200 | Controlpanel not found |
Controlpanel not found |
201 | Iuchraichean steigeach |
Sticky Keys |
202 | Iuchraichean criathraidh |
Filter Keys |
203 | Iuchraichean toglachaidh |
Toggle Keys |
204 | Iuchraichean na luchaige |
Mouse Keys |
205 | Àrd-iomsgaradh |
High Contrast |
1117 | Tha iuchraichean steigeach a' leigeil leat na h-iuchraichean SHIFT, CTRL, ALT no suaicheantas Windows a chleachdadh tè mu seach. Gus na h-iuchraichean steigeach a chur air slighe a' mheur-chlàir, put an iuchair SHIFT còig tursan. |
Sticky Keys lets you use the SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, or Windows Logo keys by pressing one key at a time. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Sticky Keys is to press the SHIFT key 5 times. |
1118 | Filter Keys lets you ignore brief or repeated keystrokes and slows down the keyboard repeat rate. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Filter Keys is to hold down the right SHIFT key for 8 seconds. |
Filter Keys lets you ignore brief or repeated keystrokes and slows down the keyboard repeat rate. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Filter Keys is to hold down the right SHIFT key for 8 seconds. |
1122 | Mouse Keys lets you control the mouse pointer by using the numeric keypad on your keyboard. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Mouse Keys is to press the ALT, left SHIFT, and NUM LOCK keys. |
Mouse Keys lets you control the mouse pointer by using the numeric keypad on your keyboard. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Mouse Keys is to press the ALT, left SHIFT, and NUM LOCK keys. |
1124 | Cleachdaidh àrd-iomsgaradh sgeama dathan sònraichte ach am bi e nas fhasa dhut an taisbeanadh a leughadh. Cuiridh tu an t-àrd-iomsgaradh air ma bhrùthas tu na h-iuchraichean SHIFT clì, ALT clì agus PRINT SCREEN. |
High Contrast improves readability of the display by applying a special system color scheme. The keyboard shortcut to turn on High Contrast is to press the left SHIFT, left ALT, and PRINT SCREEN keys. |
1128 | Cluinnidh tu fuaim ri linn brùthadh nan iuchraichean toglachaidh CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK no SCROLL LOCK. Gus na h-iuchraichean toglachaidh a chur air slighe a' mheur-chlàir, cum sìos an iuchair NUM LOCK còig diogan. |
Toggle Keys causes a tone to sound when you press the CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK keys. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Toggle Keys is to hold down the NUM LOCK key for 5 seconds. |
1134 | &Chan eil |
&No |
1135 | &Tha |
&Yes |
1137 | Rach gu ionad na so-ruigsinneachd gus an ath-ghoirid air a' mheur-chlàr a chur à comas |
Go to the Ease of Access Center to disable the keyboard shortcut |
1138 | A bheil thu airson na h-iuchraichean steigeach a chur air? |
Do you want to turn on Sticky Keys? |
1139 | Do you want to turn on Filter Keys? |
Do you want to turn on Filter Keys? |
1140 | Do you want to turn on Mouse Keys? |
Do you want to turn on Mouse Keys? |
1141 | A bheil thu airson an t-àrd-iomsgaradh a chur air? |
Do you want to turn on High Contrast? |
1142 | A bheil thu airson na h-iuchraichean toglachaidh a chur air? |
Do you want to turn on Toggle Keys? |