Windows.Networking.dll.mui Windows.Networking DLL 4d580c4a86db71f21a12dbe8b880fcc8

File info

File name: Windows.Networking.dll.mui
Size: 14336 byte
MD5: 4d580c4a86db71f21a12dbe8b880fcc8
SHA1: f01c96b8cf89a52694d96be05bf96a9d69e5d999
SHA256: a0cb77fc01245c73736d7d3d31a50b6d8a5e709c8c2178d291ea1912d11b2f86
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
10000'%1': 值不能为空。 '%1': Value must not be empty.
10001“%1”: 缓冲区空间不足,无法容纳请求的字节数。 '%1': Buffer does not have enough space to hold the requested number of bytes.
10002“%1”: 发现无效字符。 '%1': Invalid characters found.
10003无效的 HTTP 标头。 Invalid HTTP headers.
10004无效的 HTTP 响应状态。 Invalid HTTP response status.
10005“%1”: 提供的值不是可忽略的 ChainValidationResult 值。 '%1': Provided value is not an ignorable ChainValidationResult value.
20000'%1': WebSocket URI 需要 'ws://' 或 'wss://' 方案。 '%1': WebSocket URIs require a 'ws://' or 'wss://' scheme.
20001'%1': WebSocket URI 中不允许使用分段。 '%1': Fragments are not allowed in WebSocket URIs.
20002在套接字上发送或接收数据之前,调用 ControlChannelTrigger.WaitForPushEnabled。 Call ControlChannelTrigger.WaitForPushEnabled before sending or receiving data on a socket.
20003“%1”: 这不是有效的多播地址。 '%1': This is not a valid multicast address.
20004ConnectAsync 不支持多播地址。 ConnectAsync does not support multicast addresses.
20005此属性仅适用于 IP 流套接字。 This property is only available for IP stream sockets.
20006在加入多播组之前绑定套接字。 Bind socket before joining a multicast group.
20007套接字已绑定到某个地址。 Socket is already bound to an address.
20009“%1”: 仅允许 IP StreamSocketListeners 使用此参数。 '%1': This parameter is only allowed for IP StreamSocketListeners.
20010“%1”: IP StreamSocketListeners 只能使用未加密的纯文本套接字。 '%1': Only plain sockets are allowed for IP StreamSocketListeners.
20011“%1”: 此参数只允许用于 IP StreamSocket。 '%1': This parameter is only allowed for IP StreamSockets.
20012“%1”: 如果套接字之前已绑定到适配器,则不支持使用本地终结点。 '%1': Using a local endpoint is not supported when the socket was previously bound to an adapter.
20013已检测到 WriteAsync 调用超过最大大小,即 2,147,483,646 字节。 A WriteAsync call exceeding the maximum size of 2,147,483,646 bytes was detected.
20014试图对仅限多播的套接字执行单播或广播操作。请尝试将套接字的 MulticastOnly 控制属性设置为 false。 A unicast or broadcast operation was attempted on a multicast-only socket. Try setting the socket's MulticastOnly control property to false.
20015无法对正在进行的 I/O 调用 TransferOwnership。传输之前请尝试调用 CancelIOAsync。 TransferOwnership cannot be called with ongoing I/O. Try calling CancelIOAsync before transferring.
20016提供的客户端证书缺少所需的私钥信息。 The client certificate provided is missing the required private key information.
20017当设置了唤醒待机操作时,通配符地址不能与特定端口一起使用。请尝试将 BindEndpointAsync 与非 null localHostName 一起使用。 A wildcard address cannot be used with a specific port when the Wake standby action is set. Try using BindEndpointAsync with a non-null localHostName.
20018TransferOwnership 仅适用于 IP StreamSocketListeners。 TransferOwnership is only allowed for IP StreamSocketListeners.
0x10000001API API
0x10000002AsyncOperation AsyncOperation
0x10000003套接字 Socket
0x10000004WebSocket WebSocket
0x10000005Http Http
0x10000006Rtc Rtc
0x30000000信息 Info
0x3000000AAPI 入口 API Enter
0x3000000BAPI 出口 API Exit
0x3000000C异步操作开始 Async operation start
0x3000000D异步操作完成 Async operation complete
0x3000000E异步操作失败 Async operation failure
0x3000000F异步操作中止 Async operation abort
0x30000010异步操作关闭 Async operation close
0x30000012异步操作进度 Async operation progress
0x30000013HTTP 操作 HTTP operation
0x30000014读取之后进行处理 Processing after read
0x30000015开始读取 Start read
0x30000016读取完成 Read complete
0x30000017读取错误 Read error
0x30000018开始写入 Start write
0x30000019写入完成 Write complete
0x3000001A状态更改 State change
0x3000001BI/O 错误 I/O error
0x3000001CTCP 已连接 TCP connected
0x3000001DRtcCompleteDelivery RtcCompleteDelivery
0x3000001ERtcFlush RtcFlush
0x50000002错误 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x50000005详细 Verbose
0x70000003EventNotification EventNotification
0x70000004SocketConnect SocketConnect
0x70000005SocketAccept SocketAccept
0x70000006SocketSend SocketSend
0x70000007SocketReceive SocketReceive
0x70000008SocketClose SocketClose
0x70000009WebSocketConnect WebSocketConnect
0x7000000AWebSocketSend WebSocketSend
0x7000000BWebSocketReceive WebSocketReceive
0x7000000CWebSocketClose WebSocketClose
0x7000000DSslSocket SslSocket
0x7000000ESocketIO SocketIO
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Runtime-Networking Microsoft-Windows-Runtime-Networking
0xB0000001%2 上的 %1 已启动。 %1 at %2 started.
0xB0000002%2 的上 %1 无法启动。错误代码为 %3: %4 %1 at %2 failed to start. The error code is %3: %4
0xB0000003%2 上的 %1 已成功完成。 %1 at %2 completed successfully.
0xB0000004%2 上的 %1 失败,错误代码为 %3: %4。 %1 at %2 failed with error code %3: %4.
0xB0000005%2 上的 %1 已取消。 %1 at %2 was cancelled.
0xB0000006%2 上的 %1 已关闭。 %1 at %2 was closed.
0xB0000007无法分析 URI“%1”。 Failed to parse URI '%1'.
0xB0000008无法使用基本 URI“%1”和相对 URI“%2”创建 URI。 Failed to create URI with base URI '%1' and relative URI '%2'.
0xB0000009添加 HTTP 标头“%1: %2”。 Add HTTP header '%1: %2'.
0xB000000A开始执行使用凭据“%2”连接到“%1”的请求。 Start connect request to '%1' with credential of '%2'.
0xB000000B开始执行使用默认凭据连接到“%1”的请求。 Start connect request to '%1' with default credential.
0xB000000C无法执行在端口 %2 上连接到“%1”的请求。最后一个错误为 %3: %4 Failed connect request to '%1' at port %2. The last error is %3: %4
0xB000000D正在使用标志 %3 将对“%1”的请求打开到“%2”。 Opening request to '%1' to '%2' with flags %3.
0xB000000E无法执行打开“%1”的请求。最后一个错误为 %2: %3 Failed open request to '%1'. The last error is %2: %3
0xB000000F请求上下文 %1 具有到“%3”的请求句柄 %2。 Request context %1 has request handle %2 to '%3'.
0xB0000010将请求句柄 %1 上的 HTTP 发送和接收超时设置为 %2 毫秒。 Set HTTP send and receive timeout to %2ms on request handle %1.
0xB0000011开始发送到内容长度为 %2 的请求句柄 %1。 Start send to request handle %1 with content length %2.
0xB0000012请求句柄 %1 已同步完成。 Request handle %1 completed synchronously.
0xB0000013请求上下文 %1 已完成异步发送。 Request context %1 completed send asynchronously.
0xB0000014正在向请求句柄 %1 写入 %2 个字节。 Writing %2 bytes to request handle %1.
0xB0000015无法将实体正文发送到请求句柄 %1。最后一个错误为 %2: %3 Failed to send entity body to request handle %1. The last error is %2: %3
0xB0000016已在请求句柄 %1 上发送 HTTP 请求: %2 Sent HTTP request at request handle %1: %2
0xB0000017开始接收来自请求句柄 %1 的响应。 Start to receive response from request handle %1.
0xB0000018已接收来自请求句柄 %1 的 HTTP 响应,状态代码为 %2,状态描述为“%3”。 Received HTTP response from request handle %1 with status code %2 and status description '%3'.
0xB0000019接收来自请求句柄 %1 的 HTTP 响应: %2 Receive HTTP response from request handle %1: %2
0xB000001A无法接收来自请求句柄 %1 的 HTTP 响应。最后一个错误为 %2: %3 Failed to receive HTTP response from request handle %1. The last error is %2: %3
0xB000001B请求上下文 %1 已接收到 %2 个字节的 HTTP 响应,超过了 %3 的限制。 Request context %1 received HTTP response of %2 bytes, which is over the %3 limit.
0xB000001C请求上下文 %1 正在重新提交请求。 Request context %1 resubmitting the request.
0xB000001D正在为服务器“%2”重用请求句柄 %1。 Reusing the request handle %1 for server '%2'.
0xB000001E请求上下文 %1 已中止。 Request context %1 was aborted.
0xB000001F“%1”进度: 已发送 %2 个字节;要发送的字节总数为 %3;已接收 %4 个字节;要接收的字节总数为 %5。 Progress to '%1': %2 bytes sent; %3 total bytes to send; %4 bytes received; %5 total bytes to receive.
0xB0000020对“%1”的 HTTP 请求已完成。错误代码为 %2: %3 HTTP request to '%1' completed. The error code is %2: %3
0xB0000021%2 上的 %1 无法处理 HTTP 响应“%3”。错误代码为 %4: %5 %1 at %2 failed to process HTTP response '%3'. The error code is %4: %5
0xB0000022%1::%2 已调用。 %1::%2 is called.
0xB0000023%1::%2 已成功返回。 %1::%2 returned successfully.
0xB0000024%1::%2 失败,HRESULT 为 %3: %4 %1::%2 failed with HRESULT %3: %4
0xB0000025Win32 API %1 失败,错误代码为 %2: %3。 Win32 API %1 failed with error code %2: %3.
0xB0000026无法取消句柄为 %1 的 GetAddrInfoEx。错误代码为 %2: %3。 Unable to cancel GetAddrInfoEx with handle %1. The error code was %2: %3.
0xB0000027无法取消句柄为 %1 的 DnsQueryEx。错误代码为 %2: %3。 Unable to cancel DnsQueryEx with handle %1. The error code was %2: %3.
0xB0000028DatagramSocket %1 无法传递事件并且已停止接收,因为出现错误 %2: %3。 DatagramSocket %1 failed to deliver event and stopped receiving due to error %2: %3.
0xB0000029DatagramSocket %1 正在引发事件,已从发送方“%4”接收到 %2 个字节。 DatagramSocket %1 is raising event with %2 bytes received from sender '%4'.
0xB000002ADatagramSocket %1 已开始在套接字 %2 上接收消息。 DatagramSocket %1 started receiving message at socket %2.
0xB000002BDatagramSocket %1 无法开始接收。HRESULT 为 %2: %3。 DatagramSocket %1 failed to start receiving. The HRESULT was %2: %3.
0xB000002C%2 上的 %1 正在尝试在套接字 %4 上接收 %3 个字节。 %1 at %2 is trying to receive %3 bytes at socket %4.
0xB000002D%2 上的 %1 已接收到 %3 个字节并且继续接收剩余的 %4 个字节。 %1 at %2 has received %3 bytes and continues to receive the remaining %4 bytes.
0xB000002E%2 上的 %1 已接收到 %3 个字节。 %1 at %2 received %3 bytes.
0xB000002FTCP 套接字 %1 已连接: 本地端口 = %2;远程 IP 地址: %3;远程端口 = %4。 TCP socket %1 is connected: local port = %2; remote IP address: %3; remote port = %4.
0xB0000030UDP 套接字 %1 已连接到远程地址: %3。 UDP socket %1 is connected to remote address: %3.
0xB0000031套接字 %1 从发送方“%3”接收到的数据报不包含 IP 数据包信息。 The datagram received by socket %1 from sender '%3' does not contain IP packet information.
0xB0000032%2 上的 %1 已发送 %3 个字节。 %1 at %2 sent %3 bytes.
0xB0000033%2 上的 %1 正在尝试在套接字 %4 上发送 %3 个字节。 %1 at %2 is trying to send %3 bytes at socket %4.
0xB0000034MessageWebSocket %1 已从服务器收到关闭帧。 MessageWebSocket %1 received the close frame from the server.
0xB0000035MessageWebSocket %1 正在引发事件,已接收到 %2 个字节。 MessageWebSocket %1 is raising event with %2 bytes received.
0xB0000036MessageWebSocket %1 无法开始接收。HRESULT 为 %2: %3。 MessageWebSocket %1 failed to start receiving. The HRESULT was %2: %3.
0xB0000037MessageWebSocket %1 无法传递事件并且已停止接收,因为出现错误 %2: %3。 MessageWebSocket %1 failed to deliver event and stopped receiving due to error %2: %3.
0xB0000039WebSocket %1 正在发送关闭帧。 WebSocket %1 is sending the close frame.
0xB000003AWebSocket %1 正在接收关闭帧。代码: %2;原因: %3 WebSocket %1 is receiving the close frame. Code: %2; Reason: %3
0xB000003BWebSocket %1 I/O 操作已完成,但出现错误。HRESULT 为 %2: %3。 WebSocket %1 I/O operation completed with error. The HRESULT was %2: %3.
0xB000003C%2 上的 WebSocket %1 已发送 %3 个字节。 WebSocket %1 at %2 sent %3 bytes.
0xB000003D%2 上的 WebSocket %1 正在尝试在 WebSocket %4 上发送 %3 个字节。 WebSocket %1 at %2 is trying to send %3 bytes at WebSocket %4.
0xB000003E%1 已关闭并且 CompleteDelivery 挂起并具有: 未完成的读取操作: %2。 %1 is already closed and CompleteDelivery is pending with: outstanding read operations: %2.
0xB000003F%1。CompleteDelivery 挂起并具有: 未完成的读取操作:%2,挂起 Winsock 请求: %3,可用的数据: %4。 %1.CompleteDelivery is pending with: outstanding read operations: %2, pending Winsock requests: %3, data available: %4.
0xB0000040%1。刷新挂起并具有: 未完成的写入操作: %2。 %1.Flush is pending with: outstanding write operations: %2.
0xB0000041%1.CompleteDelivery 挂起并具有: 未完成的读取操作: %2。 %1.CompleteDelivery is pending with: outstanding read operations: %2.
0xB0000042已建立套接字连接: %1。 Socket connection established: %1.
0xB0000043已成功完成到“%1”的套接字连接的代理查找: %2。 Proxy lookup for socket connection to '%1' completed successfully: %2.
0xB0000044已完成到“%1”的套接字连接的代理查找,但出现错误 %2: %3 Proxy lookup for socket connection to '%1' completed with error %2: %3
0xB0000045已忽略服务器证书错误计数: %1 Ignored server certificate error count: %1
0xB0000046服务器证书指纹:“%1”,证书错误计数: %3,包含严重证书错误: %2,中间证书计数: %5。 Server certificate thumbprint: '%1', certificate error count: %3, contains fatal certificate errors: %2, intermediate certificate count: %5.
0xB0000047未能刷新读取次数,正在等待挂起的 I/O 在上下文 %1 中完成。错误为 %2: %3。 Failed to flush reads and wait for pending I/O to complete with context %1. Error was %2: %3.
0xB0000048句柄 %1: HTTP/2 已启用。 Handle %1: HTTP/2 enabled.
0xB0000049%1 - Line: %2 Status: %3 %1 - Line: %2 Status: %3
0xB000004A在 %2 上执行的异步操作 %1 已启动服务器自定义验证。 Async operation %1 at %2 started server custom validation.
0xB000004B在 %2 上执行的异步操作 %1 正在等待服务器自定义验证完成。 Async operation %1 at %2 waiting for completion of server custom validation.
0xB000004C在 %2 上执行的异步操作 %1 未通过服务器自定义验证。 Async operation %1 at %2 failed server custom validation.
0xB000004D在 %2 上执行的异步操作 %1 成功完成服务器自定义验证。 Async operation %1 at %2 successfully completed server custom validation.
0xD0000001AcceptAsync AcceptAsync
0xD0000002BindServiceNameAsync BindServiceNameAsync
0xD0000003ConnectAsync ConnectAsync
0xD0000004ReadAsync ReadAsync
0xD0000005WriteAsync WriteAsync
0xD0000006JoinMulticastGroup JoinMulticastGroup
0xD0000007UpgradeToSslAsync UpgradeToSslAsync
0xD0000008GetEndpointPairsAsync GetEndpointPairsAsync
0xD0000009GetOutputStreamAsync GetOutputStreamAsync
0xD000000ACompleteDelivery CompleteDelivery
0xD000000BFlush Flush
0xD000000CStreamSocket StreamSocket
0xD000000DStreamSocketInputStream StreamSocketInputStream
0xD000000EStreamSocketOutputStream StreamSocketOutputStream
0xD000000FDatagramSocket DatagramSocket
0xD0000010DatagramSocketOutputStream DatagramSocketOutputStream
0xD0000011DatagramSocketWriteToOutputStream DatagramSocketWriteToOutputStream
0xD0000012MessageWebSocket MessageWebSocket
0xD0000013StreamWebSocket StreamWebSocket
0xD0000014StreamWebSocketInputStream StreamWebSocketInputStream
0xD0000015WebSocketOutputStream WebSocketOutputStream
0xD0000016StreamSocketListener StreamSocketListener
0xD0000017DatagramSocketInputStream DatagramSocketInputStream
0xD0000018AcceptEx AcceptEx
0xD0000019connect connect
0xD000001Abind bind
0xD000001Blisten listen
0xD000001Cgetpeername getpeername
0xD000001Dgetsockname getsockname
0xD000001Egetsockopt getsockopt
0xD000001Fsetsockopt setsockopt
0xD0000020GetAddrInfoEx GetAddrInfoEx
0xD0000021GetBestInferfaceEx GetBestInferfaceEx
0xD0000022WSAStartup WSAStartup
0xD0000023WSAConnectByName WSAConnectByName
0xD0000024WSAIoctl WSAIoctl
0xD0000025WSARecv WSARecv
0xD0000026WSARecvFrom WSARecvFrom
0xD0000027WSARecvMsg WSARecvMsg
0xD0000028WSASend WSASend
0xD0000029WSASendMsg WSASendMsg
0xD000002AWSASocket WSASocket
0xD000002BCreateThreadpoolIo CreateThreadpoolIo
0xD000002CTrySubmitThreadpoolCallback TrySubmitThreadpoolCallback
0xD000002DHttpWebSocketCompleteUpgrade HttpWebSocketCompleteUpgrade
0xD000002EHttpWebSocketSend HttpWebSocketSend
0xD000002FHttpWebSocketReceive HttpWebSocketReceive
0xD0000030InternetSetStatusCallback InternetSetStatusCallback
0xD0000031CancelIoEx CancelIoEx
0xD0000032DnsQueryEx DnsQueryEx
0xD0000033GetIfEntry2 GetIfEntry2
0xD0000034GetPerTcpConnectionEStats GetPerTcpConnectionEStats
0xD0000035GetPerTcp6ConnectionEStats GetPerTcp6ConnectionEStats
0xD0000036GetTcpTable GetTcpTable
0xD0000037GetTcp6Table GetTcp6Table
0xD0000038WlanOpenHandle WlanOpenHandle
0xD0000039WlanSetInterface WlanSetInterface
0xD000003AWlanCloseHandle WlanCloseHandle
0xD000003BGetAdaptersAddresses GetAdaptersAddresses
0xD000003CConnectOperation ConnectOperation
0xD000003DReadOperation ReadOperation
0xD000003EWriteOperation WriteOperation
0xD000003FListenOperation ListenOperation
0xD0000040AcceptOperation AcceptOperation
0xD0000041UpgradeOperation UpgradeOperation
0xD0000042GetEndpointPairsOperation GetEndpointPairsOperation
0xD0000043GetOutputStreamOperation GetOutputStreamOperation
0xD0000044直接 Direct
0xD0000045代理 Proxy
0xD0000046直接连接可用 Direct connection available
0xD0000047需要代理连接 Proxy connection required


File Name:Windows.Networking.dll.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:13824
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows.Networking DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Windows.Networking DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:Windows.Networking.dll.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is Windows.Networking.dll.mui?

Windows.Networking.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file Windows.Networking.dll (Windows.Networking DLL).

File version info

File Description:Windows.Networking DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Windows.Networking DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:Windows.Networking.dll.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200