200 | Controlpanel not found |
Controlpanel not found |
201 | Vibonye Nata |
Sticky Keys |
202 | Vibonye Vichujio |
Filter Keys |
203 | Vibonye Guro |
Toggle Keys |
204 | Vibonye vya Kipanya |
Mouse Keys |
205 | Ulinganuzi wa Juu |
High Contrast |
1117 | Vibonye Nata hukuwezesha kutumia SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, au vibonye vya Nembo ya Windows kwa kubofya kibonye kimoja kwa wakati mmoja. Njia ya mkato ya kibodi ya kuwasha Vibonye Nata ni kubofya kibonye cha SHIFT mara 5. |
Sticky Keys lets you use the SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, or Windows Logo keys by pressing one key at a time. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Sticky Keys is to press the SHIFT key 5 times. |
1118 | Filter Keys lets you ignore brief or repeated keystrokes and slows down the keyboard repeat rate. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Filter Keys is to hold down the right SHIFT key for 8 seconds. |
Filter Keys lets you ignore brief or repeated keystrokes and slows down the keyboard repeat rate. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Filter Keys is to hold down the right SHIFT key for 8 seconds. |
1122 | Mouse Keys lets you control the mouse pointer by using the numeric keypad on your keyboard. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Mouse Keys is to press the ALT, left SHIFT, and NUM LOCK keys. |
Mouse Keys lets you control the mouse pointer by using the numeric keypad on your keyboard. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Mouse Keys is to press the ALT, left SHIFT, and NUM LOCK keys. |
1124 | Ulinganuzi wa Juu huboresha usomaji wa uonyesho kwa kutumia mpangilio maalum wa mpango rangi. Njiamkato ya kibodi ya kuwasha Iliyokozwa Sana ni kubofya vibonye vya SHIFT ya kushoto, ALT ya kushoto na PRINT SCREEN. |
High Contrast improves readability of the display by applying a special system color scheme. The keyboard shortcut to turn on High Contrast is to press the left SHIFT, left ALT, and PRINT SCREEN keys. |
1128 | Vibonye Guro husababisha toni kutoa sauti wakati unapobofya vibonye vya CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, au SCROLL LOCK. Njia ya mkato ya kibodi ya kuwsha VIbonye Guro ni kushikilia chini kibonye cha NUM LOCK kwa sekunde 5. |
Toggle Keys causes a tone to sound when you press the CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK keys. The keyboard shortcut to turn on Toggle Keys is to hold down the NUM LOCK key for 5 seconds. |
1134 | &La |
&No |
1135 | &Ndiyo |
&Yes |
1137 | Nenda kwa Kituo chaUfikivu Rahisi ili kulemazwa njia ya mkato ya kibodi |
Go to the Ease of Access Center to disable the keyboard shortcut |
1138 | Unataka kuwasha Vibonye Nata? |
Do you want to turn on Sticky Keys? |
1139 | Do you want to turn on Filter Keys? |
Do you want to turn on Filter Keys? |
1140 | Do you want to turn on Mouse Keys? |
Do you want to turn on Mouse Keys? |
1141 | Unataka kuwasha Ulinganuzi wa Juu? |
Do you want to turn on High Contrast? |
1142 | Unataka kuwasha Vibonye Guro? |
Do you want to turn on Toggle Keys? |