2 | %d%s%d 秒 |
%d%s%d seconds |
3 | 联机了解其他辅助技术 |
Learn about additional assistive technologies online |
4 | 你的回答仅用于确定推荐的设置。如果其他程序或网站要使用此信息来更好地满足你的需求,该程序将明确请求你的许可。隐私声明 |
Your answers are used to determine recommended settings only. If another program or Web site wants to use this information to better suit your needs, you will be explicitly asked for permission by that program. Privacy Statement |
5 | %d 分钟 |
%d minutes |
6 | 1 分钟 |
1 minute |
7 | %d 秒 |
%d seconds |
10 | 轻松使用设置中心 |
Ease of Access Center |
45 | 使你的计算机更易于使用。 |
Make your computer easier to use. |
46 | 获取更加轻松使用计算机的建议(视觉方面) |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (eyesight) |
47 | 获取更加轻松使用计算机的建议(灵活性方面) |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (dexterity) |
48 | 获取更加轻松使用计算机的建议(听力方面) |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (hearing) |
49 | 获取更加轻松使用计算机的建议(语音方面) |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (speech) |
50 | 获取更加轻松使用计算机的建议(认知方面) |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (cognitive) |
56 | 使用没有显示的计算机 |
Use the computer without a display |
57 | 使计算机更易于查看 |
Make the computer easier to see |
58 | 使鼠标更易于使用 |
Make the mouse easier to use |
59 | 使键盘更易于使用 |
Make the keyboard easier to use |
60 | 使用没有鼠标或键盘的计算机 |
Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard |
61 | 用文本或视频替代声音 |
Use text or visual alternatives for sounds |
62 | 使你更容易关注到任务 |
Make it easier to focus on tasks |
63 | 设置鼠标键 |
Set up Mouse Keys |
64 | 设置筛选键 |
Set up Filter Keys |
65 | 设置重复键和慢速键 |
Set up Repeat and Slow Keys |
66 | 推荐设置 |
Recommended settings |
67 | 更改登录设置 |
Change sign-in settings |
68 | 设置粘滞键 |
Set up Sticky Keys |
70 | 选择一个高对比度主题(&R) |
Choose a High Cont&rast theme |
72 | 登录后 %s |
%s after sign-in |
73 | 登录时 %s |
%s at sign-in |
74 | 朗读屏幕内容(讲述人) |
Hear text on screen read aloud (Narrator) |
75 | 放大屏幕上的项目(放大镜) |
Make items on the screen larger (Magnifier) |
76 | 不使用键盘键入(屏幕键盘) |
Type without the keyboard (On-Screen Keyboard) |
78 | 在按键盘快捷方式时一次按一个键(粘滞键) |
Press keyboard shortcuts one key at a time (Sticky Keys) |
79 | 如果重复按键,则忽略多余的按键(筛选键) |
If I press keys repeatedly, ignore extra presses (Filter Keys) |
80 | 使用数字键盘在屏幕上移动鼠标(鼠标键) |
Use the numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen (Mouse Keys) |
81 | 按 Caps Lock、Num Lock 或 Scroll Lock 时听见声音(切换键) |
Hear a tone when you press CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK (Toggle Keys) |
82 | 使触摸屏和平板电脑更易于使用 |
Make touch and tablets easier to use |
83 | 讲述人 |
Narrator |
84 | 放大镜 |
Magnifier |
85 | 屏幕键盘 |
On-Screen Keyboard |
86 | 无 |
None |
1102 | 鼠标指针 |
Mouse pointers |
1103 | 使用键盘控制鼠标 |
Control the mouse with the keyboard |
1105 | 其他安装的程序 |
Other programs installed |
1106 | 常规白色(&R) |
&Regular White |
1107 | 常规黑色(&U) |
Reg&ular Black |
1108 | 常规反转(&G) |
Re&gular Inverting |
1109 | 大号白色(&L) |
&Large White |
1110 | 大号黑色(&B) |
Large &Black |
1111 | 大号反转(&I) |
Large &Inverting |
1112 | 特大白色(&X) |
E&xtra Large White |
1113 | 特大黑色(&K) |
Extra Large Blac&k |
1114 | 特大反转(&N) |
Extra Large I&nverting |
1115 | 通过将鼠标悬停在窗口上来激活窗口(&W) |
Activate a &window by hovering over it with the mouse |
1117 | 朗读文本和描述 |
Hear text and descriptions read aloud |
1118 | 放大屏幕上显示的内容 |
Make things on the screen larger |
1119 | 使屏幕上显示的内容更易于查看 |
Make things on the screen easier to see |
1121 | 启用放大镜(&N) |
Turn on Mag&nifier |
1124 | 使用视觉提示,而不使用声音提示 |
Use visual cues instead of sounds |
1129 | 使键入更容易 |
Make it easier to type |
1138 | 使你的计算机更易于使用 |
Make your computer easier to use |
1139 | 快速访问常用工具 |
Quick access to common tools |
1141 | 始终朗读这个部分(&W) |
Al&ways read this section aloud |
1142 | 始终扫描这个部分(&O) |
Always scan this secti&on |
1143 | 启动放大镜(&G) |
Start Ma&gnifier |
1144 | 启动“讲述人”(&N) |
Start &Narrator |
1145 | 启动屏幕键盘(&K) |
Start On-Screen &Keyboard |
1148 | 设置高对比度(&U) |
Set &up High Contrast |
1153 | 浏览所有设置 |
Explore all settings |
1155 | 为有视力障碍的人进行优化 |
Optimize for blindness |
1157 | 优化视觉显示 |
Optimize visual display |
1159 | 设置备选输入设备 |
Set up alternative input devices |
1161 | 调整鼠标或其他指针设备的设置 |
Adjust settings for the mouse or other pointing devices |
1163 | 调整键盘设置 |
Adjust settings for the keyboard |
1165 | 设置声音的替代项 |
Set up alternatives for sounds |
1167 | 调整阅读和键入设置 |
Adjust settings for reading and typing |
1168 | 调整时间限制和闪烁图像 |
Adjust time limits and flashing visuals |
1169 | 使用数字键盘在屏幕上移动鼠标。 |
Use the numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen. |
1171 | 设置鼠标键(&Y) |
Set up Mouse Ke&ys |
1172 | 按键盘快捷方式(如 Ctrl+Alt+Del),一次一个键。 |
Press keyboard shortcuts (such as CTRL+ALT+DEL) one key at a time. |
1174 | 设置粘滞键(&C) |
Set up Sti&cky Keys |
1175 | 按 Caps Lock、Num Lock 或 Scroll Lock 时听见声音。 |
Hear a tone when you press CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK. |
1176 | 启用切换键(&K) |
Turn on Toggle &Keys |
1177 | 按住 Num Lock 键 5 秒启用切换键(&5) |
Turn on Toggle Keys by holding down the NUM LOCK key for &5 seconds |
1178 | 忽略或减缓短时间或重复的击键,调整键盘重复速度。 |
Ignore or slow down brief or repeated keystrokes and adjust keyboard repeat rates. |
1179 | 启用筛选键(&I) |
Turn on F&ilter Keys |
1180 | 设置筛选键(&L) |
Set up Fi<er Keys |
1181 | 给键盘快捷方式和访问键加下划线(&N) |
U&nderline keyboard shortcuts and access keys |
1184 | 使键盘快捷方式更易于使用 |
Make it easier to use keyboard shortcuts |
1187 | 按住右边的 Shift 键 8 秒钟以上可启用筛选键(&K) |
Turn on Filter &Keys when right SHIFT is pressed for 8 seconds |
1188 | 筛选器选项 |
Filter options |
1189 | 启用回弹键(&B) |
Turn on &Bounce Keys |
1190 | 如果你无意间重复按下某一个键,在一段特定的时间内,回弹键将忽略重复的击键。 |
If you unintentionally bounce your fingers on a key, Bounce Keys will ignore repeated keystrokes for a specific amount of time. |
1191 | 计算机接受击键前应该等待多长时间? |
How long should the computer wait before accepting keystrokes? |
1193 | 启用重复键和慢速键(&R) |
Turn on &Repeat Keys and Slow Keys |
1194 | 计算机将根据你设置的时间限制来忽略短时间击键。 |
The computer will ignore brief keystrokes according to the time limits you set. |
1195 | 设置重复键和慢速键(&U) |
Set &up Repeat Keys and Slow Keys |
1196 | 在这里键入文本以测试设置(&N): |
Type text here to test setti&ngs: |
1197 | 其他设置 |
Other settings |
1198 | 在按键或接受按键时发出声响(&W) |
Beep &when keys are pressed or accepted |
1200 | “讲述人”会朗读屏幕上的任何文本。你将需要扬声器。 |
Narrator reads aloud any text on the screen. You will need speakers. |
1201 | 启用“讲述人”(&U) |
T&urn on Narrator |
1203 | 设置闪烁光标的粗细(&B): |
Set the thickness of the &blinking cursor: |
1204 | 预览: |
Preview: |
1205 | 关闭所有不必要的动画(如果可能)(&W) |
Turn off all unnecessary animations (&when possible) |
1206 | 删除背景图像(如果有)(&G) |
Remove back&ground images (where available) |
1207 | 聆听对视频内容的描述(如果可用)。 |
Hear descriptions of what's happening in videos (when available). |
1208 | 启用音频描述(&I) |
Turn on Aud&io Description |
1209 | Windows 通知对话框的打开状态应该保持多长时间(&X)? |
How long should Windows notification dialog bo&xes stay open? |
1214 | 避免使用鼠标和键盘 |
Avoid using the mouse and keyboard |
1215 | 对着麦克风讲话以便控制计算机、打开程序和听写文本。 |
Speak into a microphone to control the computer, open programs, and dictate text. |
1216 | 使用语音识别(&U) |
&Use Speech Recognition |
1217 | 使用鼠标或其他指针设备(如游戏杆),从键盘图中选取一个键以输入。 |
Type using the mouse or another pointing device such as a joystick by selecting keys from a picture of a keyboard. |
1218 | 使用屏幕键盘(&K) |
Use On-Screen &Keyboard |
1221 | 使用左 Alt + 左 Shift + NumLock 启用鼠标键(&K) |
Turn on Mouse &Keys with left ALT + left SHIFT + NUM LOCK |
1222 | 指针速度 |
Pointer speed |
1223 | 最高速度: |
Top speed: |
1224 | 低 |
Low |
1225 | 高 |
High |
1226 | 加速: |
Acceleration: |
1227 | 慢 |
Slow |
1228 | 快 |
Fast |
1229 | 按下 Ctrl 加速,按下 Shift 减速(&W) |
Hold do&wn CTRL to speed up and SHIFT to slow down |
1231 | 使用鼠标键,此时 NumLock 为: |
Use Mouse Keys when NUM LOCK is: |
1232 | 启用(&N) |
O&n |
1233 | 关闭 |
Off |
1234 | 在任务栏上显示鼠标键图标(&Y) |
Display the Mouse Ke&ys icon on the taskbar |
1236 | 聆听文本朗读 |
Hear text read aloud |
1237 | 设置文本到语音转换(&S) |
&Set up Text to Speech |
1240 | 按下一个键时避免重复击键 |
Avoid repeated keystrokes when you hold down a key |
1242 | 忽略所有重复击键(&N) |
Ig&nore all repeated keystrokes |
1244 | 减缓键盘重复速度(&R) |
Slow down keyboard repeat &rates |
1246 | 计算机在接受后续的重复击键前应等待多长时间?(&L) |
How &long should the computer wait before accepting subsequent repeated keystrokes? |
1247 | 计算机在接受第一个重复击键前应等待多长时间? |
How long should the computer wait before accepting the first repeated keystroke? |
1248 | 避免意外击键 |
Avoid accidental keystrokes |
1249 | 在计算机接受击键前要按键多长时间?(&K) |
How long do you want to hold down a &key before your computer accepts the keystroke? |
1250 | 在这里键入文本以测试设置(&G): |
Type text here to test settin&gs: |
1251 | 获取更加轻松使用计算机的建议 |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use |
1252 | 回答下列问题以获取一些推荐设置,使你的计算机在视听和使用方面更加方便轻松。 |
Answer the following questions to get recommendations for settings that can make your computer easier to see, hear, and use. |
1253 | 对每个问题,选择所有适用于你的陈述。完成以后,你可以决定要启用哪些设置。 |
For each question, select all statements that apply to you. When you're done, you can decide which settings to turn on. |
1255 | 视力(第 1 项,共 5 项) |
Eyesight (1 of 5) |
1256 | 很难看清电视上的图像和文字(即使带上眼镜也是如此)(&X)。 |
Images and te&xt on TV are difficult to see (even when I'm wearing glasses). |
1257 | 照明条件使我很难看清监视器上的图像(&S)。 |
Lighting conditions make it difficult to &see images on my monitor. |
1258 | 我是盲人(&L)。 |
I am b&lind. |
1259 | 我有其他的视觉障碍(即使用眼镜纠正)(&I)。 |
I have another type of vision &impairment (even if glasses correct it). |
1263 | 下一步(&N) |
&Next |
1264 | 取消(&C) |
&Cancel |
1265 | 灵活性(第 2 项,共 5 项) |
Dexterity (2 of 5) |
1266 | 很难握笔(&P) |
&Pens and pencils are difficult to use. |
1267 | 身体条件影响使用手臂、手腕、手或手指(&U) |
A physical condition affects the &use of my arms, wrists, hands, or fingers. |
1268 | 不使用键盘(&K) |
I do not use a &keyboard. |
1269 | 听力(第 3 项,共 5 项) |
Hearing (3 of 5) |
1270 | 很难听见对话(即使使用助听器)(&O)。 |
C&onversations can be difficult to hear (even with a hearing aid). |
1271 | 背景噪音使得很难听见计算机(&B)。 |
&Background noise makes the computer difficult to hear. |
1272 | 我听力不好(&M)。 |
I a&m hard of hearing. |
1273 | 我是有听力障碍的人(&I)。 |
&I am deaf. |
1274 | 认知力(第 5 项,共 5 项) |
Reasoning (5 of 5) |
1275 | 我通常很难集中精力(&I)。 |
It is often d&ifficult for me to concentrate. |
1276 | 我的学习能力有缺陷,如诵读困难(&L)。 |
I have a &learning disability, such as dyslexia. |
1277 | 我的记忆力不太好(&G)。 |
It is often difficult for me to remember thin&gs. |
1278 | 完成(&O) |
D&one |
1281 | 启用鼠标键(&M) |
Turn on &Mouse Keys |
1282 | 启用粘滞键(&R) |
Tu&rn on Sticky Keys |
1284 | 使用指针设备键入 |
Type using a pointing device |
1286 | 在任务栏上显示筛选键图标(&Y) |
Displa&y the Filter Keys icon on the taskbar |
1288 | 创建还原点以便备份 |
Create a restore point for backup |
1289 | 选择视觉警告 |
Choose visual warning |
1290 | 无(&N) |
&None |
1291 | 闪烁活动描述栏(&B) |
Flash active caption &bar |
1292 | 闪烁活动窗口(&W) |
Flash active &window |
1293 | 闪烁桌面(&K) |
Flash des&ktop |
1295 | 连按五次 Shift 键时启用粘滞键(&K) |
Turn on Sticky &Keys when SHIFT is pressed five times |
1296 | 选项 |
Options |
1297 | 连按两次时锁定修改键(&L) |
&Lock modifier keys when pressed twice in a row |
1298 | 同时按两个键时关闭粘滞键(&U) |
T&urn off Sticky Keys when two keys are pressed at once |
1299 | 反馈 |
Feedback |
1300 | 按修改键时发出声音(&Y) |
Pla&y a sound when modifier keys are pressed |
1301 | 在任务栏上显示粘滞键图标(&I) |
D&isplay the Sticky Keys icon on the task bar |
1302 | 放大镜在屏幕上的任何位置放大,使那个区域的所有内容变大。你可以随处移动放大镜,将其锁定在一个位置或者调整大小。 |
Magnifier zooms in anywhere on the screen, and makes everything in that area larger. You can move Magnifier around, lock it in one place, or resize it. |
1304 | 确定(&O) |
&OK |
1305 | 取消 |
Cancel |
1306 | 应用(&P) |
A&pply |
1307 | 对话时其他人很难理解我(但不是因为口音)(&P)。 |
Other &people have difficulty understanding me in a conversation (but not due to an accent). |
1308 | 我有语言障碍(&S)。 |
I have a &speech impairment. |
1309 | 使用键盘快捷方式启用“轻松使用”设置时: |
When using keyboard shortcuts to turn Ease of Access settings on: |
1312 | 语音(第 4 项,共 5 项) |
Speech (4 of 5) |
1314 | 获取更加轻松使用计算机的建议(&R) |
Get &recommendations to make your computer easier to use |
1319 | 另请参阅 |
See also |
1320 | 放大镜可放大屏幕的一部分。 |
Magnifier enlarges part of the screen. |
1321 | “讲述人”朗读屏幕上的文本。 |
Narrator reads aloud text on the screen. |
1322 | 借助屏幕键盘,你可以使用鼠标或其他指针设备从键盘图中选取一个键以输入。 |
On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard. |
1325 | 更改文本和图标的大小(&Z) |
Change the si&ze of text and icons |
1326 | 调整窗口边框的颜色和透明度(&J) |
Ad&just the color and transparency of the window borders |
1327 | 使聚焦框变粗(&K) |
Make the focus rectangle thic&ker |
1328 | 鼠标设置(&S) |
Mouse &settings |
1329 | 键盘设置(&B) |
Key&board settings |
1330 | 音频设备和声音主题(&I) |
Aud&io Devices and Sound Themes |
1331 | 这些设置可帮助设置计算机以满足你的需求。检查下面的推荐设置,选择要使用的选项。 |
These settings can help you set up your computer to meet your needs. Review the recommended settings below and select the options that you want to use. |
1332 | 根据你的选择,没有任何推荐。 |
There are no recommendations based on your selections. |
1333 | 你可以尝试以下两种方式之一: |
You can try one of two things: |
1334 | 重新完成调查表。 |
Completing the questionnaire again. |
1335 | 返回到“轻松使用”主页。 |
Return to the Ease of Access home page. |
1342 | 你可以在登录时和/或登录后自动启动辅助技术。请选中要使用的每个选项的复选框。 |
You can have assistive technologies start automatically when you sign in, after you sign in, or both. Select the check boxes for each option you'd like to use. |
1346 | 选择所有适用于你的陈述: |
Select all statements that apply to you: |
1347 | 启用声音的可视化通知(声音卫士)(&R) |
Tu&rn on visual notifications for sounds (Sound Sentry) |
1348 | 启用语音对话的文本描述(如果有)(&U) |
T&urn on text captions for spoken dialog (when available) |
1349 | 按下左 Alt + 左 Shift + Print Screen 时启用或关闭高对比度(&L) |
Turn on or off High Contrast when &left ALT + left SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN is pressed |
1357 | 启用设置时显示警告消息(&A) |
Display &a warning message when turning a setting on |
1358 | 启用或关闭设置时发出声音(&M) |
&Make a sound when turning a setting on or off |
1360 | 启用或关闭设置时发出声音(&U) |
Make a sound when t&urning a setting on or off |
1370 | 音频设备和声音主题(&A) |
&Audio Devices and Sound Themes |
1372 | 高对比度 |
High Contrast |
1374 | 借助屏幕键盘,你可以通过单击键盘图中的键,使用鼠标或其他指针设备进行键入。 |
On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard. |
1376 | 高对比度增加颜色的对比度以减轻眼睛疲劳,并使阅读更容易。若要启用高对比度,请按左 Shift + 左 Alt + Print Screen。 |
High contrast increases the contrast in colors to reduce eyestrain and make things easier to read. To turn it on, press Left Shift+Left Alt+ Print Screen. |
1386 | 不确定从哪里开始? |
Not sure where to start? |
1387 | 获取帮助 |
Get Help |
1388 | 帮助 |
Help |
1389 | 如果选择这些设置,则在每次登录时自动启动这些设置。 |
When you select these settings, they will automatically start each time you sign in. |
1390 | 如果选择这些工具,则在每次登录时自动启动这些工具。 |
When you select these tools, they will automatically start each time you sign in. |
1391 | 个性化外观和声音效果(&R) |
Pe&rsonalize appearance and sound effects |
1392 | 微调显示效果(&C) |
Fine tune display effe&cts |
1393 | 添加 Dvorak 键盘和更改其他键盘输入设置(&G) |
Add a Dvorak keyboard and chan&ge other keyboard input settings |
1394 | 计算机可以忽略所有重复击键,或者可以设置计算机接受重复击键前的时间间隔。 |
Your computer can ignore all repeated keystrokes or you can set the time interval before it accepts repeated keystrokes. |
1395 | 此处的工具可以帮助你快速开始。 |
You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. |
1396 | Windows 可以自动读取和扫描这个列表。按空格键选择突出显示的工具。 |
Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the SPACEBAR to select the highlighted tool. |
1397 | 更改鼠标指针的颜色和大小。 |
Change the color and size of mouse pointers. |
1399 | 获取更加轻松使用计算机的建议。 |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use. |
1400 | 在此计算机上可以使用这些程序。一次运行多个程序可能会导致冲突。 |
These programs are available on this computer. Running more than one at a time might cause conflicts. |
1401 | 选择高对比度颜色方案(&R) |
Choose a High Cont&rast color scheme |
1402 | 键盘快捷方式 |
Keyboard shortcut |
1403 | 阅读 |
Reading |
1406 | 设置闪烁光标的粗细 |
Set the thickness of the blinking cursor |
1407 | Windows 通知对话框的打开状态应该保持多长时间? |
How long should Windows notification dialog boxes stay open? |
1409 | 在计算机接受击键前要按键多长时间? |
How long do you want to hold down a key before your computer accepts the keystroke? |
1410 | 测试 |
test |
1412 | 计算机在接受后续的重复击键前应等待多长时间? |
How long should the computer wait before accepting subsequent repeated keystrokes? |
1413 | 最高速度 |
Top speed |
1414 | 加速 |
Acceleration |
1416 | 使用语音识别(&N) |
Use Speech Recog&nition |
1417 | 使窗口更易于管理 |
Make it easier to manage windows |
1419 | 将窗口移动到屏幕边缘时不要自动排列窗口 |
Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen |
1422 | 辅助技术 |
Assistive Technology |
1424 | 1429 |
1429 |
1431 | 调整触摸屏和平板电脑的设置 |
Adjust settings for touch and tablets |
1433 | 同时按平板电脑上的 Windows 按钮和调高音量按钮可以启动辅助工具。你希望启动哪种辅助工具? |
Pressing the Windows button and Volume up button together on your tablet can start an accessibility tool. Which accessibility tool would you like to be launched? |
1435 | 启动常用工具 |
Launching common tools |
1436 | 使触摸屏更易于使用 |
Make touch easier to use |
1437 | 辅助工具 |
Accessibility tools |
1438 | 从登录屏幕中启动此工具 |
Launch this tool from the sign-in screen |
1439 | 触摸屏和平板电脑 |
Touch and tablets |
1440 | 登录后 |
After sign-in |
1441 | 登录时 |
At sign-in |
1442 | 同时按平板电脑上的 Windows 按钮和调高音量按钮可以启动辅助工具。若要更改在登录后按这些按钮时启动的工具,请转到“使触摸屏和平板电脑更易于使用”页。 |
Pressing the Windows button and Volume Up button together on your tablet can start an accessibility tool. To change which tool launches when you press these buttons after you've signed in, go to the Make touch and tablets easier to use page. |
5002 | Windows 标准(大) |
Windows Standard (large) |
5003 | Windows 标准(特大) |
Windows Standard (extra large) |
5004 | Windows 黑色 |
Windows Black |
5005 | Windows 黑色(大) |
Windows Black (large) |
5006 | Windows 黑色(特大) |
Windows Black (extra large) |
5007 | Windows 反转 |
Windows Inverted |
5008 | Windows 反转(大) |
Windows Inverted (large) |
5009 | Windows 反转(特大) |
Windows Inverted (extra large) |
6000 | “轻松使用”登录设置 |
Ease of Access Sign-in Settings |
6001 | 启动系统还原向导失败。 |
The System Restore Wizard failed to start. |
6002 | 你没有更改登录设置所需的权限。 |
You do not have the required privileges to change sign-in settings. |
6003 | 提升特权时发生错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occured elevating your privileges. (0x%xL) |
6004 | 轻松使用设置中心。,,,,,使你的计算机更易于使用。,,,,,此处的工具可以帮助你快速开始。Windows 可以自动读取和扫描此列表。按空格键选择突出显示的工具。 |
Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. |
6005 | 显示帮助主题时出现错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred displaying help topic. (0x%xL) |
6006 | 创建帮助界面时出现错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred creating help interface. (0x%xL) |
6007 | 链接到“配色方案控制面板”时出现错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to Color Scheme Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6008 | 链接到“显示(使字体更大或更小)控制面板”时发生错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Display (Make fonts larger or smaller) Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6009 | 链接到“个性化控制面板”时发生错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Personalization Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6010 | 链接到“语音识别控制面板”时发生错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Speech Recognition Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6011 | 链接到“鼠标控制面板”时出现错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Mouse Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6012 | 链接到“键盘控制面板”时出现错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Keyboard Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6013 | 链接到“声音控制面板”时出现错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Sound Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6014 | 链接到“文本到语音转换控制面板”时出现错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Text to Speech Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6015 | 链接到 URL 时出现错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to a URL. (0x%xL) |
6016 | 轻松使用设置中心。,,,,,使你的计算机更易于使用。,,,,,此处的工具可以帮助你快速开始。Windows 可以自动读取和扫描此列表。按空格键选择突出显示的工具。,,,,,可以使用 Tab 键切换选项,按空格键选择这些选项 |
Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. ,,,,,You can tab through the options and select them by pressing the Spacebar |
6019 | 链接到“区域和语言控制面板”时发生错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Region and Language Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6020 | 启动程序或将其配置为自动运行时发生意外错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred starting or configuring a program to run automatically. (0x%xL) |
6021 | 将程序配置为不运行时发生意外错误。(0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred configuring program not to run. (0x%xL) |