen. The activation server determined there is a problem with the specified product key.
0x803FA067Aktiveringsserveren har fastslått at den angitte produktnøkkelen er blokkert. The activation server determined the specified product key has been blocked.
0x803FA071Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at produktnøkkelen har overskredet opplåsingsgrensen. The activation server reported that the product key has exceeded its unlock limit.
0x803FA073Aktiveringsserveren har fastslått at lisensen er ugyldig. The activation server determined the license is invalid.
0x803FA076Aktiveringsserveren fastslo at produktnøkkelen er ugyldig The activation server determined the product key is not valid.
0x803FA07DDet oppstod et problem med aktiveringsserveren. The activation server experienced an error.
0x803FA07FAktiveringsserveren rapporterte at multiaktiveringsnøkkelen har overskredet grensen. The activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key has exceeded its limit.
0x803FA080Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at multiaktiveringsnøkkelen har overskredet utvidelsesgrensen. The activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key extension limit has been exceeded.
0x803FA083Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at den angitte produktnøkkelen ikke kan brukes for elektronisk aktivering. The activation server reported that the specified product key cannot be used for online activation.
0x803FA08DAktiveringsserveren har fastslått at versjonen til den frakoblede bekreftelses-ID-en (CID) er feil. The activation server determined that the version of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is incorrect.
0x803FA08EAktiveringsserveren rapporterte at formatet for dataene som skal brukes til frakoblet aktivering, er feil. The activation server reported that the format for the offline activation data is incorrect.
0x803FA08FAktiveringsserveren rapporterte at lengden til den frakoblede bekreftelses-ID-en (CID) er feil. The activation server reported that the length of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is incorrect.
0x803FA090Programvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at installasjons-IDen eller bekreftelses-IDen er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service determined that the Installation ID (IID) or the Confirmation ID (CID) is invalid.
0x803FA097Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at tidsbasert aktivering ble forsøkt før startdatoen. The activation server reported that time based activation attempted before start date.
0x803FA098Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at tidsbasert aktivering ble forsøkt etter sluttdatoen. The activation server reported that time based activation attempted after end date.
0x803FA099Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at ny tidsbasert aktivering ikke er tilgjengelig. The activation server reported that new time based activation is not available.
0x803FA09AAktiveringsserveren rapporterte at den tidsbaserte produktnøkkelen ikke er konfigurert for aktivering. The activation server reported that the time based product key is not configured for activation.
0x803FA0C8Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at ingen forretningsregler er tilgjengelige for å aktivere angitt produktnøkkel. The activation server reported that no business rules available to activate specified product key.
0x803FA0CBAktiveringsserveren fastslo at den angitte produktnøkkelen er blokkert for dette geografiske plasseringen. The activation server determined the specified product key has been blocked for this geographic location.
0x803FA0D5Aktiveringsserveren har fastslått at overstyringsgrensen er nådd. The activation server determined that the override limit is reached.
0x803FA400Aktiveringsserveren har fastslått at tilbudet ikke finnes lenger. The activation server determined that the offer no longer exists.
0x803FABB8Feil som indikerer at sponsorens maskinvare-ID ikke eier rettigheten til operativsystemet. Error indicating that the donor hardwareId does not own operating system entitlement.
0x803FABB9Feilkode som indikerer at brukeren ikke er kvalifisert for ny aktivering. (Generisk feilkode) Error code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation.(Generic error code)
0x803FABBAFeilkode som indikerer at brukeren ikke er kvalifisert for ny aktivering på grunn av ingen tilknytning til Error code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation due to no association
0x803FABBBFeilkode som indikerer at brukeren ikke er kvalifisert for ny aktivering fordi brukeren ikke er administrator på enheten Error code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation because user is not an admin on device
0x803FABBCFeilkode som indikerer at brukeren ikke er kvalifisert for ny aktivering fordi brukeren er begrenset. Error code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation because user is is throttled.
0x803FABBDFeilkode som indikerer at brukeren ikke er kvalifisert for ny aktivering fordi lisensen er begrenset. Error code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation because license is throttled.
0x803FABBEFeilkode som indikerer at enheten ikke er kvalifisert for ny aktivering fordi den er begrenset. Error code indicating that device is not eligible for reactivation because it is throttled.
0x803FABBFFeilkode som indikerer at brukeren ikke er kvalifisert fordi policyen ikke tillater det. Error code indicating that user not eligible for because policy does not allow it.
0x803FABC0Feilkode som indikerer at enheten ikke er kvalifisert for ny aktivering fordi den er blokkert. Error code indicating that the device is not eligible for reactivation because it is blocked.
0x803FABC1Feilkode som indikerer at brukeren ikke er kvalifisert for ny aktivering fordi brukeren er blokkert. Error code indicating that the user is not eligible for reactivation because the user is blocked.
0x803FABC2Feilkode som indikerer at lisensen ikke er kvalifisert for overføring fordi den er blokkert. Error code indicating that the license is not eligible for transfer because the license is blocked.
0x803FABC3Feilkode som indikerer at enheten ikke er kvalifisert for overføring fordi den er blokkert. Error code indicating that the device is not eligible for transfer because the device is blocked.
0xC004B001Aktiveringsserveren oppdaget at lisensen er ugyldig. The activation server determined that the license is invalid.
0xC004B007Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan koble til aktiveringsserveren. The activation server reported that the computer could not connect to the activation server.
0xC004B008Aktiveringsserveren fastslo at produktet ikke kan aktiveres The activation server determined that the product could not be activated.
0xC004B010Aktiveringsserveren fastslo at nødvendig forretningstoken ikke finnes. The activation server determined that required business token entry cannot be found.
0xC004B011Aktiveringsserveren oppdaget at klokkeslettet på datamaskinen ikke er riktig. Du må korrigere klokken før du kan aktivere. The activation server determined that your computer clock time is not correct. You must correct your clock before you can activate.
0xC004C012Aktiveringsserveren støtte på en nettverksfeil. The activation server experienced a network error.
0xC004C022Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at grensen for ny utstedelse ikke ble funnet. The activation server reported that the re-issuance limit was not found.
0xC004C023Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at forespørselen om overstyring ikke ble funnet. The activation server reported that the override request was not found.
0xC004C050Det oppstod en generell feil med aktiveringsserveren. The activation server experienced a general error.
0xC004C291Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at lisensstatusen er ugyldig. Genuine Validation determined the license state is invalid.
0xC004C2F6Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at IDen for valideringsinndatamalen er ugyldig. Genuine Validation determined the validation input template identifier is invalid.
0xC004C2FAEkthetsvalidering fastslo at bloben for valideringsinndataene er ugyldige. Genuine Validation determined the validation input data blob is invalid.
0xC004C327Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at blob-parameteren for valideringsinndataene er ugyldige. Genuine Validation determined the validation input data blob parameter is invalid.
0xC004C328Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at klienttokendataene er ugyldige. Genuine Validation determined the client token data is invalid.
0xC004C329Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at bloben for frakoblede data er ugyldig. Genuine Validation determined the offline data blob is invalid.
0xC004C32AEkthetsvalidering fastslo at blob-parameteren for de frakoblede dataene er ugyldig. Genuine Validation determined the offline data blob parameter is invalid.
0xC004C32BEkthetsvalidering fastslo at valideringsmal-IDen er ugyldig for denne versjonen av Windows-operativsystemet. Genuine Validation determined the validation template identifier is invalid for this version of the Windows operating system.
0xC004C32CEkthetsvalidering fastslo at den frakoblede, ekte bloben er kalt tilbake. Genuine Validation determined the offline genuine blob is revoked.
0xC004C32DEkthetsvalidering fastslo at den frakoblede, ekte bloben ikke ble funnet. Genuine Validation determined the offline genuine blob is not found.
0xC004C3FFAktiveringsserveren fastslo at VGA-tjenestesvaret ikke er tilgjengelig på det forventede formatet. The activation server determined the VGA service response is not available in the expected format.
0xC004C401Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at produktnøkkelen er ugyldig for denne versjonen av Windows-operativsystemet. Genuine Validation determined the product key is invalid for this version of the Windows operating system.
0xC004C4A1Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at filens hash-kode er ugyldig. Genuine Validation determined the file hash is invalid.
0xC004C4A2Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at produktnøkkelen har blitt blokkert. Genuine Validation determined the product key has been blocked.
0xC004C4A4Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at produktnøkkeltypen er ugyldig. Genuine Validation determined the product key type is invalid.
0xC004C4A5Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at produktnøkkelen er ugyldig. Genuine Validation determined the product key is invalid.
0xC004C4A7Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at OEM- eller volumbindingsdataene er ugyldige. Genuine Validation determined the OEM or Volume binding data is invalid.
0xC004C4A9Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at den angitte produktnøkkelen har blitt blokkert for dette geografiske stedet. Genuine Validation determined the specified product key has been blocked for this geographic location.
0xC004C4ABEkthetsvalidering registrerte misbruk av Windows-lisensiering. Genuine Validation detected Windows licensing exploits.
0xC004C4ACEkthetsvalidering fastslo at tokenaktiveringsdataene er ugyldige. Genuine Validation determined the token activation data is invalid.
0xC004C4ADEkthetsvalidering registrerte Windows-binærfiler som har blitt ulovlig endret. Genuine Validation detected tampered Windows binaries.
0xC004C4AFEkthetsvalidering fastslo at de aktive mappeaktiveringsdataene er ugyldige. Genuine Validation determined the active directory activation data is invalid.
0xC004C532Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at lisensen blir kunngjort på grunn av at løpeperioden har utløpt. Genuine Validation determined the license state is in notification due to expired grace.
0xC004C533Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at lisensstatusen blir kunngjort. Genuine Validation determined the license state is in notification.
0xC004C600Ekthetsvalidering fastslo at din versjon av Windows ikke er ekte. Genuine Validation determined your copy of Windows is not genuine.
0xC004C700Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at forretningsregelen ikke finner nødvendige inndata. The activation server reported that business rule cound not find required input.
0xC004C750Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at en nullverdi er angitt for forretningsegenskapsnavn og -ID. The activation server reported that NULL value specified for business property name and Id.
0xC004C751Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at egenskapsnavnet angir en ukjent egenskap. The activation server reported that property name specifies unknown property.
0xC004C752Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at egenskaps-IDen angir en ukjent egenskap. The activation server reported that property Id specifies unknown property.
0xC004C755Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at produktnøkkelbinding ikke kan oppdateres. The activation server reported that it failed to update product key binding.
0xC004C756Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at produktnøkkelbinding ikke kan settes inn. The activation server reported that it failed to insert product key binding.
0xC004C757Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at produktnøkkelbinding ikke kan slettes. The activation server reported that it failed to delete product key binding.
0xC004C758Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at inndata-XML for produktnøkkelbindinger ikke kan behandles. The activation server reported that it failed to process input XML for product key bindings.
0xC004C75AAktiveringsserveren rapporterte at produktnøkkelegenskap ikke kan settes inn. The activation server reported that it failed to insert product key property.
0xC004C75BAktiveringsserveren rapporterte at produktnøkkelegenskap ikke kan oppdateres. The activation server reported that it failed to update product key property.
0xC004C75CAktiveringsserveren rapporterte at produktnøkkelegenskap ikke kan slettes. The activation server reported that it failed to delete product key property.
0xC004C764Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at produktnøkkeltypen er ukjent. The activation server reported that the product key type is unknown.
0xC004C770Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at produktnøkkeltypen brukes av en annen bruker. The activation server reported that the product key type is being used by another user.
0xC004C780Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at produktnøkkelpost ikke kan settes inn. The activation server reported that it failed to insert product key record.
0xC004C781Aktiveringsserveren rapporterte at produktnøkkelpost ikke kan oppdateres. The activation server reported that it failed to update product key record.
0xC004D000Owner, write description pls Owner, write description pls
0xC004D081Referansen ble brukt før SPCommit ble kalt med den. The handle was used before calling SPCommit with it.
0xC004D101Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte en initialiseringsfeil. The security processor reported an initialization error.
0xC004D103Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at det har oppstått en feil. The security processor reported that an error has occurred.
0xC004D104Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at det ble brukt ugyldige data. The security processor reported that invalid data was used.
0xC004D105Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at verdien allerede finnes. The security processor reported that the value already exists.
0xC004D107Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at en utilstrekkelig buffer ble brukt. The security processor reported that an insufficient buffer was used.
0xC004D109Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at det ble gjort et ugyldig kall. The security processor reported that an invalid call was made.
0xC004D10ASikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte en versjonssamsvarsfeil. The security processor reported a version mismatch error.
0xC004D10CDet er ikke mer data tilgjengelig No more data is available
0xC004D201Lengden på det kryptografiske nøkkelmaterialet/BLOB er ugyldig The length of the cryptopgraphic key material/blob is invalid
0xC004D202Blokklengden er ikke riktig for denne algoritmen The block length is not correct for this algorithm
0xC004D203Den kryptografiske chiffrerings-/algoritmetypen er ugyldig The Cryptopgrahic cipher/algorithm type is invalid
0xC004D204Den angitte chiffreringsmodusen er ugyldig. Du kan for eksempel ikke angi både kryptering og dekryptering for symmetriske nøkler. The specified cipher mode is invalid. For example both encrypt and decrypt cannot be specified for symmetric keys.
0xC004D205SPAPIID for den angitte kryptografiske leverandøren er ukjent The SPAPIID for the specified Cryptographic Provider is unknown
0xC004D206SPAPIID for den angitte kryptografiske nøkkelen (type) er ukjent The SPAPIID for the specified Cryptographic Key (type) is unknown
0xC004D207SPAPIID for den angitte kryptografiske hash-koden er ukjent The SPAPIID for the specified Cryptographic Hash is unknown
0xC004D208SPAPIID for det angitte kryptografiske attributtet er ukjent The SPAPIID for the specified Cryptographic Attribute is unknown
0xC004D209Hash-objektet er fullført og kan ikke lenger oppdateres The hash object has been finalized and can no longer be updated
0xC004D20ANøkkelen er ikke tilgjengelig i den gjeldende tilstanden The key is not available within the current state
0xC004D20BNøkkelen finnes ikke. Den er kanskje ikke opprettet ennå The key does not exist. It may not have have been created yet
0xC004D20CDatalengden er ikke et multiplum for algoritmens blokklengde The data length is not a multiple of the algorithm's block length
0xC004D20DLengden på signaturen er ikke gyldig The length of the signature is not valid
0xC004D20ESignaturen er ikke koordinert med hash-koden for sammenligning The signature does not correlate with the comparison hash
0xC004D20FRSA-blokken er ikke gyldig The RSA block is not valid
0xC004D210Formatet på RSA-blokken er ikke gyldig The format of the RSA block is not valid
0xC004D211CBC-utfyllingen er ikke gyldig The CBC padding is not valid
0xC004D301Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at det klarerte datalageret har blitt tuklet med. The security processor reported that the trusted data store was tampered.
0xC004D302Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at det klarerte datalageret ble armert på nytt. The security processor reported that the trusted data store was rearmed.
0xC004D303Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at det klarerte datalageret har blitt opprettet på nytt. The security processor reported that the trusted store has been recreated.
0xC004D304Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at adgangsnøkkelen ikke ble funnet i det klarerte datalageret. The security processor reported that entry key was not found in the trusted data store.
0xC004D305Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at adgangsnøkkelen allerede eksisterer i det klarerte datalageret. The security processor reported that the entry key already exists in the trusted data store.
0xC004D306Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at adgangsnøkkelen er for stor til å få plass i det klarerte datalageret. The security processor reported that the entry key is too big to fit in the trusted data store.
0xC004D307Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at maksimalt antall rearmeringer er overskredet. Du må installere operativsystemet på nytt før du forsøker å armere på nytt igjen. The security processor reported that the maximum allowed number of re-arms has been exceeded. You must re-install the OS before trying to re-arm again.
0xC004D308Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at oppføringens datastørrelse er for stor til å få plass i det klarerte datalageret. The security processor has reported that entry data size is too big to fit in the trusted data store.
0xC004D309Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at maskinen har gått utenfor maskinvaretoleransen. The security processor has reported that the machine has gone out of hardware tolerance.
0xC004D30ASikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at den sikre tidtakeren allerede eksisterer. The security processor has reported that the secure timer already exists.
0xC004D30BSikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at den sikre tidtakeren ikke ble funnet. The security processor has reported that the secure timer was not found.
0xC004D30CSikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at den sikre tidtakeren har utløpt. The security processor has reported that the secure timer has expired.
0xC004D30DSikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte navnet til den sikre tidtakeren er for langt. The security processor has reported that the secure timer name is too long.
0xC004D30ESikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte at det klarerte datalageret er fullt. The security processor reported that the trusted data store is full.
0xC004D310Skrivebeskyttet oppføring kan ikke endres. Read-only entry cannot be modified.
0xC004D311Skrivebeskyttet tidtaker kan ikke endres. Read-only timer cannot be modified.
0xC004D312Skrivebeskyttet attributt kan ikke endres. Read-only attribute cannot be modified.
0xC004D313Finner ikke attributt. Attribute not found.
0xC004D314Ingen tilgang til klarert datalager. Trusted Store access denied.
0xC004D315Finner ikke navneområde. Namespace not found.
0xC004D316Navneområdet er i bruk. Namespace in use.
0xC004D317Klarert datalager ulovlig endret Trusted store tampered
0xC004D401Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte en samsvarsfeil for systemfiler. The security processor reported a system file mismatch error.
0xC004D501Sikkerhetsprosessoren rapporterte en feil med kjernedataene. The security processor reported an error with the kernel data.
0xC004D502Hurtigbuffer i kjernemodus er ulovlig endret, og gjenopprettingsforsøket mislyktes Kernel Mode Cache is tampered and the restore attempt failed
0xC004D701Ekstern dekrypteringsnøkkel var allerede angitt for angitt funksjon. External decryption key was already set for specified feature.
0xC004D702Det oppstod en feil under proxy-utføring Error occured during proxy execution
0xC004E001Software Licensing Service har fastslått at den angitte konteksten er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service determined that the specified context is invalid.
0xC004E002Software Licensing Service rapporterte at lisenslageret inneholder inkonsekvente data. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store contains inconsistent data.
0xC004E003Software Licensing Service rapporterte at lisensevalueringen mislyktes. The Software Licensing Service reported that license evaluation failed.
0xC004E004Software Licensing Service rapporterte at lisensen ikke er evaluert. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license has not been evaluated.
0xC004E005Software Licensing Service rapporterte at lisensen ikke er aktivert. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is not activated.
0xC004E006Software Licensing Service rapporterte at lisensen inneholder ugyldige data. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license contains invalid data.
0xC004E007Software Licensing Service rapporterte at lisenslageret ikke inneholder den forespurte lisensen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store does not contain the requested license.
0xC004E008Software Licensing Service rapporterte at lisensegenskapen er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license property is invalid.
0xC004E009Software Licensing Service rapporterte at lisenslageret ikke er initialisert. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store is not initialized.
0xC004E00ASoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at lisenslageret allerede er initialisert. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store is already initialized.
0xC004E00BProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensegenskapen er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license property is invalid.
0xC004E00CProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensen ikke kunne åpnes eller opprettes. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license could not be opened or created.
0xC004E00DProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensen ikke kunne skrives. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license could not be written.
0xC004E00EProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisenslageret ikke kunne lese lisensfilen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store could not read the license file.
0xC004E00FProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensegenskapen er skadet. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license property is corrupted.
0xC004E010Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensegenskapen mangler. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license property is missing.
0xC004E011Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisenslageret inneholder en ugyldig lisensfil. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store contains an invalid license file.
0xC004E012Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisenslageret ikke startet synkronisering på riktig måte. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store failed to start synchronization properly.
0xC004E013Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisenslageret ikke synkroniserte på riktig måte. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store failed to synchronize properly.
0xC004E015Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensforbruket mislyktes. The Software Licensing Service reported that license consumption failed.
0xC004E016Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at produktnøkkelen er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid.
0xC004E019Programvarelisensieringstjenesten oppdaget at valideringen av den angitte produktnøkkelen mislyktes. The Software Licensing Service determined that validation of the specified product key failed.
0xC004E01AProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at det ble funnet ugyldig tilleggsinformasjon. The Software Licensing Service reported that invalid add-on information was found.
0xC004E01BProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at ikke all maskinvareinformasjon kunne hentes inn. The Software Licensing Service reported that not all hardware information could be collected.
0xC004E01CDenne vurderingsproduktnøkkelen er ikke lenger gyldig. This evaluation product key is no longer valid.
0xC004E01DDen nye produktnøkkelen kan ikke brukes på denne Windows-installasjonen. Skriv inn en annen produktnøkkel. (CD-AB) The new product key cannot be used on this installation of Windows. Type a different product key. (CD-AB)
0xC004E01EDen nye produktnøkkelen kan ikke brukes på denne Windows-installasjonen. Skriv inn en annen produktnøkkel. (AB-AB) The new product key cannot be used on this installation of Windows. Type a different product key. (AB-AB)
0xC004E020Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at det er uoverensstemmelse mellom en policyverdi og informasjon som er lagret i delen OtherInfo. The Software Licensing Service reported that there is a mismatched between a policy value and information stored in the OtherInfo section.
0xC004E021Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at den ekte informasjonen i lisensen ikke er konsekvent. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Genuine information contained in the license is not consistent.
0xC004E022Software Licensing Service rapporterte at verdien for ID for sikker lagring i lisensen ikke samsvarer med gjeldende verdi. The Software Licensing Service reported that the secure store id value in license does not match with the current value.
0xC004E023Software Licensing Service rapporterte at varslingsreglene er ugyldige. The Software Licensing Service reported that the notification rules appear to be invalid.
0xC004E024Software Licensing Service rapporterte at de rapporterte maskindataene er ugyldige. The Software Licensing Service reported that the reported machine data appears to be invalid.
0xC004E025Software Licensing Service rapporterte at hash-koden for dataene ikke samsvarer med dataene. The Software Licensing Service reported that the data hash does not correspond to the data.
0xC004E027Software Licensing Service rapporterte at versjonen av SPPSvc ikke samsvarer med policyen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the version of SPPSvc does not match the policy.
0xC004E028Software Licensing Service rapporterte at et annet aktiveringsforsøk pågår for denne SKUen. Vent til det andre forsøket er fullført før du prøver på nytt. The Software Licensing Service reported that there is another activation attempt in progress for this sku. Please wait for that attempt to complete before trying again.
0xC004E029Software Licensing Service rapporterte at den aktiverte lisensen krever en tilsvarende Store-oppgraderingslisens for å kunne fungere. Gå til Store for å kjøpe en ny lisens eller laste ned en eksisterende lisens på nytt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the activated license requires a corresponding Store upgrade license in order to work. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
0xC004E02ASoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at Store-oppgraderingslisensen ikke er aktivert for den gjeldende operativsystemversjonen. Gå til Store for å kjøpe den riktige lisensen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license is not enabled for the current OS edition. Please visit the Store to purchase the appropriate license.
0xC004E02BSoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at Store-oppgraderingslisensen ikke samsvarer med den gjeldende aktive produktnøkkelen. Gå til Store for å kjøpe en ny lisens eller laste ned en eksisterende lisens på nytt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license does not match the current active product key. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
0xC004E02CSoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at Store-oppgraderingslisensen ikke samsvarer med det gjeldende signeringsnivået for det installerte operativsystemet. Gå til Store for å kjøpe en ny lisens eller laste ned en eksisterende lisens på nytt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license does not match the current signing level for the installed Operating System. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
0xC004E02DSoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at Store-oppgraderingslisensen ikke aktiverer den gjeldende versjonen av det installerte operativsystemet. Gå til Store for å kjøpe en ny lisens eller laste ned en eksisterende lisens på nytt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license does not enable the current version of the installed Operating System. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
0xC004E02ESoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at Store-oppgraderingslisensen ikke kunne godkjennes. Gå til Store for å kjøpe en ny lisens eller laste ned en eksisterende lisens på nytt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license could not be authorized. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
0xC004F001Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte en intern feil. The Software Licensing Service reported an internal error.
0xC004F002Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at rettighetsforbruket mislyktes. The Software Licensing Service reported that rights consumption failed.
0xC004F003Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at den påkrevde lisensen ikke ble funnet. The Software Licensing Service reported that the required license could not be found.
0xC004F004Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at produktnøkkelen ikke svarer til området definert i lisensen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key does not match the range defined in the license.
0xC004F005Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at produktnøkkelen ikke svarer til produktnøkkelen for lisensen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key does not match the product key for the license.
0xC004F006Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at signaturfilen for lisensen ikke er tilgjengelig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the signature file for the license is not available.
0xC004F007Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensen ikke ble funnet. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license could not be found.
0xC004F009Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at løpeperioden er utløpt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the grace period expired.
0xC004F00AProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at program-IDen ikke svarer til program-IDen for lisensen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application ID does not match the application ID for the license.
0xC004F00BProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at produktidentifikasjonsdataene ikke er tilgjengelige. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product identification data is not available.
0xC004F00EProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at lisensen kan brukes av den gjeldende versjonen av sikkerhetsbehandlingskomponenten. The Software Licensing Service determined that the license could not be used by the current version of the security processor component.
0xC004F00FProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at binding for maskinvare-ID er utenfor toleransenivået. The Software Licensing Service reported that the hardware ID binding is beyond the level of tolerance.
0xC004F011Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensfilen ikke er installert. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license file is not installed.
0xC004F012Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at kallet mislyktes fordi verdien for den oppgitte nøkkelen ikke ble funnet. The Software Licensing Service reported that the call has failed because the value for the input key was not found.
0xC004F013Programvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at det ikke foreligger tillatelse til å kjøre programvaren. The Software Licensing Service determined that there is no permission to run the software.
0xC004F014Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at produktnøkkelen ikke er tilgjengelig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is not available.
0xC004F015Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensen ikke er installert. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is not installed.
0xC004F016Programvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at forespørselen ikke støttes. The Software Licensing Service determined that the request is not supported.
0xC004F018Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensen ikke innholder gyldige plasseringsdata for aktiveringsserveren. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license does not contain valid location data for the activation server.
0xC004F019Programvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at den forespurte hendelses-IDen er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service determined that the requested event ID is invalid.
0xC004F01AProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at den forespurte hendelsen ikke er registrert på tjenesten. The Software Licensing Service determined that the requested event is not registered with the service.
0xC004F01BProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at hendelses-IDen allerede er registrert. The Software Licensing Service reported that the event ID is already registered.
0xC004F01DProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisenskontrollen mislyktes. The Software Licensing Service reported that the verification of the license failed.
0xC004F01EProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at inndatatypen ikke samsvarer med datatypen i lisensen. The Software Licensing Service determined that the input data type does not match the data type in the license.
0xC004F01FProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at lisensen er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service determined that the license is invalid.
0xC004F020Programvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at lisenspakken er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service determined that the license package is invalid.
0xC004F021Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at gyldighetsperioden for lisensen er utløpt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the validity period of the license has expired.
0xC004F022Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensgodkjenningen mislyktes. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license authorization failed.
0xC004F023Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensen er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is invalid.
0xC004F025Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at handlingen krever administratorrettigheter. The Software Licensing Service reported that the action requires administrator privilege.
0xC004F026Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at de forespurte dataene ikke blir funnet. The Software Licensing Service reported that the required data is not found.
0xC004F027Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensen er tuklet med. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is tampered.
0xC004F028Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at policyhurtigbufferen er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the policy cache is invalid.
0xC004F029Programvarelisensieringstjenesten kan ikke startes i gjeldende OS-modus. The Software Licensing Service cannot be started in the current OS mode.
0xC004F02CProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at formatet for dataene som skal brukes til frakoblet aktivering er feil. The Software Licensing Service reported that the format for the offline activation data is incorrect.
0xC004F02DProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at versjonen til den frakoblede bekreftelses-IDen er feil. The Software Licensing Service determined that the version of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is incorrect.
0xC004F02EProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at versjonen til den frakoblede bekreftelses-IDen ikke støttes. The Software Licensing Service determined that the version of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is not supported.
0xC004F02FProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lengden til den frakoblede bekreftelses-IDen er feil. The Software Licensing Service reported that the length of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is incorrect.
0xC004F030Software Licensing Service har fastslått at installasjons-IDen eller bekreftelses-IDen ikke kunne lagres. The Software Licensing Service determined that the Installation ID (IID) or the Confirmation ID (CID) could not been saved.
0xC004F031Installasjons-IDen og bekreftelses-IDen samsvarer ikke. Bekreft installasjons-IDen og anskaff en ny bekreftelses-ID om nødvendig. The Installation ID (IID) and the Confirmation ID (CID) do not match. Please confirm the IID and reacquire a new CID if necessary.
0xC004F032Programvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at bindedataene er ugyldige. The Software Licensing Service determined that the binding data is invalid.
0xC004F033Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at produktnøkkelen ikke tillates installert. Se hendelsesloggen for nærmere informasjon. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is not allowed to be installed. Please see the eventlog for details.
0xC004F034Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensen ikke ble funnet eller var ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license could not be found or was invalid.
0xC004F035Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kunne aktiveres med en produktnøkkel for volumlisens. Volumlisensierte systemer krever oppgradering fra et kvalifiserende operativsystem. Kontakt systemansvarlig eller bruk en annen type nøkkel. The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated with a Volume license product key. Volume-licensed systems require upgrading from a qualifying operating system. Please contact your system administrator or use a different type of key.
0xC004F038Software Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan aktiveres. Antallet som ble rapportert av Key Management Service (KMS), er utilstrekkelig. Kontakt systemansvarlig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The count reported by your Key Management Service (KMS) is insufficient. Please contact your system administrator.
0xC004F039Software Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan aktiveres. Key Management Service (KMS) er ikke aktivert. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The Key Management Service (KMS) is not enabled.
0xC004F041Programvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at Key Management Service (KMS) ikke er aktivert. KMS må være aktivert. Kontakt systemansvarlig. The Software Licensing Service determined that the Key Management Service (KMS) is not activated. KMS needs to be activated. Please contact system administrator.
0xC004F042Programvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at angitt Key Management Service (KMS) ikke kan brukes. The Software Licensing Service determined that the specified Key Management Service (KMS) cannot be used.
0xC004F047Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at proxy-policyen ikke er oppdatert. The Software Licensing Service reported that the proxy policy has not been updated.
0xC004F04FProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at det ikke ble funnet lisensbehandlingsinformasjon i lisensene. The Software Licensing Service reported that license management information was not found in the licenses.
0xC004F051Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at produktnøkkelen er blokkert. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is blocked.
0xC004F052Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensene inneholder dupliserte egenskaper. The Software Licensing Service reported that the licenses contain duplicated properties.
0xC004F053Programvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at lisensen er ugyldig. Lisensen inneholder en overstyringspolicy som ikke er riktig konfigurert. The Software Licensing Service determined that the license is invalid. The license contains an override policy that is not configured properly.
0xC004F054Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisensbehandlingsinformasjon har dupliserte data. The Software Licensing Service reported that license management information has duplicated data.
0xC004F055Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at basis-SKU ikke er tilgjengelig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the base SKU is not available.
0xC004F056Software Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kunne aktiveres ved hjelp av Key Management Service (KMS). The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated using the Key Management Service (KMS).
0xC004F057Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at datamaskinens BIOS mangler en nødvendig lisens. The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer BIOS is missing a required license.
0xC004F059Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at en lisens i datamaskinens BIOS er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service reported that a license in the computer BIOS is invalid.
0xC004F060Programvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at versjonen til lisenspakken er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service determined that the version of the license package is invalid.
0xC004F061Programvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at den angitte produktnøkkelen bare kan brukes til oppgradering, ikke til nye installasjoner. The Software Licensing Service determined that this specified product key can only be used for upgrading, not for clean installations.
0xC004F063Software Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinens BIOS mangler en nødvendig lisens. The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer is missing a required OEM license.
0xC004F064Software Licensing Service rapporterte at den uekte løpeperioden er utløpt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the non-genuine grace period expired.
0xC004F066Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at egenskapen for ekte informasjon ikke kan angis før den avhengige egenskapen er angitt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the genuine information property can not be set before dependent property been set.
0xC004F067Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at løpeperioden for uekte programvare er utløpt (type 2). The Software Licensing Service reported that the non-genuine grace period expired (type 2).
0xC004F069Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at produkt-SKUen ikke finnes. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product SKU is not found.
0xC004F06AProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at den ønskede operasjonen ikke er tillatt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the requested operation is not allowed.
0xC004F06BProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten har fastslått at den kjører på en virtuell maskin. Key Management Service (KMS) støttes ikke i denne modusen. The Software Licensing Service determined that it is running in a virtual machine. The Key Management Service (KMS) is not supported in this mode.
0xC004F06CSoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kunne aktiveres. Ugyldig tidsstempel. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The Key Management Service (KMS) determined that the request timestamp is invalid.
0xC004F071Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at manifestfilen for plugin-modulen ikke er riktig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the plug-in manifest file is incorrect.
0xC004F072Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisenspolicyene for hurtigspørring ikke finnes. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license policies for fast query could not be found.
0xC004F073Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at lisenspolicyene for hurtigspørring ikke er lastet inn. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license policies for fast query have not been loaded.
0xC004F074Software Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan aktiveres. En Key Management-tjeneste (KMS) kan ikke kontaktes. Se programmets hendelseslogg for nærmere informasjon. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. No Key Management Service (KMS) could be contacted. Please see the Application Event Log for additional information.
0xC004F075Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at operasjonen ikke kan fullføres fordi tjenesten stoppes. The Software Licensing Service reported that the operation cannot be completed because the service is stopping.
0xC004F076Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at den forespurte plugin-modulen ikke finnes. The Software Licensing Service reported that the requested plug-in cannot be found.
0xC004F077Programvarelisensieringstjenesten oppdaget inkompatibel versjon av godkjenningsdata. The Software Licensing Service determined incompatible version of authentication data.
0xC004F078Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at nøkkelen ikke samsvarer. The Software Licensing Service reported that the key is mismatched.
0xC004F079Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at godkjenningsdataene ikke er angitt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the authentication data is not set.
0xC004F07AProgramvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at bekreftelsen ikke kan utføres. The Software Licensing Service reported that the verification could not be done.
0xC004F07BDen forespurte operasjonen er ikke tilgjengelig mens Software Licensing Service is kjører. The requested operation is unavailable while the Software Licensing Service is running.
0xC004F07CSoftware Licensing Service fastslo at datamaskinens BIOS-versjon er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service determined that the version of the computer BIOS is invalid.
0xC004F07DSoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at produktnøkkelen ikke kan brukes for denne typen aktivering. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key cannot be used for this type of activation.
0xC004F07EInstallasjons-IDen (IID) og bekreftelses-IDen (CID) samsvarer ikke med produktnøkkelen. The Installation ID (IID) and the Confirmation ID (CID) do not match the product key.
0xC004F07FInstallasjons-IDen (IID) og bekreftelses-IDen (CID) er ikke bundet til det gjeldende miljøet. The Installation ID (IID) and the Confirmation ID (CID) are not bound to the current environment.
0xC004F080Software Licensing Service rapporterte at lisensen ikke er bundet til det gjeldende miljøet. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is not bound to the current environment.
0xC004F081Software Licensing Service rapporterte at aktiveringsobjektet for Active Directory ikke ble funnet eller var ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Active Directory Activation Object could not be found or was invalid.
0xC004F082Software Licensing Service rapporterte at navnet som er angitt for aktiveringsobjektet for Active Directory er for langt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the name specified for the Active Directory Activation Object is too long.
0xC004F083Software Licensing Service rapporterte at Active Directory-basert aktivering ikke støttes i gjeldende Active Directory-skjema. The Software Licensing Service reported that Active Directory-Based Activation is not supported in the current Active Directory schema.
0xC004F200Gjeldende tilstand er ikke ekte. The Software Licensing Service reported that current state is not genuine.
0xC004F210Software Licensing Service rapporterte at lisensversjonen ikke samsvarer med datamaskinversjonen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license edition does match the computer edition.
0xC004F301Software Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan aktiveres. Forespørselen om tokenbasert aktivering er utløpt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The token-based activation challenge has expired.
0xC004F302Tjenesten Software Licensing rapporterte at stille aktivering mislyktes. Tjenesten Software Licensing rapporterte at det finnes ingen sertifikater i systemet som kan aktivere produktet uten brukermedvirkning. The Software Licensing Service reported that Silent Activation failed. The Software Licensing Service reported that there are no certificates found in the system that could activate the product without user interaction.
0xC004F303Tjenesten Software Licensing rapporterte at sertifikatkjeden ikke kunne bygges eller at validering mislyktes. The Software Licensing Service reported that the certificate chain could not be built or failed validation.
0xC004F304Tjenesten Software Licensing rapporterte at påkrevd lisens ikke ble funnet. The Software Licensing Service reported that required license could not be found.
0xC004F305Tjenesten Software Licensing rapporterte at det finnes ingen sertifikater i systemet som kan aktivere produktet. The Software Licensing Service reported that there are no certificates found in the system that could activate the product.
0xC004F306Tjenesten Software Licensing rapporterte at denne programvareversjonen ikke støtter tokenbasert aktivering. The Software Licensing Service reported that this software edition does not support token-based activation.
0xC004F307Software Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan aktiveres. Aktiveringsdataene er ugyldige. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. Activation data is invalid.
0xC004F308Software Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan aktiveres. Aktiveringsdataene er ulovlig endret. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. Activation data is tampered.
0xC004F309Software Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan aktiveres. Forespørsel og svar knyttet til aktivering, samsvarer ikke. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. Activation challenge and response do not match.
0xC004F30ASoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan aktiveres. Sertifikatet samsvarer ikke med betingelsene i lisensen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The certificate does not match the conditions in the license.
0xC004F30BTjenesten Software Licensing rapporterte at smartkortet som er satt inn, ikke kan brukes til å aktivere produktet. The Software Licensing Service reported that the inserted smartcard could not be used to activate the product.
0xC004F30CTjenesten Software Licensing rapporterte at innholdet i den tokenbaserte aktiveringslisensen er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the token-based activation license content is invalid.
0xC004F30DSoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan aktiveres. Avtrykket er ugyldig. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The thumbprint is invalid.
0xC004F30ESoftware Licensing Service rapporterte at produktet ikke kan aktiveres. Avtrykket samsvarer ikke med noen av sertifikatene. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The thumbprint does not match any certificate.
0xC004F30FTjenesten Software Licensing rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan aktiveres. Sertifikatet samsvarer ikke med vilkårene som er angitt i utstedelseslisensen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The certificate does not match the criteria specified in the issuance license.
0xC004F310Software Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan aktiveres. Sertifikatet samsvarer ikke med klareringspunktidentifikatoren (TPID) som er angitt i utstedelseslisensen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The certificate does not match the trust point identifier (TPID) specified in the issuance license.
0xC004F311Software Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan aktiveres. En programvaretoken kan ikke brukes til aktivering. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. A soft token cannot be used for activation.
0xC004F312Software Licensing Service rapporterte at datamaskinen ikke kan aktiveres. Sertifikatet kan ikke brukes fordi privatnøkkelen kan eksporteres. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The certificate cannot be used because its private key is exportable.
0xC004F313Tjenesten Software Licensing rapporterte at CNG-krypteringsbiblioteket ikke kunne lastes inn. Det kan hende at gjeldende sertifikat ikke er tilgjengelig på denne Windows-versjonen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the CNG encryption library could not be loaded. The current certificate may not be available on this version of Windows.
0xC004FC03Det oppstod en nettverksfeil under aktiveringen av ditt Windows-eksemplar. A networking problem has occurred while activating your copy of Windows.
0xC004FC07Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at gyldighetstiden har utløpt. The Software Licensing Service reported that the validity period expired.
0xC004FD00Du har nådd forespørselsgrensen for automatisk aktivering av virtuell maskin. Prøv på nytt senere. You've reached the request limit for automatic virtual machine activation. Try again later.
0xC004FD01Windows kjører ikke på en Microsoft Hyper-V-virtualiseringsplattform. Windows isn't running on a supported Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization platform.
0xC004FD02Windows er ikke aktivert på vertsmaskinen. Kontakt systemansvarlig. Windows isn't activated on the host machine. Please contact your system administrator.
0xC004FD03Vertsmaskinen kan ikke aktivere utgaven av Windows på den virtuelle maskinen. The host machine can't activate the edition of Windows on the virtual machine.
0xC004FD04Windows er ikke aktivert. Windows isn't activated.
0xC004FE00Programvarelisensieringstjenesten rapporterte at aktivering kreves for å gjenopprette etter tukling med klarert lager for SL-tjenesten. The Software Licensing Service reported that activation is required to recover from tampering of SL Service trusted store.


File Name:slc.dll.mui
File Size:76 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:76800
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Norwegian (Bokml)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Klient-DLL for programvarelisensiering
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:slc.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Med enerett.
Original File Name:slc.dll.mui
Product Name:Operativsystemet Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is slc.dll.mui?

slc.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Norwegian (Bokml) language for file slc.dll (Klient-DLL for programvarelisensiering).

File version info

File Description:Klient-DLL for programvarelisensiering
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:slc.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Med enerett.
Original Filename:slc.dll.mui
Product Name:Operativsystemet Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x414, 1200