File name: | comctl32.dll.mui |
Size: | 12800 byte |
MD5: | 5837d8bb19de44d03888f74e3e4aa697 |
SHA1: | 192946cc36e4b8c530be883388f1286296e62850 |
SHA256: | 972212bd450e6f71a20fc0f772328a49f1b1f7fa01b211d51338e2fe6c195d17 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Maltese | English |
1024 | Separatur | Separator |
1025 | + | + |
1026 | Xejn | None |
4160 | Agħlaq | Close |
4161 | OK | OK |
4162 | Propjetajiet ta' %s | %s Properties |
4176 | Daħħal it-test hawn | Enter text here |
4177 | Propjetajiet | Properties |
4178 | Iftaħ l-&IME | - |
4179 | Agħlaq l-&IME | - |
4180 | &Iftaħ it-Tastiera tal-Iskrin | - |
4181 | &Agħlaq t-Tastiera tal-Iskrin | - |
4182 | &Konverżjoni mill-ġdid | - |
4192 | Ikklikkja | - |
4193 | 4194 -/\ | - |
4197 | (%d items) | - |
4208 | Mhux Permess | - |
4209 | Ma tistax tikkopja t-test mill-qasam tal-password. | - |
4210 | Karattru Inaċċettabbli | - |
4211 | Hawnhekk tista' tittajpja numru biss. | - |
4212 | Il-Caps Lock Mixgħul | - |
4213 | Meta jkollok il-Caps Lock mixgħul jista' jkun li ddaħħal il-password ħażin.
Għandek tagħfas il-Caps Lock biex titfiha qabel ma ddaħħal il-password. |
- |
4214 | 9679 | - |
4215 | Tahoma | - |
4224 | Indirizz IP Iffurmat Ħażin | - |
4225 | Qed tipprova tippejstja Indirizz IP iffurmat ħażin f'dan il-qasam. | - |
4241 | Ikkanċella | - |
4242 | &Iva | - |
4243 | &Le | - |
4244 | &Erġa’ pprova | - |
4245 | Aħ&bi d-dettalji | - |
4246 | Ara d-&dettalji | - |
4247 | Agħfas | - |
4248 | Iċċekkja | - |
4249 | MainInstructionIcon | - |
4250 | FooterIcon | - |
4251 | Tarka tas-Sigurtà | - |
4252 | Mistoqsija tas-Sigurtà | - |
4253 | Żball tas-Sigurtà | - |
4256 | [Window Title]
%s |
- |
4257 | [Main Instruction]
%s |
- |
4258 | [Content]
%s |
- |
4259 | [Expanded Information]
%s |
- |
4260 | [V] %s | - |
4261 | [^] %s | - |
4262 | [ ] %s | - |
4263 | [X] %s | - |
4264 | [%s] | - |
4265 | [Footer]
%s |
- |
4266 | 4267 | - |
4268 | - | |
4352 | &Abort | - |
4353 | &Ignore | - |
4354 | &Try Again | - |
4355 | &Continue | - |
4356 | &Agħlaq | - |
4357 | &Għajnuna | - |
4432 | Illum: | - |
4433 | %s %s | - |
4434 | &Go to today | - |
4435 | /.,-: | - |
4440 | %s-%s | - |
4449 | %s- %s |
- |
4464 | MMM | - |
4465 | yyyy | - |
4466 | gg yyyy | - |
4467 | MMM'月' | - |
4468 | yyyy'年' | - |
4469 | gg yyyy'年' | - |
4470 | MMM'월' | - |
4471 | yyyy'년' | - |
4472 | gg yyyy'년' | - |
4481 | ggyyyy'年' | - |
4608 | Kontroll tal-Kalendarju | - |
4609 | Il-Buttuna li Jmiss | - |
4610 | Il-Buttuna ta' Qabel | - |
4611 | Il-Buttuna ta' Llum | - |
4612 | Ibbrawżja u agħżel frejm tal-ħin xieraq | - |
4613 | Go to next time frame | - |
4614 | Go to previous time frame | - |
4615 | Go to and select today's date | - |
4616 | Ġimgħa 1 | - |
4617 | Week 2 | - |
4618 | Week 3 | - |
4619 | Week 4 | - |
4620 | Week 5 | - |
4621 | Week 6 | - |
4622 | %1, %2 | - |
4688 | Kontroll tal-Intestazzjoni | - |
4689 | Buttuna tal-Qsim | - |
4944 | Chevron-%s | - |
6883 | Joħroġ mill-assistent | - |
6884 | &Temm | - |
6885 | Ilesti l-assistent | - |
6886 | &Li Jmiss | - |
6887 | Jinnaviga għall-paġna li jmiss | - |
6888 | L&ura | - |
6889 | Imur lura għall-paġna ta' qabel | - |
6890 | Juri isem l-assistent u fih l-kontrolli biex jimmanipulah | - |
6891 | Juri isem il-paġna | - |
6892 | Ikona tal-Assistent | - |
32768 | Idaqqas din it-tieqa. | Resizes this window. |
32784 | Imexxi din it-tieqa. | Moves this window. |
32800 | Iċekken din it-tieqa għal ikona. | Collapses this window to an icon. |
32816 | Jespandi din it-tieqa biex timla l-iskrin. | Expands this window to fill the screen. |
32832 | Switches to the next MDI window. | Switches to the next MDI window. |
32864 | Jagħlaq din it-tieqa. | Closes this window. |
33056 | Jirrestawra din it-tieqa għad-daqs normali. | Restores this window to normal size. |
33072 | Switches to another task. | Switches to another task. |
36848 | Jinkludi kmandi għall-immanipular tat-twieqi. | Contains commands for manipulating windows. |
36849 | Drag to the left or right to resize columns. | Drag to the left or right to resize columns. |
36850 | Resizes columns using the arrow and tab keys. | Resizes columns using the arrow and tab keys. |
36851 | Adds, moves, and removes buttons on the toolbar. | Adds, moves, and removes buttons on the toolbar. |
File Description: | Librerija tal-Kontrolli tal-Esperjenza tal-Utent |
File Version: | 6.10 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | comctl32 |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat. |
Original Filename: | comctl32.DLL.MUI |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x43A, 1200 |