nltest.exe Microsoft® Logon Server 测试实用工具 49a9865f663ceb9f690cda7cf8e1a856

File info

File name: nltest.exe.mui
Size: 14848 byte
MD5: 49a9865f663ceb9f690cda7cf8e1a856
SHA1: e3009402dc2664689c5676e730afcc1bf0c4db4a
SHA256: 57be1bc376144b2b18359df572757d8ede558b4a4f0230a0cab395a35286f06a
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: nltest.exe Microsoft® Logon Server 测试实用工具 (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
10000用法: nltest [/选项]

/SERVER: - 指定

/QUERY - 查询 的 netlogon 服务
/REPL - 强制在 BDC 上部分同步
/SYNC - 强制在 BDC 上完全同步
/PDC_REPL - 强制从 PDC 执行 UAS 更改消息

/SC_QUERY: - 查询 上 的安全通道
/SC_RESET:[\] - 将 上 的安全通道重置为
/SC_VERIFY: - 验证 上 的安全通道
/SC_CHANGE_PWD: - 更改 上 的安全通道密码
/DCLIST: - 获取 的 DC 列表
/DCNAME: - 获取 的 PDC 名称
/DSGETDC: - 调用 DsGetDcName /PDC /DS /DSP /GC /KDC
/DNSGETDC: - 调用 DsGetDcOpen/Next/Close /PDC /GC
/DSGETFTI: - 调用 DsGetForestTrustInformation
/DSGETSITE - 调用 DsGetSiteName
/DSGETSITECOV - 调用 DsGetDcSiteCoverage
/DSADDRESSTOSITE:[计算机名] - 调用 DsAddressToSiteNamesEx
/PARENTDOMAIN - 获取此计算机的父域名
/WHOWILL:* [] - 查看 是否将登录
/FINDUSER: - 查看哪个受信任的域将登录
/TRANSPORT_NOTIFY - 将新传输通知 netlogon

/DBFLAG: - 新调试标志

/USER: - 查询 上的用户信息

/TIME: - 将 NT GMT 时间转换为 ASCII
/LOGON_QUERY - 查询累计登录尝试次数
/DOMAIN_TRUSTS - 查询 上的域信任信息
/DSREGDNS - 强制注册所有特定于 DC 的 DNS 记录
/DSDEREGDNS: - 对于指定的 DC,取消注册特定于 DC 的 DNS 记录
/DSQUERYDNS - 查询所有特定于 DC 的 DNS 记录的最近更新状态

/BDC_QUERY: - 查询 的 BDC 复制状态

/LIST_DELTAS: - 显示给定更改日志文件的内容

/CDIGEST: /DOMAIN: - 获取客户端摘要
/SDIGEST: /RID: - 获取服务器摘要

/SHUTDOWN: [] - 由于 关闭

Usage: nltest [/OPTIONS]

/SERVER: - Specify

/QUERY - Query netlogon service
/REPL - Force partial sync on BDC
/SYNC - Force full sync on BDC
/PDC_REPL - Force UAS change message from PDC

/SC_QUERY: - Query secure channel for on
/SC_RESET:[\] - Reset secure channel for on to
/SC_VERIFY: - Verify secure channel for on
/SC_CHANGE_PWD: - Change a secure channel password for on
/DCLIST: - Get list of DC's for
/DCNAME: - Get the PDC name for
/DSGETDC: - Call DsGetDcName /PDC /DS /DSP /GC /KDC
/DNSGETDC: - Call DsGetDcOpen/Next/Close /PDC /GC
/DSGETFTI: - Call DsGetForestTrustInformation
/DSGETSITE - Call DsGetSiteName
/DSGETSITECOV - Call DsGetDcSiteCoverage
/DSADDRESSTOSITE:[MachineName] - Call DsAddressToSiteNamesEx
/PARENTDOMAIN - Get the name of the parent domain of this machine
/WHOWILL:* [] - See if will log on
/FINDUSER: - See which trusted domain will log on
/TRANSPORT_NOTIFY - Notify netlogon of new transport

/DBFLAG: - New debug flag

/USER: - Query User info on

/TIME: - Convert NT GMT time to ascii
/LOGON_QUERY - Query number of cumulative logon attempts
/DOMAIN_TRUSTS - Query domain trusts on
/DSREGDNS - Force registration of all DC-specific DNS records
/DSDEREGDNS: - Deregister DC-specific DNS records for specified DC
/DSQUERYDNS - Query the status of the last update for all DC-specific DNS records

/BDC_QUERY: - Query replication status of BDCs for

/LIST_DELTAS: - display the content of given change log file

/CDIGEST: /DOMAIN: - Get client digest
/SDIGEST: /RID: - Get server digest

/SHUTDOWN: [] - Shutdown for
/SHUTDOWN_ABORT - Abort a system shutdown

100020x%lX 无效
Invalid 0x%lX
10004无法将时间从 GMT 转换为本地时间
Can't convert time from GMT to Local time
*** 断言失败: %hs%hs
*** 源文件: %hs,行 %ld

*** Assertion failed: %hs%hs
*** Source File: %hs, line %ld

10006无法读取 mailslot (%hs) : %ld
Cannot read mailslot (%hs) : %ld
10007无法成功等待发布事件 %ld
Can't successfully wait post event %ld
10008无法成功等待多个对象 %ld
Can't successfully wait for multiple objects %ld
10009无效的 WaitStatus 返回了 %ld
Invalid WaitStatus returned %ld
10010无法读取重叠的响应 %ld can't read overlapped response %ld
10011响应 %ld: Response %ld:
10012分析响应失败: Failure parsing response:
10013响应不是针对于当前用户名 %ws s.b. %ws
Response not for correct User name %ws s.b. %ws
10014S:%ws D:%ws A:%ws S:%ws D:%ws A:%ws
(Act found)
(Act not found)
10017(netlogon 已暂停)
(netlogon paused)
10018(未知的操作码: %lx)
(Unknown opcode: %lx)
10019树: %ws
Tree: %ws
10020域: %ws
Dom: %ws
10021主机: %ws
Host: %ws
10022标志: 0x%lx
Flags: 0x%lx
10023没有收到邮件 %ld 的响应(%hs)
Didn't receive a response for mail message %ld (%hs)
10024指定的 NetBIOS 域或服务器名“%ws”无效(太长)
Invalid Netbios domain or server name '%ws' specified (too long)
10025迭代设置为 64,这是支持的最大值
Iterations set to 64, maximum supported
Cannot initialize global print critical section
Can't GetComputerName
10028无法创建临时 mailslot %ld
Cannot create temp mailslot %ld
10029无法设置 mailslot 信息 %ld
Cannot set mailslot info %ld
10030无法创建发布事件 %ld
Can't create post event %ld
10031无法创建响应线程 %ld
Can't create response thread %ld
10032无法分配 mailslot 消息 %ld
Can't allocate mailslot message %ld
10033无法写入 netlogon mailslot: %ld
Cannot write netlogon mailslot: %ld
10034无法设置发布事件 %ld
Can't set post event %ld
10035无法等待单个对象 %ld
Can't wait for single object %ld
Can't stop response thread (TIMEOUT)
10037无法停止响应线程 %ld
Can't stop response thread %ld
10038邮件 %ld 已成功发送(%hs)
Mail message %ld sent successfully (%hs)
10039无法打开密钥,无法更改 DACL %hs 子项 %hs Cannot open key to change DACL %hs subkey %hs
10040无法获取 %hs 子项 %hs 的密钥安全 Cannot get key security for %hs subkey %hs
Security descriptor size is too big
10042无法分配和初始化 SID Cannot allocate and initialize sid
10043无法获取 %hs 子项 %hs 的安全描述符 DACL Cannot get security descriptor DACL for %hs subkey %hs
10044没有为 %hs 子项 %hs 提供 DACL DACL is not present for %hs subkey %hs
10045无法获取 %hs 子项 %hs 的 ACL 信息 Cannot get ACL information for %hs subkey %hs
10046无法获取 ACE %ld (属于 %hs 子项 %hs) Cannot get ACE %ld for %hs subkey %hs
10047没有 %hs 子项 %hs 的管理员 ACE
No Administrators Ace for %hs subkey %hs
10048无法设置 %hs 子项 %hs 的密钥安全 Cannot set key security for %hs subkey %hs
10049无法在更改 %hs 子项 %hs 的 DACL 后打开密钥 Cannot open key following DACL change for %hs subkey %hs
10050无法执行 RegSetKeySecurity 以还原 %hs 子项 %hs Cannot RegSetKeySecurity to restore %hs subkey %hs
10051无法连接到 %ws 上的注册表 Cannot connect to registry on %ws
10052无法打开 %hs: Cannot open %hs:
10053无法查询 %hs: Cannot query %hs:
10054无法设置 %hs: Cannot set %hs:
10060变量数据描述符 %ld 不在变量数值中。
Variable data desc %ld not in variable value.
10061变量数据项 %ld 不在变量数值中。
Variable data item %ld not in variable value.
10062偏移量: %ld 长度: %ld 大小: %ld
Offset: %ld Length: %ld Size: %ld
10063无法解密 LM 密码: Cannot decrypt LM password:
10064无法解密 NT 密码: Cannot decrypt NT password:
10065将 %hs 设置为 %hs
%hs set to %hs
10066打开服务控制管理器失败: Open Service Control Manager failed:
10067打开服务[%ws]失败: Opening service [%ws] failed:
10068枚举依赖服务[停止 %ws]失败: Enumeration of dependent services [Stop %ws] failed:
10069控制服务[停止 %ws]失败: Control of service [Stop %ws] failed:
10070正在停止 %ws 服务 %ws service is stopping

Query of service status [%ws] failed:
10072未能停止 %ws 服务
%ws service failed to stop
10073找不到 DC,无法获取 DC 列表。 Cannot find DC to get DC list from.
10074域“%ws”是以前的 Windows 2000 域。(使用 NetServerEnum)。
Domain '%ws' is pre Windows 2000 domain. (Using NetServerEnum).
10075获得域“%ws”中 DC 的列表(从“%ws”中)。
Get list of DCs in domain '%ws' from '%ws'.
10076你没有权限访问到 %ws (%ws) 的 DsBind (尝试 NetServerEnum)。
You don't have access to DsBind to %ws (%ws) (Trying NetServerEnum).
10077无法 DsBind 到 %ws (%ws)。 Cannot DsBind to %ws (%ws).
10078无法调用到 %ws (%ws) 的 DsGetDomainControllerInfoW。 Cannot call DsGetDomainControllerInfoW to %ws (%ws).
10079站点: %ws Site: %ws
10080%ws 的内存分配失败
Memory allocation failed for %ws
10081地址 %hs 的 WSAStringToAddressA 失败。 WSAStringToAddressA failed for address %hs.
10082WSAAddressToStringA 失败。 WSAAddressToStringA failed.
10083无法获得 %hs 的地址。 Unable to get addresses for %hs.
10084无法获得本地计算机的地址。 Unable to get addresses for local machine.
10085无法初始化 winsock: Cannot initialize winsock:
10086获取 DC 名称失败: Getting DC name failed:
10087地址到站点名称的转换失败: Address to Site names translation failed:

Get the site-subnet mapping for '%hs' from '%hs'.

Get the site-subnet mapping for local machine from '%hs'.

Get the site-subnet mapping from '%hs'.
10091无法获得加密 CSP (错误=%lu)
Failed to acquire cryptographic CSP (error=%lu)
Not enough memory
10093/SHUTDOWN: 的第二个参数必须是数字。

Second argument to /SHUTDOWN: must be a number.

Invalid server name
10095I_NetLogonControl 失败: I_NetLogonControl failed:
10096标志: %lx Flags: %lx
10097连接 Connection
10098上次更新其中一个特定 DC 的 DNS 记录时出现故障
There was a failure in the last update for one of the DC-specific DNS records
10099上次更新所有特定 DC 的 DNS 记录时没有出现故障
There was no failure in the last update for all DC-specific DNS records
10100域名: %ws
Domain Name: %ws
10101受信任的 DC 名称 %ws
Trusted DC Name %ws
10102受信任的 DC 连接状态 Trusted DC Connection Status
10103信任验证 Trust Verification
10104尝试登录的次数: %ld
Number of attempted logons: %ld
10105计算密码的 NtOwf 失败: 0x%lx Calculation of NtOwf of password failed: 0x%lx
10106NT OWF 密码用于: %hs NT OWF Password for: %hs
10107LM OWF 密码用于: %hs LM OWF Password for: %hs
10108----- 密码未从 unicode 进行转换 ----
----- Password doesn't translate from unicode ----
10109NT OWF 密码加密者: 0x%lx NT OWF Password encrypted by: 0x%lx
10110LM OWF 密码加密者: 0x%lx LM OWF Password encrypted by: 0x%lx
10111加密具有索引的 NtOwf 返回 0x%lx
Encrypting NtOwf with index returns 0x%lx
10112NetGetDCName 失败: NetGetDCName failed:
10113域 %ws 的 PDC 为 %ws
PDC for Domain %ws is %ws
10114DC: %ws
DC: %ws
10115地址: %ws
Address: %ws
10116Dom Guid: %ws
Dom Guid: %ws
10117Dom 名称: %ws
Dom Name: %ws
10118林名称: %ws
Forest Name: %ws
10119DC 站点名称: %ws
Dc Site Name: %ws
10120我们的站点名称: %ws
Our Site Name: %ws
10121标志: Flags:
10123PDC PDC
10124GC GC
10125DS DS
10127KDC KDC
10137获取林信任信息失败: Getting forest trust information failed:
10138TLN: %wZ
TLN: %wZ
10139Dom: %wZ (%wZ)
Dom: %wZ (%wZ)
10140无效的类型: %ld
Invalid Type: %ld
10141I_NetGetDCList 失败: I_NetGetDCList failed:
10142域 %ws 中的 DC 列表
List of DCs in Domain %ws
10143%wZ %wZ
10145(PDC) (PDC)
10146服务器: %ws
Server : %ws
10148SyncState : SyncState :
10153连接状态: Connection State :
10154启动系统关机失败: Initiating system shutdown failed:
10155AbortSystemShutdown 失败: AbortSystemShutdown failed:
10156枚举域信任失败: Enumerating domain trusts failed:
List of domain trusts:
10158获取 DC 站点覆盖范围失败: Getting DC site coverage failed:
10159获取父域失败: Getting parent domain failed:
10160错误: 指定的域 GUID 无效
ERROR: Invalid Domain GUID specified
10161错误: 指定的 DSA GUID 无效
ERROR: Invalid DSA GUID specified
10162取消注册 DNS 主机记录失败: Deregisterring DNS host records failed:
10164启动 DC 枚举失败: Starting DC enumeration failed:
10165按伪随机顺序排列并且考虑 SRV 优先级和权重的 DC 列表:
List of DCs in pseudo-random order taking into account SRV priorities and weights:
Site specific:
Non-Site specific:
10168警告: 没有指定类型的可用记录
WARNING: No records available of specified type
10169错误: DNS 服务器故障: ERROR: DNS server failure:
10170错误: DNS 查询指出该计算机上未配置 IP
ERROR: DNS query indicates that IP is not configured on this machine
10171错误: DNS 查询失败: ERROR: DNS query failure:
10172获取信任 RID 失败: Getting trust RID failed:
10173计算客户端摘要失败: Computing client digest failed:
10174计算服务器摘要失败: Computing server digest failed:
10175帐户 RID: 0x%lx
Account RID: 0x%lx
10176新摘要: New digest:
10177旧摘要: Old digest:
The command completed successfully
10179/BP - 在 上的 Netlogon 中强制断点
/TRUNC - 截断日志文件(重命名为 *.bak)
/UNLOAD - 从 lsass.exe 中卸载 netlogon.dll
/PWD: - 指定要加密的密码
/RID: - 加密密码所使用的 RID

/ADD_SA: - 调用具有指定帐户名称的 NetAddServiceAccount
/LINKONLY - 只链接现有帐户,但不尝试创建帐户的标记
/PWD: - 避开 RODC 添加的密码
/DEL_SA: - 调用具有指定帐户名称的 NetRemoveSserviceAccount
/LINKONLY - 将此计算机与服务帐户取消链接,但并不删除该帐户的标记
/LOCALONLY - 只删除本地帐户资源,但不对 DC 进行任何更改的标记
/ENUM_SA - 调用 NetEnumerateServiceAccount
/QUERY_SA: - 调用具有指定帐户名称的 NetQueryServiceAccount
/IS_SA: - 调用具有指定帐户名称的 NetIsServiceAccount

/BP - Force a BreakPoint in Netlogon on
/TRUNC - Truncate log file (rename to *.bak)
/UNLOAD - Unload netlogon.dll from lsass.exe
/PWD: - Specify Password to encrypt
/RID: - RID to encrypt Password with

/ADD_SA: - Call NetAddServiceAccount with the specified account name
/LINKONLY - Flag to link an existing account only and not to attempt to create
/PWD: - Password for adding against RODC
/DEL_SA: - Call NetRemoveSserviceAccount with the specified account name
/LINKONLY - Flag to unlink this computer from the service account, but do not delete
/LOCALONLY - Flag to remove local account resources only and do not make any changes on DC
/ENUM_SA - Call NetEnumerateServiceAccounts
/QUERY_SA: - Call NetQueryServiceAccount with the specified account name
/IS_SA: - Call NetIsServiceAccount with the specified account name

10187WS WS
10188未指定参数。请使用 /? 获取有关命令行参数的帮助。
No parameters specified. Use /? for help on command line parameters.
10189DS_8 DS_8
10190计算客户端签名失败: Computing client signature failed:
10191计算服务器签名失败: Computing server signature failed:
New signature:
Old signature:
10194密码哈希格式: 0x%lx
Password hash format: 0x%lx
10195DS_9 DS_9
10196DS_10 DS_10


File Name:nltest.exe.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:14336
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft® Logon Server 测试实用工具
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:nltestrk.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:nltestrk.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is nltest.exe.mui?

nltest.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file nltest.exe (Microsoft® Logon Server 测试实用工具).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft® Logon Server 测试实用工具
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:nltestrk.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:nltestrk.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200