File name: | sppcommdlg.dll.mui |
Size: | 20480 byte |
MD5: | 5c1a46881cc0033fdfd3bf5eb33fedc2 |
SHA1: | be21615e4770d5839e8adbe7ab20a120b7633404 |
SHA256: | 10f79943d06af11dbb5d8aacfa0d1722ed23cf8997a7928ff98654d3dcb98145 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Chinese (Traditional) | English |
300 | 您已全部完成,謝謝。 | Thanks, you're all done. |
301 | 輸入產品金鑰以啟用 %1 | Enter a product key to activate %1 |
302 | 立即啟用 %1 | Activate %1 now |
305 | %1 啟用 | %1 Activation |
307 | 輸入不同的產品金鑰來啟用 | Type a different product key for activation |
308 | 字元無效 | Character isn't valid |
314 | 尋找可用於啟用的電話號碼 | Find available phone numbers for activation |
315 | 用電話啟用 Windows | Activate Windows by phone |
318 | %1 授權將於今天到期 | %1 license will expire today |
322 | 大量授權金鑰不正確 | Invalid Volume License Key |
323 | 這個 %1 的發行前版本已到期 | This pre-release version of %1 has expired |
324 | 產品金鑰必須在新硬體上啟用 | The product key must be activated with new hardware |
326 | %1 偵測到硬體或硬體驅動程式已變更。檢驗作業規定硬體與 %1 產品金鑰要符合已經註冊的資料。若要變更已註冊 %1 產品金鑰的硬體,請使用自動電話系統來啟用。 | %1 detected a change in hardware or hardware drivers. Validation requires that the hardware and %1 product key match what has been registered. To change the hardware your %1 product key is registered to use the automated phone system to activate. |
400 | 啟用(&A) | &Activate |
401 | %1 將於稍後自動嘗試啟用。 | %1 will automatically try to activate later. |
404 | 無效的產品金鑰 | Invalid product key |
405 | 您輸入的 %12 產品金鑰不正確。請檢查您的產品金鑰,然後重新輸入。 | The %12 product key you typed was incorrect. Check your product key, and type it again. |
414 | 找不到詳細的錯誤描述。 設備碼: %2 (0x%1!02X!) 設備錯誤: 0x%3!X! (%3!d!L) |
Unable to find a detailed error description. The facility code is: %2 (0x%1!02X!) Facility error: 0x%3!X! (%3!d!L) |
415 | 找不到詳細的錯誤描述。 不明的設備碼:0x%1!02X! (%1!02d!L) 設備錯誤: 0x%2!X! (%2!02d!L) |
Unable to find a detailed error description. Unknown facility code of:0x%1!02X! (%1!02d!L) Facility error: 0x%2!X! (%2!02d!L) |
417 | 這其中的部分字元不得出現在產品金鑰中。 | Some of these characters can’t appear in a product key. |
421 | 請稍後再嘗試啟用。 | Please try to activate later. |
427 | 找到下列錯誤資訊: 代碼: 0x%5!08X! 描述: %7 |
The following information was found for this error: Code: 0x%5!08X! Description: %7 |
428 | 錯誤詳細資料 | Error Details |
430 | 您要如何啟用 %1? | How do you want to activate %1? |
431 | 您輸入的確認識別碼與您收到的確認識別碼不符。請重新輸入您的確認識別碼。 | The confirmation ID you entered does not match the confirmation ID you received. Please retype your confirmation ID. |
432 | 您的 %12 授權有效期還有 %20!d! 天。 | Your %12 license is valid for %20!d! day(s). |
440 | 正在啟用 %1... | Activating %1... |
441 | 請輸入有效的產品金鑰 | Type a valid product key |
445 | 關閉 | Close |
446 | 使用者帳戶控制錯誤 | User Account Control error |
447 | 錯誤碼是 0x%1!08X! 描述: %2 |
The error code is 0x%1!08X! Description: %2 |
448 | 您要啟用目前的 %21 產品金鑰嗎? | Would you like to activate your current %21 product key? |
450 | 您輸入的 %21 產品金鑰無效,無法啟用 | The %21 product key you typed is invalid for activation |
452 | 您輸入的確認識別碼不符合您收到的確認識別碼。請重新輸入確認識別碼。 | The confirmation ID you entered does not match the confirmation ID you received. Please retype your confirmation ID. |
453 | 您的 %1 授權檔案已變更 | A change occurred to your %1 license file |
455 | 發生錯誤 | An error has occurred |
468 | %1 無法啟用 | %1 could not be activated |
470 | 請連絡系統管理員或技術支援部門,以取得協助。 | Contact your system administrator or technical support department for assistance. |
478 | 您必須重新啟動電腦,才能繼續使用 %1 的所有功能。 | You must restart your computer to continue using all %1 features. |
481 | 您也可以透過電話連絡 %15 協助您解決此問題。 | You can also contact %15 by phone to help resolve this problem. |
503 | %1 發生未經授權的變更。 | An unauthorized change was made to %1. |
504 | %1 已探測到會造成限制 %1 功能的變更。請使用下列連結了解如何修正 %1。 | %1 has discovered a change that will result in limited %1 functionality. Use the link below to find out how to fix %1. |
505 | 從線上深入了解(&L) | &Learn more online |
506 | 關閉(&C) | &Close |
507 | %17 無法運作 | %17 is not working |
508 | 您可能是盜版軟體的受害者。 | You may be a victim of software counterfeiting. |
509 | 若要使用所有 %16 功能 (例如,%18)、取得最新的更新,以及獲得產品支援,您的 %16 必須經驗證為正版產品。 立即到線上解決這個問題 |
To use all %16 features, such as %18; get the latest updates; and receive product support, your copy of %16 must be validated as genuine. Go online and resolve now |
512 | 您輸入的產品金鑰無法搭配此版本的 %12 使用。 您必須執行 %12 安裝程式,或輸入 %21 產品金鑰。 |
The product key you have entered will not work with this edition of %12. You must either run %12 Setup or enter a %21 product key. |
514 | 嘗試使用產品金鑰時發生下列錯誤: 代碼: 0x%5!08X! 描述: %7 |
The following failure occurred while trying to use the product key: Code: 0x%5!08X! Description: %7 |
515 | 您輸入的產品金鑰不是有效的 %12 產品金鑰。 請檢查您的產品金鑰,然後再輸入一次。 |
The product key you have entered does not appear to be a valid %12 product key. Please check your product key, and type it again. |
516 | 您輸入的產品金鑰顯然是預設的產品金鑰,無法用於啟用。請輸入其他的 %21 產品金鑰。 | The product key you have entered appears to be a default product key and cannot be used for activation. Type a different %21 product key. |
517 | 線上啟用之前,您必須輸入有效的產品金鑰。請檢查您的產品金鑰,然後再輸入一次。 | You must enter a valid product key before activating online. Check your product key, and type it again. |
520 | 使用者帳戶控制 (UAC) 無法驗證使用者 | User Account Control (UAC) has failed to authenticate the user |
521 | 無法變更您的授權 | Your licenses can not be changed |
522 | %2 | %2 |
532 | 此版本 %1 不是正版 | This copy of %1 is not genuine |
533 | 軟體授權 | Software Licensing |
534 | 請稍候... | Please wait... |
536 | 無法啟用 %1。 | %1 cannot be activated |
540 | 深入了解線上啟用(&V) | Learn about acti&vation online |
541 | 此連結是由您的系統管理員所設定 | This link is set by your system administrator |
542 | Microsoft JhengHei UI | Courier New |
543 | 下一步(&N) | &Next |
950 | 需要重新開機頁面已載入 | Reboot required page loaded |
951 | 元素載入失敗 | Element load failed |
952 | 隱藏元素失敗 | Hide element failed |
953 | 解除載入動態元素失敗 | Unloading dynamic element failed |
954 | 已根據最後一次啟用顯示內容資訊 | Contextual information displayed based on last activation |
955 | Action-StateData 原則值是: | The Action-StateData policy values are: |
956 | 無法讀取核心快取 - Action-StateData 原則 | Unable to read the kernel cache - Action-StateData policy |
957 | 無法取得所有授權狀態資訊值 | Unable to get all the licensing status info values |
958 | 在核心快取中發現未預期的值 | Unexpected value found in kernel cache |
959 | 無法取得最後一個啟用錯誤 | Unable to get last activation error |
960 | 無法載入標誌 | Unable to load the logo |
961 | 無法讀取啟用日期 | Failed to read the activation date |
962 | 無法載入啟用日期 | Failed to load the activation date |
963 | 無法載入啟用結束日期 | failed to load the activation end date |
964 | 無法顯示 WAU 連結 | Unable to show WAU link |
965 | 部分 pkey 元素載入失敗 | Partial pkey element load failed |
966 | 顯示預設錯誤頁面 | Default error page was shown |
967 | 無法辨識 Windows 平台 | Unable to recognize the Windows Platform |
968 | 無法觸發同步規則評估 | Unable to trigger synchronous rules evaluation |
969 | 啟動 SLUI 以清除 [安全性與維護] 時發生錯誤 | Error launching SLUI to clean up Security and Maintenance |
970 | 建立工作者訊息視窗時發生錯誤 | Error creating worker message window |
971 | 啟動 SLUI 對話方塊時發生錯誤 | Error launching SLUI dialog |
972 | 啟動購買 Windows 授權 exe 時發生錯誤 | Error launching purchase windows license exe |
5251 | %1 授權即將到期 | %1 license will expire soon |
5260 | 此連結是由您的系統管理員所設定。 | This link is set by your system administrator. |
6500 | 金鑰管理服務 (KMS) 主機不可以位在網域名稱系統 (DNS) 中,請您的系統管理員確認已在 DNS 中正確發佈 KMS。線上深入了解 | Key management services (KMS) host could not be located in domain name system (DNS), please have your system administrator verify that a KMS is published correctly in DNS. Learn more online |
6502 | 代碼: 0x%5!08X! 描述: %7 |
Code: 0x%5!08X! Description: %7 |
6505 | 某些 %1 功能已經停用,因為無法驗證 %1。請連絡系統管理員或技術支援部門以取得協助。 | Some %1 features have been disabled because %1 could not be validated. Contact your system administrator or technical support department for assistance. |
6508 | %1 發生未經授權的變更。您必須重新安裝或還原 %1 系統檔案,才能啟用。 | An unauthorized change was made to %1. You must reinstall or restore %1 system files to activate. |
6509 | %1 發生未經授權的變更。必須重新安裝 %1 才能啟用。請將 %1 安裝 DVD 或 CD 插入您的電腦,即可開始重新安裝程序。 | An unauthorized change was made to %1. %1 must be reinstalled to activate. Insert the %1 installation DVD or CD into your computer to begin the reinstallation process. |
6510 | 這個 %21 的發行前版本將在 %8!d! 天內到期 | This pre-release version of %21 will expire in %8!d! days |
6511 | 這個 %21 的發行前版本將在 %9!d! 小時內到期 | This pre-release version of %21 will expire in %9!d! hours |
6513 | 查詢 KMS 主機 SRV 記錄時,DNS 回應已逾時,請您的系統管理員驗證 DNS 設定。從線上深入了解 | DNS response timeout period expired while querying for KMS host SRV record, please have your system administrator verify the DNS configuration. Learn more online |
7001 | 無法驗證 %1 ,請連絡您的系統管理員或技術支援部門的協助。 | %1 could not be validated. Contact your system administrator or technical support department for assistance. |
7008 | %1 不是正版 | %1 is not genuine |
7017 | 立即啟用(&N) | Activate &now |
7018 | 立即取得正版(&N) | Get genuine &now |
7019 | 輸入您的產品金鑰(&K) | Type your product &key |
7020 | 稍後詢問我(&L) | Ask me &later |
7021 | 輸入您的 %1 產品金鑰 | Type your %1 product key |
7023 | 重新安裝 %1 | Reinstall %1 |
7024 | 深入了解重新安裝 %1(&L) | &Learn more about reinstalling %1 |
7105 | 確定(&O) | &OK |
7107 | 0x%X | 0x%X |
7108 | 啟用期間已到期。 | The activation period has expired. |
7109 | 變更硬體或驅動程式後,您必須重新啟用 %1。 | A hardware or driver change requires you to activate %1 again. |
7110 | 啟用期間已到期。 如果這部電腦屬於您的組織或企業,則必須連接至網路後才能啟用 %1。 |
The activation period has expired. If this computer belongs to your organization or business, you might need to connect to the network to activate %1. |
7111 | 您的電腦執行的可能是盜版 %1。 | Your computer might be running a counterfeit copy of %1. |
7113 | %1 授權元件被變更之後,您必須重新輸入 %1 產品金鑰以及啟用 %1。 | A change occurred to a %1 license component that requires you to type your %1 product key and activate %1 again. |
7115 | Windows 無法啟用 | Windows couldn't be activated |
7116 | 或 | or |
7117 | 您輸入的產品金鑰只能用來建立啟用基礎結構。請輸入其他產品金鑰來啟用 Windows。 | The product key you entered can only be used to create an activation infrastructure. Please enter a different product key to activate Windows. |
7118 | 您輸入的產品金鑰似乎是預設的產品金鑰,因此無法用來啟用此版本的 Windows。請輸入其他產品金鑰來啟用 Windows。 | The product key you entered appears to be a default product key and can't be used to activate this edition of Windows. Please enter a different product key to activate Windows. |
7120 | 此金鑰無效。請檢查產品金鑰並再試一次,或嘗試其他金鑰。 | This key didn’t work. Please check it and try again, or try a different key. |
7121 | 正在檢查此金鑰... | Checking this key... |
7122 | 您的產品金鑰有效! 請在準備好時繼續執行。 | Your product key works! Continue when you’re ready. |
7123 | 我們無法驗證此金鑰,因此請嘗試使用不同的金鑰。 | We couldn’t verify this key, so try a different one. |
7125 | %1 啟用精靈已在執行中。 | %1 Activation Wizard is already running. |
7126 | 將自動加入連接號 | Dashes will be added automatically |
7127 | 此金鑰不適用於此版本的 Windows,請使用其他金鑰。 | This key won’t work with this edition of Windows, so try a different key. |
8001 | %1 嘗試啟用時發生問題。錯誤碼 0x%5!08X!。 | A problem occurred when %1 tried to activate. Error Code 0x%5!08X!. |
8005 | %1 啟用未成功 | %1 Activation was not successful |
0x30000001 | 開始 | Start |
0x30000002 | 停止 | Stop |
0x50000004 | 資訊 | Information |
0x51000002 | 錯誤 | Error |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-UX-GC | Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-UX-GC |
0x91000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-UX-GenuineCenter-Logging | Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-UX-GenuineCenter-Logging |
0xB10000C8 | 「Windows 啟用」已記錄下列資訊:%n%1 | Windows Activation logged the following information:%n%1 |
0xB10000C9 | 「Windows 啟用」已記錄下列錯誤: %1 | Windows Activation logged the following error: %1 |
File Description: | 軟體授權 UI API |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | sppcommdlg.dll |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Original Filename: | sppcommdlg.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x404, 1200 |