ppioobe.dll.mui PPIOOBE 库 3cc17d336d70d96352ccfa38e6b3388f

File info

File name: ppioobe.dll.mui
Size: 13312 byte
MD5: 3cc17d336d70d96352ccfa38e6b3388f
SHA1: baa6fb87acdbbdd1a1eeb1489cfe72217f29a20a
SHA256: 7525291c8ec3372db434c4fc183bd11d9a181755b709e1ad3ed0ef08363bb047
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
200输入设备帐户信息 Enter device account info
201下一步(&N) &Next
202用户主体名称或域\用户名 User Principal Name or Domain\Username
203密码 Password
204请为此设备创建一个新的帐户,然后输入下面的信息(如果你尚未这样做)。你可以在以下网站查找帐户创建说明: https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup。你还可以查找用于此设备的其他帐户的相关信息,以及其他设备设置信息。 If you haven’t done it yet, create a new account for this device, and then enter the info below. You can find instructions on how to create an account at https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup. You’ll also find info on other accounts used with this device, and other device setup information.
205请输入用户主体名称或域\用户名。 Enter a User Principal Name or Domain\Username.
206用户名需要采用以下格式: [email protected] 或域\用户 The User Name needs to be in the format of: [email protected] or domain\user
207输入密码。 Enter the password.
208我们已尝试对此帐户进行身份验证,但其凭据对于你输入的租户/域无效。请确保凭据正确且帐户已启用,然后再试一次。你可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 上找到更多信息。 We tried to authenticate this account but its credentials are not valid for the tenant/domain you entered. Please make sure the credentials are correct and the account is enabled, then try again. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
209[email protected] 或域\用户 [email protected] or domain\user
210输入密码 Enter password
211自动轮换此帐户的密码,这样就无需在以后手动更改密码。 Automatically rotate the password for this account so it doesn’t have to be manually changed later.
212启用密码管理 Enable password management
213设备似乎没有连接到网络。请将设备连接到网络,以便验证设备帐户。 It looks like the device isn’t connected to the network. Connect the device to the network so we can verify the device account.
214跳过设置设备帐户 Skip setting up a device account
215是否确实要跳过此项? Are you sure you want to skip this?
216是,跳过此设置 Yes, skip this
217否,返回 No, go back
218如果你未设置设备帐户,则使用此设备的用户将无法执行以下操作: If you don’t set up a device account, people using this device won’t be able to:
使用 Skype for Business 进行电话会议
See a meeting calendar on the welcome screen
Start a meeting from the welcome screen
Email whiteboard contents
Have conference calls using Skype for Business
220如果你决定现在跳过此操作,我们强烈建议你将设备脱机,直到创建了设备帐户为止,因为用户无法使用它安排会议。你可以稍后在“设置”中设置设备帐户。 If you decide to skip this for now, we strongly recommend taking the device offline until the device account is created because people won’t be able to have scheduled meetings with it. You can set up the device account later in Settings.
222我们已尝试在 Azure Active Directory 中查找所提供的帐户,但找不到。请确保用户名正确,或尝试改用“域\用户”格式指定用户。你可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 上找到更多信息。 We tried to find the provided account in Azure Active Directory, but couldn't. Make sure the username is correct, or try specifying the user in the domain\user format instead. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
223我们已尝试访问指定的目录,但无法访问。请确保用户名正确,然后尝试使用完整的 DNS 域名(subdomain2.subdomain1.com\user),或尝试改用 [email protected] 格式指定用户。你可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 上找到更多信息。 We tried to reach the specified Directory, but we couldn't. Make sure the username is correct, try using the full DNS domain name (subdomain2.subdomain1.com\user), or try specifying the user in the [email protected] format instead. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
300设置管理员帐户 Set up an admin account
301完成(&F) &Finish
302用户名 User name
304重新输入密码 Re-enter password
305创建新的本地管理员帐户 — 你需要使用此帐户的用户名和密码登录才能更改此设备上的设置。选择名称时,请勿使用以下字符: " / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * % @。此外,我们还建议你使用强密码。 Create a new local admin account—you’ll need to sign in with this account user name and password to change settings on this device. When choosing a name, don’t use these characters: " / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * % @. Also, we recommend using a strong password.
306输入用户名。 Enter the user name.
307用户名不能有以下字符: " / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * % @ The user name can’t have these characters: " / \ [ ] : | + = ; , ? * % @
309这不是有效的密码 This is not a valid password
311密码不匹配。 The passwords don’t match.
315该用户名已被占用。 That user name is already taken.
316用户名不能为以下任何字词: CON、PRN、AUX、NUL、COM1、COM2、COM3、COM4、COM5、COM6、COM7、COM8、COM9、LPT1、LPT2、LPT3、LPT4、LPT5、LPT6、LPT7、LPT8 和 LPT (这些字词为保留字)。 The user name can’t be any of the following words: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT (these words are reserved).
400为此设备命名 Name this device
402友好名称是人们在需要连接到此设备时会看到的名称。该名称可以更改,但其形式应类似于设备位置的名称,以方便人们辨识。某些设备(例如便携式电脑、平板电脑和手机)只显示该名称的前 15 个字符,但你最多可以使用 32 个字符。 The friendly name is the name that people will see when they want to connect to this device. You can change it, but it’s a good idea to keep it similar to the name of the device's location so that people recognize it. Some devices, such as laptops, tablets, and phones, only show the first 15 characters of the name, but you can use up to 32.
403友好名称 Friendly name
404此名称不能为空。 The name can’t be blank.
405此名称只能包含 UTF-8 字符。 The name can only contain UTF-8 characters.
407你输入的名称太短。请选择一个长度超过 3 个字符的名称。 The name you’ve entered is too short. Please choose a name that’s longer than 3 characters.
409可以使用设备名称将设备加入域。加入域是可选的,但如果你计划加入,则设备名称必须为 1 到 15 个字符且不包含以下字符: ( ) \ / : * ? " |。请确保该名称不同于域中已有设备的名称。 The device name is used to join the device to a domain. Joining a domain is optional, but if you plan to join we need a device name that’s between 1 and 15 characters and doesn’t contain these characters: ( ) \ / : * ? " |. Make sure it’s not the same name as a device that’s already on the domain.
410设备名称 Device name
413如果要将名称添加到域,则其长度必须为 1 到 15 个字符。 The name needs to be between 1 and 15 characters if you want to add it to a domain.
414如果要将名称添加到域,则其中不能包含空格或以下字符: ( ) \ / : * ? " | The name can’t contain spaces or these characters if you want to add it to a domain: ( ) \ / : * ? " |
415名称中有一个不能使用的保留字。请尝试其他名称。 There’s a reserved word in the name that you can’t use. Try a different name.
416可以使用设备名称将设备加入域。加入域是可选的,但如果你计划加入,则设备名称必须为 1 到 15 个字符且不包含以下字符: ( ) \ / : * ? " |。请确保该名称不同于域中已有设备的名称。我们已提供设备帐户的别名 -- 你可以使用该名称作为设备名称,也可以对它进行更改。 The device name is used to join the device to a domain. Joining a domain is optional, but if you plan to join we need a device name that's between 1 and 15 characters and doesn't contain these characters: ( ) \ / : * ? " |. Make sure it's not the same name as a device that's already on the domain. We've provided the alias for the device account -- you can use that as the device name, or you can change it.
417设备名称用于将设备加入域。此设备已加入域,因此无法更改。如果你想要更改,需要完成设置并重置该设备。 The device name is used to join the device to a domain. This device is already joined to a domain, so it can't be changed. If you want to change it, you need to complete setup and reset the device.
700我们需要一些其他信息 We need a little more info
702我们需要你提供 Exchange 服务器地址才能为此设备设置日历。 To set up the calendar for this device, we need the Exchange server address.
703Exchange Server 地址 Exchange server address
707若要转到下一步,请输入你的 Exchange Server 信息,或选择下面的链接以跳过设置 Exchange 服务这一步。 To get to the next step, enter your Exchange server info, or select the link below to skip setting up Exchange services.
708我们已尝试查找你提供的 Exchange 服务器,但找不到。请确保其输入正确,且设备已连接到相应网络。你可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 上找到更多信息。 We tried to find the Exchange server you provided, but couldn't. Make sure you entered it correctly and that the device is connected to the right network. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
709为了保护你的信息,不支持使用 http。请使用 https。你可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 上找到更多信息。 To protect your info, http is not supported. Please use https. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
710跳过设置 Exchange 服务这一步 Skip setting up Exchange services
714如果不解决此问题,Exchange 服务将关闭,使用此设备的用户将无法执行以下操作: If you don’t fix this, Exchange services will be turned off and people using this device won’t be able to:
See a meeting calendar on the welcome screen
Start a meeting from the welcome screen
Email whiteboard contents
716你可以稍后在“设置”中设置 Exchange 服务。 You can set up Exchange services later in Settings.
717你先前提供的设备帐户凭据无法在所提供的 Exchange 服务器中进行身份验证。请提供其他 Exchange 服务器,然后再试一次。你可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 上找到更多信息。 The device account credentials you provided earlier cannot authenticate into the provided Exchange server. Provide a different Exchange server and try again. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
718我们已尝试访问 Exchange 服务器,但出现连接问题,返回了 HTTP 超时(错误代码 0x80072EE2)。你可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 上找到更多信息。 We tried to reach the Exchange server, but there was a connectivity issue and a HTTP timeout was returned (error code 0x80072EE2). You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
800设置此帐户 Setting up this account
801大写锁定已打开 Caps Lock is on
803%s 请联系你公司的技术支持人员,并提及错误: %s。你可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 上找到更多信息。 %s Please contact your company’s support person and mention error: %s. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
804 On
805 Off
900专为你而设置,为你省时 Set up for you, to save you time
902已为此设备启用以下建议的设置。可以在“设置”中随时更改这些设置: The following Recommended settings have been enabled for this device. These can be changed anytime within Settings:
904了解更多信息(&L) &Learn more
905已启用自定义语音输入、键盘输入和墨迹输入,这会将输入数据发送至 Microsoft。Microsoft 将使用该信息来改进建议和识别平台。 Customized speech, typing, and inking is enabled which sends input data to Microsoft. Microsoft will use that info to improve the suggestion and recognition platforms.
906Windows 和应用将请求此设备的位置(包括位置历史记录)。此设备将向 Microsoft 和受信任合作伙伴发送某些位置数据,以便改进定位服务。 Windows and apps will request the location for this device, including location history. The device will send Microsoft and trusted partners some location data to improve location services.
907已启用恶意 Web 内容和下载内容防范功能。 Protection is enabled from malicious web content and downloads.
908此设备将向 Microsoft 发送错误和诊断信息。 The device will send error and diagnostic information to Microsoft.
909Cortana (小娜)已启用(如果可用),并且会将语音和键盘输入数据发送至 Microsoft。Microsoft 会使用该信息来改进建议和识别平台。 Cortana is enabled (if available) and will send speech and typing input data to Microsoft. Microsoft will use that info to improve the suggestion and recognition platforms.
1000使用域加入设置管理员 Set up admins using domain join
1002确定你要将此设备加入哪个域,然后在下面输入加入该域所需的域信息和凭据。下一步,你需要选择该域的安全组,使之能够管理此设备。 Decide what domain you want this device to join, and enter the domain info and credentials for joining that domain below. On the next step you’ll select the security group on that domain that will be able to manage this device.
1004 Domain
1010加入域 Joining the domain
1011我们已尝试查找你输入的域,但找不到。请确保其输入正确,且设备已连接至相应网络。你可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 上找到更多信息。 We tried to find the domain you entered, but couldn't. Make sure you entered it correctly and that the device has a connection to the right network. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
1012设备已加入域。 The device is already joined to a domain.
1013请输入一个域名。 Enter a domain name.
1014以下述格式之一输入用户名: 、\ 或 。 Enter a user name in one of these formats: , \, or .
1015我们已尝试使用你提供的凭据加入域,但无法使用这些凭据进行身份验证。请确保凭据正确或使用其他凭据。你可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 上找到更多信息。 We tried to join the domain using the credentials you provided, but they couldn't be used to authenticate. Make sure the credentials are correct or use different credentials. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
1016我们已尝试使用你先前提供的设备名称加入域,但另一个已加入域的设备正在使用同一名称。请选择“上一步”按钮,然后尝试改用其他名称。你可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 上找到更多信息。 We tried to join the domain using the device name you provided earlier, but another domain-joined device is using the same name. Select the Back button and try a different name instead. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
1100输入安全组 Enter a security group
1102你在此处输入的现有域安全组中的人员将无法管理此设备上的设置。 Members in the existing domain security group you enter here will be able to manage the settings on this device.
1103安全组名称 Security group name
1105选择(&S) &Select
1106正在搜索该组 Searching for that group
1107我们已尝试在域中查找该组,但找不到。请确保该组存在于你的域中,然后再试一次。你可以在 https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot 上找到更多信息。 We tried to find that group on the domain, but couldn't. Make sure the group exists in your domain, and try again. You can find more info at https://aka.ms/windowsteamtshoot.
1108请输入组名。 Enter a group name.
1300此帐户有问题 There’s a problem with this account
1301重试(&R) &Retry
1302若要继续使用不受支持的策略,请单击此处(&C)。 &Click here to continue using unsupported policies.
1303你提供的帐户使用了此设备不支持的 ActiveSync 策略进行配置。 The account you provided has been configured with ActiveSync policies that this device does not support.
1304请确保 DevicePasswordEnabled 策略已设置为 False。你可以重新配置该策略并重试,以确保设备帐户设置正确,并且你可以使用 Exchange 服务。 Please make sure that the DevicePasswordEnabled policy is set to False. You can reconfigure the policy and retry to ensure the device account is setup properly and that you can use Exchange services.
1305如果你选择继续而不重新配置策略,设备将无法同步其日历或发送电子邮件。 If you choose to continue without reconfiguring the policies, the device will not be able to sync its calendar or send emails.
1306单击此处继续且不验证策略(&C)。 &Click here to continue without policies validation.
1307正在验证策略 Validating policies
1308我们正在尝试连接到 Exchange 服务器,以验证分配给你提供的帐户的策略。 We are trying to connect to the Exchange server to validate policies assigned to the account you provided.
1400出现问题。 Something went wrong.
1401无法读取目录。 Unable to read Directory.
1402无法发现 Exchange 地址。 Unable to discover Exchange address.
1403无法验证 Exchange 地址。 Unable to validate Exchange address.
1404无法保存帐户信息。 Unable to save account information.
1405无法验证 Exchange Active Sync 策略。 Unable to validate Exchange Active Sync policies.
1500为此设备设置管理员 Set up admins for this device
1502只有管理员可以更改此设备上的设置。请选择设置管理员的方式: Settings on this device can only be changed by admins. Choose how you want to set up admins:
1503使用 Microsoft Azure Active Directory Use Microsoft Azure Active Directory
1504使用 Active Directory 域服务 Use Active Directory Domain Services
1505使用本地管理员 Use a local admin
1506如果你希望 Azure AD 上的人员作为此设备的管理员,请选择此选项。设置的管理员将取决于你拥有的 Azure AD 订阅类型。有关详细信息,请访问 https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup。 Choose this if you want people on Azure AD to be admins for this device. The admins you’ll have will depend on what type of Azure AD subscription you have. For more info, go to https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup.
1507如果你希望特定域上的安全组作为此设备的管理员,请选择此选项。有关详细信息,请访问 https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup。 Choose this if you want a security group on a specific domain to be the admins for this device. For more info, go to https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup.
1508如果你没有 Azure AD 或不想将此设备加入域,请选择此选项。有关详细信息,请访问 https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup。 Choose this if you don’t have Azure AD or don’t want to join this device to a domain. For more info, go to https://aka.ms/windowsteamsetup.
1600快速上手 Get going fast
1602请从配置文件中选择设备帐户和友好名称,我们将负责其余部分。 Select a device account and friendly name from your configuration file, and we’ll take care of the rest.
1603选择配置 Select a configuration
1605设备帐户 Device account
1606易记名称 Friendly name
1608此易记名称已被截断。易记名称的最大长度为 32 个字符。 This friendly name has been truncated. The maximum length of a friendly name is 32 characters.
1610手动输入设备配置 Enter device configuration manually
1612此配置文件中的项目格式错误。行应采用以下格式: ,, Items in this configuration file are malformed. Lines should be in the format: ,,
1613确保此设备已连接到 Internet。 Make sure this device is connected to the Internet.
1614无法使用此设备帐户登录。请选择其他帐户,或手动输入设备配置。 We couldn’t sign in with this device account. Select a different account or enter the device configuration manually.
1615无法访问此设备帐户的域。请选择其他帐户,或手动输入设备配置。 We couldn’t reach the domain for this device account. Select a different account or enter the device configuration manually.
1616在 Azure Active Directory 中找不到此设备帐户。请选择其他帐户,或手动输入设备配置。 We couldn’t find this device account in Azure Active Directory. Select a different account or enter the device configuration manually.


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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:PPIOOBE 库
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Internal Name:ppioobe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:ppioobe.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is ppioobe.dll.mui?

ppioobe.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file ppioobe.dll (PPIOOBE 库).

File version info

File Description:PPIOOBE 库
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:ppioobe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:ppioobe.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200