mscms.dll.mui Microsofti värvisobitussüsteemi DLL 467cc40a69033fd51e8149bd7619544f

File info

File name: mscms.dll.mui
Size: 17920 byte
MD5: 467cc40a69033fd51e8149bd7619544f
SHA1: ded34a7fb77fa59f30d91839d0d9cd9037037694
SHA256: 490f8e873fb81050c92ee317df9d64b9221dffc93dc0408de40c1471814dd32e
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Estonian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Estonian English
101Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
110WCS-profiil ICC vaatamise tingimused WCS profile for ICC viewing conditions
111WCS profile for ICC viewing conditions WCS profile for ICC viewing conditions
112Sobiv printimiseks D50 vaatamiskioskis Appropriate for a print in a D50 viewing booth
115WCS-profiil sRGB vaatamise tingimused WCS profile for sRGB viewing conditions
116WCS profile for sRGB viewing conditions WCS profile for sRGB viewing conditions
117Vaikeprofiil sRGB monitorile standardsetes vaatamise tingimustes Default profile for a sRGB monitor in standard viewing conditions
120sRGB virtuaalseadme mudeli profiil sRGB virtual device model profile
121sRGB virtual device model profile sRGB virtual device model profile
122sRGB virtuaalseadme mudeli süsteemi profiil sRGB virtual device model system profile
125scRGB virtuaalseadme mudeli profiil scRGB virtual device model profile
126scRGB virtual device model profile scRGB virtual device model profile
127scRGB virtuaalse s2.13 seadme mudeli süsteemi profiil scRGB virtual s2.13 device model system profile
130tabelid ja graafikud Charts and graphs
131Charts and graphs Charts and graphs
132Sobiv ICC küllastusega esitusviisi kavatsusega töövoogudele Appropriate for ICC saturation rendering intent workflows
135fotograafia Photography
136Photography Photography
137Sobiv ICC kujuteldava esitusviisi kavatsusega töövoogudele Appropriate for ICC perceptual rendering intent workflows
140kontrollimine ja joongraafika Proofing and line art
141Proofing and line art Proofing and line art
142Sobiv ICC suhtelise kolorimeetrilise esitusviisi kavatsusega töövoogudele Appropriate for ICC relative colorimetric rendering intent workflows
145kontrollimine – paberi/kandja värvi simuleerimine Proofing - simulate paper/media color
146Proofing - simulate paper/media color Proofing - simulate paper/media color
147Sobiv ICC absoluutse kolorimeetrilise esitusviisi kavatsusega töövoogudele Appropriate for ICC absolute colorimetric rendering intent workflows
150Loodud Microsoft WCS poolt DMP-st: %1, CAMP-st: %2 ja GMMP-st: %3%0 Created by Microsoft WCS from DMP: %1, CAMP: %2, and GMMP: %3%0
151Created by Microsoft WCS from DMP: %1, CAMP: %2, and GMMP: %3%0 Created by Microsoft WCS from DMP: %1, CAMP: %2, and GMMP: %3%0
160Blokeeri sissetulev võrguliiklus Block inbound network traffic
161Blokeeri väljaminev võrguliiklus Block outbound network traffic
170Installi profiil Install Profile
202See toiming rakendab värvikalibreerimise sätted. This task applies color calibration settings.
0x10000001CMM ICC-profiilide jaoks CMM for ICC profiles
0x10000002CMM WCS-profiilide jaoks CMM for WCS profiles
0x30000000Teave Info
0x50000002Tõrge Error
0x70000001Profiilihaldus Profile Management
0x70000002Teisenduse loomine Transform Creation
0x70000003Värviteisendus Color Translation
0x70000004Värvikalibreerimine Color Calibration
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-WindowsColorSystem Microsoft-Windows-WindowsColorSystem
0xB0000001Installiti värviprofiil %1. Installed color profile %1.
0xB0000002Desinstalliti värviprofiil %1. Uninstalled color profile %1.
0xB0000003Värviprofiil %1 seostati seadmega %2 skoobis %3. Associated color profile %1 with device %2 in %3 scope.
0xB0000004Tühistati värviprofiili %1 seos seadmega %2 skoobis %3. Disassociated color profile %1 from device %2 in %3 scope.
0xB0000005Seadme %2 vaikeprofiiliks skoobis %3 määrati %1. Set default profile to %1 for device %2 in %3 scope.
0xB0000006Seadme %1 „kasuta kasutajaprofiile” sätteks määrati %2. Set the \"use per-user profiles\" setting for device %1 to %2.
0xB0000008Skoobis %2 määrati värvivastavuse vaikemudeliks %1. Set the default rendering intent to %1 in %2 scope.
0xB0000009Värvivastavuse vaikemudeli määrang skoobis %1 tühistati. Nüüd võetakse kasutusele süsteemi värvivastavuse vaikemudel. Unset the default rendering intent in %1 scope. The system-wide default rendering intent will now be used.
0xB000000AVärvivastavuse mudeli %1 vaikeprofiiliks skoobis %3 määrati %2. Set the default profile for %1 rendering intent to %2 in %3 scope.
0xB000000BVärvivastavuse mudeli %1 vaikeprofiili määrang skoobis %2 tühistati. See värvivastavuse mudel kasutab nüüd süsteemi vaikeprofiili. Unset the default profile for %1 rendering intent in %2 scope. This rendering intent will now use the corresponding system-wide default profile.
0xB000000CTööruumi %1 vaikeprofiiliks skoobis %3 määrati %2. Set the default profile for working space '%1' to %2 in %3 scope.
0xB000000DTööruumi %1 vaikeprofiili määrang skoobis %2 tühistati. See tööruum kasutab nüüd vastavat süsteemi vaikeprofiili. Unset the default profile for working space '%1' in %2 scope. This working space will now use the corresponding system-wide default profile.
0xB000000ECAMP-i vaikeprofiiliks skoobis %2 määrati %1. Set the default CAMP profile to %1 in %2 scope.
0xB000000FCAMP-i vaikeprofiili määrang skoobis %1 tühistati. Nüüd võetakse kasutusele süsteemi CAMP-i vaikeprofiil. Unset the default CAMP profile in %1 scope. The system-wide default CAMP profile will now be used.
0xB0000010WCS-i profiil %1 on vigane: %2 WCS profile %1 is invalid: %2
0xB0000013V4 LUT elemendid sildis %1: B-kõverad %2, maatriks %3, M-kõverad %4, CLUT %5, A-kõverad %6. V4 LUT elements in '%1' tag: B curves %2, Matrix %3, M curves %4, CLUT %5, A curves %6.
0xB0000014Must punkt kohandatakse pärandkodeeringust V4 kodeeringusse. Adjust black point from legacy encoding to V4 encoding.
0xB0000015Must punkt kohandatakse V4 kodeeringust pärandkodeeringusse. Adjust black point from V4 encoding to legacy encoding.
0xB0000016LAB kohandatakse pärandkodeeringust V4 kodeeringusse. Adjust LAB from legacy encoding to V4 encoding.
0xB0000017LAB kohandatakse V4 kodeeringust pärandkodeeringusse. Adjust LAB from V4 encoding to legacy encoding.
0xB0000018LAB teisendamine XYZ-i. Convert LAB to XYZ.
0xB0000019XYZ teisendamine LAB-i. Convert XYZ to LAB.
0xB000001ASeade on laiendatud vahemikuga: ([%1, %2], [%3, %4], [%5, %6]). Device has extended range: ([%1, %2], [%3, %4], [%5, %6]).
0xB000001BSihtseadme heledusvahemik: [%1, %2]. Destination device lightness range: [%1, %2].
0xB000001CToimub teisendusmudeli loomine mudeli %1 jaoks. Creating gamut map model for %1 intent.
0xB000001DMudeli %1 jaoks loodi standardne teisendusmudel. Created standard gamut map model for %1 intent.
0xB000001FTeisendusmudeli loomine ebaõnnestus, tõrge %1. Failed to create gamut map model: error %1.
0xB0000020Värviprofiili avamine (CDMP = %2 (%1), CAMP = %4 (%3), GMMP = %6 (%5), soovitud juurdepääs = %7, ühiskasutusmeetod = %8, loomismeetod = %9). Opening color profile(CDMP = '%2' (%1), CAMP = '%4' (%3), GMMP = '%6' (%5), desired access = %7, share mode = %8, creation mode = %9).
0xB0000021Värviprofiili avamine õnnestus. Color profile successfully opened.
0xB0000022Värviprofiili avamine ebaõnnestus, tõrge %1. Failed to open color profile: error %1.
0xB0000023ICC-profiili andmed: maht = %1 baiti, versioon = %2, klass = %3, andmete värviruum = %4, profiili ühendusruum = %5. ICC profile information: size = %1 bytes, version = %2, class = '%3', data color space = '%4', profile connection space = '%5'.
0xB0000024ICC-profiilist ekstraktiti WCS-profiil. Extracted WCS profile from ICC profile.
0xB0000025CITE värviteisenduse optimeerimine: %1. CITE color transform optimization: %1.
0xB0000026Valiti %1 LUT. Selected %1 LUT.
0xB0000027LUT %2 loomiseks klassi %3 profiilile värvivastavuse mudeliga %4 valiti silt %1. Selected '%1' tag to create %2 LUT for '%3' class profile with %4 rendering intent.
0xB0000028Värviteisenduse loomine (LCS-i tüüp = %1, mudel = %2, lähteprofiil = %3, sihtprofiil = %5 (%4), tulemprofiil = %7 (%6), lipud = %8). Creating color transform(LCS type = %1, intent = %2, source profile = '%3', destination profile = '%5' (%4), target profile = '%7' (%6), flags = %8).
0xB0000029Mitme profiili värviteisenduse loomine (%1 profiili, %2 mudelit, lipud = %3). Creating multi-profile color transform(%1 profiles, %2 intents, flags = %3).
0xB000002AVärviteisenduse loomine õnnestus: hxform = %1. Color transform successfully created: hxform = %1.
0xB000002BVärviteisenduse loomine ebaõnnestus: tõrge %1. Color transform creation failed: error %1.
0xB000002CVärvide teisendamine (hxform = %1, %2 sisendvärvi, sisendvärvi tüüp = %3, väljundvärvi tüüp = %4). Translating colors(hxform = %1, %2 input colors, input color type = %3, output color type = %4).
0xB000002DWCS teisendab värve (hxform = %1, %2 sisendvärvi, %3 sisendkanalit, sisendvärvi tüüp = %4, %5 sisendbaiti, %6 väljundkanalit, väljundandmete tüüp = %7, %8 väljundbaiti). WCS translating colors(hxform = %1, %2 input colors, %3 input channels, input data type = %4, %5 input bytes, %6 output channels, output data type = %7, %8 output bytes).
0xB000002EBittrastri bittide teisendamine (hxform = %1, sisendbittrastri vorming = %2, laius = %3, kõrgus = %4, sisendsamm = %5, väljundbittrastri vorming = %6, väljundsamm = %7). Translating bitmap bits(hxform = %1, input bitmap format = %2, width = %3, height = %4, input stride = %5, output bitmap format = %6, output stride = %7).
0xB000002FVärvid on edukalt teisendatud Colors successfully translated
0xB0000030Värvide teisendamine ebaõnnestus: tõrge %1. Color translation failed: error %1.
0xB0000031Käivitati kalibreerimise värskendamine. Windowsi kalibreerimisoleku haldus aktiveeritud = %1. Calibration refresh invoked. Windows calibration state management enabled = %1.
0xB0000032Toimub seadme %1 kalibreerimise värskendamine. Värviprofiil on olemas ja sisaldab kalibreerimisandmeid = %2. Refreshing calibration for device '%1'. Color profile exists and contains calibration data = %2.
0xB0000033Kalibreerimise värskendamine on lõpetatud, tagastuskood = %1. Calibration refresh finished, return code = %1.
0xB0000034Kalibreerimise korrigeerimise rakendamine. Adapteri gamma korrigeerimised = %1, monitori korrigeerimised = %2. Applying calibration adjustments. Adapter gamma adjustments = %1, monitor adjustments = %2.
0xB0000035Windowsi kalibreerimisoleku halduse seadmine %1 peale. Setting Windows calibration state management to %1.
0xB0000036Kuvari kalibreerimist ei värskendata, sest Windowsi kalibreerimishaldus ei ole lubatud. Not refreshing display calibration because Windows calibration management is not enabled.
0xB0000037Kuvari kalibreerimist ei värskendata, sest tegu on kaugseansiga. Not refreshing display calibration because the session is a remote session.
0xB0000038Mitme füüsilise monitoriga seadmel kuvari kalibreerimist ei värskendata. Not refreshing display calibration on a device for which multiple physical monitors exist.
0xB0000039Kalibreerimisandmete laadimine värviprofiilist %1 ebaõnnestus, tõrge %2. Loading calibration data from color profile %1 failed with error %2.
0xB000003AKalibreerimisandmete rakendamine ebaõnnestus, tõrge %1. Applying calibration data failed with error %1.
0xD0000001ICC-profiil ICC profile
0xD0000002seadmemudeli profiil device model profile
0xD0000003värviilme mudeli profiil color appearance model profile
0xD0000004teisendusmudeli profiil gamut mapping model profile
0xD0000005tajutav perceptual
0xD0000006suhteline kolorimeetriline relative colorimetric
0xD0000007küllastus saturation
0xD0000008absoluutne kolorimeetriline absolute colorimetric
0xD0000009puudub none
0xD000000ARGB-tööruum RGB working space
0xD000000Bkohandatud tööruum custom working space
0xD0000010manustatud embedded
0xD0000011(vigane) (invalid)
0xD0000012süsteemne system-wide
0xD0000013praegune kasutaja current user
0xD0000015saadaval present
0xD0000016failipõhine file based
0xD0000017mälupõhine memory based
0xD0000018pole kasutusel not used
0xD0000019kirjutuskaitstud read-only
0xD000001Atäisõigustega read-write
0xD000001Blugemiseks for reading
0xD000001Ckirjutamiseks for writing
0xD000001Dloo uus create new
0xD000001Eloo alati create always
0xD000001Fava olemasolev open existing
0xD0000020ava alati open always
0xD0000021lühenda olemasolevat truncate existing
0xD0000023lähtekoha ilmeruumist sihtkoha kolorimeetrilisse ruumi from source appearance space to destination colorimetric space
0xD0000024lähtekoha ilmeruumist sihtkoha seadmeruumi from source appearance space to destination device space
0xD0000025ujukoma floating point
0xD0000026täisarv integer
0xD0000027värvigamma gamut
0xD0000028tavaline normal
0xD0000029kalibreeritud RGB calibrated RGB
0xD000002AsRGB sRGB
0xD000002BWindowsi värviruum Windows color space
0xD000002Cäri business
0xD000002Dgraafika graphics
0xD000002Eimages images
0xD0000030hall gray
0xD0000031RGB RGB
0xD0000032XYZ XYZ
0xD0000033Yxy Yxy
0xD0000034Lab Lab
0xD00000353-channel 3-channel
0xD0000036CMYK CMYK
0xD00000375-channel 5-channel
0xD00000386-channel 6-channel
0xD00000397-kanaliline 7-channel
0xD000003A8-channel 8-channel
0xD000003Bnimega named
0xD000003Cbait byte
0xD000003Dsõna word
0xD000003FS2.13 püsikoma S2.13 fixed-point
0xD0000040x 555 RGB x555 RGB
0xD0000041x 555 XYZ x555 XYZ
0xD0000042x 555 Yxy x555 Yxy
0xD0000043x 555 Lab x555 Lab
0xD0000044x555 G3CH x555 G3CH
0xD0000045RGB triplets RGB triplets
0xD0000046BGR triplets BGR triplets
0xD0000047XYZ triplets XYZ triplets
0xD0000048Yxy triplets Yxy triplets
0xD0000049Lab-kolmikud Lab triplets
0xD000004AG3CH-kolmikud G3CH triplets
0xD000004B5-kanaliline 5-channel
0xD000004C6-kanaliline 6-channel
0xD000004E8-kanaliline 8-channel
0xD0000050xRGB-nelikud xRGB quads
0xD0000051xBGR-nelikud xBGR quads
0xD0000052G3CH-nelikud G3CH quads
0xD0000053KYMC-nelikud KYMC quads
0xD0000054CMYK-nelikud CMYK quads
0xD000005510-bitine RGB 10-bit RGB
0xD000005610-bitine XYZ 10-bit XYZ
0xD000005710-bitine Yxy 10-bit Yxy
0xD000005810-bitine Lab 10-bit Lab
0xD000005910-bitine G3CH 10-bit G3CH
0xD000005Animega indeks named index
0xD000005B16-bitine RGB 16-bit RGB
0xD000005C16-bitine XYZ 16-bit XYZ
0xD000005D16-bitine Yxy 16-bit Yxy
0xD000005E16-bitine Lab 16-bit Lab
0xD000005F16-bitine G3CH 16-bit G3CH
0xD000006016-bitine hall 16-bit gray
0xD0000061565 RGB 565 RGB
0xD000006232-bitine scRGB 32-bit scRGB
0xD000006332-bitine scARGB 32-bit scARGB
0xD0000064S2.13 püsikoma scRGB S2.13 fixed-point scRGB
0xD0000065S2.13 fixed-point scARGB S2.13 fixed-point scARGB


File Name:mscms.dll.mui
File Size:18 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:17408
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Estonian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsofti värvisobitussüsteemi DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MSCMS.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kõik õigused kaitstud.
Original File Name:MSCMS.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Operatsioonisüsteem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is mscms.dll.mui?

mscms.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Estonian language for file mscms.dll (Microsofti värvisobitussüsteemi DLL).

File version info

File Description:Microsofti värvisobitussüsteemi DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MSCMS.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kõik õigused kaitstud.
Original Filename:MSCMS.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Operatsioonisüsteem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x425, 1200