1100 | Sample header 1 |
Sample header 1 |
1101 | Tha dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh na sgrìn agad (%d x %d) ro ìseal airson aplacaid ùr-nòsach |
Your screen resolution (%d x %d) is too low to run modern application |
1110 | Sample header 2 |
Sample header 2 |
1111 | Chan eil an t-uidhean-suathaidh agad a' cur taic ri ioma-suathadh |
Your touch device does not support multi-touch |
1120 | Chan eil dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh na sgrìn agad àrd gu leòr airson aplacaidean a stàladh o Bhùth Windows |
Your screen resolution doesn't meet the requirement to install apps from the Windows Store |
1121 | Feumaidh tu dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh 1024 x 768 air a' char as lugha mus urrainn dhut aplacaidean a stàladh 's a chleachdadh o Bhùth Windows (tha seo a' gabhail a-steach aplacaidean a dh'fhaodadh a bhith ro-stàlaichte air a' PC agad). 'S dòcha gun urrainn dhut an dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh agad atharrachadh ann am panail-smachd an taisbeanaidh. |
You need a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 to install and use apps from the Windows Store (this includes apps that might be pre-installed on your PC). You might be able to change your resolution in the Display Control Panel. |
1130 | Chan ann a chum Windows 10 a chaidh an sgrìn-suathaidh aig a’ PC seo a dhealbhadh |
The touchscreen on this PC wasn't designed for Windows 10 |
1131 | ’S urrainn dhut an sgrìn-suathaidh seo a chleachdadh air Windows 10 ach cha fhreagair e cho math ’s cha bhi na gluasadan cho pongail ’s bhitheadh air sgrìn-suathaidh a chaidh a dhealbhadh airson Windows 10. |
You can use this touchscreen with Windows 10 but it won't be as responsive and gestures won't be as precise as a touchscreen designed for Windows 10. |
1140 | Cha deach ionad meadhanan Windows a stàladh ro làimh |
Windows Media Center isn't preinstalled |
1141 | Faigh barrachd fiosrachaidh air mar a stàlaicheas tu e ann an Windows 10. |
Learn more about installing it in Windows 10. |
1150 | Stàlaich aplacaid gus DVDan a chluich |
Install an app to play DVDs |
1151 | Dh’fhaoidte gum bi agad ri aplacaid a stàladh mus urrainn dhut DVDan a chluich air Windows 10. |
You may need to install an app to play DVDs in Windows 10. |
1160 | Chan urrainn dhut greimeachadh a dhèanamh air dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh mar seo |
Your screen resolution isn't compatible with snap |
1161 | Mas urrainn dhut sin a dhèanamh, cuir an dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh gu 1366 x 768 air a' char as lugha airson aplacaidean a ghreimeachadh. |
If it's possible, change your screen resolution to at least 1366 x 768 to snap apps. |
1170 | Chan eil taic ri cleas-uidheaman a’ bhàr-taoibh air Windows 10 |
Sidebar gadgets aren't supported in Windows 10 |
1171 | Chan urrainn dhut cleas-uidheaman a’ bhàr-taoibh a chaidh a stàladh air a’ PC agad a chleachdadh air Windows 10. |
You won’t be able to use the sidebar gadgets that are installed on your PC in Windows 10. |
1180 | Chan eil am pròiseasar agad a' ruith NX no 's mathaid nach cuir e taic ris |
Your processor doesn't have NX turned on or might not support NX |
1181 | Feuchaidh gleus an t-suidheachaidh ri NX a chur air rè an stàlaidh. Mur an cuir am pròiseasar agad taic ri NX, sguiridh sinn dhen stàladh agus tillidh am PC agad dhan t-siostam-obrachaidh làithreach. |
Setup will attempt to turn on NX during installation. If your processor doesn't support NX, the installation will be cancelled and your PC will roll back to the current OS. |
1190 | Call de shusbaint ciùil is video an cois ùrachaidh |
Loss of music and video content with update |
1191 | Mholamaid dhut gun a bhith a’ leantainn air adhart leis an ùrachadh seo a chionn ’s gu bheil susbaint ciùil no video agad air an uidheam seo a tha fo dhìon teicneolas dìon chòraichean nas sine ris nach bi taic san ùrachadh. Ma stàlaicheas tu an t-ùrachadh seo, dh’fhaoidte nach urrainn dhut na faidhlichean ciùil no video seo a chluich tuilleadh. Dùin bogsa a’ chòmhraidh seo airson sgur dheth air neo ’s urrainn dhut dearbhadh gu bheil thu airson cumail a’ dol leis an ùrachadh. Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, tadhail air https://support.microsoft.com/windows10wmdrm |
We recommend you do not proceed with this update as your device may have some music or video content that is protected by an older rights management technology, which is not supported. If you install this update, you may no longer be able to play these music or video files. Close this dialog box to cancel, or you can choose to confirm to install the update. For more info, go to https://support.microsoft.com/windows10wmdrm |
1204 | Chan eil bùtadh tèarainte co-chòrdail leis a' PC agad |
Secure Boot isn't compatible with your PC |
1205 | Chan eil bathar-an-sàs a’ PC agad co-chòrdail le tòiseachadh tèarainte agus chan urrainn dhut a chleachdadh ann an Windows 10 leis a sin. |
Your PC's firmware doesn't support Secure Boot so you won't be able to use it in Windows 10. |
1216 | Tha ionad meadhanan Windows stàlaichte air a' PC seo |
Windows Media Center is installed on this PC |
1217 | Thèid ionad meadhanan Windows a dhì-stàladh rè an àrdachaidh. Chan eil e ri fhaighinn ann an Windows 10. |
Windows Media Center will be uninstalled during the upgrade. It isn't available in Windows 10. |
1220 | Bidh duilgheadasan agad leis an uidheam-taisbeanaidh ann an Windows 10. |
You'll have problems with your display in Windows 10. |