perfctrs.dll.mui 效能計數器 3d0128ef8cb7f1e56e395901f99793e6

File info

File name: perfctrs.dll.mui
Size: 9216 byte
MD5: 3d0128ef8cb7f1e56e395901f99793e6
SHA1: 8ed1ce1ab89241716aca448d8f8ac0b8ab7529c6
SHA256: 68b41590bef4f6e05a6c6d91a5744f09bd6e887fb8065218a8625507329c7a27
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
0x10000038傳統 Classic
0x4000076C可延伸的計數器開啟了 ATKCTRS.DLL 的事件記錄檔 An extensible counter opened the Event Log for PERFCTRS.DLL
0x400007CF可延伸的計數器關閉了 PERFCTRS.DLL 的事件記錄檔 An extensible counter closed the Event Log for PERFCTRS.DLL
0x400007D0OpenTDIPerformanceData 常式已經輸入。 Entered the OpenTDIPerformanceData routine.
0x40000833TDIOpenPerformanceData 常式已經執行成功。 Successfully completed the TDIOpenPerformanceData routine.
0x40000834TDICollectPerformanceData 常式已經輸入。 Entered the TDICollectPerformanceData routine.
0x40000836TDI Collection 常式已略過來自外部電腦的資料要求。 The TDI Collection routine ignored a request for data from a foreign computer.
0x40000837TDI Collection 常式收到不支援之計數器物件的要求。 The TDI Collection routine received a request for a counter object that it does not support.
0x40000839TDI 裝置的資料要求成功。 Successful data request from the TDI device.
0x40000897CollectTDIPerformanceData 常式執行成功。 The CollectTDIPerformanceData routine successfully completed.
0x40000898CloseTDIPerformanceData 常式已經輸入。 Entered the CloseTDIPerformanceData routine.
0x4000089AProvider Stats 資料區塊釋放成功。 Successfully released the Provider Stats data block.
0x40000BB8OpenNbtPerformanceData 常式已經輸入。 Entered the OpenNbtPerformanceData routine.
0x40000C1BOpenNbtPerformanceData 常式執行成功。 The OpenNbtPerformanceData routine successfully completed.
0x40000C1CCollectNbtPerformanceData 常式已經輸入。 Entered the CollectNbtPerformanceData routine.
0x40000C1ENBT 裝置 IO Control 資訊讀取成功。 Successfully read the NBT device IO Control information.
0x40000C7FCollectNbtPerformanceData 常式執行成功。 The CollectNbtPerformanceData routine successfully completed.
0x40000C80CloseNbtPerformanceData 常式已經輸入。 Entered the CloseNbtPerformanceData routine.
0x40000FA0OpenTcpIpPerformanceData 常式已經輸入。 Entered the OpenTcpIpPerformanceData routine.
0x40000FA2NBT Open 已經成功。 NBT Open succeeded.
0x40000FA4DSIS Open 已經成功。 DSIS Open succeeded.
0x40000FA9已經初始 TCP 資料連結陣列。 Initialized the TCP data bindings array.
0x40001003OpenTcpIpPerformanceData 常式執行成功。 The OpenTcpIpPerformanceData routine successfully completed.
0x40001004CollectTcpIpPerformanceData 常式已經輸入。 Entered the CollectTcpIpPerformanceData routine.
0x40001005已收到來自 DSIS 外部電腦的資料要求。 Received a request for data from a DSIS foreign computer.
0x40001008已成功抓取外部電腦的資訊。 Successfully retrieved information from the foreign computer.
0x4000100F正在處理 NetInterface 項目。 Processing NetInterface entries.
0x40001012正在將網路要求的資料複製到效能監視器緩衝區。 Copying data from network requests to the Performance Monitor buffer.
0x40001067CollectTcpIpPerformanceData 常式執行成功。 The CollectTcpIpPerformanceData routine successfully completed.
0x40001068CloseTcpIpPerformanceData 常式已經輸入。 Entered the CloseTcpIpPerformanceData routine.
0x400014B4OpenDhcpPerformanceData 常式已經輸入。 Entered the OpenDhcpPerformanceData routine.
0x400014B5OpenDhcpPerformanceData 常式執行成功。 The OpenDhcpPerformanceData routine successfully completed.
0x400014B6OpenDhcpPerformanceData 常式執行失敗。 The OpenDhcpPerformanceData routine failed.
0x400014B7CollectDhcpPerformanceData 常式已經輸入。 Entered the CollectDhcpPerformanceData routine.
0x400014B8CollectDhcpPerformance 常式傳回 ERROR_MORE_DATA。 The CollectDhcpPerformance routine returned ERROR_MORE_DATA.
0x400014B9CollectDhcpPerformance 常式執行失敗,因為共用的記憶體區段並未建立。 The CollectDhcpPerformance routine failed because a shared memory segment was not created.
0x400014BACollectDhcpPerformanceData 常式執行成功。 The CollectDhcpPerformanceData routine completed successfully.
0x400014BBCloseDhcpPerformanceData 常式被呼叫。 Called the CloseDhcpPerformanceData routine.
0x80000835Collect 常式遇到 Null TDI 裝置。Open 常式可能沒有開啟 TDI 檔案。 A Null TDI device handle was encountered in the Collect routine. The TDI file was probably not opened in the Open routine.
0x8000089B目前沒有開啟的 SPX 裝置或者尚未啟動 NWLink SPX/SPXII 服務。無法收集 SPX 效能資料。 No SPX Devices are currently open or the NWLink SPX/SPXII service has not been started. SPX performance data cannot be collected.
0x80001007外部電腦未傳回任何物件。 The foreign computer did not return any objects.
0x8000100AOpenTcpIpPerformanceData 常式沒有建立任何的 SNMP Mgr 工作階段。 The OpenTcpIpPerformanceData routine did not establish a SNMP Mgr Session.
0x80001010緩衝區不夠大,無法儲存網路介面資料。傳回的資料包含可用和必要的緩衝區大小。 The buffer is not large enough to store the Network Interface data. The returned data contains the available and required buffer size.
0x80001014緩衝區不足,無法儲存網路通訊協定 (IP、ICMP、TCP 與 UDP) 資料。傳回的資料中包含可用及必要的緩衝區大小。 The buffer is not large enough to store the Network Protocol (IP, ICMP, TCP & UDP) data. The returned data contains the available and required buffer size.
0x80001017SNMP 傳回 NULL ICMP 資料緩衝區。SNMP 服務有可能發生問題。 SNMP returned a NULL ICMP data buffer. This may be caused by a problem with the SNMP service.
0x80001018SNMP 傳回 NULL TCP 資料緩衝區。SNMP 服務有可能發生問題。 SNMP returned a NULL TCP data buffer. This may be caused by a problem with the SNMP service.
0x80001019SNMP 傳回 NULL 緩衝區,用以回應網路效能資訊的要求。這個錯誤可能是 SNMP 服務發生問題引起的。 SNMP returned a NULL buffer in response to a request for network performance information. This error may be caused by a problem with the SNMP service.
0x800014BC未安裝 DHCP 服務的效能計數器。將不提供 DHCP 效能資料。 The performance counters for the DHCP service have not been installed. No DHCP performance data will be available.
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-PerfCtrs Microsoft-Windows-PerfCtrs
0x90000002Application Application
0xC00007D1無法開啟 TDI 裝置,以供讀寫之用。正在資料中傳回 IO 狀態區塊。 Unable to open TDI device for RW access. Returning IO Status Block in Data.
0xC00007D2已經開啟 TDI 裝置,以供讀寫之用。 Opened TDI device for RW access.
0xC00007D3無法配置 TDI 資訊區的記憶體,請關閉部分的應用程式,然後再試一次。 Unable to allocate memory for TDI Information block. Close one or more applications and retry.
0xC00007D4要求 Device IO Control 的資料時發生錯誤,傳回 IO 狀態區塊。 Error requesting data from Device IO Control. Returning IO Status Block.
0xC00007D5無法讀取 TDI 裝置的資料。 Unable to read data from the TDI device.
0xC00007D6已經收到 Device IO Control 的資料,傳回 IO Status Block。 Data received from Device IO Control. Returning IO Status Block.
0xC00007D7無法配置 TDI Statistics Block 的記憶體,請關閉部分的應用程式,然後再試一次。 Unable to allocate memory for TDI Statistics block. Close one or more applications and retry.
0xC0000838DI Device IO Control 的資料要求失敗,正在傳回 IO Status Block。 The request for data from the TDI Device IO Control failed. Returning the IO Status Block.
0xC000083A沒有傳回任何資料,訊息資料顯示可用及必要的緩衝區大小。 The buffer passed to CollectTDIPerformanceData was too small to receive the data. No data was returned. The message data shows the available and the required buffer size.
0xC000083B傳送的緩衝區足夠供計數器資料使用,現在將載入計數器。 The buffer passed was large enough for the counter data. The counters will now be loaded.
0xC0000C1D無法從 NBT 裝置讀取 IO 控制資訊。無法查詢使用 NBT 通訊協定的網路裝置。 Unable to read IO control information from an NBT device. A network device using the NBT protocol could not be queried.
0xC0000C1F傳送到收集常式的資料緩衝區太小,無法接收 NBT 裝置的資料。沒有傳回任何資料給呼叫者,可用與需要的位元組存在訊息資料中。 The data buffer passed to the collection routine was too small to receive the data from the NBT device. No data was returned to the caller. The bytes available and the bytes required are in the message data.
0xC0000FA1NBT 開啟失敗,請參考錯誤訊息。 NBT Open failed. See NBT error message.
0xC0000FA3DSIS 開啟失敗,請參考錯誤訊息 DSIS open failed. See DSIS error message
0xC0000FA5無法載入 INETMIB1.DLL。請確定 PATH 環境變數中包含該 DLL。WIN32 錯誤號碼傳回於資料中。 Failed to load INETMIB1.DLL. Make sure the PATH environment variable contains the DLL. The WIN32 error number is returned in the data.
0xC0000FA6MGMTAPI.DLL 程式庫中找不到 SnmpMgrStrToOid 常式。WIN32 錯誤號碼傳回於資料中。 Unable to look up the address of the SnmpMgrStrToOid routine in the MGMTAPI.DLL library. The WIN32 error number is returned in the data.
0xC0000FA7INETMIB1.DLL 程式庫中找不到 SNMP 延伸常式的位址。WIN32 錯誤號碼傳回於資料中。 Unable to look up the address of an SNMP Extension routine in the INETMIB1.DLL library. The WIN32 error number is returned in the data.
0xC0000FA8無法在 MIB 中查詢這個物件的識別碼,請檢查 MIB.BIN 檔案是否正確。 Unable to look up the ID of this object in MIB. Check that the MIB.BIN file is correct.
0xC0000FAA無法取得本機電腦名稱。資料區段中的資料包含錯誤碼。 Unable to get the local computer name. The data in the data section contains the error code.
0xC0000FAB無法為指定的電腦開啟 Snmp Mgr 介面。資料包含錯誤碼。 Unable to open the Snmp Mgr interface for the specified computer. The data contains the error code.
0xC0001006CollectDsisPerformanceData 常式傳回錯誤。 The CollectDsisPerformanceData routine returned an error.
0xC0001009CollectNbtPerformanceData 常式傳回錯誤。錯誤狀態位於資料區段中。 The CollectNbtPerformanceData routine returned an error. The error status is in the data section.
0xC000100B記憶體不足,無法配置 SNMP 要求緩衝區。 Insufficient memory was available to allocate an SNMP request buffer.
0xC000100C要求 TCP、IP、UDP 及 Interface Counter 的 SnmpMgrRequest 呼叫,傳回錯誤。ErrorStatus 及 ErrorIndex 值會顯示在資料中。 The SnmpMgrRequest call requesting the TCP, IP, UDP and Interface Counters returned an error. The ErrorStatus and ErrorIndex values are shown in Data.
0xC000100E要求 ICMP Counter 的 SnmpMgrRequest 要求,傳回錯誤。ErrorStatus 及 ErrorIndex 值會顯示在資料中。 The SnmpMgrRequest call requesting ICMP Counters returned an error. The ErrorStatus and ErrorIndex values are shown in Data.
0xC0001011SnmpGet (GETNEXT) 要求在處理網路介面例項時傳回錯誤。ErrorStatus 和 ErrorIndex 已顯示在 [資料] 中。 The SnmpGet (GETNEXT) request returned an error while processing the Net Interface instances. The ErrorStatus and ErrorIndex are shown in Data.
0xC0001069嘗試關閉工作階段時,SNMP 傳回錯誤。 SNMP returned an error while trying to close the session.


File Name:perfctrs.dll.mui
File Size:9.0 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:8704
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:效能計數器
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:PERFCTRS.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:PERFCTRS.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is perfctrs.dll.mui?

perfctrs.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file perfctrs.dll (效能計數器).

File version info

File Description:效能計數器
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:PERFCTRS.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:PERFCTRS.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200