2 | %d%s%d eiliad |
%d%s%d seconds |
3 | Dysgu am dechnoleg gynorthwyol ychwanegol ar-lein |
Learn about additional assistive technologies online |
4 | Dim ond i bennu’r gosodiadau a argymhellir y defnyddir eich atebion. Os bydd rhaglen neu wefan arall eisiau defnyddio’r wybodaeth hon i fodloni eich anghenion yn well, bydd y rhaglen honno’n gofyn yn benodol am eich caniatâd. Datganiad Preifatrwydd |
Your answers are used to determine recommended settings only. If another program or Web site wants to use this information to better suit your needs, you will be explicitly asked for permission by that program. Privacy Statement |
5 | %d munud |
%d minutes |
6 | 1 munud |
1 minute |
7 | %d eiliad |
%d seconds |
10 | Canolfan Mynediad Hwylus |
Ease of Access Center |
45 | Gwneud y cyfrifiadur yn haws ei ddefnyddio. |
Make your computer easier to use. |
46 | Nôl argymhellion i wneud y cyfrifiadur yn haws ei ddefnyddio (golwg) |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (eyesight) |
47 | Nôl argymhellion i wneud y cyfrifiadur yn haws ei ddefnyddio (deheurwydd) |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (dexterity) |
48 | Nôl argymhellion i wneud y cyfrifiadur yn haws ei ddefnyddio (clyw) |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (hearing) |
49 | Nôl argymhellion i wneud y cyfrifiadur yn haws ei ddefnyddio (llais) |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (speech) |
50 | Nôl argymhellion i wneud y cyfrifiadur yn haws ei ddefnyddio (gwybyddol) |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (cognitive) |
56 | Defnyddio'r cyfrifiadur heb ddangosydd |
Use the computer without a display |
57 | Gwneud y cyfrifiadur yn haws ei weld |
Make the computer easier to see |
58 | Gwneud y llygoden yn haws ei defnyddio |
Make the mouse easier to use |
59 | Gwneud y bysellfwrdd yn haws ei ddefnyddio |
Make the keyboard easier to use |
60 | Defnyddio'r cyfrifiadur heb lygoden na bysellfwrdd |
Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard |
61 | Defnyddio testun neu ddewisiadau gweledol eraill ar gyfer sain |
Use text or visual alternatives for sounds |
62 | Ei gwneud hi'n haws canolbwyntio ar dasgau |
Make it easier to focus on tasks |
63 | Pennu Bysellau'r Llygoden |
Set up Mouse Keys |
64 | Pennu'r Hidlydd Bysellau |
Set up Filter Keys |
65 | Pennu'r Bysellau Ailadrodd a'r Bysellau Araf |
Set up Repeat and Slow Keys |
66 | Y Gosodiadau Gorau |
Recommended settings |
67 | Newid gosodiadau mewngofnodi |
Change sign-in settings |
68 | Pennu'r Bysellau Glynu |
Set up Sticky Keys |
70 | Dewis thema Cyfer&bynnedd Uchel |
Choose a High Cont&rast theme |
72 | %s ar ‘l mewngofnodi |
%s after sign-in |
73 | %s wrth fewngofnodi |
%s at sign-in |
74 | Clywed y testun ar y sgrîn yn cael ei ddarllen ar goedd (Adroddwr) |
Hear text on screen read aloud (Narrator) |
75 | Gwnewch eitemau yn fwy ar y sgrîn (Chwyddwr) |
Make items on the screen larger (Magnifier) |
76 | Teipiwch heb y bysellfwrdd (Bysellfwrdd Ar-SgrẄn) |
Type without the keyboard (On-Screen Keyboard) |
78 | Pwyswch fysellau hwylus un ar y tro (Bysellau Glynu) |
Press keyboard shortcuts one key at a time (Sticky Keys) |
79 | Os byddaf yn pwyso bysell drosodd a throsodd, cymryd sylw o'r tro cyntaf i mi ei bwyso yn unig (Hidlydd Bysellau) |
If I press keys repeatedly, ignore extra presses (Filter Keys) |
80 | Defnyddio'r bysellbad rhifol i symud y llygoden o gwmpas y sgrîn (Bysellau Llygoden) |
Use the numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen (Mouse Keys) |
81 | Clywed tôn wrth bwyso CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, neu SCROLL LOCK (Bysellau Toglo) |
Hear a tone when you press CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK (Toggle Keys) |
82 | Gwneud cyffwrdd a thabledi'n haws eu defnyddio |
Make touch and tablets easier to use |
83 | Adroddwr |
Narrator |
84 | Chwyddwr |
Magnifier |
85 | Bysellfwrdd Ar-Sgrîn |
On-Screen Keyboard |
86 | Dim |
None |
1102 | Pwyntyddion y llygoden |
Mouse pointers |
1103 | Rheoli'r llygoden gyda'r bysellfwrdd |
Control the mouse with the keyboard |
1105 | Other programs installed |
Other programs installed |
1106 | Gwyn &Cyffredin |
&Regular White |
1107 | &Du Cyffredin |
Reg&ular Black |
1108 | Gwrth-dr&oi Cyffredin |
Re&gular Inverting |
1109 | Gwyn M&awr |
&Large White |
1110 | D&u Mawr |
Large &Black |
1111 | Gwrth-droi &Mawr |
Large &Inverting |
1112 | Gw&yn Mawr Iawn |
E&xtra Large White |
1113 | Du Ma&wr Iawn |
Extra Large Blac&k |
1114 | &Gwrth-droi Mawr Iawn |
Extra Large I&nverting |
1115 | &Rhoi ffenestr ar waith drwy hofran drosti gyda'r llygoden |
Activate a &window by hovering over it with the mouse |
1117 | Clywed testun a disgrifiadau'n cael eu darllen ar goedd |
Hear text and descriptions read aloud |
1118 | Gwneud pethau'n fwy ar y sgrin |
Make things on the screen larger |
1119 | Gwneud pethau'n haws eu gweld ar y sgrin |
Make things on the screen easier to see |
1121 | Rhoi'r &Chwyddwr ar waith |
Turn on Mag&nifier |
1124 | Defnyddio rhybuddion gweledol yn hytrach na sain |
Use visual cues instead of sounds |
1129 | Ei gwneud hi'n haws teipio |
Make it easier to type |
1131 | Newid y gosodiadau mewngofnodi |
Change sign-in settings |
1138 | Gwneud y cyfrifiadur yn haws ei ddefnyddio |
Make your computer easier to use |
1139 | Mynediad cyflym at offer cyffredin |
Quick access to common tools |
1141 | &Darllen yr adran hon ar goedd bob tro |
Al&ways read this section aloud |
1142 | &Sganio'r adran hon bob tro |
Always scan this secti&on |
1144 | Rhoi'r &Adroddwr ar waith |
Start &Narrator |
1145 | Rhoi'r &Bysellfwrdd Ar-Sgrin ar waith |
Start On-Screen &Keyboard |
1148 | Penn&u Cyferbynnedd Uchel |
Set &up High Contrast |
1153 | Archwilio'r holl osodiadau |
Explore all settings |
1155 | Y gosodiadau gorau ar gyfer dallineb |
Optimize for blindness |
1157 | Cael y dangosiad gweledol gorau |
Optimize visual display |
1159 | Gosod dyfeisiau mewnbynnu eraill |
Set up alternative input devices |
1161 | Addasu'r gosodiadau ar gyfer y llygoden neu ddyfeisiau pwyntio eraill |
Adjust settings for the mouse or other pointing devices |
1163 | Addasu'r gosodiadau ar gyfer y bysellfwrdd |
Adjust settings for the keyboard |
1165 | Pennu dewisiadau eraill ar gyfer sain |
Set up alternatives for sounds |
1167 | Addasu'r gosodiadau ar gyfer darllen a theipio |
Adjust settings for reading and typing |
1168 | Addasu'r cyfyngiadau amser a'r effeithiau gweledol sy'n fflachio |
Adjust time limits and flashing visuals |
1169 | Defnyddio'r bysellbad rhifol i symud y llygoden o amgylch y sgrin. |
Use the numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen. |
1171 | &Pennu Bysellau'r Llygoden |
Set up Mouse Ke&ys |
1172 | Pwyswch y bysellau hwylus (megis CTRL+ALT+DEL) un ar y tro. |
Press keyboard shortcuts (such as CTRL+ALT+DEL) one key at a time. |
1174 | Pennu'r Bysell&au Glynu |
Set up Sti&cky Keys |
1175 | Clywed tôn wrth bwyso CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, neu SCROLL LOCK. |
Hear a tone when you press CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK. |
1176 | &Rhoi'r Bysellau Toglo ar waith |
Turn on Toggle &Keys |
1177 | Rh&oi'r Bysellau Toglo ar waith drwy ddal y fysell NUM LOCK i lawr am 5 eiliad |
Turn on Toggle Keys by holding down the NUM LOCK key for &5 seconds |
1178 | Anwybyddu neu arafu trawiadau byr neu ailadroddus ac addasu cyfraddau ailadrodd y bysellfwrdd. |
Ignore or slow down brief or repeated keystrokes and adjust keyboard repeat rates. |
1179 | R&hoi'r Hidlydd Bysellau ar waith |
Turn on F&ilter Keys |
1180 | Pennu'r Hi&dlydd Bysellau |
Set up Fi<er Keys |
1181 | &Tanlinellu bysellau hwylus a bysellau brys |
U&nderline keyboard shortcuts and access keys |
1184 | Ei gwneud hi'n haws defnyddio bysellau hwylus |
Make it easier to use keyboard shortcuts |
1187 | &Rhoi'r Hidlydd Bysellau ar waith wrth ddal y SHIFT dde i lawr am 8 eiliad |
Turn on Filter &Keys when right SHIFT is pressed for 8 seconds |
1188 | Dewisiadau'r Hidlydd |
Filter options |
1189 | Rhoi'r Bysellau Bo&wnsio ar waith |
Turn on &Bounce Keys |
1190 | Os ydych yn bownsio eich bysedd ar fysellau yn anfwriadol, bydd Bysellau Bownsio yn anwybyddu trawiadau ailadroddus y bysellfwrdd am gyfnod penodol. |
If you unintentionally bounce your fingers on a key, Bounce Keys will ignore repeated keystrokes for a specific amount of time. |
1191 | Pa mor hir ddylai'r cyfrifiadur aros cyn derbyn trawiadau bysellau? |
How long should the computer wait before accepting keystrokes? |
1193 | Rhoi'r Bysellau &Ailadrodd a'r Bysellau Araf ar waith |
Turn on &Repeat Keys and Slow Keys |
1194 | Bydd y cyfrifiadur yn anwybyddu trawiadau byr yn ôl y cyfyngiadau amser rydych chi wedi'u pennu. |
The computer will ignore brief keystrokes according to the time limits you set. |
1195 | Penn&u'r Bysellau Ailadrodd a'r Bysellau Araf |
Set &up Repeat Keys and Slow Keys |
1196 | &Teipiwch destun yma i brofi'r gosodiadau: |
Type text here to test setti&ngs: |
1197 | Gosodiadau eraill |
Other settings |
1198 | &Bipio pan gaiff bysellau eu pwyso neu eu derbyn |
Beep &when keys are pressed or accepted |
1200 | Mae'r Adroddwr yn darllen unrhyw destun ar y sgrin ar goedd. Bydd angen seinyddion arnoch. |
Narrator reads aloud any text on the screen. You will need speakers. |
1201 | Rhoi'r Adrodd&wr ar waith |
T&urn on Narrator |
1203 | &Pennu trwch y cyrchwr sy'n fflachio: |
Set the thickness of the &blinking cursor: |
1204 | Rhagolwg: |
Preview: |
1205 | Diffodd pob animeiddiad dianghenraid &(pan fo'n bosibl) |
Turn off all unnecessary animations (&when possible) |
1206 | Tynnu'r delweddau cefndir (pan fo ar gael&) |
Remove back&ground images (where available) |
1207 | Clywed disgrifiadau o'r hyn sy'n digwydd mewn fideos (pan fo ar gael). |
Hear descriptions of what's happening in videos (when available). |
1208 | Rhoi Di&sgrifiadau Sain ar waith |
Turn on Aud&io Description |
1209 | Pa &mor hir ddylai blychau deialog hysbysu Windows aros ar agor? |
How long should Windows notification dialog bo&xes stay open? |
1214 | Osgoi defnyddio'r llygoden a'r bysellfwrdd |
Avoid using the mouse and keyboard |
1215 | Siarad i feicroffon i reoli'r cyfrifiadur, agor rhaglenni ac arddweud testun. |
Speak into a microphone to control the computer, open programs, and dictate text. |
1216 | &Defnyddio Adnabod Llais |
&Use Speech Recognition |
1217 | Teipio drwy ddefnyddio'r llygoden neu ddyfais pwyntio arall fel ffon reoli drwy ddewis bysellau ar lun o fysellfwrdd. |
Type using the mouse or another pointing device such as a joystick by selecting keys from a picture of a keyboard. |
1218 | Defnyddio'r &Bysellfwrdd Ar-Sgrin |
Use On-Screen &Keyboard |
1221 | Rhoi Bysella&u'r Llygoden ar waith gydag ALT chwith + SHIFT chwith + NUM LOCK |
Turn on Mouse &Keys with left ALT + left SHIFT + NUM LOCK |
1222 | Cyflymder y pwyntydd |
Pointer speed |
1223 | Cyflymder uchaf: |
Top speed: |
1224 | Isel |
Low |
1225 | Uchel |
High |
1226 | Cyflymiad: |
Acceleration: |
1227 | Araf |
Slow |
1228 | Cyflym |
Fast |
1229 | Daliw&ch CTRL i lawr i gyflymu a SHIFT i arafu |
Hold do&wn CTRL to speed up and SHIFT to slow down |
1231 | Defnyddio Bysellau'r Llygoden pan fydd NUM LOCK: |
Use Mouse Keys when NUM LOCK is: |
1232 | &Wedi'i Alluogi |
O&n |
1233 | Wedi'i Analluogi |
Off |
1234 | &Dangos eicon Bysellau'r Llygoden ar y bar tasgau |
Display the Mouse Ke&ys icon on the taskbar |
1236 | Clywed testun yn cael ei ddarllen ar goedd |
Hear text read aloud |
1237 | Pennu &Testun i Lais |
&Set up Text to Speech |
1240 | Osgoi trawiadau bysellau ailadroddus pan fyddwch yn dal bysell i lawr |
Avoid repeated keystrokes when you hold down a key |
1242 | Anwy&byddu pob trawiad bysell ailadroddus |
Ig&nore all repeated keystrokes |
1244 | &Arafu cyfraddau ailadrodd ar y bysellfwrdd |
Slow down keyboard repeat &rates |
1246 | &Pa mor hir ddylai'r cyfrifiadur aros cyn derbyn trawiadau bysellau dilynol? |
How &long should the computer wait before accepting subsequent repeated keystrokes? |
1247 | Pa mor hir ddylai'r cyfrifiadur aros cyn derbyn y trawiad bysell ailadroddus cyntaf? |
How long should the computer wait before accepting the first repeated keystroke? |
1248 | Osgoi trawiadau bysellau damweiniol |
Avoid accidental keystrokes |
1249 | Pa &mor hir ydych chi eisiau dal bysell i lawr cyn i'ch cyfrifiadur dderbyn y trawiad bysell? |
How long do you want to hold down a &key before your computer accepts the keystroke? |
1251 | Nôl argymhellion i wneud y cyfrifiadur yn haws ei ddefnyddio |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use |
1252 | Atebwch y cwestiynau canlynol i gael argymhellion ar gyfer gosodiadau sy'n ei gwneud hi'n haws gweld, clywed a defnyddio'r cyfrifiadur. |
Answer the following questions to get recommendations for settings that can make your computer easier to see, hear, and use. |
1253 | Ar gyfer pob cwestiwn, dewiswch bob datganiad sy'n berthnasol i chi. Ar ôl i chi orffen, gallwch benderfynu pa osodiadau rydych am eu defnyddio. |
For each question, select all statements that apply to you. When you're done, you can decide which settings to turn on. |
1255 | Golwg (1 o 5) |
Eyesight (1 of 5) |
1256 | &Mae hi'n anodd gweld delweddau a thestun ar y teledu (hyd yn oed pan fydda i'n gwisgo sbectol). |
Images and te&xt on TV are difficult to see (even when I'm wearing glasses). |
1257 | Mae'r math o ola&u'n ei gwneud hi'n anodd gweld y delweddau ar y monitor. |
Lighting conditions make it difficult to &see images on my monitor. |
1258 | Rwyf yn dd&all. |
I am b&lind. |
1259 | Mae g&en i fath arall o nam ar fy ngolwg (hyd yn oed os yw sbectol yn ei gywiro). |
I have another type of vision &impairment (even if glasses correct it). |
1263 | &Nesaf |
&Next |
1264 | &Canslo |
&Cancel |
1265 | Deheurwydd (2 o 5) |
Dexterity (2 of 5) |
1266 | &Mae hi'n anodd defnyddio pinnau a phensiliau. |
&Pens and pencils are difficult to use. |
1267 | Mae cyflwr corfforol yn effeithio ar fy ngallu i ddefnyddi&o fy mreichiau, fy arddyrnau, fy nwylo neu fy mysedd. |
A physical condition affects the &use of my arms, wrists, hands, or fingers. |
1268 | Dwi &ddim yn defnyddio bysellfwrdd. |
I do not use a &keyboard. |
1269 | Clyw (3 o 5) |
Hearing (3 of 5) |
1270 | Gall fod yn &anodd clywed sgyrsiau (hyd yn oed gyda chymorth clyw). |
C&onversations can be difficult to hear (even with a hearing aid). |
1271 | &Mae synau yn y cefndir yn golygu ei bod hi'n anodd clywed y cyfrifiadur. |
&Background noise makes the computer difficult to hear. |
1272 | R&wyf yn drwm fy nghlyw. |
I a&m hard of hearing. |
1273 | &Rwyf yn fyddar. |
&I am deaf. |
1274 | Ymresymiad (5 o 5) |
Reasoning (5 of 5) |
1275 | Ma&e hi'n aml yn anodd i mi ganolbwyntio. |
It is often d&ifficult for me to concentrate. |
1276 | &Mae gen i anabledd dysgu, fel dyslecsia. |
I have a &learning disability, such as dyslexia. |
1277 | Mae hi'n &aml yn anodd i mi gofio pethau. |
It is often difficult for me to remember thin&gs. |
1278 | &Wedi gorffen |
D&one |
1281 | Rhoi &Bysellau'r Llygoden ar waith |
Turn on &Mouse Keys |
1282 | Rhoi'r Bysellau &Glynu ar waith |
Tu&rn on Sticky Keys |
1284 | Teipio gyda dyfais pwyntio |
Type using a pointing device |
1286 | Dango&s eicon yr Hidlydd Bysellau ar y bar tasgau |
Displa&y the Filter Keys icon on the taskbar |
1288 | Creu pwynt adfer ar gyfer gwneud copi wrth gefn |
Create a restore point for backup |
1289 | Dewis rhybudd gweledol |
Choose visual warning |
1290 | Di&m |
&None |
1291 | Fflachio'r bar pennawd &sydd ar waith |
Flash active caption &bar |
1292 | Fflachio'r ffenestr sydd ar &waith |
Flash active &window |
1293 | Fflachio'r &bwrdd gwaith |
Flash des&ktop |
1295 | Rhoi'r &Bysellau Glynu ar waith drwy bwyso SHIFT bum gwaith |
Turn on Sticky &Keys when SHIFT is pressed five times |
1296 | Dewisiadau |
Options |
1297 | &Cloi'r bysellau addasu ar ôl eu pwyso ddwywaith ar ôl ei gilydd |
&Lock modifier keys when pressed twice in a row |
1298 | Diffodd y Bysellau Glynu ar ôl pwyso &dwy fysell ar yr un pryd |
T&urn off Sticky Keys when two keys are pressed at once |
1299 | Adborth |
Feedback |
1300 | Ch&warae sain wrth bwyso bysellau addasu |
Pla&y a sound when modifier keys are pressed |
1301 | D&angos eicon y Bysellau Glynu ar y bar tasgau |
D&isplay the Sticky Keys icon on the task bar |
1302 | Mae'r Chwyddwr yn chwyddo unrhyw ran o'r sgrin, ac yn gwneud popeth yn y rhan honno'n fwy. Gallwch symud y Chwyddwr o gwmpas, ei gloi mewn un lle neu newid ei faint. |
Magnifier zooms in anywhere on the screen, and makes everything in that area larger. You can move Magnifier around, lock it in one place, or resize it. |
1304 | &Iawn |
&OK |
1305 | Canslo |
Cancel |
1306 | Def&nyddio |
A&pply |
1307 | &Mae pobl eraill yn ei chael hi'n anodd fy neall mewn sgwrs (ond dim oherwydd fy acen). |
Other &people have difficulty understanding me in a conversation (but not due to an accent). |
1308 | M&ae gen i nam ar y fy lleferydd. |
I have a &speech impairment. |
1309 | Wrth ddefnyddio bysellau hwylus i alluogi gosodiadau Mynediad Hwylus: |
When using keyboard shortcuts to turn Ease of Access settings on: |
1312 | Llais (4 o 5) |
Speech (4 of 5) |
1314 | &Nôl argymhellion i wneud y cyfrifiadur yn haws ei ddefnyddio |
Get &recommendations to make your computer easier to use |
1319 | Gweler hefyd |
See also |
1320 | Mae'r Chwyddwr yn chwyddo rhan o'r sgrin. |
Magnifier enlarges part of the screen. |
1321 | Mae'r Adroddwr yn darllen testun ar y sgrin ar goedd. |
Narrator reads aloud text on the screen. |
1322 | Gallwch deipio drwy ddefnyddio'r llygoden neu ddyfais pwyntio arall i glicio bysellau'r Bysellfwrdd Ar-Sgrin. |
On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard. |
1325 | Newid &maint y testun a'r eiconau |
Change the si&ze of text and icons |
1326 | &Addasu lliwiau a thryloywder borderi'r ffenestri |
Ad&just the color and transparency of the window borders |
1327 | Gwneud pe&tryal y ffocws yn fwy trwchus |
Make the focus rectangle thic&ker |
1328 | Go&sodiadau'r llygoden |
Mouse &settings |
1329 | Go&sodiadau'r bysellfwrdd |
Key&board settings |
1330 | &Dyfeisiau Sain a Themâu Sain |
Aud&io Devices and Sound Themes |
1331 | Gall y gosodiadau hyn eich helpu i addasu'r cyfrifiadur yn ôl eich anghenion. Adolygwch y gosodiadau gorau isod a dewis pa rai ydych chi am eu defnyddio. |
These settings can help you set up your computer to meet your needs. Review the recommended settings below and select the options that you want to use. |
1332 | Does dim argymhellion ar sail eich dewis. |
There are no recommendations based on your selections. |
1333 | Gallwch roi cynnig ar un o ddau ddewis: |
You can try one of two things: |
1334 | Llenwi'r holiadur eto. |
Completing the questionnaire again. |
1335 | Dychwelyd i hafan Mynediad Hwylus. |
Return to the Ease of Access home page. |
1342 | Gall technolegau cynorthwyol ddechrau'n awtomatig wrth fewngofnodi neu ar ‘l mewngofnodi neu'r ddau. Ticiwch y blychau ar gyfer y dewisiadau sydd orau i chi. |
You can have assistive technologies start automatically when you sign in, after you sign in, or both. Select the check boxes for each option you'd like to use. |
1346 | Dewiswch bob datganiad sy'n berthnasol i chi: |
Select all statements that apply to you: |
1347 | Defnyddio &hysbysiadau gweledol ar gyfer sain (Gwyliwr Sain) |
Tu&rn on visual notifications for sounds (Sound Sentry) |
1348 | Defnyddio pen&awdau testun ar gyfer deialog llafar (pan fônt ar gael) |
T&urn on text captions for spoken dialog (when available) |
1349 | Galluogi neu analluogi Cyferbynnedd Uchel drwy bwys&o ALT chwith + SHIFT chwith + PRINT SCREEN |
Turn on or off High Contrast when &left ALT + left SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN is pressed |
1357 | &Dangos rhybudd wrth alluogi gosodiad |
Display &a warning message when turning a setting on |
1358 | &Gwneud sŵn wrth alluogi neu ddiffodd gosodiad |
&Make a sound when turning a setting on or off |
1359 | Dangos r&hybudd wrth alluogi gosodiad |
Display &a warning message when turning a setting on |
1363 | Dango&s rhybudd wrth alluogi gosodiad |
Display &a warning message when turning a setting on |
1368 | Rh&oi'r Hidlydd Bysellau ar waith |
Turn on F&ilter Keys |
1369 | Rh&oi'r Bysellau Glynu ar waith |
Tu&rn on Sticky Keys |
1372 | Cyferbynnedd Uchel |
High Contrast |
1373 | Magnifier enlarges part of the screen. |
Magnifier enlarges part of the screen. |
1374 | On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard. |
On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard. |
1376 | Mae dewis cyferbynnedd uchel yn cryfhau'r cyferbynnedd rhwng lliwiau i leihau'r straen ar lygaid a gwneud pethau'n haws eu darllen. I'w alluogi, pwyswch Shift Chwith+Alt Chwith+Print Screen. |
High contrast increases the contrast in colors to reduce eyestrain and make things easier to read. To turn it on, press Left Shift+Left Alt+ Print Screen. |
1379 | Use the computer without a display |
Use the computer without a display |
1381 | Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard |
Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard |
1383 | Make the keyboard easier to use |
Make the keyboard easier to use |
1384 | Use text or visual alternatives for sounds |
Use text or visual alternatives for sounds |
1385 | Make it easier to focus on tasks |
Make it easier to focus on tasks |
1386 | Ddim yn siŵr ble mae dechrau? |
Not sure where to start? |
1387 | Get Help |
Get Help |
1388 | Help |
Help |
1389 | Drwy ddewis y gosodiadau hyn byddant ar waith yn awtomatig bob tro y byddwch chi'n mewngofnodi. |
When you select these settings, they will automatically start each time you sign in. |
1390 | Drwy ddewis yr offer hyn byddant ar waith yn awtomatig bob tro y byddwch chi'n mewngofnodi. |
When you select these tools, they will automatically start each time you sign in. |
1391 | A&ddasu golwg ac effeithiau sain |
Pe&rsonalize appearance and sound effects |
1392 | Mireinio'r &effeithiau gweledol |
Fine tune display effe&cts |
1393 | Y&chwanegu bysellfwrdd Dvorak a newid gosodiadau mewnbynnu eraill y bysellfwrdd |
Add a Dvorak keyboard and chan&ge other keyboard input settings |
1394 | Gall y cyfrifiadur anwybyddu pob trawiad ailadroddus neu gallwch bennu'r cyfnod y dylai ddisgwyl cyn iddo dderbyn trawiadau ailadroddus. |
Your computer can ignore all repeated keystrokes or you can set the time interval before it accepts repeated keystrokes. |
1395 | Gallwch ddefnyddio offer yr adran hon i'ch helpu i gychwyn arni. |
You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. |
1396 | Gall Windows ddarllen a sganio'r rhestr hon yn awtomatig. Pwyswch y BYLCHWR i ddewis yr offer sydd wedi'i oleuo. |
Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the SPACEBAR to select the highlighted tool. |
1397 | Newid lliw a maint y pwyntyddion llygoden. |
Change the color and size of mouse pointers. |
1399 | Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use. |
Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use. |
1400 | These programs are available on this computer. Running more than one at a time might cause conflicts. |
These programs are available on this computer. Running more than one at a time might cause conflicts. |
1401 | Dewis cynllun lliwiau Cyf&erbynnedd Uchel |
Choose a High Cont&rast color scheme |
1402 | Bysell hwylus |
Keyboard shortcut |
1403 | Darllen |
Reading |
1406 | Pennu trwch y cyrchwr sy'n fflachio |
Set the thickness of the blinking cursor |
1407 | Pa mor hir ddylai blychau deialog hysbysu Windows aros ar agor? |
How long should Windows notification dialog boxes stay open? |
1409 | Pa mor hir ydych chi eisiau dal bysell i lawr cyn i'ch cyfrifiadur dderbyn y trawiad bysell? |
How long do you want to hold down a key before your computer accepts the keystroke? |
1410 | test |
test |
1412 | Pa mor hir ddylai'r cyfrifiadur aros cyn derbyn trawiadau bysellau dilynol? |
How long should the computer wait before accepting subsequent repeated keystrokes? |
1413 | Cyflymder uchaf |
Top speed |
1414 | Cyflymiad |
Acceleration |
1416 | Defnyddio Adnabod Llai&s |
Use Speech Recog&nition |
1417 | Ei gwneud hi'n haws rheoli ffenestri |
Make it easier to manage windows |
1419 | Atal ffenestri rhag cael eu trefnu'n awtomatig wrth eu symud i ymyl y sgrin |
Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen |
1422 | Technoleg Cynorthwyol |
Assistive Technology |
1424 | 1429 |
1429 |
1431 | Addasu gosodiadau ar gyfer cyffwrdd a thabledi |
Adjust settings for touch and tablets |
1432 | Make touch and tablets easier to use |
Make touch and tablets easier to use |
1433 | Gall gwasgu botwm Windows a botwm Sain i fyny gyda'i gilydd ar eich tabled ddechrau offeryn hygyrchedd. Pa offeryn hygyrchedd yr hoffech ei lansio? |
Pressing the Windows button and Volume up button together on your tablet can start an accessibility tool. Which accessibility tool would you like to be launched? |
1435 | Yn lansio offer cyffredin |
Launching common tools |
1436 | Gwneud cyffwrdd yn haws eu defnyddio |
Make touch easier to use |
1437 | Offer hygyrchedd |
Accessibility tools |
1438 | Lansio'r offeryn hwn o'r sgrîn mewngofnodi |
Launch this tool from the sign-in screen |
1439 | Cyffwrdd a thabledi |
Touch and tablets |
1440 | Ar ‘l mewngofnodi |
After sign-in |
1441 | Wrth fewngofnodi |
At sign-in |
1442 | Gall gwasgu botwm Windows a botwm Sain i fyny gyda'i gilydd ar eich tabled ddechrau offeryn hygyrchedd. I newid pa offeryn sy'n lansio wrth wasgu'r botymau hyn, ewch i'r dudalen Gwneud cyffwrdd a thabledi'n haws eu defnyddio. |
Pressing the Windows button and Volume Up button together on your tablet can start an accessibility tool. To change which tool launches when you press these buttons after you've signed in, go to the Make touch and tablets easier to use page. |
5002 | Windows Safonol (mawr) |
Windows Standard (large) |
5003 | Windows Standard (extra large) |
Windows Standard (extra large) |
5004 | Windows Black |
Windows Black |
5005 | Windows Black (large) |
Windows Black (large) |
5006 | Windows Black (extra large) |
Windows Black (extra large) |
5007 | Windows Inverted |
Windows Inverted |
5008 | Windows Inverted (large) |
Windows Inverted (large) |
5009 | Windows Inverted (extra large) |
Windows Inverted (extra large) |
6000 | Ease of Access Sign-in Settings |
Ease of Access Sign-in Settings |
6001 | The System Restore Wizard failed to start. |
The System Restore Wizard failed to start. |
6002 | You do not have the required privileges to change sign-in settings. |
You do not have the required privileges to change sign-in settings. |
6003 | An unexpected error occured elevating your privileges. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occured elevating your privileges. (0x%xL) |
6004 | Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. |
Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. |
6005 | An unexpected error occurred displaying help topic. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred displaying help topic. (0x%xL) |
6006 | An unexpected error occurred creating help interface. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred creating help interface. (0x%xL) |
6007 | An unexpected error occurred linking to Color Scheme Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to Color Scheme Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6008 | An unexpected error occurred linking to the Display (Make fonts larger or smaller) Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Display (Make fonts larger or smaller) Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6009 | An unexpected error occurred linking to the Personalization Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Personalization Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6010 | An unexpected error occurred linking to the Speech Recognition Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Speech Recognition Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6011 | An unexpected error occurred linking to the Mouse Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Mouse Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6012 | An unexpected error occurred linking to the Keyboard Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Keyboard Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6013 | An unexpected error occurred linking to the Sound Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Sound Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6014 | An unexpected error occurred linking to the Text to Speech Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Text to Speech Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6015 | An unexpected error occurred linking to a URL. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to a URL. (0x%xL) |
6016 | Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. ,,,,,You can tab through the options and select them by pressing the Spacebar |
Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. ,,,,,You can tab through the options and select them by pressing the Spacebar |
6019 | An unexpected error occurred linking to the Region and Language Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred linking to the Region and Language Control Panel. (0x%xL) |
6020 | An unexpected error occurred starting or configuring a program to run automatically. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred starting or configuring a program to run automatically. (0x%xL) |
6021 | An unexpected error occurred configuring program not to run. (0x%xL) |
An unexpected error occurred configuring program not to run. (0x%xL) |