ESRB 分级系统 5a9628c3a3c85cdbbfaff9e319105ce9

File info

File name:
Size: 7680 byte
MD5: 5a9628c3a3c85cdbbfaff9e319105ce9
SHA1: 9b18518d02cdfafc4c3894f30a4411169a4da663
SHA256: 8ab848fe335062fa6eaedf88bd0d94cb7da44c53638dd276dc49cf1dadbd40bd
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

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id Chinese (Simplified) English
2Entertainment Software Rating Board Entertainment Software Rating Board
3美国游戏分级系统 Games Ratings System for the United States
100Ec Ec
102分级为 EC (“儿童”)的主题包含 3 岁及 3 岁以上儿童可以观看的内容。此类型的主题不含父母认为不适宜的内容。 Titles rated EC - Early Childhood have content that may be suitable for ages 3 and older. Titles in this category contain no material that parents would find inappropriate.
103E E
105分级为 E (“所有人”)的主题包含可能适宜 6 岁及 6 岁以上人士观看的内容。此类别中的主题可能涉及最轻微的暴力、夹杂一些滑稽的恶作剧和/或很少的粗俗语言。 Titles rated E - Everyone have content that may be suitable for persons ages 6 and older. Titles in this category may contain minimal violence, some comic mischief, and/or mild language.
106E10+ E10+
108分级为 E10+ (“10 岁及以上”)的主题包含 10 岁及 10 岁以上人士适宜观看的内容。此类型的主题可能包含较多的卡通、虚幻或者轻度暴力场景以及少量的粗俗语言或者性暗示。 Titles rated E10+ - Everyone 10 and older have content that may be suitable for ages 10 and older. Titles in this category may contain more cartoon, fantasy or mild violence, mild language, and/or minimal suggestive themes.
109T T
111分级为 T (“青少年”)的主题包含 13 岁及 13 岁以上人士适宜观看的内容。此类型的主题可能包含暴力场景、少量和/或大量粗俗语言。 Titles rated T - Teen have content that may be suitable for persons ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violent content, mild or strong language, and/or strong language.
112M M
114分级为 M (“成人”)的主题包含 17 岁及 17 岁以上人士适宜观看的内容。此类型的主题可能包含性内容、更多的暴力场景和/或大量粗俗语言。 Titles rated M - Mature have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain mature sexual themes, more intense violence and/or strong language.
115Ao Ao
117分级为 AO (“仅成人”)的主题包含仅适于成人观看的内容。此类型的主题可能包含性和/或暴力方面的图片。此类型的产品不适合18岁以下人士使用。 Titles rated AO - Adults Only have content suitable only for adults. Titles in this category may include graphic depictions of sex and/or violence. Adult Only products are not intended for persons under the age of 18.
1000涉及喝酒和抽烟的内容 Alcohol and tobacco reference
1001涉及喝酒及吸烟的内容 Alcohol and Tobacco Reference
1002涉及喝酒的内容 Alcohol reference
1003关于喝酒内容的描写和/或图片 Reference to and/or images of alcoholic beverages
1004血腥动画 Animated blood
1005歪曲或失真的血腥描写 Discolored and/or unrealistic depictions of blood
1006血腥描写 Blood
1007包含流血场景描述 Depictions of blood
1008鲜血淋漓的场景 Blood and gore
1009涉及鲜血淋漓或者尸体肢解的场景 Depictions of blood or the mutilation of body parts
1010含有暴力内容的卡通 Cartoon violence
1011卡通中的暴力行为。暴力行为的发生可能没有对角色造成伤害。 Violent actions involving cartoon-like situations and characters. May include violence where a character is unharmed after the action has been inflicted
1012恶作剧 Comic mischief
1013涉及滑稽或者暗示性幽默的描述或对话 Depictions or dialogue involving slapstick or suggestive humor
1014粗俗幽默 Crude humor
1015包含“色情”笑话的粗俗描述或对话 Depictions or dialogue involving vulgar antics, including 'bathroom' humor
1016涉及吸毒和喝酒的内容 Drug and alcohol reference
1017毒品和酒精内容 Drug and Alcohol Reference
1018涉及吸毒和抽烟的内容 Drug and tobacco reference
1019毒品和烟草内容 Drug and Tobacco Reference
1020涉及吸毒的内容 Drug reference
1021涉及毒品的内容和/或图像 Reference to and/or images of illegal drugs
1022寓教于乐 Edutainment
1023产品设置中向用户提供了学习或强化特定技能的娱教娱乐功能。技能开发是产品的一部分。 Content of product provides user with specific skills development or reinforcement learning within an entertainment setting. Skill development is an integral part of product
1024幻想暴力 Fantasy violence
1025暴力行为,包括与现实不相符的非人性暴力行为 Violent actions of a fantasy nature, involving human or non-human characters in situations easily distinguishable from real life
1026赌博 Gambling
1027赌博行为 Betting-like behavior
1028信息 Informational
1029产品的总体内容包含数据、事实、资料信息、参考材料或说明文本 Overall content of product contains data, facts, resource information, reference materials or instructional text
1030含有激烈的暴力内容 Intense violence
1031有关肢体冲突的图片或描述。可能涉及极端和/或真实的流血场景、武器和死亡的描述。 Graphic and realistic-looking depictions of physical conflict. May involve extreme and/or realistic blood, gore, weapons and depictions of human injury and death
1032语言 Language
1033使用轻度到中度的猥亵语言 Mild to moderate use of profanity
1034歌词 Lyrics
1035在音乐中有少量猥亵、性、暴力、酒精或毒品等内容 Mild references to profanity, sexuality, violence, alcohol or drug use in music
1036成人幽默 Mature humor
1037描述或对话涉及“成人”幽默,包括性内容 Depictions or dialogue involving 'adult' humor, including sexual references
1038成人性主题 Mature sexual themes
1039挑逗性内容,可能包含部分裸体内容 Provocative material, possibly including partial nudity
1040涉及轻度喝酒和抽烟的内容 Mild alcohol and tobacco reference
1041包含少量涉及酒精或吸烟内容 Mild Alcohol and Tobacco Reference
1042涉及轻度喝酒的内容 Mild alcohol reference
1043涉及轻度酒精饮料的内容。 Mild references to alcoholic beverages.
1044包含轻度动画流血场景 Mild animated blood
1045包含少量动画流血场景 Mild Animated Blood
1046包含轻度流血场景 Mild blood
1047包含少量流血场景 Mild Blood
1048包含轻度流血和血液凝结场景 Mild blood and gore
1049包含少量流血和血液凝结场景 Mild Blood and Gore
1050轻度卡通暴力 Mild cartoon violence
1051轻度描述卡通中的暴力行为。暴力行为的发生可能没有对角色造成伤害。 Mild depictions of violent actions involving cartoon-like situations and characters. May include violence where a character is unharmed after the action has been inflicted.
1052轻度滑稽恶作剧 Mild comic mischief
1054轻度粗俗幽默 Mild crude humor
1056涉及轻度吸毒和喝酒的内容 Mild drug and alcohol reference
1057少量的毒品和酒精内容 Mild Drug and Alcohol Reference
1058少量的毒品和吸烟内容 Mild Drug and Tobacco Reference
1059包含少量的毒品和吸烟内容 Mild Drug and Tobacco Reference
1060涉及轻度吸毒内容 Mild drug reference
1061包含少量的毒品内容 Mild Drug Reference
1062包含轻度的暴力幻想内容 Mild fantasy violence
1064含有轻度的激烈暴力场景 Mild intense violence
1065含有少量的激烈暴力场景 Mild Intense Violence
1066轻度的粗俗语言 Mild language
1067使用少量的猥亵、性、暴力、酒精或毒品等内容 Mild references to profanity, sexuality, violence, alcohol, or drug use
1068轻度粗俗歌曲 Mild lyrics
1070轻度成人幽默 Mild mature humor
1072轻度裸体 Mild nudity
1074轻度部分裸体 Mild partial nudity
1076轻度真实赌博 Mild real gambling
1078包含轻度的性内容 Mild sexual content
1079包含少量的性内容 Mild Sexual Content
1080包含轻度的性方面的主题 Mild sexual themes
1081包含少量的性方面的主题 Mild Sexual Themes
1082轻度性暴力 Mild sexual violence
1084包含轻度模拟赌博场景 Mild simulated gambling
1086轻度粗俗语言 Mild strong language
1090包含轻度的粗俗性内容 Mild strong sexual content
1091包含少量的暴露性内容描述 Mild Strong Sexual Content
1092包含轻度的性暗示主题 Mild suggestive themes
1093包含少量的性暗示主题 Mild Suggestive Themes
1094涉及轻度抽烟的内容 Mild tobacco reference
1095包含少量的涉及烟草的内容 Mild Tobacco Reference
1096轻度喝酒 Mild use of alcohol
1097包含少量涉及酒精的内容 Mild Use of Alcohol
1098轻度喝酒和抽烟 Mild use of alcohol and tobacco
1099包含少量喝酒和抽烟的内容 Mild Use of Alcohol and Tobacco
1100轻度吸毒 Mild use of drugs
1101轻度食用非法毒品。 Mild consumption of illegal drugs.
1102轻度吸毒和喝酒 Mild use of drugs and alcohol
1104轻度吸毒和抽烟 Mild Use of Drugs and Tobacco
1106轻度抽烟 Mild Use of Tobacco
1108轻度暴力 Mild violence
1109轻度描述人物处于不安全和/或暴力状况下的场景 Mild scenes depicting characters in unsafe and/or violent situations
1110轻度暴力内容 Mild violent references
1112裸体 Nudity
1113包含过多的裸体图片或描述 Graphic or prolonged depictions of nudity
1114在线分级通知 Online rating notice
1115联机交互不由 ESRB 进行分级 Online Interactions Are Not Rated by the ESRB
1116部分裸体 Partial nudity
1117少量的和/或短暂的裸体描述 Brief and/or mild depictions of nudity
1118真实赌博 Real gambling
1119玩家可以赌博,包括以实际现金或现金货币打赌或作赌注 Player can gamble, including betting or wagering real cash or currency
1120色情内容 Sexual content
1121性行为的不明显描述,可能包括部分裸体。 Non-explicit depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity.
1122性主题 Sexual Themes
1123涉及性或性内容。 References to sex or sexuality.
1124性暴力 Sexual violence
1125强奸或其他性行为的描述 Depictions of rape or other violent sexual acts
1126模拟赌博 Simulated gambling
1127玩家可以赌博,但不会以实际现金或现金货币打赌或作赌注 Player can gamble without betting or wagering real cash or currency
1128需有成人陪伴 Some adult assistance may be needed
1129适合幼儿观众 Intended for very young ages
1130粗俗语言 Strong language
1131明显的和/或经常使用猥亵语言 Explicit and/or frequent use of profanity
1132粗俗歌曲 Strong lyrics
1133在音乐中明显和/或经常使用猥亵、性、暴力、酒精或毒品内容 Explicit and/or frequent references to profanity, sex, violence, alcohol or drug use in music
1134粗暴色情内容 Strong sexual content
1135明显的和/或经常性行为的描述,可能包括裸体 Explicit and/or frequent depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including nudity
1136暗示性主题 Suggestive themes
1137轻度的刺激性内容或材料 Mild provocative references or materials
1138涉及抽烟的内容 Tobacco reference
1139烟草产品内容和/或图像。 Reference to and/or images of tobacco products.
1140喝酒 Use of alcohol
1141含有饮用酒精饮料的场景 The consumption of alcoholic beverages
1142喝酒和抽烟 Use of alcohol and tobacco
1143含有喝酒和抽烟的场景 Use of Alcohol and Tobacco
1144吸毒 Use of drugs
1145食用或使用非法毒品 The consumption or use of illegal drugs
1146吸毒和喝酒 Use of drugs and alcohol
1147含有吸毒和喝酒的场景 Use of Drugs and Alcohol
1148吸毒和抽烟 Use of drugs and tobacco
1149含有吸毒和抽烟的场景 Use of Drugs and Tobacco
1150抽烟 Use of tobacco
1151使用烟草产品 The consumption of tobacco products
1152暴力 Violence
1153涉及打斗冲突的场景。可能包含没有血迹的肢解动作。 Scenes involving aggressive conflict. May contain bloodless dismemberment.
1154暴力内容 Violent references
1155含有使用暴力的内容。 References to violent acts.


File Size:7.5 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
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Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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OS Version:10.0
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File OS:Win32
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Windows, Chinese (Simplified)
Company Name:Microsoft
File Description:ESRB 分级系统
File Version:
Legal Copyright:(c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
Internal Name:esrb.dll
Original File Name:esrb.dll.mui
Product Name:ESRB Ratings System
Product Version:

What is is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file (ESRB 分级系统).

File version info

File Description:ESRB 分级系统
File Version:
Company Name:Microsoft
Internal Name:esrb.dll
Legal Copyright:(c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:esrb.dll.mui
Product Name:ESRB Ratings System
Product Version:
Translation:0x804, 936