usercpl.dll.mui Korisnička upravljačka ploča 5a7d497f65dfa78ec88c485c12464d27

File info

File name: usercpl.dll.mui
Size: 67072 byte
MD5: 5a7d497f65dfa78ec88c485c12464d27
SHA1: 6ab0c41fed101a5fb01a7da4b1fc70b080cc43c6
SHA256: 2f152274f8f35ec88646690ca51946616cc0b72cc6915680afb0a0eea613d40a
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Bosnian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Bosnian (Latin) English
1Korisnički računi User Accounts
2Promijenite postavljanja korisničkog računa i lozinke za osobe koji dijele ovaj računar. Change user account settings and passwords for people who share this computer.
3Kliknuti ovdje za unos Click here to type
4Promijenite podatke o računu te osobe, primjerice, vrstu računa, ime, lozinku i sliku, ili izbrišite taj račun. Change this person’s account information, such as the account type, name, password, or picture, or delete this account.
5Promijeniti sliku gostovog računa ili spriječite gostov pristup ovom računaru. Change the guest account picture or prevent guest access to this computer.
6Provide computer access for people without a user account on this computer. Provide computer access for people without a user account on this computer.
7Ekran za dobrodošlicu pokazuje imena svih sa korisničkim računom za ovaj računar. Ovaj ekran se pojavljuje kada pokrenete računar ili zamijenite korisnike. The Welcome screen shows the names of everyone with a user account for this computer. This screen appears when you start the computer or switch users.
8U meniju Početak možete izabrati računarsku aktivnost kao što je čitanje poruka e-pošte ili pretraživanje weba. Meni je personaliziran za svakoga ko dijeli ovaj računar. In the Start menu you can choose a computer activity, such as reading new e-mail messages or browsing the Web. This menu is personalized for everyone who shares this computer.
9A password hint can help you remember your password. A password hint can help you remember your password.
10Nagovještaj lozinke će pomoći ovoj osobi da zapamti njegovu ili njenu lozinku. A password hint can help this person remember his or her password.
11Windows ne može otvoriti Upravljačku ploču korisničkog računa. Windows cannot open the User Accounts control panel.
12Trenutni korisnički račun nije prepoznat. Ponovo pokrenite računar i otvoriti Korisnički računi. The current user account is not recognized. Restart the computer and then open User Accounts.
13Lozinke koje ste ukucali se ne podudaraju. Ponovo ukucajte novu lozinku u oba okvira. The passwords you typed do not match. Please retype the new password in both boxes.
14Lozinka koju ste ukucali je netačna. Ponovo ukucajte trenutnu lozinku. The password you typed is incorrect. Please retype your current password.
15Lozinka koju ste unijeli ne zadovoljava uvjete postavljene u pravilniku o lozinkama. Pokušajte s dužom ili složenijom lozinkom. The password you entered doesn’t meet password policy requirements. Try one that’s longer or more complex.
16Windows ne može promijeniti lozinku. Windows cannot change the password.
17Windows ne može ukloniti lozinku. Pravilnik o lozinkama i/ili računima zahtijeva postojanje lozinke za račun. Windows cannot remove the password. Password and/or account policies require the account to have a password.
18Ovi znakovi ne smiju se koristiti u korisničkom imenu: / \ [ ] " : ; | + = , ? * % @
Unesite drugačije ime.
User names can’t contain the following characters: / \ [ ] " : ; | + = , ? * % @
Please enter a different name.
19Taj naziv računa nije moguće koristiti jer je rezerviran.
Unesite drugačiji naziv.
The account name cannot be used because it is a reserved name.
Please enter a different name.
20Korisničko ime ne može biti isto kao naziv računara.

Unesite novo ime.
The user name cannot be the same as the computer name.

Please type a different name.
21Navedena grupa ne postoji. The specified group does not exist.
22Račun s imenom “%s” već postoji. Unesite neko drugo ime. An account named “%s” already exists. Type a different name.
23Navedena slika je nepoznatog tipa ili nije važeća. Izaberite drugu sliku. The specified picture is an unknown type or is not valid. Select a different picture.
24Nisu dostupni ni kamera ni skener. Provjerite da li je kamera priključena i uključena na računar, i pokušajte ponovo. No camera or scanner is available. Make sure the camera is connected and is turned on, and then try again.
30Korisnik je trenutno prijavljen. Prije brisanja računa trebali biste se prebaciti na taj račun i odjaviti se. Ako preskočite taj korak, mogli biste izazvati gubitak podataka. Želite li svejedno nastaviti? This user is signed in. Before you delete this account, you should switch to it and sign out. If you continue without doing this, there is a risk of data loss. Do you still want to continue?
31The Guest account is signed in. Before you can turn off the Guest account, you must switch to it and sign out. The Guest account is signed in. Before you can turn off the Guest account, you must switch to it and sign out.
34Windows ne može izbrisati račun na koji je neko u tom trenutku prijavljen. Windows can’t delete an account that is currently signed in.
37Zaštićeno lozinkom Password protected
38Korisnički račun gosta Guest account
39Standardno Standard
40Nepoznata vrsta korisničkog računa Unknown account type
41Administrator Administrator
42Guest account is on Guest account is on
43Gostov račun je isključen Guest account is off
44Windows ne može ukloniti lozinku. Windows cannot remove the password.
46This action cannot be performed due to an account restriction. Please contact your administrator. This action cannot be performed due to an account restriction. Please contact your administrator.
47Lokalni račun Local Account
48Kreiraj novi račun Create New Account
49Promijenite račun Change an Account
51Preimenovati račun Rename Account
52Uključiti račun gosta Turn on Guest Account
53Promijeniti opcije gosta Change Guest Options
54Upravljanje računima Manage Accounts
55Promijenite vaše ime Change Your Name
56Brisanje korisničkog računa Delete Account
57Potvrdite izbacivanje Confirm Deletion
58Promijeni lozinku Change Password
59Promijeni vrstu računa Change Account Type
60Promijenite vašu lozinku Change Your Password
62Kreiraj lozinku Create Password
63Kreirajte vašu lozinku Create Your Password
64Ukloniti lozinku Remove Password
65Uklonite vašu lozinku Remove Your Password
66Promjena tipa korisničkog računa Change Your Account Type
67Windows nije uspio pokrenuti dijalog za napredne opcije. Windows failed to start the advanced options dialog.
68U sistemu Windows već postoji to ime. Unesite neko drugo korisničko ime. Windows is already using that name. Please enter a different user name.
69Slika korisničkog računa User account picture
70Pločica korisničkog računa User account tile
71Upravljačka ploča korisničkih računa User Accounts Control Panel
72Potrebne administratorske privilegije Administrator privileges required
73Nova lozinka New password
74Potvrditi novu lozinku Confirm new password
75Ukucajte nagovještaj lozinke Type a password hint
76Tekuća lozinka Current password
78Novo ime računa New account name
79Pomoć Help
80Fajlovi slika (*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpg,*.png)|*.bmp;*.dib;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpe;*.jpeg;*.png;*.rle|Bitmapa (*.bmp,*.dib,*.rle)|*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle|GIF (*.gif)|*.gif|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|PNG (*.png)|*.png|Svi fajlovi (*.*)|* Image Files (*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpg,*.png)|*.bmp;*.dib;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpe;*.jpeg;*.png;*.rle|Bitmap (*.bmp,*.dib,*.rle)|*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle|GIF (*.gif)|*.gif|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|PNG (*.png)|*.png|All Files (*.*)|*
81Na računaru već postoji račun koji koristi taj Microsoft račun. An account using this Microsoft account already exists on this PC.
82We couldn’t change your account because there’s already an account on this PC with this email address. We couldn’t change your account because there’s already an account on this PC with this email address.
91This program is blocked by group policy. For more information, contact your system administrator. This program is blocked by group policy. For more information, contact your system administrator.
92User Accounts Related Tasks Pane User Accounts Related Tasks Pane
93User Accounts Main Task Pane User Accounts Main Task Pane
94Lista korisnika List of users
95Upravljačka ploča korisničkog računa User Account Control Panel
100Kreirati disk za ponovno postavljanje lozinke Create a password reset disk
101Povežite ID-ove na mreži Link online IDs
102Administrirajte certifikate šifriranog fajla Manage your file encryption certificates
103Podesite napredne osobine korisničkih profila Configure advanced user profile properties
104Promijeni moje okolne varijable Change my environment variables
105Porodična sigurnost Family Safety
106Administrirajte vaše akreditive Manage your credentials
121Korisničko ime ili lozinka nisu tačni. Pokušajte ponovno. The username or password is incorrect. Please try again.
122Windows ne može kreirati račun. Windows could not create the account.
123Unesite korisničko ime i lozinku. Please enter a username and a password.
130Dodavanje korisnika Add a user
140Stvaranje lokalnog računa Create a local account
141Dodavanje računa za domenu Add a domain account
143Stvaranje novog lokalnog računa Create your new local account
144Da biste stvorili lokalni račun, unesite sljedeće podatke. Enter the following information to create a local account.
145Upišite korisničko ime i domenu odre?enog korisnika kako biste mu odobrili korištenje ovog računara. Enter someone’s user name and domain to give that person permission to use this computer.
146Potvrdite lozinku Confirm password
147Obavezno Required
148Korisničko ime mora sadržavati vidljive znakove The user name must contain visible characters
149Korisničko ime ne smije sadržavati ove znakove:
" / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * %
The user name cannot contain these characters:
" / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * %
150Lozinke nisu podudarne The passwords do not match
151Nova lozinka i lozinka za potvrdu nisu jednake. U oba okvira upišite jednaku lozinku. The new password and the confirmation password do not match. Type the same password in both boxes.
152Podsjetnik za lozinku obavezan je A password hint is required
153Unesite podsjetnik za lozinku. Please enter a password hint.
154Navedeni naziv računa nije valjan jer već postoji račun tog naziva. Upišite drugi naziv. The specified account name is not valid, because there is already an account with that name. Please type a different name.
155To korisničko ime već postoji The user name already exists
156Unesite valjanu domenu Please enter a valid domain
158Druge mogućnosti Windows računa Other Windows account options
159Korisničko ime: User name:
160Još samo malo You’re almost done
161Na ovaj će se računar moći prijaviti sljedeći korisnik i pristupiti sistemskim resursima. The following user will be able to sign in to this PC and access system resources.
162Koju razinu pristupa želite odobriti korisniku? What level of access do you want to grant this user?
163Primjer: [email protected] Example: [email protected]
164Adresa e-pošte nije valjana Invalid email address
169%s: %s:
170Dopustite članu domene da koristi računar. Allow a member of your domain to use this computer.
171Mrežni računi korisnicima omogućuju pristupanje željenim stavkama na većem broju računara. Online accounts allow users to access their preferences on multiple computers.
172Lokalni računi mogu koristiti samo ovaj računar. Local accounts can only use this computer.
173Koju vrstu korisničkog računa želite dodati na računar? What type of user account do you want to add to this computer?
174Dodavanje %s Add a %s
175Unesite adresu e-pošte za postojeći mrežni račun kako biste ga dodali na ovaj računar. Enter the email address of an existing online account to add them to this computer.
176Stvori novi %s Create a new %s
179Potvrda postojeće lozinke Confirm existing password
180Najprije potvrdite trenutnu lozinku. First, confirm your current password.
182Unesite lozinku za Windows Enter your Windows password
183Unesite lozinku za %s Enter your %s password
184Pogrešna lozinka Incorrect password
185Unijeli ste netačnu lozinku. The password you entered is incorrect.
186Prebacivanje na mrežni račun Change to an online account
187Povezivanje s mrežnim računom Connect to an online account
193Sljedeći put se u Windows prijavite pomoću adrese e-pošte i lozinke za Microsoft račun prikazan u nastavku. The next time you sign in to Windows, use the email address and password of your Microsoft account, shown below.
194Povezat ćete račun za domenu s Microsoft računom. Odabrane postavke možda se neće primijeniti dok se ne odjavite. You are about to connect your domain account to your Microsoft account. The settings that you selected might not take effect until you sign out.
195Prebacite se na lokalni račun Switch to a local account
196Prekidanje veze s računom za domenu Disconnect my domain account
197Prekini vezu računa za domenu i mrežnog računa Disconnect my domain account from my online account
198Kada prekinete vezu s računom za domenu, izgubit ćete pristup podacima i postavkama koje se preuzimaju putem mrežnog ID-a.

Ako naknadno poželite vratiti te mogućnosti, možete ponovno povezati račun.
When you disconnect your domain account, you will lose access to data and settings provided by your Online ID.

If you want to restore these capabilities in the future, you can reconnect your account.
199Pri sljedećoj prijavi u Windows koristit ćete lokalni račun koji ste upravo stvorili. The next time you sign in to Windows, use the local account you just created.
200Microsoft se račun neće izbrisati, ali ga više nećete moći koristiti za prijavu u Windows. Da biste se prebacili na lokalni račun, unesite sljedeće podatke. Your Microsoft account won’t be deleted, but you will no longer use it to sign in to Windows. Enter the following information to switch to a local account.
201Promjena računa u lokalni račun Change this account to a local account
202Kada koristite lokalni račun, u Windows se ne prijavljujete pomoću adrese e-pošte. Nećete moći koristiti dodatne mogućnosti sistema Windows, kao što je sinhroniziranje postavki.

U svakom trenutku se možete prebaciti natrag na Microsoft račun.
With a local account, you won’t sign in to Windows with your e-mail address. You will not be able to use advanced capabilities of Windows such as syncing your settings.

You can switch back to a Microsoft account at any time.
203Stvaranje korisničkog računa nije uspjelo. Šifra: 0x%1!x! Failed to create the user account. Code: 0x%1!x!
204Korisnički račun "%1" ne postoji.

Provjerite ime i domenu i pokušajte ponovo.
The user account “%1” does not exist.

Please check the name and domain and try again.
205Nije moguće dodati %1.

Za tog korisnika domene već postoji račun na ovom računaru.
Could not add %1.

This domain user already has an account on this machine.
207Računalo ima poteškoća u komunikaciji s domenom. Pokušajte ponovno poslije ili se obratite administratoru domene. This PC is having problems communicating with the domain. Try again later, or contact your domain administrator.
208U korisničkom imenu ne smije biti znak @.
Htjeli biste toj osobi omogućiti prijavu pomoću adrese e-pošte? Kreirajte Microsoft račun za nju.
The user name can’t contain the @ symbol.
Want this person to sign in with an email address instead? Create a Microsoft account.
209Prije brisanja računa korisnika %username%, Windows može sačuvati sadržaj sljedećih fascikli: Radna površina, Dokumenti, Favoriti, Muzika, Slike i Videozapisi. Svi drugi fajlovi korisnika %username% bit će izbrisane s ovoga računara.

Podaci povezani uz Microsoft račun korisnika %username% i dalje postoje na Internetu i moguće im je pristupiti uz pomoć Microsoft računa i lozinke te osobe.
Before you delete %username%’s account, Windows can save the contents of the following folders: Desktop, Documents, Favorites, Music, Pictures and Videos. All of %username%’s other files on this PC will be deleted.

The information associated with %username%’s Microsoft account still exists online and can be accessed using his, or her, Microsoft account and password.
220Nekim postavkama upravlja administrator sistema. Zašto ne mogu izmijeniti neke postavke? Some settings are managed by your system administrator. Why can’t I change some settings?
221Prijavljeni ste pomoću pretraživačkog korisničkog profila. Mogućnosti prebacivanja iz mreže u mrežu trenutno nisu dostupne. You are signed in with a roaming user profile. Roaming options are currently unavailable.
222Windows je u sigurnom načinu rada. Opcije roaminga trenutno nisu dostupne. Windows is running in safe mode. Roaming options are currently unavailable.
223Prijavljeni ste u privremeni profil. Mogućnosti prebacivanja iz mreže u mrežu trenutno nisu dostupne. You are signed in with a temporary profile. Roaming options are currently unavailable.
230Reset Security Policies Reset Security Policies
231Reset Policies Reset Policies
232Cancel Cancel
233Reset Security Policies on this PC? Reset Security Policies on this PC?
234Resetting the security policies on this PC will prevent Windows from enforcing policies required by an app installed on this PC. This might be an email app, management app, or another app. The policies might include minimum password requirements, locking the PC after a period of inactivity, and enforcing a limited number of sign-in attempts. Resetting the security policies on this PC will prevent Windows from enforcing policies required by an app installed on this PC. This might be an email app, management app, or another app. The policies might include minimum password requirements, locking the PC after a period of inactivity, and enforcing a limited number of sign-in attempts.
1100&Standardno &Standard
1101Admi&nistrator &Administrator
1108Napravite promjene nad korisničkim računom Make changes to your user account
1109Promijenite imena računa Change your account name
1110Kreirajte lozinku za vaš račun Create a password for your account
1115Upravljajte drugim korisničkim računom Manage another account
1116Upravljanje korisničkim računima Manage User Accounts
1117Za promijenu lozinke, pritisnite Ctrl+Alt+Del i odaberite Promjena lozinke. To change your password, press Ctrl+Alt+Del and select Change a password.
1119Pravljenje promjena računu %username% Make changes to %username%'s account
1120Promijenite ime Change Name
1128Dodaj korisnički račun Add a user account
1129What do you want to change about the guest account? What do you want to change about the guest account?
1130Turn off the guest account Turn off the guest account
1133To će se ime prikazivati na ekranu dobrodošlice i na Početnom ekranu. This name will appear on the Welcome screen and on the Start screen.
1136Otkaži Cancel
1142Unijeti novi naziv računa za račun %username% Type a new account name for %username%'s account
1145Želite li uključiti korisnički račun gosta? Do you want to turn on the guest account?
1146Ako uključite račun gosta, osobe koji nemaju račun mogu koristiti račun gosta za pristup ovom računaru. Fajlovi zaštićeni lozinkom, fascikle ili postavljanja nisu dostupna gostujućim korisnicima. If you turn on the guest account, people who do not have an account can use the guest account to log on to the computer. Password-protected files, folders, or settings are not accessible to guest users.
1147Uključi Turn On
1148Odaberite korisnika kojeg želite promijeniti Choose the user you would like to change
1151Postavljanje porodične sigurnosti Set up Family Safety
1155Ukucajte novo ime korisničkog računa Type a new account name
1157Želite li zadržati fajlove korisnika %username%? Do you want to keep %username%'s files?
1158Prije nego izbrišete %username% račun, Windows može automatski sačuvati sadržaje fascikli radne površine i dokumenata korisnika %username%, Omiljene lokacije, Muzika, Slike, Video u novu fasciklu '%username%' na vašu radnu površinu. Međutim, Windows ne može sačuvati poruke e-pošte i ostale postavke korisnika %username%. Before you delete %username%'s account, Windows can automatically save the contents of %username%'s desktop and Documents, Favorites, Music, Pictures and Videos folders to a new folder called '%username%' on your desktop. However, Windows cannot save %username%'s e-mail messages and other settings.
1159Izbriši fajlove Delete Files
1160Zadrži fajlove Keep Files
1161Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati račun korisnika %username%? Are you sure you want to delete %username%'s account?
1162You are deleting the account, but keeping the files. You are deleting the account, but keeping the files.
1163%username% will no longer be able to log on, and all of %username%'s settings will be deleted. However, %username%'s files will be saved on your desktop in a folder called '%username%' %username% will no longer be able to log on, and all of %username%'s settings will be deleted. However, %username%'s files will be saved on your desktop in a folder called '%username%'
1165Promjena lozinke korisnika %username% Change %username%'s password
1166Poništavate lozinku za korisnika %username%. Ako ovo uradite, %username% će izgubiti sve lične potvrde i smještene lozinke za web stranice ili mrežne resurse. You are resetting the password for %username%. If you do this, %username% will lose all personal certificates and stored passwords for Web sites or network resources.
1167Mijenjate lozinku za korisnika %username%. Ako ovo uradite, %username% će izgubiti sve EFS-šifrirane fajlove, lične potvrde i pohranjene lozinke za web stranice ili mrežne resurse. You are changing the password for %username%. If you do this, %username% will lose all EFS-encrypted files, personal certificates, and stored passwords for Web sites or network resources.
1172Ako vaša lozinka sadrži velika slova, ona mora biti isto kucana svaki put prilikom prijave. If your password contains capital letters, they must be typed the same way every time you log on.
1174Nagovještaj lozinke će biti vidljiv svakome ko koristi ovaj računar. The password hint will be visible to everyone who uses this computer.
1182Kreiranje lozinke za korisnički račun %username% Create a password for %username%'s account
1183Kreirate lozinku za korisnika %username%. You are creating a password for %username%.
1184Ako ovo uradite, %username% će izgubiti sve EFS-šifrirane fajlove, lične potvrde i smještene lozinke za web stranice i mrežne resurse. If you do this, %username% will lose all EFS-encrypted files, personal certificates and stored passwords for Web sites or network resources.
1192Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti lozinku? Are you sure you want to remove your password?
1193If you remove your password, other people can gain access to your account and change settings. If you remove your password, other people can gain access to your account and change settings.
1195If you have forgotten your password, you can use the password reset floppy disk. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the password reset floppy disk.
1197Odabrati novi korisnički tip za korisnika %username% Choose a new account type for %username%
1198Standardni računi mogu koristiti većinu softvera i mijenjaju postavke sistema koje ne utiču na ostale korisnike niti na sigurnost ovog računara. Standard accounts can use most software and change system settings that don’t affect other users or the security of this PC.
1199Administratori imaju potpun nadzor nad računarom. Mogu mijenjati sve postavke i pristupiti svim fajlovima pohranjenim na njemu. Administrators have complete control over the PC. They can change any settings and access all of the files and programs stored on the PC.
1200Odaberite odgovarajući novi tip korisničkog računa Select your new account type
1203Ne možete promijeniti tip računa zato što na ovom računaru imate samo administratorski račun. Drugog korisnika morate podesiti kao administratora da biste mogli promijeniti račun. You can’t change your account type because you have the only administrator account on this PC. You must make another user an administrator before you can change your account.
1206Zašto se preporučuje korištenje standardnog računa? Why is a standard account recommended?
1207Windows će izbrisati sve fajlove korisnika of %username%, a zatim izbrisati račun %username%. Windows will delete all of %username%'s files, and then delete %username%'s account.
1213Promjena postavki kontrole korisničkog računa Change User Account Control settings
1216Promijeniti naziv računa Change the account name
1221Promijeni tip korisničkog računa Change the account type
1222Obriši korisnički račun Delete the account
1226Ako lozinka sadrži velika slova, ona moraju biti ukucana svaki put isto. If the password contains capital letters, they must be typed the same way every time.
1245&Ime: &Name:
1246&Lozinka: &Password:
1262Podsjetnik za &lozinku: Password &hint:
1263&Domena: &Domain:
1264P&retraži... B&rowse...
1265kliknite click
1270&Drugo: &Other:
1271Druge grupe računa Other Account Groups
1296Unos izmjena u račun u postavkama računara Make changes to my account in PC settings
1297Dodaj novog korisnika u postavkama računara Add a new user in PC settings
1536U redu OK
1538Odaberite postavke koje želite da se premještaju s vama Select which of your settings you want to roam with you
1539Kada se pomoću povezane lozinke prijavljujete na različite računare i uređaje, osobne postavke koje su vam važne premještat će se s vama i automatski će vam biti dostupne. When you use your connected password to log on to different computers and devices, the personal settings you care about will travel with you and automatically be available.
1540Dodatne informacije o povezanim lozinkama i prebacivanju iz mreže u mrežu Learn more about connected passwords and roaming
1542Postavke koje će se premještati Settings to roam
1543Personalizacija Personalization
1544Pozadinska slika radne površine, staklena boja Desktop background image, glass color
1545Pristupačnost Accessibility
1546Postavke upravljačke ploče za olakšani pristup, povećala, ekranske tipkovnice, naratora i prepoznavanja govora Ease of access control panel, magnifier, on screen keyboard, narrator, and speech recognition settings
1547Jezične postavke Language Settings
1548Jezični profil, preference predviđanja teksta i rječnik IME-a Language profile, text prediction preferences, and IME dictionary
1549Postavke aplikacije Application Settings
1550Postavke aplikacija i povijest pretraživanja Application settings and search history
1551Postavke sistema Windows Windows Settings
1552Postavke programske trake, programa Explorer, pretraživanja i miša Taskbar, Explorer, search, and mouse settings
1553Akreditivi Credentials
1554Profili za bežične mreže i sačuvane akreditive za web lokacije Wireless network profiles and saved website credentials
1555Mogućnosti mreže Network options
1556Omogući prebacivanje iz mreže u mrežu na plaćenim mrežama Enable roaming on paid networks
1557Omogući prebacivanje iz mreže u mrežu pri maloj propusnosti Enable roaming on low bandwidth
2101Korisnici Users
2102Promijenite račun ili dodajte nove. Change your account or add new ones.
2152Učitavanje stranice Page loading
2153Users Users
2154Vaš račun Your account
2155Podaci o vašemu računu Your account information
2156Promjena lozinke Change your password
2157Stvori lozinku Create a password
2158Da biste promijenili lozinku, pritisnite Ctrl+Alt+Del i odaberite "Promijeni lozinku" To change your password, press Ctrl+Alt+Del and choose Change a password
2159Mogućnosti prijave Sign-in options
2160Stvori slikovnu lozinku Create a picture password
2161Promijeni slikovnu lozinku Change picture password
2162Ukloni Remove
2163U Windows se možete prijaviti pomoću adrese e-pošte koja se koristi kao Microsoft račun. To vam omogućuje pristup fajlovima i fotografijama s bilo kojeg mjesta, sinhronizaciju postavki i još mnogo toga. You can use your email address as a Microsoft account to sign in to Windows. You’ll be able to access files and photos anywhere, sync settings, and more.
2164Prijelaz na Microsoftov račun Switch to a Microsoft account
2165Povežite domenski račun s Microsoft računom kako biste sinhronizirali postavke računara. Connect your domain account to your Microsoft account to sync PC settings.
2166Povezivanje Microsoft računa Connect your Microsoft account
2167Ovaj je domenski račun povezan sa %1 This domain account is connected to %1
2168Prekini vezu s Microsoft računom Disconnect your Microsoft account
2169Drugi korisnici Other users
2171Drugi podaci o računu Other account information
2172Manage users Manage users
2174Stvori PIN Create a PIN
2175Promijeni PIN Change PIN
2177Povezan s Microsoft računom. Connected to a Microsoft account.
2178Da biste dodavali korisnike na ovaj računar, prijavite se kao administrator. Sign in as an administrator to add users to this PC.
2179Upravljanje domenskim korisnicima Manage domain users
2180Nekim postavkama upravlja administrator sistema. Some settings are managed by your system administrator.
2181Zatraži unos lozinke nakon isključivanja ekrana Require a password after the display is off for
2182Security policies on this PC are preventing you from choosing some options. Security policies on this PC are preventing you from choosing some options.
2183Your PC’s power settings are preventing some options from being shown. Your PC’s power settings are preventing some options from being shown.
2184Delay lock list Delay lock list
2185Korisnik koji ima lozinku mora je unijeti prilikom vraćanja računara iz stanja mirovanja. Any user who has a password must enter it when waking this PC.
2186Korisnik koji ima lozinku ne mora je unijeti prilikom vraćanja računara iz stanja mirovanja. Any user who has a password doesn’t need to enter it when waking this PC.
2187Prilikom vraćanja računara iz stanja mirovanja morate unijeti lozinku. Prijavite se kao administrator kako biste promijenili tu postavku. You need to enter a password when waking your PC. Sign in as an administrator to change this setting.
2188Prilikom vraćanja računara iz stanja mirovanja ne morate unijeti lozinku. Prijavite se kao administrator kako biste promijenili tu postavku. You don’t need to enter a password when waking your PC. Sign in as an administrator to change this setting.
2189Korisnik koji ima lozinku mora je unijeti prilikom vraćanja računara iz stanja mirovanja. Da biste promijenili tu postavku, otvorite upravljačku ploču i odaberite Mogućnosti uštede energije. Any user who has a password must enter it when waking this PC. To change this setting, open Control Panel and choose Power Options.
2190Korisnik koji ima lozinku ne mora je unijeti prilikom vraćanja računara iz stanja mirovanja. Da biste promijenili tu postavku, otvorite upravljačku ploču i odaberite Mogućnosti uštede energije. Any user who has a password doesn’t need to enter it when waking this PC. To change this setting, open Control Panel and choose Power Options.
2191Promijeni Change
2192Na ovom računaru nema drugih korisnika. There are no other users on this PC.
2193Možete se prebaciti na lokalni račun, no onda se neće sinhronizirati postavke na svim računarima koje koristite. You can switch to a local account, but your settings won’t sync between the PCs you use.
2195Some settings are not available in safe mode. Some settings are not available in safe mode.
2196+ +
219730;Semibold;None;Segoe UI 30;Semibold;None;Segoe UI
2198Da biste promijenili lozinku, pritisnite Ctrl+Alt+Del. To change your password, press Ctrl+Alt+Del.
2199Da biste promijenili lozinku, pritisnite i držite tipku Windows, a zatim pritisnite dugme za isključivanje računara. To change your password, press and hold the Windows button and then press the power button.
2200Ukloni slikovnu lozinku Remove picture password
2201Remove PIN Remove PIN
2202Ažuriraj moj Microsoft račun Update my Microsoft account
2203Za račun ne postoji lozinka. Da biste postavili PIN ili slikovnu lozinku, morate imati lozinku. Your account doesn’t have a password. A password is required to set up a PIN or a picture password.
2204Security policies on this PC are preventing you from changing this setting. Security policies on this PC are preventing you from changing this setting.
2210Uvijek traži lozinku Always require a password
22111 minuta 1 minute
22122 minuta 2 minutes
22133 minuta 3 minutes
22145 minuta 5 minutes
221510 minuta 10 minutes
221615 minuta 15 minutes
2217Nikad ne traži lozinku Never require a password
2901Prijavite se pomoću najnovije lozinke za Microsoft račun. You need to sign in with your most recent Microsoft account password.
2902Prijava Sign in
2903Adresa e-pošte se promijenila. Ponovno se prijavite pomoću nove adrese e-pošte kako biste ažurirali Microsoft račun na ovom računaru. Your email address has changed. Sign in again with your new email address to update your Microsoft account on this PC.
2904Odjava Sign out
2905Za dovršetak postavljanja Microsoft računa potrebno je dopuštenje roditelja. To finish setting up this Microsoft account, you need a parent’s permission.
2906Zatražite dozvolu roditelja Ask a parent
2907Istekao je Microsoft račun. Your Microsoft account has expired.
2908Ažurirajte račun Update your account
2909Da bismo pridonijeli sigurnosti računa, moramo provjeriti je li vaš. To help keep this account secure, we need to verify that it’s yours.
2910Potvrdi Verify
2911Moramo provjeriti je li ova adresa e-pošte vaša. Provjerite je li u e-pošti poruka Microsoft tima za račune. We need to verify that this email address is yours. Check your email for the message from the Microsoft account team.
2912Dodatne informacije More info
2913Morate ažurirati neke informacije za Microsoft račun. You need to update some info for your Microsoft account.
2914Ažuriranje podataka Update info
2915Morate potvrditi promjene Microsoft računa. You need to verify changes to your Microsoft account.
2917Morate dodati sigurnosne informacije kako biste se lakše vratili u Microsoft račun. You need to add security info to help you get back into your Microsoft account.
2918Dodajte podatke Add info
2919Spremljene lozinke za aplikacije, web-mjesta i mreže neće se sinhronizirati dok ne potvrdite da je računar pouzdan. Your saved passwords for apps, websites, and networks won’t sync until you trust this PC.
2920Računar je pouzdan Trust this PC
2921Unesite najnoviju lozinku za Microsoft račun kako biste ostali sinhronizirani. You need to enter your most recent Microsoft account password to stay in sync.
2922Unesite lozinku Enter password
3011Dalje Next
3012Preskoči Skip
3151Prebacite se na Microsoft račun na ovom računaru Switch to a Microsoft account on this PC
3152Povežite se na Microsoft račun na ovom računaru Connect to a Microsoft account on this PC
3157Prebaci se na Microsoft račun na ovom računaru Switch to a Microsoft account on this PC
320020;light;none;Segoe UI 20;light;none;Segoe UI
320111;normal;none;Segoe UI 11;normal;none;Segoe UI
3202Ovo je obavezno polje. This is a required field.
3203Zatvori Close
3204Završi Finish
3205Koju adresu e-pošte ova osoba želi koristiti za prijavljivanje u Windows? (Ako znate adresu e-pošte koju ta osoba koristi za prijavljivanje u Microsoft usluge, unesite je ovdje.) What email address would this person like to use to sign in to Windows? (If you know the email address they use to sign in to Microsoft services, enter it here.)
3206Adresa e-pošte Email address
3207Unesite važeću adresu e-pošte. Primjer: [email protected] Enter a valid email address. Example: [email protected]
3208Prijavite se za novu adresu e-pošte Sign up for a new email address
3209Prijavi se bez Microsoft računa (nije preporučeno) Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended)
3210Microsoft račun Microsoft account
3211Dva su načina prijave: There are two options for signing in:
3213Preuzmite aplikacije iz Windows trgovine. Download apps from Windows Store.
3214Automatski dohvaćajte internetske sadržaje u Microsoft aplikacijama. Get your online content in Microsoft apps automatically.
3215Sinhronizirajte postavke - primjerice povijest preglednika, korisničku sliku i boju - putem Interneta da bi računari izgledali i funkcionirali isto. Sync settings online to make PCs look and feel the same—like your browser history, account picture, and color.
3218Odaberite lozinku koju ćete lako zapamtiti, ali koju će drugi teško pogoditi. Ako je zaboravite, pokazat ćemo vam podsjetnik. Choose a password that will be easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess. If you forget, we’ll show the hint.
3219Korisničko ime User name
3220Korisničko ime nije valjano Invalid username
3221Lozinka Password
3222Lozinka nije valjana Invalid password
3223Lozinke koje ste unijeli nisu jednake. Pokušajte ponovno. The passwords you entered don’t match. Try again.
3224Ponovno unesite lozinku Reenter password
3225Podsjetnik za lozinku Password hint
3226Podsjetnik za lozinku ne može sadržavati lozinku. Your password hint cannot contain your password.
3227Nažalost, nešto nije u redu. We’re sorry, but something went wrong.
3228Nažalost, nešto nije u redu. Korisnik nije dodan na računar.
Kod: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. This user wasn’t added to this PC.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3231Trenutna lozinka Current password
3232Lozinka nije tačna. Pokušajte ponovno. The password is incorrect. Try again.
3233Koje postavke računara s Microsoft računa želite sinhronizirati s domenskim računom? Which PC settings from your Microsoft account do you want to sync with your domain account?
3234Izgled Appearance
3235Personalizacija radne površine Desktop personalization
3236Olakšani pristup Ease of Access
3237Jezične preferencije Language preferences
3238Podaci aplikacije App data
3239Web preglednik (otvorene kartice, historija i favoriti) Web browser (open tabs, history, and favorites)
3240Ostale postavke operativnog sistema Windows Other Windows settings
3241Lozinke (aplikacije, web lokacije i mreže) Passwords (apps, websites, and networks)
3242Neke je postavke blokirao administrator sistema. One or more of these settings has been blocked by your system administrator.
3243Na ovaj će se računar moći prijaviti sljedeći korisnik. The following user will be able to sign in to this PC.
3244Gotovo ste završili. Vaš postojeći račun će biti promijenjen na Microsoft račun. Svi vaši fajlovi na ovom računaru će ostati na istom mjestu. You’re almost done. Your existing account will now be changed to a Microsoft account. All of your files on this PC will remain in place.
3245Gotovo ste završili. Moći ćete koristiti usluge Microsoft računa dok ste prijavljeni pomoću računa domena, a vaše lične postavke će se sinhronizirati. You’re almost done. You’ll be able to use Microsoft account services while signed in with your domain account, and your personal settings will sync.
3246Još malo i gotovi ste. Servise vezane uz Microsoft račun moći ćete koristiti dok ste prijavljeni pomoću svog domenskog računa. You’re almost done. You’ll be able to use Microsoft account services while signed in with your domain account.
3247Gotovo ste završili. Provjerite da li ste sačuvali podatke s kojim ste radili i koristite novu lozinku pri sljedećem prijavljivanju.

Informacije povezane s vašim Microsoft računom i dalje postoje, ali aplikacije od vas mogu tražiti da se prijavite prije pristupanja tim informacijama.
You’re almost done. Make sure you’ve saved your work, and use your new password the next time you sign in.

The information associated with your Microsoft account still exists, but apps might ask you to sign in before accessing that info.
3248Upravo ćete prekinuti vezu svog Microsoft računa s računom domene.

Informacije povezane s vašim Microsoft računom i dalje postoje, ali aplikacije od vas mogu tražiti da se prijavite prije pristupa tim informacijama.

Svi fajlovi koje ste imali na usluzi SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME će i dalje biti tamo, ali samo fajlovi označeni za korištenje van mreže će ostati na ovom PC-ju. Aplikacije na ovom PC-ju više neće imati pristup vašim SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME fajlovima ili fasciklama.
You’re about to disconnect your Microsoft account from your domain account.

The information associated with your Microsoft account still exists, but apps might ask you to sign in before accessing that info.

Any files that you had in SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME will still be there, but only files marked for offline use will stay on this PC. Apps on this PC will no longer have access to your SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME files or folders.
3249Sljedeći se put u Windows prijavite pomoću nove lozinke. Next time you sign in, use your new password.
3250Windows se u ovome trenutku ne može povezati s Internetom. Ako želite dodati Microsoft račun, provjerite Internetsku vezu i pokušajte opet poslije. Windows can’t connect to the Internet right now. Check your Internet connection and try again later if you want to add a Microsoft account.
3251Račun možete koristiti i samo na ovom računaru, pa se ne morate prijaviti pomoću Microsoft računa. Sačuvajte ono na čemu radite jer se za to morate najprije odjaviti.

Prvo moramo provjeriti vašu postojeću lozinku.
You can use an account on this PC only, instead of signing in with your Microsoft account. Save your work now, because you’ll need to sign out to do this.

First, we need to verify your current password.
3252Odjavi se i dovrši Sign out and finish
3253Unesite sljedeće informacije. Odsad ćete se u Windows prijavljivati pomoću lokalnog računa.

Ako se prijavite u Windows koristeći PIN ili Windows Hello, morate postaviti lozinku kako biste ih nastavili koristiti.
Enter the following information. You’ll sign in to Windows with a local account from now on.

If you sign in to Windows with a PIN or Windows Hello, you must set up a password to continue using them.
3255Obavijestite tu osobu da prilikom prve prijave mora biti povezana s Internetom. Let this person know they’ll need to be connected to the Internet to sign in for the first time.
3256Morate kreirati korisničko ime i račun za svaki računar koji koristite. You have to create a user name and account for each PC you use.
3257Da biste preuzimali aplikacije, morat ćete imati Microsoft račun, no to možete i poslije postaviti. You’ll need a Microsoft account to download apps, but you can set it up later.
3259Nešto nije u redu. Račun nije promijenjen u taj Microsoft račun.
Kod: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your account wasn’t changed to this Microsoft account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3260Nešto nije u redu. Microsoft račun se nije povezao s domenskim računom.
Kod: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account was not connected to this domain account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3261Žao nam je, ali nešto nije u redu. Lozinka možda nije promijenjena.
Kod: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your password may not have been changed.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3263Fix this problem online Fix this problem online
3264Žao nam je, trenutno se ne možemo povezati s Microsoft uslugama. Ako se problem ponovi, na početnom ekranu potražite stavku "problemi s mrežom". Sorry, we couldn’t connect to Microsoft services right now. If this problem persists, search for “network problems” on the Start screen.
3265Umjesto toga se prijavite u svaku aplikaciju odvojeno (ne preporučuje se) Sign into each app separately instead (not recommended)
3266Početni ekran Start screen
3267Aplikacije (spisak aplikacija koje ste instalirali) Apps (list of apps you’ve installed)
3268Od sada koristite svoj Microsoft račun i lozinku za prijavljivanje na ovaj uređaj. From now on, use your Microsoft account and password to sign in to this device.
327111;bold;none;Segoe UI 11;bold;none;Segoe UI
3273Priprema Microsoft računa Preparing your Microsoft account
3274Povezivanje računa Connecting your accounts
3275Priprema lokalnog računa Preparing your local account
3276Prekidanje veze računa Disconnecting your accounts
3278Izjava o privatnosti Privacy statement
3279Prijavom na računar pomoću adrese e-pošte omogućuje se sljedeće: Signing in to PCs with your email address lets you:
3280Prijava pomoću lokalnog računa znači: Signing in with a local account means:
3281Postavke se neće sinhronizirati na svim računarima koje koristite. Your settings won’t be synced across the PCs that you use.
3282We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account wasn’t connected to this domain account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account wasn’t connected to this domain account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3283We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account is still connected to this domain account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account is still connected to this domain account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3284We’re sorry, but your password couldn’t be changed.
Code: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but your password couldn’t be changed.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3285We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your account wasn’t changed to this Microsoft account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your account wasn’t changed to this Microsoft account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3286We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account wasn’t changed to a local account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Your Microsoft account wasn’t changed to a local account.
Code: 0x%1!x!
3287Sorry, we couldn’t verify your password. Try signing out of Windows and signing in again. Sorry, we couldn’t verify your password. Try signing out of Windows and signing in again.
3288Go online to fix this problem with your account. Go online to fix this problem with your account.
3289Neki znakovi ne mogu se koristiti u adresi e-pošte. Pokušajte ponovno. Some characters can’t be used in an email address. Please try again.
3290Kada se u sistem Windows prijavite pomoću Microsoft računa, dostupne su vam sljedeće mogućnosti: When you sign in to Windows with a Microsoft account, you can:
3291Treba vam dozvola roditelja da biste promijenili lozinku. You need a parent’s permission to change your password.
3294Sadržaj ovog PC-ja je šifriran kako bi se zaštitila vaša privatnost ukoliko se PC izgubi ili bude ukraden. Windows automatski pohranjuje vaš ključ za obnavljanje s vašim Microsoft računom. Prije nego što se prebacite na lokalni račun, uvijek trebate napraviti kopiju ključa za obnavljanje. Ako se nešto desi s vašim PC-jem, trebat će vam ključ za obnavljanje kako biste se prijavili i pristupili važnim fajlovima i fotografijama.

Da biste napravili rezervnu kopiju ključa za obnavljanje, zatvorite ovaj dijaloški okvir i koristite dugme Traži kako biste potražili "šifriranje uređaja." Dodirnite ili kliknite "Upravljanje BitLocker šifriranjem," a zatim slijedite upute za izradu rezervne kopije za svaki šifrirani pogon na PC-ju.
The contents of this PC are encrypted to protect your privacy if this PC is lost or stolen. Windows automatically stores your recovery key with your Microsoft account. Before you switch to a local account, you should back up a copy of your recovery key. If anything happens to your PC, you’ll need your recovery key to sign in and access your important files and photos.

To back up your recovery key, close this dialog box and use the Search charm to search for “device encryption.” Tap or click “Manage BitLocker,” and then follow the backup instructions for each encrypted drive on your PC.
3295Sadržaj ovog PC-ja je šifriran kako bi se zaštitila vaša privatnost ukoliko se PC izgubi ili bude ukraden. Windows automatski pohranjuje vaš ključ za obnavljanje s vašim Microsoft računom. Prije nego što se prebacite na lokalni račun, uvijek trebate napraviti kopiju ključa za obnavljanje. Ako se nešto desi s vašim PC-jem, trebat će vam ključ za obnavljanje kako biste se prijavili i pristupili važnim fajlovima i fotografijama.

Da biste napravili rezervnu kopiju ključa za obnavljanje, zatvorite ovaj dijaloški okvir i koristite dugme Traži kako biste potražili "šifriranje uređaja." Dodirnite ili kliknite "Napravite rezervnu kopiju ključa oporavka," a zatim slijedite upute za izradu rezervne kopije za svaki šifrirani pogon na PC-ju.
The contents of this PC are encrypted to protect your privacy if this PC is lost or stolen. Windows automatically stores your recovery key with your Microsoft account. Before you switch to a local account, you should back up a copy of your recovery key. If anything happens to your PC, you’ll need your recovery key to sign in and access your important files and photos.

To back up your recovery key, close this dialog box and use the Search charm to search for “device encryption.” Tap or click “Back up your recovery key,” and then follow the backup instructions for each encrypted drive on your PC.
3296Zatvori i napravi rezervnu kopiju Close and back up
3297Preskoči ovaj korak Skip this step
3298You didn’t use your Microsoft account for a while, so it expired. Switch to a local account. You can create a Microsoft account later. You didn’t use your Microsoft account for a while, so it expired. Switch to a local account. You can create a Microsoft account later.
3300Something went wrong. Try signing out of your PC and then signing back in. Something went wrong. Try signing out of your PC and then signing back in.
3301The password you signed in with is different from your password for your Microsoft account. Sign in again using your current password, or reset it. The password you signed in with is different from your password for your Microsoft account. Sign in again using your current password, or reset it.
3302We need a little more info from you before you can continue. We need a little more info from you before you can continue.
3303Your account was locked because there have been too many attempts to sign in with an incorrect password. Your account was locked because there have been too many attempts to sign in with an incorrect password.
3304You need to verify your email address to continue. You need to verify your email address to continue.
3305You have signed in to too many PCs using this Microsoft account. You have signed in to too many PCs using this Microsoft account.
3306Someone might have misused your Microsoft account, so we suspended it to help protect it. Someone might have misused your Microsoft account, so we suspended it to help protect it.
3307Something went wrong connecting to the Microsoft account service. Please try again later. Something went wrong connecting to the Microsoft account service. Please try again later.
3309Prijavite se u Windows pomoću svoje adrese e-pošte. Ako već koristite adresu e-pošte za prijavu na računare sa sistemom Windows, unesite je ovdje. Use your favorite email address to sign in to Windows. If you already use an email address to sign in to PCs running Windows, enter it here.
3310Unesite adresu e-pošte Enter your email address
3311Ako već imate Microsoft račun, koristite ga ovdje. U suprotnom koristite svoju adresu e-pošte. If you already have a Microsoft account, use it here. Otherwise, use your favorite email address.
3312Uključena je tipka Caps Lock Caps Lock is on
3313Your account can’t be changed right now. Try signing out of Windows and signing in again. Your account can’t be changed right now. Try signing out of Windows and signing in again.
3314Je li ovo račun djeteta? Uključite %1 kako biste dobivali izvještaje o tome kako koristi računar. Is this a child’s account? Turn on %1 to get reports of their PC use.
3315The password you entered is too short to meet this PC’s requirements. Please go back and try a longer password. The password you entered is too short to meet this PC’s requirements. Please go back and try a longer password.
3316The password you entered is too long. Please go back and try a shorter password. The password you entered is too long. Please go back and try a shorter password.
3317The password you entered isn’t complex enough to meet this PC’s requirements. Please go back and try a password that contains numbers, letters, and symbols. The password you entered isn’t complex enough to meet this PC’s requirements. Please go back and try a password that contains numbers, letters, and symbols.
3318The user name you entered isn’t available. Please go back and try a different user name. The user name you entered isn’t available. Please go back and try a different user name.
3319Kako će se ova osoba prijavljivati? How will this person sign in?
3320Dodaj račun za dijete Add a child’s account
3322Kada se vaše dijete prijavi u Windows svojim računom, dobivat ćete izvještaje o njegovim aktivnostima na računaru, a možete koristiti Porodičnu sigurnost kako biste postavili dodatna ograničenja. When your child signs in to Windows with their account, you’ll get reports about their PC activities, and you can use Family Safety to set additional limits.
3323Adresa e-pošte djeteta Child’s email address
3324Unesite adresu e-pošte za svoje dijete Enter an email address for your child
3325Vaše dijete se može prijaviti pomoću bilo koje adrese e-pošte. No ako već ima račun koji koristi za prijavljivanje na uslugu, Skype, SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME, Windows Phone, Xbox LIVE ili na drugi računar, koristite isti račun ovdje kako biste objedinili sve informacije na jednom računaru. Your child can sign in using any email address. But if they already have an account they use to sign in to, Skype, SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME, Windows Phone, Xbox LIVE, or another PC, use the same account here to bring all their info together on this PC.
3330Ne želite da vaše dijete koristi e-poštu? Don’t want your child to use email?
3331Vaše dijete se može prijaviti na ovaj računar i postaviti ga da izgleda onako kako ono želi, ali neće imati račun e-pošte i trebat će mu vaša pomoć da preuzme aplikacije iz Windows Prodavnice. Your child can sign in and set up this PC to look the way they want, but they won’t have an email account, and they’ll need your help to get apps from the Windows Store.
3332Dodaj račun za dijete bez e-pošte Add a child’s account without email
3333Za koga je ovaj račun? Who’s this account for?
3334Vaše dijete može koristiti ovaj račun za prijavljivanje na ovaj PC i personaliziranje svog doživljaja. Porodična sigurnost će biti uključena po zadanoj vrijednosti i nećemo kreirati adresu e-pošte za ovo dijete. Your child can use this account to sign in to this PC and personalize their experience. Family Safety will be turned on by default, and we won’t create an email address for this child.
3335Ako postavite lozinku, pazite da bude takva da je vaše dijete može lako zapamtiti. If you set a password, make sure it’s easy for your child to remember.
3336Dodan je novi račun The new account has been added
3337Dodaj ovog korisnika Add this user now
3338Na ovaj će se PC moći prijaviti sljedeće dijete. This child will be able to sign in to this PC.
3340Praćenje putem Porodične sigurnosti će biti uključeno za ovaj račun. Uvijek možete promijeniti šta vaše dijete vidi u Windows prodavnici, te upravljati drugim postavkama na web lokaciji Porodične sigurnosti Family Safety monitoring will be turned on for this account. You can always change what your child sees in the Windows Store and manage other settings on the Family Safety website.
3341Praćenje putem Porodične sigurnosti će biti uključeno za ovaj račun kada se vaše dijete prvi put prijavi na PC. Uvijek možete promijeniti šta vaše dijete vidi u Windows prodavnici, te upravljati drugim postavkama na web lokaciji Porodične sigurnosti. Family Safety monitoring will be turned on for this account when your child signs in to this PC for the first time. You can always change what your child sees in the Windows Store and manage other settings on the Family Safety website.
3342[email protected] [email protected]
3343Ova osoba može da se prijavi kako bi lako pristupala e-pošti, fotografijama, fajlovima i postavkama na mreži (kao što su istorija pretraživanja i favoriti) na svim svojim uređajima. U svakom trenutku može da upravlja svojim sinhronizovanim postavkama. This person can sign in to easily get their online email, photos, files, and settings (like browser history and favorites) on all of their devices. They can manage their synced settings at any time.
3346Prebaci Switch
3347Poveži se na Microsoft račun na ovom računaru Connect to a Microsoft account on this PC
3348Poveži Connect
3349Mnoge aplikacije i usluge (kao što je ova) oslanjaju se na Microsoft račun radi sinhroniziranja sadržaja i postavki na raznim uređajima. Pomoći ćemo vam da sada postavite Microsoft račun. Many apps and services (like this one) rely on a Microsoft account to sync content and settings across devices. We’ll help you set up your Microsoft account now.

First, confirm your current local password (we need to know this is you).
3350Mnoge aplikacije i usluge (kao što je ova) oslanjaju se na Microsoft račun radi sinhronizovanja sadržaja i postavki na raznim uređajima. Pomoći ćemo vam da sada postavite Microsoft račun. Many apps and services (like this one) rely on a Microsoft account to sync content and settings across devices. We’ll help you set up your Microsoft account now.
3351Praćenje putem Porodične sigurnosti će biti uključeno za ovaj račun. Uvijek možete promijeniti šta vaše dijete vidi u Windows prodavnici, te upravljati drugim postavkama na web lokaciji Porodične sigurnosti. Family Safety monitoring will be turned on for this account. You can always change what your child sees in the Windows Store and manage other settings in the Family Safety control panel.
3360Vaše dijete se može prijaviti pomoću bilo koje adrese e-pošte. No ako već ima račun koji koristi za prijavlјivanje na uslugu, Skype, SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME, Windows Phone, Xbox LIVE ili na drugi računar, koristite isti račun ovdje kako biste objedinili sve informacije na jednom računaru. Your child can sign in using any email address. But if they already have an account they use to sign in to, Skype, SKYDRIVE_BRAND_NAME, Windows Phone, Xbox LIVE, or another PC, use the same account here to bring all their info together on this PC.
0x10000031Response Time Response Time
0x10000034SQM SQM
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000002Error Error
0x50000004Information Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-User Control Panel Microsoft-Windows-User Control Panel
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-User Control Panel/Operational Microsoft-Windows-User Control Panel/Operational
0xB0002329Failed execution of [%1]. (Result %2) Failed execution of [%1]. (Result %2)
0xB000232AFailed execution of [%1] for instance = %2. (Result %3) Failed execution of [%1] for instance = %2. (Result %3)


File Name:usercpl.dll.mui
File Size:66 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:66560
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (141A)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Korisnička upravljačka ploča
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:USERCPL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original File Name:USERCPL.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is usercpl.dll.mui?

usercpl.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Bosnian (Latin) language for file usercpl.dll (Korisnička upravljačka ploča).

File version info

File Description:Korisnička upravljačka ploča
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:USERCPL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original Filename:USERCPL.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x141A, 1200