File name: | DMAppsRes.dll.mui |
Size: | 14848 byte |
MD5: | 501f5d74d87e770ca8b4a26d55840a3c |
SHA1: | b1b38b1aab546d10b1c56a52ae4c2541a9d0c75b |
SHA256: | 6370fc965a34be608e215734d3b58413934eeac7ab6e05005bb5ebc3ad99c37e |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Cornish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Cornish | English |
26002 | Tha an stòras air an fhòn làn. ’S urrainn dhut aplacaidean nach cleachd thu a sguabadh às gus àite a shaoradh. | Phone storage is full. You can remove unused applications if you want to free up space. |
26004 | Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn roghainnean an fhòn agad atharrachadh. | Your phone's settings couldn't be changed. |
26008 | Chaidh roghainnean an fhòn agad atharrachadh | Phone settings changed |
26009 | chaidh roghainnean an fhòn agad atharrachadh. | successfully changed your phone's settings. |
26010 | Chaidh roghainnean an fhòn agad atharrachadh. | The changes to your phone's settings were successful. |
26011 | Brath an t-siostaim | System notification |
26012 | Tha atharraichean ri fhaighinn | Changes are available |
26024 | Seòladair gun aithneachadh | Unidentified sender |
26027 | Chuir %1 roghainnean ùra thugad airson an fhòn agad. Ma tha thu eòlach air an t-seòladair is ma tha thu airson nan atharraichean seo a chur an sàs, cuir a-steach PIN an t-seòladair is thoir gnogag air "A-steach". Gheibh thu teachdaireachd nuair a chaidh na h-atharraichean a chur an sàs.
Mur eil thu airson seo a dhèanamh an-dràsta fhèin, brùth am putan "Air ais" gus an cur an sàs uaireigin eile. Thoir gnogag air "Sguir dheth" gus an diùltadh. |
%1 has sent you some new phone settings. If you know the sender and want to accept these changes, type the sender's PIN, and then tap Enter. You'll get a text message when the changes are complete.
If you don't want to do this right now press the Back button to postpone the changes. Tap Cancel to decline them. |
26028 | Fhuair thu roghainnean ùra thugad airson an fhòn agad o thùs neo-aithnichte. Ma tha thu eòlach air an t-seòladair is ma tha thu airson nan atharraichean seo a chur an sàs, cuir a-steach PIN an t-seòladair is thoir gnogag air "A-steach". Gheibh thu teachdaireachd nuair a chaidh na h-atharraichean a chur an sàs.
Mur eil thu airson seo a dhèanamh an-dràsta fhèin, brùth am putan "Air ais" gus an cur an sàs uaireigin eile. Thoir gnogag air "Sguir dheth" gus an diùltadh. |
You’ve received some new phone settings from an unidentified source. If you know the sender and want to accept these changes, type the sender's PIN, and then tap Enter. You'll get a text message when the changes are complete.
If you don’t want to do this right now, press the Back button to postpone the changes. Tap Cancel to decline them. |
26030 | Bha am PIN a chuir thu a-steach cearr. Feuch is cuir a-steach e a-rithist.
Oidhirpean air fhàgail: %1 |
The PIN you entered was incorrect. Try entering it again.
Remaining attempts: %1 |
26031 | PIN cearr | Incorrect PIN |
26043 | Bha am PIN a chuir thu a-steach cearr. | The PIN you entered was incorrect. |
26045 | Feumar am fòn agad atharrachadh | Phone changes needed |
26046 | Feumaidh giùlanair an fhòn agad (%1) am fòn agad a chur air gleus ach an obraich e mar bu chòir air an lìonra. Tha agad ri ceangal ri WiFi no an dàta mobile a chur air mus gabh seo a chur an sàs.
Gheibh thu teachdaireachd nuair a bhios seo deiseil. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network. To make the change, you need to connect to Wi-Fi or turn on cellular data.
You'll get a text message when it's complete. |
26047 | Feumaidh giùlanair an fhòn agad (%1) am fòn agad a chur air gleus ach an obraich e mar bu chòir air an lìonra. Tha agad ri ceangal ri WiFi no dàta mobile a chur air mus gabh seo a chur an sàs.
Gheibh thu teachdaireachd nuair a bhios seo deiseil. Gus sgur dhen ùrachadh, rach gu Roghainn an fhòn-làimhe ⁊ SIM. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network. To make the change, you need to connect to Wi-Fi or turn on cellular data.
You'll get a text message when it's complete. To cancel the update, go to Cellular & SIM Settings. |
26048 | Tha %1 deiseil agus chaidh na h-atharraichean a chur an sàs air an fhòn agad. | %1 is finished, and the changes to your phone are complete. |
26050 | ceart ma-thà | ok |
26051 | sguir dheth | cancel |
26052 | dùin | close |
26053 | tha | yes |
26054 | chan eil | no |
26055 | deiseil | done |
26057 | gabh ris | accept |
26058 | ceangail | connect |
26059 | cuir a-steach | enter |
26060 | ath-thòisich an-dràsta | restart now |
26061 | ath-thòisich uaireigin eile | restart later |
26062 | Atharraichidh seo roghainnean a' fòn agad. | This will change your phone's settings. |
26063 | Chuir %1 roghainnean ùra thugad airson a' fòn agad. Ma tha thu eòlach air an t-seòladair is ma tha thu airson nan atharraichean seo a chur an sàs, thoir gnogag air "Gabh ris". Gheibh thu teachdaireachd nuair a chaidh na h-atharraichean a chur an sàs.
Mur eil thu airson seo a dhèanamh an-dràsta, briog air a' phutan "Air ais" gus na h-atharraichean a chur na dhàil. Thoir gnogag air "Sguir dheth" ma tha thu airson an diùltadh. |
%1 has sent you some new phone settings. If you know the sender and want to accept these changes, tap Accept. You'll get a text message when the changes are complete.
If you don’t want to do this right now, press the Back button to postpone the changes. Tap Cancel to decline them. |
26064 | Fhuair thu roghainnean ùra airson a' fòn agad o thùs nach do dh'aithnich sinn. Ma tha thu eòlach air an t-seòladair is ma tha thu airson nan atharraichean seo a chur an sàs, thoir gnogag air "Gabh ris". Gheibh thu teachdaireachd nuair a chaidh na h-atharraichean a chur an sàs.
Mur eil thu airson seo a dhèanamh an-dràsta, briog air a' phutan "Air ais" gus na h-atharraichean a chur na dhàil. Thoir gnogag air "Sguir dheth" ma tha thu airson an diùltadh. |
You’ve received some new phone settings from an unidentified source. If you know the sender and want to accept these changes, tap Accept. You'll get a text message when the changes are complete.
If you don’t want to do this right now, press the Back button to postpone the changes. Tap Cancel to decline them. |
26065 | Cha b' urrainn dha %1 na h-atharraichean air an fhòn agad a choileanadh a chionn 's nach b' urrainn dhut ceangal ris an fhrithealaiche. | %1 couldn't finish making changes to your phone because you couldn't connect to the server. |
26078 | Feumaidh an companaidh fhònaichean-làimhe agad (%1) am fòn agad a chur air gleus ach an obraich e mar bu chòir air an lìonra.
Seo am fiosrachadh on chompanaidh fhònaichean-làimhe agad: |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network.
Here are the details from your mobile operator: |
26080 | seall | view |
26081 | Na cuir a-steach ach àireamhan. | Please enter only numbers. |
26082 | Feumaidh an companaidh fhònaichean-làimhe agad (%1) am fòn agad a chur air gleus ach an obraich e mar bu chòir air an lìonra.
Gheibh thu teachdaireachd nuair a chaidh na h-atharraichean a chur an sàs. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network.
You'll get a text message when it's finished. |
26083 | Feumaidh an companaidh fhònaichean-làimhe agad (%1) am fòn agad a chur air gleus ach an obraich e mar bu chòir air an lìonra.
Gheibh thu teachdaireachd nuair a bhios seo deiseil. Gus sgur dhen ùrachadh, rach gu Roghainn an fhòn-làimhe ⁊ SIM. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to modify your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network.
You'll get a text message when it's finished. To cancel the update, go to Cellular & SIM Settings. |
26085 | Thoir gnogag gus roghainnean an dàta mobile ùrachadh | Tap to update cellular data settings |
26086 | Tha ath-thòiseachadh a dhìth air an uidheam agad | Your device needs to restart |
26087 | Tha am buidhean agad air poileasaidhean a chur a-nall a dh'iarras gun tòisich thu an t-uidheam agad às ùr. Dh'fhaoidte nach fhaigh thu cothrom air goireasan na h-obrach air lìonra na h-obrach agad mus deach ath-thòiseachadh. | Your organization has pushed down policies that require your device to restart. You may be unable to access work resources or your work network until it is restarted. |
26088 | Cuir a-steach am PIN agad a dhearbhadh cò thusa agus coilean clàradh a’ PIN agad. | Enter your PIN to confirm your identity and finish your PIN enrollment. |
26089 | Your device administrator has scheduled a reboot | Your device administrator has scheduled a reboot |
26090 | RebootCSP scheduled reboot | RebootCSP scheduled reboot |
26091 | RebootCSP daily recurrent reboot | RebootCSP daily recurrent reboot |
26092 | Ghlais an companaidh agad an t-uidheam agad. ’S urrainn dhut a’ ghlas a thoirt dheth leis a’ PIN agad. | Your company has locked your device. You can use your PIN to unlock it. |
26093 | Dh’ath-shuidhich an companaidh agad am PIN agad. Cuir fios gu sgioba-taice a’ chompanaidh agad a dh’fhiosrachadh a’ PIN. | Your company has reset your PIN. Contact your company’s support person to learn the PIN. |
26094 | Stiùireadh innsgineach | Dynamic Management |
26095 | Chaidh na roghainnean stiùiridh agad atharrachadh a chionn ’s gun do dh’atharraich co-theacsa an uidheim agad o chionn goirid. | Your management settings have changed because of a recent change to your device context. |
50002 | Feumaidh giùlanair an fhòn agad (%1) am fòn agad a chur air gleus ach an obraich e mar bu chòir air an lìonra. Tha agad ri ceangal ri WLAN no an dàta mobila a chur air mus gabh seo a chur an sàs.
Gheibh thu teachdaireachd nuair a bhios seo deiseil. Gus sgur dhen ùrachadh, rach gu Roghainn an fhòn-làimhe ⁊ SIM. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network. To make the change, you need to connect to WLAN or turn on cellular data.
You'll get a text message when it's complete. To cancel the update, go to Cellular & SIM Settings. |
50003 | Tha ùrachadh an lìonraidh ri fhaighinn | Network update available |
50004 | Tha an giùlanair mobile agad ag ùrachadh lìonra an fhòn agad ach an urrainn dhut fòn is teachdaireachdan a chur is mòran a bharrachd.
Gheibh thu teachdaireachd nuair a bhios an t-ùrachadh deiseil. |
Your mobile operator is updating your phone network so you'll be able to make phone calls, send text messages, and more.
You'll get a text message when the update is done. |
50005 | Chaidh a’ phròifil lìonraidh agad ùrachadh ’s tha e deiseil. | Your network profile is updated and ready to go. |
50006 | sgur dhen ùrachadh | cancel update |
50007 | Cha b’ urrainn dhan ghiùlanair mobile agad a’ phròifil lìonraidh agad ùrachadh. Ma tha thu am beachd fòn a chur thuca airson taic, innis dhaibh gum faca tu an còd mearachd a leanas: %1. | Your mobile operator wasn't able to update your network profile. If you call them for help, tell them you saw this error code: %1. |
50009 | A’ luchdadh a-nuas aplacaidean a bharrachd | Downloading additional apps |
File Description: | DMAppsRes |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | DMAppsRes |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte. |
Original Filename: | DMAppsRes.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x491, 1200 |