File name: | printui.dll.mui |
Size: | 107008 byte |
MD5: | 42b93e6d21c2a4079a2467107aa9ea75 |
SHA1: | 32da9d2dd65f6534e32835801619d25b22cbf098 |
SHA256: | c0a1819a56755331754a0d4915736963e019ad3bb2c1df86215c965820840bc1 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Indonesian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Indonesian | English |
502 | Menginstal printer yang dipilih. | Installs the selected printer. |
503 | Menjeda pencetakan pada printer ini. | Pauses printing on this printer. |
504 | Membatalkan semua dokumen yang dicetak pada printer ini. | Cancels all print documents on this printer. |
505 | Menetapkan printer yang dipilih sebagai printer default. | Specifies that the selected printer is the default printer. |
506 | Menampilkan properti berbagi untuk printer ini. | Displays sharing properties for this printer. |
507 | Refresh informasi item. | Refresh item information. |
508 | Menampilkan properti printer ini. | Displays the properties of this printer. |
509 | Menutup jendela. | Closes the window. |
510 | Menampilkan preferensi default untuk printer ini. | Displays your default preferences for this printer. |
511 | Gunakan printer ini secara offline | Use this printer offline |
512 | Mengunduh dan menginstal driver yang diperbarui dari server cetak. | Downloads and installs an updated driver from the print server. |
602 | Menjeda dokumen yang dipilih. | Pauses the selected documents. |
603 | Melanjutkan dokumen yang dipilih. | Resumes the selected documents. |
604 | Memulai ulang dokumen yang dipilih. | Restarts the selected documents. |
605 | Membatalkan dokumen yang dipilih. | Cancels the selected documents. |
606 | Menampilkan properti item yang dipilih. | Displays the properties of the selected items. |
702 | Menampilkan atau menyembunyikan panel status. | Shows or hides the status bar. |
12001 | Wizard Penginstalan Printer Jaringan | Network Printer Installation Wizard |
12003 | Judul | Title |
12004 | Sub Judul | Sub Title |
12005 | Nama Printer dan Pengaturan Berbagi | Printer Name and Sharing Settings |
12006 | Anda dapat memberikan nama mudah pada printer dan menetapkan apakah orang lain dapat menggunakan printer tersebut. | You can give the printer a friendly name and specify whether other people can use the printer. |
12007 | Penginstalan Printer | Printer Installation |
12008 | Pilih metode penginstalan. | Pick an installation method. |
12009 | Driver Printer | Printer Driver |
12010 | Pilih driver untuk printer baru. | Pick a driver for the new printer. |
12011 | Printer Ditemukan | Printer Found |
12012 | Printer siap diinstal. Periksa pengaturan printer di bawah ini, lalu klik Berikutnya untuk menginstal printer. | The printer is ready to be installed. Please review the printer settings below, and then click Next to install the printer. |
12013 | Alamat Printer | Printer Address |
12014 | Anda dapat mengetik nama jaringan atau alamat IP printer. | You can type the printer's network name or IP address. |
12016 | Pilih produsen dan model printer. | Select the manufacturer and model of your printer. |
12017 | Pilih printer dari daftar. Klik Windows Update untuk melihat model lainnya.
Untuk menginstal driver dari CD penginstalan, klik Ada Disk. |
Choose your printer from the list. Click Windows Update to see more models.
To install the driver from an installation CD, click Have Disk. |
12018 | Mendeteksi model driver... | Detecting the driver model... |
12019 | Windows sedang mendeteksi driver printer yang akan digunakan. | Windows is detecting the printer driver to use. |
12020 | Wizard Penginstalan Printer Jaringan di %s | Network Printer Installation Wizard on %s |
12021 | Pencarian Printer Jaringan | Network Printer Search |
12022 | Pilih printer yang akan diinstal. | Pick a printer to install. |
12023 | Pilih printer dari daftar. Untuk menginstal driver dari CD penginstalan, klik Ada Disk. | Choose your printer from the list. To install the driver from an installation CD, click Have Disk. |
12100 | ||
12102 | Menginstal driver... | Installing driver... |
12103 | Driver berhasil diinstal. | Driver installation succeeded. |
12104 | Driver gagal diinstal. | Driver installation failed. |
12105 | Menginstal printer... | Installing printer... |
12106 | Printer berhasil diinstal. | Printer installation succeeded. |
12107 | Printer gagal diinstal. | Printer installation failed. |
12108 | Alamat ini tidak sahih. Silakan masukkan alamat yang sahih, lalu coba kembali. | The address is not valid. Please enter a valid address and try again. |
12109 | Nama port tidak valid. Masukkan nama yang valid, lalu coba lagi. | The port name is not valid. Please enter a valid name and try again. |
12110 | Port dengan nama tersebut sudah ada. Pilih nama port lain. | A port with that name already exists. Choose another port name. |
12111 | Tidak dapat memuat halaman wizard untuk port TCP/IP standar. | Cannot load wizard pages for standard TCP/IP port. |
12112 | Driver yang kompatibel tidak dapat ditemukan. | Compatible driver cannot be found. |
12115 | Wizard Penginstalan Printer Jaringan tidak dapat dibuka. | The Network Printer Installation Wizard cannot be launched. |
12116 | Wizard Penginstalan Printer Jaringan tidak didukung dalam konfigurasi perangkat keras ini. | The Network Printer Installation Wizard is not supported in this hardware configuration. |
12300 | &Cari lagi | &Search again |
12301 | Hen&tikan | &Stop |
12302 | Windows tidak dapat memulai pencarian printer jaringan. Konfigurasikan printer secara manual. | Windows could not start the search for network printers. Please set up your printer manually. |
12303 | Otomatis deteksi | Autodetect |
12304 | Perangkat TCP/IP | TCP/IP Device |
12305 | Printer Layanan Web | Web Services Printer |
12306 | Printer Aman Layanan Web | Web Services Secure Printer |
12307 | Windows tidak dapat memulai bagian printer TCP/IP pada pencarian ini karena pencarian TCP/IP lain telah berjalan. Untuk menjalankan bagian TCP/IP pada pencarian, tunggu hingga pencarian printer lain selesai, lalu coba lagi. | Windows could not start the TCP/IP printer part of this search because another TCP/IP search is already running. To run the TCP/IP part of the search wait until other printer searches have finished and try again. |
12308 | Pastikan jaringan dan IPv4 telah dikonfigurasi dengan benar dan diaktifkan. | Confirm networking and IPv4 are configured correctly and enabled. |
12320 | Windows tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan printer WSD. Pastikan printer telah online & tersambung ke jaringan. | Windows could not communicate with the WSD printer. Please check that the printer is online & connected to the network. |
12321 | Windows tidak dapat menginstal printer WSD dengan driver yang telah dipilih. Pilih driver lain. | Windows could not install the WSD printer with the driver you have selected. Please select a different driver. |
12323 | Windows tidak dapat menginstal printer karena telah terinstal di server cetak. | Windows cannot install the printer because it is already installed on the print server. |
12324 | Windows tidak dapat menambah pencetak ke penyimpanan driver di server. Pastikan driver bertanda tangan dan tepercaya. | Windows could not add the driver to the driver store on the server. Please check that the driver is signed and trusted. |
12326 | Wizard Penginstalan Printer Jaringan tidak dapat diaktifkan. Pastikan layanan penampung cetak di server telah berjalan dan tersedia untuk komputer klien. | The Network Printer Installation wizard cannot be launched. Make sure that the print spooler service on the server is running and available to client computers. |
14336 | Menghapus | Deleting |
14337 | Kertas Macet | Paper Jam |
14338 | Kertas Habis | Out of Paper |
14339 | Umpan Manual Diperlukan | Manual Feed Required |
14340 | Masalah Kertas | Paper Problem |
14341 | Luring | Offline |
14342 | I/O Aktif | I/O Active |
14343 | Sibuk | Busy |
14344 | Mencetak | Printing |
14345 | Tampungan Keluaran Penuh | Output Bin Full |
14346 | Tidak Tersedia | Not Available |
14347 | Menunggu | Waiting |
14348 | Memproses | Processing |
14349 | Menginisialisasi | Initializing |
14350 | Pemanasan | Warming Up |
14351 | Toner/Tinta Hampir Habis | Toner/Ink Low |
14352 | Tidak ada Toner/Tinta | No Toner/Ink |
14353 | Gagal Halaman | Page Punt |
14354 | Harus Diperhatikan | Attention Required |
14355 | Memori Habis | Out of Memory |
14356 | Pintu Terbuka | Door Open |
14357 | Status Server Tidak Diketahui | Server Status Unknown |
14358 | Mode Hemat Daya | Power Save Mode |
14359 | Jeda | Paused |
14360 | Kesalahan | Error |
14361 | Spool | Spooling |
14362 | Tercetak | Printed |
14363 | Terkirim ke printer | Sent to printer |
14364 | Driver Harus Diperbarui | Driver Update Needed |
14594 | Port | Port |
14595 | Pemilik | Owner |
14603 | Status | Status |
14605 | Nama Dokumen | Document Name |
14608 | Dikirim | Submitted |
14612 | Halaman | Pages |
14614 | Ukuran | Size |
14848 | PrintUI | PrintUI |
14849 | Cetak Antarmuka Pengguna | Print User Interface |
14850 | Windows (TM) | Windows (TM) |
14851 | Anda akan menghapus port yang dipilih. | You are about to delete the selected ports. |
14852 | Printer | Printer |
14853 | Anda akan menghapus port %s. | You are about to delete the port named %s. |
14854 | Hapus Port | Delete Port |
14855 | %u byte | %u bytes |
14858 | cm | cm |
14859 | inci | in |
14864 | Membuka | Opening |
14866 | Me-refresh | Refreshing |
14867 | Gagal dibuka, mencoba lagi | Failed to open, retrying |
14868 | %d dokumen dalam antrean | %d document(s) in queue |
14869 | Kesalahan saat memproses perintah. | Error processing command. |
14870 | Memproses perintah | Processing command |
14871 | Printer tidak ditemukan di server, tidak dapat tersambung | Printer not found on server, unable to connect |
14872 | Akses ditolak, tidak dapat tersambung | Access denied, unable to connect |
14873 | Tidak dapat tersambung | Unable to connect |
14874 | Jika Anda mengubah driver printer, perubahan akan disimpan dan properti untuk driver baru akan ditampilkan. Properti untuk driver baru mungkin akan terlihat berbeda. Anda ingin melanjutkan? | If you change the printer driver, your changes will be saved and the properties for the new driver will appear. The properties for the new driver may look different. Do you want to continue? |
14875 | Ya | Yes |
14876 | Pembaruan status diblokir oleh administrator | Status updates blocked by administrator |
14911 | Windows 2000 Intel | Windows 2000 Intel |
14915 | Windows 2001 IA64 | Windows 2001 IA64 |
14917 | Windows 2003 x64 | Windows 2003 x64 |
14928 | Windows ARM | Windows ARM |
14929 | Windows ARM64 | Windows ARM64 |
14931 | Tidak ada Akses | No Access |
14932 | Cetak | |
14933 | Kelola Dokumen | Manage Documents |
14934 | Kontrol Penuh | Full Control |
14935 | &Cetak | |
14936 | Kontrol &Penuh | &Full Control |
14937 | &Hapus | &Delete |
14938 | &Ubah Perizinan | &Change Permissions |
14939 | &Ambil alih Kepemilikan | &Take Ownership |
14945 | Keterangan | Description |
14960 | Halaman Pemisah (*.sep) | Separator Pages (*.sep) |
14961 | *.sep | *.sep |
14962 | Semua file (*.*) | All files (*.*) |
14963 | *.* | *.* |
14964 | Properti Server Cetak | Print Server Properties |
14965 | Anda harus mematikan dan menghidupkan ulang komputer ini agar pengaturan baru diterapkan. |
You must shut down and restart this computer before the new settings will take effect. |
14966 | Anda harus mematikan dan menghidupkan ulang %s agar pengaturan baru diterapkan. |
You must shut down and restart %s before the new settings will take effect. |
14970 | Properti Server | Server Properties |
14971 | Minimal satu printer harus ditentukan untuk menggunakan formulir. | At least one printer must be defined to use forms. |
14980 | Nama | Name |
14981 | Prosesor | Processor |
14982 | Jenis | Type |
14983 | Terinstal | Installed |
14991 | Waktu Selesai | Up Time |
14992 | Waktu Mulai | Start Time |
14993 | Tugas | Jobs |
14994 | Byte/Tugas Rata-rata | Average Bytes/Job |
14995 | Total Tugas | Total Jobs |
14996 | Total Byte | Total Bytes |
15104 | Preferensi Pencetakan | Printing Preferences |
15105 | Preferensi Pencetakan tidak bisa diubah. | Printing Preferences could not be modified. |
15107 | Pengaturan printer tidak dapat disimpan. | Printer settings could not be saved. |
15109 | Akses ditolak. | Access denied. |
15111 | Hapus Printer | Remove Printer |
15112 | Sambungan printer tidak dapat dihapus. | Printer connection cannot be removed. |
15113 | Printer tidak dapat dihapus. | Printer cannot be removed. |
15114 | Tambah Printer | Add Printer |
15115 | Gagal mengubah nama printer ke nama yang ditentukan. | Failed to rename the printer to the name specified. |
15116 | Gagal menetapkan nama mudah untuk printer. | Failed to set the friendly name of the printer. |
15117 | Pengaturan tidak dapat disimpan karena kesalahan sebelumnya. | Settings cannot be saved due to a previous error. |
15119 | Kumpulan printer tidak dapat diaktifkan kecuali jika lebih dari satu port dipilih. Untuk menonaktifkan kumpulan printer dan melanjutkan, klik OK. Untuk memilih port printer tambahan, klik Batal, lalu pilih minimal satu port tambahan. | Printer pooling cannot be enabled unless more than one port is selected. To disable printer pooling and continue, click OK. To select additional printer ports, click Cancel and select at least one additional port. |
15120 | Anda harus memilih minimal satu port. | You must select at least one port. |
15121 | Terjadi kesalahan saat konfigurasi port berlangsung. | An error occurred during port configuration. |
15126 | Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk melakukan operasi tersebut. | You do not have permission to perform that operation. |
15127 | Properti Printer | Printer Properties |
15128 | Properti printer tidak dapat ditampilkan. | Printer properties cannot be displayed. |
15129 | Hanya properti spooler yang akan ditampilkan. | Only spooler properties will be displayed. |
15130 | Printer default tidak dapat ditetapkan. | Default printer cannot be set. |
15131 | Properti dokumen tidak bisa ditampilkan. | Document properties cannot be displayed. |
15132 | Properti Dokumen | Document Properties |
15133 | Properti dokumen tidak bisa disimpan. Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk melakukan operasi ini. | Document properties cannot be saved. You may not have permission to perform this operation. |
15134 | Waktu dokumen yang ditentukan bertentangan dengan waktu printer. | Specified document's time conflicts with the printer's time. |
15136 | Dialog driver yang ada tidak dapat ditampilkan. | Existing driver dialog cannot be displayed. |
15137 | Pengaturan halaman pemisah tidak dapat ditampilkan. | Separator page settings cannot be displayed. |
15138 | Dialog tambah port tidak dapat ditampilkan. | Add port dialog cannot be displayed. |
15139 | Dialog prosesor cetak tidak dapat ditampilkan. | Print processor dialog cannot be displayed. |
15140 | Monitor port printer tidak dapat diinstal. | Printer port monitor cannot be installed. |
15141 | Halaman pemisah tidak ada. | Separator page does not exist. |
15142 | Windows tidak dapat menambahkan printer. Penyebabnya mungkin masalah sumber info. Tutup aplikasi lainnya, lalu coba lagi. | Windows was not able to add the printer. This can be caused by resource problems. Please close other applications and try again. |
15146 | Formulir %s tidak dapat ditambahkan. | Form %s could not be added. |
15147 | Formulir %s tidak dapat dihapus. | Form %s could not be deleted. |
15148 | Formulir %s tidak dapat ditetapkan. | Form %s could not be set. |
15149 | Nama formulir yang akan ditambahkan bertentangan dengan formulir yang ada. Ubah nama formulir tersebut, lalu coba lagi. | The name of the form you are trying to add conflicts with an existing form. Modify the form name and try again. |
15150 | Port yang dipilih tidak dapat dihapus. | Selected port cannot be deleted. |
15151 | Lokasi direktori spool server tidak valid. | Server spool directory location is invalid. |
15152 | Tidak dapat menyimpan pengaturan server. | Unable to save server settings. |
15153 | Tambah Port Printer | Add Printer Ports |
15154 | Properti untuk item ini tidak tersedia. | The properties for this item are not available. |
15155 | Beberapa port yang dipilih tidak dapat dihapus. | Some of the selected ports cannot be deleted. |
15156 | Tambah Printer di %s | Add Printer on %s |
15157 | Windows tidak dapat membuka Tambah Printer. | Windows can't open Add Printer. |
15159 | Wizard Tambah Driver Printer di %s | Add Printer Driver Wizard on %s |
15160 | Selamat datang di Wizard Tambah Driver Printer di %s | Welcome to the Add Printer Driver Wizard on %s |
15198 | Tidak dapat menginstal port printer yang ditetapkan. | Unable to install the specified printer port. |
15201 | Daftar pilihan driver alternatif tidak dapat ditampilkan. | Alternate driver selection list cannot be displayed. |
15202 | Jenis platform dan versi driver untuk komputer yang ditetapkan tidak dapat diketahui. | The specified computer's platform type and driver version cannot be determined. |
15203 | Driver default tidak dapat diinstal. | Default driver cannot be installed. |
15209 | Properti server cetak tingkat lanjut tidak dapat ditampilkan. Anda mungkin sedang melihat pengaturan komputer yang menjalankan versi Windows sebelumnya. | Advanced print server properties cannot be displayed. You may be viewing the settings of a computer running a previous version of Windows. |
15210 | Server cetak jarak jauh %s. | Remote print server %s. |
15211 | Driver printer tidak tersedia. Untuk menyalin driver printer ke komputer, buat sambungan ke printer ini. | Printer driver is not available. To copy the printer driver to your computer, make a connection to this printer. |
15212 | Driver alternatif tidak dapat diinstal. | Alternate drivers cannot be installed. |
15216 | Anda tidak memiliki akses ke printer ini. Beberapa tab akan hilang. | You do not have access to this printer. Some of the tabs will be missing. |
15217 | Tidak dapat mengubah driver yang ditetapkan, pengaturan awal akan dikembalikan. | Unable to change to the specified driver, original settings will be restored. |
15219 | Kesalahan Saat Membuka Printer | Error Opening Printer |
15220 | Printer %s tidak ada di komputer. | Printer %s does not exist on the computer. |
15224 | Tutup | Close |
15225 | Properti server tidak bisa dilihat. | Server properties cannot be viewed. |
15226 | Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk melihat properti server. Hanya tab keamanan yang akan ditampilkan. | You do not have permission to view server properties. Only the security tab will be displayed. |
15228 | Nama berbagi printer berisi spasi di belakangnya. Jika halaman uji tidak dapat dicetak, minta administrator jaringan menghapus spasi tersebut. | The printer share name contains a trailing space. If the test page does not print, have your network administrator remove the trailing space. |
15229 | Driver printer '%s' tidak terinstal di komputer ini. Beberapa properti printer tidak dapat diakses kecuali jika Anda menginstal driver printer. Anda ingin menginstal driver sekarang? | The '%s' printer driver is not installed on this computer. Some printer properties will not be accessible unless you install the printer driver. Do you want to install the driver now? |
15231 | Anda telah menonaktifkan kumpulan printer. Pilihan port untuk printer ini akan dihapus. Anda ingin melanjutkan? | You have disabled printer pooling. The port selections for this printer will be cleared. Do you want to continue? |
15232 | Driver untuk printer yang ditetapkan belum terinstal. Anda tidak memiliki akses untuk menginstal driver. Hanya properti spooler yang akan ditampilkan. | A driver for the specified printer is not installed. You do not have access to install the driver. Only spooler properties will be displayed. |
15233 | Jendela untuk Wizard Tambah Printer tidak dapat didaftarkan. | Window for Add Printer Wizard could not be registered. |
15234 | Memulai ulang | Restarting |
15235 | Operasi ini sedang dibangun. | This operation is currently under construction. |
15238 | Otomatis %1 pada %2 | Auto %1 on %2 |
15243 | LPT1: | LPT1: |
15245 | Tidak dapat menambah sambungan printer. | Unable to add the printer connection. |
15246 | Pilih objek printer. | Please select a printer object. |
15248 | Wizard Tambah Driver Printer | Add Printer Driver Wizard |
15249 | Anda harus memilih minimal satu prosesor. | You must select at least one processor. |
15250 | Server Cetak | Print Server |
15251 | Tidak dapat menginstal driver %s, %s, %s. | Unable to install %s, %s, %s driver. |
15252 | Properti Driver | Driver Properties |
15253 | Driver yang dipilih belum terinstal. Untuk menambahkan driver ini, klik Terapkan atau OK. | The selected driver has not been installed. To add this driver, click Apply or OK. |
15254 | Daftar driver tidak di-refresh. Data driver mungkin tidak valid. | The drivers list was not refreshed. The driver data may be invalid. |
15255 | Beberapa opsi ini tidak diterapkan. Apakah Anda ingin keluar? | Some of the options were not applied. Would you like to exit? |
15257 | Driver yang dipilih belum diperbarui. Untuk memperbarui driver ini, klik Terapkan atau OK. | The selected driver has not been updated. To update this driver, click Apply or OK. |
15258 | Tidak dapat menghapus driver %s, %s, %s. | Unable to remove %s, %s, %s driver. |
15259 | Tidak dapat menghapus paket driver %s, %s, %s. | Unable to remove %s, %s, %s driver package. |
15260 | Wizard Tambah Driver Printer tidak didukung dalam konfigurasi perangkat keras ini. | The Add Printer Driver Wizard is not supported in this hardware configuration. |
15261 | Driver yang dipilih harus diinstal dari jauh melalui komputer Itanium yang menggunakan driver Jenis 3 (mode Pengguna). | The selected driver must be installed remotely from an Itanium computer using Type 3 (User mode) drivers. |
15262 | Driver yang dipilih harus diinstal dari jauh melalui komputer x86 yang menggunakan driver Jenis 3 (mode Pengguna). | The selected driver must be installed remotely from an x86 computer using Type 3 (User mode) drivers. |
15263 | Driver yang dipilih harus diinstal dari jauh melalui komputer x64 yang menggunakan driver Jenis 3 (mode Pengguna). | The selected driver must be installed remotely from an x64 computer using Type 3 (User mode) drivers. |
15264 | Printer Bluetooth yang dipilih gagal diinstal. | The selected Bluetooth printer failed to install. |
15265 | Ini adalah printer bersama. Jika Anda mengubah nama printer bersama, sambungan aktif ke printer ini dari komputer lain akan terputus dan harus dibuat lagi. Anda ingin mengubah nama printer ini? | This is a shared printer. If you rename a shared printer, existing connections to this printer from other computers will break and will have to be created again. Do you want to rename this printer? |
15266 | Windows tidak dapat mencari printer di jaringan Anda. | Windows could not search your network for printers. |
15301 | File | File |
15302 | File Bantuan | Help File |
15303 | File Konfig | Config File |
15304 | File Data | Data File |
15305 | File Driver | Driver File |
15306 | File Dependen | Dependent File |
15307 | Gagal menambah printer saat menginstal inf. | Add printer failed during inf installation. |
15308 | &Detil | De&tails |
15309 | Buka tampilan antrean Web untuk item yang dipilih | Open the selected item's web queue view |
15310 | Tampilan Web Printer | Printer Web View |
15311 | Tampilan Web printer gagal dimulai. | The printer web view failed to start. |
15312 | Menyambung ke | Connecting to |
15313 | Hanya printer bersama yang mendukung tampilan Web. | Only shared printers support the Web view. |
15316 | Pilih produsen dan model driver printer yang akan diinstal. Jika driver yang diinginkan tidak tercantum, klik Memiliki Disk untuk memilih driver yang diinginkan.
Jika telah tersedia, klik Windows Update guna melihat driver lainnya untuk prosesor ini. |
Select the manufacturer and model of the printer driver to install. If the driver you want is not listed, click Have Disk to select the driver you want.
If Windows Update is available, click it for more drivers for this processor. |
15317 | Tidak dapat menambahkan sambungan printer per komputer. | Unable to add the per machine printer connection. |
15318 | Tidak dapat menghapus sambungan printer per komputer. | Unable to delete the per machine printer connection. |
15319 | Tidak dapat menghitung sambungan printer per komputer. | Unable to enumerate per machine printer connections. |
15320 | Sambungan Printer Per Komputer | Per Machine Printer Connections |
15321 | Gunakan Printer Secara Offline | Use Printer Offline |
15322 | Layanan Microsoft Peer Web tidak terinstal. | Microsoft Peer Web Service is not installed. |
15324 | Menghapus driver printer ini akan menghapusnya dari sistem. Anda yakin ingin menghapus %s? | Deleting this printer driver will remove it from the system. Are you sure you want to delete %s? |
15325 | Menghapus driver printer ini akan menghapusnya dari sistem. Anda yakin ingin menghapus driver printer yang dipilih? | Deleting these printer drivers will remove them from the system. Are you sure you want to delete the selected printer drivers? |
15326 | Menghapus paket driver printer ini akan menghapusnya dari sistem. Anda yakin ingin menghapus %s? | Deleting this printer driver package will remove it from the system. Are you sure you want to delete %s? |
15327 | Menghapus paket driver printer ini akan menghapusnya dari sistem. Anda yakin ingin menghapus paket driver printer yang dipilih? | Deleting these printer driver packages will remove them from the system. Are you sure you want to delete the selected printer driver packages? |
15329 | Mengkonfigurasi Port | Configure Port |
15330 | &Cari printer di direktori berdasarkan lokasi atau fitur | &Find a printer in the directory, based on location or feature |
15333 | Anda harus menetapkan nama printer jaringan yang valid | You need to specify a valid network printer name |
15335 | Dialog driver tambahan tidak dapat ditampilkan. | Additional drivers dialog cannot be displayed. |
15337 | Tidak | No |
15338 | Driver Tambahan | Additional Drivers |
15344 | Anda harus menetapkan alamat printer (URL) yang valid | You need to specify a valid printer address (URL) |
15345 | Verdana Bold | Verdana Bold |
15346 | 12 | 12 |
15347 | Pilih port printer | Choose a printer port |
15349 | Versi driver manakah yang akan digunakan? | Which version of the driver do you want to use? |
15353 | Berbagi Printer | Printer Sharing |
15357 | Cari printer berdasarkan opsi lain | Find a printer by other options |
15359 | Pilihan Prosesor | Processor Selection |
15360 | Setiap prosesor menggunakan kumpulan driver printer sendiri. | Each processor uses its own set of printer drivers. |
15362 | Pilih opsi | Choose an option |
15363 | Jenis printer apa yang akan diinstal? | What type of printer do you want to install? |
15367 | Operasi direktori mungkin perlu waktu beberapa menit. | The directory operation may take several minutes. |
15368 | Wizard ini akan membantu Anda menginstal driver printer baru. | This wizard helps you install a new printer driver. |
15369 | Preferensi pencetakan tidak dapat ditampilkan. | Printing preferences cannot be displayed. |
15373 | Ketik nama host printer atau alamat IP | Type a printer hostname or IP address |
15375 | Anda berhasil menambahkan %s | You’ve successfully added %s |
15377 | Halaman Pemisah | Separator Page |
15381 | Minimal ada satu driver tambahan yang gagal diinstal dengan benar. Anda mungkin harus memastikan driver tambahan yang benar telah terinstal untuk printer. Untuk melihat daftar driver tambahan untuk printer, buka tab berbagi untuk printer, lalu klik Driver Tambahan. | At least one additional driver failed to install correctly. You may need to verify the correct additional drivers are installed for your printer. To see a list of additional drivers for your printer, go to the printer's sharing tab and click Additional Drivers. |
15382 | Default Pencetakan %1 | %1 Printing Defaults |
15384 | Warna | Color |
15385 | Dua sisi | Double-sided |
15386 | Klip kertas | Staple |
15387 | Kecepatan | Speed |
15388 | Resolusi maksimum | Maximum resolution |
15389 | bpj | ppm |
15390 | dpi | dpi |
15391 | Tidak diketahui | Unknown |
15392 | %1: %2 | %1: %2 |
15393 | Preferensi Pencetakan %1 | %1 Printing Preferences |
15394 | Properti %1 | %1 Properties |
15395 | Anda yakin ingin membatalkan semua dokumen untuk '%s'? | Are you sure you want to cancel all documents for '%s'? |
15397 | Perubahan pada folder penampung akan terjadi segera dan semua dokumen yang saat ini aktif tidak akan dicetak. Disarankan agar Anda memperbolehkan semua dokumen selesai dicetak sebelum mengubah folder penampung. Apakah Anda yakin ingin mengubah folder penampung? | The changes to the spool folder will occur immediately and any currently active documents will not print. It is recommended to allow all documents to complete printing before changing the spool folder. Are you sure you want to change the spool folder? |
15399 | Jika Anda memiliki printer Plug and Play yang menggunakan USB atau port yang dapat disambungkan, misalnya IEEE 1394 atau infra merah, Anda tidak perlu menggunakan wizard ini. Pasang dan aktifkan printer, lalu Windows akan menginstalnya. | If you have a Plug and Play printer that uses USB or a hot pluggable port such as IEEE 1394 or infrared, you do not need to use this wizard. Attach and turn on your printer, and Windows will install it for you. |
15403 | Printer terinstal | Printer installed |
15405 | Membatalkan... | Cancelling... |
15406 | Mencari driver... | Looking for a driver... |
15408 | Mengunduh driver... | Downloading the driver... |
15409 | Memeriksa Windows Update. Ini mungkin membutuhkan waktu sebentar... | Checking Windows Update. This might take a while... |
15410 | Mengunduh driver. Mungkin akan berlangsung beberapa saat... | Downloading the driver. This might take a while... |
15411 | Menyelesaikan penginstalan... | Finishing the installation... |
15412 | 15416 Lokasi | 15416 Location |
15418 | Anda harus tersambung ke printer ini agar dapat menggunakannya untuk mencetak. Anda ingin tersambung ke printer ini, lalu mencetak dokumen yang dipilih? | You must connect to this printer before you can print on it. Do you want to connect to this printer and then print the selected document? |
15421 | Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk memodifikasi pengaturan printer ini. Jika Anda ingin mengubah pengaturan, hubungi administrator sistem. | You do not have permission to modify the settings for this printer. If you need to change the settings, contact your system administrator. |
15422 | %d dokumen tertunda untuk %s | %d document(s) pending for %s |
15423 | Dokumen ini gagal dicetak | This document failed to print |
15424 | Dokumen ini telah dikirim ke printer | This document was sent to the printer |
15425 | Nama dokumen: '%s' Nama printer: '%s' Waktu kirim: %s Total halaman: %d |
Document name: '%s' Printer name: '%s' Time sent: %s Total pages: %d |
15426 | Nama dokumen: '%s' Nama printer: '%s' Waktu kirim: %s Klik di sini untuk membuka antrean cetak, lalu untuk memperoleh bantuan, klik Atasi Masalah pada menu Bantuan. |
Document name: '%s' Printer name: '%s' Time sent: %s Click here to open the print queue, and then for assistance, click Troubleshooter on the Help menu. |
15427 | Nama dokumen: '%s' Nama printer: '%s' Waktu kirim: %s |
Document name: '%s' Printer name: '%s' Time sent: %s |
15429 | %s (kesalahan) | %s (error) |
15430 | Nomor tidak valid. 'Ukuran Kertas' dan 'Margin Area Cetak' harus berupa bilangan positif yang mendefinisikan ukuran kertas dan margin area dapat dicetak yang valid. | Invalid number. 'Paper Size' and 'Print Area Margins' should all be positive numbers defining a valid paper size and valid printable area margins. |
15432 | / | / |
15433 | Anda yakin ingin membatalkan dokumen ini? | Are you sure you want to cancel the document? |
15434 | Argumen tidak valid. | The arguments are invalid. |
15435 | Driver printer yang ditentukan tidak ada di server. | The specified printer driver doesn't exist on the server. |
15436 | Port Printer yang Disarankan | Recommended Printer Port |
15437 | Kertas printer habis | The printer is out of paper |
15438 | T/T | N/A |
15439 | Pilihan Driver Printer | Printer Driver Selection |
15440 | Instal driver printer | Install the printer driver |
15441 | &Sambungkan ke printer ini: | &Connect to this printer: |
15442 | Kumpulan kredensial yang ada tidak dapat dihapus. | The existing set of credentials cannot be deleted. |
15443 | Kredensial yang dimasukkan bertentangan dengan set kredensial yang ada. Menimpa set kredensial yang ada dapat mengakibatkan beberapa aplikasi yang berjalan berhenti berfungsi dengan benar. Anda yakin ingin menimpa set kredensial yang ada? | The credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of credentials. Overwriting the existing set of credentials may cause some running applications to stop function properly. Do you really want to overwrite the existing set of credentials? |
15444 | Kredensial yang dimasukkan tidak memadai untuk mengakses printer ini. Anda ingin menetapkan kredensial baru? | The credentials supplied are not sufficient to access this printer. Do you want to specify new credentials? |
15445 | Jika Anda berbagi printer ini, setiap pengguna di jaringan Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk mencetak. Printer tidak dapat digunakan bila komputer dalam mode tidur. Untuk mengubah pengaturan ini, gunakan Jaringan dan Pusat Berbagi. | If you share this printer, any user on your network can print to it. The printer will not be available when the computer sleeps. To change these settings, use the Network and Sharing Center. |
15446 | Jika Anda berbagi printer ini, hanya pengguna di jaringan Anda yang memiliki nama pengguna dan sandi untuk komputer ini dapat menggunakannya untuk mencetak. Printer tidak dapat digunakan bila komputer dalam mode tidur. Untuk mengubah pengaturan ini, gunakan Jaringan dan Pusat Berbagi. | If you share this printer, only users on your network with a username and password for this computer can print to it. The printer will not be available when the computer sleeps. To change these settings, use the Network and Sharing Center. |
15451 | Pilih printer | Select a printer |
15452 | Mencari printer yang tersedia... | Searching for available printers... |
15453 | Tidak ada printer yang ditemukan. | No printers were found. |
15454 | Alamat tidak valid. Masukkan alamat yang valid, lalu coba lagi. | The address is not valid. Please enter a valid address and try again. |
15458 | Nama port tidak valid. Masukkan nama port yang valid, lalu coba lagi. | The port name is not valid. Enter a valid port name and try again. |
15461 | Ketik nama printer | Type a printer name |
15465 | Ber&henti | &Stop |
15473 | Anda dapat menambahkan kembali port ini nanti jika ingin. | You can add the port back later, if you wish. |
15474 | Anda dapat menambahkan kembali port ini nanti jika ingin. Port ini tidak sedang digunakan di komputer. | You can add these ports back later, if you wish. These ports are currently not in use on your computer. |
15475 | Apa yang dimaksud dengan port? | What is a port? |
15476 | OK | OK |
15477 | Batal | Cancel |
15520 | Mencari printer jaringan | Searching for network printers |
15601 | Kelola Printer | Manage Printers |
15603 | Lihat Server | View Server |
15604 | Kelola Server | Manage Server |
15605 | Tidak ada | None |
15610 | Hanya server ini | This server only |
15611 | Hanya dokumen | Documents only |
15612 | Hanya printer | Printers only |
15613 | Server, dokumen, dan printer ini | This Server, documents, and printers |
15614 | Hanya dokumen dan printer | Documents and printers only |
16041 | x86 | x86 |
16042 | Itanium | Itanium |
16043 | x64 | x64 |
16044 | ARM | ARM |
16045 | ARM64 | ARM64 |
16051 | Windows XP dan Windows Server 2003 | Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 |
16052 | Windows 95, 98 dan Me | Windows 95, 98 and Me |
16053 | Windows NT 4.0 | Windows NT 4.0 |
16054 | Windows 2000, Windows XP dan Windows Server 2003 | Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 |
16055 | Jenis 2 - Mode Kernel | Type 2 - Kernel Mode |
16056 | Jenis 3 - Mode Pengguna | Type 3 - User Mode |
16057 | Jenis 4 - Mode Pengguna | Type 4 - User Mode |
16060 | Intel | Intel |
16061 | x86-based | x86-based |
16062 | IA64 | IA64 |
16070 | Windows XP | Windows XP |
16074 | Windows 2000 | Windows 2000 |
16075 | Windows 2000 atau XP | Windows 2000 or XP |
16501 | Pause | Pause |
16502 | Resume | Resume |
16503 | Purge | Purge |
16504 | Queued | Queued |
16505 | Direct | Direct |
16506 | Default | Default |
16507 | Shared | Shared |
16508 | Hidden | Hidden |
16509 | Network | Network |
16510 | Local | Local |
16511 | EnableDevq | EnableDevq |
16512 | KeepPrintedJobs | KeepPrintedJobs |
16513 | DoCompleteFirst | DoCompleteFirst |
16514 | WorkOffline | WorkOffline |
16515 | EnableBidi | EnableBidi |
16516 | RawOnly | RawOnly |
16517 | Published | Published |
16518 | PrinterName | PrinterName |
16519 | ShareName | ShareName |
16520 | PortName | PortName |
16521 | DriverName | DriverName |
16522 | Comment | Comment |
16523 | Location | Location |
16524 | SepFile | SepFile |
16525 | PrintProcessor | PrintProcessor |
16526 | Datatype | Datatype |
16527 | Parameters | Parameters |
16528 | Attributes | Attributes |
16529 | Priority | Priority |
16530 | DefaultPriority | DefaultPriority |
16531 | StartTime | StartTime |
16532 | UntilTime | UntilTime |
16534 | ClientSideRender | ClientSideRender |
16535 | Enabled | Enabled |
16536 | Disabled | Disabled |
16900 | Antarmuka Pengguna Printer | Printer User Interface |
16902 | Penggunaan: rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry [opsi] [@commandfile] | Usage: rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry [options] [@commandfile] |
16903 | Penggunaan Perintah Tetapkan Pengaturan Printer | Set Printer Settings Command Usage |
16904 | rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n printer [-|+] [-|+] dll. | rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n printer [-|+] [-|+] etc. |
16909 | | | | |
16910 | kunci: %s nilai: %s | key: %s value: %s |
16911 | ? | ? |
16912 | Bantuan | Help |
16913 | %s: %s | %s: %s |
16914 | %s: %d | %s: %d |
16915 | Pengaturan untuk | Settings for |
17010 | /a[file] binary file name | /a[file] binary file name |
17011 | /b[name] base printer name | /b[name] base printer name |
17012 | /c[name] unc machine name if the action is on a remote machine | /c[name] unc machine name if the action is on a remote machine |
17013 | /dl delete local printer | /dl delete local printer |
17014 | /dn delete network printer connection | /dn delete network printer connection |
17015 | /dd delete printer driver | /dd delete printer driver |
17016 | /e display printing preferences | /e display printing preferences |
17017 | /f[file] either inf file or output file | /f[file] either inf file or output file |
17018 | /F[file] location of an INF file that the INF file specified with /f may depend on | /F[file] location of an INF file that the INF file specified with /f may depend on |
17019 | /ga add per machine printer connections (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon) | /ga add per machine printer connections (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon) |
17020 | /ge enum per machine printer connections | /ge enum per machine printer connections |
17021 | /gd delete per machine printer connections (the connection will be deleted upon user logon) | /gd delete per machine printer connections (the connection will be deleted upon user logon) |
17022 | /h[arch] driver architecture one of the following, x86, x64 or Itanium | /h[arch] driver architecture one of the following, x86, x64 or Itanium |
17023 | /ia install printer driver using inf file | /ia install printer driver using inf file |
17024 | /id install printer driver using add printer driver wizard | /id install printer driver using add printer driver wizard |
17025 | /if install printer using inf file | /if install printer using inf file |
17026 | /ii install printer using add printer wizard with an inf file | /ii install printer using add printer wizard with an inf file |
17027 | /il install printer using add printer wizard | /il install printer using add printer wizard |
17028 | /im install printer using add printer wizard skiping network listed printers | /im install printer using add printer wizard skiping network listed printers |
17029 | /in add network printer connection | /in add network printer connection |
17030 | /ip install printer using network printer installation wizard | /ip install printer using network printer installation wizard |
17031 | /j[provider] print provider name | /j[provider] print provider name |
17032 | /k print test page to specified printer, cannot be combined with command when installing a printer | /k print test page to specified printer, cannot be combined with command when installing a printer |
17033 | /l[path] printer driver source path | /l[path] printer driver source path |
17034 | /m[model] printer driver model name | /m[model] printer driver model name |
17035 | /n[name] printer name | /n[name] printer name |
17036 | /o display printer queue view | /o display printer queue view |
17037 | /p display printer properties | /p display printer properties |
17038 | /q quiet mode, do not display error messages | /q quiet mode, do not display error messages |
17039 | /r[port] port name | /r[port] port name |
17040 | /s display server properties | /s display server properties |
17041 | /Ss Store printer settings into a file | /Ss Store printer settings into a file |
17042 | /Sr Restore printer settings from a file | /Sr Restore printer settings from a file |
17043 | Store or restore printer settings option flags that must be placed at the end of command:
2 PRINTER_INFO_2 7 PRINTER_INFO_7 c Color Profile d PrinterData s Security descriptor g Global DevMode m Minimal settings u User DevMode r Resolve name conflicts f Force name p Resolve port i Driver name conflict |
Store or restore printer settings option flags that must be placed at the end of command:
2 PRINTER_INFO_2 7 PRINTER_INFO_7 c Color Profile d PrinterData s Security descriptor g Global DevMode m Minimal settings u User DevMode r Resolve name conflicts f Force name p Resolve port i Driver name conflict |
17044 | /u use the existing printer driver if it's already installed | /u use the existing printer driver if it's already installed |
17045 | /t[#] zero based index page to start on | /t[#] zero based index page to start on |
17046 | /v[version] driver version one of the following, "%1" or "%2" | /v[version] driver version one of the following, "%1" or "%2" |
17047 | /w prompt the user for a driver if specified driver is not found in the inf | /w prompt the user for a driver if specified driver is not found in the inf |
17048 | /y set printer as the default | /y set printer as the default |
17049 | /Xg get printer settings | /Xg get printer settings |
17050 | /Xs set printer settings | /Xs set printer settings |
17051 | /z do not auto share this printer | /z do not auto share this printer |
17052 | /Y do not auto generate a printer name | /Y do not auto generate a printer name |
17053 | /K changes the meaning of /h to accept 2, 3, 4 for x86, x64, or Itanium (respectively), and /v to accept 3 for "%2" | /K changes the meaning of /h to accept 2, 3, 4 for x86, x64, or Itanium (respectively), and /v to accept 3 for "%2" |
17054 | /Z share this printer, can only be used with the /if option | /Z share this printer, can only be used with the /if option |
17055 | /? help this message | /? help this message |
17056 | @[file] command line argument file | @[file] command line argument file |
17057 | /Mw[message] show a warning message before committing the command | /Mw[message] show a warning message before committing the command |
17058 | /Mq[message] show a confirmation message before committing the command | /Mq[message] show a confirmation message before committing the command |
17059 | /W[flags] specifies flags and switches for the wizards (for APW & APDW)
r make the wizards to be restart-able from the last page |
/W[flags] specifies flags and switches for the wizards (for APW & APDW)
r make the wizards to be restart-able from the last page |
17060 | /G[flags] menentukan bendera global dan mengalihkan
w menghambat UI peringatan driver penyetelan (mode super senyap) |
/G[flags] specifies global flags and switches
w suppress setup driver warnings UI (super quiet mode) |
17061 | /R memilih driver secara manual untuk menggantikan driver yang ada | /R force selected driver to replace exisiting driver |
17100 | Examples: | Examples: |
17101 | Run server properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /s /t1 /c\\machine |
Run server properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /s /t1 /c\\machine |
17102 | Run printer properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /p /n\\machine\printer |
Run printer properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /p /n\\machine\printer |
17103 | Run add printer wizard locally:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /il |
Run add printer wizard locally:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /il |
17104 | Run add printer wizard on \\machine:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /im /c\\machine |
Run add printer wizard on \\machine:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /im /c\\machine |
17105 | Run queue view:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /o /n\\machine\printer |
Run queue view:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /o /n\\machine\printer |
17106 | Run inf install:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C" |
Run inf install:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C" |
17107 | Run inf install (with inf dependency). In the example, prnbr002.inf depends on ntprint.inf
rundll32 printui.dll, PrintUIEntry /ia /m "Brother DCP-128C" /K /h x64 /v 3 /f "c:\infpath\prnbr002.inf" /F "c:\infpath tprint.inf" |
Run inf install (with inf dependency). In the example, prnbr002.inf depends on ntprint.inf
rundll32 printui.dll, PrintUIEntry /ia /m "Brother DCP-128C" /K /h x64 /v 3 /f "c:\infpath\prnbr002.inf" /F "c:\infpath tprint.inf" |
17108 | Run add printer wizard using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ii /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf |
Run add printer wizard using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ii /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf |
17109 | Add printer using inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C" |
Add printer using inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C" |
17110 | Add per machine printer connection (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer /j"LanMan Print Services" |
Add per machine printer connection (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer /j"LanMan Print Services" |
17111 | Delete per machine printer connection (the connection will be deleted upon user logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /gd /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer |
Delete per machine printer connection (the connection will be deleted upon user logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /gd /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer |
17112 | Enumerate per machine printer connections:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ge /c\\machine |
Enumerate per machine printer connections:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ge /c\\machine |
17113 | Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf |
Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf |
17114 | Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3 |
Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3 |
17115 | Add inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "Intel" /v "Type 3 - Kernel Mode" |
Add inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "Intel" /v "Type 3 - Kernel Mode" |
17116 | Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode" |
Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode" |
17117 | Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3 |
Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3 |
17118 | Set printer as default:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "printer" |
Set printer as default:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "printer" |
17119 | Set printer comment:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" comment "My Cool Printer" |
Set printer comment:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" comment "My Cool Printer" |
17120 | Get printer settings:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xg /n "printer" |
Get printer settings:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xg /n "printer" |
17121 | Get printer settings saving results in a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /f "results.txt" /Xg /n "printer" |
Get printer settings saving results in a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /f "results.txt" /Xg /n "printer" |
17122 | Set printer settings command usage:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ? |
Set printer settings command usage:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ? |
17123 | Store all printer settings into a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat" |
Store all printer settings into a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat" |
17124 | Restore all printer settings from a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" |
Restore all printer settings from a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" |
17125 | Store printer information on level 2 into a file :
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat" 2 |
Store printer information on level 2 into a file :
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat" 2 |
17126 | Restore from a file printer security descriptor:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" s |
Restore from a file printer security descriptor:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" s |
17127 | Restore from a file printer global devmode and printer data:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" g d |
Restore from a file printer global devmode and printer data:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" g d |
17128 | Restore from a file minimum settings and resolve port name:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" m p |
Restore from a file minimum settings and resolve port name:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" m p |
17129 | Enable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender enabled |
Enable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender enabled |
17130 | Disable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender disabled |
Disable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender disabled |
17301 | Pause printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" status pause |
Pause printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" status pause |
17302 | Set printer print direct to printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +direct |
Set printer print direct to printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +direct |
17303 | Set printer to spool:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -direct |
Set printer to spool:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -direct |
17304 | Set printer to hold mismatched documents and keep documents after they have printed:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +EnableDevq attributes +KeepPrintedJobs |
Set printer to hold mismatched documents and keep documents after they have printed:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +EnableDevq attributes +KeepPrintedJobs |
17305 | Share printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" sharename "Share" attributes +Shared |
Share printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" sharename "Share" attributes +Shared |
17306 | Stop sharing printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -Shared |
Stop sharing printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -Shared |
17307 | Set queue priority to 50:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" priority 50 |
Set queue priority to 50:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" priority 50 |
17308 | Rename printer to Printer1:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" printername "Printer1" |
Rename printer to Printer1:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" printername "Printer1" |
18000 | Sambungkan ke Printer | Connect to Printer |
18001 | Windows tidak dapat tersambung ke printer. | Windows cannot connect to the printer. |
18007 | Untuk menggunakan printer ini, Anda harus menghubungi administrator jaringan dan meminta izin. | To use this printer, you need to contact a network administrator and request permission. |
18008 | Anda harus memberikan nama printer yang valid. | You must supply a valid printer name. |
18009 | Instal Driver | Install Driver |
18010 | Kesalahan konfigurasi driver printer. | Printer driver setup error. |
18011 | Tidak dapat membuka printer yang dipilih. | Could not open the selected printer. |
18012 | Windows tidak dapat menemukan driver di jaringan. Untuk mencari driver secara manual, klik OK. Atau, klik Batal dan hubungi administrator jaringan atau kunjungi situs Web produsen printer | Windows can't find a driver on the network. To locate one manually, click OK. Otherwise click Cancel and consult your network administrator or the printer manufacturer's website |
18013 | Tidak ada driver yang ditemukan | No driver found |
18014 | Mencari printer... | Searching for printers... |
18015 | Anda tidak dapat tersambung ke %s karena merupakan printer lokal. | You cannot connect to %s, since it is a local printer. |
18016 | Windows tidak dapat menemukan driver untuk %s di jaringan. Untuk mencari driver secara manual, klik OK. Atau, klik Batal dan hubungi administrator jaringan atau kunjungi situs Web produsen printer. | Windows can't find a driver for %s on the network. To locate one manually, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel and consult your network administrator or the printer manufacturer's website. |
18017 | File diperlukan: INF driver printer untuk %s | File needed: Printer driver INF for %s |
18019 | Tidak dapat menampilkan daftar penelusuran printer. | Unable to display printer browse list. |
18020 | Untuk menggunakan printer ini, Anda harus menginstal driver printer yang sesuai. Untuk melanjutkan, klik OK. | To use this printer, you must install the corresponding printer driver. To continue, click OK. |
18021 | Pilih printer dari daftar. Klik Windows Update untuk melihat model lainnya. | Choose your printer from the list. Click Windows Update to see more models. |
18023 | Untuk menggunakan printer %s, Anda harus menginstal driver printer yang sesuai. Untuk melanjutkan, klik OK. | To use the printer %s, you must install the corresponding printer driver. To continue, click OK. |
18028 | Produsen dan model akan menentukan driver printer yang akan digunakan. | The manufacturer and model determine which printer driver to use. |
18029 | Operasi ini dibatalkan karena batasan yang berlaku pada komputer ini. Hubungi administrator sistem. | This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator. |
18030 | Batasan | Restrictions |
18039 | Untuk melakukan tugas ini, Anda harus memiliki akun administrator komputer. | To perform this task, you must have a computer administrator account. |
18041 | Ada kebijakan yang berlaku pada komputer dan membuat Anda tidak dapat menyambung ke antrean printer ini. Hubungi administrator sistem. | A policy is in effect on your computer which prevents you from connecting to this print queue. Please contact your system administrator. |
18042 | Pilih printer jaringan yang akan digunakan, lalu klik Pilih untuk menyambung ke printer tersebut | Please select the network printer you want to use and click Select to connect to it |
18043 | Printer ini telah diinstal dengan driver %s. | This printer has been installed with the %s driver. |
18044 | Printer ini akan diinstal dengan driver %s. | This printer will be installed with the %s driver. |
18045 | &Instal Printer | &Install Printer |
18046 | Deteksi otomatis | Autodetect |
18048 | Perangkat Layanan Web | Web Services Device |
18049 | Penginstalan Printer Windows | Windows Printer Installation |
18050 | Contoh: \ amakomputer amaprinter |
Example: \\computername\printername |
18053 | Perangkat Cetak Aman Layanan Web | Web Services Secure Print Device |
18060 | Tidak ada jaringan | No network |
18061 | Jaringan | Network |
18062 | Printer default | Default printer |
18063 | %1 (tersambung) | %1 (connected) |
18101 | Penginstalan printer gagal. | The printer installation failed. |
18102 | Gagal menambahkan sambungan printer. | Adding the printer connection failed. |
18200 | Refres&h | Refres&h |
18301 | Mengatur printer ini sebagai default berarti Windows akan berhenti mengelola printer default Anda. | Setting this printer as default means Windows will stop managing your default printer. |
19000 | %%s (Salin %u) | %%s (Copy %u) |
19001 | Port Printer | Printer Port |
19002 | Port Seri | Serial Port |
19003 | Cetak ke File | Print to File |
19100 | Halaman Uji | Test Page |
19101 | Segoe UI | Segoe UI |
19102 | Halaman Uji Printer Windows | Windows Printer Test Page |
19104 | Anda telah menginstal %s di %s dengan benar. | You have correctly installed your %s on %s. |
19106 | Nama Printer: | Printer Name: |
19107 | Nama port: | Port Name(s): |
19108 | Model Printer: | Printer Model: |
19109 | Nama Driver: | Driver Name: |
19110 | File Data: | Data File: |
19111 | File Konfigurasi: | Configuration File: |
19112 | Versi Driver: | Driver Version: |
19113 | %1!d!%.%2!d!%.%3!d!%.%4!d! | %1!d!%.%2!d!%.%3!d!%.%4!d! |
19114 | Dukungan Warna: | Color Support: |
19116 | Jenis Driver: | Driver Type: |
19119 | %s | %s |
19120 | Format Data: | Data Format: |
19121 | Nama Berbagi Printer: | Printer Share Name: |
19122 | Lokasi Printer: | Printer Location: |
19123 | Komentar: | Comment: |
19124 | Lingkungan OS: | OS Environment: |
19125 | Waktu Pengiriman: | Submitted Time: |
19126 | Tanggal: | Date: |
19127 | Prosesor Cetak: | Print Processor: |
19128 | Lokasi Halaman Pemisah: | Separator Page Location: |
19129 | Nama Komputer: | Computer Name: |
19131 | Nama Pengguna: | User Name: |
19200 | Operasi ini tidak bisa diselesaikan. | Operation could not be completed. |
19201 | Driver printer tidak terinstal. | Printer driver was not installed. |
19202 | Pilihan driver printer tidak dapat diubah. | Printer driver selection could not be changed. |
19203 | Nama mudah tidak boleh memuat karakter '!', '\', atau ','. Tentukan nama mudah baru. | A friendly name cannot contain the characters '\' or ','. Specify a new friendly name. |
19204 | Anda harus menetapkan nama printer. | You need to specify a printer name. |
19205 | Nama printer yang ditetapkan terlalu panjang. Nama harus kurang dari 221 karakter. Tetapkan nama printer baru. | The printer name you specified is too long. The name must contain fewer than 221 characters. Specify a new printer name. |
19206 | Nama printer tidak boleh berisi karakter '\' atau ','. Tetapkan nama printer baru. | A printer name cannot contain the characters '\' or ','. Specify a new printer name. |
19207 | Anda harus menetapkan nama berbagi. | You need to specify a share name. |
19208 | Operasi tidak dapat diselesaikan karena akan membuat status printer tidak valid. | Operation cannot complete because it would leave the printer in an invalid state. |
19209 | Nama berbagi tidak valid. | Share name is invalid. |
19210 | Nama berbagi sudah ada. | Share name already exists. |
19211 | Port yang ditetapkan tidak dapat ditambahkan. | Specified port cannot be added. |
19212 | Halaman uji gagal dicetak. Anda ingin melihat bantuan untuk mengatasi masalah cetak? | Test page failed to print. Would you like to view the print troubleshooter for assistance? |
19213 | Konflik nama printer. | Printer name conflict. |
19214 | %1 pada %2 | %1 on %2 |
19217 | Nama berbagi tidak valid. Nama tidak boleh memuat garis miring '/' atau garis miring terbalik '\' atau koma ','. | The share name is invalid. It should not have slashes '/' or backslashes '\' or commas ','. |
19218 | Printer dengan nama publikasi yang sama sudah ada. | A printer with the same publish name already exists. |
19219 | Permintaan ini tidak didukung. | The request is not supported. |
19220 | Direktori tidak tersedia. Lihat log aktivitas untuk informasi lebih lanjut. | The directory is unavailable. Please view the event log for more information. |
19221 | Port mungkin sedang digunakan atau mungkin tidak ada. | The port may be in use or may not exist. |
19222 | Periksa kembali nama printer dan pastikan printer telah tersambung ke jaringan. | Double check the printer name and make sure that the printer is connected to the network. |
19224 | File spooler tidak ditemukan. | The spooler file was not found. |
19225 | Tidak bisa membuat tugas cetak. | Unable to create a print job. |
19226 | Kapasitas disk server penuh. Coba cetak dokumen di lain waktu. | The server has run out of disk space. Please try printing your document at a later time. |
19227 | Prosesor cetak tidak ada. | The print processor does not exist. |
19228 | Layanan penampung cetak lokal tidak dijalankan. Silakan mulai ulang penampung atau mulai ulang mesin. | The local print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler or restart the machine. |
19229 | Kapasitas disk tidak cukup untuk melakukan operasi ini. Kosongkan sebagian ruang disk, lalu coba lagi. | There is not enough disk space to complete this operation. Please free some disk space and then try again. |
19230 | Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mencetak ke server ini. Silakan hubungi administrator untuk bantuannya. | You do not have permission to print to this server. Please contact your administrator for assistance. |
19231 | Terdapat kesalahan jaringan. Coba cetak dokumen lagi. | There was a network error. Please try printing the document again. |
19232 | Operasi ini tidak didukung. | This operation is not supported. |
19233 | Tidak tersedia cukup memori untuk melakukan operasi ini. Silakan tutup beberapa program, lalu coba kembali. | There is not enough memory to complete this operation. Please close some programs and try again. |
19234 | Tidak dapat menginstal printer. | Unable to install printer. |
19235 | Beberapa file driver tidak ada atau salah. Instal ulang drive atau coba gunakan versi terkini. | Some driver files are missing or incorrect. Reinstall the driver or try using the latest version. |
19236 | Port sudah ada. | The port already exists. |
19237 | ... | ... |
19238 | Printer atau berbagi printer lain dengan nama ini sudah ada. Gunakan nama lain untuk printer tersebut. | Another printer or printer share with this name already exists. Please use another name for the printer. |
19239 | Driver yang akan diinstal tidak kompatibel dengan Windows XP dan Windows Server 2003. | The driver that you are trying to install is not compatible with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. |
19240 | Windows tidak dapat menemukan driver printer yang sesuai. Hubungi administrator untuk mendapat bantuan dalam mencari dan menginstal driver yang sesuai. | Windows cannot locate a suitable printer driver. Contact your administrator for help locating and installing a suitable driver. |
19241 | Seluruh | Entire |
19242 | Tidak ada lokasi yang dipilih. | No location chosen. |
19243 | Windows tidak dapat menemukan printer. Pastikan jaringan berfungsi dan Anda telah memasukkan nama printer serta server cetak dengan benar. | Windows can't find the printer. Make sure the network is working, and you've entered the name of the printer and print server correctly. |
19245 | Agar dapat berbagi printer ini, administrator harus mengkonfigurasi Windows Firewall untuk mengizinkan berbagi printer. | In order to share this printer, an administrator must configure Windows Firewall to permit the sharing of printers. |
19246 | Agar dapat berbagi printer ini, Windows Firewall harus dikonfigurasi untuk membolehkan printer ini digunakan bersama komputer lainnya di jaringan. | In order to share this printer, Windows Firewall must be configured to allow this printer to be shared with other computers on the network. |
19247 | Agar dapat berbagi printer ini, Windows Firewall akan dikonfigurasi untuk membolehkan printer ini digunakan bersama komputer lainnya di jaringan. | In order to share this printer, Windows Firewall will be configured to allow this printer to be shared with other computers on the network. |
19248 | Windows Firewall telah dikonfigurasi untuk membolehkan berbagi printer dengan komputer lainnya di jaringan. | Windows Firewall is already configured to allow the sharing of printers with other computers on the network. |
19251 | Layanan penampung cetak server tidak berjalan. Silakan mulai ulang penampung pada server atau mulai ulang mesin server. | The server print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler on the server or restart the server machine. |
19252 | Windows tidak dapat berbagi printer Anda. | Windows could not share your printer. |
19253 | %s (%s) | %s (%s) |
19254 | Operasi tidak dapat diselesaikan (kesalahan 0x%08x). | Operation could not be completed (error 0x%08x). |
19255 | Operasi gagal dengan kesalahan 0x%08x. | Operation failed with error 0x%08x. |
19256 | Windows tidak dapat tersambung ke printer. Periksa nama printer, lalu coba lagi. Jika ini adalah printer jaringan, pastikan printer telah diaktifkan dan alamat printer sudah benar. | Windows couldn't connect to the printer. Check the printer name and try again. If this is a network printer, make sure that the printer is turned on, and that the printer address is correct. |
19257 | Windows tidak dapat menambahkan printer ini karena telah terinstal. | Windows can't add this printer because it's already installed. |
19500 | Nama: %s
Alamat: %s |
Name: %s
Address: %s |
19501 | Nama Printer | Printer Name |
19502 | Alamat | Address |
19551 | Halaman uji telah dikirim ke printer Anda | A test page has been sent to your printer |
19552 | Halaman uji ini secara ringkas menunjukkan kemampuan printer untuk mencetak gambar dan teks, serta menyediakan informasi teknis tentang printer. Gunakan mengatasi masalah printer jika halaman uji tidak tercetak dengan benar. | This test page briefly demonstrates the printer's ability to print graphics and text, and it provides technical information about the printer. Use the printer troubleshooter if the test page does not print correctly. |
19553 | Dapatkan bantuan pencetakan | Get help with printing |
19900 | Perangkat Cetak dan Olahgambar | Printing and Imaging Devices |
19901 | Pilih printer yang akan diinstal dari daftar | Select the printer you wish to install from the list |
File Description: | Antarmuka Pengguna Pengaturan Printer |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | printui.dll |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. |
Original Filename: | printui.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x421, 1200 |