printui.dll.mui Inprimagailuaren ezarpenen erabiltzaile-interfazea 3affbe32da0f29f644af5afa8e1f17e8

File info

File name: printui.dll.mui
Size: 118272 byte
MD5: 3affbe32da0f29f644af5afa8e1f17e8
SHA1: 343b53707405a4f2d913afee9910c7949cfa3169
SHA256: 9c4de2cf5e11294362b94141564e615c10014e294cc1259dbdad438efc956def
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Basque language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Basque English
502Hautatutako inprimagailua instalatzen du. Installs the selected printer.
503Inprimagailu honetan inprimatzea eteten du. Pauses printing on this printer.
504Inprimagailu honetan inprimatu beharreko dokumentu guztiak bertan behera uzten ditu. Cancels all print documents on this printer.
505Hautatutako inprimagailua lehenetsia dela adierazten du. Specifies that the selected printer is the default printer.
506Inprimagailu honen partekatze-propietateak bistaratzen ditu. Displays sharing properties for this printer.
507Elementuaren informazioa freskatzen du. Refresh item information.
508Inprimagailu honen propietateak bistaratzen ditu. Displays the properties of this printer.
509Leihoa ixten du. Closes the window.
510Inprimagailu honetarako zure hobespen lehenetsiak bistaratzen ditu. Displays your default preferences for this printer.
511Inprimagailu hau lineaz kanpo erabili Use this printer offline
512Kontrolatzaile eguneratu bat deskargatzen eta instalatzen du inprimaketa-zerbitzaritik. Downloads and installs an updated driver from the print server.
602Hautatutako dokumentuak pausarazten ditu. Pauses the selected documents.
603Hautatutako dokumentuak berriro martxan jartzen ditu. Resumes the selected documents.
604Hautatutako dokumentuak berrabiarazten ditu. Restarts the selected documents.
605Hautatutako dokumentuak bertan behera uzten ditu. Cancels the selected documents.
606Hautatutako elementuen propietateak bistaratzen ditu. Displays the properties of the selected items.
702Egoera-barra erakusten edo ezkutatzen du. Shows or hides the status bar.
12001Sareko inprimagailuak instalatzeko morroia Network Printer Installation Wizard
12003Titulua Title
12004Azpititulua Sub Title
12005Inprimagailuaren izena eta partekatzearen ezarpenak Printer Name and Sharing Settings
12006Lagunarteko izena jar diezaiokezu inprimagailuari eta besteek inprimagailua erabil dezaketen ala ez zehatz dezakezu. You can give the printer a friendly name and specify whether other people can use the printer.
12007Inprimagailuaren instalazioa Printer Installation
12008Hautatu instalatzeko metodoa. Pick an installation method.
12009Inprimagailu-kontrolatzailea Printer Driver
12010Hautatu inprimagailu berrirako kontrolatzailea. Pick a driver for the new printer.
12011Inprimagailua aurkitu da Printer Found
12012Inprimagailua instalatzeko prest dago. Berrikusi inprimagailuaren beheko ezarpenak, eta, gero, egin klik 'Hurrengoa' aukeran inprimagailua instalatzeko. The printer is ready to be installed. Please review the printer settings below, and then click Next to install the printer.
12013Inprimagailuaren helbidea Printer Address
12014Inprimagailuaren sarearen izena edo IP helbidea idatz dezakezu. You can type the printer's network name or IP address.
12016Hautatu inprimagailuaren fabrikatzailea eta modeloa. Select the manufacturer and model of your printer.
12017Hautatu zure inprimagailua zerrendatik. Modelo gehiago ikusteko, sakatu Windows Update.

Kontrolatzailea instalazio CD batetik instalatzeko, sakatu 'Erabili diskoa'.
Choose your printer from the list. Click Windows Update to see more models.

To install the driver from an installation CD, click Have Disk.
12018Kontrolatzaile-modeloa detektatzen... Detecting the driver model...
12019Windows erabili beharreko kontrolatzaile-modeloa detektatzen ari da. Windows is detecting the printer driver to use.
12020Sareko inprimagailuak instalatzeko morroia %s(e)(a)n Network Printer Installation Wizard on %s
12021Sareko inprimagailuaren bilaketa Network Printer Search
12022Hautatu instalatu beharreko inprimagailua. Pick a printer to install.
12023Hautatu zure inprimagailua zerrendatik. Kontrolatzailea instalazio CD batetik instalatzeko, sakatu 'Erabili diskoa'. Choose your printer from the list. To install the driver from an installation CD, click Have Disk.
12102Kontrolatzailea instalatzen... Installing driver...
12103Behar bezala instalatu da kontrolatzailea. Driver installation succeeded.
12104Huts egin du kontrolatzailearen instalazioak. Driver installation failed.
12105Inprimagailua instalatzen... Installing printer...
12106Behar bezala instalatu da inprimagailua. Printer installation succeeded.
12107Huts egin du inprimagailuaren instalazioak. Printer installation failed.
12108Helbidea ez da baliozkoa. Sartu baliozko helbidea eta saiatu berriro. The address is not valid. Please enter a valid address and try again.
12109Ataka-izena ez da baliozkoa. Sartu baliozko izena eta saiatu berriro. The port name is not valid. Please enter a valid name and try again.
12110Badago lehendik izen hori duen ataka bat. Aukeratu beste ataka-izen bat. A port with that name already exists. Choose another port name.
12111Ezin dira morroiaren orriak kargatu TCP/IP ataka estandarrerako. Cannot load wizard pages for standard TCP/IP port.
12112Ezin da kontrolatzaile bateragarririk aurkitu. Compatible driver cannot be found.
12115Ezin da abiarazi sareko inprimagailua instalatzeko morroia. The Network Printer Installation Wizard cannot be launched.
12116Sareko inprimagailua instalatzeko morroia ez da hardware-konfigurazioarekin bateragarria. The Network Printer Installation Wizard is not supported in this hardware configuration.
12300&Bilatu berriro &Search again
12301&Gelditu &Stop
12302Windows-ek ezin izan du sareko inprimagailuen bilaketa abiarazi. Konfiguratu inprimagailua eskuz. Windows could not start the search for network printers. Please set up your printer manually.
12303Automatikoki detektatu Autodetect
12304TCP/IP gailua TCP/IP Device
12305Web-eko zerbitzuen inprimagailua Web Services Printer
12306Web-zerbitzuen inprimagailu segurua Web Services Secure Printer
12307Windows-ek ezin izan du bilaketa honen TCP/IP inprimagailuaren zatia abiarazi, beste TCP/IP bilaketa bat martxan dagoelako. Bilaketaren TCP/IP zatia exekutatzeko, itxaron beste inprimagailuen bilaketak amaitu arte eta saiatu berriro. Windows could not start the TCP/IP printer part of this search because another TCP/IP search is already running. To run the TCP/IP part of the search wait until other printer searches have finished and try again.
12308Berretsi sarea eta IPv4 behar bezala konektatuta eta gaituta daudela. Confirm networking and IPv4 are configured correctly and enabled.
12320Windows ezin da WSD inprimagailuarekin komunikatu. Egiaztatu inprimagailua linean dagoela eta sarera konektatuta dagoela. Windows could not communicate with the WSD printer. Please check that the printer is online & connected to the network.
12321Windows-ek ezin izan du WSD inprimagailua instalatu hautatu duzun kontrolatzailearekin. Hautatu beste kontrolatzaile bat. Windows could not install the WSD printer with the driver you have selected. Please select a different driver.
12323Windows-ek ezin du inprimagailua instalatu inprimaketa-zerbitzarian instalatua dagoelako jada. Windows cannot install the printer because it is already installed on the print server.
12324Windows-ek ezin dio gehitu kontrolatzailea zerbitzariko kontrolatzaile-biltegiari. Egiaztatu kontrolatzailea sinatuta dagoela eta fidagarria dela. Windows could not add the driver to the driver store on the server. Please check that the driver is signed and trusted.
12326Ezin da sareko inprimagailuaren instalazio-morroia abiarazi. Ziurtatu zerbitzariko inprimaketa spooler-aren zerbitzua exekutatzen ari dela, eta erabilgarri dagoela ordenagailu bezeroentzat. The Network Printer Installation wizard cannot be launched. Make sure that the print spooler service on the server is running and available to client computers.
14336Ezabatzen Deleting
14337Papera trabatuta Paper Jam
14338Ez dago paperik Out of Paper
14339Eskuz elikatu behar da Manual Feed Required
14340Arazoa paperarekin Paper Problem
14341Lineaz kanpo Offline
14342S/I aktiboa I/O Active
14343Lanpetuta Busy
14344Inprimatzen Printing
14345Irteerako ontzia beteta Output Bin Full
14346Ez dago erabilgarri Not Available
14347Zain Waiting
14348Prozesatzen Processing
14349Hasieratzen Initializing
14350Berotzen Warming Up
14351Toner/Tinta gutxi Toner/Ink Low
14352Tonerrik/Tintarik ez No Toner/Ink
14353Orri-jaurtiketa Page Punt
14354Arreta behar da Attention Required
14355Memoriarik ez Out of Memory
14356Atea irekita Door Open
14357Zerbitzariaren egoera ezezaguna Server Status Unknown
14358Energia aurrezteko modua Power Save Mode
14359Pausarazita Paused
14360Errorea Error
14361Spool-ean jartzen Spooling
14362Inprimatze-data Printed
14363Inprimagailura bidalita Sent to printer
14364Kontrolatzailea eguneratu behar da Driver Update Needed
14594Ataka Port
14595Jabea Owner
14603Egoera Status
14605Dokumentu-izena Document Name
14608Bidalita Submitted
14612Orrialdeak Pages
14614Tamaina Size
14848PrintUI PrintUI
14849Inprimagailuaren erabiltzaile-interfazea Print User Interface
14850Windows (TM) Windows (TM)
14851Hautatutako atakak ezabatzera zoaz. You are about to delete the selected ports.
14852Inprimagailua Printer
14853%s izeneko ataka ezabatzera zoaz. You are about to delete the port named %s.
14854Ezabatu ataka Delete Port
14855%u byte %u bytes
14858cm cm
14859in in
14864Irekitzen Opening
14866Freskatzen Refreshing
14867Ezin izan da ireki, berriro saiatzen Failed to open, retrying
14868%d dokumentu daude ilaran %d document(s) in queue
14869Errorea komandoa prozesatzean. Error processing command.
14870Komandoa prozesatzen Processing command
14871Inprimagailua ez da aurkitu zerbitzarian, ezin da konektatu Printer not found on server, unable to connect
14872Sarbidea ukatuta, ezin da konektatu Access denied, unable to connect
14873Ezin da konektatu Unable to connect
14874Inprimagailuaren kontrolatzailea aldatzen baduzu, aldaketak gorde egingo dira eta kontrolatzaile berriaren propietateak agertuko dira. Baliteke kontrolatzaile berriaren propietateek itxura desberdina izatea. Jarraitu nahi duzu? If you change the printer driver, your changes will be saved and the properties for the new driver will appear. The properties for the new driver may look different. Do you want to continue?
14875Bai Yes
14876Administratzaileak egoera-eguneratzeak blokeatu ditu Status updates blocked by administrator
14911Windows 2000 Intel Windows 2000 Intel
14915Windows 2001 IA64 Windows 2001 IA64
14917Windows 2003 x64 Windows 2003 x64
14928Windows ARM Windows ARM
14929Windows ARM64 Windows ARM64
14931Sarbiderik ez No Access
14932Inprimatu Print
14933Kudeatu dokumentuak Manage Documents
14934Erabateko kontrola Full Control
14935&Inprimatu &Print
14936&Erabateko kontrola &Full Control
14937E&zabatu &Delete
14938&Aldatu baimenak &Change Permissions
14939&Bihurtu jabe &Take Ownership
14945Azalpena Description
14960Orrialde bereizleak (*.sep) Separator Pages (*.sep)
14961*.sep *.sep
14962Fitxategi guztiak (*.*) All files (*.*)
14963*.* *.*
14964Inprimaketa-zerbitzariaren propietateak Print Server Properties
14965Ordenagailu hau itzali eta berrabiarazi egin behar duzu
ezarpen berriek eragina izan dezaten.
You must shut down and restart this computer
before the new settings will take effect.
14966%s itzali eta berrabiarazi egin behar duzu
ezarpen berriek eragina izan dezaten.
You must shut down and restart %s
before the new settings will take effect.
14970Zerbitzariaren propietateak Server Properties
14971Gutxienez inprimagailu bat zehaztu behar da inprimakiak erabiltzeko. At least one printer must be defined to use forms.
14980Izena Name
14981Prozesadorea Processor
14982Mota Type
14983Instalatuta Installed
14991Aktibo emandako denbora Up Time
14992Hasiera-ordua Start Time
14993Lanak Jobs
14994Batez besteko byteak laneko Average Bytes/Job
14995Lanak guztira Total Jobs
14996Byteak guztira Total Bytes
15104Inprimatzeko hobespenak Printing Preferences
15105Ezin izan dira inprimatzeko hobespenak aldatu. Printing Preferences could not be modified.
15107Ezin izan dira inprimagailuaren ezarpenak gorde. Printer settings could not be saved.
15109Sarbidea ukatuta. Access denied.
15111Kendu inprimagailua Remove Printer
15112Inprimagailuaren konexioa ezin da kendu. Printer connection cannot be removed.
15113Ezin da inprimagailua kendu. Printer cannot be removed.
15114Gehitu inprimagailua Add Printer
15115Ezin izan zaio inprimagailuari zehaztutako izena jarri. Failed to rename the printer to the name specified.
15116Huts egin du inprimagailuaren lagunarteko izena jartzean. Failed to set the friendly name of the printer.
15117Ezarpenak ezin dira gorde, lehen errorea gertatu delako. Settings cannot be saved due to a previous error.
15119Inprimagailuaren pooling-a ezin da gaitu ataka bat baino gehiago hautatzen ez badituzu. Inprimagailuaren pooling-a desgaitzeko eta aurrera jarraitzeko, sakatu 'Ados'. Beste inprimagailu-ataka batzuk hautatzeko, sakatu 'Utzi' eta hautatu beste ataka bat, gutxienez. Printer pooling cannot be enabled unless more than one port is selected. To disable printer pooling and continue, click OK. To select additional printer ports, click Cancel and select at least one additional port.
15120Gutxienez ataka bat hautatu behar duzu. You must select at least one port.
15121Errorea gertatu da ataka konfiguratzean. An error occurred during port configuration.
15126Ez duzu eragiketa hori egiteko baimenik. You do not have permission to perform that operation.
15127Inprimagailuaren propietateak Printer Properties
15128Inprimagailuaren propietateak ezin dira bistaratu. Printer properties cannot be displayed.
15129Spooler-aren propietateak bakarrik bistaratuko dira. Only spooler properties will be displayed.
15130Inprimagailu lehenetsia ezin da ezarri. Default printer cannot be set.
15131Dokumentuaren propietateak ezin dira bistaratu. Document properties cannot be displayed.
15132Dokumentuaren propietateak Document Properties
15133Ezin dira dokumentuaren propietateak gorde. Baliteke eragiketa hau egiteko baimenik ez izatea. Document properties cannot be saved. You may not have permission to perform this operation.
15134Zehaztutako dokumentuaren orduak gatazka sortzen du inprimagailuaren orduarekin. Specified document's time conflicts with the printer's time.
15136Ezin da lehendik dagoen kontrolatzailearen elkarrizketa-koadroa bistaratu. Existing driver dialog cannot be displayed.
15137Ezin dira orrialde bereizleen ezarpenak bistaratu. Separator page settings cannot be displayed.
15138Ezin da ataka gehitzeko elkarrizketa-koadroa bistaratu. Add port dialog cannot be displayed.
15139Ezin da inprimaketa prozesatzeko elkarrizketa-koadroa bistaratu. Print processor dialog cannot be displayed.
15140Inprimagailu-atakaren monitorea ezin da instalatu. Printer port monitor cannot be installed.
15141Orrialde bereizlea ez dago. Separator page does not exist.
15142Windows-ek ezin izan du inprimagailua gehitu. Baliteke hori baliabide-arazoek eragitea. Itxi beste aplikazioak, eta saiatu berriro. Windows was not able to add the printer. This can be caused by resource problems. Please close other applications and try again.
15146Ezin izan da %s inprimakia gehitu. Form %s could not be added.
15147Ezin izan da %s inprimakia ezabatu. Form %s could not be deleted.
15148Ezin izan da %s inprimakia ezarri. Form %s could not be set.
15149Gehitu nahian zabiltzan inprimakiaren izenak gatazka sortzen du lehendik dagoen inprimaki batekin. Aldatu inprimakiaren izena eta saiatu berriro. The name of the form you are trying to add conflicts with an existing form. Modify the form name and try again.
15150Hautatutako ataka ezin da ezabatu. Selected port cannot be deleted.
15151Zerbitzariaren spool direktorioaren kokalekua ez da baliozkoa. Server spool directory location is invalid.
15152Ezin dira zerbitzariaren ezarpenak gorde. Unable to save server settings.
15153Gehitu inprimaki-atakak Add Printer Ports
15154Elementu honen propietateak ez daude erabilgarri. The properties for this item are not available.
15155Hautatutako ataka batzuk ezin dira ezabatu. Some of the selected ports cannot be deleted.
15156Gehitu inprimagailua %s(e)(a)n Add Printer on %s
15157Windows-ek ezin du 'Gehitu inprimagailua' ireki. Windows can't open Add Printer.
15159%s(e)n inprimagailu-kontrolatzailea gehitzeko morroia Add Printer Driver Wizard on %s
15160Ongi etorri %sn inprimagailu-kontrolatzailea gehitzeko morroira Welcome to the Add Printer Driver Wizard on %s
15198Ezin da zehaztutako inprimagailu-ataka instalatu. Unable to install the specified printer port.
15201Ezin da beste kontrolatzailearen hautapen-zerrenda bistaratu. Alternate driver selection list cannot be displayed.
15202Adierazitako ordenagailuaren plataforma mota eta kontrolatzailearen bertsioa ezin dira zehaztu. The specified computer's platform type and driver version cannot be determined.
15203Ezin da kontrolatzaile lehenetsia instalatu. Default driver cannot be installed.
15209Inprimaketa-zerbitzariaren propietate aurreratuak ezin dira bistaratu. Agian Windows-en aurreko bertsio bat exekutatzen ari den ordenagailuaren ezarpenak ikusten ariko zara. Advanced print server properties cannot be displayed. You may be viewing the settings of a computer running a previous version of Windows.
15210%s urruneko inprimaketa-zerbitzaria. Remote print server %s.
15211Inprimagailuaren kontrolatzailea ez dago erabilgarri. Inprimagailuaren kontrolatzailea zure ordenagailura kopiatzeko, konektatu inprimagailu honekin. Printer driver is not available. To copy the printer driver to your computer, make a connection to this printer.
15212Ezin dira beste kontrolatzaileak instalatu. Alternate drivers cannot be installed.
15216Ez duzu inprimagailu honetarako sarbiderik. Fitxa batzuk faltako dira. You do not have access to this printer. Some of the tabs will be missing.
15217Ezin da zehaztutako kontrolatzailea aldatu, iturburuko ezarpenak leheneratuko dira. Unable to change to the specified driver, original settings will be restored.
15219Errorea inprimagailua irekitzean Error Opening Printer
15220%s inprimagailua ez dago ordenagailuan. Printer %s does not exist on the computer.
15224Itxi Close
15225Ezin dira zerbitzariaren propietateak bistaratu. Server properties cannot be viewed.
15226Ez duzu baimenik zerbitzariaren propietateak ikusteko. Segurtasun-fitxa bakarrik bistaratuko da. You do not have permission to view server properties. Only the security tab will be displayed.
15228Inprimagailuaren partekatze-izenak zuriune bat du atzean. Proba-orria inprimatzen ez bada, esan sareko administratzaileari zuriunea kentzeko. The printer share name contains a trailing space. If the test page does not print, have your network administrator remove the trailing space.
15229'%s' inprimagailu-kontrolatzailea ez dago ordenagailu honetan instalatuta. Baliteke inprimagailuaren propietate batzuk ezin atzitu izatea inprimagailu-kontrolatzailea instalatzen ez baduzu. Kontrolatzailea orain instalatu nahi duzu? The '%s' printer driver is not installed on this computer. Some printer properties will not be accessible unless you install the printer driver. Do you want to install the driver now?
15231Inprimagailuaren pooling-a desgaitu duzu. Inprimagailu honen ataka-hautapenak garbituko dira. Jarraitu nahi duzu? You have disabled printer pooling. The port selections for this printer will be cleared. Do you want to continue?
15232Ez dago kontrolatzailerik instalatuta zehaztutako inprimagailurako. Ez duzu kontrolatzailea instalatzeko sarbiderik. Spooler-aren propietateak bakarrik bistaratuko dira. A driver for the specified printer is not installed. You do not have access to install the driver. Only spooler properties will be displayed.
15233Ezin izan da inprimagailua gehitzeko morroia erregistratu. Window for Add Printer Wizard could not be registered.
15234Berrabiarazten Restarting
15235Eragiketa hau eskaintzeko lanean ari gara. This operation is currently under construction.
15238%1 automatikoki detektatzen %2(e)n Auto %1 on %2
15243LPT1: LPT1:
15245Ezin da inprimagailuaren konexioa gehitu. Unable to add the printer connection.
15246Hautatu inprimagailu-objektu bat. Please select a printer object.
15248Inprimagailu-kontrolatzailea gehitzeko morroia Add Printer Driver Wizard
15249Gutxienez prozesadore bat hautatu behar duzu. You must select at least one processor.
15250Inprimaketa-zerbitzaria Print Server
15251Ezin da %s, %s, %s kontrolatzailea instalatu. Unable to install %s, %s, %s driver.
15252Kontrolatzailearen propietateak Driver Properties
15253Hautatutako kontrolatzailea ez da instalatu. Kontrolatzaile hori gehitzeko, sakatu 'Aplikatu' edo 'Ados'. The selected driver has not been installed. To add this driver, click Apply or OK.
15254Kontrolatzaile-zerrenda ez da freskatu. Kontrolatzailearen datuak agian ez dira baliozkoak izango. The drivers list was not refreshed. The driver data may be invalid.
15255Aukera batzuk ez dira aplikatu. Irten egin nahi duzu? Some of the options were not applied. Would you like to exit?
15257Hautatutako kontrolatzailea ez da eguneratu. Kontrolatzaile hori eguneratzeko, sakatu 'Aplikatu' edo 'Ados'. The selected driver has not been updated. To update this driver, click Apply or OK.
15258Ezin da %s, %s, %s kontrolatzailea kendu. Unable to remove %s, %s, %s driver.
15259Ezin da %s, %s, %s kontrolatzailearen paketea kendu. Unable to remove %s, %s, %s driver package.
15260Inprimagailuaren kontrolatzailea gehitzeko morroia ez da hardware-konfigurazioarekin bateragarria. The Add Printer Driver Wizard is not supported in this hardware configuration.
15261Hautatutako kontrolatzailea urrunetik instalatu behar da, 3. motako kontrolatzaileak erabiltzen dituen Itanium ordenagailu batetik. The selected driver must be installed remotely from an Itanium computer using Type 3 (User mode) drivers.
15262Hautatutako kontrolatzailea urrunetik instalatu behar da, 3. motako kontrolatzaileak erabiltzen dituen x86 ordenagailu batetik. The selected driver must be installed remotely from an x86 computer using Type 3 (User mode) drivers.
15263Hautatutako kontrolatzailea urrunetik instalatu behar da, 3. motako kontrolatzaileak erabiltzen dituen x64 ordenagailu batetik. The selected driver must be installed remotely from an x64 computer using Type 3 (User mode) drivers.
15264Hautatutako Bluetooth inprimagailuak huts egin du instalatzean. The selected Bluetooth printer failed to install.
15265Inprimagailu partekatua da hau. Inprimagailu partekatu bati izena aldatzen badiozu, beste ordenagailuetatik inprimagailu horretara zeuden konexioak hautsi egingo dira eta berriro sortu beharko dira. Inprimagailu honi izena aldatu nahi diozu? This is a shared printer. If you rename a shared printer, existing connections to this printer from other computers will break and will have to be created again. Do you want to rename this printer?
15266Windows-ek ezin izan du sarea arakatu inprimagailu bila. Windows could not search your network for printers.
15301Fitxategia File
15302Laguntza-fitxategia Help File
15303Konfigurazio-fitxategia Config File
15304Datu-fitxategia Data File
15305Kontrolatzailearen fitxategia Driver File
15306Mendeko fitxategia Dependent File
15307Inprimagailua gehitzeak huts egin du inf instalatzean. Add printer failed during inf installation.
15308&Xehetasunak De&tails
15309Ireki hautatutako elementuaren web-ilararen ikuspegia Open the selected item's web queue view
15310Inprimagailuaren web-ikuspegia Printer Web View
15311Inprimagailuaren web-ikuspegiak huts egin du abiaraztean. The printer web view failed to start.
15312Konektatzen - Connecting to
15313Inprimagailu partekatuek bakarrik onartzen dute web-ikuspegia. Only shared printers support the Web view.
15316Hautatu instalatu nahi duzun inprimagailu fabrikatzailea eta modeloa. Kontrolatzailea zerrendan ez badago, sakatu "Erabili diskoa" nahi duzuna hautatzeko.

Windows Update erabilgarri badago, sakatu prozesatzailearen kontrolatzaile gehiago ikusteko.
Select the manufacturer and model of the printer driver to install. If the driver you want is not listed, click Have Disk to select the driver you want.

If Windows Update is available, click it for more drivers for this processor.
15317Ezin da makina bakoitzeko inprimagailu-konexioa gehitu. Unable to add the per machine printer connection.
15318Ezin da makina bakoitzeko inprimagailu-konexioa ezabatu. Unable to delete the per machine printer connection.
15319Ezin dira makina bakoitzeko inprimagailu-konexioak enumeratu. Unable to enumerate per machine printer connections.
15320Makina bakoitzeko inprimagailu-konexioak Per Machine Printer Connections
15321Erabili inprimagailua lineaz kanpo Use Printer Offline
15322Microsoft-en web-pertsonalen zerbitzua ez dago instalatuta. Microsoft Peer Web Service is not installed.
15324Inprimagailu-kontrolatzaile hau ezabatzen baduzu, sistematik kenduko duzu. Ziur zaude %s ezabatu nahi duzula? Deleting this printer driver will remove it from the system. Are you sure you want to delete %s?
15325Inprimagailu-kontrolatzaile hauek ezabatzen badituzu, sistematik kenduko dituzu. Ziur zaude hautatutako inprimagailu-kontrolatzaileak ezabatu nahi dituzula? Deleting these printer drivers will remove them from the system. Are you sure you want to delete the selected printer drivers?
15326Inprimagailu-kontrolatzailearen pakete hau ezabatzen baduzu, sistematik kenduko duzu. Ziur zaude %s ezabatu nahi duzula? Deleting this printer driver package will remove it from the system. Are you sure you want to delete %s?
15327Inprimagailu-kontrolatzailearen pakete hauek ezabatzen badituzu, sistematik kenduko dituzu. Ziur zaude hautatutako inprimagailu-kontrolatzailearen paketeak ezabatu nahi dituzula? Deleting these printer driver packages will remove them from the system. Are you sure you want to delete the selected printer driver packages?
15329Konfiguratu ataka Configure Port
15330&Bilatu inprimagailu bat direktorioan, kokalekuan edo eginbidean oinarrituta &Find a printer in the directory, based on location or feature
15333Baliozko sareko inprimagailuaren izena zehaztu behar duzu You need to specify a valid network printer name
15335Ezin da kontrolatzaile gehigarrien elkarrizketa-koadroa bistaratu. Additional drivers dialog cannot be displayed.
15337Ez No
15338Kontrolatzaile gehigarriak Additional Drivers
15344Inprimagailuaren baliozko helbidea adierazi behar duzu (URLa) You need to specify a valid printer address (URL)
15345Verdana Bold Verdana Bold
1534612 12
15347Aukeratu inprimagailuaren ataka Choose a printer port
15349Kontrolatzailearen zein bertsio erabili nahi duzu? Which version of the driver do you want to use?
15353Inprimagailu-partekatzea Printer Sharing
15357Bilatu inprimagailua beste aukeren arabera Find a printer by other options
15359Prozesadorea hautatzea Processor Selection
15360Prozesadore bakoitzak bere inprimagailurako kontrolatzaileen multzoa erabiltzen du. Each processor uses its own set of printer drivers.
15362Hautatu aukera bat Choose an option
15363Zer inprimagailu mota instalatu nahi duzu? What type of printer do you want to install?
15367Baliteke direktorio-eragiketa burutzeko zenbait minutu behar izatea. The directory operation may take several minutes.
15368Morroi honek inprimagailu-kontrolatzaile bat instalatzen laguntzen dizu. This wizard helps you install a new printer driver.
15369Ezin dira inprimaketa-hobespenak bistaratu. Printing preferences cannot be displayed.
15373Idatzi inprimagailuaren ostalari-izena edo IP helbidea Type a printer hostname or IP address
15375%s ondo gehitu da You’ve successfully added %s
15377Orrialde bereizlea Separator Page
15381Gutxienez kontrolatzaile gehigarri bat ez da ondo instalatu. Komeni da kontrolatzaile gehigarri egokiak inprimagailurako instalatuta daudela egiaztatzea. Zure inprimagailurako kontrolatzaile gehigarrien zerrenda ikusteko, joan inprimagailuaren partekatze-fitxara eta hautatu 'Kontrolatzaile gehigarriak'. At least one additional driver failed to install correctly. You may need to verify the correct additional drivers are installed for your printer. To see a list of additional drivers for your printer, go to the printer's sharing tab and click Additional Drivers.
15382%1 inprimatzeko balio lehenetsiak %1 Printing Defaults
15384Koloretan Color
15385Bi aldetatik Double-sided
15386Grapa Staple
15387Abiadura Speed
15388Gehienezko bereizmena Maximum resolution
15389ppm ppm
15390dpi dpi
15391Ezezaguna Unknown
15392%1: %2 %1: %2
15393%1 inprimatzeko hobespenak %1 Printing Preferences
15394%1 - propietateak %1 Properties
15395Ziur zaude '%s'(e)rako dokumentu guztiak bertan behera utzi nahi dituzula? Are you sure you want to cancel all documents for '%s'?
15397Spool karpetan egindako aldaketak berehala islatuko dira eta unean aktibo dauden dokumentuak ez dira inprimatuko. Dokumentu guztiak inprimatzen bukatzea gomendatzen da spool karpeta aldatu aurretik. Ziur zaude spool karpeta aldatu nahi duzula? The changes to the spool folder will occur immediately and any currently active documents will not print. It is recommended to allow all documents to complete printing before changing the spool folder. Are you sure you want to change the spool folder?
15399USB ataka edo berehalako konexioa egiten duen atakaren bat, IEEE 1394 edo infragorria adibidez, erabiltzen duen Plug and Play inprimagailu bat baduzu, ez duzu morroi hau erabili behar. Erantsi eta piztu inprimagailua, eta Windows-ek instalatuko du. If you have a Plug and Play printer that uses USB or a hot pluggable port such as IEEE 1394 or infrared, you do not need to use this wizard. Attach and turn on your printer, and Windows will install it for you.
15403Inprimagailua instalatuta Printer installed
15405Bertan behera uzten... Cancelling...
15406Kontrolatzaile baten bila... Looking for a driver...
15408Kontrolatzailea deskargatzen... Downloading the driver...
15409Windows Update egiaztatzen. Baliteke denbora pixka bat behar izatea... Checking Windows Update. This might take a while...
15410Kontrolatzailea deskargatzen. Baliteke denbora pixka bat behar izatea... Downloading the driver. This might take a while...
15411Instalazioa amaitzen... Finishing the installation...
1541215416 Kokalekua 15416 Location
15418Inprimatu ahal izateko, lehenik inprimagailu honekin konektatu behar duzu. Inprimagailu honekin konektatu nahi duzu eta gero hautatutako dokumentua inprimatu? You must connect to this printer before you can print on it. Do you want to connect to this printer and then print the selected document?
15421Ez duzu baimenik inprimagailu honen ezarpenak aldatzeko. Ezarpenak aldatu behar badituzu, jarri harremanetan sistema-administratzailearekin. You do not have permission to modify the settings for this printer. If you need to change the settings, contact your system administrator.
15422%d dokumentu ilaran (%s) %d document(s) pending for %s
15423Ezin izan da dokumentu hau inprimatu This document failed to print
15424Dokumentu hau inprimagailura bidali da This document was sent to the printer
15425Dokumentu-izena: '%s'
Inprimagailu-izena: '%s'
Bidaltze-ordua: %s
Orrialdeak guztira: %d
Document name: '%s'
Printer name: '%s'
Time sent: %s
Total pages: %d
15426Dokumentu-izena: '%s'
Inprimagailu-izena: '%s'
Bidaltze-ordua: %s

Sakatu hau inprimaketa-ilara irekitzeko. Laguntza lortzeko, sakatu 'Laguntza'ko 'Arazo-konpontzailea'.
Document name: '%s'
Printer name: '%s'
Time sent: %s

Click here to open the print queue, and then for assistance, click Troubleshooter on the Help menu.
15427Dokumentu-izena: '%s'
Inprimagailu-izena: '%s'
Bidaltze-ordua: %s
Document name: '%s'
Printer name: '%s'
Time sent: %s
15429%s (errorea) %s (error)
15430Zenbaki baliogabea. 'Paperaren tamaina' eta 'Inprimatze-arearen marjinak' eremuek zenbaki positiboak eduki behar dituzte paperaren tamaina eta inprimatzeko arearen baliozko marjinak zehazteko. Invalid number. 'Paper Size' and 'Print Area Margins' should all be positive numbers defining a valid paper size and valid printable area margins.
15432/ /
15433Ziur zaude dokumentua bertan behera utzi nahi duzula? Are you sure you want to cancel the document?
15434Argumentuak ez dira baliozkoak. The arguments are invalid.
15435Zehaztutako inprimagailua ez dago zerbitzarian. The specified printer driver doesn't exist on the server.
15436Gomendatutako inprimagailu-ataka Recommended Printer Port
15437Inprimagailuan ez dago paperik The printer is out of paper
15438E/E N/A
15439Inprimagailu-kontrolatzailearen hautapena Printer Driver Selection
15440Instalatu inprimagailuaren kontrolatzailea Install the printer driver
15441&Konektatu inprimagailu honekin: &Connect to this printer:
15442Kredentzial multzoa ezin da ezabatu. The existing set of credentials cannot be deleted.
15443Emandako kredentzialek gatazka sortu dute lehendik dagoen kredentzial multzoarekin. Lehendik daudenak gainidatziz gero, baliteke exekutatzen ari diren aplikazio batzuek behar bezala ez funtzionatzea. Ziur zaude lehendik dagoen kredentzial multzoa gainidatzi nahi duzula? The credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of credentials. Overwriting the existing set of credentials may cause some running applications to stop function properly. Do you really want to overwrite the existing set of credentials?
15444Adierazitako kredentzialak ez dira nahikoak inprimagailu hau atzitzeko. Kredentzial gehiago zehaztu nahi dituzu? The credentials supplied are not sufficient to access this printer. Do you want to specify new credentials?
15445Inprimagailu hau partekatzen baduzu, sareko edozein erabiltzailek inprima dezake han. Inprimagailua ez da erabilgarri egongo ordenagailua lo dagoenean. Ezarpen horiek aldatzeko, erabili Sarea eta Partekatze Zentroa. If you share this printer, any user on your network can print to it. The printer will not be available when the computer sleeps. To change these settings, use the Network and Sharing Center.
15446Inprimagailu hau partekatzen baduzu, ordenagailu horretako erabiltzaile-izena eta pasahitza duten zure sareko erabiltzaileek soilik inprima dezakete han. Inprimagailua ez da erabilgarri egongo ordenagailua lo dagoenean. Ezarpen horiek aldatzeko, erabili Sarea eta Partekatze Zentroa. If you share this printer, only users on your network with a username and password for this computer can print to it. The printer will not be available when the computer sleeps. To change these settings, use the Network and Sharing Center.
15451Hautatu inprimagailu bat Select a printer
15452Erabilgarri dauden inprimagailuak bilatzen... Searching for available printers...
15453Ez da inprimagailurik aurkitu. No printers were found.
15458Ataka-izena ez da baliozkoa. Sartu baliozko ataka-izena eta saiatu berriro. The port name is not valid. Enter a valid port name and try again.
15461Idatzi inprimagailuaren izena Type a printer name
15473Ataka geroago erants dezakezu, hala nahi izanez gero. You can add the port back later, if you wish.
15474Ataka hauek geroago erants ditzakezu, hala nahi izanez gero. Ataka hauek une honetan ez dira erabiltzen ari zure ordenagailuan. You can add these ports back later, if you wish. These ports are currently not in use on your computer.
15475Zer da ataka bat? What is a port?
15476Ados OK
15477Utzi Cancel
15478Ziur zaude dokumentu hauek bertan behera utzi nahi dituzula? Are you sure you want to cancel these documents?
15520Sareko inprimagailuak bilatzen Searching for network printers
15601Kudeatu inprimagailuak Manage Printers
15603Ikusi zerbitzaria View Server
15604Kudeatu zerbitzaria Manage Server
15605Bat ere ez None
15610Zerbitzari hau soilik This server only
15611Dokumentuak soilik Documents only
15612Inprimagailuak soilik Printers only
15613Zerbitzari, dokumentu eta inprimagailu hauek This Server, documents, and printers
15614Dokumentuak eta inprimagailuak soilik Documents and printers only
16041x86 x86
16042Itanium Itanium
16043x64 x64
16044ARM ARM
16045ARM64 ARM64
16051Windows XP eta Windows Server 2003 Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
16052Windows 95, 98 eta Me Windows 95, 98 and Me
16053Windows NT 4.0 Windows NT 4.0
16054Windows 2000, Windows XP eta Windows Server 2003 Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
160552. mota - Nukleoaren modua Type 2 - Kernel Mode
160563. mota - Erabiltzailearen modua Type 3 - User Mode
160574. mota - Erabiltzailearen modua Type 4 - User Mode
16060Intel Intel
16061x86-based x86-based
16062IA64 IA64
16070Windows XP Windows XP
16074Windows 2000 Windows 2000
16075Windows 2000 edo XP Windows 2000 or XP
16501Pause Pause
16502Resume Resume
16503Purge Purge
16504Queued Queued
16505Direct Direct
16506Default Default
16507Shared Shared
16508Hidden Hidden
16509Network Network
16510Local Local
16511EnableDevq EnableDevq
16512KeepPrintedJobs KeepPrintedJobs
16513DoCompleteFirst DoCompleteFirst
16514WorkOffline WorkOffline
16515EnableBidi EnableBidi
16516RawOnly RawOnly
16517Published Published
16518PrinterName PrinterName
16519ShareName ShareName
16520PortName PortName
16521DriverName DriverName
16522Comment Comment
16523Location Location
16524SepFile SepFile
16525PrintProcessor PrintProcessor
16526Datatype Datatype
16527Parameters Parameters
16528Attributes Attributes
16529Priority Priority
16530DefaultPriority DefaultPriority
16531StartTime StartTime
16532UntilTime UntilTime
16533Status Status
16534ClientSideRender ClientSideRender
16535Enabled Enabled
16536Disabled Disabled
16902Erabilera: rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry [options] [@commandfile] Usage: rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry [options] [@commandfile]
16903Ezarri inprimagailuaren ezarpenen komandoaren erabilera Set Printer Settings Command Usage
16904rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n inprimagailua [-|+] [-|+] etab. rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n printer [-|+] [-|+] etc.
16909| |
16910gakoa: %s balioa: %s key: %s value: %s
16911? ?
16912Laguntza Help
16913%s: %s %s: %s
16914%s: %d %s: %d
16915Honen ezarpenak Settings for
17010/a[file] binary file name /a[file] binary file name
17011/b[name] base printer name /b[name] base printer name
17012/c[name] unc machine name if the action is on a remote machine /c[name] unc machine name if the action is on a remote machine
17013/dl delete local printer /dl delete local printer
17014/dn delete network printer connection /dn delete network printer connection
17015/dd delete printer driver /dd delete printer driver
17016/e display printing preferences /e display printing preferences
17017/f[file] either inf file or output file /f[file] either inf file or output file
17018/F[file] location of an INF file that the INF file specified with /f may depend on /F[file] location of an INF file that the INF file specified with /f may depend on
17019/ga add per machine printer connections (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon) /ga add per machine printer connections (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon)
17020/ge enum per machine printer connections /ge enum per machine printer connections
17021/gd delete per machine printer connections (the connection will be deleted upon user logon) /gd delete per machine printer connections (the connection will be deleted upon user logon)
17022/h[arch] driver architecture one of the following, x86, x64 or Itanium /h[arch] driver architecture one of the following, x86, x64 or Itanium
17023/ia install printer driver using inf file /ia install printer driver using inf file
17024/id install printer driver using add printer driver wizard /id install printer driver using add printer driver wizard
17025/if install printer using inf file /if install printer using inf file
17026/ii install printer using add printer wizard with an inf file /ii install printer using add printer wizard with an inf file
17027/il install printer using add printer wizard /il install printer using add printer wizard
17028/im install printer using add printer wizard skiping network listed printers /im install printer using add printer wizard skiping network listed printers
17029/in add network printer connection /in add network printer connection
17030/ip install printer using network printer installation wizard /ip install printer using network printer installation wizard
17031/j[provider] print provider name /j[provider] print provider name
17032/k print test page to specified printer, cannot be combined with command when installing a printer /k print test page to specified printer, cannot be combined with command when installing a printer
17033/l[path] printer driver source path /l[path] printer driver source path
17034/m[model] printer driver model name /m[model] printer driver model name
17035/n[name] printer name /n[name] printer name
17036/o display printer queue view /o display printer queue view
17037/p display printer properties /p display printer properties
17038/q quiet mode, do not display error messages /q quiet mode, do not display error messages
17039/r[port] port name /r[port] port name
17040/s display server properties /s display server properties
17041/Ss Store printer settings into a file /Ss Store printer settings into a file
17042/Sr Restore printer settings from a file /Sr Restore printer settings from a file
17043Store or restore printer settings option flags that must be placed at the end of command:
c Color Profile
d PrinterData
s Security descriptor
g Global DevMode
m Minimal settings
u User DevMode
r Resolve name conflicts
f Force name
p Resolve port
i Driver name conflict
Store or restore printer settings option flags that must be placed at the end of command:
c Color Profile
d PrinterData
s Security descriptor
g Global DevMode
m Minimal settings
u User DevMode
r Resolve name conflicts
f Force name
p Resolve port
i Driver name conflict
17044/u use the existing printer driver if it's already installed /u use the existing printer driver if it's already installed
17045/t[#] zero based index page to start on /t[#] zero based index page to start on
17046/v[version] driver version one of the following, "%1" or "%2" /v[version] driver version one of the following, "%1" or "%2"
17047/w prompt the user for a driver if specified driver is not found in the inf /w prompt the user for a driver if specified driver is not found in the inf
17048/y set printer as the default /y set printer as the default
17049/Xg get printer settings /Xg get printer settings
17050/Xs set printer settings /Xs set printer settings
17051/z do not auto share this printer /z do not auto share this printer
17052/Y do not auto generate a printer name /Y do not auto generate a printer name
17053/K changes the meaning of /h to accept 2, 3, 4 for x86, x64, or Itanium (respectively), and /v to accept 3 for "%2" /K changes the meaning of /h to accept 2, 3, 4 for x86, x64, or Itanium (respectively), and /v to accept 3 for "%2"
17054/Z share this printer, can only be used with the /if option /Z share this printer, can only be used with the /if option
17055/? help this message /? help this message
17056@[file] command line argument file @[file] command line argument file
17057/Mw[message] show a warning message before committing the command /Mw[message] show a warning message before committing the command
17058/Mq[message] show a confirmation message before committing the command /Mq[message] show a confirmation message before committing the command
17059/W[flags] specifies flags and switches for the wizards (for APW & APDW)
r make the wizards to be restart-able from the last page
/W[flags] specifies flags and switches for the wizards (for APW & APDW)
r make the wizards to be restart-able from the last page
17060/G[markak] marka eta aldaketa orokorrak zehazten ditu
konfigurazioko kontrolatzailearen oharren erabiltzaile-interfazea kenduta (modu oso isila)
/G[flags] specifies global flags and switches
w suppress setup driver warnings UI (super quiet mode)
17061/R behartu hautatutako kontrolatzailea lehendik dagoen kontrolatzailea ordeztera /R force selected driver to replace exisiting driver
17100Examples: Examples:
17101Run server properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /s /t1 /c\\machine
Run server properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /s /t1 /c\\machine
17102Run printer properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /p /n\\machine\printer
Run printer properties:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /p /n\\machine\printer
17103Run add printer wizard locally:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /il
Run add printer wizard locally:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /il
17104Run add printer wizard on \\machine:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /im /c\\machine
Run add printer wizard on \\machine:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /im /c\\machine
17105Run queue view:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /o /n\\machine\printer
Run queue view:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /o /n\\machine\printer
17106Run inf install:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C"
Run inf install:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C"
17107Run inf install (with inf dependency). In the example, prnbr002.inf depends on ntprint.inf
rundll32 printui.dll, PrintUIEntry /ia /m "Brother DCP-128C" /K /h x64 /v 3 /f "c:\infpath\prnbr002.inf" /F "c:\infpath
Run inf install (with inf dependency). In the example, prnbr002.inf depends on ntprint.inf
rundll32 printui.dll, PrintUIEntry /ia /m "Brother DCP-128C" /K /h x64 /v 3 /f "c:\infpath\prnbr002.inf" /F "c:\infpath
17108Run add printer wizard using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ii /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf
Run add printer wizard using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ii /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf
17109Add printer using inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C"
Add printer using inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /r "lpt1:" /m "Brother DCP-128C"
17110Add per machine printer connection (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer /j"LanMan Print Services"
Add per machine printer connection (the connection will be propagated to the user upon logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer /j"LanMan Print Services"
17111Delete per machine printer connection (the connection will be deleted upon user logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /gd /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer
Delete per machine printer connection (the connection will be deleted upon user logon):
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /gd /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer
17112Enumerate per machine printer connections:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ge /c\\machine
Enumerate per machine printer connections:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ge /c\\machine
17113Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf
Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode" /f c:\infpath\infFile.inf
17114Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3
Add printer driver using inf:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3
17115Add inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "Intel" /v "Type 3 - Kernel Mode"
Add inbox printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "Intel" /v "Type 3 - Kernel Mode"
17116Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode"
Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v "Type 3 - User Mode"
17117Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3
Remove printer driver:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /K /c\\machine /m "Brother DCP-128C" /h "x86" /v 3
17118Set printer as default:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "printer"
Set printer as default:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "printer"
17119Set printer comment:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" comment "My Cool Printer"
Set printer comment:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" comment "My Cool Printer"
17120Get printer settings:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xg /n "printer"
Get printer settings:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xg /n "printer"
17121Get printer settings saving results in a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /f "results.txt" /Xg /n "printer"
Get printer settings saving results in a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /f "results.txt" /Xg /n "printer"
17122Set printer settings command usage:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ?
Set printer settings command usage:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ?
17123Store all printer settings into a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat"
Store all printer settings into a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat"
17124Restore all printer settings from a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat"
Restore all printer settings from a file:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat"
17125Store printer information on level 2 into a file :
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat" 2
Store printer information on level 2 into a file :
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat" 2
17126Restore from a file printer security descriptor:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" s
Restore from a file printer security descriptor:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" s
17127Restore from a file printer global devmode and printer data:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" g d
Restore from a file printer global devmode and printer data:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" g d
17128Restore from a file minimum settings and resolve port name:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" m p
Restore from a file minimum settings and resolve port name:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" m p
17129Enable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender enabled
Enable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender enabled
17130Disable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender disabled
Disable Client Side Rendering for a printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ClientSideRender disabled
17301Pause printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" status pause
Pause printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" status pause
17302Set printer print direct to printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +direct
Set printer print direct to printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +direct
17303Set printer to spool:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -direct
Set printer to spool:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -direct
17304Set printer to hold mismatched documents and keep documents after they have printed:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +EnableDevq attributes +KeepPrintedJobs
Set printer to hold mismatched documents and keep documents after they have printed:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes +EnableDevq attributes +KeepPrintedJobs
17305Share printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" sharename "Share" attributes +Shared
Share printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" sharename "Share" attributes +Shared
17306Stop sharing printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -Shared
Stop sharing printer:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" attributes -Shared
17307Set queue priority to 50:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" priority 50
Set queue priority to 50:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" priority 50
17308Rename printer to Printer1:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" printername "Printer1"
Rename printer to Printer1:
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" printername "Printer1"
18000Konektatu inprimagailuarekin Connect to Printer
18001Windows ezin da inprimagailuarekin konektatu. Windows cannot connect to the printer.
18007Inprimagailu hau erabiltzeko, jarri harremanetan sareko administratzaile batekin eta eskatu baimena. To use this printer, you need to contact a network administrator and request permission.
18008Inprimagailu-izen balioduna adierazi behar duzu. You must supply a valid printer name.
18009Instalatu kontrolatzailea Install Driver
18010Inprimagailu-kontrolatzailearen konfigurazio-errorea. Printer driver setup error.
18011Ezin izan da hautatutako inprimagailua ireki. Could not open the selected printer.
18012Windows-ek ezin du sareko kontrolatzailea aurkitu. Kontrolatzaile bat eskuz bilatzeko, sakatu 'Ados'. Bestela, sakatu 'Utzi' eta jarri harremanetan zure sare-administratzailearekin edo kontsultatu inprimagailu-fabrikatzailearen webgunea Windows can't find a driver on the network. To locate one manually, click OK. Otherwise click Cancel and consult your network administrator or the printer manufacturer's website
18013Ez da kontrolatzailerik aurkitu No driver found
18014Inprimagailuak bilatzen... Searching for printers...
18015Ezin duzu %s(r)ekin konektatu, inprimagailu lokala delako. You cannot connect to %s, since it is a local printer.
18016Windows-ek ezin du %s(e)rentzako kontrolatzailerik aurkitu sarean. Kontrolatzaile bat eskuz bilatzeko, sakatu 'Ados'. Bestela, sakatu 'Utzi' eta jarri harremanetan zure sare-administratzailearekin edo kontsultatu inprimagailu-fabrikatzailearen webgunea. Windows can't find a driver for %s on the network. To locate one manually, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel and consult your network administrator or the printer manufacturer's website.
18017Fitxategi hau behar da: %s(r)en inprimagailu-kontrolatzailearen INF File needed: Printer driver INF for %s
18019Ezin da inprimagailuaren arakatze-zerrenda bistaratu. Unable to display printer browse list.
18020Inprimagailu hau erabiltzeko, dagokion inprimagailu-kontrolatzailea instalatu behar duzu. Jarraitzeko, sakatu 'Ados'. To use this printer, you must install the corresponding printer driver. To continue, click OK.
18021Hautatu zure inprimagailua zerrendatik. Egin klik Windows Update-n modelo gehiago ikusteko. Choose your printer from the list. Click Windows Update to see more models.
18023%s inprimagailua erabiltzeko, dagokion inprimagailu-kontrolatzailea instalatu behar duzu. Jarraitzeko, sakatu 'Ados'. To use the printer %s, you must install the corresponding printer driver. To continue, click OK.
18028Fabrikatzaileak eta modeloak inprimagailuarentzat zein kontrolatzaile erabili behar den zehazten dute. The manufacturer and model determine which printer driver to use.
18029Eragiketa hau bertan behera utzi da ordenagailu honetan dauden murrizketengatik. Galdetu zure sistema-administratzaileari. This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.
18030Murrizketak Restrictions
18039Ataza hau egiteko, ordenagailuan administratzaile-kontua eduki behar duzu. To perform this task, you must have a computer administrator account.
18041Inprimaketa-ilara honetara konektatzea eragozten duten gidalerroak ditu ordenagailuak. Galdetu sistema-administratzaileari. A policy is in effect on your computer which prevents you from connecting to this print queue. Please contact your system administrator.
18042Hautatu erabili nahi duzun sareko inprimagailua eta egin klik 'Hautatu'n hara konektatzeko Please select the network printer you want to use and click Select to connect to it
18043Inprimagailu hau %s kontrolatzailearekin instalatu da. This printer has been installed with the %s driver.
18044Inprimagailu hau %s kontrolatzailearekin instalatuko da. This printer will be installed with the %s driver.
18045In&stalatu inprimagailua &Install Printer
18048Web-eko zerbitzuen gailua Web Services Device
18049Windows-en inprimagailuaren instalazioa Windows Printer Installation
18050Adibidea: \\ordenagailuizena\inprimagailuizena Example: \\computername\printername
18053Web-zerbitzuen inprimatzeko gailu segurua Web Services Secure Print Device
18060Ez dago sarerik No network
18061Sarea Network
18062Inprimagailu lehenetsia Default printer
18063%1 (konektatuta) %1 (connected)
18102Huts egin du inprimagailu-konexioa gehitzean. Adding the printer connection failed.
18200&Freskatu Refres&h
18300Inprimagailuak Printers
18301Inprimagailu hau lehenetsi gisa ezarriz gero, Windows-ek ez du inprimagailu lehenetsia kudeatuko aurrerantzean. Setting this printer as default means Windows will stop managing your default printer.
19000%%s (%u kopia) %%s (Copy %u)
19001Inprimagailu-ataka Printer Port
19002Serieko ataka Serial Port
19003Inprimatu fitxategian Print to File
19100Proba-orria Test Page
19101Segoe UI Segoe UI
19102Windows inprimagailuaren proba-orria Windows Printer Test Page
19104%s behar bezala instalatu duzu %s(e)n. You have correctly installed your %s on %s.
19106Inprimagailu-izena: Printer Name:
19107Ataka-izena(k): Port Name(s):
19108Inprimagailu-modeloa: Printer Model:
19109Kontrolatzaile-izena: Driver Name:
19110Datu-fitxategia: Data File:
19111Konfigurazio-fitxategia: Configuration File:
19112Kontrolatzaile-bertsioa: Driver Version:
19113%1!d!%.%2!d!%.%3!d!%.%4!d! %1!d!%.%2!d!%.%3!d!%.%4!d!
19114Kolore-bateragarritasuna: Color Support:

19116Kontrolatzaile mota: Driver Type:


19119%s %s
19120Datu-formatua: Data Format:
19121Inprimagailuaren partekatze-izena: Printer Share Name:
19122Inprimagailuaren kokalekua: Printer Location:
19123Iruzkina: Comment:
19124SE ingurunea: OS Environment:
19125Bidali zeneko ordua: Submitted Time:
19126Data: Date:
19127Inprimaketa-prozesadorea: Print Processor:
19128Orrien kokalekuaren bereizlea: Separator Page Location:
19129Ordenagailu-izena: Computer Name:
19131Erabiltzaile-izena: User Name:
19200Eragiketa ezin izan da burutu. Operation could not be completed.
19201Inprimagailuaren kontrolatzailea ez dago instalatuta. Printer driver was not installed.
19202Inprimagailuaren kontrolatzailearen hautapena ezin da aldatu. Printer driver selection could not be changed.
19203Lagunarteko izenak ezin ditu karaktere hauek eduki: '\', edo ','. Eman beste izen bat. A friendly name cannot contain the characters '\' or ','. Specify a new friendly name.
19204Inprimagailuaren izena zehaztu behar duzu. You need to specify a printer name.
19205Inprimagailu-izen hori luzeegia da. 221 karaktere baino gutxiago izan behar ditu. Eman beste izen bat. The printer name you specified is too long. The name must contain fewer than 221 characters. Specify a new printer name.
19206Inprimagailuaren izenak ezin ditu karaktere hauek eduki: '\', edo ','. Eman beste izen bat. A printer name cannot contain the characters '\' or ','. Specify a new printer name.
19207Partekatze-izen bat zehaztu behar duzu. You need to specify a share name.
19208Eragiketa ezin da burutu, inprimagailua baliogabetu egingo bailuke. Operation cannot complete because it would leave the printer in an invalid state.
19209Partekatze-izena ez da baliozkoa. Share name is invalid.
19210Partekatze-izen hori badago lehendik. Share name already exists.
19211Ezin da zehaztutako ataka gehitu. Specified port cannot be added.
19212Ezin izan da proba-orria inprimatu. Inprimagailuaren arazo-konpontzailea ikusi nahi duzu laguntza eskuratzeko? Test page failed to print. Would you like to view the print troubleshooter for assistance?
19213Inprimagailu-izenaren gatazka. Printer name conflict.
19214%1 - %2 %1 on %2
19217Partekatze-izena ez da baliozkoa. Ezin du '/' barrarik, '\' atzera-barrarik edo ',' komarik eduki. The share name is invalid. It should not have slashes '/' or backslashes '\' or commas ','.
19218Argitalpen-izen bera duen inprimagailu bat badago lehendik ere. A printer with the same publish name already exists.
19219Eskaera hori ez da onartzen. The request is not supported.
19220Direktorioa ez dago erabilgarri. Ikusi gertaera-erregistroa informazio gehiago eskuratzeko. The directory is unavailable. Please view the event log for more information.
19221Baliteke ataka erabiltzen ari izatea edo ez egotea. The port may be in use or may not exist.
19222Egiaztatu inprimagailuaren izena, eta ziurtatu inprimagailua sarera konektatuta dagoela. Double check the printer name and make sure that the printer is connected to the network.
19224Ez da spooler fitxategia aurkitu. The spooler file was not found.
19225Ezin izan da inprimatze-lanik sortu. Unable to create a print job.
19226Zerbitzaria lekurik gabe geratu da diskoan. Saiatu dokumentua geroxeago inprimatzen. The server has run out of disk space. Please try printing your document at a later time.
19227Inprimaketa-prozesadorea ez dago. The print processor does not exist.
19228Inprimaketa-spooler lokalaren zerbitzua ez da exekutatzen ari. Berrabiarazi spooler-a edo makina. The local print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler or restart the machine.
19229Ez dago eragiketa hau burutzeko behar adina lekurik diskoan. Egin lekua diskoan eta saiatu berriro. There is not enough disk space to complete this operation. Please free some disk space and then try again.
19230Ez duzu zerbitzari honetan inprimatzeko baimenik. Jarri harremanetan administratzailearekin laguntza eskuratzeko. You do not have permission to print to this server. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
19231Sareko errorea gertatu da. Saiatu dokumentua berriro inprimatzen. There was a network error. Please try printing the document again.
19232Eragiketa hau ez da onartzen. This operation is not supported.
19233Ez dago eragiketa hau burutzeko behar adina memoria. Itxi programa batzuk eta saiatu berriro. There is not enough memory to complete this operation. Please close some programs and try again.
19234Ezin da inprimagailua instalatu. Unable to install printer.
19235Kontrolatzaile-fitxategi batzuk falta dira edo ez dira zuzenak. Instalatu berriro kontrolatzailea edo saiatu azken bertsioa erabiltzen. Some driver files are missing or incorrect. Reinstall the driver or try using the latest version.
19236Ataka badago lehendik ere. The port already exists.
19237... ...
19238Badago lehendik izen hori duen beste inprimagailu edo inprimagailu-partekatze bat. Erabili beste izen bat inprimagailuarentzat. Another printer or printer share with this name already exists. Please use another name for the printer.
19239Instalatu nahian zabiltzan kontrolatzailea ez da bateragarria Windows XP eta Windows Server 2003rekin. The driver that you are trying to install is not compatible with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.
19240Windows-ek ezin du inprimagailu-kontrolatzaile egokirik aurkitu. Jarri harremanetan zure administratzailearekin kontrolatzaile egokia aurkitzen eta instalatzen lagundu diezazun. Windows cannot locate a suitable printer driver. Contact your administrator for help locating and installing a suitable driver.
19241Osoa Entire
19242Ez duzu kokalekurik hautatu. No location chosen.
19243Windows-ek ezin du inprimagailua aurkitu. Ziurtatu sarea badabilela, eta inprimagailuaren eta inprimaketa-zerbitzariaren izenak behar bezala sartu dituzula. Windows can't find the printer. Make sure the network is working, and you've entered the name of the printer and print server correctly.
19245Inprimagailu hau partekatu ahal izateko, administratzaileak Windows-en suebakia konfiguratu behar du inprimagailuak partekatzea onar dezan. In order to share this printer, an administrator must configure Windows Firewall to permit the sharing of printers.
19246Inprimagailu hau partekatzeko, Windows-en suebakia inprimagailu hau sareko beste ordenagailuekin partekatzeko konfiguratu behar da. In order to share this printer, Windows Firewall must be configured to allow this printer to be shared with other computers on the network.
19247Inprimagailu hau partekatzeko, Windows-en suebakia inprimagailu hau sareko beste ordenagailuekin partekatzeko konfiguratuko da. In order to share this printer, Windows Firewall will be configured to allow this printer to be shared with other computers on the network.
19248Windows-en suebakia jada konfiguratuta dago inprimagailuak sareko beste ordenagailuekin partekatzea onar dezan. Windows Firewall is already configured to allow the sharing of printers with other computers on the network.
19251Zerbitzariko inprimaketa-spooler-aren zerbitzua ez dabil. Berrabiarazi zerbitzariko spooler-a edo zerbitzariaren makina. The server print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler on the server or restart the server machine.
19252Windows-ek ezin izan du zure inprimagailua partekatu. Windows could not share your printer.
19253%s (%s) %s (%s)
19254Ezin izan da eragiketa osatu (0x%08x errorea). Operation could not be completed (error 0x%08x).
19255Eragiketak huts egin du; errorea: 0x%08x. Operation failed with error 0x%08x.
19256Windows ezin izan da inprimagailura konektatu. Egiaztatu inprimagailuaren izena, eta berriz saiatu. Inprimagailu hau sarekoa bada, ziurtatu aktibatuta dagoela, eta inprimagailuaren helbidea egokia dela. Windows couldn't connect to the printer. Check the printer name and try again. If this is a network printer, make sure that the printer is turned on, and that the printer address is correct.
19257Windows-ek ezin du inprimagailu hau gehitu lehendik instalatuta dagoelako. Windows can't add this printer because it's already installed.
19500Izena: %s
Helbidea: %s
Name: %s
Address: %s
19501Inprimagailu-izena Printer Name
19502Helbidea Address
19551Proba-orri bat bidali da zure inprimagailura A test page has been sent to your printer
19552Proba-orri honek inprimagailuak irudiak eta testuak inprimatzeko duen gaitasuna labur erakusten du, eta inprimagailuari buruzko informazio teknikoa ematen du. Erabili inprimagailuaren arazo-konpontzailea proba-orria behar bezala inprimatzen ez bada. This test page briefly demonstrates the printer's ability to print graphics and text, and it provides technical information about the printer. Use the printer troubleshooter if the test page does not print correctly.
19553Eskuratu inprimatzeari buruzko laguntza Get help with printing
19900Inprimatzeko eta digitalizatzeko gailuak Printing and Imaging Devices
19901Hautatu instalatu nahi duzun inprimagailua zerrendan Select the printer you wish to install from the list


File Name:printui.dll.mui
File Size:116 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Language Code:Unknown (042D)
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Inprimagailuaren ezarpenen erabiltzaile-interfazea
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:printui.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Eskubide guztiak erreserbatuta.
Original File Name:printui.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is printui.dll.mui?

printui.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Basque language for file printui.dll (Inprimagailuaren ezarpenen erabiltzaile-interfazea).

File version info

File Description:Inprimagailuaren ezarpenen erabiltzaile-interfazea
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:printui.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Eskubide guztiak erreserbatuta.
Original Filename:printui.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x42D, 1200