If an error occurred or the following message in Basque language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id |
Basque |
English |
1 | Microsoft Passport Container |
Microsoft Passport Container |
2 | Identitate-hornitzaileek eta TPM txartel adimendun birtualek erabiltzailea identifikatzeko erabiltzen duten erabiltzaile lokalaren identitate-gakoak kudeatzen du. Zerbitzu hori desgaituta badago, ezin izango dituzu erabiltzaile lokalaren identitate-gakoak eta TPM txartel adimendun birtualak atzitu. Gomendatzen dizugu zerbitzuaren konfigurazioa ez aldatzea. |
Manages local user identity keys used to authenticate user to identity providers as well as TPM virtual smart cards. If this service is disabled, local user identity keys and TPM virtual smart cards will not be accessible. It is recommended that you do not reconfigure this service. |
50 | Ados |
OK |
100 | Konfiguratu PIN bat |
Set up a PIN |
101 | Konfiguratu laneko PIN bat |
Set up a work PIN |
102 | Sortu PIN bat pasahitzen ordez erabiltzeko. PINarekin errazagoa da gailuan, aplikazioetan eta zerbitzuetan saioa hastea. |
Create a PIN to use in place of passwords. Having a PIN makes it easier to sign in to your device, apps, and services. |
103 | Hurrengoa |
Next |
104 | Atzera |
Back |
200 | PINa behar da |
PIN required |
201 | PIN bat sortu behar duzu gidalerroak gailuan aldatu direlako. |
Because of a policy change on your device, you need to create a PIN. |
202 | PINaren gidalerro-aldaketa |
PIN policy change |
203 | Ziur egon behar dugu erakundeak ezarritako PINak eskakizun berriak betetzen dituela. Horiek ez baditu betetzen, PINa aldatzen lagunduko dizugu. |
We need to make sure your PIN meets new requirements set by your organization. If it doesn’t, we’ll help you change it. |