If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id |
Maltese |
English |
1 | Qari Awtomatiku |
AutoPlay |
2 | Ibdel is-settings default għas-CDs, DVDs, u t-tagħmir biex tkun tista' ddoqq il-mużika awtomatikament, tara l-istampi, tinstalla s-softwer, u tilgħab il-logħob. |
Change default settings for CDs, DVDs, and devices so that you can automatically play music, view pictures, install software, and play games. |
3 | Agħżel default |
Choose a default |
4 | Iftaħ Device Stage |
Open Device Stage |
1100 | &Uża Qari Awtomatiku għall-midja u t-tagħmir kollu |
&Use AutoPlay for all media and devices |
1101 | Agħżel x'jiġri meta ddaħħal kull tip ta' midja jew tagħmir |
Choose what happens when you insert each type of media or device |
1102 | Ir&risettja d-defaults kollha |
&Reset all defaults |
1103 | I&ssejvja |
&Save |
1104 | &Ikkanċella |
&Cancel |
1105 | It-tagħmir li tqabbad mal-kompjuter se jkun elenkat hawnhekk. |
Devices that you connect to your computer will be listed here. |
1107 | Tagħmir |
Devices |
1109 | Għajnuna |
Help |
1112 | AutoPlay Help Topic |
AutoPlay Help Topic |
1113 | Enter Your Title |
Enter Your Title |
1117 | Drajvs rimovibbli |
Removable drives |
1118 | DVDs |
DVDs |
1119 | Diski blu-ray |
Blu-ray discs |
1120 | CDs |
CDs |
1121 | Softwer |
Software |
1122 | Agħżel x'&tagħmel b'kull tip ta' midja |
Choose &what to do with each type of media |
1123 | Ħżin tal-kamera |
Camera storage |
1124 | Taptap u ibgħat |
Tap and send |
1125 | Agħżel x'jiġri meta ttaptap żewġ tagħmiriet flimkien |
Choose what happens when you tap two devices together |