1 | Microsoft Winsock BSP |
Microsoft Winsock BSP |
3 | Globale prestatiemeteritems voor Microsoft Winsock Base-serviceprovider |
Global performance counters for Microsoft Winsock Base Service Provider |
5 | Verwijderde datagrammen/sec |
Dropped Datagrams/sec |
6 | Dropped Datagrams/sec |
Dropped Datagrams/sec |
7 | Verwijderde datagrammen/sec vanwege ontvangstbufferlimiet op datagramsockets |
Dropped Datagrams/sec due to receive buffer limit on any datagram socket |
9 | Verwijderde datagrammen |
Dropped Datagrams |
10 | Dropped Datagrams |
Dropped Datagrams |
11 | Verwijderde datagrammen vanwege ontvangstbufferlimiet op datagramsockets |
Dropped Datagrams due to receive buffer limit on any datagram socket |
13 | Geweigerde verbindingen/sec |
Rejected Connections/sec |
14 | Rejected Connections/sec |
Rejected Connections/sec |
15 | Geweigerde verbindingen/sec vanwege achterstandslimiet op luisterende TCP-socket |
Rejected Connections/sec due to backlog limit on any TCP listening socket |
17 | Geweigerde verbindingen |
Rejected Connections |
18 | Rejected Connections |
Rejected Connections |
19 | Geweigerde verbindingen vanwege achterstandslimiet op luisterende TCP-socket |
Rejected Connections due to backlog limit on any TCP listening socket |
1000 | Ancillary Function Driver for Winsock |
Ancillary Function Driver for Winsock |
0x11000001 | Datagramsocket |
Datagram socket |
0x11000002 | Stream-socket |
Stream socket |
0x11000003 | Door Winsock geïnitieerde gebeurtenis |
Winsock initiated event |
0x11000004 | Door transport geïnitieerde gebeurtenis |
Transport initiated event |
0x11000005 | Fastpath I/O |
Fastpath I/O |
0x11000006 | In buffer geplaatst |
Buffered |
0x11000007 | RIO |
0x11000008 | NRT |
0x12000034 | SQM |
0x3100000A | Open |
Open |
0x3100000B | Gebonden |
Bound |
0x3100000C | Verbonden |
Connected |
0x3100000D | Verbinding verbroken |
Disconnected |
0x3100000E | Afgebroken |
Aborted |
0x3100000F | Gesloten |
Closed |
0x31000010 | Vrijgegeven |
Freed |
0x31000011 | Gewijzigd |
Modified |
0x33000000 | Info |
Info |
0x51000002 | Fout |
Error |
0x51000003 | Waarschuwing |
Warning |
0x51000004 | Informatie |
Information |
0x51000005 | Uitgebreid |
Verbose |
0x90000001 | Cataloguswijziging Microsoft-Windows-Winsock |
Microsoft-Windows-Winsock Catalog Change |
0x90000002 | Cataloguswijziging Microsoft-Windows-Winsock/operationeel |
Microsoft-Windows-Winsock Catalog Change/Operational |
0x91000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Winsock Network Event |
Microsoft-Windows-Winsock Network Event |
0x91000002 | Microsoft-Windows-Winsock Network Event/Operational |
Microsoft-Windows-Winsock Network Event/Operational |
0x93000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Winsock NameResolution-gebeurtenis |
Microsoft-Windows-Winsock NameResolution Event |
0x93000002 | Microsoft-Windows-Winsock NameResolution-gebeurtenis/operationeel |
Microsoft-Windows-Winsock NameResolution Event/Operational |
0xB0000001 | LSP %1 is geïnstalleerd in de %2-bits catalogus door %3 (GUID=%4, Categorie-id=%5) |
LSP %1 was installed in the %2-bit catalog by %3 (GUID=%4, Category ID=%5) |
0xB0000002 | LSP %1 is verwijderd uit de %2-bits catalogus door %3 (GUID=%4, Categorie-id=%5) |
LSP %1 was removed from the %2-bit catalog by %3 (GUID=%4, Category ID=%5) |
0xB0000003 | LSP %1 is uitgeschakeld in de %2-bits catalogus door %3 (GUID=%4, Categorie-id=%5) |
LSP %1 was disabled in the %2-bit catalog by %3 (GUID=%4, Category ID=%5) |
0xB0000004 | De %1-bits catalogus is opnieuw ingesteld door de beheerder |
The %1-bit catalog was reset by the administrator |
0xB1000001 | Socket maken: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 |
Socket creation: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 |
0xB1000002 | Socket binden: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 |
Socket bind: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 |
0xB1000004 | Socket verbinden: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
Socket connect: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
0xB1000006 | Verbinden voltooid: %1 %2 %3 |
Connect completed: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB1000007 | AFD heeft afbreken gestart: %1 %2 %3 |
AFD initiated abort: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB1000008 | Afbreken gestart: %1 %2 %3 |
Transport initiated abort: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB1000009 | Verzendaanvraag mislukt: %1 %2 %3 |
Failed send request: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB100000A | WSASendMsg-aanvraag mislukt: %1 %2 %3 |
Failed WSASendMsg request: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB100000B | Recv-aanvraag mislukt: %1 %2 %3 |
Failed recv request: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB100000C | Recvfrom-aanvraag mislukt: %1 %2 %3 |
Failed recvfrom request: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB100000D | Socket gesloten: %1 %2 %3 |
Socket close: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB100000E | Socket opgeschoond (alle verwijzingen verwijderd): %1 %2 %3 |
Socket cleanup (all references removed): %1 %2 %3 |
0xB100000F | Socket accepteren: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 |
Socket accept: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 |
0xB1000011 | Accepteren mislukt: %1 %2 %3 |
Accept failed: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB1000012 | Verzenden gepost: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 |
Send posted: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 |
0xB1000013 | Ontvangen gepost: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 |
Receive posted: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 |
0xB1000014 | RecvFrom gepost: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 |
RecvFrom posted: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 |
0xB1000015 | SendTo gepost: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 |
SendTo posted: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 |
0xB1000017 | Recv voltooid: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
Recv completed: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
0xB1000018 | Verzenden voltooid: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
Send completed: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
0xB1000019 | SendMsg voltooid: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
SendMsg completed: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
0xB100001A | RecvFrom voltooid: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 |
RecvFrom completed: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 |
0xB100001C | SendTo voltooid: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
SendTo completed: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
0xB100001D | Socketoptieset: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
Socket option set: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
0xB100001E | Selectie/poll gepost: %1 %2 %3 |
Select/Poll posted: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB100001F | Selectie/poll voltooid: %1 %2 %3 |
Select/Poll completed: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB1000020 | WSAEventSelect: %1 %2 %3 |
WSAEventSelect: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB1000021 | Verloren datagram: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 |
Datagram dropped: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 |
0xB1000023 | Aangegeven verbinding: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
Connection indicated: %1 %2 %3 %4 |
0xB1000025 | Aangegeven gegevens uit transport: %1 %2 %3 |
Data indicated from transport: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB1000026 | Aangegeven gegevens uit transport: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 |
Data indicated from transport: %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 |
0xB1000028 | Mislukte binding: %1 %2 %3 |
Failed bind: %1 %2 %3 |
0xB1000029 | Verbinding verbroken aangegeven door transport: %1 %2 |
Disconnect indicated from transport: %1 %2 |
0xB10003E8 | socket: %1: Proces %3 (%8), Eindpunt %4, Familie %5, Type %6, Protocol %7, Seq %2, Status %9 |
socket: %1: Process %3 (%8), Endpoint %4, Family %5, Type %6, Protocol %7, Seq %2, Status %9 |
0xB10003E9 | socket sluiten: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
closesocket: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
0xB10003EA | socket opruimen: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
socket cleanup: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
0xB10003EB | verzenden: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Aantal buffers %5, Buffer %6, Lengte %7, Seq %2, Status %8 |
send: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer Count %5, Buffer %6, Length %7, Seq %2, Status %8 |
0xB10003EC | ontvangen: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Aantal buffers %5, Buffer %6, Lengte %7, Seq %2, Status %8 |
recv: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer Count %5, Buffer %6, Length %7, Seq %2, Status %8 |
0xB10003ED | verzenden naar: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Aantal buffers %5, Buffer %6, Lengte %7, Seq %2, Status %8 |
sendto: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer Count %5, Buffer %6, Length %7, Seq %2, Status %8 |
0xB10003EE | ontvangen van: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Aantal buffers %5, Buffer %6, Lengte %7, Seq %2, Status %8 |
recvfrom: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer Count %5, Buffer %6, Length %7, Seq %2, Status %8 |
0xB10003EF | verzenden naar: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Aantal buffers %5, Buffer %6, Lengte %7, Adres %10, Seq %2, Status %8 |
sendto: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer Count %5, Buffer %6, Length %7, Addr %10, Seq %2, Status %8 |
0xB10003F1 | ontvangen van: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Aantal buffers %5, Buffer %6, Lengte %7, Adres %10, Seq %2, Status %8 |
recvfrom: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer Count %5, Buffer %6, Length %7, Addr %10, Seq %2, Status %8 |
0xB10003F3 | bericht verzenden: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Aantal buffers %5, Buffer %6, Lengte %7, Seq %2, Status %8 |
sendmsg: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer Count %5, Buffer %6, Length %7, Seq %2, Status %8 |
0xB10003F4 | bericht ontvangen: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Aantal buffers %5, Buffer %6, Lengte %7, Seq %2, Status %8 |
recvmsg: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer Count %5, Buffer %6, Length %7, Seq %2, Status %8 |
0xB10003F5 | bericht verzenden: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Aantal buffers %5, Buffer %6, Lengte %7, Adres %10, Seq %2, Status %8 |
sendmsg: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer Count %5, Buffer %6, Length %7, Addr %10, Seq %2, Status %8 |
0xB10003F7 | bericht ontvangen: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Aantal buffers %5, Buffer %6, Lengte %7, Adres %10, Seq %2, Status %8 |
recvmsg: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer Count %5, Buffer %6, Length %7, Addr %10, Seq %2, Status %8 |
0xB10003F9 | verbinden: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
connect: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
0xB10003FA | verbinden: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Adres %9, Seq %2, Status %7 |
connect: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Address %9, Seq %2, Status %7 |
0xB10003FC | Verbindingsuitzondering: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
ConnectEx: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
0xB10003FD | Verbindingsuitzondering: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Buffer %5, Lengte %6, Adres %9, Seq %2, Status %7 |
ConnectEx: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer %5, Length %6, Address %9, Seq %2, Status %7 |
0xB10003FF | aanvaarden: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
accept: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
0xB1000400 | aanvaarden: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Adres %9, Eindpunt voor aanvaarden %10, Huidige achterstand %11, Seq %2, Status %7 |
accept: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Address %9, Accept Endpoint %10, Current Backlog %11, Seq %2, Status %7 |
0xB1000402 | Aanvaardingsuitzondering: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
AcceptEx: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
0xB1000403 | Aanvaardingsuitzondering: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Buffer %5, Lengte %6, Adres %9, Eindpunt voor aanvaarden %10, Huidige achterstand %11, Seq %2, Status %7 |
AcceptEx: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer %5, Length %6, Address %9, Accept Endpoint %10, Current Backlog %11, Seq %2, Status %7 |
0xB1000405 | binden: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
bind: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
0xB1000406 | binden: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Adres %7, Seq %2, Status %5 |
bind: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Address %7, Seq %2, Status %5 |
0xB1000408 | verbinding verbroken: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Seq %2, Reden %5 |
connection aborted: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Seq %2, Reason %5 |
0xB1000409 | verloren datagram: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Buffer %5, Lengte %6, Adres %8, Seq %2, Reden %9 |
datagram dropped: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer %5, Length %6, Address %8, Seq %2, Reason %9 |
0xB100040B | Socketoptie: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Optie %5, Waarde %6, Seq %2, Status %7 |
Socket option: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Option %5, Value %6, Seq %2, Status %7 |
0xB100040C | Wachten op luisteren: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
Wait for listen: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
0xB100040D | binden: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Achterstand %5, Seq %2, Status %6 |
Listen: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Backlog %5, Seq %2, Status %6 |
0xB1000BB8 | Verbindingsindicatie: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
Connect indication: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Seq %2, Status %5 |
0xB1000BB9 | Verbindingsindicatie %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Adres %7, Aantal achterstallig %8, Seq %2, Status %5 |
Connect indication: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Address %7, Backlog Count %8, Seq %2, Status %5 |
0xB1000BBB | Gegevensindicatie: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Buffer %5, Lengte %6, Seq %2 |
Data indication: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer %5, Length %6, Seq %2 |
0xB1000BBC | Gegevensindicatie: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Buffer %5, Lengte %6, Adres %8, Seq %2 |
Data indication: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Buffer %5, Length %6, Address %8, Seq %2 |
0xB1000BBE | verbreking aangeduid: %1: Proces %3, Eindpunt %4, Seq %2 |
disconnect indicated: %1: Process %3, Endpoint %4, Seq %2 |
0xB1000BBF | Achterstand transportverzending: Proces %1, Eindpunt %2, Achterstand voor verzenden %5 |
Transport send backlog: Process %1, Endpoint %2, Send Backlog %5 |
0xB1000FA0 | Registratiedomein %1 gemaakt met status %2 |
Registration domain %1 create status %2 |
0xB1000FA1 | Registratiedomein %1 gesloten |
Registration domain %1 closed |
0xB1000FA2 | CQ %1 gemaakt met %3 items, index %7 en meldingstype %8, status %13 |
CQ %1 created with %3 entries, index %7 and notification type %8, status %13 |
0xB1000FA3 | CQ %1 gesloten met %2 toewijzing(en) |
CQ %1 closed with %2 commit |
0xB1000FA4 | CQ %1 opgeschoond |
CQ %1 cleaned up |
0xB1000FA5 | Grootte van CQ %1 met %5 toewijzing(en) gewijzigd van %2 in %6, status %10 |
CQ %1 with %5 commit resized from %2 to %6, status %10 |
0xB1000FA6 | RQ %2 gemaakt op eindpunt %1 met %8 ontvangstitems en %4 verzenditems, waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van ontvangst-CQ %13 en verzend-CQ %12, status %14 |
RQ %2 created on endpoint %1 with %8 receive and %4 send entries, using receive CQ %13 and send CQ %12, status %14 |
0xB1000FA7 | RQ %1 gesloten, ontvangen = (%2,%3) verzenden = (%4,%5) |
RQ %1 closed, receive = (%2,%3) send = (%4,%5) |
0xB1000FA8 | RQ %1 opgeschoond |
RQ %1 cleaned up |
0xB1000FA9 | Grootte van RQ %1 gewijzigd van (%9,%2) in (%12,%5), status = %16 |
RQ %1 resized from (%9,%2) to (%12,%5), status = %16 |
0xB1000FAA | Buffer %1 geregistreerd met adres %3 en lengte %5, systeemadres = %4, id = %6, status = %7 |
Buffer %1 registered with address %3 and length %5, system address = %4, ID = %6, status = %7 |
0xB1000FAB | Buffer %1 uit register verwijderd met %2 verwijzingen |
Buffer %1 deregistered with %2 references |
0xB1000FAC | Buffer %1 opgeschoond |
Buffer %1 cleaned up |
0xB1000FAD | RQ %2 met ongeldige buffer-id %3 |
RQ %2 using invalid buffer ID %3 |
0xB1000FAE | Ongeldig gebruik van buffer %3 door RQ %2, afwijking = %4, lengte = %5 |
RQ %2 invalid use of buffer %3, offset = %4, length = %5 |
0xB1000FAF | RQ %1 met ongeldige buffergrootte voor %2, opgegeven = %3, vereist = %4 |
RQ %1 using invalid buffer size for %2, specified = %3, required = %4 |
0xB1000FB0 | NRT maken: Ingang = %1 Proces = %2 Status = %3 |
NRT Create: Handle = %1 Process = %2 Status = %3 |
0xB1000FB1 | NRT sluiten: Ingang = %1 Proces = %2 |
NRT Close: Handle = %1 Process = %2 |
0xB30003E8 | GetAddrInfoW wordt aangeroepen voor queryName %1, serviceName %2, vlaggen %4, familie %5, socketType %6, protocol %7 en seq %3 |
GetAddrInfoW is called for queryName %1, serviceName %2, flags %4, family %5, socketType %6, protocol %7 and seq %3 |
0xB30003E9 | GetAddrInfoW is voltooid voor queryName %1 met status %2 en resultaat %3 |
GetAddrInfoW is completed for queryName %1 with status %2 and result %3 |
0xB30003EA | GetAddrInfoExW wordt aangeroepen voor queryName %1, serviceName %2, nameSpace %4, nameSpace GUID %5, vlaggen %6, familie %7, socketType %8, protocol %9, interface-index %10, timeOut %11, asyncWithCallBack %12, asyncWithOverlapped %13 en seq %3 |
GetAddrInfoExW is called for queryName %1, serviceName %2, nameSpace %4, nameSpace GUID %5, flags %6, family %7, socketType %8, protocol %9, interface index %10, timeOut %11, asyncWithCallBack %12, asyncWithOverlapped %13 and seq %3 |
0xB30003EB | Asynchrone query GetAddrInfoExW is in behandeling voor queryName: %1 met annuleringsingang %2 |
GetAddrInfoExW asynchronous query is pending for queryName: %1 with cancel Handle %2 |
0xB30003EC | GetAddrInfoExW is voltooid voor queryName %1 met status %2 en resultaat %3 |
GetAddrInfoExW is completed for queryName %1 with status %2 and result %3 |
0xB30003ED | GetAddrInfoExCancel wordt aangeroepen voor query %1 en seq %2 |
GetAddrInfoExCancel is called for query %1 and seq %2 |
0xB30003EE | NSPLookupServiceBegin wordt aangeroepen voor provider %1, queryName %2, serviceGUID %3, interface-index %4 en controlevlaggen %5 |
NSPLookupServiceBegin is called for provider %1, queryName %2, serviceGUID %3, interface index %4 and control flags %5 |
0xB30003EF | NSPLookupServiceBegin is voltooid voor provider %1, queryName %2 serviceGUID %3, interface-index %4, controlevlaggen %5 en opzoekingang %6 met status %7 |
NSPLookupServiceBegin is completed for provider %1, queryName %2 serviceGUID %3, interface index %4, control flags %5 and lookup handle %6 with status %7 |
0xB30003F0 | NSPLookupServiceNext wordt aangeroepen voor provider %1, controlevlaggen %2 en opzoekingang %3 |
NSPLookupServiceNext is called for provider %1, control Flags %2 and lookup handle %3 |
0xB30003F1 | NSPLookupServiceNext is voltooid voor provider %1, controlevlaggen %2 en opzoekingang %3 met status %4 en resultaat %5 |
NSPLookupServiceNext is completed for provider %1, control Flags %2 and lookup Handle %3 with status %4 and result %5 |
0xB30003F2 | NSPLookupServiceEnd wordt aangeroepen voor provider %1 en opzoekingang %2 |
NSPLookupServiceEnd is called for provider %1 and lookup handle %2 |
0xB30003F3 | NSPLookupServiceEnd is voltooid voor provider %1 en opzoekingang %2 met status %3 |
NSPLookupServiceEnd completed for provider %1 and lookup handle %2 with status %3 |
0xB30003F4 | GetAddrInfoExW info. queryName %1, serviceName %2, nameSpace %4, nameSpace GUID %5, vlaggen %6, familie %7, socketType %8, protocol %9, interface-index %10, timeOut %11, asyncWithCallBack %12, asyncWithOverlapped %13, fout %14 en seq %3 |
GetAddrInfoExW info. queryName %1, serviceName %2, nameSpace %4, nameSpace GUID %5, flags %6, family %7, socketType %8, protocol %9, interface index %10, timeOut %11, asyncWithCallBack %12, asyncWithOverlapped %13, error %14 and seq %3 |
0xB30003F5 | WSA opstarten. seq: %1. |
Wsa Startup. seq: %1. |
0xB30003F6 | WSA opschonen. seq: %1. Refcount: %2. |
Wsa Cleanup. seq: %1. Refcount: %2. |
0xB30003F7 | NSJOB-info. seq %1. Refcount: %2. |
NSJOB info. seq %1. Refcount: %2. |
0xD1000001 | SOCK_STREAM |
0xD1000002 | SOCK_DGRAM |
0xD1000003 | SOCK_RAW |
0xD1000004 | SOCK_RDM |
0xD1000005 | SOCK_SEQPACKET |
0xD1000006 | Het verwijderen van wachtende ontvangstaanvragen is mislukt |
Attempt to flush pending receive requests failed |
0xD1000007 | Verbreken van verbinding aangevraagd op eindpunt |
Abortive disconnect requested on endpoint |
0xD1000008 | Afsluiten met geposte SD_RECEIVE met wachtende ontvangstgegevens |
Shutdown with SD_RECEIVE posted with receive data pending |
0xD1000009 | Verbinding verbroken bij transport |
Transport indicated abortive disconnect |
0xD100000A | Fout in geaccepteerde verbinding die niet is gekoppeld aan luisterende socket |
Error on accepted connection not associated with listening socket |
0xD100000B | Verbreken van verbinding is mislukt |
Disconnect failed |
0xD100000C | Wachtende gegevens bij verbreken van de verbinding |
Pending data on connection when disconnect called |
0xD100000D | Ongeldige buffer opgegeven voor fastio-ontvangst |
Invalid buffer specified on fastio receive |
0xD100000E | Accepteren is mislukt |
Accept operation failed |
0xD100000F | Buffer kan niet worden toegewezen |
Unable to allocate buffer |
0xD1000010 | Itemoverloop |
Counter overflow |
0xD1000011 | Gegevens arriveren na sluiten van ontvangstpad |
Data arrives after shutting down receive path |
0xD1000012 | Gegevens arriveren tijdens opschonen van eindpunt |
Data arrives during endpoint cleanup |
0xD1000013 | Ontvangstaanvraag mislukt |
Receive request failed |
0xD1000014 | Verzendaanvraag mislukt |
Send request failed |
0xD1000015 | Verzendaanvraag geannuleerd |
Send request cancelled |
0xD1000016 | Aanvraag TransmitPackets/TransmitFile geannuleerd |
TransmitPackets/TransmitFile request cancelled |
0xD1000017 | Afbreken aangegeven tijdens verbindingsaanvraag |
Abort indicated during connection request |
0xD1000018 | Plug en play-gebeurtenis heeft afbreken veroorzaakt |
Plug and play event caused abort |
0xD1000019 | Bronadres van datagram komt niet overeen met verbonden adres |
Datagram source address does not match connected address |
0xD100001A | Onvoldoende ruimte in lokale buffer |
Insufficient local buffer space |
0xD100001B | Buffertoewijzing is mislukt |
Buffer allocation failed |
0xD100001C | Onvoldoende lokale bufferruimte - lusvormige wachtrij ingeschakeld |
Insufficient local buffer space - circular queueing enabled |
0xD100001D | Aangegeven datagram is te groot - overloop bij geheel getal |
Indicated datagram too large - integer overflow |
0xD100001E | SO_OOBINLINE |
0xD100001F | FIONBIO |
0xD1000020 | SO_RCVBUF |
0xD1000021 | SO_SNDBUF |
0xD1000023 | SIO_UDP_CONNRESET |
0xD1000024 | AFD_IPV6_V6ONLY |
0xD1000025 | SIO_UDP_NETRESET |
0xD1000026 | Geen |
None |
0xD1000027 | Gebeurtenis |
Event |
0xD1000028 | IOCP |
0xD1000029 | bronadres |
source address |
0xD100002A | doeladres |
destination address |
0xD100002B | vlaggen |
flags |
0xD100002C | besturingselement |
control |
0xD100002D | verzenden |
send |
0xD100002E | ontvangen |
receive |