shell32.dll.mui Windows ሼል የጋራ Dll 50b809287313558a6aaa40680fec7e2a

File info

File name: shell32.dll.mui
Size: 362496 byte
MD5: 50b809287313558a6aaa40680fec7e2a
SHA1: 616b796febaca71e56040589a125e343d7eea51c
SHA256: a920a04904ed5cf77cc60cbee93417ad3802053f0b8e2633a2fd432c14a096af
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Amharic language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Amharic English
60ስሪት %s (OS ግንብ %s.%d)%s Version %s (OS Build %s.%d)%s
61(አርም) (Debug)
1033የፋይል አካባቢን ክ&ፈት Open file locat&ion
1040የዓቃፊ አካባቢ ክ&ፈት Open folder locat&ion
4097ከመጠቀምዎ በፊት በአንጻፊ %c: የሚገኘውን ባዶ ዲስክ ማዘጋጀት ያስፈልግዎታል። You need to format the disk in drive %c: before you can use it.
4098አካባቢ፦ %s Location: %s
4099Insert a new storage device

%3 is needed to copy these files. %2 is full. Please insert a new storage device to continue copying these files.
Insert a new storage device

%3 is needed to copy these files. %2 is full. Please insert a new storage device to continue copying these files.
4102በአንጻፊ %1!c!:።

ውስጥ ዲስክ የለም። ዲስክ አስገባና እንደገና ሞክር።
There is no disk in drive %1!c!:.

Insert a disk, and then try again.
4106Windows %s ን ባዶ ዲስክ ማዘጋጀት አይችልም Windows can't format %s
4107ዲስክና አንጻፊ ባግባቡ መገናኘታቸውን ፣ ዲስኩ ለንባብ ብቻ አለመሆኑን አረጋግጥ፤ እና እንደገና ሞክር። ለተጨማሪ መረጃ ስለ ንባብ ብቻ ፋይሎችን እንዴት እንደሚለወጡ እገዛ ፈልግ። Check to see that the disk and drive are connected properly, make sure that the disk is not read-only, and then try again. For more information, search Help for read-only files and how to change them.
4109የፋይል ስሞች ከሚከተሉት ቁምፊዊች ማናቸውንም ማካተት አይችልም፥
\ / : * ? " |
A file name can't contain any of the following characters:
\ / : * ? " |
4112የፋይል ስም ቅጥያ ክለውጥ ክፍይሉ ክጥቅም ውጭ ሊሆን ይችላል

ሊቀይሩት ይፈልጋሉ? ኣርግጠኛ ነዎት?
If you change a file name extension, the file might become unusable.

Are you sure you want to change it?
4113%s ባይቶች %s bytes
4114Disk is not formatted Disk is not formatted
4115The volume mounted on folder %1!ls! is not formatted. The volume mounted on folder %1!ls! is not formatted.
4116Windows ዲስክ ይህን አይነቱን ዲስክ መቅረጽ አይችልም። የተለየ ዲስክ አስገባና መህ ሞክር። Windows can't format this type of disk. Insert a different disk and try again.
4118%1!ls! (%2!ls! ባይቶች) %1!ls! (%2!ls! bytes)
4119%1!ls! %1!ls!
4122አንጻፊ %c፥ Drive %c:
4123የፉይል ስም መተየብ አለብዎት። You must type a file name.
4124ባዶ ዲስክ ማዘጋጀት ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want to format it?
4125Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
4126ዲስክ ባዶ ዲስክ አዘጋጅ Format disk
4128%3!ls! ዓቃፊው አልተገኘም። ፋይሉ ወደ ሌላ ተንቀሳቅሷል ወይም ተሰርዟል።

ልትፈጥረው ትልጋለህን?
The %3!ls! folder does not exist. The file might have been moved or deleted.

Do you want to create it?
4130ፋይል File
4131ዓቃፊ Folder
4132ፋይሉ ወይም ዓቃፊው የለም። The file or folder does not exist.
4134Windows ይህን ዲስክ መድረስ አይችልም Windows can't access this disc
4135ዲስኩ ምናልባት የተበላሸ ይሆናል። ዲስኩ የሚጠቀመው ባዶ ዲስክ ማዘጋጀት Windows የሚያውቀው ለመሆኑ እርግጠኛ ሁን። ዲስኩ ያልተቀረጸ ከሆነ ከመጠቀምህ በፊት ልትቀርጸው ያስፈልጋል። The disc might be corrupt. Make sure that the disc uses a format that Windows recognizes. If the disc is unformatted, you need to format it before using it.
4144Operation Operation
4145አንቀሳቅስ Move
4146ቅዳ Copy
4147ሰርዝ Delete
4148እንደገና ሰይም Rename
4149አገናኝ Link
4150ባህሪያትን ተግብር Apply Properties
4151አዲስ New
4153አቋራጭ Shortcut
4154%s - አቋራጭ ().lnk %s - Shortcut ().lnk
4157ይህ ዓቃፊ አልተገኘም። This folder is unavailable.
4159ይህ ዓቃፊ ባዶ ነው። This folder is empty.
4161የቁጥጥር ፓነል Control Panel
4162Desktop Desktop
4163ቀልብስ %s Undo %s
4164&ቀልብስ %s Ctrl+Z &Undo %s Ctrl+Z
4165&ቀልብስ Ctrl+Z &Undo Ctrl+Z
4166የቁጥጥር ፓነል ፈልግ Search Control Panel
4167የተለመደ መስኮት Normal window
4168ያነሰ Minimized
4169የሰፋ Maximized
4170ድ&ገም Ctrl+Y &Redo Ctrl+Y
4177ወቅታዊ ተጠቃሚ Current User
4178%s - ቅዳ %s - Copy
4185%s %s
4188Redo %s Redo %s
4189Security Alert Security Alert
4190You are adding a link that might not be safe. Do you want to continue? You are adding a link that might not be safe. Do you want to continue?
4191ድገ&ም %s Ctrl+Y &Redo %s Ctrl+Y
4192Operation on '%1!ls!' Operation on '%1!ls!'
4193Move of '%1!ls!' Move of '%1!ls!'
4194የ '%1!ls!' ቅጂ Copy of '%1!ls!'
4195Delete of '%1!ls!' Delete of '%1!ls!'
4196Rename of '%1!ls!' to '%2!ls!' Rename of '%1!ls!' to '%2!ls!'
4198Apply Properties to '%1!ls!' Apply Properties to '%1!ls!'
4199Creation of '%2!ls!' Creation of '%2!ls!'
4200If you rename this file, it will no longer belong to the folder '%3!ls!'.

To rename it safely, open the file, save it with a new name, and then delete the folder '%3!ls!'.

Do you want to rename this file anyway?
If you rename this file, it will no longer belong to the folder '%3!ls!'.

To rename it safely, open the file, save it with a new name, and then delete the folder '%3!ls!'.

Do you want to rename this file anyway?
4201If you rename this folder, the associated HTML file '%3!ls!' might not work properly.

To rename the folder without damaging any files, open '%3!ls!', save it with a new name, and then delete the folder '%1!ls!'.

Do you want to rename this folder anyway?
If you rename this folder, the associated HTML file '%3!ls!' might not work properly.

To rename the folder without damaging any files, open '%3!ls!', save it with a new name, and then delete the folder '%1!ls!'.

Do you want to rename this folder anyway?
4208አቋራጩ ላይ ችግር አለ Problem with Shortcut
4209በውስጥ ጀምር ሳጥን ውስጥ የተጠቀሰው '%1!ls!' ዓቃፊ ትክክለኛ አይደለም። ዓቃፊው መኖሩንና ዱካው ትክክል መሆኑን አረጋግጥ። The folder '%1!ls!' specified in the Start In box is not valid. Make sure that the folder exists and that the path is correct.
4210በመቀበያ ሳጥኑ %1!ls!' በሚል ፡የተቀመጠው ስም ትክክል አይደለም ዱካውና የፋይል ስም ትክክል መሆኑን አርጋጥ። The name '%1!ls!' specified in the Target box is not valid. Make sure the path and file name are correct.
4211ይህ አቋራጭ የሚጠቅሰው '%1!ls!' የሚለው ፋይል ወይም አቀፊ ሊገኝ አልቻለም። The file or folder '%1!ls!' that this shortcut refers to can't be found.
4212ይህ አቋራጭ የሚጠቀሰው '%1!ls!' ንጥል ነገር ተለውጧል ወይም ተዛውሯል በመጠን ቀይር፣ በቀንና በዓይነት በመመስረት የሚቀራረበው '%2!ls!' ነው። ይህ አቋራጭ ወደዚህ ንጥል ነገር እንዲጠቁም ይፈልጋሉ? The item '%1!ls!' that this shortcut refers to has been changed or moved. The nearest match, based on size, date, and type, is '%2!ls!'. Do you want this shortcut to point to this item?
4213and and
4214, ,
4215%1!ls!' አቋራጭ የሚጠቀሰው አንጻፊው ወይም የአውታረ መረቡ ግንኙነት አልተገኘም ዲስኩ በደንብ መግባቱን ወይም የአውታረ መረብ ሃብት የሚገኝ መሆኑን አረጋግጥና እንደገና ሞክር። The drive or network connection that the shortcut '%1!ls!' refers to is unavailable. Make sure that the disk is properly inserted or the network resource is available, and then try again.
4217Unable to save changes to '%2!ls!'.

Unable to save changes to '%2!ls!'.

4218You can't create a shortcut to another shortcut. Either copy the shortcut and place it in the new location, or create a new shortcut to the original file or folder. You can't create a shortcut to another shortcut. Either copy the shortcut and place it in the new location, or create a new shortcut to the original file or folder.
4220የድምጽ መጠን %s Volume %s
4221የተከማቸ የድምጽ መጠን Mounted Volume
4222ያልተለየ የድምጽ መጠን Unlabeled Volume
4223የተመረጡ ንጥሎትን በማዘጋጀት... Preparing selected items...
4224Unable to browse the network.

Unable to browse the network.

4225%2!ls! አለተደረሰበትም ይህን የአወታር መረብ ሃብት ለመጠቀም ፈቃድ የሌለህ ይሆናል። የመድረሻ ፈቃድ እንዳለህ ለማወቅ የዚህን አገልጋይ አስተዳዳሪ አግኝ።

%2!ls! is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.

4226%2!ls! የሚደረስበት አይደለም።

%2!ls! is not accessible.

4227Network error (%d). Network error (%d).
4228File system error (%d). File system error (%d).
4229%2!ls! ሊገኝ አይችልም። መገኛ ሥፍራው በዚህ ፒሲ ላይ ከሆነ፣ መሳሪያው ወይም አንጻፊው እንደተገናኘ ወይም ዲስኩ እንደተሰካ ያረጋግጡ፣ እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ። መገኛ ሥፍራው በአውታረ መረብ ላይ ከሆነ፣ ወደ አውታረ መረብ ወይም ወደ በይነመረብ እንዳገናኙ ያረጋግጡ እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ። መገኛ ሥፍራው አሁንም ድረስ ሊደረስበት የማይችል ከሆነ፣ ተወግዶ ወይም ተሰርዞ ሊሆን ይችላል። %2!ls! is unavailable. If the location is on this PC, make sure the device or drive is connected or the disc is inserted, and then try again. If the location is on a network, make sure you’re connected to the network or Internet, and then try again. If the location still can’t be found, it might have been moved or deleted.


4232Can't access this folder.

Path is too long.
Can't access this folder.

Path is too long.
4233መተግበሪያ Application
4234መተግበሪያ (መጠቀም ሲጀምር ይጫናል) Application (installs on first use)
4241The drive label is either too long, or contains invalid characters. The drive label is either too long, or contains invalid characters.
4242ልክ ያልኾነ የአንጻፊ መለያ Invalid drive Label
4243አንፃፊው አልተቀረፀም፡ መለያ ከማድረግዎ በፊት ባዶ ዲስክ ማዘጋጀት አለብዎት። The drive is not formatted. You must format it before you can label it.
4244The network folder, %1!s!, that contains %2!s! is not available.

Try again later, or contact your system administrator for further assistance.
The network folder, %1!s!, that contains %2!s! is not available.

Try again later, or contact your system administrator for further assistance.
4245The %2!s! folder could not be found. Right-click the %2!s! icon, click Properties, and then check that the path to your target folder location is correct. The %2!s! folder could not be found. Right-click the %2!s! icon, click Properties, and then check that the path to your target folder location is correct.
4249&ተጨማሪ... &More...
4256(ምንም) (None)
4257%2!ls! (%1!ls!) %2!ls! (%1!ls!)
4260Group items in the window by %s. Group items in the window by %s.
4262The Internet The Internet
4263Local Network Local Network
4264ይህን ዓቃፊ ለመድረስ ፈቃድ ተከልክለሃል። You don't currently have permission to access this folder.
4265ለዚህ ዓቃፊ በቋሚነት ፈቃድ ላይ ለመድረስ ቀጥልን ጠቅ ያድርጉ። Click Continue to permanently get access to this folder.
4266ቀጥል Continue
4267ለዚህ ዓቃፊ መዳረሻ ፈቃድ ተከልክለህ ቆይተሃል። You have been denied permission to access this folder.
4268ይህን አቀፊ ለመድረስ የመድህን ትር፣ መጠቀም አለብዎት። To gain access to this folder you will need to use the security tab.
4269Edit Security Edit Security
4272የስርዓት የክንውን አውድ ለውጥ System Settings Change
4321(%d) (%d)
4353በመስኮት ላይ ይህ ንጥሎችን መደርደረያ ትእዛዞችን ይዟል። Contains commands for sorting items in the window.
4354ይህን መስኮት የሚያበጁ ትእዛዞችን ይዟል። Contains commands for customizing this window.
4362የዚህን ዓቃፊ ዕይታ አብጅ። Customizes the view of this folder.
4363በዝርዝሩ ውስጥ የሚታየውን አምድች እያዋቀሩ ነው። Configures the columns displayed in the list.
4368ለተመረጡት ንጥሎች አቋራጮችን ይፈጥራል። Creates shortcuts to the selected items.
4369የተመረጡትን ንጥል ነገሮች ይሰርዛል። Deletes the selected items.
4370የተመረጡትን ንጥል ነገር ዳግም ይሰይማል። Renames the selected item.
4371የተመረጡትን ንጥል ነገሮች ባህሪያት ያሳያል። Displays the properties of the selected items.
4372Edits the property of the selected item. Edits the property of the selected item.
4376የተመረጡ ንጡላት እያስወገደና ወደ ቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ እየቀዳ ነው። Removes the selected items and copies them onto the Clipboard.
4377የተመረጡ ንጥሎችን ወደ የቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ አዲሱ አካባቢ ለማስቀመጥ ለጥፍ ትእዛዝን ይጠቀሙ። Copies the selected items to the Clipboard. To put them in the new location, use the Paste command.
4378የቀዳሃቸውን ወይም የቆረጥካቸውን ንጥል ነገሮች ወደ ተመረጠው አካባቢ ያስገባል። Inserts the items you have copied or cut into the selected location.
4379የበፊቱን ፋይል ክወና ያካሂዳል። Undoes the previous file operation.
4380ወደ ተመረጠው አካባቢ የቀዳሃቸውን ወይም የቆረጥካቸውን ንጥሎች አቋራጮች ይፈጥራል። Creates shortcuts to the items you have copied or cut into the selected location.
4382ወደ ሌላ አካባቢ የተመርጡትን ንጡላት ይቀዳል። Copies the selected items to another location.
4383የተመረጡትን ንጡላትወደ ሌላ አካባቢ ያዛውራል። Moves the selected items to another location.
4384የበፊቱን የፋይል ክወና ዳግም ያደርጋል። Redoes the previous file operation.
4385መስኮቱ ላይ ያሉት ንጥል ነገሮች ሁሉንም ይመርጣል። Selects all items in the window.
4386የተመረጡና ያልተመረጡ ንጥል ነገሮችን በተቃራኒ ይቀይራል። Reverses which items are selected and which are not.
4393Displays items by using large icons. Displays items by using large icons.
4395በዝርዝር ውስጥ ያሉ ንጥሎችን ያሳያል። Displays items in a list.
4396መስኮቱ ውስጥ ስላለው ስለ እያንዳንድ ንጥል መረጃ ያሳያል። Displays information about each item in the window.
4397Displays items by using thumbnails. Displays items by using thumbnails.
4398ሰድሮችን በመጠቀም በመስኮት ስላለው ስለ እያንዳንድ ንጥል ነገር መረጃ ያሳያል። Displays information about each item in the window using a tile.
4399በመስኮት ያሉትን የንጡላትን ስም ይስውራል። Hides the names of items in the window.
4400በጣም ትልቅጥኖር አካል ምልክት በመጠቀም ንጡላትን ያሳያል። Displays items by using extra large thumbnails.
4401በካክለኛ ጥፊር አካል ምክክት በመጠቀም ንጡላትን ያሳያል። Displays items by using large thumbnails.
4402ትንሽ ጥፊር አካል ምልክት በመጠቀም ንጡላትን ያሳያል። Displays items by using medium thumbnails.
4403ትንሽ ጥፊር አካል ያሳያል ምክክትበመጠቀም ንጡላትን ያሳያል። Displays items by using small thumbnails.
4404በዚህ መስኮት ውስጥ ስላሉት ስለ እያንዳንዳቸው ንጥል ነገሮች አንዳች መረጃ አሳይ። Displays certain information about each item in the window.
4433አዶዎቹን ወዲያው በራስሰር ይደረድራል። Arranges the icons automatically.
4434አዶዎቹን በፊርግ በራስሰር ይደረድራል። Arranges icons in a grid automatically.
4465እገዛ ይከፍታል። Opens Help.
4481በመስኮት የሚቧደኑ ንጡሎች ትእዛዞችን ይዟል። Contains commands for grouping items in the window.
4482ቡድኖችን ሽቅብ አዘጋጅ። Arrange groups in ascending order.
4483ቡድኖችን ቁልቁል አዘጋጅ። Arrange groups in descending order.
4485በሁሉም ቡድኖች ያሉትን ንጡላት ያሳውራ። Hides the items in all groups.
4486በሁሉም ቡድኖች ያሉትን ንጡላት ያሳያል። Shows the items in all groups.
4487በተመረጡ ቡድኖች ያሉትን ንጡላት ይደብቃል። Hides the items in the selected group.
4488በተመረጡ ቡድኖች ያሉትን ንጡላት ያሳያል። Shows the items in the selected group.
4499ንጡላትን ከታች ወደ ላይ ይደረድራል። Arrange items in ascending order.
4500ንጡላትን ከላይ ወደታች ይደደራል። Arrange items in descending order.
4608የዚህ አቀፊ ባህሪያትን ለዕይታ ያሳያል። Displays properties for this folder.
4611አሁን ያለውን ገጽ ይዘቶች ያድሳል። Refreshes the contents of the current page.
4614Saves this search query. Saves this search query.
4615ይህን ንጥል ነገር ቦታውን ለማግኘት ዓቃፊውን ክፈት Open the folder to locate this item
4616የተመረጠዉን አንጻፊ ይቀርጻል። Formats the selected drive.
4617የተመረጠውን የአውታር መረብ አንጻፊ ያላቅቃል። Disconnects the selected network drive.
4618ተንቀሳቃሽ ዲስኩን ከአንጻፊው ያስወጣል። Ejects the removable disk from the drive.
4619Closes the last open session on the disc. Closes the last open session on the disc.
4620ዳግም ጸሃፊ ዲስኩን ስርዟል። Erases the rewritable disc.
4621ለአውታር መረብ ሃብት የአንጻፊ ፊደል ይመደብለታል። Assigns a drive letter to a network resource.
4622የተረጡትን ማተሚያዎች ያዊቆራል። Sets up the selected printers.
4640የተመረጠውን ትእዛዝ አልቆ ያሄዳል። Runs the selected command with elevation.
4707አዳዲስ ንጥሎችን ለመፍጠር የሚያግዙ ትእዛዞችን ይዛል። Contains commands for creating new items.
4708አዲስ ባዶ ዓቃፊ ይፈጥራል። Creates a new, empty folder.
4709አዲስ ባዶ አቋራጭ ይፈጥራል። Creates a new, empty shortcut.
4711Creates a new, empty stack. Creates a new, empty stack.
4747የተመረጠትን ንጥል ነገሮች ወደ ወደ መጀመሪያ ባታው ይመልሳልል። Returns the selected items to their original locations.
5376ክፈ&ት በ Open wit&h
5377ክፈት &በ... Open wit&h...
5378&ሌላ መተግበሪያ ይምረጡ &Choose another app
5379ሰነድን በአንድ በተወሰነ መተግበሪያ ይከፍታል። Opens the document with a particular app.
5380Opens the document with %s. Opens the document with %s.
5381&ነባር መተግበርያ ምረጥ &Choose default app
5382&ማከማቻን ፈልግ &Search the Store
5383መተግበሪያን ለመፈለግ ማከማቻን ይከፍታል Opens the Store to search for an app
5384ይህንን ንጥል ነገር ወደ ጀምር ምናሌ ያክለዋል Adds this item to the Start Menu
5385ይህንን ንጥል ነገር ከጀምር ምናሌ ያስወግደዋል Removes this item from the Start Menu
5386&በተግባር አሞሌ ላይ አያይዝ Pin to tas&kbar
5387&ከተግባር አሞሌ ላይ አላቅ Unpin from tas&kbar
5388ይህን መተግበሪያ ከተግባር አሞሌ ጋር ያያይዛል። Pins this application to the taskbar.
5389ይህንን መተግበሪያ ከተግባር አሞሌ ያላቅቃል። Unpins this application from the taskbar.
5394Macintosh Application Info Macintosh Application Info
5395Macintosh Multimedia Resources Macintosh Multimedia Resources
5396Unidentified Property Information Unidentified Property Information
5889ፋይል ወይም ዓቃፊ የሚንቀሳቀስ ስሕተት Error Moving File or Folder
5890ፋይል ወይም ዓቃፊ የመቅዳት ስሕተት Error Copying File or Folder
5892ፋይል ወይ ዓቃፊ ዳግም ለመሰየም ስሕተት ተፈጥሯል Error Renaming File or Folder
5953እየተንቀሳቀሰ... Moving...
5954በመቅዳት ላይ... Copying...
5971ወደ '%1!ls!' To '%1!ls!'
5972ፋይሉን በሚቀዳበት ጊዜ ስሕተት ታፈጥራል። An error occurred while copying the file.
5974'%ws' በመቅዳት ላይ Copying '%ws'
5975An error occurred while moving the file. An error occurred while moving the file.
5976'%ws' በማንቀሳቀስ ላይ Moving '%ws'
5977ፋይሎችን ለማንቀሳቀስ የሚያስፈልገወን ጊዜ በማስላት ላይ ነው። Calculating the time required to move the files.
5978ፍይሎቹን ለመቅዳት የሚያስፈልገውንጊዜ በማስላት ላይ ነው። Calculating the time required to copy the files.
6020%2!ls! ዳግም ሊሰይም አይችልም፥ %1!ls! Cannot rename %2!ls!: %1!ls!
6145Invalid MS-DOS function. Invalid MS-DOS function.
6146Can't find the specified file.

Make sure you specify the correct path and file name.
Can't find the specified file.

Make sure you specify the correct path and file name.
6148Too many files are currently in use. Quit one or more programs, and then try again. Too many files are currently in use. Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
6149Access is denied.

Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected
and that the file is not currently in use.
Access is denied.

Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected
and that the file is not currently in use.
6150Invalid file handle. Invalid file handle.
6152There is not enough free memory.

Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
There is not enough free memory.

Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
6156Invalid file access. Invalid file access.
6160Can't remove the current folder (internal error). Can't remove the current folder (internal error).
6161Invalid device. Invalid device.
6162The folder is empty. The folder is empty.
6163The disk is write-protected.

Remove the write-protection or use another disk.
The disk is write-protected.

Remove the write-protection or use another disk.
6173Can't write to the destination file or disk. Can't write to the destination file or disk.
6175Can't read from the source file or disk. Can't read from the source file or disk.
6209Network access is denied. Be sure you have the correct network permissions to perform this operation. Network access is denied. Be sure you have the correct network permissions to perform this operation.
6211Windows cannot find '%1!ls!'. Check the spelling and try again, or try searching for the item by clicking the Start button and then clicking Search. Windows cannot find '%1!ls!'. Check the spelling and try again, or try searching for the item by clicking the Start button and then clicking Search.
6257የምንጡና የመድረሻ ፋይል ስም አንድ ነው። The source and destination file names are the same.
6258Select only one file to rename, or use MS-DOS wildcards (for example, *.txt) to rename a group of files with similar names. Select only one file to rename, or use MS-DOS wildcards (for example, *.txt) to rename a group of files with similar names.
6259You can't specify a different folder or disk when you rename a file or folder. You can't specify a different folder or disk when you rename a file or folder.
6260Root directory (internal error). Root directory (internal error).
6262The destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder. The destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder.
6264Access is denied. The source file might be in use. Access is denied. The source file might be in use.
6265The path is too deep. The path is too deep.
6268The file name you specified is not valid or too long.
Specify a different file name.
The file name you specified is not valid or too long.
Specify a different file name.
6269The destination folder is the same as the source folder. The destination folder is the same as the source folder.
6270የጠቀሰከው ዓቃፊ ስም ያለው ፋይል አለ የተለየ ሰም ጥቀስ። There is already a file with the same name as the folder name you specified. Specify a different name.
6272There is already a folder with the same name as the file name you specified. Specify a different name. There is already a folder with the same name as the file name you specified. Specify a different name.
6274This CD-ROM drive is read-only. You can't copy or move files to discs in this drive. This CD-ROM drive is read-only. You can't copy or move files to discs in this drive.
6275This DVD-ROM drive is read-only. You can't copy or move files to this disc. This DVD-ROM drive is read-only. You can't copy or move files to this disc.
6276ይህ CD-ROM አንጻፊ ተነባቢ ብቻ ነው። ፋይሎችን ወደዚህ የሚፅፍ ሲዲ መቅዳት ይችላሉ፣ ነገር ግን በሚፅፍ አንጻፊ ውስጥ መክተት አለብዎት። This CD-ROM drive is read-only. You can copy files to this writable CD, but you must insert it into a writable drive.
6278This DVD-ROM drive is read-only. You can copy files to this writable DVD, but you must insert it into a writable drive. This DVD-ROM drive is read-only. You can copy files to this writable DVD, but you must insert it into a writable drive.
6280በ%1 በቂ ቦታ የለም

ይህን ንጥል ነገር ለመቅዳት %3 ያስፈልጋል። በቂ ቦታ ለማግኘት ፋይሎችን ሰርዝ ወይም ወደ ሌላ ቦታ ያንቀሳቅሱ።
There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to copy this item. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
6281There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to copy this item. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to copy this item. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
6282በ%1 በቂ ቦታ የለም

ይህን ንጥል ነገር ለማንቀሳቀስ %3 ያስፈልጋል። በቂ ቦታ ለማግኘት ፋይሎችን ሰርዝ ወይም ወደ ሌላ ቦታ ያንቀሳቅሱ።
There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to move this item. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
6283There is not enough space on %1.

%3 is needed to move this item. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
There is not enough space on %1.

%3 is needed to move this item. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
6284There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to perform this operation. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to perform this operation. Delete or move files so you have enough space.
6286There is a problem accessing %3

Make sure you are connected to the network and try again.
There is a problem accessing %3

Make sure you are connected to the network and try again.
6287Files on this CD-ROM drive are read-only. You can't move or delete files on this CD-ROM drive. Files on this CD-ROM drive are read-only. You can't move or delete files on this CD-ROM drive.
6288Files on this DVD drive are read-only. You can't move or delete files on this DVD drive. Files on this DVD drive are read-only. You can't move or delete files on this DVD drive.
6289Files on this CD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable CD, which will replace files already on the disc. Files on this CD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable CD, which will replace files already on the disc.
6290Files on this CD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable CD, which will replace files already on the disc or erase the entire CD to start with a clean blank disc. Files on this CD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable CD, which will replace files already on the disc or erase the entire CD to start with a clean blank disc.
6291Files on this DVD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable DVD, which will replace files already on the disc. Files on this DVD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable DVD, which will replace files already on the disc.
6292Files on this DVD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable DVD, which will replace files already on the disc or erase the entire DVD to start with a clean blank disc. Files on this DVD are read-only. You can still copy new files to this writable DVD, which will replace files already on the disc or erase the entire DVD to start with a clean blank disc.
6293%1 ላይ በቂ ቦታ የለም እነዚህን ፋይሎች ለመቅዳት ተጨማሪ %3 ያስፈልግዎታል። There is not enough space on %1. You need an additional %3 to copy these files.
6294There is not enough space on %1.

You need an additional %3 to copy these files.
Disk Cleanup can help delete unneeded files.
There is not enough space on %1.

You need an additional %3 to copy these files.
Disk Cleanup can help delete unneeded files.
6295This operation can only be performed when you are connected to the network. This operation can only be performed when you are connected to the network.
6296There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to recycle this item. Click Delete to delete the file instead of sending it to the Recycle Bin.
There is not enough space on %1

%3 is needed to recycle this item. Click Delete to delete the file instead of sending it to the Recycle Bin.
6298An error has occurred.

The destination you have specified does not exist. It might be an offline network location or an empty CD or DVD drive. Check the location and try again.
An error has occurred.

The destination you have specified does not exist. It might be an offline network location or an empty CD or DVD drive. Check the location and try again.
6299The root of drive %3 is formatted with the FAT file system and can only store a limited number of items. Store the items in a subfolder, or reformat the drive using the NTFS file system. The root of drive %3 is formatted with the FAT file system and can only store a limited number of items. Store the items in a subfolder, or reformat the drive using the NTFS file system.
6300There is a problem accessing the network

Make sure you are connected to the network and try again.
There is a problem accessing the network

Make sure you are connected to the network and try again.
6301%1'ወደ በይነመረብ ሲገናኙ ብቻ ይገኛል። ወደ በይነመረብ ይገናኙ እና በድጋሜ ይሞክሩ። '%1' is only available when you are connected to the internet. Connect to the internet and try again.
6302%1' ሊንቀሳቀስ አይችልም። ወደ ኦሪጅናሌው ቦታ እንደነበር ሊመለስ ብቻ ይችላል። '%1' can't be moved. It can only be restored to its original location.
6304እያንቀሳቀሱት ያሉት ዓቃፊ የጋራ ባለቤቶች አሉት እና ወደ ሌላ የተጋራ ዓቃፊ ሊንቀሳቀስ አይችልም። እባክዎ የተለየ መገኛ ስፍራ አካባቢ ይምረጡ። The folder you're moving has co-owners and can't be moved to another shared folder. Please choose a different location.
6305ይህን ንጥል ነገር ለማውረድ ከልክ በላይ ጊዜ ወስዷል። እባክዎ እንደገና ይሞክሩ። It took too long to download this item. Please try again.
6306ፋይሉ አሁን ላይ በመዘመን ላይ ነው። እባክዎ በኋላ ላይ እንደገና ይሞክሩ። This file is being updated right now. Please try again later.
6307%7 ባተሌ ነው እና አሁን ላይ ፋይሉን መክፈት አይቻልም። እባክዎ በኋላ ላይ እንደገና ይሞክሩ። %7 is busy and can't open the file right now. Please try again later.
6308ከእርስዎ %7 ጋር ችግር ነበር። There's a problem with your %7.
6309'%1' መስመር ላይ-ብቻ ነው እና ፋይል ማመሳሰል ላፍታ እንዲቆም ስለተደረገ እንዲወረድ ማድረግ አይቻልም። ማመሳሰልን እንደገና ያስጀምሩ እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ። '%1' is online-only and can't be downloaded because file syncing is paused. Resume syncing and try again.
6310'%1' መስመር ላይ-ብቻ ነው እና እንዲወርድ ማድረግ ያስፈልገዋል። ወደ በይነመረብ ያገናኙ እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ። '%1' is online-only and needs to be downloaded. Connect to the internet and try again.
6327እርስዎ በጠቀሱት ስም የተሰየመ ፋይል ቀድሞውኑ አለ። የተለየ የፋይል ስም ይጥቀሱ። A file with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different file name.
6437You can't create a new folder here. Choose a different location. You can't create a new folder here. Choose a different location.
6438Invalid location Invalid location
6440በአንጻፊ ውስጥ %s ያለውን ዲስክ Windows ማንበብ አይችልም Windows can't read the disc in drive %s
6441Windows የሚያውቀውን ቅርጸት ዲስኩ መጠቀሙን አረጋግጥ። ባዶ ዲስኩ ካልተዘጋጀ ከመጠቀምህ በፊት ባዶ ሲስክ ማዘጋጀት ይኖርብሃል። Make sure that the disc uses a format that Windows recognizes. If the disc is unformatted, you need to format it before using it.
6449Windows መቀበያውን ማግኘት አይችልም። Windows can't find the target.
6450በዚህ አቋራጭ የተመራው ይህ ንጥል ነገር ሊገኝ አልቻለም። ትክክለኛ ፈቃዶች ላይኖርህ ይችላል። The item referred to by this shortcut cannot be accessed. You may not have the appropriate permissions.
6456%1!ls! ሊገኝ አይችልም። %1!ls! cannot be found.
6458ዓቃፊው የለም Folder does not exist
6459%1!ls!' ዓቃፊው የለም። ሊፈጥሩት ይፈልጋሉ? The folder '%1!ls!' doesn't exist. Do you want to create it?
6461ዓቃፊውን መፈጠር አልቻለም Unable to create folder
6462ዓቃፊውን ለመጠቀም አይቻልም The folder can't be used
6463The folder %1!ls! can't be used. Please choose another folder. The folder %1!ls! can't be used. Please choose another folder.
6474This folder can't be customized.

It is either marked as read-only, or your system administrator has disabled this functionality.

Please contact your system administrator.
This folder can't be customized.

It is either marked as read-only, or your system administrator has disabled this functionality.

Please contact your system administrator.
6479ፋይል መፍጠር አለመቻል Unable to create file
6481%1!ls! (%2!ls!) %1!ls! (%2!ls!)
6485ሁሉን %1 ንጥል ነገሮች አሳይ... Show all %1 items...
6495ዓቃፊ ዕይታ Folder View
8448ይህንን ፕሮግራም ለማሄድ የሚያስችል በቂ ነጻ ማኅደረ ትውስታ የለም። አንድ ወይም ከዚያ በላይ ፕሮግራሞችን አቁመህ እንደገና ሞክር። There is not enough free memory to run this program. Exit one or more programs, and then try again.
8449Windows '%1!ls!' ማግኘት አልቻለም። ስሙን በትክክል መተየብዎን ያረጋግጡ እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ። Windows cannot find '%1!ls!'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
The specified path does not exist.

Check the path, and then try again.
The specified path does not exist.

Check the path, and then try again.
8451በጣም ብዙ ሌሎች ፋይሎች አሁን በ16-ቢት ፕሮግራም ላይ ናቸው። አንድ ወይም ከአንድ በላይ 16-ቢት ፕሮግራሞችን አሳቁም ወይም የFILES ትእዛዝ መጠን በConfig.sys ፋይል ላይ ጨምር። Too many other files are currently in use by 16-bit programs. Exit one or more 16-bit programs, or increase the value of the FILES command in your Config.sys file.
8452Windows የተጠቀሰውን መሳሪያ፣ ዱካ ወይም ፋይል መድረስ አይችልም። ንጥል ነገር ለመድረስ፣ ተገቢው ፈቃድ ላይኖርዎት ይችላል። Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.
8453This program requires a newer version of Windows. This program requires a newer version of Windows.
8454The specified program was not designed to work with Windows or MS-DOS. The specified program was not designed to work with Windows or MS-DOS.
8455Windows cannot start more than one copy of this program. Windows cannot start more than one copy of this program.
8456One of the library files needed to run this program is damaged. To repair the damage, reinstall this program. One of the library files needed to run this program is damaged. To repair the damage, reinstall this program.
8457ሌላ ፕሮግራም ይህንን ፋይል አሁን እየተጠቀመ ነው። Another program is currently using this file.
8459ትእዛዙን ወደ ፕሮግራም ሲላክ ችግር ነበር። There was a problem sending the command to the program.
8460ይህ ፋይል ይህን እርምጃ ለመፈጸም ተጓዳኝ ፕሮግራም የለውም። እባክዎን ፕሮግራም ጫን ወይም፣ ቀድሞውኑ የተጫነ አንድ ካለ፣ በነባሪ ፕሮግራሞ ቁጥጥር ፓናል ውስጥ ተጓዳኝ ፍጠር። This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel.
8461Windows cannot run this program because it is not in a valid format. Windows cannot run this program because it is not in a valid format.
8462Windows cannot run this program. Please contact your vendor for a later version. Windows cannot run this program. Please contact your vendor for a later version.
የተጠቀሰው ዱካ የለም።

ዱካውን ፈትሸህ እንደገና ሞክር።
The specified path does not exist.

Check the path, and then try again.
8464የMS-DOS መተግበሪያ MS-DOS Application
8465አመልካች Cursor
8466የተጠየቀውን እርምጃ ለማከናወን የተያያዘ ፕሮግራም የለም። እባክዎ ፕሮግራም ጫን ወይም፣ አንድ በፊቱኑ ተጭኖ ከነበረ፣ በነባሪ ፕሮግራሞች የቁጥጥር ፓናል ውስጥ ግንኙነት ፍጠር። There is no program associated to perform the requested action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel.
8468ነባሪ መተግበርያዎችህን ለመቀየር ወደ በየክንውን አውዶች ስርዓት ነባሪ መተግበርያዎች ይሂዱ። To change your default apps, go to Settings System Default apps.
8506የትእዛዝ መስኮት እዚህ ክ&ፈት Open command &window here
8507AutoPlay ክ&ፈት... Open AutoPla&y...
8508የ Power &shell መስኮትን እዚህ ላይ ክፈት Open Power&Shell window here
8518&በአዲስ ሂደት ክፈት Open in new &process
8688የዚህ ንጥል ነገር ባህሪያት አልተገኙለትም። The properties for this item are not available.
8705ብዙ ዓይነቶች Multiple Types
8706ሁሉም ይግባ %s All in %s
8707የሁሉም ዓይነቶች %s All of type %s
8709የተለያዩ ዓቃፊዎች Various Folders
8711%1!ls! ፋይሎች፣ %2!ls! ዓቃፊዎች %1!ls! Files, %2!ls! Folders
8713%s, ... %s, ...
8720Windows %1!ls!ን ፋይል ማግኘት አልቻለም። Windows can't find the file %1!ls!.
8721%1!ls! ፋይል ምንም አዶ አልያዘም።

ከዝርዝሩ ውስጥ አዶ ይምረጡ ወይም የተለየ ፋይል ጠቁም።
The file %1!ls! contains no icons.

Choose an icon from the list or specify a different file.
8722%1!ls! ፋይል ምንም አዶ አልያዘም። The file %1!ls! contains no icons.
8725Windows አቋራጭ እዚህ መፍጠር አይችልም።
በሱ ፋንታ አቋራጩ ዴስክቶፕ ላይ እንዲቀመጥልህ ይፈልጋሉ?
Windows can't create a shortcut here.
Do you want the shortcut to be placed on the desktop instead?
8728Unable to create the file '%2!ls!'

Unable to create the file '%2!ls!'

8729Windows አቋራጩን መፍጠር አልቻለም። ዲስኩ ሙሉ መሆኑን አለመሆኑን ይፈትሹ። Windows could not create the shortcut. Check to see if the disk is full.
8730%2!ls!' ዓቃፊን መፍጠር አለመቻል

Unable to create the folder '%2!ls!'

8738ገጹ ለመጫን ከሽፏል። The page failed to load.
8762\StringFileInfo\040904E4\ \StringFileInfo\040904E4\
8768Read-only Read-only
8769Hidden Hidden
8770System System
8771Compressed Compressed
8772Encrypted Encrypted
8773Offline Offline
8964የጥራጊ ቅርጫት Recycle Bin
8966ተጫዋች ፋይል ማግኘት አልቻለም። Unable to find a playable file.
8968%1!ls!ላይ ያለው የጥራጊ ቅርጫት ብልሹ ነው። ለዚህ አንጻፊ ጥራጊ ቅርጫቱን ባዶ ማድረግ ይፈልጋሉ? The Recycle Bin on %1!ls! is corrupted. Do you want to empty the Recycle Bin for this drive?
8972የሁሉንም ጎራ ተጠቃሚዎች All domain users
8974ሆምግሩፕ Homegroup
8976ስም Name
8977በዓቃፊ ውስጥ In Folder
8978Size Size
8979ዓይነት Type
8980የተሻሻለበት ቀን Date Modified
8981አቋም Status
8982ማመሳሰያ በውስጥ ቅዳ Sync Copy In
8985የቀድሞ አካባቢ Original Location
8986የተሰረዘበት ቀን Date Deleted
8989ተያያዥነት Relevance
8991አካባቢ Location
8995አስተያየቶች Comments
8996ቁልፍ ቃሎች Keywords
9006jpg jpg
9007Images#*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.tif;*.tiff;*.bmp;*.ico;*.wmf;*.dib;*.jfif;*.jpe;*.fpx;*.mix# Images#*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.tif;*.tiff;*.bmp;*.ico;*.wmf;*.dib;*.jfif;*.jpe;*.fpx;*.mix#
9011hh.exe mk:@MSITStore:tshoot.chm::/hdw_drives.htm hh.exe mk:@MSITStore:tshoot.chm::/hdw_drives.htm
9012ኮምፒዩተሬ My Computer
9013exe exe
9014ፕሮግራሞች#*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd#ሁሉም ፋይሎች#*.*# Programs#*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd#All Files#*.*#
9015አስስ Browse
9016ክፈት በ... Open with...
9017-ON -ON
9018-OFF -OFF
9019ico ico
9020Icon files#*.ico;*.icl;*.exe;*.dll#Programs#*.exe#Libraries#*.dll#Icons#*.ico#All files#*.*# Icon files#*.ico;*.icl;*.exe;*.dll#Programs#*.exe#Libraries#*.dll#Icons#*.ico#All files#*.*#
9021ማስጠንቀቂያ Warning
9029ዓቃፊዎችን ፈልግ Search Folders
9030Missing Items Missing Items
9031ፍለጋዎች Searches
9032Items failed to be shown in a library or a search due to a bad merge. Items failed to be shown in a library or a search due to a bad merge.
9040The Backup program is not installed on your computer. To install it, double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon in Control Panel, and then follow the instructions on your screen. The Backup program is not installed on your computer. To install it, double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon in Control Panel, and then follow the instructions on your screen.
9041The Disk Defragmenter is not installed on your computer. To install it, double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon in Control Panel, click the Install/Uninstall tab, and then follow the instructions on your screen. The Disk Defragmenter is not installed on your computer. To install it, double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon in Control Panel, click the Install/Uninstall tab, and then follow the instructions on your screen.
9043Windows can't locate the Disk Cleanup program. The program file might be corrupted or might have been deleted from your computer. To reinstall Disk Cleanup, run Windows Setup again. Windows can't locate the Disk Cleanup program. The program file might be corrupted or might have been deleted from your computer. To reinstall Disk Cleanup, run Windows Setup again.
9044ሁሉም የዲስክ &አንጻፊዎች፥ All disk &drives:
9045Folders Folders
9046መድህን Security
9047The contents of this folder will not be deleted. You can restore this icon to the desktop by right-clicking on its icon in the Start menu. The contents of this folder will not be deleted. You can restore this icon to the desktop by right-clicking on its icon in the Start menu.
9091ሁሉም ተጠቃሚዎች All Users
9113ህዝብ Public
9216ይሄ ፒሲ This PC
9217Network Network
9219ፍሎፒ ዲስክ አንጻፊ Floppy Disk Drive
9221%1!ls! ያልተለየ የድምጽ መጠን %2!d! %1!ls! - Unlabeled Volume %2!d!
9222Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
9224%1!ls! (%2!c!:) %1!ls! (%2!c!:)
9227ሰነዶቼ My Documents
9228(%2!c!:) %1!ls! (%2!c!:) %1!ls!
9229%1!ls! (%2!c!:) %3!ls! %1!ls! (%2!c!:) %3!ls!
9230(%2!c!:) %1!ls! - %3!ls! (%2!c!:) %1!ls! - %3!ls!
9231%1!ls! - %2!ls! %1!ls! - %2!ls!
9232ለኮምፒዩተር አስስ Browse for Computer
9233Browse for Printer Browse for Printer
9234ለፋይሎች ወይም ዓቃፊዎች አስስ Browse for Files or Folders
9299Error in %1!ls!
Illegal value: %2!ls!
Error in %1!ls!
Illegal value: %2!ls!
9301ማተሚያዎች Printers
9303Unknown Error (0x%08x) Unknown Error (0x%08x)
9306አጠቃላይ መጠን ቀይር Total Size
9307ቦታን ነጻ አድርግ Free Space
9308የተለያየ የአውታረ መረብ አንጻፊ Disconnected Network Drive
9309የሚነቀል ዲስክ Removable Disk
9314¼½ ¼½
9315አካባቢያዊ ዲስክ Local Disk
9316DVD አንጻፊ DVD Drive
9317ሲዲ አንጻፊ CD Drive
9318RAM Disk RAM Disk
9319የአውታረ መረብ አንጻፊ Network Drive
9320ዓቃፊ ስርዓት System Folder
9322No defragmentation tool is currently installed. No defragmentation tool is currently installed.
9338ዓቃፊዎች Folders
9339መሳሪያዎች እና አንጻፊዎች Devices and drives
9340የአውታረ መረብ መገኛ ስፍራዎች Network locations
9345DVD RAM Drive DVD RAM Drive
9346DVD R Drive DVD R Drive
9347DVD RW አንጻፊ DVD RW Drive
9348DVD/CD-RW አንጻፊ DVD/CD-RW Drive
9349DVD/CD-R Drive DVD/CD-R Drive
9350CD-RW አንጻፊ CD-RW Drive
9351CD-R Drive CD-R Drive
9352የፋይል ስርዓት File System
9354ሙሉ ፐርሰንት Percent Full
9373BD-ROM አንጻፊ BD-ROM Drive
9374BD-R Drive BD-R Drive
9375BD-RE አንጻፊ BD-RE Drive
9376Clustered Disk Clustered Disk
9728ገደቦች Restrictions
9729ይህ ክወና እዚህ ኮምፒዩተር ላይ ገደቦች በፈጠሩት ተጽእኖ ምክንያት ተሰርዟል። እባክዎ የስርዓት አስተዳዳሪዎን ያነጋግሩ። This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.
9730Displays all computers, printers, files and folders, and people on your network. Displays all computers, printers, files and folders, and people on your network.
9731በ %s ላይ የዲስክ ቦታ እያለቀብህ ነው።
በዚህ አንጻፊ ላይ ቦታ ለማስለቀቅ እንደምትችል ለማየት እዚህ ጠቅ ያድርጉ።
You are running out of disk space on %s.
Click here to see if you can free space on this drive.
9732ዝቅተኛ የዲስክ ቦታ Low Disk Space
9733በዲስክ ቦታ %s።
በጣም በዝቅተኛ እያሄዱ ነው። በዚህ አንጻፊ ላይ ቦታ ነፃ ማድረግ እንደሚችሉ ለማየት እዚህ ጋር ጠቅ ያድርጉ።
You are running very low on disk space on %s.
Click here to see if you can free space on this drive.
9735Your system administrator has blocked this program. For more information, contact your system administrator. Your system administrator has blocked this program. For more information, contact your system administrator.
9737በዚህ የ Windows ስሪት ግላዊነት ማላበስ አይገኝም። Personalization isn't available in this version of Windows.
9738Program: %s
More information
Program: %s
More information
9739Your system administrator has blocked you from running this program Your system administrator has blocked you from running this program
9740ዝጋ Close
9741ይህ መተግበሪያ በፒሲዎ ላይ መስራት አይችልም This app can’t run on your PC
9742ለዚህ ፒሲ መተግበሪያዎችን ለማግኘት፣ Windows ማከማቻን ክፈት። To find apps for this PC, open the Windows Store.
9743የፒሲዎን ስሪት ለማግኘት፣ ሶፍትዌር አታሚው ዘንድ ይፈትሹ። To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher.
9744ይህ ፋይል መስመር ላይ ሲሆኑ ብቻ የሚገኝ ነው This file is available only when you’re online
9745የበይነ መረብ ግንኙነትዎን ይፈትሹ እና በድጋሜ ይሞክሩ። ወደፊት ይህንን ችግር ለማስወገድ ፋይሉን ከመስመር ውጭ እንዲገኝ ማድረግ ይችላሉ። ይህ የግል ኮምፒዩተርዎ ወደ በይነ መረብ ባይገናኝም ፋይሉን እንዲከፍቱ እና አርትእ እንዲያደርጉ ያስችልዎታል። Check your Internet connection and try again. To avoid this problem in the future, you can make the file available offline. This lets you open and edit the file even when this PC isn’t connected to the Internet.
9746ይህን ፋይል ይክፈቱ እና ከመስመር ውጭ እንዲገኝ ያደርጉ? Open this file and make it available offline?
9747ይህን ፋይል በቅርብ ጊዜ ከፍተውት ነበር፣ ስለሆነም አሁን ድረስ ጊዜያዊ ቅጅ አለን። ይህን ቅጅ ለመክፈት እና ሁሌም ወደ በይነመረብ ባልተገናኙበት ጊዜም እንዲገኝ ለማድረግ «ከመስመር ውጭ እንዲገኝ አድርግ» የሚለውን ይምረጡ። You recently opened this file and we still have a temporary copy. Choose "Make available offline" to open this copy and make it always available when you’re not connected to the Internet.
9748ከእነዚህ ፋይሎች የተወሰኑት በመስመር ላይ ሲሆኑ ብቻ የሚገኙ ናቸው Some of these files are available only when you’re online
9749የበይነ መረብ ግንኙነትዎን ይፈትሹ እና በድጋሜ ይሞክሩ። ወደፊት ይህንን ችግር ለማስወገድ ፋይሎቹን ከመስመር ውጭ እንዲገኙ ማድረግ ይችላሉ። ይህ ፒሲዎት ወደ በይነ መረብ ባይገናኝም ፋይሎቹን እንዲከፍቱ እና አርትእ እንዲያደርጉ ያስችልዎታል። Check your Internet connection and try again. To avoid this problem in the future, you can make the files available offline. This lets you open and edit them even when this PC isn’t connected to the Internet.
9750ከመስመር ውጭ እንዲገኙ አድርግ Make available offline
9751ተወው Cancel
9752ፋይሉ እስካሁን አይገኝም This file isn’t available yet
9753ከበይነ መረብ ጋር እንደተገናኙ አረጋግጠው ማውረዱ እስኪጠናቀቅ ድረስ ይጠብቁና ከዚያም እንደገና ይሞክሩ። Make sure you’re connected to the Internet and wait for the download to complete, and then try again.
9754አንዳንድ ፋይሎች እስካሁን አይገኙም Some files aren’t available yet
9760ይህ ፋይል አሁን ላይ መክፈት አይቻልም This file can’t be opened right now
9761ከነዚህ ፋይሎች መካከል አንዳንዶቹን አሁን ላይ መክፈት አይቻልም Some of these files can’t be opened right now
9762ፋይል ማመሳሰል ላፍታ እንዲቆም ስለተደረገ መስመር ላይ-ብቻ ፋይሎች ሊከፈቱ አይችሉም። Online-only files can’t be opened when file syncing is paused.
9763ከእርስዎ %1 ጋር ችግር ነበር። There’s a problem with your %1.
9764ማመሳሰልን እንደገና አስጀምር Resume syncing
9765የማመሳሰል ችግሮችን ይመልከቱ View sync problems
9808ምንም None
9810Auto Auto
9811ራስ Auto
9812C:\WINDOWS dir
Directory of C:\WINDOWS
SYSTEM 03-01-95
WIN COM 22,087 03-01-95
WIN INI 11,728 03-01-95
WELCOME EXE 19,539 03-01-95
Directory of C:\WINDOWS
SYSTEM 03-01-95
WIN COM 22,087 03-01-95
WIN INI 11,728 03-01-95
WELCOME EXE 19,539 03-01-95
9813The file you selected does not contain any icons. The file you selected does not contain any icons.
9814Cannot query the properties for this program. There may not be enough memory available.
Exit one or more programs, and then try again.
Cannot query the properties for this program. There may not be enough memory available.
Exit one or more programs, and then try again.
9815ለዚህ ፕሮግራም ባህሪያትን ማዘመን አይቻልም። አቋራጩ ወይም ፒ አይ ኤፍ ንባብ ብቻ ሊሆን ይችላል ወይም ሌላ ፕሮግራም የሚያሻሽቸው
ሊሆኑ ይችላሉ የዚህን ፕሮግራም ሁሉንም ቅጂዎች ዝጋና እንደገና ሞክር።
Cannot update the properties for this program. The shortcut or .pif may be read-only, or another program may be modifying them.
Close all copies of this program, and then try again.
9819The specified value for Conventional Memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u. The specified value for Conventional Memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u.
9820The specified value for Expanded (EMS) Memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u. The specified value for Expanded (EMS) Memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u.
9821The specified value for Extended (XMS) Memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u. The specified value for Extended (XMS) Memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u.
9822The specified value for Local Environment Size is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u. The specified value for Local Environment Size is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u.
9823The specified value for DOS protected-mode (DPMI) memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u. The specified value for DOS protected-mode (DPMI) memory is not valid. Specify Auto or a value from %u to %u.
9829ነባሪ Default
983025 lines 25 lines
983143 lines 43 lines
983250 lines 50 lines
9843Properties for this program cannot be verified. The APPS.INF file is missing. Copy the APPS.INF file from your Windows Setup disks into your Windows INF folder. Properties for this program cannot be verified. The APPS.INF file is missing. Copy the APPS.INF file from your Windows Setup disks into your Windows INF folder.
9844Properties for this program cannot be verified. Another program may be using the APPS.INF file. Close your other programs and then try again. Properties for this program cannot be verified. Another program may be using the APPS.INF file. Close your other programs and then try again.
9845The APPS.INF file is incomplete.
Copy the APPS.INF file from your Windows Setup disks into your Windows INF folder.
The APPS.INF file is incomplete.
Copy the APPS.INF file from your Windows Setup disks into your Windows INF folder.
9868There is not enough memory available to perform this task.
Exit one or more programs, and then try again.
There is not enough memory available to perform this task.
Exit one or more programs, and then try again.
9889Ebrima Lucida Console
9891TTFontDimenCache TTFontDimenCache
9892TTFontDimenCacheDBCS TTFontDimenCacheDBCS
9984To restore it later, %s To restore it later, %s
9985One or more of the items you are about to delete can't be restored from the Recycle Bin.
To restore them later, %s
One or more of the items you are about to delete can't be restored from the Recycle Bin.
To restore them later, %s
9986To restore them later, %s To restore them later, %s
9987Some of the items you are about to delete can't be restored from the Recycle Bin.
To restore them later, %s
Some of the items you are about to delete can't be restored from the Recycle Bin.
To restore them later, %s
9988Are you sure you want to delete the %s icon from your desktop? Are you sure you want to delete the %s icon from your desktop?
9989Are you sure you want to delete these icons from your desktop? Are you sure you want to delete these icons from your desktop?
9990ሰርዝን አረጋግጥ Confirm Delete
9991እነዚህን ንጥል ነገሮች ወደ ጥራጊ ቅርጫት ማዛወር በቋሚነት እንዲሰረዙ ያደርጋቸዋል መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ? Moving these items to the Recycle Bin will cause them to be permanently deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?
9992Are you sure you want to delete the %s icon? Are you sure you want to delete the %s icon?
9993Are you sure you want to delete these icons? Are you sure you want to delete these icons?
9994ጥራጊ ቅርጫትን አስወገድ። Remove Recycle Bin
10016go to Personalization in Control Panel. go to Personalization in Control Panel.
10018go to Control Panel. go to Control Panel.
10027የአውታረ መረብ አካባቢ Network Location
10044ከመስመር ውጭ አቋም Offline Status
10045ከመስመር ውጪ መገኘት Offline Availability
10046የአውታረ መረብ ትራንስፖርት Network Transport
10112%s ፋይል %s File
10113ዴስክቶፕን አሳይ Show desktop
10114መስኮቶችን ቀይር Switch between windows
10144Audio CD Audio CD
10145የእገዛ ፋይል Help file
10146የመተግበሪያ ቅጥያ Application extension
10147የመሳሪያ ነጂ Device driver
10148የስርዓት ፋይል System file
10149ቅርጸ ቁምፊ ፋይል OpenType OpenType font file
10150ምናባዊ አንጻፊ መሳሪያ Virtual device driver
10151የውቅረት የክንውን አውዶች Configuration settings
10152የፋይል ዓቃፊ File folder
10155የቁጥጥር ፓነል ንጥል ነገር Control panel item
10157ቅርጸ ቁምፊ ፋይል Font file
10158እውነተኛ ቅርጸ ቁምፊ አይነት ፋይል TrueType font file
10159ትክክለኛ ቅርጸ ቁምፊ አይነት ፋይል ስብስብ TrueType collection font file
10160ፍለጋ አገናኝ ዝርዝር Search connector description
10161ActiveX ቁጥጥር ActiveX control
10162የገጽ ዕይታ ማቦዘኛ Screen saver
10208በቁጥጥር ፓነል ክፈት Open with Control Panel
10209&አዋቅር C&onfigure
10210&ጫን &Install
10242(All Files and Folders) (All Files and Folders)
10290Accessing resource... Accessing resource...
10292ጥራጊ ቅርጫቱ ከኮምፒዩተርዎ ላይ የተሰረዙ ፋይሎችን ይዟል። ጥራጊ ቅርጫቱን ባዶ እስካላደረጉ ድረስ ፋይሎቹ በቋሚነት አልተወገዱም። The Recycle Bin contains files you have deleted from your computer. These files are not permanently removed until you empty the Recycle Bin.
10293&ፋይሎችን እይ &View Files
10530... ...
10531%1!s! %2!s! %3!s! %1!s! %2!s! %3!s!
10532መጠን ቀይር %1!s! Size: %1!s!
10533መጠን ቀይር ከ '%1!s!' የሚበልጥ Size: larger than %1!s!
10534ዓቃፊ ባዶ ያድርጉ Empty folder
ፋይሎች፥ %1!s!

Files: %1!s!
ዓቃፊዎች፥ %1!s!

Folders: %1!s!
10540የዓቃፊዎች አቋራጭ Folder Shortcut
10562የቅርብ ጊዜ ንጥል ነገሮችንና አካባቢዎችን ዝርዝር ሰርዝ። Delete the list of recent items and locations.
10564&የጥራጊ ቅርጫቱን ባዶ ያድርጉ Empty Recycle &Bin
10579Encrypt the selected items Encrypt the selected items
10580Decrypt the selected items Decrypt the selected items
123200 ኪባ 0 KB
123210-10 ኪባ 0 - 10 KB
1232210-100 ኪባ 10 - 100 KB
12323100 ኪባ- 1 ሜጋ ሜባ 100 KB - 1 MB
123241-16 ሜባ 1 - 16 MB
1232516-128 ሜባ 16 - 128 MB
12326128 ሜባ 128 MB
12327ያልተጠቀሰ Unspecified
123290 - 16 ጊባ 0 - 16 GB
1233016 ጊባ - 80 ጊባ 16 GB - 80 GB
1233180 ጊባ - 250 ጊባ 80 GB - 250 GB
12332250 ጊባ - 500 ጊባ 250 GB - 500 GB
12334500 ጊባ - 1 ቴባ 500 GB - 1 TB
123351 ቴባ 1 TB
12336%d%% free %d%% free
12337%d%% - %d%% free %d%% - %d%% free
12338%d%% %d%%
12339%d%% - %d%% %d%% - %d%%
12345Week %d Week %d
12352ፋይል ኤክስፕሎረር File Explorer
12353Windows '%1'ማግኘት አልቻለም። ፊደል ቼክ አድርግ እና በድጋሚ ሞክር። Windows can't find '%1'. Check the spelling and try again.
12354Accessing the resource '%1' has been disallowed. Accessing the resource '%1' has been disallowed.
12385አገናኞች Links
12389(ባዶ) (Empty)
12390ተጨማሪ More
12391በርካታ ንጥል ነገሮችን ማከል አይችልም Can't add multiple items
12490(multiple values) (multiple values)
12543Perceived Type Perceived Type
12549Type Type
12551ያልታወቀ Unknown
12553ምድብ Category
12560በዲስክ ላይ ቅረጽ Burn to Disc
12561Please insert another writable disc into drive %1. Please insert another writable disc into drive %1.
12562%dx %dx
12563%d.%dx %d.%dx
12566This location can't be used to store temporary files. Choose a different location to store temporary files, and then try again. This location can't be used to store temporary files. Choose a different location to store temporary files, and then try again.
12567MMM dd yyyy MMM dd yyyy
12568የዲስክ ምስል ማስነሳት... Initializing the disc image...
12569ለዲስክ ምስል ውሂብ በማከል ላይ... Adding data to the disc image...
12570ወደ ዲስክ የሚቀረጹ ፋይሎች እየጠበቁህ ነው You have files waiting to be burned to disc
12571ዳታ ፋይሎችን ወደ ዲስክ በመቅረጽ ላይ... Burning the data files to the disc...
12572ፋይሎችን ለቅርጸት ሂደት በማዘጋጀት ላይ... Preparing the files for the burning process...
12573ይህን ዲስክ ለማጠናቀቅ የመጠረሻዎችን ደረጃዎችc... Performing final steps to finish this disc...
12574ተጨርሷል። Finished.
12575ፋይሎችን አሁን ለማየት፣ ይህን ፈኛ ጠቅ ያድርጉ። To view the files now, click this balloon.
12576ይህ ዲስክ ለተመረጡት ፋይሎች በሙሉ በቂ ቦታ የለውም።

ለመቅረጽ ቦታ ያስፈልጋል፤ በ%2!10s!

ዲስክ ላይ ቦታ አስለቅቅ፤ ፥ %1!10s!
ጥቂት ፋይሎችን ማስወገድ አለብዎት ወይም ተጨማሪ ቦታ የሚገኝበት ዲስክ አስገባ፣ እና ከዚያም በድጋሚ ሞክር።
This disc doesn't have enough free space for all the selected files.

Space needed to burn: %1!10s!
Free space on disc: %2!10s!

You should remove files or insert a disc with more available space, and then try again.
12577በዳግም መፃፈያው ዲስክ ውስጥ ያሉትን ፋይሎች በመሰረዝ ላይ... Erasing all files on the rewritable disc...
12578Windows አሁን ዲስኩን እየተጠቀመ ነው ወደ ዲስኩ ከመቅዳትህ በፍት እባክዎን ጠብቅ። Windows is currently using the disc. Please wait before starting to burn.
12580The disc is currently in use. Either wait for Windows to finish, or cancel burning before you shut down Windows. The disc is currently in use. Either wait for Windows to finish, or cancel burning before you shut down Windows.
12581ፋይሎችን በመቅረጽ ላይ እያለ ዓዋቂውን ከሰረዝክ፤ ዲስኩ ከጥቅም ውጭ ሊሆን ይችላል።

ለመሰረዝ መፈለግህን እርግጠኛ ነህ?
If you cancel the wizard while it is still burning files, the disc might be unusable.

Are you sure you want to cancel?
12582Either the disc in the CD or DVD burner isn't a writable disc or it's full. Either the disc in the CD or DVD burner isn't a writable disc or it's full.
12584There is no disc in the CD or DVD burner. There is no disc in the CD or DVD burner.
12585በ %1 አንጻፊ ውስጥ የመፃፊያ ዲስክ እባክዎን አስገባ። Please insert a writable disc into drive %1.
12586The disc doesn't have enough free space for all of the selected files. Remove some files or insert another disc with more space, and then try again. The disc doesn't have enough free space for all of the selected files. Remove some files or insert another disc with more space, and then try again.
12587Files can't be burned to this disc because it is write-protected. Files can't be burned to this disc because it is write-protected.
12588ዲስክ %1 ለቅርጸት የሚያስፈልጉ ጊዜያዊ ፋይሎችን ለመፍጠር በቂ ነጻ ቦታ የለውም። Disk %1 doesn't have enough free space to create the temporary files that are needed for burning.
12589ተጨማሪ %1 ነጻ ቦታ ማስለቀቅ ያስፈልግዎታል እንዲሁም እንደገና ይሞክሩ። Free an additional %1 of space, and then try again.
12590ወደ ዲስኩ ለመፃፍ ፍይሎች ዝግጅ ናችው። Files Ready to Be Written to the Disc
12591ፋይሎች አሁን ዲስክ ላይ ናቸው Files Currently on the Disc
12592የቀረው የግምት ስዓት፥ %d ዲደቂቃ Estimated time left: %d minutes
12593የቀረው የግምት ስዓት፥ %d ዲ ስ ኮንድ Estimated time left: %d seconds
12594ወደ ዲስኩ ለማከል ከዚህ ዓቃፊ ፋይሎችን ጐትት። Drag files to this folder to add them to the disc.
12595Files that are greater than 2GB can't be burned to a disc.

Remove any files that are greater than 2GB, and then try again.
Files that are greater than 2GB can't be burned to a disc.

Remove any files that are greater than 2GB, and then try again.
12596The disc wasn't burned because the write speed (%1!s!) was too high. You can try burning again at the same speed or try a lower write speed if the error occurs again. The disc wasn't burned because the write speed (%1!s!) was too high. You can try burning again at the same speed or try a lower write speed if the error occurs again.
12597The disc wasn't burned because of a buffer under run. You can try burning again at the same speed or try a lower write speed if the error occurs again. The disc wasn't burned because of a buffer under run. You can try burning again at the same speed or try a lower write speed if the error occurs again.
12598You can't add more files to this disc. You can't add more files to this disc.
12599Please insert another writable disc into drive %1, or erase this disc and try again. Please insert another writable disc into drive %1, or erase this disc and try again.
12600Files can't be burned to this disc because it is write-protected. Insert a writable disc, and then choose one of the options below. Files can't be burned to this disc because it is write-protected. Insert a writable disc, and then choose one of the options below.
12601You can’t burn more files to this disc because it has already been finalized. You can’t burn more files to this disc because it has already been finalized.
12602ዋናውን ቅርፀት ስትጠቀም፣ ወደ እንደዚህ ዓይነቱ ዲስክ እንዴ ብቻ መቅረጽ ትችላላህ። ወደ እዚህ ዲስክ ፋይሎችን ከአንድ ጊዜ በላይ ማከል ከፈለክ፣ በምትኩ የቀጥታ ፋይል ስርዓት ቅርጸት ተጠቀም

ዋናውን ቅርፀት መጠቀምህን መቀጠል ትፈልጋለህ?
When using the Mastered format, you can only burn once to this kind of disc. If you want to add files to this disc more than once, use the Live File System format instead.

Do you want to continue using the Mastered format?
12603ዲስክ ቼክ በማድረግ ላይ... Checking disc...
12604በዲስኩ ላይ ቀደም ሲል ካሉ የፋይሎች ስም ጋር ተመሳሳይ ስም ያላቸውን ፋይሎች ለመቅረጽ እየምከርክ ነው። ብቀጠልክ፣ በዲስክ ላይ ያሉት ፋይሎች በአዲሶቹ

ፋይሎች ይተካሉ እነዚህን ፋይሎች በዲስኩ ላይ መቅረጽህን መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?
Files you are trying to burn have the same names as files already on the disc. If you continue, files on the disc will be replaced by the new files.

Do you want to continue burning these new files to the disc?
12605Your files are ready to be burned, but some of them will not have the same file system attributes (such as Hidden) as the original files.

Do you want to continue burning these files to the disc?
Your files are ready to be burned, but some of them will not have the same file system attributes (such as Hidden) as the original files.

Do you want to continue burning these files to the disc?
12606The disc wasn't burned because a file and a folder would have the same name on disc. Review the files you are burning, and make sure there are no duplicate names. The disc wasn't burned because a file and a folder would have the same name on disc. Review the files you are burning, and make sure there are no duplicate names.
12607The recordable disc isn’t compatible with your CD or DVD burner. Insert a different type of recordable disc, and then try again. The recordable disc isn’t compatible with your CD or DVD burner. Insert a different type of recordable disc, and then try again.
12608የድምጽ ሲዲ ቅረጽ Burn an audio CD
12609ይህን ዲስክ አዘጋጁ Prepare this disc
12610ዲስክ ለመስረዝ ተዘጋጅ Ready to erase disc
12611ዲስክ አስገባ Insert disc
12612እባክዎ ይጠብቁ... Please wait...
12613ፋይሎችዎትን በተሳካ ሁኔታ ዲስኩ ላይ ቀርጸዋል። You have successfully burned your files to the disc
12614አንድ ዲስክ አስገባ Insert a disc
12615ይህን ዲስክ ለመቅረጽ ችግር ነበረ There was a problem burning this disc
12616በሃርድ ዲስኩ ላይ በቂ ቦታ የለም Not enough hard disk space
12617An error is preventing your new settings from being saved. An error is preventing your new settings from being saved.
12618የሚቀረጽ ምንም ፋይል የለም። No files to burn
12619መሰረዝ በስኬት ተጠናቂል Erase completed successfully
12620ይህን ዲስክ ለመሰረዝ ችግር ነበር There was a problem erasing this disc
12621Change %s Properties Change %s Properties
12622The file name "%1!s!" contains a semicolon (;) and the file can't be burned to a disc.

Do you want this copy of the file to be renamed automatically, and then burned to disc?
The file name "%1!s!" contains a semicolon (;) and the file can't be burned to a disc.

Do you want this copy of the file to be renamed automatically, and then burned to disc?
12624Files can’t be burned to this disc. Eject the disc, replace it with another recordable disc, and then try again. Files can’t be burned to this disc. Eject the disc, replace it with another recordable disc, and then try again.
12625ዲስኩ በስኬታማነት መቅረጽ አልቻለም። ለሲዲህ የቅርብ ጊዜው ፈርምዌር አረጋግጥ ወይም የተጫነ የDVD ቀራጭ እንዳለህ አረጋግጥ፣ እና ከዚያም በድጋሚ ሞክር። The disc wasn’t burned successfully. Make sure that you have the latest firmware for your CD or DVD burner installed, and then try again.
12626The write speed for the recordable disc is either too fast or too slow for your CD or DVD burner. Insert a recordable disc that has a different write speed, and then try again. The write speed for the recordable disc is either too fast or too slow for your CD or DVD burner. Insert a recordable disc that has a different write speed, and then try again.
12627The disc wasn’t burned successfully. Restart your computer, and then try again. The disc wasn’t burned successfully. Restart your computer, and then try again.
12628The CD or DVD burner didn’t start properly. Make sure that the CD or DVD burner is connected properly, and then try again. The CD or DVD burner didn’t start properly. Make sure that the CD or DVD burner is connected properly, and then try again.
12629The disc wasn’t burned successfully. Make sure that you have the latest firmware for your CD or DVD burner installed, and then try again. The disc wasn’t burned successfully. Make sure that you have the latest firmware for your CD or DVD burner installed, and then try again.
12630The CD or DVD burner is still recognizing the disc. Please wait a few seconds, and then try burning again. If the problem continues, replace the recordable disc with another one, and then try again. The CD or DVD burner is still recognizing the disc. Please wait a few seconds, and then try burning again. If the problem continues, replace the recordable disc with another one, and then try again.
12631The recordable disc might not have been erased properly. Eject the disc, reinsert it, and then try to erase the disc again. The recordable disc might not have been erased properly. Eject the disc, reinsert it, and then try to erase the disc again.
12640%1!s! %2!x!.%3!02x! (ነባሪ) %1!s! %2!x!.%3!02x! (Default)
12641%1!s! %2!x!.%3!02x! %1!s! %2!x!.%3!02x!
12642For more information on this version of UDF, refer to Which CD or DVD format should I use? For more information on this version of UDF, refer to Which CD or DVD format should I use?
12645UDF 1.02 is compatible with Windows 98 (and later) computers as well as some Apple computers. Use this version to format DVD-RAM and MO (Magneto-optical) discs. UDF 1.02 is compatible with Windows 98 (and later) computers as well as some Apple computers. Use this version to format DVD-RAM and MO (Magneto-optical) discs.
12646UDF 1.50 is compatible with Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 (and later) computers. It might not be compatible with Windows 98 or Apple computers. UDF 1.50 is compatible with Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 (and later) computers. It might not be compatible with Windows 98 or Apple computers.
12648UDF 2.01 ከ Windows XP እና ከ Windows Server 2003 (እና የኋላ ስሪቶች) ኮምፒዩተሮች ጋር ተኳኋኝ ነው። ከ Windows 98፣ Windows 2000፣ ወይም Apple ኮምፒዩተሮች ጋር ተኳኋኝ ላይሆን ይችላል። UDF 2.01 is compatible with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 (and later) computers. It might not compatible with Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Apple computers.
12649UDF 2.50 is designed for Windows Vista and might not be compatible with older computers. UDF 2.50 is designed for Windows Vista and might not be compatible with older computers.
12686የፋይል ስሞች ከሚከተሉት ቁምፊዊች ማናቸውንም ማካተት አይችልም፥
A file name can't contain any of the following characters:
12687A file name must contain only the following characters:
A file name must contain only the following characters:
12688አሀዛዊ ፎቶግራፎች፣ ምስሎችና ንድፋዊ ፋይሎች ይዟል። Contains digital photos, images, and graphic files.
12689ሙዚቃና ሌሎች የድምጽ ፋይሎች ይዛል። Contains music and other audio files.
12690ፊልሞችና ሌሎች የቪድዩ ፋይሎች ይዛል። Contains movies and other video files.
12692በቅርብ የተከፈቱ ፋይሎችና ዓቃፊዎች ያሳያል። Shows recently opened files and folders.
12694ዴስክቶች ላይ ያሉትን ፋይሎች ዓቃፊዎች የፕሮግራም አቋራጮችና ሌሎች ንጥሎችን ያሳያል። Shows the files, folders, program shortcuts, and other items on the desktop.
12704የ&በይነመረብ ባህሪያት Internet P&roperties
12705በይነ&መረቡን አስስ &Browse the Internet
12706&አንብብና ኢሜይል አድርግ Read &e-mail
12707Windows መድህን Windows Security
12708ፍለጋ Search
12710አሂድ Run
12714ዴስክቶፕ ያሳያል Shows Desktop
12715መስኮት ዝጊ Window Switcher
12850Open Open
12852Execute Execute
12854Application Menu Bar Application Menu Bar
12855ከፋፋይ Separator
12856Show Hidden Items Show Hidden Items
12857Alt + Alt +
13121የሚከተለውን ፈልግ፥ "%s" Search for "%s"
13122Search %s Search %s
13329%1 - %2 %1 - %2
13333ከፍለጋዎ ጋር የሚዛመዱ አንዳችም ንጥል ነገሮች አልተገኙም። No items match your search.
13335ቀን ወይም የቀን ብዛት ምረጥ፥ Select a date or date range:
13569የትኛውን ልምረጥ? Which one should I choose?
13576በማዘጋጀት ላይ... Preparing...
13577 from
13578 to
13579የቀረ ሰዓት፥ Time remaining:
13580በማስላት ላይ... Calculating...
13581የቀሩ ንጥል ነገሮች፥ Items remaining:
13583ፍጥነት፥ Speed:
13585ንጥል ነገሮች እየለየ... Discovering items...
13586ተጨማሪ ዝርዝሮች More details
13587አናሳ ዝርዝሮች Fewer details
13589ከ፥ From:
13590ለ፥ To:
13591የዲስክ ርዕስ፥ Disc title:
13593እንደ USB ፍላሽ አንጻፊ Like a USB flash drive
13594ከ CD/DVD ማጫወቻ ጋር With a CD/DVD player
13596የመዝጊያ ክፍለጊዜ Closing Sessions
13597ዲስኩ በሌሎች ኮምፒዩተሮች ላይ እንዲሰራ ከፈለጉ ጊዜውን መይዝጉት ያስፈልግዎታል። ክፍለጊዜ መይዝጉት ተጨማሪ 20 ሜጋ ባይት የዲስክ ቦታ ይጠቀማል። You need to close the session in order for the disc to work on other computers. Closing a session uses an additional 20MB of disc space.
13599Resolve with %s... Resolve with %s...
13600የማመሳሰል ግጭቶችን እንዴት እፈታለሁ? How do I resolve sync conflicts?
13601&ለሁሉም ግጭቶች ይህን አድርግ &Do this for all conflicts
13602ዝ&ለል &Skip
13604ቅዳና ተካ Copy and Replace
13605በመድረሻ ዓቃፊ ያለውን ፋይል በምትቀዳው ፋይል ተካ፥ Replace the file in the destination folder with the file you are copying:
13606አትቅዳ Don't copy
13607የተኞቹም ፋይሎች አይለወጡም። ይህን ፋይል በመዳረሻ ዓቃፊ ውስጥ ተወው፥ No files will be changed. Leave this file in the destination folder:
13608ቅዳ ግን ሁለቱንም ፋይል አስቀምጥ Copy, but keep both files
13609የሚቀዱት ፋይል በ "%s" ዳግም ይሰየማል The file you are copying will be renamed "%s"
13610አንቀሳቅስና ተካ Move and Replace
13611በመድረሻ ዓቃፊ ያለውን ፋይል በምታዛውረው ፋይል ተካ፥ Replace the file in the destination folder with the file you are moving:
13612አንቀሳቅስ፣ ግን ሁለቱንም ፋይል አስቀምጥ። Move, but keep both files
13613የሚያዛውሩት ፋይል በ"%s"ዳግም ይሰየማል። The file you are moving will be renamed "%s"
13615Keep this version Keep this version
13616Keep both versions Keep both versions
13617(The top version will be renamed "%s") (The top version will be renamed "%s")
13618ሁሉንም %d ስሪቶች በእያንዳንዱ መገኛ ስፍራ አቆይ Keep all %d versions in each location
13619(They will be automatically renamed) (They will be automatically renamed)
13620Don't sync this item any more Don't sync this item any more
13621ይህን ስሪት አስቀምጥና ላሌላ አካባቢ ቅዳው Keep this version and copy it to the other location
13622ከሁሉቱም አካባቢዎች ስሪቱን ሰርዝ Delete the version in both locations
13623አታንቀሳቅስ Don't move
13625Fix the conflict by opening these files in this program, where you can resolve differences between them. Fix the conflict by opening these files in this program, where you can resolve differences between them.
13626የወቅቱን UDF ክፍለጊዜ በራስ ሰር ዝጋ ይህ የሚሆነውም፥ Automatically close the current UDF session when:
13627ንጥል ክፍለ ጊዜ ብቻ ዲስኮች &ወጥተዋል። &Single session-only discs are ejected
13628የብዝህ ክፍ&ለጊዜ የሚችሉ ዲስኮች እንዲወጡ ተደርገዋል &Multi session-capable discs are ejected
13629በማንኛውም ሰዓት በዲስኩ ላይ ያሉትን ፋይሎች አስቀምጥ፣ አርትእ እና ሰርዝ። ዲስኩ የሚሰራው Windows XP ወይም ቀጥሎ። (Live File System) በሚያሂዱ ኮምፒዩተሮች ነው። Save, edit, and delete files on the disc anytime. The disc will work on computers running Windows XP or later. (Live File System)
13630በዚህ ቡድን ውስጣ ያሉ ፋይሎን ቅረጽ እና ከቅጂ በኋላ የግለሰብ ፋይሎች አርትዕ ወይም ሊሰረዙ አይችሉም። ዲስኩ በአብዘኛው ኮምፒውተሮች ላይ ይሰራል (ማስተርድ) Burn files in groups and individual files can't be edited or removed after burning. The disc will also work on most computers. (Mastered)
13631ስም፥ Name:
14349Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
14350የስርዓት ውሂብን ለሚደርሱ የሼል ክፍለ አካላት ድጋፍ ይሰጣል Provides support for shell components that access system data
16400%s has been removed from this computer. Do you want to clean up your personalized settings for this program? %s has been removed from this computer. Do you want to clean up your personalized settings for this program?
16513ባህርይ Property
16514እሴት Value
16515ከተመረጡት ምንጮች መካከል የጋራ የሆኑ ምንም ዝርዝሮች የሉም። There are no details in common among the selected sources.
16516Details are unavailable for the selected files. Details are unavailable for the selected files.
16532አጠቃላይ General
16534Properties Properties
16535Not all personal properties were cleared. Not all personal properties were cleared.
16536Windows was unable to remove properties from the selected files. Before sharing these files, you should review them for unwanted personal information. Windows was unable to remove properties from the selected files. Before sharing these files, you should review them for unwanted personal information.
16537Windows was unable to remove properties from the new copies of the selected files. Before sharing these files, you should review them for unwanted personal information. Windows was unable to remove properties from the new copies of the selected files. Before sharing these files, you should review them for unwanted personal information.
16658Operation Name Operation Name
16690Property Loss Property Loss
16693Confirm Encryption Loss Confirm Encryption Loss
16705ዓቃፊን መተካት አረጋግጥ Confirm Folder Replace
16706በጥቅም ላይ ያለ ፋይል File In Use
16707በጥቅም ላይ ያለ ዓቃፊ Folder In Use
16708ፋይል መድረስ አልተቻለም File Access Denied
16709ዓቃፊ መድረስ አልተቻለም Folder Access Denied
16722ይህን ፋይል ወደ የጥራጊ ቅርጫት ለማዛወር መፈለግህን እርግጠኛ ነህ? Are you sure you want to move this file to the Recycle Bin?
16723ይህን ዓቃፊ ወደ ጥርጊ ቅርጫት ለመንቀሳቀስ መፈለግህን እርግጠኛ ነህ? Are you sure you want to move this folder to the Recycle Bin?
16724ይህን ፋይል በዘላቂነት ለመሰረዝ መፈልግዎን እርግጠኛ ነዎት? Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?
16725ይህን አቀፊ በዘላቂነት ለመሰረዝ መፈልግዎን እርግጠኛ ነዎት? Are you sure you want to permanently delete this folder?
16728Are you sure you want to move this system file to the Recycle Bin?

If you remove this file, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly.
Are you sure you want to move this system file to the Recycle Bin?

If you remove this file, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly.
16730እርግጠኛ ነህ ይህን አቋራጭ ወደ ጥራጊ ቅርጫት ማንቀሳቀስ ይፈልጋሉ? Are you sure you want to move this shortcut to the Recycle Bin?
16731እርግጠኛ ነዎት ይህን አቋራጭ በቋሚነት መሰረዝ ይፈልጋሉ? Are you sure you want to permanently delete this shortcut?
16736ይህ ፋይል እንደገና ለመመለስ በጣም ትልቅ ነው

ይህን ፋይል በቋሚነት ለመሰረዝ ይፈልጋሉ?
This file is too big to recycle

Do you want to permanently delete it?
16737ይህ ዓቃፊ እንደገና ለመመለስ በጣም ትልቅ ነው

ይህን ፋይል በቋሚነት ለመሰረዝ ይፈልጋሉ?
This folder is too big to recycle

Do you want to permanently delete it?
16738Are you sure you want to move this program to the Recycle Bin?

If you delete this program, you might not be able to open files associated with it. You can't undo this operation.
Are you sure you want to move this program to the Recycle Bin?

If you delete this program, you might not be able to open files associated with it. You can't undo this operation.
16741ይህን የስርዓት ፋይል ማንቀሳቀስ እንደሚፈልጉ እርግጠኛ ነዎት?

ይህን ፋይል ካንቀሳቀሱ፣ Windows ወይም ሌላ ፕሮግራም በትክክል ላይሰራ ይችል ይሆናል።
Are you sure you want to move this system file?

If you move this file, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly.
16745Are you sure you want to rename this system file?

If you rename this file, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly.
Are you sure you want to rename this system file?

If you rename this file, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly.
16747Are you sure you want to copy this file without its properties?

The file %1 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
Are you sure you want to copy this file without its properties?

The file %1 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
16748Are you sure you want to copy this folder without its properties?

The folder %1 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
Are you sure you want to copy this folder without its properties?

The folder %1 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
16749Are you sure you want to move this file without its properties?

The file %1 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
Are you sure you want to move this file without its properties?

The file %1 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
16750Are you sure you want to move this folder without its properties?

The folder %1 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
Are you sure you want to move this folder without its properties?

The folder %1 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
16761ይህን ፋይል ሳይመሳጠር መቅዳት ይፈልጋሉ?

ፋይሉን ምስጠራ ወደ የማይደግፍ መድረሻ ቦታ እየቀዱት ነው።
Do you want to copy this file without encryption?

You are copying the file to a destination that does not support encryption.
16768Do you want to copy this folder without encryption?

A problem is preventing this folder from being encrypted.
Do you want to copy this folder without encryption?

A problem is preventing this folder from being encrypted.
16769Do you want to move this file without encryption?

You are moving the file to a destination that does not support encryption.
Do you want to move this file without encryption?

You are moving the file to a destination that does not support encryption.
16770Do you want to move this folder without encryption?

A problem is preventing this folder from being encrypted.
Do you want to move this folder without encryption?

A problem is preventing this folder from being encrypted.
16771An unknown error has occurred. An unknown error has occurred.
16774ከዚህ ጋር? with this one?
16775ይህ መዳረሻ '%1' የተባለ ዓቃፊ ይዟል።

ማንም ፋይል ተመሳሳይ ስም ካለው እነዚህን ፋይሎች መተካት ትፈልግ እንደሆን ትጠየቃለህ።
This destination already contains a folder named '%1'.

If any files have the same names, you will be asked if you want to replace those files.
16776ይህን አቃፊ ለማዋሃድ አሁንም ይፈልጋሉ ? ዓቃፊ ሊያዋህዱ ይሻሉ Do you still want to merge this folder
16777This destination already contains a folder named '%1'.

If any files have the same names, you will be asked if you want to replace those files.

This destination already contains a folder named '%1'.

If any files have the same names, you will be asked if you want to replace those files.

16778Do you still want to merge the folder created on %1 with this one?
Do you still want to merge the folder created on %1 with this one?
16780These %1 items are too big to recycle

Do you want to permanently delete them?
These %1 items are too big to recycle

Do you want to permanently delete them?
16781Do you still want to merge the folder with this one?
Do you still want to merge the folder with this one?
16788Problem Copying Problem Copying
16791Windows can't copy this file or folder to the desired location. Windows can't copy this file or folder to the desired location.
16792ብዙ ንጥሎችን ሰርዝ Delete Multiple Items
16793አቋራጭ ሰርዝ Delete Shortcut
16798እነዚህን %1 ንጥሎች ወደ ጥራጊ ቅርጫት ለማንቀሳቀስ መፈለግህን እርግጠኛ ነህ? Are you sure you want to move these %1 items to the Recycle Bin?
16799በእርግጠኝነት ይህንን አቋራጭ ወደ ጥራጊ ቅርጫት ታንቀሳቅሰዋለህ?

ይህንን አቋራጭ መሰረዝ ይህን ፕሮግራም ማራገፍ ማለት አይደለም። ፕርግራሙን የሚያመለክተውን አዶ ብቻ ነው የሚያስወግደው። ጥቅሙን ማውረድ ከፈለጉ ፕሮግራሞች እና ባህሪያት ።
Are you sure you want to move this shortcut to the Recycle Bin?

Deleting this shortcut does not uninstall the program. It only removes the icon that points to the program. If you want to uninstall use Programs and Features.
16800እነዚህን %1 ንጥሎች በዘላቂነት ለመሰረዝ መፈልግዎን እርግጠኛ ነዎት? Are you sure you want to permanently delete these %1 items?
16801'%1' can't be moved to the Recycle Bin.

Do you want to permanently delete it?
'%1' can't be moved to the Recycle Bin.

Do you want to permanently delete it?
16802ይህን ዓቃፊ ለዘለቄታው መሰረዝ ይፈልጋሉ?

ዓቃፊው ለየጥራጊ ቅርጫቱ ከልክ በላይ ረዥም የሚሆኑበት ስማቸው ረዣዥም የሆኑ ንጥል ነገሮችን ይዟል።
Do you want to permanently delete this folder?

The folder contains items whose names are too long for the Recycle Bin.
16806%1' ፋይል የስርዓት ፋይል ነው። ካስወገዱት Windows ወይም ሌላ ፕሮግራም ከዚህ በኋላ በትክክል ላይሰሩ ይችላሉ።

ይህ ፋይል በቋሚነት መሰረዝ መፈልግዎን እርግጠኛ ነዎት?
The file '%1' is a system file. If you remove it, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly.

Are you sure you want to permanently delete it?
16808ይህን ፕሮግራም በቋሚነት ለመሰረዝ መፈለግዎን እርግጠኛ ነዎት?

ይህን ፕሮግራም ከሰረዙት፣ ከእርሱ ጋር የተቆራኙ ሌሎች ፋይሎችን መክፈት አይችሉ ይሆናል። ይህን ክወና መቀልበስ አይችሉም።
Are you sure you want to permanently delete this program?

If you delete this program, you might not be able to open files associated with it. You can't undo this operation.
16809ይህን አቋራጭ በቋሚነት ለማስወገድ መፈልግዎን እርግጠኛ ነዎት።

ይህን አቋራጭ መሰረዝ፣ ፕሮግራሙን እንዲራገፍ አያደርገው።ም ከእሱ ጋር የተጐናኘው አዶ ብቻ ያስወግዳል። ለማራገፍ ከፈለጉ ይህን ይጠቀሙ ፕሮግራሙን አንሳ።
Are you sure you want to permanently remove this shortcut?

Deleting this shortcut does not uninstall the program. It only removes the icon that points to the program. If you want to uninstall use Remove a Program.
16811ፋይል በሌላ ፕሮግራም ስለተከፈተ እርምጃውን ማጠናቀቅ አይቻልም

ፋይሉን ዘግተህ እንደገና ሞክር።
The action can't be completed because the file is open in another program

Close the file and try again.

ፋይሉ ክፍት በመሆኑ ምክንያት እርምጃው አልተጠናቀቀም። ፋይሉን ዝጋ እና በድጋሚ ሞክር።
The action can't be completed because the file is open in %1

Close the file and try again.
16813The action can't be completed because the file is playing in %1

Close the file and try again.
The action can't be completed because the file is playing in %1

Close the file and try again.
16814The action can't be completed because the file is being edited in %1

Close the file and try again.
The action can't be completed because the file is being edited in %1

Close the file and try again.
16815እርምጃው መጠናቀቅ አልቻለም ምክንያቱም ዓቃፊው ወይም በዓቃፊው ውስጣ ያለ ፋይል በሌላ ፕሮግራም ተከፍቷል

ዓቃፊውን ወይም ፋይሉን ዘግተህ በድጋሚ ሞክር።
The action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program

Close the folder or file and try again.
16816The action can't be completed because the folder is open in %1

Close the folder and try again.
The action can't be completed because the folder is open in %1

Close the folder and try again.
16817The action can't be completed because the folder is playing in %1

Close the folder and try again.
The action can't be completed because the folder is playing in %1

Close the folder and try again.
16818The action can't be completed because the folder is being edited in %1

Close the folder and try again.
The action can't be completed because the folder is being edited in %1

Close the folder and try again.
16819Cl&ose File Cl&ose File
16820Cl&ose Folder Cl&ose Folder
16821ይህን ስራ ለመፈፀም ፈቃድ ያስፈልግዎታል ወደዚህ

ፋይል ለውጥ ለማድረግ ከ %4 ፈቃድ ያስፈልግዎታል።
You need permission to perform this action

You require permission from %4 to make changes to this file
16822ይህን ስራ ለመፈፀም ፈቃድ ያስፈልግዎታል ወደዚህ

አቃፊ ለውጥ ለማድረግ ከ %4 ፈቃድ ያስፈልግዎታል።
You need permission to perform this action

You require permission from %4 to make changes to this folder
16823የኮምፒዩተሩ አስተዳዳሪ the computer's administrator
16824መዳረሻ አቃፊን መድረስ አልቻለም። Destination Folder Access Denied
16825ይህን እርምጃ ለማከናወን ፈቃድ ያስፈልግዎታል You need permission to perform this action
16826File Too Large File Too Large
16827The file '%1' is too large for the destination file system. The file '%1' is too large for the destination file system.
16828Destination Path Too Long Destination Path Too Long
16829የፋይሉ ስም(ዎች) ለመዳረሻ ዓቃፊው በጣም ሊረዝም ይችላል። የፋይል ስሙን አሳጥረው እንደገና ይጀምሩ ወይም አጭር ዱካ ያለው አካባቢ ይሞክሩ። The file name(s) would be too long for the destination folder. You can shorten the file name and try again, or try a location that has a shorter path.
16830Source Path Too Long Source Path Too Long
16831The source file name(s) are larger than is supported by the file system. Try moving to a location which has a shorter path name, or try renaming to shorter name(s) before attempting this operation. The source file name(s) are larger than is supported by the file system. Try moving to a location which has a shorter path name, or try renaming to shorter name(s) before attempting this operation.
16834Apply Property Error Apply Property Error
16835An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the file '%1'. An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the file '%1'.
16836An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the folder '%1'. An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the folder '%1'.
16837Are you sure you want to copy this file without its property '%3'?

The file %2 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
Are you sure you want to copy this file without its property '%3'?

The file %2 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
16838Are you sure you want to copy this folder without its property '%3'?

The folder %2 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
Are you sure you want to copy this folder without its property '%3'?

The folder %2 has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
16839Are you sure you want to move this file without its property '%3'?

The file %2 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
Are you sure you want to move this file without its property '%3'?

The file %2 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
16840Are you sure you want to move this folder without its property '%3'?

The folder %2 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
Are you sure you want to move this folder without its property '%3'?

The folder %2 has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
16841Are you sure you want to copy this file without its properties? The new file '%2' has properties that can't be copied to the new location. Are you sure you want to copy this file without its properties? The new file '%2' has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
16842Are you sure you want to copy this folder without its properties? The new folder '%2' has properties that can't be copied to the new location. Are you sure you want to copy this folder without its properties? The new folder '%2' has properties that can't be copied to the new location.
16843Are you sure you want to move this file without its properties? The new file '%2' has properties that can't be moved to the new location. Are you sure you want to move this file without its properties? The new file '%2' has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
16844Are you sure you want to move this folder without its properties? The new folder '%2' has properties that can't be moved to the new location. Are you sure you want to move this folder without its properties? The new folder '%2' has properties that can't be moved to the new location.
16845An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the file '%1'. The new file will not have this property as a result. Do you want to rename the file anyway? An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the file '%1'. The new file will not have this property as a result. Do you want to rename the file anyway?
16846An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the folder '%1'. The new folder will not have this property as a result. Do you want to rename the folder anyway? An error occurred when writing the property '%3' to the folder '%1'. The new folder will not have this property as a result. Do you want to rename the folder anyway?
16847Are you sure you want to rename this file without its properties? The new file '%1' has properties that will be lost when renamed. Are you sure you want to rename this file without its properties? The new file '%1' has properties that will be lost when renamed.
16848Are you sure you want to rename this folder without its properties? The new folder '%1' has properties that will be lost when renamed. Are you sure you want to rename this folder without its properties? The new folder '%1' has properties that will be lost when renamed.
16849Apply Properties Error Apply Properties Error
16850An error occurred when writing properties to the file '%1'. An error occurred when writing properties to the file '%1'.
16851An error occurred when writing properties to the folder '%1'. An error occurred when writing properties to the folder '%1'.
16852Are you sure you want to link this file without its properties? The new file '%1' will not have these properties. Are you sure you want to link this file without its properties? The new file '%1' will not have these properties.
16853Are you sure you want to link this folder without its properties? The new folder '%1' will not have these properties. Are you sure you want to link this folder without its properties? The new folder '%1' will not have these properties.
16854እነዚህን ንጥሎች በሙሉ በዘላቂነት ወደ ጥራጊ ቅርጫት ለመላክ መፈለግህን እርግጠኛ ነህ? Are you sure you want to send all of these items to the Recycle Bin?
16855እነዚህን ንጥሎች በሙሉ በዘላቂነት ለመሰረዝ መፈልግዎን እርግጠኛ ነዎት? Are you sure you want to permanently delete all of these items?
16856The file name you are creating is too long.

Try again using a shorter file name or create the file in a folder that has a shorter path.
The file name you are creating is too long.

Try again using a shorter file name or create the file in a folder that has a shorter path.
16857New File New File
16858እየፈጠሩ ያሉት ዓቃፊ ስም ከልክ በላይ ረዥም ነው።

አጠር ያለ ስም በመጠቀም እንደገና ይሞክሩ ወይም አጠር ያለ ዱካ ባለው መገኛ ስፍራ ላይ ዓቃፊውን ይፍጠሩ።
The folder name you are creating is too long.

Try again using a shorter name or create the folder in a location that has a shorter path.
16859አዲስ ዓቃፊ New Folder
16862ለዚህ ንጥል ነገር የሚሆን በቂ ቦታ የለም፥ There was not enough space for this item:
16863ከዚህ ዲስክ ቦታ አስለቅቅና እንደገና ሞከር፥ Free up space from this disk and try again:
16864ንጥል ነገር አልተገኘም Item Not Found
16865ይህን ንጥል ነገር ማግኘት አልተቻለም

በ %3 ከዚህ በኋላ አይገኝም። ንጥሉ የሚገኝበትን አካባቢ አረጋግጠህ እንደገና ሞክር።
Could not find this item

This is no longer located in %3. Verify the item's location and try again.
16866Conflict no longer exists Conflict no longer exists
16867Cannot open conflict details Cannot open conflict details
16868Cannot resolve conflict Cannot resolve conflict
16869The details for this conflict could not be found. The conflict may no longer exist, or the device it occurred on is not available.

The details for this conflict could not be found. The conflict may no longer exist, or the device it occurred on is not available.

16870The details for this conflict could not be opened. The conflict may no longer exist, the device it occurred on is not available, or may contain invalid data.

The details for this conflict could not be opened. The conflict may no longer exist, the device it occurred on is not available, or may contain invalid data.

16871The conflict could not be resolved in the manner you chose.


Would you like to retry the resolution, remove the conflict from Sync Center, or cancel?
The conflict could not be resolved in the manner you chose.


Would you like to retry the resolution, remove the conflict from Sync Center, or cancel?
16873ስሕተት 0x%08lX፥ %s Error 0x%08lX: %s
16874No error description available No error description available
16875Move File Move File
16876ፋይል ቅዳ Copy File
16877ፋይል ሰርዝ Delete File
16878Rename File Rename File
16880Apply Properties File Apply Properties File
16882Move Folder Move Folder
16883Copy Folder Copy Folder
16884ዓቃፊ ሰርዝ Delete Folder
16885ዓቃፊ በድጋሚ ሰይም Rename Folder
16887Apply Properties Folder Apply Properties Folder
16888New Folder New Folder
16890File Download File Download
16891The file was not downloaded because the server where the file is stored redirected the request to a web page.

This might be because the file is unavailable, or because you don’t have permission to access it.
The file was not downloaded because the server where the file is stored redirected the request to a web page.

This might be because the file is unavailable, or because you don’t have permission to access it.
16892The file was not downloaded because the server returned a different type of file than expected. The file was not downloaded because the server returned a different type of file than expected.
16915Out of Disk Space Out of Disk Space
16916Network Error Network Error
16917ከጥራጊ ቅርጫት ሁሉንም ንጥል ነገሮች አንደነበር ለመመለስ እርግጠኛ ነዎት Are you sure you want to restore all the items from the Recycle Bin?
16923Recycle Bin Access Denied Recycle Bin Access Denied
16924The cause for this problem could not be determined. The cause for this problem could not be determined.
16925%1: %1:
16928&አሁን ላሉት ሁሉም ንጥሎች ይህን አድርጉ (%1!u! የተገኘ) Do this for &all current items (%1!u! found)
16930Out of memory Out of memory
16931There is not enough memory to complete this operation. There is not enough memory to complete this operation.
16932ንጥል ነገር ቅዳ Copy Item
16933ንጥል ነገር አንቀሳቅስ Move Item
16934Delete Item Delete Item
16937The files in %1 will be moved to %3. The files in %1 will be moved to %3.
16938በአውታረ መረቡ ላይ በዚህ ቦታ ፋይሎችን ለመቅዳት ፈቃድ የለህም። ፋይሎችን ወደ ሰነዶች ዓቃፊ መቅዳትና ወደዚህ አካባቢ ማንቀሳቀስ ይችላሉ። You don't have permission to copy files to this location over the network. You can copy files to the Documents folder and then move them to this location.
16941Item is read-only Item is read-only
16942This item is read-only. It cannot be modified. This item is read-only. It cannot be modified.
16944የስራ ይዘት እዚህ ቦታ ማስቀመጥ አይችሉም። ለመቀጠል፣ ይዘቱ ለስራ ከተጠበቀ ወደ የግል መቀየር አለበት።

ድርጅትዎ ይህን ለውጥ ሊከታተለው ይችላል፣ እንዲሁም ከድርጅትዎ ውጭ ያሉ ሰዎች ይዘቱን ሊያዩት ይችላሉ።
You can't place work protected content in this location. To continue, the content must be changed from work protected to personal.

Your organization may track this change, and people outside your organization may be able to view the content.
16945ማስቀመጡ በአይቲ ተከልክሏል Placement blocked by IT
16946ይህን ፋይል እዚህ እንዲያስቀምጡ ድርጅትዎ አይፈቅድልዎትም።
Your organization does not allow you to place this file here.
16947የስራ ይዘት ወደ ተነቃይ አንጻፊ ለመቅዳት እየሞከሩ ነው። You're trying to copy work protected content to a removable drive.
16948የስራ ይዘት ወደ ተነቃይ አንጻፊ ለማንቀሳቀስ እየሞከሩ ነው። You're trying to move work protected content to a removable drive.
16949የስራ ይዘት ይቅዱ Copy work protected content
16950የስራ ይዘት ያዘዋውሩ Move work protected content
16951ደህንነቱ እንደተጠበቀ ስራ ቅዳ Copy as work protected
16952እንደ የግል ቅዳ Copy as personal
16953ደህንነቱ እንደተጠበቀ ስራ አዘዋውር Move as work protected
16954የግል እንዲሆን አዘዋውር Move as personal
16955ድርጅትዎ የለውጡን ዱካ ሊከታተል ይችላል እንዲሁም ሌሎች ሰዎች ይዘቱን ማየት ይችላሉ። Your organization may track the change, and others may be able to view the content.
16956ዝለል Skip
16958ድርጅትዎ የስራ ይዘት በዚህ የግል ኮምፒዩተር ላይ ብቻ እንዲከፈት ይፈቅድልዎታል። Your organization only allows work protected content to be opened on this PC.
16959ድርጅትዎ የስራ ይዘት የWindows አዲስ ስሪት ባላቸው የኢንተርፕራይዝ የግል ኮምፒዩተር ላይ ብቻ እንዲከፈት ይፈቅድልዎታል። Your organization only allows work protected content to be opened on enterprise PCs running the latest version of Windows.
16960ይዘቱ ወደ የግል ይለወጥ? Change content to personal?
17025እዚህ አካባቢ ውስጥ ተመሳሳይ ስም ያለው ፋይል ቀደም ሲልም አለ። There is already a file with the same name in this location.
17026ማስቀመጥ የሚፈልጉትን ፋይል ጠቅ ያድርጉ። Click the file you want to keep
17027ፋይል አንቀሳቅስ Move File
17028ፋይል ዳግም ሰይም Rename File
17029"%1!ws!" ን ወደ "%2!ws!" ዳግም መሰየም ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want to rename "%1!ws!" to "%2!ws!"?
17030ግጭት ፍታ Resolve Conflict
17031Click the version you want to keep Click the version you want to keep
17032Both versions have been updated since the last sync. Both versions have been updated since the last sync.
17033ለማስቀመጥ ስሪቱን ጠቅ ያድርጉ ወይም ሰርዝን ጠቅ ያድርጉ። Click a version to keep or click delete
17034ከመጨረሻው ማመሳሰል በኋላ ይህ ከአንድ አካባቢ ተሰርዞ በሌላኛው አካባቢ ተዛምቷል። This has been deleted from one location and updated in the other location since the last sync.
17036More than two versions have been updated since the last sync. More than two versions have been updated since the last sync.
17037%1!ws! (ትልቅ) %1!ws! (larger)
17038%1!ws! (አዲስ) %1!ws! (newer)
17039&ለሚቀጥሉት የ%1!d! ግጭቶች ይህን አድርግ። &Do this for the next %1!d! conflicts
17040%1!ws! (%2!ws!) %1!ws! (%2!ws!)
17041There is already a folder with the same name in this location. There is already a folder with the same name in this location.
17044Resolve Conflict (%1!d! of %2!d!) Resolve Conflict (%1!d! of %2!d!)
17090ይህን ፋይል ለማንቀሳስ የአስተዳደር ፈቃድ ማቅረብ ያስፈልጋል You’ll need to provide administrator permission to move this file
17091ይህን ፋይል ለመቅዳት የአስተዳደር ፈቃድ ማቅርብ ያስፈልግዎታል You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy this file
17092ይህን ፋይል ለመሰረዝ የአስተዳዳሪው ፈቃድ ያስፈልግዎታል You'll need to provide administrator permission to delete this file
17093ይህን ፋይል ለመሰረዝ የአስተዳደረ ፈቃድ ማቅረብ ያስፈልግዎታል You'll need to provide administrator permission to rename this file
17095You'll need to provide administrator permission to apply properties to this file You'll need to provide administrator permission to apply properties to this file
17096You'll need to provide administrator permission to create this file You'll need to provide administrator permission to create this file
17098ይህን ዓቃፊ ለማንቀሳቀስ የአሰተዳደሪ ፈቃድ ማቅረብ ያስፈልግዎታል You'll need to provide administrator permission to move this folder
17099ይህን ዓቃፊ ለመቅዳት የአስተዳደሪ ፈቃድ ማቅረብ ያሰፈልግሃል You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy this folder
17100ይህን ፈቃድ ለመሰረዝ የአስተዳደሪ ፈቃድ ማቅረብ ያስፈልግዎታል You'll need to provide administrator permission to delete this folder
17101ለዚህ ዓቃፊ በድጋሚ ስም ለመስጠት የአስተዳደሪ ፈቃድ ማቅረብ ያስፈልጋሃል You'll need to provide administrator permission to rename this folder
17103You'll need to provide administrator permission to apply properties to this folder You'll need to provide administrator permission to apply properties to this folder
17104You'll need to provide administrator permission to move this folder You'll need to provide administrator permission to move this folder
17106You'll need to provide administrator permission to move to this file You'll need to provide administrator permission to move to this file
17107You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy to this file You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy to this file
17113ወደ ዓቃፊ ለማንቀሳቀስ የአስተዳደር ፈቃድ ማቅረብ ያስፈልግዎታል You'll need to provide administrator permission to move to this folder
17114ወደ ዚህ ዓቃፊ ለመቅዳት የአስተዳደር ፈቃድ ማቅረብ ያስፈልግዎታል You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy to this folder
17121An unexpected error is keeping you from moving the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from moving the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17122ያልተጠበቀ ስሕተት ፋይሎቹን ከመቅዳት አግዶሃል። ይህንን ስሕተት መቀበል ከቀጠልክ፣ ለዚህ ችግር እገዛን ለመፈለግ የስሕተት ኮዱን መጠቀም ይችላሉ።

An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17123ያልተጠበቀ ስሕተት ፋይሎቹን ከመሰረዝ አግዶታል። ይህንን ስሕተት መቀበል ከቀጠልክ፣ ለዚህ ችግር እገዛን ለመፈለግ የስሕተት ኮዱን መጠቀም ይችላሉ።

An unexpected error is keeping you from deleting the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17124An unexpected error is keeping you from renaming the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from renaming the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17126An unexpected error is keeping you from applying properties to the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from applying properties to the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17127An unexpected error is keeping you from creating the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from creating the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17129An unexpected error is keeping you from moving the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from moving the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17130An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17131ያልተጠበቀ ስሕተት ዓቃፊን ከመሰረዝ አግዶሃል። ይህንን ስሕተት መቀበል ከቀጠልክ፣ ለዚህ ችግር እገዛን ለመፈለግ የስሕተት ኮዱን መጠቀም ይችላሉ።

An unexpected error is keeping you from deleting the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17132ያልተጠበቀ ስሕተት ለዓቃፊ ድጋሚ ስም ከመስጠት አግዶሃል። ይህንን ስሕተት መቀበል ከቀጠልክ፣ ለዚህ ችግር እገዛን ለመፈለግ የስሕተት ኮዱን መጠቀም ይችላሉ።

An unexpected error is keeping you from renaming the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17134An unexpected error is keeping you from applying properties to the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from applying properties to the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17135An unexpected error is keeping you from creating the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

An unexpected error is keeping you from creating the folder. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

17146የጥራጊ ቅርጫት አካባቢ Recycle Bin Location
17147የሚገኝ ቦታ Space Available
17153አዶ ለውጥ ለ%s ዓቃፊ Change Icon for %s Folder
17290Ratings Ratings
17291Use arrow keys to choose a rating Use arrow keys to choose a rating
17408ምንም እርምጃ አትውሰድ Take no action
17409በየጊዜው ጠይቀኝ Ask me every time
17410ፋይሎች ዕይታ ዓቃፊ ክፈት Open folder to view files
17416ፋይሎችን ወደ ዲስክ ቅረጽ Burn files to disc
17418አሃዛዊ የቪዲዮ መሳሪያ Digital Video Device
17419ከሚድያዎ ፕሮግራም ይጫኑ ወይም ያስሂዱ Install or run program from your media
17420የዳበረ ይዘት አሂድ Run enhanced content
17421Choose what to do with each type of media Choose what to do with each type of media
17422መሳሪያዎች እና ማተሚያዎች Devices and Printers
17425የድምጽ ሲዲን አጫውት Play audio CD
17426DVD ፊልምን አጫውት Play DVD movie
17427በ %1!ls! አሂድ Run %1!ls!
17428በ %1!ls! የታተመ Published by %1!ls!
17429አታሚ አልታየም Publisher not specified
17440ሶፍትዌርና ጨዋታዎች Software and games
17441የድምጽ ሲዲ Audio CD
17442DVD ፊልም DVD movie
17443DVD-ድምጽ DVD-Audio
17444ባዶ ሲዲ Blank CD
17445ባዶ DVD Blank DVD
17446ቪዲዮ ሲዲ Video CD
17447ሱፐር የቪዲዮ ሲዲ Super Video CD
17449ድብልቅ ይዘት Mixed content
17450ሙዚቃ Music
17451ስዕሎች Pictures
17452ቪዲዮዎች Videos
17453የዳበረ ድምጽ ሲዲ Enhanced audio CD
17454የዳበረ DVD ፊልም Enhanced DVD movie
17455Blu-ray ዲስክ ፊልሞች Blu-ray disc movie
17456ባዶ ብሉ ሬይ ዲስክ Blank Blu-ray disc
17457ሊወገድ የሚችል አንጻፊ Removable drive
17458ማኅደረ ትውስታ ካርድ Memory card
17472ይህ ዲስክ this disc
17473የድምጽ ሲዲዎች audio CDs
17474DVD ፊልሞች DVD movies
17475DVD-Audio discs DVD-Audio discs
17476ባዶ ሲዲዎች blank CDs
17477ባዶ DVDዎች blank DVDs
17478Video CDs Video CDs
17479Super Video CDs Super Video CDs
17480ያልታወቀ ይዘት unknown content
17481mixed content mixed content
17483pictures pictures
17484videos videos
17485enhanced audio CDs enhanced audio CDs
17486የዳበሩ የDVD ፊልሞች enhanced DVD movies
17487Blu-ray disc movies Blu-ray disc movies
17488ባዶ ብሉ ሬይ ዲስኮች blank Blu-ray discs
17489የሚወገዱ አንጻፊዎች removable drives
17490ማኅደረ ትውስታ ካርዶች memory cards
17504Any type of media that contains programs to install or games to install and play. Any type of media that contains programs to install or games to install and play.
17505A CD that contains music recorded as tracks so that it can be played on any stereo (such as a car stereo). A CD that contains music recorded as tracks so that it can be played on any stereo (such as a car stereo).
17506A DVD that contains a movie. A DVD that contains a movie.
17507መዚቃ የያዘ DVD። A DVD that contains music.
17508An unformatted CD that contains no content. An unformatted CD that contains no content.
17509An unformatted DVD that contains no content. An unformatted DVD that contains no content.
17510A CD that uses the VCD format, allowing you to look at videos or write video content to a CD. A CD that uses the VCD format, allowing you to look at videos or write video content to a CD.
17511A CD that uses the SVCD format, allowing you to look at videos or write high quality video content to a CD. A CD that uses the SVCD format, allowing you to look at videos or write high quality video content to a CD.
17512Any type of formatted media that does not contain any of the other known content types. Any type of formatted media that does not contain any of the other known content types.
17513Any type of media that contains a mixture of content types (such as photos and music). Any type of media that contains a mixture of content types (such as photos and music).
17514(MP3 ፋይሎችን የመሳሰሉት) እንደ ፋይል የተቀዱ ሙዚቃዎችን ብቻ የያዘ ማናቸውም ዓይነት ሚድያ። Any type of media that contains only music recorded as files (such as MP3 files).
17515(JPG ፋይሎችን የመሳሰሉ) እንደ ፋይል የተቀዱ ሥዕሎች የያዘ ማንኛውም ዓይነት ሚድያ። Any type of media that contains only pictures recorded as files (such as JPG files).
17516Any type of media that contains only videos recorded as files (such as MPG files). Any type of media that contains only videos recorded as files (such as MPG files).
17517A CD that contains music recorded as tracks so that it can be played on any stereo, plus enhanced content such as software that installs a music player. A CD that contains music recorded as tracks so that it can be played on any stereo, plus enhanced content such as software that installs a music player.
17518A DVD that contains a movie, plus enhanced content such as software that installs a movie player. A DVD that contains a movie, plus enhanced content such as software that installs a movie player.
17519A Blu-ray disc that contains a movie. A Blu-ray disc that contains a movie.
17520An unformatted Blu-ray disc that contains no content. An unformatted Blu-ray disc that contains no content.
17521አንድ ሊወገድ አንጻፊ። A removable drive.
17522ከካሜራ ማኅደረ ትውስታ ካርድ። A memory card from a camera.
17537Do you want to scan and fix %1!ls!? Do you want to scan and fix %1!ls!?
17538There might be a problem with some files on this device or disc. This can happen if you remove the device or disc before all files have been written to it. There might be a problem with some files on this device or disc. This can happen if you remove the device or disc before all files have been written to it.
17539Scan and fix (recommended)
This will prevent future problems when copying files to this device or disc.
Scan and fix (recommended)
This will prevent future problems when copying files to this device or disc.
17540Continue without scanning
Continue without scanning
20480 Windows Shell Windows Shell
20900ለመጫን የሚቻል Installable
20901አርትዖት ሊደረግበት የሚቻል Editable
20902ቅድመ ዕይታ/አታሚ Preview/Print
20903የተገደበ Restricted
21760Windows የመዳረሻ ማቃለያ Windows Ease of Access
21761Windows ተዛማጆች Windows Accessories
21762Windows የአስተዳደር መሳሪያዎች Windows Administrative Tools
21763Administrator Administrator
21764Application Compatibility Scripts Application Compatibility Scripts
21765Application Data Application Data
21766Common Coverpages Common Coverpages
21767Common Files Common Files
21768መገናኛዎች Communications
21769ዴስክቶፕ Desktop
21770ሰነዶች Documents
21771Documents and Settings Documents and Settings
21772መዝናናት Entertainment
21774Local Settings Local Settings
21775Media Media
21776Microsoft Script Debugger Microsoft Script Debugger
21778My Faxes My Faxes
21780Online Services Online Services
21781Program Files Program Files
21782ፕሮግራሞች Programs
21783Received Faxes Received Faxes
21784Sent Faxes Sent Faxes
21785የተጋሩ ሰነዶች Shared Documents
21786Start Menu Start Menu
21787መጀመር Startup
21788Windows ስርዓት Windows System
21789Windows Media Windows Media
21792የጀምር ምናሌ ቦታዎች Start Menu Places
21796ተወዳጆች Favorites
21797የቅርብ ንጥሎች Recent Items
21798የወረዱ Downloads
21799የህዝብ ዴስክቶፕ Public Desktop
21800ተደጋጋሚ አቃፊዎች Frequent folders
21801የህዝብ ሰነዶች Public Documents
21802የህዝብ ስዕሎች Public Pictures
21803የህዝብ ሙዚቃ Public Music
21804የህዝብ ቪዲዮዎች Public Videos
21808የህዝብ የወረዱ Public Downloads
21809System Commands System Commands
21811ክብካቤ Maintenance
21812ተጨማሪዎችና ማሻሻያዎች Extras and Upgrades
21813ተጠቃሚዎች Users
21814የተቀመጡ ጨዋታዎች Saved Games
21815የጊዜያዊ ቅርጸት ዓቃፊ Temporary Burn Folder
21817ፕሮግራም ፋይሎች (x86) Program Files (x86)
21819ተንሸራታች ማሳያዎች Slide Shows
21820ናሙና የጨዋታ ዝርዝሮች Sample Playlists
21822የመተግበሪያ ተገናኝ Application Links
21823ቅንጥብ ምስሎች Screenshots
22016Accessibility Wizard Accessibility Wizard
22017Windows እውቂያዎች Windows Contacts
22018ምትኬ Backup
22019ማስሊያ Calculator
22020CD Player CD Player
22021የቁምፊ ካርታ Character Map
22022የትእዛዝ ጥሪ Command Prompt
22023የኮምፒዩተር አስተዳደር Computer Management
22024Configure Your Server Configure Your Server
22025Data Sources (ODBC) Data Sources (ODBC)
22026ዲስክ ማፅዳት Disk Cleanup
22027Disk Defragmenter Disk Defragmenter
22028Distributed File System Distributed File System
22029ክስተት ማሳያ Event Viewer
22030ፍሪሴል FreeCell
22031ሃይፐርተርሚናል HyperTerminal
22032Imaging Imaging
22033Internet Connection Wizard Internet Connection Wizard
22035Internet Services Manager Internet Services Manager
22036ISDN Configuration Wizard ISDN Configuration Wizard
22037Launch Internet Explorer Browser Launch Internet Explorer Browser
22038Windows ደብዳቤ ይጀምሩ Launch Windows Mail
22039Licensing Licensing
22040የአካባቢ መድህን ፖሊሲ Local Security Policy
22041አጉሊ Magnifier
22042Maintenance Wizard Maintenance Wizard
22044Microsoft Script Debugger Readme Microsoft Script Debugger Readme
22045ማይንስዊፐር Minesweeper
22046MSN Messenger Service MSN Messenger Service
22048ተራኪ Narrator
22049የአውታረ መረብ ግንኙነቶች Network Connections
22050Network Monitor Network Monitor
22051ኖትፓድ Notepad
22052በገጽ ዕይታ ላይ ቁልፍ ሰሌዳ On-Screen Keyboard
22053Windows ደብዳቤ Windows Mail
22054ፔንት Paint
22055አፈጻጸም Performance
22056Phone Dialer Phone Dialer
22057አያይዝኳስ Pinball
22058የጊዜ ሰሌዳ የተዘጋጀላቸው ተግባራት Scheduled Tasks
22059አገልግሎቶች Services
22060ሶሊቴር Solitaire
22061ድምጽ ቀጂ Sound Recorder
22062ማመሳሰያ ማእከል Sync Center
22063የስርዓት መረጃ System Information
22064Telnet Server Administration Telnet Server Administration
22065የፍጆታ አስተዳዳሪ Utility Manager
22066Volume Control Volume Control
22068Windows Update Windows Update
22069ወርድፓድ WordPad
22070ግላዊ ቁምፊ አርታዒ Private Character Editor
22071Chat Chat
22072Media Player Media Player
22073Getting Started Getting Started
22074Clipboard Viewer Clipboard Viewer
22075Windows ካታሎግ Windows Catalog
22076ግላዊ አቃፊ Personal Folder
22528Use the Accessibility Wizard to configure your system to meet your vision, hearing, and mobility needs. Use the Accessibility Wizard to configure your system to meet your vision, hearing, and mobility needs.
22529የሰዎችና ድርጅቶች የኢሜይል አድራሻዎችንና ሌሎች መረጃዎችን አከማች። Store e-mail addresses and other information about people and organizations.
22530Archives data to protect it from accidental loss. Archives data to protect it from accidental loss.
22531በገጽ ዕይታ ማስሊያ መሰረታዊ የሂሳብ ስሌት ተግባራትን አከናውን። Performs basic arithmetic tasks with an on-screen calculator.
22532Plays audio compact discs (CDs). Plays audio compact discs (CDs).
22533ልዩ ቁምፊዎችን ይምረጡና ወደርስዎ ሰነዶች ይቅዱ። Selects special characters and copies them to your document.
22534ጽሑፍን መሰረት ያደረጉ (የትእዛዛ መስመር) ተግባራትን አከናውን። Performs text-based (command-line) functions.
22535Manages disks and provides access to other tools to manage local and remote computers. Manages disks and provides access to other tools to manage local and remote computers.
22536Provides access to all Windows administrative tools, including snap-ins and control panels. Provides access to all Windows administrative tools, including snap-ins and control panels.
22537Adds, removes, and configures Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data sources and drivers. Adds, removes, and configures Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data sources and drivers.
22538ከዲስክዎት ላይ አላስፈላጊ ፋይሎችን ማጽዳት እንዲችሉ ያደርጋል። Enables you to clear your disk of unnecessary files.
22539Defragments your volumes so that your computer runs faster and more efficiently. Defragments your volumes so that your computer runs faster and more efficiently.
22540Creates and manages distributed file systems that connect shared folders from different computers. Creates and manages distributed file systems that connect shared folders from different computers.
22541ከ Windows እና ሌሎች ፕሮግራሞች የቁጥጥርና የችግር መፍቻ መልእክቶችን አሳይ። Displays monitoring and troubleshooting messages from Windows and other programs.
22542ፍሪሴል የካርታ ጨዋታን ጀምር። Begins the Freecell card game.
22543ሞደም ወይም ሞደም-አልቦ ኬብል በመጠቀም ከሌሎች ኮምፒዩተሮች፣ የማስታወቂያ ሰሌዳ ስርዓቶች፣ የመስመር ላይ አገልግሎቶች እና አስተናጋጅ ኮምፒዩተሮች ጋር አገናኝ። Connects to other computers, Internet telnet sites, bulletin board systems, online services, and host computers using either a modem or a null-modem cable.
22544Displays and edits existing image files such as scanned photographs or digital images. Displays and edits existing image files such as scanned photographs or digital images.
22545Sets up your computer to access the Internet Sets up your computer to access the Internet
22546Finds and displays information and Web sites on the Internet. Finds and displays information and Web sites on the Internet.
22551Manages client access licensing for a server product. Manages client access licensing for a server product.
22552የተጠቃሚ መብቶችና የቁጥጥር ፖሊሲዎችን የመሳሰሉ የአካባቢ መድህን ፖሊሲዎችን እይና አሻሻል። View and modify local security policy, such as user rights and audit policies.
22553በቀላሉ ለማየት የተመረጠ ጽሑፍና ሌሎች የገጽ ዕይታ ንጥል ነገሮችን መጠን አሳድግ። Enlarges selected text and other on-screen items for easier viewing.
22557ማይንስዊፐር ጨዋታ ጀምር። Begins a game of Minesweeper.
22560ድምጽ ማጉሊያዎች ወይም የድምጽ ውጤት መሳሪያ ከተጫነ የገጽ ዕይታ ጽሑፍ፣ የንግግር ሳጥን፣ ምናሌዎች እና አዝራሮችን አንብብ። Reads on-screen text, dialog boxes, menus, and buttons aloud if speakers or a sound output device is installed.
22563መሰረታዊ የቅርጸት አገልግሎትን በመጠቀም የጽሑፍ ፋይሎችን ፍተርና አርትዕ። Creates and edits text files using basic text formatting.
22564በመዳፊት ወይም ቀይር የግቤት መሳሪያ ቁጥጥር የሚደረግበት የቁልፍ ሰሌዳ አሳይ። Displays a keyboard that is controlled by a mouse or switch input device.
22565Sends and receives e-mail and newsgroup messages. Sends and receives e-mail and newsgroup messages.
22566ንድፎችን ፍጠርና አርትዕ። Create and edit drawings.
22567Displays graphs of system performance and configures data logs and alerts. Displays graphs of system performance and configures data logs and alerts.
22568Makes voice or video calls to other computers and enables video conferencing. Makes voice or video calls to other computers and enables video conferencing.
225693-D ፒንቦል ጨዋታ ጀምር። Begins a game of 3-D Pinball.
22570የኮምፒዩተር ተግባራት በራስ ሰር እንዲሰሩ የጊዜ ሰሌዳ ለማዘጋጀት የተግባር ማቀጃ ተጠቀም። Use Task Scheduler to schedule computer tasks to run automatically.
22571አገልግሎቶችን መጀመርና ማቆም። Starts and stops services.
22572ሶሊቴር የካርታ ጨዋታን ጀምር። Begins the Solitaire card game.
22573Records sounds if a microphone and sound card are installed. Records sounds if a microphone and sound card are installed.
22575ወቅታዊ የስርዓት መረጃዎችን አሳይ። Display current System Information.
22576View and modify telnet server settings and connections. View and modify telnet server settings and connections.
22577ካንድ መስኮት የተደራሽነት መሳያዎችችን ጀምርና አዋቅር። Starts and configures accessibility tools from one window.
22578Controls the volume level of recorded and play-back sounds. Controls the volume level of recorded and play-back sounds.
22579ፋይሎችንና ዓቃፊዎችን ኮምፒዩተርዎት ላይ አሳይ። Displays the files and folders on your computer.
22580የቅርብ ጊዜ ወሳኝና የመድህን ዝማኔዎች፣ መሳሪያ አንጻፊዎችና ለእርስዎ Windows ኮምፒዩተር የሚገኙ ሌሎች ባህርያት አቅርቦት ግብዣዎችን ያቅርቡ። Offers the latest critical and security updates, device drivers, and other features that are available for your Windows computer.
22581በተወሳሰበ ቅርጸት የጽሑፍ ሰነዶችን ፍጠርና አርትዕ። Creates and edits text documents with complex formatting.
22582ቁምፊ ገጽ ዕይታ ላይ እንዴት እንደሚታይ ለማሻሻል በቁምፊ አርታዒ ተጠቀም። Use Character Editor to modify how a character is shown on the screen.
22583Use Chat to communicate interactively with someone on another computer. Use Chat to communicate interactively with someone on another computer.
22584Use Media Player to play, edit, link, and embed a variety of multimedia files including video, audio, and animation files. Use Media Player to play, edit, link, and embed a variety of multimedia files including video, audio, and animation files.
22585Provides information about new Windows features and helps you to start using Windows. Provides information about new Windows features and helps you to start using Windows.
22586Use Clipboard Viewer to view, save, and share text that you have cut and/or copied from documents. Use Clipboard Viewer to view, save, and share text that you have cut and/or copied from documents.
22587ለ Windows የተሰሩ ምርችን አግኝ። Find products made for Windows.
22912Shows shortcuts to websites, network computers, and FTP sites. Shows shortcuts to websites, network computers, and FTP sites.
22913ለዚህ ኮምፒዩተር የተገናኙትን ዲስክ አንጻፊዎችና ሀርድዊር ያሳያል። Shows the disk drives and hardware connected to this computer.
22914ዳብዳቤዎች፣ ዘገባዎችና ሌሎች ሰነዶችና ፋይሎች ይዟል። Contains letters, reports, and other documents and files.
22915የሰረዝካቸውን ፋይሎችና ዓቃፊዎች ይዛል። Contains the files and folders that you have deleted.
22916Shows options for starting a search. Shows options for starting a search.
22920ኮምፒዩተርዎት ላይ ቅርጸ ቁምፊ ያክሉ፣ ይለውጡ እና ያስተዳድሩ። Add, change, and manage fonts on your computer.
22921በኮምፒዩተርዎ አስተዳደራዊ የክንውን አውድ ያዋቅሩ። Configure administrative settings for your computer.
22923Schedule computer tasks to run automatically. Schedule computer tasks to run automatically.
22924የፍዩሎችና የዓቃፊዎች ማሳያን አብጅ። Customize the display of files and folders.
22981ቅርጸ ቁምፊዎች Fonts
22982የአስተዳደር መሳሪያዎች Administrative Tools
22985የዓቃፊ አማራጮች File Explorer Options
23232&ለፋይሎች ወይም ለዓቃፊዎች... For &Files or Folders...
23233For &Computers For &Computers
23234For &Printer For &Printer
23296Search for files or folders Search for files or folders
23297Search for computers on the network Search for computers on the network
23298Search for a printer Search for a printer
23345የፍለጋ አካባቢ ምረጥ Choose Search Location
23347All %s Libraries All %s Libraries
23348Search All %s Libraries Search All %s Libraries
23349ማከማቻ ስፍራዎች Libraries
23350ሁሉንም ማከማቻ ስፍራዎች ፈልግ Search All Libraries
23352ሁሉንም መረጃ ጠቋሚ የሆኑ፣ ያልሆኑ፣ ድብቅ፣ እና የስርዓት ፋይሎች በዚህ ፒሲ ላይ ፈልግ Search all indexed, non-indexed, hidden, and system files on this PC
23353ብጁ... Custom...
23354ብጁ የሆነ ስፋት ፈልግ Search a Custom scope
23355በይነመረብ Internet
23356%s በመጠቀም ፈልግ Search using %s
23357ክፍለ አቃፊዎች Subfolders
23358Subfolders Subfolders
23359በድጋሚ ፈልግ እና ክፍለ ዓቃፊዎችንም አካት Search again and include subfolders
23370You can also: You can also:
23371ትፈልግ የነበረውን ነገር አገኘህ? Did you find what you were searching for?
23372የአንተን ነባሪ ማሰሻህን በመጠቀም በድጋሚ ፈልግ Search again using your default browser
23374የሆምግሩፕ ማከማቻ ስፍራዎችን ፈልግ Search homegroup libraries
23887የፋይል ይዞታዎች File Contents
23898File Contents File Contents
23899በድጋሚ ፈልግ እና የፋይል ይዘቶችንም አካት Search again and include file contents
24065ፕሮግራሞችን አግኝ Get programs
24066Windows የክንውን አውዶች እንዲመክር ይሁን Let Windows suggest settings
24067የመማር ችሎታን አመቻች Accommodate learning abilities
24068ዝቅተኛ ዕይታን አመቻች Accommodate low vision
24069የቁልፍ ሰሌዳዎችዎ እንዴት እንደሚሰሩ ይለውጡ Change how your keyboard works
24070መዳፊትዎ እንዴት እንደሚሰራ ይለውጡ Change how your mouse works
24071የገጽ ዕይታ አንባቢ ተጠቀም Use screen reader
24072የተራኪ ድምጽ ለውጥ Change the Narrator voice
24073ኮምፒዩተሩን ከመዳፊት እና ከቁልፍ ሰሌዳ ውጭ ይቆጣጠሩ Control the computer without the mouse or keyboard
24074ቁልፎች በሚጫኑበት ጊዜ ድምጽ አዳምጥ Hear a tone when keys are pressed
24075ከተራኪው ላይ ጽሑፍ ሲነበብ አዳምጥ Hear text read aloud with Narrator
24076የማጣሪያ ቁልፎችን በመጠቀም የተደጋገመ የቁልፍ ምትን ተውው Ignore repeated keystrokes using FilterKeys
24077Windows የመዳረሻ ማቃለያ የክንውን አውዶች እንዲመክር ያድርጉት Let Windows suggest Ease of Access settings
24078የገጽ ዕይታውን ግማሽ ክፍል አጉሊ በመጠቀም አጉላ Magnify portions of the screen using Magnifier
24079ጠቋሚውን ከቁልፍ ሰሌዳው ጋር ማውስቁልፎቹን በመጠቀም ያንቀሳቅሱ Move the pointer with the keypad using MouseKeys
24080ለአይነ ስንኩልና አትባ Optimize for blindness
24081የምስል ማሳያውን አትባ Optimize visual display
24082በአንዴ ቁልፎቹን ይጫኑ Press key combinations one at a time
24083ድምፅን በእይታ ተካ Replace sounds with visual cues
24084ከፍተኛ ንጽጽርን አብራ ወይም አጥፋ Turn High Contrast on or off
24085አጉሊውን አብራ ወይም አጥፋ Turn Magnifier on or off
24086የበስተጀርባ ምስልን አብራ ወይም አጥፋ Turn off background images
24087አላስፈላጊ ማላወስን አጥፋ Turn off unnecessary animations
24088የገጽ ዕይታ የቁልፍ ሰሌዳን አብራ ወይም አጥፋ Turn On-Screen keyboard on or off
24089ቀላል የመዳረሻ ቁልፎችን አብራ Turn on easy access keys
24090ለቪዲዮ የድምጽ ዝርዝርን ተጠቀም Use audio description for video
24091የወቅቱን ተደራሽነት የክንውን አውድ እይ View current accessibility settings
24093የሃርድ ዲስክ ክፍልፍልን ፍጠር እና ቅረጽ Create and format hard disk partitions
24094አንጻፊዎትን ከፋፍልና ባግባቡ ይጠቀሙ Defragment and optimize your drives
24095የኮምፒዩተርዎን ማኅደረ ትውስታ አክም Diagnose your computer's memory problems
24096የቡድን ፓሊሲ አርትዕ Edit group policy
24097የስርዓት ጤና ዘገባ ፍጠር Generate a system health report
24099የጊዜ ሰሌዳ ተግባር Schedule tasks
24100ODBC የውሂብ ምንጮችን ማስተካከል Set up ODBC data sources
24101የiSCSI አስጀማሪ ማቀናጀት Set up iSCSI initiator
24102የክስተት ማስታወሻ መዝገብ እይ View event logs
24104የአካባቢ አገልግሎት ዕይታ View local services
24105የዲስክ ቦታ ነጻ አድርግ Free up disk space
24106ፕሮግራም አክል ወይም አስወግድ Add or remove programs
24107ፕሮግራም ለውጥ ወይም አስወግድ Change or remove a program
24108ፕሮግራም እንዴት መጫን ይቻላል How to install a program
24109ከአውታረ መረብ ላይ ፕሮግራም ጫን Install a program from the network
24110የተኛው ፕሮግራም ኮምፒዩተርዎ ላይ እንደተጫነ አሳይ Show which programs are installed on your computer
24111የ Windows ባህሪያትን አብራ ወይም አጥፋ Turn Windows features on or off
24114የተጫኑ ዝመናዎችን እይ View installed updates
24118አንድ የፋይል ዓይነትን በተወሰነ ፕሮግራም ሁልጊዙም እንዲከፈት ያድርጉ Make a file type always open in a specific program
24120የነባሪ ፕሮግራሞችዎን ያዋቅሩ Set your default programs
24121ለ Windows ቀዳሚ ስሪቶች የተሰሩ ፕሮግራሞችን አሂድ Run programs made for previous versions of Windows
24122የBluetooth የክንውን አውድን ለውጥ Change Bluetooth settings
24123የBluetooth መሳሪያ አክል Add a Bluetooth device
24124መሳሪያዎች እና ማተሚያዎች እይ View devices and printers
24125መሳሪያ አክል Add a device
24126የላቀ አታሚ ቅንብር Advanced printer setup
24127ምትኬ ያዝ እንዲሁም እነበረበት መልስ (Windows 7) Backup and Restore (Windows 7)
24128ውሂብ፣ ፋይሎች ወይም ኮምፒዩተር ከምትኬ ላይ እነበረበት መልስ (Windows 7) Restore data, files, or computer from backup (Windows 7)
24129ፋይሎች ከምትኬ ላይ እነበረበት መልስ Restore files from backup
24130ለማሳያዎች፣ ቀራጮች እና ማተሚያዎች የላቀ የቀለም አስተዳደር የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ Change advanced color management settings for displays, scanners, and printers
24132ለተለየ የሰዓት ክልል ሰአቶች አክል Add clocks for different time zones
24133በራስ ሰር ለቀን ብርሃን የማስቀመጫ ሰዓት አስተካክል Automatically adjust for daylight saving time
24134የሰዓት ክልል ለውጥ Change the time zone
24135ሰዓት እና ቀን አስተካክል Set the time and date
24150ለሚድያ እና ለመሳሪያ ነባሪ የክንውን አውድን ለውጥ Change default settings for media or devices
24151ሲዲዎች እና ሌሎች ሚድያዎች በራስ ሰር አጫውት Play CDs or other media automatically
24152በAutoPlay ለሁሉም ሚድያዎች በመጠቀም መሳሪያ ጀምር ወይም አቁም Start or stop using AutoPlay for all media and devices
24153ለፋይል እና ለዓቃፊ የፍለጋ አማራጭ ለውጥ Change search options for files and folders
24154ከፋይል ቅጥያ ጋር የተያያዘውን የፋይል ዓይነት ለውጥ Change the file type associated with a file extension
24155ድብቅ ፋይሎችን እና ዓቃፊዎችን አሳይ Show hidden files and folders
24156የፋይል ቅጥያዎችን አሳይ ወይም ደብቅ Show or hide file extensions
24157ለመክፈት በልዩ መልኩ አንድ ወይም ሁለቴ ጠቅ ያድርጉ Specify single- or double-click to open
24159ቅርጸ ቁምፊዎችን በቅድመ ዕይታ እይ፣ መሰረዝ ወይም አሳይ እና ደብቅ Preview, delete, or show and hide fonts
24160የተጫኑ ቅርጸ ቁምፊዎች እይ View installed fonts
24161የቅርጸ ቁንፊ የክንውን አውዶች ለውጥ Change Font Settings
24162የUSB ጨዋታ ተቆጣጣሪዎች Set up USB game controllers
24163በተለምዶ ጥቅም ላይ የሚውሉ የክንውን አውዶችን አስተካክል Adjust commonly used mobility settings
24165ዝግጅት ከመቅረቡ በፊት የክንውን አውዶችን አስተካክል Adjust settings before giving a presentation
24167ፓፕ-አፕስን አግድ ወይም ፍቀድ Block or allow pop-ups
24168ሶስተኛ አካል ኩኪስን አግድ ወይም ፍቀድ Block or allow third-party cookies
24169የበትር ላይ የድር ገጽ እንዴት እንደሚታይ ለውጥ Change how web pages are displayed in tabs
24170የመድህን የክንውን አውድ ለውጥ Change security settings
24171ጊዜያዊ በይነመረብ ፋይል የክንውን አውድ ለውጥ Change temporary Internet file settings
24173በ Internet Explorer የፍለጋ ሰጪ ለውጥ Change the search provider in Internet Explorer
24174የመነሻ ገጽዎትን ይለውጡ Change your homepage
24175የወኪል አገልጋይህን አዋቅር Configure proxy server
24176ወደ በይነመረብ አገናኝ Connect to the Internet
24177የአሰሳ ታሪክን ሰርዝ Delete browsing history
24178ጊዜያዊ ፋይሎን እና ኩኪሶችን ሰርዝ Delete cookies or temporary files
24179የክፍለጊዜ ኩኪሶችን አንቃ ወይም አሰናክል Enable or disable session cookies
24180የአሳሽ ላይ ተጨማሪን አስተዳድር Manage browser add-ons
24181RSS ምግብ በድህረ ገጽ ላይ እንደሚገኝ ነገር Tell if an RSS feed is available on a website
24182በራሱ የተሟላ Internet Explorer አብራ ወይም አጥፋ Turn autocomplete in Internet Explorer on or off
24183የአሰሳ ታሪክ እና ኩኪስ ሰርዝ Delete browsing history and cookies
24184የጠቋሚት ብቅ ማያ ድግምግሞሽን ለውጥ Change cursor blink rate
24185የቁልፍ ሰሌዳ አቋምን ለውጥ Check keyboard status
24186የመዳፊት የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ Change mouse settings
24187የመዳፊቱ ጠቋሚ ምን እንደሚመስል ለውጥ Change how the mouse pointer looks
24188በሚንቀሳቀስበት ጊዜ የመዳፊቱ ጠቋሚ ምን እንደሚመስል ለውጥ Change how the mouse pointer looks when it's moving
24189የመዳፊት ጠቅታ የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ Change mouse click settings
24191የመዳፊት መዘውር የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ Change mouse wheel settings
24192የመዳፊት ጠቋሚ ማሳያ ወይም ፍጥነትን ለውጥ Change the mouse pointer display or speed
24193የመዳፊት አዝራሮችን ብጁ አድርግ Customize the mouse buttons
24194የመዳፊት ጠቋሚ በቀላሉ እንዲታይ አድርግ Make it easier to see the mouse pointer
24201በአዲሱ Windows እትም ተጨማሪ ባህሪያት አግኝ Get more features with a new edition of Windows
24202ከመስመር ውጪ ፋይሎችን አስተዳድር Manage offline files
24203የከመስመር ውጭ ፋይሎችዎን ያመሳጥሩ Encrypt your offline files
24204ከመስመር ውጭ ፋይሎችዎ ጥቅም ላይ የዋለውን የዲስክ ቦታ ያስተዳድሩ Manage disk space used by your offline files
24207የመደወያ ሕጎችን አዘጋጅ Set up dialing rules
24208የመሳሪያ አንጻፊዎችን አዘምን Update device drivers
24209ከፒሲዎት ጋር እንዲገናኝ ወይም እንዲረዳዎ ወይም እርዳታ ለመስጠት የሆነ ሰው ይጋብዙ Invite someone to connect to your PC and help you, or offer to help someone else
24211የባትሪ የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ Change battery settings
24212የኃይል ቁጠባ የክንውን አውድ ለውጥ Change power-saving settings
24213ሊድ ምን መዝጊያ እንዳደረገ ለውጥ Change what closing the lid does
24214የኃይል አዝራር ምን እንደሚያደርግ ለውጥ Change what the power buttons do
24215ኮምፒዩተሩ ሲያንቀላፋ ለውጥ Change when the computer sleeps
24216ማሳያ መቼ እንደሚጠፋ ምረጥ Choose when to turn off display
24218የገጽ ዕይታ የብርሃን መጠን አስተካክል Adjust screen brightness
24219የኃይል ዕቅድ ይምረጡ Choose a power plan
24220የኃይል ዕቅድ አርትዕ Edit power plan
24222ነባሪ ማተሚያ ለውጥ Change default printer
24225የመሳሪያ አስተዳዳሪ Device Manager
24226የመሳሪያ መጫን የክንውን አውዶች ለውጥ Change device installation settings
24227ቋንቋ አክል Add a language
24228የግቤት ዘዴዎችን ለውጥ Change input methods
24229አካባቢ ለውጥ Change location
24230የቀን የግዜ ወይም የቁጥር ቅርጸቶችን ለውጥ Change date, time, or number formats
24232የውጭ ምንዛሪ እንዴት እንደሚታይ ለውጥ Change the way currency is displayed
24233ቀናት እና ዝርዝሮች አንዴት እንደሚታዩ ለውጥ Change the way dates and lists are displayed
24234ልኬቶች እንዴት እንደሚታዩ ለውጥ Change the way measurements are displayed
24235ሰዓትእንዴት እንደሚታይ ለውጥ Change the way time is displayed
24237ሰነድ ወይም ስዕል ቅረጽ Scan a document or picture
24239መቅረጫ እና ካሜራዎች እይ View scanners and cameras
24240Windows እንዴት ፍለጋ እንደሚያደርግ ለውጥ Change how Windows searches
24242የኮምፒዩተርዎትን አቋም ያስሱ እና ችግሮችን ይፍቱ Review your computer's status and resolve issues
24244የስርዓት የድምጽ መጠን አስተካክል Adjust system volume
24245የድምጽ ካርድ የክንውን አውድ ለውጥ Change sound card settings
24246የድምጽ ስርዓት ለውጥ Change system sounds
24247የድምጽ መሳሪያዎችን አስተዳድር Manage audio devices
24248ጽሑፍን ወደ ንግግር የክንውን አውዶች ለውጥ Change text to speech settings
24249የንግግር ማጣቀሻ ካርድን አትም Print the speech reference card
24250ማይክራፎን አዘጋጅ Set up a microphone
24251የድምጽ ለይቶ ማወቅን ጀምር Start speech recognition
24252የንግግር የግል ትምህርቶችን ይማሩ Take speech tutorials
24253ኮምፒዩተሩ የእርስዎን ድምጽ ለይቶ እንዲያውቅ ያለማምዱት Train the computer to recognize your voice
24258የ Windows ን አቋም እና አፈጻጸም አስተካክል Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows
24259የሩቅ መዳረሻ ከኮምፒዩተርህ ጋር እንዲገናኝ ፍቀድ Allow remote access to your computer
24260ከዚሀ ኮምፒዩተር የሩቅ ርዳታ ግብዣዎች እንዲላኩ ፍቀድ Allow Remote Assistance invitations to be sent from this computer
24261የስራ ቡድን ስም ለውጥ Change workgroup name
24262የፕሮሰሰር ፍጥነት ፈትሽ Check processor speed
24263የላቀ የተጠቃሚ ገጽታ ባህሪያትን ያዋቅሩ Configure advanced user profile properties
24264እንደነበር የመመለሻ ቦታ ፍጠር Create a restore point
24265ለመለያዎት የአካባቢ ባህሪያትን አርትዕ Edit environment variables for your account
24266የስርዓት አካባቢ ባህሪያትን አርትዕ Edit the system environment variables
24267የምናባዊ ማኅደረ ትውስታን መጠን ቀይር እንዴት መለወጥ ይቻላል How to change the size of virtual memory
24268ጎራ አገናኝ Join a domain
24269ይህን ኮምፒዩተር እንደገና ሰይም Rename this computer
24270መልሶ ማግኛ አንጻፊን ፍጠር Create a recovery drive
24271የኮምፒዩተሩን ስም ተመልከት See the name of this computer
24272የሩቅ ዴስክቶፕ ሊጠቀሙ የሚችሉ ተጠቃሚዎችን ምረጥ Select users who can use remote desktop
24273በዚህ ኮምፒዩተር ላይ ምን ያህል ራም እንዳለ አሳይ Show how much RAM is on this computer
24274ኮምፒዩተርዎት በየትኛው ጎራ እንዳለ አሳይ Show which domain your computer is on
24275ኮምፒዩተርዎ በየትኛው የስርዓተ ክወና ላይ እንዳለ አሳይ Show which operating system your computer is running
24276ይህ ኮምፒዩተር ከየትኛው የስራ ቡድን ጋር እንደሆነ አሳይ Show which workgroup this computer is on
24278የላቀ የስርዓት የክንውን አውዶች ዕይታ View advanced system settings
24279ስለ ኮምፒዩተርዎ መሰረታዊ መረጃ እይ View basic information about your computer
24281የራም መጠንን እና የፕሮሰሰር ፍጥነትን እይ View amount of RAM and processor speed
24282የሩቅ መዳረሻ ፍቀድ Allow remote access
24283የተግባር አሞሌውን በራሱ እንዲደበቅ አድርግ Auto-hide the taskbar
24286የዳሰሳ ባሕሪዎች Navigation properties
24287የተግባር አሞሌውን አብጅ Customize the taskbar
24289በተግባር አሞሌ ላይ ተመሳሳይ መስኮት በቡድን ያድርጉ Group similar windows on the taskbar
24290የተግባር አሞሌን ቆልፍ ወይም አትቆልፍ Lock or unlock the taskbar
24296በመሳሪያ አሞሌ በፍጥነት መጀመሪያው ምን ሆኗል? What happened to the Quick Launch toolbar?
24300የተጠቃሚ መለያ አክል Remove user accounts
24301የመለያ ዓይነት ለውጥ Change account type
24303የመለያ አይነት ለውጥ Change account type
24304የይለፍ ቃል የይለፍ ቃል ዳግም አስጀምር ዲስክ Create a password reset disk
24306መለያ ፍጠር Create an account
24308መደበኛ የተጠቃሚ መለያ ፍጠር Create standard user account
24309አካባቢያዊ ተጠቃሚዎች እና ቡድኖች ስጥ Edit local users and groups
24310ለጎራ ተጠቃሚዎች የአስተዳደር መብቶች Give administrative rights to a domain user
24311ለሌሎች ተጠቃሚዎች ይህንን ኮምፒዩተር እንዲደሩሱበት ይደረጋል Give other users access to this computer
24312የአንተን Windows የይለፍ ቃል እንዴት መቀየር ይቻላል How to change your Windows password
24313በመለያዎቹ ላይ ለውጥ አድርግ Make changes to accounts
24314የፋይል የምስጠራ ምሰክር ወረቀት አስተዳድር Manage file encryption certificates
24315የአውታረ መረብ የይለፍ ቃል አስተዳድር Manage network passwords
24317የተጠቃሚ መለያ ቁጥጥር የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ Change User Account Control settings
24318በ Windows ኬላ በኩል መተግበሪያን ፍቀድ Allow an app through Windows Firewall
24319የኬላ አቋምን ፈትሽ Check firewall status
24323የማይፈለጉ ፋይሎችን በማጥፋት የተወሰነ ቦታ ነጻ ያድርጉ Free up disk space by deleting unnecessary files
24325BitLocker አስተዳድር Manage BitLocker
24326የመልሶ ማግኛ ቁልፍዎን በምትኬ ያስቀምጡ Back up your recovery key
24329አንዳች ተግባር ለመፈጸም የታብሌት ፍሊክስ አቀናጅ Set flicks to perform certain tasks
24330የታብሌት እስክርብቶ የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ Change tablet pen settings
24332ፍሊኮችን አብራ ወይም አጥፋ Turn flicks on and off
24333የመንካት ግብአት የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ Change touch input settings
24334ገጽ ዕይታውን ለእስክርብቶ ወይም ለመንኪያ ግብአት አመቻች Calibrate the screen for pen or touch input
24335ገጽ ዕይታው በምን መልኩ እንደሚዞር ይምረጡ Choose the order of how your screen rotates
24336አንዳች ተግባር ለመፈጸም የጽላት አዝራር አቀናጅ Set tablet buttons to perform certain tasks
24337በየትኛው እጅህ እንደምትጽፍ ለይ Specify which hand you write with
24338ፋይል ላክ ወይም ተቀበል Send or receive a file
24340Reset Security Policies Reset Security Policies
24344የፒሲ ማንቂያ የክንውን አውድን ለውጥ Change PC wakeup settings
24352የጣት ምት እና ላክን በመጠቀም የተቀበልከውን ይዘት የክንውን አውዶች ለውጥ Change settings for content received using Tap and send
24379ከአውታረ መረብ ጋር ተገናኝ Connect to a network
24380ግንኙነት ወይም አውታረመረብ አዘጋጅ Set up a connection or network
24381የአውታረመረብ ችግሮችን ለይተህ እወቅ እና ጠግን Identify and repair network problems
24384የዲያል-አፕ ግንኙነት አዘጋጅ Set up a dial-up connection
24385ቨርቿል የግል አውታረመረብ (VPN) ግንኙነት አዘጋጅ Set up a virtual private network (VPN) connection
24386የብሮድባንድ ግንኙነት አዘጋጅ Set up a broadband connection
24387ማተሚያዎች አጋራ Share printers
24388የአውታረመረብ ኮምፒዩተሮች እና መሳሪያዎች እይ View network computers and devices
24389የአውታረመረብ ግንኙነቶችን እይ View network connections
24390የአውታረመረብ አቋም እና ተግባራትን እይ View network status and tasks
24391የሆምግሩፕ እና የማጋሪያ አማራጮችን ለውጥ Choose homegroup and sharing options
24392የሚዲያ ዥረት ለቀቃ አማራጮች Media streaming options
24394የሆምግሩፕ የይለፍ ቃል ለውጥ Change homegroup password
24396RemoteApp እና ዴስክቶፖች ላይ ድረስ Access RemoteApp and desktops
24397ችግሮችን አግኝ እና አስተካክል Find and fix problems
24404የ Windows አሳማኝ ማስረጃዎችን አስተዳድር Manage Windows Credentials
24405የድር አሳማኝ ማስረጃዎችን አስተዳድር Manage Web Credentials
24408በኮምፒዩተርዎ ችግሮችን ይቅረፉ Fix problems with your computer
24409Windows በቀላሉ ማሄድ ይችል ዘንድ የተመከሩ እርምጃዎችን እይ View recommended actions to keep Windows running smoothly
24410የመድህን አቋም ፈትሽ Check security status
24411የደንበኛ ተሞክሮ ማሻሻያ ፕሮግራም የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ Change Customer Experience Improvement Program settings
24412የአስተማማኝነቱን ታሪክ እየው View reliability history
24413ችግርን ዳግም ለመፍጠር እርምጃዎችን መዝግብ Record steps to reproduce a problem
24415ስለ ኮምፒዩተርዎ ወቅታዊ የሆኑ መልእክቶችን እይ View recent messages about your computer
24419የላቁ የማጋሪያ የክንውን አውዶችን አስተዳድር Manage advanced sharing settings
24421የችግሮች መፍትሄ እይ View solutions to problems
24423የተመዘገቡ መልእክቶችን እይ View archived messages
24424የሁሉንም ችግሮች ዘገባዎች እይ View all problem reports
24427ለችግር ዘገባዎች መፍትሔዎችን ፈትሽ Check for solutions to problem reports
24428የ SmartScreen የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ Change SmartScreen settings
24429Windows To Go መጀመር አማራጮችን ለውጥ Change Windows To Go startup options
24430የማከማቻ ባዶ ቦታዎችን አስተዳድር Manage Storage Spaces
24432የተጠቃሚ የምስክር ወረቀቶችን አስተዳድር Manage user certificates
24433የኮምፒዩተር የምስክር ወረቀቶችን አስተዳድር Manage computer certificates
24434የራስሰር ጥገና የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ Change Automatic Maintenance settings
24435የሩቅ እርዳታን ጀምር Launch remote assistance
24436Settings for Microsoft IME (Japanese) Settings for Microsoft IME (Japanese)
24437Microsoft Pinyin SimpleFast Options Microsoft Pinyin SimpleFast Options
24438Microsoft New Phonetic Settings Microsoft New Phonetic Settings
24439Microsoft ChangJie Settings Microsoft ChangJie Settings
24440Microsoft Quick Settings Microsoft Quick Settings
24441Microsoft IME Register Word (Japanese) Microsoft IME Register Word (Japanese)
24450የሥራ ዓቃፊዎችን አስተዳድር Manage Work Folders
24722ፕሮግራም አራግፍ Uninstall a program
24724የድምጽ መልሶ ማጫወቻ ችግሮችን አግኝ እና አስተካክል Find and fix audio playback problems
24725የድምጽ መቅጃ ችግሮችን አግኝ እና አስተካክል Find and fix audio recording problems
24727የሚመከሩ የጥገና ተግባራትን በራስሰር አከናውን Perform recommended maintenance tasks automatically
24728የአውታረመረብ ዝርጋታ እና የግንኙነት ችግሮችን አግኝ እና አስተካክል Find and fix networking and connection problems
24729የሕትመት ችግሮችን አግኝ እና አስተካክል Find and fix printing problems
24731ከመሳሪያዎች ጋር ያሉ ችግሮችን አግኝ እና አስተካክል Find and fix problems with devices
24732የመላ ፍለጋ ታሪክ Troubleshooting History
24733በ Windows Search ላይ ያሉ ችግሮችን አግኝ እና አስተካክል Find and fix problems with Windows Search
24734ከሆምግሩፕ ጋር ያሉ ችግሮችን አግኝ እና አስተካክል Find and fix problems with homegroup
24735የ bluescreen ችግሮችን አግኝ እና አስተካክል Find and fix bluescreen problems
24736የ windows update ችግሮችን አግኝ እና ጠግን Find and fix windows update problems
24737የቁልፍ ሰሌዳን ችግሮችን አግኝ እና ጠግን Find and fix keyboard problems
24740በፋይል ታሪክ የፋይሎችዎን ምትኬ ቅጂዎች ያስቀምጡ Save backup copies of your files with File History
24741በፋይል ታሪክ ፋይሎችዎን እንደነበሩ ይመልሱ Restore your files with File History
2474216-ቢት መተግበሪያ ድጋፍ 16-Bit Application Support
24743የተግባር አስተዳዳሪ Task Manager
24744ተግባር አስተዳዳሪ ውስጥ የስርዓት ሀብት አጠቃቀምን እይ View system resource usage in Task Manager
24745Windows ሲጀምሩ የትኞቹ ሂደቶች በራስ ሰር እንደሚጀምሩ ይመልከቱ See which processes start up automatically when you start Windows
24746አገናኞችን እንዴት እንደምትከፍት ይምረጡ Choose how you open links
24747Set up ODBC data sources (32-bit) Set up ODBC data sources (32-bit)
24748Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit) Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit)
25064የጊዜ ሰቅ;የጊዜ-ሰቅ ሰቆች;timezone;time-zone;zones; timezone;time-zone;zones;
25065ብርሃን;የቀን ብርሃን ቁጠባዎች;መደበኛ;light;daylight;daylite;lite;savings;savins;standard; light;daylight;daylite;lite;savings;savins;standard;
25066የቀን መቁጠሪያ;ሰዓት;ጊዜዎች;ጊዜ;ቀን;calendar;clock;times;time;day; calendar;clock;times;time;day;
25067ቀይር;ለውጥ;አርትዕ;ተካ;ዳግም አስጀምር;አቀናብር;adjust;ajust;alter;change;edit;modify;replace;reset;set;switch; adjust;ajust;alter;change;edit;modify;replace;reset;set;switch;
25068ማየት መሳን;ብዥታ;ግማሽ;በህግ;ዝቅተኛ;ዕይታ;ደካማ;ማየት;ይመስላል;ብርሃን;ደካማ;መጥፎ;የአይን ብርሃን;blindness;blurred;blurry;half;legally;low;vision;poor;seeing;seems;sight;weak;bad;eyesight;eye-sight; blindness;blurred;blurry;half;legally;low;vision;poor;seeing;seems;sight;weak;bad;eyesight;eye-sight;
25069crt፣ ማሳያዎች፣ ማሳያዎች፣ ገጽ ዕይታዎች;crt;displays;monitors;screeens;screens; crt;displays;monitors;screeens;screens;
25070አወቅር;ተንትን;አስተዳደር;አማራጮች;የግል አድርግ;ወደ ላይ;የክንውን አውዶች;አዋቅር;confg;configuration;configure;define;management;options;personalise;personalize;up;settings;setup; confg;configuration;configure;define;management;options;personalise;personalize;up;settings;setup;
25071ዝቅተኛ;ደብዛዛ;ማሳያ;የብርሃን መጠን;low;dimming;diming;dimmer;dimer;display;fade;brightness; low;dimming;diming;dimmer;dimer;display;fade;brightness;
25072መስማት;መስማት የተሳነው;መስማት መሳን;ከባድ;የ;ችግር;ስንኩል;hearing;deaf;deafness;hard;of;problem;impaired;imparied; hearing;deaf;deafness;hard;of;problem;impaired;imparied;
25073መቻል;አይ;አይቻልም;ከባድ;ወደ;ያደርጋል;አያደርግም;can;not;cannot;can't;difficult;to;difficulty;does;doesn't;hard;not;will;willnot;won't; can;not;cannot;can't;difficult;to;difficulty;does;doesn't;hard;not;will;willnot;won't;
25074ድምጽ;ሙዚቃ;ጩኸቶች;ብያኔዎች;ቅላጼዎች;ዌቭ;audio;beeps;music;noises;schemes;sounds;tones;wav;sound;beep;noise; audio;beeps;music;noises;schemes;sounds;tones;wav;sound;beep;noise;
25075አካለ ስንኩልነት;አካል ጉዳተኛ;ችግር;disabilities;disability;empaired;impaired;imparied;trouble; disabilities;disability;empaired;impaired;imparied;trouble;
25076ቁልፎች;ድገም;መዘግየት;ያዝ;ወደታች;ደረጃ ስጥ;filterkeys;keys;stickykeys;togglekeys;sticky-keys;toggle-keys;repeat;delay;hold;down;rate; filterkeys;keys;stickykeys;togglekeys;sticky-keys;toggle-keys;repeat;delay;hold;down;rate;
25077አፕሌትስ;መተግበሪያዎች;ፋይሎች;ፕሮግራሞች;ሶፍትዌር;ሶፍትዌርች;መስኮት;መስኮቶች;applets;applications;apps;aps;files;programmes;programs;softare;softwares;sofware;sotfware;windos;windows; applets;applications;apps;aps;files;programmes;programs;softare;softwares;sofware;sotfware;windos;windows;
25078አንቃ;አክል;ጀምር;አግብር;ቀስቅስ;አድርግ;ወደላይ;ቅንጅት;መዋቅር;አብራ;አትቆልፍ;activate;add;begin;enable;intsall;invoke;make;up;setting;setup;start;on;turnon;unlock; activate;add;begin;enable;intsall;invoke;make;up;setting;setup;start;on;turnon;unlock;
25079አሳሾች;browsers;ie;microsoft;windows; browsers;ie;microsoft;windows;
25081ተወው;አታንቃ;ሰርዝ;አቦዝን;አትፍቀድ;ውጣ;አስወግድ;ተከላከል;በማስወገድ ላይ;ዝጋ;አጥፋ;አቁም;cancel;deactivates;delete;deleting;disable;disallow;exit;get;rid;of;prevent;remove;removing;shut;down;off;stop;turn;turnoff; cancel;deactivates;delete;deleting;disable;disallow;exit;get;rid;of;prevent;remove;removing;shut;down;off;stop;turn;turnoff;
25082መለያዎች;ቅጽል ስሞች;መግቢያ;የተጠቃሚ ስም;ተጠቃሚዎች;accounts;alias;login;useraccount;useracount;users; accounts;alias;login;useraccount;useracount;users;
25083pixels;reslution;resoltion;resolution;resolutoin;rezolution;size; pixels;reslution;resoltion;resolution;resolutoin;rezolution;size;
25084ቢት;24-ቢት;ቢት 32-ቢት;ቀለሞች;ጥልቀት;ቁጥር;የ;24;bit;24-bit;256;bit;32-bit;colors;colours;depth;num;number;of; 24;bit;24-bit;256;bit;32-bit;colors;colours;depth;num;number;of;
25085ዴስክቶፖች;desktops;dekstops; desktops;dekstops;
25086reading; reading;
25087ምርጥ;የተሻለ;ቀላል;ቀለል ያለ;አዳብር;ማሻሻያ;አድርግ;የበለጠ;ተጨማሪ;በአግባብ ተጠቀም;best;better;easier;easy;enhance;improvement;make;more;most;optimal;optimise;optimize; best;better;easier;easy;enhance;improvement;make;more;most;optimal;optimise;optimize;
25088አሰሳ;ዴስክቶፕ;መዳፊት;ጅማሬ;ማእዘን;ማእዘኖች;ጀርባ;windows አርማ ቁልፍ;windows ቁልፍ;በመለያ ግባ;በመለያ ግባ;የመተግበሪያዎች እይታ;ዳግም አስጀምር;ለ;ማስታወሻ;ማስታወሻዎች;የሃይል ቅርፊት;የትእዛዝ ጥየቃ;navigation;desktop;mouse;start;corner;corners;background;windows logo key;windows key;win;winkey;sign in;signin;apps view;boot;to;charm;charms;powershell;command prompt navigation;desktop;mouse;start;corner;corners;background;windows logo key;windows key;win;winkey;sign in;signin;apps view;boot;to;charm;charms;powershell;command prompt
25089ተለቅ ያለ;ቀንስ;አሳድግ;ጨምር;ትልቅ;መጠን አስተካክል;ቅርጽ;አጨራምት;መጠን;ቀጫጫ;አነስተኛ;ረጅም;ቀጭን;በጣም;ሰፋ ያለ;ሰፊ;bigger;decrease;enlarge;increase;larger;resize;shape;short;shrink;size;skinny;smaller;taller;thin;too;wider;width; bigger;decrease;enlarge;increase;larger;resize;shape;short;shrink;size;skinny;smaller;taller;thin;too;wider;width;
25090ከፍ ያለ;ድምጽ አጥፋ;ሁካታ;ፀጥ ያለ;ለስላሳ;የድምጽ መጠን;louder;mute;noise;quiet;quite;soft;volume; louder;mute;noise;quiet;quite;soft;volume;
25091ድምጽ;ካርድ;ኮምፒዩተር;ውጫዊ;ውስጣዊ;ፒሲ;ድምጽ ማጉሊያዎች;audio;card;computer;external;internal;pc;speakers; audio;card;computer;external;internal;pc;speakers;
25092ማጉላት;የጎላ;በማጉላት ላይ;አድርግ;ትልቅ;ተለቅ ያለ;አጉላ/ አሳንስ ወስጥ;magnification;magnified;magnifying;make;bigger;larger;zoom;in; magnification;magnified;magnifying;make;bigger;larger;zoom;in;
25093ክፍለ አካሎች;accessories;accessory;components;feature;features;programs;tools;utilities;utility; accessories;accessory;components;feature;features;programs;tools;utilities;utility;
25094የተፈቀደ;ፍቀድ;አሳልፍ;allowed;let;through;permitted; allowed;let;through;permitted;
25095builtin;built-in;fire-wall;firewalled;firwall;frewall;ifc;protection;walled; builtin;built-in;fire-wall;firewalled;firwall;frewall;ifc;protection;walled;
25096መዳረሻ;ቁጥጥር;ድጋፍ;ዴስክቶፕ;በሩቁ;አገልግሎቶች;access;control;RAS;acess;assistance;desktop;remotely;terminal;services;ts; access;control;RAS;acess;assistance;desktop;remotely;terminal;services;ts;
25097ከኮምፒዩተር;ማሽን;የኔ;የግል;ስርዓት;compuer;machine;my;computer;pc;personal;system; compuer;machine;my;computer;pc;personal;system;
25098በራስ ሰር ደብቅ;በራስ ሰር;ደብቅ;አድርግ;የማይታይ አድርግ;autohide;auto-hide;automatically;hide;make;invisible; autohide;auto-hide;automatically;hide;make;invisible;
25099በራስ ሰር;በራስ አሳይ;ራስ አሳይ;ያድርጉ;የሚታይ;እይ;አሳይ;አትቆልፍ;ዕይታ;automatically;autoshow;auto-show;make;visible;see;show;unlock;view; automatically;autoshow;auto-show;make;visible;see;show;unlock;view;
25100አዶዎች;ስፍራ;ጀምር;ተግባር;የመሳሪያ አሞሌ;የተግባር አሞሌ;አሞሌዎች;icons;area;sgtray.exe;start;tray;systemtray;systray;task;toolbar;tray;taskbar;task-bar;bars;toolbars; icons;area;sgtray.exe;start;tray;systemtray;systray;task;toolbar;tray;taskbar;task-bar;bars;toolbars;
25101up;backing;backuo;back-up;backups;back-ups;data;storage;incramental;incremental;saver;shadow;copies;copy; up;backing;backuo;back-up;backups;back-ups;data;storage;incramental;incremental;saver;shadow;copies;copy;
25102የታገድ;አጋጅ;ማጣሪያ;ከልክል;አግድ;አቁም;banned;blocker;filter;nanny;prevent;restrict;stopper; banned;blocker;filter;nanny;prevent;restrict;stopper;
251033ኛ;ወገን;ኩኪዎች;ከ;ሌሎች;ሦስተኛ-ወገን;ያልተፈለገ;3rd;party;cookies;cooky;from;others;third-party;unwanted; 3rd;party;cookies;cooky;from;others;third-party;unwanted;
25104ማስታወቂያ;ማስታወቂያዎች;አድዌር;ማልዌር;ወደ ላዮች;ብቅ ባይ አጋጅ;ብቅ ባዮች;ብቅ ባዮች አቋሚ;ስፓይዌር;ያልተፈለገ መስኮት;ads;advertising;advertizing;adverts;adware;adwear;malware;ups;popupblocker;pop-upblocker;popups;pop-ups;popupstopper;spyware;spywear;unwanted;windows; ads;advertising;advertizing;adverts;adware;adwear;malware;ups;popupblocker;pop-upblocker;popups;pop-ups;popupstopper;spyware;spywear;unwanted;windows;
25105privacy;secrecy; privacy;secrecy;
25106mice;mouses;pointer; mice;mouses;pointer;
25107butons;buttons; butons;buttons;
25108ቆልፍ;መቅ ማድረግ;ሁለቴ ጠቅ ማድረግ;ነጠላ ጠቅ;lock;clicking;doubleclick;double-click;single-click; lock;clicking;doubleclick;double-click;single-click;
25109ገልብጥ;የተያዘ;ግራ እጅ;ግራ እጅ መያዣ;ግራ;ተቃራኒ;ቀይ አጅ;ቀይር;flip;handed;hander;left-handed;left-hander;lefty;reverse;handed;right-handed;switch; flip;handed;hander;left-handed;left-hander;lefty;reverse;handed;right-handed;switch;
25110ፋውንት፣ ቅርጸ ቁምፊዎች፣ ዓይነት፣ አውነተኛዓይነት፣ ዓይነት፣ዓይነት ክፈት፣ ፋውንት;faunt;fonts;type;truetype;type;opentype;fount; faunt;fonts;type;truetype;type;opentype;fount;
25111characters;chinese;hangul;japanese;kanji;korean;writing; characters;chinese;hangul;japanese;kanji;korean;writing;
25112ሰሌዳ;የቁልፍ ሰሌዳዎች;የቁልፍ ሰሌዳ;board;bord;keyboards;keyborads;keybord; board;bord;keyboards;keyborads;keybord;
25113ቀስቶች;መጠቆሚያዎች;መዳፊት;arrows;cursors;mouse;pointers; arrows;cursors;mouse;pointers;
25114blinking;blinkrate;flashing;rate; blinking;blinkrate;flashing;rate;
25115ታች;በስተጀርባ;ground;background; ground;background;
25116በ;ነባሪዎች;መደበኛ;by;defaults;defualt;standard; by;defaults;defualt;standard;
25117ገጽታ;ውጪ;አቀማመጥ;መልኮች;መንገድ;የታየ;appearance;out;layout;of;looks;way;displayed; appearance;out;layout;of;looks;way;displayed;
25118በመንቀሳቀስ ላይ;move;moving;shadow;speed;tails; move;moving;shadow;speed;tails;
25119ብሪቲሽ;እንግሊዘኛ;የውጭ;ቋንቋዎች;ፈረንሳይኛ;ጀርመን;ሂንዲ;አለም አቀፍ;ጃፓንኛ;ኮሪያንኛ;ላንግፓክ;ብዙ ቋንቋ;ጥቅል;ስፓኒሽኛ;ዩኬ;ዩኤስ ኤ;british;english;foreign;languages;french;german;hindi;international;japanese;korean;langpack;langs;languages;multilanguage;multi-language;pack;spanish;uk;usa; british;english;foreign;languages;french;german;hindi;international;japanese;korean;langpack;langs;languages;multilanguage;multi-language;pack;spanish;uk;usa;
25120wheel;scrolling;scrollwheel;mousewheel; wheel;scrolling;scrollwheel;mousewheel;
25121ዳግም መሰየም;ዳግም በመሰየም ላይ;names;rename;renaming; names;rename;renaming;
25122አሸልብ;አዝራር;ወደታች;ኃይል- አዝራር;ዝጋ;በተጠባበቅ;ማብሪያና ማጥፋያዎች;ያጠፋል;hibernate;button;down;power-button;shutdown;shut-down;shuts;by;standby;stand-by;switches;turns;off; hibernate;button;down;power-button;shutdown;shut-down;shuts;by;standby;stand-by;switches;turns;off;
25123ባትሪዎች;ሕይወት;ኋይል ቆጥብ;ብዙ;የሚቆይ;አስተዳደር;የተሰካ;አቅርቦት;ኋይል ቆጣቢ;ተንከባከብ;አስቀምጥ;ሁኔታ;በማስቀመጥ ላይ;ወደላዮች;batteries;battery;life;conserve;energy;last;longer;management;plugged;in;supply;powersaver;preserve;save;mode;saving;unplugged;ups; batteries;battery;life;conserve;energy;last;longer;management;plugged;in;supply;powersaver;preserve;save;mode;saving;unplugged;ups;
25124የተከለከለ፣ደህንነት፣ደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ፣ደህንነት ማስጠበቅ፣መድህን፣ጣቢያዎች፣የታመኑ፣በማመን ላይ;restricted;safety;secure;securing;security;sites;trusted;trusting; restricted;safety;secure;securing;security;sites;trusted;trusting;
25125ውስጥ;በመስመር ውስጥ;in;line-in; in;line-in;
25126ሽጉጥ;ፋይሎች;ታሪክ;አካባቢያዊ;ጊዜያዊ;የማይፈለግ;ያልተፈለገ;ጠቃሚ ያልሆነ;ድር;cached;files;history;local;temorary;temporary;temperary;tmp;unnecessary;unneeded;useless;web; cached;files;history;local;temorary;temporary;temperary;tmp;unnecessary;unneeded;useless;web;
25127ከ;ድር;ቤነመረብ;መስመር ላይ;ጣቢያዎች;ገጾች;ድረ ገጾች;ድር ጣቢያዎች;አለም;አቀፍ;from;the;web;inet;internet;intrnet;net;online;on-line;sites;pages;webpages;websites;world;wide;www; from;the;web;inet;internet;intrnet;net;online;on-line;sites;pages;webpages;websites;world;wide;www;
25128አገሮች;አገር;ክልል;ቋንቋ;አካባቢያዊ ማድረግ;አካባቢያዊ የተደረገ;ከባቢ;ኮድ;ክልላዊ;countries;country;dev;region;language;localisation;localised;locality;localization;localized;1;2;3;code;regional;regions;locale; countries;country;dev;region;language;localisation;localised;locality;localization;localized;1;2;3;code;regional;regions;locale;
25129ሰዓት;12-ሰዓት;24-ሰዓት;ሰዓት;ዕለት;ቀን;ማሳያ;መቅረጽጽ አራት;አሃዝ;ረጅም;ወወቀቀዓዓዓዓ;ወር;ባህሪያቶች;አጭር;ጊዜ;ሁለት;ዓመት;ዓዓዓዓ;hour;12-hour;24-hour;clock;date;day;dd;display;formating;formatting;four;digit;long;mmddyyyy;month;properties;short;time;two;year;yyyy; hour;12-hour;24-hour;clock;date;day;dd;display;formating;formatting;four;digit;long;mmddyyyy;month;properties;short;time;two;year;yyyy;
25130cents;currency;dollars;euros;money;pounds;sign;symbol;won;yen;yuan; cents;currency;dollars;euros;money;pounds;sign;symbol;won;yen;yuan;
25132ሴንቲሜትሮች;ሴንቲሜትር;ሴሜ;እርምጃ;እርምጃዎች;ኢንቾች;ኪሎሜትሮች;ኪሎዎች;ኪሜ;መለኪያዎች;ሜትሮች;ማይሎች;ቁጥሮች;አውንሶች;ፓውንዶች;ክብደት;ስፋት;centimeters;centimetres;cm;feet;foot;inches;kilometers;kilometres;kilos;km;lbs;measurements;meters;metres;miles;numbers;ounces;oz;pounds;weight;width; centimeters;centimetres;cm;feet;foot;inches;kilometers;kilometres;kilos;km;lbs;measurements;meters;metres;miles;numbers;ounces;oz;pounds;weight;width;
25133ገጽ;መነሻ ገጽ;page;homepage; page;homepage;
25134ራስ;በራስ ሰር;በራስሰር አዘምኖች;በራስሰር አዘምን;ጥገናዎች;ሳንካ ጋኝ;ሳንካዎች;አውርድ;ቀጥታ;ቃኝ;መድህን;አገልግሎት;ጥቅሎች;አዘማኝ;አዘምኖች;አዋቂ;atuo;automatically;automaticupdates;autoupdate;fixes;bugfixes;bugs;download;live;microsoft;patches;scan;security;service;packs;dater;dates;dating;updater;up-dater;updater.exe;updates;up-dates;up-dating;windows;;wizard;wupdater; atuo;automatically;automaticupdates;autoupdate;fixes;bugfixes;bugs;download;live;microsoft;patches;scan;security;service;packs;dater;dates;dating;updater;up-dater;updater.exe;updates;up-dates;up-dating;windows;;wizard;wupdater;
25135ቼክ በማድረግ ላይ;ተመልከት;ለ;መቃኘት;አረጋግጥ;checking;look;for;scanning;verify; checking;look;for;scanning;verify;
25136ባስ;ቺፕ;ሰዓት;ፈጣን;ኢንቴል;ፔንቲየም;አፈጻጸም;ማስኬድ;ፕሮሰሰር;ራም;ላይ;ማፋጠን;486;agp;amd;bus;chip;clock;cpu;fast;intel;overclock;pentium;performance;processing;processor;ram;up;speedup; 486;agp;amd;bus;chip;clock;cpu;fast;intel;overclock;pentium;performance;processing;processor;ram;up;speedup;
25137አገልጋይ;ድር;ሶኬት;ተገልጋይ;አዘጋጆች;server;web;winsock;socks;socket;dns;sas;winproxy;rpoxy;client;hosts;tmproxy;proxycfg; server;web;winsock;socks;socket;dns;sas;winproxy;rpoxy;client;hosts;tmproxy;proxycfg;
25138ግንኙነቶች;ሂድ;በመስመር ላይ;ኢንትራኔት;አውታረመረብ;ውአአመ;አውታረ መረብ ግንኙነት;መስመር;connections;go;online;intranet;lan;netowrk;networking;line;on-line;www; connections;go;online;intranet;lan;netowrk;networking;line;on-line;www;
25139ሽቦ አልባ;802.1x;wireless;wire-less; 802.1x;wireless;wire-less;
25140wizard;wizzard; wizard;wizzard;
25142አስነሳ;ዲስክ;የቀጠለ;ቅርጸት;ዲስክ;አንፃፊ;ሃርድ ዲስክ;መከፋፈል;ቀዳሚ;እንደገና መቅረጽ;አለመከፋፈል;መም;ክፍልፍል;boot;disc;extended;format;disk;drive;harddisk;harddrive;ntfs;fat;partitian;partitioning;primary;reformat;sector;unpartition;volume; boot;disc;extended;format;disk;drive;harddisk;harddrive;ntfs;fat;partitian;partitioning;primary;reformat;sector;unpartition;volume;
25143check;up;cleanup;free;space;room;release;available; check;up;cleanup;free;space;room;release;available;
25144ስነ አዕምሯዊ;መማር;cognitive;learning; cognitive;learning;
25145ውጪ;ማተሚያዎች;ማተሚያ;out;printers;printing;printner;printout;print-out;pritner; out;printers;printing;printner;printout;print-out;pritner;
25146ማግኛ;ማውጫ;እንደገና ማውቻ;ፍለጋዎች;በመፈለግ ላይ;finder;indexing;reindex;re-index;searches;searching; finder;indexing;reindex;re-index;searches;searching;
25147ቃል;የይለፍ ቃል;የይለፍ ቃሎች;word;pass-word;passwords;passwork;passwrod;pasword;paswrod; word;pass-word;passwords;passwork;passwrod;pasword;paswrod;
25149condition;running;state;status; condition;running;state;status;
25151internet;protocol;ip;addresses;v6;version;6;IP6;IPv6;tcp/ip;tcp\ip;tcpip; internet;protocol;ip;addresses;v6;version;6;IP6;IPv6;tcp/ip;tcp\ip;tcpip;
25152external;headset;internal;jack;phone;microphones;mics;mikes; external;headset;internal;jack;phone;microphones;mics;mikes;
25153አምጣ;መልስ;ለውጥ;ወደነበረበት መልሰ;እንደነበር መልስ;ተመለስ;ወደኋላ መልስ;bring;back;change;recover;restore;back;rollback; bring;back;change;recover;restore;back;rollback;
25154ንጥል ነገሮች;ወደላይ;መጀመር;ፕሮግራሞች;items;up;startup;programs; items;up;startup;programs;
25155ማኅደረ ትውስታ;ምናባዊ ማህደረ ትውስታ;ገጽ ፋይል;ፋይል;memory;virtualmemory;pagefile;file; memory;virtualmemory;pagefile;file;
25156ካርዶች;የድምጽ ካርዶች;cards;soundcards; cards;soundcards;
25157ጫፍ;የሩቅ;ዴስክቶፕ;top;remote;desktop; top;remote;desktop;
25159ማኅደረ ትውስታ;gigabytes;gigs;megabytes;megs;memory;ram; gigabytes;gigs;megabytes;megs;memory;ram;
25160የተኛ;በራሰ መንቃት;የነቃ;ና;ተመለስ;ከ;አሸልብ;በማሸለብ ላይ;አሸልብ;እንደገና ማስጀመር;ከቆመበት ይቀጥላል;በመተኛት ላይ;በተጠባበቅ;ወደላይ;መንቃት;በመንቃት ላይ;asleep;autowake;awaken;come;back;from;hibernates;hibernating;hibernation;restarts;resumes;sleeping;standby;up;wakeup;wake-up;waking; asleep;autowake;awaken;come;back;from;hibernates;hibernating;hibernation;restarts;resumes;sleeping;standby;up;wakeup;wake-up;waking;
25162ኮምፒዩተር፣ከላይ፣ላፕቶፕ፣ሞባይል፣ፒሲ፣ማስታወሻደብተር፣ተንቀሳቃሽ;computer;top;laptop;mobile;pc;notebook;portable; computer;top;laptop;mobile;pc;notebook;portable;
25165የነቃ;ትዕዛዝ የሚሰጥ;የሚመራ;እውቅና መስጠት;መናገር;ንግግር;ንግግር ማስታወስ;ተናገር;ተረዳ;ድምጽ;activated;commanding;dictate;dictation;recogination;recognition;recognize;recongition;reconition;speaking;speechrecognition;speech-recognition;talk;to;understand;voice; activated;commanding;dictate;dictation;recogination;recognition;recognize;recongition;reconition;speaking;speechrecognition;speech-recognition;talk;to;understand;voice;
25166teach;training;tutorial; teach;training;tutorial;
25167አስተዳዳሪ;አስተዳዳሪዎች;administrator;admins; administrator;admins;
25170የተቀረጸ;በመቅረጽ ላይ;የተቀረጸ;formated;formating;formatted;formatting; formated;formating;formatted;formatting;
25171ቼክ;ዝርዝር;እይ;አሳይ;በማሳየት ላይ;check;list;see;show;viewing; check;list;see;show;viewing;
25172ዕይታዎች;ተጽዕኖዎች;ጣል;ጥላዎች;ለስላሳ;መሸብለል;አንሸራት;አደብዝዝ;ማንሸራተት;ማደብዘዝ;visuals;effects;drop;shadows;smooth;scrolling;slide;fade;sliding;fading; visuals;effects;drop;shadows;smooth;scrolling;slide;fade;sliding;fading;
25173መሳሪያዎች፣ መሳሪያዎች፣ መሳሪያዎች፣ ;devices;divises;divicse;divices; devices;divises;divicse;divices;
25174አስማሚዎች;አሰማሚ;ካርዶች;adapters;adaptor;cards; adapters;adaptor;cards;
25176መቆጣጠሪያ;አስማሚ;ድምጽ;ሽቦ;ሞደም;ካርድ;ሲዲ-ዲቪዲ;አሃዛዊ;ካሜራ;ዲቪዲ;ኢተርኔት;ጠፍጣፋ;ፓኔል;ጨዋታ;በእጅ የሚያዝ;መቅረጫ;ዌር;ሃርድዌር;ኢንፍራሬድ;ቀለም ጀት;ግቤት;ድላ;የቁልፍ ሰሌዳ;ላዘር;ጆይስቲክ;የቁልፍ ሰሌዳ;ማተሚያ;የጋራ;ማከማቻ;ሚዲ;ሚክሰር;ሞባይል;ማሳያ;ማዘርቦርድ;መዳፊት;ማጫወቻ;ሙዚቃ;አውታረ መረብ;ጨረር;ጋሪ;ውጽአት;እስክቢርቶ;ፕላዝማ;ማሳያ;ተንቀሳቃሽ;ሚድያ;ማጫወቻ;ማተሚያ;ቅጂ;መቅረጫ;ካርድ;አንባቢ;ስማርት ካርድ;ድምጽ;ቴፕ;አንጻፊ;ፓድ;የሚጫን ሰሌዳ;ኳስ;ቲቪ;ዩኤስቢ;ቪዲዮ;የመያዣ;ካርድ;ካርዶች;ዕይታ;ማዕከል;ካሜራ;የድርካሜራ;ሽቦ አልባ;1394;controller;adapter;adaptor;audio;biometric;cable;modem;card;cd-dvd;drive;CRT;devise;digial;camera;dsl;dvd;ethernet;flat;panel;game;handheld;scanner;ware;hardware;hardwear;infrared;ink-jet;input;IrDA;stick;joystick;keyboard;laser;printer;lcd;Mass;Storage;midi;mixer;mobile;monitor;motherboard;mouse;mp3;player;mpeg;music;player;network;optical;wheel;mouse;output;pen;plasma;monitor;portable;media;player;printer;raid;recording;scanner;card;reader;smartcard;sound;tape;drive;pad;touchpad;ball;trackball;tuner;tv;USB;video;capture;cards;view;USB;hub;camera;webcam;wheel;mouse;wireless;wlan; 1394;controller;adapter;adaptor;audio;biometric;cable;modem;card;cd-dvd;drive;CRT;devise;digial;camera;dsl;dvd;ethernet;flat;panel;game;handheld;scanner;ware;hardware;hardwear;infrared;ink-jet;input;IrDA;stick;joystick;keyboard;laser;printer;lcd;Mass;Storage;midi;mixer;mobile;monitor;motherboard;mouse;mp3;player;mpeg;music;player;network;optical;wheel;mouse;output;pen;plasma;monitor;portable;media;player;printer;raid;recording;scanner;card;reader;smartcard;sound;tape;drive;pad;touchpad;ball;trackball;tuner;tv;USB;video;capture;cards;view;USB;hub;camera;webcam;wheel;mouse;wireless;wlan;
25179videoes፣ ቪዲዮዎች;videoes;videos; videoes;videos;
25181ምስል;ፎቶግራፍ;ስዕል;image;photograph;picture; image;photograph;picture;
25186ቦታዎች;አዋቂ;ስርዓት;ጥበቃ;ከነበረበት ይመልሳል;የስርዓት እንደነበር መልስ;points;wizard;system;protection;restores;systemrestores; points;wizard;system;protection;restores;systemrestores;
25188ዲስክ;አንፃፊ;ሃርድ ዲስክ;ሃርድ አንጻፊ;disk;drive;harddisk;hard-disk;harddrive;hard-drive; disk;drive;harddisk;hard-disk;harddrive;hard-drive;
25190የውሂብ-ጎታ;datum;odbc;data-base;database; datum;odbc;data-base;database;
25192ውሂብ;በማስመለስ ጊዜ;ማግኛ;data;recovering;recovers;recovery; data;recovering;recovers;recovery;
25194ማበጀት;ያበጃል;ግላዊነት ማላበስ;customisation;customises;customization;customizes;customizing;personalisation;personalise;personalization;personalize; customisation;customises;customization;customizes;customizing;personalisation;personalise;personalization;personalize;
25195ምረጥ;በመምረጥ ላይ;የተመረጡ;chooses;choosing;chose;picked;picks;selected;selects; chooses;choosing;chose;picked;picks;selected;selects;
25197ጤናማ;healthy; healthy;
25198ማሳያዎች፣ ገጽ ዕይታዎች፣;monitors;screens; monitors;screens;
25199corrects;fixes;repairs; corrects;fixes;repairs;
25200troubleshoot;shoot;troubleshooter;trubleshoot;help;solution troubleshoot;shoot;troubleshooter;trubleshoot;help;solution
25201ዲስክ;ዲስኮች;አንጻፊ;disc;disks;drive; disc;disks;drive;
25202ቼክ;ዲስክ;ማጽጃ;ማጽዳት;check;disk;dsk;chkdsk;cleandisk;cleaner;cleanup;up; check;disk;dsk;chkdsk;cleandisk;cleaner;cleanup;up;
25203ዲስክ;ዲስክ;ዲስክ ቃኝ;disc;disk;scandisc;scandisk;scandsk; disc;disk;scandisc;scandisk;scandsk;
25204ነፃ;ቦታ;defragment;free;up;space; defragment;free;up;space;
25205በማከል ላይ;ላይ የታከለ;added;adding;addon;add-on;adds; added;adding;addon;add-on;adds;
25206lanch;launches; lanch;launches;
25207አክል;አዲስ;የተጫነ;በመጫን ላይ;add;new;installed;installing; add;new;installed;installing;
25209pppoe;broadband pppoe;broadband
25210መተግበሪያዎች፣ መተግበሪያ;applications;apps;application;app applications;apps;application;app
25211ምናባዊ;የግል;አውታረ መረብ;የስራ ቦታ;virtual;private;network;vpn;workplace; virtual;private;network;vpn;workplace;
25213vista;windows;windw;7 vista;windows;windw;7
25214አስማማ;አስማማ;ያስማማል;ማስማማት;ማስተካከል;accomidate;accomodates;accomodating;adjust;for; accomidate;accomodates;accomodating;adjust;for;
25215በየነመረብ;ኤክስፕሎረር;ie;internet;explorer; ie;internet;explorer;
25216አሳሾች;ማሰስ;ድር;browsers;browsing;web; browsers;browsing;web;
25218area;code;carrier;city;up;dialing;dialling;dialup;dial-up;pulse;tone;touchtone;touch-tone; area;code;carrier;city;up;dialing;dialling;dialup;dial-up;pulse;tone;touchtone;touch-tone;
25219ፋይሎች;files; files;
25220line;offline;off-line;ofline; line;offline;off-line;ofline;
25221space;cache;room; space;cache;room;
25223guard;protect;secure;preserve; guard;protect;secure;preserve;
25232ግላዊነት አላብስ፣ ግላዊነት ማላበስ፣;personalize;personalization; personalize;personalization;
25236phone;line;telephone; phone;line;telephone;
25238rules; rules;
25239calling;calls; calling;calls;
25241አብራ-አጥፋ;ማብሪያና ማጥፊያ;on-off;switch; on-off;switch;
25243ዝጋ;በመዝጋት ላይ;close;closing; close;closing;
25244cover;lid;top; cover;lid;top;
25246አቀማመጥ፣ ውጭ;layout;out layout;out
25247ግቤት;ዘዴዎች;input;methods;imes; input;methods;imes;
25249አሳይ;የታየ;show;displayed; show;displayed;
25251መቅረጫዎች;በመቅረጫ ላይ;scaners;scanners;scanning; scaners;scanners;scanning;
25252camaras፣ካሜራዎች፣camras፣;camaras;cameras;camras; camaras;cameras;camras;
25253add;create;make;new; add;create;make;new;
25254በራስ ሰር የተሰራ;በራስ ሰር;automated;automatically; automated;automatically;
25255የጊዜ ሰሌዳ የተያዘለት;የጊዜ ሰሌዳ በመያዝ ላይ;scheduled;scheduling; scheduled;scheduling;
25257ተመልካች;ክስተቶች;ተከታታይ;ክስተት ተመልካች;viewer;events;tracker;eventviewer; viewer;events;tracker;eventviewer;
25258ንዕስ አቃፊዎች;folders;subfolders; folders;subfolders;
25259መቆጣጠሪያዎች;ጆይስቲክ;controlers;controllers;stick;joystick; controlers;controllers;stick;joystick;
25261games; games;
25262አስተዳድር;አዋቅር;የተደራጀ;ቅንብር;administer;configure;managed;manages;managing;up;setup; administer;configure;managed;manages;managing;up;setup;
25263አመቻች;አዘጋጅ;ተራ በማስያዝ ላይ;በማደራጀት ላይ;እንደገና ተራ ማስያዝ;arrange;arranging;ordering;organize;organizing;reorder; arrange;arranging;ordering;organize;organizing;reorder;
25264በማግኘት ላይ;አግኝ;ፈለግ;ለ;የት;finding;locate;locating;search;for;is;where's;the; finding;locate;locating;search;for;is;where's;the;
25267አንባቢዎች;የገጽ ማሳያ አንባቢ;መስኮቶች;ተራኪ;screan;readers;screenreader;windows;narrator; screan;readers;screenreader;windows;narrator;
25268sound;voices; sound;voices;
25269ቁልፎች;የማጣሪያ ቁልፎች;keys;filterkeys; keys;filterkeys;
25270ቁልፎች;የመዳፊት ቁልፎች;keys;mousekeys; keys;mousekeys;
25271ቁልፎች፣ ተጣባቂ ቁልፎች;keys;stickykeys; keys;stickykeys;
25272የክንውን አውዶች;ብጁ አድርግ;መግለጫ ጽሑፎች;ድምፆችን አሳይ;soundsentry;sentry;settings;customize;captions;showsounds; soundsentry;sentry;settings;customize;captions;showsounds;
25273ማለወሶች;ካርቱኖች;animations;cartoons; animations;cartoons;
25274የብርሃን መጠን;ንጽጽር;ከፍተኛ ንፅፅር;brightness;contrast;hi-contrast;high-contrast; brightness;contrast;hi-contrast;high-contrast;
25275ገጽ ዕይታ;የቁልፍሰሌዳ;በገጽ ዕይታ ላይ;screen;keyboard;onscreen;on-screen;osk; screen;keyboard;onscreen;on-screen;osk;
25276ተደራሽነት;ቀላል;accessibility;acessibility;ease;of; accessibility;acessibility;ease;of;
25281sharing;shared;files;network;folder;target; sharing;shared;files;network;folder;target;
25283cant;find;can't;see;gone;hidden;invisible;missing;vanished;where;is; cant;find;can't;see;gone;hidden;invisible;missing;vanished;where;is;
25284መቦደን;grouping; grouping;
25285card;help;instructions;paper;reference;sheet; card;help;instructions;paper;reference;sheet;
25286አገልግሎቶች;services; services;
25292ሽቦ አልባ;infrared;infra-red;wireless; infrared;infra-red;wireless;
25293beam;send;transmit; beam;send;transmit;
25294ጽሑፍ;ንግግር;ድምጽ;ተራኪ;text;to;speech;tts;voice;narrator; text;to;speech;tts;voice;narrator;
25295collaborate;work;together; collaborate;work;together;
25296ክወና;ስርዓት;operating;system;os; operating;system;os;
25297what;which; what;which;
25298release;version;edition; release;version;edition;
25299ተመማር;ትመህርቶች;አስተምር;አጋዥ ስልጠና;ምሳሌ;ስልጠና;ዓዋቂ;learn;lessons;teach;tutorial;example;training;wizard;to;use;how; learn;lessons;teach;tutorial;example;training;wizard;to;use;how;
25301questionaire;questionnaire;survey; questionaire;questionnaire;survey;
25302access;permissions;priveleges;priviledges;privileges;rights; access;permissions;priveleges;priviledges;privileges;rights;
25303በሆሄ ቅደም ተከተል አስይዝ;ተራ አስይዝ;በመደርደር ላይ;alphabetise;alphabetize;order;sorting; alphabetise;alphabetize;order;sorting;
25305የእትም አቀማመጥ;angle;landscape;orientation;portrait;rotate;rotation; angle;landscape;orientation;portrait;rotate;rotation;
25306ecxeption;exception;exeption; ecxeption;exception;exeption;
25307አልተቻለም;አስታውስ;አትርሳ;ርሳ;የተረሳ;የጠፋ;can't;remember;don't;forget;forgotten;lost; can't;remember;don't;forget;forgotten;lost;
25308አስተዳዳሪ;የመሳሪያ አስተዳዳሪ;maneger;manager;devicemanager;dma;managar;management;managing;managment; maneger;manager;devicemanager;dma;managar;management;managing;managment;
25309disable;stop; disable;stop;
25310አገናኝ;አስገባ;ተቀላቀል;ተሰኪ;ወደ;connect;to;enter;join;plug;into; connect;to;enter;join;plug;into;
25311የእጅ ጽሁፍ;የወረቀት ጽሁፍ;hand-writing;handwriting;write;pen;stylus;handrighting;hand-righting;penmanship;calligraphy; hand-writing;handwriting;write;pen;stylus;handrighting;hand-righting;penmanship;calligraphy;
25312የእንቅስቃሴ ትዕዛዞች;flicks;gestures;flik;filcks;penflick; flicks;gestures;flik;filcks;penflick;
25313ንካ;ጠቋሚ;ጣት;አመልካች;መዳፊት;ጠቋሚ;touch;pointer;finger;pointing;cursor;mouse; touch;pointer;finger;pointing;cursor;mouse;
25315ጽሑፍ;ቃላቶች;ምናሌዎች;ንግግሮች;አዝራሮች;መለያዎች;ጽሁፎች;ቋንቋ;text;words;menus;dialogs;buttons;labels;writing;ui;language; text;words;menus;dialogs;buttons;labels;writing;ui;language;
25316መንፋቀቅ;ፈጣን;የቀዘቀዘ;የተንጠላጠለ;አሻሽል;ያልነቃ;በአግባቡ ተጠቀም;አፈጻጸም;በፍጥነት;ቀርፋፋ;ፍጥነት;በጣም;ቀሰስተኛ;ምላሽ የማይሰጥ;crawl;degrade;faster;frozen;hanging;hung;improve;inactive;optimize;performance;quicker;sluggish;speed;thrashing;too;slow;unresponsive; crawl;degrade;faster;frozen;hanging;hung;improve;inactive;optimize;performance;quicker;sluggish;speed;thrashing;too;slow;unresponsive;
25318ድምጽ;መፀን;ካርድ;ተጽእኖ;በኮድ መተካት;መጠን;ማይክራፎን;ሞኖ;ብዙሰርጥ;ወደብ;ድምጽ;ድምጽ ማጉሊያ;ስቴሪዮ;audio;balance;card;effect;encoding;jack;level;line;microphone;mono;multichannel;multi-channel;port;sound;speaker;stereo;subwoofer;surround; audio;balance;card;effect;encoding;jack;level;line;microphone;mono;multichannel;multi-channel;port;sound;speaker;stereo;subwoofer;surround;
25319drivers; drivers;
25322መግብር;መግብሮች;gadgets;widgets; gadgets;widgets;
25324በ;ኢንች;ፒክሴል;ከፍተኛ;dots;per;inch;dpi;pixels;high; dots;per;inch;dpi;pixels;high;
25325locker;bitlocker;cryptology;decrypt;encode;encryption;device encryption; locker;bitlocker;cryptology;decrypt;encode;encryption;device encryption;
25326ጭምር፣ ማሳያ፣ ዕይታ፣ አሳይ፣;auxiliary;display;show;sideshow; auxiliary;display;show;sideshow;
25327ሂደት;ሂደቶች;proceses;processes; proceses;processes;
25329መርምር;ምርመራ;አግኝ;ችግሮች;ተንትን;መላ ፈላጊ;ስህተቶች;diagnose;diagnostics;diagnosis;find;problems;analyse;analyze;analysis;troubleshooter;errors; diagnose;diagnostics;diagnosis;find;problems;analyse;analyze;analysis;troubleshooter;errors;
25331አያይዝ;አዛምድ;ቅጥያዎች;ዓይነት;ክፈት;በ;associate;association;associations;extensions;extentions;type;filetype;open;with; associate;association;associations;extensions;extentions;type;filetype;open;with;
25332rss;feed;aggregator;csrss; rss;feed;aggregator;csrss;
25333በራስ አጠናቅ;አጠናቅ;ማጠናቀቅ;ጨርስ;በራስ መጨረስ;ሙላ;በራስ ሙላ;autocomplete;complete;completion;finish;autofinish;fill;autofill; autocomplete;complete;completion;finish;autofinish;fill;autofill;
25334አክል;አስወግድ;ፕሮግራሞች;add;or;remove;programs;and;arp; add;or;remove;programs;and;arp;
25336ሰጪ;ፕሮግራም;በመፈለግ ላይ;provider;engine;searching; provider;engine;searching;
25337ትሮች;ማሰስ;ፈጣን;tabs;tabbed;browsing;quick; tabs;tabbed;browsing;quick;
25338ድምጽ;ባዶ;ጠረር;ብሌሬይ;ሲዲ ሮም;ዲቪዲ;የዳበረ;ሚድያ;ምርጥ;ቪዲዮ;audio;blank;ray;blue-ray;blu-ray;cd-rom;cds;dvd;enhanced;HD;media;super;video; audio;blank;ray;blue-ray;blu-ray;cd-rom;cds;dvd;enhanced;HD;media;super;video;
25339ተጨማሪ;ሌላ;ፍጠር;ብዙ;የበለጠ;additional;another;create;many;more;mutliple; additional;another;create;many;more;mutliple;
25340previous;old;installed;already;previously; previous;old;installed;already;previously;
25342ተኳዃኝ;ተኳዃኝነት;አሁንም;አጠቃቀም;apcompat;appcompat;compatable;compatibility;compatible;still;use; apcompat;appcompat;compatable;compatibility;compatible;still;use;
25343calibrate;calibration; calibrate;calibration;
25344ትክክለኝነት;እንቅጩን;ትክክል;ስህተቶች;accuracy;accurately;precise;precision;correct;mistakes; accuracy;accurately;precise;precision;correct;mistakes;
25345ጽላቶች፣ ፒሲ;tablets;pc tablets;pc
25347አሳማኝ መታወቂያዎች;ወደ ከፍታ መውጣቶች;ጥሪ በማድረግ ላይ;መድህን;ማስጠንቀቂያዎች;አስተዳዳሪ;መብቶች;ፍቃዶች;ተጠቃሚዎች;መለያዎች;ቁጥጥሮች;አስተዳድር;ብቅ ባዮች;credentials;elevations;LUA;prompts;prompting;security;warnings;UAC;administrator;rights;privileges;permissions;users;accounts;controls;administrater;dialogs;popups; credentials;elevations;LUA;prompts;prompting;security;warnings;UAC;administrator;rights;privileges;permissions;users;accounts;controls;administrater;dialogs;popups;
25348modem; modem;
25351broken;doesn't;not;working;problems;won't; broken;doesn't;not;working;problems;won't;
25353በራስ;ውጪ;ከጊዜ ውጪ;ጊዜ መያዣ;auto;out;period;timeout;timer;timing; auto;out;period;timeout;timer;timing;
25357absolute;colorimetric;gamut;mapping;graphics;images;perceptual;proofing;relative;rendering;rgb;sRGB; absolute;colorimetric;gamut;mapping;graphics;images;perceptual;proofing;relative;rendering;rgb;sRGB;
25358አጫውት;አሂድ;ጀምር;በራስ አጫውት;በራስ አሂድ;በራስ አስጀምር;play;run;start;autoplay;auto-play;autorun;auto-run;autostart;auto-start; play;run;start;autoplay;auto-play;autorun;auto-run;autostart;auto-start;
25362ጎራ፣ ጎራ፣;domain;domian; domain;domian;
25363በድን;የስራ ቡድን;group;workgroup; group;workgroup;
25364የምስክር ወረቀቶች;ቁልፎች;ፊርማዎች;የተፈረሙ;certificates;keys;signatures;signed; certificates;keys;signatures;signed;
25365ላይ; ተጨማሪዎች;ቅጥያ;activex;ons;add-ons;extension; activex;ons;add-ons;extension;
25367መጠን;የ;ብዙ;ምን ያህል;amount;of;many;much;howmuch; amount;of;many;much;howmuch;
25369ፕሮቶኮሎች;protocols; protocols;
25371በመጋበዝ ላይ;invitations;invite;inviting;send; invitations;invite;inviting;send;
25372ባህሪያቶች;አግኝ;ተጨማሪ;ቀጣይ;ስሪት;ቤት;ንግድ;ዋና;ወሳኝ;ጀማሪ;features;get;more;next;version;vista;home;business;premium;ultimate;starter; features;get;more;next;version;vista;home;business;premium;ultimate;starter;
25373ጎን ለጎን;compare;comparison;side-by-side; compare;comparison;side-by-side;
25374አካባቢ;ዱካ;environment;variables;path;envvar; environment;variables;path;envvar;
25375ጥርስ፣ bluetooth፣ blutooth;tooth;bluetooth;blutooth; tooth;bluetooth;blutooth;
25377ተግባር አስተዳዳሪ; አስተዳዳሪ;ተግባር አስተዳዳሪ;ዕይታ;ተግባር;መተግበሪያ;የተግባር ሰው;ተግባር ጨርስ;ዝጋ;task manager;mgr;manager;taskmgr;view;task;application;taskman;end task;close; task manager;mgr;manager;taskmgr;view;task;application;taskman;end task;close;
25378users; users;
25379ያገለገለ;በመጠቀም ላይ;used;using; used;using;
25380ሚዲ;ሙዚቃዊ;መሳሪያ;አሃዛዊ;በየነገጽ;midi;musical;instrument;digital;interface; midi;musical;instrument;digital;interface;
25381ማራገፍ;አራግፍ;በማራገፍ ላይ;deinstall;uninstalled;uninstalling;uninstalls;unistall; deinstall;uninstalled;uninstalling;uninstalls;unistall;
25383ካርዶች;ቪዲዮ ካርዶች;ቪዲዮዎች;cards;videocards;videos; cards;videocards;videos;
25385አስቀድሞ;የድሮ;earlier;older; earlier;older;
25386ያገኛል;እያገኘ ነው;gets;getting;get-verb; gets;getting;get-verb;
25387አይደለም;መስማት;አልቻለም;ድምፅ;የድምጽ መጠን;ነው;አጥፋ;በጣም;ዝቅተኛ;not;hear;can't;sound;volume;is;off;too;low; not;hear;can't;sound;volume;is;off;too;low;
25390fdisc;fdisk; fdisc;fdisk;
25391mine;my; mine;my;
25392management;managment; management;managment;
25398ፖሊሲዎች;ፖሊሲ;policies;policys; policies;policys;
25399iscsi;scsi; iscsi;scsi;
25400ክምችት;storage; storage;
25401ዌር;ሃርድዌር-ጠቅላላ;ware;hardware-general; ware;hardware-general;
25403discovrey;discovery;networkdiscovery; discovrey;discovery;networkdiscovery;
25404ፈልግ;ባህሪ;search;behavior; search;behavior;
25405ፈልግ;አማራጮች;search;options; search;options;
25406external;separate;seperate; external;separate;seperate;
25410homegroup;group;with;to;printers;networking;media;streaming;public;folder;password homegroup;group;with;to;printers;networking;media;streaming;public;folder;password
25413የሩቅ መተግበሪያ;ዴስክቶፕ;ግንኙነት;ስራ;RemoteApp;Desktop;RemoteDesktop;Connection;work; RemoteApp;Desktop;RemoteDesktop;Connection;work;
25414passkey;password;passphrase passkey;password;passphrase
25415ዓይነት;የማጽጃ አይነት;መቀየር;መቀየሪያ;የክንውን አውዶች;ንጽጽር;ጋማ;ጽሑፍ;ቅጽል ስም መስጠት;ፀረ ቅጽል ስም መስጠት;ማጣራት;ብዥ ያለ;ደብዛዛ;type;cleartype;tuning;tuner;settings;contrast;gamma;text;aliasing;anti-aliasing;filtering;blurry;fuzzy; type;cleartype;tuning;tuner;settings;contrast;gamma;text;aliasing;anti-aliasing;filtering;blurry;fuzzy;
25416ትየባ፣ ማንበብ፣ መነበብ፣ ቀለል ያለ፣ ለ፣ ቀላል፣ ቅርጸ ቁምፊ፣ ግልጽነት፣ ቀለም፣ ቀለም፣ አንቃ፣ cleartype፣ ቲዊክ፣ ታይፕፌስ፣ ጽሑፍ፣ መጠን ቀይር፣ ሰዎች፣ብቁ፣ ብቁነት፣;typography;reading;readability;easier;to;easy;font;clarity;color;colour;enable;cleartype;tweak;typeface;text;size;ppi;legible;legibility; typography;reading;readability;easier;to;easy;font;clarity;color;colour;enable;cleartype;tweak;typeface;text;size;ppi;legible;legibility;
25417stream;media;library;options;with;to;mediasharing;mediastreaming;sharemedia;internetsharing; stream;media;library;options;with;to;mediasharing;mediastreaming;sharemedia;internetsharing;
25423ዕቅዶች;ምረጥ;ኃይል;ብያኔ;አስቀማጭ;ለውጥ;plans;choose;select;power;scheme;balanced;saver;change; plans;choose;select;power;scheme;balanced;saver;change;
25425ለውጥ፣ የክንውን አውዶች;change;settings change;settings
25429sensors;senser; sensors;senser;
25431አለም አቀፍ;ቦታ አቀማመጥ;gps;global;positioning;systems; gps;global;positioning;systems;
25432ambient;lighting;changes; ambient;lighting;changes;
25433personal;information;persenal;private;informatien; personal;information;persenal;private;informatien;
25434position;positian;new; position;positian;new;
25435አውታረ መረብ;ግንኙነት;network;connections;netwerk;conection; network;connections;netwerk;conection;
25436sensor;definition;what;is;a; sensor;definition;what;is;a;
25437movement;movment;movemnet;motion; movement;movment;movemnet;motion;
25438detection;detecting;changes; detection;detecting;changes;
25439drop; drop;
25440ስፍራዎች;ለውጥ;ሌላ;locations;change;another; locations;change;another;
25441default;defualt;location; default;defualt;location;
25442ጂኦግራፊ;አካባቢዎች;geographic;locations;geografic;geografic;geografik; geographic;locations;geografic;geografic;geografik;
25444ኬክሮስ;ኬክሮስ;ኬንትሮስ;ኬንትሮስ;latitude;laditude;longitude;longetude; latitude;laditude;longitude;longetude;
25445address;adress; address;adress;
25446country;contry; country;contry;
25447city; city;
25448የእትም አቀማመጥ፣orientatien፣የእትም አቀማመጥ፣orientatian፣;orientation;orientatien;orientation;orientatian; orientation;orientatien;orientation;orientatian;
25449state; state;
25450passwords;web;stored;automatic;logon;credentials;network; passwords;web;stored;automatic;logon;credentials;network;
25452አስተካክል;ጠግን;አጋጭ;አያይዝ;አፈጻጸም;ጥገና;አስጠብቅ;መፍትሔዎች;ችግሮች;ሪፖርት ማድረጎች;እና;fix;repair;crash;hang;performance;maintenance;maintain;solutions;problems;reports;and; fix;repair;crash;hang;performance;maintenance;maintain;solutions;problems;reports;and;
25453መድህን;አማክል;ኬላ;ማልዌር;ቫይረስ;ማስጠንቀቂያ;መስኮቶች;ግጭት;አንቲቫይረስ;ስፓይዌር;ተውሳክ;security;center;firewall;malware;virus;warning;windows;crash;antivirus;anti-virus;spyware;worm;trojan; security;center;firewall;malware;virus;warning;windows;crash;antivirus;anti-virus;spyware;worm;trojan;
25454የሚመከር;አሻሽል;ግላዊነት;መርጠህ ግባ;መርጠህ ውጣ;CEIP;reccomended;reccommended;recomended;recommended;improve;Windows;privacy;optin;optout;opt-in;opt-out; CEIP;reccomended;reccommended;recomended;recommended;improve;Windows;privacy;optin;optout;opt-in;opt-out;
25455repair;problem;error;crash;hang;solution; repair;problem;error;crash;hang;solution;
25456አስተካክል;ጠግን;ስሕተት;ማስጠንቀቂያ;ማሳወቂያ;መስኮት;ግጭት;አጋጭ;መላ ፈላጊ;መርምር;ሪፖርት ማድረጎች;ፊኛ;ማስታወሻ;አፈጻጸም;ጥገና;አስጠብቅ;ድጋሚ ጫን;መልሶ ማግኛ;እንደነበር መልስ;አጠናቅ ፒሲ;ፒሲ;ስርዓት;ፀረ ቫይረስ;ፀረ ስፓይዌር;አውታረ መረብ ግንኙነት;ግንኙነት;መፍትሔ;fix;repair;error;warning;alert;windows;crash;hang;troubleshoot;diagnose;reports;diagnostic;diagnosis;balloon;reminder;performance;maintenance;maintain;reinstall;recovery;restore;cpc;completepc;pc;system;antivirus;anti-virus;spyware;networking;connection;connectivity;solution; fix;repair;error;warning;alert;windows;crash;hang;troubleshoot;diagnose;reports;diagnostic;diagnosis;balloon;reminder;performance;maintenance;maintain;reinstall;recovery;restore;cpc;completepc;pc;system;antivirus;anti-virus;spyware;networking;connection;connectivity;solution;
25457ማስጠንቀቂያ;ሪፖርት ማድረግ;ማሳወቂያ;መስኮቶች;ግጭት;አንጠልጥል;ፊኛ;ማስታወሻ;መፍትሔ;warning;report;alert;windows;crash;hang;balloon;reminder;solution; warning;report;alert;windows;crash;hang;balloon;reminder;solution;
25459መልሶ ማግኛ;ድጋሚ ጫን;በድጋሚ ምስል ተካ;እንደነበር መልስ;ዳግም አስጀምር;recovery;recover;reinstall;factory;re-image;reimage;re-install;repair;restore;reinstate;reset;wipe;rollback;fix;troubleshoot;pc;refresh;erase;format; recovery;recover;reinstall;factory;re-image;reimage;re-install;repair;restore;reinstate;reset;wipe;rollback;fix;troubleshoot;pc;refresh;erase;format;
25463recover;deleted;files;restore;get;lost;missing;rescue;retrieve;return;past;previous;protected;time;back;version; recover;deleted;files;restore;get;lost;missing;rescue;retrieve;return;past;previous;protected;time;back;version;
25464locations;networks; locations;networks;
25466አስተማማኝነት;ማሳያ;ችግር;ታሪክ;ስርዓት;መረጋጋት;ማውጫ;reliability;monitor;problem;history;system;stability;index; reliability;monitor;problem;history;system;stability;index;
25467server; server;
25468vault;locker; vault;locker;
25469internet;wireless;ethernet;packet;dhcp;tcp/ip;protocol;nic;cable;certificate; internet;wireless;ethernet;packet;dhcp;tcp/ip;protocol;nic;cable;certificate;
25470print;paper;ink;toner;laser;bubble;jet;cartridge; print;paper;ink;toner;laser;bubble;jet;cartridge;
25473Playing;sound;volume;audible;speaker;headphone;stereo;listen;hear;output;MP3;player; Playing;sound;volume;audible;speaker;headphone;stereo;listen;hear;output;MP3;player;
25474Capture;sample;mix;level;input;sound;audible;volume;stereo;tape;microphone;mike; Capture;sample;mix;level;input;sound;audible;volume;stereo;tape;microphone;mike;
25476maintain;defrag;optimize;performance; maintain;defrag;optimize;performance;
25477recorder;screen;problem;capture;snipping;psr; recorder;screen;problem;capture;snipping;psr;
25478reproduce; reproduce;
25480pen; pen;
25481touch; touch;
25482messages;mesages; messages;mesages;
25483ጀምር;ፈጣን ማስጀመር;የተግባር አሞሌ;አሞሌዎች;ፒን;launch;quicklaunch;quiklaunch;tray;taskbar;task-bar;bars;toolbars;pin; launch;quicklaunch;quiklaunch;tray;taskbar;task-bar;bars;toolbars;pin;
25484ለፍታ መግታት;መጠን ለውጥ;እንደነበር መልስ;snapping;shake;shaking;dock;drag;edge;sides;top;screen;size;resize;maximize;restore;minimize; snapping;shake;shaking;dock;drag;edge;sides;top;screen;size;resize;maximize;restore;minimize;
25485notifications;notifying;notified; notifications;notifying;notified;
25486መላ ፈላጊ;troubleshooting;history;problem; troubleshooting;history;problem;
25487ለውጥ;በመለወጥ ላይ;መሳሪያዎች;መጫን;በመጫን ላይ;የክንውን አውዶች;ሃርድዌር;ነጂዎች;መስኮቶች;ውስጥ;ውጪ;መርጠህ ግባ;መርጠህ ውጣ;ዲበ ውሂብ;ወሂብ;አዶዎች;መድረክ;አውርዶች;በማውረድ ላይ;በመስመር ላይ;ማስተካከል;በስራ ላይ;የኔ;ፍለጋ;በማግኘት ላይ;ለ;አዲስ;change;changing;devices;installation;installing;settings;hardware;drivers;windows;in;out;optin;opt-in;optout;opt-out;metadata;data;icons;stage;downloads;downloading;online;fixing;working;my;searching;finding;getting;doesn't;not;for;newer; change;changing;devices;installation;installing;settings;hardware;drivers;windows;in;out;optin;opt-in;optout;opt-out;metadata;data;icons;stage;downloads;downloading;online;fixing;working;my;searching;finding;getting;doesn't;not;for;newer;
25488homegroup;group; homegroup;group;
25490ሪፖርት ማድረጎች;በማስተካከል ላይ;ግብረ ምላሽ;ሪፖርት ማድረጎች;ባለበት ማቆም;በስራ ላይ;check;for;new;solutions;problems;reports;and;fixed;fixes;fixing;bugs;crashes;errors;feedback;reporting;wer;windows;screen;bluescreen;crashing;freezes;freezing;frozen;up;hanging;not;working; check;for;new;solutions;problems;reports;and;fixed;fixes;fixing;bugs;crashes;errors;feedback;reporting;wer;windows;screen;bluescreen;crashing;freezes;freezing;frozen;up;hanging;not;working;
25491የስራ ዙሪያዎች;በመፈተሽ ላይ;በመቃኘት ላይ;analysis;answers;solutions;arounds;workarounds;checking;look;for;scanning;verify; analysis;answers;solutions;arounds;workarounds;checking;look;for;scanning;verify;
25492download;view;solutions;drivers;get;instructions;recommendations;messages; download;view;solutions;drivers;get;instructions;recommendations;messages;
25493አሳይ;መፍትሔ;ወደ;ችግሮች;view;solutions;to;problems; view;solutions;to;problems;
25496የስራ ዙሪያዎች;view;archived;messages;analysis;answers;arounds;workarounds;solutions; view;archived;messages;analysis;answers;arounds;workarounds;solutions;
25497ሪፖርት ማድረጎች;እና መሰረዝ;reports;tell;microsoft;send;sent;clear;problems;delete;solutions;history;and;erase;view;all; reports;tell;microsoft;send;sent;clear;problems;delete;solutions;history;and;erase;view;all;
25503nfp፣ አቅራቢያ፣ መስክ፣ ቅርበት፣ ንካ እና ላክ;nfp;near;field;feild;proximity;prosimity;proxymity;tap and send nfp;near;field;feild;proximity;prosimity;proxymity;tap and send
25504archive;collection;files;keep;safe;personal;retain;save;library;history; archive;collection;files;keep;safe;personal;retain;save;library;history;
25505associate;exclude;migrate;move;reconnect;recommend;retention;settings;store; associate;exclude;migrate;move;reconnect;recommend;retention;settings;store;
2550616-ቢት;16;bit;16-bit;legacy;old;dos;win31;emulation;ntvdm; 16;bit;16-bit;legacy;old;dos;win31;emulation;ntvdm;
25507ዳግም አስጀምር፣ መድህን፣ ልውውጥ፣ ንቁ ማመሳሰል;Reset;Security;Exchange;ActiveSync Reset;Security;Exchange;ActiveSync
25508ገጽ ዕይታ;ብልጥ ገጽ ዕይታ;smart;screen;smartscreen;internet; smart;screen;smartscreen;internet;
25509ይከፍታል;በመክፈት ላይ;የተከፈተ;opens;opening;opened; opens;opening;opened;
25510links; links;
25511spaces;storage-spaces;mirror;mirror-space;resilient;resilient-space; spaces;storage-spaces;mirror;mirror-space;resilient;resilient-space;
25512import;photo;connection;camera;flash;removable;storage;stage; import;photo;connection;camera;flash;removable;storage;stage;
25513wireless;LAN;wifi;Wi-Fi;WLAN; wireless;LAN;wifi;Wi-Fi;WLAN;
25514all;wireless;on;off;plane;flight;radio;airplane;connection; all;wireless;on;off;plane;flight;radio;airplane;connection;
25515DA;direct;access;directaccess DA;direct;access;directaccess
25516mobile;broadband;2G;2.5G;3G;3.5G;4G;LTE;CDMA;GSM;wireless;cellphone;mbb;telco;carrier; mobile;broadband;2G;2.5G;3G;3.5G;4G;LTE;CDMA;GSM;wireless;cellphone;mbb;telco;carrier;
25517የምስክር ወረቀት፣ ቁልፍ;certificate;key certificate;key
25518msime;ime;settings;japanese; msime;ime;settings;japanese;
25519msime;ime;settings;pinyin;mspy; msime;ime;settings;pinyin;mspy;
25520msime;ime;settings;phonetic; msime;ime;settings;phonetic;
25521msime;ime;settings;changjie; msime;ime;settings;changjie;
25522msime;ime;settings;quick; msime;ime;settings;quick;
25523msime;ime;register;word;japanese; msime;ime;register;word;japanese;
25525ግላዊ፤ ቁምፊ;eudcedit.exe;private;character;editor; eudcedit.exe;private;character;editor;
25527tiles; tiles;
25528always;in; always;in;
25529let;decide; let;decide;
25530windows;anytime;upgrade;media;center;play;dvd;watch;tv;television;record; windows;anytime;upgrade;media;center;play;dvd;watch;tv;television;record;
25531የሥራ-ዓቃፊዎች;የሥራ-ፋይሎች;የኩባንያ-ዓቃፊዎች;የኩባንያ-ፋይሎች;የማመሳሰል-ማእከል;work;work-folders;work-files;company-folders;company-files;sync-center;synchronize; work;work-folders;work-files;company-folders;company-files;sync-center;synchronize;
25672የአካባቢ የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ Change location settings
25673የ Windows ን SideShow-ተኳዃኝ መሳሪያ የክንውን አውዶች ለውጥ Change Windows SideShow-compatible device settings
25674የ Windows ን SideShow መግብር ድርድር ለውጥ Change the order of Windows SideShow gadgets
25675የ Windows ን SideShow የክንውን አውዶች ለውጥ Change Windows SideShow settings
25677የኮምፒዩተርዎትን አቋም ይከልሱ Review your computer's status
25678መደበኛ የኮምፒዩተር ችግሮችን አስወግድ Troubleshoot common computer problems
25682የማሳያ ቀለም ማነሳሳት Calibrate display color
25683ClearType ጽሑፍን አስተካክል Adjust ClearType text
25684ከአንድ በላይ የመንካት እንቅስቃሴ ትዕዛዝ የክንውን አውድ ለውጥ Change multi-touch gesture settings
25685ራስ ሰር መስኮት ድርደራን አጥፋ Turn off automatic window arrangement
25686መዳፊት Mouse
25952ታሪክ;ክትትል;መሸጎጫ;ግላዊነት;አይነት;በላይ;በራስ ስር አጠናቅ;ጥቆማዎች;history;tracking;cache;privacy;type;ahead;autocomplete;suggestions; history;tracking;cache;privacy;type;ahead;autocomplete;suggestions;
25953አጽዳ፣ ሰርዝ፣ በመሰረዝ ላይ፣ አግኝ፣ ማስወገድ፣ በማስወገድ ላይ፣ መሰረዝ፣ መጥረግ;clear;clean;delete;deleting;get;rid;of;remove;removing;erase;wipe clear;clean;delete;deleting;get;rid;of;remove;removing;erase;wipe
25954ስፋት;ስፋቶች;መስኮት;ዝርዝር;አሞሌ;ሳጥን;ትር;scope;scopes;window;list;bar;box;tab; scope;scopes;window;list;bar;box;tab;
25955በብዛት;በአብዛኛው;ብዙ;በተለምዶ;አጠቃቀም;ግላዊ;ጫፍ;frequently;most;lot;usually;MFU;usage;often;privacy;top; frequently;most;lot;usually;MFU;usage;often;privacy;top;
25956ደብቅ;ለውጥ;የክንውን አውዶች;የሚታይ;አሳይ;ይምረጡ;የተመረጠ;የተደበቀ;መጥፋት;አሳይ;እይ;ተመልከት;hide;change;settings;visible;show;choose;choosing;picked;picks;hidden;disappear;select;pick;display;view;see; hide;change;settings;visible;show;choose;choosing;picked;picks;hidden;disappear;select;pick;display;view;see;
25957አንቃ;ጀምር;አግድ;አታግድ;አግድ;ፍቀድ;ከልክል;3ኛ;ወገን;ሦስተኛ ወገን;አብራ;አጥፋ;አዘምን;አዘምኖች;አሳይ;ደብቅ;አሸልብ;enable;start;block;unblock;restrict;allow;prevent;3rd;party;third-party;on;off;update;updates;show;hide;snooze; enable;start;block;unblock;restrict;allow;prevent;3rd;party;third-party;on;off;update;updates;show;hide;snooze;
25958የክንውን አውዶች;መዝገብ;ዱካ;አስታውስ;አስቀምጥ;አከማች;settings;record;track;remember;save;keep;store; settings;record;track;remember;save;keep;store;
25959የገጽ ዕይታ ቆላፊ;lock screen;notification;screen;badge;status; lock screen;notification;screen;badge;status;
25960accent;color; accent;color;
25961የተጠቃሚ ንጣፍ;user tile; user tile;
25981ሽቦ አልባ;all;wireless;on;off;plane;flight;radio;airplane;connection; all;wireless;on;off;plane;flight;radio;airplane;connection;
25982ሞባይል;ብሮድባንድ;GSMሽቦ አልባ;mobile;broadband;2G;2.5G;3G;3.5G;4G;LTE;CDMA;GSM;wireless;cellphone;mbb;telco;carrier; mobile;broadband;2G;2.5G;3G;3.5G;4G;LTE;CDMA;GSM;wireless;cellphone;mbb;telco;carrier;
25983ሽቦ አልባ;wireless;LAN;wifi;Wi-Fi;WLAN; wireless;LAN;wifi;Wi-Fi;WLAN;
25984አቅራቢያ፣ መስክ፣ ግንኙነት፣ ቅርበት፣ ንካ፣ እና ላክ;near;field;nearfield;communication;proximity;NFC;tap and send near;field;nearfield;communication;proximity;NFC;tap and send
25985ሞባይል;ብሮድባንድ;ተሸካሚ;ተመዝጋቢ;ራዲዮ;ሽቦ አልባ;ሞባይል ስልክ;mobile;broadband;carrier;telco;IMSI;subscriber;radio;IMEI;2G;3G;4G;LTE;CDMA;GSM;wireless;cellphone;mbb; mobile;broadband;carrier;telco;IMSI;subscriber;radio;IMEI;2G;3G;4G;LTE;CDMA;GSM;wireless;cellphone;mbb;
25986ወፈር ያለ;thick;thicker;thickness;blinking;cursor;pointer;size; thick;thicker;thickness;blinking;cursor;pointer;size;
25988location;glonass;compass;gnss;galileo;geo; location;glonass;compass;gnss;galileo;geo;
25989በራስሰር አጠናቅቅ;በራስ ሰር አስተካክል;predict;predictive;prediction;complete;autocomplete;text;txt;correct;autocorrect;auto-correct;corrective; predict;predictive;prediction;complete;autocomplete;text;txt;correct;autocorrect;auto-correct;corrective;
25990ዓረፍተ ነገር;period;fullstop;stop;tap;double-tap;space;spacebar;sentence; period;fullstop;stop;tap;double-tap;space;spacebar;sentence;
25991ዓብዩ ፊደል;ዓረፍተ ነገር;capital;caps;capitalize;uppercase;case;sentence;letter;shift;autoshift;period;fullstop;stop;space;spacebar;sentence; capital;caps;capitalize;uppercase;case;sentence;letter;shift;autoshift;period;fullstop;stop;space;spacebar;sentence;
25992tap;double-tap;shift;lock;shiftlock;caps;capslock; tap;double-tap;shift;lock;shiftlock;caps;capslock;
25993ጠቅ ያድርጉ;ጠቅ ማድረጎች;click;clicks;taps;tap;tapping;tick;ticking; click;clicks;taps;tap;tapping;tick;ticking;
25994በራስ አስተካክል;በራስ አጠናቅቅ;ሆሄ መረጣ;የተሳተ ሆሄ;correct;autocorrect;auto-correct;corrective;predict;predictive;prediction;complete;autocomplete;text;txt;spell;spelling;spelt;misspelt;misspelled;mispelt;mispelled; correct;autocorrect;auto-correct;corrective;predict;predictive;prediction;complete;autocomplete;text;txt;spell;spelling;spelt;misspelt;misspelled;mispelt;mispelled;
25995red;squiggle;squiggly;line; red;squiggle;squiggly;line;
25996ሜትር፣ ወጪ፣ አውታረ መረብ፣ ዕቅድ;metered;meter;cost;network;data;plan metered;meter;cost;network;data;plan
25997መስኮት፣ በመስመር ላይ;windows;live;id;liveid windows;live;id;liveid
25998በእጅ የሚያዝ፣ ስልክ፣ ድምጽ ማጉሊያዎች፣ የጆሮ ማዳመጫ;handset;handsets;phone;cellphone;cell;speakers;headset;headsets handset;handsets;phone;cellphone;cell;speakers;headset;headsets
25999ቲቪ፣ ቴሌቪዥን;TV;television TV;television
26000DLNA፣ሚድያ፣ ማጫወቻ፣ ማከማቻ፣ NAS;DLNA;media;player;storage;NAS DLNA;media;player;storage;NAS
26001አውታረ መረብ;አውታረ መረብ ግንኙነቶች;አውታረ መረቦች;network;networking;networks network;networking;networks
26002pair;pairs;associate;associates;add;adds;connects;connect;setup;playto;play pair;pairs;associate;associates;add;adds;connects;connect;setup;playto;play
26003boot;start;startup;on;turn;safe;mode; boot;start;startup;on;turn;safe;mode;
26004firmware;uefi;bios;driver;signing firmware;uefi;bios;driver;signing
26005sinch;syncing;synchronize;synchronise;synk;syncronize;synchronization;roaming;settings; sinch;syncing;synchronize;synchronise;synk;syncronize;synchronization;roaming;settings;
26006log in;login;log on;logon;sign in;signin;sign-in;sign on;signon;sign-on; log in;login;log on;logon;sign in;signin;sign-in;sign on;signon;sign-on;
26007log off;logoff;sign out;signout;sign off;signoff;logout;log out; log off;logoff;sign out;signout;sign off;signoff;logout;log out;
26008email;e-mail;address; email;e-mail;address;
26009switch;connect; switch;connect;
26010PIN;pattern;code; PIN;pattern;code;
26011ሰማያዊገጽ ዕይታ፤ሰማያዊገጽ ዕይታ ችግሮች፤ሰማያዊገጽ ዕይታ፤መጥፎ ነጂ፤ነጂዎች፤ሰማያዊ ገጽ ዕይታ፤ሳንካ ፍተሻ;blueScreen;bluescreen issues;bluescreen;bad driver;drivers;blue screen;bug check blueScreen;bluescreen issues;bluescreen;bad driver;drivers;blue screen;bug check
26012Windows Update፤ማዘመን አይቻልም፤ከWindows Update ጋር የተያያዙ ችግሮች፤የWindows Update ችግሮች፤WU፤ዝማኔ አልተሳካም፤ዝማኔ መጫን አልተቻለም፤የWindows update ስህተት፤WU ስህተት;Windows Update;Cannot update;issues with Windows Update;Windows Update Issues;WU;Update fails;Cant install update;Windows update error;WU error Windows Update;Cannot update;issues with Windows Update;Windows Update Issues;WU;Update fails;Cant install update;Windows update error;WU error
26013የግቤት ስልት አርታዒ;እስያኛ ግቤት;ጃፓንኛ ግቤት;የቁልፍ ሰሌዳ;ግቤት;input method editor;asian input;japanese input;ime;keyboard;input input method editor;asian input;japanese input;ime;keyboard;input
28682Windows ባዶ ዲስክ ማዘጋጀቱን ማጠናቀቅ አልቻለም። Windows was unable to complete the format.
28683The file system is incompatible with this disk. The file system is incompatible with this disk.
28684ይህን ክወና ለመፈፀም በቂ መብት የለህም። You do not have sufficient rights to perform this operation.
28685ዲስኩ ጽሑፍ የተጠበቀ ነው። The disk is write protected.
28686Windows ይህ አንጻፊ በባዶ ዲስክ አላዘጋጀም ይህን አንጻፊ የሚጠቀሙ፣ ማናቸውም የዲስክ መገልገያዎችና ሌሎች ፕሮግራሞች ጨርስህ አቁምና፣ የአንጻፊውን ይዘት ምንም መስኮት እንደማያሳየው አረጋግጥ ከዚያ በኋላ እንደገና በባዶ ዲስክ ለማዘጋጀት ሞክር። Windows cannot format this drive. Quit any disk utilities or other programs that are using this drive, and make sure that no window is displaying the contents of the drive. Then try formatting again.
28687ይህ ዲስክ በፍጥነት ሊቀረጽ የሚችል አይደለም። This disk cannot be quick formatted.
28688An unexpected I/O error has occurred. An unexpected I/O error has occurred.
28689መጠኑ ትክክል አይደለም እባክዎን ትክክለኛ የድምጽ መጠን መለያ ያድርጉ። The volume label is not valid. Please enter a valid volume label.
28690The drive media is not compatible with this device. The drive media is not compatible with this device.
28691ባዶ ዲስክ ማዘጋጀት ተጠናቋል። Format Complete.
28692ባዶ ዲስክ ማዘጋጀቱን ማቋረጥ አይቻልም። ቅርጸትን እንደገና ማቆም ለመሞከር እንደገና ሞክርን ጠቅ ያድርጉ።
ድንገት ለማቆም፣ ተወውን ጠቅ ያድርጉ።
The format could not be interrupted. To attempt to quit formatting again, click Retry.
To quit immediately, click Cancel.
28693The format was cancelled. The format was cancelled.
28694ማስጠንቀቂያ፥ ባዶ ዲስክ ማዘጋጀት በዚህ ዲስክ ውስጥ ያሉትን ውሂቦች በሙሉ ያጠፋቸዋል።
ባዶ ዲስክ ለማዘጋጀት፣ እሺን ጠቅ ያድርጉ። አቋርጦ ለመውጣት፣ ተወውን ጠቅ ያድርጉ።
WARNING: Formatting will erase ALL data on this disk.
To format the disk, click OK. To quit, click CANCEL.
28695ይህን የድምጽ መጠን በባዶ ዲስክ ማዘጋጀት አትችልም You cannot format this volume
28696Windows could not create a MS-DOS startup disk on this disk.
Please check that the disk is not write-protected or try another disk.
Windows could not create a MS-DOS startup disk on this disk.
Please check that the disk is not write-protected or try another disk.
28697የተሳሳተው ዲስኬት አንጻፊ ውስጥ አለ ትክክለኛ
ዲስኬት አንፃፍ %2 ውስጥ አስገባ።
The wrong diskette is in the drive.
Insert correct diskette into drive %2.
28698የምትጠቀምበትን የ Windows፣ ስሪት ይዟል። ይህን የድምጽ መጠን መቅረጽ ኮምፒዩተርዎ፣ ስራ እንዲያቆም ያደርጋል። ዲስኮችና አንጻፊዎች መቅረጽ FAQ It contains the version of Windows that you are using. Formatting this volume could cause your computer to stop working. Formatting disks and drives FAQ
28701ይህ አንጻፊ ጥቅም ላይ ነው ሌላ ፕሮግራም ወይም ሂደት ይህን አንጻፊ እየተጠቀመ ነው ለማንኛውም ባዶ ዲስክ ማዘጋጀት ይፈልጋሉ This drive is in use. Another program or process is using this drive. Do you want to format it anyway?
28702Format Drive Format Drive
28703ባዶ ዲስክ ማዘጋጀቱ ረጅም ጊዜ ሊወስድ ይችላል። ባዶ ዲስክ ማዘጋጀቱ እስካልተጠናቀቀ ድረስ ኮምፒዩተሩን መዝጋት አትችል።
በዚህ ቅርጸት መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?
The format might take a long time. You should not shut down the computer until the format is complete.
Do you want to continue with this format?
287055.25", 160KB, 512 bytes/sector 5.25", 160KB, 512 bytes/sector
287065.25", 180KB, 512 bytes/sector 5.25", 180KB, 512 bytes/sector
287075.25", 320KB, 512 bytes/sector 5.25", 320KB, 512 bytes/sector
287085.25", 320KB, 1024 bytes/sector 5.25", 320KB, 1024 bytes/sector
287095.25", 360KB, 512 bytes/sector 5.25", 360KB, 512 bytes/sector
287103.5", 720KB, 512 bytes/sector 3.5", 720KB, 512 bytes/sector
287115.25", 1.2MB, 512 bytes/sector 5.25", 1.2MB, 512 bytes/sector
287123.5"፣ 1.44ሜባ፣ 512 ባይቶች/ ሴክተር 3.5", 1.44MB, 512 bytes/sector
287133.5", 2.88MB, 512 bytes/sector 3.5", 2.88MB, 512 bytes/sector
287143.5", 20.8MB, 512 bytes/sector 3.5", 20.8MB, 512 bytes/sector
28715Removable Media (Unknown Size) Removable Media (Unknown Size)
287173.5", 120MB, 512 bytes/sector 3.5", 120MB, 512 bytes/sector
28718640KB, 512 bytes/sector 640KB, 512 bytes/sector
28720720KB, 512 bytes/sector 720KB, 512 bytes/sector
287211.2MB, 512 bytes/sector 1.2MB, 512 bytes/sector
287221.25MB, 1024 bytes/sector 1.25MB, 1024 bytes/sector
287263.5", 200MB, 512 bytes/sector 3.5", 200MB, 512 bytes/sector
287273.5", 240MB, 512 bytes/sector 3.5", 240MB, 512 bytes/sector
28728%1!s! (ነባሪ) %1!s! (Default)
28732ነባሪ የምድባ መጠን ቀይር Default allocation size
28733%1!d! ባይቶች %1!d! bytes
28734%1!d! ኪሎ ባይቶች %1!d! kilobytes
28737ያልታወቀ አቅም Unknown capacity
28741%s እየቀረጸ Formatting %s
28742%s ባዶ ዲስክ አዘጋጅ Format %s
28744&ዝጋ &Close
28745ልክ ያልኾነ ግብአት Invalid input
28746The volume name for a FAT or FAT32 volume cannot contain the following characters:
* ? / \ | , ; : + = [ ] " .
The volume name for a FAT or FAT32 volume cannot contain the following characters:
* ? / \ | , ; : + = [ ] " .
28747This removable drive must be formatted with a file system before you can use it. Because this drive is large and currently allows quick removal, none of the built-in file systems can format it. Disabling quick removal for the drive will allow the NTFS file system to format it.

To avoid corrupting the drive when you remove it, always click the Safely Remove Hardware icon (the circled icon in the graphic below) in the notification area, and then click the device name.
This removable drive must be formatted with a file system before you can use it. Because this drive is large and currently allows quick removal, none of the built-in file systems can format it. Disabling quick removal for the drive will allow the NTFS file system to format it.

To avoid corrupting the drive when you remove it, always click the Safely Remove Hardware icon (the circled icon in the graphic below) in the notification area, and then click the device name.
28748This version of Windows doesn't support the %1!ls! format on drive %2!ls!. This version of Windows doesn't support the %1!ls! format on drive %2!ls!.
28805Windows የዲስክ ምረመራውን መጨረሻ አይቻልም። Windows was unable to complete the disk check.
28809You do not have sufficient rights to check this drive. You do not have sufficient rights to check this drive.
28811Checking Disk %s Checking Disk %s
28812Check Disk %s Check Disk %s
28814ዲስኩ በባዶ ዲስክ አልተዘጋጀም የዲስክ ምርመራው ሊፈጸም ይችላል።
ይህን ዲስክ መቅረጽ ትፈልጋለህ?
The disk check could not be performed because the disk is not formatted.
Would you like to format the disk?
28815Windows ዲስኩን መድረስ ስለማይቻል የዲስክ ፍተሻ ማከናወን አይቻልም። The disk check could not be performed because Windows can't access the disk.
28816Check Disk Check Disk
28820አንፃፊህ በስኬት ተቃኝቷል Your drive was successfully scanned
28824Repair this drive Repair this drive
28826There was a problem repairing this drive There was a problem repairing this drive
28827Windows was unable to repair the drive. Close this dialog box, and then try to repair the drive again. Windows was unable to repair the drive. Close this dialog box, and then try to repair the drive again.
28830Windows በስኬት የአንጻፊን ቅርጸት አከናውኗል። ምንም ስህተቶች አልተገኙም። Windows successfully scanned the drive. No errors were found.
28831Windows found errors on this drive that need to be repaired. Close this dialog box, and then repair the drive. Windows found errors on this drive that need to be repaired. Close this dialog box, and then repair the drive.
28832የእርስዎ አንጻፊ ቅርጸት በስኬት ተከናውኗል፡፡ Your drive was successfully repaired
28833አንጻፊው ለስራ ዝግጁ ነው። The drive is ready to use.
28834Windows በስራ ላይ ያለን አንጻፊ መቅረጽ አይችልም Windows can't repair the drive while it's in use
28835አሁን ለማስተካከል፣ ሁሉንም የተከፈቱ ፋይሎች ያስቀምጡና ዝጋ እና ኮምፒዩተርዎትን እንደገና ጀምር። እንዲሁም በቀጣዩ ጊዜ ኮምፒዩተርዎትን እንደገና ስታስጀምር የማስተካከያ የጊዜ ሰሌዳ መወሰን ይችላሉ። To repair now, save and close all open files and restart your computer. You can also schedule the repair for the next time you restart your computer.
28836አሁን እንደገና ጀምር እና አስተካክል Restart and repair now
28837Repair now Repair now
28838ቀጣይ እንደገና መጀመር ላይ አስተካክል Repair on next restart
28839Windows can't repair the drive while it's in use Windows can't repair the drive while it's in use
28840To repair now, save and close all open files. You will lose any unsaved work on this drive during the repair. To repair now, save and close all open files. You will lose any unsaved work on this drive during the repair.
28841የስሕተት ፍተሻ (%1!s!) Error Checking (%1!s!)
28842በመቅረጽ ላይ... Scanning...
28843በማስተካከል ላይ... Repairing...
28844አንጻፊ ቅረጽ
በቅርጸት ላይ እያሉ በአንጻፊው መጠቀምዎን መቀጠል ይችላሉ። ስህተቶች ከተገኙ፣ እነሱን ማስተካከል ስለመፈለግዎ መወሰን ይችላሉ።
Scan drive
You can keep using the drive during the scan. If errors are found, you can decide if you want to fix them.
28845አንጻፊ ቅረጽ
Windows ስህተቶችን በሚይፈልጉበትና በሚያስተካክልበት ወቅት በአንጻፊው መጠቀም አይችሉም። የህ ጥቂት ጊዜ ሊወስድና እርስዎም ኮምፒዩተርዎትን እንደገና ማስጀመር ይኖርብዎታል።
Repair drive
You won't be able to use the drive while Windows finds and repairs any errors. This might take a while, and you might need to restart your computer.
28846Scan drive (recommended)
You can keep using the drive during the scan. If errors are found, you can decide if you want to fix them.
Scan drive (recommended)
You can keep using the drive during the scan. If errors are found, you can decide if you want to fix them.
28847Repair drive
You won't be able to use the drive while Windows repairs errors found in the last scan. You might need to restart your computer.
Repair drive
You won't be able to use the drive while Windows repairs errors found in the last scan. You might need to restart your computer.
28848Scan this drive for errors Scan this drive for errors
28849ይህን አንጻፊ መቅረጽ ይኖርብዎታል You don't need to scan this drive
28850እዚህ አንጻፊ ላይ ምንም ስህተቶችን አላገኘንም። ፍላጎትዎ ከሆነ አሁንም ለስህተቶች ይህን አንጻፊ መቅረጽ ይችላሉ። We haven't found any errors on this drive. You can still scan the drive for errors if you want.
28851We found potential errors on this drive. We found potential errors on this drive.
28852ይህን አንጻፊ አስተካክል Repair this drive
28853እዚህ አንጻፊ ላይ ስህተቶችን አግኝተናል። የውሂብ መጥፋትን ለመካለክል፣ ይህን አንጻፊ አሁን አስተካክል። We found errors on this drive. To prevent data loss, repair this drive now.
28855Canceling... Canceling...
28857Windows tried to repair the drive and found additional errors. Close this dialog box, and then repair the drive again. Windows tried to repair the drive and found additional errors. Close this dialog box, and then repair the drive again.
28859Windows successfully repaired the drive, but found additional errors. Close this dialog box, and then scan the drive again. Windows successfully repaired the drive, but found additional errors. Close this dialog box, and then scan the drive again.
28860There was a problem scanning this drive There was a problem scanning this drive
28861Windows was unable to scan the drive. Close this dialog box, and then try to scan the drive again. Windows was unable to scan the drive. Close this dialog box, and then try to scan the drive again.
28863There is a scan already running on a drive. Wait for the scan to complete, and then try to scan the drive again. There is a scan already running on a drive. Wait for the scan to complete, and then try to scan the drive again.
28864Time remaining: %1!02d!:%2!02d!:%3!02d! Time remaining: %1!02d!:%2!02d!:%3!02d!
28865ዝርዝሮች አሳይ Show Details
28867Windows was unable to scan the drive. Close this dialog box, and then try to scan the drive again. If the problem persists, scan and repair the drive. Windows was unable to scan the drive. Close this dialog box, and then try to scan the drive again. If the problem persists, scan and repair the drive.
28869Windows was unable to scan the drive. Close this dialog box, and then repair the drive. Windows was unable to scan the drive. Close this dialog box, and then repair the drive.
28870Scan and repair drive
You won't be able to use the drive while Windows finds and repairs any errors. This might take a while, and you might need to restart your computer.
Scan and repair drive
You won't be able to use the drive while Windows finds and repairs any errors. This might take a while, and you might need to restart your computer.
28871Scanning and repairing... Scanning and repairing...
28872%1!s! የሚሆን ቀርቷል About %1!s! remaining
28873%1!d! day %1!d! day
28874%1!d! days %1!d! days
288751 hour 1 hour
28876%1!d! hours %1!d! hours
28877%1!d! hours and %2!d! minutes %1!d! hours and %2!d! minutes
28878%1!d! hour and %2!d! minutes %1!d! hour and %2!d! minutes
28879%1!d! ደቂቃዎችና %1!d! minutes
28880%1!d! ደቂቃዎችና %2!d! ሰኮንዶች %1!d! minutes and %2!d! seconds
28881%1!d! minute and %2!d! seconds %1!d! minute and %2!d! seconds
28882%1!d! ሰኮንዶች %1!d! seconds
28883You don't need to check this drive You don't need to check this drive
28884The ReFS file system does not need to be checked. The ReFS file system does not need to be checked.
28944ተነባቢ-ብቻ አዘጋጅ፣ set read-only,
28945ተነባቢ-ብቻ አታዘጋጅ፣ unset read-only,
28946ደብቅ፣ hide,
28947አትደብቅ፣ unhide,
28948መመዝገብ አንቃ፣ enable archiving,
28949መመዝገብ አሰናክል፣ disable archiving,
28950መረጃ መጠቆም አንቃ፣ enable indexing,
28951መረጃ መጠቆም አሰናክል፣ disable indexing,
28952ዓምቅ፣ compress,
28953አታምቅ፣ uncompress,
28954አመስጥር፣ encrypt,
28955ምስጠራውን ፍታ፣ decrypt,
28956ያልታወቀ መተግበሪያ Unknown application
28957ገለጻ፥ Description:
28958ዓይነታዎችን በመተግበር ላይ... Applying attributes...
28960ዓይነታዎችን ላይ መተግበር፥ Applying attributes to:
28961ለዚህ ዓቃፊ የሚፈልጓቸውን የክንውን አውዶች ይምረጡ። Choose the settings you want for this folder.
28962ለተመረጡትን ንጥሎች የሚፈልጓቸውን የክንውን አውዶች ይምረጡ። Choose the settings you want for the selected items.
28963የሚከፍተው በ፥ Opens with:
28964በፋይል ኤክስፕሎረር (ስርዓትና የተዳበቁ ተብለው የተለዩ ፋይሎች) ውስጥ የሚገኘትን የተጠበቁ የስርዓተ ክወና ፋይሎችን መርጠዋል።

እነዚህ ፋይሎችን Windows ን ማስጀመርና ማስሄድ ይጠበቅባቸዋል። እነሱን መሰረዝ ወይም አርትዕ ማድረግ ኮምፒዩተርዎ እንዳይሰራ ያደርጋል።
እነዚህን ፋይሎች ማሳየት መፈለግዎን እርግጠኛ ነዎት?
You have chosen to display protected operating system files (files labeled System and Hidden) in File Explorer.

These files are required to start and run Windows. Deleting or editing them can make your computer inoperable.
Are you sure you want to display these files?
28976ይህን ለውጥ ለዚህ ዓቃፊ ብቻ መተግበር ትፍልጋላህ ወይስ ለሁሉም ንዑሳን ዓቃፊዎችና ፋይሎችም መተግበር ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want to apply this change to this folder only, or do you want to apply it to all subfolders and files as well?
28977ይህን ለውጥ ለተመረጡት ንጥሎች ብቻ መተግበር ይፈልጋሉ ወይስ ለሁሉም ንዑስ ዓቃፊዎችና ፋይሎችም ጭምር መተግበር ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want to apply this change to the selected items only, or do you want to apply it to all subfolders and files as well?
28978Do you want to apply this change to drive %s only, or do you want to apply it to all subfolders and files as well? Do you want to apply this change to drive %s only, or do you want to apply it to all subfolders and files as well?
28979ይህን ለውጥ ለዚህ የድምጽ መጠን ብቻ መተጋግበር ትፈልጋህ ወይስ ለሁሉም ንዑሳን ዓቃፊዎችና ፋይሎችም መተግበር ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want to apply this change to this volume only, or do you want to apply it to all subfolders and files as well?
28980ለዚህ ዓቃፊ ብቻ ለውጦችን ተግብር Apply changes to this folder only
28981ለተመረጡት ንጥሎች ብቻ ለውጦችን ተግብር Apply changes to the selected items only
28982Apply changes to drive %s only Apply changes to drive %s only
28983ለዚህ የድምጽ መጠን ብቻ ለውጦችን ተግብር Apply changes to this volume only
28984ለዚህ ዓቃፊ ንዑስን ዓቃፊዎችና ፋይሎች ለውጦች ተግብር Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files
28985ለተመረጡት ንጥሎች ንዑሳን ዓቃፊዎችና ፋይሎችን ለውጦች ተግብር Apply changes to the selected items, subfolders and files
28986Apply changes to drive %s, subfolders and files Apply changes to drive %s, subfolders and files
28987ለዚህ የድምጽ መጠን፣ ንዑሳን ዓቃፊዎችና ለፋይሎች ለውጦች ተግባር Apply changes to this volume, subfolders and files
29188Search for &Computers... Search for &Computers...
29442ለማሳያ የሚሆኑ ምንም ንጥል የለም። There are no items to display.
29443ኤክስፕሌረር አሳሽ ቁጥጥር Explorer Browser Control
29697&እዚህ ቅዳ &Copy here
29698ወደዚህ &አንቀሳቅስ &Move here
29699አ&ቋራጮችን እዚህ ፍጠር Create &shortcuts here
29705Make sync © Make sync ©
29706Make sync copy of &type... Make sync copy of &type...
29707&አቋራጮችን እዚህ ፍጠር Create &shortcuts here
29710&Copy here &Copy here
29711&Move here &Move here
29952የተመሳከረላችው ፕሮግራሞች Recommended Programs
29953ሌሎች ፕሮግራሞች Other Programs
29954Cannot associate file type with this program Cannot associate file type with this program
29955The program you have selected cannot be associated with this file type. Please choose another program. The program you have selected cannot be associated with this file type. Please choose another program.
29990ሁሉም ንጥል ነገሮች General items
29996ለውጦችን ላማየት ቅደመህ እይታና ወንፊቶች መንቃት አለባችው ልከፍታቸው ይፈልጋሉ Preview and filters must be enabled to see your changes. Would you like to turn them on?
29997እውቂያዎች Contacts
30002Internet Internet
30262Background files Background files
30275የዓቃፊ ዕይታዎች Folder Views
30276እንዲህ ዓይነቶቹ ሁሉም ዓቃፊዎች የዚህን ዓቃፊ የዕይታ የክንውን አውዶች ጋር እንዲመሳሰሉ ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want all folders of this type to match this folder's view settings?
30277የዚህ ዓይነቶቹን፡ ሁሉንም ዓቃፊዎች፡ ወደ ነባሪ፡ ዕይታ የክንውን አውዶች ዳግም ማስጀመር ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want to reset all folders of this type to the default view settings?
30291*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.dib;*.png *.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.dib;*.png
30292*.bmp;*.dib *.bmp;*.dib
30303Critical information about the desktop could not be retrieved from the registry. Your registry may be corrupted. Critical information about the desktop could not be retrieved from the registry. Your registry may be corrupted.
30304&ወደ ዓቃፊ ቅዳ... Copy To &folder...
30305&ወደ ዓቃፊ ያንቀሳቅሱ... Mo&ve To folder...
30306Select the place where you want to copy the selected item(s), then click the Copy button. Select the place where you want to copy the selected item(s), then click the Copy button.
30307Select the place where you want to move the selected item(s), then click the Move button. Select the place where you want to move the selected item(s), then click the Move button.
30308ዓላማው እንዲህ ዓይነት ሰነድ መያዝ አይቻልም The target can't handle this type of document
30310The folder '%1' does not exist. The folder '%1' does not exist.
30312&ላክ ወደ Se&nd to
30314The target can't handle this type of document The target can't handle this type of document
30315አ&ዲስ Ne&w
30316New %s New %s
30317&ዓቃፊ &Folder
30318&አቋራጭ &Shortcut
30319fldr fldr
30324F F
30327ወደ ዓቀፊ ይቅዱ ወይም ያንቀሳቅሱ Copy or Move to folder
30328እንደ &ዱካ ቅዳ Copy &as path
30329የቅጅ ዱካ Copy path
30336የተመረጡ ንጥል ነገሮችን ዱካ ወደ የቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ ቅዳ። Copy the path of the selected items to the Clipboard.
30337የተመረጡ ንጥል ነገሮችን ወደ መረጡት አካባቢ ይቅዱ። Copy the selected items to the location you choose.
30338የተመረጡ ንጥል ነገሮችን ወደ መረጡት አካባቢ ያንቀሳቅሱ። Move the selected items to the location you choose.
30339ወደሚከተለው ቅዳ Copy to
30340አንቀሳቅስ ወደ Move to
30341አካባቢ ምረጥ... Choose location...
30342የተመረጡትን ንጥል ነገሮች የት መቅዳት እንደሚፈልጉ ይምረጡ። Choose where you want to copy the selected items.
30344የተመረጡትን ንጥል ነገሮች ወደ የት ማንቀሳቀስ እንደሚፈልጉ ይምረጡ። Choose where you want to move the selected items.
30347የአካባቢና የአውታር መረብ ማተሚያዎችን አክል፣ አስወግድና አዋቅር። Add, remove, and configure local and network printers.
30348ለእይታ የሚቀርቡትን የንጥል ዓይነቶችና እንዴት መታየት እንዳለባቸው ዓይነት የተግባር አሞሌን ብጁ አድግ። Customize the taskbar, such as the types of items to be displayed and how they should appear.
30350እነዚህ ኮምፒዩተር ውስጥ ያሉትን የአውታር መረብ ግንኙነቶች ያሳያል እንዲሁም አዳዲሶቹን ለመፍጠር ያግዝሃል Displays existing network connections on this computer and helps you create new ones
30351ፕሮግራሞች የት አሉ Where are my Programs?
30352በቅርብ ጊዜ ያልተጠቀሙባቸውን ፕሮግራሞች ለማየት እዚህ ጠቅ ያድርጉ። ይህን ለመዝጋት በተግባር አሞሌ የክንውን አውዶች ይጠቀሙ። Click here to view programs that you have not used recently. To turn this off, use the Taskbar settings.
30368All picture files All picture files
30372የአንተ ለሆኑት ሰነዶች ምሳሌች ሙዚቃና ሌሎች ፋይሎች ዓቃፊዎችን ይዛል። Contains folders for Documents, Pictures, Music, and other files that belong to you.
30374Themes Themes
30375%1'። ለመቅዳት የሚፈልጉበት ቦታ ይምረጡ ከዚያም ቅዳ ቁልፍን ጠቅ ያድርጉ። Select the place where you want to copy '%1', then click the Copy button.
30376%1'። ለማንቀሳቀስ የሚፈልጉባቸውን ቦታ ይምረጡ ከዚያም ለማንቀሳቀስ ቁልፍን ጠቅ ያድርጉ። Select the place where you want to move '%1', then click the Move button.
30377ከነዚህን e %1!d! ንጥሎች የሚቀዱበትን ቦታ ይምረጡ ከዚያም ቅዳ አዝራርን ጠቅ ያድርጉ። Select the place where you want to copy these %1!d! items, then click the Copy button.
30378እነዚህን %1!d! ንጥሎች ማዛወር የሚፈልጉበትን ቦታ ይምረጡ ከዚያ ያንቀሳቅሱ አዝራርን ጠቅ ያድርጉ። Select the place where you want to move these %1!d! items, then click the Move button.
30379ንጥሎችን ቅዳ Copy Items
30380ንጥል ነገሮች አንቀሳቅስ Move Items
30381&ቅዳ &Copy
30382አን&ቀሳቅስ &Move
30384(full) (full)
30385(empty) (empty)
30388የጥራጊ ቅርጫት (ሙሉ) Recycle Bin (full)
30389የጥራጊ ቅርጫት (ባዶ) Recycle Bin (empty)
30391My Files My Files
30397አዲስ አቋራጭ New shortcut
30464የማስጀመሪያ መምረጫ Start menu
30465ግላዊነት የለበሱ ምናሌዎች ተጠቀም Use personalized menus
30466ተወዳጆችን አሳይ Display favorites
30467ዘግተህ ውጣ አሳይ Display log off
30468የቁጥጥር ፓነል አስፋ Expand control panel
30469ሰነዶችን አስፋ Expand documents
30470አቃፊዎችን አስፋ Expand printers
30471ፕሮግራሞችን ሸብልል Scroll programs
30472ምስሎችን አስፋ Expand pictures
30473የአውታመረብ ግንኙነቶችን አስፋ Expand network connections
30474ማሳያ ማስኬድ Display Run
30475የአግባበ ነገር ምናሌዎች፣ መጎተት እና መጣልን አንቃ Enable context menus and dragging and dropping
30476የአስተዳደር መሳሪያዎችን አሳይ Display administrative tools
30477ጀምር ማናሌ ላይ የሚገኙትን ትናንሽ አዶዎች አሳይ Show small icons in Start menu
30478በሁሉም ፕሮግራሞች ምናሌ እና በጀምር ምናሌ ላይ አሳይ Display on the All Programs menu and the Start menu
30479በሁሉም ፕሮግራሞች ምናሌ ላይ አሳይ Display on the All Programs menu
30480ኮምፒዩተር Computer
30481አውታረመረብ Network
30483ትእዛዝ አስኪድ Run command
30484የተወዳጆች ምናሌ Favorites menu
30489እገዛ Help
30492ይህንን ንጥል ነገር አታሳይ Don't display this item
30498ፋይሎች እና ዓቃፊዎች Files and Folders
30499የተደበቁ ፋይሎችን ዓቃፊዎች Hidden files and folders
30500ድብቅ ፋይሎችን፣ ዓቃፊዎችን፣ እና አንጻፊዎችን አሳይ Show hidden files, folders, and drives
30501ድብቅ ፋይሎችን፣ዓቃፊዎችን፣ ወይም አንጻፊዎችን አታሳይ Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives
30502ለዓቃፊና ለዴስክቶችና ንጥል ነገሮች ብቅባይ ገላጭ አሳይ Show pop-up description for folder and desktop items
30503ለሚታወቁ የፋይል ዓይነቶች ቅጥያዎችን ደብቅ Hide extensions for known file types
30504በርእስ አሞሌ ውስጥ ሙሉ ዱካ አሳይ Display the full path in the title bar
30507በተለየ ሂደት የዓቃፊ መስኮቶች ጀምር Launch folder windows in a separate process
30508የተጠበቁ የስርዓተ ክወና ፋይሎችን ደበቅ (ይመክራል) Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)
30512የተመሳጠሩ ወይም የታመቁ NTFS ፋይሎችን በህበረ ቀለም አሳይ Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color
30513የቀድሞ የመስኮት ዓቃፊን በወጣ ላይ እንደነበሩ መልስ Restore previous folder windows at logon
30514የፋይል መጠን ቀይር መረጃ በዓቃፊ ጠቃሚ ማሳሳቢያ ውስጥ አሳይ Display file size information in folder tips
30515የስርአት አስተዳደር መሳሪያዎች System administrative tools
30522ንጥል ነገሮችን ለመምረጥ የፍተሻ ሳጥኖች ተመልከት Use check boxes to select items
30523የአቋም አሞሌ አሳይ Show status bar
30530በተግባር አሞሌ ላይ መላወስ Animations in the taskbar
30531ከመዳፊት ጠቌሚ ሥር ፅላል አሳይ Show shadows under mouse pointer
30532ከመስኮት በታች ጥላ አሳይ Show shadows under windows
30533በሚጐተትበት ጊዜ የመስኮት ይዘቶችን አሳይ Show window contents while dragging
30534በማሳነሰና ባማስፍት ጊዜ መስኮቶች አላውስ Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing
30535የገጽ ዕይታ ቅርፀ ቅርጸ ቁምፊዎች የተሰተካከለ ጫፍ Smooth edges of screen fonts
30536በዕይታ ውስጥ አደብዝዝ ወይም የሚንሻራተቱ ምናሌዎች አሳይ Fade or slide menus into view
30537እይታ አንቃ Enable Peek
30539ተንሸራታች መክፈቻ ኮምቦ ሳጥኖች Slide open combo boxes
30540የማስተላለፊያ መምረጫ አራት ማዕዝን አሳይ Show translucent selection rectangle
30541በዴስክቶችና ላይ ለአዶ መለያዎችን ጥላ ጠል ይጠቀሙ Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop
30542በአዶዎች ፈንታ ጥፍ አካል አሳይ Show thumbnails instead of icons
30543ለእያንዳንዱ የኣቃፊ ዓይነት በስተጀርባ ምስል ይጠቀሙ Use a background image for each folder type
30544የለስላሳ-ሸብልል ዝርዝር ሳጥን Smooth-scroll list boxes
30545የድስክቶፕ ስብጥር አንቃ Enable desktop composition
30546ከጠቅታ በኋላ ምናሌ ንጥሎችን አደብዝዝ Fade out menu items after clicking
30547የመስረያ ፍንጭን ወደ ዕይታ አደብዝዝ ወይም አንሸራት Fade or slide ToolTips into view
30549በመስኮት ውስጥ መቆጣጠርያዎችና አባላት አላውስ Animate controls and elements inside windows
30550የተግባር አሞሌ ድንክዬ ቅድመ ዕይታን አስቀምጥ Save taskbar thumbnail previews
30551የመጋርያ ዓዋቂ ተጠቅም (ይመክራል) Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended)
30552የማመሳሰል አገልግሎት አቅራቢ ማሳወቂያዎችን አሳይ Show sync provider notifications
30554ሁልጊዜ አዶዎች አሳይ ጥፍር አክል ፈፁሞ አታሳይ Always show icons, never thumbnails
30555የቅድመ ዕይታ ክፍለ መቃን የቅድመ ዕይታ እጀታዎችን አሳይ Show preview handlers in preview pane
30556የአንጻፊ ፊደል አሳይ Show drive letters
30557ሁልጊዜ ምናሌዎችን አሳይ Always show menus
30558የፋይል አዶዎችን በጥፍር አካሎች ላይ አሳይ Display file icon on thumbnails
30559በዝርዝር ዕይታ ውስጥ ሲተየብ When typing into list view
30560በፍለጋ ሳጥኑ ውስጥ በፍጥነት ተይብ Automatically type into the Search Box
30561የተተየበውን ንጥል ነገር ዕይታ ውስጥ ይምረጡ Select the typed item in the view
30562ባዶ አንጻፊዎችን ደብቅ Hide empty drives
30563ዓቃፊ የማዋሃድ ግጭቶችን ደብቅ Hide folder merge conflicts
30565አትፈልግ Don't search
30566በህዝብ አቃፊዎች ፈልግ Search with public folders
30567ያለ ህዝብ አቃፊዎች ፈልግ Search without public folders
30569ፕሮግራሞች እና የቁጥጥር ፓነል ፈልግ Search programs and Control Panel
30570የበይነመረብ ላይብረሪ ፈልግ Search Internet library
30571ሁሉም የፕሮግራሞች ምናሌ በስም ደርድር Sort All Programs menu by name
30572ትልልቅ አዶዎችን ተጠቀም Use large icons
30573በመዳፊት ጠቋሚ አማካኝነት እነሱ ጋር ለአፍታ ሳቆም ንኡስ ምናሌዎችን ክፈታቸው Open submenus when I pause on them with the mouse pointer
30574አዲስ የተጫኑ ፕሮግራሞችን አድምቅ Highlight newly installed programs
30576ሌሎች ፋይሎች እና ላይብረሪዎችን ፈልግ Search other files and libraries
30579ጨዋታዎች Games
30593አገናኝ አሳይ Display as a link
30594በምናሌ መልክ አሳይ Display as a menu
30595GIF ምስል GIF image
30596JPEG ምስል JPEG image
30597ንድፈ ቅንጣት ምስል Bitmap image
30598PNG ምስል PNG image
30599TIFF ምስል TIFF image
30600አዶ ማከማቻ ስፍራ Icon library
30601አዶ Icon
30602የዲስክ ምስል ፋይል Disc Image File
30605የተቀዳ ቲቪ Recorded TV
30608የጅማሬ ዝረዝር ላይ አያይዝ Pin to Start list
30610የነባሪ ፕሮግራም Default Programs
30611መሣሪያዎች Devices
30618PC የክንውን አውዶች PC Settings
30621ይህ የግል ኮምፒዩተር This PC
30994አውታረ መረብ (%1!s!) Network (%1!s!)
31008Work Phone Work Phone
31009Office Location Office Location
31010Primary E-mail Primary E-mail
31011Domain\Username Domain\Username
31012Security Identifier Security Identifier
31013Local Computer Accounts Local Computer Accounts
31014Groups you can share with Groups you can share with
31015Search for names like '%1' in '%2' Search for names like '%1' in '%2'
31016Search the Corporate Directory Search the Corporate Directory
31017Authentication Error Authentication Error
31018Please enter a valid username and password Please enter a valid username and password
31019Windows failed to complete the search. Windows failed to complete the search.
31020Your search exceeded the maximum number of results.
Please refine your search.
Your search exceeded the maximum number of results.
Please refine your search.
31057የቁጥጥር ፓነል መነሻ Control Panel Home
31058የኮምፒዩተርዎን የክንውን አውዶች ያስተካክሉ Adjust your computer's settings
31059አሳይ በ፥ View by:
31060የቁጥጥር ፓነል ንጥል ነገሮችን በምድብ አስስ ወይም የሁሉንም ንጥል ነገር የተሟላ ዝርዝር ዕይታ። Browse Control Panel items by category or view a complete list of all items.
31062ትላልቅ አዶዎች Large icons
31063ትናንሽ አዶዎች Small icons
31072; ;
31073%c %c
31088የ Windows እገዛና እርዳታ ለ "%s" ፈልግ Search Windows Help and Support for "%s"
31091ይህንንም ተመልከት See also
31092%s (32-ቢት) %s (32-bit)
31123የመረጃ ክፍለ መቃን Info Pane
31134አንሸራታች Slider
31136|ተጨማሪ ትላልቅ ኦዶዎች|| |Extra large icons||
31137|ትላልቅ ኦዶዎች|| |Large icons||
31138|መካከለኛ ኦዶዎች|| |Medium icons||
31139|ትናንሽ አዶዎች|| |Small icons||
31140|ዝርዝር|| |List||
31141|ዝርዝሮች|| |Details||
31142|ንጣፎች|| |Tiles||
31143|ይዘት|| |Content||
31144|Extended tiles|| |Extended tiles||
31145ዕይታዎች Views
31146ተንሽራታች መቆጣጠሪያ ዕይታ View Slider Control
31147አንሸራታች እይ View Slider
31148Click Click
31150&እገዛ &Help
31151እገዛ አግኝ። Get help.
31152ንዑስ ምናሌ Submenu
31153ተጨማሪ አማራጮች More options
31154%s (%s) %s (%s)
31155%s (ይህ ፒሲ- %s) %s (this PC - %s)
31156%s (ይህ ፒሲ) %s (this PC)
31157አ&ዶዎችን በራስ ሰር ደርድር &Auto arrange icons
31158አዶዎችን &ከተገናኙ መስመሮች ጋር አሰልፍ Al&ign icons to grid
31159A:0:0:Extra large icons:28:Large icons:48:Medium icons:78:Small icons:99:List:120:Details:140:Tiles:160:Content: A:0:0:Extra large icons:28:Large icons:48:Medium icons:78:Small icons:99:List:120:Details:140:Tiles:160:Content:
31168%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\Server Manager.lnk %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\Server Manager.lnk
31169%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Command Prompt.lnk %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Command Prompt.lnk
31237አዲስ ዓቃፊ ፍጠር። Create a new folder.
31243የተመረጡትን ንጥል ነገር ዳግም ሰይም። Rename the selected item.
31244ቁረጥ Cut
31245የተመረጡትን ንጥሎች ወደ ቅንብ ሰሌዳ ያንቀሳቅሱ። Move the selected items to the Clipboard.
31247የተመረጡን ንጡላት ወደ ቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ ቅዳ። Copy the selected items to the Clipboard.
31250አትም Print
31251የተመረጡትን ፋይሎች ወደ ማተሚያ ላክ። Send the selected files to the printer.
31253የተመረጡትን ፋይሎች ወይም ዓቃፊዎች ወደ ጥራጊ ቅርጫት ያንቀሳቅሱ። Move the selected files and folders to the Recycle Bin.
31254ባህሪያት አስወግድ Remove properties
31255ከተመረጠው ፋይል ላይ ባህሪያትን አስወግድ። Remove properties from the selected file.
31259ባህሪያት Properties
31260የተመረጠውን ንጥል ነገር ባህሪያት አሳይ። Show the properties for the selected item.
31261ቀልብስ Undo
31262Undo your last action. Undo your last action.
31263ድገም Redo
31265Redo your last action. Redo your last action.
31276ሁሉንም ምረጥ Select all
31277በዚህ ዕይታ ውስጥ ያሉትን ሁሉንም ንጥሎች ይምረጡ። Select all items in this view.
31278ሁሉንም አጫውት Play all
31280እዚህ አካባቢ ውስጥ ያሉትን ንጥል ነገሮች አጫውት። Play all items in this location.
31281የተመረጠ አጫውት Play selection
31282የተመረጡትን ንጥል ነገሮች አጫውት። Play the selected items.
31283አጫውት Play
31285Import pictures and videos Import pictures and videos
31286Copy pictures from a camera or scanner to your computer. Copy pictures from a camera or scanner to your computer.
31287የተንሸራታች ዕይታ Slide show
31288ስዕሎችንና ቪድዮዎችን እንደ ተንሽራታች ትይታ አሳይ። View pictures and videos as a slide show.
31289ወደ መሳሪያ ውሰድ Cast to Device
31290የተመረጡ ንጥል ነገሮችን ሌላ መሳያ ላይ አጫውት። Play the selected items on another device.
31293Open the Search folder to help you find files and folders. Open the Search folder to help you find files and folders.
31294የስርዓት ባህሪያት System properties
31295ለምሳሌ ስለፍጥነትና የተጫነ የማህደር ትውስታ መጠን የተመለከተ፣ ስለኮምፒዩተርዎ መጠን መረጃ ያሳዩ። Show information about your computer, such as the processor speed and the amount of installed memory.
31296ትይታዎች Views
31297ዕይታህን ለውጥ። Change your view.
31299ሰለተመረጠው አንጻፊ ወይም መሳሪያ መረጃ ያሳያል። Shows information about the selected drive or device.
31300የአውታረ መረብ አንጻፊ ካርታ አውጣ Map network drive
31301በጋራ ለሚሰራ ዓቃፊ ወይም በአውታር መረብ ላለ ኮምፒዩተር አቌራጭ ይፈጥራላል። Create a shortcut to a shared folder or computer on a network.
31302የአውታረ መረብ አካባቢ አክል Add a network location
31303ድረገጽ ወይም FTP ጣቢያ ለመሰለ የበይነ መረብ አካባቢ አቋራጭ ፍጠር። Create a shortcut to an Internet location, such as a website or FTP site.
31304የአውታረ መረብ አንጻፊ ግንኙነት አቋርጥ Disconnect network drive
31305የአውታረ መረብ አንጻፊ ግንኙነት አቋርጥ። Disconnect network drive.
31312የቁጥጥር ፓነል ክፈት Open Settings
31327ፕሮግራምን አትጫን ወይም ለውጥ Uninstall or change a program
31328ፕሮግራም ያራግፉ፣ የተጫኑ ባህሪያትን ይለውጡ ወይም የተጫነ ፕሮግራምን ይጠግኑ። Uninstall a program, change installed features, or repair an installation.
31331ጥርጊ ቅርጫቱን ባዶ ያድርጉ Empty the Recycle Bin
31332ነጻ የዲስክ ቦታ ለመፍጠር ጥራጊ ቅርጫት ውስጥ ያሉትን ሁሉንም ንጥል ነገሮች ሰርዝ። Delete all items in the Recycle Bin to free up disk space.
31333ሁሉንም ንጥሎች እንደነበሩ መልስ Restore all items
31334ይህን ንጥል ነገር እነበረበት መልስ Restore this item
31335የተመረጡት ንጥሎች እንደነበሩ መልስ Restore the selected items
31336ከጥርጊ ቅርጫት የተመረጡትን ንጥሎች በኮምፒዩተር ላይ ወደ መገኛ አካባቢያቸው አንቀሳቀስ። Move the selected items from the Recycle Bin to their original locations on your computer.
31337ሁሉንም የጥራጊ ቅርጫት ይዘቶች እንደነበር መልስ። Restore all the contents of the Recycle Bin.
31338የጥራጊ ቅርጫት ባህርያት Recycle Bin properties
31343የጥራጊ ቅርጫት ያለ ቦታን ለውጥና ማረጋገጫውን አብራ ወይም አጥፋ። Change the available space for the Recycle Bin and turn confirmations on or off.
31349የአውታረ መረብና መጋራት ማዕከል Network and Sharing Center
31350የአውታረ መረብ አቋም ተመልት እና የአውታረ መረብ የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ። View network status and change network settings.
31352ቅረጽ Burn
31353ማተሚያዎችን እይ View printers
31354ከዚህ አግልጋይ ጋር የተገናኙ አታሚዎችን እይና አክል። See and add printers connected to this server.
31356የተመረጡትን ንጥል ነገሮች ለመቅረጽ በሚችል ዲስክ ላይ ፃፍ። Burn the selected items to a recordable disc.
31357ጊዚያዊ ፋይሎችን ሰርዝ Delete temporary files
31358በዚህ አንጻፊ ወደ ዲስክ ለመቅረጽ ከመረጥከው ጊዜያዊ ዓቃፊ ላይ ሁሉንም ፋይሎች አስወግድ። Remove all the files in the temporary folder for burning a disc in this drive.
31359ይህንን ዲስክ አጥፋ Erase this disc
31360በድጋሚ ሊፃፊበት የሚችለውን ዲስክ ይዛቶች በሙሉ ሰርዝ። Erase everything on the rewritable disc.
31361የክንውን አውዶችን ይለውጡ እና የኮምፒዩተርዎት ተግባራዊነትን ያበጁ። Change settings and customize the functionality of your computer.
31368Open the folder that contains this item Open the folder that contains this item
31369Open the folder where the selected file or folder is stored. Open the folder where the selected file or folder is stored.
31370ኢሜይል Email
31371የተመረጡትን ፋይሎች በኢሜል መልእክት ላክ (ፋይሎች እንደ አባሪ ዓቃፊዎች እንደ አገናኝ ተልከዋል)። Send the selected items in an email (files are sent as attachments and folders as links).
31372ከሚድያ አገልጋይ ጋር ለው ግንኙነት ተቋርጧል Disconnect from a media server
31373ሚድያን ከሚያስቀምጥ እና ከሚጋራ መሳሪያ ግንኙነት አቋርጥ። Disconnect from a device that stores and shares media.
31376የተመረጠውን አንጻፊ ዲስክ ወይም መሳሪያ ሚዲያ አውጣ ወይም አስወግድ። Eject or remove the selected drive or device.
31380ለጥፍ Paste
31381የቅንብ ስሌዳውን ይዘቶች በአሁኑ አካባቢ ለጥፍ። Paste the contents of the Clipboard to the current location.
31382አውጣ Eject
31383የተመረጡትን ፋይሎች አቃፍዎች ወደ ዲስኩ ቅረጽ። Burn the selected files and folders to disc.
31384AutoPlay AutoPlay
31388ለተመረጠው ሚድያ ወይም መሳሪያ ነባሪ እርምጃን ፈጽም። Perform the default action for the selected media or device.
31389ክፍለ ጊዜ ዝጋ Close session
31390በሌላ ኮምፒዩተር ለመጠቀም በዲስኩ ላይ ያለውን ያለሁን ክፍለጊዜ ዝጋ። Close the current session so the disc can be used in another computer.
31391መቅረጽን አጠናቅቅ Finish burning
31392ንጥሎቹን ቅረጽ እና ዲስኩን ጥቅም ላይ እንዲውል አዘጋጅ። Burn the items and prepare the disc for use.
31398Plays all of the selected video files in this folder. Plays all of the selected video files in this folder.
31401ንቁ ማውጫ ፈልግ Search active directory
31402Active Directory ለሚጋሩ ለኮምፒዩተሮች ወይም ለተጠቃሚዊች ፈልግ። Search the Active Directory for shares, computers, or users.
31405አዲስ ፍለጋ New search
31406አዲስ ፈለጋ ማክናወን እንድትችል የፍለጋ መስፈርቱን አጽዳ። Clear search criteria so you can perform a new search.
31407ፍለጋ አስቀምጥ Save search
31408እንደ ቆሙጥ ፍለጋ ይህን የፍለጋ መስፈርት አስቀምጥ። Save these search criteria as a Saved Search.
31411አደራጅ Organize
31412የዓቃፊውን ይዝቶች ያስተካክሉ። Organize this folder's contents.
31413አቀማመጥ Layout
31414Configure this folder's layout. Configure this folder's layout.
31415የዝርዝሮች ክፍለ መቃን Details pane
31416የዝርዝሮችን ክፍለመቃን አሳይ ወይም ደብቅ። Show or hide the details pane.
31418ምናሌ አሞሌ Menu bar
31420Show or hide this folder’s menu bar. Show or hide this folder’s menu bar.
31421መዳሰሻ ክፍለ መቃን Navigation pane
31422የመዳሰሻ ክፈል መቃኑን አሳይ ወይም ደብቅ። Show or hide the navigation pane.
31423የቅድመ ዕይታ ክፈለ መቃን Preview pane
31424የእትም ቅድመ ዕይታ ክፍለ መቃን አሳይ ወይም ደብቅ። Show or hide the preview pane.
31425ዝርዝር ክፍለ መቃን አሳይ። Show the Details pane.
31426ቅድመ ዕይታ ክፍለ መቃን አሳይ። Show the Preview pane.
31427የአቋም አሞሌ Status bar
31428Show or hide the status bar. Show or hide the status bar.
31429ዝርዝሮችና ቅድመ ዕይታ ክፍለ መቃን Details and Preview pane
31430ዝርዝሮችና ቅድመ ዕይታ ክፍለ መቃን ደብቅ። Hide both the Details and Preview pane.
31431ትላልቅ ኦዶዎች Large Icons
31432ትላልቅ ድንኮችን በመጠቀም ንጥል ነገሮችን አሳይ፡፡ (Ctrl+Alt+2) Displays items by using large thumbnails. (Ctrl+Alt+2)
31433ዝርዝሮች Details
31434መስኮት ውስጥ የእንዳንዱን ንጥል ነገር መረጃ አሳይ፡፡ (Ctrl+Alt+6) Displays information about each item in the window. (Ctrl+Alt+6)
31448የዓቃ&ፊና የፍለጋ አማራጮች ለውጥ Change folder and search &options
31449የተከፈቱ ንጥል ነገሮች፣ ፋይልና የዓቃፊ ዕይታዎች እና የፍለጋ የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ። Change settings for opening items, file and folder views, and search.
31451ይህን መስኮት ዝጋ። Close this window.
31454Save library Save library
31455Save library. Save library.
31456አዲስ ማከማቻ ስፍራ New library
31457አዲስ ማከማቻ ስፍራ ፍጠር። Create new library.
31460ማከማቻ ስፍራ ውስጥ የተመረጠውን ዓቃፊ አካትት Include selected folder in library
31461የተመረጠውን ዓቃፊ በማከማቻ ስፍራ ውስጥ አካት። Include the selected folder in a library.
31462የታመቀ compressed
31463encrypted encrypted
31464encrypted and compressed encrypted and compressed
31465%1!s! (%2!s!) %1!s! (%2!s!)
31472ስቀል Mount
31473የዲስክ ምስልን እንደ አንጻፊ አያይዝ። Mounts a disc image as a drive.
31474ዲስክ አያይዝ Mount Disc
31475ሃርድ ዲስክ ምስል ፋይል Hard Disk Image File
31476File Explorer disc image mount File Explorer disc image mount
31477File Explorer File Explorer
31480No more drive letters are available. Free up a drive letter and try again. No more drive letters are available. Free up a drive letter and try again.
31482Virtual hard disk files can't be mounted from image files, or from removable media that isn't formatted with NTFS file system. Virtual hard disk files can't be mounted from image files, or from removable media that isn't formatted with NTFS file system.
31484The disc image file is corrupted. The disc image file is corrupted.
31486This type of file can't be mounted. This type of file can't be mounted.
31488ከመስመር ውጭ የሆኑ ፋይሎችን በዚህ ዓቃፊ ውስጥ አመሳስል Sync offline files in this folder
31489ይህን የአውታረ መረብ ዓቃፊ ኮምፒዩተርዎ ጋር በማመሳሰል ከዘመናዊው ፋይሎች ጋር ከመስመር ውጭ መስራት ይችላሉ። Sync this network folder with your computer so you can work offline with the latest files.
31490መስመር ላይ ስራ Work online
31491ወደ አገልጋዩ በማገናኘት በነዚህ ፋይሎች በመስመር ላይ መስራት ይችላሉ። Connect to the server so you can work online with these files.
31492ከመስመር ውጭ ስራ Work offline
31493ከአገልጋዩ ግንኙነት አቋርጥ አለያም እዚህ በነዚህ ፋይሎች ከመስመር ውጭ መስራት ይችላሉ። Disconnect from the server so you can work offline with these files.
31494ማመሳሰል Sync
31495ፋይሎቹን ከኮምፒዩተርዎ ጋር አመሳስል ከዚያም በመጨረሻዎቹ ፋይሎች ከመስመር ውጭ መስራት ይችላሉ። Sync files with your computer so you can work offline with the latest files.
31504ተኳዃኝነት ፋይሎች Compatibility files
31505ለዚህ ማውጫ ተኳዃኝነት ፋይሎችን አሳይ። Show the compatibility files for this directory.
31506በድህረ ገጽ ላይ ፈልግ። Search on website
31507ሁሉንም የፍለጋ ውጤቶች ለማየት ድር ጣቢያውን ክፈት። Open the website to view all search results.
31520ለመጀመር የፍለጋ ሣጥን ውስጥ ተይብ To begin, type in the search box
31521Currently searching: %1!s! Currently searching: %1!s!
31522Currently searching: %1!s!... Currently searching: %1!s!...
31523የገጹን ስፋት ፈልግ Search Page Scope
31745የሞላ ምናሌ Overflow menu
31746ተጨማሪ ትዕዛዝትን አሳይ። Display additional commands.
31747የትእዛዝ ሞጁል Command Module
32000መዳረሻ ማቅለያ Ease of Access
32001ኮምፒዩተርዎ የክንውን አውዶች ለዕይታ ለማዳመጥ ለ እንቅስቃሴ እንዲሁም ንግግርን ለመለየት በመጠቀም የኮምፒዩተርዎን የድምጽ ትእዛዝ መቆጣጠር ያስችላል። Adjust your computer settings for vision, hearing, and mobility, and use speech recognition to control your computer with voice commands.
32002የተጠቃሚ መለያዎች User Accounts
32003የተጠቃሚ መለያ የክንውን አውዶችንና የይለፍ ቃሎችን ለውጥ። Change user account settings and passwords.
32004ገጽታ Appearance
32005የዴስክቶፕ ንጥሎችን ገድታ ይለውጡ፣ የዴስክቶፕ የጀርባ ምስል ወይ የገጽ ዕይታ ማቦዘኛ ኮምፒዩተርዎ ላይ ይተግብር ወይም የተግባር አሞሌን ያበጁ። Change the appearance of desktop items, apply a desktop background or screen saver to your computer, or customize the taskbar.
32007ፕሮግራሞችና የ Windows ባህሪያት አራግፍ በፓትዌር ቃኝ መግብር አራግፍ ከአውታረ መረብ ወይም ከመስመር ላይ አዳዲስ ፕሮ ግራሞችን ሌሎችን አግኝ። Uninstall programs or Windows features, uninstall gadgets, get new programs from the network or online, and more.
32008ሀርድዌርና ድምፅ Hardware and Sound
32009ማተሚያዎችና ሌሎች ሀርድዌሮችን አክል ወይም አስወግድና የስርዓት ድምጾችን ለውጥ ሲዲዎችን በራስ አጫውት ፣ ኃይል ቆጥብ፣ የመሳሪያ አንጻፊዎችን ሌሎችንም አዘምን። Add or remove printers and other hardware, change system sounds, play CDs automatically, conserve power, update device drivers, and more.
32010አውታረ መረብና በይነመረብ Network and Internet
32011የአውታረ መረብ ሁኔታን አጣራና የክንውን አውዶችን ለውጥ ለተጐዳኙ ፋይሎችና ኮምፒዮተሮች ምርጫዎችን አዘጋጅ የበይነ መረብ ማሳያና ግንኙት አዋቅር ከመስመር ውጭ ያሉ ፋይሎችን ደህንነት ጠብቅ። Check network status and change settings, set preferences for sharing files and computers, configure Internet display and connection, and more.
32012ሁሉም የቁጥጥር ፓነል ንጥል ነገሮች All Control Panel Items
32014ስርዓትና እና መድህን System and Security
32015ስርዓት እና የመድህን ሁኔታዎችን፣ ፋይል እንደነበረበት መመለሻ እና ሰረዓት የክንውን አውዶች፣ ኮምፒዩተር ማዘመኛ ይዩ እና ይለውጡ RAM እና ፕሮሰስር ፍጥነት ይዩ፣ ክላ ይፈትሹ፣ እና ተጨማሪ ነገሮችን ያድርጉ። View and change system and security status, back up and restore file and system settings, update your computer, view RAM and processor speed, check firewall, and more.
32016ስዓት፣ ቋንቋ፣ እና ክልል Clock, Language, and Region
32017ለኮምፒዩተርዎ ቀን፣ ሰዓት እና የሰዓት ክልል፣ የሚጠቀሙበትን ቋንቋ ፣ እና ቁጥሮች፣ የውጭ ምንዛሪዎች፣ ቀኖች እና ሰዓቶች እንዴት እንደሚታዩ ይለውጡ። Change the date, time, and time zone for your computer, the language to use, and the way numbers, currencies, dates, and times are displayed.
32018አቋም እና ግላዊነት ማላበስ Appearance and Personalization
32019የዴስክቶፕ ንጥል ነገሮች ገጽታ ይለውጡ፣ ለኮምፒዩተርዎ ገጽታ ወይም የገጽ ዕይታ ማቦዘኛ፣ ወይም የጀምር ምናሌን እና የተግባር አሞሌን ያበጁ። Change the appearance of desktop items, apply a theme or screen saver to your computer, or customize the taskbar.
32020የተጠቃሚ መለያ እና የቤተሰብ ደህንነት User Accounts and Family Safety
32021የተጠቃሚ መለያ የክንውን አውድ እና የይለፍ ቃል ለውጥ፣ እና የቤተሰብ ደህንነት አቀናብር። Change user account settings and passwords, and set up Family Safety.
32022ሃርድዌር Hardware
32023ማተሚያዎችና ሌሎች ሀርድዌሮችን አክል ወይም አስወግድና ሲዲዎችን በራስ አጫውት ፣ ኃይል ቆጥብ፣ የመሳሪያ አንጻፊዎችን ሌሎችንም አዘምን። Add or remove printers and other hardware, play CDs automatically, conserve power, update device drivers, and more.
32024Change the appearance of desktop items, apply a desktop background to your computer, or customize the taskbar. Change the appearance of desktop items, apply a desktop background to your computer, or customize the taskbar.
32025Change the appearance of desktop items, apply a theme to your computer, or customize the taskbar. Change the appearance of desktop items, apply a theme to your computer, or customize the taskbar.
32048ፋይል ማያያዝ አልተቻለም Couldn’t Mount File
32049ይቅርታ፣ ፋይል የማያያዝ ችግር ነበር። Sorry, there was a problem mounting the file.
32050Encrypted files can’t be mounted. Decrypt the file and try again. Encrypted files can’t be mounted. Decrypt the file and try again.
32051The file couldn't be mounted because it's in use. The file couldn't be mounted because it's in use.
32052Make sure the file is in an NTFS volume and isn’t in a compressed folder or volume. Make sure the file is in an NTFS volume and isn’t in a compressed folder or volume.
32053You don't have permission to mount the file. You don't have permission to mount the file.
32054Please try mounting them one at a time. Please try mounting them one at a time.
32055Some Files Couldn’t Be Mounted Some Files Couldn’t Be Mounted
32057Couldn’t Mount Files Couldn’t Mount Files
32058የዲስክ ምስሉ እንዲጀምር አልተደረገም፣ ሊታወቁ የማይችል ክፍልፍሎችን ይዟል፣ ወይም የአንጻፊ ፊደላት ያልተመደቡላቸው ስፍሮችን ይዟል። ዲስኩ፣ ክፍልፍሎቹ፣ እና ስፍሮቹ ጥቅም ላይ መዋል በሚችል አቋም ላይ እንደሆኑ እርግጠኛ ለመሆን የዲስክ አስተዳደር ላፍታ መግቻን እባክዎ ይጠቀሙ። The disk image isn't initialized, contains partitions that aren't recognizable, or contains volumes that haven't been assigned drive letters. Please use the Disk Management snap-in to make sure that the disk, partitions, and volumes are in a usable state.
32059This drive is locked by BitLocker Drive Encryption. To open this drive, you need to unlock it first. This drive is locked by BitLocker Drive Encryption. To open this drive, you need to unlock it first.
32060Your account doesn't have permission on the domain to mount this file. Your account doesn't have permission on the domain to mount this file.
32496የተገባው የአውታረ መረብ አድራሻ ልክ ያልኾነ ነው። The network address entered is invalid.
32517የተግባር አሞሌ እና ዳሰሳ Taskbar and Navigation
32537ሁሉም ተግባራት All Tasks
32538See a list of all program tasks. See a list of all program tasks.
32539ሁሉም የክንውን አውዶች All Settings
32540Search for system settings. Search for system settings.
32769አስተናጋጅ ተቆጣጠር Control Host
32770የ&ተራዘሙ ንጣፎች Extended Tile&s
32771%s: %s:
32772Common Places Host Common Places Host
32774ዳስስ Navigate
32775Common Places Host Wrapper Common Places Host Wrapper
32788Expand Folders Expand Folders
32789Collapse Folders Collapse Folders
32802በእኔ የተጋራ Shared By Me
32803የቅርብ ሙዚቃ Recent Music
32804የቅርብ ሰነዶች Recent Documents
32806የቅርብ ስዕሎችና ቪዲዮዎች Recent Pictures and Videos
32807የቅርብ ኢሜይል Recent E-mail
32811የተጠቆሙ አካባቢዎች Indexed Locations
32813በቅርብ የተለወጠ Recently Changed
32814የትም ቦታ Everywhere
32848የተካተቱ አካባቢዎች Included Locations
32850አንድም የተመረጠ አካባቢ የለም። No locations have been selected.
32851ወይም እዚህ አካባቢውን ተይብ Or type a location here
32852%1!s! ን እዚህ ፍለጋ ለማስወገድ ጠቅ ያድርጉ። Click to remove %1!s! from this search.
32853Click to exclude %1!s! from this search. Click to exclude %1!s! from this search.
32854%1!s! ወደዚህ ፍለጋ ለማከል ጠቅ ያድርጉ። Click to add %1!s! to this search.
32855%1!s! may not be added to this search. %1!s! may not be added to this search.
32859ቅርጫት Basket
32864እየተንቀሳቀሰ Moving
32865በመቅዳት ላይ Copying
32866በድጋሚ የመመለስ ሂደት Recycling
32867ባህርያትን በመተግበር ላይ ለ Applying properties to
32868በማውረድ ላይ Downloading
32869በይነመረብ እየፈለገ ለ Searching internet for
32870በማስላት ላይ Calculating
32871እየሰቀለ Uploading
32872በመፈለግ ላይ Searching
32873እየሰረዘ ነው Deleting
32874ዳግም እየሰየመ Renaming
32875በመቅረጽ ላይ Formatting
32883በድጋሚ መልስ recycle
32884apply properties apply properties
32885download download
32886search internet search internet
32887calculate calculate
32888upload upload
32889search search
32891rename rename
32892ቅርጸት format
32893%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮች %1!s! items
32894%1!s! ንጥል ነገር %1!s! item
32895%1!s! %1!s!
32896%1!s! - paused %1!s! - paused
32897%1!s! ታውቋል... Discovered %1!s!...
32898%1!s! ንጥል (%2!s!) %1!s! items (%2!s!)
32899ስለ %1!s! About %1!s!
32900%1!s! ን ዳግም እየሰየመ %1!s! remaining
32902%1!s!/ስኮንድ %1!s!/second
32903Paused - %1!s! Paused - %1!s!
32905ለ %1!s! እየዘጋጀ Preparing to %1!s!
32907%1!s! %2!s! %1!s! %2!s!
32908እያካሄደ ነው Processing
32909ሂደት process
32910(%1!s!) (%1!s!)
32914ውስጥ in
32916በመተው ላይ... Canceling...
32917ክወናውን ከነበረበት ጀምር Resume the operation
32918ክወናውን ላፍታ አቁም Pause the operation
32919ክወናውን ተወው Cancel the operation
32920%1!s! ንጥል ነገር (%2!s!) %1!s! item (%2!s!)
32921Calculating time remaining... Calculating time remaining...
32923Windows መዝጋትም ሆነ ዳግም ማስጀመር አይችልም። Windows can't shut down or restart
32924ጥቂት ፋይሎችን አገልግሎቶች አሁንም በጥቅም ላይ ይገኛሉ። ለመጠበቅ መቀጠል ይችላሉ። ወይም ሂደቱን ትተህ እንደገና ሞክር። Some files or services are still in use. You can continue to wait, or cancel the process and try again.
32926In: In:
32927የበራ on
32928%1!d! ቀን %1!d! day
32929%1!d! ቀናት %1!d! days
329301 ሰዓት 1 hour
32931%1!d! ሰዓታት %1!d! hours
32933%1!d! ሰዓታት እና %2!d! ደቂቃዎች %1!d! hours and %2!d! minutes
32935%1!d! ሰዓት እና %2!d! ደቂቃዎች %1!d! hour and %2!d! minutes
3293860 ሰኮንድ 60 seconds
32939%1!d! ደቂቃና %2!d! ሰኮንዶች %1!d! minute and %2!d! seconds
32942More than 1 day More than 1 day
32944%d%% ተጠናቋል %d%% complete
32947እየሰረዘ ነው... Deleting...
32948በመለወጥ ላይ... Changing...
32949በማውረድ ላይ... Downloading...
32950በመፈለግ ላይ... Searching...
32951Formatting... Formatting...
32952%1!d! ንጥል ነገር/ ሰከንድ %1!d! items/second
32960ዓቃፊን ክፈት Open Folder
32962This program can't run This program can't run
32964አካባቢው አልተገኘም Location is not available
32969Windows ዴስክቶፕ ማዘመን Windows Desktop Update
32976%1!s! ከጥራጊነት የተመለሰ %1!s! recycled
32977%1!s! ተሰርዟል %1!s! deleted
32978%1!s! የተንቀሳቀሰ %1!s! moved
32991የእምርታ አሞሌ Progress Bar
32996%1%2%3%4%5%6 %1%2%3%4%5%6
33008Generic Generic
33009ጎራ Domain
33011አጋራ Share
33012File File
33013Workgroup Workgroup
33015እናት Root
33016Share Share
33017Directory Directory
33018Tree Tree
33019Container Container
33056Windows Windows
33057ይህንን ፋይል የሚከፍት ፕሮግራም ምረጥ Choose a program to open this file
33058መስመር ላይ አንድ አግኝ Find one online
33059ቀድሞውኑም እዚህ ፒሲ ላይ በተጫነ ተጠቀም Use one already installed on this PC
33060Find one using %s Find one using %s
33088የመሙከራ ሁኔታ Test Mode
33089Safe Mode Safe Mode
33090%wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws%0.0ws) %ws %wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws%0.0ws) %ws
33091%wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws: %ws) %ws %wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws: %ws) %ws
33092%wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws%0.0ws) %wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws%0.0ws)
33093%wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws: %ws) %wsMicrosoft (R) Windows (R) (Build %ws: %ws)
33108%ws Build %ws %ws Build %ws
33109የግምገማ ቅጅ። Evaluation copy.
33110ለሙከራ አገልግሎት ብቻ። For testing purposes only.
33111ይህ Windows ቅጂ ፈቃድ የተሰጠው This copy of Windows is licensed for
33112Windows ፈቃድ አገልግሎቱ አብቅቷል Windows License is expired
33113ቀናት days
33114hours hours
33115Windows ፈቃድ የሚያገለግለው ለ %d %ws Windows License valid for %d %ws
33116Windows Grace expires in %d %ws Windows Grace expires in %d %ws
33117SecureBoot በትክክል አልተዋቀረም SecureBoot isn't configured correctly
33152ሁሉንም ተወው Cancel all
33153ይህ በሂደት ላይ ያሉ ሁሉንም ማስተላለፎች እንዲተዉ ያደርጋል። This will cancel all transfers in progress.
33154ሁሉንም ማስተላለፍ መተው እንደሚፈልጉ እርግጠኛ ነዎት? Are you sure you want to cancel all transfers?
33155እምርታ Progress
33157%1!lu! የተቋረጠ እርምጃ %1!lu! Interrupted Action
33158%1!lu! በመሄድ ላይ ያለ እርምጃ %1!lu! Running Action
33159%1!lu! ላፍታ የቆመ እርምጃ %1!lu! Paused Action
33160%1!lu! የተቋረጡ ተግባራት %1!lu! Interrupted Actions
33161%1!lu! በመሄድ ላይ ያሉ ተግባራት %1!lu! Running Actions
33162%1!lu! ላፍታ የቆሙ ተግባራት %1!lu! Paused Actions
33163ፋይሎችን ተካ ወይ ዝለል Replace or Skip Files
33164%1!s! - %2!s! %1!s! - %2!s!
33165አንድ ወይም ከዛ በላይ የፋይል እርምጃዎች ሊቀጥሉ አይችሉም One or more file actions can’t continue
33166በዴስክቶፕ ላይ ያሉ እነዚህ ተግባሮች የእርስዎን ትኩረት ይሻሉ These actions in the desktop need your attention
33175በ %1!u!%% ሂደት ንቁ ክወና Active operation at %1!u!%% progress
33176በ %1!u!%% ሂደት ላፍታ የተገታ ክወና Paused operation at %1!u!%% progress
33177በ %1!u!%% ሂደት የክወና ስሕተት Operation in error at %1!u!%% progress
33178በ %1!u!%% ሂደት የተቋረጠ ክወና Interrupted operation at %1!u!%% progress
33179መካከለኛ የክወና ሂደት Indeterminate operation progress
33180የክወና ሂደት፥ %1!u!%%; ፍጥነት፥ %2!s! በሰከንድ Operation progress: %1!u!%%; Speed: %2!s! per second
33181የክወና ሂደት፥ %1!u!%%; ፍጥነት፥ %2!s! ንጥል ነገር በሰከንድ Operation progress: %1!u!%%; Speed: %2!s! item per second
33182የክወና ሂደት፥ %1!u!%%; ፍጥነት፥ %2!s! ንጥል ነገሮች በሰከንድ Operation progress: %1!u!%%; Speed: %2!s! items per second
33184%1%2 %1%2
33185ፋይሎች &ከ Files &from
33186ቀ&ድሞም ፋይሎች---ውስጥ Files &already in
33187&ተወው &Cancel
33188&ቀጥል C&ontinue
33189ለማስቀመጥ የምትልገው ትኞቹን ፋይሎች ነው? Which files do you want to keep?
33190ሁለቱንም ስሪቶች ከመረጡ፣ የተቀዳው ፋይል ስሙ ላይ የሚታከል ቁጥር ይኖረዋል። If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.
33191መፈለግ... Discovering...
33192ሁሉም ከ %1!s! All from %1!s!
33193%1!lu! የ %2!lu! ግጭት Conflict %1!lu! of %2!lu!
33194%1!s! ከ %2!s! %1!s! from %2!s!
33195Unknown Date Unknown Date
33196Unknown Size Unknown Size
33197&ተመሳሳይ ቀንና መጠን ያላቸውን %1!lu! ፋይሎች ዝለል &Skip %1!lu! files with the same date and size
33198&ተመሳሳይ ቀንና መጠን ያለውን %1!lu! ፋይል ዝለል &Skip %1!lu! file with the same date and size
33199ሁሉም ፋይሎች ተመሳሳይ ቀንና መጠን አላቸው። All files have the same date and size.
33200ፍጥነት: %1!s! Speed: %1!s!/s
33201ፍጥነት: %1!s! ንጥል ነገር/ሮች Speed: %1!s! item/s
33202ፍጥነት: %1!s! ንጥል ነገርሮች/s Speed: %1!s! items/s
33204%1!lu! የፋይል ግጭት %1!lu! File Conflict
33205%1!lu! አጠቃላይ የፋይል ግጭቶች %1!lu! Total File Conflicts
33208በ ውስጥ ባህሪዎችን ተፈጻሚ ለማድረግ ማዘጋጀት Preparing to apply properties in
33209ከ ወደ ለማውረድ ማዘጋጀት Preparing to download from to
33210ሁለቱንም ስሪቶች ከመረጡ፣ የተንቀሳቀሰው ፋይል ስሙ ላይ የሚታከል ቁጥር ይኖረዋል። If you select both versions, the moved file will have a number added to its name.
33211If you select both versions, the downloaded file will have a number added to its name. If you select both versions, the downloaded file will have a number added to its name.
33213ንጣፍ ተወው Cancel tile
33214የክወና ሂደት ደረጃ Operation progress
33215የላቀ ክወና ሂደት ደረጃ Advanced operation progress
33216ከ ከጥራጊ ለመመለስ መዘጋጀት Preparing to recycle from
33217ከ ለመሰረዝ ማዘጋጀት Preparing to delete from
33218ከ ዳግም ለመሰየም ማዘጋጀት Preparing to rename from
33223&ለሁሉም የአሁን ንጥሎች ይህን አድርግ Do this for &all current items
33224አ&ዎ &Yes
33225እሺ OK
33230&ሰርዝ &Delete
33231&ደግመህ ሞክር T&ry Again
33232&አይ &No
33233መድረሻው ተመሳሳይ የፋይል ስም ላቸው %1!lu! ፋይሎች አሉት The destination has %1!lu! files with the same names
33234መድረሻው ቀድሞውኑም ስሙ "%1!s!" የሆነ ፋይል አለው The destination already has a file named "%1!s!"
33235ከ ወደ ለመቅዳት መዘጋጀት Preparing to copy from to
33236ከ ወደ ለማንቀሳቀስ መዘጋጀት Preparing to move from to
33237ፋይሎቹን &መድረሻ ውስጥ ተካ &Replace the files in the destination
33238ፋይሉን &መድረሻ ውስጥ ተካ &Replace the file in the destination
33239እ&ነዚህን ፋይሎች ዝለል &Skip these files
33240ይህን ፋይል ዝ&ለል &Skip this file
33241&ለእንዳንዱ ፋይል እንድወስን አድርግ &Let me decide for each file
33242&ለሁለቱም ፋይሎች መረጃዎችን አነጻጽር &Compare info for both files
33243ላፍታ ማቆም - %1!s! Pausing - %1!s!
33244የቆመ ᎔ %1!s! Paused - %1!s!
33245እንደገና ማስጀምር - %1!s! Resuming - %1!s!
33246%1!s! ን በመተው ላይ Canceling - %1!s!
33247ተቋርጧል - %1!s! Interrupted - %1!s!
33248ፕሮግራሞች እና ባህሪያት Programs and Features
33249Launch Programs and Features in the Control Panel Launch Programs and Features in the Control Panel
33250Are you sure you want to move this shortcut to the Recycle Bin?

Deleting this shortcut does not uninstall the program. It only removes the icon that points to the program. If you want to uninstall use Programs and Features.
Are you sure you want to move this shortcut to the Recycle Bin?

Deleting this shortcut does not uninstall the program. It only removes the icon that points to the program. If you want to uninstall use Programs and Features.
33251Are you sure you want to permanently remove this shortcut?

Deleting this shortcut does not uninstall the program. It only removes the icon that points to the program. If you want to uninstall use Remove a Program.
Are you sure you want to permanently remove this shortcut?

Deleting this shortcut does not uninstall the program. It only removes the icon that points to the program. If you want to uninstall use Remove a Program.
33252ማረጋገጫን በመጠበቅ ላይ Waiting for confirmation
33254በራስሰር የአስተዳዳሪ መብቶች ቀጥል Continue with automatic administrator rights
332551 ንጥል ነገር ሂደት ማስኬድ Processing 1 item
33256%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮችን ሂደት ማስኬድ Processing %1!s! items
33257ለስራ ሂደት ማዘጋጀት Preparing to process
332581 ንጥል ነገር ከ ወደ መቅዳት Copying 1 item from to
33259%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮች ከ ወደ መቅዳት Copying %1!s! items from to
33260የመቅዳት ዝግጅት Preparing to copy
332611 ንጥል ነገር ከ ወደ ማንቀሳቀስ Moving 1 item from to
33262%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮች ከ ወደ ማንቀሳቀስ Moving %1!s! items from to
33263ለማንቀሳቀስ ማዘጋጀት Preparing to move
332641 ንጥል ነገር ከ ከጥራጊ መመለስ Recycling 1 item from
33265%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮች ከ ከጥራጊ መመለስ Recycling %1!s! items from
33266ከጥራጊ ለመመለስ መዘጋጀት Preparing to recycle
332671 ንጥለር ነገር ከ መሰረዝ Deleting 1 item from
33268%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮች ከ መሰረዝ Deleting %1!s! items from
33269ለመሰረዝ ማዘጋጀት Preparing to delete
332701 ንጥል ነገር ከ ዳግም መሰየም Renaming 1 item from
33271%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮችን ከ ዳግም መሰየም Renaming %1!s! items from
33272ዳግም ለመሰየም ማዘጋጀት Preparing to rename
33273በ 1 ንጥል ነገር ላይ በ ውስጥ ባህሪዎችን ተፈጻሚ ማድረግ Applying properties to 1 item in
33274ወደ %1!s! ንጥል ነገሮችን በ ውስጥ ባህሪዎችን ተፈጻሚ ማድረግ Applying properties to %1!s! items in
33275ባህሪዎችን ተፈጻሚ ለማድረግ ማዘጋጀት Preparing to apply properties
332761 ንጥል ነገር ከ ወደ ማውረድ Downloading 1 item from to
33277%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮችን ከ ወደ ማውረድ Downloading %1!s! items from to
33278ለማውረድ ማዘጋጀት Preparing to download
33280Shutdown Shutdown
33281Restart Restart
33282You don't have permission to shut down this computer. You don't have permission to shut down this computer.
33283You don't have permission to shut down and restart this computer. You don't have permission to shut down and restart this computer.
33296ወደ 1 ንጥል ነገር መቅዳት Copying 1 item to
33297%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮችን ወደ መቅዳት Copying %1!s! items to
33298ወደ ለመቅዳት ማዘጋጀት Preparing to copy to
33299ወደ 1 ንጥል ነገር ማንቀሳቀስ Moving 1 item to
33300%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮችን ወደ ማንቀሳቀስ Moving %1!s! items to
33301ወደ ለማንቀሳቀስ አዘገጃጀት Preparing to move to
333021 ንጥል ነገር ዳግም ማደስ Recycling 1 item
33303%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮችን ዳግም ማደስ Recycling %1!s! items
333041 ንጥል ነገር መሰረዝ Deleting 1 item
33305%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮችን መሰረዝ Deleting %1!s! items
333061 ንጥል ነገር ዳግም መሰየም Renaming 1 item
33307%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮችን ዳግም መሰየም Renaming %1!s! items
33308ወደ 1 ንጥል ነገር ላይ ባህሪዎችን ተፈጻሚ ማድረግ Applying properties to 1 item
33309ወደ %1!s! ንጥል ነገሮች ላይ ባህሪዎችን ተፈጻሚ ማድረግ Applying properties to %1!s! items
33310ወደ 1 ንጥል ነገር ማውረድ Downloading 1 item to
33311%1!s! ንጥል ነገሮች ወደ ማውረድ Downloading %1!s! items to
33312ወደ ለማውረድ አዘገጃጀት Preparing to download to
33322'%1!ls!' በዚህ ወቅት በስራ ላይ ነው።
ማንኛውንም የተከፈቱ ፋይሎች በዚህ ዲስክ ያስቀምጡ፣ እና ከዚያም በድጋሚ ከመሞከርዎ በፊት ፋይሎቹን ወይም ፕሮግራሞቹን ይዝጉ።
ከሆነ መቀጠልን ከመረጡ፣ ፋይሎቹ ይዘጋሉ ይህም የውሂብ መጥፋትን ሊያስከትል ይችላል።
'%1!ls!' is currently in use.
Save any open files on this disc, and then close the files or programs using the files before trying again.
If you choose to continue, the files will be closed, which might cause data to be lost.
33338%1!ls!'በማስወጣት ሂደት ላይ ስሕተት ተከስቷል። An error occurred while ejecting '%1!ls!'.
33553Delete Delete
33560Cut Cut
33561Copy Copy
33562Paste Paste
33563Undo Undo
33568Redo Redo
33577Large Icons Large Icons
33578Small Icons Small Icons
33579List List
33580Details Details
33585Views Views
34128%1, %2 %1, %2
34129%1... %1...
34130ማጣሪያዎችን እያሰላ... Computing filters...
34131ተጨማሪ ማጣሪያዎችን የማወዳደር ሂደት... Computing additional filters...
34132በ %s ውስጥ ውጤቶችን ፈልግ Search Results in %s
34133የፍለጋ ውጤቶች Search Results
34144%1 values %1 values
34145%1 ማጣሪያ ቁጥጥር %1 filter control
34146%1 ማጣሪያ እሴቶች %1 filter values
34147%1 stack %1 stack
34148%1 view commands %1 view commands
34193ሁሉም ፋይሎች All files
34560ማከማቻ ስፍራ Library
34562%1's Libraries %1's Libraries
34563Export Library Contents Export Library Contents
34564Export the contents of this library. Export the contents of this library.
34565ፍለጋ አገናኝ ፍጠር Create Search Connector
34566Create Library Create Library
34567Include a folder... Include a folder...
34570Edit Library Folders Edit Library Folders
34571Create a Custom Library Create a Custom Library
34572Pin Library to Navigation Pane Pin Library to Navigation Pane
34573ማከማቻ ስፍራውን ከመዳሰሻ ክፍለ መቃን አላቅ Unpin Library from Navigation Pane
34574ፈፍለጋ አገናኝ Search Connector
34576My Documents My Documents
34577የሰነዶች ዓቃፊ Documents Folder
34578Public Documents Public Documents
34579Public Documents Folder Public Documents Folder
34580አዲስ ማከማቻ ስፍራ ፍጠር Create new library
34581Computing libraries... Computing libraries...
34585My Music My Music
34586Music Folder Music Folder
34587Public Music Public Music
34588Public Music Folder Public Music Folder
34589"%1!s!" is no longer working. "%1!s!" is no longer working.
34590ይህ ቤተመጽሐፍ ከፒሲዎት በሰላም መሰረዝ ይችላል። በዚያ የተካተቱ ዓቃፊዎች አይነኩም። This library can be safely deleted from your PC. Folders that have been included will not be affected.
34592Add a folder to this library. Add a folder to this library.
34593ማ&ከማቻ ስፍራ ውስጥ ማካተት &Include in library
34594Include the selected folder in one of your libraries. Include the selected folder in one of your libraries.
34596My Pictures My Pictures
34597Pictures Folder Pictures Folder
34598Public Pictures Public Pictures
34599Public Pictures Folder Public Pictures Folder
34601No changes were made to the Library. No changes were made to the Library.
34602ማከማቻ ስፍራ አስተዳደር Manage library
34603የዚህን ማከማቻ ስፍራ የክንውን አውዶች እይ። View or change this library's settings.
34604የአካባቢ ማስቀመጫ አስተካክል Set save location
34605ለዚህ ማከማቻ ስፍራ ነባሪ ማስቀመጫ አካባቢ ሆኖ የሚያገለግል ዓቃፊን ምረጥ። Select the folder that will be used as the default save location for this library.
34606ህዝባዊ ማስቀመጫ አካባቢ አስተካክል Set public save location
34607Select the folder that will be used as the default public save location for this library. Select the folder that will be used as the default public save location for this library.
34608አዶ ለውጥ Change icon
34609ለዚህ ማከማቻ ስፍራ የዓቃፊ አዶን ለውጥ። Change the folder icon for this library.
34610ማከማቻ ስፍራን ባግባቡ ተጠቀም ለ Optimize library for
34611ንጥል ነገሮች እዚህ ማከማቻ ስፍራ ውስጥ የሚታዩበትን መንገድ ለውጥ። Change the way items in this library are displayed.
34612የእንደነበር መልስ የክንውን አውዶች Restore settings
34613ለዚህ ማከማቻ ስፍራ ነባሪ የክንውን አውዶችን ወደነበረበት መልስ። Restore the default settings for this library.
34616Recorded TV Recorded TV
34617Recorded TV Folder Recorded TV Folder
34618መዳሰሻ ክፍለ መቃን አሳይ Show in navigation pane
34619ይህን ማከማቻ ስፍራ መዳሰሻ ክፍለ መቃን ውስጥ አሳይ። Show this library in the navigation pane.
34621My Videos My Videos
34622Videos Folder Videos Folder
34623Public Videos Public Videos
34624Public Videos Folder Public Videos Folder
34626Desktop Folder Desktop Folder
34627ቅንጅት ይዘት Setting Content
34628Links Links
34629Links Folder Links Folder
34631Add the folder in the browser to Favorites. Add the folder in the browser to Favorites.
34632Public Desktop Public Desktop
34633Public Desktop Folder Public Desktop Folder
34634Public Favorites Public Favorites
34635Public Favorites Folder Public Favorites Folder
34637አካት %s በማከማቻ ስፍራ ውስጥ Include in %s library
34640Edit the Folders in this Library Edit the Folders in this Library
34641Change the default save folder of this Library Change the default save folder of this Library
34642Custom Library Custom Library
34643Create library for %s Create library for %s
34644Restore the default folders to the Library. Restore the default folders to the Library.
34645&ነባሪ ማከማቻ ስፍራዎችን እንደነበር መልስ &Restore default libraries
34646ነባሪ ማከማቻ ስፍራዎችን እንደነበር መልስ። Restore the default libraries.
34647&ተወዳጅ አገናኞችን እንደነበር መልስ &Restore favorite links
34648ተወዳጅ አገናኞችን እንደነበር መልስ። Restore the favorite links.
34649መተግበሪያ ይዘት Application Content
34650በዚህ ማከማቻ ስፍራ ውስጥ ዓቃፊዎችን ለማካተት 'አክል' ጠቅ ያድርጉ። Click 'Add' to include folders in this library.
34652Not Applicable Not Applicable
34653Included Folders Included Folders
34654Open file location Open file location
34655Copy link Copy link
34672ማከማቻ ስፍራውን ማዘመን Updating Library
34673ዓቃፊውን በ %s ማካተት Include Folder in %s
34674Windows ማከማቻ ስፍራ Windows Libraries
34675ዓቃፊ አካት Include folder
34676The folder could not be included in %s. The folder could not be included in %s.
34677%s በማከማቻ ስፍራ ውስጥ ቀድሞውኑ ተካቷል። %s is already included in the library.
34678How do I convert a drive to NTFS? How do I convert a drive to NTFS?
34679ዓቃፊውን በማከማቻ ስፍራ በማካተት ላይ... Including folder in library...
34680%s can’t be included in the library. Please select a different folder. %s can’t be included in the library. Please select a different folder.
34681This folder can't be included because you don't have permission to access it. This folder can't be included because you don't have permission to access it.
34683ይህ ዓቃፊ እንዴት ነው መለያ ሊደረግበት የሚችለው? How can this folder be indexed?
34684የአውታረ መረብ አካባቢው መለያ ስለተደረገበት ሊካተት አልቻለም። This network location can't be included because it is not indexed.
34685If you include this folder, searches will be slower and some view options will not be available.

Folder Path: %s
If you include this folder, searches will be slower and some view options will not be available.

Folder Path: %s
34686Don't include this folder (recommended) Don't include this folder (recommended)
34687Include this folder anyway Include this folder anyway
34688Folder Path: %s Folder Path: %s
34689%s በማከማቻ ስፍራ ውስጥ ቀድሞውኑ ተካቷል። በተመሳሳይ ማከማቻ ስፍራ አንድ ጊዜ ብቻ ዓቃፊ ማካተት ይችላሉ። %s is already included in the library. You can include a folder only once in the same library.
34690Changes to %s may not have been saved because the operation was canceled. Changes to %s may not have been saved because the operation was canceled.
34691Default Save Folder Default Save Folder
34692This folder can't be included because it is on a removable device. This folder can't be included because it is on a removable device.
34693የትኞቹ አካባቢዎች መካተት ይችላሉ? What locations can be included?
34694This folder can't be included because an unknown error occurred. This folder can't be included because an unknown error occurred.
34695What locations can be included? What locations can be included?
34696አካባቢውን በማረጋገጥ ላይ Verifying Location
34697ይህ አካባቢ ተለይቶ እንደሆነ በመሞከር ላይ... Checking to see if this location is indexed...
34698ለውጦቹን በማስቀመጥ ሂደት Saving Changes
34699በማከማቻ ስፍራው ላይ ለውጥ በማድረግ... Applying changes to the library...
34700Checking to see if you can save to this location... Checking to see if you can save to this location...
34701This folder can't be included due to a group policy setting. This folder can't be included due to a group policy setting.
34702%s ዓቃፊ ስላልሆነ ለዚህ ማማቻ ስፍራ ነባሪ ዓቃፊ መሆን አይችልም። %s can’t be the default save folder for this library because it is not a folder.
34703%s can’t be the public save folder for this library because it is not a folder. %s can’t be the public save folder for this library because it is not a folder.
34704አንበብ-ብቻ መዳረሻ ስላልዎት ለዚህ ማከማቻ ስፍራ %s ነባሪ የማስቀመጫ ዓቃፊ ሊሆን አይችልም። %s can’t be the default save folder for this library because you only have read-only access to it.
34705%s can’t be the public save folder for this library because you only have read-only access to it. %s can’t be the public save folder for this library because you only have read-only access to it.
34706%s ስለማይገኝ ለዚህ ማማቻ ስፍራ ነባሪ ዓቃፊ መሆን አይችልም። %s can’t be the default save folder for this library because it is unavailable.
34707%s can’t be the public save folder for this library because it is unavailable. %s can’t be the public save folder for this library because it is unavailable.
34708%s can’t be the default save folder for this library.

Error 0x%08lX: %s
%s can’t be the default save folder for this library.

Error 0x%08lX: %s
34816በማከማቻ ስፍራ ውስጥ ያሉትን ንጥል ነገሮች አስተካክል። Arrange the items in this library.
34818ጸኃፊ Author
34820መለያ Tag
34822ምርጥ ውጤቶች Top results
34823አልበም Album
34824ሥነ ጠቢብ Artist
34826ደረጃ Rating
34827ዘፈን Song
34828ርዝመት Length
34829Date added Date added
34830ዕለት Day
34831ወር Month
34832Date imported Date imported
34840ዓመት Year
34841ጥቂት የማከማቻ ስፍራ ባህሪያት ባልተደገፉ የማከማቻ ስፍራ አካባቢዎች ምክንያት አይገኙም። Some library features are unavailable due to unsupported library locations.
34842Some library features have been disabled by your administrator. Some library features have been disabled by your administrator.
35075ለውጦቹን አጽዳ Clear changes
35152ከሌሎች የቤት ፒሲዎች ጋር አጋራ Share with other home PCs
35153በሆም ግሩፕ፣ ሊያደርጉዋቸው የሚችሉዋቸው ነገሮች፥ With a homegroup, you can:
35155ሆምግሩፕ ፍጠር Create a homegroup
35156ይህ ፒሲ ባኑ ሰዓት አይገኝም። This PC is currently unavailable.
35157Windows found a homegroup on your network. With a homegroup, you can share files and printers with other PCs. You can also stream media to devices.

The homegroup is protected with a password, and you'll always be able to choose what you share.

To view shared resources, first join the homegroup created by %1.
Windows found a homegroup on your network. With a homegroup, you can share files and printers with other PCs. You can also stream media to devices.

The homegroup is protected with a password, and you'll always be able to choose what you share.

To view shared resources, first join the homegroup created by %1.
35158Windows found a homegroup on your network. With a homegroup, you can share files and printers with other computers. You can also stream media to devices.

The homegroup is protected with a password, and you'll always be able to choose what you share.
Windows found a homegroup on your network. With a homegroup, you can share files and printers with other computers. You can also stream media to devices.

The homegroup is protected with a password, and you'll always be able to choose what you share.
35159አሁን አገናኝ Join now
35160The homegroup password has been changed The homegroup password has been changed
35161%1 has changed your homegroup password.

To continue using homegroup resources, make sure that someone who has already entered the new password is online, and then type the new password.
%1 has changed your homegroup password.

To continue using homegroup resources, make sure that someone who has already entered the new password is online, and then type the new password.
35162Your homegroup password has been changed.

To continue using homegroup resources, make sure that someone who has already entered the new password is online, and then type the new password.
Your homegroup password has been changed.

To continue using homegroup resources, make sure that someone who has already entered the new password is online, and then type the new password.
35163Type new password Type new password
35164Another homegroup is available on your network Another homegroup is available on your network
35165%1 has created another homegroup on the network.

To combine the new homegroup with your current one, type the new password.
%1 has created another homegroup on the network.

To combine the new homegroup with your current one, type the new password.
35166Another homegroup has been created on your network.

To combine the new homegroup with your current one, type the new password.
Another homegroup has been created on your network.

To combine the new homegroup with your current one, type the new password.
35167Combine now Combine now
35168There are no other people in the homegroup There are no other people in the homegroup
35169Before you can view files from other people on the network, they must join the homegroup.

On each PC that you want to add to the homegroup:
Before you can view files from other people on the network, they must join the homegroup.

On each PC that you want to add to the homegroup:
351701. 1.
35171Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search (or if you're using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, and then click Search). Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search (or if you're using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, and then click Search).
351722. 2.
35173Enter HomeGroup in the search box, tap or click Settings, and then tap or click HomeGroup. Enter HomeGroup in the search box, tap or click Settings, and then tap or click HomeGroup.
351743. 3.
35175Tap or click Join now, and then follow the HomeGroup wizard to enter the password. Tap or click Join now, and then follow the HomeGroup wizard to enter the password.
35176View the homegroup password View the homegroup password
35177Your PC is ready to share files and printers Your PC is ready to share files and printers
35178Currently there are no other people in the homegroup. Currently there are no other people in the homegroup.
35179Choose what you want to share, and view the homegroup password Choose what you want to share, and view the homegroup password
35180በአሁኑ ወቅት ሌላ የሆምግሩፕ ፒሲ አይገኝም No other homegroup PCs are available right now
35181ይህን አረጋግጥ፥
Make sure that:
35183ሌሎች የሆምግሩፕ ካምፒዩተሮች ነቅተዋል እና ከአውታረ መረብ ጋር ተገናኝተዋል። The other homegroup PCs are awake and connected to the network.
35184በእርስዎ ሆምግሩፕ ውስጥ ያሉ ሁሉም ፒሲዎች ማብራትን ተጋርተዋል። All the PCs in your homegroup have sharing turned on.
35185ሌሎቹ ሆምግሩፕ ኮምፒዩተሮች የወቅቱ ሆምግሩፕ የይለፍ ቃል አላቸው። The other homegroup PCs have the current homegroup password.
35186በእርስዎ ሆምግሩፕ ውስጥ ያሉ ሌሎች ሰዎች ሆምግሩፕን ከማከማቻ ስፍራዎች ጋር እየተጋሩ ነው።
Other people in your homegroup are sharing libraries with the homegroup.
35187ሆምግሩፕ የክንውን አውዶችን እይ View homegroup settings
35188የሆምግሩፕ መላ ፈላጊ ጀምር Start the HomeGroup troubleshooter
35189በአሁኑ ሰዓት '%1!s!' አይገኝም %1!s! is currently unavailable
35190የሚጠቀሙበት ፒሲ እና %1!s! ሁለቱም እንደበሩና እንዳልተኙ እርግጠኛ ይሁኑ። Make sure that the PC you're using and %1!s! are both on and not asleep.
35191Wake Wake
35192ሌሎች ፒሲዎች ላይ የተጋሩ ፋይሎችን አስስና ፈልግ Browse and search shared files on other PCs
35193ማተሚያዎችንና ሌሎች መሳሪያዎችን አጋራ Share printers and other devices
35200ቤት ውስጥ በማይሆኑበት ወቅት ወደ ቤትዎት ፒሲ ለመድረስ Microsoft መለያ ይጠቀሙ Use a Microsoft account to access your home PC when you’re not home
35201ሆምግሩፕ በይለፍ ቃል የተጠበቁና የሚያጋሩትን ሁሌም መቆጣጠር የሚችሉባቸው ናቸው። Homegroups are protected with a password, and you can always control what you share.
35202If %1!s! is asleep or hibernating, Windows can try to wake it but it might take a minute. If %1!s! is asleep or hibernating, Windows can try to wake it but it might take a minute.
35203ከዚህ በኋላ %1!s! ከሌለዎት፣ ከሆምግሩፕ ሊያስወግዱት ይችላሉ። If you no longer have %1!s!, you can remove it from the homegroup.
35204%1!s! ከሆምግሩፕ አስወገድ Remove %1!s! from the homegroup
35205Waking... Waking...
35206Removing... Removing...
35207Failed to remove %1!s! from the homegroup Failed to remove %1!s! from the homegroup
35208Trying to wake %1!s! Trying to wake %1!s!
35209Please wait. Please wait.
35210Cancel Cancel
35211%1!s! won't wake up %1!s! won't wake up
35212Make sure the PC's network cable is plugged in, and then try again. Make sure the PC's network cable is plugged in, and then try again.
35213Close Close
3521411;Semilight;None;Ebrima 11;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
36000ትላልቅ ድንኮችን በመጠቀም ንጥል ነገሮችን ያሳያል። (Ctrl+Shift+2) Displays items by using large thumbnails. (Ctrl+Shift+2)
36001መስኮት ውስጥ የእንዳንዱን ንጥል ነገር መረጃ ያሳያል። (Ctrl+Shift+6) Displays information about each item in the window. (Ctrl+Shift+6)
37121Libraries Libraries
37122Files and folders Files and folders
37200አ&ምዱን በልክ መጠን ቀይር &Size Column to Fit
37201ሁሉንም &አምዶች በልክ መጠን ቀይር Size &All Columns to Fit
37217የቅርብ ጊዜ ቦታዎች Recent folders
37376አቋራጭ ለጥፍ Paste shortcut
37377አቋራጮችን የቅንጥብ ሰሌዳ ላይ ወደሚገኙ ንጥል ነገሮች ለጥፍ። Paste shortcuts to the items on the Clipboard.
37378አንድ ምረጥ Select none
37379ሁሉንም ተመራጭዎችዎን ያጽዱ። Clear all your selections.
37380የተመረጠውን ገልብጥ Invert selection
37381የአሁኑን የተመረጠውን አስቀምጥ። Reverse the current selection.
37382ታሪክ History
37383የተመረጠውን ንጥል ነገር ታሪክ አሳይ። Show history for the selected item.
37385የተመረጡትን ንጥል ነገሮች ወደ የጥራጊ ቅርጫት አንቀሳቅስ። Move the selected items to the Recycle Bin.
37386ክፈት Open
37387የተመረጠውን ፋይል በነባሪ ፕሮግራም ክፈት። Open the selected file with the default program.
37388የምርጫ ሞድ Select mode
37389የምርጫ ሞድን ቀያይር Toggle select mode
37393የተመረጡትን ንጥል ነገሮች ወደ የጥራጊ ቅርጫት አንቀሳቅስ ወይም በቋሚነት ሰርዛቸው። Move the selected items to the Recycle Bin or permanently delete them.
37394በቋሚነት ተሰርዟል Permanently delete
37395የተመረጡትን ንጥል ነገሮች በዘላቂነት ሰርዝ። Permanently delete the selected items.
37396በድጋሚ የመመለስ ማረጋገጫን አሳይ Show recycle confirmation
37397ዳግም ላይ ጥቅም መዋያን ለማብራት እና ለማጥፋት ማረጋገጫዎችን ለዋውጥ። Turn confirmations for recycling on or off.
37398አርትዕ Edit
37399የተመረጡ ፋይሎችን አርትዕ። Edit the selected files.
37400አዲስ ንጥል ነገር New item
37401በወቅታዊ አካባቢ አዲስ ንጥል ነገር ፍጠር። Create a new item in the current location.
37408ወደ &ተወዳጆች አክል &Add to favorites
37409የተመረጠውን ዓቀፊ ወደ ተወዳጅዎችዎ ዝርዝር ውስጥ ያክሉ። Add the selected folder to your favorites list.
37410&የቅርብ ግዜ ቦታዎች ዝርዝር &Recent folders list
37411&አዲስ መስኮት ክፈት Open &new window
37412የተመረጠውን አካባቢ አዲስ መስኮት ውስጥ ክፈት። Open the selected location in a new window.
37413አዲስ ሂደ&ት ውስጥ አዲስ መስኮት ክፈት Open new window in new &process
37414Open the selected location in a new window and a separate process. Open the selected location in a new window and a separate process.
37415የትእዛዝ ጥሪ ክ&ፈት Open command &prompt
37416የትእዛዝ ጥሪ ላይ ትእዛዛትን ለመጻፍ ሊጠቀሙበት የሚችሉበትን መስኮት ክፈት። Open a window you can use to type commands at a command prompt.
37417እንደ አስተዳዳሪ አሂድ Run as administrator
37418የተመረጠውን ፕሮግራም በተሟላ የአስተዳዳሪ መብቶች አሂድ። Run the selected program with full administrator rights.
37419እንደ ሌላ ተጠቃሚ አሂድ Run as another user
37420እንደ ሌላ ተጠቃሚ አሂድ። Run as another user.
37423ወደ ተግባር አሞሌ አያይዝ Pin to taskbar
37424የተመረጠውን ንጥል ነገር የተግባር አሞሌ ላይ አያይዝ። Pin the selected item to the taskbar.
37425የችግር አፈታች ተኳዃኝነት Troubleshoot compatibility
37426ለተመረጠው ንጥል ነገር የችግር አፈታች ተኳዃኝነት። Troubleshoot compatibility for the selected item.
37427ወደ የጨዋታ ዝርዝር አክል Add to playlist
37428የተመረጡትን ንጥል ነገሮች ወደ የጨዋታ ዝርዝር አክል። Add the selected items to a playlist.
37440ካርታ እን&ደ አንጻፊ &Map as drive
37441የተመረጠውን አካባቢ እንደ አንጻፊ ካርታ ንደፍ። Map the selected location as a drive.
37442የተደጋጋሚ አቃፊዎች ዝርዝር Frequent folders list
37443የተደጋጋሚ አቃፊዎች ዝርዝር። Frequent folders list.
37444የትእዛዝ ጥሪን እን&ደ አስተዳዳሪ ክፈት Open command prompt as &administrator
37445በአስተዳዳሪ ፈቃዶች የትእዛዝ ጥሪ ላይ ትእዛዛትን ለመጻፍ የሚችሉበትን መስኮት ይክፈቱ። Open a window you can use to type commands at a command prompt with administrator permissions.
37446Windows PowerShell አ&ስተዳዳሪ ክፈት Open Windows Powe&rShell
37447በ Windows PowerShell ላይ ትእዛዞችን ለመተየብ ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል የሚችል መስኮት ይክፈቱ። Open a window you can use to type commands at a Windows PowerShell
37448Windows PowerShell እን&ደ አስተዳዳሪ ክፈት Open Windows PowerShell as &administrator
37449Open a window you can use to type commands at a Windows Powershell with administrator permissions. Open a window you can use to type commands at a Windows Powershell with administrator permissions.
37456የመሳሪያ የድርገጽ እይ View device webpage
37457የተመረጠውን መሳሪያ የድርገጽ እይ። View the webpage of the selected device.
37459አማራጮች Options
37460ተራ አስይዝ በ Sort by
37461በዚህ ዕይታ ውስጥ ያሉ ንጥል ነገሮችን በዓምድ ተራ አስይዝ። Sort the items in this view by a column.
37462የተቧደነው በ Group by
37463ንጥል ነገሮችን በዚህ ዕይታ በዓምድ ተራ አስይዝ። Group the items in this view by a column.
37464ዓምዶችን አክል Add columns
37465ተጨማሪ የመረጃ ዓምዶችን አሳይ። Display more columns of information.
37466ሁሉንም አምዶች በልክ መጠን ቀይር Size all columns to fit
37467ከይዘቶቻቸው ጋር እንዲጣጣሙ ለማድረግ የሁሉንም ዓምዶች ወርድን ለውጥ። Change the width of all columns to fit their contents.
37468ሽቅብታ Ascending
37469Sort the items so that those with the lowest values are at the top. Sort the items so that those with the lowest values are at the top.
37470ቁልቁልታ Descending
37471Sort the items so that those with the highest values are at the top. Sort the items so that those with the highest values are at the top.
37472አካባቢ ክፈት Open location
37473የተመረጠውን ንጥል ነገር አካባቢ ክፈት። Open the location of the selected item.
37474Change icon Change icon
37475Change shortcut icon. Change shortcut icon.
37489የተመረጠውን ዲስክ ቅረጽ። Format the selected disk.
37490በአግባቡ ተጠቀም Optimize
37491ፒሲዎት በበለጠ ውጤታማነት እንዲሰራ ለማገዝ አንጻፊዎችህን ባግባቡ ይጠቀሙ። Optimize your drives to help your PC run more efficiently.
37494ማጽጃ Cleanup
37495ነጻ የዲስክ ቦታ ለመፍጠርና ይህ ኮምፒዩተር በበለጠ ፍጥነት እንዲሰራ ለማገዝ የተመረጠው ዲስክ ላይ አላስፈላጊ ፋይሎችን ቁጥር ለመቀነስ በዲስክ ማጽጃ ተጠቀም። Use Disk Cleanup to reduce the number of unnecessary files on the selected disk to free up disk space and help this computer run faster.
37514ሁሉንም አውጣ Extract all
37515እዚህ ዓቃፊ ውስጥ ያሉትን ሁሉንም ንጥል ነገሮች ጎትተህ አውጣ። Extract all items in this folder.
37516Extract to Extract to
37517Extract the selected items to the location you choose. Extract the selected items to the location you choose.
37535ማውጫ የተደረገባቸውን አካባቢዎች ለውጥ Change indexed locations
37536ለፈጣን ፍለጋ ማውጫ የተደረገባቸውን ዓቃፊዎች ለውጥ። Change which folders are indexed for fast searching.
37538ይህንን ፒሲ ፈልግ። Search this PC.
37539ሁሉም ንዑስ ዓቃፊዎች All subfolders
37540በተመረጠ ዓቃፊ እና ንዑሳን ዓቃፊ ውስጥ ፈልግ። Search in the selected folder and all of its subfolders.
37541የአሁን ዓቃፊ Current folder
37542የምትፈልገው በማናቸውም ንዑሳን ኣቃፊ ውስጥ ሳይሆን፣ በተመረጠው ዓቃፊ ውስጥ ነው። Search only in the selected folder, not in any subfolders.
37543ውስጥ በድጋሚ ፈልግ Search again in
37544በሌላ አካባቢ እንደገና ፈልግ። Search again in a different location.
37546በተሻሻለበት ቀን ፈልግ። Search by date modified.
37548በፋይል ዓይነት ፈልግ። Search by file kind.
37549መጠን Size
37550በፋይል መጠን ፈልግ። Search by file size.
37551ሌሎች ባህርያት Other properties
37552በሌላ ፋይል ባህርያት ፈልግ። Search by other file properties.
37553የቅርብ ጊዜ ፍለጋዎች Recent searches
37554የበፊት ፍለጋዎችዎን ይመልከቱ ወይም የፍለጋ ታሪክዎን ያጽዱ። See your previous searches or clear your search history.
37558በፍለጋዎች ላይ የፋይል ይዘቶችን አካት። Include file contents in searches.
37559የስርዓት ፋይሎች System files
37560በፍለጋዎች ላይ የስርዓት ፋይሎችን አካት። Include system files in searches.
37561የታመቁ (የታጨቁ) ዓቃፊዎች Zipped (compressed) folders
37562በፍለጋዎች ውስጥ የታመቁ (የታጨቁ) ፋይሎችን አካት። Include zipped folders in searches.
37563የፋይል አካባቢን ክፈት Open file location
37565ፍለጋን ዝጋ Close search
37566የፍለጋ ውጤቶች መስኮትንና የፍለጋ ጽላትን ዝጋ። Close the search results window and the Search tab.
37570የፋይል ስም ቅጥያዎች File name extensions
37571የፋይል ዓይነትን ወይም ቅርጸትን የሚገልጹ የፋይሎች መጨረሻ ላይ የታከሉ የቁምፊዎች ስብስብ አሳይ ወይም ደብቅ። Show or hide the set of characters added to the end of files that identifies the file type or format.
37572የተደበቁ ንጥል ነገሮች Hidden items
37573እንደ የተደበቁ ምልክት የተደረገባቸው ፋይሎችንና ዓቃፊዎችን አሳይ ወይም ደብቅ። Show or hide the files and folders that are marked as hidden.
37574የተመረጡ ንጥል ነገሮችን ደብቅ Hide selected items
37575የተመረጡ ፋይሎችን ወይም ዓቃፊዎችን ኣታሳይ። Hide the selected files or folders.
37576ዓምዶች ምረጥ... Choose columns...
37577Select the information to be displayed. Select the information to be displayed.
37579Sort the groups so that those with the lowest values are at the top. Sort the groups so that those with the lowest values are at the top.
37581Sort the groups so that those with the highest values are at the top. Sort the groups so that those with the highest values are at the top.
37584ሁሉንም ዓቃፊዎች አሳይ Show all folders
37585ሁሉንም ዓቃፊዎች አሳይ። Show all folders.
37586ዓቃፊን ለመክፈት ዘርጋ Expand to open folder
37587Expand to open folder. Expand to open folder.
37588የንጥል ነገር ምልክት ማድረጊያ ሳጥኖች Item check boxes
37589የተለያዩ ንጥል ነገሮችን በቀላ ለመምረጥ በምልክት ማድረጊያ ሳጥኖች ተጠቀም። Use check boxes to make selecting multiple items easier.
37590ማከማቻ ስፍራዎችን አሳይ Show libraries
37591ማከማቻ ስፍራዎችን አሳይ። Show libraries.
37600የሚድያ አገልጋይ ጋር አገናኝ Connect to a media server
37601የሚድያ አገልጋይ ላይ የተከማቸ ድምጽን፣ ቪዲዮ ወይም ፎቶዎችን ድረስበት። Access audio, video, or photos stored on a media server.
37602አስተዳድር Manage
37603ክስተቶች፣ የተግባር የጊዜ ሰሌዳ፣ አገልግሎቶችና ሌሎች ነገሮችን አስተዳር። Manage storage, events, task scheduling, services, and more.
37610ወደ ግራ አሽከርክር Rotate left
37611የተመረጡትን ንጥሎች ወደ ግራ 90 ዲግሪ ያዞራል። Turn the selected items 90 degrees to the left.
37612ወደ ቀኝ አሽከርክር Rotate right
37613የተመረጡትን ንጥሎች ወደ ቀኝ 90 ዲግሪ ያዞራል። Turn the selected items 90 degrees to the right.
38192%s ንጥል ነገሮች %s items
38193%s ንጥል ነገር %s item
38194%s ንጥሎች ተመርጠዋል። %s items selected
38195%s ንጥል ነገር ተመርጧል። %s item selected
38196የንጥል ነገሮች ቁጥር Number of items
38210%1!s! የተመረጠ ንጥል ነገር %1!s! item selected
38211%1!s! የተመረጡ ንጥል ነገሮች %1!s! items selected
38213የንብረት መስክ Property Field
38214ሁኔታዎችን እይ View Modes
38224የዓቃፊ ዕይታ ሼል Shell Folder View
38225መስኮችን አስቀምጥ Save Fields
38226ኤክስፕሎረር ክፍለ መቃን Explorer Pane
38229ዲበ ውሂብ ወራጅ Metadata Row
38230ዲበ ውሂብ ሞጁል Metadata Module
38231ድንክዬ ሞጁል Thumbnail Module
38232TitleArea Module TitleArea Module
38233የመተግበሪያ መቆጣጠሪያ Application Controls
38234የዓቃፊ አቀማመጥ ክፍለ መቃን Folder Layout Pane
38240ተጨማሪያ ዝርዝሮችን አሳይ... Show more details...
38241Windows RTF previewer Windows RTF previewer
38242Windows TXT previewer Windows TXT previewer
38243አስቀምጥ Save
38245ቀድሞ የሚታይ ፋይል ይምረጡ። Select a file to preview.
38246ምንም ቅድመ ዕይታ አልተኘም። No preview available.
38247ይህ ፋይል በአገልግሎት ላይ ስለሆነ ቅድመ ዕይታ ሊኖረው አይችልም። This file can't be previewed because it is in use.
38248This file can't be previewed because of an error in the %s. This file can't be previewed because of an error in the %s.
38249ይህ ፋይል ቅድመ ዕይታ ሊኖረው አይችልም። This file can't be previewed.
38250Files in this location can't be previewed. Files in this location can't be previewed.
38251ዝርዝሮችን ለማየት ንጥል ነገር ይምረጡ Select an item to see details
38252Device can perform faster when connected to USB 3.0 Device can perform faster when connected to USB 3.0
38253Connected to USB 3.0 Connected to USB 3.0
38290InfoBar InfoBar
38291Some folders in this library are no longer available. Click here to remove them... Some folders in this library are no longer available. Click here to remove them...
38292There are more results than will fit in this view. Narrow your results with the Search box or click to see all results... There are more results than will fit in this view. Narrow your results with the Search box or click to see all results...
38295%1!s!ባዶ ነው %1!s! is empty
38296በዚህ ማከማቻ ስፍራ ውስጥ ምንም ዓቃፊዎች አልተካተቱም። No folders have been included in this library.
38298ፍለጋ%1!s!። Search %1!s!.
38299ለመጀመር የፍለጋ ሣጥን ውስጥ ተይብ። To begin, type in the search box.
38301Some library features are unavailable due to unsupported library locations. Click here to learn more... Some library features are unavailable due to unsupported library locations. Click here to learn more...
38305የዲስክ ምስልን ወደ CD፣ DVD፣ Blu-ray፣ or ተንቀሳቃሽ ድራይቭ ይገለብጣል.አዲሱ ዲስክ ወይም ድራይቭ  ተመሳሳይ አቃፊዎች እና ፋይሎች አንደ ዲስክ ምስሉ ያካትታል፡፡ Burns a disc image to a CD, DVD, Blu-ray, or removable drive. The new disc or drive will contain the same folders and files as the disc image.
38306SD ካርድ SD Card
38307USB አንጻፊ USB Drive
38309%1!s! የማከማቻ ስፍራ አካባቢ %1!s! Library Locations
38310ይህ የመማከማቻ ስፍራ ይዘቶቹን እንዴት እንደሚያሰባስብ ለውጥ Change how this library gathers its contents
38311ዓቃፊ በማከማቻ ስፍራ በሚያስገቡ ጊዜ፣ ፋይሎቹ በማከማቻ ስፍራው ይገኛሉ፣ ሆኖም ግን በመጀመሪያ አካባቢያቸው መከማቸታቸው ይቀጥላል። When you include a folder in a library, the files appear in the library, but continue to be stored in their original locations.
38312የማከማቻ ስፍራ አካባቢ Library locations
38313&አክል... &Add...
38314አስ&ወግድ &Remove
38315ስ&ለ ማከማቻ ስፍራ የበለጠ ይወቁ &Learn more about libraries
38320አ&ስወግድ &Remove
38321አገኛኑን ከተወዳጅ ላይ አስወግድ። Remove link from favorites.
38322%1!d! አካባቢ %1!d! location
38323%1!d! አካባቢዎች %1!d! locations
38324Unknown Unknown
38325ወደ ተወዳጆች አክል Add to Favorites
49856ወደ %s ተመለስ Back to %s
49857ወደ %s ፊት አሳልፍ Forward to %s
49858ተመለስ Back
49859አሳልፍ Forward
49872ወደ %1 ቅዳ Copy to %1
49873ወደ %1 አንቀሳቅስ Move to %1
49874በ %1 ውስጥ አገናኝ ፍጠር። Create link in %1
49875በ %1 ክፈት Open with %1
49878በፕሮግራም ክፈት Open with program
49879በ %1 ውስጥ መቀመጥ አይችልም። Cannot place in %1
49890Offline Files Offline Files
49891Preparing to work offline Preparing to work offline
49892Can't work offline at this time Can't work offline at this time
49893One or more files are in use by Windows or by a program you are using. The following options are available: One or more files are in use by Windows or by a program you are using. The following options are available:
49894Don't work offline
This folder will remain online.
Don't work offline
This folder will remain online.
49895Close one or more programs and try again (recommended)
Select this option once programs are closed.
Close one or more programs and try again (recommended)
Select this option once programs are closed.
49896Work offline anyway
All applicable open files will be forced closed and the folder will work offline. This might result in a loss of data.
Work offline anyway
All applicable open files will be forced closed and the folder will work offline. This might result in a loss of data.
49897Can't bring all paths online Can't bring all paths online
49898One or more paths can not be brought online.
You can continue to access yours files while offline.
One or more paths can not be brought online.
You can continue to access yours files while offline.
49915Favorite Links Favorite Links
49917Show Folders Show Folders
49918Show Libraries Show Libraries
50096ፍለጋ አገናኝ አክል Add Search Connector
50097በ Windows ላይ ይህንን ፍለጋ አገናኝ ማከል ይፈልጋሉ? Do you want to add this search connector to Windows?
50098ፍለጋ ሰጪ፥ %1

በአንተ Windows ተወዳጆች ላይ አቋራጭ ይታከላል።
Search Provider: %1

A shortcut will be added to your Windows favorites.
50099ለአንተ ሁነኛ ከሆነ ድህረ ገጽ ብቻ ፍለጋ አገናኝ አክል። Only add search connectors from websites that you trust.
50100የፍለጋ አገናኙ ሊፈጠር አልቻለም። The Search Connector could not be created.
50101Domain mismatch. Domain mismatch.
50102የተዘረዘረው ፋይል ከዚህ Windows ስሪት ጋር ተኳዃኝ አይደለም። The description file is not compatible with this version of Windows.
50103&አክል &Add
50112ዲስክ ቅረጽ Burn a Disc
50113ይህን ዲስክ እንዴት መጠቀም ነው የሚፈልጉት? How do you want to use this disc?
50116ቀጥሎ Next
50118ዲስክ በባዶ ዲስክ አዘጋጅ Format Disc
50119The name of this disc can't contain any of the following characters:
The name of this disc can't contain any of the following characters:
50120The name of this disc can't contain any of the following characters:
\ / : * ? | ;
The name of this disc can't contain any of the following characters:
\ / : * ? | ;
50121ይህ ክፍለ ጊዜ እስኪዘጋ እባክህ ጠብቅ ምክንያቱም ዲስኩ በሌላ ኮምፒርዩተር መጠቀም ይቻላል። Please wait while this session is closed so the disc can be used on other computers.
50122የመዝጊያ ክፍለ ጊዜ Closing session
50123ዲስክ በሌሎች ኮምፒዩተሮች ላይ ለመጠቀም አሁን ዝግጁ ነው። Your disc is now ready to be used on other computers.
50124ዲስክ ዝግጁ ነው። Disc Ready
50126አሁን ባለው ዲስክ ላይ Windows መቅረጽ አይችልም።
እባክዎ በ %1 አንጻፊ ውስጥ መጻፍ በሚችል ዲስክ ያስገቡ።
Windows can't burn to the current disc.
Please insert a writable disc into drive %1.
50127ዲስክ በመምረጥ አግዘኝ Help me choose a disc
50128አንጻፊ %1 ውስጥ እባክዎ ዲስክ አስገባ። Please insert a disc into drive %1.
50129ሁላአቀፍ የክንውን አውዶች Global Settings
50130Windows Data Burn Windows Data Burn
50132ለማወጣት እየተዘጋጀ Preparing to eject
50133This disc can’t be formatted using the Live File System. The disc might not be compatible or your CD or DVD burner might not work with this file system. This disc can’t be formatted using the Live File System. The disc might not be compatible or your CD or DVD burner might not work with this file system.
50134Do you want to try again using the Mastered option?

What is the difference between Live File System and Mastered discs?
Do you want to try again using the Mastered option?

What is the difference between Live File System and Mastered discs?
50135Windows ከበስተጀርባ ዲስኩን የመቅረጽ ሂደቱን ይቀጥላል፡፡ ፋይሎችን ወደ ዲስኩ መቅዳት ይችላሉ ወይም በማንኛውም ሰዓት ማውጣት ይችላሉ። Windows will continue formatting the disc in the background. You can copy files to the disc or eject it anytime.
50136ቀሪውን ዲስክዎን በመቅረጽ ላይ Formatting the rest of your disc
50176የፋይል ክወና File Operation
50178መድረስ አልተፈቀደም Access Denied
50179ይህን አንጻፊ ዳግም ለመሰየም የአስተዳዳሪ ፈቃድ ማቅረብ ያስፈልግዎታል። You will need to provide administrator permission to rename this drive.
50180ይህን ክወና ለማጠናቀቅ ቀጥልን ጠቅ ያድርጉ። Click Continue to complete this operation.
50181Rename Drive Rename Drive
50192Apply File Attributes Apply File Attributes
50195እነዚህን ዓይነታዎች ለመለወጥ የአስተዳዳሪ ፈቃድ ማቅረብ ያስፈልግዎታል። You will need to provide administrator permission to change these attributes.
50197Save Shortcut Properties Save Shortcut Properties
50198Continue Continue
50199Access Denied Access Denied
50200You will need to provide administrator permission to change these settings. You will need to provide administrator permission to change these settings.
50201Click Continue to complete this operation. Click Continue to complete this operation.
50208System Configuration Utility System Configuration Utility
50210ቅድመ ዕይታ ክፍለ መቃን ደብቅ። Hide the preview pane.
50224Off Off
50225On On
50226Encrypting Encrypting
50227Decrypting Decrypting
50228Locked Locked
50229Suspended Suspended
50240These files can't be copied These files can't be copied
50241Your Internet security settings prevented one or more files from being copied. Your Internet security settings prevented one or more files from being copied.
50242Copying these files might be harmful to your computer Copying these files might be harmful to your computer
50243Your Internet security settings blocked one or more files from being copied. Do you want to copy these files anyway? Your Internet security settings blocked one or more files from being copied. Do you want to copy these files anyway?
50244እነኝህ ፋይሎች መከፈት አይችሉም These files can't be opened
50245የእርስዎ በይነመረብ መድህን የክንውን አውዶች አንድ ወይም ከአንድ በላይ የሆኑ ፋይሎች እንዳይከፈቱ ከልክሏል። Your Internet security settings prevented one or more files from being opened.
50246Opening these files might be harmful to your computer Opening these files might be harmful to your computer
50247Your Internet security settings blocked one or more files from being opened. Do you want to open these files anyway? Your Internet security settings blocked one or more files from being opened. Do you want to open these files anyway?
50248ዝርዝሮችን ደብቅ Hide details
50252Can't add or query locations Can't add or query locations
50253One or more sites have been restricted and can't be searched. One or more sites have been restricted and can't be searched.
50254How do I decide whether to add these locations? How do I decide whether to add these locations?
50256Copy files anyway Copy files anyway
50258The file you are attempting to preview could harm your computer. If you trust the file and the source you received it from, open it to view its contents. The file you are attempting to preview could harm your computer. If you trust the file and the source you received it from, open it to view its contents.
50259Why can't these files be copied? Why can't these files be copied?
50260How do I decide whether to copy these files? How do I decide whether to copy these files?
50261እነኝህ ፋይሎች ለምንድን ነው የማይከፈቱት? Why can't these files be opened?
50262How do I decide whether to open these files? How do I decide whether to open these files?
50263Files from this website are not allowed to run on your computer Files from this website are not allowed to run on your computer
50264This is not a trusted website. This is not a trusted website.
50265Why is this website not trusted? Why is this website not trusted?
50266Do you want to allow files from this website to run on your computer? Do you want to allow files from this website to run on your computer?
50267You should only run files that come from websites that you trust. You should only run files that come from websites that you trust.
50268How do I know if I can trust this website? How do I know if I can trust this website?
50269These files might be harmful to your computer These files might be harmful to your computer
50270Your Internet security settings suggest that one or more files may be harmful. Your Internet security settings suggest that one or more files may be harmful.
50271Why are these files blocked? Why are these files blocked?
50272እነኝህ ፋይሎች ለኮምፒዩተርዎ አደገኛ ሊሆኑ ይችላሉ። These files might be harmful to your computer
50273የእርስዎ የበይነመረብ መድህን የክንውን አውድ አንድ ወይም ከአንድ በላይ የሆኑ ፋይሎ አደገኛ እንደሆኑ ያመለክታል። ለማንኛውም ግን መጠቀም ይፈልጋሉ? Your Internet security settings suggest that one or more files may be harmful. Do you want to use it anyway?
50274እነኝህን ፋይሎች ላለማገድ እንዴት ልወስን እችላለሁ? How do I decide whether to unblock these files?
50275Do you want to allow files from this website to be copied to your computer? Do you want to allow files from this website to be copied to your computer?
50276You should only copy files to your computer that come from websites that you trust. You should only copy files to your computer that come from websites that you trust.
50689አውታረ መረብ ተጠቃሚ Network User
50690የተደረደረው በ፥ Arrange by:
50693የሆምግሩፕ የይ&ለፍ ቃል የክንውን አውድን ለውጥ &Change HomeGroup settings
50694Change HomeGroup settings Change HomeGroup settings
50695የሆምግሩፕ የይ&ለፍ ቃል እይ &View the HomeGroup password
50696View the HomeGroup password View the HomeGroup password
50697የሆምግሩፕ &መላ ፈላጊ ጀምር &Start the HomeGroup troubleshooter
50698Start the HomeGroup troubleshooter Start the HomeGroup troubleshooter
50699&ከመሳሪያዎች ጋር አጋራ S&hare with devices
50700Share with devices Share with devices
50704መተግበሪያ አቋራጮች Application Shortcuts
50944እን&ደ የተለየ ተጠቃሚ አሂድ Run as di&fferent user
50945እንደ የተለየ ተጠቃሚ አሂድ Run as different user
50946እባክዎ ለ %s ለመጠቀም አሳማኝ መታወቂያ ያስገቡ። Please enter credentials to use for %s.
51201&ጅማሬ ላይ አያይዝ &Pin to Start
51202የተመረጠውን ንጥል ነገር ወደ የማስጀመሪያ ማያ ላይ አያይዝ። Pin the selected item to the Start screen.
51248Error Error
51249Completed Completed
51250Queued Queued
51251Paused Paused
51252Installing Installing
51253Reset Reset
51254Reset error Reset error
51255Updating Updating
51256Cancelled Cancelled
51257Cleared Cleared
51258Uninstalling Uninstalling
51259Uninstall cleared Uninstall cleared
51260ቅድመ ዕይታ Preview
51261ሰልፍ በመጠባበቅ ላይ Queue pending
51297ቀጠሮ አክል Add appointment
51298ቀጠሮ አስወግድ Remove appointment
51299ቀጠሮ ተካ Replace appointment
51300የጊዜ ማሳያ ፍሬም Show time frame
51301ደውል Call
51302ካርታ Map
51303መልእክት Message
51304አስገባ Post
51305የቪዲዮ መደወል Video call
51312የቀጠሮ ዝርዝሮችን አሳይ Show appointment details
51329ችግሮችን አሳይ View problems
51330ለተመረጠው ንጥል ነገር የማመሳሰል ስህተቶችን አቃል Resolve syncing errors for the selected item
51331ከመስመር ውጭ የሚገኝ አድርግ Make available offline
51332የተመረጡ ንጥል ነገሮችን ከመስመር ውጭ የሚገኙ አድርግ Make selected items available offline
51333በመስመር ላይ-ብቻ የሚገኝ አድርግ Make available online-only
51334የተመረጡ ንጥል ነገሮችን በመስመር ላይ-ብቻ የሚገኙ አድርግ Make selected items available online-only
51344ከመስመር ውጭ የሚገኝ Available offline
51345በመስመር ላይ-ብቻ የሚገኝ Available online-only
51360ማመሳሰልን ላፍታ አቁም Pause syncing
51361ፋይሎችን ማመሳሰልን ላፍታ ግታ Pause syncing files
51363ፋይሎችን ማመሳሰልን እንደገና አስጀምር Resume syncing files
51365የማመሳሰል ዝማኔዎችን ፈትሽ Check for sync updates
51377ወደ ፈጣን መዳረሻ አያይዝ Pin to Quick access
51378ፈጣን መዳረሻ Quick access
51379ከፈጣን መዳረሻ አላቅ Unpin from Quick access
51381ከፈጣን መድረሻ ያስወግዱ Remove from Quick access
51383አቃፊ ከፈጣን መዳረሻ ጋር አያይዝ። Pin folder to Quick access.
51384የተያያዘ Pinned
51385%s (የተያያዘ) %s (pinned)
51388ወደ ፈጣን መዳረሻ አሁን ያለውን ዓቃፊ አያይዝ Pin current folder to Quick access
51394ከጅማሬ ላይ አ&ላቅ Un&pin from Start
51395የጅማሬ &ዝርዝር ላይ አያይዝ Pin to Start &list
51396ከማስጀመሪያው &ዝረዝር አላቅ Unpin from Start &list
51409መሳሪያው This Device
51425ወሳኝ ስህተት Critical Error
51426የጀምር ምናሌ እና Cortana እየሰሩ አይደሉም። በሚቀጥለው ጊዜ በመለያ ሲገቡ ልናስተካክላቸው እንሞክራለን። Start menu and Cortana aren’t working. We’ll try to fix it the next time you sign in.
51427አሁኑኑ በመለያ ይውጡ Sign out now
51428የእርስዎ የጅማሬ ምናሌ እየሰራ አይደለም። በሚቀጥለው ጊዜ በመለያ በሚገቡበት ጊዜ ልናስተካክለው እንሞክራለን። Your Start menu isn’t working. We’ll try to fix it the next time you sign in.
51441Cortana እና የፍለጋ የክንውን አውዶች Cortana & Search settings
51442cortana፤cortana ዝጋ፤ ፈልግ፤ የእኔን ስም ቀይር፤ Hey cortana፤ ኢሜይል ያንብቡ፤ lenovo reachit፤ ደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ ፍለጋ፤ በመስመር ላይ ፈልግ፤ ከመስመር ውጭ ፈልግ፤ በመሳርያ ላይ ፈልግ፤ የግል ኮምፒዩተሬን አስስ cortana;turn off cortana;search;change my name;hey cortana;read email;lenovo reachit;safesearch;search online;search offline;search on device;search just my pc
51457የ Windows የቀድሞ ስሪት ይሰረዝ? Delete previous version of Windows?
51458የእርስዎ ኮምፒዩተር ያለው ባዶ ማከማቻ ቦታ እያለቀ ነው። የ Windows አሮጌ ስሪትን በመሰረዝ የተወሰነ ባዶ ቦታ ነጻ ማድረግ እንችላለን። ማስጠንቀቂያ፦ ወደዚያ ተመልሰው መሄድ አይችሉም። Your computer's running low on storage space. We can free some up by deleting your previous version of Windows. Warning: you won't be able to go back to it.
51460አሰናብት Dismiss
51461ማከማቻ ባዶ ቦታን ነጻ ያድርጉ Free up storage space
51462የእርስዎ ኮምፒዩተር ያለው የማከማቻ ባዶ ቦታ ዝቅ እያለ ነው። የተወሰነ ባዶ ቦታን ነጻ ለማድረግ የማከምቻ የክንውን አውዶችን ይጎብኙ። Your computer's running low on storage space. Visit storage settings to free some up.
51463ማከማቻ አነፍናፊ ይብራ? Turn on storage sense?
51464የግል ኮምፒዩተርዎ ማከማቻው አነስተኛ ነው። ማከማቻ አነፍናፊን ያብሩና Windows ባዶ ቦታ ነጻ ለማድረግ ሊያግዝ ይችላል። ወይም ራስዎ ነገሮችን ማድረግ የሚወዱ ሰው ከሆኑ፣ ወደ የማከማቻ የክንውን አውዶች ይሂዱ። Your PC's low on storage. Turn on storage sense and Windows can help free up space. Or if you're the DIY type, go to storage settings.
51465አብራ Turn on
51466የክንውን አውዶችን ክፈት Open settings
51467የማከማቻ የክንውን አውዶች Storage settings
51489የመተግበሪያ ነባሪ ዳግም ተቀናብሯል An app default was reset
51490አንድ መተግበሪያ ለ %1!s! ፋይሎች ከነባሪ የመተግበሪያ የክንውን አውዶች ላይ ችግር ስለፈጠረ ወደ %2!s! ዳግም ተቀናብሯል። An app caused a problem with the default app setting for %1!s! files, so it was reset to %2!s!.
51491የእርስዎ ነባሪ አሳሽ ዳግም ተቀናብሯል Your default browser was reset
51492አንድ መተግበሪያ ከእርስዎ ነባሪ አሳሽ የክንውን አውዶች ላይ ችግር ፈጥሯል ስለዚህ ወደ %1!s! ዳግም ተቀናብሯል። An app caused a problem with your default browser setting, so it was reset to %1!s!.
51504ይህን መገኛ አካባቢ መክፈት አይቻልም Can't open this location
51505'%s' ን መክፈት አንችልም። የእርስዎ ድርጅት አግዶታል። We can't open '%s'. Your organization has blocked it.
51506'%s' ን መክፈት አንችልም። የእርስዎ ትምህርት ቤት አግዶታል። We can't open '%s'. Your school has blocked it.
51520ወደ የእርስዎ መለያ በመለያ መግባት አልቻልንም We can't sign into your account
51521ይህ ችግር ብዙውን ጊዜ ከእርስዎ መለያ በመለያ በመውጣት እና መልሶ በመለያ በመግባት ሊፈታ ይችላል።
አሁን በመለያ ካልወጡ ማናቸውም የሚፈጥሩዋቸው ወይም የሚለውጧቸው ፋይሎች ይጠፋሉ።
This problem can often be fixed by signing out of your account and then signing back in.
If you don't sign out now, any files you create or changes you make will be lost.
51522አለመቀበል Dismiss
51523በመለያ ይውጡ Sign out
51537ስርዓተ ክወናን ማጠናቀቅ አይቻልም Can't complete operation
51538የእርስዎን የተጠየቀውን ስርዓተ ክወና አሁን ላይ ልናጠናቅቅ አንችልም። በሚቀጥለው ጊዜ በሚያገናኙበት ጊዜ ከመስመር ውጭ እንዲገኝ ለማድረግ ይፈልጋሉ? We're unable to complete your requested operation right now. Would you like to make it available offline the next time you connect?
51539የእርስዎን የተጠየቀውን ስርዓተ ክወና አሁን ላይ ልናጠናቅቅ አንችልም። በሚቀጥለው ጊዜ በሚያገናኙበት ጊዜ መስመር ላይ እንዲገኝ ለማድረግ ይፈልጋሉ? We're unable to complete your requested operation right now. Would you like to make it available online the next time you connect?
5154012;Normal;None;Segoe UI 12;Normal;None;Segoe UI
51541የእርስዎን የቆሻሻ መጣያ ለዚህ ይመልከቱ፦ View your recycle bin for:
51542 ,
61953Do you want to shut down now? Do you want to shut down now?
61954&Shut Down &Shut Down
61958&አሁን በመለያ ውጣ &Sign out now
61959&በኋላ በመለያ ውጣ Sign out &later
61961እነዚህን ለውጦች ለመተግበር ኮምፒዩተርዎትን እንደገና ማስጀመር አለብዎት። You must restart your computer to apply these changes
61962እንደገና ከማስጀመርህ በፊት የተከፊቱ ማናቸውንም ፋይሎች አስቀምጥና ፕሮግራሞቹን በሙሉ ዝጋ። Before restarting, save any open files and close all programs.
61963&አሁን እንደገና አስጀምር &Restart Now
61964&በኋላ እንደገና ጀምር Restart &Later
61965እነኝህን ለውጦች ለመተግበር ከኮምፒዩተርዎት ዘግተው መውጣት አለብዎት You must sign out of your computer to apply these changes
61966ዘግተው ከመውጣት በፊት ክፍት ፕሮግራሞች አስቀምጥ እና ሁሉንም ፕሮግራሞች ይዝጉ። Save any open files and close all programs before you sign out.


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Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (045E)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows ሼል የጋራ Dll
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:SHELL32
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation። ሁሉም መብቱ የተጠበቀ።
Original File Name:SHELL32.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is shell32.dll.mui?

shell32.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Amharic language for file shell32.dll (Windows ሼል የጋራ Dll).

File version info

File Description:Windows ሼል የጋራ Dll
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:SHELL32
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation። ሁሉም መብቱ የተጠበቀ።
Original Filename:SHELL32.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x45E, 1200