bcdedit.exe 启动配置数据编辑器 5104f6049890b35e1473166b6da4675d

File info

File name: bcdedit.exe.mui
Size: 87040 byte
MD5: 5104f6049890b35e1473166b6da4675d
SHA1: c83d18ba3b0fc5d3d06f5699ef584eb5dc75b75a
SHA256: ff4788bf0e738c09028144df21b9905ebb7dbde86f75295740bafd03407afdf9
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: bcdedit.exe 启动配置数据编辑器 (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
0x01001000未知的项类型(%1!08x!)----------------------------- Unknown entry type (%1!08x!)-----------------------------
0x01001001固件启动管理器--------------------- Firmware Boot Manager---------------------
0x01001002Windows 启动管理器-------------------- Windows Boot Manager--------------------
0x01001003Windows 启动加载器------------------- Windows Boot Loader-------------------
0x01001004从休眠状态恢复--------------------- Resume from Hibernate---------------------
0x01001005Windows 内存测试程序--------------------- Windows Memory Tester---------------------
0x01001006Windows 旧 OS 加载器------------------------ Windows Legacy OS Loader------------------------
0x01001007Windows 旧安装程序加载器--------------------------- Windows Legacy Setup Loader---------------------------
0x01001008实模式启动扇区--------------------- Real-mode Boot Sector---------------------
0x01001009Windows 安装程序------------- Windows Setup-------------
0x0100100AOS 目标模板------------------ OS Target Template------------------
0x0100100B安装程序 Ramdisk 选项--------------------- Setup Ramdisk Options---------------------
0x0100100CWindows 启动应用程序(%1!08x!)----------------------------------- Windows Boot Application (%1!08x!)-----------------------------------
0x0100100D固件应用程序(%1!08x!)------------------------------- Firmware Application (%1!08x!)-------------------------------
0x0100100E旧加载器应用程序(%1!08x!)------------------------------------ Legacy Loader Application (%1!08x!)------------------------------------
0x0100100F实模式应用程序(%1!08x!)-------------------------------- Real-mode Application (%1!08x!)--------------------------------
0x01001020EMS 设置------------ EMS Settings------------
0x01001021调试器设置----------------- Debugger Settings-----------------
0x01001022继承的设置(%1!08x!)----------------------------- Inherited Settings (%1!08x!)-----------------------------
0x01001023设备选项-------------- Device options--------------
0x01001024标识符 %1 identifier %1
0x01001025RAM 故障----------- RAM Defects-----------
0x01001026全局设置--------------- Global Settings---------------
0x01001027启动加载器设置-------------------- Boot Loader Settings--------------------
0x01001028恢复加载器设置---------------------- Resume Loader Settings----------------------
0x01001029虚拟机监控程序设置------------------- Hypervisor Settings-------------------
0x01001030- 辅助丛 %0 - secondary plex %0
0x01001031内核调试程序设置------------------------ Kernel Debugger Settings------------------------
0x01002001%1!-24s!%2 %1!-24s!%2
0x01002002%1!-24s!%2!I64u! %1!-24s!%2!I64u!
0x01002003%1!-24s!0x%2!I64x! %1!-24s!0x%2!I64x!
0x01007001已将该项成功复制到 %1。 The entry was successfully copied to %1.
0x01007002项 %1 成功创建。 The entry %1 was successfully created.
0x01007003该项目已成功镜像到 %1。 The entry was successfully mirrored to %1.
0x4100803B没有匹配的对象或存储为空。 There are no matching objects or the store is empty.
0xC1008001指定的存储参数无效。运行 bcdedit /? 获得命令行帮助。 The specified store parameter is not valid.Run bcdedit /? for command line assistance.
0xC1008002详细命令行参数无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The verbose command line parameter is not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008003指定的项类型无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The specified entry type is invalid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008004指定的格式选项无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The specified format option is invalid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008005无法打开启动配置数据存储。 The boot configuration data store could not be opened.
0xC1008006枚举启动配置数据项时出错。 There was an error enumerating the boot configuration data entries.
0xC1008007指定的复制命令无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The copy command specified is not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008008必须为新项指定描述。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 A description for the new entry must be specified.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008009指定的项标识符无效。 The specified entry identifier is not valid.
0xC100800A尝试执行指定的复制操作时出错。 An error occurred while attempting the specified copy operation.
0xC100800B尝试设置项描述时出错。 An error occurred while attempting to set the entry description.
0xC100800C尝试获取目标项的标识符时出错。 An error occurred while attempting to obtain the target entry's identifier.
0xC100800D指定的删除命令无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The delete command specified is not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC100800E尝试引用指定项时出错。 An error occurred while attempting to reference the specified entry.
0xC100800F如果未在命令行上指定 /f 参数,则无法删除此项。有关详细信息,请运行 bcdedit /?。 This entry cannot be deleted unless the /f switch is specified on the commandline. Run bcdedit /? for more information.
0xC1008010尝试删除指定项时出错。 An error occurred while attempting to delete the specified entry.
0xC1008011指定的创建命令无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The create command specified is not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008012可能无法对此操作使用当前启动项 ID。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 You may not use the current boot entry ID for this operation.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008013此命令行对已知标识符无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 This command line is invalid for a well-known identifier.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008014指定的应用程序类型参数无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The application type switch specified is not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008015指定的继承项类型无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The inherited entry type specified is not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008016指定的设备项类型无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The device entry type specified is not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008017尝试执行指定的创建操作时出错。 An error occurred while attempting the specified create operation.
0xC1008018尝试删除指定的数据元素时出错。 An error occurred while attempting to delete the specified data element.
0xC1008019指定的设置命令无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The set command specified is not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC100801A指定的元素数据类型无法识别,或无法应用于指定的项目。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The element data type specified is not recognized, or does not apply to thespecified entry.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC100801B按规定设备无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The device is not valid as specified.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC100801C按规定项数据无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The entry data is not valid as specified.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC100801D按规定项列表数据无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The entry list data is not valid as specified.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC100801E按规定整数数据无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The integer data is not valid as specified.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC100801F按规定布尔数据无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The boolean data is not valid as specified.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008020设置元素数据时出错。 An error has occurred setting the element data.
0xC1008021按规定超时值无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The timeout value is not valid as specified.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008022按规定默认项无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The default entry is not valid as specified.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008023按规定调试程序类型无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The debugger type specified is not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008024这些设置对指定的调试程序类型无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The settings are not valid for the debugger type specified.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008025尝试访问启动配置数据时出错。 An error occurred while attempting to access the boot configuration data.
0xC1008026尝试修改调试程序设置时出错。 An error occurred while attempting to modify the debugger settings.
0xC1008027参数无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The parameters are not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008028尝试访问指定项时出错。 An error occurred while attempting to access the specified entry.
0xC1008029此命令只能修改 Windows 启动加载器项。 This command can only modify a Windows Boot Loader entry.
0xC100802A指定的命令未知。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 An unknown command was specified.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC100802B指定的 EMS 设置无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The specified EMS settings are not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC100802D尝试修改 EMS 设置时出错。 An error occurred while attempting to modify the EMS settings.
0xC100802E指定的数据类型未知或无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The specified data type is unknown or invalid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC100802F指定的创建存储命令无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The specified create store command is invalid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008030存储创建操作已失败。 The store creation operation has failed.
0xC1008031存储导入命令无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The store import command is invalid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008032存储导入操作已失败。 The store import operation has failed.
0xC1008033已指定无效的参数组合。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 An invalid combination of switches has been specified.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008034读取现有显示顺序时出错。 An error has occurred reading the existing display order.
0xC1008035指定的命令行无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The specified command line is not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008036波特率必须是 9600、19200、38400、57600 或 115200 之一。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The baud rate must be one of 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008037有效的通道数是 0 和 62 之间的任何整数,包括 0 和 62。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 Valid channel numbers are any integer between 0 and 62, inclusive.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008038存储导出命令无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 The store export command is invalid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008039存储导出操作已失败。 The store export operation has failed.
0xC100803A有效的命令行参数: /%1运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获得命令行帮助。 Invalid command line switch: /%1Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC100803C尝试修改显示顺序时出错。 An error has occurred attempting to modify the display order.
0xC100803D当前没有调试程序设置。 There are no debugger settings present.
0xC100803E尝试指定创建操作时发生错误。指定项已经存在。 An error occurred while attempting the specified create operation.The specified entry already exists.
0xC100803F尝试修改虚拟机监控程序设置时出错。 An error occurred while attempting to modify the hypervisor settings.
0xC1008041不存在虚拟机监控程序设置。 There are no hypervisor settings present.
0xC1008042设置系统存储设备命令无效。请运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 获取命令行帮助。 The set system store device command is invalid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008043设置系统存储设备命令已失败。 The set system store device command has failed.
0xC1008044尝试指定的镜像操作时出错。 An error occurred while attempting the specified mirror operation.
0xC1008045指定的镜像命令无效。运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 以获得命令行帮助。 The mirror command specified is not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008046端口必须大于 49151 且小于 65536。运行 \"bcdedit -dbgsettings /?\" 获取命令行帮助。 The port must be greater than 49151 and less than 65536.Run \"bcdedit -dbgsettings /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008047必须按照基准 36 指定密钥。指定密钥时只能使用数字 0-9 和字母 a-z 。每个 64 位密钥区块(共四个)最多可以指定 13 个字符,并且必须用句点分隔。任何一个密钥区块都不能为零。、、theprevious.keys.arenot.secure、automatically.generated.keysare.safer4you 都是有效密钥的示例。运行 \"bcdedit -dbgsettings /?\" 获取命令行帮助。 The key must be specified in base 36. Only digits 0-9 and letters a-z can beused when specifying the key. Each of the four 64 bit key chunks may bespecified with up to 13 characters and must be separated by a period. None ofthe key chunks can be zero.,, theprevious.keys.arenot.secure,automatically.generated.keysare.safer4you are all examples of valid keys.Run \"bcdedit -dbgsettings /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008048无法打开加密服务提供程序。自动加密密钥生成失败。 Failed to open a cryptographic service provider. Automatic encryption keygeneration failed.
0xC1008049无法生成加密密钥。 Failed to generate an encryption key.
0xC100804A无法将加密密钥转换为字符串。 Failed to convert the encryption key to a string.
0xC100804B此平台不支持自动生成密钥所需的加密函数。请直接在命令行上指定密钥。如需命令行帮助,请运行 \"bcdedit -dbgsettings /?\"。 This platform does not support the cryptographic functions required toautomatically generate a key. Please specify the key directly on thecommand line.Run \"bcdedit -dbgsettings /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC100804C不存在任何内核调试程序设置。 There are no kernel debugger settings present.
0xC100804D尝试修改内核调试程序设置时出错。 An error occurred while attempting to modify the kernel debugger settings.
0xC100804F远程事件日志记录参数无效。请运行 \"bcdedit /?\" 以获取命令行帮助。 The remote event logging parameters are not valid.Run \"bcdedit /?\" for command line assistance.
0xC1008050尝试修改远程事件日志记录设置时出错。 An error occurred while attempting to modify the remote event logging settings.
0xC1008051尝试修改远程事件日志记录设置时出错。必须禁用调试程序设置,才能启用远程事件日志记录设置。 An error occurred while attempting to modify the remote event logging settings.The debugger settings must be disabled to enable the remote event logging settings.
0xC1008052尝试修改调试程序设置时出错。必须禁用远程事件日志记录设置,才能启用调试程序设置。 An error occurred while attempting to modify the debugger settings. The remote event logging settings must be disabled to enable the debugger settings.
0xC1008053不再支持调试 1394 调试。请选择其他传输方式。 1394 debugging is no longer supported. Please select another transport.
0xC100F001BCDEDIT - 启动配置数据存储编辑器Bcdedit.exe 命令行工具用于修改启动配置数据存储。启动配置数据存储包含启动配置参数并控制操作系统的启动方式。这些参数以前位于 Boot.ini 文件中(在基于 BIOS 的操作系统中)或位于非易失性 RAM 项中(在基于可扩展固件接口的操作系统中)。可以使用 Bcdedit.exe 在启动配置数据存储中添加、删除、编辑和附加项。有关命令和选项的详细信息,请键入 bcdedit.exe /? 。例如,若要显示有关 /createstore 命令的详细信息,请键入: bcdedit.exe /? /createstore有关本帮助文件中按字母顺序排列的主题列表,请运行 \"bcdedit /? TOPICS\"。对存储执行的命令================================/store 用于指定当前系统默认值以外的 BCD 存储。/createstore 新建空的启动配置数据存储。/export 将系统存储的内容导出到文件。以后 可以使用该文件还原系统存储的状态。/import 使用 /export 命令创建的备份文件来还原系统存储的状态。/sysstore 设置系统存储设备(仅影响 EFI 系统,在重新启动后不再保留, 且仅用于系统存储 设备不确定的情况下)。对存储中的项执行的命令===========================================/copy 复制存储中的项。/create 在存储中创建新项。/delete 删除存储中的项。/mirror 创建存储中项的镜像。运行 bcdedit /? ID 可获得有关这些命令使用的标识符的信息。对项选项执行的命令======================================/deletevalue 删除存储中的项选项。/set 设置存储中的项选项值。运行 bcdedit /? TYPES 可获得这些命令使用的数据类型的列表。运行 bcdedit /? FORMATS 可获得有效数据格式的列表。控制输出的命令============================/enum 列出存储中的项。/v 命令行选项,完整显示项标识符, 而不是使用已知标识符的名称。 单独使用命令 /v 可完整 显示 ACTIVE 类型的项标识符。单独运行 \"bcdedit\" 等同于运行 \"bcdedit /enum ACTIVE\"。控制启动管理器的命令======================================/bootsequence 为启动管理器设置一次性启动序列。/default 设置启动管理器将使用的默认项。/displayorder 设置启动管理器显示 多重启动菜单的顺序。/timeout 设置启动管理器的超时值。/toolsdisplayorder 设置启动管理器显示工具 菜单的顺序。控制启动应用程序紧急管理服务的命令==========================================================================/bootems 启用或禁用启动应用程序的 紧急管理服务。/ems 启用或禁用操作系统项的 紧急管理服务。/emssettings 设置全局紧急管理服务参数。控制调试的命令==============================/bootdebug 启用或禁用启动应用程序的启动调试。/dbgsettings 设置全局调试程序参数。/debug 启用或禁用操作系统项的内核 调试。/hypervisorsettings 设置虚拟机监控程序的参数。控制远程事件日志记录的命令=========================================/eventsettings 设置全局远程事件日志记录参数。/event 启用或禁用操作系统项的远程 事件日志记录。 BCDEDIT - Boot Configuration Data Store EditorThe Bcdedit.exe command-line tool modifies the boot configuration data store.The boot configuration data store contains boot configuration parameters andcontrols how the operating system is booted. These parameters were previouslyin the Boot.ini file (in BIOS-based operating systems) or in the nonvolatileRAM entries (in Extensible Firmware Interface-based operating systems). You canuse Bcdedit.exe to add, delete, edit, and append entries in the bootconfiguration data store.For detailed command and option information, type bcdedit.exe /? . Forexample, to display detailed information about the /createstore command, type: bcdedit.exe /? /createstoreFor an alphabetical list of topics in this help file, run \"bcdedit /? TOPICS\".Commands that operate on a store================================/store Used to specify a BCD store other than the current system default./createstore Creates a new and empty boot configuration data store./export Exports the contents of the system store to a file. This file can be used later to restore the state of the system store./import Restores the state of the system store using a backup file created with the /export command./sysstore Sets the system store device (only affects EFI systems, does not persist across reboots, and is only used in cases where the system store device is ambiguous).Commands that operate on entries in a store===========================================/copy Makes copies of entries in the store./create Creates new entries in the store./delete Deletes entries from the store./mirror Creates mirror of entries in the store.Run bcdedit /? ID for information about identifiers used by these commands.Commands that operate on entry options======================================/deletevalue Deletes entry options from the store./set Sets entry option values in the store.Run bcdedit /? TYPES for a list of datatypes used by these commands.Run bcdedit /? FORMATS for a list of valid data formats.Commands that control output============================/enum Lists entries in the store./v Command-line option that displays entry identifiers in full, rather than using names for well-known identifiers. Use /v by itself as a command to display entry identifiers in full for the ACTIVE type.Running \"bcdedit\" by itself is equivalent to running \"bcdedit /enum ACTIVE\".Commands that control the boot manager======================================/bootsequence Sets the one-time boot sequence for the boot manager./default Sets the default entry that the boot manager will use./displayorder Sets the order in which the boot manager displays the multiboot menu./timeout Sets the boot manager time-out value./toolsdisplayorder Sets the order in which the boot manager displays the tools menu.Commands that control Emergency Management Services for a boot application==========================================================================/bootems Enables or disables Emergency Management Services for a boot application./ems Enables or disables Emergency Management Services for an operating system entry./emssettings Sets the global Emergency Management Services parameters.Command that control debugging==============================/bootdebug Enables or disables boot debugging for a boot application./dbgsettings Sets the global debugger parameters./debug Enables or disables kernel debugging for an operating system entry./hypervisorsettings Sets the hypervisor parameters.Command that control remote event logging=========================================/eventsettings Sets the global remote event logging parameters./event Enables or disables remote event logging for an operating system entry.
0xC100F002此命令列出存储中的项。/enum 命令为默认值,因此,运行没有参数的 \"bcdedit\" 等同于运行 \"bcdedit /enum ACTIVE\"。bcdedit [/store ] /enum [ | ] [/v] 指定要使用的存储。如果未指定此选项,则使用系统存储。有关详细信息, 请运行 \"bcdedit /? store\"。 指定要列出的项的类型。 可以是下列类型之一: ACTIVE 启动管理器显示顺序中的所有项。这是默认值。 FIRMWARE 所有固件应用程序。 BOOTAPP 所有启动环境应用程序。 BOOTMGR 启动管理器。 OSLOADER 所有操作系统项。 RESUME 全部从休眠项中恢复。 INHERIT 所有继承项。 ALL 所有项。 指定要列出的项的标识符。如果已提供标识符,则仅列出指定的对象。 有关标识符的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。 /v 完整显示项标识符,而不是使用已知标识符的名称。示例:下列命令列出所有操作系统加载器启动项: bcdedit /enum OSLOADER下列命令列出所有启动管理器项: bcdedit /enum BOOTMGR下列命令仅列出默认的启动项: bcdedit /enum {default}下列命令仅列出指定的操作系统启动项: bcdedit /enum {b38a9fc1-5690-11da-b795-e9ad3c5e0e3a} This command lists entries in a store. The /enum command is the default,so running \"bcdedit\" without parameters is equivalent to running\"bcdedit /enum ACTIVE\".bcdedit [/store ] /enum [ | ] [/v] Specifies the store to be used. If this option is not specified, the system store is used. For more information, run \"bcdedit /? store\". Specifies the type of entries to be listed. can be one of the following: ACTIVE All entries in the boot manager display order. This is the default. FIRMWARE All firmware applications. BOOTAPP All boot environment applications. BOOTMGR The boot manager. OSLOADER All operating system entries. RESUME All resume from hibernation entries. INHERIT All inherit entries. ALL All entries. Specifies the identifier of the entry to be listed. If an identifier is provided, then only the specified object will be listed. For information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\". /v Displays entry identifiers in full, rather than using names for well-known identifiers.Examples:The following command lists all operating system loader boot entries: bcdedit /enum OSLOADERThe following command lists all boot manager entries: bcdedit /enum BOOTMGRThe following command lists only the default boot entry: bcdedit /enum {default}The following command lists only the specified operating system boot entry: bcdedit /enum {b38a9fc1-5690-11da-b795-e9ad3c5e0e3a}
0xC100F003此命令在启动配置数据存储中创建新项。如果指定了众所周知的标识符,则不能指定 /application、/inherit 和 /device 选项。如果未指定 ,或者 非众所周知,则必须指定 /application、/inherit或 /device 选项。bcdedit /create [{}] [/d ] [/application | /inherit [] | /inherit DEVICE | /device] 指定要用于新项的 标识符。有关标识符的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。 指定要应用于新项的 描述。 /application 指定新项必须是应用程 序项。 指定应用程序类型。 可以是下列类型之一: BOOTAPP BOOTSECTOR OSLOADER RESUME STARTUP 如果使用其他应用程序类型而不是 这些类型之一,则还必须指定众所周知的 标识符。 /inherit [] 指定新项必须是继 承项, 指定应用程序 类型。如果未指定 ,则任何项 都可以继承该项。如果已指定, 则 可以是下列类型之一: BOOTMGR BOOTSECTOR FWBOOTMGR MEMDIAG NTLDR OSLOADER RESUME 此修饰符可防止 的 应用程序项继承该继承项。 /inherit DEVICE 指定新项必须是继承 项,且该项只能由 设备选项项继承。 /device 指定新项必须是附加的 设备选项项。示例:下列命令创建基于 NTLDR 的 OS 加载程序项(Ntldr): bcdedit /create {ntldr} /d \"Earlier Windows OS Loader\"下列命令创建 RAM 磁盘附加选项项: bcdedit /create {ramdiskoptions}下列命令创建新的操作系统启动项: bcdedit /create /d \"Windows Vista\" /application osloader下列命令创建新的调试程序设置项: bcdedit /create {dbgsettings} This command creates a new entry in the boot configuration data store. Ifa well-known identifier is specified, then the /application, /inherit and/device options cannot be specified. If the is not specified,or if is not well-known, then you must specify an /application, /inheritor /device option.bcdedit /create [{}] [/d ] [/application | /inherit [] | /inherit DEVICE | /device] Specifies the identifier to be used for the new entry. For more information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\". Specifies the description to be applied to the new entry. /application Specifies that the new entry must be an application entry. specifies the application type. can be one of the following: BOOTAPP BOOTSECTOR OSLOADER RESUME STARTUP If you use other application types instead of one of these, you must also specify a well-known identifier. /inherit [] Specifies that the new entry must be an inherit entry, and specifies the application type. If is not specified, then the entry can be inherited by any entry. If specified, can be one of the following: BOOTMGR BOOTSECTOR FWBOOTMGR MEMDIAG NTLDR OSLOADER RESUME The modifier prevents the inherit entry from being inherited by an application entry of . /inherit DEVICE Specifies that the new entry must be an inherit entry, and that the entry can only be inherited by a device options entry. /device Specifies that the new entry must be an additional device options entry.Examples:The following command creates a NTLDR based OS loader entry (Ntldr): bcdedit /create {ntldr} /d \"Earlier Windows OS Loader\"The following command creates a RAM disk additional options entry: bcdedit /create {ramdiskoptions}The following command creates a new operating system boot entry: bcdedit /create /d \"Windows Vista\" /application osloaderThe following command creates a new debugger settings entry: bcdedit /create {dbgsettings}
0xC100F004此命令创建指定启动项的副本。bcdedit [/store ] /copy {} /d 指定要使用的存储。如果未指定此选项,则使用系统存储。 有关详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? store\"。 指定要复制的项的标识符。 有关标识符的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。 指定要用于新项的描述。示例:下列命令创建指定操作系统启动项的副本: bcdedit /copy {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} /d \"Copy of entry\" This command creates a copy of the specified boot entry.bcdedit [/store ] /copy {} /d Specifies the store to be used. If this option is not specified, the system store is used. For more information, run \"bcdedit /? store\". Specifies the identifier of the entry to be copied. For more information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\". Specifies the description to be applied to the new entry.Example:The following command creates a copy of the specified operating system bootentry: bcdedit /copy {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} /d \"Copy of entry\"
0xC100F005此命令删除启动配置数据存储中的项。bcdedit [/store ] /delete [/f] [/cleanup | /nocleanup] 指定要使用的存储。如果未指定此选项,则使用系统存储。 有关详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? store\"。 指定要删除的启动项的标识符。 有关标识符的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。 /f 删除指定的项。如果没有此选项, 则 Bcdedit 将无法删除任何具有 已知标识符的项。 /cleanup 删除指定的项,并从 显示顺序中删除该项。并将从存储中删除 任何其他涉及到所删除项的项目。 删除 OS 加载器项时,如果任何 其他 OS 加载器没有引用该项, 还将删除从休眠中恢复的关联项。 如果未指定 /nocleanup,则认为使用此选项。 /nocleanup 删除指定的项,但不从显示顺序 中删除该项。示例:下列命令删除存储中指定的操作系统项,并从显示顺序中删除该项: bcdedit /delete {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71}下列命令删除存储中指定的操作系统项,并从显示顺序中删除该项: bcdedit /delete {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} /cleanup下列命令删除存储中指定的操作系统项,但不从显示顺序中删除该项: bcdedit /delete {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} /nocleanup下列命令删除存储中基于 NTLDR 的 OS 加载器项: bcdedit /delete {ntldr} /f This command deletes an entry from the boot configuration data store.bcdedit [/store ] /delete [/f] [/cleanup | /nocleanup] Specifies the store to be used. If this option is not specified, the system store is used. For more information, run \"bcdedit /? store\". Specifies the identifier of the boot entry that you want to delete. For more information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\". /f Deletes the specified entry. Without this option, Bcdedit will not delete any entries that have a well-known identifier. /cleanup Deletes the specified entry and removes the entry from the display order. Any other references to the entry being deleted will also be removed from the store. When deleting an OS loader entry, the associated resume from hibernation entry is also deleted if it is not referenced by any other OS loaders. This option is assumed unless /nocleanup is specified. /nocleanup Deletes the specified entry without removing the entry from the display order.Examples:The following command deletes the specified operating system entry from thestore and removes the entry from the display order: bcdedit /delete {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71}The following command deletes the specified operating system entry from thestore and removes the entry from the display order: bcdedit /delete {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} /cleanupThe following command deletes the specified operating system entry from thestore without removing the entry from the display order: bcdedit /delete {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} /nocleanupThe following command deletes the NTLDR based OS loader entry from the store: bcdedit /delete {ntldr} /f
0xC100F006此命令设置引导配置数据存储中的项选项值。bcdedit [/store ] /set [{}] [ /addfirst | /addlast | /remove ] 指定要使用的存储。如果未指定此选项,则使用系统存储。 有关详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? store\"。 指定要修改的项的标识符。如果未指定,则使用 {current}。 有关标识符的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。 指定将创建或修改的选项数据类型。 有关数据类型的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? TYPES\"。 指定应分配给该选项的值。 的格式取决于指定的数据类型。 有关数据格式的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\"。 /addfirst 仅当数据类型是对象列表时才能使用此开关。 将指定的项标识符添加到列表的顶部。 如果已指定此开关,则只能指定一个项标识符。 如果所指定的标识符已在列表中, 请将它移到列表顶部。 /addlast 仅当数据类型是对象列表时才能使用此开关。 将指定的项标识符添加到列表的结尾。 如果已指定此开关,则只能指定一个项标识符。 如果所指定的标识符已在列表中, 它将被移到列表的结尾。 /remove 仅当数据类型是对象列表时才能使用此开关。 请从列表中删除指定的项标识符。 如果已指定此开关,则只能指定一个项标识符。 如果此标识符不在列表中,则操作无效。 如果正在删除最后一项,则此数据类型值也将被删除。示例:对于指定的操作系统项,下列命令将应用程序设备设置到 C: 分区: bcdedit /set {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} device partition=C: 注意: 使用 'hd_partiton=' 语法显式禁用自动 VHD 检测, 并创建与启动虚拟机兼容的项目,例如, bcdedit /store F:\\boot\\bcd /set {default} device hd_partition=F:对于指定的操作系统项,下列命令将操作系统设备设置到 VHD 文件(C:\\vdisks\\vdisk01.vhd): bcdedit /set {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} osdevice vhd=[C:]\\vdisks\\disk01.vhd对于指定的操作系统项,下列命令将应用程序路径设置到 \\windows\\system32\\winload.exe: bcdedit /set {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} path \\windows\\system32\\winload.exe对于当前的操作系统启动项,下列命令将 NX 策略设置到 OptIn。 bcdedit /set nx optin This command sets an entry option value in the boot configuration data store.bcdedit [/store ] /set [{}] [ /addfirst | /addlast | /remove ] Specifies the store to be used. If this option is not specified, the system store is used. For more information, run \"bcdedit /? store\". Specifies the identifier of the entry to be modified. If not specified, {current} is used. For more information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\". Specifies the option data type that will be created or modified. Run \"bcdedit /? TYPES\" for more information about data types. Specifies the value that should be assigned to the option. The format of depends on the data type specified. Run \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\" for more information about data formats. /addfirst This switch can only be used if datatype is an object list. Adds the specified entry identifier to the top of the list. If this switch is specified, only a single entry identifier may be specified. If the specified identifier is already in the list, it will be moved to the top of the list. /addlast This switch can only be used if datatype is an object list. Adds the specified entry identifier to the end of the list. If this switch is specified, only a single entry identifier may be specified. If the specified identifier is already in the list, it is moved to the end of the list. /remove This switch can only be used if datatype is an object list. Removes the specified entry identifier from the list. If this switch is specified, only a single entry identifier may be specified. If the identifier is not in the list then the operation has no effect. If the last entry is being removed, then the datatype value is deleted.Examples:The following command sets the application device to the partition C: for thespecified operating system entry: bcdedit /set {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} device partition=C: NOTE: Use 'hd_partiton=' syntax to explicitly disable automatic VHD detection, and create entries that are compatible for booting a virtual machine, i.e., bcdedit /store F:\\boot\\bcd /set {default} device hd_partition=F:The following command sets the OS device to a VHD file (C:\\vdisks\\vdisk01.vhd)for the specified operating system entry: bcdedit /set {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} osdevice vhd=[C:]\\vdisks\\disk01.vhdThe following command sets the application path to\\windows\\system32\\winload.exe for the specified operating system entry: bcdedit /set {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} path \\windows\\system32\\winload.exeThe following command sets the NX policy to OptIn for the current operatingsystem boot entry. bcdedit /set nx optin
0xC100F007此命令从启动配置数据存储的项中删除数据元素。bcdedit [/store ] /deletevalue [] 指定要使用的存储。如果未指定此选项,则使用系统存储。 有关详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? store\"。 指定要修改的项的标识符。如果未指定,则使用 {current}。 有关标识符的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。 指定要从指定项中删除的选项。 有关数据类型的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? TYPES\"。示例:下列命令删除启动管理器项中的 bootsequence 选项: bcdedit /deletevalue {bootmgr} bootsequence下列命令删除当前操作系统启动项的 Windows 预安装环境(WinPE)值: bcdedit /deletevalue winpe下列命令删除指定操作系统启动项的 Windows PE 值: bcdedit /deletevalue {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} winpe This command deletes a data element from an entry in the boot configurationdata store.bcdedit [/store ] /deletevalue [] Specifies the store to be used. If this option is not specified, the system store is used. For more information, run \"bcdedit /? store\". Specifies the identifier of the entry that will be modified. If not specified, {current} is used. For more information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\". Specifies the option that will be removed from the specified entry. Run \"bcdedit /? TYPES\" for more information about data types.Examples:The following command deletes the bootsequence option from the boot managerentry: bcdedit /deletevalue {bootmgr} bootsequenceThe following command deletes the Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE)value from the current operating system boot entry: bcdedit /deletevalue winpeThe following command deletes the Windows PE value from the specified operatingsystem boot entry: bcdedit /deletevalue {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} winpe
0xC100F008此命令设置启动管理器选择默认项以前等待的时间,以秒为单位。有关设置默认项的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? default\"。bcdedit /timeout 指定启动管理器选择默认项以前等待的时间,以秒为单位。示例:下列命令将启动管理器 设置为 30 秒: bcdedit /timeout 30 This command sets the time to wait, in seconds, before the boot manager selectsa default entry. For information about setting the default entry, run\"bcdedit /? default\".bcdedit /timeout Specifies the time to wait, in seconds, before the boot manager selects a default entry.Example:The following command sets the boot manager to 30 seconds: bcdedit /timeout 30
0xC100F009此命令设置超时过期时启动管理器将使用的默认项。bcdedit /default 指定超时过期时将用作默认项的启动项的标识符。 有关标识符的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。示例:下列命令将指定项设置为默认的启动管理器项: bcdedit /default {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71}下列命令将基于 NTLDR 的 OS 加载器设置为默认项: bcdedit /default {ntldr} This command sets the default entry that the boot manager will use when thetimeout expires.bcdedit /default Specifies the identifier of the boot entry to be used as the default when the time-out expires. For information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\".Examples:The following command sets the specified entry as the default boot managerentry: bcdedit /default {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71}The following command sets the NTLDR based OS loader as the defaultentry: bcdedit /default {ntldr}
0xC100F00A此命令设置启动管理器使用的显示顺序。bcdedit /displayorder [...] [ /addfirst | /addlast | /remove ] [...] 指定组成显示顺序的标识符列表。必须至少指定一个标识符,且必须使用 空格分隔标识符。有关标识符的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。 /addfirst 将指定的项标识符添加到显示顺序的顶部。如果已指定此参数,则只能指定 一个项标识符。如果列表中已存在指定的标识符,则将其移动到列表顶部。 /addlast 将指定的项标识符添加到显示顺序的末尾。如果已指定此参数,则只能指定 一个项标识符。如果列表中已存在指定的标识符,则将其移动到列表末尾。 /remove 从显示顺序中删除指定的项标识符。如果已指定此参数,则只能指定 一个项标识符。如果该标识符不在列表中,则该操作不起作用。如果删除 最后一项,则显示顺序值将会从启动管理器项中删除。示例:下列命令设置启动管理器显示顺序中的两个 OS 项以及基于 NTLDR 的 OS 加载器: bcdedit /displayorder {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} {ntldr}下列命令将指定的 OS 项添加到启动管理器显示顺序的末尾: bcdedit /displayorder {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} /addlast This command sets the display order to be used by the boot manager.bcdedit /displayorder [...] [ /addfirst | /addlast | /remove ] [...] Specifies a list of identifiers that make up the display order. At least one identifier must be specified and they must be separated by spaces. For more information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\". /addfirst Adds the specified entry identifier to the top of the display order. If this switch is specified, only a single entry identifier may be specified. If the specified identifier is already in the list, it will be moved to the top of the list. /addlast Adds the specified entry identifier to the end of the display order. If this switch is specified, only a single entry identifier may be specified. If the specified identifier is already in the list, it is moved to the end of the list. /remove Removes the specified entry identifier from the display order. If this switch is specified, only a single entry identifier may be specified. If the identifier is not in the list then the operation has no effect. If the last entry is being removed, then the display order value is deleted from the boot manager entry.Examples:The following command sets two OS entries and the NTLDR based OS loader inthe boot manager display order: bcdedit /displayorder {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} {ntldr}The following command adds the specified OS entry to the end of the bootmanager display order: bcdedit /displayorder {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} /addlast
0xC100F00B此命令设置启动管理器使用的一次性启动序列。bcdedit /bootsequence [...] [ /addfirst | /addlast | /remove ] [...] 指定组成启动序列的标识符列表。必须至少指定一个标识符, 且必须使用空格分隔标识符。有关标识符的详细信息,请运 行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。 /addfirst 将指定的项标识符添加到启动序列的顶部。如果已指定此参 数,则只能指定一个项标识符。如果列表中已存在该标识符, 则将其移动到列表顶部。 /addlast 将指定的项标识符添加到启动序列的末尾。如果已指定此参 数,则只能指定一个项标识符。如果列表中已存在该标识符, 则将其移动到列表末尾。 /remove 从启动序列中删除指定的项标识符。如果已指定此参数,则 只能指定一个项标识。如果该标识符不在列表中,则该操作 不起作用。如果删除最后一项,则启动序列值将会从启动管 理器项中删除。示例:下列命令设置启动管理器一次性启动序列中的两个 OS 项和基于 NTLDR 的 OS 加载器: bcdedit /bootsequence {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} {ntldr}下列命令将指定的 OS 项添加到启动管理器一次性启动序列的末尾: bcdedit /bootsequence {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} /addlast This command sets the one-time boot sequence to be used by the bootmanager.bcdedit /bootsequence [...] [ /addfirst | /addlast | /remove ] [...] Specifies a list of identifiers that make up the boot sequence. You must specify at least one identifier and must separate identifiers by spaces. For more information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\". /addfirst Adds the specified entry identifier to the top of the boot sequence. If this switch is specified, only a single identifier may be specified. If the identifier is already in the list, it is moved to the top of the list. /addlast Adds the specified entry identifier to the end of the boot sequence. If this switch is specified, only a single identifier may be specified. If the identifier is already in the list, it is moved to the end of the list. /remove Removes the specified entry identifier from the boot sequence. If this switch is specified, only a single entry identifier may be specified. If the identifier is not in the list then the operation has no effect. If the last entry is being removed, then the boot sequence value is deleted from the boot manager entry.Examples:The following command sets two OS entries and the NTLDR based OS loader in theboot manager one-time boot sequence: bcdedit /bootsequence {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} {ntldr}The following command adds the specified OS entry to the end of the bootmanager one-time boot sequence: bcdedit /bootsequence {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} /addlast
0xC100F00C此命令可设置或显示系统的全局调试程序设置。此命令不会启用或禁用任何特定启动项的调试程序。若要启用或禁用特定启动项的调试程序,请使用\"bcdedit /debug ON\"。有关标识符的信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。若要设置单个全局调试程序设置,请使用\"bcdedit /set {dbgsettings} \"。有关有效类型的信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? TYPES\"。bcdedit /dbgsettings [ [DEBUGPORT:] [BAUDRATE:] [CHANNEL:] [TARGETNAME:] [HOSTIP:] [PORT:] [KEY:] [nodhcp] [newkey] /start /noumex ] 指定调试程序的类型。 可以是 SERIAL、1394、 USB、NET 或 LOCAL 之一。 对于 SERIAL 调试,指定要用作调试端口的 串行端口。这是可选设置。 对于 SERIAL 调试,指定要用于调试的 波特率。这是可选设置。 对于 1394 调试,指定要用于调试的 1394 通道。 对于通用串行总线(USB)调试,指定要用于调试的 USB 目标名称。 对于网络调试,指定主调试程序的 IPv4 地址。 对于网络调试,指定要在主调试程序上进行通信 的端口。应该是 49152 或更高。 对于网络调试,指定加密连接所使用的 密钥。仅允许使用 [0-9] 和 [a-z]。 nodhcp 对于网络调试,防止使用 DHCP 获取 目标 IP 地址。 newkey 对于网络调试,指定应该为连接生成 新加密密钥。 /start 对于所有调试程序类型,此选项指定 调试程序启动策略。 可以是下列策略之一: ACTIVE AUTOENABLE DISABLE. 如果未指定,则默认值为 ACTIVE。 /noumex 如果指定,这将导致内核调试程序忽略任何 用户模式例外。示例:下列命令显示当前的全局调试程序设置: bcdedit /dbgsettings下列命令设置全局调试程序设置在 com1 上以 115,200 波特进行串行调试: bcdedit /dbgsettings SERIAL DEBUGPORT:1 BAUDRATE:115200下列命令设置全局调试程序设置使用通道 23进行 1394 调试: bcdedit /dbgsettings 1394 CHANNEL:23下列命令设置全局调试程序设置使用目标名称 DEBUGGING进行 USB 调试: bcdedit /dbgsettings USB TARGETNAME:DEBUGGING下列命令设置全局调试程序设置使用位于 且在端口 50000 上进行通信的调试程序主机进行网络调试: bcdedit /dbgsettings NET HOSTIP: PORT:50000下列命令设置全局调试程序设置进行本地调试: bcdedit /dbgsettings LOCAL This command sets or displays the global debugger settings for the system.This command does not enable or disable the debugger for any particular bootentry. To enable or disable the debugger for a particular boot entry, use\"bcdedit /debug ON\". For information about identifiers, run\"bcdedit /? ID\".To set an individual global debugger setting, use\"bcdedit /set {dbgsettings} \". For information about validtypes, run \"bcdedit /? TYPES\".bcdedit /dbgsettings [ [DEBUGPORT:] [BAUDRATE:] [CHANNEL:] [TARGETNAME:] [HOSTIP:] [PORT:] [KEY:] [nodhcp] [newkey] /start /noumex ] Specifies the type of debugger. can be one of SERIAL, 1394, USB, NET or LOCAL. For SERIAL debugging, specifies the serial port to use as the debugging port. This is an optional setting. For SERIAL debugging, specifies the baud rate to be used for debugging. This is an optional setting. For 1394 debugging, specifies the 1394 channel to be used for debugging. For universal serial bus (USB) debugging, specifies the USB target name to be used for debugging. For network debugging, specifies the IPv4 address of the host debugger. For network debugging, specifies the port to communicate with on the host debugger. Should be 49152 or higher. For network debugging, specifies the key with which to encrypt the connection. [0-9] and [a-z] allowed only. nodhcp For network debugging prevents use of DHCP to obtain the target IP address. newkey For network debugging specifies that a new encryption key should be generated for the connection. /start For all debugger types, this specifies the debugger start policy. can be one of the following: ACTIVE AUTOENABLE DISABLE. If not specified, ACTIVE is the default. /noumex If specified, this causes the kernel debugger to ignore any user-mode exceptions.Examples:The following command displays the current global debugger settings: bcdedit /dbgsettingsThe following command sets the global debugger settings to serial debuggingover com1 at 115,200 baud: bcdedit /dbgsettings SERIAL DEBUGPORT:1 BAUDRATE:115200The following command sets the global debugger settings to 1394 debuggingusing channel 23: bcdedit /dbgsettings 1394 CHANNEL:23The following command sets the global debugger settings to USB debuggingusing target name DEBUGGING: bcdedit /dbgsettings USB TARGETNAME:DEBUGGINGThe following command sets the global debugger settings to network debuggingwith a debugger host at communicating on port 50000: bcdedit /dbgsettings NET HOSTIP: PORT:50000The following command sets the global debugger settings to local debugging: bcdedit /dbgsettings LOCAL
0xC100F00D此命令启用或禁用指定启动项的内核调试程序。bcdedit /debug [] { ON | OFF } 指定要修改的项的标识符。只能指定 Windows 启动加载器项。如果未指定, 则使用 {current}。有关标识符的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。示例:下列命令启用当前 Windows 操作系统启动项的内核调试: bcdedit /debug ON下列命令禁用指定操作系统项的内核调试: bcdedit /debug {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} OFF This command enables or disables the kernel debugger for the specified bootentry.bcdedit /debug [] { ON | OFF } Specifies the identifier of the entry to be modified. Only Windows boot loader entries may be specified. If not specified, {current} is used. For more information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\".Examples:The following command enables kernel debugging for the current Windowsoperating system boot entry: bcdedit /debug ONThe following command disables kernel debugging for the specified operatingsystem entry: bcdedit /debug {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} OFF
0xC100F00E此命令启用或禁用指定启动项的启动调试程序。尽管此命令适用于任何项,但仅对启动应用程序有效。bcdedit /bootdebug [] { ON | OFF } 指定要修改的项的标识符。有关标识符的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。示例:下列命令为当前操作系统启动项的 Windows 操作系统加载器启用启动调试: bcdedit /bootdebug ON下列命令禁用 Windows 启动管理器的启动调试: bcdedit /bootdebug {bootmgr} OFF This command enables or disables the boot debugger for the specified bootentry. Although this command works for any entry, it is only effective for bootapplications.bcdedit /bootdebug [] { ON | OFF } Specifies the identifier of the entry to be modified. For information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\".Examples:The following command enables boot debugging for the Windows operating systemloader of the current operating system boot entry: bcdedit /bootdebug ONThe following command disables boot debugging for the Windows boot manager: bcdedit /bootdebug {bootmgr} OFF
0xC100F00F此命令设置系统的全局紧急管理服务设置。Emssettings 不会对任何特定启动项启用或禁用紧急管理服务。bcdedit /emssettings [ BIOS ] | [ EMSPORT: | [EMSBAUDRATE:] ] BIOS 指定系统对紧急管理服务配置使用 BIOS 设置。这只能在 BIOS 提供支持紧急管理 服务的系统上运行。 指定要用作紧急管理服务端口的串行端口。此选项不应与 BIOS 选项一起指定。 指定紧急管理服务使用的串行波特率。此命令不应与 BIOS 选项一起指定。 是可选项,默认值为 9,600 波特。示例:下列命令将紧急管理服务参数设置为使用 BIOS 设置: bcdedit /emssettings BIOS下列命令将紧急管理服务参数设置为使用 com2: 115,200 波特。 bcdedit /emssettings EMSPORT:2 EMSBAUDRATE:115200 This command sets the global Emergency Management Services settings for thesystem. Emssettings does not enable or disable Emergency Management Servicesfor any particular boot entry.bcdedit /emssettings [ BIOS ] | [ EMSPORT: | [EMSBAUDRATE:] ] BIOS Specifies that the system will use BIOS settings for the Emergency Management Services configuration. This works only on systems that have Emergency Management Services support provided by the BIOS. Specifies the serial port to use as the Emergency Management Services port. This should not be specified with the BIOS option. Specifies the serial baud rate to use for Emergency Management Services. This command should not be specified with the BIOS option. is optional, and the default is 9,600 baud.Examples:The following command sets the Emergency Management Services parameters to useBIOS settings: bcdedit /emssettings BIOSThe following command sets the Emergency Management Services parameters to usecom2: at 115,200 baud. bcdedit /emssettings EMSPORT:2 EMSBAUDRATE:115200
0xC100F010此命令启用或禁用指定操作系统启动项的紧急管理服务。bcdedit /ems [] { ON | OFF } 指定要修改的项的标识符。只能指定“Windows 启动加载器”项。如果未指定,则 使用 {current}。有关标识符的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。示例:下列命令启用当前操作系统启动项的紧急管理服务: bcdedit /ems ON This command enables or disables Emergency Management Services for thespecified operating system boot entry.bcdedit /ems [] { ON | OFF } Specifies the identifier of the entry to be modified. Only \"Windows boot loader\" entries can be specified. If not specified, {current} is used. For more information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\".Example:The following command enables Emergency Management Services for the currentoperating system boot entry: bcdedit /ems ON
0xC100F011此命令启用或禁用指定项的紧急管理服务。bcdedit /bootems [] { ON | OFF } 指定要修改的项的标识符。尽管此命令适用于任何项,但仅对启动应用程序有效。示例:下列命令启用启动管理器的紧急管理服务: bcdedit /bootems {bootmgr} ON This command enables or disables Emergency Management Services for thespecified entry.bcdedit /bootems [] { ON | OFF } Specifies the identifier of the entry to be modified. Although this command will work for any entry, it is only effective for boot applications.Example:The following command enables Emergency Management Services for the bootmanager: bcdedit /bootems {bootmgr} ON
0xC100F012此命令行选项可与大多数 Bcdedit 命令一起使用以指定要使用的存储。如果未指定此选项,则使用系统存储。此选项不能与 /createstore、/import 和 /export 命令一起使用。bcdedit /store 指定启动配置数据存储的文件名。 如果文件名包含空格,则必须将其 括在引号(\"\")中。示例:以下命令将列出指定数据存储文件中的活动项: bcdedit /store C:\\DATA\\BCD /enum ACTIVE bcdedit /store \"C:\\DATA\\My BCD\" /enum ACTIVE This command-line option can be used with most Bcdedit commands to specify thestore to be used. If this option is not specified, then the system store isused.This option may not be used with the /createstore, /import and /exportcommands.bcdedit /store Specifies the file name of the boot configuration data store. If the file name contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks (\"\").Example:The following commands list the active entries in the specified data storefile: bcdedit /store C:\\DATA\\BCD /enum ACTIVE bcdedit /store \"C:\\DATA\\My BCD\" /enum ACTIVE
0xC100F013bcdedit /createstore 此命令新建空的启动配置数据存储。创建的存储不是系统存储。 指定启动配置数据存储的文件名。如果文件名包含空格,则必须 将其括在引号(\"\")中。示例:下列命令创建指定的存储文件: bcdedit /createstore C:\\DATA\\BCD bcdedit /createstore This command created a new empty boot configuration data store. The created store is not a system store. Specifies the filename of the boot configuration data store. If the filename contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks (\"\").Example:The following command creates the specified store file: bcdedit /createstore C:\\DATA\\BCD
0xC100F014bcdedit /import [/clean]此命令使用以前使用 /export 命令生成的备份数据文件还原系统存储的状态。在进行导入前,将删除系统存储中的所有现有项。此命令仅对系统存储有效。 将导入系统存储的文件的名称。 如果文件名包含空格,则必须将其 括在引号(\"\")中。 /clean 指定应删除所有现有固件启动项 (仅影响 EFI 系统)。示例:以下命令将指定的文件导入系统存储。 bcdedit /import \"C:\\Data\\BCD Backup\" /clean bcdedit /import [/clean]This command restores the state of the system store using a backup data filepreviously generated using the /export command. Any existing entries in thesystem store are deleted before the import takes place. This command is onlyvalid for the system store. The name of the file that is imported into the system store. If the filename contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks (\"\"). /clean Specifies that all existing firmware boot entries should be deleted (only affects EFI systems).Example:The following command imports the specified file into the system store. bcdedit /import \"C:\\Data\\BCD Backup\" /clean
0xC100F015bcdedit /export 此命令将系统存储的内容导出到文件。以后可以使用此文件还原系统存储的状态。此命令仅对系统存储有效。 将用作导出目标的文件名。如果文件名包含空格,则必须将其 括在引号(\"\")中。示例:下列命令将系统存储导出到指定的文件: bcdedit /export \"C:\\Data\\BCD Backup\" bcdedit /export This command exports the contents of the system store into a file. This filecan be used later to restore the state of the system store. This command isonly valid for the system store. The filename to be used as the destination for the export. If the filename contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks (\"\").Example:The following command exports the system store to the specified file: bcdedit /export \"C:\\Data\\BCD Backup\"
0xC100F016通常,任何已知的项标识符会用方便记忆的缩写形式来替换。指定 /v 为命令行参数可阻止此替换,并完整显示所有标识符。单独运行 \"bcdedit /v\" 等同于运行 \"bcdedit /enum ACTIVE /v\"。bcdedit /v示例:下列命令列出系统存储中的活动项及所有显示完整的项标识符。 bcdedit /enum ACTIVE /v Usually, any well-known entry identifiers are replaced by their friendlyshorthand form. Specifying /v as a command-line switch prevents thisreplacement and displays all identifiers in full. Running \"bcdedit /v\" byitself is equivalent to running \"bcdedit /enum ACTIVE /v\".bcdedit /vExample:The following command lists the active entries in the system store with allentry identifiers displayed in full. bcdedit /enum ACTIVE /v
0xC100F017bcdedit /toolsdisplayorder [...] [ /addfirst | /addlast | /remove ]此命令将设置显示工具菜单时启动管理器使用的显示顺序。 [...] 指定组成工具显示顺序的标识符的列表。至少必须指定一 个标识符,标识符之间必须用空格隔开。有关标识符的详 细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。 /addfirst 将指定的项标识符添加到工具显示顺序顶部。如果指定此 开关,则只能指定单个项标识符。如果指定的标识符已经 存在于列表中,则将其移动到列表顶部。 /addlast 将指定的项标识符添加到工具显示顺序末尾。如果指定此 开关,则只能指定单个项标识符。如果指定的标识符已经 存在于列表中,则将其移动到列表末尾。 /remove 将指定的项标识符从工具显示顺序中删除。如果指定此开 关,则只能指定单个项标识符。如果列表中不存在该标识 符,则操作无效。如果正在删除最后一个项,则工具显示 顺序值将从启动管理器项中删除。示例:以下命令在启动管理器的工具显示顺序中设置了两个工具项及内存诊断: bcdedit /toolsdisplayorder {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} {memdiag}以下命令将指定的工具项添加到启动管理器的工具显示顺序末尾: bcdedit /toolsdisplayorder {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} /addlast bcdedit /toolsdisplayorder [...] [ /addfirst | /addlast | /remove ]This command will set the display order to be used by the boot manager whendisplaying the tools menu. [...] Specifies a list of identifiers that make up the tools display order. At least one identifier must be specified and they must be separated by spaces. For more information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\". /addfirst Adds the specified entry identifier to the top of the tools display order. If this switch is specified, only a single entry identifier may be specified. If the specified identifier is already in the list, it is moved to the top of the list. /addlast Adds the specified entry identifier to the end of the tools display order. If this switch is specified, only a single entry identifier may be specified. If the specified identifier is already in the list, it is moved to the end of the list. /remove Removes the specified entry identifier from the tools display order. If this switch is specified, only a single entry identifier may be specified. If the identifier is not in the list, then the operation will have no effect. If the last entry is being removed, then the tools display order value is deleted from the boot manager entry.Examples:The following command sets two tools entries and the memory diagnostic in theboot manager's tools display order: bcdedit /toolsdisplayorder {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} {memdiag}The following command adds the specified tool entry to the end of the bootmanager's tools display order: bcdedit /toolsdisplayorder {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} /addlast
0xC100F018bcdedit /sysstore 此命令用于设置系统存储设备。对于 EFI 系统,仅在系统存储设备不确定的情况下,此命令才有效。此设置在重新启动后不再有效。 要设置为系统存储设备的系统分区的名称。 该设备必须是系统分区。示例:下列命令将系统存储设备设置为指定设备: bcdedit /sysstore C: bcdedit /sysstore This command sets the system store device. This command is only valid for EFIsystems in cases where the system store device is ambiguous. This setting doesnot persist across reboots. The name of a system partition to set as the the system store device. The device must be a system partition.Example:The following command sets the system store device as specified: bcdedit /sysstore C:
0xC100F021标识符很多 Bcdedit 命令需要标识符。标识符可以唯一标识存储中包含的项。标识符采取全局唯一标识符的形式,或称为 GUID。GUID 具有以下格式,其中每个“x”代表一个十六进制数。 {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}例如: {d2b69192-8f14-11da-a31f-ea816ab185e9}破折号(-)的放置以及 GUID 开头和结尾的括号是必需的。已知标识符可以标识多个项。如果某个项具有已知标识符,则 BCDedit 将其显示在输出中,除非使用了 /v 命令行开关。有关详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? /v\"。已知标识符如下所示: {bootmgr} 指定 Windows 启动管理器项。 {fwbootmgr} 指定固件启动管理器项,特别是在实现可扩展固件 接口(EFI)规格的系统上。 {memdiag} 指定内存诊断应用程序项。 {ntldr} 指定可用于启动早于 Windows Vista 版本的操作 系统的 OS 加载程序(Ntldr)。 {current} 指定与当前运行的操作系统的操作系统启动项 对应的虚拟标识符。 {default} 指定与启动管理器默认应用程序项对应的虚拟 标识符。 {ramdiskoptions} 包含启动管理器所需的其他的 RAM 磁盘设备 选项。 {dbgsettings} 包含可由任意启动应用程序项继承的全局调试 程序设置。 {emssettings} 包含可由任意启动应用程序项继承的全局紧急 管理服务设置。 {badmemory} 包含可由任意启动应用程序项继承的全局 RAM 故障列表。 {globalsettings} 包含所有启动应用程序项应继承的全局设置的 集合。 {bootloadersettings} 包含所有 Windows 启动加载程序应用程序项 应继承的全局设置的集合。 {resumeloadersettings} 包含所有 Windows 从休眠状态恢复应用程序项 应继承的全局设置的集合。 {hypervisorsettings} 包含可由任意 OS 加载程序项继承的虚拟机 监控程序设置。 IDENTIFIERSMany of the Bcdedit commands require identifiers. An identifieruniquely identifies entries contained in the store. An identifier takes theform of a globally unique identifier, or GUID. A GUID has the following format,where each \"x\" represents a hexadecimal digit. {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}For example: {d2b69192-8f14-11da-a31f-ea816ab185e9}The position of the dashes (-) and the braces at the beginning and end of theGUID are required.Several entries can be identified by well-known identifiers. If an entry has awell-known identifier, BCDedit displays it in output unless the /v command-lineswitch is used. For more information, run \"bcdedit /? /v\".The well-known identifiers are as follows: {bootmgr} Specifies the Windows boot manager entry. {fwbootmgr} Specifies the firmware boot manager entry, specifically on systems that implement the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) specification. {memdiag} Specifies the memory diagnostic application entry. {ntldr} Specifies a OS loader (Ntldr) that can be used to start operating systems earlier than Windows Vista. {current} Specifies a virtual identifier that corresponds to the operating system boot entry for the operating system that is currently running. {default} Specifies a virtual identifier that corresponds to the boot manager default application entry. {ramdiskoptions} Contains the additional options required by the boot manager for RAM disk devices. {dbgsettings} Contains the global debugger settings that can be inherited by any boot application entry. {emssettings} Contains the global Emergency Management Services settings that can be inherited by any boot application entry. {badmemory} Contains the global RAM defect list that can be inherited by any boot application entry. {globalsettings} Contains the collection of global settings that should be inherited by all boot application entries. {bootloadersettings} Contains the collection of global settings that should be inherited by all Windows boot loader application entries. {resumeloadersettings} Contains the collection of global settings that should be inherited by all Windows resume from hibernation application entries. {hypervisorsettings} Contains the hypervisor settings that can be inherited by any OS loader entry.
0xC100F022类型/set 和 /deletevalue 命令要求将 作为参数。 唯一标识数据格式及值的意义。数据类型是使用名称或自定义类型标识的。下面列出了名称及其数据格式(在括号中)以及自定义类型的简短描述。如果未指定格式,则描述列出可用于该类型的文本值。有关数据格式的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? formats\"。以下类型对所有项都是有效的。有关特定项(如启动管理器项或 Windows OS 加载器项)特有的类型的信息,请参阅此帮助主题末尾。项======= DESCRIPTION (字符串) 定义项描述。 PATH (字符串) 定义应用程序路径。 DEVICE (设备) 定义应用程序所驻留的设备。 INHERIT (列表) 定义要继承的项的列表。有关设备对象的附加类型的信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? TYPES DEVOBJECT\"。有关特定应用程序的附加类型的信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? TYPES \",其中 为以下其中一项:BOOTAPP 启动应用程序。这些类型也应用于启动管理器、 内存诊断应用程序、Windows OS 加载器和恢复 应用程序。BOOTMGR 启动管理器。BOOTSECTOR 启动扇区应用程序。CUSTOMTYPES 自定义类型。DEVOBJECT 设备对象附加选项。FWBOOTMGR 固件启动管理器MEMDIAG 内存诊断应用程序NTLDR 以前的 Windows OS 版本附带的 OS 加载器OSLOADER Windows Vista OS 加载器RESUME 恢复应用程序 TYPESThe /set and /deletevalue commands require a as a parameter. uniquely identifies both the data format and meaning of the value.Data types are identified using either a name or a custom type. The names arelisted below, along with their data formats (in parentheses) and a shortdescription of the custom type. If a format is not specified, then thedescription lists the literal values that you can use for that type. Forinformation about data formats, run \"bcdedit /? formats\".The following types are valid for any entry. For information about types thatare specific to a particular entry, such as boot manager entries or the WindowsOS Loader entries, see the end of this help topic.Entries======= DESCRIPTION (string) Defines the description of the entry. PATH (string) Defines the path to the application. DEVICE (device) Defines the device that the application resides on. INHERIT (list) Defines the list of entries to be inherited.For information about additional types for device objects, run\"bcdedit /? TYPES DEVOBJECT\".For information about additional types for particular applications,run \"bcdedit /? TYPES \", where is one of the following:BOOTAPP Boot applications. These types also apply to the boot manager, memory diagnostic application, Windows OS loader, and the resume application.BOOTMGR Boot manager.BOOTSECTOR Boot sector application.CUSTOMTYPES Custom types.DEVOBJECT Device object additional options.FWBOOTMGR Firmware boot managerMEMDIAG Memory diagnostic applicationNTLDR OS loader that shipped with earlier Windows OSOSLOADER Windows Vista OS loaderRESUME Resume application
0xC100F026下列描述了与 /set 命令一起使用的 所需的数据格式。所需的格式取决于使用 /set 命令指定的 。有关与每个 相关联的格式的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? TYPES\"。bool 布尔值。以下值与 TRUE 对应: 1、ON、YES、TRUE 以下值与 FALSE 对应: 0、OFF、NO、FALSEdevice 设备可以是以下类型之一: BOOT PARTITION= HD_PARTITION= FILE=[] RAMDISK=[], VHD=[], LOCATE[=] 这些类型的选项为: 带有冒号并且结尾不带反斜杠的驱动器号。 (必需)可以是 BOOT、LOCATE 或带有冒号的驱动器号。 方括号表示语法的文本部分,而不表示是可选项。 从父设备根开始的文件路径(或 .wim 文件)。 设备选项条目的标识符,该选项项包含 RAM 磁盘的 系统部署映像(SDI)选项。这通常 是 {ramdisksdioptions}. 提供用于通过查找指定的路径来查找 设备的可选元素。设备的默认位置 元素是其应用程序路径 (osdevice 的位置元素为 systemroot)。 必须使用自定义元素语法来指定自定义值 (请参阅 -help 类型的自定义类型), 例如: locate=custom:22000002。id 条目标识符,它引用启动配置数据存储中的项。有关标识符的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。integer 64 位整数类型。可以使用枚举的值设置某些整数类型。integerlist 以空格分隔的一个或多个 64 位整数的列表。 该列表不应置于引号中。list 条目标识符列表。它包含以空格分隔的一个或多个条目标识符。 该列表不应置于引号 中。string 文本字符串。如果它包含空格,则应该置于引号(\"\")中。 The following describes the formats of the data that are required for used with the /set command. The format that is required depends onthe that you specify with the /set command. For more informationabout the formats associated with each , run \"bcdedit /? TYPES\".bool A boolean value. The following values correspond to TRUE: 1, ON, YES, TRUE The following values correspond to FALSE: 0, OFF, NO, FALSEdevice A device can be one of the following types: BOOT PARTITION= HD_PARTITION= FILE=[] RAMDISK=[], VHD=[], LOCATE[=] The options for these types are: A drive letter with a colon and no trailing backslashes. (Required) Can be either BOOT, LOCATE, or a drive letter with colon. The square brackets do not indicate that this is optional, but are a literal part of the syntax. A path to the file (or .wim file) from the root of the parent device. The identifier to the device options entry that contains the system deployment image (SDI) options for the RAM disk. This is usually {ramdisksdioptions}. Supplies an optional element used to locate a device by looking for a specified path. The default locate element for a device is its application path (systemroot for an osdevice). Custom values must be specified using custom element syntax (see -help types customtypes), for example: locate=custom:22000002.id An entry identifier, which refers to an entry in the boot configuration data store. Run \"bcdedit /? ID\" for more information about identifiers.integer A 64-bit integer type. Some integer types can be set using enumerated values.integerlist A list of one or more 64-bit integers, separated by spaces. This list should not be enclosed in quotation marks.list An entry identifier list. It contains one or more entry identifiers separated by spaces. The list should not be enclosed in quotation marks.string A literal string. If it contains spaces, it should be surrounded by quotation marks (\"\").
0xC100F027启动应用程序以下类型适用于启动应用程序项。这些类型还适用于启动管理器、内存诊断应用程序、Windows 操作系统加载程序和恢复应用程序。有关这些类型的数据格式的信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\"。显示======= GRAPHICSRESOLUTION 定义图形分辨率 1024x768、800x600、 1024x600 等。 HIGHESTMODE (布尔值) 允许启动应用程序使用固件支持 的最高图形模式。 GRAPHICSMODEDISABLED (布尔值) 禁用图形模式。 HIGHESTMODE (布尔值) 强制使用固件支持的最高 分辨率。 NOVESA (布尔值) 禁用视频电子标准 协会(VESA)显示模式。(失去作用。) NOVGA (布尔值) 完全禁用 VGA 模式。 BOOTUXDISABLED (布尔值) 禁用启动图形。调试========= BAUDRATE (整数) 定义串行调试程序的波特率。 BOOTDEBUG (布尔值) 启用启动调试程序。 CHANNEL (整数) 定义 1394 调试程序的通道。 BUSPARAMS (字符串) 定义调试设备的 PCI 总线、 设备和功能编号。例如,1.5.0 表示调试设备位于总线 1 上,设备编号为 5, 功能编号为 0。 DEBUGADDRESS (整数) 定义调试程序的串行端口 地址。 DEBUGPORT (整数) 定义串行调试程序的串行 端口号。 DEBUGSTART 可以是 ACTIVE、AUTOENABLE 或 DISABLE。 DEBUGTYPE 可以是 SERIAL、1394、USB、NET 或 LOCAL。 DHCP (布尔值) 控制网络调试程序使用 DHCP。 DHCP 设置为 false 将强制仅使用本地链路地址。 HOSTIP 定义网络调试程序的主机 IP 地址。 KEY 保存用于加密网络调试连接的 密钥。 NOUMEX (布尔值) 导致忽略用户模式异常。 PORT (整数) 定义网络调试程序的网络端口。 TARGETNAME (字符串) 定义 USB 调试程序的目标名称。内存====== BADMEMORYACCESS (布尔值) 允许应用程序使用错误内存列表 描述的内存。 BADMEMORYLIST (整数列表) 定义描述系统中的错误内存 的页帧号列表。 TRUNCATEMEMORY (整数) 忽略位于或高于指定物理地址 的所有内存。 AVOIDLOWMEMORY (整数) 尽可能避免使用低于启动加载程序中 指定的物理地址的内存。紧急管理服务============================= BOOTEMS (布尔值) 启用紧急管理服务。 EMSBAUDRATE (整数) 定义紧急管理服务的 波特率。 EMSPORT (整数) 定义紧急管理服务的串行 端口号。设备和硬件=========================== CONFIGACCESSPOLICY 可以是 DEFAULT 或 DISALLOWMMCONFIG。 FIRSTMEGABYTEPOLICY 可以是 USENONE、USEALL 或 USEPRIVATE。 EXTENDEDINPUT (布尔值) 启用扩展的控制台输入功能。应用程序============ LOCALE (字符串) 定义启动应用程序的区域设置。 NOUMEX (布尔值) 导致忽略用户模式异常。恢复======== RECOVERYENABLED (布尔值) 启用恢复顺序。 RECOVERYSEQUENCE (列表) 定义恢复顺序。验证============ TESTSIGNING (布尔值) 允许使用预发行测试代码签名证书。 FLIGHTSIGNING (布尔值) 允许即时签名的代码签名证书。错误屏幕============= BOOTSHUTDOWNDISABLED (布尔值) 指示显示错误屏幕 1 分钟之后, 不应关闭计算机。 默认设置为尝试关闭。对于旧固件, 该设置不起作用。 BOOTERRORUX (整数) 为启动错误定义图形体验。 可以是 Legacy、Standard 或 Simple。只在 无键盘的设备上有效。有关适用于启动管理器、内存诊断应用程序、Windows 操作系统加载程序或恢复应用程序的其他类型,请运行\"bcdedit /? TYPES \",其中 为以下类型之一: BOOTMGR 启动管理器。 MEMDIAG 内存诊断应用程序。 OSLOADER Windows 操作系统加载程序。 RESUME 恢复应用程序。 BOOT APPLICATIONThe following types apply to entries for boot applications. These types alsoapply to the boot manager, memory diagnostic application, Windows OS loader,and the resume application. For information about data formats for these types,run \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\".Display======= GRAPHICSRESOLUTION Defines the graphics resolution, 1024x768, 800x600, 1024x600, etc. HIGHESTMODE (bool) Enables boot applications to use the highest graphical mode exposed by the firmware. GRAPHICSMODEDISABLED (bool) Disables graphics mode. HIGHESTMODE (bool) Forces the highest resolution supported by the firmware. NOVESA (bool) Disables the use of Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) display modes. (Defunct.) NOVGA (bool) Disables the use of VGA modes entirely. BOOTUXDISABLED (bool) Disables boot graphics.Debugging========= BAUDRATE (integer) Defines the baud rate for the serial debugger. BOOTDEBUG (bool) Enables the boot debugger. CHANNEL (integer) Defines the channel for the 1394 debugger. BUSPARAMS (string) Defines the PCI bus, device, and function numbers of the debugging device. For example, 1.5.0 describes the debugging device on bus 1, device 5, function 0. DEBUGADDRESS (integer) Defines the address of a serial port for the debugger. DEBUGPORT (integer) Defines the serial port number for the serial debugger. DEBUGSTART Can be ACTIVE, AUTOENABLE or DISABLE. DEBUGTYPE Can be SERIAL, 1394, USB, NET or LOCAL. DHCP (bool) Controls use of DHCP by the network debugger. DHCP set to false forces local link only address. HOSTIP Defines the host IP address for the network debugger. KEY Holds the key used to encrypt the network debug connection. NOUMEX (bool) Causes user-mode exceptions to be ignored. PORT (integer) Defines the network port for the network debugger. TARGETNAME (string) Defines the target name for the USB debugger.Memory====== BADMEMORYACCESS (bool) Allows an application to use the memory described by the bad memory list. BADMEMORYLIST (integerlist) Defines the list of Page Frame Numbers describing faulty memory in the system. TRUNCATEMEMORY (integer) Disregard all memory at or above the specified physical address. AVOIDLOWMEMORY (integer) Avoid using memory below the specified physical address in the boot loader as much as possible.Emergency Management Services============================= BOOTEMS (bool) Enables Emergency Management Services. EMSBAUDRATE (integer) Defines the baud rate for Emergency Management Services. EMSPORT (integer) Defines the serial port number for Emergency Management Services.Devices and Hardware=========================== CONFIGACCESSPOLICY Can be DEFAULT or DISALLOWMMCONFIG. FIRSTMEGABYTEPOLICY Can be USENONE, USEALL or USEPRIVATE. EXTENDEDINPUT (bool) Enables extended console input functionality.Applications============ LOCALE (string) Defines the locale of the boot application. NOUMEX (bool) Causes user-mode exceptions to be ignored.Recovery======== RECOVERYENABLED (bool) Enables the recovery sequence. RECOVERYSEQUENCE (list) Defines the recovery sequence.Verification============ TESTSIGNING (bool) Allows pre-release test code signing certificates. FLIGHTSIGNING (bool) Allows flight-signed code signing certificates.Error Screens============= BOOTSHUTDOWNDISABLED (bool) Indicates that the machine should not shutdown after displaying an error screen for 1 minute. The default is to attempt the shutdown. This does not work on legacy firmware. BOOTERRORUX (integer) Defines the graphics experience for boot errors. Can be Legacy, Standard or Simple. Valid only on keyboard-less devices.For additional types that apply to the boot manager, memory diagnosticapplication, windows OS loader, or the resume application, run\"bcdedit /? TYPES \", where is one of the following: BOOTMGR The boot manager. MEMDIAG The memory diagnostic application. OSLOADER The Windows OS loader. RESUME The resume application.
0xC100F028FIRMWARE BOOT MANAGE以下类型仅应用于 FIRMWARE BOOT MANAGER 的条目。有关这些类型的数据格式的信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\"。启动==== BOOTSEQUENCE (列表) 定义一次性启动顺序。 DEFAULT (ID) 定义默认启动条目。 TIMEOUT (整数) 定义等待的启动管理器时间(以秒为单位)。显示======= DISPLAYORDER (列表) 定义启动管理器显示顺序列表。 FIRMWARE BOOT MANAGERThe following types apply only to entries for the firmware boot manager. Forinformation about data formats for these types, run \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\".Boot==== BOOTSEQUENCE (list) Defines the one-time boot sequence. DEFAULT (id) Defines the default boot entry. TIMEOUT (integer) Defines the boot manager time to wait, in seconds.Display======= DISPLAYORDER (list) Defines the boot manager display order list.
0xC100F029引导管理器以下类型仅适用于引导管理器条目。有关这些类型的数据格式的信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\"。引导==== BOOTSEQUENCE (列表) 定义一次性引导序列。 PERSISTBOOTSEQUENCE (布尔) 在多次引导之间保留一个 引导序列。 DEFAULT (id) 定义默认引导条目。 TIMEOUT (整数) 定义在引导管理器选择默认条目之前等待 引导管理器的时间(以秒为单位)。恢复====== RESUME (布尔) 指示应尝试 执行恢复操作。 RESUMEOBJECT (id) 提供恢复应用程序对象的 标识符。 HIBERBOOT (布尔) 指示应尝试 hiberboot 恢复。 该设置与 RESUME 设置一起使用, 并且不应进行修改。显示======= DISPLAYBOOTMENU (布尔) 启用引导菜单显示。 DISPLAYORDER (列表) 定义引导管理器显示顺序列表。 TOOLSDISPLAYORDER (列表) 定义引导管理器工具显示顺序 列表。有关适用于引导管理器的其他类型,请运行\"bcdedit /? TYPES BOOTAPP\"。 BOOT MANAGERThe following types apply only to entries for the boot manager. For informationabout data formats for these types, run \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\".Boot==== BOOTSEQUENCE (list) Defines the one-time boot sequence. PERSISTBOOTSEQUENCE (bool) Enables persisting a boot sequence across multiple boots. DEFAULT (id) Defines the default boot entry. TIMEOUT (integer) Defines the boot manager time to wait, in seconds, before the boot manager selects a default entry.Resume====== RESUME (bool) Indicates that a resume operation should be attempted. RESUMEOBJECT (id) Provides the identifier of the resume application object. HIBERBOOT (bool) Indicates that a hiberboot resume should be attempted. This is used along with the RESUME setting and should not be modified.Display======= DISPLAYBOOTMENU (bool) Enables the boot menu display. DISPLAYORDER (list) Defines the boot manager display order list. TOOLSDISPLAYORDER (list) Defines the boot manager tools display order list.For additional types that apply to the boot manager, run\"bcdedit /? TYPES BOOTAPP\".
0xC100F02AWindows 操作系统加载程序以下类型只能用于 Windows 操作系统加载程序项。有关这些类型的数据格式的信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\"。启动==== BOOTLOG (布尔值) 启用系统初始化日志。 BOOTSTATUSPOLICY 可以是 DisplayAllFailures、IgnoreAllFailures、 IgnoreShutdownFailures、IgnoreBootFailures、 IgnoreCheckpointFailures、DisplayShutdownFailures、 DisplayBootFailures 或 DisplayCheckpointFailures。 LASTKNOWNGOOD (布尔值) 用于启动至最近一次的正确配置。 NOCRASHAUTOREBOOT (布尔值) 禁用崩溃时自动重新启动。 RESUMEOBJECT (id) 定义与此操作系统对象关联的恢复 对象的标识符。 SAFEBOOT 可以是 Minimal、Network 或 DsRepair SAFEBOOTALTERNATESHELL (布尔值) 启动至安全模式时使用备用 shell。 SOS (布尔值) 显示其他启动信息。 WINPE (布尔值) 使计算机启动至 Windows PE。显示======= BOOTUX 定义启动期间的图形体验。可以是 Disabled、Basic 或 Standard。(已失效。) BOOTMENUPOLICY 定义系统将使用的启动菜单的类型。 可以是 Legacy 或 Standard.选项======= ADVANCEDOPTIONS (布尔值) 启用高级选项。 LOADOPTIONS (字符串) 定义其他类型不包括的任何 其他选项。 OPTIONSEDIT (布尔值) 启用选项编辑器。处理器和 APIC==================== CLUSTERMODEADDRESSING (整数) 定义可在单个高级 可编程中断控制器(APIC)群集中包含的 最大处理器数。 CONFIGFLAGS (整数) 指定处理器特定的配置标志。 MAXPROC (布尔值) 报告系统中的最大处理器 数。 NUMPROC (整数) 仅使用指定数量的处理器。 ONECPU (布尔值) 仅强制使用启动 CPU。 RESTRICTAPICCLUSTER (整数) 定义系统使用的最大 APIC 群集数量。 USEPHYSICALDESTINATION (布尔值) 强制使用物理 APIC。 USELEGACYAPICMODE (布尔值) 强制使用传统 APIC 模式, 即使处理器和芯片集支持扩展 APIC 模式。 X2APICPOLICY (整数) 如果处理器和芯片组支持扩展的 APIC 模式, 则启用扩展的 APIC 模式。 可以是 Enabled、Disabled 或 Default。 MAXGROUP (布尔值) 最大化在组配置中创建的 组数。 GROUPAWARE (布尔值) 强制驱动程序识别多组环境 中的多个组。 GROUPSIZE (整数) 指定所有处理器组的大小。必须 是 2 的幂的整数。硬件抽象层(HAL)和内核========================================= HAL (字符串) 定义专用 HAL 的文件名。 HALBREAKPOINT (布尔值) 启用特殊硬件抽象层 (HAL)断点。 KERNEL (布尔值) 定义专用内核的文件名。 USEPLATFORMCLOCK (布尔值) 强制对系统的性能计数器使用 平台时钟源。 FORCELEGACYPLATFORM (布尔值) 强制操作系统假设旧电脑设备存在,例如, CMOS、键盘控制器等。 TSCSYNCPOLICY 控制 TSC 同步策略。 可以是 Default、Legacy 或 Enhanced。 WINDOWS OS LOADERThe following types can be used only for Windows OS Loader entries. Forinformation about data formats for these types, run \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\".Boot==== BOOTLOG (bool) Enables the system initialization log. BOOTSTATUSPOLICY Can be DisplayAllFailures, IgnoreAllFailures, IgnoreShutdownFailures, IgnoreBootFailures, IgnoreCheckpointFailures, DisplayShutdownFailures, DisplayBootFailures, or DisplayCheckpointFailures. LASTKNOWNGOOD (bool) Enables boot to last known good configuration. NOCRASHAUTOREBOOT (bool) Disables automatic restart on crash. RESUMEOBJECT (id) Defines the identifier of the resume object that is associated with this operating system object. SAFEBOOT Can be Minimal, Network or DsRepair SAFEBOOTALTERNATESHELL (bool) Uses the alternate shell when booted into Safe mode. SOS (bool) Displays additional boot information. WINPE (bool) Enables the computer to boot to Windows PE.Display======= BOOTUX Defines the graphics experience during boot. Can be Disabled, Basic or Standard. (Defunct.) BOOTMENUPOLICY Defines the type of boot menus the system will use. Can be Legacy or Standard.Options======= ADVANCEDOPTIONS (bool) Enables advanced options. LOADOPTIONS (string) Defines any additional options that are not covered by other types. OPTIONSEDIT (bool) Enables the options editor.Processors and APICs==================== CLUSTERMODEADDRESSING (integer) Defines the maximum number of processors to include in a single Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) cluster. CONFIGFLAGS (integer) Specifies processor-specific configuration flags. MAXPROC (bool) Reports the maximum number of processors in the system. NUMPROC (integer) Uses only the specified number of processors. ONECPU (bool) Forces only the boot CPU to be used. RESTRICTAPICCLUSTER (integer) Defines the largest APIC cluster number to be used by the system. USEPHYSICALDESTINATION (bool) Forces the use of the physical APIC. USELEGACYAPICMODE (bool) Forces the use of legacy APIC mode even if the processors and chipset support extended APIC mode. X2APICPOLICY (integer) Enables the use of extended APIC mode if the processors and chipset support extended APIC mode. Can be Enabled, Disabled or Default. MAXGROUP (bool) Maximizes the number of groups created in group configuration. GROUPAWARE (bool) Forces drivers to be aware of multiple groups in a multi-group environment. GROUPSIZE (integer) Specifies the size of all processor groups. Must be an integer of power of 2.Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) & KERNEL========================================= HAL (string) Defines the file name for a private HAL. HALBREAKPOINT (bool) Enables the special hardware abstraction layer (HAL) breakpoint. KERNEL (string) Defines the file name for a private kernel. USEPLATFORMCLOCK (bool) Forces the use of a platform clock source for the system's performance counter. FORCELEGACYPLATFORM(bool) Forces the OS to assume the presence of legacy PC devices like CMOS, keyboard controller etc. TSCSYNCPOLICY Controls the TSC synchronization policy. Can be Default, Legacy or Enhanced.
0xC100F02B恢复加载器以下类型适用于恢复加载器条目。有关这些类型的数据格式的信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\"。显示======= BOOTUX 定义恢复期间的图形体验。 可以是 Disabled、Basic 或 Standard。(失去作用。) BOOTMENUPOLICY 定义系统将使用的引导菜单类型。可以是 Legacy 或 Standard。休眠文件================ FILEDEVICE (设备) 指定包含休眠文件的 设备。 FILEPATH (字符串) 指定休眠文件的路径。其他===== ASSOCIATEDOSDEVICE (设备) 与休眠操作系统相关的操作系统 设备的名称。仅当休眠文件未存储 在操作系统设备上时 才使用此操作系统设备名称。 CUSTOMSETTINGS (布尔值) 允许恢复加载器使用自定义设置。 PAE (布尔值) 指示休眠的操作系统是否在 启用 PAE 的情况下运行。有关适用于恢复应用程序的其他类型,请运行 \"bcdedit /? TYPES BOOTAPP\"。 RESUME LOADERThe following types apply to entries for the resume loader. For informationabout data formats for these types, run \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\".Display======= BOOTUX Defines the graphics experience during resume. Can be Disabled, Basic, or Standard. (Defunct.) BOOTMENUPOLICY Defines the type of boot menus the system will use. Can be Legacy or Standard.Hibernation file================ FILEDEVICE (Device) Specifies the device containing the hibernation file. FILEPATH (String) Specifies the path of the hibernation file.Other===== ASSOCIATEDOSDEVICE (Device) Names the OS device associated with the hibernated OS. This is only useful in cases where the hibernation file is not stored on the OS device. CUSTOMSETTINGS (Boolean) Allows resume loader to use custom settings. PAE (Boolean) Indicates whether the hibernated OS was running with PAE enabled.For additional types that apply to the resume application, run\"bcdedit /? TYPES BOOTAPP\".
0xC100F02C内存诊断应用程序以下类型仅适用于内存诊断应用程序项。有关这些类型的数据格式的信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\"。测试==== PASSCOUNT (整数) 将运行的迭代数目。 TESTMIX 可以是 BASIC 或 EXTENDED。 CACHEENABLE (布尔) 替代 testmix 的默认缓存设置。有关适用于内存诊断应用程序的其他类型,请运行 \"bcdedit /? TYPES BOOTAPP\"。 MEMORY DIAGNOSTIC APPLICATIONThe following types apply only to entries for memory diagnostic applicationentries. For information about data formats for these types, run\"bcdedit /? FORMATS\".Test==== PASSCOUNT (integer) The number of iterations that will be run. TESTMIX Can be BASIC or EXTENDED. CACHEENABLE (boolean) Overrides the default cache settings of the testmix.For additional types that apply to the memory diagnostic application, run\"bcdedit /? TYPES BOOTAPP\".
0xC100F02D设备其他选项以下类型适用于设备其他选项条目。有关这些类型的数据格式的信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\"。以下选项对于设备其他选项条目有效:Ramdisk======= EXPORTASCD (布尔) 允许将 RAM 磁盘导出为 CD。 RAMDISKIMAGELENGTH (整数) 定义 RAM 磁盘的映像长度。 RAMDISKIMAGEOFFSET (整数) 定义 RAM 磁盘的映像偏移。 RAMDISKSDIDEVICE (设备) 定义 SDI 文件所在的设备。 RAMDISKSDIPATH (字符串) 定义 SDI 文件路径。 RAMDISKTFTPCLIENTPORT (整数) 定义 RAM 磁盘 Windows 映像 (WIM)文件的日常文件传输协议 (TFTP)客户端端口。 RAMDISKTFTPBLOCKSIZE (整数) 定义 RAM 磁盘 Windows 映像(WIM)文件的 日常文件传输协议(TFTP)块的大小。 RAMDISKTFTPWINDOWSIZE (整数) 定义 RAM 磁盘 Windows 映像(WIM)文件的 日常文件传输协议(TFTP)窗口的大小。 RAMDISKMCENABLED (布尔) 启用或禁用 RAM 磁盘 Windows 映像(WIM)文件的多播。 RAMDISKMCTFTPFALLBACK (布尔) 允许在多播失败时回退到 TFTP。 RAMDISKTFTPVARWINDOW (布尔) 启用或禁用日常文件传输协议(TFTP) 变量窗口大小扩展。 DEVICE ADDITIONAL OPTIONSThe following types apply to device additional options entries. For informationabout data formats for these types, run \"bcdedit /? FORMATS\".The following options are valid for the device additional options entry:Ramdisk======= EXPORTASCD (bool) Enables exporting the RAM disk as a CD. RAMDISKIMAGELENGTH (integer) Defines the image length for the RAM disk. RAMDISKIMAGEOFFSET (integer) Defines the image offset for the RAM disk. RAMDISKSDIDEVICE (device) Defines the device on which the SDI file is located. RAMDISKSDIPATH (string) Defines the path to the SDI file. RAMDISKTFTPCLIENTPORT (integer) Defines the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) client port for the RAM disk Windows Imaging (WIM) file. RAMDISKTFTPBLOCKSIZE (integer) Defines the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) block size for the RAM disk Windows Imaging (WIM) file. RAMDISKTFTPWINDOWSIZE (integer) Defines the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) window size for RAM disk Windows imaging (WIM) file. RAMDISKMCENABLED (bool) Enables or disables Multicast for RAM disk Windows Imaging (WIM) file. RAMDISKMCTFTPFALLBACK (bool) Enables fallback to TFTP if Multicast fails. RAMDISKTFTPVARWINDOW (bool) Enables or disables Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Variable window size extension.
0xC100F02E启动扇区启动扇区类型应用于包含文件形式的启动扇区的项。当前没有用于此类型的其他选项。 BOOT SECTORBoot Sector type applies to entries that contain bootsector in the form of afile. Currently there are no additional options for this type.
0xC100F02F自定义类型自定义类型标识未用 BCDedit 中内置的友好类型名称表示的数据格式和值的意义。自定义类型通常用来扩展 BCD 功能。自定义类型具有以下格式: custom:0xXXXXXXXX 文本字符串 \"custom:\" 后 跟 8 位十六进制数字,对类型的格式和意义进行编码。在 /set 或 /deletevalue 命令中,自定义类型与友好类型名称显示在同一参数位置。例如: bcdedit /set {} custom: 0xXXXXXXXX 有关可与此版本的 BCDedit 共同使用的自定义类型的信息,请在 Microsoft 知识库中搜索以下关键字: BCD、BCDedit、自定义类型 CUSTOM TYPESA custom type identifies the data format and meaning of a value that is notrepresented by a friendly type name built in to BCDedit. Custom types aretypically used to extend the functionality of BCD.A custom type has the following format: custom:0xXXXXXXXX The literal string \"custom:\" followed by an 8-digit hexadecimal number that encodes the format and meaning of the type.A custom type appears in the same parameter position as a friendly type name ina /set or /deletevalue command. For example: bcdedit /set {} custom:0xXXXXXXXX For information about custom types that can be used with this version ofBCDedit, search the Microsoft Knowledge Base for these keywords: BCD, BCDedit,custom types
0xC100F030基于 NTLDR 的 OS 加载器当前没有用于此类型的其他选项。 NTLDR based OS LOADERCurrently there are no additional options for this type.
0xC100F031本帮助文件中的主题若要显示某个主题的帮助,请运行 \"bcdedit /? \",其中, 是下列其中一项:bootdebug /bootdebug 命令。bootems /bootems 命令。bootsequence /bootsequence 命令。copy /copy 命令。create /create 命令。createstore /createstore 命令。dbgsettings /dbgsettings 命令。debug /debug 命令。default /default 命令。delete /delete 命令。deletevalue /deletevalue 命令。displayorder /displayorder 命令。eventsettings /eventsettings 命令。event /event 命令。ems /ems 命令。emssettings /emssettings 命令。enum /enum 命令。export /export 命令。FORMATS 类型的格式。hypervisorsettings /hypervisorsettings 命令。ID 项的标识符。import /import 命令。mirror /mirror 命令。set /set 命令。store /store 命令行选项。timeout /timeout 命令。toolsdisplayorder /toolsdisplayorder 命令。TYPES 适用于任何项的类型。TYPES BOOTAPP 适用于启动应用程序的类型。这些类型 包括启动管理器、内存诊断应用程序、 Windows 操作系统加载程序和恢复应用程序。TYPES BOOTMGR 适用于启动管理器的类型。TYPES BOOTSECTOR 适用于启动扇区应用程序的类型。TYPES CUSTOMTYPES 自定义类型。TYPES FWBOOTMGR 适用于固件启动管理器的类型TYPES MEMDIAG 适用于内存诊断应用程序的类型TYPES NTLDR 适用于基于 NTLDR 的操作系统加载程序的类型TYPES OSLOADER 适用于 Windows 操作系统加载程序的类型TYPES RESUME 适用于恢复应用程序的类型v /v 命令行选项 TOPICS IN THIS HELP FILETo display help for a topic, run \"bcdedit /? \" where is one ofthe following:bootdebug /bootdebug command.bootems /bootems command.bootsequence /bootsequence command.copy /copy command.create /create command.createstore /createstore command.dbgsettings /dbgsettings command.debug /debug command.default /default command.delete /delete command.deletevalue /deletevalue command.displayorder /displayorder command.eventsettings /eventsettings command.event /event command.ems /ems command.emssettings /emssettings command.enum /enum command.export /export command.FORMATS Formats for types.hypervisorsettings /hypervisorsettings command.ID Identifiers for entries..import /import command.mirror /mirror command.set /set command.store /store command-line option.timeout /timeout command.toolsdisplayorder /toolsdisplayorder command.TYPES Types that apply to any entry.TYPES BOOTAPP Types that apply to boot applications. These include the boot manager, memory diagnostic application, Windows OS loader, and the resume application.TYPES BOOTMGR Types that apply to the boot manager.TYPES BOOTSECTOR Types that apply to the boot sector application.TYPES CUSTOMTYPES Custom types.TYPES FWBOOTMGR Types that apply to the firmware boot managerTYPES MEMDIAG Types that apply to the memory diagnostic applicationTYPES NTLDR Types that apply to the NTLDR based OS loaderTYPES OSLOADER Types that apply to the Windows OS loaderTYPES RESUME Types that apply to the resume applicationv /v command-line option
0xC100F032此命令用于设置或显示系统的虚拟机监控程序设置。此命令不为任何特定的操作系统加载器项启用或禁用虚拟机监控程序调试程序。若要为特定的操作系统加载器项启用或禁用虚拟机监控程序调试程序,请使用 \"bcdedit /set HYPERVISORDEBUG ON\"。有关标识符的信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。若要设置单个虚拟机监控程序调试程序设置,请使用\"bcdedit /set {hypervisorsettings} \"。有关有效类型的信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? TYPES\"。bcdedit /hypervisorsettings [ [DEBUGPORT:] [BAUDRATE:] [CHANNEL:] [HOSTIP:] [PORT:] ] 指定调试程序的类型。 可以是 SERIAL、1394 或 NET 之一。 对于 SERIAL 调试,指定要用作 调试端口的串行端口。 对于 SERIAL 调试,指定用于 调试的波特率。 对于 1394 调试,指定用于 调试的 1394 通道。 对于网络调试,指定 主机调试程序的 IPv4 地址。 对于网络调试,指定在主机调试程序上通信 的端口。应该是 49152 或更高。示例:以下命令用于显示当前虚拟机监控程序设置: bcdedit /hypervisorsettings以下命令用于将虚拟机监控程序调试程序设置设置为通过 COM1 进行串行调试,波特率为 115,200: bcdedit /hypervisorsettings SERIAL DEBUGPORT:1 BAUDRATE:115200以下命令用于将虚拟机监控程序调试程序设置设置为使用通道 23进行 1394 调试: bcdedit /hypervisorsettings 1394 CHANNEL:23以下命令将虚拟机管理程序调试程序设置设置为网络调试,利用端口 50000 上 上的调试程序主机来进行通信: bcdedit /hypervisorsettings NET HOSTIP: PORT:50000 This command sets or displays the hypervisor settings for the system.This command does not enable or disable the hypervisor debugger for anyparticular OS loader entry. To enable or disable the hypervisor debugger for aparticular OS loader entry, use \"bcdedit /set HYPERVISORDEBUG ON\".For information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\".To set an individual hypervisor debugger setting, use\"bcdedit /set {hypervisorsettings} \". For information aboutvalid types, run \"bcdedit /? TYPES\".bcdedit /hypervisorsettings [ [DEBUGPORT:] [BAUDRATE:] [CHANNEL:] [HOSTIP:] [PORT:] ] Specifies the type of debugger. can be one of SERIAL, 1394, or NET. For SERIAL debugging, specifies the serial port to use as the debugging port. For SERIAL debugging, specifies the baud rate to be used for debugging. For 1394 debugging, specifies the 1394 channel to be used for debugging. For network debugging, specifies the IPv4 address of the host debugger. For network debugging, specifies the port to communicate with on the host debugger. Should be 49152 or higher.Examples:The following command displays the current hypervisor settings: bcdedit /hypervisorsettingsThe following command sets the hypervisor debugger settings to serial debuggingover COM1 at 115,200 baud: bcdedit /hypervisorsettings SERIAL DEBUGPORT:1 BAUDRATE:115200The following command sets the hypervisor debugger settings to 1394 debuggingusing channel 23: bcdedit /hypervisorsettings 1394 CHANNEL:23The following command sets the hypervisor debugger settings to networkdebugging with a debugger host at communicating on port 50000: bcdedit /hypervisorsettings NET HOSTIP: PORT:50000
0xC100F033该命令创建指定启动项的镜像。bcdedit [/store ] /mirror {} 指定要使用的存储。如果未指定该选项,则使用系统存储。 有关详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? store\"。 指定要镜像的项目的标识符。 有关标识符的详细信息,请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。示例:以下命令创建指定操作系统启动项的镜像: bcdedit /mirror {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} This command creates a mirror of the specified boot entry.bcdedit [/store ] /mirror {} Specifies the store to be used. If this option is not specified, the system store is used. For more information, run \"bcdedit /? store\". Specifies the identifier of the entry to be mirrored. For more information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\".Example:The following command creates a mirror of the specified operating system bootentry: bcdedit /mirror {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71}
0xC100F034此命令用于设置或显示系统的全局远程事件日志记录设置。当前此命令是 dbgsettings 的别名。有关详细信息,请参阅 dbgsettings。 This command sets or displays the global remote event logging settings for thesystem. Currently this command is an alias of dbgsettings. Please see dbgsettings for more information.
0xC100F035此命令用于启用或禁用指定启动项的远程事件日志记录。bcdedit /event [] { ON | OFF } 指定要修改的项的标识符。只能 指定 Windows 启动加载程序项。如果 未指定,则使用 {current}。有关标识符的详细信息, 请运行 \"bcdedit /? ID\"。示例:以下命令将启用当前 Windows 操作系统启动项的远程事件日志记录: bcdedit /event ON以下命令将禁用指定操作系统项的远程事件日志记录: bcdedit /event {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} OFF This command enables or disables the remote event logging for the specified boot entry.bcdedit /event [] { ON | OFF } Specifies the identifier of the entry to be modified. Only Windows boot loader entries may be specified. If not specified, {current} is used. For more information about identifiers, run \"bcdedit /? ID\".Examples:The following command enables remote event logging for the current Windowsoperating system boot entry: bcdedit /event ONThe following command disables remote event logging for the specified operatingsystem entry: bcdedit /event {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} OFF
0xC100F036VESA、PCI、VGA 和 TPM======================= USEFIRMWAREPCISETTINGS (布尔) 使用 BIOS 配置的外围组件 互连(PCI)资源。 MSI 可以是 Default 或 ForceDisable。 VGA (布尔) 强制使用 VGA 显示器驱动程序。 TPMBOOTENTROPY 可以是 Default、ForceDisable 或 ForceEnable。调试和性能========================= DBGTRANSPORT (字符串) 定义了专用调试程序传输的 文件名。 DEBUG (布尔) 启用内核调试。 PERFMEM (整数) 指定要分配用于性能数据日志记录的 缓冲区大小(以 MB 为单位)。内存====== INCREASEUSERVA (整数) 增加用户模式进程可以使用的 虚拟地址空间量(以 MB 为单位)。 NOLOWMEM (布尔) 内存不足时,禁用剩余内存。 NX 可以是 OptIn、OptOut、AlwaysOn 或 AlwaysOff。 PAE 可以是 Default、ForceEnable、ForceDisable。 REMOVEMEMORY (整数) 从操作系统可以使用的总可用内存中删除 内存(以 MB 为单位)。驱动程序和系统根======================= DRIVERLOADFAILUREPOLICY 可以是 Fatal 或 UseErrorControl。 EMS (布尔) 启用内核紧急管理服务。 OSDEVICE (设备) 定义包含系统根的设备。 SYSTEMROOT (字符串) 定义指向系统根的路径。虚拟机监控程序========== HYPERVISORLAUNCHTYPE 控制虚拟机监控程序启动类型。 可以是 Off 或 Auto。 HYPERVISORDEBUG (布尔) 启用虚拟机监控程序调试。 HYPERVISORDEBUGTYPE 可以是 SERIAL、1394 或 NET。 HYPERVISORDEBUGPORT (整数) 定义串行调试程序的 串行端口号。 HYPERVISORBAUDRATE (整数) 定义串行调试程序的 波特率。 HYPERVISORCHANNEL (整数) 定义 1394 调试程序的通道。 HYPERVISORHOSTIP (整数) 定义网络调试程序的调试程序主机 的 IPv4 地址。 HYPERVISORHOSTPORT (整数) 定义网络调试程序的调试程序主机上 要用于通信的 UDP 端口。 HYPERVISORBUSPARAMS (字符串) 定义调试设备的 PCI 总线、设备 和功能编号。例如,1.5.0 表示 调试设备位于总线 1 上,设备为 5,功能为 0。 HYPERVISORUSELARGEVTLB (布尔) 增加虚拟 TLB 大小。 HYPERVISORIOMMUPOLICY 控制虚拟机监控程序 IOMMU 策略。 可以是 default、enable 或 disable。虚拟安全模式=================== VSMLAUNCHTYPE 控制虚拟安全模式启动类型。 可以是 Off 或 Auto。有关适用于 Windows OS 加载程序的其他类型,请运行\"bcdedit /? TYPES BOOTAPP\"。 VESA, PCI, VGA, and TPM======================= USEFIRMWAREPCISETTINGS (bool) Uses BIOS-configured Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) resources. MSI Can be Default or ForceDisable. VGA (bool) Forces the use of the VGA display driver. TPMBOOTENTROPY Can be Default, ForceDisable, or ForceEnable.Debugging and Performance========================= DBGTRANSPORT (string) Defines the file name for a private debugger transport. DEBUG (bool) Enables kernel debugging. PERFMEM (integer) Specifies the size (in megabytes) of the buffer to allocate for performance data logging.Memory====== INCREASEUSERVA (integer) Increases the amount of virtual address space that the user-mode processes can use, in MBs. NOLOWMEM (bool) Disables the use of low memory. NX Can be OptIn, OptOut, AlwaysOn or AlwaysOff. PAE Can be Default, ForceEnable, ForceDisable. REMOVEMEMORY (integer) Removes memory, in MBs, from the total available memory that the operating system can use.Drivers and System Root======================= DRIVERLOADFAILUREPOLICY Can be Fatal or UseErrorControl. EMS (bool) Enables kernel Emergency Management Services. OSDEVICE (device) Defines the device that contains the system root. SYSTEMROOT (string) Defines the path to the system root.Hypervisor========== HYPERVISORLAUNCHTYPE Controls the hypervisor launch type. Can be Off or Auto. HYPERVISORDEBUG (bool) Enables hypervisor debugging. HYPERVISORDEBUGTYPE Can be SERIAL, 1394, or NET. HYPERVISORDEBUGPORT (integer) Defines the serial port number for the serial debugger. HYPERVISORBAUDRATE (integer) Defines the baud rate for the serial debugger. HYPERVISORCHANNEL (integer) Defines the channel for the 1394 debugger. HYPERVISORHOSTIP (integer) Defines the IPv4 address of the debugger host for the network debugger. HYPERVISORHOSTPORT (integer) Defines the UDP port to communicate with on the debugger host for the network debugger. HYPERVISORBUSPARAMS (string) Defines the PCI bus, device, and function numbers of the debugging device. For example, 1.5.0 describes the debugging device on bus 1, device 5, function 0. HYPERVISORUSELARGEVTLB (bool) Increases virtual TLB size. HYPERVISORIOMMUPOLICY Controls the hypervisor IOMMU policy. Can be default, enable or disable.Virtual Secure Mode=================== VSMLAUNCHTYPE Controls the Virtual Secure Mode launch type. Can be Off or Auto.For additional types that apply to the Windows OS Loader, run\"bcdedit /? TYPES BOOTAPP\".


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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
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Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:启动配置数据编辑器
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:bcdedit.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:bcdedit.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is bcdedit.exe.mui?

bcdedit.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file bcdedit.exe (启动配置数据编辑器).

File version info

File Description:启动配置数据编辑器
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:bcdedit.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:bcdedit.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200