2 | Recuperación |
Recovery |
4 | Log on using an administrator account and try again. |
Log on using an administrator account and try again. |
102 | Ferramentas de recuperación avanzada |
Advanced recovery tools |
103 | Corrixa problemas no computador desfacendo modificacións realizadas en programas e configuracións. |
Fix problems on your computer by undoing changes you've made to programs and settings. |
104 | Restablecer |
Reset |
105 | Se desexa reciclar o seu computador ou comezar de cero con el, pode restablecelo e eliminar todo. |
If you want to recycle your PC or start over with it, you can reset it and remove everything. |
106 | Introdución |
Get Started |
107 | Ferramentas avanzadas |
Advanced tools |
108 | Abrir Restaurar sistema |
Open System Restore |
109 | Desfaga modificacións do sistema recentes, pero non modifique ficheiros como documentos, imaxes e música. |
Undo recent system changes, but leave files such as documents, pictures, and music unchanged. |
110 | Configurar Restaurar sistema |
Configure System Restore |
111 | Modifique a configuración da restauración, xestione o espazo en disco e cree ou elimine puntos de restauración. |
Change restore settings, manage disk space, and create or delete restore points. |
112 | Crear unha unidade de recuperación |
Create a recovery drive |
113 | Crea unha unidade de recuperación para resolver problemas cando o computador non poida iniciarse. |
Create a recovery drive to troubleshoot problems when your PC can't start. |
114 | Actualizar |
Refresh |
116 | Se o seu PC non está a funcionar correctamente, pode restauralo sen perder as súas fotos, música, vídeos e outros ficheiros persoais. |
If your PC isn’t running well, you can refresh it without losing your photos, music, videos, and other personal files. |
117 | Axuda |
Help |
118 | System Restore is disabled by your system administrator. |
System Restore is disabled by your system administrator. |
119 | Se tes problemas co computador, vai a Configuración e tenta restablecelo |
If you're having problems with your PC, go to Settings and try resetting it |
460 | Historial de ficheiros |
File History |
468 | Recovery |
Recovery |
469 | You need to be an administrator to perform this task |
You need to be an administrator to perform this task |
470 | System Restore could not start. |
System Restore could not start. |
471 | Reset could not start. |
Reset could not start. |
472 | RecoveryDrive could not start. |
RecoveryDrive could not start. |
473 | Refresh could not start. |
Refresh could not start. |