10 | Menghemat energi dengan mengurangi performa komputer bila mungkin. |
Saves energy by reducing your computer’s performance where possible. |
11 | Penghemat daya |
Power saver |
12 | Mengutamakan performa, namun mungkin menggunakan lebih banyak energi. |
Favors performance, but may use more energy. |
13 | Performa tinggi |
High performance |
14 | Otomatis menyeimbangkan performa dengan pemakaian energi pada perangkat keras yang mendukung fitur ini. |
Automatically balances performance with energy consumption on capable hardware. |
15 | Seimbang |
Balanced |
16 | Power plan used when there are no users logged into the system. |
Power plan used when there are no users logged into the system. |
17 | System power plan |
System power plan |
50 | Do nothing |
Do nothing |
51 | Tidak melakukan apa pun |
Do nothing |
52 | Tidur |
Sleep |
54 | Hibernasi |
Hibernate |
56 | Matikan |
Shut down |
60 | Nonaktifkan tampilan |
Turn off the display |
62 | Aktifkan tampilan |
Turn on the display |
80 | Detik |
Seconds |
81 | % |
% |
82 | Milidetik |
Milliseconds |
83 | Mikrodetik |
Microseconds |
84 | MB |
MB |
85 | Menit |
Minutes |
86 | State Type |
State Type |
87 | MHz |
MHz |
100 | The default Windows power plan types include Balanced, Power saver, and High performance. The three types are designed to balance power savings while providing performance on demand, maximize power savings, or maximize performance. Many system components use the power plan type to deciding whether to optimize power savings or performance. |
The default Windows power plan types include Balanced, Power saver, and High performance. The three types are designed to balance power savings while providing performance on demand, maximize power savings, or maximize performance. Many system components use the power plan type to deciding whether to optimize power savings or performance. |
101 | Power plan type |
Power plan type |
102 | Memerlukan sandi untuk membuka penguncian komputer bila bangun dari tidur. |
Require a password to unlock the computer when it wakes from sleep. |
103 | Memerlukan sandi saat bangun |
Require a password on wakeup |
104 | Menentukan berapa lama komputer tidak aktif sebelum beralih ke tidur. |
Specify how long your computer is inactive before going to sleep. |
105 | Tidur setelah |
Sleep after |
106 | Menentukan berapa lama komputer tidak aktif sebelum hibernasi. |
Specify how long your computer is inactive before hibernating. |
107 | Hibernasi setelah |
Hibernate after |
108 | Membolehkan Windows menyimpan pekerjaan Anda dan beralih ke status daya rendah agar Anda dapat segera melanjutkan pekerjaan. |
Allow Windows to save your work and enter a low-power state so that you can resume working almost immediately. |
109 | Bolehkan tidur hibrid |
Allow hybrid sleep |
110 | Enables system to show a progress bar during transitions to sleep. |
Enables system to show a progress bar during transitions to sleep. |
111 | Enable Sleep Progress Bar |
Enable Sleep Progress Bar |
114 | Hidup |
On |
116 | Tidak aktif |
Off |
117 | Mati |
Off |
118 | Tidak |
No |
119 | Menetapkan pengaturan tidur. |
Specify sleep settings. |
121 | Allow Windows to use the standby states when sleeping your computer. |
Allow Windows to use the standby states when sleeping your computer. |
122 | Allow Standby States |
Allow Standby States |
123 | Ya |
Yes |
124 | Menentukan bila waktu kejadian seharusnya diperbolehkan membangunkan komputer Anda dari tidur. |
Specify if timed events should be allowed to wake the computer from sleep. |
125 | Perbolehkan pewaktu bangun |
Allow wake timers |
126 | Tidur Dalam Dinonaktifkan |
Deep Sleep Disabled |
127 | Tidur Dalam Diaktifkan |
Deep Sleep Enabled |
128 | Idle timeout before the system returns to a low power sleep state after waking unattended. |
Idle timeout before the system returns to a low power sleep state after waking unattended. |
129 | System unattended sleep timeout |
System unattended sleep timeout |
150 | Specifies the policy for devices powering down while the system is running. |
Specifies the policy for devices powering down while the system is running. |
151 | Device idle policy |
Device idle policy |
152 | Favor performance over power savings. |
Favor performance over power savings. |
153 | Performance |
Performance |
154 | Favor power savings over performance. |
Favor power savings over performance. |
155 | Power savings |
Power savings |
200 | Mengkonfigurasi pengaturan pemberitahuan dan alarm untuk baterai. |
Configure notification and alarm settings for your battery. |
201 | Baterai |
Battery |
202 | Menetapkan tindakan yang dilakukan bila kapasitas daya baterai mencapai tingkat kritis. |
Specify the action to take when the battery capacity reaches the critical level. |
203 | Tindakan daya baterai kritis |
Critical battery action |
204 | Menetapkan tindakan yang akan dilakukan komputer bila daya baterai hampir habis. |
Specify the action that your computer takes when battery capacity reaches the low level. |
205 | Tindakan daya baterai hampir habis |
Low battery action |
206 | Third Low Battery Alarm Action |
Third Low Battery Alarm Action |
208 | Fourth Low Battery Alarm Action |
Fourth Low Battery Alarm Action |
210 | Flags and settings for first low battery alarm |
Flags and settings for first low battery alarm |
211 | First low-battery alarm flags |
First low-battery alarm flags |
212 | Menentukan pemberitahuan mana yang ditunjukkan ketika kapasitas baterai mencapai tingkat rendah. |
Specify whether a notification is shown when the battery capacity reaches the low level. |
213 | Pemberitahuan muatan baterai rendah |
Low battery notification |
214 | Flags and settings for third low battery alarm |
Flags and settings for third low battery alarm |
215 | Third low-battery alarm flags |
Third low-battery alarm flags |
216 | Flags and settings for fourth low battery alarm |
Flags and settings for fourth low battery alarm |
217 | Fourth low-battery alarm flags |
Fourth low-battery alarm flags |
218 | Persentase kapasitas baterai tersisa yang menginisiasi tindakan daya baterai kritis. |
Percentage of battery capacity remaining that initiates the critical battery action. |
219 | Tingkat daya baterai kritis |
Critical battery level |
220 | Persentase kapasitas baterai tersisa yang menginisiasi tindakan daya baterai hampir habis. |
Percentage of battery capacity remaining that initiates the low battery action. |
221 | Tingkat daya baterai hampir habis |
Low battery level |
222 | Percent battery power remaining when third low-power action should be taken. |
Percent battery power remaining when third low-power action should be taken. |
223 | Third power trip point |
Third power trip point |
224 | Percent battery power remaining when fourth low-power action should be taken. |
Percent battery power remaining when fourth low-power action should be taken. |
225 | Fourth power trip point |
Fourth power trip point |
250 | Menetapkan tindakan yang akan dilakukan komputer bila tutup ditutup dan tombol daya ditekan. |
Specify what your computer does when you close the lid and press the power buttons. |
251 | Tombol daya dan tutup |
Power buttons and lid |
252 | Menetapkan tindakan yang dilakukan bila tombol daya ditekan. |
Specify the action to take when you press the power button. |
253 | Tindakan tombol daya |
Power button action |
254 | Menetapkan tindakan yang dilakukan bila tombol tidur ditekan. |
Specify the action to take when you press the sleep button. |
255 | Tindakan tombol tidur |
Sleep button action |
256 | Menetapkan tindakan yang akan dilakukan komputer bila PC bergerak ditutup. |
Specify the action that your computer takes when you close the lid on your mobile PC. |
257 | Tindakan menutup tutup |
Lid close action |
258 | Specify the action to take when you press the Start menu power button. |
Specify the action to take when you press the Start menu power button. |
259 | Tombol daya menu Mulai |
Start menu power button |
260 | Tentukan tindakan yang akan diambil ketika tutup terbuka. |
Specify the action to take when the lid is opened. |
261 | Tindakan membuka tutup |
Lid open action |
300 | Menentukan pengaturan manajemen daya untuk hard disk. |
Specify power management settings for your hard disk. |
301 | Hard disk |
Hard disk |
302 | Menentukan durasi hard drive tidak aktif sebelum disk dinonaktifkan. |
Specify how long your hard drive is inactive before the disk turns off. |
303 | Nonaktifkan hard disk setelah |
Turn off hard disk after |
304 | Allow the system to adapt the harddisk power down timeout based on system usage and recent history. |
Allow the system to adapt the harddisk power down timeout based on system usage and recent history. |
305 | Enable adaptive powerdown timeout. |
Enable adaptive powerdown timeout. |
306 | The harddisk may reduce its speed after the specified time of inactivity is detected. |
The harddisk may reduce its speed after the specified time of inactivity is detected. |
307 | Harddisk lowspeed timeout. |
Harddisk lowspeed timeout. |
308 | Allow the system to adapt the harddisk lowspeed timeout based on system usage and recent history. |
Allow the system to adapt the harddisk lowspeed timeout based on system usage and recent history. |
309 | Adaptive lowspeed timeout |
Adaptive lowspeed timeout |
310 | Ignore a burst of disk activity up to the specified time when determining if the disk is idle. |
Ignore a burst of disk activity up to the specified time when determining if the disk is idle. |
311 | Hard disk burst ignore time |
Hard disk burst ignore time |
312 | Menentukan tingkat konsumsi daya pada perangkat penyimpanan tidak boleh berlebih. |
Specifies the the power consumption level storage devices should not exceed. |
313 | Tingkat Daya Maksimum |
Maximum Power Level |
350 | Menetapkan pengaturan manajemen daya untuk prosesor komputer. |
Specify power management settings for your computer’s processor. |
351 | Manajemen daya prosesor |
Processor power management |
352 | Processor performance settings which allow the system to lower processor performance (and power consumption) if the system is not doing any work. |
Processor performance settings which allow the system to lower processor performance (and power consumption) if the system is not doing any work. |
353 | Processor throttle setting. |
Processor throttle setting. |
354 | Disable any processor power savings. |
Disable any processor power savings. |
355 | Disable |
Disable |
356 | Lower the maximum frequency of the processor. Regardless of the workload demands, the processor will run at a reduced frequency, thus drawing less power. |
Lower the maximum frequency of the processor. Regardless of the workload demands, the processor will run at a reduced frequency, thus drawing less power. |
357 | Lower maximum processor frequency |
Lower maximum processor frequency |
358 | Adaptively lower the maximum processor frequency, based on remaining battery life. Regardless of the workload demands, the processor will run at a reduced frequency, thus drawing less power. |
Adaptively lower the maximum processor frequency, based on remaining battery life. Regardless of the workload demands, the processor will run at a reduced frequency, thus drawing less power. |
359 | Adaptively lower the maximum processor frequency. |
Adaptively lower the maximum processor frequency. |
360 | Adaptively adjust the processor frequency based on workload demands. This setting will significantly reduce power consumption of the processor, while have very little effect on performance. |
Adaptively adjust the processor frequency based on workload demands. This setting will significantly reduce power consumption of the processor, while have very little effect on performance. |
361 | Adaptively adjust processor frequency. |
Adaptively adjust processor frequency. |
362 | Menetapkan status performa maksimum prosesor (dalam persentase). |
Specify the maximum performance state of your processor (in percentage). |
363 | Status prosesor maksimum |
Maximum processor state |
364 | Menetapkan status performa minimum prosesor (dalam persentase). |
Specify the minimum performance state of your processor (in percentage). |
365 | Status prosesor minimum |
Minimum processor state |
370 | Menentukan mode pendinginan untuk sistem |
Specify the cooling mode for your system |
371 | Kebijakan pendinginan sistem |
System cooling policy |
372 | Slow the processor before increasing fan speed |
Slow the processor before increasing fan speed |
373 | Pasif |
Passive |
374 | Menigkatkan kecepatan kipas sebelum memperlambat prosesor |
Increase fan speed before slowing the processor |
375 | Aktif |
Active |
376 | Specify the upper busy threshold that must be met before increasing the processor's performance state (in percentage). |
Specify the upper busy threshold that must be met before increasing the processor's performance state (in percentage). |
377 | Processor performance increase threshold |
Processor performance increase threshold |
378 | Specify the lower busy threshold that must be met before decreasing the processor's performance state (in percentage). |
Specify the lower busy threshold that must be met before decreasing the processor's performance state (in percentage). |
379 | Processor performance decrease threshold |
Processor performance decrease threshold |
380 | Allow processors to use throttle states in addition to performance states. |
Allow processors to use throttle states in addition to performance states. |
381 | Allow Throttle States |
Allow Throttle States |
382 | Select the ideal processor performance state. |
Select the ideal processor performance state. |
383 | Ideal |
Ideal |
384 | Select the processor performance state one closer to ideal than the current processor performance state. |
Select the processor performance state one closer to ideal than the current processor performance state. |
385 | Single |
Single |
386 | Select the highest speed/power processor performance state. |
Select the highest speed/power processor performance state. |
387 | Rocket |
Rocket |
388 | Select the lowest speed/power processor performance state. |
Select the lowest speed/power processor performance state. |
390 | Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is higher than the current performance state. |
Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is higher than the current performance state. |
391 | Processor performance increase policy |
Processor performance increase policy |
392 | Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is lower than the current performance state. |
Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is lower than the current performance state. |
393 | Processor performance decrease policy |
Processor performance decrease policy |
394 | Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be increased. |
Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be increased. |
395 | Processor performance increase time |
Processor performance increase time |
396 | Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be decreased. |
Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be decreased. |
397 | Processor performance decrease time |
Processor performance decrease time |
398 | Specify the amount that must expire before processor performance states and parked cores may be reevaluated (in milliseconds). |
Specify the amount that must expire before processor performance states and parked cores may be reevaluated (in milliseconds). |
399 | Processor performance time check interval |
Processor performance time check interval |
400 | Menentukan pengaturan manajemen daya untuk tampilan. |
Specify power management settings for your display. |
401 | Tampilan |
Display |
402 | Menentukan berapa lama komputer Anda tidak aktif sebelum tampilan Anda padam. |
Specify how long your computer is inactive before your display turns off. |
403 | Padamkan tampilan setelah |
Turn off display after |
404 | Extends the time that Windows waits to turn off the display if you repeatedly turn on the display with the keyboard or mouse. |
Extends the time that Windows waits to turn off the display if you repeatedly turn on the display with the keyboard or mouse. |
405 | Adaptive display |
Adaptive display |
406 | Menentukan durasi komputer tidak aktif sebelum tampilan meredup. |
Specify how long your computer is inactive before your display dims. |
407 | Tampilan meredup setelah |
Dim display after |
412 | Memantau sensor cahaya di sekitar untuk mendeteksi perubahan cahaya di sekitar dan menyesuaikan kecerahan layar. |
Monitors ambient light sensors to detect changes in ambient light and adjust the display brightness. |
413 | Aktifkan kecerahan adaptif |
Enable adaptive brightness |
414 | Specifies console lock display off timeout |
Specifies console lock display off timeout |
415 | Console lock display off timeout |
Console lock display off timeout |
510 | Enable or disable passive cooling policy on the system. |
Enable or disable passive cooling policy on the system. |
511 | Passive Cooling Mode |
Passive Cooling Mode |
515 | Tentukan tingkat kecerahan layar. |
Specify the normal brightness level of your display. |
516 | Kecerahan layar |
Display brightness |
517 | Do not allow Windows to wake from sleep on timed events. |
Do not allow Windows to wake from sleep on timed events. |
518 | Nonaktifkan |
Disable |
519 | Perbolehkan Windows untuk bangun dari tidur pada kejadian berjangka. |
Allow Windows to wake from sleep on timed events. |
520 | Aktifkan |
Enable |
521 | Tentukan tingkat kecerahan bila layar diredupkan. |
Specify the brightness level for when your display is dimmed. |
522 | Tingkat kecerahan layar saat redup |
Dimmed display brightness |
523 | Izinkan Windows bangun dari tidur hanya pada saat yang penting. |
Allow Windows to wake from sleep only on important timed events. |
524 | Pengatur Waktu Bangun Penting Saja |
Important Wake Timers Only |
550 | Allow away mode to be enabled for your computer |
Allow away mode to be enabled for your computer |
551 | Allow Away Mode Policy |
Allow Away Mode Policy |
552 | Don't Allow away mode to be enabled |
Don't Allow away mode to be enabled |
553 | No |
No |
554 | Allow away mode to be enabled |
Allow away mode to be enabled |
555 | Yes |
Yes |
560 | Allow programs to prevent machine from going to sleep automatically |
Allow programs to prevent machine from going to sleep automatically |
561 | Allow system required policy |
Allow system required policy |
562 | Don't allow programs to prevent machine from going to sleep automatically |
Don't allow programs to prevent machine from going to sleep automatically |
566 | Allow programs to prevent display from turning off automatically |
Allow programs to prevent display from turning off automatically |
567 | Allow display required policy |
Allow display required policy |
568 | Don't allow programs to prevent display from turning off automatically |
Don't allow programs to prevent display from turning off automatically |
600 | Pengaturan Manajemen Daya Ekspres PCI |
PCI Express Power Management Settings |
601 | Ekspres PCI |
PCI Express |
602 | Menentukan kebijakan Active State Power Management (ASPM) untuk digunakan untuk tautan yang berkemampuan ketika tautan tersebut menganggur. |
Specifies the Active State Power Management (ASPM) policy to use for capable links when the link is idle. |
603 | Manajemen Daya Status Tautan |
Link State Power Management |
604 | Mematikan ASPM untuk semua tautan. |
Turn off ASPM for all links. |
606 | Coba menggunakan status L0S ketika tautan menganggur. |
Attempt to use the L0S state when link is idle. |
607 | Penghematan daya sedang |
Moderate power savings |
608 | Coba menggunakan status L1 ketika tautan menganggur. |
Attempt to use the L1 state when the link is idle. |
609 | Penghematan daya maksimum |
Maximum power savings |
700 | Specify if idle state promotion and demotion values should be scaled based on the current performance state. |
Specify if idle state promotion and demotion values should be scaled based on the current performance state. |
701 | Processor idle threshold scaling |
Processor idle threshold scaling |
702 | Specify if idle states should be disabled. |
Specify if idle states should be disabled. |
703 | Processor idle disable |
Processor idle disable |
704 | Specify the time that elapsed since the last idle state promotion or demotion before idle states may be promoted or demoted again (in microseconds). |
Specify the time that elapsed since the last idle state promotion or demotion before idle states may be promoted or demoted again (in microseconds). |
705 | Processor idle time check |
Processor idle time check |
706 | Specify the upper busy threshold that must be met before demoting the processor to a lighter idle state (in percentage). |
Specify the upper busy threshold that must be met before demoting the processor to a lighter idle state (in percentage). |
707 | Processor idle demote threshold |
Processor idle demote threshold |
708 | Specify the lower busy threshold that must be met before promoting the processor to a deeper idle state (in percentage). |
Specify the lower busy threshold that must be met before promoting the processor to a deeper idle state (in percentage). |
709 | Processor idle promote threshold |
Processor idle promote threshold |
710 | Enable scaling of idle state promotion and demotion values based on the current performance state. |
Enable scaling of idle state promotion and demotion values based on the current performance state. |
711 | Enable scaling |
Enable scaling |
712 | Disable scaling of idle state promotion and demotion values based on the current performance state. |
Disable scaling of idle state promotion and demotion values based on the current performance state. |
713 | Disable scaling |
Disable scaling |
714 | Enable idle states. |
Enable idle states. |
715 | Enable idle |
Enable idle |
716 | Disable idle states. |
Disable idle states. |
717 | Disable idle |
Disable idle |
718 | Interval pemeriksaan waktu |
Time check intervals |
719 | Specify how much processors may opportunistically increase frequency above maximum when allowed by current operating conditions. |
Specify how much processors may opportunistically increase frequency above maximum when allowed by current operating conditions. |
720 | Processor performance boost policy |
Processor performance boost policy |
721 | Specify the number of processor performance time check intervals to use when calculating the average utility. |
Specify the number of processor performance time check intervals to use when calculating the average utility. |
722 | Processor performance history count |
Processor performance history count |
723 | Specify the processor performance in response to latency sensitivity hints. |
Specify the processor performance in response to latency sensitivity hints. |
724 | Latency sensitivity hint processor performance |
Latency sensitivity hint processor performance |
725 | Dinonaktifkan |
Disabled |
726 | Diaktifkan |
Enabled |
727 | Specify how processors select a target frequency when allowed to select above maximum frequency by current operating conditions. |
Specify how processors select a target frequency when allowed to select above maximum frequency by current operating conditions. |
728 | Processor performance boost mode |
Processor performance boost mode |
729 | Don't select target frequencies above maximum frequency. |
Don't select target frequencies above maximum frequency. |
730 | Disabled |
Disabled |
731 | Select target frequencies above maximum frequency. |
Select target frequencies above maximum frequency. |
732 | Enabled |
Enabled |
733 | Always select the highest possible target frequency above nominal frequency. |
Always select the highest possible target frequency above nominal frequency. |
734 | Aggressive |
Aggressive |
735 | Specify the deepest idle state that should be used by Hyper-V. |
Specify the deepest idle state that should be used by Hyper-V. |
736 | Processor idle state maximum |
Processor idle state maximum |
737 | Select target frequencies above maximum frequency if hardware supports doing so efficiently. |
Select target frequencies above maximum frequency if hardware supports doing so efficiently. |
738 | Efficient Enabled |
Efficient Enabled |
739 | Always select the highest possible target frequency above nominal frequency if hardware supports doing so efficiently. |
Always select the highest possible target frequency above nominal frequency if hardware supports doing so efficiently. |
740 | Efficient Aggressive |
Efficient Aggressive |
741 | Menggunakan status pembatasan secara otomatis jika hemat daya. |
Automatically use throttle states when they are power efficient. |
742 | Otomatis |
Automatic |
743 | Selalu pilih frekuensi target memungkinkan tertinggi di atas frekuensi yang dijamin. |
Always select the highest possible target frequency above guaranteed frequency. |
744 | Jaminan Agresif |
Aggressive At Guaranteed |
745 | Selalu pilih frekuensi target memungkinkan tertinggi di atas frekuensi yang dijamin jika perangkat keras mendukung efisiensi tindakan tersebut. |
Always select the highest possible target frequency above guaranteed frequency if hardware supports doing so efficiently. |
746 | Jaminan Agresif Efisien |
Efficient Aggressive At Guaranteed |
747 | Pilih status performa prosesor yang tepat dan dioptimalkan untuk responsivitas |
Select the ideal processor performance state optimized for responsiveness |
748 | IdealAggressive |
IdealAggressive |
750 | Ideal number of cores |
Ideal number of cores |
752 | Single core |
Single core |
754 | One eighth cores |
One eighth cores |
755 | All possible cores |
All possible cores |
760 | Specify the number of cores/packages to unpark when more cores are required. |
Specify the number of cores/packages to unpark when more cores are required. |
761 | Processor performance core parking increase policy |
Processor performance core parking increase policy |
762 | Specify the number of cores/packages to park when fewer cores are required. |
Specify the number of cores/packages to park when fewer cores are required. |
763 | Processor performance core parking decrease policy |
Processor performance core parking decrease policy |
764 | Specify the maximum number of unparked cores/packages allowed (in percentage). |
Specify the maximum number of unparked cores/packages allowed (in percentage). |
765 | Processor performance core parking max cores |
Processor performance core parking max cores |
766 | Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages allowed (in percentage). |
Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages allowed (in percentage). |
767 | Processor performance core parking min cores |
Processor performance core parking min cores |
768 | Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals that must elapse before more cores/packages can be unparked. |
Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals that must elapse before more cores/packages can be unparked. |
769 | Processor performance core parking increase time |
Processor performance core parking increase time |
770 | Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals that must elapse before more cores/packages can be parked. |
Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals that must elapse before more cores/packages can be parked. |
771 | Processor performance core parking decrease time |
Processor performance core parking decrease time |
772 | Specify whether the core parking engine should distribute utility across processors. |
Specify whether the core parking engine should distribute utility across processors. |
773 | Processor performance core parking utility distribution |
Processor performance core parking utility distribution |
792 | Specify the busy threshold that must be met before a parked core is considered overutilized (in percentage). |
Specify the busy threshold that must be met before a parked core is considered overutilized (in percentage). |
793 | Processor performance core parking overutilization threshold |
Processor performance core parking overutilization threshold |
794 | Tentukan jumlah minimal dari inti/paket yang diizinkan tidak diparkir saat petunjuk latensi aktif (dalam persentase). |
Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages when a latency hint is active (in percentage). |
795 | Inti/paket tidak terparkir minimal petunjuk sensitivitas latensi |
Latency sensitivity hint min unparked cores/packages |
796 | Specify the busy threshold that must be met when calculating the concurrency of a node. |
Specify the busy threshold that must be met when calculating the concurrency of a node. |
797 | Processor performance core parking concurrency threshold |
Processor performance core parking concurrency threshold |
798 | Specify the busy threshold that must be met by all cores in a concurrency set to unpark an extra core. |
Specify the busy threshold that must be met by all cores in a concurrency set to unpark an extra core. |
799 | Processor performance core parking concurrency headroom threshold |
Processor performance core parking concurrency headroom threshold |
800 | Specify the percentage utilization used to calculate the distribution concurrency (in percentage). |
Specify the percentage utilization used to calculate the distribution concurrency (in percentage). |
801 | Processor performance core parking distribution threshold |
Processor performance core parking distribution threshold |
802 | No Preference |
No Preference |
803 | Deepest Performance State |
Deepest Performance State |
804 | Lightest Performance State |
Lightest Performance State |
805 | Specify what performance state a processor enters when parked. |
Specify what performance state a processor enters when parked. |
806 | Processor performance core parking parked performance state |
Processor performance core parking parked performance state |
807 | Tentukan apakah prosesor harus secara otonomi menetapkan status kinerja targetnya. |
Specify whether processors should autonomously determine their target performance state. |
808 | Mode otonomi kinerja prosesor |
Processor performance autonomous mode |
809 | Tentukan status kinerja target menggunakan algoritma sistem operasi. |
Determine target performance state using operating system algorithms. |
810 | Tentukan status kinerja target menggunakan pilihan otonomi. |
Determine target performance state using autonomous selection. |
811 | Tentukan seberapa banyak prosesor mengutamakan penghematan energi dibanding kinerja saat beroperasi dalam mode otonomi. |
Specify how much processors should favor energy savings over performance when operating in autonomous mode. |
812 | Kebijakan preferensi kinerja energi prosesor |
Processor energy performance preference policy |
813 | Tentukan jangka waktu untuk mengamati penggunaan prosesor saat beroperasi dalam mode otonomi. |
Specify the time period over which to observe processor utilization when operating in autonomous mode. |
814 | Jendela aktivitas otonomi prosesor |
Processor autonomous activity window |
815 | Menentukan apakah prosesor dapat menggunakan siklus kerja. |
Specify whether the processor may use duty cycling. |
816 | Siklus kerja prosesor |
Processor duty cycling |
817 | Tidak mengizinkan siklus kerja prosesor. |
Disallow processor duty cycling. |
818 | Izinkan siklus kerja prosesor. |
Allow processor duty cycling. |
819 | Menetapkan perkiraan frekuensi maksimum prosesor (dalam MHz). |
Specify the approximate maximum frequency of your processor (in MHz). |
820 | Frekuensi prosesor maksimum |
Maximum processor frequency |
900 | Enable forced shutdown for button and lid actions |
Enable forced shutdown for button and lid actions |
901 | Enable forced button/lid shutdown |
Enable forced button/lid shutdown |
1000 | Idle resiliency settings. |
Idle resiliency settings. |
1001 | Resiliensi Siaga |
Idle Resiliency |
1002 | Specifies Processor Idle Resiliency Timer Resolution |
Specifies Processor Idle Resiliency Timer Resolution |
1003 | Processor Idle Resiliency Timer Resolution |
Processor Idle Resiliency Timer Resolution |
1004 | Specifies IO coalescing timeout |
Specifies IO coalescing timeout |
1005 | IO coalescing timeout |
IO coalescing timeout |
1006 | Specifies Execution Required power request timeout |
Specifies Execution Required power request timeout |
1007 | Execution Required power request timeout |
Execution Required power request timeout |
1008 | Tentukan jika Tidur Dalam Diaktifkan |
Specifies if Deep Sleep is Enabled |
1009 | Tidur Dalam Aktif/Nonaktif |
Deep Sleep Enabled/Disabled |
1100 | Presence Aware Power Behavior Settings |
Presence Aware Power Behavior Settings |
1101 | Perilaku Daya Adaptif |
Presence Aware Power Behavior |
1102 | Specifies Sensor Input Presence Timeout |
Specifies Sensor Input Presence Timeout |
1103 | Sensor Input Presence Timeout |
Sensor Input Presence Timeout |
1104 | Specifies Non-sensor Input Presence Timeout |
Specifies Non-sensor Input Presence Timeout |
1105 | Non-sensor Input Presence Timeout |
Non-sensor Input Presence Timeout |
1106 | Specifies Sensor Presence Display Power Down Timeout |
Specifies Sensor Presence Display Power Down Timeout |
1107 | Sensor Presence Display Power Down Timeout |
Sensor Presence Display Power Down Timeout |
1108 | Allow to enable/disable Sensor Presence Aware Power Behavior |
Allow to enable/disable Sensor Presence Aware Power Behavior |
1109 | Allow Sensor Presence Aware Power Behavior |
Allow Sensor Presence Aware Power Behavior |
1110 | Interrupt Steering Settings |
Interrupt Steering Settings |
1112 | Interrupt Steering Mode |
Interrupt Steering Mode |
1114 | Default |
Default |
1116 | Route interrupts to Processor 0 |
Route interrupts to Processor 0 |
1117 | Processor 0 |
Processor 0 |
1118 | Route interrupts to any processor |
Route interrupts to any processor |
1119 | Any processor |
Any processor |
1120 | Route interrupts to any unparked processor with time delay |
Route interrupts to any unparked processor with time delay |
1121 | Any unparked processor with time delay |
Any unparked processor with time delay |
1122 | Route interrupts to any unparked processor |
Route interrupts to any unparked processor |
1123 | Any unparked processor |
Any unparked processor |
1124 | Target Load for each Processor |
Target Load for each Processor |
1125 | Target Load |
Target Load |
1126 | Tenths of a percent |
Tenths of a percent |
1127 | Time a processor must remain unparked before interrupts are moved onto it |
Time a processor must remain unparked before interrupts are moved onto it |
1128 | Unparked time trigger |
Unparked time trigger |
1129 | Milliseconds |
Milliseconds |
1130 | Lock Interrupt Routing |
Lock Interrupt Routing |
1132 | Route interrupts to Processor 1 |
Route interrupts to Processor 1 |
1133 | Processor 1 |
Processor 1 |
1140 | Menentukan status koneksi jaringan dalam Siaga. |
Specifies network connection state in Standby. |
1141 | Konektivitas jaringan dalam Siaga |
Networking connectivity in Standby |
1142 | Aktifkan jaringan dalam Siaga. |
Enable networking in Standby. |
1144 | Nonaktifkan jaringan dalam Siaga. |
Disable networking in Standby. |
1146 | Nonaktifkan jaringan dalam mode Siaga jika tutup ditutup. |
Disable networking in Standby if the lid is closed. |
1147 | Nonaktifkan saat tutup ditutup |
Disable on lid close |
1150 | Menentukan mode siaga tidak tersambung. |
Specifies the disconnected standby mode. |
1151 | Mode Siaga Tidak Tersambung |
Disconnected Standby Mode |
1152 | Normal |
Normal |
1154 | Agresif |
Aggressive |
1160 | Pengaturan Penghemat Energi. |
Energy Saver settings. |
1161 | Pengaturan Penghemat Energi |
Energy Saver settings |
1162 | Tentukan tingkat daya baterai saat Penghemat Energi diaktifkan. |
Specifies battery charge level at which Energy Saver is turned on. |
1163 | Tingkat pengisian |
Charge level |
1164 | Persen pengisian baterai |
Percent battery charge |
1165 | Menentukan nilai persentase ke skala kecerahaan saat Penghemat Energi diaktifkan. |
Specifies the percentage value to scale brightness when Energy Saver is on. |
1166 | Menampilkan berat kecerahan |
Display brightness weight |
1170 | Tentukan mode Prediksi Kehadiran Pengguna untuk komputer Anda |
Specify User Presence Prediction mode for your computer |
1171 | Mode Prediksi Kehadiran Pengguna |
User Presence Prediction mode |
1172 | Nonaktifkan mode Prediksi Kehadiran Pengguna. |
Disable User Presence Prediction mode. |
1174 | Aktifkan mode Prediksi Kehadiran Pengguna. |
Enable User Presence Prediction mode. |
1180 | Menentukan masa tenggang sebelum mengambil tindakan adaptif saat sistem telah melampaui anggaran siaganya |
Specifies the grace period before taking an adaptive action when the system has exceeded its standby budget |
1181 | Masa Tenggang Anggaran Siaga |
Standby Budget Grace Period |
1182 | Menentukan persentase baterai per satuan waktu yang diizinkan untuk dipakai oleh sistem saat sedang dalam keadaan siaga |
Specifies percentage of battery per unit of time allowed to be consumed by the system while it is in standby |
1183 | Persentase Anggaran Siaga |
Standby Budget Percent |
1184 | Menentukan masa tenggang sebelum mengambil tindakan adaptif saat sistem berada di bawah tingkat daya baterai cadangan |
Specifies the grace period before taking an adaptive action when the system is below the reserve battery charge level |
1185 | Masa Tenggang Cadangan Siaga |
Standby Reserve Grace Period |
1186 | Menentukan waktu penggunaan aktif minimal yang harus diizinkan oleh tingkat daya baterai sebelum mengambil tindakan adaptif |
Specifies the minimun active usage time that the battery charge level should allow before taking an adaptive action |
1187 | Waktu Cadangan Siaga |
Standby Reserve Time |
1188 | Menentukan persentase daya baterai yang mengatur ulang anggaran adaptif |
Specifies percentage of battery charge which resets the adaptive budget |
1189 | Persentase Atur Ulang Siaga |
Standby Reset Percentage |
1200 | Tentukan jumlah interval pemeriksaan waktu kinerja prosesor yang akan digunakan saat menghitung utilitas rata-rata untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1. |
Specify the number of processor performance time check intervals to use when calculating the average utility for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1. |
1201 | Riwayat kinerja prosesor yang dihitung untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Processor performance history count for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1202 | Tentukan kondisi kinerja minimal dari prosesor Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 Anda (dalam persentase). |
Specify the minimum performance state of your Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor (in percentage). |
1203 | Kondisi prosesor minimal untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Minimum processor state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1204 | Tentukan kondisi kinerja maksimal dari prosesor Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 Anda (dalam persentase). |
Specify the maximum performance state of your Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor (in percentage). |
1205 | Kondisi prosesor maksimal untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Maximum processor state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1206 | Tentukan jumlah minimal dari interval pemeriksaan kinerja dari perubahan kondisi kinerja terakhir sebelum kondisi kinerja yang mungkin berkurang untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1. |
Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be decreased for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1. |
1207 | Waktu penurunan kinerja prosesor untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Processor performance decrease time for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1208 | Tentukan jumlah minimal dari interval pemeriksaan kinerja dari perubahan kondisi kinerja terakhir sebelum kondisi kinerja yang mungkin meningkat untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1. |
Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be increased for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1. |
1209 | Waktu peningkatan kinerja prosesor untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Processor performance increase time for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1210 | Tentukan algoritma yang digunakan untuk memilih status kinerja baru saat status kinerja ideal lebih rendah daripada status kinerja saat ini untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1. |
Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is lower than the current performance state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1. |
1211 | Kebijakan penurunan kinerja prosesor untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Processor performance decrease policy for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1212 | Tentukan algoritma yang digunakan untuk memilih status kinerja baru saat status kinerja ideal lebih tinggi daripada status kinerja saat ini untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1. |
Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is higher than the current performance state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1. |
1213 | Kebijakan peningkatan kinerja prosesor untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Processor performance increase policy for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1214 | Tentukan ambang batas bawah sibuk yang harus tercapai sebelum menurunkan status kinerja prosesor (dalam persentase) untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1. |
Specify the lower busy threshold that must be met before decreasing the processor's performance state (in percentage) for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1. |
1215 | Ambang batas penurunan kinerja prosesor untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Processor performance decrease threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1216 | Tentukan ambang batas atas sibuk yang harus tercapai sebelum meningkatkan status kinerja prosesor (dalam persentase) untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1. |
Specify the upper busy threshold that must be met before increasing the processor's performance state (in percentage) for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1. |
1217 | Ambang batas peningkatan kinerja prosesor untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Processor performance increase threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1218 | Tentukan kinerja prosesor sebagai tanggapan terhadap petunjuk sensitivitas latensi untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1. |
Specify the processor performance in response to latency sensitivity hints for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1. |
1219 | Kinerja prosesor petunjuk sensitivitas latensi untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Latency sensitivity hint processor performance for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1220 | Tentukan jumlah minimal inti/paket tidak terparkir saat petunjuk latensi aktif untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 (dalam persentase). |
Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages when a latency hint is active for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 (in percentage). |
1221 | Inti/paket tidak terparkir minimal petunjuk sensitivitas latensi untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Latency sensitivity hint min unparked cores/packages for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1222 | Tentukan status kinerja yang masuk ke prosesor Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 saat diparkir. |
Specify what performance state a Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor enters when parked. |
1223 | Inti kinerja prosesor memarkir status kinerja terparkir untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Processor performance core parking parked performance state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1224 | Tentukan jumlah minimal dari inti/paket tidak terparkir yang diizinkan untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 (dalam persentase). |
Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages allowed for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 (in percentage). |
1225 | Inti minimal pemarkiran inti kinerja prosesor untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Processor performance core parking min cores for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1226 | Tentukan jumlah maksimal dari inti/paket tidak terparkir yang diizinkan untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 (dalam persentase). |
Specify the maximum number of unparked cores/packages allowed for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 (in percentage). |
1227 | Inti maksimal pemarkiran inti kinerja prosesor untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Processor performance core parking max cores for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1232 | Menentukan ambang batas penurunan tingkat kinerja di mana jumlah prosesor Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 menurun (dalam unit dari kinerja prosesor Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 0). |
Specifies the performance level decrease threshold at which the Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count is decreased (in units of Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 processor performance). |
1233 | Ambang batas penurunan tingkat kinerja prosesor untuk penurunan jumlah prosesor Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Processor performance level decrease threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count decrease |
1234 | Menentukan ambang batas peningkatan tingkat kinerja di mana jumlah prosesor Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 meningkat (dalam unit dari kinerja prosesor Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 0). |
Specifies the performance level increase threshold at which the Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count is increased (in units of Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 processor performance). |
1235 | Ambang batas peningkatan tingkat kinerja prosesor untuk peningkatan jumlah prosesor Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Processor performance level increase threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count increase |
1236 | Perubahan ambang batas tingkat kinerja prosesor untuk perubahan jumlah prosesor Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 relatif terhadap tingkat kinerja Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 0. |
Processor performance level threshold change for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count change relative to Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 performance level. |
1237 | Perubahan ambang batas tingkat kinerja prosesor untuk perubahan jumlah prosesor Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Processor performance level threshold change for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count change |
1238 | Lantai status kinerja untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 0 saat Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 terbangun dari kondisi terparkir. |
Performance state floor for Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 when Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 is woken from a parked state. |
1239 | Kinerja lantai untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 0 saat terdapat prosesor Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 yang tidak terparkir |
A floor performance for Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 when there are Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processors unparked |
1240 | Status kinerja awal untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 saat terbangun dari status terparkir. |
Initial performance state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 when woken from a parked state. |
1241 | Kinerja awal untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 saat tidak terparkir |
Initial performance for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 when unparked |
1242 | Menetapkan perkiraan frekuensi maksimum Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 Anda (dalam MHz). |
Specify the approximate maximum frequency of your Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor (in MHz). |
1243 | Frekuensi prosesor maksimum untuk Efisiensi Daya Prosesor Kelas 1 |
Maximum processor frequency for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 |
1250 | Tentukan kebijakan apa yang akan digunakan pada sistem dengan sedikitnya dua Kelas Efisiensi Daya Prosesor yang berbeda. |
Specify what policy to be used on systems with at least two different Processor Power Efficiency Classes. |
1251 | Kebijakan heterogen berlaku |
Heterogeneous policy in effect |
1252 | Kebijakan heterogen 0. |
Heterogeneous policy 0. |
1253 | Gunakan kebijakan heterogen 0 |
Use heterogeneous policy 0 |
1254 | Kebijakan heterogen 1. |
Heterogeneous policy 1. |
1255 | Gunakan kebijakan heterogen 1 |
Use heterogeneous policy 1 |
1256 | Kebijakan heterogen 2. |
Heterogeneous policy 2. |
1257 | Gunakan kebijakan heterogen 2 |
Use heterogeneous policy 2 |
1258 | Kebijakan heterogen 3. |
Heterogeneous policy 3. |
1259 | Gunakan kebijakan heterogen 3 |
Use heterogeneous policy 3 |
1260 | Kebijakan heterogen 4. |
Heterogeneous policy 4. |
1261 | Gunakan kebijakan heterogen 4 |
Use heterogeneous policy 4 |
1300 | Menentukan kebijakan untuk mengontrol Penghemat Energi. |
Specifies the policy to control Energy Saver. |
1301 | Kebijakan Penghemat Energi |
Energy Saver Policy |
1302 | Libatkan Penghemat Energi berdasarkan pengaturan pengguna. |
Engage Energy Saver based on user settings. |
1303 | Pengguna |
User |
1304 | Izinkan Windows untuk melibatkan Penghemat Energi secara agresif. |
Allow Windows to engage Energy Saver aggressively. |
1400 | Utamakan kinerja dibanding penghemat daya. |
Favor performance instead of energy savings. |
1401 | Overlay Kinerja Tinggi |
High Performance Overlay |
1402 | Maksimalkan bias terhadap kinerja dibanding penghematan daya. |
Maximize bias towards performance instead of energy savings. |
1403 | Overlay Kinerja Maks |
Max Performance Overlay |
0x30000000 | Info |
Info |
0x50000004 | Information |
Information |
0xD0000001 | Temperature |
Temperature |
0xD0000002 | Current |
Current |
0xD0000003 | Voltage |
Voltage |
0xD0000004 | Power |
Power |
0xD0000005 | Unspecified |
Unspecified |
0xD0000006 | Shutdown |
Shutdown |
0xD0000007 | Hibernate |
Hibernate |
0xD0000008 | Passive |
Passive |
0xD0000009 | Active |
Active |