WWAHost.exe Microsoft WWA 主機 46b6f17cea597dba9f9fe98966108fb8

File info

File name: WWAHost.exe.mui
Size: 11264 byte
MD5: 46b6f17cea597dba9f9fe98966108fb8
SHA1: 3c859f947858fb91fe2e36c6ff5f661a059c4edc
SHA256: 025ae21223bc9538a97cf7cb858420a758f183cc6cd00543ea784369f6ceecfb
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: WWAHost.exe Microsoft WWA 主機 (32 位元)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
700無法載入 。應用程式無法在本機內容中載入遠端網路內容。 Can’t load . An app can’t load remote web content in the local context.
701'javascript:' 是無效的屬性值,因此將予以忽略。請勿在本機內容中使用 'javascript:' URI。 'javascript:' is an invalid attribute value and will be ignored. Don’t use 'javascript:' URIs in the local context.
702無法載入類別識別碼為 '%1!s!' 的 ActiveX 外掛程式。應用程式無法載入 ActiveX 控制項。 Can’t load the ActiveX plug-in that has the class ID '%1!s!'. Apps can't load ActiveX controls.
703無法瀏覽 ,因為它使用無效的字元編碼。應用程式只能瀏覽使用 UTF8 編碼的檔案。 Can’t navigate to because it uses an invalid character encoding. An app can navigate only to UTF8-encoded files.
704無法從 瀏覽 ,因為目的地 URI 是位於較高的安全性區域。您無法從安全性較低的區域瀏覽安全性較高的區域,除非您是從網路內容 URI 瀏覽本機內容 URI 且您已使用 MSApp.addPublicLocalApplicationUri 方法登錄該本機內容 URI。 Can’t navigate to from because the destination URI is in a higher security zone. You can’t navigate from a zone with lower security to a zone with higher security unless you’re navigating to a local context URI from a web context URI and you’ve registered the local context URI with the MSApp.addPublicLocalApplicationUri method.
705無法載入 ,因為它使用 HTTP 連線,且 ms-https-connections-only meta 元素已存在。當您使用 ms-https-connections-only meta 元素時,只允許 HTTPS 連線。請使用 HTTPS 連線,或者,若不需要安全連線,請移除該 meta 元素。 Can’t load because it uses an HTTP connection and the ms-https-connections-only meta element is present. Only HTTPS connections are allowed when you use the ms-https-connections-only meta element. Use an HTTPS connection or, if you don’t need a secure connection, remove the meta element.
706文件模式無效。iframe 中的文件要求 文件模式,但系統強制使用 文件模式。iframe 將使用 文件模式。 Invalid doc mode. A document within an iframe requested the doc mode, but the system enforces the doc mode. The iframe will use the doc mode.
707應用程式無法啟動位於 %1!s! 的 URI,因為發生下列錯誤: %2!d!。 The app can't launch the URI at %1!s! because of this error: %2!d!.
708應用程式無法瀏覽 about:blank 頁面,因為發生下列錯誤: %1!d!。 The app couldn’t navigate to the about:blank page because of this error: %1!d!.
710應用程式準備瀏覽自訂的錯誤頁面時發生錯誤: %1!d!。 The app found an error while preparing to navigate to a custom error page: %1!d!.
711應用程式無法瀏覽自訂錯誤頁面,因為發生下列錯誤: %1!d!。 The app couldn’t navigate to a custom error page because of this error: %1!d!.
713應用程式無法瀏覽 %1!s!,因為發生下列錯誤: %2!s!。 The app couldn’t navigate to %1!s! because of this error: %2!s!.
714最上層文件要求 文件模式,但系統強制使用 文件模式。應用程式將使用 文件模式來顯示文件。 The top level document requested the doc mode, but the system enforces the doc mode. The app will use the doc mode to display the document.
715此 URI 無法使用地理位置 API。只能從屬於套件之一部分的 URI 或包含在資訊清單之 ApplicationContentUris 元素的 URI 叫用地理位置 API。 This URI can’t use geolocation APIs. Geolocation APIs can be invoked only from a URI that is part of the package or is included in the ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest.
716此 URI 無法使用剪貼簿 API。只能從屬於套件之一部分的 URI 或包含在資訊清單之 ApplicationContentUris 元素的 URI 叫用剪貼簿 API。 This URI can’t use clipboard APIs. The clipboard APIs can be invoked only from a URI that is part of the package or is included in the ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest.
717此 URI 無法使用 window.close。只能從使用 ms-appx URI 配置載入的已封裝內容叫用 window.close 方法。 This URI can’t use window.close. The window.close method can be invoked only from packaged content that was loaded with an ms-appx URI scheme.
718應用程式無法下載位於 的檔案,因為它是使用程式設計方式從本機內容以外叫用。 The app can’t download the file at because it was invoked programmatically outside of the local context.
719應用程式無法瀏覽 %1!s!,因為網路內容中的頁面不能是應用程式的最上層文件。請改為在 iframe 中載入該頁面。 The app can't navigate to %1!s! because a page in the web context can't be the app's top level document. Load the page in an iframe instead.
720已關閉此應用程式,因為它使用 HTTP 連線,且 ms-https-connections-only meta 元素已存在。當您使用 ms-https-connections-only meta 元素時,只允許 HTTPS 連線。請使用 HTTPS 連線,或者,若不需要安全連線,請移除該 meta 元素。 This app was closed because it used an HTTP connection and the ms-https-connections-only meta element is present. Only HTTPS connections are allowed when you use the ms-https-connections-only meta element. Use an HTTPS connection or, if you don’t require a secure connection, remove the meta element.
721應用程式無法解析 %1!s!,因為發生下列錯誤: %2!s!。 The app couldn’t resolve %1!s! because of this error: %2!s!.
722應用程式未處理的指令碼例外狀況 App unhandled script exception
723應用程式無法使用指令碼來載入 %1!s! url,因為該 url 會啟動另一個應用程式。只有直接使用者互動可以載入另一個應用程式。 The app can’t use script to load the %1!s! url because the url launches another app. Only direct user interaction can launch another app.
724應用程式已使用 window.close 方法來終止。一般而言,請讓使用者終止應用程式。若需要在發生嚴重錯誤時終止應用程式,請使用 MSApp.terminateApp。 The app used the window.close method to terminate. In general, let the user terminate the app. When you need to terminate the app because of a critical error, use MSApp.terminateApp.
725應用程式無法瀏覽頂層文件至 %s,因為發生下列錯誤: %s。 The app was unable to navigate the top-level document to %s because of the following error: %s.
726應用程式無法瀏覽 iframe 至 %s,因為發生下列錯誤: %s。若要處理瀏覽錯誤,我們建議您在套件的根目錄中包含名為 msapp-error.html 的檔案。當 iframe 中發生瀏覽錯誤時,應用程式會瀏覽至 msapp-error.html 頁面,並將錯誤詳細資料做為查詢字串參數傳遞。 The app was unable to navigate an iframe to %s because of the following error: %s. To handle navigation errors, we recommend including a file named msapp-error.html in the root of the package. When a navigation error occurs in an iframe, the app navigates to the msapp-error.html page and passes the error details as query string parameters.
727無法瀏覽至: '%1!s!'。某個 iframe 嘗試瀏覽至未包含於此應用程式之 ApplicationContentUriRules 的 URI。請改用 x-ms-webview 元素檢視該 URI,或將該 URI 新增至套件資訊清單的 ApplicationContentUriRules 區段,讓 iframe 可以進行瀏覽 (在 Visual Studio 中,將此 URI 新增至資訊清單設計工具的 [內容 URI] 索引標籤)。 Unable to navigate to: '%1!s!'. An iframe attempted to navigate to a URI that is not included in the ApplicationContentUriRules for this app. Use a x-ms-webview element to view the URI instead, or add the URI to the ApplicationContentUriRules section of the package manifest so that the iframe can navigate to it. (In Visual Studio, add this URI to the Content URIs tab of the Manifest Designer.)
728應用程式無法從 iframe 瀏覽至 %s,因為發生下列錯誤: %s。 The app was unable to navigate an iframe to %s because of the following error: %s.
729偵測到對資源檔 %1!s! 的直接參照。在偵錯環境之外使用時,此參照導致失敗。 A direct reference to resource file %1!s! was detected. This reference causes failures when used outside of the debugging environment.
730應用程式已瀏覽至 ,其中包含格式不正確的驗證中繼標籤: %2!s! The app navigated to which contains a malformed authentication meta tag: %2!s!
731此 URI 無法使用 pointerlock API。只能從屬於套件之一部分的 URI 或包含在資訊清單之 ApplicationContentUris 元素的 URI 叫用 Pointerlock API。 This URI can’t use pointerlock APIs. Pointerlock APIs can be invoked only from a URI that is part of the package or is included in the ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest.
732此 URI 無法使用媒體擷取 API。只能從屬於套件之一部分的 URI 或包含在資訊清單之 ApplicationContentUris 元素的 URI 叫用媒體擷取 API。 This URI can’t use media capture APIs. Media Capture APIs can be invoked only from a URI that is part of the package or is included in the ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest.
733URI%1!s! 無法關閉應用程式的最上層視窗。屬於套件之一部分或包含在資訊清單之 ApplicationContentUris 元素中的最上層視窗,只能從也是屬於套件之一部分或包含在資訊清單中之 ApplicationContentUris 的 URI 關閉。 The URI %1!s! can’t close the application top level window. Top level windows that are part of package or are included in ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest can only be closed from URIs that are also either part of package or are included in ApplicationContentUris of manifest.
734此 URI 無法使用「Web 通知 API」。「Web 通知 API」只能從屬於此套件之一部分的 URI 或資訊清單之 ApplicationContentUris 元素中包含的 URI 叫用。 This URI can’t use Web Notification APIs. Web Notification APIs can be invoked only from a URI that is part of the package or is included in the ApplicationContentUris element of the manifest.
1701複製 Copy
1702剪下 Cut
1703復原 Undo
1704貼上 Paste
1705全選 Select all
0x10000001AppHost AppHost
0x10000002AppHostApplication AppHostApplication
0x10000003AppHostDiagnostic AppHostDiagnostic
0x10000031回應時間 Response Time
0x30000000資訊 Info
0x30000001開始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x3000000BAppHost 操作成功 AppHost Operation Succeeded
0x3000000CAppHost 操作成失敗 AppHost Operation Failed
0x3000000DAppHost 警告 AppHost Warning
0x3000000EAppHost 資訊 AppHost Information
0x3000000FAppHost 應用程式錯誤 AppHost Application Error
0x30000010AppHost 應用程式警告 AppHost Application Warning
0x30000011AppHost 應用程式資訊 AppHost Application Information
0x50000002錯誤 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-AppHost Microsoft-Windows-AppHost
0x90000002Admin Admin
0x90000003AppTracing AppTracing
0xB0000066「主控處理程序」發生意外的錯誤,而且將會終止。錯誤是 %1。 The App Host has encountered an unexpected error and will terminate. The error is %1.
0xB0000070已提交 WWAJSE 報告,參數為 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 。(PID: 。處理程序建立時間: 。應用程式二進位檔案路徑: 。) 報告識別碼: WWAJSE report submitted with parameters 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: . (PID: . Process Creation Time: . App Binary Path: .) Report Id:
0xB0000079因為 winmd 檔案發生問題,主控處理程序無法列舉 WinRT 命名空間。如果您擁有的是協力廠商的 winmd 檔案,請確定它們未損毀,而且檔案名稱符合它們對應的命名空間名稱。 The App Host failed to enumerate WinRT namespaces due to an issue with a winmd file. If you have third party winmd files ensure they are not corrupt and that their filenames match their corresponding namespace names.
0xB000007A因為不明錯誤,「主控處理程序」無法列舉 WinRT 命名空間。(0x%1) The App Host failed to enumerate WinRT namespaces due to unknown error. (%1)
0xB000007E應用程式 已損毀,因為發生無法處理的 Javascript 例外狀況。應用程式詳細資料如下: 顯示名稱: ,AppUserModelId: ,套件識別資料:,PID: 。JavaScript 例外狀況的詳細資料如下: 例外狀況名稱: ,描述: ,HTML 文件路徑:,來源檔案名稱: ,來源行號: ,來源欄號: ,堆疊追蹤: %12。 App crashed with an unhandled Javascript exception. App details are as follows: Display Name:, AppUserModelId: Package Identity: PID:. The details of the JavaScript exception are as follows Exception Name:, Description:, HTML Document Path:, Source File Name:, Source Line Number:, Source Column Number:, and Stack Trace: %12.
0xB000007F應用程式 已透過呼叫 terminateApp API 將自己終止。應用程式詳細資料如下: 顯示名稱: ,AppUserModelId: ,套件識別資料: ,PID: 。該 API 是從下列 HTML 文件的內容呼叫: 。傳遞至 terminateApp 的錯誤物件具有下列詳細資料: 描述: ,堆疊追蹤:- %8。 App terminated itself by calling terminateApp API. App details are as follows: Display Name:, AppUserModelId: Package Identity: PID:. The API was called from the context of the following HTML document: . Error object passed to terminateApp carried the following details Description:, and Stack Trace:- %8.
0xB0000080已關閉此應用程式,因為發生嚴重的基礎結構失敗。 This app was closed because of a critical infrastructure failure.
0xB0000081已關閉此應用程式,因為一或多個套件已遭修改。請重新安裝該應用程式 This app was closed because one or more packages were modified. Please reinstall the app.
0xB0000083應用程式 已透過 window.close() API 將自己終止,不建議這樣做。應用程式詳細資料如下: 顯示名稱:,AppUserModelId: 套件識別資料: PID:。API 是從下列 HTML 文件的內容呼叫: App terminated itself by window.close() API, which is not recommended. App details are as follows: Display Name:, AppUserModelId: Package Identity: PID:. The API was called from the context of the following HTML document:
0xB0000084應用程式 已終止,原因是發生瀏覽錯誤,目標 url 為 而錯誤碼為 。應用程式詳細資料如下: 顯示名稱:,AppUserModelId: 套件識別資料: PID:。瀏覽是從下列 HTML 文件的內容起始: App was terminated due to a navigation error with target url and error code . App details are as follows: Display Name:, AppUserModelId: Package Identity: PID:. The Navigation was initiated from the context of the following HTML document:
0xB0000085「主控處理程序」無法啟動,因為主機模組 %2::%1 失敗,錯誤為 %3。 The App Host could not start because the host module %2::%1 failed with %3.
0xB0000086「主控處理程序」無法啟動,因為 Web 模組 %3::%2::%1 失敗,錯誤為 %4。 The App Host could not start because the web module %3::%2::%1 failed with %4.
0xB0000087「主控處理程序」無法啟動,因為平台 (%1) 失敗,錯誤為 %2。 The App Host could not start because the platform (%1) failed with %2.
0xB0000088「主控處理程序」無法啟動,因為 WinRT 無法初始化,錯誤為 %1。 The App Host could not start because WinRT failed to initialize with %1.
0xB0000089已將擱置中的繼續事件通知主機。 Pending resume event was signaled to the Host.
0xB0000203應用程式在暫停期間具有剩餘的次下載。主機以要求系統提供更多時間。 The App has subdownloads remaining to complete during suspension. Host has requested the system for more time.
0xB0002710%6%10 : %11 %6%10 : %11
0xB0002713擱置中的延遲遞增。 Suspending Deferral Increment.
0xB0002714擱置中的延遲遞減。 Suspending Deferral Decrement.


File Name:WWAHost.exe.mui
File Size:11 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:10752
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft WWA 主機
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:WWAHost
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:WWAHost.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is WWAHost.exe.mui?

WWAHost.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file WWAHost.exe (Microsoft WWA 主機).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft WWA 主機
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:WWAHost
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:WWAHost.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200