PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui Costéef DLL gir Cëru Telefon bi 4585b12c3d807a0f229ed62a78766d0b

File info

File name: PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui
Size: 13824 byte
MD5: 4585b12c3d807a0f229ed62a78766d0b
SHA1: a1c39a94a5bb63bbe34de981ff22adc448dda8ce
SHA256: 864787883921b40658560e9c2f8d27c54f261ca7c2c0610435a4c83c436fd53d
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Wolof language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Wolof English
10000Phone Service Phone Service
10001Dafay saytu telefonu réew bi ci jumtukaay bi Manages the telephony state on the device
10002Baatu-jàll yi nga dugal dëppoo wul. The passwords you typed don't match.
10003Soppi nañu baatu-jàll Password changed
10004Baatu jàll bi jubul. Dugalal baatu jàll bu jub bi te jéemaat. The password isn't valid. Enter the correct password and try again.
10005Mënu loo dugg ci mbaal bi. jéemaatal. Can't access the network. Try again.
10007Nangu wuñu kot bii. This code isn't supported.
10008Jekkal yi jubu ñu. The parameters are invalid.
10010Amoon na ab jafe-jafe ci kot bii. There was a problem with this code.
10012Lël bi tëju na Session closed
10014Kàrt SIM bi nekku fi. The SIM card is missing.
10015Dafay laaj PUK PUK required
10017Kàrt SIM bi jubul. The SIM card is invalid.
10018Mënu ñu matal telefon bi ndax dekkal nañu anamu Nimero Mbind buñu Saafaral ci sa kàrt SIM. The call can't be completed because Fixed Dialing Number mode is enabled on your SIM card.
10019Yónnee nañu nimero bi Code sent
10020Sotti na Succeeded
10021Telefon bi tëju na Phone unblocked
10022Dekkal nañu cër bi Service enabled
10023Dekkal nañu cër bi ngir %1 Service enabled for %1
10024Dàkkal nañu cër bi Service disabled
10025Dàkkal nañu cër bi ngir %1 Service disabled for %1
10026Xàmu ñu tolluwaayu cër bi Service state unknown
10027Jàllale %1 is %2 ci %3 ngir %4 Forward %1 is %2 to %3 for %4
10028Jàllale %1 is %2 ngir %4 Forward %1 is %2 for %4
10029Jàllale %1 is %2 ci %3 for %4 su %5 saa weesoo Forward %1 is %2 to %3 for %4 after %5 seconds
10030Jàllale %1 is %2 ngir %4 su %5 saa weesoo Forward %1 is %2 for %4 after %5 seconds
10031Jàllale %1 is %2 ci %3 Forward %1 is %2 to %3
10032Jàllale %1 mooy %2 Forward %1 is %2
10033Jàllale %1 is %2 ci %3 su %5 saa weesoo Forward %1 is %2 to %3 after %5 seconds
10034Jàllale %1 mooy %2 su %5 saa weesoo Forward %1 is %2 after %5 seconds
10035Dekkal nañ ko Enabled
10036Dàkkal nañ ko Disabled
10037Ci ñàkk sàrtal Unconditionally
10038Woote yuy xarandi Busy calls
10039Su amul tontu If no reply
10040Suñu mënee jot telefon bi If phone isn't reachable
10041Woote yépp All calls
10042Woote yépp cig sàrtal All calls conditionally
10043%1 %1
10044%1 ak %2 %1 and %2
10045%1, %2 ak %3 %1, %2, and %3
10046%1, %2, %3 ak %4 %1, %2, %3, and %4
10047%1, %2, %3, %4, ak %5 %1, %2, %3, %4, and %5
10048%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, ak %6 %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, and %6
10049%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, ak %7 %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, and %7
10050%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, ak %8 %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, and %8
10051Baat Voice
10052Njoxe Data
10053Faks Fax
10054SMS SMS
10055Lëkkale ñallu njoxe Data circuit sync
10057Dugg ci paket Packet access
10058Dugg PAD PAD Access
10059Woote gu jamp Emergency call
10060Bataaxalu kàddu Voicemail
10062gir jëfandikoo gàttalu %1# ngir woo %3 at %2 ci sa kàrt SIM, yànnal Woo. Ngir woo beneen nimero, tànnal Fomb te wéyal woote gi. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %3 at %2 from your SIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
10063Ngir jjëfandikoo gàttalu %1# ngir woo %2 ci sa kàrt SIM, tànnal Woo. Ngir woo beneen nimero, tànnal Fomb te wéyal woote gi. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %2 from your SIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
10064Telefon Phone
10067Woo Call
10068Say jekkali tere woote meyul ab woote ci nimero bii. Dàkkalal tere woote te jéema woote waat. Your call barring settings don't allow a call to this number. Disable call barring and try calling again.
10069Sa xeetu Nimero Woo buñu Saafaral (NWS) meyu la nga woo nimero bii. Dàkkalal NWS te jéema woote waat. Your Fixed Dialing Number (FDN) mode doesn't allow a call to this number. Disable FDN mode and try calling again.
10070Jekkali bataaxalu baat. Dugalal sa nimero bataaxalu baat te jéemaat. Voicemail isn't set up. Enter your voicemail number and try again.
10071Mu ngi xarandi... Waiting...
10072Mënul a dugal woote bi. Baal ñu jeexal sa woote bi teew laata ngay dugal beneen woote. Can't place the call. Please end your current call before placing an additional call.
10073Mënul a lonku Can't connect
10074Siñaalu wifi bi daa néew doole, wala nimero bi baaxul. You may have a weak wireless signal, or the wrong number.
10076Nit ki nga doon jéem a woo mënul a jot woote yuy dugg. The person you're trying to call is restricted from receiving incoming calls.
10077Mënul a lonku. Wérlul lonku nga ci net mbaal bi, te jéemaat. Can't connect. Make sure you have network coverage, and try again.
10078Woote gi mënul a jàll. The call can't be completed.
10080Kàrt SIM bi dafa jàpp, jéemaatal. The SIM card is busy, please try again.
10081Cëri mbaal bi dafa jàpp. Baal ñu jéemaat ci kanam. The network service is unavailable. Please try again later.
10082Mën nga jëfandikoo telefon bi ngir woote yu jamp kase. You can use this phone for emergency calls only.
10083Mënul a woo bataaxalu baat bi ndax am na beneen buum bu jàpp. Can't call voicemail because another line isn't available.
10084Menul a toxal woote gi. Can't transfer call.
10085Dugalal kotu cër yi dàkk ci arafukaayu telefon bi. Enter service codes directly from the phone's dial pad.
10089Ananmu ropplaan fay na léegi Airplane mode is now off
10091Waaw-Kay OK
10092Fomb Cancel
10093Mënul a denc nimero bataaxalu baat. Can't save voicemail number.
10094Anamu Wontu woote gu jamp In Emergency Callback Mode
10095Fombal anam bii ngir jëfandikoo sa telefon ni nga ko bëggee. Cancel this mode to use your phone as you normally would.
10096Anamu fomb Cancel mode
10097Bind woote gu jamp Dial emergency call
10108Taal lëkkale telefon portaabi bi? Turn on cellular connection?
10109Sa telefon mu ngi ci anamu ropplaan. Ngir woote, taalal sa lëkkale telefon portaabal. Your phone is in airplane mode. To make a call, turn on your cellular connection.
10110Taal Turn on
10115Yónnee Send
10116Tëj Close
10117Njeextalu lël bi. The session timed out.
10118Am na lu xew te mënu ñu woon a motal jëf ji. Something happened and we couldn't complete this action.
10128Wéy ak wideo bii? Continue with video call?
10129Lii di jeexal woote gi nga nekk. Wéy? This will end the call that's on hold. Continue?
10130Wéy Continue
10132Mënul a door woote wideo Can't start video call
10133%1 duggul fii ñu toll ci %2. %1 is currently not signed into %2.
10140Def Set
10141Bàyyi Cancel
10142Def ko jëfekaayu baaxoo? Set default app?
10143Danga bëgg a %1!s! muy jëfekaayu ràññeekaayu wootekat bi? Do you want to set %1!s! as your default caller ID app?
10144Danga bëgg a %1!s! muy jëfekaayu seggukaayu spam? Do you want to set %1!s! as your default spam filter app?
50001Kàrt SIM/UIM nekku fi. The SIM/UIM card is missing.
50002Kàrt SIM/UIM bi jubul. The SIM/UIM card is invalid.
50003Woote gi mënul a mot ndax dañu dekkal anamu Nimero Woote buñu saafaral ci sa kàrt SIM/UIM. The call can't be completed because Fixed Dialing Number mode is enabled on your SIM/UIM card.
50004Ngir jëfandikoo gàttal bi %1# ngir woo %3 ci %2 ci sa kàrt SIM/UIM, tànnal Woo. Ngir woo beneen nimero, tànnal Fomb te wéyal woote gi. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %3 at %2 from your SIM/UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
50005Ngir jëfandikko gàttalu %1# ngir woo %2 ci sa kàrt SIM/UIM, tànnal Woo. Ngir woo beneen nimero, tànnal fomb ngir wéyal woote gi. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %2 from your SIM/UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
50006Kàrt SIM/UIM dafa jàpp, jéemaatal. The SIM/UIM card is busy, please try again.
50008Mënul woo Can't call
50009War nga taal jaabante baat bi ngir woo kenn ndax yaa ngi ci barabu jaabante. Mën nga def lii ci Jekkal Mbaal & Amul buum Telefon & SIM. You need to turn on voice roaming to call someone because you're in a roaming area. You can do this in Settings Network & wireless Cellular & SIM.
50010Jekkal yi Settings
50020Ngir jëfandikoo gàttalu %1# ngir woo %3 ci %2 ci sa kàrt UIM, tànnal Woo. Ngir woo beneen nimero, tànnal Fomb te wéyal woote gi. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %3 at %2 from your UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
50021Ngir jëfandikoo gàttalu %1# ngir woo %2 ci sa kàrt UIM, tànnal Woo. Ngir woo beneen nimero, tànnal Fomb te wéyal woote gi. To use the shortcut %1# to dial %2 from your UIM card, select Call. To dial a different number, select Cancel and continue dialing.
50023Kàrt UIM bi dafa jàpp, baal ñu jéemaat. The UIM card is busy, please try again.
50024War nga taal jaabante baat bi ngir woo kenn ndax ya ngi ci ab barabu woote. Mën nga def lii ci Jekkal Mbaal & Amul buum Telefon & SIM. You need to turn on voice roaming to call someone because you're in a roaming area. You can do this in Settings Network & wireless Cellular & SIM/UIM.
50025Jëfekaay yu ñeel woote baat yi Apps for voice calls
50026Seet ab jëfekaay ci Màngasiin bi? Search for an app in the Store?
50027War nga sàmp ab jëfekaay buy tax nga mën a amal ay woote baat, te mën nañu la dimbali nga gis bii Màngasiin. You need to install an app that lets you make voice calls, and we can help you find one in the Store.
50028Waaw Yes
50029Déet No
50030Taal woote wideo LTE? Turn on LTE video calling?
50031Fay nañu woote wideo LTE bi. Ngir amal ab woote wideo, taalal woote wideo LTE. LTE video calling is turned off. To make a video call, turn on LTE video calling.
50034Woote wideo LTE LTE video calling
50035Njoxe baaxoo yi ak nattu baat yi dañuy jëfe sooy amal ay woote wideo. Yeneen nit mën nañu gis ni mën nga woo mbaa jot ay woote wideo. Standard data and voice rates apply during video calls. Other people may discover that you can make and receive video calls.
50036Wonewaatul bataaxal bii Don't show this message again
50038Wideo Video
50039Dangay wotte ci Wi-Fi? Call over Wi-Fi?
50040Mënoo defee woote gii ci njoxey mbaal. Taalal wooteg Wi-Fi ci jekkali SIM bi, ba noppi nga jéem a wootewaat. Can't complete the call over a cellular network. Turn on Wi-Fi calling in SIM settings, then try calling again.
50043Bul wanewaat bataaxal bii Don't show this message again
50044Dangay woote ci WLAN? Call over WLAN?
50045Mënul yeggali woote gi ci mbaalu selileer bi. Taalal wooteg WLAN ci jekkali SIM, te nga jéem a wootewaat. Can't complete the call over a cellular network. Turn on WLAN calling in SIM settings, then try calling again.
50100%1 %2 %1 %2
50101%1 - ndaje %2 %1 - conference %2
50102Xàmmeesul Unknown
50200End the current call, then try to make the priority call again. End the current call, then try to make the priority call again.


File Name:PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:13312
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (0488)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Costéef DLL gir Cëru Telefon bi
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:PhoneServiceRes
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Jagoos na mboolem àq yi.
Original File Name:PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui?

PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Wolof language for file PhoneServiceRes.dll (Costéef DLL gir Cëru Telefon bi).

File version info

File Description:Costéef DLL gir Cëru Telefon bi
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:PhoneServiceRes
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Jagoos na mboolem àq yi.
Original Filename:PhoneServiceRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x488, 1200