secedit.exe Windows 安全配置编辑器命令工具 41729bdaddd035c5671028542cfcf6a9

File info

File name: secedit.exe.mui
Size: 13312 byte
MD5: 41729bdaddd035c5671028542cfcf6a9
SHA1: f7a90bd6fcbef486ff9abb903fd7b750120b105f
SHA256: bd9bb0a40f6f91c4304e2f201673e88964454136549951b5b007b56a36d0a64c
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: secedit.exe Windows 安全配置编辑器命令工具 (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
The task has completed successfully.
Can't open the template.
7102模板 %s 已生效
Template %s is validated
7103任务已结束。%s 可以忽略此警告。
The task has completed. %s It's okay to ignore the warning.
The task has completed with an error.
7105有关详细信息,请查看日志 %s。
See log %s for detail info.
7106有关详细信息,请参阅日志 %windir%\security\logs\scesrv.log。
See log %windir%\security\logs\scesrv.log for detail info.
The file you specified may be corrupted.
7115已成功注册模板 %s
Template %s is registered successfully
7116来自域的组策略传播已为这台计算机触发。要完成传播并使新策略生效,需要几分钟的时间。请检查应用程序日志。 Group policy propagation from the domain has been initiated for this computer. It may take a few minutes for the propagation to complete and the new policy to take effect. Please check Application Log for errors, if any.
7117传播策略的错误。 Error to propagate policy.
Analyzing system requires a personal database to store the analysis result.
7119必须提供 /DB FileName。有关 /DB 的用法,请参阅帮助。
The /DB FileName must be provided. See help for the usage on /DB.
7120使用 /overwrite 模式中的这个模板配置当前系统会 Configuring the current system with this template in the /overwrite mode will
7121导致指定数据库中现有的安全性记录丢失。 result in losing the existing security records in the database specified.
7123你想继续这个操作吗? [y/n] Do you want to continue this operation ? [y/n]
7124配置中的有些文件在该系统上找不到;因此无法设置/查询安全。 Some files in the configuration are not found on this system so security cannot be set/queried.
7125配置中的有些文件被其它过程锁住;因此无法设置/查询安全。 Some files in the configuration are locked exclusively by other processes so security cannot be set/queried.
7126在此操作期间,一些属性出现警告。 Warnings occurred for some attributes during this operation.
Configuring system requires a personal database to work with.
7167在日志中指定详细进度信息吗(Y/N)? Specify verbose progress information in the log (Y/N) ?
7168是否取消默认日志中的输出(Y/N)? Suppress output in the default log (Y/N) ?
7180完成了百分之 %d (%d/%d) 处理 %s 区域 Completed %d percent (%d/%d) Process %s area
7181完成了百分之 %d (%d/%d) 未知区域 %x Completed %d percent (%d/%d) Unknown area %x
7182完成了百分之 %d (%d/%d) 处理安全策略区域 Completed %d percent (%d/%d) Process Security Policy area
7183完成了百分之 %d (%d/%d) 处理服务区域 Completed %d percent (%d/%d) Process Services area
7184Y Y
Path is not canonicalizable. Please check paths for the files
Out of memory.
Please check environment variables
7188路径无效 Invalid path
The template was validated successfully with the following data ignored.
7190回退要求 /cfg 和 /rbk 模板。另外,这两个模板还应该是不同的。
Rollback requires /cfg and /rbk templates. Additionally, the two templates should be different.
Rollback template being generated...
Rollback is not supported for File Security and Registry Security.

secedit [/configure | /analyze | /import | /export | /validate | /generaterollback]

The syntax of this command is:

secedit [/configure | /analyze | /import | /export | /validate | /generaterollback]


secedit /configure /db filename [/cfg filename] [/overwrite][/areas area1 area2...] [/log filename] [/quiet]

/db filename - 指定用来执行安全性配置的数据库。

/cfg filename - 指定在配置次计算机前要导入到数据库的安全性模板。安全性模板是用安全性模板管理单元创建的。

/overwrite - 指定在导入安全性模板前数据库应该被清空。如果没有指定此参数,在安全性模板中指定的将累积到数据库中。如果没有指定此参数而且在数据库中的设置与要导入的模板冲突,将采用模板中的设置。

/areas - 指定要应用到系统的安全性范围。如果没有指定此参数,在数据库中定义的所有安全性设置都将应用到系统中。要配置多个范围,用空格将它们分开。下列安全性范围将被导出:

SECURITYPOLICY - 包括帐户策略,审核策略,事件日志设置和安全选项。
GROUP_MGMT - 包括受限制的组设置
USER_RIGHTS - 包括用户权限分配
REGKEYS - 包括注册表权限
FILESTORE - 包括文件系统权限
SERVICES - 包括系统服务设置

/log filename - 指定要记录配置操作状态的文件。如果没有指定,配置操作信息将被记录到 scesrv.log 文件中,此文件为于 %%windir%%\security\logs 目录。

/quiet - 指定配置操作的执行不需要提示用户进行任何确认。


secedit /configure /db hisecws.sdb /cfg hisecws.inf /overwrite /log hisecws.log


Allows you to configure a system with security settings stored in a database.

The syntax of this command is:

secedit /configure /db filename [/cfg filename] [/overwrite][/areas area1 area2...] [/log filename] [/quiet]

/db filename - Specifies the database used to perform the security configuration.

/cfg filename - Specifies a security template to import into the database prior to configuring the computer. Security templates are created using the Security Templates snap-in.

/overwrite - Specifies that the database should be emptied prior to importing the security template. If this parameter is not specified, the settings in the security template are accumulated into the database. If this parameter is not specified and there are conflicting settings in the database and the template being imported, the template settings win.

/areas - Specifies the security areas to be applied to the system. If this parameter is not specified, all security settings defined in the database are applied to the system. To configure multiple areas, separate each area by a space. The following security areas are supported:

SECURITYPOLICY - Includes Account Policies, Audit Policies, Event Log Settings and Security Options.
GROUP_MGMT - Includes Restricted Group settings
USER_RIGHTS - Includes User Rights Assignment
REGKEYS - Includes Registry Permissions
FILESTORE - Includes File System permissions
SERVICES - Includes System Service settings

/log filename - Specifies a file in which to log the status of the configuration process. If not specified, configuration processing information is logged in the scesrv.log file which is located in the %%windir%%\security\logs directory.

/quiet - Specifies that the configuration process should take place without prompting the user for any confirmation.


secedit /configure /db hisecws.sdb /cfg hisecws.inf /overwrite /log hisecws.log

For all filenames, the current directory is used if no path is specified.


secedit /analyze /db filename [/cfg filename ] [/overwrite] [/log filename] [/quiet]

/db filename - 指定用来执行分析的数据库。

/cfg filename - 指定在进行分析前要导入到数据库的安全模板。安全模板是用安全模板管理单元创建的。

/log filename - 指定要记录配置处理状态的文件。如果没有指定,配置处理信息将被记录在 scesrv.log 文件中,可以在 s%%windir%%\security\logs 目录中找到它。

/quiet - 指定分析处理的执行不需要提示用户进行任何确认。


secedit /analyze /db hisecws.sdb


Allows you to analyze current systems settings against baseline settings that are stored in a database. The analysis results are stored in a separate area of the database and can be viewed in the Security Configuration and Analysis snap-in.

The syntax of this command is:

secedit /analyze /db filename [/cfg filename ] [/overwrite] [/log filename] [/quiet]

/db filename - Specifies the database used to perform the analysis.

/cfg filename - Specifies a security template to import into the database prior to performing the analysis. Security templates are created using the Security Templates snap-in.

/log filename - Specifies a file in which to log the status of the configuration process. If not specified, configuration processing information is logged in the scesrv.log file which is located in the s%%windir%%\security\logs directory.

/quiet - Specifies that the analysis process should take place without prompting the user for any confirmation.


secedit /analyze /db hisecws.sdb

For all filenames, the current directory is used if no path is specified.


secedit /generaterollback /cfg filename /rbk filename [/log filename] [/quiet]

/db filename - 指定执行复原操作使用的数据库。

/cfg filename - 指定一个将要生成关于它的复原模板的安全模板。安全模板是用安全模板管理单元创建的。

/rbk filename - 指定一个复原信息要写入的安全模板。安全模板是用安全模板管理单元创建的。

/log filename - 指定记录复原操作状态的文件。如果没有指定,复原处理信息将被记录在 scesrv.log 文件中,可以在 s%%windir%%\security\logs 目录中找到它。

/quiet - 指定复原处理的执行不需要提示用户进行任何确认。


secedit /generaterollback /db hisecws.sdb /cfg hisecws.inf /rbk hisecwsrollback.inf /log hisecws.log


Allows you to generate a rollback template with respect to a configuration template.

The syntax of this command is:

secedit /generaterollback /cfg filename /rbk filename [/log filename] [/quiet]

/db filename - Specifies the database used to perform the rollback.

/cfg filename - Specifies a security template with respect to which a rollback template is generated. Security templates are created using the Security Templates snap-in.

/rbk filename - Specifies a security template into which the rollback information is written. Security templates are created using the Security Templates snap-in.

/log filename - Specifies a file in which to log the status of the rollback process. If not specified, rollback processing information is logged in the scesrv.log file which is located in the %%windir%%\security\logs directory.

/quiet - Specifies that the rollback process should take place without prompting the user for any confirmation.


secedit /generaterollback /db hisecws.sdb /cfg hisecws.inf /rbk hisecwsrollback.inf /log hisecws.log

For all filenames, the current directory is used if no path is specified.


secedit /import /db filename /cfg filename [/overwrite][/areas area1 area2...] [/log filename] [/quiet]

/db filename - 指定将要导入安全模板设置的数据库。

/cfg filename - 指定要导入到数据库的安全模板。安全模板是用安全模板管理单元创建的。

/overwrite - 指定在导入安全模板之前数据库应该被清空。如果没有指定此参数,在安全模板中的设置将被附加到数据库中。如果没有指定此参数并且在要导入的模板和数据库之间有设置冲突,将采用模板中的设置。

/areas - 指定要导出的安全范围。如果没有指定此参数,将导出在数据库中定义的所有安全设置。要导出特定范围,用空格分隔它们。下列安全范围将被导出:

SECURITYPOLICY - 包括帐户策略,审核策略,事件日志设置和安全选项。
GROUP_MGMT - 包括受限制的组设置
USER_RIGHTS - 包括用户权限分配
REGKEYS - 包括注册表权限
FILESTORE - 包括文件系统权限
SERVICES - 包括系统服务设置

/log filename - 指定要记录倒入操作状态的文件。如果没有指定,配置操作信息将被记录到 scesrv.log file 中,此文件为于 %%windir%%\security\logs 目录。

/quiet - 指定导入操作的执行不需要提示用户进行任何确认。


secedit /import /db hisecws.sdb /cfg hisecws.inf /overwrite


Allows you to import a security template into a database so that the settings specified in the template can be applied to a system or analyzed against a system.

The syntax of this command is:

secedit /import /db filename /cfg filename [/overwrite][/areas area1 area2...] [/log filename] [/quiet]

/db filename - Specifies the database that the security template settings will be imported into.

/cfg filename - Specifies a security template to import into the database. Security templates are created using the Security Templates snap-in.

/overwrite - Specifies that the database should be emptied prior to importing the security template. If this parameter is not specified, the settings in the security template are accumulated into the database. If this parameter is not specified and there are conflicting settings in the database and the template being imported, the template settings win.

/areas - Specifies the security areas to export. If this parameter is not specified, all security settings defined in the database are exported. To export specific areas, separate each area by a space. The following security areas are exported:

SECURITYPOLICY - Includes Account Policies, Audit Policies, Event Log Settings and Security Options.
GROUP_MGMT - Includes Restricted Group settings
USER_RIGHTS - Includes User Rights Assignment
REGKEYS - Includes Registry Permissions
FILESTORE - Includes File System permissions
SERVICES - Includes System Service settings

/log filename - Specifies a file in which to log the status of the import process. If not specified, import processing information is logged in the scesrv.log file which is located in the %%windir%%\security\logs directory.

/quiet - Specifies that the import process should take place without prompting the user for any confirmation.


secedit /import /db hisecws.sdb /cfg hisecws.inf /overwrite

For all filenames, the current directory is used if no path is specified.


secedit /validate filename

/cfg filename - 指定要验证的安全模板。安全模板是用安全模板管理单元创建的。


secedit /validate hisecws.inf


Allows you to validate the syntax of a security template.

The syntax of this command is:

secedit /validate filename

/cfg filename - Specifies a security template to validate. Security templates are created using the Security Templates snap-in.


secedit /validate hisecws.inf

For all filenames, the current directory is used if no path is specified.


secedit /export [/db filename] [/mergedpolicy] /cfg filename [/areas area1 area2...] [/log filename]

/db filename - 指定要导出数据的数据库。如果没有指定,将使用系统安全数据库。

/cfg filename - 指定要导出数据库内容的安全模板。

/mergedpolicy - 合并并且导出域和本地策略安全设置。

/areas - 指定要应用到系统的安全性范围。如果没有指定此参数,在数据库中定义的所有安全性设置都将应用到系统中。要配置多个范围,用空格将它们分开。下列安全性范围是受支持的:

SECURITYPOLICY - 包括帐户策略,审核策略,事件日志设置和安全选项。
GROUP_MGMT - 包括受限制的组设置
USER_RIGHTS - 包括用户权限分配
REGKEYS - 包括注册表权限
FILESTORE - 包括文件系统权限
SERVICES - 包括系统服务设置

/log filename - 指定要记录导出操作状态的文件。如果没有指定,配置操作信息将被记录到 scesrv.log file 中,此文件为于 %%windir%%\security\logs 目录。


secedit /export /db hisecws.sdb /cfg hisecws.inf /log hisecws.log


Allows you to export security settings stored in a database.

The syntax of this command is:

secedit /export [/db filename] [/mergedpolicy] /cfg filename [/areas area1 area2...] [/log filename]

/db filename - Specifies the database to export data from. If not specified, system security database will be used.

/cfg filename - Specifies a security template to export the database contents to.

/mergedpolicy - Merges and exports domain and local policy security settings.

/areas - Specifies the security areas to export. If this parameter is not specified, all security settings defined in the database are exported. To export specific areas, separate each area by a space. The following security areas are exported:

SECURITYPOLICY - Includes Account Policies, Audit Policies, Event Log Settings and Security Options.
GROUP_MGMT - Includes Restricted Group settings
USER_RIGHTS - Includes User Rights Assignment
REGKEYS - Includes Registry Permissions
FILESTORE - Includes File System permissions
SERVICES - Includes System Service settings

/log filename - Specifies a file in which to log the status of the export process. If not specified, export processing information is logged in the scesrv.log file which is located in the %%windir%%\security\logs directory.


secedit /export /db hisecws.sdb /cfg hisecws.inf /log hisecws.log

For all filenames, the current directory is used if no path is specified.

You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this command. Make sure that you are running as the local administrator or have opened the command prompt using the 'Run as administrator' option.


File Name:secedit.exe.mui
File Size:13 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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OS Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows 安全配置编辑器命令工具
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:SeCEdit
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:SeCEdit
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is secedit.exe.mui?

secedit.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file secedit.exe (Windows 安全配置编辑器命令工具).

File version info

File Description:Windows 安全配置编辑器命令工具
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:SeCEdit
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:SeCEdit
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200