CertEnrollUI.dll.mui X509 憑證註冊 UI 5ca95a94c315b1e5bbf185e651f8b0d7

File info

File name: CertEnrollUI.dll.mui
Size: 10240 byte
MD5: 5ca95a94c315b1e5bbf185e651f8b0d7
SHA1: 11d053f88581aedd5e970bd9885aa2d220200492
SHA256: 28e6a200478e9b9bd47782ae31240ba384f21dc70b2211b5539d4a79c767631b
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
128憑證註冊 Certificate Enrollment
1000完整 DN Full DN
1001一般名稱 Common name
1002國家/地區 Country
1003網域元件 Domain component
1004電子郵件 Email
1005指定名稱 Given name
1006縮寫 Initials
1007位置 Locality
1008組織 Organization
1009組織單位 Organization unit
1010省份 State
1011街道地址 Street address
1012姓氏 Surname
1013職稱 Title
1020目錄名稱 Directory name
1024IP 位址 (v4) IP address (v4)
1025IP 位址 (v6) IP address (v6)
1026註冊識別碼 Registered ID
1028使用者主體名稱 User principal name
1029其他名稱 Other name
1100在您開始前 Before You Begin


The following steps will help you install certificates, which are digital credentials used to connect to wireless networks, protect content, establish identity, and do other security-related tasks.

Before requesting a certificate, verify the following:

Your computer is connected to the network
You have credentials that can be used to verify your right to obtain the certificate
1103均已確認 Everything is OK
1104要求憑證 Request Certificates
1105您可以要求下列類型的憑證。請選取您想要求的憑證,然後按一下 [註冊]。 You can request the following types of certificates. Select the certificates you want to request, and then click Enroll.
1106正在要求憑證。請稍候... Requesting certificates. Please wait...
1107正在連絡註冊伺服器以取得您所要求的憑證。 The enrollment server is being contacted to obtain the certificates you have requested.
1108憑證安裝結果 Certificate Installation Results
1109下列憑證已註冊並安裝於這部電腦。 The following certificates have been enrolled and installed on this computer.
1110無法安裝一或多個憑證 Failed to install one or more certificates
1111無法完成一或多個您送出的憑證要求。請檢閱每個憑證下面所顯示的資訊,以了解如何繼續的資訊。 One or more of the certificate requests that you submitted could not be completed. Review the information that appears below each certificate for information on how to proceed.
1112您要將離線要求儲存於何處? Where do you want to save the offline request?
1113如果要儲存您憑證要求的複本或要稍後再處理要求,請將要求儲存到硬碟或卸除式媒體。輸入位置及憑證要求的名稱,然後按一下 [完成]。 If you want to save a copy of your certificate request or want to process the request later, save the request to your hard disk or removable media. Enter the location and name of your certificate request, and then click Finish.
1114憑證資訊 Certificate Information
1115按一下 [下一步],使用已針對此範本選取的選項,或按一下 [詳細資料] 自訂憑證要求,然後按一下 [下一步]。 Click Next to use the options already selected for this template, or click Details to customize the certificate request, and then click Next.
1116無法建立要求 Failed to create request
1117無法建立自訂要求 Failed to create custom request
1118註冊錯誤 Enrollment error
1120下列憑證可供使用。按一下 [註冊] 即可開始註冊。 The following certificates are available. Click 'Enroll' to start enrollment.
1122認證管理服務正在連絡您的網路以取得憑證。 The Credential Management Service is contacting your network to obtain the certificates.
1123自訂要求 Custom request
1124從下列清單選擇一個選項,並視需要設定憑證選項。 Chose an option from the list below and configure the certificate options as required.
1125憑證類型無法使用 Certificate types are not available
1126此時您無法要求憑證,因為沒有憑證類型可供使用。若需要憑證,請連絡您的系統管理員。 You cannot request a certificate at this time because no certificate types are available. If you need a certificate, please contact your administrator.
1127未啟用憑證自動註冊。 Certificate auto-enrollment has not been enabled.
1128若需要憑證,請連絡您的系統管理員。 If you need a certificate, please contact your administrator.
1129選取憑證註冊原則 Select Certificate Enrollment Policy
1130憑證註冊原則可以根據預先定義的憑證範本來註冊憑證。憑證註冊原則可能已為您設定。 Certificate enrollment policy enables enrollment for certificates based on predefined certificate templates. Certificate enrollment policy may already be configured for you.
1132您可以要求下列類型的憑證。請選取您想要求的憑證,然後按 [下一步]。 You can request the following types of certificates. Select the certificates you want to request, and then click Next.
1200狀態: STATUS:
1201詳細資料 Details
1202主體名稱: Subject name:
1203別名: Alternative name:
1204金鑰使用方法 Key usage
1205應用程式原則: Application policies:
1206內容(&P) &Properties
1207檢視要求(&V) &View request
1208檢視憑證(&V) &View Certificate
1209下列選項描述此類型憑證的用途和有效期間: The following options describe the uses and validity period that apply to this type of certificate:
1210密碼編譯服務提供者 Cryptographic Service Provider
1211CSP 是一個產生使用於許多憑證相關處理程序中的公用及私密金鑰對的程式。

請選取加密編譯服務提供者 (CSP):
A CSP is a program that generates a public and private key pair used in many certificate-related processes.

Select cryptographic service provider (CSP):
1212金鑰選項 Key options
1213設定私密金鑰的金鑰長度和匯出選項。 Set the key length and export options for the private key.
1214金鑰大小: Key size:
1215金鑰權限 Key permissions
1216在私密金鑰上設定權限 Set permissions on the private key
1217強式私密金鑰保護 Strong private key protection
1218可匯出私密金鑰 Make private key exportable
1219允許保存私密金鑰 Allow private key to be archived
1220設定權限... Set permissions...
1221金鑰類型 Key type
1222金鑰使用方法定義與憑證相關聯之私密金鑰允許的使用方法。 Key usage defines the allowed uses for a private key associated with a certificate.
1223交換 Exchange
1224簽章 Signature
1225要求檔案 (*.req)*.req所有檔案 (*.*)*.* Request Files (*.req)*.reqAll Files (*.*)*.*
1226檔案名稱: File Name:
1227瀏覽(&B)... &Browse...
1228CRL 簽署 CRL signing
1229資料編密 Data encipherment
1230只有 Decipher Decipher only
1231數位簽章 Digital signature
1232只有 Encipher Encipher only
1233金鑰合約 Key agreement
1234金鑰憑證簽署 Key certificate signing
1235金鑰編密 Key encipherment
1236不可否認性 Non repudiation
1237離線 CRL 簽署 Offline CRL signing
1238範本名稱 Template name
1239許多組織使用登錄授權 (RA) 來管理憑證要求。

Many organizations use a registration authority (RA) to manage certificate requests.

Use the following certificate to sign this certificate request.
1240簽署憑證 Signing certificate
1242物件識別碼: Object ID:
1244值: Value:
1245關鍵 Critical
1246啟用這個延伸 Enable this extension
1247範本資訊 Template Information
1248需要更多資訊才能註冊此憑證。請按一下此處以設定設定值。 More information is required to enroll for this certificate. Click here to configure settings.
1250正在註冊... Enrolling...
1251已成功 Succeeded
1252註冊擱置 Enrollment pending
1253失敗 Failed
1254無法使用 Unavailable
1255要求遭拒 Request denied
1256可用 Available
1257必須註冊 Enrollment required
1258必須更新 Renewal required
1260正在抓取擱置的憑證 Retrieving pended certificate
1270顯示所有範本(&A) Show &all templates
1271顯示所有註冊伺服器(&S) &Show all enrollment servers
1272顯示所有 CSP(&S) &Show all CSPs
1280主體 Subject
1281一般 General
1282延伸 Extensions
1283私密金鑰 Private Key
1284憑證授權單位 Certification Authority
1287使用自訂權限 Use custom permissions
1289新增 Add
1300企業根 CA Enterprise root CA
1301企業次級 CA Enterprise subordinate CA
1303獨立根 CA Standalone root CA
1304獨立次級 CA Standalone subordinate CA

A enrollment server is needed to issue and renew certificates. The system will connect to enrollment servers in the following list to process certificate requests.

Not all certificate templates are available each enrollment server. For diagnostic purposes, it may be helpful to identify all available enrollment servers.
1401有效期間 (天): Validity period (days):
1402註冊進度 Enrollment progress
1403易記名稱(&N): Friendly &name:
1404描述(&D): &Description:
1405易記名稱及描述可使識別與使用憑證更加容易。 A friendly name and description will make it easier to identify and use a certificate.
1406憑證的主體是取得發行之憑證的使用者或電腦。您可以輸入主體名稱類型及別名值等資訊,以便在憑證中使用。 The subject of a certificate is the user or computer to which the certificate is issued. You can enter information about the types of subject name and alternative name values that can be used in a certificate.
1407下列是此憑證類型的憑證延伸。 The following are the certificate extensions for this certificate type.
1408預設金鑰大小 Default key size
1409請至少選取一個憑證授權單位以繼續。 Please select at least one Certification Authority to continue.
1410請至少選取一個 CSP 以繼續。 Please select at least one CSP to continue.
1411憑證內容 Certificate Properties
1412類型(&T): &Type:
1413物件識別碼(&O): &Object ID:
1414值(&V): &Value:
1415路徑長度: Path length:
1416憑證主體 Subject of certificate
1417接收憑證的使用者或電腦 The user or computer that is receiving the certificate
1419金鑰使用方法延伸描述憑證的用途。 The key usage extension describes the purpose of a certificate.
1420可用的選項: Available options:
1421已選取選項: Selected options:
1423擴充金鑰使用方法 (應用程式原則) Extended Key Usage (application policies)
1424應用程式原則 (在 Windows 2000 中叫做增強金鑰使用方法) 定義憑證的使用方式。請選擇這個範本簽發的憑證簽章所需的應用程式原則。 An application policy (called enhanced key usage in Windows 2000) defines how a certificate can be used. Select the application policy required for valid signatures of certificates issued by this template.
1425基本限制 Basic constraints
1426基本限制延伸是用來指示憑證是 CA 憑證還是終端實體憑證。 The basic constraints extension is used to indicate whether the certificate is a CA certificate or an end entity certificate.
1427允許主體發出憑證 Allow subject to issue certificates
1428包括對稱演算法 Include Symmetric algorithm
1429對稱演算法提供此範本簽發之憑證的系統功能相關資訊。 Symmetric algorithms give information about the system capabilities of certificates issued by this template.
1430自訂延伸定義 Custom extension definition
1431指定物件識別碼 (OID) 可以定義自訂延伸。

Custom extensions can be defined by specifying object identifiers (OIDs).

Add the following custom extensions:
1432類型: Type:
1433錯誤 Error
1434錯誤詳細資料 Error details
1435使用者名稱或別名: User name or alias:
1437選取使用者 Select a user

To request a certificate on behalf of another user, enter the formal name or domain name of that user. For example, Firstname Lastname, username, or domain\username.

Before enrolling for a certificate, make sure the device on which the user certificate needs to be installed is attached.
1439選取註冊代理程式憑證 Select Enrollment Agent Certificate
1440您需要註冊代理程式憑證才能以其他使用者身分簽署憑證要求。請按一下 [瀏覽],尋找簽署憑證,然後按一下 [下一步]。 You need an enrollment agent certificate in order to sign a certificate request on behalf of other users. Click Browse to locate a signing certificate, and then click Next.
1441註冊(&E) &Enroll
1442下一個使用者(&N) &Next user
1444完全控制 Full Control
1445讀取 Read
1446範本: Template:
1447不使用預設延伸(&S) &Suppress default extensions
1448要求格式: Request format:
1449PKCS #10(&P) &PKCS #10
1450CMC(&C) &CMC
1451檔案格式: File format:
1452Base 64(&A) B&ase 64
1453二進位(&Y) Binar&y
1454注意: 對於以自訂憑證要求為基礎的憑證,即使已在憑證範本中指定此選項,也無法使用金鑰保存。 Note: Key archival is not available for certificates based on a custom certificate request, even when this option is specified in the certificate template.
1455(沒有範本) 舊版金鑰 (No template) Legacy key
1456(沒有範本) CNG 金鑰 (No template) CNG key
1457令這些金鑰使用方法成為關鍵 Make these key usages critical
1458令擴充金鑰使用方法成為關鍵 Make the Extended Key Usage critical
1459令基本限制延伸成為關鍵 Make the basic constraints extension critical
1460令此自訂延伸成為關鍵 Make this custom extension critical
1461選取的選項包含重複的值或是不相容。請變更您的選擇。 The selected options contain duplicate values or are incompatible. Change your selection.
1462關閉(&C) &Close
1463選取雜湊演算法 Select Hash Algorithm
1464選取要用於此要求的雜湊演算法 Select Hash Algorithm to be used for this request
1465雜湊演算法: Hash Algorithm:
1466預設演算法 Default Algorithm
1467選取簽章格式 Select Signature Format
1468使用替代簽章格式 Use alternate signature format
1469您輸入的值無效 You have entered a value that is invalid
1470插入智慧卡 Insert smart card
1471請將智慧卡插入到智慧卡讀卡機以儲存新的憑證。 Please insert a smart card into the smart card reader to save the new certificate.

注意: 這個憑證無法儲存在用來簽署憑證要求的智慧卡上。
If the smart card is already in the reader, remove the smart card and insert it again.

Note: This certificate cannot be saved on the smart card used to sign the certificate request.
1474類型(&Y): T&ype:
1475值(&U): Val&ue:
1480金鑰使用方法: Key usage:
1481金鑰使用方法(&K) &Key usage
1482擴充金鑰使用方法 (應用程式原則)(&E) &Extended Key Usage (application policies)
1483基本限制(&B) &Basic constraints
1484包括對稱演算法(&I) &Include Symmetric algorithm
1485自訂延伸定義(&C) &Custom extension definition
1486密碼編譯服務提供者(&C) &Cryptographic Service Provider
1487金鑰選項(&O) Key &options
1488金鑰類型(&T) Key &type
1489選取雜湊演算法(&H) Select &Hash Algorithm
1490選取簽章格式(&F) Select Signature &Format
1491金鑰權限(&P) Key &permissions
1493%1 已經存在。
%1 already exists.
Do you want to replace it?
1494由您的系統管理員所設定 Configured by your administrator
1495由您所設定 Configured by you
1496註冊原則識別碼: Enrollment Policy ID:
1497移除此伺服器 Remove this server
1498原則伺服器資訊 Policy server information
1499原則伺服器易記名稱 Policy server friendly name
1500新增 Add New
1501在沒有註冊原則的情況下繼續 Proceed without enrollment policy
1503沒有設定任何註冊原則。 No enrollment policies are configured.


File Name:CertEnrollUI.dll.mui
File Size:10 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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OS Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:X509 憑證註冊 UI
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:CertEnrollUI.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:CertEnrollUI.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is CertEnrollUI.dll.mui?

CertEnrollUI.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file CertEnrollUI.dll (X509 憑證註冊 UI).

File version info

File Description:X509 憑證註冊 UI
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:CertEnrollUI.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:CertEnrollUI.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200