ESENT.dll.mui Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 的可延伸儲存引擎 4ecfbbb303757f06e90912a33f88945e

File info

File name: ESENT.dll.mui
Size: 63488 byte
MD5: 4ecfbbb303757f06e90912a33f88945e
SHA1: b72c78d230ac22c2d8a9b8449cdaac7be732d6ce
SHA256: 2d99ae7b5b116ab6556102737e24ea4415bf5b93a3337161f381617c3c823e83
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
0x0%1 (%2) %3%4 %1 (%2) %3%4
0x1一般 General
0x2資料庫頁面快取 Database Page Cache
0x3記錄/修復 Logging/Recovery
0x4空間管理 Space Management
0x5資料表/列/索引定義 Table/Column/Index Definition
0x6記錄控制 Record Manipulation
0x7執行 Performance
0x8資料庫修復 Database Repair
0x9資料庫轉換 Database Conversion
0xA線上磁碟重組 Online Defragmentation
0xB系統參數設定 System Parameter Settings
0xC資料庫損壞 Database Corruption
0xD資料庫零位調整 Database Zeroing
0xE交易管理員 Transaction Manager
0xF資源失敗模擬 Resource Failure Simulation
0x10陰影複製 ShadowCopy
0x11失敗項目 Failure Items
0x13System Device System Device
0x64%1 (%2) %3 資料庫引擎 %4.%5.%6.%7 已啟動。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine %4.%5.%6.%7 started.
0x65%1 (%2) %3 資料庫引擎已停止。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine stopped.
0x66%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎 (%5.%6.%7.%8) 正在啟動新的例項 (%4)。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine (%5.%6.%7.%8) is starting a new instance (%4).
0x67%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎停止了例項 (%4)。%n%n不正常關機: %6%n%n內部計時順序: %5 %1 (%2) %3The database engine stopped the instance (%4).%n%nDirty Shutdown: %6%n%nInternal Timing Sequence: %5
0x68%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎停止了帶有錯誤 (%5) 的例項 (%4)。%n%n內部計時順序: %6 %1 (%2) %3The database engine stopped the instance (%4) with error (%5).%n%nInternal Timing Sequence: %6
0x69%1 (%2) %3The database engine started a new instance (%4). (Time=%5 seconds)%n%nAdditional Data:%n%7%n%nInternal Timing Sequence: %6 %1 (%2) %3The database engine started a new instance (%4). (Time=%5 seconds)%n%nAdditional Data:%n%7%n%nInternal Timing Sequence: %6
0x6A%1 (%2) %3已嘗試將參數 %4 設至 %5,但被登錄設定 (位於 %7) 覆寫為 %6。 %1 (%2) %3The parameter %4 was attempted to be set to %5, but was overridden to %6 by the registry settings (at %7).
0x6B%1 (%2) %3從登錄設定 (位於 %7) 讀取參數 %4,但 ESE 引擎拒絕值 %5,錯誤 %6。 %1 (%2) %3The parameter %4 was read from the registry settings (at %7), but the ESE engine rejected the value %5 with err %6.
0x6C%1 (%2) %3特定的 ESE 組態存放區已鎖定為禁止讀取狀態,請清除 %1 登錄值來啟用 ESE 以繼續,並且使用組態存放區。 %1 (%2) %3The specific ESE configuration store is locked in a read inhibit state, clear the %1 registry value to enable ESE to continue and utilize the config store.
0xC8%1 (%2) %3資料庫正在啟動一個完整備份。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine is starting a full backup.
0xC9%1 (%2) %3資料庫正在啟動一個增量備份。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine is starting an incremental backup.
0xCA%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎已完成備份過程。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine has completed the backup procedure successfully.
0xCB%1 (%2) %3由於錯誤 %4,資料庫引擎停止了備份。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine has stopped the backup with error %4.
0xCC%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎正在從備份還原。還原將會開始重放資料夾 %4 中的記錄檔案,並繼續向前回捲資料夾 %5 中的記錄檔案。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine is restoring from backup. Restore will begin replaying logfiles in folder %4 and continue rolling forward logfiles in folder %5.
0xCD%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎停止了還原。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine has stopped restoring.
0xCE%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4 無法進行增量備份。您必須先執行一次完整備份,才能進行增量備份。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4 cannot be incrementally backed-up. You must first perform a full backup before performing an incremental backup.
0xCF%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎停止備份, 因為用戶端停止或與用戶端連接失敗。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine has stopped backup because it was halted by the client or the connection with the client failed.
0xD2%1 (%2) %3正在啟動一個完整備份。 %1 (%2) %3A full backup is starting.
0xD3%1 (%2) %3正在啟動一個增量備份。 %1 (%2) %3An incremental backup is starting.
0xD4%1 (%2) %3正在啟動一個陰影複製備份。 %1 (%2) %3A shadow copy backup is starting.
0xD5%1 (%2) %3備份程序已成功地完成。 %1 (%2) %3The backup procedure has been successfully completed.
0xD6%1 (%2) %3備份因為錯誤 %4 而停止。 %1 (%2) %3The backup has stopped with error %4.
0xD7%1 (%2) %3備份停止, 由於用戶端停止或與用戶端連接失敗。 %1 (%2) %3The backup has been stopped because it was halted by the client or the connection with the client failed.
0xD8%1 (%2) %3從 '%4' 到 '%5' 偵測到資料庫位置的變更。 %1 (%2) %3A database location change was detected from '%4' to '%5'.
0xD9%1 (%2) %3在備份資料庫期間發生錯誤 (%4) (檔案 %5)。資料庫將無法還原。 %1 (%2) %3Error (%4) during backup of a database (file %5). The database will be unable to restore.
0xDA%1 (%2) %3在複製或備份檔案 %5 期間發生錯誤 (%4)。 %1 (%2) %3Error (%4) during copy or backup of file %5.
0xDB%1 (%2) %3利用備份資訊更新資料庫標題期間發生錯誤 (%4)。 %1 (%2) %3Error (%4) occured during database headers update with the backup information.
0xDC%1 (%2) %3正在開始檔案 %4 的複製或備份 (大小為 %5)。 %1 (%2) %3Starting the copy or backup of the file %4 (size %5).
0xDD%1 (%2) %3正在結束檔案 %4 的複製或備份。 %1 (%2) %3Ending the copy or backup of the file %4.
0xDE%1 (%2) %3正在結束檔案 %4 的備份。並非檔案中的所有資料都已經被讀取 (已經讀取 %5 / %6 的位元組)。 %1 (%2) %3Ending the backup of the file %4. Not all data in the file has been read (read %5 bytes out of %6 bytes).
0xDF%1 (%2) %3正在開始記錄檔案的備份 (範圍 %4 - %5)。 %1 (%2) %3Starting the backup of log files (range %4 - %5).
0xE0%1 (%2) %3正在刪除記錄檔案 %4 至 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Deleting log files %4 to %5.
0xE1%1 (%2) %3無法截斷任何記錄檔案。 %1 (%2) %3No log files can be truncated.
0xE2%1 (%2) %3備份已提早停止了 (可能是因為例項已終止)。 %1 (%2) %3The backup has been stopped prematurely (possibly because the instance is terminating).
0xE3%1 (%2) %3在我們嘗試要截斷的記錄範圍內找不到 %4 記錄檔。 %1 (%2) %3There were %4 log file(s) not found in the log range we attempted to truncate.
0xF0%1 (%2) %3正在啟動內部副本 (供植入或分析之用)。傳輸方法則使用串流 ESE 備份 API。 %1 (%2) %3An internal copy (for seeding or analysis purposes) is starting. The streaming ESE backup APIs are being used for the transfer method.
0xF3%1 (%2) %3內部資料庫複製 (供植入或分析之用) 程序已順利完成。 %1 (%2) %3The internal database copy (for seeding or analysis purposes) procedure has been successfully completed.
0xF4%1 (%2) %3內部資料庫複製 (供植入或分析之用) 已停止。錯誤: %4。 %1 (%2) %3The internal database copy (for seeding or analysis purposes) has stopped. Error: %4.
0xF5%1 (%2) %3因為用戶端停止內部資料庫複製或與用戶端的連線失敗,所以內部複製 (供植入或分析之用) 停止。 %1 (%2) %3The internal database copy (for seeding or analysis purposes) has been stopped because it was halted by the client or because the connection with the client failed.
0xFC%1 (%2) %3正在結束檔案 %4 的內部複製 (供植入或分析之用)。尚未完全讀取檔案中的所有資料 (已讀取 %5 個位元組,共 %6 個位元組)。 %1 (%2) %3Ending the internal copy (for seeding or analysis purposes) of the file %4. Not all data in the file has been read (read %5 bytes out of %6 bytes).
0x100%1 (%2) %3內部資料庫複製 (供植入或分析之用) 已永久停止 (可能是因為例項正在終止)。 %1 (%2) %3The internal database copy (for seeding or analysis purposes) has been stopped prematurely, possibly because the instance is terminating.
0x12C%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎正在起始修復步驟。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine is initiating recovery steps.
0x12D%1 (%2) %3The database engine has begun replaying logfile %4.%n%nPrevious Log Processing Stats: %5 %1 (%2) %3The database engine has begun replaying logfile %4.%n%nPrevious Log Processing Stats: %5
0x12E%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎已成功完成修復步驟。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine has successfully completed recovery steps.
0x12F%1 (%2) %3出現資料庫引擎錯誤 %4。 %1 (%2) %3Database engine error %4 occurred.
0x130%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎已成功地完成重新執行步驟。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine has successfully completed replay steps.
0x145%1 (%2) %3The database engine created a new database (%4, %5). (Time=%6 seconds)%n%nAdditional Data: %9%n%nInternal Timing Sequence: %7 %1 (%2) %3The database engine created a new database (%4, %5). (Time=%6 seconds)%n%nAdditional Data: %9%n%nInternal Timing Sequence: %7
0x146%1 (%2) %3The database engine attached a database (%4, %5). (Time=%6 seconds)%n%nSaved Cache: %8%nAdditional Data: %9%n%nInternal Timing Sequence: %7 %1 (%2) %3The database engine attached a database (%4, %5). (Time=%6 seconds)%n%nSaved Cache: %8%nAdditional Data: %9%n%nInternal Timing Sequence: %7
0x147%1 (%2) %3The database engine detached a database (%4, %5). (Time=%6 seconds)%n%nRevived Cache: %8%nAdditional Data: %9%n%nInternal Timing Sequence: %7 %1 (%2) %3The database engine detached a database (%4, %5). (Time=%6 seconds)%n%nRevived Cache: %8%nAdditional Data: %9%n%nInternal Timing Sequence: %7
0x148%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎在復原期間已於記錄位置 %5 為附加資料夾 %4 發出回撥。回撥傳回 %6。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine has fired callback for attach of database %4 during recovery at log position %5. The callback returned %6.
0x149%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎在復原期間已於記錄位置 %5 為卸離資料夾 %4 發出回撥。回撥傳回 %6。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine has fired callback for detach of database %4 during recovery at log position %5. The callback returned %6.
0x14A%1 (%2) %3The database [%4] format version is being held back to %6 due to application parameter setting of %5. Current default engine version: %7. %1 (%2) %3The database [%4] format version is being held back to %6 due to application parameter setting of %5. Current default engine version: %7.
0x14B%1 (%2) %3The database [%4] version was upgraded from %5 to %6. Current engine format version parameter setting: %7 %1 (%2) %3The database [%4] version was upgraded from %5 to %6. Current engine format version parameter setting: %7
0x14C%1 (%2) %3資料庫 [%4] 版本 %5 高於引擎 %6 支援的最大版本。 %1 (%2) %3The database [%4] version %5 is higher than the maximum version understood by the engine %6.
0x14D%1 (%2) %3The database [%4] version %5 is higher than the maximum version configured by the application %6. Current engine format version parameter setting: %7 %1 (%2) %3The database [%4] version %5 is higher than the maximum version configured by the application %6. Current engine format version parameter setting: %7
0x14E%1 (%2) %3The database [%4] has completed incremental reseed page patching operations for %5 pages.%n%nDetails:%nRange of Patching: %6%nTiming: %7 %1 (%2) %3The database [%4] has completed incremental reseed page patching operations for %5 pages.%n%nDetails:%nRange of Patching: %6%nTiming: %7
0x14F%1 (%2) %3Replay of a %4 for database \"%5\" at log position %6 was deferred due to %7. Additional information: %8 %1 (%2) %3Replay of a %4 for database \"%5\" at log position %6 was deferred due to %7. Additional information: %8
0x18E%1 (%2) %3從檔案 \"%4\" 的位移 %5 (資料庫分頁 %9) 取得 %6 位元組的驗證失敗。位元 %8 已損毀而且已修正,但是分頁驗證因錯誤 %7 而失敗。此問題有可能是因為硬體故障所造成,而且可能持續發生。像這類的暫時性失敗有可能是包含此檔案的儲存子系統中災難性失敗的前兆。請連絡硬體廠商以獲得診斷問題的進一步協助。 %1 (%2) %3The database page read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 (database page %9) for %6 bytes failed verification. Bit %8 was corrupted and was corrected but page verification failed with error %7. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware and may continue. Transient failures such as these can be a precursor to a catastrophic failure in the storage subsystem containing this file. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x18F%1 (%2) %3從檔案 \"%4\" 的位移 %5 (資料庫分頁 %8) 取得 %6 位元組的驗證失敗。位元 %7 已損毀而且已修正。此問題有可能是因為硬體故障所造成,而且可能持續發生。像這類的暫時性失敗有可能是包含此檔案的儲存子系統中災難性失敗的前兆。請連絡硬體廠商以獲得診斷問題的進一步協助。 %1 (%2) %3The database page read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 (database page %8) for %6 bytes failed verification. Bit %7 was corrupted and has been corrected. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware and may continue. Transient failures such as these can be a precursor to a catastrophic failure in the storage subsystem containing this file. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x190%1 (%2) %3出現同步重疊讀取頁面時間錯誤 %4。如果問題持續出現,請從前一次備份中還原資料庫。 %1 (%2) %3Synchronous overlapped read page time error %4 occurred. If this error persists, please restore the database from a previous backup.
0x191%1 (%2) %3出現同步重疊寫入頁面發佈錯誤 %4。 %1 (%2) %3Synchronous overlapped write page issue error %4 occurred.
0x192%1 (%2) %3出現同步重疊寫入頁面錯誤 %4。 %1 (%2) %3Synchronous overlapped write page error %4 occurred.
0x193%1 (%2) %3出現同步重疊修補檔案寫入頁面錯誤 %4。 %1 (%2) %3Synchronous overlapped patch file write page error %4 occurred.
0x194%1 (%2) %3出現同步讀取頁面檢驗和錯誤 %4。請從前一次備份中還原資料庫。 %1 (%2) %3Synchronous read page checksum error %4 occurred. If this error persists, please restore the database from a previous backup.
0x195%1 (%2) %3出現預讀取頁面檢驗和錯誤 %4。如果此錯誤持續出現,請從前一次備份中還原資料庫。 %1 (%2) %3Pre-read page checksum error %4 occurred. If this error persists, please restore the database from a previous backup.
0x196%1 (%2) %3直接讀取發現損壞的頁面 %4 錯誤 %5。如果此錯誤持續出現,請從前一次備份中還原資料庫。 %1 (%2) %3Direct read found corrupted page %4 with error %5. If this error persists, please restore the database from a previous backup.
0x197%1 (%2) %3出現緩衝區 I/O ,執行緒終止錯誤 %4。 %1 (%2) %3Buffer I/O thread termination error %4 occurred.
0x198%1 (%2) %3無法寫入記錄檔案 %4。錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to write to logfile %4. Error %5.
0x199%1 (%2) %3無法寫入記錄檔案 %4 標題。錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to write to the header of logfile %4. Error %5.
0x19A%1 (%2) %3無法讀取記錄檔案 %4。錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to read logfile %4. Error %5.
0x19B%1 (%2) %3記錄檔案 %4 的記錄版本標記與資料庫引擎版本標記不相符。記錄檔案在資料庫中的版本可能不正確。 %1 (%2) %3The log version stamp of logfile %4 does not match the database engine version stamp. The logfiles may be the wrong version for the database.
0x19C%1 (%2) %3無法讀取記錄檔案 %4 的標題。錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to read the header of logfile %4. Error %5.
0x19D%1 (%2) %3無法建立新的記錄檔案,原因是資料庫無法寫入記錄磁碟機。磁碟機可能為唯讀、用完磁碟空間、設定錯誤或損壞。錯誤 %4。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to create a new logfile because the database cannot write to the log drive. The drive may be read-only, out of disk space, misconfigured, or corrupted. Error %4.
0x19E%1 (%2) %3在清除記錄檔案 %4 時無法寫入 0 區段。錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to write to section 0 while flushing logfile %4. Error %5.
0x19F%1 (%2) %3在清除記錄檔案 %4 時無法寫入 1 區段。錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to write to section 1 while flushing logfile %4. Error %5.
0x1A0%1 (%2) %3在清除記錄檔案 %4 時無法寫入 2 區段。錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to write to section 2 while flushing logfile %4. Error %5.
0x1A1%1 (%2) %3在清除記錄檔案 %4 時無法寫入 3 區段。錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to write to section 3 while flushing logfile %4. Error %5.
0x1A2%1 (%2) %3在開啟一個新建立的記錄檔案 %4 時出現錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Error %5 occurred while opening a newly-created logfile %4.
0x1A3%1 (%2) %3無法讀取資料庫 %4 中的頁面 %5。錯誤 %6。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to read page %5 of database %4. Error %6.
0x1A4%1 (%2) %3無法讀取資料庫 %4 的標題。錯誤 %5。資料庫可能已被移動,因此將可能不會出現在記錄所預期的位置。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to read the header of database %4. Error %5. The database may have been moved and therefore may no longer be located where the logs expect it to be.
0x1A5%1 (%2) %3沒有還原在 %5 建立的資料庫 %4。已在 %5 建立還原的資料庫。 %1 (%2) %3The database %4 created at %5 was not recovered. The recovered database was created at %5.
0x1A6%1 (%2) %3沒有還原在 %5 建立的資料庫 %4。 %1 (%2) %3The database %4 created at %5 was not recovered.
0x1A7%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎發現了一個錯誤的頁面。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine found a bad page.
0x1A8%1 (%2) %3資料庫磁碟已滿。在刪除記錄檔案以還原磁碟空間時,如果資料庫檔案並非處於正常關記狀態,有可能會使資料庫無法啟動。只有在資料庫檔案是處於正常關記狀態,編號的記錄檔案才可以移動,但不可以刪除。請勿移動 %4。 %1 (%2) %3The database disk is full. Deleting logfiles to recover disk space may make the database unstartable if the database file(s) are not in a Clean Shutdown state. Numbered logfiles may be moved, but not deleted, if and only if the database file(s) are in a Clean Shutdown state. Do not move %4.
0x1A9%1 (%2) %3資料庫簽名與資料庫 %4 的記錄簽名不符。 %1 (%2) %3The database signature does not match the log signature for database %4.
0x1AA%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎無法找到名為 %4 的檔案或資料夾。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine could not find the file or folder called %4.
0x1AB%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎無法存取名為 %4 的檔案。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine could not access the file called %4.
0x1AC%1 (%2) %3由於記錄磁碟上的可用磁碟空間太少,資料庫引擎拒絕更新操作。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine is rejecting update operations due to low free disk space on the log disk.
0x1AD%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎記錄磁碟已滿。在刪除記錄檔案以還原磁碟空間時,如果資料庫檔案並非處於正常關記狀態,有可能會使資料庫無法啟動。只有在資料庫檔案是處於正常關記狀態,編號的記錄檔案才可以移動,但不可以刪除。請勿移動 %4。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine log disk is full. Deleting logfiles to recover disk space may make your database unstartable if the database file(s) are not in a Clean Shutdown state. Numbered logfiles may be moved, but not deleted, if and only if the database file(s) are in a Clean Shutdown state. Do not move %4.
0x1AE%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4 及其修補檔案不相符。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4 and its patch file do not match.
0x1AF%1 (%2) %3起始的還原記錄檔案 %4 太高。應該從記錄檔案 %5 開始。 %1 (%2) %3The starting restored logfile %4 is too high. It should start from logfile %5.
0x1B0%1 (%2) %3終止還原記錄檔案 %4 太低。應該在記錄檔案 %5 終止。 %1 (%2) %3The ending restored logfile %4 is too low. It should end at logfile %5.
0x1B1%1 (%2) %3還原記錄檔案 %4 沒有正確的記錄簽名。 %1 (%2) %3The restored logfile %4 does not have the correct log signature.
0x1B2%1 (%2) %3還原記錄檔案 %4 的時間標記與在記錄檔案中記錄的前一個時間標記不相符。 %1 (%2) %3The timestamp for restored logfile %4 does not match the timestamp recorded in the logfile previous to it.
0x1B3%1 (%2) %3缺少還原記錄檔案 %4。 %1 (%2) %3The restored logfile %4 is missing.
0x1B4%1 (%2) %3記錄檔案 %4 的簽名與其他記錄檔案不相符。必須所有簽名都相符後修復才能成功。記錄檔案 %5 到 %6 已經被刪除。 %1 (%2) %3The signature of logfile %4 does not match other logfiles. Recovery cannot succeed unless all signatures match. Logfiles %5 to %6 have been deleted.
0x1B5%1 (%2) %3在記錄檔案 %4 和它前一個記錄檔案之間的順序編號中出現間隔。記錄檔案 %5 到 0x%6 已經被刪除,使得該修復能夠完成。 %1 (%2) %3There is a gap in sequence number between logfile %4 and the logfiles previous to it. Logfiles %5 to 0x%6 have been deleted so that recovery can complete.
0x1B6%1 (%2) %3備份資料庫 %4 必須是 4 KB 的倍數。 %1 (%2) %3The backup database %4 must be a multiple of 4 KB.
0x1B7%1 (%2) %3無法寫入檔案 %4 的陰影標題。錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to write a shadowed header for file %4. Error %5.
0x1B8%1 (%2) %3記錄檔 %4 已損壞、無效或無法存取 (錯誤 %5) 且無法使用。如果復原時需要此記錄檔,則必須提供良好的記錄檔副本,才能成功完成復原。 %1 (%2) %3The log file %4 is damaged, invalid, or inaccessible (error %5) and cannot be used. If this log file is required for recovery, a good copy of the log file will be needed for recovery to complete successfully.
0x1B9%1 (%2) %3在輸入輸出期間,資料庫 %4 上出現檔案系統錯誤 %5。如果這個錯誤持續出現,則資料庫檔案可能已經損壞,而需要從先前的備份中還原。 %1 (%2) %3File system error %5 during IO on database %4. If this error persists, the database file may be damaged and may need to be restored from a previous backup.
0x1BA%1 (%2) %3IO 大小與資料庫 %4 不相符。在返回的大小為 %6 時預期的 IO 大小為 %5。 %1 (%2) %3IO size mismatch on database %4, IO size %5 expected while returned size is %6.
0x1BB%1 (%2) %3File system error %5 during IO or flush on logfile %4. %1 (%2) %3File system error %5 during IO or flush on logfile %4.
0x1BC%1 (%2) %3IO 大小與記錄檔案 %4 不相符。在返回的大小為 %6 時預期的 IO 大小為 %5。 %1 (%2) %3IO size mismatch on logfile %4, IO size %5 expected while returned size is %6.
0x1BD%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4 已到達資料庫的最大容量 %5 MB。如果資料庫無法重新啟動,可以執行離線磁碟重組以減少資料庫的大小。 %1 (%2) %3The database %4 has reached its maximum size of %5 MB. If the database cannot be restarted, an offline defragmentation may be performed to reduce its size.
0x1BE%1 (%2) %3在還原記錄檔案 %4 (%5,%6) 時,資料庫修復異常停止。此點之後的記錄檔案可能無法辨識並且不會被處理。 %1 (%2) %3Database recovery stopped abruptly while redoing logfile %4 (%5,%6). The logs after this point may not be recognizable and will not be processed.
0x1BF%1 (%2) %3壞的頁面連結 (錯誤 %4) 已經在資料庫 %7 (%8 = %9, %10) 的 B 樹 (物件識別符: %5, PgnoRoot: %6) 中偵測到。 %1 (%2) %3A bad page link (error %4) has been detected in a B-Tree (ObjectId: %5, PgnoRoot: %6) of database %7 (%8 = %9, %10).
0x1C0%1 (%2) %3在資料庫 %5 (%6,%7) 的資料表 %4 中偵測出資料不一致。 %1 (%2) %3Data inconsistency detected in table %4 of database %5 (%6,%7).
0x1C1%1 (%2) %3偵測到串流資料指派不一致 (%4,%5)。 %1 (%2) %3Streaming data allocation inconsistency detected (%4,%5).
0x1C2%1 (%2) %3在記錄檔案序列中偵測到間隔。缺少記錄檔案 %4。除此之外的其他記錄檔案可能也會需要。如果缺少的記錄檔案並未還原的話,此訊息可能會重新出現。 %1 (%2) %3A gap in the logfile sequence was detected. Logfile %4 is missing. Other logfiles past this one may also be required. This message may appear again if the missing logfiles are not restored.
0x1C3%1 (%2) %3在刷新記錄檔案 %4 時,無法寫入第 4 區。錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to write to section 4 while flushing logfile %4. Error %5.
0x1C4%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4 需要記錄檔案 %5-%6 才能成功修復。修復只能找出開始於 %7 的記錄檔案。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4 requires logfiles %5-%6 in order to recover successfully. Recovery could only locate logfiles starting at %7.
0x1C5%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4 需要記錄檔 %5-%6 (%8 - %9) 才能成功修復。修復只能找出最多 %7 (%10) 個記錄檔。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4 requires logfiles %5-%6 (%8 - %9) in order to recover successfully. Recovery could only locate logfiles up to %7 (%10).
0x1C6%1 (%2) %3資料庫修復/還原失敗,發生意外錯誤 %4。 %1 (%2) %3Database recovery/restore failed with unexpected error %4.
0x1C7%1 (%2) %3當開啟日誌檔案 %4 時,錯誤%5 發生。 %1 (%2) %3Error %5 occurred while opening logfile %4.
0x1C8%1 (%2) %3檔案 %4 的主標頭頁面已損壞。會使用陰影標頭頁面 (%5 位元組) 來代替。 %1 (%2) %3The primary header page of file %4 was damaged. The shadow header page (%5 bytes) was used instead.
0x1C9%1 (%2) %3現有記錄檔 %4 的記錄簽名與備份集中的記錄檔案不符合。除非所有簽名完全符合,否則記錄檔案重放將無法成功。 %1 (%2) %3The log signature of the existing logfile %4 doesn't match the logfiles from the backup set. Logfile replay cannot succeed unless all signatures match.
0x1CA%1 (%2) %3記錄檔案 %4 和 %5 不是以有效的順序出現。如果在可用記錄檔案的順序中有間隙,記錄檔案重放將無法成功。 %1 (%2) %3The logfiles %4 and %5 are not in a valid sequence. Logfile replay cannot succeed if there are gaps in the sequence of available logfiles.
0x1CB%1 (%2) %3檔案 %4 遺失而且無法備份。 %1 (%2) %3The file %4 is missing and could not be backed-up.
0x1CC%1 (%2) %3當從備份記錄檔案 %4 進行恢復時偵測到 torn-write。失敗核對總和的記錄位於位置 %5。這個記錄檔案已經損壞而且無法使用。 %1 (%2) %3A torn-write was detected while restoring from backup in logfile %4 of the backup set. The failing checksum record is located at position %5. This logfile has been damaged and is unusable.
0x1CD%1 (%2) %3當從記錄檔案 %4 進行硬修復時檢測到 torn-write。失敗核對總和的記錄位於位置 %5。這個記錄檔案已經損壞而且無法使用。 %1 (%2) %3A torn-write was detected during hard recovery in logfile %4. The failing checksum record is located at position %5. This logfile has been damaged and is unusable.
0x1CE%1 (%2) %3當從記錄檔案 %4 進行軟修復時偵測到 torn-write。失敗核對總和的記錄位於位置 %5。記錄檔案的損壞將可修復,而修復將會繼續進行。 %1 (%2) %3A torn-write was detected during soft recovery in logfile %4. The failing checksum record is located at position %5. The logfile damage will be repaired and recovery will continue to proceed.
0x1CF%1 (%2) %3當從備份記錄檔案 %4 進行恢復時檢測到訛誤。失敗核對總和的記錄位於位置 %5。與記錄檔案填充模式不相符的資料首先出現在磁區 %6。這個記錄檔案已經損壞而且無法使用。 %1 (%2) %3Corruption was detected while restoring from backup logfile %4. The failing checksum record is located at position %5. Data not matching the log-file fill pattern first appeared in sector %6. This logfile has been damaged and is unusable.
0x1D0%1 (%2) %3當從備份記錄檔案 %4 進行硬修復時檢測到訛誤。失敗核對總和的記錄位於位置 %5。與記錄檔案填充模式不相符的資料首先出現在磁區 %6。這個記錄檔案已經損壞而且無法使用。 %1 (%2) %3Corruption was detected during hard recovery in logfile %4. The failing checksum record is located at position %5. Data not matching the log-file fill pattern first appeared in sector %6. This logfile has been damaged and is unusable.
0x1D1%1 (%2) %3當從備份記錄檔案 %4 進行軟修復時檢測到訛誤。失敗核對總和的記錄位於位置 %5。與記錄檔案填充模式不相符的資料首先出現在磁區 %6。這個記錄檔案已經損壞而且無法使用。 %1 (%2) %3Corruption was detected during soft recovery in logfile %4. The failing checksum record is located at position %5. Data not matching the log-file fill pattern first appeared in sector %6. This logfile has been damaged and is unusable.
0x1D2%1 (%2) %3使用記錄檔案 %4 中的陰影磁區複製來修補無效的核對總和記錄。 %1 (%2) %3An invalid checksum record in logfile %4 was patched using its shadow sector copy.
0x1D3%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %6: 資料表 %5 的索引 %4 已經損壞 (%7)。 %1 (%2) %3Database %6: Index %4 of table %5 is corrupted (%7).
0x1D4%1 (%2) %3在更新記錄檔案 %4 時無法寫入區段 5。錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to write to section 5 while flushing logfile %4. Error %5.
0x1D6%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4 已部份附加。 附件階段: %5。錯誤: %6。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4 is partially attached. Attachment stage: %5. Error: %6.
0x1D7%1 (%2) %3無法回復資料庫 %5 中的作業 #%4。錯誤: %6。未來所有資料庫更新的動作將會被拒絕。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to rollback operation #%4 on database %5. Error: %6. All future database updates will be rejected.
0x1D8%1 (%2) %3檔案 %4 的陰影標頭頁面已經損壞。會使用主標頭頁面 (%5 位元組) 來代替。 %1 (%2) %3The shadow header page of file %4 was damaged. The primary header page (%5 bytes) was used instead.
0x1D9%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4 已部份分離。在更新資料庫標題時發生錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4 was partially detached. Error %5 encountered updating database headers.
0x1DA%1 (%2) %3從檔案 \"%4\" 的位移 %5 處 (資料庫頁面 %10) 讀取 %6 個位元組的資料庫頁面驗證失敗,原因是頁面總和檢查不相符。儲存的總和檢查碼為 %8 而運算所得的總和檢查碼為 %9。讀取作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %7。如果此情況持續出現,則請從前一個備份還原資料庫。這個問題很有可能是因為硬體錯誤。請連絡您的硬體廠商以取得更多的協助來診斷此問題。 %1 (%2) %3The database page read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 (database page %10) for %6 bytes failed verification due to a page checksum mismatch. The stored checksum was %8 and the computed checksum was %9. The read operation will fail with error %7. If this condition persists then please restore the database from a previous backup. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x1DB%1 (%2) %3從檔案 \"%4\" 讀取的資料庫頁面 (位移 %5;%6 個位元組) 驗證失敗,原因是頁數不相符。預期的頁數為 %8 而儲存的頁數為 %9。 讀取作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %7。 如果此情況持續出現,則請從前一個備份還原資料庫。這個問題很有可能是因為硬體錯誤。請連絡您的硬體廠商以取得更多的協助來診斷此問題。 %1 (%2) %3The database page read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed verification due to a page number mismatch. The expected page number was %8 and the stored page number was %9. The read operation will fail with error %7. If this condition persists then please restore the database from a previous backup. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x1DC%1 (%2) %3從檔案 \"%4\" 的位移 %5 處 (資料庫頁面 %8) 讀取 %6 個位元組的資料庫頁面驗證失敗,原因是它並未包含頁面資料。讀取作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %7。如果此情況持續出現,則請從前一個備份還原資料庫。這個問題很有可能是因為硬體有瑕疵。請連絡您的硬體製造商已取得更多的協助來診斷此問題。 %1 (%2) %3The database page read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 (database page %8) for %6 bytes failed verification because it contains no page data. The read operation will fail with error %7. If this condition persists then please restore the database from a previous backup. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x1DD%1 (%2) %3從檔案 \"%4\" 讀取的記錄範圍 (位移 %5; %6 位元組) 的確認失敗,原因是範圍總和檢查不相符。預期的總和檢查為 %8 而實際的總和檢查為 %9。讀取作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %7。如果此情況持續出現,則請從前一個備份還原資料庫。 %1 (%2) %3The log range read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed verification due to a range checksum mismatch. The expected checksum was %8 and the actual checksum was %9. The read operation will fail with error %7. If this condition persists then please restore the logfile from a previous backup.
0x1DE%1 (%2) %3從檔案 \"%4\" 讀取的串流頁面 (位移 %5; %6 位元組) 的確認失敗,原因是頁面總和檢查不相符。 預期的總和檢查為 %8 而實際的總和檢查為 %9。 讀取作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %7。 如果此情況持續出現,則請從前一個備份還原資料庫。 %1 (%2) %3The streaming page read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed verification due to a page checksum mismatch. The expected checksum was %8 and the actual checksum was %9. The read operation will fail with error %7. If this condition persists then please restore the database from a previous backup.
0x1DF%1 (%2) %3從檔案 \"%4\" 讀取的修補頁面 (位移 %5; %6 位元組) 的確認失敗,原因是頁面總和檢查不相符。 預期的總和檢查為 %8 而實際的總和檢查為 %9。 讀取作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %7。 如果這個情況持續出現,請使用先前的備份集還原。 %1 (%2) %3The patch page read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed verification due to a page checksum mismatch. The expected checksum was %8 and the actual checksum was %9. The read operation will fail with error %7. If this condition persists then please restore using an earlier backup set.
0x1E0%1 (%2) %3從檔案 \"%4\" 讀取的修補頁面 (位移 %5; %6 位元組) 的確認失敗,原因是頁數不相符。 預期的頁數為 %8 而實際的頁數為 %9。 讀取作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %7。如果這個情況持續出現,請使用先前的備份集還原。 %1 (%2) %3The patch page read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed verification due to a page number mismatch. The expected page number was %8 and the actual page number was %9. The read operation will fail with error %7. If this condition persists then please restore using an earlier backup set.
0x1E1%1 (%2) %3在 %10 秒後嘗試從檔案 \"%4\" (位移 %5; %6 位元組) 讀取失敗,並出現系統錯誤 %8: \"%9\"。 讀取作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %7。如果這個錯誤持續出現,則檔案可能已經損壞而需要從先前的備份還原。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed after %10 seconds with system error %8: \"%9\". The read operation will fail with error %7. If this error persists then the file may be damaged and may need to be restored from a previous backup.
0x1E2%1 (%2) %3在 %10 秒後嘗試寫入檔案 \"%4\" (位移 %5; %6 位元組) 失敗,並出現系統錯誤 %8: \"%9\"。 寫入作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %7。如果這個錯誤持續出現,則檔案可能已經損壞而需要從先前的備份還原。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to write to the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed after %10 seconds with system error %8: \"%9\". The write operation will fail with error %7. If this error persists then the file may be damaged and may need to be restored from a previous backup.
0x1E3%1 (%2) %3嘗試建立資料夾 \"%4\" 失敗並出現系統錯誤 %6: \"%7\"。 建立資料夾作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to create the folder \"%4\" failed with system error %6: \"%7\". The create folder operation will fail with error %5.
0x1E4%1 (%2) %3嘗試移除資料夾 \"%4\" 失敗並出現系統錯誤 %6: \"%7\"。 移除資料夾作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to remove the folder \"%4\" failed with system error %6: \"%7\". The remove folder operation will fail with error %5.
0x1E5%1 (%2) %3嘗試刪除資料夾 \"%4\" 失敗並出現系統錯誤 %6: \"%7\"。 刪除資料夾作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to delete the file \"%4\" failed with system error %6: \"%7\". The delete file operation will fail with error %5.
0x1E6%1 (%2) %3嘗試移動檔案 \"%4\" 至 \"%5\" 失敗並出現系統錯誤 %7: \"%8\"。 移動檔案作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %6。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to move the file \"%4\" to \"%5\" failed with system error %7: \"%8\". The move file operation will fail with error %6.
0x1E7%1 (%2) %3嘗試複製檔案 \"%4\" 至 \"%5\" 失敗並出現系統錯誤 %7: \"%8\"。 複製檔案作業將會失敗並出現錯誤%6。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to copy the file \"%4\" to \"%5\" failed with system error %7: \"%8\". The copy file operation will fail with error %6.
0x1E8%1 (%2) %3嘗試建立檔案 \"%4\" 失敗並出現系統錯誤 %6: \"%7\"。 建立檔案作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to create the file \"%4\" failed with system error %6: \"%7\". The create file operation will fail with error %5.
0x1E9%1 (%2) %3嘗試開啟檔案 \"%4\" 供唯讀存取失敗並出現系統錯誤 %6: \"%7\"。 開啟檔案作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to open the file \"%4\" for read only access failed with system error %6: \"%7\". The open file operation will fail with error %5.
0x1EA%1 (%2) %3嘗試開啟檔案 \"%4\" 供讀 / 寫存取失敗並出現系統錯誤 %6: \"%7\"。 開啟檔案作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to open the file \"%4\" for read / write access failed with system error %6: \"%7\". The open file operation will fail with error %5.
0x1EB%1 (%2) %3嘗試決定在包含 \"%5\" 的磁碟區 \"%4\" 中,最小的輸入/輸出區塊大小失敗並出現系統錯誤 %7: \"%8\"。 作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %6。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to determine the minimum I/O block size for the volume \"%4\" containing \"%5\" failed with system error %7: \"%8\". The operation will fail with error %6.
0x1EC%1 (%2) %3 \"%4\" 中的記錄檔案序列由於發生嚴重錯誤而停止。 使用此記錄檔案序列的資料庫將無法做進一步的更新。請修正問題然後重新啟動或從備份還原。 %1 (%2) %3The logfile sequence in \"%4\" has been halted due to a fatal error. No further updates are possible for the databases that use this logfile sequence. Please correct the problem and restart or restore from backup.
0x1ED%1 (%2) %3在最後成功的作業之前,檔案 \"%4\" 中的讀取作業 (位移 %5; %6 位元組) 在 %8 秒的間隔內失敗了 %7 次。有關這些失敗的特定資訊先前已經有報告記錄。類似這些短暫失敗的情況有可能是在包含這個檔案的儲存子系統中會發生嚴重失敗的前兆。 %1 (%2) %3A read operation on the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed %7 times over an interval of %8 seconds before finally succeeding. More specific information on these failures was reported previously. Transient failures such as these can be a precursor to a catastrophic failure in the storage subsystem containing this file.
0x1EE%1 (%2) %3資料庫還原失敗並出現錯誤 %4,原因是遇到已不存在的資料庫參照 '%5'。資料庫在移除前將不會進入正常關記狀態 (或者有可能被移動或重新命名)。資料庫引擎將不允許還原以完成此例項,直到重新安裝遺失的資料庫為止。如果資料庫的確無法使用而且不再需要,如需修復這個錯誤的程序,請參閱 Microsoft Knowledge Base 或是遵循此訊息下方的 [其他資訊] 連結。 %1 (%2) %3Database recovery failed with error %4 because it encountered references to a database, '%5', which is no longer present. The database was not brought to a Clean Shutdown state before it was removed (or possibly moved or renamed). The database engine will not permit recovery to complete for this instance until the missing database is re-instated. If the database is truly no longer available and no longer required, procedures for recovering from this error are available in the Microsoft Knowledge Base or by following the \"more information\" link at the bottom of this message.
0x1EF%1 (%2) %3在 '%5' 上的資料庫修復失敗並出現錯誤 %4。資料庫目前的狀態與記錄檔案中預期此資料庫的第一參照不同。有可能是這個資料庫的檔案複本已經還原,但是並非自建立檔案複本以來所有的記錄檔案目前都可以使用。如需修復這個錯誤的程序,請參閱 Microsoft Knowledge Base 或是遵循此訊息下方的 [其他資訊] 連結。 %1 (%2) %3Database recovery on '%5' failed with error %4. The database is not in the state expected at the first reference of this database in the log files. It is likely that a file copy of this database was restored, but not all log files since the file copy was made are currently available. Procedures for recovering from this error are available in the Microsoft Knowledge Base or by following the \"more information\" link at the bottom of this message.
0x1F0%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4 需要將記錄檔案 %5 建立於 %6 才能成功地修復。修復發現記錄檔案建立於 %7。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4 requires logfile %5 created at %6 in order to recover successfully. Recovery found the logfile created at %7.
0x1F1%1 (%2) %3從 %4 的表頭所提供的資訊來看,該檔案不是資料庫檔案。檔案表頭可能已經損壞。 %1 (%2) %3From information provided by the headers of %4, the file is not a database file. The headers of the file may be corrupted.
0x1F2%1 (%2) %3記錄序號中存在有間隔,最近使用的記錄檔案有 %4 代。記錄檔案 %5 至 %6 已經刪除,因此該復原能夠完成。 %1 (%2) %3There is a gap in log sequence numbers, last used log file has generation %4. Logfiles %5 to %6 have been deleted so that recovery can complete.
0x1F3%1 (%2) %3記錄序號中存在有間隔,最近使用的記錄檔案有 %4 代。記錄檔案 %5 ( %6 代) 已經刪除,因此該復原能夠完成。 %1 (%2) %3There is a gap in log sequence numbers, last used log file has generation %4. Logfile %5 (generation %6) have been deleted so that recovery can complete.
0x1F4%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎遺失一頁壞的資料。強烈建議您執行資料庫的應用程式等級整合性檢查,以確保應用程式等級資料的整合性。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine lost one page of bad data. It is highly recommended that an application-level integrity check of the database be run to ensure application-level data integrity.
0x1F5%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎修復了一個頁面連結。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine repaired one page link.
0x1F6%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎遺失了一個記錄中的一欄或多欄壞的資料。強烈建議您執行資料庫的應用程式等級整合性檢查,以確保應用程式等級資料的整合性。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine lost one or more bad columns of data in one record. It is highly recommended that an application-level integrity check of the database be run to ensure application-level data integrity.
0x1F7%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎遺失了一個壞的資料記錄。強烈建議您執行資料庫的應用程式等級整合性檢查,以確保應用程式等級資料的整合性。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine lost one bad data record. It is highly recommended that an application-level integrity check of the database be run to ensure application-level data integrity.
0x1F8%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎遺失了一個稱為 %4 的資料表。強烈建議您執行資料庫的應用程式等級整合性檢查,以確保應用程式等級資料的整合性。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine lost one table called %4. It is highly recommended that an application-level integrity check of the database be run to ensure application-level data integrity.
0x1F9%1 (%2) %3嘗試開啟壓縮檔案 \"%4\" 進行讀 / 寫存取的動作失敗,原因是它無法轉換成一般的檔案。開啟檔案作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %5。在未來若要避免這種錯誤,您可以手動地將檔案解壓縮並將包含資料夾的壓縮狀態變更為未壓縮。目前尚不支援檔案為壓縮狀態時寫入此檔案。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to open the compressed file \"%4\" for read / write access failed because it could not be converted to a normal file. The open file operation will fail with error %5. To prevent this error in the future you can manually decompress the file and change the compression state of the containing folder to uncompressed. Writing to this file when it is compressed is not supported.
0x1FA%1 (%2) %3嘗試決定在包含 \"%5\" 的磁碟區 \"%4\" 中,可用/總計空間總數的動作失敗並出現系統錯誤 %7: \"%8\"。作業將會失敗並出現錯誤 %6。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to determine the amount of free/total space for the volume \"%4\" containing \"%5\" failed with system error %7: \"%8\". The operation will fail with error %6.
0x1FB%1 (%2) %3要求從檔案 \"%4\" (位移 %5; %6 位元組) 讀取已成功,但是作業系統花了異常久的時間 (%7 秒) 來完成此服務。這個問題很有可能是因為硬體有瑕疵。請連絡您的硬體製造商已取得更多的協助來診斷此問題。 %1 (%2) %3A request to read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes succeeded, but took an abnormally long time (%7 seconds) to be serviced by the OS. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x1FC%1 (%2) %3要求寫入到檔案 \"%4\" (位移 %5; %6 位元組) 已成功,但是作業系統花了異常久的時間 (%7 秒) 來完成此服務。這個問題很有可能是因為硬體有瑕疵。請連絡您的硬體製造商已取得更多的協助來診斷此問題。 %1 (%2) %3A request to write to the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes succeeded, but took an abnormally long time (%7 seconds) to be serviced by the OS. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x1FD%1 (%2) %3要求從檔案 \"%4\" (位移 %5; %6 位元組) 讀取已成功,但是作業系統花了異常久的時間 (%7 秒) 來完成此服務。此外,%8 個其他對此檔案的 I/O 要求也都花了異常久的時間來完成服務,因為上一次有關此問題的訊息是公佈於 %9 秒以前。這個問題很有可能是因為硬體有瑕疵。請連絡您的硬體製造商已取得更多的協助來診斷此問題。 %1 (%2) %3A request to read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes succeeded, but took an abnormally long time (%7 seconds) to be serviced by the OS. In addition, %8 other I/O requests to this file have also taken an abnormally long time to be serviced since the last message regarding this problem was posted %9 seconds ago. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x1FE%1 (%2) %3要求寫入到檔案 \"%4\" (位移 %5; %6 位元組) 已成功,但是作業系統花了異常久的時間 (%7 秒) 來完成此服務。此外,%8 個其他對此檔案的 I/O 要求也都花了異常久的時間來完成服務,因為上一次有關此問題的訊息是公佈於 %9 秒以前。這個問題很有可能是因為硬體有瑕疵。請連絡您的硬體製造商已取得更多的協助來診斷此問題。 %1 (%2) %3A request to write to the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes succeeded, but took an abnormally long time (%7 seconds) to be serviced by the OS. In addition, %8 other I/O requests to this file have also taken an abnormally long time to be serviced since the last message regarding this problem was posted %9 seconds ago. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x200%1 (%2) %3系統已服務 %4 個工作,但是它花費了相當長的時間 (%5 秒鐘用以發送,%6 秒鐘用以執行)。 %1 (%2) %3The system has serviced a %4 task but it took an abnormally long time (%5 seconds to be dispatched, %6 seconds to be executed).
0x201%1 (%2) %3系統已服務 %4 個工作,但是它花費了相當長的時間 (%5 秒鐘用以發送,%6 秒鐘用以執行)。此外,自從 %8 秒之前張貼關於此問題的最後一個訊息之後,服務 %7 個其他 %4 工作也花費了相當長的時間。 %1 (%2) %3The system has serviced a %4 task but it took an abnormally long time (%5 seconds to be dispatched, %6 seconds to be executed). In addition, %7 other %4 tasks have also taken an abnormally long time to be serviced since the last message regarding this problem was posted %8 seconds ago.
0x202%1 (%2) %3此執行個體的記錄順序號碼已幾乎完全用盡。目前的記錄產生是 %4,正在逐漸接近 %5 的記錄產生上限,還剩下 %6 個記錄產生可以使用。若要從記錄產生 1 開始重新編號,必須關閉執行個體並刪除所有的記錄檔。備份將會失效。 %1 (%2) %3Log sequence numbers for this instance have almost been completely consumed. The current log generation is %4 which is approaching the maximum log generation of %5, there are %6 log generations left to be used. To begin renumbering from generation 1, the instance must be shutdown cleanly and all log files must be deleted. Backups will be invalidated.
0x203%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4: 分頁 %5 驗證失敗,因為清除順序的依存性不相符。這個分頁應該在分頁 %6 之前清除,但是卻先清除後者的分頁。修復/還原將因錯誤 %7 而失敗。如果這個狀況持續發生,則請從之前的備份還原資料庫。這個問題有可能是因為硬體故障,而在過去的某個時間於這些分頁的一頁或兩頁上「遺失」一或多個清除。請連絡硬體廠商以獲得診斷問題的進一步協助。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4: Page %5 failed verification due to a flush-order dependency mismatch. This page should have flushed before page %6, but the latter page has instead flushed first. Recovery/restore will fail with error %7. If this condition persists then please restore the database from a previous backup. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware \"losing\" one or more flushes on one or both of these pages sometime in the past. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x204%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4: 頁面 %5 驗證失敗,因為在記錄位置 %10 有一時間戳記不相符。在記錄中所保存「之前」的時間戳記是 %6 但是在頁面上的實際時間戳記是 %7。頁面時間戳記可能已更新為「更新後」的時間戳記 %9。復原/還原將失敗,錯誤為 %8。如果這個狀況持續發生,請從之前的備份還原資料庫。此問題的原因可能是在過去的某個時候,因為硬體錯誤而「並未」針對此頁面進行一或多次排清。請連絡您的硬體廠商,以取得進一步的協助來診斷問題。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4: Page %5 failed verification due to a timestamp mismatch at log position %10. The 'before' timestamp persisted to the log record was %6 but the actual timestamp on the page was %7. The 'after' update timestamp %9 that would have updated the on page timestamp. Recovery/restore will fail with error %8. If this condition persists then please restore the database from a previous backup. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware \"losing\" one or more flushes on this page sometime in the past. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x205%1 (%2) %3資料庫因錯誤 %4 而修復失敗,因為它發生資料庫 '%5' 的參照,不符合目前的記錄集合。資料庫引擎將不允許為此執行個體完成修復,直到不符合的資料庫恢復為止。如果資料庫真的無法再使用或不再需要,從此錯誤修復的程序可在 Microsoft 知識庫文章中找到,或可遵循在此訊息底部的「其他資訊」連結。 %1 (%2) %3Database recovery failed with error %4 because it encountered references to a database, '%5', which does not match the current set of logs. The database engine will not permit recovery to complete for this instance until the mismatching database is re-instated. If the database is truly no longer available or no longer required, procedures for recovering from this error are available in the Microsoft Knowledge Base or by following the \"more information\" link at the bottom of this message.
0x206%1 (%2) %3記錄檔 %4 已遺失 (錯誤 %5) 且無法使用。如果復原時需要此記錄檔,則必須提供良好的記錄檔副本,才能成功完成復原。 %1 (%2) %3The log file %4 is missing (error %5) and cannot be used. If this log file is required for recovery, a good copy of the log file will be needed for recovery to complete successfully.
0x207%1 (%2) %3記錄檔 %4 到 %5 的範圍遺失 (錯誤 %6),而且無法使用。如果復原時需要這些記錄檔,則必須提供良好的記錄檔副本,才能成功完成復原。 %1 (%2) %3The range of log files %4 to %5 is missing (error %6) and cannot be used. If these log files are required for recovery, a good copy of these log files will be needed for recovery to complete successfully.
0x208%1 (%2) %3記錄截斷失敗,因為並未成功地複製修復所需的所有記錄檔。 %1 (%2) %3Log truncation failed because not all log files required for recovery were successfully copied.
0x209%1 (%2) %3無法在記錄檔 %4 上排程記錄寫入。錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to schedule a log write on log file %4. Error %5.
0x20A%1 (%2) %3嘗試開啟包含 \"%5\" 且名稱為 \"%4\" 的裝置失敗,發生系統錯誤 %7: \"%8\"。作業將會失敗,錯誤為 %6。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to open the device with name \"%4\" containing \"%5\" failed with system error %7: \"%8\". The operation will fail with error %6.
0x20B%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4 需要記錄檔 %5-%6 才能復原所有認可的資料。復原最多只能找到記錄檔: %7,找不到記錄產生 %8。如果找不到記錄檔,則可以手動復原資料庫,但是會導致遺失已認可的資料。 %n詳細資料:%n%t記錄檔目錄: %9 %1 (%2) %3Database %4 requires log files %5-%6 in order to recover all committed data. Recovery could only locate up to log file: %7, and could not locate log generation %8. If the log file cannot be found, the database(s) can be recovered manually, but will result in losing committed data.%nDetails:%n%tLog directory: %9
0x20C%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4 已經遺失 %5 個已認可的記錄檔 (%6-%7)。不過,遺失的記錄檔恢復已允許 ESE 將這個資料庫復原至一致的狀態,但仍有資料遺失。復原最多只能找到 %8 個記錄檔。%n詳細資料:%n%t記錄檔目錄: %9 %1 (%2) %3Database %4 has lost %5 committed log files (%6-%7). However, lost log resilience has allowed ESE to recover this database to a consistent state, but with data loss. Recovery could only locate log files up to %8.%nDetails:%n%tLog directory: %9
0x20D%1 (%2) %3記錄檔 %4 已損毀、無效或無法存取 (錯誤 %5) 而且無法使用。如果找不到記錄檔,則可以手動復原資料庫,但是會導致遺失已認可的資料。%n詳細資料:%n%t記錄檔目錄: %6 %1 (%2) %3The log file %4 is damaged, invalid, or inaccessible (error %5) and cannot be used. If the log file cannot be found, the database(s) can still be recovered manually, but will result in losing committed data.%nDetails:%n%tLog directory: %6
0x20E%1 (%2) %3記錄檔 %5 (第 %6 代) 有損毀或無效的記錄 (%7),ESE 已移除毀損的記錄部份,因為這些認可的記錄檔已指定為不需要,以便 ESE (透過第 %4 代) 將任何附加的資料庫復原為一致狀態,但仍有資料遺失。 %1 (%2) %3The log file %5 (generation %6) has damaged or invalid log (%7), ESE has removed the portion of log corrupted since these committed logs are specified as unneeded, so that ESE can recover (through generation %4) any attached databases to a consistent state, but with data loss.
0x20F%1 (%2) %3ESE 已移除 %4 個已認可的記錄檔 (%5-%6),以按順序維護記錄資料流。不過,遺失的記錄檔恢復已允許 ESE 復原為一致狀態,但仍有資料遺失。復原透過記錄檔最多只能復原 %7。%n詳細資料:%n%t記錄檔目錄: %8 %1 (%2) %3ESE has removed %4 committed log files (%5-%6) to maintain an in order log stream. However lost log resilience has allowed ESE to recover to a consistent state, but with data loss. Recovery could only recover through log files up to %7.%nDetails:%n%tLog directory: %8
0x210%1 (%2) %3在偵測不按順序的記錄之前,復原最多只能找到記錄檔 %4 (第 %5 代),而且找不到記錄檔 %6 (第 %7 代)。如果找不到記錄檔,則可以手動復原資料庫,但是會導致遺失已認可的資料。%n詳細資料:%n%t記錄檔目錄: %8 %1 (%2) %3Recovery could only locate up to log file %4 (generation %5) before detecting an out of sequence logs, and could not locate log file %6 (generation %7). If the log file cannot be found, the database(s) can be recovered manually, but will result in losing committed data.%nDetails:%n%tLog directory: %8
0x211%1 (%2) %3在位移 %5 從檔案 \"%4\" 讀取 %6 位元組的記錄範圍驗證失敗,因為總和檢查碼記錄檔中的記錄損毀。讀取作業將因錯誤 %7 而失敗。如果此情況持續出現,請從先前的備份還原記錄檔。 %1 (%2) %3The log range read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed verification due to a corrupted checksum log record. The read operation will fail with error %7. If this condition persists, restore the logfile from a previous backup.
0x212%1 (%2) %3因為遺失的排清偵測時間戳記不符,所以從檔案 \"%4\" 的位移 %5 處 (資料庫分頁 %8) 讀取 %6 個位元組驗證失敗。讀取作業將失敗,錯誤為 %7。%n資料庫分頁 %8 上的排清狀態為 %9,而排清對應頁面 %10 上的排清狀態為 %11。%n如果此狀況持續發生,請從先前的備份還原資料庫。這個問題很有可能導因於硬體錯誤。請連絡您的硬體廠商以取得進一步診斷此問題的協助。 %1 (%2) %3The database page read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 (database page %8) for %6 bytes failed verification due to a lost flush detection timestamp mismatch. The read operation will fail with error %7.%nThe flush state on database page %8 was %9 while the flush state on flush map page %10 was %11.%nIf this condition persists, restore the database from a previous backup. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x213%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎嘗試在資料庫 %5 的分頁 %4 進行全新寫入作業。此作業的目的是為了更正先前讀取該頁的錯誤。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine attempted a clean write operation on page %4 of database %5. This action was performed in an attempt to correct a previous problem reading from the page.
0x214%1 (%2) %3從檔案 \"%4\" (位移 %5;%6 個位元組) 讀取要求未完成,並已耗時 %7 秒。這個問題很有可能是因為硬體錯誤。請連絡您的硬體廠商以取得更多的協助來診斷此問題。 %1 (%2) %3A request to read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes has not completed for %7 second(s). This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x215%1 (%2) %3寫入檔案 \"%4\" (位移 %5;%6 個位元組) 的要求未完成達 %7 秒。這個問題很有可能是因為硬體錯誤。請連絡您的硬體廠商以取得更多的協助來診斷此問題。 %1 (%2) %3A request to write to the file \"%4\" at offset %5 for %6 bytes has not completed for %7 second(s). This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x216%1 (%2) %3對於檔案 \"%4\" 在頁碼 \"%5\" 處的修補要求失敗,錯誤為 %6。如果此情況持續出現,請使用先前的備份組還原。 %1 (%2) %3A patch request for file \"%4\" at page number \"%5\" has failed to be issued with error %6. If this condition persists then please restore using an earlier backup set.
0x217%1 (%2) %3嘗試決定包含 \"%4\" 的磁碟區最小 I/O 區塊大小失敗。預設會使用 512 位元組的磁區大小。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to determine the minimum I/O block size for the volume containing \"%4\" failed. The default sector-size of 512 bytes will be used.
0x218%1 (%2) %3建立暫時資料庫 %4 的嘗試失敗,錯誤為 %5。 %1 (%2) %3An attempt to create temporary database %4 failed with error %5.
0x219針對資料庫 %8 的 B 型樹狀結構 (ObjectId: %5,PgnoRoot: %6),提出了空白頁面 (Pgno: %7) 上一個節點的 %1 (%2) %3A 要求 (錯誤 %4)。通常這是由於儲存硬體中遺失的 I/O 所導致。請向您的硬體廠商確認最新的韌體版本、變更您控制器的快取參數、使用含強制單元存取支援功能且可在當機時保持狀態一致的硬體,並且/或更換故障的硬體。 %1 (%2) %3A request for a node on an empty page (Pgno: %7) has been made (error %4) for a B-Tree (ObjectId: %5, PgnoRoot: %6) of database %8. This is typically due to a lost I/O from storage hardware. Please check with your hardware vendor for latest firmware revisions, make changes to your controller's caching parameters, use crash consistent hardware with ForcedUnit Access support, and/or replace faulty hardware.
0x21A%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4: 頁面 %5 驗證失敗,因為在記錄位置 %10 有一時間戳記不相符。在記錄中保存的遠端 (「之前」) 時間戳記為 %6,但頁面上的實際時間戳記是 %7 (附註: DbtimeCurrent = %9)。這表示主動節點未進行排清 (錯誤 %8)。此問題的原因可能是在過去的某個時候,因為硬體錯誤而「並未」對主動節點的此頁面上進行一或多次排清。請連絡您的硬體廠商,以取得進一步協助來診斷問題。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4: Page %5 failed verification due to a timestamp mismatch at log position %10. The remote (\"before\") timestamp persisted to the log record was %6 but the actual timestamp on the page was %7 (note: DbtimeCurrent = %9). This indicates the active node lost a flush (error %8). This problem is likely due to faulty hardware \"losing\" one or more flushes on this page sometime in the past on the active node. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x21B%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4: 頁面 %5 驗證失敗,因為在記錄位置 %10 有一時間戳記不相符。在記錄中保存的遠端 (「之前」) 時間戳記為 %6,但頁面上的實際時間戳記是 %7 (附註: DbtimeCurrent = %9)。這表示被動節點未進行排清 (錯誤 %8)。此問題的原因可能是在過去的某個時候,因為硬體錯誤而「並未」對被動節點的此頁面上進行一或多次排清。請連絡您的硬體廠商,以取得進一步協助來診斷問題。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4: Page %5 failed verification due to a timestamp mismatch at log position %10. The remote (\"before\") timestamp persisted to the log record was %6 but the actual timestamp on the page was %7 (note: DbtimeCurrent = %9). This indicates the passive node lost a flush (error %8). This problem is likely due to faulty hardware \"losing\" one or more flushes on this page sometime in the past on the passive node. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x21C%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4: 頁面 %5 邏輯資料總和檢查碼 %6 不符合於記錄檔位置 %9 記錄的掃描檢查 %7 總和檢查碼 (植入 %8)。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4: Page %5 logical data checksum %6 failed to match logged scan check %7 checksum (seed %8) at log position %9.
0x21D%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4: 頁面 %5 在位置 %8 顯示為未初始化,而在記錄中保存的遠端 (「之前」) 時間戳記為 %6 (附註: DbtimeCurrent = %7)。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4: Page %5 was shown to be uninitialized at log position %8, while the remote (\"before\") timestamp persisted to the log record was %6 (note: DbtimeCurrent = %7).
0x21E%1 (%2) %3Database %4: Page %5 (objid %6) has a logical corruption of type '%7'.%nDetails: %8 %1 (%2) %3Database %4: Page %5 (objid %6) has a logical corruption of type '%7'.%nDetails: %8
0x21F%1 (%2) %3過去記錄累積的區段總合檢查碼與記錄檔 %4 不相符,預期: %5,實際: %6。 %1 (%2) %3Previous log's accumulated segment checksum mismatch in logfile %4, Expected: %5, Actual: %6.
0x220%1 (%2) %3因為持續遺失的排清偵測時間戳記不符,所以從檔案 \"%4\" 的位移 %5 處 (資料庫分頁 %8) 讀取 %6 個位元組驗證失敗。讀取作業將失敗,錯誤為 %7。%n資料庫分頁 %8 上的排清狀態為 %9,而排清對應頁面 %10 上的排清狀態為 %11。%n如果此狀況持續發生,請從先前的備份還原資料庫。這個問題很有可能導因於硬體錯誤。請連絡您的硬體廠商以取得進一步診斷此問題的協助。 %1 (%2) %3The database page read from the file \"%4\" at offset %5 (database page %8) for %6 bytes failed verification due to a persisted lost flush detection timestamp mismatch. The read operation will fail with error %7.%nThe flush state on database page %8 was %9 while the flush state on flush map page %10 was %11.%nIf this condition persists, restore the database from a previous backup. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x221%1 (%2) %3資料庫 %4: 分頁 %5 未在遠端節點的記錄檔位置 %10 初始化。記錄檔記錄上保留的遠端 (舊) 時間戳記為 %6,但分頁上的實際時間戳記為 %7 (注意: DbtimeCurrent = %9)。這表示作用中節點遺漏了一次排清 (錯誤 %8)。此問題的起因可能是過去此分頁的作用中節點因硬體錯誤而「遺失」了一或多次排清。請連絡您的硬體廠商以取得進一步診斷此問題的協助。 %1 (%2) %3Database %4: Page %5 appears to be uninitialized at log position %10 on the remote node. The remote (\"before\") timestamp persisted to the log record was %6 but the actual timestamp on the page was %7 (note: DbtimeCurrent = %9). This indicates the active node lost a flush (error %8). This problem is likely due to faulty hardware \"losing\" one or more flushes on this page sometime in the past on the active node. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x222%1 (%2) %3記錄產生 (%4) 太低 (%5),此資料庫引擎無法支援或重新執行 (最低支援需求為 %6)。 %1 (%2) %3The log generation (%4) is too low (%5) to be supported or replayed by this database engine (min supported %6).
0x223%1 (%2) %3記錄產生 (%4) 太高 (%5),此資料庫引擎無法支援或重新執行 (最大支援需求為 %6)。 %1 (%2) %3The log generation (%4) is too high (%5) to be supported or replayed by this database engine (max supported %6).
0x224%1 (%2) %3The log generation's [%4] version %5 is higher than the maximum version configured by the application %6. Current engine format version parameter setting: %7 %1 (%2) %3The log generation's [%4] version %5 is higher than the maximum version configured by the application %6. Current engine format version parameter setting: %7
0x225%1 (%2) %3A Database %4 has a page (pgno %5) with too few lines, operation attempted on line %6, actual number of lines on page %7. %1 (%2) %3A Database %4 has a page (pgno %5) with too few lines, operation attempted on line %6, actual number of lines on page %7.
0x226%1 (%2) %3Database %4: A compressed LV chunk failed verification during decompression due to a checksum mismatch. This indicates a logical corruption in the compress/decompress pipeline.pgnoFDP = %5. Key = %6. %1 (%2) %3Database %4: A compressed LV chunk failed verification during decompression due to a checksum mismatch. This indicates a logical corruption in the compress/decompress pipeline.pgnoFDP = %5. Key = %6.
0x227%1 (%2) %3An attempt to flush to the file/disk buffers of \"%4\" failed after %5 seconds with system error %6: \"%7\". The flush operation will fail with error %8. If this error persists then the file system may be damaged and may need to be restored from a previous backup. %1 (%2) %3An attempt to flush to the file/disk buffers of \"%4\" failed after %5 seconds with system error %6: \"%7\". The flush operation will fail with error %8. If this error persists then the file system may be damaged and may need to be restored from a previous backup.
0x258%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎在資料表 %4 中遇到一個意外的重複關鍵字。有一筆記錄已經遺漏。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine encountered an unexpected duplicate key on the table %4. One record has been dropped.
0x259%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎無法無法找到檔案 %5 中的輸入點 %4。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine could not find the entrypoint %4 in the file %5.
0x25A%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4': 背景清除跳過頁面。資料庫可能在離峰時間藉由加寬線上維護視窗的方式而受益。如果此訊息持續出現,您可以執行離線磁碟重組以移除資料庫中所有跳過的頁面。資料庫可能從線上或受益。 %1 (%2) %3Database '%4': Background clean-up skipped pages. The database may benefit from widening the online maintenance window during off-peak hours. If this message persists, offline defragmentation may be run to remove all skipped pages from the database.
0x25B%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4': 在嘗試回收 B 樹 (物件識別符 %7) 上的空間時,資料庫引擎遺失了未使用的頁面 %5-%6。只有在執行了離線磁碟重組之後,才能重新回收空間。 %1 (%2) %3Database '%4': The database engine lost unused pages %5-%6 while attempting space reclamation on a B-Tree (ObjectId %7). The space may not be reclaimed again until offline defragmentation is performed.
0x25C%1 (%2) %3地區設定識別碼 %4 (%5 %6) 無效、未安裝於此機器上或因系統錯誤 %7: \"%8\" 而無法驗證。操作將因錯誤 %9 而失敗。 %1 (%2) %3Locale ID %4 (%5 %6) is either invalid, not installed on this machine or could not be validated with system error %7: \"%8\". The operation will fail with error %9.
0x25D%1 (%2) %3資料表 '%5' 中的欄 '%4' 已轉換為一個標記了的欄。 %1 (%2) %3Column '%4' of Table '%5' was converted to a Tagged column.
0x25E%1 (%2) %3資料表 '%5' 中的欄 '%4' 已轉換為一個未標記的欄。 %1 (%2) %3Column '%4' of Table '%5' was converted to a non-Tagged column.
0x25F%1 (%2) %3資料表 '%5' 中的欄 '%4' 已從二進位轉換為長二進位。 %1 (%2) %3Column '%4' of Table '%5' was converted from Binary to LongBinary.
0x260%1 (%2) %3資料表 '%5' 中的欄 '%4' 已從文字轉換為長文字。 %1 (%2) %3Column '%4' of Table '%5' was converted from Text to LongText.
0x261%1 (%2) %3由於 Windows 版本已經從 %5.%6.%7 SP%8 升級至 %9.%10.%11 SP%12,資料庫引擎正開始對資料庫 '%4' 進行索引清除。這個訊息只是作為資訊參考之用,並不表示資料庫中有任何問題。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine is initiating index cleanup of database '%4' as a result of a Windows version upgrade from %5.%6.%7 SP%8 to %9.%10.%11 SP%12. This message is informational and does not indicate a problem in the database.
0x262%1 (%2) %3由於 Windows 版本已經升級至 %5.%6.%7 SP%8,資料庫引擎正開始對資料庫 '%4' 進行索引清除。這個訊息只是作為資訊參考之用,並不表示資料庫中有任何問題。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine is initiating index cleanup of database '%4' as a result of a Windows version upgrade to %5.%6.%7 SP%8. This message is informational and does not indicate a problem in the database.
0x263%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4': 此系統中的 Windows 版本升級之後,作為一種預防措施,將重建資料表 '%6' 中的二級索引 '%5'。這個訊息只是作為資訊參考之用,並不表示資料庫中有任何問題。 %1 (%2) %3Database '%4': The secondary index '%5' of table '%6' will be rebuilt as a precautionary measure after the Windows version upgrade of this system. This message is informational and does not indicate a problem in the database.
0x264%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎已成功完成對資料庫 '%4' 的索引清除。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine has successfully completed index cleanup on database '%4'.
0x265%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4': 資料表 '%6' 的主要索引 '%5 在排序文件庫時已過時。若以此狀態使用 (即不重建),可能會顯示損毀,或是發生更多損毀。如果沒有之後的事件顯示重建該索引,請重組資料庫以重建該索引。 %1 (%2) %3Database '%4': The primary index '%5' of table '%6' is out of date with sorting libraries. If used in this state (i.e. not rebuilt), it may appear corrupt or get further corrupted. If there is no later event showing the index being rebuilt, then please defragment the database to rebuild the index.
0x266%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4': 資料表 '%6' 的次要索引 '%5' 在排序文件庫時已過時,若以此狀態使用 (即不重建),可能會顯示損毀,或是發生更多損毀。如果沒有之後的事件顯示重建該索引,請重組資料庫以重建該索引。 %1 (%2) %3Database '%4': The secondary index '%5' of table '%6' is out of date with sorting libraries. If used in this state (i.e. not rebuilt), it may appear corrupt or get further corrupted. If there is no later event showing the index being rebuilt, then please defragment the database to rebuild the index.
0x267%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎正在將資料庫 '%4' 從格式 %5 轉換為格式 %6。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine is converting the database '%4' from format %5 to format %6.
0x268%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎已成功地將資料庫 '%4' 從格式 %5 轉換為格式 %6。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine has successfully converted the database '%4' from format %5 to format %6.
0x269%1 (%2) %3已嘗試使用資料庫 '%4',但此資料庫上的轉換沒有成功。請從備份資料庫還原,然後重新執行資料庫轉換。 %1 (%2) %3Attempted to use database '%4', but conversion did not complete successfully on this database. Please restore from backup and re-run database conversion.
0x26A%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4': 資料庫引擎已經在B 樹 (物件識別符: %6, PgnoRoot: %7) 上建立一個 %5 空間樹節點的記憶體中的快取。空間快取是在 %8 微秒中建立。這個訊息只是作為資訊參考之用,並不表示資料庫中有任何問題。 %1 (%2) %3Database '%4': The database engine has built an in-memory cache of %5 space tree nodes on a B-Tree (ObjectId: %6, PgnoRoot: %7) to optimize space requests for that B-Tree. The space cache was built in %8 milliseconds. This message is informational and does not indicate a problem in the database.
0x26B%1 (%2) %3已嘗試附加資料庫 '%4',但是該資料庫是從某個備份集中還原。該備份集並未啟動硬修復或並未成功地完成。 %1 (%2) %3Attempted to attach database '%4' but it is a database restored from a backup set on which hard recovery was not started or did not complete successfully.
0x26C%1 (%2) %3無法轉換記錄 %4:%5:%6 的記錄格式。 %1 (%2) %3Unable to convert record format for record %4:%5:%6.
0x26D%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4': B 樹識別符 (ObjectIDs) 用完。執行資料庫的離線磁碟重組可以取回已釋放/未使用的 B 樹識別符。 %1 (%2) %3Database '%4': Out of B-Tree IDs (ObjectIDs). Freed/unused B-Tree IDs may be reclaimed by performing an offline defragmentation of the database.
0x26E%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4': 可用的 B 樹識別符 (ObjectIDs) 已幾乎被完全用完。執行資料庫的離線磁碟重組可以取回已釋放/未使用的 B 樹識別符。 %1 (%2) %3Database '%4': Available B-Tree IDs (ObjectIDs) have almost been completely consumed. Freed/unused B-Tree IDs may be reclaimed by performing an offline defragmentation of the database.
0x26F%1 (%2) %3此例項 (%4) 的版本儲存已經到達 %5MB 的最大容量。有可能是長時間執行的異動妨礙版本儲存的清除動作,而使得版本儲存不斷增大。更新將會被拒絕直到長時間執行的異動已經完全提交或回復為止。%n可能的長時間執行異動:%n%tSessionId: %6%n%tSession-context: %7%n%tSession-context ThreadId: %8%n%tCleanup: %9%n%tSession-trace:%n%10 %1 (%2) %3The version store for this instance (%4) has reached its maximum size of %5Mb. It is likely that a long-running transaction is preventing cleanup of the version store and causing it to build up in size. Updates will be rejected until the long-running transaction has been completely committed or rolled back.%nPossible long-running transaction:%n%tSessionId: %6%n%tSession-context: %7%n%tSession-context ThreadId: %8%n%tCleanup: %9%n%tSession-trace:%n%10
0x270%1 (%2) %3此例項 (%4) 的版本儲存無法增大,因為受到作業系統記憶體不足的錯誤訊息。有可能是長時間執行的異動妨礙版本儲存的清除動作,而使得版本儲存不斷增大。更新將會被拒絕直到長時間執行的異動已經完全提交或回復為止。%n此例項目前的版本儲存大小: %5Mb%n此例項的最大版本儲存大小: %6Mb%n整體記憶體將會在所有版本儲存中預存: %7Mb%n可能的長時間執行異動:%n%tSessionId: %8%n%tSession-context: %9%n%tSession-context ThreadId: %10%n%t清理: %11%n%tSession-trace:%n%12 %1 (%2) %3The version store for this instance (%4) cannot grow because it is receiving Out-Of-Memory errors from the OS. It is likely that a long-running transaction is preventing cleanup of the version store and causing it to build up in size. Updates will be rejected until the long-running transaction has been completely committed or rolled back.%nCurrent version store size for this instance: %5Mb%nMaximum version store size for this instance: %6Mb%nGlobal memory pre-reserved for all version stores: %7Mb%nPossible long-running transaction:%n%tSessionId: %8%n%tSession-context: %9%n%tSession-context ThreadId: %10%n%tCleanup: %11%n%tSession-trace:%n%12
0x271%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎不支援 LCMapString() 旗標 %4。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine does not support the LCMapString() flags %4.
0x272%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎已更新了資料庫 %5 的索引項目 %4,因為 NLS 版本的變更。這個訊息僅供參考並不表示資料庫有問題。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine updated %4 index entries in database %5 because of a change in the NLS version. This message is informational and does not indicate a problem in the database.
0x273%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎無法更新資料庫 %5 的索引項目,因為資料庫是唯讀的。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine was unable to updated index entries in database %5 because the database is read-only.
0x274%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4': 當嘗試移到 B 型樹狀結構中的下一個或上一個節點時,資料庫引擎需要 %17 毫秒 (錯誤時需等候 %18 毫秒) 以略過 %8 個頁面 (%19 個頁面有錯誤) 中 %7 個看不見的節點。有可能這些看不見的節點是已經標示為刪除但尚未清除的節點。資料庫可能因加寬在離峰時間的線上維護時間窗口,而能清除這類節點和收回其空間。如果這個訊息持續顯示,可能需要執行離線磁碟重組,以移除已標示為刪除但是尚未從資料庫清除的所有節點。%n%t名稱: %5%n%t擁有資料表: %6%n%tObjectId: %9%n%tPgnoRoot: %10%n%t類型: %11%n%t無版本控制的刪除: %12%n%t未認可的刪除: %13%n%t已認可的刪除: %14%n%t看不見的插入: %15%n%t已篩選: %16\\r\
%n%tDbtime 分散: %20
%1 (%2) %3Database '%4': While attempting to move to the next orprevious node in a B-Tree, the database engine took %17 milliseconds (waiting %18 milliseconds on faults) to skip over %7non-visible nodes in %8 pages (faulting in %19 pages). It is likely that these non-visiblenodes are nodes which have been marked for deletion but which areyet to be purged. The database may benefit from widening the onlinemaintenance window during off-peak hours in order to purge such nodesand reclaim their space. If this message persists, offlinedefragmentation may be run to remove all nodes which have been markedfor deletion but are yet to be purged from the database.%n%tName: %5%n%tOwning Table: %6%n%tObjectId: %9%n%tPgnoRoot: %10%n%tType: %11%n%tUnversioned Deletes: %12%n%tUncommitted Deletes: %13%n%tCommitted Deletes: %14%n%tNon-Visible Inserts: %15%n%tFiltered: %16%n%tDbtime Distrib: %20
0x275%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4': 當嘗試移到 B 型樹狀結構中的下一個或上一個節點時,資料庫引擎用了 %21 毫秒 (錯誤時等候 %22 毫秒) 以略過 %8 個頁面 (%23 個頁面有錯誤) 中 %7 個看不見的節點。此外,因為上次報告這個訊息為 %16 個小時前,所以在此 B 型樹狀結構中的瀏覽期間發生過多看不見節點的 %17 個其他事件 (總共略過 %19 個頁面中的 %18 個節點)。有可能這些看不見的節點是已經標示為刪除但尚未清除的節點。資料庫可能因加寬在離峰時間的線上維護時間窗口,而能清除這類的節點和收回其空間。如果這個訊息持續顯示,可能需要執行離線磁碟重組,以移除已標示為刪除但是尚未從資料庫清除的所有節點。%n%t名稱: %5%n%t擁有資料表: %6%n%tObjectId: %9%n%tPgnoRoot: %10%n%t類型: %11%n%t無版本控制的刪除: %12%n%t未認可的刪除: %13%n%t已認可的刪除: %14%n%t看不見的插入: %15%n%t已篩選: %20%n%tDbtime 分散: %24 %1 (%2) %3Database '%4': While attempting to move to the next orprevious node in a B-Tree, the database engine took %21 milliseconds (waiting %22 milliseconds on faults) to skip over %7non-visible nodes in %8 pages (faulting in %23 pages). In addition, since this message waslast reported %16 hours ago, %17 other incidents of excessivenon-visible nodes were encountered (a total of %18 nodes in %19 pageswere skipped) during navigation in this B-Tree. It is likely thatthese non-visible nodes are nodes which have been marked for deletionbut which are yet to be purged. The database may benefit fromwidening the online maintenance window during off-peak hours in orderto purge such nodes and reclaim their space. If this messagepersists, offline defragmentation may be run to remove all nodeswhich have been marked for deletion but have yet to be purged fromthe database.%n%tName: %5%n%tOwning Table: %6%n%tObjectId: %9%n%tPgnoRoot: %10%n%tType: %11%n%tUnversioned Deletes: %12%n%tUncommitted Deletes: %13%n%tCommitted Deletes: %14%n%tNon-Visible Inserts: %15%n%tFiltered: %20%n%tDbtime Distrib: %24
0x276%1 (%2) %3此例項的版本儲存區 (%4) 有長時間執行異動且超過異動大小上限。 %n此例項目前的版本儲存區大小: %5Mb%n此例項的異動大小上限: %6Mb%n此例項的版本儲存區大小上限: %7Mb%n長時間執行異動:%n%tSessionId: %8%n%tSession-context: %9%n%tSession-context ThreadId: %10%n%t清理: %11%n%tSession-trace:%n%12 %1 (%2) %3The version store for this instance (%4) has a long-running transaction that exceeds the maximum transaction size.%nCurrent version store size for this instance: %5Mb%nMaximum transaction size for this instance: %6Mb%nMaximum version store size for this instance: %7Mb%nLong-running transaction:%n%tSessionId: %8%n%tSession-context: %9%n%tSession-context ThreadId: %10%n%tCleanup: %11%n%tSession-trace:%n%12
0x277%1 (%2) %3檔案系統回報 %4 上的資料庫檔案磁區大小 %5 超過 %6 的分頁大小。這樣可能會造成高磨損的寫入毀損和/或遺失清除導致的資料庫毀損。 %1 (%2) %3The file system reports that the database file at %4 has a sector size of %5 which is greater than the page size of %6. This may result in higher torn write corruption incidence and/or in database corruption via lost flushes.
0x278%1 (%2) %3檔案系統回報在 %4 的記錄檔含有不支援的磁區大小 %5,改為使用 4096 的磁區大小。這可能會造成異動持久性遺失。 %1 (%2) %3The file system reports that the log file at %4 has a sector size of %5 which is unsupported, using a sector size of 4096 instead. This may result in transaction durability being lost.
0x279%1 (%2) %3已暫停復原 (%4 毫秒) 以允許完成較舊的唯讀交易。若此狀態持續,可能造成過時複本。 %1 (%2) %3Recovery had to pause (%4 ms) to allow an older read-only transaction to complete. If this condition persists, it can result in stale copies.
0x27A%1 (%2) %3已長時間暫停復原 (%4 毫秒) 以允許完成較舊的唯讀交易。若此狀態持續,可能造成過時複本。 %1 (%2) %3Recovery had to pause for a long time (%4 ms) to allow an older read-only transaction to complete. If this condition persists, it can result in stale copies.
0x27B%1 (%2) %3無法附加清除對應檔 \"%4\",發生錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Failed to attach flush map file \"%4\" with error %5.
0x27C%1 (%2) %3將刪除清除對應檔 \"%4\" 。原因: %5。 %1 (%2) %3Flush map file \"%4\" will be deleted. Reason: %5.
0x27D%1 (%2) %3將建立新的清除對應檔 \"%4\",以啟用保留遺失清除偵測。 %1 (%2) %3New flush map file \"%4\" will be created to enable persisted lost flush detection.
0x27E%1 (%2) %3在清除對應檔案 \"%6\" 上驗證頁面 %5 時發生錯誤 %4。資料庫頁面的清除類型將設為 '未知' 狀態。 %1 (%2) %3Error %4 validating page %5 on flush map file \"%6\". The flush type of the database pages will be set to 'unknown' state.
0x27F%1 (%2) %3在清除對應檔 \" %5\" 的頁面 %4 上偵測到時間戳記不一致 (若已停用清除對應持續性,則為空白)。清除對應的時間戳記上限為 %6,但資料庫頁面 %7 的時間戳記為 %8。若已啟用清除對應持續性,此問題可能是硬體故障所致。請連絡您的硬體廠商,取得進一步協助以診斷問題。 %1 (%2) %3Inconsistent timestamp detected on page %4 of flush map file \"%5\" (empty if flush map persistence in disabled). The maximum timestamp on the flush map is %6, but database page %7 has a timestamp of %8. If flush map persistence is enabled, this problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x280%1 (%2) %3在排清對應檔 \"%5\" 上驗證標頭頁面時發生錯誤 %4。排清對應檔將不會通過驗證。%n其他資訊: %6 %1 (%2) %3Error %4 validating header page on flush map file \"%5\". The flush map file will be invalidated.%nAdditional information: %6
0x281%1 (%2) %3記錄格式功能版本 %5 因參數 %4 控制的目前記錄格式 %6 而無法使用。 %1 (%2) %3The log format feature version %5 could not be used due to the current log format %6, controlled by the parameter %4.
0x282%1 (%2) %3資料庫格式功能版本 %5 因參數 %4 控制的目前記錄格式 %6 而無法使用。 %1 (%2) %3The database format feature version %5 could not be used due to the current database format %6, controlled by the parameter %4.
0x2BC%1 (%2) %3線上磁碟重組正開始完整檢查資料庫 '%4'。 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation is beginning a full pass on database '%4'.
0x2BD%1 (%2) %3線上磁碟重組已完成對資料庫 '%4' 的完整檢查,正在釋放 %5 頁。這項作業已在 %6 啟動且共執行了 %7 秒,在過去 %9 天內需要 %8 次呼叫。 自從資料庫建立之後,已經完整重組 %10 次。 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation has completed a full pass on database '%4', freeing %5 pages. This pass started on %6 and ran for a total of %7 seconds, requiring %8 invocations over %9 days. Since the database was created it has been fully defragmented %10 times.
0x2BE%1 (%2) %3線上磁碟重組正在資料庫 '%4' 上繼續它的作業。這項作業已在 %5 啟動且執行了 %6 天。 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation is resuming its pass on database '%4'. This pass started on %5 and has been running for %6 days.
0x2BF%1 (%2) %3線上磁碟重組已完成還原對資料庫 '%4' 的檢查,正在釋出 %5 個分頁。這項作業已在 %6 啟動且共執行了 %7 秒,在過去 %9 天內需要 %8 次呼叫。 自從資料庫建立之後,已經完整重組 %10 次。 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation has completed the resumed pass on database '%4', freeing %5 pages. This pass started on %6 and ran for a total of %7 seconds, requiring %8 invocations over %9 days. Since the database was created it has been fully defragmented %10 times.
0x2C0%1 (%2) %3對資料庫 '%4' 進行的線上磁碟重組被中斷並終止。對資料庫啟動下一次線上磁碟重組,將從中斷點還原整理。 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation of database '%4' was interrupted and terminated. The next time online defragmentation is started on this database, it will resume from the point of interruption.
0x2C1%1 (%2) %3遇到意外錯誤 %5 後,對資料庫 '%4' 的進行線上磁碟重組提前終止。對資料庫啟動下一次線上磁碟重組,將從中斷點還原整理。 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation of database '%4' terminated prematurely after encountering unexpected error %5. The next time online defragmentation is started on this database, it will resume from the point of interruption.
0x2C2%1 (%2) %3已開始對資料庫 %4 進行線上零位調整 %1 (%2) %3Online zeroing of database %4 started
0x2C3%1 (%2) %3在%5 秒鐘後,完成對資料庫 %4 進行的線上零位調整,出現錯誤 %6%n%7 頁面%n%8 空白頁面%n%9 上一次零位調整後未變更的頁面%n%10 未使用的零位調整頁面%n%11 發現已使用的頁面%n%12 刪除的零位調整記錄%n%13 取消參考 %1 (%2) %3Online zeroing of database %4 finished after %5 seconds with err %6%n%7 pages%n%8 blank pages%n%9 pages unchanged since last zero%n%10 unused pages zeroed%n%11 used pages seen%n%12 deleted records zeroed%n%13 unreferenced data chunks zeroed
0x2C4%1 (%2) %3線上磁碟重組已經開始通過串流檔案 '%4'。 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation is beginning a full pass on streaming file '%4'.
0x2C5%1 (%2) %3線上重組已經完成通過串流檔案 '%4'。 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation has completed a full pass on streaming file '%4'.
0x2C6%1 (%2) %3串流檔案的線上磁碟重組 '%4' 將檔案縮小 %5 位元組。 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation of streaming file '%4' has shrunk the file by %5 bytes.
0x2C7%1 (%2) %3串流檔案 '%4' 的線上磁碟重組因遇到意外錯誤 %5 而永久中止。 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation of streaming file '%4' terminated prematurely after encountering unexpected error %5.
0x2C8%1 (%2) %3串流檔案 '%4' 的線上零位調整已啟動。 %1 (%2) %3Online zeroing of streaming file '%4' started.
0x2C9%1 (%2) %3串流檔案 '%4' 的線上零位調整在 %5 秒後完成,錯誤 %6%n%7 頁面%n%8 未使用的零位調整%n %1 (%2) %3Online zeroing of streaming file '%4' finished after %5 seconds with err %6%n%7 pages%n%8 unused pages zeroed%n
0x2CA%1 (%2) %3線上磁碟重組已成功地於串流檔案 '%4' 上停止。 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation has successfully been stopped on streaming file '%4'.
0x2CB%1 (%2) %3下列資料庫在過去 60 分鐘內,線上磁碟重組已暫停一或多次: '%4'。ESE 資料庫快取的大小不足以對所列的資料庫同時執行線上磁碟重組。動作: 錯開所列資料庫的線上維護時程,或增加伺服器中的實體 RAM 數量。 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation has been paused one or more times in the last 60 minutes for the following databases: '%4'. The ESE Database Cache is not large enough to simultaneously run online defragmentation against the listed databases. Action: Stagger the online maintenance time windows for the listed databases or increase the amount of physical RAM in the server.
0x2CC%1 (%2) %3下列資料庫在過去 60 分鐘內,線上磁碟重組已繼續一或多次: \"%4'。 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation has resumed one or more times in the last 60 minutes for the following databases: \"%4'.
0x2CD%1 (%2) %3線上維護正在啟動資料庫 '%4' 的資料庫總和檢查碼背景工作。 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance is starting Database Checksumming background task for database '%4'.
0x2CE%1 (%2) %3線上維護正在啟動資料庫 '%4' 的資料庫分頁清空背景工作。 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance is starting Database Page Zeroing background task for database '%4'.
0x2CF%1 (%2) %3線上維護正在繼續資料庫 '%4' 的資料庫總和檢查碼背景工作。這項作業已在 %5 啟動且執行了 %6 天。 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance is resuming Database Checksumming background task for database '%4'. This pass started on %5 and has been running for %6 days.
0x2D0%1 (%2) %3線上維護正在繼續資料庫 '%4' 的資料庫清空背景工作。這項作業已在 %5 啟動且執行了 %6 天。 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance is resuming Database Zeroing background task for database '%4'. This pass started on %5 and has been running for %6 days.
0x2D1%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4' 的線上維護資料庫總和檢查碼背景工作已完成。這項作業已在 %5 啟動且總計執行了 %6 秒,在過去 %8 天內需要 %7 次呼叫。操作摘要:%n已查看 %9 頁%n%10 個錯誤總和檢查碼%n未初始化 %11 頁 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance Database Checksumming background task has completed for database '%4'. This pass started on %5 and ran for a total of %6 seconds, requiring %7 invocations over %8 days. Operation summary:%n%9 pages seen%n%10 bad checksums%n%11 uninitialized pages
0x2D2%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4' 的線上維護資料庫清空背景工作已完成。這項作業已在 %5 啟動且總計執行了 %6 秒,在過去 %8 天內需要 %7 次呼叫。操作摘要:%n已查看 %9 頁%n%10 個錯誤總和檢查碼%n未初始化 %11 頁%n上一次清空後 %12 頁未變更%n已清空 %13 個未使用的頁%n已查看 %14 個已使用的分頁%n已將 %15 個刪除的記錄清空%n已將 %16 個未參考的資料區塊清空 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance Database Zeroing background task has completed for database '%4'. This pass started on %5 and ran for a total of %6 seconds, requiring %7 invocations over %8 days. Operation summary:%n%9 pages seen%n%10 bad checksums%n%11 uninitialized pages%n%12 pages unchanged since last zero%n%13 unused pages zeroed%n%14 used pages seen%n%15 deleted records zeroed%n%16 unreferenced data chunks zeroed
0x2D3%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4' 的線上維護資料庫總和檢查碼背景工作在 %6 秒後發生錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance Database Checksumming background task for database '%4' encountered error %5 after %6 seconds.
0x2D4%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4' 的線上維護資料庫清空背景工作在 %6 秒後發生錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance Database Zeroing background task for database '%4' encountered error %5 after %6 seconds.
0x2D5%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4' 的線上維護資料庫總和檢查碼背景工作已中斷並已終止。下次在此資料庫上啟動線上維護資料庫總和檢查碼時,將從中斷點繼續。 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance Database Checksumming background task for database '%4' was interrupted and terminated. The next time Online Maintenance Database Checksumming is started on this database, it will resume from the point of interruption.
0x2D6%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4' 的線上維護資料庫清空背景工作已中斷並已終止。下次在此資料庫上啟動線上維護資料庫總和檢查碼時,將從中斷點繼續。 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance Database Zeroing background task for database '%4' was interrupted and terminated. The next time Online Maintenance Database Checksumming is started on this database, it will resume from the point of interruption.
0x2D7%1 (%2) %3因為頁面總和檢查碼不符,所以從檔案 \"%4\" 的位移 %5 處 (資料庫頁面 %6) 讀取資料庫頁面的驗證失敗。如果此情況持續出現,則請從前一個備份還原資料庫。這個問題很有可能是因為硬體錯誤。請連絡您的硬體廠商以取得更多的協助來診斷此問題。 %1 (%2) %3The database page read from the file '%4' at offset %5 (database page %6) failed verification due to a page checksum mismatch. If this condition persists then please restore the database from a previous backup. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x2D8%1 (%2) %3線上磁碟重組已重組資料庫 '%4' 的資料表 '%5' 中的索引 '%6'。這項作業已在 %7 啟動。%n已造訪 %8 頁%n已釋放 %9 頁%n合併 %10 個組件%n已移動 %11 頁 %1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation has defragmented index '%6' of table '%5' in database '%4'. This pass started on %7.%n%8 pages visited%n%9 pages freed%n%10 partial merges%n%11 pages moved
0x2D9%1 (%2) %3下列資料庫在過去 60 分鐘內,線上維護資料庫清空已暫停一或多次: '%4'。ESE 資料庫快取的大小不足以對所列的資料庫同時執行線上分頁清空。動作: 錯開所列資料庫的線上維護時程,或增加伺服器中的實體 RAM 數量。 %1 (%2) %3Online maintenance database zeroing has been paused one or more times in the last 60 minutes for the following databases: '%4'. The ESE database cache is not large enough to simultaneously run online page zeroing against the listed databases. Action: Stagger the online maintenance time windows for the listed databases or increase the amount of physical RAM in the server.
0x2DA%1 (%2) %3下列資料庫在過去 60 分鐘內,線上維護資料庫清空已繼續一或多次: '%4'。 %1 (%2) %3Online maintenance database zeroing has resumed one or more times in the last 60 minutes for the following databases: '%4'.
0x2DC%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4' 的線上維護資料庫總和檢查碼背景工作已完成。這項作業已在 %5 啟動且在 %8 頁面上總計執行了 %6 秒 (過去 %7 天)。 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance Database Checksumming background task has completed for database '%4'. This pass started on %5 and ran for a total of %6 seconds (over %7 days) on %8 pages.
0x2DD%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4' 的線上維護資料庫總和檢查碼背景工作未準時完成。這項作業已在 %5 啟動,目前已執行了 %6 秒 (超過 %7 天)。 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance Database Checksumming background task is not finishing on time for database '%4'. This pass started on %5 and has been running for %6 seconds (over %7 days) so far.
0x2DE%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4' 的資料庫維護背景工作無法啟動,錯誤為 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Database Maintenance background task for database '%4' failed to start with error %5.
0x2DF%1 (%2) %3資料庫維護已完成對資料庫 '%4' 的完整檢查。這項作業已在 %5 啟動且總計執行了 %6 秒 (%7 天)。這個資料庫維護工作已超過 %8 天的維護完成閾值。應採取下列一或多個動作: 增加裝載資料庫之磁碟區的 IO 效能/輸送量、減少資料庫大小和/或減少非資料庫維護 IO。%n已查看 %9 頁%n %1 (%2) %3Database Maintenance has completed a full pass on database '%4'. This pass started on %5 and ran for a total of %6 seconds (%7 days). This database maintenance task exceeded the %8 day maintenance completion threshold. One or more of the following actions should be taken: increase the IO performance/throughput of the volume hosting the database, reduce the database size, and/or reduce non-database maintenance IO.%n%9 pages seen%n
0x2E0%1 (%2) %3正在為資料庫 '%4' 啟動資料庫維護。 %1 (%2) %3Database Maintenance is starting for database '%4'.
0x2E1%1 (%2) %3資料庫維護已完成對資料庫 '%4' 的完整檢查。這項作業已在 %5 啟動且總計執行了 %6 秒。%n已查看 %7 頁%n %1 (%2) %3Database Maintenance has completed a full pass on database '%4'. This pass started on %5 and ran for a total of %6 seconds.%n%7 pages seen%n
0x2E2%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4' 的資料庫維護正在繼續,從頁面 %5 開始。這項作業已在 %6 啟動,目前已執行 %7 天。 %1 (%2) %3Database Maintenance is resuming for database '%4', starting from page %5. This pass started on %6 and has been running for %7 days.
0x2E3%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4' 的 NTFS 檔案屬性大小為 %5 個位元組,超過 %6 個位元組的閾值。必須重新植入資料庫檔案,或從複製或備份還原資料庫檔案,以防資料庫檔案因為檔案系統限制而無法增長。 %1 (%2) %3The NTFS file attributes size for database '%4' is %5 bytes, which exceeds the threshold of %6 bytes. The database file must be reseeded or restored from a copy or backup to prevent the database file from being unable to grow because of a file system limitation.
0x2E4%1 (%2) %3定期資料庫壓縮檔案作業已啟動。 %1 (%2) %3The periodic database shrink file operation started.
0x2E5%1 (%2) %3定期資料庫壓縮檔案作業已成功完成,並且已將資料庫檔案壓縮了 %4 頁。 %1 (%2) %3The periodic database shrink file operation finished successfully and shrunk the database file by %4 pages.
0x2E6%1 (%2) %3定期資料庫壓縮檔案作業無法壓縮資料庫檔案,因為沒有足夠的內部可用空間。 %1 (%2) %3The periodic database shrink file operation was not able to shrink the database file because there is not enough internal free space available.
0x2E7%1 (%2) %3定期資料庫壓縮檔案作業無法壓縮資料庫檔案。結果 %4。 %1 (%2) %3The periodic database shrink file operation was not able to shrink the database file. Result %4.
0x2E8%1 (%2) %3資料庫維護正在資料庫 '%4' 上執行。這項作業已在 %5 啟動且已執行了 %6 小時。%n已查看 %7 頁%n %1 (%2) %3Database Maintenance is running on database '%4'. This pass started on %5 and has been running for %6 hours.%n%7 pages seen%n
0x2E9%1 (%2) %3由於用戶端要求 (通常因必須盡速完成的重大重做活動),資料庫 '%4' 的線上維護資料庫總和檢查碼背景工作已在頁面 %5 中止。%n上次正確完成的總和檢查碼工作是在 %6。 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance Database Checksumming background task is aborted for database '%4' at page %5, due to client request (typically because of critical redo activity must be done quickly).%nThe last properly completed checksumming task was on %6.
0x2EA%1 (%2) %3資料庫 '%4' 線上維護資料庫總和檢查碼背景工作已完成遭到中斷且不完整的掃描。中斷原因通常為用戶端要求 (通常為必須盡速完成的重大重做活動)。%n上次完整完成的總和檢查碼工作是在 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance Database Checksumming background task finished an interrupted and incomplete scan for database '%4'. Typical interruptions are due to client request (typically because of critical redo activity must be done quickly).%nThe last fully completed checksumming scan was on %5.
0x2EB%1 (%2) %3線上維護正在恢復資料庫 '%4' 的資料庫總和檢查碼背景工作,為了完成此工作,已略過 %5 個頁面 (%6%%)。之前停止: %7,此次開始: %8。%n %1 (%2) %3Online Maintenance is resuming Database Checksumming background task for database '%4', and in doing so has skipped %5 pages (%6%%). prev stop: %7, this start: %8.%n
0x320%1 (%2) %3系統參數的最小快取大小 (%4) 比工作階段快取數量 (%5) 少 4 倍。 %1 (%2) %3System parameter minimum cache size (%4) is less than 4 times the number of sessions (%5).
0x321%1 (%2) %3系統參數的最大快取大小 (%4) 少於最小的快取大小 (%5)。 %1 (%2) %3System parameter maximum cache size (%4) is less than minimum cache size (%5).
0x322%1 (%2) %3系統參數的最大快取大小 (%4) 少於停止清理清除閾值 (%5)。 %1 (%2) %3System parameter maximum cache size (%4) is less than stop clean flush threshold (%5).
0x323%1 (%2) %3系統參數的停止清理清除限制值 (%4) 少於起始清理清除閾值 (%5)。 %1 (%2) %3System parameter stop clean flush threshold (%4) is less than start clean flush threshold (%5).
0x324%1 (%2) %3系統參數記錄的緩衝區大小 (%4 磁區) 大於最大容量 %5 KB (記錄檔案大小減去保留空間)。 %1 (%2) %3System parameter log buffer size (%4 sectors) is greater than the maximum size of %5 k bytes (logfile size minus reserved space).
0x325%1 (%2) %3系統參數的最大版本頁面 (%4) 少於喜好的版本頁面 (%5)。 %1 (%2) %3System parameter max version pages (%4) is less than preferred version pages (%5).
0x326%1 (%2) %3由於實體記憶體的限制,系統參數的喜好版本頁面已從 %4 變更為 %5。 %1 (%2) %3System parameter preferred version pages was changed from %4 to %5 due to physical memory limitation.
0x327%1 (%2) %3系統參數的最大開啟表 (%4) 少於喜好的開啟資料表 (%5)。請檢查登錄設定。 %1 (%2) %3System parameter max open tables (%4) is less than preferred opentables (%5). Please check registry settings.
0x328%1 (%2) %3系統參數喜好的版本頁面 (%4) 大於最大的版本頁面 (%5)。喜好的版本頁面已從 %6 變更為 %7。 %1 (%2) %3System parameter preferred version pages (%4) is greater than max version pages (%5). Preferred version pages was changed from %6 to %7.
0x384%1 (%2) %3在嘗試記錄事務提交時,由於錯誤 %4 使資料庫引擎失敗。為確保資料庫的一致性,已終止程序。只需重新啟動程序,即可以強制修復資料庫並使資料庫返回正常關機狀態。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine failed with error %4 while trying to log the commit of a transaction. To ensure database consistency, the process was terminated. Simply restart the process to force database recovery and return the database to a Clean Shutdown state.
0x385%1 (%2) %3內部追蹤: %4 (%5) %1 (%2) %3Internal trace: %4 (%5)
0x386%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎偵測到有數個執行緒不合法地使用相同的資料庫工作階段執行資料庫作業。%n%tSessionId: %4%n%tSession-context: %5%n%tSession-context ThreadId: %6%n%t目前的 ThreadId: %7%n%tSession-trace:%n%8 %1 (%2) %3The database engine detected multiple threads illegally using the same database session to perform database operations.%n%tSessionId: %4%n%tSession-context: %5%n%tSession-context ThreadId: %6%n%tCurrent ThreadId: %7%n%tSession-trace:%n%8
0x387%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎偵測到相同工作階段的兩個不同游標正在相同時間嘗試非法更新相同的記錄。%n%tSessionId: %4%n%tThreadId: %5%n%t資料庫: %6%n%t資料表: %7%n%t目前游標: %8%n%t游標擁有的原始更新: %9%n%t書籤大小 (字首/字尾): %10%n%tSession-trace:%n%11 %1 (%2) %3The database engine detected two different cursors of the same session illegally trying to update the same record at the same time.%n%tSessionId: %4%n%tThreadId: %5%n%tDatabase: %6%n%tTable: %7%n%tCurrent cursor: %8%n%tCursor owning original update: %9%n%tBookmark size (prefix/suffix): %10%n%tSession-trace:%n%11
0x388%1 (%2) %3已使用測試 API 損毀資料庫 '%5' 的第 %4 頁。 %1 (%2) %3A test API has been used to corrupt page %4 of database '%5'.
0x389%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎已修復資料庫 '%5' 在頁面 %4 上的損毀。雖然已修復損毀,但損毀的來源可能來自有瑕疵的硬體,故應加以調查。請連絡您的硬體廠商以取得更多的協助來診斷此問題。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine repaired corruption on page %4 of database '%5'. Although the corruption has been repaired, the source of the corruption is likely due to faulty hardware and should be investigated. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x38A%1 (%2) %3有相當大的一部分資料庫緩衝快取已寫出至系統分頁檔。這可能會導致效能嚴重下降。%n如需完整的可能原因詳細資訊,請參閱說明連結。%n先前的快取常駐狀態: %4% (%6 個緩衝區中的 %5 個) (%7 秒前)%n目前的快取常駐狀態: %8% (%10 個緩衝區中的 %9 個)%n目前快取大小與目標: %11% (%12 MB)%n實體記憶體/RAM 大小: %13 MB %1 (%2) %3A significant portion of the database buffer cache has been written out to the system paging file. This may result in severe performance degradation.%nSee help link for complete details of possible causes.%nPrevious cache residency state: %4% (%5 out of %6 buffers) (%7 seconds ago)%nCurrent cache residency state: %8% (%9 out of %10 buffers)%nCurrent cache size vs. target: %11% (%12 MBs)%nPhysical Memory / RAM size: %13 MBs
0x38B%1 (%2) %3偵測到暫時性記憶體損毀。執行「Windows 記憶體診斷」工具和/或調查硬體問題。 %1 (%2) %3A transient memory corruption was detected. Please run the Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool and/or investigate hardware issues.
0x38C%1 (%2) %3正在終止處理序,因為發生無法復原的失敗: %4 (%5) %1 (%2) %3Terminating process due to non-recoverable failure: %4 (%5)
0x38D%1 (%2) %3正在終止處理序,因為發生無法復原的失敗: 資料庫 '%6' 上的 %4 (%5) 作業中。 %1 (%2) %3Terminating process due to non-recoverable failure: %4 (%5) in operation on database '%6'.
0x38E%1 (%2) %3資料庫快取大小維護工作已花費 %4 秒但尚未完成。這可能會導致效能嚴重下降。目前的快取大小為 %5 個緩衝區,超過了設定的快取限制 (目標的百分之 %6)。快取大小維護收回了 %7 個緩衝區,進行了 %8 次排清嘗試,並成功排清了 %9 個緩衝區。自從觸發維護以來執行了 %10 次。 %1 (%2) %3The database cache size maintenance task has taken %4 seconds without completing. This may result in severe performance degradation.Current cache size is %5 buffers above the configured cache limit (%6 percent of target).Cache size maintenance evicted %7 buffers, made %8 flush attempts, and successfully flushed %9 buffers. It has run %10 times since maintenance was triggered.
0x38F%1 (%2) %3資料庫引擎已經修復資料庫 '%6' 在 %4 - %5 頁面的損毀。雖然已修復損毀,但損毀的來源可能來自有瑕疵的硬體,故應加以調查。請連絡您的硬體廠商以取得更多的協助來診斷此問題。 %1 (%2) %3The database engine repaired corruption on pages %4 - %5 of database '%6'. Although the corruption has been repaired, the source of the corruption is likely due to faulty hardware and should be investigated. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
0x390%1 (%2) %3有部分資料庫緩衝區快取已從系統分頁檔還原,且目前再次常駐於記憶體。在此之前,有部分資料庫緩衝區快取已寫出至系統分頁檔,並造成效能降低。%n先前的快取常駐狀態: %4% (%6 個緩衝區中的 %5 個) (%7 秒前)%n目前的快取常駐狀態: %8% (%10 個緩衝區中的 %9 個) %1 (%2) %3A portion of the database buffer cache has been restored from the system paging file and is now resident again in memory. Prior to this, a portion of the database buffer cache had been written out to the system paging file resulting in performance degradation.%nPrevious cache residency state: %4% (%5 out of %6 buffers) (%7 seconds ago)%nCurrent cache residency state: %8% (%9 out of %10 buffers)
0x391%1 (%2) %3先前的 ESE 應用程式執行個體未設定參數 %4 的單一值,但目前的 ESE 應用程式已設定為不同的值。此為系統參數不相符,所有 ESE 應用程式的所有全域系統參數必須相同。 %1 (%2) %3The parameter %4 was not set to one value by the previous ESE application instance, but set to a different value from the current ESE application. This is a system parameter mismatch, all ESE applications must agree on all global system parameters.
0x392%1 (%2) %3先前的 ESE 應用程式執行個體未設定參數 %4,但目前的 ESE 應用程式內已設定該參數。此為系統參數不相符,所有 ESE 應用程式的所有全域系統參數必須相同。 %1 (%2) %3The parameter %4 was not set via the previous ESE application instance, but is set in the current ESE application. This is a system parameter mismatch, all ESE applications must agree on all global system parameters.
0x393%1 (%2) %3先前的 ESE 應用程式執行個體設定了參數 %4,但未在目前的 ESE 應用程式內設定該參數。此為系統參數不相符,所有 ESE 應用程式的所有全域系統參數必須相同。 %1 (%2) %3The parameter %4 was set via the previous ESE application instance, but is not set in the current ESE application. This is a system parameter mismatch, all ESE applications must agree on all global system parameters.
0x394%1 (%2) %3由於 Beta 網站模式設定 %6,已在 %5 啟用 Beta 功能 %4。 %1 (%2) %3The beta feature %4 is enabled in %5 due to the beta site mode settings %6.
0x3E8%1 (%2) %3以下設定使資源模擬失敗:\\t\\t%4:\\t%5\\t\\t%6:\\t%7\\t\\t%8:\\t%9\\t\\t%10:\\t%11 %1 (%2) %3Resource failure simulation was activated with the following settings:\\t\\t%4:\\t%5\\t\\t%6:\\t%7\\t\\t%8:\\t%9\\t\\t%10:\\t%11
0x3E9%1 (%2) %3允許資源模擬失敗 %4。 %1 (%2) %3Resource failure simulation %4 is permitted.
0x3EA%1 (%2) %3拒絕資源模擬失敗 %4。 %1 (%2) %3Resource Failure Simulation %4 is denied.
0x3EB%1 (%2) %3JET 呼叫 %4 返回錯誤 %5。%6 (%7) %1 (%2) %3JET call %4 returned error %5. %6 (%7)
0x3EC%1 (%2) %3JET 行內錯誤 %4 跳到標註 %5。%6 (%7) %1 (%2) %3JET inline error %4 jumps to label %5. %6 (%7)
0x7D0%1 (%2) %3陰影複製函數 %4() = %5。 %1 (%2) %3Shadow copy function %4() = %5.
0x7D1%1 (%2) %3陰影複製例項 %4 凍結已開始。 %1 (%2) %3Shadow copy instance %4 freeze started.
0x7D2%1 (%2) %3陰影複製例項 %4 在凍結時發生錯誤 %5。 %1 (%2) %3Shadow copy instance %4 encountered error %5 on freeze.
0x7D3%1 (%2) %3陰影複製例項 %4 凍結已結束。 %1 (%2) %3Shadow copy instance %4 freeze ended.
0x7D4%1 (%2) %3陰影複製例項 %4 凍結逾時 (%5 毫秒)。 %1 (%2) %3Shadow copy instance %4 freeze timed-out (%5 ms).
0x7D5%1 (%2) %3陰影複製執行個體 %4 已開始。這將是完整的陰影複製。 %1 (%2) %3Shadow copy instance %4 starting. This will be a Full shadow copy.
0x7D6%1 (%2) %3陰影複製執行個體 %4 已成功地完成。 %1 (%2) %3Shadow copy instance %4 completed successfully.
0x7D7%1 (%2) %3陰影複製執行個體 %4 已中止。 %1 (%2) %3Shadow copy instance %4 aborted.
0x7D8%1 (%2) %3陰影複製執行個體 %4 已開始。這將是增量的陰影複製。 %1 (%2) %3Shadow copy instance %4 starting. This will be an Incremental shadow copy.
0x7D9%1 (%2) %3陰影複製執行個體 %4 已開始。這將是複製的陰影複製。 %1 (%2) %3Shadow copy instance %4 starting. This will be a Copy shadow copy.
0x7DA%1 (%2) %3陰影複製執行個體 %4 已開始。這將是差異的陰影複製。 %1 (%2) %3Shadow copy instance %4 starting. This will be a Differential shadow copy.
0x9C4%1 (%2) %3An attempt to initialize the FPGA failed with error %4. Please make sure that the FPGA hardware is present and configured correctly. %1 (%2) %3An attempt to initialize the FPGA failed with error %4. Please make sure that the FPGA hardware is present and configured correctly.
0x9C5%1 (%2) %3An attempt to acquire an FPGA slot during initialization failed. This indicates that there are more processes trying to use the FPGA than the available slots. %1 (%2) %3An attempt to acquire an FPGA slot during initialization failed. This indicates that there are more processes trying to use the FPGA than the available slots.
0x9C6%1 (%2) %3An FPGA operation failed with error %4. This error was classified as a transient failure. The engine has encountered the following FPGA failures since it started:Permanent = %5, Transient = %6, HEX Resets = %7 %1 (%2) %3An FPGA operation failed with error %4. This error was classified as a transient failure. The engine has encountered the following FPGA failures since it started:Permanent = %5, Transient = %6, HEX Resets = %7
0x9C7%1 (%2) %3An FPGA operation failed with error %4. This error was classified as a permanent FPGA failure. The engine has encountered the following FPGA failures since it started:Permanent = %5, Transient = %6, HEX Resets = %7 %1 (%2) %3An FPGA operation failed with error %4. This error was classified as a permanent FPGA failure. The engine has encountered the following FPGA failures since it started:Permanent = %5, Transient = %6, HEX Resets = %7
0x9C8%1 (%2) %3An attempt to acquire an FPGA slot event during initialization failed with system error %4: \"%5\". %1 (%2) %3An attempt to acquire an FPGA slot event during initialization failed with system error %4: \"%5\".
0xBB9%1 (%2) %3組態錯誤導致資料庫 '%4' ('%5') 無法正常操作。資料庫錯誤組態、使用權限問題或儲存相關的問題都可能導致錯誤發生。%n%n其他診斷資訊: %6 %7 %1 (%2) %3A configuration error is preventing proper operation of database '%4' ('%5'). The error may occur because of a database misconfiguration, a permission problem, or a storage-related problem.%n%nAdditional diagnostic information: %6 %7
0xBBA%1 (%2) %3讀取驗證或 I/O 錯誤導致資料庫 '%4' ('%5') 無法正常操作。檢閱事件記錄檔和其他的記錄檔資料,以判斷您的系統是否有儲存的相關問題。%n%n其他診斷資訊: %6 %7 %1 (%2) %3A read verification or I/O error is preventing proper operation of database '%4' ('%5'). Review the event logs and other log data to determine if your system is experiencing storage-related problems.%n%nAdditional diagnostic information: %6 %7
0xBBB%1 (%2) %3資料庫或記錄檔案的可用空間不足,導致資料庫 '%4' ('%5') 無法正常操作。檢閱資料庫,並記錄磁碟區的可用空間,以識別特定的問題。%n%n其他診斷資訊: %6 %7 %1 (%2) %3Lack of free space for the database or log files is preventing proper operation of database '%4' ('%5'). Review the database and log volume's free space to identify the specific problem.%n%nAdditional diagnostic information: %6 %7
0xBBC%1 (%2) %3I/O 錯誤導致資料庫 '%4' ('%5') 無法正常操作。檢閱事件記錄檔和其他的記錄檔資料,以判斷您的系統是否有儲存問題。%n%n其他診斷資訊: %6 %7 %1 (%2) %3An I/O error is preventing proper operation of database '%4' ('%5'). Review events logs and other log data to determine if your system is experiencing storage problems.%n%nAdditional diagnostic information: %6 %7
0xBBD%1 (%2) %3被動副本在資料庫 '%4' ('%5') 的裝載副本中偵測到損毀。這項錯誤可能是儲存相關問題的結果。%n%n其他診斷資訊: %6 %7 %1 (%2) %3A passive copy has detected a corruption in the mounted copy of database '%4' ('%5'). This error might be the result of a storage-related problem.%n%nAdditional diagnostic information: %6 %7
0xBBE%1 (%2) %3已在資料庫 '%4' ('%5') 中偵測到損毀。錯誤可能是由人為錯誤、系統或儲存問題導致。%n%n其他診斷資訊: %6 %7 %1 (%2) %3Corruption has been detected in database '%4' ('%5'). The error may occur because of human errors, system, or storage problems.%n%nAdditional diagnostic information: %6 %7
0xBBF%1 (%2) %3資源或作業錯誤導致資料庫 '%4' ('%5') 無法正常操作。檢閱應用程式和系統事件記錄檔,以瞭解資料庫或其所需系統元件的失敗。%n%n其他診斷資訊: %6 %7 %1 (%2) %3Resources or an operating error is preventing proper functioning of database '%4' ('%5'). Review the application and system event logs for failures of the database or its required system components.%n%nAdditional diagnostic information: %6 %7
0xBC0%1 (%2) %3嚴重錯誤導致資料庫 '%4' ('%5') 無法正常操作。檢閱應用程式和系統事件記錄檔,以瞭解資料庫或其所需系統元件的失敗。%n%n其他診斷資訊: %6 %7 %1 (%2) %3A serious error is preventing proper operation of database '%4' ('%5'). Review the application and system event logs for failures of the database or its required system components.%n%nAdditional diagnostic information: %6 %7
0xBC1%1 (%2) %3發生問題導致資料庫 '%4' ('%5') 無法正常操作。重新裝載資料庫可能會修正失敗。%n%n其他診斷資訊: %6 %7 %1 (%2) %3Problems are preventing proper operation of database '%4' ('%5'). The failure may be corrected by remounting the database.%n%nAdditional diagnostic information: %6 %7
0xBC2%1 (%2) %3在記錄傳送環境中,被動副本已偵測到讓資料庫 '%4' ('%5') 無法正常操作的錯誤。檢閱應用程式和系統事件記錄檔,以瞭解資料庫或其所需系統元件的失敗。 %1 (%2) %3In a log shipping environment, a passive copy has detected an error that is preventing proper operation of database '%4' ('%5'). Review the application and system event logs for failures of the database or its required system components.
0xBC3%1 (%2) %3嚴重錯誤導致資料庫 '%4' ('%5') 無法正常操作。發生此錯誤的原因可能是電腦設定錯誤,或者有儲存問題或效能問題。請檢閱與資料庫、其儲存區和電腦相關聯的效能計數器和應用程式事件記錄檔,以找出特定的問題。%n%n其他診斷資訊: %6 %7 %1 (%2) %3A performance problem is affecting proper operation of database '%4' ('%5'). The error may occur due to misconfiguration, storage problems, or performance problems on the computer. Review the performance counters and application event logs associated with the database, its storage, and the computer to identify the specific problems.%n%nAdditional diagnostic information: %6 %7
0xBC4%1 (%2) %3異常大量的一般負載導致資料庫 '%4' ('%5') 無法正常操作。應該減少這個資料庫的負載,才能還原適當的作業。%n%n其他診斷資訊: %6 %7 %1 (%2) %3An unusually large amount of normal load is preventing proper operation of database '%4' ('%5'). The load on this database should be reduced to restore proper operation.%n%nAdditional diagnostic information: %6 %7
0xBC5%1 (%2) %3系統發生記憶體配置失敗,導致資料庫 '%4' ('%5') 無法正常操作。電腦的錯誤組態或記憶體耗用過多都可能導致錯誤發生。%n%n其他診斷資訊: %6 %7 %1 (%2) %3The system is experiencing memory allocation failures that are preventing proper operation of database '%4' ('%5'). The error could occur due to a mis-configuration or excessive memory consumption on the machine.%n%nAdditional diagnostic information: %6 %7


File Name:ESENT.dll.mui
File Size:62 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 的可延伸儲存引擎
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:esent.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:esent.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is ESENT.dll.mui?

ESENT.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file ESENT.dll (Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 的可延伸儲存引擎).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 的可延伸儲存引擎
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:esent.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:esent.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200