urlmon.dll.mui OLE32 Win32ning kengaytmasi 4916c5b6f973b606349ddf95e2c00581

File info

File name: urlmon.dll.mui
Size: 56320 byte
MD5: 4916c5b6f973b606349ddf95e2c00581
SHA1: c855580a270ff4a8067dc03ed52312b06797a78f
SHA256: fc165bca8e9f9e3971e70c6fb055f60abee042a62396ed9713f05d4f427927e1
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Uzbek language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Uzbek English
2012Your current security settings do not allow you to download files from this location. Your current security settings do not allow you to download files from this location.
2013Ma’lumotlarni %sga jo‘natganingizda boshqalar bu ma’lumotlarni ko‘ra olishi mumkin. Davom ettirmoqchimisiz? When you send information to the %s, it might be possible for others to see that information. Do you want to continue?
2014When you send information from the %s, it might be possible for others to see that information. Do you want to continue? When you send information from the %s, it might be possible for others to see that information. Do you want to continue?
2016An ActiveX control on this page might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page. Do you want to allow this interaction? An ActiveX control on this page might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page. Do you want to allow this interaction?
2017Ushbu sahifadagi ActiveX boshqaruv elementlari sahifaning boshqa qismlari bilan ta’sirga kirishishi xavfsiz bo‘lishi mumkin. Bu ta’sirga ruxsat bermoqchimisiz? An ActiveX control on this page might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page. Do you want to allow this interaction?
2018Ssenariylar odatda xavfsizdir. Bu ssenariylarga ruxsat bermoqchimisiz? Scripts are usually safe. Do you want to allow scripts to run?
2019Ssenariylar Java qo‘llanmalaridan erkin foydalanishini istaysizmi? Do you want to allow scripts to access Java applets?
2022Sending HTML forms is as safe as sending e-mail. Do you want to able to send HTML forms? Sending HTML forms is as safe as sending e-mail. Do you want to able to send HTML forms?
2023Ushbu shrift vaqtinchalik o‘rnatiladigan shriftlardan foydalanadi. Bu odatda xavfsiz. Ushbu shriftlarning yuklanishini istaysizmi? This page uses fonts that need to be temporarily installed. This is usually safe. Do you want to allow these fonts to be downloaded?
2024Do you want to allow Java applets to run? Do you want to allow Java applets to run?
2026Bu jildga fayllarni nusxa olish yoki ko‘chirishga ishonchingiz komilmi? Are you sure you want to copy or move files to this folder?
2027Do you want to allow a file to be downloaded? Do you want to allow a file to be downloaded?
2028Bu elementda tizim buyrug‘ini ishga tushirish xavfli bo‘lishi mumkin. Davom ettirmoqchimisiz? Running a system command on this item might be unsafe. Do you wish to continue?
2029This site is requesting a password or a personal certificate. Do you want to connect to this site using your personal credentials? This site is requesting a password or a personal certificate. Do you want to connect to this site using your personal credentials?
2030Do you want to connect to this site even though the client authentication is not possible? Do you want to connect to this site even though the client authentication is not possible?
2031When software (an ActiveX control) is signed, it is possible to tell who published it. Do you want to allow signed software to be downloaded? When software (an ActiveX control) is signed, it is possible to tell who published it. Do you want to allow signed software to be downloaded?
2032ActiveX boshqaruv elementlari va yordamchi dasturlarini ishlashiga ruxsat bermoqchimisiz? Do you want to allow software such as ActiveX controls and plug-ins to run?
2033Bu sahifa ko‘rsatilmagan potensial xavfsizlik tahdidiga ega. Davom ettirmoqchimisiz? This page has an unspecified potential security risk. Would you like to continue?
2034Some software (an ActiveX control) on this page might be unsafe. Do you want to allow it to run? Some software (an ActiveX control) on this page might be unsafe. Do you want to allow it to run?
2036Some software (a script) on this page might be unsafe. Do you want to allow it to run? Some software (a script) on this page might be unsafe. Do you want to allow it to run?
2037Do you want to allow software such as ActiveX controls to be downloaded? Do you want to allow software such as ActiveX controls to be downloaded?
2038Your current security settings prohibit creating Active Desktop items. Your current security settings prohibit creating Active Desktop items.
2039Do you want to be able to drag items from the desktop or a folder onto this page? Do you want to be able to drag items from the desktop or a folder onto this page?
2040Your current security settings prohibit copying or moving files from this zone. Your current security settings prohibit copying or moving files from this zone.
2041Your current security settings do not allow you to perform system commands on this item. Your current security settings do not allow you to perform system commands on this item.
2042Hozirgi xavfsizlik sozlamalaringiz HTML shakllarini jo‘natish imkonini bermaydi. Your current security settings do not allow you to send HTML forms.
2043Hozirgi xavfsizlik sozlamalaringiz ushbu harakatni amalga oshirish imkonini bermaydi. Your current security settings do not allow this action.
2044A script is accessing some software (an ActiveX control) on this page which has been marked safe for scripting. Do you want to allow this? A script is accessing some software (an ActiveX control) on this page which has been marked safe for scripting. Do you want to allow this?
2045Are you sure you want to open a file from this location? Are you sure you want to open a file from this location?
2046Opening a file from this location might not be safe and is not allowed with your current security settings. Opening a file from this location might not be safe and is not allowed with your current security settings.
2047Bu sahifa o‘z nazorati ostida bo‘lmagan ma’lumotlardan erkin foydalanmoqda. Bu esa xavfsizlik tahdidini hisoblanadi. Davom ettirmoqchimisiz? This page is accessing information that is not under its control. This poses a security risk. Do you want to continue?
2048To allow this website to provide information personalized for you, will you allow it to put a small file (called a cookie) on your computer? To allow this website to provide information personalized for you, will you allow it to put a small file (called a cookie) on your computer?
2051Will you allow this website to put a small file (called a cookie) on your computer for this session only? Will you allow this website to put a small file (called a cookie) on your computer for this session only?
2052Will you allow this website to save a file on your computer? Will you allow this website to save a file on your computer?
2053Do you want to allow this page to cut, copy, or paste information from your clipboard? Do you want to allow this page to cut, copy, or paste information from your clipboard?
2054Allow sub-frames to navigate across different domains? Allow sub-frames to navigate across different domains?
2055Allow client authentication without prompting when only one certificate is available? Allow client authentication without prompting when only one certificate is available?
2056Allow third party cookies stored on your computer (only effective if cookies can be stored on your computer) Allow third party cookies stored on your computer (only effective if cookies can be stored on your computer)
2057Allow third party per-session cookies (not stored - this setting is only effective if per-session cookies are enabled) Allow third party per-session cookies (not stored - this setting is only effective if per-session cookies are enabled)
2058Allow this page to meta-refresh? Allow this page to meta-refresh?
2059Display mixed content? Display mixed content?
2060Quyida keltirilgan Veb-saytdagi tarkib Internet Explorer Takomillashgan xavfsizlik sozlamalari tomonidan bloklanmoqda. Content from the website listed below is being blocked by the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration.
2061Agar bu veb-saytga ishonsangiz, uni Ishonchli saytlar maydoniga qo‘shish orqali bu sayt uchun xavfsizlik sozlamalarini o‘zgartirishingiz mumkin. Agar bu veb-sayt mahalliy Internet tarmog‘ida ekanligini bilsangiz, "Yordam" oynasidagi saytni mahalliy Internet doirasiga qo‘shish qo‘llanmalarini ko‘rib chiqing. If you trust this website, you can lower security settings for the site by adding it to the Trusted sites zone. If you know this website is on your local intranet, review help for instructions on adding the site to the local intranet zone instead.
2062Quyida keltirilgan Veb-saytdan bu ilova doirasida kelayotgan tarkib Internet Explorer Takomillashgan xavfsizlik sozlamalari tomonidan bloklanmoqda. Content within this application coming from the website listed below is being blocked by Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration.
2064Muhim: bu Veb-saytni Ishonchli saytlar maydoniga qo‘shish bu veb-saytdagi barcha ilovalarning, Internet Explorerni ham qo‘shgan holda, barcha tarkiblar uchun xavfsizlik sozlamalarini kuchsizlantiradi. Important: adding this website to the Trusted sites zone will lower the security settings for all content from this web site for all applications, including Internet Explorer.
2065Siz Ishonchli Saytlarning tarkibiga kirmagan saytdan faylni yuklab olishga urinyapsiz va bu Siz ko‘rayotgan veb-saytdan farq qilishi mumkin. You are attempting to download a file from a site that is not part of your Trusted Sites and that might be different from the website you are viewing.
2067%s %s
2069You should only copy or move files from locations that you trust. You should only copy or move files from locations that you trust.
2070Windows xavfsizligi ogohlantirishi Windows Security Warning
4112The current webpage is trying to open a file on your Computer. Do you want to allow this? The current webpage is trying to open a file on your Computer. Do you want to allow this?
4113Joriy veb-sahifa Intranetingizdagi saytni ochishga harakat qilmoqda. Bunga ruxsat bermoqchimisiz? The current webpage is trying to open a site on your intranet. Do you want to allow this?
4114Joriy veb-sahifa Ishonchli saytlar ro‘yxatidagi saytni ochishga harakat qilmoqda. Bunga ruxsat bermoqchimisiz? The current webpage is trying to open a site in your Trusted sites list. Do you want to allow this?
4115The current webpage is trying to open a site on the Internet. Do you want to allow this? The current webpage is trying to open a site on the Internet. Do you want to allow this?
4116The current webpage is trying to open a site in your Restricted sites list. Do you want to allow this? The current webpage is trying to open a site in your Restricted sites list. Do you want to allow this?
4117The current webpage is trying to open a site that might be less secure. Do you want to allow this? The current webpage is trying to open a site that might be less secure. Do you want to allow this?
4118File: File:
4119Intranet sayti: Intranet site:
4120Ishonchli sayt: Trusted site:
4121Internet site: Internet site:
4122Restricted site: Restricted site:
4123Site: Site:
4124Ogohlantirish: bunga ruxsat berish kompyuteringizni xavfsizlik tahdidi ostida qoldiradi. Agar joriy Veb-sahifaga ishonmasangiz, "Yo‘q" tugmasini tanlang. Warning: allowing this can expose your computer to security risks. If you don't trust the current webpage, choose No.
4125My Computer My Computer
4126Kompyuter Computer
4127Mahalliy Intranet Local intranet
4128Ishonchli saytlar Trusted sites
4129Internet Internet
4130Cheklangan saytlar Restricted sites
4131Sizning kompyuteringiz Your computer
4132Bu maydon korxonangiz intranetidagi barcha veb-saytlarni o‘z ichiga oladi. This zone contains all websites that are on your organization's intranet.
4133Bu maydon kompyuteringiz yoki ma’lumotlaringizga zarar yetkazmasligiga Siz ishongan veb-saytlarni o‘z ichiga oladi. This zone contains websites that you trust not to damage your computer or data.
4134Bu maydon Siz boshqa maydonlarga joylashtirmagan barcha veb-saytlarni o‘z ichiga oladi This zone contains all websites you haven't placed in other zones
4135Bu maydon kompyuteringiz yoki ma’lumotlaringizga zarar yetkazishi mumkin bo‘lgan veb-saytlarni o‘z ichiga oladi. This zone contains websites that could potentially damage your computer or data.
4136Joriy veb-sayt boshqa veb-saytdagi tarkib bilan o‘zaro aloqa qilishini istaysizmi? Do you want to allow the current website to interact with content from another website?
4137Ushbu veb-sahifaga almashinuv buferingizga kirishga ruxsat berishni istaysizmi? Agar bunga ruxsat bersangiz, veb-sahifa Siz yaqinda ko‘chirib olgan va nusxa ko‘chirgan sahifani o‘qishi mumkin. Do you want to allow this webpage to access your Clipboard? If you allow this, the webpage can read information that you’ve cut or copied recently.
4200Open File - Security Warning Open File - Security Warning
4300Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
5000Internet Explorer Modal Dialog Internet Explorer Modal Dialog
10000WRN: OCX Registration: no DllRegisterServer entry point in (%s). Skipping registration. INF Author: mark this section with RegisterServer=No as a performance optimization.
WRN: OCX Registration: no DllRegisterServer entry point in (%s). Skipping registration. INF Author: mark this section with RegisterServer=No as a performance optimization.
10001ERR: OCX Install: detected incompatible platform binary (%s). Please contact site for a binary for your platform.
ERR: OCX Install: detected incompatible platform binary (%s). Please contact site for a binary for your platform.
10002ERR: Security Trust Verification Failed or rejected by user/administrator. Check Security Settings. Detailed Error Code (hr) = %lx
ERR: Security Trust Verification Failed or rejected by user/administrator. Check Security Settings. Detailed Error Code (hr) = %lx
10003ERR: INF Processing: Failed Error Code:(%lx) processing: %s. Cannot get primary language!
ERR: INF Processing: Failed Error Code:(%lx) processing: %s. Cannot get primary language!
10004ERR: INF Processing: No section for processing: %s
. language = %s
ERR: INF Processing: No section for processing: %s
. language = %s
10005LOG: INF Processing: Satellite DLL found:%s
LOG: INF Processing: Satellite DLL found:%s
10006ERR: INF Processing: Failed (%lx) processing: %s
. Cannot get primary/default language!
ERR: INF Processing: Failed (%lx) processing: %s
. Cannot get primary/default language!
10007LOG: URL Download Complete: hrStatus:%lx, hrOSB:%lx, hrResponseHdr:%lx, URL:(%ws)
LOG: URL Download Complete: hrStatus:%lx, hrOSB:%lx, hrResponseHdr:%lx, URL:(%ws)
10008LOG: Reporting Code Download Completion: (hr:%lx%s, CLASSID: %lx..., szCODE:(%ws), MainType:%ws, MainExt:%ws)
LOG: Reporting Code Download Completion: (hr:%lx%s, CLASSID: %lx..., szCODE:(%ws), MainType:%ws, MainExt:%ws)
10009LOG: detected DUP secondary CAB %ws.
Adding CDL=(CLASSID: %lx..., szCODE:(%ws), VersionMS:%lx, VersionLS:%lx)
LOG: detected DUP secondary CAB %ws.
Adding CDL=(CLASSID: %lx..., szCODE:(%ws), VersionMS:%lx, VersionLS:%lx)
10010ERR: Setup Failed Error Code: (hr) = %lx, installing: %s to %s destination code(%lx)
ERR: Setup Failed Error Code: (hr) = %lx, installing: %s to %s destination code(%lx)
10011WRN: Client no IWindowForBindingUI! Controls that need user confirmation to establish trust will fail. If you implement ICodeInstall pls note that it has been obsoleted now
WRN: Client no IWindowForBindingUI! Controls that need user confirmation to establish trust will fail. If you implement ICodeInstall pls note that it has been obsoleted now
10012ERR: Run Setup Hook: Failed Error Code:(hr) = %lx, processing: %s
ERR: Run Setup Hook: Failed Error Code:(hr) = %lx, processing: %s
10013WRN: OBJECT tags for CLASSID=%lx... have mixed usage with CODEBASE=%ws and %ws
WRN: OBJECT tags for CLASSID=%lx... have mixed usage with CODEBASE=%ws and %ws
10014ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: Error loading OSD or missing SoftPkg tag. Check syntax!
ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: Error loading OSD or missing SoftPkg tag. Check syntax!
10015ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: SoftPkg tag: NAME, VERSION: Required attributes in SoftPkg tag missing or bad syntax!
ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: SoftPkg tag: NAME, VERSION: Required attributes in SoftPkg tag missing or bad syntax!
10016ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: MSICD::NativeCode tag: CODE: Required tag missing or bad syntax!
ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: MSICD::NativeCode tag: CODE: Required tag missing or bad syntax!
10017ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: CODEBASE tag: HREF/FILENAME: Required attributes missing or bad syntax!
ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: CODEBASE tag: HREF/FILENAME: Required attributes missing or bad syntax!
10018ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: Error extracting INF file referred to in OSD file. INF needs to be in the same CAB as OSD.
ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: Error extracting INF file referred to in OSD file. INF needs to be in the same CAB as OSD.
10019ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: MSICD::Java Package tag: Bad Syntax or Missing Required attribute!
ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: MSICD::Java Package tag: Bad Syntax or Missing Required attribute!
10020ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: DEPENDENCY tag (or subtag SoftPkg): Bad Syntax or Missing Required attribute! ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: DEPENDENCY tag (or subtag SoftPkg): Bad Syntax or Missing Required attribute!
10021ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: SoftPkg under DEPENDENCY: Bad Syntax or Missing Required attribute!
ERR: (OSD)Open Software Description Processor: SoftPkg under DEPENDENCY: Bad Syntax or Missing Required attribute!
10022ERR: CDL Protocol Handler missing, can't process tag.
ERR: CDL Protocol Handler missing, can't process tag.
10023WRN: File %s was installed, but will require a reboot for the install to take effect.
WRN: File %s was installed, but will require a reboot for the install to take effect.
10024LOG: Setup successful installing: %s to %s destination code(%lx)
LOG: Setup successful installing: %s to %s destination code(%lx)
10025LOG: Setup Hook %s was executed successfully.
LOG: Setup Hook %s was executed successfully.
10026LOG: File %s being registered.
LOG: File %s being registered.
10027LOG: Item %s being processed.
LOG: Item %s being processed.
10028LOG: Java Package %ws being installed into %ws NameSpace.
LOG: Java Package %ws being installed into %ws NameSpace.
10029ERR: Error installing Java Package. Error Code (hr) = %lx.
ERR: Error installing Java Package. Error Code (hr) = %lx.
10030LOG: Redundant download started on %s (hr = %lx).
LOG: Redundant download started on %s (hr = %lx).
10031LOG: Redundant download attempted, but no more codebases available.
LOG: Redundant download attempted, but no more codebases available.
10032LOG: Download OnStopBinding called (hrStatus = %lx / hrResponseHdr = %lx).
LOG: Download OnStopBinding called (hrStatus = %lx / hrResponseHdr = %lx).
10033LOG: Version not identified for %s, using 0.1.
LOG: Version not identified for %s, using 0.1.
10034For details, see For details, see
10035ERR: Could not convert extension %s or type %s to clsid.
ERR: Could not convert extension %s or type %s to clsid.
10036ERR: Could not get clsid from string.
ERR: Could not get clsid from string.
10037A code download error has occurred: A code download error has occurred:
10038For more error details please see: For more error details please see:
10039Unknown Error! Unknown Error!
10040Unknown Setup Error. Unknown Setup Error.
10041LOG: Downloaded images must now be all native code, URL:(%s)
LOG: Downloaded images must now be all native code, URL:(%s)
10042LOG: Downloaded images must now be all x86 code, URL:(%s)
LOG: Downloaded images must now be all x86 code, URL:(%s)
10043LOG: Cannot downgrade file which exists in the System File Protection list.
LOG: Cannot downgrade file which exists in the System File Protection list.
10044These changes will take effect after your computer restarts.
Please save any open files and restart your computer.
These changes will take effect after your computer restarts.
Please save any open files and restart your computer.
0x10000001Flagged on all URLMon IE events Flagged on all URLMon IE events
0x30000000Info Info
0x50000004Information Information
0x800C0002The URL is invalid. The URL is invalid.
0x800C0003No Internet session has been established. No Internet session has been established.
0x800C0004Unable to connect to the target server. Unable to connect to the target server.
0x800C0005The system cannot locate the resource specified. The system cannot locate the resource specified.
0x800C0006The system cannot locate the object specified. The system cannot locate the object specified.
0x800C0007No data is available for the requested resource. No data is available for the requested resource.
0x800C0008The download of the specified resource has failed. The download of the specified resource has failed.
0x800C0009Authentication is required to access this resource. Authentication is required to access this resource.
0x800C000AThe server could not recognize the provided mime type. The server could not recognize the provided mime type.
0x800C000BThe operation was timed out. The operation was timed out.
0x800C000CThe server did not understand the request, or the request was invalid. The server did not understand the request, or the request was invalid.
0x800C000DThe specified protocol is unknown. The specified protocol is unknown.
0x800C000EA security problem occurred. A security problem occurred.
0x800C000FThe system could not load the persisted data. The system could not load the persisted data.
0x800C0010Unable to instantiate the object. Unable to instantiate the object.
0x800C0014A redirection problem occurred. A redirection problem occurred.
0x800C0015The requested resource is a directory, not a file. The requested resource is a directory, not a file.
0x800C0019Security certificate required to access this resource is invalid. Security certificate required to access this resource is invalid.
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-URLMon Microsoft-Windows-URLMon


File Name:urlmon.dll.mui
File Size:55 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:55808
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:11.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:11.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Uzbek
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:OLE32 Win32ning kengaytmasi
File Version:11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:UrlMon.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original File Name:UrlMon.dll.mui
Product Name:Internet Explorer
Product Version:11.00.15063.0
Ole Self Register:

What is urlmon.dll.mui?

urlmon.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Uzbek language for file urlmon.dll (OLE32 Win32ning kengaytmasi).

File version info

File Description:OLE32 Win32ning kengaytmasi
File Version:11.00.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:UrlMon.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original Filename:UrlMon.dll.mui
Product Name:Internet Explorer
Product Version:11.00.15063.0
Translation:0x443, 1200