200 | Uma indawo ivuliwe, umuntu ngamunye osebenzisa le divayisi angakwazi ukukhetha amasethingi endawo yakhe. |
If location is on, each person using this device can choose their own location settings. |
201 | Indawo yale divayisi ivaliwe |
Location for this device is off |
202 | Indawo yale divayisi ivuliwe |
Location for this device is on |
203 | Guqula |
Change |
210 | Isevisi yendawo |
Location service |
212 | Uma isevisi yendawo ivuliwe, i-Windows, ama-app, namasevisi angakwazi ukusebenzisa indawo yakho, kodwa usangakwazi ukuvala indawo kuma-app athile. |
If the location service is on, Windows, apps, and services can use your location, but you can still turn off location for specific apps. |
213 | Indawo evamile |
General location |
214 | Ama-app angakwazi ukusebenzisa indawo yami eqondile asangakwazi ukusebenzisa indawo yami evamile, efana nedolobha, ikhodi ye-zip, noma isifunda. |
Apps that cannot use my precise location can still use my general location, such as city, zip code, or region. |
220 | Uma i-app isebenzisa indawo yakho, uzobona lolu phawu: |
If an app is using your location, you’ll see this icon: |
221 | Khombisa uphawu lwendawo |
Show location icon |
230 | Uma indawo ivuliwe, umlando wendawo yakho ugcinwa isikhathi esilinganisiwe kudivayisi, futhi ingasetshenziswa ama-app asebenzisa indawo yakho. |
If location is on, your location history is stored for a limited time on the device, and can be used by apps that use your location. |
231 | Susa |
Clear |
232 | Susa umlando kule divayisi |
Clear history on this device |
233 | Isebenzisa umlando wendawo |
Uses location history |
240 | Misa okumisiwe |
Set default |
241 | I-Windows, ama-app, kanye namasevisi angase asebenzise lokhu uma singakwazi ukuthola indawo eqonde ngqo kakhudlwana kule PC. |
Windows, apps, and services can use this when we can’t detect a more exact location on this PC. |
250 | I-geofencing isho ukusebenzisa indawo yakho ukuze ubone lapho weqela ngaphakathi noma ngaphandle komngcele odwetshwe eduze kwendawo oyithandayo. |
Geofencing means using your location to see when you cross in or out of a boundary drawn around a place of interest. |
251 | I-app yakho eyodwa noma ngaphezulu okwamanje isebenzisa ukubiya. |
One or more of your apps are currently using geofencing. |
252 | Awekho ama-app akho asebenzisa ukubiya okwamanje. |
None of your apps are currently using geofencing. |
260 | Amasayithi asadinga imvume |
Sites still need permission |
261 | Cortana |
Cortana |
262 | Umlando wendawo kumelwe uvulwe ukuze u-Cortana asebenze |
Location history must be on for Cortana to work |
263 | Iyekiswe inqubomgomo yenkampani |
Disabled by company policy |