103 | Annotation |
Annotation |
104 | (Cleanup Url) Annotation |
(Cleanup Url) Annotation |
105 | Annotation has no target |
Annotation has no target |
106 | Recovery Phase |
Recovery Phase |
110 | %s (0x%08x - %s)
%s (0x%08x - %s)
111 | Details:
112 | %s (0x%08x)
%s (0x%08x)
113 | Context: %s Application, %s Catalog
Context: %s Application, %s Catalog
114 | Context: %s Application
Context: %s Application
120 | Oštećenje preljeva spajanja |
Merge Flush Corruption |
200 | Nije navedeno |
Unspecified |
201 | Ostalo |
Other |
0x0 | NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead of leaving it empty. |
NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead of leaving it empty. |
0x1 | Search service |
Search service |
0x2 | Collator |
Collator |
0x3 | Gatherer |
Gatherer |
0x4 | Content index server |
Content index server |
0xBFD | The application was successfully restored.%1 |
The application was successfully restored.%1 |
0xC05 | The application was successfully backed up.%1 |
The application was successfully backed up.%1 |
0x1B68 | Uspjela je propagacija indeksa na poslužitelj za pretraživanje . Servis sad čeka da poslužitelj za pretraživanje prihvati propagaciju.%1 |
Index propagation to search server succeeded. The service is now waiting for the search server to accept the propagation.%1 |
0x1B6B | The search server was successfully added.%1 |
The search server was successfully added.%1 |
0x1B6C | The search server was successfully removed.%1 |
The search server was successfully removed.%1 |
0x00040203 | The MAPI service is unavailable. |
The MAPI service is unavailable. |
0x00040607 | No connection to a Search server can be established. |
No connection to a Search server can be established. |
0x00040704 | No matching items were found for this query. |
No matching items were found for this query. |
0x00040712 | The query term was successfully ignored. |
The query term was successfully ignored. |
0x00040716 | The query found some matching items, but is unable to compile the entire result set. |
The query found some matching items, but is unable to compile the entire result set. |
0x0004092F | Parser Error |
Parser Error |
0x00040930 | The PASSTHROUGH query is not allowed: '%1' |
The PASSTHROUGH query is not allowed: '%1' |
0x00040931 | The syntax near '%1' is incorrect. SQLSTATE=42000 |
The syntax near '%1' is incorrect. SQLSTATE=42000 |
0x00040932 | The syntax near '%1' is incorrect. Expected %2. SQLSTATE=42000 |
The syntax near '%1' is incorrect. Expected %2. SQLSTATE=42000 |
0x00040933 | Multiple statement commands are not supported. SQLSTATE=42000 |
Multiple statement commands are not supported. SQLSTATE=42000 |
0x00040934 | ORDER BY ordinal (%1) must be between 1 and %2. SQLSTATE=42000 |
ORDER BY ordinal (%1) must be between 1 and %2. SQLSTATE=42000 |
0x00040935 | View '%1' was not defined in catalog '%2'. SQLSTATE=42S02 |
View '%1' was not defined in catalog '%2'. SQLSTATE=42S02 |
0x00040936 | Column '%1' was not defined. SQLSTATE=42S22 |
Column '%1' was not defined. SQLSTATE=42S22 |
0x00040937 | The view name conflicts with a predefined view definition. |
The view name conflicts with a predefined view definition. |
0x00040938 | Out of memory |
Out of memory |
0x00040939 | SELECT * is only allowed on views |
SELECT * is only allowed on views |
0x0004093A | OR NOT is not allowed |
OR NOT is not allowed |
0x0004093B | '%1'cannot be converted to type %2 |
'%1'cannot be converted to type %2 |
0x0004093C | %1 is out of range for type %2 |
%1 is out of range for type %2 |
0x0004093D | The specification of must be negative |
The specification of must be negative |
0x0004093E | '%1' is not a column in the view definition |
'%1' is not a column in the view definition |
0x0004093F | The property name conflicts with a predefined property definition |
The property name conflicts with a predefined property definition |
0x00040940 | Weight value must be between 0.0 and 1.0 |
Weight value must be between 0.0 and 1.0 |
0x00040941 | The matches string contains an error. |
The matches string contains an error. |
0x00040942 | The property name cannot be set because it is already being used in a VIEW. SQLSTATE=42000 |
The property name cannot be set because it is already being used in a VIEW. SQLSTATE=42000 |
0x00040943 | View '%1' already exists in the index '%2' and cannot be redefined. SQLSTATE=42S01 |
View '%1' already exists in the index '%2' and cannot be redefined. SQLSTATE=42S01 |
0x00040944 | The index name '%1' is invalid. SQLSTATE=42000 |
The index name '%1' is invalid. SQLSTATE=42000 |
0x00040945 | The select list for the coalesce table is invalid. |
The select list for the coalesce table is invalid. |
0x00040946 | The literal value cannot cast to the requested type. |
The literal value cannot cast to the requested type. |
0x00040947 | The relative interval given in the DATEADD function is too large. |
The relative interval given in the DATEADD function is too large. |
0x00040948 | The IN GROUP identifier is invalid. |
The IN GROUP identifier is invalid. |
0x00040D1C | The status change request was ignored, because the same status change is already pending. |
The status change request was ignored, because the same status change is already pending. |
0x00040D1D | The update ended. |
The update ended. |
0x00040D1E | Reset |
Reset |
0x00040D1F | Preparing to propagate |
Preparing to propagate |
0x00040D20 | Nastavi |
Resume |
0x00040D21 | Pause |
Pause |
0x00040D24 | The gatherer has finished filtering standard properties. |
The gatherer has finished filtering standard properties. |
0x00040D2B | The update cannot begin without content sources. Add at least one content source that is not used for alerts. |
The update cannot begin without content sources. Add at least one content source that is not used for alerts. |
0x00040D30 | Failed to load document into IFilter. Possibly caused by unrecognized document format or document corruption. Only metadata obtained from the document storage was indexed. |
Failed to load document into IFilter. Possibly caused by unrecognized document format or document corruption. Only metadata obtained from the document storage was indexed. |
0x00040D33 | Stop |
Stop |
0x00040D36 | Start Update |
Start Update |
0x00040D56 | The index configuration contains account information. |
The index configuration contains account information. |
0x00040D67 | The content was not likely to be modified during the adaptive update, so the gatherer is not going to check the document for changes. |
The content was not likely to be modified during the adaptive update, so the gatherer is not going to check the document for changes. |
0x00040D68 | The update will start as soon as all content sources are released by other updates that are already in progress. |
The update will start as soon as all content sources are released by other updates that are already in progress. |
0x00040D69 | The transaction was ignored as redundant, because another transaction for the same URL was active at the same time. |
The transaction was ignored as redundant, because another transaction for the same URL was active at the same time. |
0x00040D6A | The gatherer started getting properties using the filter from the protocol handler. |
The gatherer started getting properties using the filter from the protocol handler. |
0x00040D6C | This file link cannot be followed. |
This file link cannot be followed. |
0x00040D6E | Some parts of this document cannot be accessed. |
Some parts of this document cannot be accessed. |
0x00040D70 | The process notify queue was stopped successfully. |
The process notify queue was stopped successfully. |
0x00040D71 | The gatherer started getting properties using the document filter. |
The gatherer started getting properties using the document filter. |
0x00040D78 | Some parts of the document were modified, and others were not. The gatherer will refilter the entire document. |
Some parts of the document were modified, and others were not. The gatherer will refilter the entire document. |
0x00040D83 | Full |
Full |
0x00040D84 | Incremental |
Incremental |
0x00040D85 | Adaptive |
Adaptive |
0x00040D90 | Content for this URL is excluded by the server because a no-index attribute. |
Content for this URL is excluded by the server because a no-index attribute. |
0x00040D92 | by user |
by user |
0x00040D93 | for upgrade |
for upgrade |
0x00040D94 | low resources |
low resources |
0x00040D9A | This document is a child of another document. It will not be cataloged separately. |
This document is a child of another document. It will not be cataloged separately. |
0x00040DA6 | The document contains text that can not be broken into words. The document won't be indexed. |
The document contains text that can not be broken into words. The document won't be indexed. |
0x00040DA7 | This is a success code that indicates that the MIME filter should be used to filter the document stream. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
This is a success code that indicates that the MIME filter should be used to filter the document stream. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x00040DB3 | for profile import |
for profile import |
0x00041114 | There is no update in progress. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
There is no update in progress. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x00041115 | The Search server already exists. |
The Search server already exists. |
0x00041116 | The search server does not exist. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The search server does not exist. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x0004111D | The search server was added successfully, but cannot be contacted. Check that the search service is executing on the remote computer, and that you can connect to the remote computer. |
The search server was added successfully, but cannot be contacted. Check that the search service is executing on the remote computer, and that you can connect to the remote computer. |
0x00041180 | The content index server detected a previously crawled document with the same content. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The content index server detected a previously crawled document with the same content. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x00041203 | The content did not change. |
The content did not change. |
0x00041209 | Filtering of this file ended because the file reached the maximum filter output limit. Check that the filter does not generate a large amount of data relative to the size of the document. |
Filtering of this file ended because the file reached the maximum filter output limit. Check that the filter does not generate a large amount of data relative to the size of the document. |
0x0004120C | The file reached the maximum download limit. Check that the full text of the document can be meaningfully crawled. |
The file reached the maximum download limit. Check that the full text of the document can be meaningfully crawled. |
0x00041210 | The Access Control List was successfully changed to be readable by everyone. |
The Access Control List was successfully changed to be readable by everyone. |
0x00041214 | You must use Rosebud to access this address. |
You must use Rosebud to access this address. |
0x00041225 | Stavci bi se trebalo pristupati tijekom oponašanja korisnika. Od rukovatelja protokolom očekuje se da implementira IUrlAccessor3. |
The item should be accessed while impersonating a user. Protocol handler is expected to implement IUrlAccessor3. |
0x00041704 | The moniker doesn't cover the entire region. |
The moniker doesn't cover the entire region. |
0x00041709 | This is the last text in the current chunk. |
This is the last text in the current chunk. |
0x0004170A | This is the last value in the current chunk. |
This is the last value in the current chunk. |
0x00041731 | A partial content scan of the disk must be scheduled for immediate execution. |
A partial content scan of the disk must be scheduled for immediate execution. |
0x00041732 | A full content scan of the disk must be scheduled for immediate execution. |
A full content scan of the disk must be scheduled for immediate execution. |
0x00041733 | A content scan of the disk needs to be scheduled for execution later. |
A content scan of the disk needs to be scheduled for execution later. |
0x00041735 | The disk is almost full. |
The disk is almost full. |
0x0004173A | The document has no property sets. |
The document has no property sets. |
0x0004173C | The document has no security descriptor. |
The document has no security descriptor. |
0x00041781 | The word exceeds the maximum length, and may be truncated by the word sink. |
The word exceeds the maximum length, and may be truncated by the word sink. |
0x00041793 | The word exceeds the maximum length, and may be truncated by the phrase sink. |
The word exceeds the maximum length, and may be truncated by the phrase sink. |
0x0004180E | The workid is deleted. |
The workid is deleted. |
0x00041814 | There are no more documents to enumerate. |
There are no more documents to enumerate. |
0x00041825 | Administrative connections from client were not associated with a document store. |
Administrative connections from client were not associated with a document store. |
0x00041826 | The index has been stopped. |
The index has been stopped. |
0x00041829 | This is a new entry in the auxiliary metadata storage. |
This is a new entry in the auxiliary metadata storage. |
0x0004182B | The client requested that the document be stopped. |
The client requested that the document be stopped. |
0x0004182C | The client can now try to crawl a document. |
The client can now try to crawl a document. |
0x00041830 | The catalog was reset due to diacritic difference or corruption. |
The catalog was reset due to diacritic difference or corruption. |
0x00041902 | At least one content index definition was not initialized. Check the amount of free disk space, and verify that the registry configuration is correct. |
At least one content index definition was not initialized. Check the amount of free disk space, and verify that the registry configuration is correct. |
0x00042602 | The group or person was successfully ignored. |
The group or person was successfully ignored. |
0x00042610 | One or more Lotus Notes database forms cannot be read. Some fields might not be available. |
One or more Lotus Notes database forms cannot be read. Some fields might not be available. |
0x00043501 | The URL was redirected and will be handled automatically. |
The URL was redirected and will be handled automatically. |
0x00043619 | The Full Text Engine's input queue is getting full. This batch has been accepted for processing. This success code is intended to help pause input until the queue is less full. |
The Full Text Engine's input queue is getting full. This batch has been accepted for processing. This success code is intended to help pause input until the queue is less full. |
0x00043622 | The Full Text Engine's input queue is full. This batch has been accepted for processing; however, the Full Text Engine will soon go into a forced paused state until the queue is less full. |
The Full Text Engine's input queue is full. This batch has been accepted for processing; however, the Full Text Engine will soon go into a forced paused state until the queue is less full. |
0x00043625 | This transaction was superseded by a subsequent transaction, so it will not be completed. |
This transaction was superseded by a subsequent transaction, so it will not be completed. |
0x0004362B | The project state has changed or is changing due to a status change request. |
The project state has changed or is changing due to a status change request. |
0x0004362E | This is an internal error: The project will be resumed. |
This is an internal error: The project will be resumed. |
0x0004363C | The enumeration has finished for the property store. |
The enumeration has finished for the property store. |
0x00043646 | The catalog has been opened for read-only operations. |
The catalog has been opened for read-only operations. |
0x00043657 | Internal Success Code. Crawl is done. Chunk buffers can be flushed; there is no additional input data. |
Internal Success Code. Crawl is done. Chunk buffers can be flushed; there is no additional input data. |
0x00043658 | The property requested from the catalog blob received doesn't match the current value of the catalog property.The property value used by the catalog was successfully returned.The caller should either call SetProperty with the value returned or dismount the catalog and mount it back with the blob. |
The property requested from the catalog blob received doesn't match the current value of the catalog property.The property value used by the catalog was successfully returned.The caller should either call SetProperty with the value returned or dismount the catalog and mount it back with the blob. |
0x00043659 | One or more properties were reset to the default value. |
One or more properties were reset to the default value. |
0x10000038 | Klasično |
Classic |
0x400003EB | Pokrenut je servis za pretraživanje u sustavu Windows.%1 |
The Windows Search Service started.%1 |
0x400003EC | Servis Windows Search stvara novi indeks pretraživanja {razlog: %2}. %1 |
The Windows Search service is creating the new search index {Reason: %2}. %1 |
0x400003ED | Servis Windows Search uspješno je stvorio novi indeks pretraživanja. %1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully created the new search index. %1 |
0x400003F2 | Servis Windows Search uspješno je uklonio stari indeks pretraživanja. %1 |
The Windows Search Service has successfully removed the old search index. %1 |
0x400003F5 | Servis za pretraživanje u sustavu Windows prekinut je na uobičajen način.%1 |
Windows Search Service stopped normally.%1 |
0x400003F9 | Servis Windows Search uspješno je premjestio datoteke indeksa iz %2 u %3. %1 |
The Windows Search Service successfully moved index files from %2 to %3. %1 |
0x40000BCA | The update is complete. The gatherer successfully processed %2 documents totaling %3K. It failed to filter %4 documents. %5 documents were modified. %6 URLs were not found or denied access.%1 |
The update is complete. The gatherer successfully processed %2 documents totaling %3K. It failed to filter %4 documents. %5 documents were modified. %6 URLs were not found or denied access.%1 |
0x40000BCB | The update started.%1 |
The update started.%1 |
0x40000BE1 | The index is being reset.%1 |
The index is being reset.%1 |
0x40000BE3 | The gatherer index was interrupted.%1 |
The gatherer index was interrupted.%1 |
0x40000BE4 | The gatherer index resumed.%1 |
The gatherer index resumed.%1 |
0x40000BE7 | The incremental update is complete. The gatherer successfully processed %2 documents totaling %3K. It failed to filter %4 documents. %5 documents were modified. %6 URLs were not found or denied access.%1 |
The incremental update is complete. The gatherer successfully processed %2 documents totaling %3K. It failed to filter %4 documents. %5 documents were modified. %6 URLs were not found or denied access.%1 |
0x40000BEC | The crawl was requested to be stopped.%1 |
The crawl was requested to be stopped.%1 |
0x40000BF4 | An update cannot begin because the content source is in use by another update already in progress. The update will start as soon as all its content sources are released by updates already in progress.%1 |
An update cannot begin because the content source is in use by another update already in progress. The update will start as soon as all its content sources are released by updates already in progress.%1 |
0x40000BFB | The adaptive update is complete. The gatherer successfully processed %2 documents totaling %3K. It failed to filter %4 documents. %5 documents were modified. %6 URLs were not found or denied access.%1 |
The adaptive update is complete. The gatherer successfully processed %2 documents totaling %3K. It failed to filter %4 documents. %5 documents were modified. %6 URLs were not found or denied access.%1 |
0x40000C09 | Notifications for the scope %2 have been reactivated. %1 |
Notifications for the scope %2 have been reactivated. %1 |
0x40000C17 | The group %2\\%3 contains %4 members. Groups over %5 members are not expanded. %1 |
The group %2\\%3 contains %4 members. Groups over %5 members are not expanded. %1 |
0x40000C18 | The local groups cache was flushed, because %2. %1 |
The local groups cache was flushed, because %2. %1 |
0x40001006 | %1A master merge has started for catalog %2. |
%1A master merge has started for catalog %2. |
0x40001007 | %1A master merge has completed for catalog %2. |
%1A master merge has completed for catalog %2. |
0x40001008 | %1A master merge has been paused for catalog %2 due to error %3.It will be rescheduled later. |
%1A master merge has been paused for catalog %2 due to error %3.It will be rescheduled later. |
0x40001019 | %1A master merge has restarted for catalog %2. |
%1A master merge has restarted for catalog %2. |
0x4000102A | Oštećenje indeksa otkriveno je u komponenti %2 u katalogu %3.%1 |
An index corruption was detected in component %2 in catalog %3.%1 |
0x40001043 | %1A master merge has been paused for catalog %2 due to low disk space.The merge will be rescheduled later. Please free some disk space for indexing to continue. |
%1A master merge has been paused for catalog %2 due to low disk space.The merge will be rescheduled later. Please free some disk space for indexing to continue. |
0x40001044 | %1Catalog: %2. A master merge was started due to an external request. |
%1Catalog: %2. A master merge was started due to an external request. |
0x40001045 | %1Catalog: %2.A master merge was started because the catalog reached the maximum number of indexes on the last level (%3). |
%1Catalog: %2.A master merge was started because the catalog reached the maximum number of indexes on the last level (%3). |
0x40001046 | %1Catalog: %2.A master merge was started because the expected number of documents in the catalog (%3) were indexed. |
%1Catalog: %2.A master merge was started because the expected number of documents in the catalog (%3) were indexed. |
0x40001047 | %1Catalog: %2. The master merge was started because of internal reason number %3. |
%1Catalog: %2. The master merge was started because of internal reason number %3. |
0x40001B58 | The content index service started successfully.%1 |
The content index service started successfully.%1 |
0x40001B69 | Započela je propagacija indeksa na poslužitelj za pretraživanja .%1 |
Index propagation to search server started.%1 |
0x40001B82 | Servis Windows Search zaustavlja se zbog problema s indekserom.%2.%1 |
The Windows Search Service is being stopped because there is a problem with the indexer: %2.%1 |
0x40001B86 | The index already exists on search server .%1 |
The index already exists on search server .%1 |
0x40001B88 | The index is being copied to the drop location in preparation for propagation.%1 |
The index is being copied to the drop location in preparation for propagation.%1 |
0x40001B89 | The index was completely copied. The index will now be propagated.%1 |
The index was completely copied. The index will now be propagated.%1 |
0x40001BA2 | Izvršena je propagacija indeksa na najmanje jednom ciljnom poslužitelju za pretraživanje.%1 |
Index propagation was committed to at least one target search server.%1 |
0x40001BA3 | Zaustavljena je propagacija indeksa.%1 |
Index propagation stopped.%1 |
0x40041000 | The %1 message facility is running. |
The %1 message facility is running. |
0x800003F0 | Servis Windows Search pokreće se i pokušava ukloniti stari katalog. {Razlog: %2}. %1 |
The Windows Search Service is starting up and attempting to remove the old search index {Reason: %2}. %1 |
0x800003F6 | Servis Windows Search nije uspio stvoriti jedno ili više pravila puta.Servis će nastaviti stvarati indeks pretraživanja SystemIndex.Informacije za ispravljanje pogrešaka: . %1 |
The Windows Search Service has failed to create one or more path rules. The service will continue creating the SystemIndex search index. Debug information: . %1 |
0x800003F7 | ID događaja %2 za servis Windows Search potisnut je %3 puta od %4. Taj se događaj koristi za potiskivanje događaja servisa Windows Search koji su se dogodili puno puta u kratkom vremenskom razdoblju. Dodatne pojedinosti o tom događaju potražite pod ID-om događaja %2.%1 |
Event ID %2 for the Windows Search Service has been suppressed %3 time(s) since %4. This event is used to suppress Windows Search Service events that have occurred frequently within a short period of time. See Event ID %2 for further details on this event.%1 |
0x800003FA | Tijekom vraćanja prethodne verzije indeksa servis Windows Search naišao je na sljedeću pogrešku: . Datoteke indeksa nisu premještene s %2 na %3. %1 |
While rolling back the index, the Windows Search Service encountered the following error: . Index files were not moved from %2 to %3. %1 |
0x80000414 | An error occurred in configuration file .%1 |
An error occurred in configuration file .%1 |
0x8000041C | Račun korišten za pokretanje servisa za pretraživanje u sustavu Windows nemaprava za upravljanje servisom. Račun mora biti računLokalniSustav ili član administratorske grupe. Koristite karticu \"Servisi\" naupravljačkoj ploči da biste promijenili polazni račun za servis pretraživanja.%1 |
The account used to start the Windows Search Service does not have the rights to operate the service. The account must be either the LocalSystem account or a member of the Administrators group. Use the Services tab in the Control Panel to change the startup account for the search service.%1 |
0x8000041D | The system exception %1 occurred, and will be handled. If this causes problems, contact Microsoft Product Support Services and include the stack trace in the event. %2. |
The system exception %1 occurred, and will be handled. If this causes problems, contact Microsoft Product Support Services and include the stack trace in the event. %2. |
0x80000BCF | The update cannot be started because all of the content sources were excluded by site path rules, or removed from the index configuration.%1 |
The update cannot be started because all of the content sources were excluded by site path rules, or removed from the index configuration.%1 |
0x80000BD0 | The update cannot be started because the content sources cannot be accessed. Fix the errors and try the update again.%1 |
The update cannot be started because the content sources cannot be accessed. Fix the errors and try the update again.%1 |
0x80000BDC | Nije moguće dovršiti indeksiranje pretraživanjem na izvoru sadržaja .%1 |
Crawl could not be completed on content source .%1 |
0x80000BDD | Nije moguće započeti indeksiranje pretraživanjem na izvoru sadržaja .%1 |
Crawl could not be started on content source .%1 |
0x80000BDE | The gatherer is unable to read the registry %2.%1 |
The gatherer is unable to read the registry %2.%1 |
0x80000BDF | A request to start the update has been ignored because the update is already in progress or is scheduled on one or more content sources.%1 |
A request to start the update has been ignored because the update is already in progress or is scheduled on one or more content sources.%1 |
0x80000BE2 | The index was paused.%1 |
The index was paused.%1 |
0x80000BE5 | The automatic description length was adjusted from %2 to %3.%1 |
The automatic description length was adjusted from %2 to %3.%1 |
0x80000BE6 | The update for the index cannot be started because the specified content sources were not configured for updates. Add at least one content source.%1 |
The update for the index cannot be started because the specified content sources were not configured for updates. Add at least one content source.%1 |
0x80000BED | The previous update was reset, or was otherwise interrupted. A full update of all content sources will be automatically started. %1 |
The previous update was reset, or was otherwise interrupted. A full update of all content sources will be automatically started. %1 |
0x80000BEE | The update has been delayed because a disk is full. Check the system default temp location and the drive on which search catalog is created. The system default temp location is used for creation of temporary files during crawling. If it is full, crawling pauses. If the system default temp location is full, change the location to a disk with more free space and restart the computer. Changes to the system temp location do not take effect for system services until the computer is restarted.%1 |
The update has been delayed because a disk is full. Check the system default temp location and the drive on which search catalog is created. The system default temp location is used for creation of temporary files during crawling. If it is full, crawling pauses. If the system default temp location is full, change the location to a disk with more free space and restart the computer. Changes to the system temp location do not take effect for system services until the computer is restarted.%1 |
0x80000BEF | The gatherer property mapping file cannot be opened. The default values are being used. You may have to copy the property mapping file from the setup CD, or reinstall the application.%1 |
The gatherer property mapping file cannot be opened. The default values are being used. You may have to copy the property mapping file from the setup CD, or reinstall the application.%1 |
0x80000BF0 | The automatic description encoding tag value is invalid. The gatherer is setting this value to \"yes\"\". Fix the gthrprm.txt file.%1 |
The automatic description encoding tag value is invalid. The gatherer is setting this value to \"yes\"\". Fix the gthrprm.txt file.%1 |
0x80000BF5 | The gatherer log cannot be created.%1 |
The gatherer log cannot be created.%1 |
0x80000BF6 | The word breaker for language cannot be loaded.%1 |
The word breaker for language cannot be loaded.%1 |
0x80000BF7 | Propagation failed while copying to .%1 |
Propagation failed while copying to .%1 |
0x80000BF8 | The Topic Assistant training database could not be created.%1 |
The Topic Assistant training database could not be created.%1 |
0x80000BF9 | The Topic Assistant training database could not be compiled.%1 |
The Topic Assistant training database could not be compiled.%1 |
0x80000BFA | Propagation of the Topic Assistant training database to failed.%1 |
Propagation of the Topic Assistant training database to failed.%1 |
0x80000BFC | The gatherer is using the word breaker for language id for text in language id . The corresponding language resources are not installed on your computer.%1 |
The gatherer is using the word breaker for language id for text in language id . The corresponding language resources are not installed on your computer.%1 |
0x80000C00 | The gatherer is recovering after an improper shutdown. This will delay availability of gathering functions, and may result in some noncritical data loss.%1 |
The gatherer is recovering after an improper shutdown. This will delay availability of gathering functions, and may result in some noncritical data loss.%1 |
0x80000C01 | The gatherer detected pages in the history during recovery that cannot be read, and repaired them. However, statistical data for some URLs may have been lost. This can be caused by restarting a computer without first shutting down Windows, or by disk failure.%1 |
The gatherer detected pages in the history during recovery that cannot be read, and repaired them. However, statistical data for some URLs may have been lost. This can be caused by restarting a computer without first shutting down Windows, or by disk failure.%1 |
0x80000C06 | Servis za pretraživanje u sustavu Windows prekinuo je proces glavnog računala za protokol jer je trošio previše resursa. Pokrenut će se novi proces glavnog računala za protokol. Korisnik ne mora ništa poduzimati.%1 |
The Windows Search service stopped the Protocol Host process because it was consuming too many resources. A new Protocol Host process will be started. No user action is required.%1 |
0x80000C08 | Notifications for the scope %2 are not active. The event logging threshold for this scope was exceeded. No further events will be sent for one hour. %1 |
Notifications for the scope %2 are not active. The event logging threshold for this scope was exceeded. No further events will be sent for one hour. %1 |
0x80000C0A | Notifications for the scope %2 were reactivated. The event logging threshold for this scope was exceeded. No further events will be sent for one hour. %1 |
Notifications for the scope %2 were reactivated. The event logging threshold for this scope was exceeded. No further events will be sent for one hour. %1 |
0x80000C0E | The system locale has changed. Existing data will be deleted and the index must be recreated.%1 |
The system locale has changed. Existing data will be deleted and the index must be recreated.%1 |
0x80000C16 | Security information was not obtained from server %2.%1 |
Security information was not obtained from server %2.%1 |
0x80001048 | %1 Unable to create the query engine's first request item due to error %2. It's possible that the MSFTESQL service account is invalid or the password has expired. |
%1 Unable to create the query engine's first request item due to error %2. It's possible that the MSFTESQL service account is invalid or the password has expired. |
0x80001B67 | Propagaciju indeksa na poslužitelj za pretraživanje zaustavio je korisnik.%1 |
Index propagation to search server was stopped by a user.%1 |
0x80001B6A | There are no search servers selected. Reconfigure the index to identify a suitable search server. If the problem persists, delete and recreate the index.%1 |
There are no search servers selected. Reconfigure the index to identify a suitable search server. If the problem persists, delete and recreate the index.%1 |
0x80001B6D | The search server cannot be added.%1 |
The search server cannot be added.%1 |
0x80001B97 | Search server cannot be contacted. However, was successfully added as a propagation recipient.%1 |
Search server cannot be contacted. However, was successfully added as a propagation recipient.%1 |
0x80001BA4 | The search server cannot be brought online.%1 |
The search server cannot be brought online.%1 |
0x8000232B | Servis za pretraživanje u sustavu Windows ne može pokrenuti stvaranje višestrukih instanci u Jetu. Ako se aplikacija koristi u klasterskom okruženju, sve aplikacije koje koriste Jet svrstat će se u istu grupu.%1 |
The Windows Search Service cannot initialize multi-instancing in Jet. If the application is used in a cluster environment, all applications using Jet will fail in the same group.%1 |
0x8000271D | The noise files cannot be renamed.%1 |
The noise files cannot be renamed.%1 |
0x8000271E | The noise file \"%2\"\" cannot be renamed to \"\"%3\"\".%1 |
The noise file \"%2\"\" cannot be renamed to \"\"%3\"\".%1 |
0x8000271F | %2Unexpected Win32 error: %3 failed in %4. Error: %5. %1 |
%2Unexpected Win32 error: %3 failed in %4. Error: %5. %1 |
0x80002724 | Performance Counters could not be loaded for %1 for instance %2 %3 due to the following error: %4. |
Performance Counters could not be loaded for %1 for instance %2 %3 due to the following error: %4. |
0x80002725 | Could not get performance counter registry info for %1 for instance %2 %3 due to the following error: %4. |
Could not get performance counter registry info for %1 for instance %2 %3 due to the following error: %4. |
0x80002726 | Performance counters will not be loaded because the named objects (shared memory or events) are in use for %1 for instance %2 %3. |
Performance counters will not be loaded because the named objects (shared memory or events) are in use for %1 for instance %2 %3. |
0x80002727 | Proces protokola na radnom računalu %2 ne reagira te se prisilno prekida {filtriranje procesa na glavnom računalu %3}. %1 |
The protocol host process %2 did not respond and is being forcibly terminated {filter host process %3}. %1 |
0x80002728 | Proces protokola na radnom računalu %2 ne reagira te se prisilno prekida. %1 |
The filter host process %2 did not respond and is being forcibly terminated. %1 |
0x80040102 | MAPI: This is not supported |
MAPI: This is not supported |
0x80040103 | MAPI: The character width is bad. |
MAPI: The character width is bad. |
0x80040105 | MAPI: The string is too long. |
MAPI: The string is too long. |
0x80040106 | MAPI: The caller passed an invalid parameter or flag. |
MAPI: The caller passed an invalid parameter or flag. |
0x80040107 | MAPI: The entry ID is invalid |
MAPI: The entry ID is invalid |
0x80040108 | The MAPI object is invalid. |
The MAPI object is invalid. |
0x80040109 | The MAPI object was changed. |
The MAPI object was changed. |
0x8004010A | The MAPI object was deleted. |
The MAPI object was deleted. |
0x8004010B | MAPI: The server is busy |
MAPI: The server is busy |
0x8004010D | MAPI: The computer is out of disk space |
MAPI: The computer is out of disk space |
0x8004010E | MAPI: Not enough system resources were available to complete the operation. |
MAPI: Not enough system resources were available to complete the operation. |
0x8004010F | The MAPI object was not found. |
The MAPI object was not found. |
0x80040110 | The version of OLE installed on the workstation is not compatible with this version of MAPI. |
The version of OLE installed on the workstation is not compatible with this version of MAPI. |
0x80040111 | MAPI: Logon failed. |
MAPI: Logon failed. |
0x80040112 | MAPI: The session limit was exceeded. |
MAPI: The session limit was exceeded. |
0x80040113 | MAPI: The user cancelled the operation. |
MAPI: The user cancelled the operation. |
0x80040114 | MAPI: The operation cannot be stopped. |
MAPI: The operation cannot be stopped. |
0x80040115 | MAPI: A network error occurred. |
MAPI: A network error occurred. |
0x80040116 | MAPI: A disk error occurred. |
MAPI: A disk error occurred. |
0x80040117 | The calling process is an NT service, and registry keys required by MAPI could not be initialized. |
The calling process is an NT service, and registry keys required by MAPI could not be initialized. |
0x80040118 | MAPI: A bad column was requested. |
MAPI: A bad column was requested. |
0x80040119 | MAPI:An extended error occurred. |
MAPI:An extended error occurred. |
0x8004011A | MAPI: Computed |
MAPI: Computed |
0x8004011B | MAPI: The data is corrupt. |
MAPI: The data is corrupt. |
0x8004011C | MAPI: Not configured |
MAPI: Not configured |
0x8004011D | MAPI: At least one provider failed. |
MAPI: At least one provider failed. |
0x8004011E | MAPI: A code page ID is unknown. |
MAPI: A code page ID is unknown. |
0x8004011F | MAPI: A locale ID is unknown. |
MAPI: A locale ID is unknown. |
0x80040120 | MAPI: Access is denied. Change your password. |
MAPI: Access is denied. Change your password. |
0x80040121 | MAPI: Access is denied, because the password has expired. |
MAPI: Access is denied, because the password has expired. |
0x80040122 | MAPI: Access is denied, because the workstation account is invalid. |
MAPI: Access is denied, because the workstation account is invalid. |
0x80040123 | MAPI: Access is denied, because the access time is invalid. |
MAPI: Access is denied, because the access time is invalid. |
0x80040124 | MAPI: Access is denied, because the account is disabled. |
MAPI: Access is denied, because the account is disabled. |
0x80040200 | MAPI: The session has ended. |
MAPI: The session has ended. |
0x80040201 | MAPI: An entry ID is unknown. |
MAPI: An entry ID is unknown. |
0x80040202 | MAPI: A required column is missing. |
MAPI: A required column is missing. |
0x80040300 | A network read or write operation has failed. |
A network read or write operation has failed. |
0x80040303 | The network connection was lost. Try the query again. |
The network connection was lost. Try the query again. |
0x80040308 | The parameters passed were not valid. |
The parameters passed were not valid. |
0x80040309 | Another operation is already in progress on this socket. Try the query again. |
Another operation is already in progress on this socket. Try the query again. |
0x80040400 | There is no more data to return. |
There is no more data to return. |
0x80040401 | The requested content index name is not valid. Use a valid content index name. |
The requested content index name is not valid. Use a valid content index name. |
0x80040402 | The requested content index is disabled on the search server. Contact the system administrator to enable the content index. Check the event log for possible errors. |
The requested content index is disabled on the search server. Contact the system administrator to enable the content index. Check the event log for possible errors. |
0x80040403 | The query was cancelled at the user's request. |
The query was cancelled at the user's request. |
0x80040404 | The request code is not valid. |
The request code is not valid. |
0x80040405 | The request data is not valid for the given request type. |
The request data is not valid for the given request type. |
0x80040406 | The request cannot be processed, because the system is low on resources. Try again later, or contact your system administrator to free up system resources. |
The request cannot be processed, because the system is low on resources. Try again later, or contact your system administrator to free up system resources. |
0x80040407 | The request or function call is out of sequence. Check for programming errors. |
The request or function call is out of sequence. Check for programming errors. |
0x80040408 | The query text is too long. |
The query text is too long. |
0x80040409 | The request cannot be processed because of an error in the search server. |
The request cannot be processed because of an error in the search server. |
0x8004040A | The configuration file for the content index is not valid. |
The configuration file for the content index is not valid. |
0x80040410 | The search server cannot find one or more catalog files. Check the event log for related failures. |
The search server cannot find one or more catalog files. Check the event log for related failures. |
0x80040411 | The SetStatus operation cannot be completed, because another SetStatus operation is already in progress. Try again after the current operation is completed. |
The SetStatus operation cannot be completed, because another SetStatus operation is already in progress. Try again after the current operation is completed. |
0x80040412 | The content index cannot be created, because another content index with the same name already exists. Create the content index using a different name. |
The content index cannot be created, because another content index with the same name already exists. Create the content index using a different name. |
0x80040413 | The content index cannot be created, because the limit on the number of indexes was reached. |
The content index cannot be created, because the limit on the number of indexes was reached. |
0x80040414 | The search server cannot read or write to the registry. Check that the search server is running with administrative privileges. |
The search server cannot read or write to the registry. Check that the search server is running with administrative privileges. |
0x80040415 | The content index cannot be removed in the current state. Disable and remove the content index. |
The content index cannot be removed in the current state. Disable and remove the content index. |
0x80040416 | The tag database is not valid. Contact your system administrator. |
The tag database is not valid. Contact your system administrator. |
0x80040417 | The content index name is in the wrong format. Use a name without spaces or punctuation. |
The content index name is in the wrong format. Use a name without spaces or punctuation. |
0x80040418 | The configuration file is not the correct type. |
The configuration file is not the correct type. |
0x80040419 | There is a mismatch in the protocol between the search service and the client. Install the correct version of the client. |
There is a mismatch in the protocol between the search service and the client. Install the correct version of the client. |
0x8004041A | The index is already enabled. |
The index is already enabled. |
0x8004041C | The content index directory structure cannot be created. See the event log for related errors. |
The content index directory structure cannot be created. See the event log for related errors. |
0x8004041D | The value exceeds the maximum length. |
The value exceeds the maximum length. |
0x8004041E | The requested parameter is unknown. |
The requested parameter is unknown. |
0x8004041F | The buffer is too small. |
The buffer is too small. |
0x80040420 | The parameter value is out of range. |
The parameter value is out of range. |
0x80040421 | The content index is already disabled. |
The content index is already disabled. |
0x80040422 | The operation cannot be completed, because one or more queries failed to terminate in a timely manner. |
The operation cannot be completed, because one or more queries failed to terminate in a timely manner. |
0x80040423 | The result is invalid. |
The result is invalid. |
0x80040424 | The registry data cannot be written. Check that the search service is running with administrator privileges. |
The registry data cannot be written. Check that the search service is running with administrator privileges. |
0x80040426 | The content index cannot be created because an index with the same name already exists on the search server. Create the content index using a different name. |
The content index cannot be created because an index with the same name already exists on the search server. Create the content index using a different name. |
0x80040427 | The content index cannot be enabled because its propagation version cannot be verified against the dedicated index server. This can occur when either the dedicated index server is offline or the content index is out-of-date. |
The content index cannot be enabled because its propagation version cannot be verified against the dedicated index server. This can occur when either the dedicated index server is offline or the content index is out-of-date. |
0x80040428 | . |
. |
0x80040501 | The requested operation is not valid at this time. |
The requested operation is not valid at this time. |
0x80040503 | The query cannot be collated, because columns using the same name have different types. |
The query cannot be collated, because columns using the same name have different types. |
0x80040504 | Not enough buffer space is available to collate search results. |
Not enough buffer space is available to collate search results. |
0x80040506 | The result row is corrupted. |
The result row is corrupted. |
0x80040507 | The search server did not return a column required for collation. |
The search server did not return a column required for collation. |
0x80040508 | The database ID is a duplicate. |
The database ID is a duplicate. |
0x80040509 | The data source merge exceeded the number of result columns. |
The data source merge exceeded the number of result columns. |
0x8004050A | No default index was set. |
No default index was set. |
0x8004050B | The maximum number of open provider connections was exceeded. |
The maximum number of open provider connections was exceeded. |
0x80040601 | The limit on the number of search servers was reached. |
The limit on the number of search servers was reached. |
0x80040602 | The limit on the number of indexes was reached. |
The limit on the number of indexes was reached. |
0x80040603 | No query connections to the server can be established. |
No query connections to the server can be established. |
0x80040604 | The requested content index is disabled. |
The requested content index is disabled. |
0x80040605 | The network timed out trying to acquire a connection to a search server. |
The network timed out trying to acquire a connection to a search server. |
0x80040606 | The specified server cannot be found. |
The specified server cannot be found. |
0x80040608 | The Windows NT registry cannot be accessed. |
The Windows NT registry cannot be accessed. |
0x80040609 | The requested content index is empty or has not been added to the search server. |
The requested content index is empty or has not been added to the search server. |
0x8004060A | The query timed out. |
The query timed out. |
0x8004060B | The buffer area passed to the function is not large enough. |
The buffer area passed to the function is not large enough. |
0x80040701 | The query syntax is not valid. |
The query syntax is not valid. |
0x80040702 | The column type in the search query does not match the column type in the index. |
The column type in the search query does not match the column type in the index. |
0x80040703 | The query type specified is unknown. |
The query type specified is unknown. |
0x80040705 | The number of columns requested exceeds the limit. |
The number of columns requested exceeds the limit. |
0x80040706 | The query contained too many content index IDs. |
The query contained too many content index IDs. |
0x80040707 | The query start hit is larger than the total number of results. |
The query start hit is larger than the total number of results. |
0x80040708 | The query contains too many terms. |
The query contains too many terms. |
0x80040709 | No indexes were specified. |
No indexes were specified. |
0x8004070A | The query operation timed out. |
The query operation timed out. |
0x8004070B | The query specified sorting a non-sortable column. |
The query specified sorting a non-sortable column. |
0x8004070C | The query specified searching a non-searchable column. |
The query specified searching a non-searchable column. |
0x8004070D | The query specified a nonexistent column. |
The query specified a nonexistent column. |
0x8004070E | The query data is not valid or is inconsistent. |
The query data is not valid or is inconsistent. |
0x8004070F | A query term begins with a wildcard character. |
A query term begins with a wildcard character. |
0x80040710 | A query term contains an invalid embedded wildcard character. |
A query term contains an invalid embedded wildcard character. |
0x80040711 | A wildcard term in the query does not contain a sufficiently long prefix. |
A wildcard term in the query does not contain a sufficiently long prefix. |
0x80040713 | The search server is unable to process the query. |
The search server is unable to process the query. |
0x80040714 | The search criteria are too general or matched too many terms. |
The search criteria are too general or matched too many terms. |
0x80040715 | The query does not contain any meaningful restrictions. |
The query does not contain any meaningful restrictions. |
0x80040717 | The query did not specify any return columns. |
The query did not specify any return columns. |
0x80040718 | The scopes specified for the query were incorrectly formatted. |
The scopes specified for the query were incorrectly formatted. |
0x80040719 | The indexes specified for the query were incorrectly formatted. |
The indexes specified for the query were incorrectly formatted. |
0x8004071A | The number of scopes or depths was not valid. |
The number of scopes or depths was not valid. |
0x8004071B | The operation is invalid in the current context. |
The operation is invalid in the current context. |
0x8004071C | An invalid path was supplied. |
An invalid path was supplied. |
0x8004071D | The log manager is not initialized. |
The log manager is not initialized. |
0x8004071E | An invalid interval was passed to the log manager. |
An invalid interval was passed to the log manager. |
0x8004071F | No log manager was attached to the logger. |
No log manager was attached to the logger. |
0x80040C01 | The configuration file attempted to load a reserved column. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The configuration file attempted to load a reserved column. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80040C02 | The configuration file cannot be found. Reinstall the application. |
The configuration file cannot be found. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C03 | The tag nesting configuration for the application is not valid. Reinstall the application. |
The tag nesting configuration for the application is not valid. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C04 | The configuration file for the application contains an invalid tag. Reinstall the application. |
The configuration file for the application contains an invalid tag. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C05 | The configuration file version number for the application is invalid. Reinstall the application. |
The configuration file version number for the application is invalid. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C06 | The output configuration file cannot be created. Stop and restart the system, and then reinstall the application. |
The output configuration file cannot be created. Stop and restart the system, and then reinstall the application. |
0x80040C07 | Data cannot be written to the output configuration file. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
Data cannot be written to the output configuration file. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80040C08 | The configuration file for the application contains invalid information. Reinstall the application. |
The configuration file for the application contains invalid information. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C09 | The configuration file type for the application is not recognized. Reinstall the application. |
The configuration file type for the application is not recognized. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C0A | The configuration file column data type for the application is not recognized. Reinstall the application. |
The configuration file column data type for the application is not recognized. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C0B | The noise word file cannot be created. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The noise word file cannot be created. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80040C0C | There was an error writing to the temporary noise word file. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
There was an error writing to the temporary noise word file. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80040C0D | The specified column name already exists. The application's configuration was corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
The specified column name already exists. The application's configuration was corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C0E | The value for the attribute is invalid. The application's configuration was corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
The value for the attribute is invalid. The application's configuration was corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C0F | The property set GUID is invalid. The application's configuration was corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
The property set GUID is invalid. The application's configuration was corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C10 | No more columns. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
No more columns. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80040C11 | The system cannot write to the configuration file, because it was modified since it was last read. Stop and restart the search service. If this problem persists, reinstall search. |
The system cannot write to the configuration file, because it was modified since it was last read. Stop and restart the search service. If this problem persists, reinstall search. |
0x80040C12 | The specified column name is invalid. The application's configuration has been corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
The specified column name is invalid. The application's configuration has been corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C13 | The property ID specified is invalid. The application's configuration has been corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
The property ID specified is invalid. The application's configuration has been corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C14 | An invalid attribute was specified for this tag, or a required attribute is missing. The application's configuration was corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
An invalid attribute was specified for this tag, or a required attribute is missing. The application's configuration was corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C15 | The specified file name is invalid. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The specified file name is invalid. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80040C16 | A column having the specified property set and PID already exists. The application's configuration has been corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
A column having the specified property set and PID already exists. The application's configuration has been corrupted. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040C17 | The configuration describing a language and sublanguage contains unexpected duplicate information. The application's configuration may be corrupted. Though basic functionality is unlikely to be impacted, it is recommended that you reinstall the application. |
The configuration describing a language and sublanguage contains unexpected duplicate information. The application's configuration may be corrupted. Though basic functionality is unlikely to be impacted, it is recommended that you reinstall the application. |
0x80040D02 | The object you are trying to create already exists. Try again using a different name. |
The object you are trying to create already exists. Try again using a different name. |
0x80040D03 | The registry value cannot be read because the configuration is invalid. Recreate the content index configuration by removing the content index. |
The registry value cannot be read because the configuration is invalid. Recreate the content index configuration by removing the content index. |
0x80040D04 | The value cannot be set, because the object was already deleted or was not initialized properly. Check that the object reference is still valid, increase the registry size, or recreate the content index configuration. |
The value cannot be set, because the object was already deleted or was not initialized properly. Check that the object reference is still valid, increase the registry size, or recreate the content index configuration. |
0x80040D05 | Performance monitoring cannot be initialized. This affects performance counters only. Try restarting the service or restarting the server. |
Performance monitoring cannot be initialized. This affects performance counters only. Try restarting the service or restarting the server. |
0x80040D06 | The specified object cannot be found. Specify the name of an existing object. |
The specified object cannot be found. Specify the name of an existing object. |
0x80040D07 | The specified address was excluded from the index. The site path rules may have to be modified to include this address. |
The specified address was excluded from the index. The site path rules may have to be modified to include this address. |
0x80040D0A | A duplicate index entry exists in the registry. No other indexes are affected, but it is recommended that the duplicate entry be deleted. |
A duplicate index entry exists in the registry. No other indexes are affected, but it is recommended that the duplicate entry be deleted. |
0x80040D0B | A duplicate extension entry exists in the registry. The duplicate extension should be deleted, but all other extensions are unaffected. |
A duplicate extension entry exists in the registry. The duplicate extension should be deleted, but all other extensions are unaffected. |
0x80040D0D | The URL was already processed during this update. If you received this message while processing alerts, then the alerts are redundant, or else Modify should be used instead of Add. |
The URL was already processed during this update. If you received this message while processing alerts, then the alerts are redundant, or else Modify should be used instead of Add. |
0x80040D0E | The gatherer attempted to create more gatherer plug-in objects than are allowed. Remove another plug-in before adding this one. |
The gatherer attempted to create more gatherer plug-in objects than are allowed. Remove another plug-in before adding this one. |
0x80040D0F | The function is not implemented in this context, and cannot be called. This error is internal, and cannot normally occur. Reinstall the application. |
The function is not implemented in this context, and cannot be called. This error is internal, and cannot normally occur. Reinstall the application. |
0x80040D10 | The plug-in did not provide a filter sink object. You may have installed a custom plug-in that is not supported. |
The plug-in did not provide a filter sink object. You may have installed a custom plug-in that is not supported. |
0x80040D11 | The filtering process ended and is now unavailable. The address will be retried, but it is possible that the system is low in resources. Free some system resources, or restart the update when resources are available. |
The filtering process ended and is now unavailable. The address will be retried, but it is possible that the system is low in resources. Free some system resources, or restart the update when resources are available. |
0x80040D12 | An unexpected message was received from the filtering process. The address will be retried, but if this occurs frequently, your system is low on resources. Free some system resources, or restart the update when resources are available. |
An unexpected message was received from the filtering process. The address will be retried, but if this occurs frequently, your system is low on resources. Free some system resources, or restart the update when resources are available. |
0x80040D13 | The filtering process returned an unsupported property type. Fix the filter to allow successful use of the document. |
The filtering process returned an unsupported property type. Fix the filter to allow successful use of the document. |
0x80040D14 | The specified name for this object exceeds the maximum length, which is usually 2047 characters. Use a shorter name for the object. |
The specified name for this object exceeds the maximum length, which is usually 2047 characters. Use a shorter name for the object. |
0x80040D15 | The user agent or e-mail address was not specified. Specify the e-mail address to use in the protocol headers. |
The user agent or e-mail address was not specified. Specify the e-mail address to use in the protocol headers. |
0x80040D16 | A filter for the document cannot be created. Install the corresponding filter for this document format. |
A filter for the document cannot be created. Install the corresponding filter for this document format. |
0x80040D17 | All threads in the filtering process are currently in use. |
All threads in the filtering process are currently in use. |
0x80040D18 | The ProgID for a protocol handler cannot be obtained, and the protocol handler registration is invalid. Reregister the protocol handlers. |
The ProgID for a protocol handler cannot be obtained, and the protocol handler registration is invalid. Reregister the protocol handlers. |
0x80040D19 | The filtering process was stopped because its memory quota was exceeded. |
The filtering process was stopped because its memory quota was exceeded. |
0x80040D1A | The protocol handler cannot be found. Check that the handler has been installed. |
The protocol handler cannot be found. Check that the handler has been installed. |
0x80040D1B | The gatherer index was not initialized. The content index must be remounted. If the index is still not initialized, remove it. |
The gatherer index was not initialized. The content index must be remounted. If the index is still not initialized, remove it. |
0x80040D22 | The catalog name is invalid. Choose a catalog name that is shorter or does not contain special characters. |
The catalog name is invalid. Choose a catalog name that is shorter or does not contain special characters. |
0x80040D23 | The gatherer is shutting down. |
The gatherer is shutting down. |
0x80040D25 | The requested value was not set by the filter process. This is a recoverable internal error. The document may still succeed. |
The requested value was not set by the filter process. This is a recoverable internal error. The document may still succeed. |
0x80040D26 | All valid document IDs were used. Recreate the content index. |
All valid document IDs were used. Recreate the content index. |
0x80040D27 | This content source cannot be crawled, because its is set up to accept alerts. |
This content source cannot be crawled, because its is set up to accept alerts. |
0x80040D2A | The property mapping is duplicated in the schema. Remove the duplicate property schema. |
The property mapping is duplicated in the schema. Remove the duplicate property schema. |
0x80040D2C | The specified account information is incorrect or invalid. Check that the correct account and password are being used. |
The specified account information is incorrect or invalid. Check that the correct account and password are being used. |
0x80040D2E | The document cannot be filtered, because the document and filter versions do not appear to match. Install a matching document filter. |
The document cannot be filtered, because the document and filter versions do not appear to match. Install a matching document filter. |
0x80040D2F | The specified account name cannot be used because it contains invalid characters, such as '\\'. Use a valid account name. |
The specified account name cannot be used because it contains invalid characters, such as '\\'. Use a valid account name. |
0x80040D31 | The proxy server name is missing. Specify a proxy server, and try again. |
The proxy server name is missing. Specify a proxy server, and try again. |
0x80040D32 | The server is unavailable and cannot be accessed. The server is probably disconnected from the network. Access attempts will be delayed for ten minutes. |
The server is unavailable and cannot be accessed. The server is probably disconnected from the network. Access attempts will be delayed for ten minutes. |
0x80040D34 | This path does not correspond to the selected site. Use a path name that matches the site, or use a wildcard (*). |
This path does not correspond to the selected site. Use a path name that matches the site, or use a wildcard (*). |
0x80040D35 | The document cannot be filtered, because the required code page is not installed. Install the code page for this document. |
The document cannot be filtered, because the required code page is not installed. Install the code page for this document. |
0x80040D37 | No protocol handler is available. Install a protocol handler that can process this URL type. |
No protocol handler is available. Install a protocol handler that can process this URL type. |
0x80040D38 | Internet Explorer is set to offline mode. Change Internet Explorer to online mode, and continue. |
Internet Explorer is set to offline mode. Change Internet Explorer to online mode, and continue. |
0x80040D39 | The filter process cannot be started. The system is most likely low on resources, or the filter process binary was modified. If the resources are available, check the search binaries with an antivirus program. |
The filter process cannot be started. The system is most likely low on resources, or the filter process binary was modified. If the resources are available, check the search binaries with an antivirus program. |
0x80040D40 | The specified URL mapping is invalid. The \"from\"\" mapping is empty, or the \"\"from\"\" mapping is the same as the \"\"to\"\" mapping. Specify a valid \"\"from\"\" mapping that differs from the \"\"to\"\" mapping. |
The specified URL mapping is invalid. The \"from\"\" mapping is empty, or the \"\"from\"\" mapping is the same as the \"\"to\"\" mapping. Specify a valid \"\"from\"\" mapping that differs from the \"\"to\"\" mapping. |
0x80040D41 | The user agent string was not specified or contains invalid characters. Specify a user agent which is not empty and does not contain double quotation marks. |
The user agent string was not specified or contains invalid characters. Specify a user agent which is not empty and does not contain double quotation marks. |
0x80040D43 | The e-mail address is missing. Type an e-mail address. |
The e-mail address is missing. Type an e-mail address. |
0x80040D44 | The specified number of logs to keep is invalid. Set the number of logs to be greater than zero. |
The specified number of logs to keep is invalid. Set the number of logs to be greater than zero. |
0x80040D45 | The extension string is not specified or is invalid. Specify an extension string that does not contain the following characters: [./?*:\\#] or spaces. |
The extension string is not specified or is invalid. Specify an extension string that does not contain the following characters: [./?*:\\#] or spaces. |
0x80040D46 | The specified maximum grow factor is invalid. Set the maximum grow factor to be greater than or equal to zero. |
The specified maximum grow factor is invalid. Set the maximum grow factor to be greater than or equal to zero. |
0x80040D47 | The specified time out value is invalid. Set the time out value to be greater than or equal to zero. |
The specified time out value is invalid. Set the time out value to be greater than or equal to zero. |
0x80040D48 | The specified retry limit value is invalid. Set the retry limit value to be greater than or equal to zero. |
The specified retry limit value is invalid. Set the retry limit value to be greater than or equal to zero. |
0x80040D49 | The gatherer log file name is not specified. Specify a log file name. |
The gatherer log file name is not specified. Specify a log file name. |
0x80040D50 | The site name is not specified or is invalid. Specify a site name that does not contain the following characters: [/\\\\@#|] or spaces. |
The site name is not specified or is invalid. Specify a site name that does not contain the following characters: [/\\\\@#|] or spaces. |
0x80040D51 | The content source is not specified or is invalid. Type a host name that does not contain * or spaces. |
The content source is not specified or is invalid. Type a host name that does not contain * or spaces. |
0x80040D52 | A catalog with the name specified already exists. Create the catalog using a different name. |
A catalog with the name specified already exists. Create the catalog using a different name. |
0x80040D53 | The path is not specified or contains invalid characters, such as [\"\" ?*]. Specify a path that does not contain these characters. |
The path is not specified or contains invalid characters, such as [\"\" ?*]. Specify a path that does not contain these characters. |
0x80040D54 | The filtering was stopped because of a user action, such as stopping the crawl. |
The filtering was stopped because of a user action, such as stopping the crawl. |
0x80040D55 | The specified port for the HTTP proxy is invalid. Specify a port between 0 and 0xffff |
The specified port for the HTTP proxy is invalid. Specify a port between 0 and 0xffff |
0x80040D57 | The account password was not specified. Specify the password. |
The account password was not specified. Specify the password. |
0x80040D58 | The path expression cannot contain the reserved escape character '|'. Use an expression without reserved characters.|' - a reserved escape character. Use an expression without reserved characters. |
The path expression cannot contain the reserved escape character '|'. Use an expression without reserved characters.|' - a reserved escape character. Use an expression without reserved characters. |
0x80040D59 | The specification for the content source is missing the host name. Specify a valid URL. |
The specification for the content source is missing the host name. Specify a valid URL. |
0x80040D60 | The path specification for the content source cannot contain wildcard characters, such as [?*]. Remove all wildcards from the path specification. |
The path specification for the content source cannot contain wildcard characters, such as [?*]. Remove all wildcards from the path specification. |
0x80040D61 | The specified gatherer application cannot be found. Use the name of an existing application, or reinstall the application. |
The specified gatherer application cannot be found. Use the name of an existing application, or reinstall the application. |
0x80040D62 | The application plug-in manager cannot be removed, because one or more content indexes was configured to use the plug-in. Remove all indexes, and then remove the plug-in manager. |
The application plug-in manager cannot be removed, because one or more content indexes was configured to use the plug-in. Remove all indexes, and then remove the plug-in manager. |
0x80040D63 | The application name is invalid, because it contains special characters. Specify a different application name without special characters. |
The application name is invalid, because it contains special characters. Specify a different application name without special characters. |
0x80040D65 | The data size returned by the filter is greater than the allocated buffer. Download and install an update for the filter. |
The data size returned by the filter is greater than the allocated buffer. Download and install an update for the filter. |
0x80040D66 | The object cannot be created on a non-fixed drive. Create the object on another drive. |
The object cannot be created on a non-fixed drive. Create the object on another drive. |
0x80040D6B | The system attempted to load a filter marked as apartment in a multi-threaded filter daemon. The document will be retried in a single-threaded filter. Since multithreaded filtering is more efficient, try to obtain the version of the filter that is multi-threaded. |
The system attempted to load a filter marked as apartment in a multi-threaded filter daemon. The document will be retried in a single-threaded filter. Since multithreaded filtering is more efficient, try to obtain the version of the filter that is multi-threaded. |
0x80040D6D | The identified content was not crawled for this address. Recreate the content index. |
The identified content was not crawled for this address. Recreate the content index. |
0x80040D6F | The gatherer cannot handle the alert stream. All alert sources will be crawled again. |
The gatherer cannot handle the alert stream. All alert sources will be crawled again. |
0x80040D72 | A duplicate of this document was detected, and the document will be retried. If this problem persists, recreate the content index. |
A duplicate of this document was detected, and the document will be retried. If this problem persists, recreate the content index. |
0x80040D73 | The administrative data from the Exchange store or registry cannot be read. Check that the Exchange store is started, and that it was properly restored. |
The administrative data from the Exchange store or registry cannot be read. Check that the Exchange store is started, and that it was properly restored. |
0x80040D74 | Read access to the Exchange store is temporarily unavailable. If this message persists, restart the Exchange store. |
Read access to the Exchange store is temporarily unavailable. If this message persists, restart the Exchange store. |
0x80040D76 | The function is unavailable, because it was called while the word breaker was attempting to fill the text buffer. Download and install an update for the word breaker. |
The function is unavailable, because it was called while the word breaker was attempting to fill the text buffer. Download and install an update for the word breaker. |
0x80040D77 | The property list for the content class of this document cannot be loaded, and the schema cannot be accessed. Check that the schema is correctly configured. |
The property list for the content class of this document cannot be loaded, and the schema cannot be accessed. Check that the schema is correctly configured. |
0x80040D79 | Crawling cannot continue because the local server is not responding. Restart Microsoft SQL Server 2000. |
Crawling cannot continue because the local server is not responding. Restart Microsoft SQL Server 2000. |
0x80040D7A | Schema/schema cache error (%1) occurred. Schema collection ref: %2, content class: %3. This error is internal, for debugging. |
Schema/schema cache error (%1) occurred. Schema collection ref: %2, content class: %3. This error is internal, for debugging. |
0x80040D7B | Document filtering cannot be completed because the document server did not respond within the specified timeout. Try crawling the server later, or increase the timeout values. |
Document filtering cannot be completed because the document server did not respond within the specified timeout. Try crawling the server later, or increase the timeout values. |
0x80040D86 | The content source for this alert must refer to a valid file system directory |
The content source for this alert must refer to a valid file system directory |
0x80040D87 | Alerts for this content source are not supported. |
Alerts for this content source are not supported. |
0x80040D88 | Alerts for this content source cannot be established because information about the file share cannot be obtained. |
Alerts for this content source cannot be established because information about the file share cannot be obtained. |
0x80040D89 | Alerts for a content source with a local address are only supported for a fixed media drive type. Use the UNC name for remote file shares. |
Alerts for a content source with a local address are only supported for a fixed media drive type. Use the UNC name for remote file shares. |
0x80040D8B | The new content index cannot be added because there is not enough disk space. Free up at least 10 megabytes of free space, and then try again. |
The new content index cannot be added because there is not enough disk space. Free up at least 10 megabytes of free space, and then try again. |
0x80040D8D | The document received an invalid document resource ID. The document must be crawled again. |
The document received an invalid document resource ID. The document must be crawled again. |
0x80040D8E | Hierarchical content sources such as those in the file system cannot be nested. |
Hierarchical content sources such as those in the file system cannot be nested. |
0x80040D95 | The first attempt to crawl this object failed. Another attempt is being made. |
The first attempt to crawl this object failed. Another attempt is being made. |
0x80040D96 | Backup and restore failed during an ESE database phase. For more detailed information, check the event log. |
Backup and restore failed during an ESE database phase. For more detailed information, check the event log. |
0x80040D9B | The plug-in is not properly registered on this computer. Check that the application is properly installed, or contact Microsoft Product Support. |
The plug-in is not properly registered on this computer. Check that the application is properly installed, or contact Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80040D9C | Alerts for this scope were interrupted so that authentication tokens can be updated. |
Alerts for this scope were interrupted so that authentication tokens can be updated. |
0x80040D9D | File system alerts were not initialized successfully If the problem persists after restarting the service, try rerunning Setup. |
File system alerts were not initialized successfully If the problem persists after restarting the service, try rerunning Setup. |
0x80040D9E | File system alerts for this scope are stopped because the scope is being removed. |
File system alerts for this scope are stopped because the scope is being removed. |
0x80040D9F | Alerts failed because of network failures or because the internal cache size was exceeded. If the problem persists, change the content source type to adaptive or crawl. |
Alerts failed because of network failures or because the internal cache size was exceeded. If the problem persists, change the content source type to adaptive or crawl. |
0x80040DA0 | The operation could not be completed because the specified path is invalid. Try again using a valid path. |
The operation could not be completed because the specified path is invalid. Try again using a valid path. |
0x80040DA1 | There were not enough keywords in the sample documents to train the Topic Assistant. Try again when more sample documents are available. |
There were not enough keywords in the sample documents to train the Topic Assistant. Try again when more sample documents are available. |
0x80040DA2 | The Topic Assistant requires sample documents from at least two categories. Try again when sample documents for more categories are available. |
The Topic Assistant requires sample documents from at least two categories. Try again when sample documents for more categories are available. |
0x80040DA3 | There were not enough sample documents to train the Topic Assistant. Try again when more sample documents are available. |
There were not enough sample documents to train the Topic Assistant. Try again when more sample documents are available. |
0x80040DA4 | An error occurred using the topic assistant. Check the event log for related failures. |
An error occurred using the topic assistant. Check the event log for related failures. |
0x80040DA5 | The system attempted to load a filter marked as apartment from an embedded component in a multi-threaded filter daemon. The document will be retried in a single-threaded filter. Since multithreaded filtering is more efficient, try to obtain the version of the filter that is multi-threaded. |
The system attempted to load a filter marked as apartment from an embedded component in a multi-threaded filter daemon. The document will be retried in a single-threaded filter. Since multithreaded filtering is more efficient, try to obtain the version of the filter that is multi-threaded. |
0x80040DA9 | The data for this folder will not be crawled because it is configured to be crawled by (%1). |
The data for this folder will not be crawled because it is configured to be crawled by (%1). |
0x80040DAA | The security descriptor for this document only contained built-in access control entries. The built-in ACEs have to be removed because they won't be valid for this document during queries. |
The security descriptor for this document only contained built-in access control entries. The built-in ACEs have to be removed because they won't be valid for this document during queries. |
0x80040DAB | The context for this object is no longer valid. Refresh the context for this object. |
The context for this object is no longer valid. Refresh the context for this object. |
0x80040DAE | The checkpoint cannot be enabled, because the content index is not idle. Wait until the index is idle, and then try again. |
The checkpoint cannot be enabled, because the content index is not idle. Wait until the index is idle, and then try again. |
0x80040DAF | The maximum number of search scopes was reached. Use one of the existing scopes. |
The maximum number of search scopes was reached. Use one of the existing scopes. |
0x80040DB0 | Maximum number of properties per document has been reached. The document is most likely corrupt, or it represents a denial of service threat, the indexing of this document has been aborted. |
Maximum number of properties per document has been reached. The document is most likely corrupt, or it represents a denial of service threat, the indexing of this document has been aborted. |
0x80040DB2 | The start address is invalid because it is a local path. Please enter a valid start address. |
The start address is invalid because it is a local path. Please enter a valid start address. |
0x80040DB4 | The filtering process has been terminated |
The filtering process has been terminated |
0x80040DB6 | The backup image cannot be verified because the image may be corrupted. To preserve your data, it is recommended that you run Data Backup and Restore again. |
The backup image cannot be verified because the image may be corrupted. To preserve your data, it is recommended that you run Data Backup and Restore again. |
0x80040DB7 | The filter host process cannot be started. The system is most likely low on resources, or the filter host process binary was modified. If the resources are available, check the search binaries with an antivirus program. |
The filter host process cannot be started. The system is most likely low on resources, or the filter host process binary was modified. If the resources are available, check the search binaries with an antivirus program. |
0x80040DBA | The per-user filter pool could not be found. |
The per-user filter pool could not be found. |
0x80040DBB | neke veze nisu uspješno dodane u red čekanja. Nadređena će se transakcija obustaviti. |
Some of the links were not successfully added to the queue. Parent transaction will be retried. |
0x80041101 | The tag is invalid. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The tag is invalid. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80041102 | The propagation configuration file cannot be read. Check that the same versions of search are used on both the content index and search servers. If the problem persists, recrawl and repropagate the content index. |
The propagation configuration file cannot be read. Check that the same versions of search are used on both the content index and search servers. If the problem persists, recrawl and repropagate the content index. |
0x80041103 | The number of search servers exceeded the limit. Ensure that the number of propagated content indexes is less than the documented maximum. If so, start and restart the search service, and then try again. |
The number of search servers exceeded the limit. Ensure that the number of propagated content indexes is less than the documented maximum. If so, start and restart the search service, and then try again. |
0x80041104 | The specified search server already exists. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The specified search server already exists. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80041105 | An update is already in progress. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
An update is already in progress. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80041106 | The index list file cannot be read. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The index list file cannot be read. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80041107 | A registry entry required for content index creation cannot be read or created. Delete and recreate the content index. If the problem persists, you may need to reinstall search. |
A registry entry required for content index creation cannot be read or created. Delete and recreate the content index. If the problem persists, you may need to reinstall search. |
0x80041108 | One or more files required for content index creation were not found. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, delete and recreate the content index. |
One or more files required for content index creation were not found. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, delete and recreate the content index. |
0x80041109 | The search server was not found. Stop and restart the search service. If propagation is being used, stop and restart the search service on the remote computers. |
The search server was not found. Stop and restart the search service. If propagation is being used, stop and restart the search service on the remote computers. |
0x8004110A | A word breaker was not found for the given language. Check your current language settings and ensure that search supports the current language. If the problem persists, reinstall search. |
A word breaker was not found for the given language. Check your current language settings and ensure that search supports the current language. If the problem persists, reinstall search. |
0x8004110B | A noise word list was not found for the given language. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
A noise word list was not found for the given language. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x8004110C | A stemmer was not found for the given language. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
A stemmer was not found for the given language. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x8004110D | Zaustavljena je propagacija indeksa. Ova je pogreška je zastarjela i više se ne bi trebala prijavljivati. Nazovite Microsoftovu podršku za proizvode. |
Index propagation was stopped. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x8004110E | The disk is full. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The disk is full. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x8004110F | The index data is invalid. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The index data is invalid. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80041110 | The index data is corrupt. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The index data is corrupt. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80041112 | The property store cannot be initialized. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The property store cannot be initialized. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80041113 | The propagation state information cannot be read. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The propagation state information cannot be read. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80041117 | The content index is not loaded. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, review other errors in the event log. If necessary, delete and recreate the content index. |
The content index is not loaded. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, review other errors in the event log. If necessary, delete and recreate the content index. |
0x80041118 | There is a mismatch in the major version number. Check that the same versions of search are used on both the content index and search servers. If necessary, crawl the index again and repropagate the index. |
There is a mismatch in the major version number. Check that the same versions of search are used on both the content index and search servers. If necessary, crawl the index again and repropagate the index. |
0x80041119 | The index is a mismatch in the minor version number. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The index is a mismatch in the minor version number. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x8004111A | A connection with the Search service on a remote machine could not be established. Check the connectivity with the remote machine. If necessary, stop and restart the Search service on the remote machine. |
A connection with the Search service on a remote machine could not be established. Check the connectivity with the remote machine. If necessary, stop and restart the Search service on the remote machine. |
0x8004111B | Crawling of documents was stopped. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
Crawling of documents was stopped. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x8004111C | The index was dismounted because it is being removed or the search service stopped. If the problem persists, restart the search service. |
The index was dismounted because it is being removed or the search service stopped. If the problem persists, restart the search service. |
0x8004111F | No index level information exists for this index. Use application level tables for this index. |
No index level information exists for this index. Use application level tables for this index. |
0x80041120 | Information for this content class was not found. Use the default content class. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
Information for this content class was not found. Use the default content class. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x8004117F | The content index server cannot update or access information because of a database error. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, reset and recrawl the content index. In some cases it may be necessary to delete and recreate the content index. |
The content index server cannot update or access information because of a database error. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, reset and recrawl the content index. In some cases it may be necessary to delete and recreate the content index. |
0x80041181 | The content index server cannot find a description of the content index in its database. Search will automatically attempt to recreate the content index description. If this problem persists, stop and restart the search service and, if necessary, delete and recreate the content index. |
The content index server cannot find a description of the content index in its database. Search will automatically attempt to recreate the content index description. If this problem persists, stop and restart the search service and, if necessary, delete and recreate the content index. |
0x80041182 | The content index server cannot find needed information in its database. Reset and recrawl the content index. |
The content index server cannot find needed information in its database. Reset and recrawl the content index. |
0x80041183 | The content index server cannot update or access its database, because the version store has insufficient resources. Increase the system resource usage setting for the search service. If the problem persists, stop and restart the search service. |
The content index server cannot update or access its database, because the version store has insufficient resources. Increase the system resource usage setting for the search service. If the problem persists, stop and restart the search service. |
0x80041184 | The content index server cannot update or access its database because sessions are unavailable. Increase the system resource usage setting for the search service. If the problem persists, stop and restart the search service. |
The content index server cannot update or access its database because sessions are unavailable. Increase the system resource usage setting for the search service. If the problem persists, stop and restart the search service. |
0x80041185 | The content index server cannot update or access its database because insufficient system resources are available. Increase the system resource usage setting for the search service. If the problem persists, stop and restart the search service. |
The content index server cannot update or access its database because insufficient system resources are available. Increase the system resource usage setting for the search service. If the problem persists, stop and restart the search service. |
0x80041186 | The content index server cannot update an unrecognized or recently defined property attribute. Reset and recrawl the content index. |
The content index server cannot update an unrecognized or recently defined property attribute. Reset and recrawl the content index. |
0x80041187 | The property store was unable to open, close, or delete a data file used in propagation. Check that your index volume has enough disk space. |
The property store was unable to open, close, or delete a data file used in propagation. Check that your index volume has enough disk space. |
0x80041188 | The property store encountered propagation data files that cannot be used. Try propagation again. |
The property store encountered propagation data files that cannot be used. Try propagation again. |
0x80041189 | There is a mismatch in the property store version numbers. Ensure that the same versions of search are used on both the content index and search servers. If necessary, recrawl the content index and try to propagate the content index again. |
There is a mismatch in the property store version numbers. Ensure that the same versions of search are used on both the content index and search servers. If necessary, recrawl the content index and try to propagate the content index again. |
0x8004118A | The content index server cannot update or access information because of a sharing violation. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, reset and recrawl the content index. In some cases it may be necessary to delete and recreate the content index. |
The content index server cannot update or access information because of a sharing violation. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, reset and recrawl the content index. In some cases it may be necessary to delete and recreate the content index. |
0x800411A0 | The configuration properties for Microsoft Exchange 5.5 were not set. Specify these properties, and then try again. |
The configuration properties for Microsoft Exchange 5.5 were not set. Specify these properties, and then try again. |
0x800411A1 | The name of the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server specified in the content source does not match the Exchange server specified in the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 configuration properties. Change the name of the Exchange server in the content source or configuration properties to match, and then try again. |
The name of the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server specified in the content source does not match the Exchange server specified in the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 configuration properties. Change the name of the Exchange server in the content source or configuration properties to match, and then try again. |
0x800411A2 | There is insufficient privilege to access the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server. Check that the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 configuration is valid and that the search service is running in the context of a user having administrative privileges on the Exchange server configuration node. |
There is insufficient privilege to access the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server. Check that the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 configuration is valid and that the search service is running in the context of a user having administrative privileges on the Exchange server configuration node. |
0x800411A3 | The Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server name specified in the address does not match the one specified in the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 configuration. |
The Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server name specified in the address does not match the one specified in the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 configuration. |
0x800411A4 | There is insufficient privilege to access the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Server. Verify that the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 configuration is valid and that the Search Service is running in the context of a user having administrative privileges on the Exchange Server configuration node. |
There is insufficient privilege to access the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Server. Verify that the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 configuration is valid and that the Search Service is running in the context of a user having administrative privileges on the Exchange Server configuration node. |
0x800411A5 | The service cannot access the Exchange 5.5 server. The configured Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server name may be invalid, the Exchange 5.5 server may be temporarily unavailable, or the account used by the search service may not have administrative access to the Exchange 5.5 server. Check all of these properties, and then try again. |
The service cannot access the Exchange 5.5 server. The configured Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server name may be invalid, the Exchange 5.5 server may be temporarily unavailable, or the account used by the search service may not have administrative access to the Exchange 5.5 server. Check all of these properties, and then try again. |
0x800411A6 | The service cannot access the Exchange 5.5 service. The account used by the search service may not be an Exchange administrator, or the site or organization settings on the search host may be invalid. |
The service cannot access the Exchange 5.5 service. The account used by the search service may not be an Exchange administrator, or the site or organization settings on the search host may be invalid. |
0x800411A7 | Outlook is not installed on this machine, or is missing the CDO or MSEMS components. Please install and configure Outlook, then try again. |
Outlook is not installed on this machine, or is missing the CDO or MSEMS components. Please install and configure Outlook, then try again. |
0x800411A8 | The account information specified for accessing the Exchange 5.5 server cannot be used. Verify the account and password information. |
The account information specified for accessing the Exchange 5.5 server cannot be used. Verify the account and password information. |
0x80041200 | A communication error occurred. |
A communication error occurred. |
0x80041201 | The object was not found. |
The object was not found. |
0x80041202 | The options used are not supported. Check that your version of Internet Explorer is supported. |
The options used are not supported. Check that your version of Internet Explorer is supported. |
0x80041204 | An unrecognized HTTP status was received. Check that the address can be accessed using Internet Explorer. |
An unrecognized HTTP status was received. Check that the address can be accessed using Internet Explorer. |
0x80041205 | Pristup je odbijen. Provjerite je li zadani račun za pristup sadržajima u središnjoj administraciji pretraživanja u sustavu Windows točan ili slijedite vezu \"Izuzimanje i obuhvaćanje sadržaja\" da biste dodali pravilo za navođenje odgovarajućeg računa za indeksiranje za pristup tom URL-u. |
Access is denied. Check that the Default Content Access Account in Windows Search Central Administration is correct, or follow the \"Exclude and Include Content\" link to add a rule to specify the proper crawling account to access this URL. |
0x80041206 | A server error occurred. Check that the server is available. |
A server error occurred. Check that the server is available. |
0x80041207 | You have been redirected to an address that does not exist. Check that the source address is redirecting to an accessible address. |
You have been redirected to an address that does not exist. Check that the source address is redirecting to an accessible address. |
0x80041208 | The address appears to be in error. Check that the address is valid. |
The address appears to be in error. Check that the address is valid. |
0x80041209 | Cannot Connect to the server. Please make sure the site is accessible. |
Cannot Connect to the server. Please make sure the site is accessible. |
0x8004120A | The address cannot be accessed. Check that the address can be accessed from Internet Explorer. |
The address cannot be accessed. Check that the address can be accessed from Internet Explorer. |
0x8004120B | The attempt to access the URL again failed. |
The attempt to access the URL again failed. |
0x8004120D | The URL was excluded because its content type (multipart/x-mixed-replace) is not supported. |
The URL was excluded because its content type (multipart/x-mixed-replace) is not supported. |
0x8004120E | Search was unable to convert the Access Control List of the crawled store into a Windows NT Access Control List. Check that local information is not used in the store. |
Search was unable to convert the Access Control List of the crawled store into a Windows NT Access Control List. Check that local information is not used in the store. |
0x8004120F | An object cannot be processed because search cannot convert a Notes Access-Denied entry in the Access Control List into a Windows NT identity. Check the Notes to Windows NT identity mapping. |
An object cannot be processed because search cannot convert a Notes Access-Denied entry in the Access Control List into a Windows NT identity. Check the Notes to Windows NT identity mapping. |
0x80041211 | The item will not be crawled because the Access Control List allows no one to read the item. Check that this is intended. |
The item will not be crawled because the Access Control List allows no one to read the item. Check that this is intended. |
0x80041212 | Search cannot crawl the item, because its Access Control List exceeded 64 KB. Check that the item has a valid Access Control List. |
Search cannot crawl the item, because its Access Control List exceeded 64 KB. Check that the item has a valid Access Control List. |
0x80041213 | The item cannot be processed further because search failed to find one of its properties. Check that the item is valid in the store. |
The item cannot be processed further because search failed to find one of its properties. Check that the item is valid in the store. |
0x80041215 | The database cannot be opened. Check that the database is functional. |
The database cannot be opened. Check that the database is functional. |
0x80041216 | Filtering was interrupted because of a sharing conflict with another process. Crawl the file again when it is not in use. |
Filtering was interrupted because of a sharing conflict with another process. Crawl the file again when it is not in use. |
0x80041217 | The protocol handler cannot be loaded. |
The protocol handler cannot be loaded. |
0x80041218 | The protocol handler cannot be initialized. |
The protocol handler cannot be initialized. |
0x80041219 | The volume mount point is not supported. |
The volume mount point is not supported. |
0x8004121A | Some data was truncated. Check that the content can still be read. |
Some data was truncated. Check that the content can still be read. |
0x8004121D | An internal error occurred while expanding local groups. |
An internal error occurred while expanding local groups. |
0x80041223 | Error found in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate sent by the server. |
Error found in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate sent by the server. |
0x80041224 | Accessing this site requires a client certificate. Specify a client certificate in the site path rules. |
Accessing this site requires a client certificate. Specify a client certificate in the site path rules. |
0x80041401 | The Exchange search provider cannot be initialized. You may have to reinstall the application. |
The Exchange search provider cannot be initialized. You may have to reinstall the application. |
0x80041402 | The security provider was not initialized. You may have to reinstall the application. |
The security provider was not initialized. You may have to reinstall the application. |
0x80041403 | The search service is running as a local System service. To access Exchange documents, check that the search service is running in a user account with administrative privileges on the Exchange server. |
The search service is running as a local System service. To access Exchange documents, check that the search service is running in a user account with administrative privileges on the Exchange server. |
0x800414FF | Access is denied. You may not have sufficient privileges to perform the operation. |
Access is denied. You may not have sufficient privileges to perform the operation. |
0x80041501 | Došlo je do neočekivane pogreške. |
An unexpected error occurred. |
0x80041502 | There is an unmatched parenthesis on the command line. |
There is an unmatched parenthesis on the command line. |
0x80041503 | The parameter is too long. |
The parameter is too long. |
0x80041504 | The object is not initialized. Call Init() first to initialize the object. |
The object is not initialized. Call Init() first to initialize the object. |
0x80041505 | The object is already initialized. |
The object is already initialized. |
0x80041506 | There are too many parameters. |
There are too many parameters. |
0x80041600 | The call failed for an unknown reason. |
The call failed for an unknown reason. |
0x80041601 | The parameter is invalid. |
The parameter is invalid. |
0x80041602 | The query restriction cannot be parsed. |
The query restriction cannot be parsed. |
0x80041603 | An invalid sort order was requested. |
An invalid sort order was requested. |
0x80041604 | An invalid categorization order was requested. |
An invalid categorization order was requested. |
0x80041605 | A clause of the query contained only words that are ignored. |
A clause of the query contained only words that are ignored. |
0x80041606 | The query was too complex to be executed. |
The query was too complex to be executed. |
0x80041607 | The query exceeded its execution time limit. |
The query exceeded its execution time limit. |
0x80041608 | One or more columns in the output column list is a duplicate. |
One or more columns in the output column list is a duplicate. |
0x80041609 | One or more columns in the output column list is not valid. |
One or more columns in the output column list is not valid. |
0x8004160A | Naziv direktorija nije valjan. |
The directory name is invalid. |
0x8004160B | The specified directory is on a removable medium. |
The specified directory is on a removable medium. |
0x8004160C | The index is still being crawled, but queries are no longer allowed. |
The index is still being crawled, but queries are no longer allowed. |
0x8004160D | The relevant specified documents were not found, because a clause of the query contained only words that are ignored. |
The relevant specified documents were not found, because a clause of the query contained only words that are ignored. |
0x8004160E | None of the relevant documents specified in the query can be found. |
None of the relevant documents specified in the query can be found. |
0x8004160F | No information was found in the relevant documents with the specified properties, because a clause of the query contained only words that are ignored. |
No information was found in the relevant documents with the specified properties, because a clause of the query contained only words that are ignored. |
0x80041610 | No relevant information is found in the relevant documents with the specified properties for this query. |
No relevant information is found in the relevant documents with the specified properties for this query. |
0x80041611 | The same relevant document is specified multiple times. |
The same relevant document is specified multiple times. |
0x80041612 | The reldoc specification is not supported. |
The reldoc specification is not supported. |
0x80041613 | The specified document identifier is not valid. |
The specified document identifier is not valid. |
0x80041614 | The server is running an older version of software that cannot handle this query. |
The server is running an older version of software that cannot handle this query. |
0x80041615 | Scopes should be the same in all of the components of a coalesce query |
Scopes should be the same in all of the components of a coalesce query |
0x80041616 | Order by list should be same in all the components of a coalesce query. |
Order by list should be same in all the components of a coalesce query. |
0x80041617 | Coalesce is either not used properly or this form is not currently supported. Check for possible mixing of grouping with coalesce |
Coalesce is either not used properly or this form is not currently supported. Check for possible mixing of grouping with coalesce |
0x80041618 | Queries are disabled because the index is being updated. Try your query again in a few minutes. |
Queries are disabled because the index is being updated. Try your query again in a few minutes. |
0x80041619 | Prikupljanje nije podržano. |
Aggregate is not supported. |
0x8004161A | Grupa najviše razine ne podržava POREDAK U GRUPI jer nema nadređene grupe. |
The top level group does not support ORDER IN GROUP since there is no parent group. |
0x8004161B | Svi nazivi za rangiranu oznaku moraju biti jedinstveni. |
Each name for a ranged label must be unique. |
0x80041651 | The file cannot be opened. |
The file cannot be opened. |
0x80041652 | Read error in file. |
Read error in file. |
0x80041653 | Expecting property name. |
Expecting property name. |
0x80041654 | Expecting type specifier. |
Expecting type specifier. |
0x80041655 | Unrecognized type. |
Unrecognized type. |
0x80041656 | Expecting integer. |
Expecting integer. |
0x80041657 | Expecting closing parenthesis. |
Expecting closing parenthesis. |
0x80041658 | Expecting GUID. |
Expecting GUID. |
0x80041659 | Invalid guid. |
Invalid guid. |
0x8004165A | Expecting property specifier. |
Expecting property specifier. |
0x8004165B | Failed to set property name. |
Failed to set property name. |
0x8004165C | Duplicate property name. |
Duplicate property name. |
0x8004165D | DBTYPE_VECTOR or DBTYPE_BYREF used alone. |
0x8004165E | DBTYPE_BYREF must be used with DBTYPE_STR, DBTYPE_WSTR, DBTYPE_GUID or DBTYPE_UI1 types. |
0x80041672 | Unexpected end of string. |
Unexpected end of string. |
0x80041700 | There are no more chunks of text available in the object. |
There are no more chunks of text available in the object. |
0x80041701 | There is no more text available in the chunk. |
There is no more text available in the chunk. |
0x80041702 | There are no more property values available in the chunk. |
There are no more property values available in the chunk. |
0x80041703 | The object cannot be accessed. |
The object cannot be accessed. |
0x80041705 | There is no text in the current chunk. |
There is no text in the current chunk. |
0x80041706 | There are no values in the current chunk. |
There are no values in the current chunk. |
0x80041707 | The Ifilter for the embedded object cannot be bound. |
The Ifilter for the embedded object cannot be bound. |
0x80041708 | The Ifilter for the linked object cannot be bound. |
The Ifilter for the linked object cannot be bound. |
0x8004170B | The file was not filtered due to password protection. |
The file was not filtered due to password protection. |
0x8004170C | The document format is not recognized by the filter. |
The document format is not recognized by the filter. |
0x80041730 | The file is too large to filter. |
The file is too large to filter. |
0x80041736 | The file cannot be opened, because another file is already open. |
The file cannot be opened, because another file is already open. |
0x80041737 | The file is not reachable. |
The file is not reachable. |
0x80041738 | The document is in use by another process. |
The document is in use by another process. |
0x80041739 | The document is not open. |
The document is not open. |
0x8004173B | There is no property with the given GUID. |
There is no property with the given GUID. |
0x8004173D | The document is offline. |
The document is offline. |
0x8004173E | The document was too large to filter completely. Portions of the document were not emitted. |
The document was too large to filter completely. Portions of the document were not emitted. |
0x80041780 | End of text was reached in the text source. |
End of text was reached in the text source. |
0x80041782 | This feature is only available in query mode. |
This feature is only available in query mode. |
0x80041783 | The buffer is too small to hold the composed phrase. |
The buffer is too small to hold the composed phrase. |
0x80041784 | The language database/cache file cannot be found. |
The language database/cache file cannot be found. |
0x80041785 | Initialization of the word breaker failed. |
Initialization of the word breaker failed. |
0x80041790 | Feature only available in query mode. |
Feature only available in query mode. |
0x80041791 | This feature is only available in index mode. |
This feature is only available in index mode. |
0x80041792 | The attachment type is beyond the valid range. |
The attachment type is beyond the valid range. |
0x8004180B | The object is not initialized. |
The object is not initialized. |
0x8004180D | The given property is not cached. |
The given property is not cached. |
0x8004180F | The object is not in a valid state. |
The object is not in a valid state. |
0x80041810 | Filtering is disabled for this content index. |
Filtering is disabled for this content index. |
0x80041811 | The disk is full and the specified operation cannot be completed. |
The disk is full and the specified operation cannot be completed. |
0x80041812 | The content index service was stopped. |
The content index service was stopped. |
0x80041813 | The workid is not valid. |
The workid is not valid. |
0x80041816 | The passed-in property id is not supported. |
The passed-in property id is not supported. |
0x80041817 | There were two alerts for the same workid. |
There were two alerts for the same workid. |
0x80041818 | A document update was rejected because updates were disabled. |
A document update was rejected because updates were disabled. |
0x80041819 | The combination of flags specified is invalid. |
The combination of flags specified is invalid. |
0x8004181A | The incremental data given to Load is not valid. It may be out of sequence. |
The incremental data given to Load is not valid. It may be out of sequence. |
0x8004181B | A sharing or locking violation caused a failure. |
A sharing or locking violation caused a failure. |
0x8004181C | A logon permission violation caused a failure. |
A logon permission violation caused a failure. |
0x8004181D | The index does not exist or is currently unavailable. Try again later. If this problem persists, contact the system administrator. |
The index does not exist or is currently unavailable. Try again later. If this problem persists, contact the system administrator. |
0x8004181E | Page size is not an integral multiple of the sector size of the volume where the index is located. |
Page size is not an integral multiple of the sector size of the volume where the index is located. |
0x8004181F | The service is too busy. |
The service is too busy. |
0x80041820 | The service is not running. |
The service is not running. |
0x80041827 | The cardinality of machine, indexes, and scopes is mismatched. |
The cardinality of machine, indexes, and scopes is mismatched. |
0x80041828 | The disk has reached its configured space limit. |
The disk has reached its configured space limit. |
0x8004182A | The property store is not configured to handle auxiliary metadata storage. |
The property store is not configured to handle auxiliary metadata storage. |
0x8004182F | The specified index list version is outdated or invalid. |
The specified index list version is outdated or invalid. |
0x80041901 | A catalog with the name specified already exists. Choose another name to create a new catalog. |
A catalog with the name specified already exists. Choose another name to create a new catalog. |
0x80041903 | The account cannot be granted a privilege to \"log on as service\"\" on the domain controller. The domain security administrator needs to grant the default account this privilege. All of the default accounts specified for the server need this account privilege. |
The account cannot be granted a privilege to \"log on as service\"\" on the domain controller. The domain security administrator needs to grant the default account this privilege. All of the default accounts specified for the server need this account privilege. |
0x80041904 | The selected content index definition did not initialize and cannot be used. Check server status, content index configuration, and user access to the server. |
The selected content index definition did not initialize and cannot be used. Check server status, content index configuration, and user access to the server. |
0x80042000 | The chunk type was not text. |
The chunk type was not text. |
0x80042001 | The property ID type was not name. |
The property ID type was not name. |
0x80042002 | The property ID type was not numeric. |
The property ID type was not numeric. |
0x80042003 | The chunk type is not value. |
The chunk type is not value. |
0x80042004 | The chunk does not allow changes. To set properties on a chunk, create it using IGatherScriptFilterSink::CreateChunk |
The chunk does not allow changes. To set properties on a chunk, create it using IGatherScriptFilterSink::CreateChunk |
0x80042005 | The resource completion code was already set. |
The resource completion code was already set. |
0x80042100 | The specified application name is not valid. Check to see whether a search application with that name already exists. |
The specified application name is not valid. Check to see whether a search application with that name already exists. |
0x80042101 | The specified search application name was not found. It may have already been deleted. |
The specified search application name was not found. It may have already been deleted. |
0x80042102 | The search application name already exists. Use a different name. |
The search application name already exists. Use a different name. |
0x80042103 | Navedeni katalog nije pronađen. Provjerite nije li izbrisan te ne postoje li u kodu aplikacije pogreške. |
The specified catalog was not found. Check to see if it was deleted, or if there are errors in your application code. |
0x80042104 | The content index cannot be deleted while the search service is stopped. Restart the search service and try again. |
The content index cannot be deleted while the search service is stopped. Restart the search service and try again. |
0x80042105 | This file is shorter than 2 bytes. Unicode text file must begin with a wide character that indicates byte order. |
This file is shorter than 2 bytes. Unicode text file must begin with a wide character that indicates byte order. |
0x80042106 | Navedeni katalog već postoji. |
The specified catalog already exists. |
0x80042200 | This scope has no default namespace. Add a default namespace before continuing. |
This scope has no default namespace. Add a default namespace before continuing. |
0x80042201 | The SXQL is invalid. |
The SXQL is invalid. |
0x80042401 | An unexpected error occurred in the filtering process. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
An unexpected error occurred in the filtering process. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80042402 | The document IFilter cannot provide the needed interface. The IFilter may contain errors. |
The document IFilter cannot provide the needed interface. The IFilter may contain errors. |
0x80042404 | A document IFilter cannot be initialized. The document or IFilter may contain errors. |
A document IFilter cannot be initialized. The document or IFilter may contain errors. |
0x80042405 | An encrypted document cannot be filtered. |
An encrypted document cannot be filtered. |
0x80042406 | The password for the content access account cannot be decrypted because it was stored with different credentials. Re-type the password for the account used to crawl this content. |
The password for the content access account cannot be decrypted because it was stored with different credentials. Re-type the password for the account used to crawl this content. |
0x80042500 | A custom error (%1) in the OLEDB provider has occurred. %2. |
A custom error (%1) in the OLEDB provider has occurred. %2. |
0x80042601 | An unexpected error occurred in the Notes protocol handler while processing the URL. |
An unexpected error occurred in the Notes protocol handler while processing the URL. |
0x80042603 | Only rich text, HTML, and text types are supported for the content field. |
Only rich text, HTML, and text types are supported for the content field. |
0x80042604 | A requested item is not found. |
A requested item is not found. |
0x80042605 | The Notes data cannot be accessed. Check that the server is properly configured for accessing Notes data. |
The Notes data cannot be accessed. Check that the server is properly configured for accessing Notes data. |
0x80042606 | One or more attachments cannot be processed. |
One or more attachments cannot be processed. |
0x80042607 | The Windows NT identity does not exist. |
The Windows NT identity does not exist. |
0x80042608 | Access to %1 is denied to user %1. To allow access, contact your Notes administrator. |
Access to %1 is denied to user %1. To allow access, contact your Notes administrator. |
0x80042609 | The user name mapping cannot be read. Check that the database, view, and column names are correct, that the Notes database is accessible, and that the sort option is enabled. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide. |
The user name mapping cannot be read. Check that the database, view, and column names are correct, that the Notes database is accessible, and that the sort option is enabled. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide. |
0x80042611 | Unknown Lotus Notes Error: %1. |
Unknown Lotus Notes Error: %1. |
0x80042614 | Stop Parsing XML |
Stop Parsing XML |
0x80042616 | Error in the Site Data Web Service. |
Error in the Site Data Web Service. |
0x80042617 | Error in PortalCrawl Web Service. |
Error in PortalCrawl Web Service. |
0x80042701 | An unexpected error occurred in the exstore protocol handler. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
An unexpected error occurred in the exstore protocol handler. Contact Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80042801 | Cannot find or access the client certificate specified for crawling this site. |
Cannot find or access the client certificate specified for crawling this site. |
0x80043301 | An unexpected error occurred in the in-memory schema cache. |
An unexpected error occurred in the in-memory schema cache. |
0x80043401 | The property mapping information on the content source cannot be read. |
The property mapping information on the content source cannot be read. |
0x80043402 | The content source information code contains unexpected null pointers. |
The content source information code contains unexpected null pointers. |
0x80043403 | Parallel vectors for property mapping information on the content source have different dimensions. |
Parallel vectors for property mapping information on the content source have different dimensions. |
0x80043404 | The content class information for the content source cannot be read. |
The content class information for the content source cannot be read. |
0x80043405 | An unexpected exception occurred in the content source information code. |
An unexpected exception occurred in the content source information code. |
0x80043406 | The content class of the content source is empty. |
The content class of the content source is empty. |
0x80043407 | An unknown data type was found when reading content class information from the content source. |
An unknown data type was found when reading content class information from the content source. |
0x80043408 | A request for property mapping information is out of range. |
A request for property mapping information is out of range. |
0x80043409 | Empty or null URIs are not valid as property mapping. |
Empty or null URIs are not valid as property mapping. |
0x80043500 | This is an internal error code. A method was called when it should not be. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
This is an internal error code. A method was called when it should not be. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80043502 | A security update was attempted on an address that was redirected to a different server. |
A security update was attempted on an address that was redirected to a different server. |
0x80043503 | An address was redirected more than once. |
An address was redirected more than once. |
0x80043504 | The requested property does not exist on the row. |
The requested property does not exist on the row. |
0x80043505 | The requested read type does not match the data type. |
The requested read type does not match the data type. |
0x80043506 | The status of the request data is unexpected. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
The status of the request data is unexpected. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80043507 | An unknown data type was found. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
An unknown data type was found. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80043508 | An unexpected filter state occurred. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
An unexpected filter state occurred. Call Microsoft Product Support. |
0x80043509 | A duplicate property was found. Call Microsoft support if this error is encountered. |
A duplicate property was found. Call Microsoft support if this error is encountered. |
0x80043603 | The named pipe used to communicate with the filter daemon has not been connected. |
The named pipe used to communicate with the filter daemon has not been connected. |
0x80043604 | The configuration data given to the MSFTESQL service is corrupt. |
The configuration data given to the MSFTESQL service is corrupt. |
0x80043605 | The system attempted to load an apartment threading model filter marked in a multi-threaded filter daemon. The document will be retried in a single-threaded filter daemon process. Since multithreaded filtering is more efficient, try to obtain the version of the filter that is multi-threaded. |
The system attempted to load an apartment threading model filter marked in a multi-threaded filter daemon. The document will be retried in a single-threaded filter daemon process. Since multithreaded filtering is more efficient, try to obtain the version of the filter that is multi-threaded. |
0x80043606 | The value cannot be set, because the object was already deleted or was not initialized properly. Make sure the object reference is still valid, increase the registry size, or recreate the catalog configuration. |
The value cannot be set, because the object was already deleted or was not initialized properly. Make sure the object reference is still valid, increase the registry size, or recreate the catalog configuration. |
0x80043607 | An internal interface is being used after the corresponding catalog has been shutdown. The operation will be aborted. |
An internal interface is being used after the corresponding catalog has been shutdown. The operation will be aborted. |
0x80043608 | An internal interface is being used prior to being initialized. The operation will be aborted. |
An internal interface is being used prior to being initialized. The operation will be aborted. |
0x80043609 | Data transferred between the MSFTESQL service and a filter daemon process is corrupted. This is an internal error. |
Data transferred between the MSFTESQL service and a filter daemon process is corrupted. This is an internal error. |
0x80043610 | This is an internal error: The URB has exceeded the maximum size. |
This is an internal error: The URB has exceeded the maximum size. |
0x80043611 | This is an internal error: Document IDs should be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 0x7fffffff. |
This is an internal error: Document IDs should be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 0x7fffffff. |
0x80043612 | An external status change has put the catalog in a paused state. |
An external status change has put the catalog in a paused state. |
0x80043613 | A status change is occurring or the project is in a force paused state, so MSFTESQL cannot accept input at this time. |
A status change is occurring or the project is in a force paused state, so MSFTESQL cannot accept input at this time. |
0x80043614 | The MSFTEFD process was launched but did not connect with the MSFTESQL service. |
The MSFTEFD process was launched but did not connect with the MSFTESQL service. |
0x80043616 | This is an internal error: Initialization of the datasink is incorrect. At least one protocol handler PROGID is required. |
This is an internal error: Initialization of the datasink is incorrect. At least one protocol handler PROGID is required. |
0x80043617 | This is an internal error: A static thread has gotten invalid arguments and will force batches to be aborted and retried. |
This is an internal error: A static thread has gotten invalid arguments and will force batches to be aborted and retried. |
0x80043618 | A catalog already exists with this name, so another can be created or mounted. |
A catalog already exists with this name, so another can be created or mounted. |
0x8004361A | A file path exceeds the maximum limit for paths in Windows, so it can't be used. |
A file path exceeds the maximum limit for paths in Windows, so it can't be used. |
0x8004361B | Access is denied to the caller of this administration interface. |
Access is denied to the caller of this administration interface. |
0x8004361C | Signature validation cannot be performed on modules loaded by COM, so the object will not be created. The object is likely a filter, wordbreaker, stemmer, or protocol handler. |
Signature validation cannot be performed on modules loaded by COM, so the object will not be created. The object is likely a filter, wordbreaker, stemmer, or protocol handler. |
0x8004361D | The processor affinity mask is invalid. |
The processor affinity mask is invalid. |
0x8004361E | This is an internal error that should be handled. The FD has been killed and this chunk buffer has already been reassigned. |
This is an internal error that should be handled. The FD has been killed and this chunk buffer has already been reassigned. |
0x80043621 | The maximum number of plug-ins has been exceeded, so a new plug-in can't be loaded. |
The maximum number of plug-ins has been exceeded, so a new plug-in can't be loaded. |
0x80043624 | An object could not be inserted because it was a duplicate of an existing object. The object may be a catalog or other named entity. |
An object could not be inserted because it was a duplicate of an existing object. The object may be a catalog or other named entity. |
0x80043626 | The transaction that superseded this one ended in error. |
The transaction that superseded this one ended in error. |
0x80043628 | This is an internal error: This request cannot be completed because the Filter Daemon has been shutdown. |
This is an internal error: This request cannot be completed because the Filter Daemon has been shutdown. |
0x80043629 | The catalog does not exist, so the operation can't be performed. |
The catalog does not exist, so the operation can't be performed. |
0x8004362A | There are no plug-in components in the indexing pipeline, so the data collected will not be used. |
There are no plug-in components in the indexing pipeline, so the data collected will not be used. |
0x8004362C | Processing of this batch of transactions has been aborted. |
Processing of this batch of transactions has been aborted. |
0x8004362D | A status change is active on another thread. Since only one status change is allowed at a time this request can't be handled. |
A status change is active on another thread. Since only one status change is allowed at a time this request can't be handled. |
0x8004362F | A previous error prevented further processing of the batch. |
A previous error prevented further processing of the batch. |
0x80043630 | The filter daemon process MSFTEFD timed out for an unknown reason. This may indicate a bug in a filter, wordbreaker, or protocol handler. |
The filter daemon process MSFTEFD timed out for an unknown reason. This may indicate a bug in a filter, wordbreaker, or protocol handler. |
0x80043631 | This is an internal error: This activity is no longer valid because the resource is shutdown. |
This is an internal error: This activity is no longer valid because the resource is shutdown. |
0x80043632 | The property specified is invalid. |
The property specified is invalid. |
0x80043633 | There are no more properties. |
There are no more properties. |
0x80043634 | The plug-in specified is not known likely because it isn't loaded, so the operation can't succeed. Only specify plug-ins that are loaded. |
The plug-in specified is not known likely because it isn't loaded, so the operation can't succeed. Only specify plug-ins that are loaded. |
0x80043635 | The performance monitor library could not be loaded. |
The performance monitor library could not be loaded. |
0x80043636 | There are no more slots available for this performance monitor instance |
There are no more slots available for this performance monitor instance |
0x80043637 | The filter daemon process MSFTEFD was not able to create an accessor object for the batch. |
The filter daemon process MSFTEFD was not able to create an accessor object for the batch. |
0x80043638 | The property type specified is incorrect for this property. Please see the product documentation for the correct data type for this property. |
The property type specified is incorrect for this property. Please see the product documentation for the correct data type for this property. |
0x80043639 | The value specified is out of range. Please see the product documentation for the valid range. |
The value specified is out of range. Please see the product documentation for the valid range. |
0x8004363A | The property store for upgrade is corrupted. |
The property store for upgrade is corrupted. |
0x8004363B | The workid is not valid for the property store. |
The workid is not valid for the property store. |
0x8004363D | The gatherer hash map for upgrade is corrupted. |
The gatherer hash map for upgrade is corrupted. |
0x8004363E | The key is not cached in the property store. |
The key is not cached in the property store. |
0x8004363F | The upgrade interface has already been shutdown. |
The upgrade interface has already been shutdown. |
0x80043640 | The upgrade interface has already been instantiated. Only one instance of the upgrade interface is allowed. |
The upgrade interface has already been instantiated. Only one instance of the upgrade interface is allowed. |
0x80043641 | The stack for a thread in this process is corrupted due to a programming bug. This may be a security threat and indicate your system has been attacked. The process will be shutdown. |
The stack for a thread in this process is corrupted due to a programming bug. This may be a security threat and indicate your system has been attacked. The process will be shutdown. |
0x80043642 | The protocol handler index passed to the OnDataChange function is invalid. |
The protocol handler index passed to the OnDataChange function is invalid. |
0x80043643 | The serial stream being indexed is corrupted. |
The serial stream being indexed is corrupted. |
0x80043644 | The catalog is opened for read-only operations. Writing is prohibited to this catalog. |
The catalog is opened for read-only operations. Writing is prohibited to this catalog. |
0x80043645 | The performance monitor counters cannot be unloaded because they are not loaded in the first place. |
The performance monitor counters cannot be unloaded because they are not loaded in the first place. |
0x80043648 | This huge document will be retried in dedicated filter daemon MSFTEFD process. |
This huge document will be retried in dedicated filter daemon MSFTEFD process. |
0x80043649 | This is an internal error: The filter daemon MSFTEFD type is unknown or invalid. |
This is an internal error: The filter daemon MSFTEFD type is unknown or invalid. |
0x8004364A | There are not enough resources to process the document or row. |
There are not enough resources to process the document or row. |
0x8004364B | This is an internal error: Datatype misalignment was detected likely due to a programming error. |
This is an internal error: Datatype misalignment was detected likely due to a programming error. |
0x8004364D | The filter daemon process MSFTEFD used too much memory and will be terminated. |
The filter daemon process MSFTEFD used too much memory and will be terminated. |
0x8004364E | The MSFTESQL service process exited unexpectedly.Here is the stack Trace:%1 |
The MSFTESQL service process exited unexpectedly.Here is the stack Trace:%1 |
0x8004364F | High memory pressure was detected by the MSFTESQL memory manager. |
High memory pressure was detected by the MSFTESQL memory manager. |
0x80043650 | A batch flagged to isolate a previous error had too many transactions in it. |
A batch flagged to isolate a previous error had too many transactions in it. |
0x80043651 | msftesql should reprocess this document in an isolated fashion to confirm the error. |
msftesql should reprocess this document in an isolated fashion to confirm the error. |
0x80043652 | An internal identifier for naming catalogs has been corrupted. |
An internal identifier for naming catalogs has been corrupted. |
0x80043653 | A failure occurred when tracking the completion of wordlists which will cause current activity to be aborted. |
A failure occurred when tracking the completion of wordlists which will cause current activity to be aborted. |
0x80043654 | The specified code page is not installed or not available. |
The specified code page is not installed or not available. |
0x80043655 | Internal Error Code: Filter Daemon is terminated because it is idle. |
Internal Error Code: Filter Daemon is terminated because it is idle. |
0x80043656 | Filter Daemon was unresponsive to a directive to shut itself down. |
Filter Daemon was unresponsive to a directive to shut itself down. |
0x80044000 | The user profile database connection cannot be made, because of error %1. |
The user profile database connection cannot be made, because of error %1. |
0x80044001 | No data source is defined. |
No data source is defined. |
0x80044002 | The data source definition cannot be retrieved, because of error %1. |
The data source definition cannot be retrieved, because of error %1. |
0x80044003 | No data source property mapping is defined. |
No data source property mapping is defined. |
0x80044004 | Data source mapping cannot be retrieved. Check to see that the mapping entry is valid. |
Data source mapping cannot be retrieved. Check to see that the mapping entry is valid. |
0x80044005 | Datatype (%1) in the data source is not supported. |
Datatype (%1) in the data source is not supported. |
0x80044006 | (%1) cannot be converted to type (%2). |
(%1) cannot be converted to type (%2). |
0x80044007 | Incremental import information cannot be updated. |
Incremental import information cannot be updated. |
0x80044008 | A zero-length cookie was retrieved at the end of a Dirsync search. The account may not have the appropriate rights. |
A zero-length cookie was retrieved at the end of a Dirsync search. The account may not have the appropriate rights. |
0x80044009 | The specified LDAP distinguished name is too long. |
The specified LDAP distinguished name is too long. |
0x8004400A | The canonical URL is too long. |
The canonical URL is too long. |
0x8004400B | The user account name can not be resolved within the Active Directory. You would need to verify whether the user is a real user or just a temporary user object generated for some application purpose. You might be able to refine the LDAP search filter to avoid this error. |
The user account name can not be resolved within the Active Directory. You would need to verify whether the user is a real user or just a temporary user object generated for some application purpose. You might be able to refine the LDAP search filter to avoid this error. |
0x8004400C | Error (%1) occurred, which may have resulted from the unavailability of directory service server (%2). If the auto discovery option is turned on, import will re-try it with the newly discovered domain controller. Otherwise, verify your import settings and make sure the server is still available. |
Error (%1) occurred, which may have resulted from the unavailability of directory service server (%2). If the auto discovery option is turned on, import will re-try it with the newly discovered domain controller. Otherwise, verify your import settings and make sure the server is still available. |
0x8004400D | The attempt to discover domain controller for domain (%1) was failed with error (%2). Please make sure whether there is problem in network connectivity or the domain is renamed. |
The attempt to discover domain controller for domain (%1) was failed with error (%2). Please make sure whether there is problem in network connectivity or the domain is renamed. |
0x8004400E | Fail to retrieve locale from site database - Error (%1) occured. |
Fail to retrieve locale from site database - Error (%1) occured. |
0x8004400F | The specified domain (%1) has been removed from import configuration. |
The specified domain (%1) has been removed from import configuration. |
0x80044010 | Access was denied on domain: (%1), and user information from the domain was not imported. Check the user name and password of the access account specified on the Configure Profile Import page. If incremental import is enabled and you are importing from a Windows 2000 domain, check that the access account has the Replicate Changes permission for Active Directory directory services. |
Access was denied on domain: (%1), and user information from the domain was not imported. Check the user name and password of the access account specified on the Configure Profile Import page. If incremental import is enabled and you are importing from a Windows 2000 domain, check that the access account has the Replicate Changes permission for Active Directory directory services. |
0x80044011 | You do not have sufficient permissions for incremental import, or the DirSync cookie stored in the user profile database is corrupt. If you are importing from a Windows 2000 domain, check that the import account has the Replicate Changes permission for Active Directory directory services. If the import account has the permission, start a full import to refresh the cookie. |
You do not have sufficient permissions for incremental import, or the DirSync cookie stored in the user profile database is corrupt. If you are importing from a Windows 2000 domain, check that the import account has the Replicate Changes permission for Active Directory directory services. If the import account has the permission, start a full import to refresh the cookie. |
0x8004CB00 | This is an internal error: The chunk buffer is out of memory. |
This is an internal error: The chunk buffer is out of memory. |
0x8004CB01 | This is an internal error: The chunk buffer id is out of bounds. |
This is an internal error: The chunk buffer id is out of bounds. |
0x8004CB02 | There is not enough available physical or virtual memory for chunk buffers. Chunk buffers are needed to index data. Please free up memory. |
There is not enough available physical or virtual memory for chunk buffers. Chunk buffers are needed to index data. Please free up memory. |
0x8004CB03 | There is not enough occurrence buffer memory available. Possible causes include too many processors, too many filter threads, or the occurrence buffer is not being returned. |
There is not enough occurrence buffer memory available. Possible causes include too many processors, too many filter threads, or the occurrence buffer is not being returned. |
0x8004CB04 | The in-memory wordlist is corrupted. This is due to a faulty filter, wordbreaker, or other indexing component. |
The in-memory wordlist is corrupted. This is due to a faulty filter, wordbreaker, or other indexing component. |
0x8004FD00 | The IPersistStream and IPersistFile interfaces were unavailable from an IFilter filter DLL to load data for indexing. |
The IPersistStream and IPersistFile interfaces were unavailable from an IFilter filter DLL to load data for indexing. |
0x8004FD01 | The IFilter::Init() function call failed. |
The IFilter::Init() function call failed. |
0x8004FD02 | The filter daemon MSFTEFD failed to load an IFilter interface for document, so it can't be indexed. |
The filter daemon MSFTEFD failed to load an IFilter interface for document, so it can't be indexed. |
0x8004FD03 | The document being indexed timed out for an unknown reason. This may be due to a bug in a filter or wordbreaker. |
The document being indexed timed out for an unknown reason. This may be due to a bug in a filter or wordbreaker. |
0x8004FD04 | The filter daemon process MSFTEFD exited unexpectedly.Here is the stack trace:%1 |
The filter daemon process MSFTEFD exited unexpectedly.Here is the stack trace:%1 |
0x8004FD05 | The filter daemon process MSFTEFD exited unexpectedly because of document %1.Batch Id: %2Locale Id: %3Property Id: %4Stack Trace:%5 |
The filter daemon process MSFTEFD exited unexpectedly because of document %1.Batch Id: %2Locale Id: %3Property Id: %4Stack Trace:%5 |
0x8004FD06 | The system failed to load the text filter for parsing a noise word file. |
The system failed to load the text filter for parsing a noise word file. |
0x8004FD07 | The system failed to load noise words stream into text filter because text filter does not support IPersistStream. |
The system failed to load noise words stream into text filter because text filter does not support IPersistStream. |
0x8004FD08 | The system failed to load noise words stream into text filter because the IPersistStream::Load() function failed. |
The system failed to load noise words stream into text filter because the IPersistStream::Load() function failed. |
0x8004FD09 | The system failed to load noise words stream into text filter because IFilter::Init() function failed. |
The system failed to load noise words stream into text filter because IFilter::Init() function failed. |
0x8004FD0A | Occurrence counter overflow, document is not indexed. |
Occurrence counter overflow, document is not indexed. |
0x8004FD0B | The filter has caused a sharing violation. |
The filter has caused a sharing violation. |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Search |
Microsoft-Windows-Search |
0xC00003EE | Servis Windows Search nije uspio stvoriti novi indeks pretraživanja. Interna pogreška . %1 |
The Windows Search Service has failed to create the new search index. Internal error . %1 |
0xC00003EF | Servis za pretraživanje u sustavu Windows nije uspio alocirati memoriju.%1 |
The Windows Search Service was unable to allocate memory.%1 |
0xC00003F1 | An exception occurred in %2. Check other related Event Log messages.%1 |
An exception occurred in %2. Check other related Event Log messages.%1 |
0xC00003F3 | Servis Windows Search nije uspio ukloniti stari indeks pretraživanja. Interna pogreška . %1 |
The Windows Search Service has failed to remove the old search index. Internal error . %1 |
0xC00003F8 | Servis Windows Search nije uspio premjestiti datoteke indeksa iz %2 u %3 zbog sljedeće pogreške: . Razlog je možda to što odredišni direktorij nije prazan ili račun SYSTEM nema pristup za pisanje u odredišni direktorij. %1 |
The Windows Search Service failed to move Index files from %2 to %3 with the following error: . This might be because the target directory is not empty, or because the SYSTEM account doesn't have write access to the target directory. %1 |
0xC00003FB | Servis Windows Search nije uspio obraditi popis uvrštenih i izuzetih mjesta zbog pogreške . %1 |
Windows Search Service failed to process the list of included and excluded locations with the error . %1 |
0xC0000BBB | A configuration error occurred.%1 |
A configuration error occurred.%1 |
0xC0000BBE | Performance monitoring cannot be initialized for the gatherer service, because the counters are not loaded or the shared memory object cannot be opened. This only affects availability of the perfmon counters. Restart the computer.%1 |
Performance monitoring cannot be initialized for the gatherer service, because the counters are not loaded or the shared memory object cannot be opened. This only affects availability of the perfmon counters. Restart the computer.%1 |
0xC0000BBF | Performance monitoring cannot be initialized for the gatherer object, because the counters are not loaded or the shared memory object cannot be opened. This only affects availability of the perfmon counters. Restart the computer.%1 |
Performance monitoring cannot be initialized for the gatherer object, because the counters are not loaded or the shared memory object cannot be opened. This only affects availability of the perfmon counters. Restart the computer.%1 |
0xC0000BC0 | The entry cannot be inserted into the history.%1 |
The entry cannot be inserted into the history.%1 |
0xC0000BC1 | The transaction object cannot be created.%1 |
The transaction object cannot be created.%1 |
0xC0000BC2 | The transaction cannot be appended to the queue. File: %2.%1 |
The transaction cannot be appended to the queue. File: %2.%1 |
0xC0000BC3 | The transaction cannot be updated in the queue. File: %2.%1 |
The transaction cannot be updated in the queue. File: %2.%1 |
0xC0000BC5 | The entry in the hash map cannot be updated.%1 |
The entry in the hash map cannot be updated.%1 |
0xC0000BC6 | An exception occurred. ID: %2. This is an internal error. Reproduce the error with the debugger attached and enable exceptions, then contact product support. One of the components loaded in your system is bad. You may be able to avoid the problem by recreating the index.%1 |
An exception occurred. ID: %2. This is an internal error. Reproduce the error with the debugger attached and enable exceptions, then contact product support. One of the components loaded in your system is bad. You may be able to avoid the problem by recreating the index.%1 |
0xC0000BC7 | The transaction file cannot be read.%1 |
The transaction file cannot be read.%1 |
0xC0000BCC | Internal gatherer error %2 occurred. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services.%1 |
Internal gatherer error %2 occurred. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services.%1 |
0xC0000BD1 | Critical error %2 occurred, and the index was shut down. The system is probably low on resources. Free up resources and restart the service.%1 |
Critical error %2 occurred, and the index was shut down. The system is probably low on resources. Free up resources and restart the service.%1 |
0xC0000BD2 | Advise Status Change failed. The system is probably low on resources. Free up resources and restart the service.%1 |
Advise Status Change failed. The system is probably low on resources. Free up resources and restart the service.%1 |
0xC0000BD3 | The URL cannot be crawled.%1 |
The URL cannot be crawled.%1 |
0xC0000BD4 | The gatherer object cannot be initialized.%1 |
The gatherer object cannot be initialized.%1 |
0xC0000BD5 | The plug-in in cannot be initialized.%1 |
The plug-in in cannot be initialized.%1 |
0xC0000BD6 | The gatherer service cannot be initialized.%1 |
The gatherer service cannot be initialized.%1 |
0xC0000BD7 | A document ID cannot be allocated.%1 |
A document ID cannot be allocated.%1 |
0xC0000BD8 | A document ID cannot be freed.%1 |
A document ID cannot be freed.%1 |
0xC0000BD9 | A new queue file cannot be created.%1 |
A new queue file cannot be created.%1 |
0xC0000BDA | The registry version does not match with the expected , or the registry cannot be accessed because the service account does not have the correct permissions. Uninstall the previous version before installing the new one.%1 |
The registry version does not match with the expected , or the registry cannot be accessed because the service account does not have the correct permissions. Uninstall the previous version before installing the new one.%1 |
0xC0000BE0 | The status change request %2 cannot be processed.%1 |
The status change request %2 cannot be processed.%1 |
0xC0000BE8 | No documents were accessed because no e-mail address is specified in the content index server properties. Specify the e-mail address in the service configuration.%1 |
No documents were accessed because no e-mail address is specified in the content index server properties. Specify the e-mail address in the service configuration.%1 |
0xC0000BEA | Unvisited items cannot be deleted from the history after a full update.%1 |
Unvisited items cannot be deleted from the history after a full update.%1 |
0xC0000BF1 | The plug-in manager cannot be initialized.%1 |
The plug-in manager cannot be initialized.%1 |
0xC0000BF2 | The application cannot be initialized.%1 |
The application cannot be initialized.%1 |
0xC0000BF3 | The update cannot be initialized.%1 |
The update cannot be initialized.%1 |
0xC0000BFE | The index cannot be restored. You may need to delete and recreate the index.%1 |
The index cannot be restored. You may need to delete and recreate the index.%1 |
0xC0000BFF | Performance monitoring cannot be initialized for the topic assistant object, because the counters are not loaded or the shared memory object cannot be opened. This only affects availability of the perfmon counters. Restart the computer.%1 |
Performance monitoring cannot be initialized for the topic assistant object, because the counters are not loaded or the shared memory object cannot be opened. This only affects availability of the perfmon counters. Restart the computer.%1 |
0xC0000C02 | The application restore failed. This can be caused by system errors (indicated by previously logged events), or a corrupt backup image (retry restore with valid backup image). %1 |
The application restore failed. This can be caused by system errors (indicated by previously logged events), or a corrupt backup image (retry restore with valid backup image). %1 |
0xC0000C04 | The application cannot be backed up. You may be unable to restore from the backup image.%1 |
The application cannot be backed up. You may be unable to restore from the backup image.%1 |
0xC0000C07 | Notifications for the volume %2 are not active. %1 |
Notifications for the volume %2 are not active. %1 |
0xC0000C0B | The protocol handler %2 cannot be loaded. Error description: %3. %1 |
The protocol handler %2 cannot be loaded. Error description: %3. %1 |
0xC0000C0C | Failed to load protocol handler %2. Error description: %3. %1 |
Failed to load protocol handler %2. Error description: %3. %1 |
0xC0000C0D | The application network access account is invalid. Update the account with a valid username and password. %1 |
The application network access account is invalid. Update the account with a valid username and password. %1 |
0xC0000C0F | The gatherer files cannot be flushed, and this action cannot be completed. The gatherer will attempt to flush files again. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
The gatherer files cannot be flushed, and this action cannot be completed. The gatherer will attempt to flush files again. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
0xC0000C10 | The checkpoint record cannot be updated, and this action cannot be completed. The gatherer will attempt to update the checkpoint record again. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
The checkpoint record cannot be updated, and this action cannot be completed. The gatherer will attempt to update the checkpoint record again. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
0xC0000C11 | The gatherer files cannot be saved, and this action cannot be completed. The gatherer will attempt to save the files again. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
The gatherer files cannot be saved, and this action cannot be completed. The gatherer will attempt to save the files again. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
0xC0000C12 | The gatherer files from the previous checkpoint cannot be restored, and this action cannot be completed. The gatherer will attempt to restore the files again. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
The gatherer files from the previous checkpoint cannot be restored, and this action cannot be completed. The gatherer will attempt to restore the files again. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
0xC0000C13 | The checkpoint record cannot be read, and this action cannot be completed. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
The checkpoint record cannot be read, and this action cannot be completed. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
0xC0000C14 | The project cannot be initialized, because the checkpoint record cannot be read. The data structures on the disk will be reset. Verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
The project cannot be initialized, because the checkpoint record cannot be read. The data structures on the disk will be reset. Verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
0xC0000C15 | The project cannot be initialized, because one of the checkpoint files is missing. The data structures on the disk will be reset. Check to see if someone is manually deleting files, and verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
The project cannot be initialized, because one of the checkpoint files is missing. The data structures on the disk will be reset. Check to see if someone is manually deleting files, and verify that your hardware is working properly. %1 |
0xC0000C19 | The gatherer did not connect to the SQLServer instance.%1 |
The gatherer did not connect to the SQLServer instance.%1 |
0xC0000C1A | Unable to create file share to accept topic assistant training data. Reason: %2.%1 |
Unable to create file share to accept topic assistant training data. Reason: %2.%1 |
0xC0000C1B | Unable to terminate notifications normally. Restart the service or contact Product Support.%1 |
Unable to terminate notifications normally. Restart the service or contact Product Support.%1 |
0xC0000C1C | Unable to initialize the filter host process. Terminating.%1 |
Unable to initialize the filter host process. Terminating.%1 |
0xC0000C1D | The filter host process could not be terminated. |
The filter host process could not be terminated. |
0xC0000C1E | Skup filtara po korisniku za sesiju %2 nije bilo moguće dodati %1 |
The per-user filter pool for session %2 could not be added.%1 |
0xC0000C1F | The per-user filter pool for session %2 could not be removed.%1 |
The per-user filter pool for session %2 could not be removed.%1 |
0xC0000C20 | Enumerating user sessions to generate filter pools failed.%1 |
Enumerating user sessions to generate filter pools failed.%1 |
0xC0000C21 | Skup filtara po korisniku za sesiju %2 nije bilo moguće dodati.%1 |
The per-user filter pool for session %2 could not be added .%1 |
0xC0000E11 | The audience compilation process cannot start. The error code is \"%2\" .%1 |
The audience compilation process cannot start. The error code is \"%2\" .%1 |
0xC0000E12 | U fazi oporavka pretraživanja u sustavu Windows došlo je do pogreške s ID-jem %2. Ponovno pokrenite servis. Ako se pogreška nastavi pojavljivati, ponovno stvorite indeks.%1 |
Error ID %2 happened in Windows Search recovery stage, please restart the service. If this error persists, please recreate the index.%1 |
0xC0001009 | %1A master merge cannot be started for catalog %2 due to error %3. |
%1A master merge cannot be started for catalog %2 due to error %3. |
0xC000100A | %1A master merge cannot be re-started for catalog %2 due to error %3. |
%1A master merge cannot be re-started for catalog %2 due to error %3. |
0xC0001B59 | The schema file cannot be copied to .%1 |
The schema file cannot be copied to .%1 |
0xC0001B62 | The index cannot be initialized.%1 |
The index cannot be initialized.%1 |
0xC0001B63 | Directory location is invalid. The application configuration cannot be read. Reinstall the application.%1 |
Directory location is invalid. The application configuration cannot be read. Reinstall the application.%1 |
0xC0001B64 | An error occurred while propagating to search server .%1 |
An error occurred while propagating to search server .%1 |
0xC0001B65 | The update was paused because the disk is full. Free up disk space to continue crawling the index.%1 |
The update was paused because the disk is full. Free up disk space to continue crawling the index.%1 |
0xC0001B6F | The search server cannot be removed.%1 |
The search server cannot be removed.%1 |
0xC0001B70 | Failed to inform the search server about a propagation error.%1 |
Failed to inform the search server about a propagation error.%1 |
0xC0001B73 | The index cannot be copied, and propagation cannot start.%1 |
The index cannot be copied, and propagation cannot start.%1 |
0xC0001B74 | The content index server cannot read the registry.%1 |
The content index server cannot read the registry.%1 |
0xC0001B7D | The property store was not initialized.%1 |
The property store was not initialized.%1 |
0xC0001B7F | The content index cannot be loaded.%1 |
The content index cannot be loaded.%1 |
0xC0001B80 | Servis pretraživanja otkrio je oštećene podatkovne datoteke u indeksu {id=%2}. Servis će pokušati automatski riješiti taj problem ponovnom izgradnjom indeksa.%1 |
The search service has detected corrupted data files in the index {id=%2}. The service will attempt to automatically correct this problem by rebuilding the index.%1 |
0xC0001B83 | The index cannot be loaded.%1 |
The index cannot be loaded.%1 |
0xC0001B84 | Propagation stopped because the propagation state for search server cannot be read. Try propagation again. If this error persists, delete and recreate the propagated index.%1 |
Propagation stopped because the propagation state for search server cannot be read. Try propagation again. If this error persists, delete and recreate the propagated index.%1 |
0xC0001B90 | The content index server received an \"Access Denied\"\" error while propagating to the search server. This usually results from an incorrect configuration of the propagation account. Check that the propagation account is valid.%1 |
The content index server received an \"Access Denied\"\" error while propagating to the search server. This usually results from an incorrect configuration of the propagation account. Check that the propagation account is valid.%1 |
0xC0001B98 | Performance monitoring cannot be initialized because the counters are not loaded or the shared memory object cannot be opened. Stop and restart the search service. If this error continues, reinstall the application.%1 |
Performance monitoring cannot be initialized because the counters are not loaded or the shared memory object cannot be opened. Stop and restart the search service. If this error continues, reinstall the application.%1 |
0xC0001B9A | Configuration directory %2 is missing, and disaster recovery must be performed. If there are existing indexes, they must be restored from the last backup. If there is no backup of index data, then delete the catalogs and recreate them.%1 |
Configuration directory %2 is missing, and disaster recovery must be performed. If there are existing indexes, they must be restored from the last backup. If there is no backup of index data, then delete the catalogs and recreate them.%1 |
0xC0001B9C | The registry cannot be read, possibly because the registry keys for this index are missing. You may have to delete and recreate the index %1. |
The registry cannot be read, possibly because the registry keys for this index are missing. You may have to delete and recreate the index %1. |
0xC0001B9D | The content index %1 cannot be removed. |
The content index %1 cannot be removed. |
0xC0001B9E | Servis za pretraživanje u sustavu Windows dodao je katalog %1 |
The Windows Search Service added catalog %1 |
0xC0001B9F | Servis za pretraživanje u sustavu Windows uklonio je indeks %1 |
The Windows Search Service removed index %1 |
0xC0001BA5 | Propagacija indeksa nije se uspjela primijeniti ni na jedan poslužitelj za pretraživanje. Servis za pretraživanje u sustavu Windows sada pokušava vratiti poslužitelje za pretraživanje na prethodni indeks. %1 |
Index propagation failed to commit to any of the search servers. The Windows Search Service is now trying to revert the search servers to the previous index. %1 |
0xC0002328 | Servis za pretraživanje u sustavu Windows ne može otvoriti spremište svojstava Jeta.%1 |
The Windows Search Service cannot open the Jet property store.%1 |
0xC0002329 | Servis za pretraživanje u sustavu Windows ne može stvoriti spremište svojstava Jeta.%1 |
The Windows Search Service cannot create a Jet property store.%1 |
0xC000232A | Servis za pretraživanje u sustavu Windows ne može učitati informacije o spremištu svojstava.%1 |
The Windows Search Service cannot load the property store information.%1 |
0xC0040DB9 | Notification client is not subscribed. |
Notification client is not subscribed. |
0xC0041734 | The content index cannot be read. A content scan will be scheduled after chkdsk or autochk is run. |
The content index cannot be read. A content scan will be scheduled after chkdsk or autochk is run. |
0xC0041800 | Baza podataka indeksa sadržaja je oštećena. |
The content index database is corrupt. |
0xC0041801 | Katalog indeksa sadržaja je oštećen. |
The content index catalog is corrupt. |
0xC0041802 | The content index partition is invalid. |
The content index partition is invalid. |
0xC0041803 | The priority is invalid. |
The priority is invalid. |
0xC0041804 | There is no starting key. |
There is no starting key. |
0xC0041805 | The content index is out of index ids. |
The content index is out of index ids. |
0xC0041806 | There is no index. |
There is no index. |
0xC0041807 | The filter buffer cannot be read. |
The filter buffer cannot be read. |
0xC0041808 | The index is invalid. |
The index is invalid. |
0xC0041809 | Inconsistency was detected in the property store. |
Inconsistency was detected in the property store. |
0xC0041821 | The content index data on disk is for the wrong version. |
The content index data on disk is for the wrong version. |
0xC0041822 | Enumeration was already started for this query. |
Enumeration was already started for this query. |
0xC0041823 | The specified variable length property is too large for the property cache. |
The specified variable length property is too large for the property cache. |
0xC0041824 | The filtering of the object was stopped by the client. |
The filtering of the object was stopped by the client. |
0xC004182D | The forward index cannot be read. |
The forward index cannot be read. |
0xC004182E | Catalog was created with different diacritic settings. |
Catalog was created with different diacritic settings. |
0xC0041831 | The catalog manager does not exist. |
The catalog manager does not exist. |
0xC0041832 | Utvrđeno je da je transakcija u katalogu nedosljedna. |
The transaction in catalog is found as inconsistent. |
0xC004365A | Property Store is not found in the indexer. The possible causes are that the call came during a catalog reset or that the property store plug-in failed to load during indexer initialization. |
Property Store is not found in the indexer. The possible causes are that the call came during a catalog reset or that the property store plug-in failed to load during indexer initialization. |