vsstrace.dll.mui Microsoft® 磁碟區陰影複製服務追蹤程式庫 46fbe56877bb51bb800c90af55244591

File info

File name: vsstrace.dll.mui
Size: 14848 byte
MD5: 46fbe56877bb51bb800c90af55244591
SHA1: 9145b1eee2bbee627b6e56c57b611c15078f6b39
SHA256: ec3bb3148ae966247502cfd47d13eb5459496d9a3c276fdc0d1896416d2c4804
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
100操作: Operation:
101內容: Context:
102錯誤特定的詳細資料: Error-specific details:
103失敗: Failure:
104錯誤 Error
105無法辨識的錯誤 Unknown error
200正在執行非同步操作 Executing Asynchronous Operation
201取消非同步操作 Cancel Asynchronous Operation
202查詢非同步操作 Query Asyncronous Operation
203為備份初始化 Initialize For Backup
204為還原初始化 Initialize For Restore
205載入 XML 文件 Load XML document
207寫入者正在取得備份狀態 Writer Getting Backup State
208寫入者正在取得還原狀態 Writer Getting Restore State
209PrepareForBackup 事件 PrepareForBackup event
210中止備份 Abort Backup
211起始化 VSS 伺服器 Instantiating VSS server
212收集寫入者狀態 Gather writers' status
213BackupComplete 事件 BackupComplete Event
214PreRestore 事件 PreRestore Event
215PostRestore 事件 PostRestore Event
216寫入者正在取得備份文件 Writer Getting Backup Document
217寫入者正在修改備份文件 Writer Modifying Modifying Backup Document
218寫入者正在取得 XML 內容 Writer Getting XML Content
219寫入者正在公開其狀態 Writer Exposing its State
220寫入者正在公開其中繼資料 Writer Exposing its Metadata
221正在處理寫入者資料 Processing Writer Data
222正在收集寫入者資料 Gathering Writer Data
223正在初始化寫入者 Initializing Writer
224正在中止寫入者 Aborting Writer
225監控凍結逾時 Monitoring Freeze Timeout
226PrepareForSnapshot 事件 PrepareForSnapshot Event
227凍結事件 Freeze Event
228解除凍結事件 Thaw Event
229PostSnapshot 事件 PostSnapshot Event
230BackupShutdown 事件 BackupShutdown Event
231正在訂閱寫入者 Subscribing Writer
232從中繼資料存放庫新增快速寫入者 Adding Express Writers from metadata repository
301設定快照內容 Set Snapshot Context
302啟動陰影複製組 Start a Shadow Copy Set
303新增磁碟區到陰影複製組 Add a Volume to a Shadow Copy Set
304建立陰影複製 Take a Shadow Copy
305刪除陰影複製 Delete Shadow Copies
306查詢陰影複製 Query Shadow Copies
307分割陰影複製組 Break a Shadow Copy set
308準備快速修復 Prepare for Fast Recovery
309執行快速修復 Perform Fast Recovery
310匯入陰影複製 Import Shadow Copies
311取得陰影複製內容 Get Shadow Copy Properties
312檢查提供者是否支援磁碟區 Check If Volume Is Supported by Provider
313公開陰影複製 Expose a Shadow Copy
314取消公開陰影複製 Unexpose a Shadow Copy
315還原陰影複製 Revert a Shadow Copy
316準備磁碟區以新增至陰影複製組 Prepare a Volume to Add to Shadow Copy Set
401正在檢查是否已執行磁碟區陰影複製 Checking whether volume is shadow copied
402正在登錄提供者 Registering Provider
403正在取消登錄提供者 Unregistering Provider
404正在建立硬體提供者的例項 Creating instance of hardware provider
405正在處理 BeginPrepareSnapshot Processing BeginPrepareSnapshot
406正在處理 EndPrepareSnapshots Processing EndPrepareSnapshots
407正在處理 PreCommitSnapshots Processing PreCommitSnapshots
408正在處理 PostCommitSnapshots Processing PostCommitSnapshots
409正在處理 PreFinalCommitSnapshots Processing PreFinalCommitSnapshots
410正在處理 PostFinalCommitSnapshots Processing PostFinalCommitSnapshots
411正在處理 AbortSnapshots Processing AbortSnapshots
412正在處理陰影複製磁碟區的移除作業 Processing a shadow-copy volume removal
413正在移除自動釋放陰影複製 Removing auto-release shadow copies
414正在通知硬體提供者釋出磁碟機 Notifying hardware provider to free a drive
415正在移除動態磁碟 Removing dynamic disks
416正在尋找陰影複製 LUN Locating shadow-copy LUNs
417正在列出系統的隱藏磁碟區 Listing the system's hidden volumes
418正在執行 PNP 重新掃描 Performing a PNP rescan
419正在結束陰影複製匯入 Finalizing shadow-copy import
420正在取得提供者管理介面 Obtaining provider management interface
421查詢此提供者支援的磁碟區 Query volumes supported by this provider
422查詢指定磁碟區上的陰影複製 Query shadow copies on the given volume
423取得最小相異區域大小 Obtain the minimum diff-area size
424正在自動選擇相異區域磁碟區 Automatically choosing a diff-area volume
425正在新增相異區域關聯 Adding a diff-area association
426正在變更相異區域大小上限 Changing diff-area maximum size
427查詢可用作相異區域的磁碟區 Query volumes usable as diff areas
428查詢此磁碟區的相異區域 Query diff area for this volume
429查詢此磁碟區上的相異區域 Query diff areas on this volume
430查詢此陰影複製的相異區域 Query diff areas for this shadow copy
431正在升級相異區域關聯 Upgrading diff-area associations
432正在查詢還原狀態 Querying revert status
433正在認可陰影複製 Committing shadow copies
434正在載入提供者 Loading provider
435正在解除載入提供者 Unloading provider
436取得此提供者的可呼叫介面 Obtain a callable interface for this provider
437列出可支援此內容之所有提供者的介面 List interfaces for all providers supporting this context
500OnIdentify 事件 OnIdentify event
503OnFreeze 事件 OnFreeze event
504OnThaw 事件 OnThaw event
505OnPostSnapshot 事件 OnPostSnapshot event
506OnAbort 事件 OnAbort event
507OnBackupComplete 事件 OnBackupComplete event
508OnBackupShutdown 事件 OnBackupShutdown event
509OnPreRestore 事件 OnPreRestore event
510OnPostRestore 事件 OnPostRestore event
5000目前狀態 Current State
5001寫入者例項識別碼 Writer Instance ID
5002寫入者類別識別碼 Writer Class Id
5003寫入者名稱 Writer Name
5004寫入者例項名稱 Writer Instance Name
5005元件邏輯路徑 Component Logical Path
5006元件名稱 Component Name
5007檔案路徑 File Path
5008檔案名稱 File Name
5009提供者識別碼 Provider ID
5010磁碟區名稱 Volume Name
5012執行內容 Execution Context
5013快照內容 Snapshot Context
5014快照識別碼 Snapshot ID
5015類別識別碼 Class ID
5016提供者名稱 Provider Name
5017提供者版本 Provider Version
5018相異區域磁碟區 Diff-area volume
5019相異區域大小上限 Diff-area maximum size
5020伺服器名稱 Server Name
5021資料庫名稱 Database Name
5022例項名稱 Instance Name
5023命令列 Command Line
5024處理程序識別碼 Process ID
5100檔案共用名稱 File Share Name
6000設定磁碟區保護層級為 %d Setting volume protection level to %d
6001取得磁碟區保護狀態 Getting volume protection status
6002清除磁碟區保護錯誤 Clearing volume protection fault
6003刪除不使用的相異區域檔案 Deleting unused diff area files
6004使用 BreakSnapshotSetEx 分割陰影複製組 Break a Shadow Copy set using BreakSnapshotSetEx
6005快照集識別碼 Snapshot Set ID
6006裝置 Device
6007執行 TxF 復原 Perform TxF Recovery
6008 None
6009公開磁碟 Exposing Disks
6010檢查偵測到的磁碟 Examining Detected Disk
6011公開磁碟區 Exposing Volumes
6012檢查偵測到的隱藏磁碟區 Examining Detected Hidden Volume
6013公開復原的磁碟區 Exposing Recovered Volumes
6014檢查偵測到的磁碟區 Examining Detected Volume
6015分割輸入旗標 Break input flags
6016使用 LUN 遮罩分割 Break with LUN mask
6017使用簽章變更分割並重新安裝 Break with signature change and reinstall
6018刪除磁碟區 Deleting Volume
7000新增快照至復原集 Adding snapshot to recovery set
7001硬體陰影複製 Resync Hardware Shadow Copy Resync
7002Resync 操作後重新公開磁碟區 Exposing volumes after Resync operation
7003Resync 操作後檢查到達的磁碟區 Examine arrived volume post-resync
7004Resync 操作後更正磁碟 MBR 簽章或 GPT 識別碼 Correcting disk MBR signatures or GPT IDs after resync
7005無法取得 Resync 操作後識別碼 Fail to get the post-resync ID
7006找不到 Resync 操作前識別碼 Fail to find the pre-resync ID
7007指定的識別碼與 Resync 操作前磁碟識別碼衝突 Desired ID conflicts with a pre-resync Disk ID
7008無法還原磁碟識別碼 Fail to revert the disk ID
7009找不到原始磁碟識別碼 Could not find original disk ID
7010指定的識別碼已存在於電腦 The desired ID already exists on the machine
7011新增目的地磁碟區 Adding destination volume
7012無法重新整理內容 Cannot refresh properties
7013Resync 操作後公開磁碟 Exposing disks after Resync operation
7014Resync 操作後重新啟動磁碟 Restarting disks after Resync operation
7015無法重新啟動磁碟 Failed to restart disk
7016磁碟無法使用 Disk found to be unusable
7017Resync 操作前中斷目的地磁碟的連線 Offlining destination disks before Resync operation
7018列舉叢集磁碟資源以進行 Resync 操作 Enumerating clustered disk resources for Resync
7019失敗的維護模式 Failed Maintenance Mode
7020記錄 LUN Resync 的安全性稽核 Logging Security Audits for LUN Resync
7021磁碟編號 Disk number
0x00042309非同步操作正在擱置中。 The asynchronous operation is pending.
0x0004230A非同步操作已完成。 The asynchronous operation has completed.
0x0004230B非同步操作已取消。 The asynchronous operation has been cancelled.
0x00042321未順利匯入某些陰影複製。 Some shadow copies were not successfully imported.
0x80042301當物件在函式的不正確狀態時,執行了函式呼叫 A function call was made when the object was in an incorrect statefor that function
0x80042302磁碟區陰影複製服務元件發生意外錯誤。如需詳細資訊,請檢查應用程式事件記錄檔。 A Volume Shadow Copy Service component encountered an unexpected error.Check the Application event log for more information.
0x80042303提供者已登錄。 The provider has already been registered.
0x80042304磁碟區陰影複製提供者沒有登錄在系統裡。 The volume shadow copy provider is not registered in the system.
0x80042306陰影複製提供者發生錯誤。如需詳細資訊,請檢查系統和應用程式事件記錄檔。 The shadow copy provider had an error. Check the System and Application event logs for more information.
0x80042307陰影複製提供者目前正在使用中,而且無法取消登錄。 The shadow copy provider is currently in use and cannot be unregistered.
0x80042308找不到指定的物件。 The specified object was not found.
0x8004230C不支援陰影複製所指定的磁碟區。 Shadow copying the specified volume is not supported.
0x8004230D物件已經存在。 The object already exists.
0x8004230E所給予的陰影複製提供者不支援陰影複製所指定的磁碟區。 The given shadow copy provider does not support shadow copying the specified volume.
0x8004230F嘗試處理指定的操作時陰影複製提供者有意外的錯誤。 The shadow copy provider had an unexpected error while trying to process the specified operation.
0x80042310指定的 XML 文件無效。該文件可能是格式錯誤的 XML,或是與架構不符。此錯誤碼已過時。 The given XML document is invalid. It is either incorrectly-formed XML or it does not match theschema. This error code is deprecated.
0x80042311提供的 XML 文件不正確。可能是不語式正確的 XML 或是不符合結構描述。 The given XML document is invalid. It is either incorrectly-formed XML or it does not match theschema.
0x80042312已經達到此操作的磁碟區數目上限。 The maximum number of volumes for this operation has been reached.
0x80042313當排清資料到正在陰影複製的磁碟區時陰影複製提供者等候逾時。這可能是因為磁碟區上有過多的活動。請稍後在磁碟區沒有被如此嚴重使用時再試一次。 The shadow copy provider timed out while flushing data to the volume being shadow copied. This is probably due to excessive activity on the volume. Try again later when the volume is not being used so heavily.
0x80042314當進行寫入到正在陰影複製的磁碟區時陰影複製提供者等候逾時。這可能是因為應用程式或系統服務在磁碟區上有過多的活動。請在稍後磁碟區上的活動減少時再試一次。 The shadow copy provider timed out while holding writes to the volume being shadow copied. This is probably due to excessive activity on the volume by an application or a system service. Try again later when activity on the volume is reduced.
0x80042315傳送事件到寫入者時,VSS 發現問題。 VSS encountered problems while sending events to writers.
0x80042316正在建立其他的陰影複製。請稍待片刻,然後再試一次。 Another shadow copy creation is already in progress. Wait a few moments and try again.
0x80042317指定的磁碟區已達到陰影複製的最大數目。 The specified volume has already reached its maximum number of shadow copies.
0x80042318偵測到磁碟區陰影複製服務 (VSS) 發生錯誤。嘗試聯繫 VSS 寫入者時發生問題。請確認事件系統服務與 VSS 服務正在執行,並檢查事件記錄檔是否有相關錯誤。 An error was detected in the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). The problem occurred while trying to contact VSS writers.Verify that the Event System service and the VSS service are running and check for associated errors in the event logs.
0x80042319寫入者未回應 GatherWriterStatus 呼叫。寫入者可能已經終止或是卡住。如需詳細資訊,請檢查系統和應用程式事件記錄檔。 A writer did not respond to a GatherWriterStatus call. The writer may either have terminatedor it may be stuck. Check the System and Application event logs for more information.
0x8004231A寫入者已經成功呼叫 Subscribe 函式。它無法重複呼叫Subscribe。 The writer has already successfully called the Subscribe function. It cannot callSubscribe multiple times.
0x8004231B陰影複製提供者不支援指定的陰影複製類型。 The shadow copy provider does not support the specified shadow copy type.
0x8004231D指定的陰影複製儲存關聯正在被使用中以致無法被刪除。 The specified shadow copy storage association is in use and so can't be deleted.
0x8004231E已達到最大陰影複製儲存關聯的數目。 Maximum number of shadow copy storage associations already reached.
0x8004231F空間不足以致無法建立陰影複製儲存檔案或其他陰影複製資料。 Insufficient storage available to create either the shadow copy storage file or other shadow copy data.
0x80042320未順利匯入任何陰影複製。 No shadow copies were successfully imported.
0x80042322已經達到這個操作的遠端電腦最大數目。 The maximum number of remote machines for this operation has been reached.
0x80042323遠端伺服器無法使用。 The remote server is unavailable.
0x80042324遠端伺服器正在執行的磁碟區陰影複製服務版本不支援遠端陰影複製建立。 The remote server is running a version of the Volume Shadow Copy Service that does notsupport remote shadow-copy creation.
0x80042325指定的磁碟區正在還原。在完成目前的還原之前,無法初始化另一個還原。 A revert is currently in progress for the specified volume. Another revertcannot be initiated until the current revert completes.
0x80042326在還原時,正在還原的磁碟區遺失。 The volume being reverted was lost during revert.
0x80042327完成此操作之後需要重新開機。 A reboot is required after completing this operation.
0x80042328凍結交易管理員時發生逾時。 A timeout occurred while freezing a transaction manager.
0x80042329在凍結交易管理員與解除凍結交易管理員之間,經過的時間太久。 Too much time elapsed between freezing a transaction manager and thawingthe transaction manager.
0x8004232A要求的操作會覆寫未明確選取的磁碟區。如需詳細資訊,請檢查應用程式事件記錄檔。 The requested operation would overwrite a volume that is not explicitly selected. For more information, check the Application event log.
0x8004232B在陰影複製組的備份元件文件中找不到陰影複製識別碼。 The shadow copy ID was not found in the backup components document for the shadow copy set.
0x8004232C指定之磁碟區的巢狀結構太深,無法參與 VSS 操作。 The specified volume is nested too deeply to participate in the VSS operation.
0x8004232D要備份的磁碟區未掛接在本機主機上。 The volume being backed up is not mounted on the local host.
0x8004232E準備叢集共用磁碟區以進行備份時發生逾時。 A timeout occurred while preparing a cluster shared volume for backup.
0x8004232F不支援要求的操作。 The requested operation is not supported.
0x80042336寫入者發生部分錯誤。請檢查元件等級錯誤狀態,以取得詳細資訊。 The writer experienced a partial failure. Check the component level error state for more information.
0x800423F0陰影複製組僅包含正確備份所選寫入者元件所需的磁碟區子集。 The shadow-copy set only contains only a subset of thevolumes needed to correctly backup the selected componentsof the writer.
0x800423F1處理此操作時發生資源配置失敗。 A resource allocation failed while processing this operation.
0x800423F2在凍結與解除凍結事件之間,寫入者的逾時到期。 The writer's timeout expired between the Freeze and Thaw events.
0x800423F3寫入者發生暫時錯誤。如果重試備份程序,可能不會再次發生錯誤。 The writer experienced a transient error. If the backup process is retried,the error may not reoccur.
0x800423F4寫入者發生非暫時錯誤。如果重試備份程序,可能會再次發生錯誤。 The writer experienced a non-transient error. If the backup process is retried,the error is likely to reoccur.
0x800423F5嘗試修復陰影複製磁碟區時,寫入者發生錯誤。 The writer experienced an error while trying to recover the shadow-copy volume.
0x800423F6陰影複製組分割操作失敗,因為磁碟/磁碟分割識別無法還原。電腦或叢集上已經有目標識別,必須先經過遮罩,此操作才會成功。 The shadow copy set break operation failed because the disk/partition identities could not be reverted. The target identity already exists on the machine or cluster and must be masked before this operation can succeed.
0x800423F7此版本的硬體提供者不支援此操作。 This version of the hardware provider does not support this operation.
0x800423F8預期的磁碟未送達系統。 An expected disk did not arrive in the system.
0x800423F9預期的隱藏磁碟區未到達系統。如需詳細資訊,請檢查應用程式事件記錄檔。 An expected hidden volume did not arrive in the system. Check the Application event log for more information.
0x800423FA預期的磁碟區未到達系統。如需詳細資訊,請檢查應用程式事件記錄檔。 An expected volume did not arrive in the system. Check the Application event log for more information.
0x800423FB無法完成陰影複製上的自動復原操作。 The autorecovery operation failed to complete on the shadow copy.
0x800423FC處理操作涉及的動態磁碟時發生錯誤。 An error occurred in processing the dynamic disks involved in the operation.
0x800423FD指定的備份元件文件適用於不可傳送的陰影複製。只有在可傳送的陰影複製上才能完成此操作。 The given Backup Components Document is for a non-transportable shadow copy. This operation can only be done on transportable shadow copies.
0x800423FE無法將一或多個磁碟的 MBR 簽章或 GPT 識別碼設定為指定值。如需詳細資訊,請檢查應用程式事件記錄檔。 The MBR signature or GPT ID for one or more disks could not be set to the intended value. Check the Application event log for more information.
0x800423FF因為正在進行 LUN 重新同步操作,所以無法啟動另一個重新同步操作。 The LUN resynchronization operation could not be started because another resynchronization operation is already in progress.
0x80042400叢集磁碟無法列舉或無法進入叢集維護模式。請檢查系統事件記錄檔是否有叢集相關事件,以及應用程式事件記錄檔是否有 VSS 相關事件。 The clustered disks could not be enumerated or could not be put into cluster maintenance mode. Check the System event log for cluster related events and the Application event log for VSS related events.
0x80042401此電腦上的磁碟數目太少,或其中一或多個磁碟太小。請新增或變更磁碟,讓磁碟數目與備份中的磁碟數目相同,然後再試著還原。 There are too few disks on this computer or one or more of the disks is too small. Add or change disks so they match the disks in the backup, and try the restore again.
0x80042402Windows 無法在此電腦上建立從備份還原時所需的磁碟。請確定磁碟已正確連接,或是新增或變更磁碟,然後再試著還原。 Windows cannot create a disk on this computer needed to restore from the backup. Make sure the disks are properly connected, or add or change disks, and try the restore again.
0x80042403必須重新啟動電腦,才能完成準備硬碟以進行還原。若要繼續,請重新啟動您的電腦,然後再執行還原。 The computer needs to be restarted to finish preparing a hard disk for restore. To continue, restart your computer and run the restore again.
0x80042404備份因動態磁碟區遺失磁碟而失敗。請確定磁碟在線上,然後重試備份。 The backup failed due to a missing disk for a dynamic volume. Ensure the disk is online and retry the backup.
0x80042405系統自動復原無法進行陰影複製,因為選取的重要磁碟區位於叢集共用磁碟上。不支援此設定。 Automated System Recovery failed the shadow copy, because a selected critical volume is located on a cluster shared disk. This is an unsupported configuration.
0x80042406資料磁碟目前在 BIOS 中設為啟動。請將其他磁碟設為啟動,或使用 DiskPart 公用程式清除資料磁碟,然後重試還原操作。 A data disk is currently set as active in BIOS. Set some other disk as active or use the DiskPart utility to clean the data disk, and then retry the restore operation.
0x80042407在 BIOS 中設為啟動的磁碟太小,無法復原原始的系統磁碟。請更換為較大的磁碟,然後重試還原操作。 The disk that is set as active in BIOS is too small to recover the original system disk. Replace the disk with a larger one and retry the restore operation.
0x80042408找不到較適合的磁碟來重建所有重要磁碟。可用的磁碟數目應該等於或大於備份時的重要磁碟數目,而且每個磁碟的大小必須相同或較大。 Failed to find enough suitable disks for recreating all critical disks. The number of available disks should be same or greater than the number of critical disks at time of backup, and each one of the disks must be of same or greater size.
0x80042409無法取得一或多個寫入者的寫入者狀態。寫入者可能已達到可用備份還原工作階段狀態的數目限制。 Writer status is not available for one or more writers. A writer may have reached the limit to the number of available backup-restore session states.
0x8004240A重要動態磁碟是虛擬硬碟 (VHD)。不支援此設定。如需詳細資料,請檢查應用程式事件記錄檔。 A critical dynamic disk is a Virtual Hard Disk (VHD). This is an unsupported configuration. Check the Application event log for more details.
0x80042411針對備份選取的重要磁碟區位於無法由 ASR 備份的磁碟上。 A critical volume selected for backup exists on a disk which cannot be backed up by ASR.
0x80042412找不到任何磁碟可用於還原系統磁碟。請嘗試下列動作:1) 可能誤將系統磁碟排除。 a. 檢閱您排除在復原範圍外的磁碟清單,尋找可能的磁碟。 b. 在 DISKPART 命令直譯器中輸入 LIST DISK 命令。結果中 列出的第一個磁碟通常可能是系統磁碟。 c. 如果可能,請從排除清單移除該磁碟,然後試著重新還原。2) 可能將 USB 磁碟指派為系統磁碟。 a. 中斷連結電腦的所有 USB 磁碟。 b. 重新開機至 Windows 修復環境 (Win RE) 下,然後重新 連結 USB 磁碟,再試著重新復原。3) 可能將無效的磁碟指派為系統磁碟。 a. 實際中斷連結電腦的磁碟。然後開機至 Win RE 下,試著重新 復原。 No disk that can be used for recovering the system disk can be found.Try the following:1) A probable system disk may have been excluded by mistake. a. Review the list of disks that you have excluded from the recovery for a likely disk. b. Type LIST DISK command in the DISKPART command interpreter. The probable system disk is usually the first disk listed in the results. c. If possible, remove the disk from the exclusion list and then retry the recovery.2) A USB disk may have been assigned as a system disk. a. Detach all USB disks from the computer. b. Reboot into Windows Recovery Environment (Win RE), then reattach USB disks and retry the recovery.3) An invalid disk may have been assigned as system disk. a. Physically detach the disk from your computer. Then boot into Win RE to retry the recovery.
0x80042413Windows 找不到任何固定磁碟可以用來重建備份中的現有磁碟區。請確定磁碟在線上,並已安裝磁碟驅動程式來存取磁碟。您可以使用 'diskpart.exe' 工具並指定 list disks 命令來查看系統上的可用固定磁碟清單。 Windows did not find any fixed disk that can be used to recreate volumes present in backup. Ensure disks are online, and disk drivers are installed to access the disk(s). 'diskpart.exe' tool with list disks command can be used to see the list of available fixed disks on the system.
0x80042414Windows 找不到任何磁碟可用於重建備份中的現有磁碟區。Windows 不會使用離線磁碟、叢集共用磁碟,或是使用者明確排除的磁碟。請確定磁碟在線上,而且未誤將磁碟排除。 Windows did not find any disk which it can use for recreating volumes present in backup. Offline disks, cluster shared disks or disks explicitly excluded by user will not be used by Windows. Ensure that disks are online and no disks are excluded by mistake.
0x80042415還原失敗,因為備份時所需的重要磁碟被排除。若要繼續,您必須從排除清單中移除磁碟、從電腦將它中斷連結,或是使用 DiskPart 公用程式將它清除,然後重試還原。如果您無法清除或將它中斷連結,請使用 DiskPart 命令 UNIQUEID DISK ID 變更磁碟簽章。 Restore failed because a disk which was critical at backup is excluded. To continue you need to either remove the disk from exclusion list or detach it from machine or clean it using DiskPart utility, and then retry restore. If you cannot clean or detach it then change the disk signature using DiskPart command UNIQUEID DISK ID.
0x80042416系統磁碟分割 (磁碟分割標示為「使用中」) 為隱藏或包含無法辨識的檔案系統。備份不支援這個設定。 System partition (partition marked \"active\") is hidden or contains an unrecognized file system. Backup does not support this configuration.
0x80042417為備份準備檔案共用陰影複製時發生逾時。 A timeout occurred while preparing a file share shadowcopy for backup.


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Internal Name:vsstrace.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:vsstrace.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is vsstrace.dll.mui?

vsstrace.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file vsstrace.dll (Microsoft® 磁碟區陰影複製服務追蹤程式庫).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft® 磁碟區陰影複製服務追蹤程式庫
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:vsstrace.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:vsstrace.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200