cryptui.dll.mui Ponudnik uporabniškega vmesnika za Microsoftovo zaupanje 3ee8d3f015dfc4d8fb60dce26ed4205c

File info

File name: cryptui.dll.mui
Size: 75264 byte
MD5: 3ee8d3f015dfc4d8fb60dce26ed4205c
SHA1: 57265db0b40fb94a594fd0b71b5e67d340fb8dcc
SHA256: b65126c40a3f79c58f8a1a8a8202fc1994a9d9ff416f1659b9b8a978df245452
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovenian English
3215Potrdilo Certificate
3218Polje Field
3219Vrednost Value
3221Le polja različice 1 Version 1 Fields Only
3222Samo razširitve Extensions Only
3223Le kritične razširitve Critical Extensions Only
3224Samo lastnosti Properties Only
3225Algoritem za razpoznavni odtis Thumbprint algorithm
3226Razpoznavni odtis Thumbprint
3227Prijazno ime Friendly name
3228Opis Description
3229Izboljšana uporaba ključa (lastnost) Enhanced key usage (property)
3230Informacije o potrdilu Certificate Information
3231Nameni tega potrdila: This certificate is intended for the following purpose(s):
3232Izdal: Issued by:
3234Izdan za: Issued to:
3235Velja od Valid from
3236do to
3237courier courier
3251Seznam zaupanja vrednih potrdil Certificate Trust List
3252Različica Version
3253Serijska številka Serial number
3254Podpisni algoritem Signature algorithm
3255Izdajatelj Issuer
3257Velja do Valid to
3258Nosilec Subject
3259Javni ključ Public key
3260Uporaba nosilca Subject usage
3261Identifikator seznama List identifier
3262Številka zaporedja Sequence number
3264Naslednja posodobitev Next update
3265Algoritem nosilca Subject algorithm
3266Ime seznama zaupanja vrednih potrdil (prijazno ime) CTL name (friendly name)
3267Izdan za Issued to
3268Izdal Issued from
3269Ni na voljo Not available
3270Zgoščena vrednost Hash value
3271Ta seznam zaupanja vrednih potrdil ni veljaven. Pristnosti podpisa ni mogoče preveriti. Seznam je bil morda spremenjen. This certificate trust list is not valid. The signature cannot be verified, and the list may have been altered.
3272Ta seznam zaupanja vrednih potrdil je bil preverjen. This certificate trust list has been verified.
3273Vnesite ID predmeta v tej obliki: Enter an OID in the following form:
3274ID-ja predmeta, ki ste ga vnesli, ni mogoče dodati zaradi omejitev na poti za potrdila. The OID you entered cannot be added due to restrictions in the certification path.
3275Podrobnosti digitalnega podpisa Digital Signature Details
3276Ime podpisnika: Name of signer:
3277E-poštni naslov: E-mail address:
3278Podpisano: Signed at:
3279Algoritem za povzetek Digest algorithm
3280Algoritem za šifriranje povzetka Digest encryption algorithm
3281Atributi s preverjeno pristnostjo Authenticated attributes
3282Atributi, katerih pristnost ni preverjena Unauthenticated attributes
3283Časovni žig Timestamp
3284Ta seznam ukinjenih potrdil je veljaven. This certificate revocation list is valid.
3285Ta seznam ukinjenih potrdil ni veljaven. This certificate revocation list is not valid.
3286Seznam ukinjenih potrdil Certificate Revocation List
3287Datum preklica Revocation date
3288Dodatni atributi Additional Attributes
3289Vneseni ID predmeta že obstaja. The OID you entered already exists.
3290Lastnosti potrdila Certificate Properties
3291To potrdilo je preklical overitelj digitalnih potrdil, ki ga je izdal. This certificate was revoked by its certification authority.
3292To potrdilo je poteklo ali pa še ni veljavno. This certificate has expired or is not yet valid.
3293Potrdilo ima neveljaven digitalni podpis. This certificate has an invalid digital signature.
3294Izdajatelja tega potrdila ni bilo mogoče najti. The issuer of this certificate could not be found.
3295Obdobje veljavnosti tega potrdila presega obdobje veljavnosti overitelja potrdil. The duration of validity for this certificate exceeds that of its certification authority.
3296To izhodiščno potrdilo overitelja potrdil ni zaupanja vredno, ker ga ne vsebuje shramba zaupanja vrednih potrdil. This CA Root certificate is not trusted because it is not in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.
3297Ni mogoče preveriti vseh nameravanih namenov tega potrdila. All the intended purposes of this certificate could not be verified.
3298Tega potrdila ni mogoče preveriti pri zaupanja vrednem overitelju potrdil. This certificate cannot be verified up to a trusted certification authority.
3299To potrdilo je v redu. This certificate is OK.
3300To potrdilo je preklical overitelj potrdil, ki ga je izdal. This certificate has been revoked by its certification authority.
3302Celovitosti tega potrdila ni mogoče zagotoviti. Potrdilo se je morda pokvarilo ali pa je bilo spremenjeno. The integrity of this certificate cannot be guaranteed. The certificate may be corrupted or may have been altered.
3304Ta seznam zaupanja vrednih potrdil je v redu. This certificate trust list is OK.
3305Notranja napaka med obdelavo potrdila. An internal error occurred during processing of this certificate.
3307Informacije o seznamu zaupanja vrednih potrdil Certificate Trust List Information
3308Ta seznam zaupanja vrednih potrdil ni veljaven. Potrdilo, s katerim je podpisan seznam, ni veljavno. This certificate trust list is not valid. The certificate that signed the list is not valid.
3309Tega seznama zaupanja vrednih potrdil ni mogoče preveriti. Potrdilo, s katerim je podpisan seznam, ni na voljo za potrjevanje. This certificate trust list cannot be verified. The certificate that signed the list is not available for validation.
3310Informacije o seznamu ukinjenih potrdil Certificate Revocation List Information
3311&Izberite želeno shrambo potrdil. Select the &certificate store you want to use.
3314Nameravani nameni Intended Purposes
3315Lokacija Location
3316Brez None
3317Informacije o digitalnem podpisu Digital Signature Information
3318Ta digitalni podpis je v redu. This digital signature is OK.
3319Ta digitalni podpis ni veljaven. This digital signature is not valid.
3320Potrdilo, ki je bilo uporabljeno za podpisovanje, ni na voljo, zato ga ni mogoče potrditi. The certificate that was used to sign is unavailable, and therefore cannot be validated.
3321Izberite potrdilo. Select a certificate.
3322Izbira potrdila Select a Certificate
3323Če želite videti spremembe, zaprite to pogovorno okno in ga znova odprite. To see your changes, close this dialog box, and then reopen it.
3324Oznaka Tag
3325Katalog varnosti Security Catalog
3326Ta katalog varnosti ni veljaven. Podpisa ni mogoče preveriti. Morda je bil katalog varnosti spremenjen. This security catalog is not valid. The signature cannot be verified, and the security catalog may have been altered.
3327Ta katalog varnosti ni veljaven. Potrdilo, s katerim je bil podpisan, ni veljavno. This security catalog is not valid. The certificate that signed this security catalog is not valid.
3328Tega kataloga varnosti ni mogoče preveriti. Potrdilo, s katerim je bil podpisan, ni na voljo za potrjevanje. This security catalog cannot be verified. The certificate that signed this security catalog is not available for verification.
3329Ta katalog varnosti je veljaven. This security catalog is valid.
3330Informacije o katalogu varnosti Security Catalog Information
3331To korensko potrdilo overitelja potrdil ni zaupanja vredno. Če želite omogočiti zaupanje, shranite potrdilo v shrambo zaupanja vrednih potrdil overitelja potrdil. This CA Root certificate is not trusted. To enable trust, install this certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.
3332Izbira shrambe potrdil Select Certificate Store
3333Izberite shrambo potrdil. Select a certificate store.
3334* Podrobnosti dobite v izjavi overitelja potrdil. * Refer to the certification authority's statement for details.
3335Imate zasebni ključ, ki ustreza temu potrdilu. You have a private key that corresponds to this certificate.
3336Ta katalog varnosti ni digitalno podpisan, zato ga ni mogoče preveriti. This security catalog is not digitally signed and cannot be verified.
3337Ta seznam zaupanja vrednih potrdil ni digitalno podpisan, zato ga ni mogoče preveriti. This certificate trust list is not digitally signed and cannot be verified.
3338Videti je, da to potrdilo ne velja za izbrani namen. This certificate does not appear to be valid for the selected purpose.
3339Overitelj potrdil nima dovoljenja za izdajanje potrdil ali ga ni mogoče uporabljati kot potrdilo končne entitete. This certification authority is not allowed to issue certificates or cannot be used as an end-entity certificate.
3340Tega potrdila ni mogoče uporabiti za preverjanje pristnosti prenesene programske opreme, ker ni opremljen z ustreznim namenom »Authenticode Code Signing«. This certificate cannot be used to verify the authenticity of downloaded software because it does not have the appropriate Authenticode Code Signing purpose.
3341Windows ne more ugotoviti, ali je to potrdilo veljavno, ker ne more najti veljavnega seznama ukinjenih potrdil pri enem ali več overiteljih potrdil na poti za potrdila. Windows cannot determine the validity of this certificate because it cannot locate a valid certificate revocation list from one or more of the certification authorities in the certification path.
3342Potrdilo ne velja za izbrani namen. This certificate is not valid for the selected purpose.
3343To potrdilo ne velja, ker je videti, da enemu od overiteljov potrdil na poti za potrdila ni dovoljeno izdajati potrdil, ali pa ga ni mogoče uporabljati kot potrdilo končne entitete. This certificate is not valid because one of the certification authorities in the certification path does not appear to be allowed to issue certificates or this certificate cannot be used as an end-entity certificate.
3345Windows ne more ugotoviti veljavnosti tega potrdila, ker pri overitelju potrdil, ki je potrdilo izdal, ne najde veljavnega seznama ukinjenih potrdil. Windows cannot determine the validity of this certificate because it cannot locate a valid certificate revocation list from the certification authority that issued this certificate.
3346Celovitosti tega seznama zaupanja vrednih potrdil ni mogoče zagotoviti. Seznam se je morda pokvaril ali pa je bil spremenjen. The integrity of this certificate trust list cannot be guaranteed. The certificate trust list may be corrupted or may have been altered.
3347Ta seznam zaupanja vrednih potrdil je potekel ali pa še ni veljaven. This certificate trust list has expired or is not yet valid.
3348Videti je, da ta seznam zaupanja vrednih potrdil ne velja za izbrani namen. This certificate trust list does not appear to be valid for the selected purpose.
3349&Ogled potrdila &View Certificate
3350&Ogled seznama zaupanja vrednih potrdil &View CTL
3352Datum poteka Expiration Date
3353Windows nima dovolj informacij, da bi preveril to potrdilo. Windows does not have enough information to verify this certificate.
3354Windows ne more zgraditi poti za potrdila, ker se je to potrdilo na poti pojavilo dvakrat. Windows cannot build the certification path because this certificate appeared twice in the path.
3355Potrdilo z ustreznim zasebnim ključem je znano tudi kot digitalni ID. A certificate that has a corresponding private key is also known as a digital ID.
3356Ta katalog varnosti ni veljaven. Pristnosti protipodpisa ni mogoče preveriti. Morda je bil katalog varnosti spremenjen. This security catalog is not valid. The countersignature cannot be verified, and the security catalog may have been altered.
3357Ta seznam zaupanja vrednih potrdil ni veljaven. Pristnosti protipodpisa ni mogoče preveriti. Morda je bil seznam zaupanja vrednih potrdil spremenjen. This certificate trust list is not valid. The countersignature cannot be verified and the CTL may have been tampered with.
3358Tega kataloga varnosti ni mogoče preveriti. Potrdilo, s katerim je bil protipodpisan ta katalog varnosti, ni na voljo za preverjanje. This security catalog cannot be verified. The certificate that counter-signed this security catalog is not available for verification.
3359Tega seznama zaupanja vrednih potrdil ni mogoče preveriti. Potrdilo, s katerim je bil protipodpisan ta seznam, ni na voljo za preverjanje. This certificate trust list cannot be verified. The certificate that countersigned this CTL is not available for verification.
3360Ta katalog varnosti ni veljaven. Potrdilo, s katerim je bil protipodpisan ta katalog varnosti, ni veljavno. This security catalog is not valid. The certificate which countersigned this security catalog is not valid.
3361Ta seznam zaupanja vrednih potrdil ni veljaven. Potrdilo, s katerim je bil protipodpisan ta seznam, ni veljavno. This certificate trust list is not valid. The certificate which countersigned this list is not valid.
3362Eden ali več protipodpisov ni veljavnih. Morda je bila datoteka spremenjena. One of the countersignatures is not valid. The file may have been altered.
3363Celovitosti potrdila, s katerim je bila podpisana ta datoteka, ni mogoče zagotoviti. Potrdilo se je morda pokvarilo ali pa je bilo spremenjeno. The integrity of the certificate that signed this file cannot be guaranteed. The certificate may be corrupted or may have been altered.
3364Celovitosti podatkov ni mogoče zagotoviti. Podatki so morda poškodovani ali pa so bili spremenjeni. The integrity of the data cannot be guaranteed. The data may be corrupted or may have been altered.
3365Namena »Server Gated Cryptography« (OID) ni mogoče dodati. You cannot add the Server Gated Cryptography purpose (OID).
3367To potrdilo je bilo deaktivirano. This certificate has been deactivated.
3368Potrdila v podpisu ni mogoče preveriti. The certificate in the signature cannot be verified.
3369Ščiti programsko opremo pred neželenim spreminjanjem po izdaji Protects software from alteration after publication
3370Zagotavlja, da je programska oprema od komercialnega založnika Ensures software came from commercial software publisher
3371Zagotavlja, da je programska oprema od posameznega založnika Ensures software came from individual software publisher
3372Zagotavlja istovetnost oddaljenega računalnika Ensures the identity of a remote computer
3373Dokazuje vašo istovetnost v oddaljenem računalniku Proves your identity to a remote computer
3374Omogoča uporabo močnega šifriranja za spletne transakcije ali komunikacijo Allows strong encryption for online transactions/communications
3375Ščiti e-poštna sporočila Protects e-mail messages
3376Ščiti e-pošto pred spreminjanjem Protects e-mail from tampering
3377Zagotavlja, da drugi ne morejo prebrati vsebine e-poštnih sporočil Ensures the content of e-mail cannot be viewed by others
3378Omogoča podpisovanje podatkov s trenutnim časom Allows data to be signed with the current time
3379Omogoča, da digitalno podpišete seznam zaupanja vrednih potrdil Allows you to digitally sign a certificate trust list
3380Omogoča šifriranje podatkov na disku Allows data on disk to be encrypted
3381Omogoča varno komunikacijo po internetu Allows secure communication on the Internet
3382Temu potrdilu ne zaupate. You do not trust this certificate.
3383Prišlo je do neznane napake. An unknown error has occurred.
3384To potrdilo se potrjuje z izhodiščnim potrdilom, ki mu zaupa oddaljeni računalnik. Če si želite zagotoviti, da bo potrdilo veljavno v oddaljenem računalniku, ga potrdite v njem. This certificate validates to a root certificate that appears to be trusted by the remote computer. To ensure this certificate is valid on the remote computer, verify this certificate on that computer.
3385Temu izhodiščnemu potrdilu zaupa oddaljeni računalnik. Če si želite zagotoviti, da bo potrdilo veljavno v oddaljenem računalniku, ga potrdite v njem. This root certificate appears to be trusted by the remote computer. To ensure this root certificate is valid on the remote computer, verify this root certificate on that computer.
3386Zagotavlja, da je programska oprema od založnika programske opreme Ensures software came from software publisher
3387Te shrambe potrdil ni bilo mogoče odpreti. Izberite drugo shrambo. This certificate store cannot be opened. Please select another store.
3388Izberite želena potrdila Select the certificates you want to use
3390Raven varnosti je nastavljena na »Visoka« Security level set to High
3391Raven varnosti je nastavljena na »Srednja« Security level set to Medium
3392Geslo morate poimenovati. Izberite ime, ki vas bo spomnilo na geslo, ne da bi s tem odkrili geslo. You must give this password a name. Pick a name which will remind you of the password, without revealing the password.
3393Napaka pri geslu Password Error
3394Vneseni gesli se razlikujeta. Vnesite ju znova. The passwords you entered were different. Please re-enter.
3395Varovanje elementa. Protecting an item.
3396Dostopanje do varovanega elementa. Accessing a Protected item.
3397Izbranemu uporabniku ne ustreza nobeno potrdilo. No appropriate certificates correspond to the selected user.
3398s Seconds
3399min. Minutes
3400h Hours
3401dni Days
3402Vneseni URL ni veljaven. Preverite ga in vnesite veljaven URL. The URL you entered is invalid. Please verify and enter a valid URL.
3403Vnesena vrednost intervala za prenos navzkrižnega potrdila ni veljavna. Vnesite številsko vrednost med 1 in %1!d!. The cross-certificates download interval value you entered is invalid. Please enter a numeric value between 1 and %1!d!.
3404Razširjene informacije o napakah Extended Error Information
3405Napaka pri dešifriranju. Decryption error!
3406Do zaščitenega elementa ni mogoče dostopiti. Preverite, ali ste vnesli pravilno geslo. Unable to access the Protected item. Please verify that the password you just entered is the correct one.
3407Stanje preklica: V redu
Revocation Status : OK
3408Stanje preklica: Preklican na
Revocation Status : Revoked on
3409Stanje preklica: V redu. Datum veljavnosti Naslednja posodobitev
Revocation Status : OK. Effective Date Next Update
3410Stanje preklica: Brez povezave. Datum veljavnosti Naslednja posodobitev
Revocation Status : Offline. Effective Date Next Update
3411Stanje preklica: %1!s!
Revocation Status : %1!s!
3412To potrdilo ni bilo preverjeno v računalniku. Pri preverjanju potrdila ni bil uporabljen oddaljeni računalnik. Če želite zagotoviti veljavnost potrdila v oddaljenem računalniku, ga preverite v njem. This certificate has been validated on your computer. The remote computer was not used to verify this certificate. To ensure this certificate is valid on the remote computer, verify this certificate on that computer.
3413Zaupanje enakovrednih naprav
Peer Trust
3414Vneseno geslo ne ustreza minimalnim zahtevam zapletenosti. The password supplied does not meet the minimum complexity requirements.
3415Ta potrdila so potekla ali bodo kmalu potekla. Ko potrdilo poteče, ga sistem ne šteje več kot sprejemljivo ali uporabno poverilnico. Potrdila lahko poskusite obnoviti zdaj. Če potrdil trenutno ne želite obnoviti, vas sistem Windows opomni na prihajajoči potek roka ob vsaki prijavi. The following certificates have expired or will expire soon. When a certificate expires, it is no longer considered an acceptable or usable credential. You can attempt to renew these certificates now. If you do not want to renew certificates at this time, Windows will remind you of their pending expiration each time you log on.
3416Potrdila uporabnika User certificates
3417Potrdila računalnika Machine certificates
3418Prikaz potrdil ni uspel Failed to display certificates
3419Prijazno ime: %1 Friendly name: %1
3420Potek: %1 Expiration: %1
3421Predloga: %1 Template: %1
3422EKU: %1 EKU: %1
3423Razširjeno preverjanje veljavnosti Extended Validation
3424Oznaka OID, ki ste jo vnesli, ni veljavna. Preverite jo in vnesite veljavno oznako OID. The OID you entered is invalid. Please verify and enter a valid OID.
3425Zgoščevalni algoritem podpisa Signature hash algorithm
3426Parametri javnega ključa Public key parameters
3430Anonimno Anonymous
3431Vgrajeno preverjanje pristnosti sistema Windows Windows integrated
3432Uporabniško ime/geslo Username/password
3433Potrdilo X.509 X.509 Certificate
3434URI strežnika Server URI
3435Vrsta preverjanja pristnosti Authentication Type
3436Potrdi odstranitev pravilnika potrdila za strežnik Confirm Certificate Policy Server Removal
3437Ali ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti URI %1 Are you sure you wish to remove the URI %1
3438Potrdi odstranitev ID pravilnika potrdila Confirm Certificate Policy ID Removal
3439Ni strežnikov s pravilnikom za potrdila za ID pravilnika izdajanja %1.
Če želite ID pravilnika izdajanja odstraniti, kliknite »V redu«.
There are no certificate policy servers for the enrollment policy ID %1.
To remove this enrollment policy ID click OK.
3440Napaka: Odstranitev pravilnika za izdajanje potrdil Error: Enrollment Policy Removal
3441»%1« pravilnika za izdajanje potrdil ni mogoče odstraniti, saj je trenutno privzeti pravilnik za izdajanje potrdil.
Preden ga poskušate odstraniti, izberite nov privzeti pravilnik za izdajanje potrdil.
The enrollment policy "%1" cannot be removed as it is the current default enrollment policy.
Please choose a new default enrollment policy before trying to remove.
3442URI »%1« je bil uspešno preverjen.

ID vpisa
Vpisu prijazno ime
The URI "%1" was validated successfully.

Enrollment ID
Enrollment Friendly Name
3443OPOZORILO: »%1« URI je bil uspešno pregledan, toda oddaljeni računalnik ni vrnil prijaznega imena.

ID vpisa
Vpisu prijazno ime
WARNING: The URI "%1" was validated successfully but there was no friendly name returned by the remote machine.

Enrollment ID
Enrollment Friendly Name
3444Zgoraj vneseni URI ima ID: »%1«. Ta ID je v sporu z obstoječim ID-jem

V sporu z:
ID vpisa:
Prijazno ime vpisa:
The URI entered above has ID: "%1". This ID conflicts with an existing ID.

Conflicts With:
Enrollment ID:
Enrollment Friendly Name:
3445Zgoraj vneseni URI že obstaja.

ID vpisa:
Prijazno ime vpisa:
The URI entered above already exists.

Enrollment ID:
Enrollment Friendly Name:
3447Potrditev potrdila Confirm Certificate
3448S klikom gumba »V redu« potrdite to potrdilo. Če to ni pravo potrdilo, kliknite »Prekliči«. Confirm this certificate by clicking OK. If this is not the correct certificate, click Cancel.
3449Pravilnik za vpis v aktivni imenik Active Directory Enrollment Policy
3500Shramba korenskih potrdil Root Certificate Store
3501Zadeva: %1!s!
Subject : %1!s!
3502Izdajatelj: %1!s!
Issuer : %1!s!
3503Izdajatelj: samoizdano
Issuer : Self Issued
3504Serijska številka: %1!s!
Serial Number : %1!s!
3505Razpoznavni odtis (sha1): %1!s!
Thumbprint (sha1) : %1!s!
3506Razpoznavni odtis (md5): %1!s!
Thumbprint (md5) : %1!s!
3507Veljavnost: od %1!s! do %2!s!
Time Validity : %1!s! through %2!s!
3508Ali želite DODATI to potrdilo v korensko shrambo?

Do you want to ADD the following certificate to the Root Store?

3509Ali želite IZBRISATI to potrdilo iz korenske shrambe?

Do you want to DELETE the following certificate from the Root Store?

3520Varnostno opozorilo Security Warning
3521Namestili boste potrdilo overitelja digitalnih potrdil, ki trdi, da predstavlja:


You are about to install a certificate from a certification authority (CA) claiming to represent:


3522Windows ne more preveriti, ali je to potrdilo resnično izdal »%1!s!«. Izvor potrdila potrdite tako, da se obrnete na »%1!s!«. Windows cannot validate that the certificate is actually from "%1!s!". You should confirm its origin by contacting "%1!s!".
3523Ta številka vam bo v pomoč pri tem procesu:

Razpoznavni odtis (sha1): %1!s!

The following number will assist you in this process:

Thumbprint (sha1): %1!s!

Če namestite to korensko potrdilo, bo Windows samodejno zaupal vsem potrdilom, ki jih je izdal ta overitelj digitalnih potrdil. Namestitev potrdila z nepotrjenim razpoznavnim odtisom predstavlja varnostno tveganje.
If you install this root certificate, Windows will automatically trust any certificate issued by this CA. Installing a certificate with an unconfirmed thumbprint is a security risk.
3525Če kliknete »Da«, potrjujete, da se zavedate tveganja.

Ali želite namestiti to potrdilo?
If you click "Yes" you acknowledge this risk.

Do you want to install this certificate?
3550Strežnik %1!s! ima pod zaupanja vrednim overiteljem %2!s! nepričakovana potrdila. Neujemanje pravil za PIN z datumom začetka veljavnosti %3!s!. Server: %1!s! has unexpected certificates under trusted authority: %2!s!. Mismatch of pin rules with effective date: %3!s!.
3551Nepričakovana potrdila HTTPS Unexpected HTTPS Certificates
4000Ali želite namestiti in zagnati »%1!s!«, ki je bil podpisan %2!s! in ki ga distribuira: Do you want to install and run "%1!s!" signed on %2!s! and distributed by:
4001Ali želite namestiti in zagnati »%1!s!«, ki je bil podpisan neznanega dne ob neznanem času in ki ga distribuira: Do you want to install and run "%1!s!" signed on an unknown date/time and distributed by:
4002Ali želite namestiti in zagnati »%1!s!«? Do you want to install and run "%1!s!"?
4003Pristnost založnika je preveril %1!s! Publisher authenticity verified by %1!s!
4004Opozorilo: %1!s! izjavlja, da je ta vsebina varna. Namestite ali poglejte to vsebino le, če zaupate podjetju %1!s!. Caution: %1!s! asserts that this content is safe. You should only install/view this content if you trust %1!s! to make that assertion.
4005&Vedno zaupaj vsebini ponudnika: %1!s! &Always trust content from %1!s!
4006Neznan založnik Unknown Publisher
4008Vzrok, da založnika ni mogoče določiti: %n%n%1!s! The publisher cannot be determined due to the problems below: %n%n%1!s!
4009Opozorilo: Pristnosti te vsebine ni mogoče preveriti, zato ji ni mogoče zaupati. Warning: The authenticity of this content cannot be verified, therefore it cannot be trusted.
4010Težava:%n%n%1!s! Problem listed below:%n%n%1!s!
4011Neznani izdajatelj založniških potrdil Unknown Publisher Certificate Issuer
4013OPOZORILO! Podpisnik je bil preverjen s PRESKUSNIM POTRDILOM. WARNING! The signer has been validated using a TEST CERTIFICATE.
5097Podpis nima veljavnega potrdila s podpisom. Signature does not contain a valid signing certificate.
5098Podpis ima časovni žig, ki pa ga ni mogoče preveriti. The signature contains a time stamp. However, the time stamp could not be verified.
5099Predmeta, ki ste ga želeli preveriti, ponudnik zaupanja ne pozna. The object to be verified is unknown to the Trust Provider.
5100Ponudnik zaupanja ni znan ali pa je napačno konfiguriran. The Trust Provider is unknown or not configured properly.
5101Podpis nima veljavnega sopodpisnega potrdila. Signature does not contain a valid counter signing certificate.
5102Podpis se ne ujema z vsebino podpisanega sporočila. The signature does not match the content of the signed message.
5103Vsebina se ne ujema s podpisom. Content does not match the signature.
5104Podpis nima veljavnega podpisnika. Signature does not contain a valid signer.
5105Potrdilo s podpisom ni bilo povezano z veljavnim korenskim potrdilom. The signing certificate did not have a valid root certificate.
5106Korensko potrdilo ni bilo omogočeno kot zaupanja vreden koren. The root certificate has not been enabled as a trusted root.
5107Preskusen koren ni bil omogočen kot zaupanja vreden koren. The test root has not been enabled as a trusted root.
5108Potrdilo s podpisom nima razširitve Authenticode. Signing certificate does not contain Authenticode extensions.
5109V potrdilu o pristnosti podpisa ni komercialnih in individualnih nastavitev. No commercial or individual setting in signing certificate.
5110Začetni ali končni čas veljavnosti potrdila s podpisom se ne ujema z obdobjem veljavnosti, ki velja za njegovega izdajatelja. Signing certificate's starting or ending time is outside one of its issuer's starting or ending time.
5111Za preverjanje potrdila je bilo uporabljeno napačno potrdilo o pristnosti izdajatelja. Wrong issuing certificate used to verify a certificate.
5112Potrdilo je neveljavno za Authenticode zaradi namena, navedenega v potrdilu (podpisa ali izdajatelja). A purpose specified in a certificate (signing or issuer) makes it invalid for Authenticode.
5113Osnovna omejitev potrdila v podpisu je spodletela za Authenticode. A basic constraint of a certificate in the signature failed for Authenticode.
5114V potrdilu, ki ga uporablja podpis, je bila najdena osnovna omejitev, ki ni podprta. Unsupported basic constraint found in a certificate used by the signature.
5115Datum potrdila o pristnosti ni veljaven. The date for the signing certificate is not valid.
5116Preskusnemu korenu ni mogoče zaupati kot korenu časovnega žiga. The root is not trusted as the time stamp root.
5117Potrdilo nima finančne razširitve Authenticode ali ji ne ustreza. Certificate does not contain or does not meet the Authenticode financial extension.
5118Delovne informacije za potrdilo o pristnosti podpisa niso na voljo. No opus information provided for the signing certificate.
5119Podpisa Authenticode ni bilo mogoče najti. Authenticode signature not found.
5121Potrdilo (podpisa ali izdajatelja) je poteklo. A certificate (signing or issuer) has expired.
5123Povezave s spletnim strežnikom za preklice ni bilo mogoče vzpostaviti. Could not connect to online revocation server.
5126Potrdilo s podpisom ali izdajno potrdilo je bilo preklicano. Signing certificate or issuing certificate has been revoked.
5127Napaka kodiranja ASN (koda napake MSOSS: 0x%1) Error in ASN encoding (MSOSS error code: 0x%1)
5128Napaka v tehnologiji Authenticode (koda napake: 0x%1) Error in Authenticode (error code: 0x%1)
5129Razširitev v potrdilu pomeni, da ga ni mogoče uporabiti za Authenticode. The extension in a certificate means the certificate can not be used for Authenticode.
5130Nepričakovana napaka v Authenticode Unexpected error in Authenticode
5132Verige potrdil od potrdila s podpisom do izhodišča ni bilo mogoče ustvariti. Unable to create certificate chain from the signing certificate to a root.
5133Podpisa potrdila ni bilo mogoče preveriti z izdajateljevim potrdilom. Certificate signature could not be verified using issuer's certificate.
5134Med dostopom do spletnega strežnika za preklice je prišlo do napake. An error occurred while accessing online revocation server.
5135Authenticode ne zaupa potrdilu. Signature is not trusted by Authenticode.
5137Preverjena veriga do neznanega korenskega potrdila. Verified chain to an unknown root certificate.
5138Datoteke ni bilo mogoče najti ali pa nima veljavne oblike zapisa. File not found or not valid format.
5139Varnostna nastavitev za razveljavitev podpisa. The Security setting to invalidate version one signatures is set.
5140Authenticode ne zaupa podpisu pri teh nastavitvah pravilnika. Signature is not trusted by Authenticode with the current policy settings.
5143Korensko potrdilo ni bilo omogočeno za zahtevano rabo. The root certificate has not been enabled for the requested use.
5501Če želite videti založnikovo potrdilo, kliknite tukaj. Click here to view the publisher's certificate.
5502Če želite izvedeti več o preverjeni programski opremi, kliknite tukaj. Click here to find out more about the software being verified.
5504Če želite dodatne informacije o podpisu, kliknite tukaj. Click here to view advanced information about the signature.
6287Overitelj digitalnih potrdil CA
6288Računalnik Computer
6289Izbrati morate overitelja potrdil. You must select a certification authority.
6290Izberite overitelja potrdil. Select a certification authority.
6359Osebna Personal
6360Druge osebe Other People
6361Vmesni overitelji potrdil Intermediate Certification Authorities
6362Zaupanja vredni overitelji korenskih potrdil Trusted Root Certification Authorities
6363Potrdila Certificates
6365DER-kodirani dvojiški X.509 (*.cer) DER Encoded Binary X.509 (*.cer)
6366Base64 kodirani X.509 (*.cer) Base64 Encoded X.509 (*.cer)
6367Potrdila PKCS #7 (*.p7b) PKCS #7 Certificates (*.p7b)
6369Podatkov, ki ste jih šifrirali s temi potrdili, ni mogoče dešifrirati. Ali želite izbrisati ta potrdila? You cannot decrypt data encrypted using the certificates. Do you want to delete the certificates?
6370Podatkov, ki ste jih poslali lastniku potrdil, ni mogoče šifrirati. Ali želite izbrisati ta potrdila? You cannot encrypt data sent to the owner of the certificates. Do you want to delete the certificates?
6371Potrdila, ki so jih izdali overitelji potrdil ali kateri koli podrejeni overitelji potrdil, niso več zaupanja vredna. Ali jih želite izbrisati? Certificates that are issued by the certification authorities or any subordinate certification authorities will no longer be trusted. Do you want to delete the certificate(s)?
6372Če izbrišete korenska potrdila sistema, lahko s tem preprečite pravilno delovanje nekaterih komponent sistema Windows. Seznam korenskih potrdil, ki so nujna za delovanje sistema, si lahko ogledate na spletnem mestu Če je nameščena funkcija za posodabljanje korenskih potrdil, bodo korenska potrdila drugih ponudnikov samodejno obnovljena, korenska potrdila sistema pa ne. Ali želite izbrisati izbrana potrdila? Deleting system root certificates might prevent some Windows components from working properly. The list of system critical root certificates can be reviewed at If Update Root Certificates is installed, any deleted third-party root certificates will be restored automatically, but the system root certificates will not. Do you want to delete the selected certificate(s)?
6375.cer .cer
6376.p7b .p7b
6377Datoteke, ki jih uvažate, niso veljavne datoteke s potrdili. The files you are importing are not valid certificate files.
6378Nekatere datoteke niso veljavne datoteke potrdil, zato jih ni mogoče uvoziti. Some of the files are not valid certificate files and cannot be imported.
6428Nimate dovoljenja za brisanje nekaterih ali vseh izbranih potrdil. You do not have permission to delete some or all of the selected certificates.
6443Zaupanja vredni založniki Trusted Publishers
6444Založnik ne bo več zaupanja vreden. Ali želite izbrisati potrdila? The publisher will no longer be trusted. Do you want to delete the certificates?
6446Založnik ne bo več nevreden zaupanja. Ali želite izbrisati potrdila? The publisher will no longer be untrusted. Do you want to delete the certificates?
6466Založniki, ki niso vredni zaupanja Untrusted Publishers
6468URL strežnika s pravilnikom Policy Server URL
6469ID strežnika s pravilnikom Policy Server Id
6470Prikazano ime Display Name
6471Izberite pravilnik strežnika. Select a policy server.
6472Izbrati morate strežnik s pravilnikom. You must select a policy server.
6473Privzeto Default
6474Prioriteta Priority
10503– Varnostno opozorilo - Security Warning
10505Dovoli zagon ali namestitev programske opreme, tudi če je podpis neveljaven Allow software to run or install even if the signature is invalid
10506Poiščite več informacij Find out more information
10507Če želite izvedeti več o programski opremi, ki je v postopku preverjanja, kliknite tukaj.
Click here to find out more about the software being verified.
10508Kliknite sem, če si želite ogledati digitalni podpis založnika Click here to view the publisher's digital signature
10509Ali želite zagnati to programsko opremo? Do you want to run this software?
10510Ali želite namestiti to programsko opremo? Do you want to install this software?
10511Windows je blokiral to programsko opremo, ker ne more preveriti založnika. Windows has blocked this software because it can't verify the publisher.
10512Založnika ni mogoče preveriti. Ali ste prepričani, da želite zagnati to programsko opremo? The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software?
10513Založnika ni mogoče preveriti. Ali ste prepričani, da želite namestiti to programsko opremo? The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to install this software?
10514Windows je naletel na težavo pri tej datoteki. Windows has found a problem with this file.
10517Čeprav so datoteke iz interneta lahko uporabne, lahko ta vrsta datotek škoduje vašem računalniku. Zaženite le programsko opremo založnikov, ki jim zaupate. Kakšno je tveganje? While files from the Internet can be useful, this file type can potentially harm your computer. Only run software from publishers you trust. What’s the risk?
10518Čeprav so lahko datoteke iz interneta uporabne, lahko ta vrsta datotek škoduje vašemu računalniku. Namestite le programsko opremo založnikov, ki jim zaupate. Kakšno je tveganje? While files from the Internet can be useful, this file type can potentially harm your computer. Only install software from publishers you trust. What’s the risk?
10519Windows bo pomagal zaščititi vaš računalnik, tako da bo blokiral programsko opremo, kadar ne more preveriti založnika. Oglejte si, kako to pripomore k zaščiti vašega računalnika. To help protect your computer, Windows will block software when it cannot verify the publisher. See how this helps protect your computer.
10522Ta datoteka nima veljavnega digitalnega podpisa, ki potrjuje njenega založnika. Zaženite le programsko opremo tistih založnikov, ki jim zaupate. Kako naj se odločim, katero programsko opremo zagnati? This file does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its publisher. You should only run software from publishers you trust. How can I decide what software to run?
10523Ta datoteka nima veljavnega digitalnega podpisa, ki potrjuje njenega založnika. Namestite le programsko opremo tistih založnikov, ki jim zaupate. Kako naj se odločim, katero programsko opremo zagnati? This file does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its publisher. You should only install software from publishers you trust. How can I decide what software to install?
10524Ta datoteka je blokirana, ker nima veljavnega digitalnega podpisa, ki potrjuje njenega založnika. Kaj je digitalni podpis? This file was blocked because it does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its publisher. What is a digital signature?
10530V redu OK
10531&Zaženi &Run
10532&Namesti &Install
10533&Ne zaženi &Don't Run
10534&Ne namesti &Don't Install
10535&Vedno zaženi programsko opremo od »%1!s!« &Always run software from "%1!s!"
10536&Vedno namesti programsko opremo od »%1!s!« &Always install software from "%1!s!"
10537&Nikoli ne zaženi programske opreme od »%1!s!« &Never run software from "%1!s!"
10538&Nikoli ne namesti programske opreme od »%1!s!« &Never install software from "%1!s!"
10539&Več možnosti More &options
10540Manj &možnosti Fewer &options


File Name:cryptui.dll.mui
File Size:74 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:74752
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovenian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Ponudnik uporabniškega vmesnika za Microsoftovo zaupanje
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:CRYPTUI.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original File Name:CRYPTUI.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Ole Self Register:

What is cryptui.dll.mui?

cryptui.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovenian language for file cryptui.dll (Ponudnik uporabniškega vmesnika za Microsoftovo zaupanje).

File version info

File Description:Ponudnik uporabniškega vmesnika za Microsoftovo zaupanje
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:CRYPTUI.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original Filename:CRYPTUI.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x424, 1200