mspaint.exe Paint 48c79dfb8cfd02d5d1aa52be3e2a7f9c

File info

File name: mspaint.exe.mui
Size: 55296 byte
MD5: 48c79dfb8cfd02d5d1aa52be3e2a7f9c
SHA1: ab6c0b0922cc01e6671992d8b82fcba02467863f
SHA256: 70d122674ff5eb66c8e51fb125fb7c7e1ffec8edb2180072182b2a60b092a838
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: mspaint.exe Paint (32-bit)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Indonesian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Indonesian English
Tanpa judul
Gambar Bitmap
File Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
Gambar Bitmap
Bitmap Image
Bitmap Files (*.bmp;*.dib)
Bitmap Image
6.bmp .bmp
13Bitmap Monokrom (*.bmp;*.dib) Monochrome Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
14Bitmap 16 Warna (*.bmp;*.dib) 16 Color Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
15Bitmap 256 Warna (*.bmp;*.dib) 256 Color Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
16Bitmap 24-bit (*.bmp;*.dib) 24-bit Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib)
19Semua File All Files
28.dib .dib
29.rle .rle
30OLE 2.0 was unable to start.
Make sure that you are using the correct version of the OLE libraries.
OLE 2.0 was unable to start.
Make sure that you are using the correct version of the OLE libraries.
33Semua File Gambar All Picture Files
110Places the text. Places the text.
601Selects a rectangular part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
Selects a rectangular part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
602Selects a free-form part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
Free-form select
Selects a free-form part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.
Free-form select
603Inserts text into the picture.
Inserts text into the picture.
604Fills an area with the current drawing color.
Fill with color
Fills an area with the current drawing color.
Fill with color
605Changes the magnification.
Changes the magnification.
606Picks up a color from the picture for drawing.
Pick color
Picks up a color from the picture for drawing.
Pick color
607Erases a portion of the picture, using the selected eraser shape.
Erases a portion of the picture, using the selected eraser shape.
608Draws a free-form line one pixel wide.
Draws a free-form line one pixel wide.
651Gambar dengan bentuk dan ukuran kuas terpilih.
Draws using a brush with the selected shape and size.
652Gambar dengan menggunakan kuas kaligrafi 45 derajat dengan bentuk dan ukuran terpilih .
Kuas kaligrafi 1
Draws using a 45 degree calligraphy brush of the selected shape and size.
Calligraphy brush 1
653Gambar dengan menggunakan kuas kaligrafi 135 derajat dengan bentuk dan ukuran terpilih .
Kuas kaligrafi 2
Draws using a 135 degree calligraphy brush of the selected shape and size.
Calligraphy brush 2
654Gambar dengan menggunakan kuas semprot dengan ukuran terpilih
Kuas semprot
Draws using an airbrush of the selected size.
655Gambar dengan menggunakan kuas minyak.
Kuas minyak
Draws using the oil brush.
Oil brush
656Gambar dengan menggunakan kuas krayon.
Draws using a crayon brush.
657Gambar dengan menggunakan pemarkah.
Draws using a marker.
658Gambar dengan menggunakan pensil asli dengan ukuran terpilih.
Pensil natural
Draws using the natural pencil in the size chosen.
Natural pencil
659Gambar dengan menggunakan kuas cat air.
Kuas cat air
Draws using the watercolor brush.
Watercolor brush
701Gambar garis lurus dengan ketebalan garis terpilih.
Draws a straight line with the selected line width.
702Gambar garis lekuk dengan ketebalan garis terpilih.
Draws a curved line with the selected line width.
703Gambar oval dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Draws an oval with the selected fill style.
704Gambar persegi panjang dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Persegi panjang
Draws a rectangle with the selected fill style.
705Gambar bulat persegi dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Bulat persegi
Draws a rounded rectangle with the selected fill style.
Rounded rectangle
706Gambar poligon dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Draws a polygon with the selected fill style.
707Gambar segitiga dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Draws a triangle with the selected fill style.
708Gambar segitiga siku-siku dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Segitiga siku-siku
Draws a right triangle with the selected fill style.
Right triangle
709Gambar wajik dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Draws a diamond with the selected fill style.
710Gambar segilima dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Draws a pentagon with the selected fill style.
711Gambar segienam dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Draws a hexagon with the selected fill style.
712Gambar panah kanan dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Panah kanan
Draws a right arrow with the selected fill style.
Right arrow
713Gambar panah kiri dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Panah kiri
Draws a left arrow with the selected fill style.
Left arrow
714Gambar panah atas dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Panah atas
Draws an up arrow with the selected fill style.
Up arrow
715Gambar panah bawah dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Panah bawah
Draws a down arrow with the selected fill style.
Down arrow
716Gambar empat-titik bintang dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
empat-titik bintang
Draws a four-point star with the selected fill style.
Four-point star
717Gambar lima-titik bintang dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
lima-titik bintang
Draws a five-point star with the selected fill style.
Five-point star
718Gambar enam-titik bintang dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
enam-titik bintang
Draws a six-point star with the selected fill style.
Six-point star
719Gambar seranta bulat persegi dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Seranta bulat persegi
Draws a rounded rectangular callout with the selected fill style.
Rounded rectangular callout
720Gambar seranta oval dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Seranta oval
Draws an oval-shaped callout with the selected fill style.
Oval callout
721Gambar seranta awan dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Seranta awan
Draws a cloud-shaped callout with the selected fill style.
Cloud callout
722Gambar hati dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Draws a heart with the selected fill style.
723Gambar kilat dengan gaya pengisian terpilih.
Draws a lightning with the selected fill style.
1000Memotong teks karena tidak ada cukup ruang untuk menempelkan keseluruhan teks. Truncating the text since there is not enough room to paste entire text.
2051Paint cannot open this file. Paint cannot open this file.
2052Paint tidak dapat membaca file ini. Paint cannot read this file.
2054This file is read-only.
To save your changes, use a different file name.
This file is read-only.
To save your changes, use a different file name.
2056This file is already open. This file is already open.
2064This is not a valid .PCS file. This is not a valid .PCS file.
2067This file is open for editing and cannot be overwritten.
Use a different file name to save your changes.
This file is open for editing and cannot be overwritten.
Use a different file name to save your changes.
2083Ini bukan file bitmap yang valid atau format file ini tidak didukung. This is not a valid bitmap file, or its format is not currently supported.
2084This is not a valid icon. This is not a valid icon.
2085This is not a valid cursor. This is not a valid cursor.
2090Penyimpanan terhenti, sehingga file belum tersimpan. Save was interrupted, so your file has not been saved.
2092You cannot save to a read-only file.
Use a different file name.
You cannot save to a read-only file.
Use a different file name.
2096This file is already in use.
Close the program, and then try again.
This file is already in use.
Close the program, and then try again.
2110Paint tidak dapat menyimpan file ini. Paint cannot save this file.
2152Paint cannot save to the same file name with a different file type.
Use a different filename to save your changes.
Paint cannot save to the same file name with a different file type.
Use a different filename to save your changes.
2240Tidak tersedia cukup memori atau sumberdaya untuk menyelesaikan operasi ini.
Tutuplah beberapa program, lalu coba kembali.
There is not enough memory or resources to complete operation.
Close some programs, and then try again.
2241Low on memory or resources.
Close some programs, and then try again.
Low on memory or resources.
Close some programs, and then try again.
2247Group error. Group error.
2248Paint was unable to print your document. Please make sure you have sufficient disk space and that your printer is working correctly. Paint was unable to print your document. Please make sure you have sufficient disk space and that your printer is working correctly.
2297Kualitas warna dapat berkurang jika Anda menyimpan gambar dengan format ini.
Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?
The color quality might be reduced if you save the picture in this format.
Do you want to continue?
2298Konversi ke hitam dan putih tidak dapat dibatalkan. Tindakan ini akan mempengaruhi file saat ini dan dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya beberapa informasi warna.
Anda ingin melanjutkan?
Converting to black and white cannot be undone. This action affects the current file and may cause some loss of color information.
Do you want to continue?
2299Bitmap harus lebih besar satu piksel pada satu sisi. Bitmaps must be greater than one pixel on a side.
2300CFileException CFileException
2301Generic error. Generic error.
2302File not found. File not found.
2303Bad path. Bad path.
2304Too many open files. Too many open files.
2305Akses ditolak. Access denied.
2306Invalid file. Invalid file.
2307Remove current folder. Remove current folder.
2308Folder full. Folder full.
2309Bad seek. Bad seek.
2310Hard IO error. Hard IO error.
2311Sharing violation. Sharing violation.
2312Lock violation. Lock violation.
2313Disk full. Disk full.
2314End of file. End of file.
2315Transparansi akan hilang jika Anda menyimpan gambar ini. Apakah anda ingin melanjutkan? Any transparency will be lost if you save this picture. Do you want to continue?
2350The specified printer is invalid.
Please choose a valid printer.
The specified printer is invalid.
Please choose a valid printer.
2445Informasi pada Papan klip tidak bisa dimasukkan ke dalam Paint. The information on the Clipboard can't be inserted into Paint.
2447Unable to communicate with the device. Verify the device is properly connected and try again. Unable to communicate with the device. Verify the device is properly connected and try again.
2448Tidak dapat mengambil gambar dari perangkat. Pastikan perangkat telah tersambung dengan benar, lalu coba lagi. Unable to retrieve picture from device. Verify the device is properly connected and try again.
2449Downloading picture Downloading picture
2450Reading data from the device (%1!ld!%% complete) Reading data from the device (%1!ld!%% complete)
2451Processing data (%1!ld!%% complete) Processing data (%1!ld!%% complete)
2452Mentransfer data (%1!ld!%% selesai) Transferring data (%1!ld!%% complete)
35503551 3551
6868Jadikan pilihan saat ini entah buram atau transparan. Makes the current selection either opaque or transparent.
6869Buat warna baru. Creates a new color.
6870Uses a previously saved palette of colors. Uses a previously saved palette of colors.
6871Saves the current palette of colors to a file. Saves the current palette of colors to a file.
6872Buka Paint 3D Open Paint 3D
7057Anda harus menyimpan file sebelum memilihnya sebagai latar belakang desktop. You must save the file before choosing it as desktop background.
20000Paint Paint
20001Gambar saat ini Recent pictures
20002&Baru &New
20003Bu&ka &Open
20004Simpa&n &Save
20005Si&mpan sebagai Sa&ve as
20006Simpan &sebagai Save &as
20007Simpan sebagai Save as
20008Gambar &PNG &PNG picture
20009Gambar &JPEG &JPEG picture
20010Gambar &BMP &BMP picture
20011Gambar &GIF &GIF picture
20012Format &lainnya &Other formats
20013&Cetak P&rint
20015Cetak Print
20016P&enyetelan halaman Page &setup
20017Pra&tinjau cetak Print pre&view
20018D&ari pemindai atau kamera Fro&m scanner or camera
20019Kir&im dalam email Sen&d in email
20020Atur sebagai latar belakang deskt&op Set as desktop bac&kground
20021At&ur sebagai latar belakang desktop Set as desktop &background
20022Atur sebagai latar belakang desktop Set as desktop background
20023&Ubin &Tile
20024&Tengah &Center
20025&Isi &Fill
20026&Properti Prop&erties
20027Tentan&g Paint Abou&t Paint
20028K&eluar E&xit
20029&Perbarui dokumen &Update document
20030Simpan salinan sebagai Save copy as
20031Simpan salinan &sebagai Save copy &as
20032K&eluar dan kembali ke dokumen E&xit and return to document
21000Rumah Home
21100Papan Klip Clipboard
21101&Paste &Paste
21102T&empel &Paste
21103Tempel &dari Paste &from
21104G&unting Cu&t
21105&Salin &Copy
21200Citra Image
21201Select Select
21202Pilih Select
21203Pilihan p&ersegi &Rectangular selection
21204Pilihan &bentuk-bebas &Free-form selection
21205Pilih &semua Select &all
21206Pilihan &terbalik &Invert selection
21207&Hapus &Delete
21208Pilihan &transparan &Transparent selection
21209Bentuk pilihan Selection shapes
21210Opsi pilihan Selection options
21211P&otong C&rop
21212U&bah ukuran Re&size
21213P&utar R&otate
21214Putar k&anan 90° Rotate &right 90°
21215Putar k&iri 90° Rotate &left 90°
21216P&utar 180° Ro&tate 180°
21217Balik &vertikal Flip &vertical
21218Balik &horizontal Flip &horizontal
21300Alat Tools
21301Pensil Pencil
21302Isi dengan warna Fill with color
21303Teks Text
21304Penghapus Eraser
21305Pemilih Warna Color picker
21306Kaca Pembesar Magnifier
21401Kuas Brushes
21500Bentuk Shapes
21502K&erangka Out&line
21601Ukuran Size
21700Warna Colors
21702Warna 1 Color 1
21703Warna 2 Color 2
21704Edit warna Edit colors
22000Tampilan View
22100Zoom Zoom
22101Perbesar tampilan Zoom in
22102Perkecil Zoom out
22103100% 100%
22200Tampil atau sembunyi Show or hide
22201Penggaris Rulers
22202Kisi garis Gridlines
22203Bilah status Status bar
22303Gambar mini Thumbnail
22304Layar penuh Full screen
23000Alat teks Text Tools
23100Fon Font
23200Latar belakang Background
23201Buram Opaque
23202Transparan Transparent
24000Pratinjau Cetak Print Preview
24203Satu halaman One page
24204Dua halaman Two pages
24300Pratinjau Preview
24301Halaman berikutnya Next page
24302Halaman sebelumnya Previous page
24401Tutup pratinjau cetak Close print preview
31001Batalkan Undo
31002Kembalikan Redo
32012Warna &terbalik Inv&ert color
33000Bantuan Help
36001Baru (Ctrl+N) New (Ctrl+N)
36002Buka (Ctrl+O) Open (Ctrl+O)
36003Simpan (Ctrl+S) Save (Ctrl+S)
36004Cetak (Ctrl+P) Print (Ctrl+P)
36006Email Email
36007Batalkan (Ctrl+Z) Undo (Ctrl+Z)
36008Kembalikan (Ctrl+Y) Redo (Ctrl+Y)
36011Simpan Sebagai (F12) Save as (F12)
36012Dari pemindai atau kamera From scanner or camera
36013Desktop background Desktop background
36014Latar belakang desktop Desktop background
36015Properti (Ctrl+E) Properties (Ctrl+E)
36019Save copy as Save copy as
36021Paste (Ctrl+V) Paste (Ctrl+V)
36022Tempel (Ctrl+V) Paste (Ctrl+V)
36023Tempel dari Paste from
36024Gunting (Ctrl+X) Cut (Ctrl+X)
36025Salin (Ctrl+C) Copy (Ctrl+C)
36026Selection Selection
36027Pilihan Selection
36028Rectangular selection Rectangular selection
36029Pilihan bentuk-bebas Free-form selection
36030Pilih Semua (Ctrl+A) Select all (Ctrl+A)
36031Invert selection Invert selection
36032Hapus pilihan Delete selection
36033Pilihan transparan Transparent selection
36034Potong (Ctrl+Shift+X) Crop (Ctrl+Shift+X)
36035Ubah ukuran dan Condongkan (Ctrl+W) Resize and skew (Ctrl+W)
36036Putar dan Balikkan Rotate or flip
36037Putar kanan 90° Rotate right 90°
36038Putar kiri 90° Rotate left 90°
36039Putar 180° Rotate 180°
36040Balik vertikal Flip vertical
36041Balik horizontal Flip horizontal
36046Pemilih warna Color picker
36047Kaca pembesar Magnifier
36050Kerangka bentuk Shape outline
36051Isi Bentuk Shape fill
36056Ukuran (Ctrl++, Ctrl+-) Size (Ctrl++, Ctrl+-)
36057Warna 1(warna latar depan) Color 1 (foreground color)
36058Warna 2 (warna latar belakang) Color 2 (background color)
36060Perbesar tampilan (Ctrl+PgUp) Zoom in (Ctrl+PgUp)
36061Perkecil tampilan (Ctrl+PgDn) Zoom out (Ctrl+PgDn)
36063Penggaris (Ctrl+R) Rulers (Ctrl+R)
36064Kisi garis (Ctrl+G) Gridlines (Ctrl+G)
36066Layar penuh (F11) Full screen (F11)
36067Latar belakang buram Opaque background
36068Latar belakang transparan Transparent background
36070Zoom out Zoom out
36071One page One page
36072Two pages Two pages
36074Previous page Previous page
36075Close print preview Close print preview
36076Bantuan Paint (F1) Paint Help (F1)
36077Save as (F12) Save as (F12)
36078Simpan foto atau gambar dengan kualitas tinggi dan gunakan di komputer Anda atau di web. Save a photo or drawing with high quality and use it on your computer or on the web.
36079Simpan foto berkualitas bagus dan gunakan pada komputer Anda, dalam email, atau pada web. Save a photo with good quality and use it on your computer, in email, or on the web.
36080Simpan gambar apa saja dengan kualitas tinggi dan gunakan di komputer Anda atau di web. Save any kind of picture with high quality and use it on your computer.
36081Simpan gambar sederhana dengan kualitas lebih rendah dan gunakan dalam email atau pada web. Save a simple drawing with lower quality and use it in email or on the web.
36082Buka kotak dialog Simpan Sebagai untuk memilih dari semua kemungkinan jenis file. Open the Save As dialog box to select from all possible file types.
36083Pilih printer, jumlah salinan, dan opsi pencetakan lainnya sebelum mencetak. Select a printer, number of copies, and other printing options before printing.
36084Ubah tata letak dari gambar. Change the layout of the picture.
36085Pratinjau dan buat perubahan sebelum mencetak. Preview and make changes before printing.
36086Susun gambar dalam pola ubin sehingga berulang dan memenuhi keseluruhan layar. Tile the picture so it repeats and fills the entire screen.
36087Tengahkan gambar di tengah layar. Center the picture in the middle of the screen.
36088Isi keseluruhan layar dengan gambar. Fill the entire screen with the picture.
36090Invert color (Ctrl+Shift+I) Invert color (Ctrl+Shift+I)
36101Klik di sini untuk buka, simpan,atau cetak dan untuk melihat hal lain yang dapat anda lakukan dengan gambar. Click here to open, save, or print and to see everything else you can do with your picture.
36102Buat gambar baru. Create a new picture.
36103Buka gambar yang ada. Open an existing picture.
36104Simpan gambar saat ini. Save the current picture.
36105Save the current picture as a new file. Save the current picture as a new file.
36106Simpan gambar saat ini sebagai file baru. Save the current picture as a new file.
36107Cetak gambar saat ini. Print the current picture.
36109Impor dari pemindai atau kamera. Import from scanner or camera.
36110Kirim salinan gambar dalam pesan email sebagai lampiran. Send a copy of the picture in an email message as an attachment.
36112Set the current picture as your desktop background. Set the current picture as your desktop background.
36113Set gambar yang ada saat ini sebagai latar belakang desktop Anda. Set the current picture as your desktop background.
36114Ubah properti dari gambar. Change the properties of the picture.
36117Klik di sini untuk opsi lainnya, seperti menempelkan konten dari Clipboard atau file Click here for more options, such as pasting contents from the Clipboard or from a file
36118Tempel isi Papan klip. Paste the contents of the Clipboard.
36119Tampilkan kotak dialog Tempel Dari, lalu pilih file yang akan ditempel. Show the Paste From dialog box and pick a file to paste.
36120Potong pilihan dari kanvas, lalu tempatkan di Clipboard. Cut the selection from the canvas and put it on the Clipboard.
36121Salin pilihan dari kanvas, lalu tempatkan di Clipboard. Copy the selection from the canvas and put it on the Clipboard.
36122Klik di sini untuk bentuk pilihan dan opsi. Click here for selection shapes and options.
36123Pilih sebagian dari gambar. Select a part of the picture.
36124Pilih area persegi dengan menggambar pada kanvas. Select a rectangular area by drawing on the canvas.
36125Pilih area dengan bentuk apapun dengan menggambar pada kanvas. Select an area of any shape by drawing on the canvas.
36126Pilih seluruh gambar. Select the entire picture.
36127Terbalikkan pilihan saat ini. Reverse the current selection.
36128Hapus pilihan saat ini dari kanvas. Delete the current selection from the canvas.
36129Buat warna latar belakang dari pilihan transparan atau buram. Make the background color in the selection transparent or opaque.
36134Potong gambar sehingga hanya mengandung pilihan saat ini. Crop the picture so it only contains the current selection.
36135Ubah ukuran dan Condongkan gambar atau pilihan. Resize and skew the picture or selection.
36136Putar atau balikkan gambar atau pilihan. Rotate or flip the picture or selection.
36137Putar gambar atau pilihan 90 derajat ke kanan. Rotate the picture or selection by 90 degrees right.
36138Putar gambar atau pilihan 90 derajat ke kiri. Rotate the picture or selection by 90 degrees left.
36139Putar gambar atau pilihan 180 derajat. Rotate the picture or selection by 180 degrees.
36140Balikkan gambar atau pilihan secara vertikal. Flip the picture or selection vertically.
36141Balikkan gambar atau pilihan secara horizontal. Flip the picture or selection horizontally.
36142Gambar garis bentuk-bebas dengan lebar garis terpilih. Draw a free-form line with the selected line width.
36143Klik area di kanvas untuk mengisinya dengan warna latar depan, atau klik-kanan untuk mengisinya dengan warna latar belakang. Click an area on the canvas to fill it with the foreground color, or right-click to fill it will the background color.
36144Masukkan teks ke dalam gambar. Insert text into the picture.
36145Hapus sebagian dari gambar dan ganti dengan warna latar belakang. Erase part of the picture and replace it with the background color.
36146PIlih warna dari gambar dan gunakan untuk menggambar. Pick a color from the picture and use it for drawing.
36147Ubah kaca pembesar untuk sebagian dari gambar. Change the magnification for a part of the picture.
36148Gambar dengan jenis kuas yang berbeda. Draw with different kinds of brushes.
36149Masukkan gambar bentuk yang tersedia seperti persegi dan lingkaran, segitiga, bintang, dan seranta. Insert ready-made shapes such as rectangles and circles, triangles, arrows, stars, and callouts.
36150Pilih menengah untuk bentuk kerangka. Select the medium for the shape outline.
36151Pilih menengah untuk mengisi bentuk. Select the medium for the shape fill.
36156Pilih ketebalan untuk alat terpilih. Select the width for the selected tool.
36157Klik di sini kemudian pilih warna dari palet warna. Warna ini digunakan dengan pensil dan kuas, juga untuk kerangka bentuk. Click here and then select a color from the color palette. This color is used with the pencil and with brushes, as well as for shape outlines.
36158Klik di sini kemudian pilih warna dari palet warna. Warna ini digunakan dengan penghapus, juga untuk mengisi bentuk. Click here and then select a color from the color palette. This color is used with the eraser and for shape fills.
36159Pilih warna dari palet warna. Select a color from the color palette.
36160Perbesar tampilan gambar saat ini. Zoom in on the current picture.
36161Perkecil tampilan gambar saat ini. Zoom out on the current picture.
36162Buat model 3D pertama Anda. Make your first 3D model.
36163Tampilkan dan gunakan penggaris untuk menggaris dan mengukur objek di gambar Anda. View and use rulers to line up and measure objects in your picture.
36164Tampilkan dan gunakan kisi garis untuk meratakan objek di gambar Anda. View and use gridlines to align objects in your picture.
36165Tampilkan atau sembunyikan jendela Gambar mini. Show or hide the Thumbnail window.
36166Tampilkan gambar dalam layar penuh. View the picture in full screen.
36168Zoom out on the current picture. Zoom out on the current picture.
36169Zoom the picture so that one page fits in the window. Zoom the picture so that one page fits in the window.
36172Zoom the picture so that two pages fit in the window. Zoom the picture so that two pages fit in the window.
36173Buka halaman berikutnya dalam gambar. Go to the next page in the picture.
36174Masuk ke halaman sebelumnya dalam gambar. Go to the previous page in the picture.
36175Tutup pratinjau cetak dan kembali ke gambar Anda. Close print preview and return to your picture.
36176Batalkan tindakan sebelumnya. Undo last action.
36177Kembalikan tindakan sebelumnya. Redo last action.
36178Dapatkan bantuan dalam menggunakan Paint. Get help on using Paint.
36179Tampilkan atau sembunyikan bilah status di bawah jendela. Show or hide status bar at the bottom of the window.
36201F F
36202N N
36203O O
36204S S
36206A A
36208P P
36209J J
36210B B
36211G G
36213W W
36217V V
36218M M
36219D D
36222T T
36223C C
36225E E
36227X X
36228U U
36232H H
36241SE SE
36243R R
36246I I
36249RP RP
36250RE RE
36251RO RO
36253L L
36258K K
36260ER ER
36264SH SH
36268SZ SZ
362691 1
362702 2
36271EC EC
36274P3 P3
406011px 1px
406022px 2px
406033px 3px
406044px 4px
406055px 5px
406066px 6px
406088px 8px
4061010px 10px
4061616px 16px
4062424px 24px
4063030px 30px
4064040px 40px
50001Resets the text to be without any attributes. Resets the text to be without any attributes.
50002Sets or clears the text bold attribute. Sets or clears the text bold attribute.
50003Sets or clears the text italic attribute. Sets or clears the text italic attribute.
50004Selects the font used by the text. Selects the font used by the text.
50005Selects the point size of the text. Selects the point size of the text.
50006Sets or clears the text underline attribute. Sets or clears the text underline attribute.
50023Cannot save file. Cannot save file.
50024Get Colors Get Colors
50026Save Colors Save Colors
50027Edit Warna Edit Colors
50029Tempel Dari Paste From
50030Select Color Select Color
50031Tidak Tersedia Not Available
50032%1%2 %1 %2
50034%1 DPI %1 DPI
50035&Simpan &Save
50036&Jangan Simpan Do&n't Save
50037Apakah Anda ingin menyimpan perubahan ke %1? Do you want to save changes to %1?
50038Painting Painting
50043x ×
50044, ,
50045in in
50046cm cm
50047px px
50050Shows or hides the thumbnail. Shows or hides the thumbnail.
5010800000000000000000 00000000000000000
501120 0
50114The file is not in the correct format. The file is not in the correct format.
50116Zoo&m Zoo&m
50117+ +
50118- -
50119%s%% %s%%
50126Size: None Size: None
50127Ukuran: %1%2 Size: %1%2
50130%1%2%3%4%5 %1%2%3%4%5
50141%1 (Dipulihkan) %1 (Recovered)
50142Paint memperbolehkan pengguna membuat atau edit gambar dengan menggunakan variasi dari bentuk, kuas, dan warna. Paint allows users to create and edit drawings by using a variety of shapes, brushes, and colors.
50147Penggeser pembesar Zoom slider
50148KB KB
50149MB MB
50150GB GB
50301Tidak ada kerangka No outline
50302Warna pekat Solid color
50303Krayon Crayon
50304Penanda Marker
50305Minyak Oil
50306Pensil Natural Natural pencil
50307Cat air Watercolor
50351Kosong No fill
50412Tingkat perbesaran Zoom level
5041611 11
50417Segoe UI Segoe UI
50418Kami tidak dapat membuka file ini We can’t open this file
50419Ini terjadi karena organisasi Anda tidak mengizinkannya, atau terjadi masalah dengan enkripsi file. Either your organization doesn’t allow it, or there’s a problem with the file’s encryption.
50420Organisasi Anda akan mengelola file ini Your organization will manage this file
50421Organisasi Anda mengelola konten yang ingin Anda tempel di sini. Jika Anda melanjutkan, maka organisasi Anda akan mengelola file ini juga. Your organization manages the content that you want to paste here. If you continue, it will manage this file too.
59414Citra Bitmap Baru New Bitmap Image
59418Gambar Kuas cat Paintbrush Picture
59419Citra Bitmap Bitmap Image
59420&Edit &Edit
59421&Buka &Open
59422Paint Document Paint Document
59500Edit dengan Paint 3D Edit with Paint 3D
59502Peluncuran Paint 3D gagal. Pastikan Paint 3D diinstal. Launching Paint 3D failed. Please make sure it is installed.
59992Perbesar ke 100%. Zoom to 100%.
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000002Error Error
0x50000004Information Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint
0xB0000001Intializing current instance of the application Intializing current instance of the application
0xB0000002Exiting current Instance of the application Exiting current Instance of the application
0xB0000003MSPaint Launch Start MSPaint Launch Start
0xB0000004MSPaint Launch End MSPaint Launch End
0xB0000005MSPaint Exit Start MSPaint Exit Start
0xB0000006MSPaint Exit End MSPaint Exit End
0xB0000007Select Tool(ID: %1) Start Select Tool(ID: %1) Start
0xB0000008Select Tool End Select Tool End
0xB0000009Commit Tool(ID: %1)b Start Commit Tool(ID: %1)b Start
0xB000000ACommit Tool End Commit Tool End
0xB000000BUndo Start Undo Start
0xB000000CUndo End Undo End
0xB000000DChange Tool(ID: %1) Thickness(%2) Change Tool(ID: %1) Thickness(%2)
0xB000000EChange Stroke Color(RGB: %1) Change Stroke Color(RGB: %1)
0xB000000FChange Fill Color(RGB: %1) Change Fill Color(RGB: %1)
0xB0000010Change DrawMode(%1) Change DrawMode(%1)
0xB0000011Change Brush CrossSection(%1) Change Brush CrossSection(%1)
0xB0000012Change Caligraphic Brush CrossSection(%1) Change Caligraphic Brush CrossSection(%1)
0xB0000013Change Glitter Color(%1) Change Glitter Color(%1)
0xB0000014Error enabling/disabling RTS Error enabling/disabling RTS
0xB0000015Failed to load msftedit.dll Failed to load msftedit.dll
0xB0000016Start measure paint lag Start measure paint lag
0xB0000017Stop measure paint lag Stop measure paint lag
0xB0000018Recieved RTS Packet Recieved RTS Packet
0xB0000019Start save drawing Start save drawing
0xB000001AStop save drawing Stop save drawing
0xB000001BStart open image Start open image
0xB000001CStop open image Stop open image
0xB000001DStart flip operation Start flip operation
0xB000001EStop flip operation Stop flip operation
0xB000001FStart rotate operation Start rotate operation
0xB0000020Stop rotate operation Stop rotate operation
0xB0000021Start crop operation Start crop operation
0xB0000022Stop crop operation Stop crop operation
0xB0000023Start invert color operation Start invert color operation
0xB0000024Stop invert color operation Stop invert color operation
0xB0000025Start resize skew operation Start resize skew operation
0xB0000026Stop resize skew operation Stop resize skew operation


File Name:mspaint.exe.mui
File Size:54 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:54784
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Indonesian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Paint
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MSPAINT
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Semua hak dilindungi undang-undang.
Original File Name:MSPAINT.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is mspaint.exe.mui?

mspaint.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Indonesian language for file mspaint.exe (Paint).

File version info

File Description:Paint
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MSPAINT
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Semua hak dilindungi undang-undang.
Original Filename:MSPAINT.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x421, 1200