repadmin.exe NT5DS 5baa025a8fb25924d16d860e8e64eb9f

File info

File name: repadmin.exe.mui
Size: 128000 byte
MD5: 5baa025a8fb25924d16d860e8e64eb9f
SHA1: 8607628ba87f8702789536809c6b776bc1b0865f
SHA256: af85f9aabc2be0444291ee738014dd5fa5c23172e30a0277355e33521845b7f4
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: repadmin.exe NT5DS (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
1000Add Add
1001Delete Delete
1002Sync Sync
1003SyncAll SyncAll
1004ShowReps ShowReps
1005ShowVector ShowVector
1006ShowMeta ShowMeta
1007AddRepsTo AddRepsTo
1008UpdRepsTo UpdRepsTo
1009DelRepsTo DelRepsTo
1010ShowTime ShowTime
1011ShowMsg ShowMsg
1012Options Options
1013FullSyncAll FullSyncAll
1015Bind Bind
1016ShowValue ShowValue
1017Queue Queue
1018PropCheck PropCheck
1019FailCache FailCache
1020ShowIsm ShowIsm
1021GetChanges GetChanges
1022ShowSig ShowSig
1023ShowCtx ShowCtx
1024ShowConn ShowConn
1025ExpertHelp ExpertHelp
1026ShowCert ShowCert
1027Mod Mod
1028Latency Latency
1029Istg Istg
1030Bridgeheads Bridgeheads
1031TestHook TestHook
1032DsaGuid DsaGuid
1033SiteOptions SiteOptions
1034ShowProxy ShowProxy
1035RemoveLingeringObjects RemoveLingeringObjects
1036notifyopt notifyopt
1037ReplSingleObj ReplSingleObj
1038ShowTrust ShowTrust
1039QuerySites QuerySites
1040ShowOutCalls ShowOutCalls
1041ShowNcSig ShowNcSig
1042ShowUtdVec ShowUtdVec
1043Replicate Replicate
1044ShowRepl ShowRepl
1045ShowObjMeta ShowObjMeta
1046CheckProp CheckProp
1047ShowChanges ShowChanges
1048ViewList ViewList
1049ShowAttr ShowAttr
1050showattrp showattrp
1051ReplSummary ReplSummary
1052ReplSum ReplSum
1053Repl Repl
1054Rehost Rehost
1055Unhost Unhost
1056RemoveSources RemoveSources
1057WriteSpn WriteSpn
1058ShowSCP ShowSCP
1059ReplAuthMode ReplAuthMode
1060SetAttr SetAttr
1061RebuildGC RebuildGC
1062RegKey RegKey
1063ShowBackup ShowBackup
1064DnsLookup DnsLookup
1065RodcPwdRepl RodcPwdRepl
1066Prp Prp
1067 yes
1068 no
0x0操作成功。 The operation was successful.
0x400003E8用法: repadmin [/u:{domain\\user}] [/pw:{password|*}] [/retry[:][:]] [/csv]使用下列命令查看帮助:/? 显示 repadmin 中可以使用的一系列命令及其说明。/help 与 /? 相同。/?: 显示特定命令 的可用参数 、相应语法以及示例的列表。/help: 与 /?: 相同/experthelp 显示仅供高级用户使用的一系列命令。/listhelp 显示可用于 DSA_NAME、DSA_LIST、NCNAME 和 OBJ_LIST 字符串 的语法变量。/oldhelp 显示一系列不推荐使用的命令,这些命令仍然有效,但 Microsoft 已不再支持它们。支持的 命令(使用 /? 获取详细帮助): Usage: repadmin [/u:{domain\\user}] [/pw:{password|*}] [/retry[:][:]] [/csv]Use these commands to see the help:/? Displays a list of commands available for use in repadmin and their description./help Same as /?/?: Displays the list of possible arguments , appropriate syntaxes and examples for the specified command ./help: Same as /?: /experthelp Displays a list of commands for use by advanced users only./listhelp Displays the variations of syntax available for the DSA_NAME, DSA_LIST, NCNAME and OBJ_LIST strings. /oldhelp Displays a list of deprecated commands that still work but are no longer supported by Microsoft. Supported commands (use /? for detailed help):
0x400003E9支持的其他参数: /u: 指定用反斜杠分隔的域和用户名 {domain\\user}, 该用户具有在 Active Directory 中执行操作的权限。 不支持 UPN 登录。 /pw: 指定用于通过 /u 参数输入的用户名的密码。 /retry 当 repadmin 绑定到目标 DC 的首次尝试失败并返 回下列错误状态信息时,此参数可以促使其重复其绑定操作: 1722 / 0x6ba : \"RPC 服务器不可用\" 1753 / 0x6d9 : \"终结点映射器中再也没有可用的终结点\" /csv 与 /showrepl 一起使用输出逗号分隔数值格式的结果。 请参阅 /csvhelp注意: 大多数命令所接受的参数顺序为: \"目标或目标 DSA_LIST\", 然后是\"源 DSA_NAME\"(如需要),最后是 NC 或对象 DN (如需要)。\t\t (或 )是目录服务代理程序绑定字符串。\t对于 Active Directory 域服务,这只是一个域控制器的网络标签\t(如 DNS、NetBios 或 IP 地址)。 对于 Active Directory 轻型目录服务,这必须是 AD LDS 服务器的网络标签,后跟一个冒号和该 AD LDS 实例的 LDAP 端口 示例 (AD DS): dc-01 示例 (AD LDS): ad-am-01:2000 是 NC 根的可分辨名称 示例: DC=My-Domain,DC=Microsoft,DC=Com注意: 只有加载了相应的字体和语言支持包,国际或 Unicode 字符的文本(命名上下文名 称、服务器名称等)才能正常显示。 Supported additional parameters: /u: Specifies the domain and user name separated by a backslash {domain\\user} that has permissions to perform operations in Active Directory. UPN logons not supported. /pw: Specifies the password for the user name entered with the /u parameter. /retry This parameter will cause repadmin to repeat its attempt to bind to the target dc should the first attempt fail with one of the following error status: 1722 / 0x6ba : \"The RPC Server is unavailable\" 1753 / 0x6d9 : \"There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper\" /csv Used with /showrepl to output results in comma separated value format. See /csvhelpNote: Most commands take their parameters in the order of \"Destination or Target DSA_LIST\", then a \"Source DSA_NAME\" if required, and finally the NC or Object DN if required.\t (or ) is a Directory Service Agent binding string. For Active Directory Domain Services, this is simply a network label (such as a DNS, NetBios, or IP address) of a Domain Controller. For Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, this must be a network label of the AD LDS server followed by a colon and the LDAP port of the AD LDS instance Examples (AD DS): dc-01 Examples (AD LDS): ad-am-01:2000 is the Distinguished Name of the root of the NC Example: DC=My-Domain,DC=Microsoft,DC=ComNote: Text (Naming Context names, server names, etc) with International or Unicode characters will only display correctly if appropriate fonts and language support are loaded.
0x400003EA警告:某些命令有可能中断 Active Directory 域服务安装,应在 Microsoft PSS 的专业人员的指导下才能使用。Expert Help WARNING:Some of these commands have the potential to break your Active Directory Domain Services installation,and should be used only under the expert guidance of Microsoft PSS.Expert Help
0x400003EC/removelingeringobjects [/ADVISORY_MODE] /removelingeringobjects [/ADVISORY_MODE]
0x400003ED/add [/asyncrep] [/syncdisable] [/dsadn:] [/transportdn:] [/mail] [/async] [/readonly] [/selsecrets] /add [/asyncrep] [/syncdisable] [/dsadn:] [/transportdn:] [/mail] [/async] [/readonly] [/selsecrets]
0x400003EE/mod [/readonly] [/srcdsaaddr:] [/transportdn:] [+nbrflagoption] [-nbrflagoption] /mod [/readonly] [/srcdsaaddr:] [/transportdn:] [+nbrflagoption] [-nbrflagoption]
0x400003EF/delete [] [/localonly] [/nosource] [/async] /delete [] [/localonly] [/nosource] [/async]
0x400003F0/addrepsto [/selsecrets] /addrepsto [/selsecrets]
0x400003F1/updrepsto [/selsecrets] /updrepsto [/selsecrets]
0x400003F2/testhook [DSA_LIST] [{+|-}lockqueue] [{+|-}link_cleaner] [{+rpctime:,,|-rpctime}] [{+rpcsync:,|-rpcsync}] /testhook [DSA_LIST] [{+|-}lockqueue] [{+|-}link_cleaner] [{+rpctime:,,|-rpctime}] [{+rpcsync:,|-rpcsync}]
0x400003F4/delrepsto /delrepsto
0x400003F6/rehost DSA [/application] 如果未指定源 DC 地址,将使用 DDC 定位程序选择可写副本 /rehost DSA [/application] If a source DC Address is not specified, a writeable replica will be selected using the DC Locator
0x400003F7/unhost DSA /unhost DSA
0x400003F8/removesources DSA_LIST /removesources DSA_LIST
0x400003F9/rebuildgc DC /rebuildgc DC
0x400003FA/bind [DSA_LIST] [SPN] /bind [DSA_LIST] [SPN]
0x400003FB/bridgeheads [DSA_LIST] [/verbose] /bridgeheads [DSA_LIST] [/verbose]
0x400003FC/checkprop [DSA_LIST from which to enumerate host DSAs] /checkprop [DSA_LIST from which to enumerate host DSAs]
0x400003FD/dnslookup /alias /dnslookup 其中 DnsReslFlags 是以下各项的组合: DNSRESL_FLUSH_CACHE (0x1) DNSRESL_FLUSH_CACHE_ON_ERROR (0x2) DNSRESL_GET_IPV4_ONLY (0x4) DNSRESL_GET_IPV6_ONLY (0x8) DNSRESL_PREFER_IPV4 (0x10) /dnslookup /alias /dnslookup where DnsReslFlags are combinations of DNSRESL_FLUSH_CACHE (0x1) DNSRESL_FLUSH_CACHE_ON_ERROR (0x2) DNSRESL_GET_IPV4_ONLY (0x4) DNSRESL_GET_IPV6_ONLY (0x8) DNSRESL_PREFER_IPV4 (0x10)
0x400003FE/dsaguid [DSA_LIST] [GUID] /dsaguid [DSA_LIST] [GUID]
0x400003FF/istg [DSA_LIST] [/verbose] /istg [DSA_LIST] [/verbose]
0x40000400/latency [DSA_LIST] [/verbose] /latency [DSA_LIST] [/verbose]
0x40000401/showscp [DSA_LIST] (必须指向一个 GC,请使用 \"gc:\" 显示全部) /showscp [DSA_LIST] (Must point at a GC, use \"gc:\" for all)
0x40000402/replauthmode [DSA_LIST] [] (AD LDS only) 是一个整数,或是 ADAM_REPL_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_*** 常数之一 /replauthmode [DSA_LIST] [] (AD LDS only) is either an integer, or one of the ADAM_REPL_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_*** constants
0x40000403/setattr [ ...] 是以下之一: add delete replace deleteAll 可以是一个字面字符串或整数(十进制或十六进制)或一个定义的常量 /setattr [ ...] is either of add delete replace deleteAll can be either a string literal or an integer (decimal or hex) or one of the defined constants
0x40000404/notifyopt [DSA_LIST] [/first:] [/subs:] /notifyopt [DSA_LIST] [/first:] [/subs:]
0x40000405/querysites [ ...] (不可以用备用凭据调用) /querysites [ ...] (may not be called with alternate credentials)
0x40000406/regkey DSA_LIST [value [/reg_sz]] 常见的关键字包括: strict allowDivergent /regkey DSA_LIST [value [/reg_sz]] Well known keys: strict allowDivergent
0x40000407/replicate [/force] [/async] [/full] [/addref] [/readonly] /replicate [/force] [/async] [/full] [/addref] [/readonly]
0x40000408/replsingleobj /replsingleobj
0x40000409/replsummary [DSA_LIST] /bysrc /bydest /errorsonly [/sort:{ delta | partners | failures | error | percent | unresponsive }] /replsummary [DSA_LIST] /bysrc /bydest /errorsonly [/sort:{ delta | partners | failures | error | percent | unresponsive }]
0x4000040A/showattr [OBJ_LIST OPTIONS] [/atts:,...] [/allvalues] [/long] [/dumpallblob] /showattr [OBJ_LIST OPTIONS] [/atts:,...] [/allvalues] [/long] [/dumpallblob]
0x4000040B/showbackup /showbackup
0x4000040C/showcert [DSA_LIST] /showcert [DSA_LIST]
0x4000040D/showchanges . [/cookie:] [/atts:,,...] [/long] [ /showchanges [/verbose] [/statistics] [/noincremental] [/objectsecurity] [/ancestors] [/atts:,,...] [/filter:] /showchanges . [/cookie:] [/atts:,,...] [/long] [ /showchanges [/verbose] [/statistics] [/noincremental] [/objectsecurity] [/ancestors] [/atts:,,...] [/filter:]
0x4000040E/showism [] [/verbose] (必须在本地执行) /showism [] [/verbose] (must be executed locally)
0x4000040F/showmsg { | /NTDSMSG} /showmsg { | /NTDSMSG}
0x40000410/showncsig [DSA_LIST] /showncsig [DSA_LIST]
0x40000411/showobjmeta [DSA_LIST] [/nocache] [/linked] /showobjmeta [DSA_LIST] [/nocache] [/linked]
0x40000412/showoutcalls [DSA_LIST] /showoutcalls [DSA_LIST]
0x40000413/showproxy [DSA_LIST] [Naming Context] [matchstring] (search xdommove proxies) /showproxy [DSA_LIST] [Object DN] [matchstring] /movedobject (转储 xdommoved 对象) /showproxy [DSA_LIST] [Naming Context] [matchstring] (search xdommove proxies) /showproxy [DSA_LIST] [Object DN] [matchstring] /movedobject (dump xdommoved object)
0x40000414/showrepl [DSA_LIST [Source DSA object GUID]] [Naming Context] [/verbose] [/nocache] [/repsto] [/conn] [/all] [/errorsonly] [/intersite] /showrepl [DSA_LIST [Source DSA object GUID]] [Naming Context] [/verbose] [/nocache] [/repsto] [/conn] [/all] [/errorsonly] [/intersite]
0x40000415/showtime /showtime
0x40000416/showtrust [DSA_LIST] /showtrust [DSA_LIST]
0x40000417/showutdvec [/nocache] [/latency] /showutdvec [/nocache] [/latency]
0x40000418/showvalue [DSA_LIST] [Attribute Name] [Value DN] [/nocache] /showvalue [DSA_LIST] [Attribute Name] [Value DN] [/nocache]
0x40000419/syncall [] [] /syncall [] []
0x4000041A/viewlist [OBJ_LIST] /viewlist [OBJ_LIST]
0x4000041B/writespn [DSA_LIST] /writespn [DSA_LIST]
0x4000041D/failcache [DSA_LIST] /failcache [DSA_LIST]
0x4000041E/kcc [DSA_LIST] [/async] /kcc [DSA_LIST] [/async]
0x4000041F/queue [DSA_LIST] /queue [DSA_LIST]
0x40000420/showconn [DSA_LIST] {serverRDN | Container DN | } [/from:serverRDN] [/intersite] (默认为本地站点) /showconn [DSA_LIST] {serverRDN | Container DN | } [/from:serverRDN] [/intersite] (default is local site)
0x40000421/showctx [DSA_LIST] [/nocache] /showctx [DSA_LIST] [/nocache]
0x40000422/showsig [DSA_LIST] /showsig [DSA_LIST]
0x40000423/sync [/force] [/async] [/full] [/addref] [/readonly] [/selsecrets] /sync [/force] [/async] [/full] [/addref] [/readonly] [/selsecrets]
0x40000424/propcheck [DC from which to enumerate host DCs] /propcheck [DC from which to enumerate host DCs]
0x40000425/getchanges NamingContext [SourceDC] [/cookie:] [/atts:,,...] /getchanges NamingContext [DestDC] SourceDCObjectGUID [/verbose] [/statistics] [/noincremental] [/objectsecurity] [/ancestors] [/atts:,,...] [/filter:] /getchanges NamingContext [SourceDC] [/cookie:] [/atts:,,...] /getchanges NamingContext [DestDC] SourceDCObjectGUID [/verbose] [/statistics] [/noincremental] [/objectsecurity] [/ancestors] [/atts:,,...] [/filter:]
0x40000426/showreps [Naming Context] [DC [Source DC object GUID]] [/verbose] [/nocache] [/repsto] [/conn] [/all] /showreps [Naming Context] [DC [Source DC object GUID]] [/verbose] [/nocache] [/repsto] [/conn] [/all]
0x40000427/showvector [DC] [/nocache] [/latency] /showvector [DC] [/nocache] [/latency]
0x40000428/showmeta [DC] [/nocache] [/linked] /showmeta [DC] [/nocache] [/linked]
0x40000429(alias command tbd) (alias command tbd)
0x4000042A/rodcpwdrepl [DSA_LIST] [ ...] /rodcpwdrepl [DSA_LIST] [ ...]
0x4000042B密码: %0 Password: %0
0x4000042C正在检查存储“%1”中的“域控制器”证书... Checking for 'Domain Controller' certificate in store '%1'...
0x4000042D域控制器证书 V1 已存在。 Domain Controller Certificate V1 is present.
0x4000042E域控制器证书 V2 已存在。 Domain Controller Certificate V2 is present.
0x4000042F已成功绑定到 %1。 Bind to %1 succeeded.
0x40000430支持的扩展(cb=%1!d!): Extensions supported (cb=%1!d!):
0x40000431%1!-33S!: %2 %1!-33S!: %2
0x40000432%1!-33S!: 是 %1!-33S!: Yes
0x40000433%1!-33S!: 否 %1!-33S!: No
0x40000434站点 GUID: %1 Site GUID: %1
0x40000435当前副本标志: %1 Current Replica flags: %1
0x40000436已成功将操作列队以建立从源:%1 到目标:%2 的单向复制。 Successfully enqueued operation to establish one-way replication from source:%1 to dest:%2.
0x40000437已建立从源:%1 到目标:%2 的单向复制。 One-way replication from source:%1 to dest:%2 established.
0x40000438当前源地址: %1 Current source address: %1
0x40000439从源:%1 到目标:%2 的复制链接已修改。 Replication link from source:%1 to dest:%2 modified.
0x4000043A源地址设置为 %1 Source address set to %1
0x4000043B传输 DN 设置为 %1 Transport DN set to %1
0x4000043C副本标志设置为 %1 Replica flags set to %1
0x4000043D成功将操作列队以删除从源:%1 到目标:%2 的单向复制。 Successfully enqueued operation to delete one-way replication from source:%1 to dest:%2.
0x4000043E从源:%1 到目标:%2 的复制链接已删除。 Replication link from source:%1 to dest:%2 deleted.
0x4000043F已成功将操作列队以更新从 %1 到 %2 的更改通知。 Successfully enqueued operation to update change notifications from %1 to %2.
0x40000440已成功更新从 %1 到 %2 的更改通知。 Successfully updated change notifications from %1 to %2.
0x40000441已成功将 %1 的一致性检查列队。 Successfully enqueued consistency check for %1.
0x40000442成功完成对 %1 的一致性检查。 Consistency check on %1 successful.
0x40000443已成功将从 %1 到 %2 的同步列队。 Successfully enqueued sync from %1 to %2.
0x40000444已使从(所有邻居)到 %1 的同步成功入队。 Successfully enqueued sync from (all neighbours) to %1.
0x40000445已成功完成从 %1 到 %2 的同步。 Sync from %1 to %2 completed successfully.
0x40000446已成功完成从(所有邻居)到 %1 的同步。 Sync from (all neighbours) to %1 completed successfully.
0x40000447正在连接到可写的 DSA: Connecting to the writable DSAs:
0x40000448禁用入站/出站复制和删除复制状态: Disabling inbound/outbound replication & deleting replication state:
0x40000449%1... %1...
0x4000044A入站/出站复制被禁用。 Inbound/outbound replication disabled.
0x4000044B%1%n%0 %1%n%0
0x4000044C%1!S! %1!S!
0x4000044D%1!S!%0 %1!S!%0
0x4000044E%1%0 %1%0
0x4000044F.%0 .%0
0x40000450%n%0 %n%0
0x40000451正在删除最新矢量... Removing up-to-date vector...
0x40000452没有入站复制伙伴。 No inbound replication partners.
0x40000453正在从 %1 删除链接... Removing link from %1...
0x40000454正在重新启用入站/出站复制: Re-enabling in/out replication:
0x40000455操作成功!请注意,你必须降级所有全局编录 -- 你可以在半小时后将其重新升级。 OPERATION SUCCESSFUL!Note that you must demote all GCs -- you can re-promote them a halfhour later.
0x40000456从目标服务器 %1 构建开始位置 Building starting position from destination server %1
0x40000457********* 累计数据包总数 ************ ********* Cumulative packet totals ************
0x40000458********* 总数 ************************* ********* Grand total *************************
0x40000459数据包: %1!d!对象: %2!d!添加的对象: %3!d!修改的对象: %4!d!删除的对象: %5!d!移动的对象: %6!d! Packets: %1!d!Objects: %2!d!Object Additions: %3!d!Object Modifications: %4!d!Object Deletions: %5!d!Object Moves: %6!d!
0x4000045A属性: %1!d!值: %2!d!值为 Dn 的属性: %3!d!所有属性的 MaxDnVals: %4!d!最大属性的 ObjectDn: %5!S!最大属性的属性名: %6!S! Attributes: %1!d!Values: %2!d!Dn-valued Attributes: %3!d!MaxDnVals on any attr:%4!d!ObjectDn with maxattr:%5!S!Attrname with maxattr:%6!S!
0x4000045B#dnvals 1-250 251-500 501-750 751-1000 1000+add %1!d! %2!d! %3!d! %4!d! %5!d!mod %6!d! %7!d! %8!d! %9!d! %10!d!*********************************************** #dnvals 1-250 251-500 501-750 751-1000 1000+add %1!d! %2!d! %3!d! %4!d! %5!d!mod %6!d! %7!d! %8!d! %9!d! %10!d!***********************************************
0x4000045C%0 %0
0x4000045D无更改 No Changes
0x4000045E返回的对象: %1!d! Objects returned: %1!d!
0x4000045F(%1!d!) %2!S! %3 (%1!d!) %2!S! %3
0x40000460%1!d! %2: %0 %1!d! %2: %0
0x40000461; %0 ; %0
0x40000462正在使用文件 %1 中的 Cookie (%2!d! 字节) Using cookie from file %1 (%2!d! bytes)
0x40000463正在使用空 Cookie (完全同步)。 Using empty cookie (full sync).
0x40000464源邻居:%1 Source Neighbor:%1
0x40000465目标的最新矢量: Destination's up-to-date vector:
0x40000466%1!-36s! @ USN %2!I64d! %1!-36s! @ USN %2!I64d!
0x40000467==== 源 DSA: %1 ==== ==== SOURCE DSA: %1 ====
0x40000468已写入文件 %1 中的新 Cookie (%2!d! 字节) New cookie written to file %1 (%2!d! bytes)
0x40000469队列包含 %1!d! 个项目。 Queue contains %1!d! items.
0x4000046A正在执行邮件线程。 The mail thread is executing.
0x4000046B当前任务已在 %1!S! 时开始执行。 Current task began executing at %1!S!.
0x4000046C任务已执行 %1!d! 分钟 %2!d! 秒。 Task has been executing for %1!d! minutes, %2!d! seconds.
0x4000046D[%1!d!] 将 %2!S! 以 %3!d! 优先级列队 [%1!d!] Enqueued %2!S! at priority %3!d!
0x4000046E%1!S! NC %2 DSA %3 DSA 对象 GUID %4 DSA 传输地址 %5 %1!S! NC %2 DSA %3 DSA object GUID %4 DSA transport addr %5
0x4000046F(无) (none)
0x40000470无失败。 No Failures.
0x40000471自 %2!S! 起已连续失败 %1!d! 次。 %1!d! consecutive failures since %2!S!.
0x40000472复制 epoch: %1!d! Repl epoch: %1!d!
0x40000473上一个错误: %0 Last error: %0
0x40000474==== KCC 连接失败 ======================================= ==== KCC CONNECTION FAILURES ============================
0x40000475==== KCC 链接失败 ======================================= ==== KCC LINK FAILURES ==================================
0x40000476DSA 选项: %1!S! DSA Options: %1!S!
0x40000477站点选项: %1!S! Site Options: %1!S!
0x40000478DSA 对象 GUID: %1 DSA object GUID: %1
0x40000479DSA 调用 ID: %1 DSA invocationID: %1
0x4000047A命名上下文: %1 Naming Context: %1
0x4000047B==== 入站邻居 =========================================== ==== INBOUND NEIGHBORS ======================================
0x4000047C==== 更改通知的出站邻居================================== ==== OUTBOUND NEIGHBORS FOR CHANGE NOTIFICATIONS ============
0x4000047D==== KCC 连接对象 ============================================ ==== KCC CONNECTION OBJECTS ============================================
0x4000047E%1 通过 %2 %1 via %2
0x4000047FinterSiteTransport 对象 GUID: %1 interSiteTransport object GUID: %1
0x40000480USN: %1!I64d!/OU,%0 USNs: %1!I64d!/OU,%0
0x40000481%1!I64d!/PU %1!I64d!/PU
0x40000482上次在 %1!S! 的尝试成功。 Last attempt @ %1!S! was successful.
0x40000483上次在 %1!S! 的尝试被延迟,延迟原因属正常。结果 %0 Last attempt @ %1!S! was delayed for a normal reason, result %0
0x40000484上次在 %1!S! 的尝试失败。结果 %0 Last attempt @ %1!S! failed, result %0
0x40000485%1!u! 次连续失败。 %1!u! consecutive failure(s).
0x40000486上次成功时间: %1!S! Last success @ %1!S!.
0x40000487地址: %1 Address: %1
0x40000488添加于 %1!S!。 Added @ %1!S!.
0x40000489%1!-36s! @ USN %2!9I64d! @ Time %0 %1!-36s! @ USN %2!9I64d! @ Time %0
0x4000048B%1!d! 个项目。 %1!d! entries.
0x4000048C若要避免“起始 DSA”值被截断,请将输出重定向到一个文本文件,或使用 /nocache To avoid truncated \"Originating DSA\" values, redirect output to a text file, or use /nocache
0x4000048D本地 USN 起始 DSA 起始 USN 起始时间/日期 版本属性======= =============== ========= ============= === ========= Loc.USN Originating DSA Org.USN Org.Time/Date Ver Attribute======= =============== ========= ============= === =========
0x4000048E%1!7I64d!%0 %1!7I64d!%0
0x4000048F%1!41s!%2!10I64d!%0 %1!41s!%2!10I64d!%0
0x40000490%1!20S!%2!5d! %3 %1!20S!%2!5d! %3
0x40000491类型 属性 上次修改时间 起始 DSA 本地 USN 起始 USN 版本======= ============ ============= ================= ======= ======= === 可分辨名称 ============================= Type Attribute Last Mod Time Originating DSA Loc.USN Org.USN Ver======= ============ ============= ================= ======= ======= === Distinguished Name =============================
0x40000492过时的 %1 %2(%3!d!) %4!S! LEGACY %1 %2(%3!d!) %4!S!
0x40000493存在 %1 %2(%3!d!) %4!S! PRESENT %1 %2(%3!d!) %4!S!
0x40000494不存在 %1 %2(%3!d!) %4!S! %5!S! ABSENT %1 %2(%3!d!) %4!S! %5!S!
0x40000495旧的 %0 LEGACY %0
0x40000496存在 %0 PRESENT %0
0x40000497不存在 %0 ABSENT %0
0x40000498%1!12s!%0 %1!12s!%0
0x40000499%1!20S! %2!38s! %3!7I64d! %0 %1!20S! %2!38s! %3!7I64d! %0
0x4000049A%1!7I64d! %0 %1!7I64d! %0
0x4000049B%1!3d! %1!3d!
0x4000049D%1!37s! %2!8I64d!%0 %1!37s! %2!8I64d!%0
0x4000049E%1!20S! %2!5d! %1!20S! %2!5d!
0x4000049F无其他项目。 No more items.
0x400004A0%1!d! 个打开的上下文句柄。 %1!d! open context handles.
0x400004A1%1 @ %2!S! (PID %3!d!) (句柄 0x%4!I64x!) %1 @ %2!S! (PID %3!d!) (Handle 0x%4!I64x!)
0x400004A2已绑定的引用=%1!d!,上次使用时间: %2!S! bound, refs=%1!d!, last used %2!S!
0x400004A3未绑定,refs=%1!d!,上次使用 %2!S! NOT bound, refs=%1!d!, last used %2!S!
0x400004A4站点 %1 中的所有 DSA (带有传输并含有 NC)均为桥头候选项。 All DSAs in site %1 (with trans & hosting NC) are bridgehead candidates.
0x400004A5%1!d! 个服务器被定义为桥头,用于传输 %2 和站点 %3: %1!d! server(s) are defined as bridgeheads for transport %2 & site %3:
0x400004A6服务器(%1!d!) %2 Server(%1!d!) %2
0x400004A7==== %2!d! 站点的传输 %1 连接信息: ==== ==== TRANSPORT %1 CONNECTIVITY INFORMATION FOR %2!d! SITES: ====
0x400004A8%1%2!4d!%0 %1%2!4d!%0
0x400004A9站点(%1!d!) %2 Site(%1!d!) %2
0x400004AA%1%2!d!:%3!d!:%4!x!%0 %1%2!d!:%3!d!:%4!x!%0
0x400004AB在 %1 和 %2 之间进行计划(开销 %3!d!,间隔 %4!d!): Schedule between %1 and %2 (cost %3!d!, interval %4!d!):
0x400004AC连接始终可用。 Connection is always available.
0x400004ADCookie: 空 Cookie: null
0x400004AECookie: 版本 %1!d!,HighObjUpdate: %2!I64d!, Cookie: ver %1!d!,HighObjUpdate: %2!I64d!,
0x400004AFHighPropUpdate: %1!I64d! HighPropUpdate: %1!I64d!
0x400004B0%1!I64d!%0 %1!I64d!%0
0x400004B1= 0x%1!I64x!%0 = 0x%1!I64x!%0
0x400004B2= %1!S! UTC = %2!S! 本地 = %1!S! UTC = %2!S! local
0x400004B3用户请求取消的复制: Replication suppressed by user request:
0x400004B4从: %1 到: %2 From: %1 To : %2
0x400004B5回拨消息: %0 CALLBACK MESSAGE: %0
0x400004B6正在进行以下复制: The following replication is in progress:
0x400004B7已成功完成以下复制: The following replication completed successfully:
0x400004B8SyncAll 已完成。 SyncAll Finished.
0x400004B9未知。 Unknown.
0x400004BArepadmin /showrepl %1 %2 %3 repadmin /showrepl %1 %2 %3
0x400004BBDsReplicaSyncAll 命令行界面。repadmin /SyncAll [/adehijpPsS] [] /a: 如果没有可用的服务器,则终止 /A: 为 的所有 NC 执行 /SyncAll (忽略 ) /d: 在消息中使用 DN 识别服务器(而不是使用 GUID DNS) /e: 企业、跨站点(默认站点: 仅主(home)站点) /h: 打印此帮助屏幕 /i: 无限期地重复 /I: 对路径中的每对服务器执行 showreps,而不执行同步操作 /j: 仅同步相邻服务器 /p: 每个消息后暂停,以便让用户有机会中止操作 /P: 从主服务器向外推出(push)更改(默认: 拉进(pull)更改) /q: 安静模式,取消回拨(callback)消息 /Q: 非常安静,仅报告致命错误 /s: 不同步(仅分析拓扑并生成消息) /S: 跳过初始服务器响应检查(假定所有服务器都可用)如果省略 ,则 DsReplicaSyncAll 默认为配置 NC。 DsReplicaSyncAll commandline interface.repadmin /SyncAll [/adehijpPsS] [] /a: Abort if any server is unavailable /A: Perform /SyncAll for all NC's held by (ignores ) /d: ID servers by DN in messages (instead of GUID DNS) /e: Enterprise, cross sites (default: only home site) /h: Print this help screen /i: Iterate indefinitely /I: Perform showreps on each server pair in path instead of syncing /j: Sync adjacent servers only /p: Pause for possible user abort after every message /P: Push changes outward from home server (default: pull changes) /q: Quiet mode, suppress callback messages /Q: Very quiet, report fatal errors only /s: Do not sync (just analyze topology and generate messages) /S: Skip initial server-response check (assume all servers are available)If is omitted DsReplicaSyncAll defaults to the Configuration NC.
0x400004BC用户请求取消了 SyncAll。 SyncAll cancelled by user request.
0x400004BDSyncAll 已终止,未出现错误。 SyncAll terminated with no errors.
0x400004BE[%1!ld!] [%1!ld!]
0x400004BF按 Q 键退出,按其他任意键继续。 Q to quit, any other key to continue.
0x400004C0按任意键继续... Press any key to continue . . .
0x400004C2星期日%0 Sun%0
0x400004C3星期一%0 Mon%0
0x400004C4星期二%0 Tue%0
0x400004C5星期三%0 Wed%0
0x400004C6星期四%0 Thu%0
0x400004C7星期五%0 Fri%0
0x400004C8星期六%0 Sat%0
0x400004C9天: 0123456789ab0123456789ab day: 0123456789ab0123456789ab
0x400004CA分区复制计划加载: Partition Replication Schedule Loading:
0x400004CB%1!2.2d!%0 %1!2.2d!%0
0x400004CC%1!d!%0 %1!d!%0
0x400004CD%1!x!%0 %1!x!%0
0x400004CE正在缓存 GUID。 Caching GUIDs.
0x400004CF%1: %0 %1: %0
0x400004D0是%0 yes%0
0x400004D1** 否! **%0 ** NO! **%0
0x400004D2-- 未找到光标! -- No cursor found!
0x400004D3(USN %1!I64d!) (USN %1!I64d!)
0x400004D4当前 %0 Current %0
0x400004D5新的 %0 New %0
0x400004D6在 USN %3!I64d! 的 %2!S! 上重试 %1 %1 retired on %2!S! at USN %3!I64d!
0x400004D7无退出签名。 No retired signatures.
0x400004D8源: %1\\%2 Source: %1\\%2
0x400004D9******* 自 %2!S! 起连续失败 %1!d! 次 ******* %1!d! CONSECUTIVE FAILURES since %2!S!
0x400004DA已添加副本链接。 Replica link has been added.
0x400004DB命名上下文 尝试时间 成功时间 失败次数 最后结果 ================ =================== =================== ===== ============== Naming Context Attempt Time Success Time #Fail Last Result ================ =================== =================== ===== ==============
0x400004DC%1!22s!%0 %1!22s!%0
0x400004DD%1!21S!%2!21S! %3!5d! %4 %1!21S!%2!21S! %3!5d! %4
0x400004DE连接 -- 连接名称: %1 服务器 DNS 名称: %2 服务器 DN 名称: %3 Connection -- Connection name : %1 Server DNS name : %2 Server DN name : %3
0x400004DFTransportType: %1 TransportType: %1
0x400004E0TransportType: 站点间 RPC TransportType: intrasite RPC
0x400004E1选项: %0 options: %0
0x400004E2原因: %0 Reason: %0
0x400004E3enabledConnection: %1 enabledConnection: %1
0x400004E4whenChanged: %0 whenChanged: %0
0x400004E5whenCreated: %0 whenCreated: %0
0x400004E6计划: Schedule:
0x400004E7找到 %1!d! 个连接。 %1!d! connections found.
0x400004E8基 DN: %1 Base DN: %1
0x400004E9ReplicatesNC: %1 ReplicatesNC: %1
0x400004EB源起站点 版本 本地更新时间 源起更新时间 延迟时间 自从上次 ================== ===== =================== =================== ======== ========== Originating Site Ver Time Local Update Time Orig. Update Latency Since Last ================== ===== =================== =================== ======== ==========
0x400004EC%1!24s! %2!6d! %3!20S! %4!20S! %0 %1!24s! %2!6d! %3!20S! %4!20S! %0
0x400004ED%1!02d!:%2!02d!:%3!02d!%0 %1!02d!:%2!02d!:%3!02d!%0
0x400004EE源站点 本地桥 传输 失败时间 # 状态 =============== ============== ==== ================= === ======== Source Site Local Bridge Trns Fail. Time # Status =============== ============== ==== ================= === ========
0x400004EF%1!24s!%2!16s!%0 %1!24s!%2!16s!%0
0x400004F0%1!6s!%0 %1!6s!%0
0x400004F1%1!20S!%2!4d! %3!20s!%0 %1!20S!%2!4d! %3!20s!%0
0x400004F2站点 %1 (%2)的复制延迟时间: Replication Latency for site %1 (%2):
0x400004F3站点 %1 (%2)的桥头: Bridgeheads for site %1 (%2):
0x400004F4从站点 %1 (%2)收集拓扑: Gathering topology from site %1 (%2):
0x400004F5站点 ISTG ================== ================= Site ISTG ================== =================
0x400004F6%1!24s!%2!20s! %1!24s!%2!20s!
0x400004F7免责说明:1. 只有配置 NC 才显示延迟时间。2. 每隔半小时发送一次探测。实际情况下的复制可能会更加频繁。3. 正常站点间复制频率取决于许多因素: 站点链接计划、间隔以及桥头可用性。 Disclaimer:1. Latency is shown for Configuration NC only.2. Probes are sent once every half hour. Actual replication may occur more frequently.3. What is normal Intersite replication frequency depends on many factors: site link schedules, intervals and bridgehead availability.
0x400004F8已成功调用测试挂钩(hook)“%1”。 Successfully invoked test hook \"%1\".
0x400004F9\"%1\" = %2. \"%1\" = %2.
0x400004FA正在搜索命名上下文: %1 Searching naming context: %1
0x400004FB对象 DN: %1 Object DN: %1
0x400004FC代理服务器 DN: %1 Proxy DN: %1
0x400004FD对象 GUID: %1 Object GUID: %1
0x400004FE已从 NC 移出: %1 Moved from NC: %1
0x400004FF有代理服务器的(移到) DN: %1 Proxied (moved to) DN: %1
0x40000500代理服务器类型: (%1!d!) %0 Proxy Type: (%1!d!) %0
0x40000501移动的对象%0 moved object%0
0x40000502代理服务器%0 proxy%0
0x40000503未知%0 unknown%0
0x40000504代理服务器 Epoch: %1!d! Proxy Epoch: %1!d!
0x40000505%1!d! = 0x%2!x! = \"%3\" %1!d! = 0x%2!x! = \"%3\"
0x40000506当前通知选项: Current Notification Options:
0x40000507新的通知选项: New Notification Options:
0x40000508Replication-Notify-First-DSA-Delay: %1!d! Replication-Notify-First-DSA-Delay: %1!d!
0x40000509未设置 Replication-Notify-First-DSA-Delay。 Replication-Notify-First-DSA-Delay is not set.
0x4000050AReplication-Notify-Subsequent-DSA-Delay: %1!d! Replication-Notify-Subsequent-DSA-Delay: %1!d!
0x4000050B未设置 Replication-Notify-Subsequent-DSA-Delay。 Replication-Notify-Subsequent-DSA-Delay is not set.
0x4000050C已找到计算机对象 GUID 为 %1!S! 的域控制器证书。 A Domain Controller Certificate was found with Computer Object GUID %1!S!.
0x4000050D计算机对象唯一 ID 是 %1。 The Computer Object Unique ID is %1.
0x4000050ENC %1 退出于 USN %3!I64d! 处的 %2!S! NC %1 retired on %2!S! at USN %3!I64d!
0x4000050F退出的 NC invocationID: %1 Retired NC invocationID: %1
0x400007D1警告: Repadmin 无法设置 %1 注册表项。 Warning: Repadmin was unable to set the %1 registry Key.
0x400007D2HKLM\\%1: \"%2\" %3 %4 HKLM\\%1: \"%2\" %3 %4
0x400007D3HKLM\\%1: \"%2\" 值不存在 HKLM\\%1: \"%2\" value does not exist
0x400007D4HKLM\\%1: \"%2\" REG_TYPE=%3!d! (无法显示值) HKLM\\%1: \"%2\" REG_TYPE=%3!d! (Unable do display value)
0x400007D5指定的服务器(%1)不是 GC。 The specified server (%1) is not a GC.
0x400007D6已选择服务器 %1 作为分区 %2 的可写源。 The server %1 has been selected as the writeable source for partition %2.
0x400007D7=== 警告 =====================AddSyncPartition 无法完全同步分区 %1。所有临时副本链接和部分分区内容将被删除。 === WARNING =====================AddSyncPartition was unable to completely sync the partition %1.Any temporary replica links and partial partition contents will be removed.
0x400007D8正在重建 GC %1。每个只读分区将重新主持。 The GC %1 is being rebuilt. Each of its read-only partitions will be rehosted.
0x400007D9查找分区 %1 的可写副本时发生 DC 定位程序错误。错误编号为 %2!d!。 There was a DC Locator error finding a writeable copy of partition %1.The error number is %2!d!.
0x400007DA现在,KCC 将删除到可写副本的临时副本链接,并重新建立标准拓扑,该拓扑将包括分别指向分区的可写副本和只读副本的链接。 The KCC will now remove the temporary replica links to the writeable copies, and re-establish a standard topology, which will include links to both writeable and read-only copies of the partitions.
0x400007DBRepadmin 在尝试重建分区 %1 时遇到故障。请使用 /rehost 命令手动重新主持此分区。 Repadmin encountered a failure while trying to rebuild the partition %1.Please use the /rehost command to manually rehost this partition.
0x400007E3成功将对象 %1 从 %3 复制到 %2。 Successfully replicated object %1 to %2 from %3.
0x400007E4正在同步分区: %1 Syncing partition: %1
0x400007E5正在同步 %1 上保留的所有 NC。 Syncing all NC's held on %1.
0x400007E6域信任消息: Domain Trust Info:
0x400007E7受信任 : %1 TRUSTED : %1
0x400007E8不受信任 : %1 UNTRUSTED : %1
0x400007E9被复制的(From)站点: %1复制到的(To)站点名称 开销-------------------- ---- From site: %1To Site Name Cost------------ ----
0x400007EA%1!-64s! %0 %1!-64s! %0
0x400007EB%1!d! %1!d!
0x400007EC错误: 0x%1!x! Error: 0x%1!x!
0x400007ED此时 %1 未作任何出站 DRS RPC 调用。 %1 is making no outgoing DRS RPC calls at this time.
0x400007EE%1 有 %2!d! 个正在进行的出站 DRS RPC 调用: %1 has %2!d! outgoing DRS RPC calls in progress:
0x400007EF调用类型: %1 Call type: %1
0x400007F0目标服务器: %1 Target server: %1
0x400007F1句柄信息: 绑定 %1!d! FromCache %2!d! InCache %3!d! Handle info: bound %1!d! FromCache %2!d! InCache %3!d!
0x400007F2客户端线程 ID: %1!d! Client thread id: %1!d!
0x400007F3调用开始时间: %1!S! Time call started: %1!S!
0x400007F4调用超时: %1!d! 分钟 Call timeout: %1!d! minutes
0x400007F5调用持续时间: %1!d! 分 %2!d! 秒 Call duration: %1!d! minutes and %2!d! seconds
0x400007F6repadmin 针对服务器 %2 运行命令 %1 repadmin running command %1 against server %2
0x400007F7DSA_LIST[%1!d!] = %2 DSA_LIST[%1!d!] = %2
0x400007F8错误: LDAP 查找操作失败,错误如下:%n LDAP 错误 %1!d!(0x%1!x!): %2 服务器 Win32 错误 %3!u!(0x%3!x!): %4 扩展信息: %5 Error: An LDAP lookup operation failed with the following error:%n LDAP Error %1!d!(0x%1!x!): %2 Server Win32 Error %3!u!(0x%3!x!): %4 Extended Information: %5
0x400007F9错误: 发生错误: Win32 错误 %1!u!(0x%1!x!): %2 Error: An error occurred: Win32 Error %1!u!(0x%1!x!): %2
0x400007FA错误: 发生 Win32 错误 %1!d!(0x%1!x!)。 Error: An Win32 Error %1!d!(0x%1!x!) occurred.
0x400007FBRepadmin 无法分析所提供的 DSA_LIST (%1)。请尝试 repadmin /listhelp Repadmin couldn't parse the DSA_LIST (%1) provided. Try repadmin /listhelp
0x400007FCDSA_LIST = { | * | * | site: | gc: | nc: | pnc: | mnc: | fsmo_: } 示例: \"*\" = 企业/林/配置集中的所有 DSA。 \"part_server_name*\" = 会选取 \"part_server_name_dc_01\" 和 \"part_server_name_dc_02\" 但不会选取服务器 \"part_server_diff_name\"。 \"site:east_site1\" = 站点 \"east_site1\" 中的所有 DSA。 \"gc:\" = 企业中的所有 GC。 \"nc:DC=fabrikam,...\" = 主持 DC=fabrikam 的所有 DSA,... \"pnc:DC=fabrikam,...\" = 主持 DC=fabrikam 部分复制的所有 DSA,... \"mnc:DC=fabrikam,...\" = 主持 DC=fabrikam 主副本的所有 DSA,... \"fsmo_pdc:DC=my-corp-dom,DC=com\" - 针对在 NC \"DC=my-corp-dom,DC=com\" \"fsmo_istg:east_site1\" 的 PDC 运行的 repadmin 会选取 east_site1 站点的 ISTG。DSA_LIST 的其他选项: /homeserver:[dns name] 简化 DSA_LIST 扩展的初始 DS 服务器称为 homeserver。 如果 DSA_LIST 参数是一个可解析的服务器名(例如,DNS 或 WINS 名称),则此参数将被用作 homeserver。如果将非可解析的参数用于 DSA_LIST,则 repadmin 将使用定位程序来查找将被用作 homeserver 的服务器。 如果定位程序未找到服务器,则 repadmin 将尝试本地端口(端口 389)。 /homeserver:[dns name]选项可用于明确控制主服务器选取。 当可能具有多个林或配置集时,此选项将非常有用。 例如,DSA_LIST 命令 \"fsmo_istg:site1\" 将把本地加入的域目录作为目标, 因此,若要把 AD/LDS 实例作为目标,可以将 /homeserver:adldsinstance:50000 用于解析 fsmo_istg to site1,此 fsmo_istg to site1 在 adldsinstance:50000 上的 ADAM 配置集中定义,而不是在本地加入的域中定义。FSMO_TYPE = dnm | schema | pdc | rid | im | istg 注意: 不同类型的 FSMO 要求不同的基 DN/RDN。 \"fsmo_dnm:\" - 是企业范围的 FSMO,不接受任何 DN。 \"fsmo_schema:\" - 是企业范围的 FSMO,不接受任何 DN。 \"fsmo_pdc:\" - 是特定域的 FSMO,接受用户所需的域的 DN。 \"fsmo_rid:\" - 是特定域的 FSMO,接受用户所需的域的 DN。 \"fsmo_im:\" - 是特定分区/NC 的 FSMO, 接受用户所需的 NC 的 DN。 \"fsmo_istg:\" - 是特定的准-FSMO 站点,接受此站点的 RDN。DSA_NAME = { . | | | | } . = 指示 repadmin 为你选取其中之一。 adlds_dns:ldap_port = 指定一个特定的 AD LDS 实例。 server_dns = 用 DNS 指定一个特定的服务器。 dsa_guid = 用 DSA GUID 指定一个特定的服务器。 server_obj_rdn$service_short_name = 用完整的服务器对象 rdn 指定一个特定的 AD LDS 实例。 server_obj_rdn = 用服务器对象 rdn (通常与 NetBios 名称相同)指定一个服务器。 \"$service_short_name\" 不是必须的。但是,如果 server_obj_rdn 部分被明确指定,DSA 将只查找一个服务器。 dsa_dn = 用 DSA 对象的 DN 指定一个服务器。OBJ_LIST = { ncobj: | dsaobj: } \"ncobj:\" = 意味着使用在 NC_NAME 指定的 NC Head 的 DN。 \"dsaobj:\" = 意味着使用连接到的 DSA 的 DN。NC_NAME = { config: | schema: | domain: } \"config:\" = 配置目录分区。 \"schema:\" = 架构目录分区。 \"domain:\" = repadmin 针对其运行的 DC 域的域目录分区。OBJ_LIST OPTIONS = { /onelevel | /subtree} /filter: 通过这些选项,showattr 和 viewlist 命令可以用来显示一系列对象,而不是一个对象。注意: o LDAP 评估通配符中的 *。 o 有些选项在 AD LDS 中无效,如 \"gc:\", \"fsmo_pdc:\", \"fsmo_rid\", \"domain:\", 等等。 DSA_LIST = { | * | * | site: | gc: | nc: | pnc: | mnc: | fsmo_: } Examples: \"*\" = All DSAs in the enterprise/forest/configuration set. \"part_server_name*\" = would pick \"part_server_name_dc_01\" and \"part_server_name_dc_02\" but not server \"part_server_diff_name\". \"site:east_site1\" = All DSAs in site \"east_site1\". \"gc:\" = All GCs in the enterprise. \"nc:DC=fabrikam,...\" = All DSAs hosting DC=fabrikam,... \"pnc:DC=fabrikam,...\" = All DSAs hosting a partial copy of DC=fabrikam,... \"mnc:DC=fabrikam,...\" = All DSAs hosting a master copy of DC=fabrikam,... \"fsmo_pdc:DC=my-corp-dom,DC=com\" - repadmin runs against the PDC in the NC \"DC=my-corp-dom,DC=com\" \"fsmo_istg:east_site1\" would pick the ISTG for the east_site1 site.Additional option for DSA_LIST: /homeserver:[dns name] The initial DS server that facilitates DSA_LIST expansion is called the homeserver. If the DSA_LIST argument is a resolvable server name (such as a DNS or WINS name) this will be used as the homeserver. If a non-resolvable parameter is used for the DSA_LIST, repadmin will use the locator to find a server to be used as the homeserver. If the locator does not find a server, repadmin will try the local box (port 389). The /homeserver:[dns name] option is available to explicitly control home server selection. This is especially useful when there are more than one forest or configuration set possible. For example, the DSA_LIST command \"fsmo_istg:site1\" would target the locally joined domain's directory, so to target an AD/LDS instance, /homeserver:adldsinstance:50000 could be used to resolve the fsmo_istg to site1 defined in the ADAM configuration set on adldsinstance:50000 instead of the fsmo_istg to site1 defined in the locally joined domain.FSMO_TYPE = dnm | schema | pdc | rid | im | istg NOTE: different types of FSMOs require different base DNs/RDNs. \"fsmo_dnm:\" - is an enterprise wide FSMO, and doesn't take any DN. \"fsmo_schema:\" - is an enterprise wide FSMO, and doesn't take any DN. \"fsmo_pdc:\" - is a domain specific FSMO, and takes the DN of the domain the user wants. \"fsmo_rid:\" - is a domain specific FSMO, and takes the DN of the domain the user wants. \"fsmo_im:\" - is a partition/NC specific FSMO, and takes the DN of the NC the user wants. \"fsmo_istg:\" - is a site specific quasi-FSMO, and takes the RDN of the site.DSA_NAME = { . | | | | } . = Tells repadmin to try to pick one for you. adlds_dns:ldap_port = specifies a specific AD LDS instance. server_dns = specifies a specific server by DNS. dsa_guid = specifies a specific server by its DSA GUID. server_obj_rdn$service_short_name = specifies a specific AD LDS instance by its full server object rdn. server_obj_rdn = specifies a server by its server object rdn (usually the same as its NetBios name) The \"$service_short_name\" is not necessarily needed, but the DSA will only find a server, if the portion of the server_obj_rdn specified in unambiguous. dsa_dn = specifies a server by the DN of its DSA object.OBJ_LIST = { ncobj: | dsaobj: } \"ncobj:\" = means use the DN of NC Head specified in NC_NAME. \"dsaobj:\" = means use the DN of the DSA we're connected to.NC_NAME = { config: | schema: | domain: } \"config:\" = Configuration Directory Partition. \"schema:\" = Schema Directory Partition. \"domain:\" = Domain Directory Partition for the Domain of the DC repadmin is running against.OBJ_LIST OPTIONS = { /onelevel | /subtree} /filter: With these options, the showattr and viewlist commands can be used to cover a list of objects, instead of just a single object.NOTES: o The * in wildcards are evaluated by LDAP. o Some options are not valid in AD LDS such as \"gc:\", \"fsmo_pdc:\", \"fsmo_rid\", \"domain:\", etc
0x400007FD由于以下错误,Repadmin 无法连接到一个“主服务器”。请尝试使用 /homeserver:[dns name] 指定其他主服务器。 Repadmin can't connect to a \"home server\", because of the following error. Try specifying a differenthome server with /homeserver:[dns name]
0x400007FE由于以下错误,Repadmin 无法找到“主服务器”或确定我们的域。请尝试使用 /homeserver:[dns name] 指定特定的“主服务器” Repadmin can't locate a \"home server\" or determine our domain because of the following error. Try specifying specific \"home server\" with /homeserver:[dns name]
0x400007FFRepadmin 尝试解析 DSA_NAME 时遇到以下错误: %1如果正在尝试连接到 AD LDS 实例,则必须使用 :如果正在尝试使用通配符支持连接到 AD LDS 实例,则必须使用 /homeserver 选项。 Repadmin experienced the following error trying to resolve the DSA_NAME: %1If you are trying to connect to an AD LDS instance, you must use :If you are trying to connect to an AD LDS instance with wildcarding support, you must use the /homeserver option.
0x40000800Repadmin 在尝试解析 SITE_NAME %1 时遇到以下错误 Repadmin experienced the following error trying to resolve the SITE_NAME: %1
0x40000801Repadmin 在尝试到达在子树 %1 中请求的 FSMO 时遇到以下错误 Repadmin experienced the following error trying get to the FSMO you requested in this subtree: %1
0x40000802这些是过时的命令,其使用率越来越低。但为了与旧版本兼容,当前仍然受支持。用法: repadmin [/u:{domain\\user}] [/pw:{password|*}] [/rpc] [/ldap]过时的 和参数:这些过时的命令已被下列改进的命令替换: /sync - /repl 或 /replicate /propcheck - /checkprop /getchanges - /showchanges /showreps - /showrepl /showvector - /showutdvec /showmeta - /showobjmeta注意:- 、、 : 相应服务器的名称 是 NC 根的可分辨名称 例如: DC=My-Domain、DC=Microsoft、DC=Com注意: 只有加载适当的字体和语言支持后,带有国际字符或 Unicode 字符的文本 (命名上下文名称、服务器名称等)才能正确显示 These are the old deprecated commands, that are being phased out, butare still presently supported for backwards compatibility.Usage: repadmin [/u:{domain\\user}] [/pw:{password|*}] [/rpc] [/ldap]Deprecated s & args:These deprecated commands are replaced with these improved commands: /sync - /repl or /replicate /propcheck - /checkprop /getchanges - /showchanges /showreps - /showrepl /showvector - /showutdvec /showmeta - /showobjmetaNote:- , , : Names of the appropriate servers is the Distinguished Name of the root of the NC Example: DC=My-Domain,DC=Microsoft,DC=ComNote: Text (Naming Context names, server names, etc) with International or Unicode characters will only display correctly if appropriate fonts and language support are loaded
0x40000803此 %1 命令不支持逗号分隔值(/csv)的输出模式。 This %1 command does not support Comma Separated Values (/csv) output mode.
0x40000804RepadminParserMessage RepadminParserMessage
0x40000805目标 DSA 站点 Destination DSA Site
0x40000806目标 DSA Destination DSA
0x40000807消息 Message
0x40000808命名上下文 Naming Context
0x40000809源 DSA 站点 Source DSA Site
0x4000080A源 DSA Source DSA
0x4000080B传输类型 Transport Type
0x4000080C失败次数 Number of Failures
0x4000080D上次失败时间 Last Failure Time
0x4000080E上次成功时间 Last Success Time
0x4000080F上次失败状态 Last Failure Status
0x40000810/csv 模式使 /showrepl 命令以逗号分隔值(CSV)%0格式打印,以便用于导入Microsoft Excel 或以编程方式进行分析。输出格式%0(列的顺序)非常严格,不会因版本不同而更改。CSV 输出被打印到 stdout 并可重定向到某个文件。严重错误将以 CSV 易于阅读的格式打印到 stdout,也可通过 stderr 以方便用户阅读的格式打印到屏幕。repadmin 命令支持 /csv 输出: /showrepl通用格式为: column_1 - test_specifier + printing_type。 column_2 - 运行测试的 DSA 站点。 column_3 - 运行测试的 DSA。 column_4+ - columns_4 和其后的列是测试的特定列。 test_specifier = repadmin_ | showrepl_ printing_type = INFO | ERROR | COLUMNS示例 1: \"repadmin /showrepl ad-server-22 /csv\" 输出: showrepl_COLUMNS,Destination DSA Site,Destination DSA,Naming Context,Source DSA Site,Source DSA, ... showrepl_INFO,WestCoastSite,ad-server-22,\"DC=myfavoritecorp,DC=com\",EastCoastSite,DC-35,...示例 2: \"repadmin /showrepl down-dsa /csv file.csv\" 输出到屏幕(注意重定向): Repadmin 尝试解析 DSA_NAME 时出现以下错误: down-dsa file.csv: repadmin_ERROR,-,-,Repadmin 尝试解析 DSA_NAME 时出现以下错误: down-dsa也可以将此 /csv 模式与 DSA 列表结合使用。请参阅 /listhelp 以获得向目标指定服务器子集的方式。 The /csv mode makes the /showrepl command print in a Comma Separated Values (CSV)%0format for import into Microsoft Excel or programmatic analysis. The output format%0(the order of the columns) is rigid and will not change from release to release.The CSV output is printed to stdout and can be redirected to a file. Criticalerrors will be printed in a CSV friendly format to stdout, and also printed in auser friendly format to the screen via stderr.The repadmin commands supporting /csv output: /showreplThe generic format is: column_1 - test_specifier + printing_type. column_2 - site of the DSA the test is running against. column_3 - DSA the test is running against. column_4+ - columns_4 and beyond are specific to the test. test_specifier = repadmin_ | showrepl_ printing_type = INFO | ERROR | COLUMNSExample 1: \"repadmin /showrepl ad-server-22 /csv\" Output: showrepl_COLUMNS,Destination DSA Site,Destination DSA,Naming Context,Source DSA Site,Source DSA, ... showrepl_INFO,WestCoastSite,ad-server-22,\"DC=myfavoritecorp,DC=com\",EastCoastSite,DC-35,...Example 2: \"repadmin /showrepl down-dsa /csv file.csv\" Output To Screen (note redirect): Repadmin experienced the following error trying to resolve the DSA_NAME: down-dsa file.csv: repadmin_ERROR,-,-,Repadmin experienced the following error trying to resolve the DSA_NAME: down-dsaThis /csv mode works in conjunction with the lists of DSAs as well. See /listhelp for ways inwhich you can specify subsets of servers to target.
0x40000811csv 模式下没有帮助。列出帮助时,请勿使用“/csv”选项。如果需要 csv 模式的帮助,“repadmin /csvhelp”将会显示帮助。 There is no help in csv mode. Do not use the \"/csv\" option, when listing help.If you want csv mode help, \"repadmin /csvhelp\" will give you help.
0x40000812OBJ_LIST[%1!d!] = %2 OBJ_LIST[%1!d!] = %2
0x40000813DN: %1 DN: %1
0x40000814%1!d!+ %2: %0 %1!d!+ %2: %0
0x40000815(从不)%0 (never)%0
0x40000816复制摘要开始时间: %1!S! Replication Summary Start Time: %1!S!
0x40000817正在开始用于复制摘要的数据收集,此操作可能需要一段时间: ....%0 Beginning data collection for replication summary, this may take awhile: ....%0
0x40000818目标 DSA %1 最大增量 失败/总数 %%%% 错误 Destination DSA %1 largest delta fails/total %%%% error
0x40000819源 DSA %1 最大增量 失败/总数 %%%% 错误 Source DSA %1 largest delta fails/total %%%% error
0x4000081A尝试检索复制信息时遇到以下操作错误: Experienced the following operational errors trying to retrieve replication information:
0x4000081B%1!11d! - %2 %1!11d! - %2
0x4000081D找不到此 DN 对象: %1 Can not locate the object for this DN: %1
0x4000081E用户为 OBJ_LIST 提供的语法不正确。请参阅 repadmin /listhelp。 User provided a bad syntax for the OBJ_LIST please see repadmin /listhelp.
0x4000081F存在更多的值...%0 more values exist...%0
0x40000820删除分区 %1 的操作被优先级较高的操作取代。请再次执行删除分区操作。 Removal of partition %1 was preempted by higher priority work. Performing the removal of the partition again.
0x40000821作为 %1 重建的一部分,已将一个副本链接添加到新的源 %2。与该源的同步由于另一个分区中优先级较高的操作而被取代。请再次执行此同步操作。 As part of the rebuild of %1, a replica link was added to a new source %2. Synchronization with that source was preempted due to higher priority work in another partition. Performing the synchronization again.
0x40000822正在删除分区 %1... Removal of partition %1 is in progress...
0x40000823分区 %1 的完全同步正在进行。请耐心等待。此步骤在大的分区上可能需要几个小时。可以在另一个窗口中使用 repadmin /showreps /v 来监控完全同步的进程。 Full sync of partition %1 is in progress. Please be patient. This step may take many hours on a large partition. You can monitor the progress of the full sync using repadmin /showreps /v in another window.
0x40000824/dnslookup 允许查找 IP 地址。 /dnslookup Allows the lookup of an IP address.
0x40000825该命令允许管理员查看或修改 RODC 的密码复制策略。 /prp [ADDITIONAL_ARGS] 可以为以下项之一 view add delete move 对于 view、add 和 delete, 可以为以下项之一 rodc_name * 对于 move, 为 rodc_name [ADDITIONAL_ARGS] 依赖于 view: 该操作显示指定列表中的主体或显示指定主体的当前密码复制策略。 /prp view {|} 为以下项之一 auth2 - 已经过 RODC 身份验证的安全主体的列表 allow - 明确允许 RODC 复制密码的安全主体(或安全主体组)。 deny - 明确拒绝 RODC 复制密码权限的安全主体的列表(或安全主体组)。 reveal - 其当前密码已由 RODC 缓存的安全主体的列表(用户和计算机) 通常,允许和拒绝列表包含组 - 表示相关“列表”成员身份的任何组的 直属成员身份或嵌套成员身份。 add: 该操作将指定的主体添加到允许列表中。 /prp add allow delete: 该操作从 auth2/允许列表中删除指定的主体(或所有主体)。 /prp delete allow {|/all} /prp delete auth2 /all move: 该操作将 auth2 列表中的所有主体移动到指定的组中。如果此组不存在, 则创建此组。如果此组不在 RODC 的允许列表中,则添加此组。 /prp move [/noauth2cleanup] [/users_only|/comps_only] /noauth2cleanup - 默认情况下,执行 move 操作时将清理 auth2 列表。 使用此开关可以避免 cleanup。 /users_only - 只能将 auth2 列表中的用户对象移动到允许列表中。 /comps_only - 只能将 auth2 列表中的计算机对象移动到允许列表中。 This command allows an admin to view or modify the password replication policy for RODCs. /prp [ADDITIONAL_ARGS] can be either of view add delete move for view, add, and delete, can be either of rodc_name * for move, is rodc_name [ADDITIONAL_ARGS] depend on view: This operation displays the principals in the specified list or displays the current password replication policy for a specified principal. /prp view {|} is either of auth2 - the list of security principals which have been authenticated by the RODC allow - security principals (or groups of security principals) for which the RODC is explicitly allowed to replicate passwords. deny - the list of security principals (or groups of security principals) for which RODC is explicitly denied permission to replicate passwords. reveal - the list of security principals (users and computers) which have their current password cached by the RODC The allow and deny lists typically contain groups - direct or nested membership of any of the groups implies membership of the relevant \"list\". add: This operation adds the specified principal to the allow list. /prp add allow delete: This operation deletes the specified principal (or all principals) from the auth2/allow list. /prp delete allow {|/all} /prp delete auth2 /all move: This operation moves all the principals from the auth2 list to the specified group. If the group does not exist, it is created. If the group is not in the allow list of the RODC, it is added. /prp move [/noauth2cleanup] [/users_only|/comps_only] /noauth2cleanup - The auth2 list will be cleaned up by default when using the move operation. Use this switch to avoid the cleanup. /users_only - Only user objects will be moved from the auth2 list to the allow list. /comps_only - Only computer objects will be moved from the auth2 list to the allow list.
0x40000826RODC \"%1\": RODC \"%1\":
0x40000827允许列表(msDS-RevealOnDemandGroup): Allow list (msDS-RevealOnDemandGroup):
0x40000828拒绝列表(msDS-NeverRevealGroup): Deny list (msDS-NeverRevealGroup):
0x40000829Auth2 列表(msDS-AuthenticatedToAccountlist): Auth2 list (msDS-AuthenticatedToAccountlist):
0x4000082A显示列表(msDS-RevealedList): Reveal List (msDS-RevealedList):
0x4000082B对于 RODC“%1”,已从允许列表中删除所有值。 For RODC \"%1\", all values deleted from the allow list.
0x4000082C对于 RODC“%1”,已从允许列表中删除“%2”。 For RODC \"%1\", \"%2\" deleted from the allow list.
0x4000082D对于 RODC“%1”,允许列表为空,或在允许列表中不存在“%2”。 For RODC \"%1\", either the allow list is empty OR \"%2\" is not present on the allow list.
0x4000082E对于 RODC“%1”,已从 auth2 列表中删除所有值。 For RODC \"%1\", all values deleted from the auth2 list.
0x4000082F对于 RODC“%1”,已将“%2”添加到允许列表中。 For RODC \"%1\", \"%2\" added to the allow list.
0x40000830对于 RODC“%1”,允许列表中已存在“%2”。 For RODC \"%1\", \"%2\" is already present on the allow list.
0x40000831%1 %1
0x40000832主体的密码可能已复制到 RODC 上。 Principal's password can already replicate on to the RODC.
0x40000833拒绝列表上的主体。将不会添加到允许列表中。 Principal on the deny list. Won't be added to Allow.
0x40000834已成功将主体添加到允许列表中。 Principal successfully added to allow list.
0x40000835无法将主体添加到允许列表中。添加失败,发生 LDAP 错误: 0x%1!x! Principal could not be added to the allow list. Add failed with LDAP Error: 0x%1!x!
0x40000836已成功从 auth2 列表中删除主体。 Principal successfully deleted from auth2 list.
0x40000837无法从 auth2 列表中删除主体。删除失败,发生 LDAP 错误: 0x%1!x! Principal could not be deleted from auth2 list. Delete failed with LDAP Error: 0x%1!x!
0x40000838列表为空。 The list is empty.
0x40000839显示 DC 要与其源复制伙伴一致所需发布的入站复制请求。 太多并发复制伙伴、Active Directory 中对象的高更改率或 者 CPU 或网络带宽不足以复制此数据量都会引起系统开 机时间队列中项目数量的增长。 [语法] /queue [DSA_LIST] [示例] 以下命令目标是站点 HQ 中的所有 DC,它返回将要在每个 DC 上处理的入站复制请求的队列。 repadmin /queue site:HQ Displays inbound replication requests that the DC needs to issue to become consistent with its source replication partners. Growth in the number of items in the queue with system up time can be caused by too many concurrent replication partners, high change rates to objects in Active Directory, or insufficient CPU or network bandwidth for the amount of data being replicated. [SYNTAX] /queue [DSA_LIST] [EXAMPLES] The following command targets all DC's in the site HQ and returns the queue of inbound replication requests yet to be processed on each one. repadmin /queue site:HQ
0x4000083A触发将指定的目录分区立即从源域控制器复制到目标域控制器。 在删除可疑的故障条件之后测试复制是否成功,而无需等待 复制计划打开。 单标签主机名、完全限定的主机名或指定给域控制器的 NTDS 设置对象的对象 GUID 都可以引用源域控制器和目标域控制器。 可以从命令 repadmin /showrepl 的头获得 DSA 对象 GUID。 repadmin 计算机、目标域控制器和源域控制器必须在相关 连接对象使用的端口和协议上拥有网络连接。 [语法] /replicate [/force] [/async] [/full] [/addref] [/readonly] /force 覆盖 repadmin /options 所禁用的连接。 /async /full 将请求源域控制器重新复制指定分区的所有更改。UTD 和 HWM 矢量都会被重置。将不会删除目标域控制器上的延迟对象。 如果怀疑 USN 回退有问题,请勿使用。 /addref 启用源和目标之间的更改通知。 /readonly 当目标域控制器保留正被复制的分区的只读副本时使用。 [示例] 以下命令将 Contoso NC 从 source-dc01 复制到 dest-dc01 repadmin /replicate dest-dc01 source-dc01 DC=contoso,DC=com 以下命令将 Mayberry NC 从 source-dc01 复制到dest-dc01,并指定 该 NC 在目标上为只读 repadmin /replicate dest-dc01 source-dc01 DC=Mayberry,DC=contoso,DC=com /readonly Triggers the immediate replication of the specified directory partition to the destination domain controller from the source DC. Tests replication success after removing suspected fault conditions without waiting for the replication schedule to open. Source and destination domain controllers can be referenced by single-label hostname, fully qualified hostname or the object GUID assigned to a DC's NTDS Settings object. The DSA Object GUID can be obtained from the header of the command repadmin /showrepl . The repadmin computer, destination DC and source DC must have network connectivity over the ports and protocols used by the relevant connection object. [SYNTAX] /replicate [/force] [/async] [/full] [/addref] [/readonly] /force overrides connections disabled by repadmin /options. /async /full will request the source DC to re-replicate ALL changes for the specified partition. Both the UTD and HWM vectors are reset. Does not remove lingering objects on the destination DC. Do not use when USN Rollbacks are suspected. /addref enables change notification between the source and destination. /readonly is used when the destination DC holds a read-only copy of the partition being replicated [EXAMPLES] The following command will replicate the Contoso NC from source-dc01 to dest-dc01 repadmin /replicate dest-dc01 source-dc01 DC=contoso,DC=com The following command will replicate the Mayberry NC from source-dc01 to dest-dc01 specifying that the NC is readonly on the destination repadmin /replicate dest-dc01 source-dc01 DC=Mayberry,DC=contoso,DC=com /readonly
0x4000083B在具有共同目录分区的任何两个域控制器之间复制一个对象。 这两个域控制器没有复制协议(入站连接对象)。 可以使用 Repadmin /showrepl 命令显示复制协议。 [语法] /replsingleobj [示例] 以下命令触发将指定对象从 source-dc01 复制到 dest-dc01 repadmin /replsingleobj dest-dc01 source-dc01 cn=VPSales, ou=execs,dc=contoso,dc=com Replicates a single object between any two domain controllers that have common directory partitions. The two domain controllers do not have a replication agreement (inbound connection object). Replication agreements can be shown using the Repadmin /showrepl command. [SYNTAX] /replsingleobj [EXAMPLES] The following command will trigger replication of the object specified from source-dc01 to dest-dc01 repadmin /replsingleobj dest-dc01 source-dc01 cn=VPSales,ou=execs,dc=contoso,dc=com
0x4000083Creplsummary 操作快速简明地概述了林的复制状态和相对健康状况。 [语法] /replsummary [DSA_LIST] /bysrc /bydest /errorsonly [/sort:{ delta | partners | failures | error | percent | unresponsive }] delta: 自上次成功复制各个 DC 后,按时间对结果列表进行排序 partners: 按各个 DC 的复制伙伴编号对结果列表进行排序 failures: 按各个 DC 的伙伴复制失败编号对结果列表进行排序 error: 按各个 DC 的最后一次复制结果(即错误代码)对结果列表进行排序 percent: 按各个 DC 的伙伴复制失败百分比(失败/合计 * 100)对结果列表进行排序 unresponsive: 将结果列表分组为响应的 DC 和未响应的 DC。 [示例] 以下命令以林中的所有 DC 为目标,从每个 DC 中 检索摘要复制状态,先按源列出输出,然后按目标时间差别列 出目标并进行排序。 repadmin /replsum * /bysrc /bydest /sort:delta The replsummary operation quickly and concisely summarizes the replication state and relative health of a forest. [SYNTAX] /replsummary [DSA_LIST] /bysrc /bydest /errorsonly [/sort:{ delta | partners | failures | error | percent | unresponsive }] delta: sort results list by time since last successful replication for each respective DC partners: sort results list by the # of replication partners for each respective DC failures: sort results list by the # of partner replication failures for each respective DC error: sort results list by the last replication result (ie, error code) for each respective DC percent: sort results list by the partner replication failure percentage (failures/total * 100) for each respective DC unresponsive: group results list into responsive and unresponsive DC. [EXAMPLES] The following command will target all DC's in the forest to retrieve summary replication status from each, listing the output by source then destination and ordering by the largest time difference. repadmin /replsum * /bysrc /bydest /sort:delta
0x4000083D显示对象的属性。 /showobjmeta 显示对象上已更改属性的次数以及哪个 DC 进行 了这些更改,/showattr 命令显示对象的实际值 可以通过其 DN 路径或对象 GUID 引用对象 SHOWATTR 还可以显示命令行 LDAP 查询返回的对象的值。 默认情况下,showattr 使用 LDAP 端口 389 查询可写目录分 区,也可以使用 LDAP 端口 3268 查询全局编录的只读分区 [语法] /showattr [OBJ_LIST OPTIONS] [/atts:,...] [/allvalues] [/long] [/dumpallblob] std text 输入单个标签、完全限定的对象 GUID 或 DCLIST 参数。有关详细信息,请参阅 /VIEWLIST。 [OBJ_LIST OPTIONS] - 应该枚举其属性的对象 的 DN 路径或对象 GUID。当执行命令行 LDAP 查询时, 这将形成搜索的基本 DN 路径。括起来的 DN 路径引号中包 含空格(\" \")。 /atts: 仅返回指定属性的值。当用 \",\" 分隔时可以 显示多个属性的值 /allvalues 显示所有属性值。默认情况下,一个 属性只能显示 20 个属性值,除非 /long - 每个属性值显示一行 /dumpallblob 类似于 /allvalues,但只显示二进制属性值。 [示例] 使用其 DN 路径查询特定的 DC 并显示对象的所有属性。 repadmin /showattr hq-dc-01 \"cn=enterprise administrators, cn=users,dc=contoso,dc=com\" 使用其对象 GUID 查询特定的 DC 并显示对象的所有属性 repadmin /showattr hq-dc-01 \"\" 查询其计算机名以 HQ-DC 开头的所有 DC,并显示特定 属性 msDS-Behavior-Version 的值,该值表示域功能级别。 Repadmin /showattr hq-dc* \"DC=contoso,DC=com\" /atts:msDS-Behavior-Version 查询单个域控制器并对域(主组 ID = 516)中的所有域控制器 返回两个属性 OS 版本和 Service Pack 版本。 repadmin /showattr hq-dc-01 ncobj:domain: /filter:\" (&(objectCategory=computer)(primaryGroupID=516))\" /subtree /atts:operatingSystem,operatingSystemVersion,operatingSystemServicePack 查询林中所有全局编录(\"gc:\")的只读分区(\"/gc\"),看它们 是否包含由其对象 GUID 引用的特定对象的副本。对于 确定哪个 DC 复制了重要的更改或包含延迟对象非常有用。 repadmin /showattr gc: \"\" /gc Displays the attributes of an object. While /showobjmeta displays the number of times the attributes on an object have changed and which DC made those changes, the /showattr command shows the actual values for an object Objects can be referenced by their DN path or by object guid SHOWATTR can also display the values for objects returned by a command line LDAP query. By default, showattr queries writable directory partitions using LDAP port 389 can optionally query the read-only partitions of global catalogs using LDAP port 3268 [SYNTAX] /showattr [OBJ_LIST OPTIONS] [/atts:,...] [/allvalues] [/long] [/dumpallblob] std text Enter the single label, fully qualified, object GUID or DCLIST parameters. See /VIEWLIST for more info. [OBJ_LIST OPTIONS] - the DN path or object GUID of the object whose attributes should be enumerated. When performing a command line LDAP query, this form the base DN path for the search. Wrap DN paths containing spaces (\" \") in quotes. /atts: Return values for specified attributes only. Values for multiple attributes can be displayed when separated by a \",\" /allvalues displays all attribute values. By default only 20 attribute values are displayed for an attribute unless /long - displays one line per attribute value /dumpallblob Similar to /all values but for binary attribute values. [EXAMPLES] Query a specific DC and show all attributes for an object using its DN path. repadmin /showattr hq-dc-01 \"cn=enterprise administrators,cn=users,dc=contoso,dc=com\" Query a specific DC and show all attributes for an object using its object guid repadmin /showattr hq-dc-01 \"\" query all DC's whose computer names start with HQ-DC and show the value for a specific attribute, msDS-Behavior-Version, which denotes the domain functional level. Repadmin /showattr hq-dc* \"DC=contoso,DC=com\" /atts:msDS-Behavior-Version query a single domain controller and return two attributes, OS version and service pack revision, for all domain controllers in the domain (primary group ID = 516). repadmin /showattr hq-dc-01 ncobj:domain: /filter:\"(&(objectCategory=computer)(primaryGroupID=516))\" /subtree /atts:operatingSystem,operatingSystemVersion,operatingSystemServicePack Query the read-only partition (\"/gc\") of all global catalogs (\"gc:\") in the forest to see if they contain a copy of a specific object referenced by its object guid. Useful to determine which DC's have replicated an important change or contain a lingering object. repadmin /showattr gc: \"\" /gc
0x4000083E显示存储在 Active Directory 中指定对象的复制元数据, 如属性 ID、版本号、原始和本地更新序列号(USN)、原始 服务器的 GUID 以及日期和时间戳。 通过对比不同域控制器上同一对象的复制元数据,管理 员可以确定是否已发生复制或者添加了哪个 DC、以及 是否修改或删除了属性或对象。可以通过其 DN 路径、 ObjectGUID 或 SID 引用对象。具有空格的 DN 路径需要 括在引号中。 [语法] /showobjmeta [DSA_LIST] [/nocache] [/linked]\t /linked 将显示属性(如当启用 2003 FFL 时安全组\t 上的 \"member\")的元数据。\t [示例]\t 以下命令以其名称前缀带有字符串 \"dst\" 的所有 DC 为目标, 通过指定 DN 来请求复制对象的元数据。请注意,DN 路径两 边的引号包含空格。 repadmin /showobjmeta dst* \"CN=Joe Smith,OU=UserAccounts, DC=contoso,DC=com\" 以下命令以其名称前缀为字符串 \"dst\" (dst-01,dst-02...)的所 有 DC 为目标,并通过指定 DN 请求复制对象的元数据。 repadmin /showobjmeta dst* CN=Finance,OU=UserGroups,DC=contoso,DC=com /linked 以下命令以特定 DC 为目标,并通过指定 objectGuid 请求复制对象的 元数据。 repadmin /showobjmeta destdc01 \"\" 以下命令以特定 DC 为目标,并通过指定 objectSid 请求复制对象的 元数据。 repadmin /showobjmeta destdc01 \"\" Displays the replication metadata for a specified object stored in Active Directory, such as attribute ID, version number, originating and local Update Sequence Number (USN), and originating server's GUID and Date and Time stamp. By comparing the replication metadata for the same object on different domain controllers, an administrator can determine whether replication has taken place or which DC added, modified or deleted an attribute or object. Objects may be referenced by their DN path, ObjectGUID or SID. DN paths with spaces need to be wrapped in quotes. [SYNTAX] /showobjmeta [DSA_LIST] [/nocache] [/linked] \t /linked will display the metadata for attributes like \"member\" on \t security groups when 2003 FFL is enabled.\t [EXAMPLES]\t The following command targets all dc's which have a name prefixed with the string \"dst\" and requests the replication metadata for an object by specifying the DN. Note the quotes around the DN path containing spaces. repadmin /showobjmeta dst* \"CN=Joe Smith,OU=UserAccounts,DC=contoso,DC=com\" The following command targets all dc's which have a name prefixed with the string \"dst\" (dst-01,dst-02...)and requests the replication metadata for an object by specifying the DN. repadmin /showobjmeta dst* CN=Finance,OU=UserGroups,DC=contoso,DC=com /linked The following command targets a specific dc and requests the replication metadata for an object by specifying the objectGuid. repadmin /showobjmeta destdc01 \"\" The following command targets a specific dc requests the replication metadata for an object by specifying the objectSid. repadmin /showobjmeta destdc01 \"\"
0x4000083F显示指定的域控制器上次尝试入站复制 Active Directory 分区时 的复制状态。 为目标具有入站连接对象(按分区编组)的每个源 DC 报告状态。 SHOWREPL 帮助管理员理解复制拓扑和复制故障。 REPADMIN 控制台必须具有到 DCLIST 参数的所有目标 DC 的 RPC 网络连接。 复制错误可能由源 DC、目标 DC、DNS 或基础网络引起的。 与以前的版本不同,Windows Server 2003 和 2008 版本的 REPADMIN /SHOWREPL 不显示出站站点内复制伙伴。 使用 /repsto 参数可显示出站伙伴。 [语法] /showrepl [DSA_LIST [Source DSA object GUID]] [Naming Context] [/verbose] [/nocache] [/repsto] [/conn] [/all] [/errorsonly] [/intersite] [/csv] [naming context] 应该报告复制状态的目录分区的 DN 路径。 默认情况下,报告目标 DC 所包含的所有分区的复制状态。 /verbose 显示目标 DC 入站复制所在的源伙伴的附加信息, 包括完全限定的 cname、调用 ID、复制标志以及 USN OU 和 USN PU 值。 /nocache - 禁用 DC GUID 到友好名称的转换。 /repsto 列出目标 DC 出站复制的伙伴 DC,以使用更改通知 (即在同一 Active Directory 站点中的 DC,以及已启用 更改通知的远程站点中的 DC)。该列表附加在 repadmin 输出的 \"OUTBOUND NEIGHBOURS FOR CHANGE NOTIFICATIONS\" 下。 /conn 向 repadmin 输出附加 \"KCC CONNECTION OBJECTS\" 部分, 列出所有连接以及创建它们的原因 /all - 等同于 /repsto 和 /conn 选项 /errorsonly - 仅显示目标 DC 遇到复制错误的源域控制器的复制状态。 /intersite 显示 DCLIST DC 入站复制所在的站点外 DC 的连接复制状态 /csv 采用逗号分隔值格式对复制状态进行格式化,此格式可以在电子表格 (如 Microsoft Excel)中查看或由报告工具进行分析。 [示例] 采用 CSV 格式在林输出中报告所有 DC 的入站复制状态 repadmin /showrepl * /csv 当发生复制错误时,报告林中所有 DC 的入站复制状态。 repadmin /showrepl * /errorsonly 报告 \"HQ\" Active Directory 站点中所有 DC 的入站复制状态, 该站点入站复制 MAYBERRY.CONTOSO.COM 域分区的只读或可写副本。 repadmin /showrepl site:HQ DC=Mayberry,DC=Contoso,dc=Com Displays the replication status when specified domain controller last attempted to inbound replicate Active Directory partitions. Status is reported for each source DC that the destination has an inbound connection object from, grouped by partition. SHOWREPL helps administrators understand the replication topology and replication failures. The REPADMIN console must have RPC network connectivity to all DC's targeted by the DCLIST parameter. Replication errors may be caused by the source DC, destination DC, DNS or the underlying network. The Windows Server 2003 and 2008 version of REPADMIN /SHOWREPL do not display outbound intra-site replication partners as previous version did. Use the /repsto parameter to display outbound partners. [SYNTAX] /showrepl [DSA_LIST [Source DSA object GUID]] [Naming Context] [/verbose] [/nocache] [/repsto] [/conn] [/all] [/errorsonly] [/intersite] [/csv] [naming context] DN path of directory partition for which replication status should be reported. By default, replication status is reported on all partitions held by the destination DC. /verbose displays additional information about the source partners that the destination DC inbound replicates from, including fully qualified cname, invocation id, replication flags, USN OU and USN PU values. /nocache - disbles translation of DC guid to friendly name. /repsto lists partner DC(s) that the targeted DC(s) outbound replicates to using change notification (i.e. DC's in the same Active Directory site and DC's in remote sites where change notification has been enabled) This list is appended under \"OUTBOUND NEIGHBOURS FOR CHANGE NOTIFICATIONS\" of the repadmin output. /conn appends a \"KCC CONNECTION OBJECTS\" section to repadmin output listing all connections and why they were created /all - is equivalent to the /repsto and /conn options /errorsonly - displays replication status only for source domain controllers that the destination DC is encountering replication errors. /intersite displays the replication status for connections from out-of-site DC's that the DCLIST DC inbound replicates from /csv formats the replication status in comma-separated value format where it can be viewed in spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel or parsed by reporting tools. [EXAMPLES] Reports the inbound replication status for all DC's in the forest output in CSV format repadmin /showrepl * /csv Reports the inbound replication status for all DC's in the forest experiencing a replication error. repadmin /showrepl * /errorsonly Reports the inbound replication status for all DC's in the \"HQ\" Active Directory site that inbound replicate a read-only or writable copy of the MAYBERRY.CONTOSO.COM domain partition. repadmin /showrepl site:HQ DC=Mayberry,DC=Contoso,dc=Com
0x40000840显示提交的最高更新序列号(USN),Active Directory 的目标 DC 副本 将该序列号显示为其自身以及其可传递伙伴的提交。 最新的矢量(UTDVEC)显示通过以更改格式复制可以看到目标 DC 的最高 USN,该目标 DC 从其选定分区的直接和可传弟复制伙伴接收这些变化。 目标 DC 的请求更改从上次接收到的 USNchanged (来自给定源)开始。 给定源 DC 的所有 USN 号(并不是目标 DC 上的 USN 号)出现在该源的本 地 USN 上下文中。 本地计算机的 UTDvec 显示 DC 已经入站复制或起源的已提交的最高 USN。 /SHOWUTDVEC 输出列出当前和历史复制伙伴,包括可传递的复制伙伴。 通过将源和目标域控制器上来自 /SHOWUTDVEC 的 USN 值进行比较, 可以确定目标 DC 对于其源伙伴的最新程度。 如果当目标 DC 提交的 USN 比源 DC 高时运行 /SHOWUTDVEC,则也 可能会检测到 USN 回退 从其后紧跟源 DC 的目标 DC 中获得 /SHOWUTDEV 可获得最佳效果, 同时可以避免错误 USN 回退。 [语法] /showutdvec [/nocache] [/latency] 输入所需目录分区的 DN 路径。 /nocache 禁用 DC GUID 到友好名称的转换。 /latency - 对 UTDVEC 中的条目进行排序,从最旧到最新。 [示例] repadmin /showutdvec dc=contoso,dc=com repadmin /showudvec dc=mayberry,dc=contoso,dc=com /latency Displays the highest committed Update Sequence Number (USN) that the targeted DC's copy of Active Directory shows as committed for itself and its transitive partners. The up-to-dateness vector (UTDVEC) shows the highest USN that the destination DC has seen via replication in the form of changes it has received from its direct and transitive replication partners for the selected partition. Destination DC's request changes starting with the last received USNchanged from a given source. All USN numbers for a given source DC appear in the context of the local USN for that source not the USN numbers on the destination DC. The UTDvec for a local machine shows the highest committed USN that the DC's has inbound replicated or originated. /SHOWUTDVEC output lists current and historical replication partners, including transitive replication partners. By comparing the USN values from /SHOWUTDVEC on a source and destination domain controller, you can determine how up-to-date a destination DC is with it source partners. USN Rollbacks may also be detected if /SHOWUTDVEC is run when the destination DC has a higher committed USN than the source DC Obtain /SHOWUTDEV from destination DC's immediately followed by source DC's for best results and to avoid false USN Rollbacks. [SYNTAX] /showutdvec [/nocache] [/latency] Enter the DN path of the desired directory partition. /nocache Disables translation of DC GUID to friendly name. /latency - orders the entries in the UTDVEC from least current to most current. [EXAMPLES] repadmin /showutdvec dc=contoso,dc=com repadmin /showudvec dc=mayberry,dc=contoso,dc=com /latency
0x40000841将指定的域控制器与所有复制伙伴同步。 默认情况下,如果 namingcontext 参数中没有提供目录分区, 则该命令在配置目录分区上执行其操作。 [语法] /syncall [] [] 支持以下标志 /a\t如果任何服务器都不可用,则终止。 /A\t同步主服务器上包含的所有命名上下文。\t /d\t通过消息中的可分辨名称识别服务器。\t /e\t企业、跨站点。 /h\t打印此帮助屏幕。 /i\t无限期地重复。\t /I\t在路径中的每个服务器对上执行 showreps,而不执行同步操作。 /j\t只同步相邻服务器。 /p\t每个消息后暂停,以便让用户有机会中止操作。 /P\t从主服务器向外推出更改。 /q\t以安静模式运行,抑制回拨消息。 /Q\t以非常安静的模式运行,只报告致命错误。\t /s\t不进行同步。 /S\t跳过初始服务器响应检查。\t 默认情况下,/syncall 不会跨站点边界 [示例] 同步目标 DC 将同步其所有伙伴,包括跨站点伙伴,如果任何一个伙伴不可用, 则按 DN (而不是 GUID)显示伙伴并终止该命令。 repadmin /syncall dst-dc01 dc=contoso,dc=com /d /e /a Synchronizes a specified domain controller with all replication partners. By default, if no directory partition is provided in the namingcontext parameter, the command performs its operations on the configuration directory partition. [SYNTAX] /syncall [] [] The following flags are supported /a\tAbort if any server is unavailable.\t /A\tSync all naming contexts which are held on the home server.\t /d\tIdentify servers by distinguished name in messages.\t /e\tEnterprise, cross sites.\t /h\tPrint this help screen.\t /i\tIterate indefinitely.\t /I\tPerform showreps on each server pair in path instead of syncing.\t /j\tSynchronize adjacent servers only.\t /p\tPause for possible user abort after every message.\t /P\tPush changes outward from home server.\t /q\tRun in quiet mode, suppress call back messages.\t /Q\tRun in very quiet mode, report fatal errors only.\t /s\tDo not synchronize.\t /S\tSkip initial server response check.\t By default /syncall does not cross site boundaries [EXAMPLES] Synchronizes the target dc will all its partners including ones cross-site, displaying the partners by DN rather than GUID and aborting the command if any one partner is not available. repadmin /syncall dst-dc01 dc=contoso,dc=com /d /e /a
0x40000842触发将指定用户的密码从源(集线器 DC)复制到一个或多个只读 DC。 对于每个目标 RODC,将在请求成功之前评估该 DC 上用户密码的可缓存性。 如果特定 RODC 不允许缓存给定的用户密码,则该特定用户/目标 RODC 组合 的请求将失败。 [语法] /rodcpwdrepl [DSA_LIST] [ ...] [示例] 以下命令触发将指定的用户密码从 source-dc01 复制到名称前缀为 dest-rodc 的 DC。 repadmin /rodcpwdrepl dest-rodc* source-dc01 cn=JaneOh,ou=execs, dc=contoso,dc=com Triggers replication of passwords for the specified user(s) from the source (Hub DC) to one or more Read Only DC's. For each destination RODC the cacheability of the user(s) passwords on that DC will be evaluated before the request succeeds. If cacheability of a given users password is not permitted for a particular RODC the request for that specific user / destination RODC combination will fail. [SYNTAX] /rodcpwdrepl [DSA_LIST] [ ...] [EXAMPLES] The following command triggers replication of the passwords for the user specified from source-dc01 to DC with the name prefix dest-rodc. repadmin /rodcpwdrepl dest-rodc* source-dc01 cn=JaneOh,ou=execs,dc=contoso,dc=com
0x40000843这是 /replicate 的别名。 This is an alias for /replicate.
0x40000844这是 /ReplSummary 的别名。 This is an alias for /ReplSummary.
0x40000845这是 /ShowAttr 的别名。 This is an alias for /ShowAttr.
0x40000846Displays a list of commands for use by advanced users only. Displays a list of commands for use by advanced users only.
0x40000848/removelingeringobjects 删除延迟对象,即存储在 Active Dircetory 中 且已被引用 DC 看到、删除和垃圾收集的对象,但该对象会继续错误 地存在于直接或可传递复制伙伴 DC 上,它们在 tombstone 生存时间 (天)内没有对象删除的入站复制知识。 /removelingeringobjects Removes lingering objects - an object stored in Active Dircetory that has seen, deleted and garbage collected by a reference DC but continues to incorrectly exist on direct or transitive replication partners DC's that have not inbound replicated knowledge of the objects deletion within tombstone lifetime number of days.
0x40000849/add 此 add 命令将在目标域控制器上创建指定命名上下文的 RepsFrom 属性, 并启动一个复制请求。在正常复制循环期间,目标域控制器将从源域控制器中 请求更新。 /add The add command will create a RepsFrom attribute on the destination domain controller for the specified naming context and initiate a replication request. During a normal replication cycle, the destination domain controller will request updates from the source domain controller.
0x4000084A/mod 此 mod 命令将修改目标域控制器上指定命名上下文的 RepsFrom 属性, 并启动一个复制请求。在正常复制循环期间,目标域控制器将从源域控制器 中请求更新。 /mod The mod command will modify the RepsFrom attribute on the destination domain controller for the specified naming context and initiate a replication request. During a normal replication cycle, the destination domain controller will request updates from the source domain controller.
0x4000084B/delete 此 delete 命令将在目标域控制器上删除指定命名上下文的 RepsFrom 属性。 /delete The delete command will remove a RepsFrom attribute on the destination domain controller for the specified naming context.
0x4000084C/addrepsto 该命令将在域控制器上创建指定命名上下文的 Reps-To 属性。 通常,不需要执行该命令,原因是 KCC 将从其他 DSA 的 Reps-From 条目在目标 DSA 上自动创建 RepsTo 属性。 /addrepsto This will create Reps-To attribute on the domain controller for the specified naming context. Ordinarily there is no requirement to perform this command as the KCC will automatically create the RepsTo attributes on destination DSA's from other DSA's Reps-From entries.
0x4000084D/updrepsto 该命令将更新域控制器上指定命名上下文的 Reps-To 属性。 更具体地说,它更新源 DSA 用于联系目标 DSA 的网络地址。 /updrepsto This will update the Reps-To attribute on the domain controller for the specified naming context. More specifically it updates the network address used by the source DSA to contact the destination DSA.
0x4000084E/testhook 仅内部使用 /testhook Internal use only
0x4000084F/siteoptions 用于修改 NTDS 站点设置对象的 options 属性。 /siteoptions used to modify the options attribute of an NTDS Site Settings Object.
0x40000850/delrepsto Delrepsto 删除域控制器上指定命名上下文的 Reps-To 属性。 /delrepsto Delrepsto deletes the Reps-To attribute on the domain controller for the specified naming context.
0x40000851/options 修改 \"[DC]\" 参数的目标域控制器的 ntdssettings 对象。 /options Modifies the ntdssettings object of the domain controller targeted by the \"[DC]\"parameter.
0x40000852/rehost 指示全局编录丢弃其只读域分区的副本, 然后从包含该分区的可写副本的域控制器中执行 该分区的完全同步。 /rehost Instructs a global catalog to drop its copy of a read-only domain partition, then perform a full sync of that partition from a domain controller that contains a writable copy of that partition.
0x40000853/unhost 从 GC 中删除特定的只读分区 /unhost Remove a specific read-only partition from a GC
0x40000854/removesources 删除给定命名上下文的所有复制链接。 /removesources Removes all replication links for a given naming context.
0x40000855/rebuildgc 重新主持所有 GC 分区。 /rebuildgc Rehosts all the GC partitions.
0x40000856/bind 连接并显示域控制器的复制功能。 /bind Connects to and displays the replication features for a domain controller.
0x40000857/bridgeheads 列出充当指定站点的桥头服务器的域控制器。 /bridgeheads Lists the domain controllers acting as bridgehead servers for a specified site.
0x40000858/checkprop 对比指定域控制器的属性以互相确定它们是否最新。 /checkprop Compares the properties of specified domain controllers to determine if they are up to date with each other.
0x40000859/dsaguid 当给定一个 GUID 时返回服务器名称。 /dsaguid Returns a server name when given a GUID.
0x4000085A/istg 返回指定站点的站点间拓扑生成器(ISTG)服务器的计算机名。 /istg Returns the computer name of the Intersite Topology Generator (ISTG) server for a specified site.
0x4000085B/latency 使用 ISTG 保持活动状态时间戳显示复制之间的时间。 /latency Displays the amount of time between replications, using the ISTG Keep Alive time stamp.
0x4000085C/showscp 转储 GC 上的服务连接点。 /showscp dumps service connection points on a GC.
0x4000085D/replauthmode 修改或显示 ADAM 配置集正在使用的复制身份验证模式。 /replauthmode Modifies or displays the replication authentication mode in use by an ADAM configuration set.
0x4000085E/setattr 设置/修改属性的值。 /setattr Sets / modifies the value of an attribute.
0x4000085F/notifyopt 用于查看/更改指定目录分区的通知计时设置。 /notifyopt used to view / change the notification timing settings of a specified directory partition.
0x40000860/querysites 使用路由信息确定从一个指定站点到其他指定站点的路由开销。 /querysites Uses routing information to determine the cost of a route from a specified site to another specified site or sites.
0x40000861/regkey 启用和禁用位于 HKLM\\system\\ccs\\services\
tds\\parameters 下 的两个注册表项的值: \"Strict Replication Consistency\" \"Allow Replication With Divergent and Corrupt Partner\"
/regkey Enables and disables the values for two registry keys located under HKLM\\system\\ccs\\services\
tds\\parameters : \"Strict Replication Consistency\" \"Allow Replication With Divergent and Corrupt Partner\"
0x40000862/showbackup 通过读取每个目录分区的 NC 头的根上的 DSASignature 属性, 显示上次备份林中每个可写目录分区的日期、时间和域控制器。 /showbackup Displays the date, time and domain controller that last backed up each writable directory partition in the forest by reading the DSASignature attribute on the root of the NC head of each directory partition.
0x40000863/showcert 显示指定域控制器上加载的证书(与基于简单邮件传输协议(SMTP)的复制一起使用)。 /showcert Displays the certificates (used with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)-based replication) that are loaded on a specified domain controller.
0x40000864/showchanges 可以用于确定两个复制伙伴之间尚未复制的更改, 或跟踪它们之间已复制的更改统计信息。 /showchanges Can be used to determine which changes have not yet been replicated between two replication partners or track statistics for changes which have replicated between them.
0x40000865/showism 显示站点间消息服务计算的站点间消息传递路由。 /showism displays inter-site messaging routes calculated by the Inter-site Messaging Service.
0x40000866/showmsg 显示给定错误号码的错误消息字符串或显示给定目录服务事件的事件文本。 /showmsg Displays the error message string for a given error number or the event text for a given Directory Services Event.
0x40000867/showncsig 该命令显示已删除的应用程序分区 GUID 列表。 /showncsig This command displays a list of the removed application partition GUIDs.
0x40000868/showoutcalls DS 绑定缓存中条目的列表。 /showoutcalls A list of the entries in the DS Bind cache.
0x40000869/showproxy 列出跨域移动代理对象。当将对象从一个域移动 到另一个域时,标记仍然位于原始域中。该标记称为代理。 /showproxy Lists cross-domain move proxy objects. When an object is moved from one domain to another, a marker remains in the original domain. This marker is called a proxy.
0x4000086A/showtime 针对本地和协调世界时(UTC)时区,将目录服务时间 值转换为字符串格式。 /showtime Converts a directory service time value to string format for both the local and the Universal Time, Coordinated (UTC) time zones.
0x4000086B/showtrust 列出受指定的 Active Directory 域信任的所有 Active Directory 域。 /showtrust Lists all Active Directory domains that are trusted by a specified Active Directory domain.
0x4000086C/showvalue 显示类型、上次修改时间、原始域控制器 以及指定对象的可分辨名称的值。 /showvalue Displays the values of the type, last modified time, originating domain controller, and distinguished name of a specified object.
0x4000086D/viewlist 显示域控制器的列表。 /viewlist Displays a list of domain controllers.
0x4000086E/writespn 用于添加新的 SPN、删除或修改现有 SPN。 /writespn Used to add a new SPN or to delete or modify an existing SPN.
0x40000870/failcache 显示(KCC)注意到的复制故障列表。 /failcache Displays a list of replication failures that (KCC) is aware of.
0x40000871/showconn 显示指定域控制器的连接对象。默认值为本地站点 /showconn Displays the connection objects for a specified domain controller. The default is local site
0x40000872/showctx 显示已打开与指定域控制器的会话的计算机列表。 /showctx Displays a list of computers that have opened sessions with a specified domain controller.
0x40000873/showsig 显示域控制器上重试的调用 ID。当还原域控制器或其重新主持 应用程序分区时,域控制器更改其调用 ID。 /showsig Displays the retired invocation IDs on a domain controller. A domain controller changes its invocation ID when it is restored or when it rehosts an application partition.
0x40000874/sync [TODO] /sync [TODO]
0x40000875/propcheck [TODO] /propcheck [TODO]
0x40000876/getchanges [TODO] /getchanges [TODO]
0x40000877/showreps [TODO] /showreps [TODO]
0x40000878/showvector [TODO] /showvector [TODO]
0x40000879/showmeta [TODO] /showmeta [TODO]
0x4000087A删除延迟对象,即存储在 Active Directory 中且引用 DC 已看到、 删除和垃圾收集的对象,但该对象会继续错误地存在于直接或可 传递复制伙伴 DC 上,它们在 tombstone 生存时间(天)内没 有对象删除的入站复制知识。 运行 repadmin 的电脑可能已安装 Windows Vista 或 Windows Server 2008, 并且必须具有与 参数的所有目标域控制器的网络连接。 引用 DC 必须主持目录分区的可写副本,目标为删除延迟对象,并且 必须具有与 参数的所有目标域控制器的网络连接。 参数的目标 DC 可以主持目录分区的只读或可写副本, 目标为删除延迟对象。 在删除延迟对象期间, 参数的目标 DC 和全局编录继续 播发 ldap 请求并为该请求提供服务。 参数的目标引用 DC 和域控制器可能已安装 Windows Server 2003、 Windows Server 2003 R2 或 Windows Server 2008。 该命令没有域或林功能要求。 ADVISORY_MODE 是一种测试模式,它在目标域控制器的目录服务事件日志 中记录 NTDS 复制事件 1938、1946 和 1942,标识应该删除但实际未删 除的延迟对象。 在没有 /advisory_mode 开关的情况下运行 \"repadmin /removelingeringobjects\" 会删除延迟对象。在目标 DC 的目录服务事件日志中记录的 NTDS 复制事 件 1937、1945 和 1939 标识开始、结论以及从目录分区中删除的对象集。 从概念上来说,应将 中的 DC 看作是“坏”DC,你希望测试 该 DC 或从中删除延迟对象,并将 作为“引用”DC。 Microsoft 建议在删除延迟对象之前,启用严格复制一致性。 [语法] /removelingeringobjects [/ADVISORY_MODE] [示例] 以下命令将通过其 ObjectGUID 667f7037-8198-4357-8f15-8f709f04b6e2 指定 的 DC 用作参考,检查站点 HQ 中所有 DC 上的欧洲 NC,看是否存在延迟 对象。 /ADVISORY_MODE 将使事件写入到每个目标 DC 的目录服务事件日志中, 指出发现了多少延迟对象。 /removelingeringobjects site:HQ 667f7037-8198-4357-8f15-8f709f04b6e2 DC=europe,DC=contoso, DC=com /ADVISORY_MODE 以下命令使用通过 ObjectGUID 667f7037-8198-4357-8f15-8f709f04b6e2 指定 的 DC 在 DC dubdc03 上检查欧洲 NC 中的延迟对象并从中删除。 /removelingeringobjects 667f7037-8198-4357-8f15-8f709f04b6e2 DC=europe,DC=contoso,DC=com Removes lingering objects - an object stored in Active Directory that has seen, deleted and garbage collected by a reference DC but continues to incorrectly exist on direct or transitive replication partners DC's that have not inbound replicated knowledge of the objects deletion within tombstone lifetime number of days. The PC running repadmin may have Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 installed, and must have network connectivity to all domain controllers targeted by the parameter. The reference DC must host a writeable copy of the directory partition targeted for lingering object removal and have network connectivity to all domain controllers targeted by the parameter. DC's targeted by the parameter may host read-only or writeable copies of directory partition targeted for lingering object removal. DC's and Global catalogs targeted by continue to advertise and service ldap request during lingering object removal. The reference DC and domain controllers targeted by the parameter may have Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 installed. There are no domain or forest functional requirements for this command. ADVISORY_MODE is a test mode that logs NTDS Replication events 1938, 1946 and 1942 in the targeted domain controllers' directory service event log identifying the lingering objects that should be removed but does not actually remove them. Lingering objects are removed when \"repadmin /removelingeringobjects\" is run without the /advisory_mode switch. NTDS Replication events 1937, 1945 and 1939 logged on the target DC's directory services event log identify the start, conclusion and set of objects removed from a directory partition. You should conceptually think of DC's in the as the \"bad\" DC's that you want to test or remove lingering objects from and as the \"reference\" DC. Microsoft recommends enabling strict replication consistency before removing lingering objects. [SYNTAX] /removelingeringobjects [/ADVISORY_MODE] [EXAMPLES] The following command would check the Europe NC on all DC's in the site HQ for lingering objects using the DC specified by its ObjectGUID 667f7037-8198-4357-8f15-8f709f04b6e2 as reference. The /ADVISORY_MODE will cause events to be written to the Directory Service Event Log for each of the target DC's indicating how many lingering objects were found. /removelingeringobjects site:HQ 667f7037-8198-4357-8f15-8f709f04b6e2 DC=europe,DC=contoso,DC=com /ADVISORY_MODE The following command would check and remove lingering objects from the Europe NC on DC dubdc03 using the DC specified by ObjectGUID 667f7037-8198-4357-8f15-8f709f04b6e2. /removelingeringobjects 667f7037-8198-4357-8f15-8f709f04b6e2 DC=europe,DC=contoso,DC=com
0x4000087B此 add 命令将在目标域控制器上创建指定命名上下文的 RepsFrom 属性, 并且启动一个复制请求。在正常复制循环期间,目标域控制器将从源域 控制器中请求更新。 当创建复制伙伴之间的临时复制链接时,如果在执行该步骤时 KCC 启动, 则该过程可能会失败。KCC 将删除不存在相应连接对象的任何复制链接。 由于当触发相应命名上下文的复制时,完成这些命令需要非常长的时间, 因此确保 KCC 不干扰此过程非常重要。你可以在此处使用有效禁用 KCCÆs 功能的 +DISABLE_NTDSCONN_XLATE 将连接对象转换为复制链接。 [语法] /add [/asyncrep] [/syncdisable] [/dsadn:] [/transportdn:] [/mail] [/async] [/readonly] [/selsecrets] /asyncrep\t在将控制返回给用户之前,对复制事件进行排队,但不等待复制完成。 /syncdisable 添加 RepsFrom 属性,但不参与复制循环。若要在目标 和源域控制器之间执行复制,必须使用 repadmin /sync /force。\t /dsadn: /transportdn 内部站点消息传输的可分辨名称,仅用于基于邮件的复制\t /mail 指定该复制基于邮件,因此需要 /transportdn 选项 /async\t在不中断当前复制循环的情况下对添加/删除操作进行排队, 并将控制返回给用户。 /readonly\t指定分区为只读分区。 /selsecrets 用于指定目标 DC 为只读 DC。 必须通过完全限定的计算机名称指定源 DSA。 [示例] 以下命令将在来自另一个 DC 的 GC 上为只读 NC 创建临时复制连接。 必须通过完全限定的 DNS 名称来指定源 DC。repadmin /add DC=maybery,DC=contoso,DC=com /readonly 以下命令将在来自完全 DC 的只读 DC 上为配置 NC 创建临时复制连接。 必须通过完全限制的 DNS 名称来指定源 DC。repadmin /add cn=configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com rodc01 /readonly /selsecrets The add command will create a RepsFrom attribute on the destination domain controller for the specified naming context and initiate a replication request. During a normal replication cycle, the destination domain controller will request updates from the source domain controller. When creating temporary replication links between replication partners, the process could fail if the KCC starts while you are performing the procedure. The KCC will delete any replication links for which no corresponding connection object exists. Since these commands can take a very long time to complete as they trigger the replication of the corresponding naming context, it is important to ensure that KCC do not disturb the process. This is where you would use +DISABLE_NTDSCONN_XLATE which effectively disables KCC's capability to translate connection objects to replication links. [SYNTAX] /add [/asyncrep] [/syncdisable] [/dsadn:] [/transportdn:] [/mail] [/async] [/readonly] [/selsecrets] /asyncrep\tQueue the replication event, but do no wait for the replication to complete before returning control to the user.\t /syncdisable add the RepsFrom attribute but do not participate in the replication cycle. To perform replication between the destination and source domain controllers, repadmin /sync /force must be used.\t /dsadn: /transportdn the distinguished name of the Inter Site Message transport, only used for mail based replication\t /mail specify that the replication is mail based, therefore requires the /transportdn option /async\tQueue the add/delete operation without interrupting the current replication cycle and return control to the user.\t /readonly\tSpecify that the partition is readonly. /selsecrets Used to specify that the destination DC is a Read-Only DC. The source DSA must be specified by fully qualified computername. [EXAMPLES] The following command would create a temporary replication connection for a read-only NC on a GC from another DC. The source DC must be specified by fully qualified DNS name. repadmin /add DC=maybery,DC=contoso,DC=com childdc01 /readonly The following command would create a temporary replication connection for the configuration NC on a Read Only DC from a full DC. The source DC must be specified by fully qualified DNS name. repadmin /add cn=configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com rodc01 /readonly /selsecrets
0x4000087C此 mod 命令将修改目标域控制器上指定命名上下文的 RepsFrom 属性, 并启动一个复制请求。在正常复制循环期间,目标域控制器将从源域 控制器中请求更新。 [语法] /mod [/readonly] [/srcdsaaddr:] [/transportdn:] [+nbrflagoption] [-nbrflagoption] The mod command will modify the RepsFrom attribute on the destination domain controller for the specified naming context and initiate a replication request. During a normal replication cycle, the destination domain controller will request updates from the source domain controller.\t [SYNTAX] /mod [/readonly] [/srcdsaaddr:] [/transportdn:] [+nbrflagoption] [-nbrflagoption]
0x4000087D此 delete 命令将在目标域控制器上删除指定命名上下文的 RepsFrom 属性。 [语法] /delete [] [/localonly] [/nosource] [/async] The delete command will remove a RepsFrom attribute on the destination domain controller for the specified naming context. [SYNTAX] /delete [] [/localonly] [/nosource] [/async]
0x4000087E这将在域控制器上创建指定命名上下文的 Reps-To 属性。通常 不需要执行该命令,原因是 KCC 将在目标 DSA 上从其 他 DSA 的 Reps-From 条目中自动创建 RepsTo 属性。 [语法] /addrepsto [/selsecrets] This will create Reps-To attribute on the domain controller for the specified naming context. Ordinarily there is no requirement to perform this command as the KCC will automatically create the RepsTo attributes on destination DSA's from other DSA's Reps-From entries. [SYNTAX] /addrepsto [/selsecrets]
0x4000087F该命令将更新域控制器上指定命名上下文的 Reps-To 属性。 更具体地说,它更新源 DSA 用来联系目标 DSA 的网络地址。 [语法] /updrepsto [/selsecrets] This will update the Reps-To attribute on the domain controller for the specified naming context. More specifically it updates the network address used by the source DSA to contact the destination DSA. [SYNTAX] /updrepsto [/selsecrets]
0x40000880仅内部使用 /testhook [DSA_LIST] [{+|-}lockqueue] [{+|-}link_cleaner] [{+rpctime:,,|-rpctime}] [{+rpcsync:,|-rpcsync}] INTERNAL USE ONLY /testhook [DSA_LIST] [{+|-}lockqueue] [{+|-}link_cleaner] [{+rpctime:,,|-rpctime}] [{+rpcsync:,|-rpcsync}]
0x40000882Delrepsto 删除域控制器上指定命名上下文的 Reps-To 属性。 [语法] /delrepsto Delrepsto deletes the Reps-To attribute on the domain controller for the specified naming context. [SYNTAX] /delrepsto
0x40000883修改 \"[DC]\" 参数的目标域控制器的 ntdssettings 对象。功能包括 添加或删除全局编录 启用或禁用入站复制 启用或禁用出站复制 启用或禁用 KCC 连接转换 全局编录升级和降级由目标计算机目录服务事件日志中记录 的 NTDS 复制事件 1119 (GC 升级)和 1120 (GC 降级)标识。 当在禁用出站复制的情况下从源域控制器进行入站复制时, 发生目标域控制器日志错误 8456:“源服务器当前正在拒绝复制请求”。 当在禁用入站复制的情况下出站复制到目标域控制器时, 发生源域控制器日志错误 8457:“目标服务器当前正在拒绝复制请求”。 使用 /force 开关的 REPADMIN 复制和同步命令覆盖禁用的入站或出站复制。 DISABLE_NTDSCONN_XLATE 切换 KCC 将连接对象转换为复制 链接的功能。该开关通常与 \"repadmin /add\" 命令结合使用。 REPADMIN /options 支持 值,而不支持 \"[DC]\" 参数。 使用 \"repadmin /options \" 枚举或在 \"repadmin /showreps\" 头部枚举 当前功能或设置 [语法] /options [DC] [{+|-}IS_GC] [{+|-}DISABLE_INBOUND_REPL] [{+|-}DISABLE_OUTBOUND_REPL] [{+|-}DISABLE_NTDSCONN_XLATE] [示例] 显示目标 DC 上的当前选项集 repadmin options hub-dc01 指定主持全局编录的目标 DC repadmin /options hub-dc01 +GC 在 Active Directory 站点中的所有 DC 上禁用入站复制。 repadmin /options site:HQ DISABLE_INBOUND_REPL Modfies the ntdssettings object of the domain controller targeted by the \"[DC]\"parameter . Capabilities include Add or remove a global catalog Enable or Disable inbound replication Enable or Disable outbound replication Enable or disable KCC connection translation Global Catalog promotion and demotion is identified by NTDS Replication events 1119 (GC promotion) and 1120 (GC demotion) logged in the target computers Directory Service event log. Destination domain controller log error 8456: \"the source server is currently rejecting replication requests\" when inbound replicating from source domain controllers with outbound replication disabled. Source domain controllers log error 8457: \"the destination server is currently rejecting replication requests\" when outbound replicating to destination domain controllers with inbound replication disabled. REPADMIN replicate and sync commands with the /force switch overrides disabled inbound or outbound replication. DISABLE_NTDSCONN_XLATE toggles KCC's ability to translate connection objects into replication links. This switch is often used in conjunction with \"repadmin /add\" command. REPADMIN /options supports the values in place of the \"[DC]\" parameter. Current capabilities or settings are enumerated with \"repadmin /options \" or in the header of \"repadmin /showreps\" [SYNTAX] /options [DC] [{+|-}IS_GC] [{+|-}DISABLE_INBOUND_REPL] [{+|-}DISABLE_OUTBOUND_REPL] [{+|-}DISABLE_NTDSCONN_XLATE] [EXAMPLES] Display the current options set on the target DC repadmin options hub-dc01 Designate the target DC to host the global catalog repadmin /options hub-dc01 +GC Disable inbound replication on all DC's in an Active Directory site. repadmin /options site:HQ DISABLE_INBOUND_REPL
0x40000884/rehost 指示全局编录丢弃其只读域分区的副本,然后从包含 该分区的可写副本的 DC 中执行该分区的完全同步。 以 Windows 2000 和 Windows Server 2003 全局编录上的只读分区, 以及所有和只读 Windows Server 2008 全局编录的只读分区为目标。 对于在不支持首选 \"repadmin /removelingeringobjects\" 命令的 Windows 2000 全局编录的只读分区中删除延迟对象,或当可写 域分区只包含 Windows 2000 域控制器时,REHOST 非常有用。 无法用于目标 DC 主持可写副本的任何分区(架构、配置或可写域分区)。 例如, 中的 GC 可以重新主持其 的只读副本,但无法重新主持。 执行 /rehost 的计算机可能运行 Windows Vista 或 Windows Server 2008, 并且必须具有到在 \"DSA\" 参数中指定的域控制器的网络连接。单标签主机名 或完全限定的计算机名(首选)可以引用 \"DSA\" 参数中的目标计算机。 也支持 值。 建议使用企业管理员凭据。 /rehost 的目标全局编录必须安装 Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 或更高版本。 引用 DC 必须安装 Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 或更高版本, 并且具有到 \"DSA\" 参数的目标 GC 的网络连接。 任务时间由分区大小以及引用和目标计算机之间的链接速度决定。 在重新主持操作期间,全局编录继续“播发”并为 LDAP 请求提供服务,即使当 对林中的所有分区没有权威时也是如此。ITADMINS 应该考虑该服务对依赖于全 局编录一致性的本机模式域和应用程序的影响。 重新主持分区优先于取消选中和重新选中 GC 复选框,原因是可以从确定性的源 复制只读分区。 Microsoft 建议在重新主持只读域分区之前启用严格复制一致性。 请参见 \"repadmin /regkey\"。 [语法] /rehost DSA [/application] /rehost DSA [示例] repadmin /rehost root-dc01 /rehost Instructs a global catalog to drop its copy of a read-only domain partition, then perform a full sync of that partition from a DC that contains a writable copy of that partition. Targets read-only partitions on Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 global catalogs and read-only partitions of full and read-only Windows Server 2008 Global Catalogs. REHOST is useful for removing lingering objects in the read-only partitions of Windows 2000 global catalogs which do not support the preferred \"repadmin /removelingeringobjects\" command, or when the writable domain partition contains only Windows 2000 domain controllers. Cannot be used on any partition for which the target DC hosts a writable copy (schema, configuration or writable domain partition). For example, a GC in can rehost its read-only copy of but cannot rehost A computer executing /rehost may run Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 and must have network connectivity to domain controllers specified in the \"DSA\" parameter. Target computers in the \"DSA\" parameter may be referenced by single-label hostname or fully qualified computername (preferred). values are also supported. Enterprise administrator credentials are recommended. The global catalog targeted by /rehost must have Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 or later installed. The reference DC must have Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 or later installed and have network connectivity to the GC's targeted by the \"DSA\" parameter. Time to task is determined by partition size and link speed between the reference and target computers. Global catalogs continue to \"advertise\" and service LDAP requests during the rehost operation even when not authoritative for all partitions in the forest. ITADMINS should consider the service impact on native-mode domains and application which rely on global catalog consistency. Rehosting a partition is preferred over unchecking and rechecking the gc checkbox because the read-only partitions can be replicated from a deterministic source. Microsoft recommends enabling strict replication consistency before rehosting read-only domain partitions. See \"repadmin /regkey\". [SYNTAX] /rehost DSA [/application] /rehost DSA [EXAMPLES] repadmin /rehost root-dc01
0x40000885从 GC 中删除特定的只读分区。 [语法] /unhost DSA Remove a specific read-only partition from a GC. [SYNTAX] /unhost DSA
0x40000886删除给定命名上下文的所有复制链接。这不会删除连接对象,因此 KCC 将 根据需要按其常规循环构建新的链接。 [语法] /removesources DSA_LIST Removes all replication links for a given naming context. This does not delete the connection objects so the KCC will build new links on its regular cycle as required. [SYNTAX] /removesources DSA_LIST
0x40000887在全局编录上重新主持所有只读分区。 该命令禁用连接转换、启用严格复制一致性、丢弃所有现有只读分区,然后 轮流重新主持每个分区。完成时,启用连接转换。 在此过程期间,该 DC 不作为 GC 进行播发。 在只读 GC 上不支持该命令。 [语法] /rebuildgc DC Rehosts all the read-only partitions on a Global Catalog. This command disables connection translation, enables strict replication consistency, drops all existing read-only partitions and then rehosts each in turn. On completion connection translation is enabled. The DC does not advertise as a GC during this process. This command is not supported on Read Only GC's. [SYNTAX] /rebuildgc DC
0x40000888连接并显示域控制器的复制功能。 [语法] /bind [DSA_LIST] [SPN] Connects to and displays the replication features for a domain controller. [SYNTAX] /bind [DSA_LIST] [SPN]
0x40000889列出充当指定站点的桥头服务器的域控制器。 [语法] /bridgeheads [DSA_LIST] [/verbose] Lists the domain controllers acting as bridgehead servers for a specified site. [SYNTAX] /bridgeheads [DSA_LIST] [/verbose]
0x4000088A对比指定域控制器的属性,以相互确定它们是否最新。源域控制器包含需要 检查的原信息。将目标域控制器上的数据与源域控制器上的数据相比较。 [语法] /checkprop [DSA_LIST from which to enumerate host DSAs] Compares the properties of specified domain controllers to determine if they are up to date with each other. The source domain controller contains the original information that needs to be checked. The data on the destination domain controller is compared to the data on the source domain controller. [SYNTAX] /checkprop [DSA_LIST from which to enumerate host DSAs]
0x4000088B当给定 DSA GUID 时,返回服务器名称。 [语法] /dsaguid [DSA_LIST] [GUID] Returns a server name when given a DSA GUID. [SYNTAX] /dsaguid [DSA_LIST] [GUID]
0x4000088C返回指定站点的站点间拓扑生成器(ISTG)服务器的计算机名。 [语法] /istg [DSA_LIST] [/verbose] Returns the computer name of the Intersite Topology Generator (ISTG) server for a specified site. [SYNTAX] /istg [DSA_LIST] [/verbose]
0x4000088D使用 ISTG 保持活动状态时间戳,显示复制之间的时间间隔。 未在设置为 Windows Server 2003 林功能级别或更高版本 的林功能级别的林中使用 ISTG 保持活动状态时间戳。 在这些情况下,请使用 repadmin /showutdvec /latency。 [语法] /latency [DSA_LIST] [/verbose] Displays the amount of time between replications, using the ISTG Keep Alive time stamp. The ISTG Keep Alive time stamp is not used in forests that are set to Windows Server 2003 forest functional level or later. Instead, in those environments, use repadmin /showutdvec /latency. [SYNTAX] /latency [DSA_LIST] [/verbose]
0x4000088E转储 GC 上的服务连接点 /showscp [DSA_LIST] (必须指向一个 GC,请使用 \"gc:\" 显示全部) Dumps service connection points on a GC /showscp [DSA_LIST] (Must point at a GC, use \"gc:\" for all)
0x4000088F修改或显示 ADAM 配置集正在使用的复制身份验证模式。 [语法] /replauthmode [DSA_LIST] [] (仅 AD LDS) 可以是一个整数,也可以是其中一个 ADAM_REPL_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_*** 常量 Modifies or displays the replication authentication mode in use by an ADAM configuration set. [SYNTAX] /replauthmode [DSA_LIST] [] (AD LDS only) is either an integer, or one of the ADAM_REPL_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_*** constants
0x40000890设置、修改或删除属性的值。 [语法] /setattr [ ...] 为以下项之一 add delete replace deleteAll 可以是一个字符串参数,也可以是一个整数(十进制或十六进制) 或定义的量 Sets, modifies or deletes the value of an attribute. [SYNTAX] /setattr [ ...] is either of add delete replace deleteAll can be either a string literal or an integer (decimal or hex) or one of the defined constants
0x40000891用于查看/更改指定目录分区的通知计时设置。 必须以域命名主机 FSMO 为目标 仅支持 Windows Server 2003 或更高版本。 [语法] /notifyopt [DSA_LIST] [/first:] [/subs:] /first\t进行更改之后,在域控制器通知其第一个复制伙伴存在更改之前 的秒数。 /subs\t通知第一个复制伙伴存在更改之后,subs 参数指定在通知下一个 复制伙伴之前等待的秒数。 [示例] 查看给定分区的通知选项。 repadmin /notifyopt rootdc01 dc=contoso,dc=com Used to view / change the notification timing settings of a specified directory partition. Must be targeted at the Domain Naming Master FSMO Only supported against Windows Server 2003 or later. [SYNTAX] /notifyopt [DSA_LIST] [/first:] [/subs:] /first\tThe number of seconds after a change is made before the domain controller notifies its first replication partner that there is a change. /subs\tOnce the first replication partner is notified of a change, the subs parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait before notifying the next replication partner.\t [EXAMPLE] View the notification options for given partition. repadmin /notifyopt rootdc01 dc=contoso,dc=com
0x40000892使用路由信息确定从指定站点到其他指定站点的路由开销。querysites 参数 不允许使用其他凭据。在该命令中使用的相对可分辨名称区分大小写。 [语法] /querysites [ ...] (可能不能使用其他凭据调用) Uses routing information to determine the cost of a route from a specified site to another specified site or sites. The querysites parameter does not allow the use of alternate credentials. The relative distinguished names that are used in this command are case sensitive. [SYNTAX] /querysites [ ...] (may not be called with alternate credentials)
0x40000893启用和禁用位于 HKLM\\system\\ccs\\services\
tds\\parameters 下的两个注册 表项的值 \"allowDivergent\" || \"strict\" allowDivergent for \"Allow Replication With Divergent and Corrupt Partner\" 当 Windows Server 2003 域控制器没有在以前的 tombstone 生存时间(天) 内从任何源入站复制目录分区时,它记录 NTDS 复制事件 2042,然后将入 站复制与该源 DC 进行隔离。 事件 2042 表示可以通过将注册表中的 \"Allow Replication With Divergent and Corrupt Partner\" 的值更改为 1 对 复制解除阻止。 仅在检查延迟对象,以及删除它们(如果存在)之后,才能放松复制隔离。 \"repadmin /regkey - allowDivergent\" 提供一种在林中一个或多 个域控制器上放松 \"Allow Replication With Divergent and Corrupt Partner\" 的可靠方法。 [语法] repadmin /regkey [value [/reg_sz]] [示例] 在单个 DC 上设置 \"Allow Replication With Divergent...\" repadmin /regkey +allowDivergent 在所有 DC 上设置 \"Allow Replication With Divergent...\" repadmin /regkey GC: +allowDivergent 在所有 GC 上设置 \"Allow Replication With Divergent...\" repadmin /regkey * +allowDivergent strict for \"Strict Replication Consistency\" 确定当源域控制器为不在 Active Directory 的目标 DC 副本中的对象 发送更新(相对于创建对象)时,目标域控制器的行为方式。该行为表示 正在将延迟对象从源 DC 发送到目标 DC。 当启用严格复制一致性时,目标 DC 停止从源的入站复制,并记录 NTDS 复制事件 1388 和事件 1084,扩展错误“服务器上没有此 类对象”由源 DC 识别并尝试将延迟对象发送到目标。 当启用宽松复制一致性时,目标 DC 重新激活该 DC 发送的对象并允许继续 入站复制。 复制一致性的默认值由创建 Active Directory 林的方式决定。严格 复制一致性隔离延迟对象以便轻松删除,但需要监视调查。 \"repadmin /regkey +|- strict\" 提供一种在林中一个或多 个域控制器上配置 \"Strict Replication Consistency\" 值的可靠方法。 [语法] repadmin /regkey [value [/reg_sz]] [示例] 在林中的所有 DC 上启用严格复制一致性 repadmin /regkey * +strict 在林中的所有 GC 上启用严格复制一致性 repadmin /regkey gc: +strict 在林中的所有 DC 上禁用严格复制一致性 repadmin /regkey * -strict
Enables and disables the values for two registry keys located under HKLM\\system\\ccs\\services\
tds\\parameters \"allowDivergent\" || \"strict\" allowDivergent for \"Allow Replication With Divergent and Corrupt Partner\" When a Windows Server 2003 domain controller has not inbound replicated a directory partition from any source in the preceding tombstone lifetime number of days, it logs NTDS Replication event 2042, then quarantines inbound replication from that source DC. Event 2042 indicates that replication can be unblocked by modifying \"Allow Replication With Divergent and Corrupt Partner\" in the registry to a value of 1. This replication quarantine should only be relaxed after checking for lingering objects, and removing them if present. \"repadmin /regkey - allowDivergent\" provides a reliable method to relax \"Allow Replication With Divergent and Corrupt Partner\" on one or more domain controllers in a forest. [SYNTAX] repadmin /regkey [value [/reg_sz]] [EXAMPLE] set \"Allow Replication With Divergent...\" on a single DC repadmin /regkey +allowDivergent set \"Allow Replication With Divergent...\" on a all DC's repadmin /regkey GC: +allowDivergent set \"Allow Replication With Divergent...\" on a all GC's repadmin /regkey * +allowDivergent strict for \"Strict Replication Consistency\" Determines how a destination domain controller behaves when a source domain controller sends an update (as opposed to an object create) for an object that does not exist in the destination DC's copy of Active Directory. This behaviour is indicative of a lingering object being sent from the source DC to the destination dc. When strict replication consistency is enabled, the destination DC halts inbound replication from the source with and logs NTDS Replication events 1388, and Event 1084 with the extended error \"there is no such object on the server\" identify and attempt by the source DC to send a lingering object to the destination. When loose replication consistency is enabled, the destination DC reanimates the object sent by the DC and inbound replication is allowed to continue. The default value for replication consistency is determined by the how your Active Directory forest was created. Strict replication consistency quarantine lingering objects for easier removal but requires monitoring diligence. \"repadmin /regkey +|- strict\" provides a reliable way to configure values for the \"Strict Replication Consistency\" on one or more domain controllers in a forest. [SYNTAX] repadmin /regkey [value [/reg_sz]] [EXAMPLE] enable strict replication consistency on all DC's in forest repadmin /regkey * +strict enable strict replication consistency on all GC's in forest repadmin /regkey gc: +strict disable strict replication consistency on all DC's in forest repadmin /regkey * -strict
0x40000894通过读取每个目录分区的 NC 头的根上的 DSASignature 属性, 显示林中上次备份每个可写目录分区的日期、时间和域控制器 执行旧的或 VSS (卷快照服务)系统状态备份之后,DSASignature 属 性便会填充在 Windows 2003 Service Pack 1 和更新的域控制器上。 不报告只读分区的备份日期。 Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 之前的域控制器不更新 DSASignature 时 间戳。 执行及时备份失败由 NTDS 复制事件 2089 识别。 事件 2089 的备份事件阈值由注册表项 \"HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CCS\\Services\\NTDS\\Parameters\\Backup Latency Threshold (days)\" (reg_dword) 控制 默认值保守地设置为 TSL 的一半,但在产品环境中应该配置为 1 天。 在生成事件 1862、1863,、1864 的复制延迟检查期间,每天检查 1x 次备份频率。 有关详细信息,请参阅 MSKB 文章:;EN-US;914034 [语法] /showbackup [示例] repadmin /showbackup site:HQ Displays the date, time and domain controller that last backed up each writable directory partition in the forest by reading the DSASignature attribute on the root of the NC head of each directory partition The DSASignature attribute is populated on Windows 2003 Service Pack 1 and newer domain controllers after a legacy or VSS (Volume snapshot service) system state backup is performed. Backup dates are not reported for Read-only partitions. Domain controller prior to Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 do not update the DSASignature timestamp. Failure to perform a timely backup is identified by NTDS Replication event 2089. The Backup event threshold for event 2089 is controlled by the registry key \"HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CCS\\Services\\NTDS\\Parameters\\Backup Latency Threshold (days)\" (reg_dword) The default is conservatively set to half of TSL but should be configured to 1 day in production environments. Backup frequency is examined 1x per day during the replication latency check that generates events 1862, 1863, 1864. For more information see MSKB article:;EN-US;914034 [SYNTAX] /showbackup [EXAMPLES] repadmin /showbackup site:HQ
0x40000895显示在指定的目录服务器上加载的证书(与基于简单邮件传输协议(SMTP)的 复制一起使用) 。 [语法] /showcert [DSA_LIST] Displays the certificates (used with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)-based replication) that are loaded on a specified directory server. [SYNTAX] /showcert [DSA_LIST]
0x40000896可以用于确定两个复制伙伴之间尚未复制的更改,或者跟踪它们之间已 复制的统计信息或更改。 有两种语法。第一种语法可以用来对比随时间对目录分区所进行的更改。 此过程需要两个步骤。首先为该分区创建一个引用 cookie。然后使用 该 cookie 确定已经看到的更改。 将显示分区中的所有已更改属性以及已更新的 cookie。 第二种形式的语法确定已经从给定源 DC 复制到一个或多个目标 DC 的更改。 [语法] /showchanges . [/cookie:] [/atts:,,...] [/long] [ /showchanges [/verbose] [/statistics] [/noincremental] [/objectsecurity] [/ancestors] [/atts:,,...] [/filter:] [示例] 为 DC 上的给定分区创建一个引用 cookie repadmin /showchanges rootdc01 cn=configuration,dc=contoso,dc=com /cookie:config 确定自上次更新 cookie 以来所进行的更改。 repadmin /showchanges childdc01 cn=configuration,dc=contoso,dc=com /cookie:config 确定尚未复制到 rootdc01 的 CONTOSO 分区的更改 repadmin /showchanges rootdc01 2a9e3e32-531f-4c4f-9d95-e2e943aab7e0 dc=contoso,dc=com Can be used to determine which changes have not yet been replicated between two replication partners or track statistics or changes which have replicated between them. There are two syntaxes. The first could be used to compare changes made to a directory partition over time. This is a two step process. First a reference cookie is created for the partition. Then at a later date use the cookie to determine what changes have been seen. All changed attributes in the partition will be displayed and the cookie updated. The second form of the syntax determines what changes have yet to replicate from a given source DC to one or more destination DC's. [SYNTAX] /showchanges . [/cookie:] [/atts:,,...] [/long] [ /showchanges [/verbose] [/statistics] [/noincremental] [/objectsecurity] [/ancestors] [/atts:,,...] [/filter:] [EXAMPLES] Create a reference cookie for a given partition on a DC repadmin /showchanges rootdc01 cn=configuration,dc=contoso,dc=com /cookie:config Determine what changes have been made since the cookie was last updated. repadmin /showchanges childdc01 cn=configuration,dc=contoso,dc=com /cookie:config Determine what changes for the CONTOSO partition have yet to replicate to rootdc01 repadmin /showchanges rootdc01 2a9e3e32-531f-4c4f-9d95-e2e943aab7e0 dc=contoso,dc=com
0x40000897对于定位配置不正确的站点,SHOWISM 可能非常有用。该操作不能远程执行。 因为 KCC 在分析站点间链接和连接的整个过程中运行,因此它必须查询 ISM 服务以检索有关网络配置的数据,以便作出有关更改路由的明智决定。 [语法] /showism [] [/verbose] (must be executed locally) SHOWISM can very useful for locating improperly configured sites. This operation cannot be executed remotely. As the KCC runs through the progressions of analyzing inter-site site links and connections, it must query the ISM service to retrieve data about the network configuration to make intelligent decisions about routing changes. [SYNTAX] /showism [] [/verbose] (must be executed locally)
0x40000898显示给定错误号码的错误消息字符串或显示给定目录服务事件 ID 的事件文本。 [语法] /showmsg { | /NTDSMSG} Displays the error message string for a given error number or the event text for a given Directory Services Event id. [SYNTAX] /showmsg { | /NTDSMSG}
0x40000899每个域控制器维护一个目录分区签名列表。该命令显示已删除应用程序 分区 GUID 的列表。可以使用 ntdsutil (针对 Active Directory)将 应用程序目录分区配置为特定域控制器上包含或不包含此分区。 [语法] /showncsig [DSA_LIST] Each domain controller maintains a directory partition signature list. This command displays a list of the removed application partition GUIDs. An application directory partition can be configured to be held or not held on a particular domain controller using ntdsutil (for Active Directory). [SYNTAX] /showncsig [DSA_LIST]
0x4000089ADS 绑定缓存中的条目列表。存在传出调用。 [语法] /showoutcalls [DSA_LIST] A list of the entries in the DS Bind cache. These are outgoing calls. [SYNTAX] /showoutcalls [DSA_LIST]
0x4000089B列出跨域移动代理对象。当将对象从一个域移动到另一个域时,标记仍然位于 原始域中。该标记称为代理。 [语法] /showproxy [DSA_LIST] [Naming Context] [matchstring] (搜索 xdommove 代理) /showproxy [DSA_LIST] [Object DN] [matchstring] /movedobject (转储 xdommoved 对象) Lists cross-domain move proxy objects. When an object is moved from one domain to another, a marker remains in the original domain. This marker is called a proxy. [SYNTAX] /showproxy [DSA_LIST] [Naming Context] [matchstring] (search xdommove proxies) /showproxy [DSA_LIST] [Object DN] [matchstring] /movedobject (dump xdommoved object)
0x4000089C针对本地和协调世界时(UTC)时区,将目录服务时间值转换为字符串格式。 [语法] /showtime Converts a directory service time value to string format for both the local and the Universal Time, Coordinated (UTC) time zones. [SYNTAX] /showtime
0x4000089D列出指定 Active Directory 域信任的所有 Active Directory 域。 [语法] /showtrust [DSA_LIST] Lists all Active Directory domains that are trusted by a specified Active Directory domain. [SYNTAX] /showtrust [DSA_LIST]
0x4000089E显示类型、上次修改时间、原始目录服务器以及指定对象的可分辨名称的值。 [语法] /showvalue [DSA_LIST] [Attribute Name] [Value DN] [/nocache] Displays the values of the type, last modified time, originating directory server, and distinguished name of a specified object. [SYNTAX] /showvalue [DSA_LIST] [Attribute Name] [Value DN] [/nocache]
0x4000089F显示域控制器的列表。 [语法] /viewlist [OBJ_LIST] Displays a list of domain controllers. [SYNTAX] /viewlist [OBJ_LIST]
0x400008A0用于添加新的 SPN、删除或修改现有的 SPN。 [语法] /writespn [DSA_LIST] Used to add a new SPN or to delete or modify an existing SPN. [SYNTAX] /writespn [DSA_LIST]
0x400008A2显示知识一致性检查器(KCC)注意到的复制故障列表。从林中每个 ISTG 域 控制器的控制台中运行该命令,以发现该 ISTG 的站点中桥头的复制故障。 [语法] /failcache [DSA_LIST] Displays a list of replication failures that Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is aware of. Run this command from the console of each ISTG domain controller in the forest to discover replication failures for bridgeheads in the site for that ISTG. [SYNTAX] /failcache [DSA_LIST]
0x400008A3显示指定域控制器的连接对象。默认值是本地站点。 [语法] /showconn [DSA_LIST] {serverRDN | Container DN | } [/from:serverRDN] [/intersite] (default is local site) Displays the connection objects for a specified domain controller. The default is local site. [SYNTAX] /showconn [DSA_LIST] {serverRDN | Container DN | } [/from:serverRDN] [/intersite] (default is local site)
0x400008A4显示已打开与指定域控制器的会话的计算机列表。 [语法] /showctx [DSA_LIST] [/nocache] Displays a list of computers that have opened sessions with a specified domain controller. [SYNTAX] /showctx [DSA_LIST] [/nocache]
0x400008A5显示域控制器上的重试调用 ID。当还原目录服务器或其重新主持应用程序 分区时,目录服务器会更改其调用 ID。 [语法] /showsig [DSA_LIST] Displays the retired invocation IDs on a domain controller. A directory server changes its invocation ID when it is restored or when it rehosts an application partition. [SYNTAX] /showsig [DSA_LIST]
0x400008AB显示存储在 Active Directory 中指定对象的复制元数据,如属性 ID、 版本号、原始和本地更新序列号(USN)、原始服务器的 GUID 以及日期和时间戳 /showmeta [DC] [/nocache] [/linked] Displays the replication metadata for a specified object stored in Active Directory, such as attribute ID, version number, originating and local Update Sequence Number (USN), and originating server's GUID and Date and Time stamp /showmeta [DC] [/nocache] [/linked]
0x400008AC没有此类 subcommand。请使用 /? 获得帮助。 No such subcommand. Please use /? for help.
0x400008AD/kcc 强制目标域控制器上的 KCC 立即重新计算其入站复制拓扑。 /kcc Forces the KCC on targeted domain controller(s) to immediately recalculate its inbound replication topology.
0x400008AE/prp 该命令允许管理员查看或修改 RODC 的密码复制策略。 /prp This command allows an admin to view or modify the password replication policy for RODCs.
0x400008AF/queue 显示 DC 要与其源复制伙伴一致所需发布的入站复制请求。 /queue Displays inbound replication requests that the DC needs to issue to become consistent with its source replication partners.
0x400008B0/replicate 触发将指定的目录分区立即从源 DC 复制到目标域控制器。 /replicate Triggers the immediate replication of the specified directory partition to the destination domain controller from the source DC.
0x400008B1/replsingleobj 在具有公共目录分区的任何两个域控制器之间复制单个对象。 /replsingleobj Replicates a single object between any two domain controllers that have common directory partitions.
0x400008B2/replsummary replsummary 操作快速简明地概述林的复制状态和相对健康状况。 /replsummary The replsummary operation quickly and concisely summarizes the replication state and relative health of a forest.
0x400008B3/showattr 显示对象的属性。 /showattr Displays the attributes of an object.
0x400008B4/showobjmeta 显示存储在 Active Directory 中的指定对象的复制元数据, 如属性 ID、版本号、原始和本地更新序列号(USN)、原始服务器的 GUID 以及日期和时间戳。 /showobjmeta Displays the replication metadata for a specified object stored in Active Directory, such as attribute ID, version number, originating and local Update Sequence Number (USN), and originating server's GUID and Date and Time stamp.
0x400008B5/showrepl 当指定的域控制器上次尝试入站复制 Active Directory 分区时显示复制状态。 /showrepl Displays the replication status when specified domain controller last attempted to inbound replicate Active Directory partitions.
0x400008B6/showutdvec 显示提交的最高更新序列号(USN),其中 Active Directory 的目标 DC 副本 显示为其自身以及其可传递伙伴的提交。 /showutdvec displays the highest committed Update Sequence Number (USN) that the targeted DC's copy of Active Directory shows as committed for itself and its transitive partners.
0x400008B7/syncall 将指定的域控制器与所有复制伙伴同步。 /syncall Synchronizes a specified domain controller with all replication partners.
0x400008B8/rodcpwdrepl 触发将指定用户的密码从源(集线器 DC)复制到一个或多个只读 DC。 /rodcpwdrepl Triggers replication of passwords for the specified user(s) from the source (Hub DC) to one or more Read Only DC's.
0x400008BA允许查找 IP 地址。使用标志控制是否应该刷新解析器缓存 [语法] /dnslookup /alias /dnslookup 其中 DnsReslFlags 为以下项的组合 DNSRESL_FLUSH_CACHE (0x1) DNSRESL_FLUSH_CACHE_ON_ERROR (0x2) DNSRESL_GET_IPV4_ONLY (0x4) DNSRESL_GET_IPV6_ONLY (0x8) DNSRESL_PREFER_IPV4 (0x10)\t 注意,如果未指定,默认值为标志 0x2 DNSRESL_FLUSH_CACHE 在发布查找之前刷新解析器缓存 DNSRESL_FLUSH_CACHE_ON_ERROR 如果存在 DNS 查找错误,则刷新解析器缓存, 并重试该查找。 如果发生了第二个错误,则将返回该项。 DNSRESL_GET_IPV6_ONLY 只返回 IP V6 地址 DNSRESL_PREFER_IPV4 显示返回的地址,IP V4 位于列表顶部。 默认值是 IP V6,位于列表顶部。 [示例]刷新解析器缓存并查找 CNAME,首先返回 IPV4 地址。 repadmin /dnslookup 0x13 Allows the lookup of an IP address. Flags are used to control whether the resolver cache should be flushed [SYNTAX] /dnslookup /alias /dnslookup where DnsReslFlags are combinations of DNSRESL_FLUSH_CACHE (0x1) DNSRESL_FLUSH_CACHE_ON_ERROR (0x2) DNSRESL_GET_IPV4_ONLY (0x4) DNSRESL_GET_IPV6_ONLY (0x8) DNSRESL_PREFER_IPV4 (0x10)\t NOTE flag 0x2 is default if not specified DNSRESL_FLUSH_CACHE flushes the resolver cache before issuing the lookup DNSRESL_FLUSH_CACHE_ON_ERROR flushes the resolver cache if there is a DNS lookup error and retries the lookup. If a second error occurs that would be returned. DNSRESL_GET_IPV6_ONLY returns only IP V6 addresses DNSRESL_PREFER_IPV4 displays the returned address with IP V4 at the top of the list. Default is IP V6 at the top of the list. [EXAMPLE]Flushes the resolver cache & looks up a CNAME and returns the IPV4 address(es)first. repadmin /dnslookup 0x13
0x400008BB强制目标域控制器上的 KCC 立即重新计算其入站复制拓扑。 默认情况下,每个 DC 每 15 分钟执行一次此重新计算。 删除可疑的故障条件之后,运行该命令以排除 KCC 错误,或“激活”新创建的 手动连接对象。 [语法] /kcc [DSA_LIST] [/async] [示例] 以下命令以站点 HQ 中的所有 DC 为目标并触发 KCC 在每个 DC 上运行。 repadmin /kcc site:HQ Forces the KCC on targeted domain controller(s) to immediately recalculate its inbound replication topology. By default, each DC performs this recalculation every 15 minutes. Run this command to troubleshoot KCC errors after removing suspected fault conditions, or to \"activate\" newly created manual connection objects. [SYNTAX] /kcc [DSA_LIST] [/async] [EXAMPLES] The following command targets all DC's in the site HQ and triggers the KCC to run on each one. repadmin /kcc site:HQ
0x400008BC该命令允许管理员查看或修改 RODC 的密码复制策略。\t[语法] /prp [ADDITIONAL_ARGS] 可以是以下操作之一 view add delete move 对于 view、add 和 delete, 可以是以下值之一 rodc_name * 对于 move, 为 rodc_name [ADDITIONAL_ARGS] 取决于 view: 该操作显示指定列表中的主体或显示指定用户的当前密码复制策略。 /prp view {|} 可以是以下值之一 auth2 - 已由 RODC 进行身份验证的安全主体列表 reveal - 其当前密码已由 RODC 缓存的安全主体(用户和计算机)列表 allow - 在与指定的 RODC 关联的属性 msds-revealondemandgroup 中明确列出的安全主体。 此 RODC 只允许缓存该“列表”的“成员”密码 deny - 在与 RODC 关联的属性 msds-neverrevealgroup 中明确列出的安全主体。 此 RODC 不允许缓存此“列表”的“成员”密码 通常,允许和拒绝列表包含组。其中任何一个组的直接或嵌套成员身份都 表示相关“列表”的成员身份。 add: 该操作向“允许列表” - 与 RODC 关联的 msds-revealondemandgroup 属性中添加指定的主体。 /prp add allow delete: 该操作从 auth2/allow 列表中删除指定的主体(或所有主体)。 /prp delete allow {|/all} /prp delete auth2 /all move: 该操作将所有主体从 auth2 列表中移动到指定的组中。 如果该组不存在,则会创建该组。如果该组不在 RODC 的允许列表中, 则添加该组。 /prp move [/noauth2cleanup] [/users_only|/comps_only] /noauth2cleanup - 当使用 move 操作时,默认情况下将清除 auth2 列表。 使用此开关可避免清除。 /users_only - 只将用户对象从 auth2 列表中移动到允许列表中。 /comps_only - 只将计算机对象从 auth2 列表中移动到允许列表中。 注意: 通常,/prp 命令会在“所有”Windows Server 2008 DC (而不是一个 RODC)上执行。 [示例] 以下命令将列出其密码当前缓存在指定 DC 上的用户。 repadmin /prp view br1-rodc01 reveal 以下命令将允许将指定用户的密码缓存在指定的 DC 上。 repadmin /prp add br1-rodc1 allow cn=br1-cachable,ou=user-groups,dc=contoso,dc=com This command allows an admin to view or modify the password replication policy for RODCs. \t[SYNTAX] /prp [ADDITIONAL_ARGS] can be either of view add delete move for view, add, and delete, can be either of rodc_name * for move, is rodc_name [ADDITIONAL_ARGS] depend on view: This operation displays the principals in the specified list or displays the current password replication policy for a specified user. /prp view {|} is either of auth2 - the list of security principals which have been authenticated by the RODC reveal - the list of security principals (users and computers) which have their current password cached by the RODC allow - security principals explicitly listed in the attribute msds-revealondemandgroup associated with the RODC specified. The RODC is only permitted to cache passwords for \"members\" of this \"list\" deny - security principals explicitly listed in the attribute msds-neverrevealgroup associated with the RODC. The RODC is not permitted to cache passwords for \"members\" of this \"list\" The allow and deny lists typically contain groups. Direct or nested membership of any of the groups implies membership of the relevant \"list\". add: This operation adds the specified principal to the \"allow list\" - msds-revealondemandgroup attribute associated with the RODC. /prp add allow delete: This operation deletes the specified principal (or all principals) from the auth2/allow list. /prp delete allow {|/all} /prp delete auth2 /all move: This operation moves all the principals from the auth2 list to the specified group. If the group does not exist, it is created. If the group is not in the allow list of the RODC, it is added. /prp move [/noauth2cleanup] [/users_only|/comps_only] /noauth2cleanup - The auth2 list will be cleaned up by default when using the move operation. Use this switch to avoid the cleanup. /users_only - Only user objects will be moved from the auth2 list to the allow list. /comps_only - Only computer objects will be moved from the auth2 list to the allow list. Note: typically the /prp command will be executed on a \"Full\" Windows Server 2008 DC rather than an RODC. [EXAMPLE] The following command would list the users whose password are currently cached on the specified dc. repadmin /prp view br1-rodc01 reveal The following command would allow the specified user's password to be cached on the specified dc. repadmin /prp add br1-rodc1 allow cn=br1-cachable,ou=user-groups,dc=contoso,dc=com
0x40000C10林 GUID: %1 Forest GUID: %1
0x40000C11林 GUID: (无) Forest GUID: (none)
0x40000C12已从整体 DC %3 中成功复制只读 DC %2 上用户 %1 的机密。 Successfully replicated secrets for user %1 on read-only DC %2 from full DC %3.
0x40000C13服务器错误: %1 Server Error: %1
0x40000C14无法从整体 DC %3 中复制只读 DC %2 上用户 %1 的机密。错误: %4 (%5!d!) Unable to replicate secrets for user %1 on read-only DC %2 from full DC %3.Error: %4 (%5!d!)
0x40000C15无法从整体 DC %3 中复制只读 DC %2 上用户 %1 的机密。该错误的原因为下列之一:* 调用程序在以上只读 DC 上没有“机密同步”控制访问权限。* 以上用户为安全敏感用户,该用户不能使机密复制到任何只读 DC。* 以上用户不是与以上只读 DC 关联的 RevealOnDemand 组的成员。* 以上用户是与以上只读 DC 关联的 NeverReveal 组的成员。 Unable to replicate secrets for user %1 on read-only DC %2 from full DC %3.The cause of this error is due to one of the following:* The caller does not have the \"Secret Synchronization\" control access right on the read-only DC above.* The user above is a security sensitive user that cannot have secrets replicated to any read-only DC.* The user above is not a member of the RevealOnDemand group associated with the read-only DC above.* The user above is a member of the NeverReveal group associated with the read-only DC above.
0x40000C24此操作会将所有用户安全主体从只读域控制器的 Auth2 列表移至允许列表。是否要继续? (yes/no): This operation will move all user security principals from the Auth2 list of the RODC to the Allow list.Do you wish to continue? (yes/no):
0x40000C25此操作会将所有计算机安全主体从只读域控制器的 Auth2 列表移至允许列表。是否要继续? (yes/no): This operation will move all the computer security principals from the Auth2 list of the RODC to the Allow list.Do you wish to continue? (yes/no):
0x40000C26此操作会将所有安全主体从只读域控制器的 Auth2 列表移至允许列表。是否要继续? (yes/no): This operation will move all the security principals from the Auth2 list of the RODC to the Allow list.Do you wish to continue? (yes/no):
0x40000C27此操作会将所有用户安全主体从只读域控制器的 Auth2 列表添加到允许列表。是否要继续? (yes/no): This operation will add all user security principals from the Auth2 list of the RODC to the Allow list.Do you wish to continue? (yes/no):
0x40000C28此操作会将所有计算机安全主体从只读域控制器的 Auth2 列表添加到允许列表。是否要继续? (yes/no): This operation will add all the computer security principals from the Auth2 list of the RODC to the Allow list.Do you wish to continue? (yes/no):
0x40000C29此操作会将所有安全主体从只读域控制器的 Auth2 列表添加到允许列表。是否要继续? (yes/no): This operation will add all the security principals from the Auth2 list of the RODC to the Allow list.Do you wish to continue? (yes/no):
0x40000C2A主体 %1 处于 RODC 的允许列表中。 Principal %1 is in the RODC's Allow list.
0x40000C2B主体 %1 处于 RODC 的拒绝列表中。 Principal %1 is in the RODC's Deny list.
0x40000C2C主体 %1 既不在 RODC 的允许列表中,也不在 RODC 的拒绝列表中。 Principal %1 is neither in the RODC's Allow list nor Deny list.
0x40000C2D执行请求的操作 0x%1!x! 时遇到错误。 An error was encountered while performing the requested operation: 0x%1!x!.
0x40000C2E扩展错误信息:%1 Extended error information:%1
0x40000C32指定的组 %1 不存在。此操作将在默认的用户容器中创建此组,并将此组添加到只读域控制器的允许列表中。是否要继续? (yes/no): The specified group %1 does not exist. This operation will create this group in the default Users container and add the group to the RODC's Allow list.Do you wish to continue? (yes/no):
0x40000C33如果指定的组 %1 不在只读域控制器的允许列表中,此操作会将此组添加到允许列表中。是否要继续? (yes/no): If the specified group %1 is not in the RODCs's Allow list, this operation will add this group to the Allow list.Do you wish to continue? (yes/no):
0x40000C3ARepadmin: 针对所有 DC %2 运行命令 %1 Repadmin: running command %1 against full DC %2
0x40000C3BRepadmin: 针对只读 DC %2 运行命令 %1 Repadmin: running command %1 against read-only DC %2
0x40000C42在可写域控制器 %2 上修改只读域控制器 %1 的选项。 Modifying options for RODC %1 on writable DC %2.
0x40000C43无法加载资源字符串。 Unable to load resource string.
0x800007D0未使用 Unused
0x800007DC下列标志不可修改: %1 The following flags are not modifiable: %1
0x800007DD注意: 对可写 DSA 的复制操作仍处于禁用状态。 NOTE: Replication on writable DSAs has been left disabled.
0x800007DEDN 丢失! DN is missing!
0x800007DF(%1!d!) (%1!d!)
0x800007E0警告: 未作为全局编录进行播发。 WARNING: Not advertising as a global catalog.
0x800007E1******* 警告: 发生错误,KCC 无法添加此副本链接。 ******* WARNING: KCC could not add this REPLICA LINK due to error.
0x800007E2未使用此传输连接站点 %1。 Site %1 is not connected by this transport.
0x80000C37无法继续,原因是 DsReplicaGetInfo 没有返回指定 SourceDSAObjectGuid 的邻居。 Unable to continue since DsReplicaGetInfo returned no neighbours for the specified SourceDSAObjectGuid.
0x80000C38Repadmin: 没有针对全部 DC %1 运行,原因是它与该命令不兼容。 Repadmin: not running against full DC %1 since it is incompatible with this command.
0x80000C39Repadmin: 没有针对只读 DC %1 运行,原因是它与该命令不兼容。 Repadmin: not running against read-only DC %1 since it is incompatible with this command.
0xC0000BB8密码太长。 The password is too long.
0xC0000BB9用户名前面必须添加域名。 User name must be prefixed by domain name.
0xC0000BBA密码必须与用户名同时使用。 Password must be accompanied by user name.
0xC0000BBB无法查询控制台模式。 Failed to query the console mode.
0xC0000BBD未知选项 \"%1\"。 Unknown option \"%1\".
0xC0000BBERepadmin 无法分配内存。 Repadmin failed to allocate memory.
0xC0000BBF访问存储被拒绝。请用 Administrator 帐户进行身份验证 (net use)。 Access to store denied.Try authenticating (net use) to the system using an administrator account.
0xC0000BC0访问存储被拒绝远程“我的存储”的CertOpenStore 失败! 错误是 %1 Access to store denied.CertOpenStore on remote My store failed! Error is %1
0xC0000BC1找不到域控制器证书。 Domain Controller Certificate was not found.
0xC0000BC2证书缺少备用使用者名称。 Certificate has no alt subject name.
0xC0000BC3无法解码备用使用者名称。遇到的错误是: 0x%1!x! %2 Can't decode alt subject name, encountered error: 0x%1!x! %2
0xC0000BC4CAFindCertTypeByName 失败,错误: 0x%1!x! CAFindCertTypeByName failed, error 0x%1!x!
0xC0000BC5CAGetCertTypeProperty 失败,错误: 0x%1!x! CAGetCertTypeProperty failed, error 0x%1!x!
0xC0000BC6CAFreeCertTypeProperty 失败,错误: 0x%1!x! CAFreeCertTypeProperty failed, error 0x%1!x!
0xC0000BC7CACloseCertType 失败,错误: 0x%1!x! CACloseCertType failed, error 0x%1!x!
0xC0000BC8到 %1 的 DsBindWithCred 失败,状态: %0 DsBindWithCred to %1 failed with status %0
0xC0000BC9到 %1 的 DsBindWithCred 失败,状态: %2!d! DsBindWithCred to %1 failed with status %2!d!
0xC0000BCA%1!d! (0x%2!x!): %3 %1!d! (0x%2!x!): %3
0xC0000BCB%1!d! (0x%2!x!): %1!d! (0x%2!x!):
0xC0000BCCDsUnBind() 失败,状态: %0 DsUnBind() failed with status %0
0xC0000BCD转换 GUID %1 发生错误,错误: %0 Error converting GUID %1, error %0
0xC0000BCE必须指定单一的 Reps-To DSA 或 \"/nosource\",不能同时指定。 Either a single Reps-To DSA or \"/nosource\" must be specified, but not both.
0xC0000BCF%1() 失败,状态: %0 %1() failed with status %0
0xC0000BD0%1() 失败,状态: %2!d! %1() failed with status %2!d!
0xC0000BD1%1( %2 ) 失败,状态: %0 %1( %2 ) failed with status %0
0xC0000BD2必须指定单一源 GUID。 A single source GUID must be specified.
0xC0000BD3[%1!S!, %2!d!] LDAP 错误 %3!d! (%4) Win32 错误 %5!d!。 [%1!S!, %2!d!] LDAP error %3!d! (%4) Win32 Err %5!d!.
0xC0000BD4必须指定命名上下文。 Must specify a Naming Context.
0xC0000BD5必须指定目标 DSA。 Must specify a target DSA.
0xC0000BD6无法打开到 %1 的 LDAP 连接。 Cannot open LDAP connection to %1.
0xC0000BD7无法打开到 %1 (%2) 的 LDAP 连接。 Cannot open LDAP connection to %1 (%2).
0xC0000BD8无法打开到 localhost 的 LDAP 连接。 Cannot open LDAP connection to localhost.
0xC0000BD9找不到此 NC 的实例 -- 请检查 NC 名称和你的凭据。 No instances of this NC found -- please check the NC name and your credentials.
0xC0000BDA无法绑定 %1 上的注册表,错误 %0 Failed to bind to registry on %1, error %0
0xC0000BDB无法打开 %1 上的 DS 注册表项,错误 %0 Failed to open DS registry key on %1, error %0
0xC0000BDC无法设置注册表值,错误 %0 Could not set registry value, error %0
0xC0000BDD无法删除副本链接,错误 %0 Failed to delete replica link, error %0
0xC0000BE0无法从文件 %1 读取 cookie Couldn't read cookie from file %1
0xC0000BE1无法将 cookie 写入文件 %1 Couldn't write cookie to file %1
0xC0000BE2无法打开 cookie 文件 %1 Couldn't open cookie file %1
0xC0000BE3必须指定一个对象。 Must specify an object.
0xC0000BE4I_ISMGetConnectivity() 返回站点连接的值为 NULL! I_ISMGetConnectivity() returned NULL for site connectivity!
0xC0000BE5必须提供零或一个传输 DN。 Must supply zero or one transport DN.
0xC0000BE6致命错误,位于文件 %2!S! 的 %1!d! 行 Fatal error at line %1!d!, file %2!S!
0xC0000BE7%1!S! 在文件 %3!S! 的 %2!d! 行的值不应为 null %1!S! had unexpected null value at line %2!d!, file %3!S!
0xC0000BE8%1!S! 在文件 %3!S! 的 %2!d! 行的值引起意外失败 %1!S! had unexpected failure value at line %2!d!, file %3!S!
0xC0000BE9ber_printf 出现错误。 Error in ber_printf.
0xC0000BEAber_flatten 出现错误。 Error in ber_flatten.
0xC0000BEB未能重新获得复制服务器控制。 Did not get a replication server control back.
0xC0000BEC必须指定消息编号。 Must specify message number.
0xC0000BED无效消息 ID,\"%1\"。 Invalid message ID, \"%1\".
0xC0000BEE与服务器 %1 联系发生错误(网络错误): %0 Error contacting server %1 (network error): %0
0xC0000BEF发出复制命令发生错误: %0 Error issuing replication: %0
0xC0000BF0无法与以下服务器连接(拓扑不完整): %1 The following server could not be reached (topology incomplete): %1
0xC0000BF1未知错误。 Unknown error.
0xC0000BF2SyncAll 退出,发生 Win32 致命错误: %0 SyncAll exited with fatal Win32 error: %0
0xC0000BF3无效命令行; 请使用 repadmin /SyncAll /h 获得帮助。 Invalid commandline; use repadmin /SyncAll /h for help.
0xC0000BF4SyncAll 报告以下错误: SyncAll reported the following errors:
0xC0000BF5无效参数。 Invalid arguments.
0xC0000BF6无效参数 %1 Invalid argument %1
0xC0000BF7无法添加或删除同一选项。 Cannot add & remove same option.
0xC0000BF8找不到站点 %1! The site %1 was not found!
0xC0000BF9无法识别 retiredReplDsaSignatures 格式。 Format of retiredReplDsaSignatures is unrecognized.
0xC0000BFA无效 distname 二进制值 %1 invalid distname binary value %1
0xC0000BFB意外 distname 二进制长度 %1!d! unexpected distname binary length %1!d!
0xC0000BFC请指定其中一个: RDN、DN 或 GUID。 Please specify one of: RDN, DN, or GUID.
0xC0000BFD二义性名称: 存在同名服务器 RDN %1。 Ambiguous name: more than one server exists with RDN %1.
0xC0000BFE必须指定要转换的调用 ID Must specify invocation ID to translate
0xC0000BFFRemoveLingeringObjects 在 %1 上成功。 RemoveLingeringObjects successful on %1.
0xC0000C00只在域命名主机上才允许此设置操作。域命名主机是: %1 The set operation is allowed on the Domain Naming Master Only.Your Domain Naming Master is: %1
0xC0000C01源 %2 无法在分区 %1 上进行写操作。 Partition %1 does not have expected writeability for source %2.
0xC0000C02NTDSAPI V1 BindState,正在打印扩展的成员。 NTDSAPI V1 BindState, printing extended members.
0xC0000C03NTDSAPI V2 BindState, 正在打印扩展的成员。 NTDSAPI V2 BindState, printing extended members.
0xC0000C04bindAddr: %1 bindAddr: %1
0xC0000C05pszAnnot: %1 pszAnnot: %1
0xC0000C06InstGuid = {%1} InstGuid = {%1}
0xC0000C07InstGuid = (无) InstGuid = (none)
0xC0000C08NTDSAPI DsBind 可能返回一个无效的 V1 绑定句柄以供 a V2 绑定。 NTDSAPI DsBind appears to have returned an invalid V1 bind handle for a V2 bind.
0xC0000C09以下 DSA_NAME 不明确,未解析为单一服务器: DSA_NAME: %1 The following DSA_NAME is ambiguous, and did not resolve to a single server: DSA_NAME: %1
0xC0000C0A在 AD LDS 中不支持提供的 DSA_LIST or DSA_NAME 格式: The provided DSA_LIST or DSA_NAME format is not supported in AD LDS:
0xC0000C0B将 %1 解析到一个有效的连接/绑定字符串的尝试失败: 0x%2!x! An attempt to resolve %1 to a valid connection/binding string, failed with 0x%2!x!
0xC0000C0C查询绑定的身份验证信息失败: 0x%1!x! An inquiry into the authentication information on the binding failed with 0x%1!x!
0xC0000C0D绑定的安全信息如下: 请求的 SPN: %1 身份验证服务: %2!d! 身份验证级别: %3!d! 授权服务: %4!d! Security information on the binding is as follows: SPN Requested: %1 Authn Service: %2!d! Authn Level: %3!d! Authz Service: %4!d!
0xC0000C0E无法写入请求的 SPN's,失败信息: 0x%1!x! Unable to write the requested SPN's, failed with 0x%1!x!
0xC0000C0F成功写入请求的 SPN's。 Successfully wrote the requested SPN's.
0xC0000C16发生整数溢出。 An integer overflow has occurred.
0xC0000C17未能连接到 DC: %1。 Failed to connect to DC: %1.
0xC0000C18RODC/s 搜索有问题,失败原因为 0x%1!x! Problems with RODC/s Search, failed with 0x%1!x!
0xC0000C19找不到下列 RODC_NAME: RODC: %1 The following RODC_NAME couldn't be found: RODC: %1
0xC0000C1A下列 RODC_NAME 不明确,未解析为单一服务器: RODC: %1 The following RODC_NAME is ambiguous, and did not resolve to a single server: RODC: %1
0xC0000C1B搜索未找到任何 RODC。 Search found no RODCs.
0xC0000C1CAuth2 列表为空。未将任何值添加到允许列表中。 Auth2 list is empty. No values added to the allow list.
0xC0000C1D在 Auth2 列表中未找到任何用户帐户。未将任何值添加到允许列表中。 No user accounts found on Auth2 list. No values added to the allow list.
0xC0000C1E在 Auth2 列表中未找到任何计算机帐户。未将任何值添加到允许列表中。 No computer accounts found on Auth2 list. No values added to the allow list.
0xC0000C1F对于 RODC“%1”,无法将“%2”添加到允许列表中。Ldap 错误: %3!d!。 For RODC \"%1\", \"%2\" could not be added to the allow list. Ldap Error: %3!d!.
0xC0000C20找不到满足这些要求的域控制器。 Couldn't find a domain controller that meets the requirements.
0xC0000C21指定的域控制器 %1 不满足这些要求。 Specified Domain Controller: %1 doesn't meet the requirements.
0xC0000C22无法连接到域控制器 %1。 Couldn't connect to Domain Controller: %1.
0xC0000C23无法绑定到域控制器 %1。 Couldn't bind to Domain Controller: %1.
0xC0000C2F下列组名称不明确,未解析为单一组: %1。 The following group name is ambiguous, and did not resolve to a single group: %1.
0xC0000C30下列用户名不明确,未解析为单一用户: %1。 The following user name is ambiguous, and did not resolve to a single user: %1.
0xC0000C31指定的用户 %1 不存在。 The specified user %1 does not exist.
0xC0000C34创建组 %1 时遇到错误。 An error was encountered while creating the group %1.
0xC0000C35将组 %1 添加到 RODC 的允许列表中时遇到错误。 An error was encountered while adding the group %1 to the RODC's Allow list.
0xC0000C36解析显示的列表项 %1 时出错。 An error occured while parsing the revealed list entry %1.
0xC0000C3C指定的用户或组 %1 不存在。 The specified user or group %1 does not exist.
0xC0000C3D对象列表中的参数无效。 Invalid argument in object list.
0xC0000C3ELDAP 错误 %1!d! (%2) Win32 错误 %3!d!。 LDAP error %1!d! (%2) Win32 Err %3!d!.
0xC0000C3F致命错误。 Fatal error.
0xC0000C40%1!S! 具有意外 Null 值。 %1!S! had unexpected null value.
0xC0000C41%1!S! 具有意外失败值。 %1!S! had unexpected failure value.


File Name:repadmin.exe.mui
File Size:125 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:NT5DS
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:repadmin.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:repadmin.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is repadmin.exe.mui?

repadmin.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file repadmin.exe (NT5DS).

File version info

File Description:NT5DS
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:repadmin.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:repadmin.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200