lpksetup.exe 语言包安装程序 3f94f0be9cd056b26d2963fb3e2cda25

File info

File name: lpksetup.exe.mui
Size: 22016 byte
MD5: 3f94f0be9cd056b26d2963fb3e2cda25
SHA1: 1e3b75387999dbc520e3c03f75f0297537a4245a
SHA256: 06a354f3798ac19f1acc184221d8d789ca5c7125a99b2e28eee3677f6412e473
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: lpksetup.exe 语言包安装程序 (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
2语言包安装程序 Language Pack Installer
19语言 Language
20本地名称 Native name
22类型 Type
23大小 Size
24进度 Progress
25消息 Message
120MB MB
121GB GB
183语言包文件 Language Pack File
184安装(&I) &Install
201模式: MODES:
202lpksetup /? lpksetup /?
203lpksetup /i [{* | language_list}] [/p language_pack_path] [选项] lpksetup /i [{* | language_list}] [/p language_pack_path] [options]
204lpksetup /u [language_list] [选项] lpksetup /u [language_list] [options]
205帮助 Help
206/? - 显示此帮助文本。 /? - Display this help text.
207安装 Install
208/i - 安装指定的语言包。无法与 /u 选项一起使用。如果不在 /i 选项后包含 * 或 language_list,并且没有使用 /s 选项,则程序将会启动,你可以通过图形用户界面 (GUI) 进行安装。 /i - Installs the specified language packs. Cannot be used with the /u option. If you do not include * or language_list after the /i option, and if the /s option is not used, the program will start and you can install through the graphical user interface (GUI).
209* - 指定表示在 language_pack_path 或 Lpksetup.exe 所在的目录中找到的所有语言包的通配符。 * - Specifies a wildcard character that represents all language packs found in language_pack_path or the directory where Lpksetup.exe is located.
210language_list - 在空格分隔的列表中指定一个或多个语言的名称。 对于指定的每种语言,使用 "language-REGION" 语言名称格式,其中 language 是小写 ISO 639 语言代码,而 REGION 大写 ISO 3166-1 国家/地区标识符,例如 en-US、fr-FR、en-GB 和 zh-CN。 language_list - Specifies the names of one or more languages in a space-delimited list. Use the language name format "language-REGION" for each language specified, where language is the lowercase ISO 639 language code and REGION is the uppercase ISO 3166-1 country/region identifier, e.g., en-US, fr-FR, en-GB, zh-CN.
211/p - 表示要安装的语言包的路径。如果同时使用了 /s 和 /i 选项,则需要 /p 选项。 /p - Indicates the path of the language packs to install. If the /s and /i option are both used, the /p option is required.
212language_pack_path - 可以是目录或文件夹路径,例如c:\langpackfolder\ 或 \
language_pack_path - Can be a directory or a folder path, e.g., c:\langpackfolder\ or \
213卸载 Uninstall
214/u - 卸载一个或多个指定的语言包。无法与 /i 选项一起使用。如果未在 /u 选项后包含 language_list,并且没有使用 /s 选项,则程序将会启动,你可以通过 GUI 进行卸载。 /u - Uninstalls the specified language pack or packs. Cannot be used with the /i option. If you do not include language_list after the /u option, and if the /s option is not used, the program will start and you can uninstall through the GUI.
215选项: OPTIONS:
216/r - 在操作完成后不重新启动。将会向事件日志记录一则有关需要重新启动的消息。 /r - Suppresses the need to restart after an operation is completed. A message will be logged to the event log about the need to restart.
217/f - 如果计算机必须重新启动,即使其他用户在操作完成后登录到该计算机,也要强制重新启动。 /f - If the computer must restart, forces a restart even if there are other users logged on to the computer after an operation is completed.
218/a - 验证所有列出的语言包是否可以在处理之前安装或删除。如果任何语言包无法安装或删除,则会返回一个错误,并且不会安装或删除指定的语言包。

如果未包含 /a 选项,则将安装或删除所有指定的语言包 (安装或删除失败的除外),在事件日志中会创建一个条目,并且操作返回为成功。
/a - Verifies that all listed language packs can be installed or removed before processing. If any of the language packs cannot be installed or removed, an error is returned and none of the specified language packs are installed or removed.

If you do not include the /a option, all specified language packs are installed or removed except the one that failed, an entry is created in the Event log, and the operation is returned as successful.
219/s - 执行无需用户输入的无提示和无人参与的操作。GUI 会被取消。 /s - Performs a silent and unattended operation that requires no user input. The GUI is suppressed.
222示例: EXAMPLES:
223安装位于给定位置的所有语言包: Install all language packs that are located at the given location:
224lpksetup /i * /p lpksetup /i * /p
225卸载两个语言包 - Lpksetup 将以 GUI 模式启动,但无需用户介入: Uninstall two language packs - Lpksetup will be started in GUI mode but will not require user intervention:
226lpksetup /u ja-JP es-ES lpksetup /u ja-JP es-ES
227安装存储在给定位置的三个语言包: Install three language packs stored at the given location:
228lpksetup /i ja-JP en-US es-ES /r /s /p lpksetup /i ja-JP en-US es-ES /r /s /p
230按 Enter 继续... Press Enter to continue...
231参数无效。键入 'lpksetup /?' 以查看帮助。 Invalid argument. Type 'lpksetup /?' to view the help.
1899安装或卸载显示语言(测试挂钩活动) Install or uninstall display languages (test hook active)
1900安装或卸载显示语言 Install or uninstall display languages
1901你确实要退出该程序吗? 如果现在退出,将跳过队列中其余所有语言。 Are you sure you want to exit the program? If you exit now, any remaining languages in the queue will be skipped.
1902必须重新启动计算机才能完成语言包配置。 This computer must be restarted to finalize language pack configuration.
1903还有其他用户登录到此计算机。如果继续关机,这些用户将被注销。是否要继续? There are other users signed in on the computer. If you continue to shut down, they will be signed out. Do you want to continue?
1904语言包安装 Language Pack Installation
1905删除语言包 Language Pack Removal
1906你必须重新启动 Windows 才能使更改生效 You must restart Windows for the changes to take effect
1907请务必保存你的工作,并在重新启动之前关闭所有的程序。 Make sure you save your work and close all programs before restarting.
1908立即重新启动(&R) &Restart now
1909取消(&C) &Cancel
1910请稍候,应用程序必须完成当前任务才能关闭。 Please wait as the application must complete the current task before closing.
1911必须注销才能使更改生效 You must sign out for the changes to take effect
1912请务必在注销前保存你的工作并关闭所有程序。 Make sure you save your work and close all programs before signing out.
1913注销(&S) &Sign out
1914确保在重新启动之前,保存你的工作并关闭所有程序。重新启动后,可以从控制面板启动“区域和语言”以更改显示语言。 Make sure you save your work and close all programs before restarting. After restarting, you can launch Region and Language from the control panel to change your display language.
1915你必须重新启动 Windows,对系统语言所做的更改才能生效 You need to restart Windows for the system language change to take effect
1916必须重新启动 Windows 才能完成语言包的安装/卸载 You need to restart Windows to complete the language pack install/uninstall
2000选择安装或卸载显示语言 Choose to install or uninstall display languages
2100选择要安装的显示语言 Select the display languages to install
2101浏览到包含显示语言文件的文件夹,或者选择单个文件。 Browse to the folder that contains the display language files or select an individual file.
2102选择安装方法 Choose your method of install
2103Windows 更新无法启动。请尝试从控制面板启动 Windows 更新或者选择语言包安装程序中的浏览计算机选项。 Windows Update could not be launched. Please try to launch Windows Update from the control panel or choose the browse computer option in the language pack installer.
2150找不到有效的语言包 No valid language packs found
2151Windows 在指定位置找不到任何有效的语言包,请尝试其他位置。 Windows cannot find any valid language packs at the specified location; please try a different location.
2152无法访问指定位置 Could not access specified location
2153Windows 无法访问指定位置。请尝试其他位置。 Windows cannot access the specified location; please try a different location.
2154语言包文件已损坏或者无效 Corrupted or invalid language pack file
2155选定的语言包文件已损坏或者无效; 请尝试其他的文件或位置。 Selected language pack file is corrupted or invalid; please try a different file or location.
2172已安装语言。 Language is already installed.
2173语言是系统语言(用户界面的默认语言)。 Language is the system language (default language of the user interface).
2174此 LIP 语言需要尚未安装或选择的其他语言: This LIP language requires other languages that are not installed or selected:
2175此 MUI 语言正在被其他语言使用。 This MUI language is in use by another language.
2176处理该语言时发现错误。 An error occurred when processing the language.
2177已达到所允许的 MUI 语言总数。 Total number of MUI languages allowed has been reached.
2178此计算机没有安装此语言所需的许可证。 This computer does not have the required license to install this language.
2179语言包内容无效。 Contents of the language pack are not valid.
2180此语言无法安装在此计算机上。 The language cannot be installed on this computer.
2181虽然语言是 MUI 语言,但它不在有效 MUI 语言的列表中。 Language is a MUI language but is not in the list of valid MUI languages.
2182虽然语言是 LIP 语言,但它不在仅限 MUI 语言的列表中。 Language is a LIP language but it is in the list of MUI-only languages.
2183语言大小超过系统驱动器上的可用空间。 Language size exceeds the free space on the system drive.
2184语言包版本与此版本的 Windows 不兼容。 Language pack version is incompatible with this version of Windows.
2185语言包的体系结构与系统的体系结构不同。 Language pack is not of the same architecture as the system.
2186此版本的 Windows 不支持 MUI 语言安装,支持 LIP 安装。 This version of Windows does not support installation of MUI languages. LIP installation is supported.
2200选择要卸载的显示语言 Select the display languages you want to uninstall
2300复查并接受 Microsoft 软件许可条款 Review and accept the Microsoft Software License Terms
2302语言接口包自述文件 Language Interface Pack ReadMe Files
2500安装显示语言 Installing display languages
2501卸载显示语言 Uninstalling display languages
2502在某些计算机上,安装显示语言可能需要较长时间。 Display language installation may take a long time on some computers.
2503在某些计算机上,卸载显示语言可能需要较长时间。 Uninstalling display languages may take a long time on some computers.
2504取消 Cancel
2506关闭 Close
2507未启动 Not started
2508正在安装 Installing
2509已完成 Completed
2510失败 Failed
2511已取消 Canceled
2512正在取消 Canceling
2513卸载未启动 Uninstall not started
2515卸载已完成 Uninstall completed
2516卸载失败 Uninstall failed
2517卸载已取消 Uninstall canceled
2519安装进度 Install progress
2520卸载进度 Uninstall progress
2601选择显示语言 Select display language
2602(当前) (Current)
2603语言包安装程序无法更改显示语言。请关闭该应用程序并从“控制面板”启动“区域和语言”以更改显示语言。 Language pack installer is unable to change display language. Please close the application and launch Region and Language from the Control Panel to change your display language.
2614更改显示语言 Change display language
2620400 400
2700未成功安装的语言: Languages that were not successfully installed:
2701未成功删除的语言: Languages that were not successfully removed:
2702以前的安装/删除状态 Previous installation/removal status
2703所有语言已成功安装/卸载。若要安装或卸载其他语言,请单击“下一步”。 All languages have been installed/uninstalled successfully. To install or uninstall additional languages, click Next.
2704上次运行此向导时,某些语言无法安装或卸载。详细信息显示如下。你可以单击“下一步”尝试安装或卸载这些语言。 The last time this wizard was run, some languages failed to be installed or uninstalled. Details are shown below. You can try to install or uninstall these languages by clicking Next.
2706将要安装的下列语言界面包含可选择在开始安装前查看的自述文件。自述文件包含与语言界面包有关的信息,例如支持的平台和已知问题。 The following Language Interface Packs you are about to install contain a readme file which you can optionally review before the installation begins. The readme file contains information about the Language Interface Pack such as supported platforms and known issues.
2707自述信息 Readme information
2708许可条款 License Terms
4002初始化 %2 时出现 0x%1!08X! 错误。 Error 0x%1!08X! while initializing %2.
4003打开请求的 EULA 文件时出现 0x%1!08X! 错误。 Error 0x%1!08X! while opening the required EULA files.
4004加载 %2 时出现 0x%1!08X! 错误。 Error 0x%1!08X! while loading %2.
4005初始化应用程序时出现 0x%1!08X! 错误。 Error 0x%1!08X! while initializing the application.
4006系统正在运行 lpksetup.exe 的另一实例。请将其关闭,然后重试该操作。 Another instance of "lpksetup.exe" is running in the system. Please close it and retry the operation.
4007你必须登录到管理员帐户才能运行此程序。请注销,以管理员身份重新登录,然后重试。 You must be logged on to an administrator account to run this program. Please sign out, sign back in as an administrator, and then try again.
0x3E8CBS 客户端初始化失败。上一个错误: %1 CBS Client initialization failed. Last error: %1
0x3E9未能启动语言包安装向导。请重新启动系统并再次尝试运行该向导。 Failed to start language pack setup wizard. Please restart the system and try running the wizard again.
0x3EA%1 的语言包已禁用。原因: %2 The Language Pack for %1 has been disabled. Reason: %2
0x3EB在 %3 的 UI 语言包上操作时报告了 CBS 错误 %1“%2” CBS error %1 '%2' reported while operating on UI Language Pack for %3
0x3EC命令行参数 %1 无效。请运行 lpksetup /? 以获取帮助内容。 The command line argument %1 is not valid. Please run lpksetup /? for help content.
0x3ED命令行参数 %1 丢失了一个或多个必需的参数 The command line argument %1 is missing one or more required parameters
0x3EE语言名称 %1 无效,或者与受支持的语言不对应。请使用有效的语言名称格式(如 en-US)指定要安装的语言包,并确保说明符对应于受支持的语言。 The language name %1 is invalid, or does not correspond to a supported language. Please specify the language pack to install using a valid language name format, such as en-US, and ensure that the specifier corresponds to a supported language.
0x3EF路径 %1 无效,无法访问或未包含任何语言包。 Path %1 is invalid, not accessible, or does not include any language packs.
0x3F0文件 %1 不是有效的语言包。语言包可能已损坏。上一个错误: %2。请重新下载语言包文件。 The file %1 is not a valid Language Pack. The language pack might be corrupted. Last error: %2. Please download the language pack file again.
0x3F1在提供的路径 %2 中找不到 %1 的语言包。 Cannot find language pack for %1 in the provided path %2.
0x3F2从 UI 取消的错误消息: %1 Error message suppressed from UI: %1
0x3F3未能启动语言包安装向导,因为系统正在挂起重新启动。 请重新启动系统并再次尝试运行 lpksetup。 Failed to start language pack setup wizard because the system is pending reboot. Please restart the system and try running lpksetup again.
0x3F4用户没有管理员权限。请使用具有管理员权限的用户帐户运行此命令。 The user does not have admin privilege. Please run this command using a user account with admin privilege.
0x3F5无法安装 %1 的语言包,因为该语言包已经安装。 The language pack for %1 cannot be installed because it is already installed.
0x3F6%1 的语言包不适用于此系统。请下载针对系统架构和 SKU 的合适语言包。 The language pack for %1 is not applicable for this system. Please download the appropriate language pack that targets your system's architecture and SKU.
0x3F7%1 的语言包版本与你的当前系统不匹配。 请下载与你的系统版本匹配的合适语言包。 The language pack version for %1 does not match your current system. Please download the appropriate language pack that matches the version of your system.
0x3F8无法安装 %1 的语言包,因为其父语言 %2 没有安装。请在安装此语言包之前安装父语言包。 The language pack for %1 cannot be installed because its parent language %2 is not installed. Please install the parent language pack before installing this language pack.
0x3F9安装语言包 %1 所需的磁盘空间超过了可用的磁盘空间。请释放部分磁盘空间,然后重新尝试安装。 The disk space needed to install language pack %1 exceeds the available free disk space. Please free up some space before trying to install again.
0x3FACBS 未能安装 %1 的语言包。返回的 CBS 错误代码为 %2。 CBS failed to install the language pack for %1. Returned CBS error code %2.
0x410无法卸载 %1 的语言包,因为该语言包没有安装。 Cannot uninstall language pack for %1 because it's not installed.
0x411你无法卸载语言 %1,因为该语言是语言 %2 的父语言。请先卸载依赖语言。 You cannot uninstall language %1 because the language is the parent language of language %2. Please uninstall the dependent language first.
0x412你无法卸载语言 %1,因为该语言是系统安装的 UI 语言。 You cannot uninstall language %1 because the language is the system installed UI language.
0x413CBS 未能删除 %1 的语言包。返回的 CBS 错误代码为 %2。 CBS failed to remove the language pack for %1. Returned CBS error code %2.
0x424未能将用户 UI 语言从 %1 更改为 %2。请转到区域和语言选项控制面板更改用户 UI 语言。 Failed to change user UI language from %1 to %2. Please go to Regional and Language options control panel to change the user UI language.
0x425未能将系统 UI 语言从 %1 更改为 %2。请转到区域和语言选项控制面板更改系统 UI 语言。 Failed to change system UI language from %1 to %2. Please go to Regional and Language options control panel to change the system UI language.
0x30000000信息 Info
0x30000001开始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x3000001F语言包安装初始化操作 Language Pack Setup initialization operation
0x30000021语言包安装标准操作 Language Pack Setup standard operation
0x30000023验证无人参与的参数 Validate unattended parameters
0x30000024验证用户的权限 Validate user's permission
0x30000025通知系统已安装或删除某种语言 Notify the system that a language has been installed or removed
0x30000026将用户 UI 语言设置更改为选定语言 Change the User UI language setting to selected language
0x30000027通知系统已通过调用 NotifyUILanguage 更改了当前用户的用户 UI 语言设置 Notify the system that the current User's User UI language setting has been changed by calling the NotifyUILanguage
0x30000028将系统 UI 语言设置更改为选定语言 Change the System UI language setting to selected language
0x30000029通知系统已通过调用 NotifyUILanguage 更改了系统 UI 语言设置 Notify the system that the system UI language setting has been changed by calling the NotifyUILanguage
0x3000002A注销当前用户 Log off the current user
0x3000002B验证指定路径 Validate specified path
0x3000002C检索指定路径中的语言包 Retrieve language packs in specified path
0x3000002D验证语言包是否可以安装 Validate that language pack can be installed
0x3000002E验证计算机是否有足够的磁盘空间用于安装 Verify if the machine has sufficient disk space for the installation
0x3000002F将控制传递给 CBS 以安装语言包 Pass control to CBS to install the language pack
0x30000030验证是否可以删除语言包 Validate that language pack can be removed
0x30000031将控制传递给 CBS 以删除语言包 Pass control to CBS to remove the language pack
0x30000032初始化 LpkSetup 向导 Initialize the LpkSetup wizard
0x50000002错误 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x7000001E运行 lpksetup 向导 Running the lpksetup Wizard
0x7000001F语言包安装 WorkerClass 功能 Language Pack Setup WorkerClass functionality
0x70000020语言包安装 LanguagePack 相关的功能 Language Pack Setup LanguagePack related functionality
0x70000021语言包安装 CbsClient 功能 Language Pack Setup CbsClient functionality
0x70000022语言包安装实用程序功能 Language Pack Setup Utility functionality
0x70000023语言包清理功能 Language Pack cleanup functionality
0x70000024测试 NotifyUILanguage 回调 DLL 的任务。 Task to test NotifyUILanguage callback dll.
0x70000025正在从命令行处理 lpksetup 无人参与的执行 Processing lpksetup unattended execution from the command line
0x70000026安装语言包 Installing language pack
0x70000028正在生成预安装的 PRI 文件。 Generating pre-installed PRI files.
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-LanguagePackSetup Microsoft-Windows-LanguagePackSetup
0x90000002System System
0x90000003Microsoft-Windows-LanguagePackSetup/Operational Microsoft-Windows-LanguagePackSetup/Operational
0x90000004Microsoft-Windows-LanguagePackSetup/Analytic Microsoft-Windows-LanguagePackSetup/Analytic
0x90000005Microsoft-Windows-LanguagePackSetup/Debug Microsoft-Windows-LanguagePackSetup/Debug
0xB00003E9应用程序初始化失败。上一个错误: %1 Application initialization failed. Last error: %1
0xB00003EB操作 %2 的用户界面语言包时报告 CBS 错误 %1 CBS error %1 reported while operating on UI Language Pack for %2
0xB00003EC命令行参数 %1 无效 The command line argument %1 is not valid
0xB00003EE指定了无效语言 %1 作为命令行参数 Invalid language %1 specified as command line argument
0xB00003EF找不到语言或路径无效: %1 No languages found or invalid path: %1
0xB00003F0文件 %1 不是有效的语言包。 上一个错误: %2 The file %1 is not a valid Language Pack. Last error: %2
0xB00003F1找不到语言 %1。该语言未安装或者不在提供的路径中。 Could not find language %1. It's either not installed or not in the provided path.
0xB00003F3必须重新启动此计算机,之后才能尝试安装或删除语言 This computer must be restarted before attempting to install or remove languages
0xB00007D0%1 的用户界面语言包安装成功 Install of UI Language Pack for %1 succeeded
0xB00007D1%1 的用户界面语言包删除成功 Removal of UI Language Pack for %1 succeeded
0xB00007D2调用语言 %1 的 NotifyUILanguageChange 失败,错误为 %2 The call to NotifyUILanguageChange for language %1 has failed with error %2
0xB00007D3调用将计算机 UI 语言从 %1 更改为 %2 的 NotifyUILanguageChange 失败,错误为 %3 The call to NotifyUILanguageChange to change Machine UI language from %1 to %2 failed with error %3
0xB00007D4将计算机 UI 语言从 %1 更改为 %2 失败,错误为 %3 Failed to change Machine UI language from %1 to %2 failed with error %3
0xB00007D5UI 语言包清理操作成功完成 UI Language Pack cleanup operation completed successfully
0xB00007D6UI 语言包清理操作失败 UI Language Pack cleanup operation failed
0xB00007D7为 %1 安装 UI 语言包失败 Install of UI Language Pack for %1 failed
0xB00007D8删除 %1 的 UI 语言包失败 Removal of UI Language Pack for %1 failed
0xB00007D9CBS 成功安装了 %1 的语言包。 CBS installed language pack for %1 successfully.
0xB00007DACBS 成功删除了 %1 的语言包。 CBS removed language pack for %1 successfully.
0xB00007DB用于通知 NotifyUILanguageChange 新语言 %1 已安装的调用失败,产生错误 %2。若要手动调用回调,你必须卸载该语言包,并再次重新安装。 The call to notify NotifyUILanguageChange that a new language %1 has been installed has failed with error %2. To manually evoke the callback, you have to uninstall the language pack and reinstall it again.
0xB00007DC用户 UI 语言已成功从 %1 更改为 %2。 User UI language has been successfully changed from %1 to %2.
0xB00007DD系统 UI 语言已成功从 %1 更改为 %2。 System UI language has been successfully changed from %1 to %2.
0xB00007DELpkSetup 向导操作失败,错误: %1 LpkSetup wizard operation has failed with error: %1
0xB00007DF语言 %1 的安装验证失败,错误: %2 Validation for install of language %1 has failed with error: %2
0xB00007E0语言 %1 的删除验证失败,错误: %2 Validation for removal of language %1 has failed with error: %2
0xB0000BB8开始安装 %1 用户界面语言包 Install of UI Language Pack for %1 started
0xB0000BB9开始删除 %1 用户界面语言包 Removal of UI Language Pack for %1 started
0xB0000BBA完成 %1 用户界面语言包操作 Actions for UI Language Pack for %1 finished
0xB0000BBBLpksetup 向导启动 Lpksetup wizard starts
0xB0000BBCLpksetup 向导退出 Lpksetup wizard exits
0xB0000BBD开始处理 lpksetup 命令行 Starts processing lpksetup command line
0xB0000BBElpksetup 命令行处理完成 Finish processing lpksetup command line
0xB0000FA0LPRemove 已启动。 LPRemove launched.
0xB0000FA1LPRemove 正在终止。 LPRemove terminating.
0xB0000FA2正在新启动中运行(这是 lpremove 尝试运行的第 %1 次启动) Running in new boot (this is %1 th boot lpremove tries to run)
0xB0000FA3在启动 %2 上的运行次数 %1 Run number %1 across the boot %2
0xB0000FA4由于新启动重置运行时数据 Resetting run-time data due to new boot
0xB0000FA5已达到会话(启动)的最大运行尝试限制。计算机重新启动后将尝试下次运行。 Maximum run attempt limit for a session (boot) reached. Next run will be attempted on after machine reboots.
0xB0000FA6已达到计算机启动的整体数目的最大运行尝试限制。Lpremove 不会再次运行。这是一种错误情况,意味着之前的所有运行已失败 Maximum run attempt limit for overall amoutn of machine boots reached. Lpremove won't run again. This is error situation meaning all prior runs have failed
0xB0000FA7未在 System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MUI\\UILanguages 下设置 LanguageCommitted 值(lpremove 正在终止) LanguageCommitted value isn't set under System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MUI\\UILanguages.(lpremove is terminating)
0xB0000FA8lpremove 无法启动 lpksetup lpremove failed launching lpksetup failed
0xB0000FA9lpremove 成功启动 lpksetup lpremove successfully launched lpksetup
0xB0000FAALPRemove 无法从注册表获取运行数据。未计划 LpRemove。 LPRemove failed to obtain run data from registry. Unscheduling LpRemove.
0xB0000FABLPRemove 无法增加注册表中的运行数据。未计划 LpRemove。 LPRemove failed to incement run-data in registry. Unscheduling LpRemove.
0xB0000FACLPRemove 任务无法完成。下次计划的运行将尝试完成此任务。 LPRemove task failed to complete. Next scheduled run will try to complete the task.
0xB0000FADLPRemove 遇到内部错误。 LPRemove encountered internal error.
0xB0000FAELPRemove 无法为自己创建计划任务。 LPRemove failed to create a scheduled task for itself.
0xB0000FAF已在审核模式下执行 LPRemove。未执行任何任务。 LPRemove executed in audit mode. No tasks were performed.
0xB0000FB0正在为 %1 生成预安装的 PRI 文件。 Generating pre-installed PRI files for %1.
0xB0001388OnUILanguageAdd 回调是使用新语言 %1、以前的语言 %2 和标记 %3 调用的。返回值: %4。 The OnUILanguageAdd callback was called with new language %1, previous language %2 and flags %3. Return value: %4.
0xB0001389OnUILanguageRemove 回调是使用新语言 %1、以前的语言 %2 和标记 %3 调用的。返回值: %4。 The OnUILanguageRemove callback was called with new language %1, previous language %2 and flags %3. Return value: %4.
0xB000138AOnUILanguageClear 回调是使用新语言 %1、以前的语言 %2 和标记 %3 调用的。返回值: %4。 The OnUILanguageClear callback was called with new language %1, previous language %2 and flags %3. Return value: %4.
0xB000138BOnMachineUILanguageInit 回调是使用新语言 %1、以前的语言 %2 和标记 %3 调用的。返回值: %4。 The OnMachineUILanguageInit callback was called with new language %1, previous language %2 and flags %3. Return value: %4.
0xB000138COnMachineUILanguageSwitch 回调是使用新语言 %1、以前的语言 %2 和标记 %3 调用的。返回值: %4。 The OnMachineUILanguageSwitch callback was called with new language %1, previous language %2 and flags %3. Return value: %4.
0xB000138D测试回调 API %1 失败,状态为 %2。 The test callback API %1 failed with status %2.
0xB00107D3用于通知 NotifyUILanguageChange 系统 UI 语言已由 %1 更改为 %2 的调用失败并出现错误 %3。若要手动调用回调,请使用区域和语言选项控制面板将系统 UI 语言改回其初始值,然后再将其改为所需的值。 The call to notify NotifyUILanguageChange that system UI language is changed from %1 to %2 failed with error %3. To manually evoke the callback, please use the Regional and Language options control panel to change the system UI language back to its original value and then change it to the desired value again.


File Name:lpksetup.exe.mui
File Size:22 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:21504
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:语言包安装程序
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:lpksetup
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:lpksetup.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is lpksetup.exe.mui?

lpksetup.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file lpksetup.exe (语言包安装程序).

File version info

File Description:语言包安装程序
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:lpksetup
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:lpksetup.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200