WpcMon.exe Maşgala Howpsuzlygy gözegçisi 43baf055a6a2ab2dd0624cc808d0c86e

File info

File name: WpcMon.exe.mui
Size: 9728 byte
MD5: 43baf055a6a2ab2dd0624cc808d0c86e
SHA1: 2d2816f0d687140d6a9d561bd5efc090ed711573
SHA256: f5474886e6cfb8cad79d730326accadfb0f2098dda5ecf048271fa3e9d110c87
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: WpcMon.exe Maşgala Howpsuzlygy gözegçisi (32-bit)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in turkmence (Turkmenistan) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id turkmence (Turkmenistan) English
202{0} içindäki web mazmunynyň bir bölegi bökdeldi. Mazmuny görmek üçin soraň. Some web content from {0} has been blocked. Ask to view the content.
203Käbir web mazmuny bökdeldi. Mazmuny görmek üçin soraň. Some web content has been blocked. Ask to view the content.
204{0} içindäki käbir mazmun ene-ataňyza ýaraman biler. Some web content from {0} might not be OK with your parent.
205Käbir web mazmuny ene-ataňyza ýaraman biler. Some web content might not be OK with your parent.
310{1} üstünde {0} {0} on {1}
311{0} {0}
350Maşgalaňyz Microsoft maşgalasy aýratynlyklaryny ulanýar Your family is using Microsoft family features
351Sagat {1} bolanynda {0} size gulplanar. You'll be locked out at {0} on {1}.
352Ekran wagty çäkleri ýapyk. Screen time limits are off.
353Ekran wagty çäkleri {0}, {1} çenli ýapyk. Screen time limits are off until {0} on {1}.
40015 minutdan az galdy Less than 15 minutes left
4012 minutdan az galdy Less than 2 minutes left
410Ekran wagty baradaky maşgala sazlamalaryňyz sebäpli bu enjam basym gulplanar. Edip oturan işiňizi gutaryň ýa-da goşmaça wagt almak üçin, bir uly ýaşla ýüz tutuň. This device will lock soon because of your family settings for screen time. Please finish what you are doing or ask an adult to approve more time.
420Ýap Close
421Isleg iber Send a request
422Ene-atam şu ýerde My parent is here
423Rugsat ber Allow
424Has köp wagt al Get more time
425Bes et Cancel
426Ulanyjylary çalyş ýa-da kompýuteri ýap Switch users or turn off PC
430Microsoft maşgalasy aýratynlyklary tarapyndan bökdelen Blocked by Microsoft family features
44015 minut 15 minutes
44130 minut 30 minutes
4421 sagat 1 hour
4432 sagat 2 hours
4444 sagat 4 hours
4458 sagat 8 hours
450Hyzmat elýeterli däl Service unavailable
451Bagyşlaň, hyzmat edil häzir elýeterli däl. Soňrak täzeden synanyşyň. Sorry, the service isn't available right now. Please try again later.
452Bu enjamda iş dolandyryjydyňyz sebäpli, goşmaça ekran wagty üçin haýyş ibermeli bolarsyňyz. Since you are an administrator on this device, you'll need to send a request for more screen time.
507Ene-ataňyz edil häzir şu ýerdemi? Is your parent here right now?
510{0} atly ulanyja şu web sahypasyna girmäge rugsat berler: {0} will be allowed to visit this website:
511{0} atly ulanyja PC-ni ulanmak üçin birneme goşmaça wagt gerek bolsa wagty ölçeýjini wagtlaýynça sägindirip bilersiňiz. You can pause the timer temporarily if {0} needs some extra time to use the PC.
512[{0}] [{0}]
513Uzadyljak wagt: Extend by:
516{0} şulary ulanyp biler: {0} will be allowed to use:
517Derejelendirmesi: {0}+ Rated for: {0}+
518{0} saýtyndaky ähli zadyň ulanylmagyna rugsat ber Allow the use of all of {0}
1101Wagt boldy! Time's up!
1102Ekran wagty baradaky maşgala sazlamalaryňyz sebäpli bu enjam gulplandy. Şu güne goşmaça wagt isleýän bolsaňyz, bir uly ýaşlydan kömek soraň. This device is locked because of your family settings for screen time. You need to ask an adult if you want more time today.
1103Ekran wagty baradaky maşgala sazlamalaryňyz sebäpli bu enjam gulplandy. Ony {0}, {1} wagtda täzeden ulanyp bilersiňiz ýa-da şu güne goşmaça wagt almak üçin, bir uly ýaşla ýüz tutuň. This device is locked because of your family settings for screen time. You can use it again at {0} on {1}, or ask an adult for more time today.
1501Ene-ataňyzdan rugsat soraň Ask a parent for permission
1521{0} çeşmesinden programma rugsat ber Allow an application from {0}
1522{0} çeşmesinden oýuna rugsat ber Allow a game from {0}
1523Web sahypasyna rugsat ber Allow a website
1524{0} çeşmesinden filme rugsat ber Allow a movie from {0}
1525{0} çeşmesinden seriala rugsat ber Allow a TV episode from {0}
1526{0} çeşmesinden aýdyma rugsat ber Allow a song from {0}
1527{0} çeşmesinden mazmuna rugsat ber Allow content from {0}
1528Programma rugsat ber Allow an application
1529Oýuna rugsat ber Allow a game
1530Säwlik ýüze çykdy An error has occurred
1531Garaşylmaýan säwlik ýüze çykdy. Soňrak täzeden synanyşyň. An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again later.
1532Bu programma bökdeldi This app is blocked
1533Ilki bilen bu programmany PC-ňizde ýatda saklamaly. Ony Wagtlaýyn bukjasyndan başga islendik bir ýerde ýatda saklaň, soňra ony ulanmak üçin ene-ataňyzdan rugsat soraň. You must save this app on your PC first. Save it somewhere other than the Temp folder, and then ask for a parent's permission to use it.
1540Isleg iberildi Request sent
1541Islegiňiz iberildi. Ene-ataňyz rugsat berendigini ýa-da bermändigini habar berer. Your request has been sent. Your parent will let you know whether you have been given permission.
1560Goşmaça wagt bermelimi? Give more time?
1581{0} ulanmak üçin rugsat soraň. Request permission to use {0}.
1590Haýyş iberildi Request sent
1591Bu enjamyň gulpy bir uly ýaşly siziň haýyşyňyzy tassyklanda açylar. This device will unlock when an adult approves your request.
1592Bu enjamyň gulpy bir uly ýaşly siziň haýyşyňyzy tassyklanda ýa-da {0}, {1} wagtda açylar (haýsysy öň bolsa, şonda). This device will unlock when an adult approves your request, or at {0} on {1}, whichever comes first.
1593Bir uly ýaşly siziň haýyşyňyzy tassyklamasa, bu enjam {0}, {1} wagtda gulplanar. Eger ol gulplansa, onuň gulpy bir uly ýaşly siziň haýyşyňyzy tassyklanda täzeden açylar. This device will lock at {0} on {1} unless an adult approves your request. If it does lock, it will unlock again after an adult approves your request.
1594Nämedir bir ýalňyşlyk boldy Something went wrong
1595Haýyşyňyzy iberip bilmedik. Siz internete birigenmi? We were unable to send your request. Are you connected to the Internet?
32000Maşgala Family
32014Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
32015Maşgala Howpsuzlygy gözegçiligini we ýerine ýetirilmegini başladýar. Initializes Family Safety monitoring and enforcement.


File Name:WpcMon.exe.mui
File Size:9.5 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:9216
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Unknown (0442)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Maşgala Howpsuzlygy gözegçisi
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:WpcMon.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original File Name:WpcMon.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is WpcMon.exe.mui?

WpcMon.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain turkmence (Turkmenistan) language for file WpcMon.exe (Maşgala Howpsuzlygy gözegçisi).

File version info

File Description:Maşgala Howpsuzlygy gözegçisi
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:WpcMon.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original Filename:WpcMon.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x442, 1200