File name: | shutdownext.dll.mui |
Size: | 6144 byte |
MD5: | 51a68cace3e80351aef46a5588682578 |
SHA1: | 7c7c12fc9a868984914f5182156bd0a71fedf447 |
SHA256: | 946a09e9e646fb68b30674be45ecdb8727596155e792fe155745a535649efdf2 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Croato-Serbian (Latin) | English |
2 | Isključivanje | Shutdown |
3 | Ponovno pokreni sustav | Restart |
15 | Upozorenje | Warning |
18 | Razlozi na ovom računalu: (O = očekivano N = neočekivano P = planirano, K = definirao korisnik) Vrsta Veliki Mali Naslov |
Reasons on this computer: (E = Expected U = Unexpected P = planned, C = customer defined) Type Major Minor Title |
22 | Zabilježi neočekivano isključivanje | Annotate Unexpected Shutdown |
24 | Kom&entar: (ovo je polje OBAVEZNO za razlog koji ste odabrali) | Comm&ent: (This field is REQUIRED for the reason you selected) |
25 | Kom&entar: | Comm&ent: |
26 | Na računalu nije došlo do neočekivanog isključivanja pa stoga nije potrebna bilješka. | The computer did not experience an unexpected shutdown and therefore does not need an annotation. |
28 | Povezivanje s registrom nije uspjelo. | Failed to connect to registry. |
29 | Otvaranje registra nije uspjelo. | Failed to open registry. |
File Description: | Isključi grafičko korisničko sučelje |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | shutdownui |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana. |
Original Filename: | shutdownui |
Product Name: | Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows® |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x41A, 1200 |