2 | Ühekordse parooli mandaat |
One-time password credentials |
3 | Kasutajanimi |
User name |
4 | Sisestage oma OTP mandaat |
Enter your OTP credentials |
5 | Kasutajanime vihje |
User name hint |
6 | Nupp Edasta |
Submit button |
7 | Ühekordne parool (OTP) |
One-time password (OTP) |
9 | Me ei saa teid sisse logida. |
We can't sign you in. |
100 | Üldine tõrge. |
General error. |
101 | Sisestage ühekordne parool (OTP) |
Enter a one-time password (OTP) |
1000 | Autentimine nurjus sisemise tõrke tõttu (tõrkekood: 0x%x). Proovige uuesti või pöörduge abi saamiseks süsteemiadministraatori poole. |
Authentication failed due to an internal error (Error code: 0x%x). Try again, or ask your administrator for help. |
1001 | Mandaat pole õige. Proovige uuesti. |
The credentials aren't correct. Please try again. |
1002 | OTP autentimiseks on vaja veel teavet. Pöörduge probleemi lahendamiseks oma administraatori poole. |
More information is required to complete OTP authentication. Contact your administrator to resolve this issue. |
1003 | Kuna teie arvuti asub töökohal, pole DirectAccess saadaval. |
Because your PC is located in the workplace, DirectAccess isn't available. |
0x50000002 | Tõrge |
Error |
0x50000003 | Hoiatus |
Warning |
0x50000004 | Teave |
Information |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-OtpCredentialProvider |
Microsoft-Windows-OtpCredentialProvider |
0x90000002 | Microsoft-Windows-OtpCredentialProvider/Operational |
Microsoft-Windows-OtpCredentialProvider/Operational |
0xB0002710 | Ühendust kaugpöördusserveriga %1, mis kasutab baasteed %2 ja porti %3, ei saanud luua. Tõrkekood: %4. |
A connection cannot be established to Remote Access server %1 using base path %2 and port (%3). Error code: %4. |
0xB0002711 | Kasutaja mandaati ei saanud baasteed %2 ja porti %3 kasutavasse kaugpöördusserverisse %1 saata. Tõrkekood: %4. |
User credentials cannot be sent to Remote Access server %1 using base path %2 and port %3. Error code: %4. |
0xB0002712 | Baasteed %2 ja porti %3 kasutavalt kaugpöördusserverilt %1 ei saadud vastust. Tõrkekood: %4. |
A response was not received from Remote Access server %1 using base path %2 and port %3. Error code: %4. |
0xB0002713 | OTP-autentimise serditaotlust ei saa lähtestada. Privaatvõtit ei saa luua või kasutaja %1 ei pääse juurde domeenikontrolleris olevale serdimallile %2. |
The certificate request for OTP authentication cannot be initialized. Either a private key cannot be generated, or user %1 cannot access certificate template %2 on the domain controller. |
0xB0002714 | OTP-autentimise serti ei saa luua. Tõrkekood: 0x%1 |
A certificate for OTP authentication cannot be created. Error code: 0x%1 |
0xB0002715 | Kasutaja %1 OTP-autentimine kaugpöördusserveris %2 nurjus. Tõrkekood: 0x%3. |
OTP authentication on Remote Access server %2 for user %1 did not succeed. Error code: 0x%3. |
0xB0002716 | Kasutaja (%1) OTP-autentimine kaugpöördusserveris (%2) nõudis kasutaja vastust. |
OTP authentication with Remote Access server (%2) for user (%1) required a challenge from the user. |
0xB0002717 | OTP-autentimiseks registreeritud serti ei saa Microsofti tarkvara võtmesalve pakkujas (KSP) salvestada. Tõrkekood: 0x%1. |
The certificate enrolled for OTP authentication cannot be stored in the Microsoft software key storage provider (KSP). Error code: 0x%1. |
0xB0002718 | Kasutaja %1 sisestas OTP-mandaadi töökohal olles. |
User %1 provided OTP credentials when located in the workplace. |
0xB0002719 | OTP-serdi privaatvõtit ei saa Microsofti tarkvara võtmesalve pakkujast (KSP) kustutada. |
The private key of the OTP certificate cannot be deleted from the Microsoft software key storage provider (KSP). |
0xB000271A | Kasutaja katkestas OTP-autentimise. |
OTP authentication process was canceled by the user. |
0xB000271B | Kasutajat %1 ei saa OTP abil autentida. Kontrollige, kas Active Directorys on määratletud kasutajanime UPN. Tõrkekood: 0x%2. |
User %1 cannot be authenticated with OTP. Ensure that a UPN is defined for the user name in Active Directory. Error code: 0x%2. |
0xB000271C | Kasutajat %1 ei saa OTP abil autentida. Kontrollige, kas Active Directorys on määratletud kasutajanime DN. Tõrkekood: 0x%2. |
User %1 cannot be authenticated with OTP. Ensure that a DN is defined for the user name in Active Directory. Error code: 0x%2. |
0xB000271D | OTP-autentimiseks ei saa domeenikontrolleriga ühendust luua. Tõrkekood: 0x%1. |
A connection with the domain controller for the purpose of OTP authentication cannot be established. Error code: 0x%1. |
0xB000271E | OTP-autentimist ei saa ootuspärasel viisil lõpule viia. Kaugpöördusserveri nime või aadresssi ei saa määratleda. Tõrkekood: 0x%1. Serveri administraator peab DirectAccessi sätted valideerima. |
OTP authentication cannot complete as expected. The name or address of the Remote Access server cannot be determined. Error code: 0x%1. DirectAccess settings should be validated by the server administrator. |
0xB000271F | OTP-autentimist ei saa ootuspärasel viisil lõpule viia. Ilmnes probleem OTP-serdiga. Tõrkekood: 0x%1. Tippige OTP-mandaat uuesti. |
OTP authentication cannot complete as expected. There is a problem with the OTP certificate. Error code: 0x%1. Type in OTP credentials again. |
0xB0002720 | OTP-autentimist ei saa lõpule viia, kuna kohaliku arvuti serdisalvest ei leitud OTP jaoks nõutavat arvutiserti. |
OTP authentication cannot be completed because the computer certificate required for OTP cannot be found in local machine certificate store. |
0xB0002721 | OTP autentimist ei saa lõpule viia, kuna DA server ei tagastanud väljastava sertimisorgani aadressi. |
OTP authentication cannot be completed because the DA server did not return an address of an issuing CA. |
0xB0002722 | OTP serdi registreerimine kasutaja %1 jaoks nurjus sertimisorgani serveris %2. Taotlus nurjus; võimalikud põhjused on: sertimisorgani serveri nime ei saa lahendada, sertimisorgani serverile ei pääse esimese DirectAccessi tunneli kaudu juurde või sertimisorgani serveriga ei saa ühendust luua. |
OTP certificate enrollment for user %1 failed on CA server %2, request failed, possible reasons for failure: CA server name cannot be resolved, CA server cannot be accessed over the first DirectAccess tunnel or the connection to the CA server cannot be established. |
0xB0002723 | Serdi registreerimine sertimisorgani %2 kaudu nurjus. Taotlus polnud OTP allkirjastamisserdi eeldatud viisil allkirjastatud või kasutajal pole registreerumiseks õigust. |
Certificate enrollment from CA %2 failed. The request was not signed as expected by the OTP signing certificate, or the user does not have permission to enroll. |
0xB0002724 | Tõrge serditaotluse loomisel; RA allkirjastatud OTP serditaotlust ei saa allkirjastamiseks esitada. |
Error creating certificate request, can not submit RA signed OTP certificate request for signing. |
0xB0002725 | OTP sert on registreeritud, kuid serti ei saa tuua. |
The OTP certificate was enrolled successfully, but the certificate cannot be retrieved. |
0xB0002726 | OTP autentimine on lõpule viidud. OTP serdi andis välja sertimisorgani server %1. |
OTP authentication has completed successfully. The OTP certificate was issued by CA server %1. |