fhmanagew.exe Failiajaloo haldustööriist 3956812a95733e15a2cb4311fcb31eda

File info

File name: fhmanagew.exe.mui
Size: 13824 byte
MD5: 3956812a95733e15a2cb4311fcb31eda
SHA1: b402e7b6427319b4ad0b77dfc98b3b872dc4032b
SHA256: 01ab6861a498bd8bef688143dfc0e19389ecc6043dc90682beceed7ad2393231
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: fhmanagew.exe Failiajaloo haldustööriist (32-bitine)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Estonian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Estonian English
0x0AAA0300File History has been enabled for the current user File History has been enabled for the current user
0x0AAA0400File History has been disabled for the current user File History has been disabled for the current user
0x0AAA0500User data backup has been initiated for the current user User data backup has been initiated for the current user
0x0AAA0501The File History configuration of the current user has been reloaded The File History configuration of the current user has been reloaded
0x0AAA0600User data backup has been stopped for the current user User data backup has been stopped for the current user
0x0AAA0903Cleanup was successfully cancelled Cleanup was successfully cancelled
0x0AAA0907Puhastamine on lõpule jõudnud. The cleanup completed successfully.
0x0AAA0C00The File History drive was marked as operational. The File History drive was marked as operational.
0x0AAA0D00The File History state was set successfully The File History state was set successfully
0x0AAA0E00Failiajaloo deserialiseerimine käivitus. The File History rehydration was initiated successfully.
0x0AAA0E01Failiajaloo deserialiseerimise käivitamine nurjus (tõrge %1!08x!). Failed to initiate the File History rehydration (error %1!08x!).
0x4AAA0001File History Management ToolCopyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. File History Management ToolCopyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
0x4AAA0100fhmanage[.exe] -command [arguments] [options]Description: Manages File History for the current user.Supported commands: -status Query the status of File History. -enable Enable File History for the current user and public files. -disable Disable File History for the current user and public files. -backupnow Immediately start user data backup even if the system is not idle. -reload Force File History configuration to be reloaded for the current user. -stop Stop an ongoing user data backup even if other conditions allow it to proceed. -cleanup Delete file versions older than the specified age (in days). -migrate Migrate file versions from your default target to the specified URL. -checktarget Check your default target for volume failures and fix them -setstate [] Set Security and Maintenance state and optional timestamp. -rehydrate Applies the supplied config file and starts rehydration.Supported options: -quiet Suppress all outputExamples: fhmanage -enable fhmanage -backupnow fhmanage -cleanup 30 -quiet fhmanage[.exe] -command [arguments] [options]Description: Manages File History for the current user.Supported commands: -status Query the status of File History. -enable Enable File History for the current user and public files. -disable Disable File History for the current user and public files. -backupnow Immediately start user data backup even if the system is not idle. -reload Force File History configuration to be reloaded for the current user. -stop Stop an ongoing user data backup even if other conditions allow it to proceed. -cleanup Delete file versions older than the specified age (in days). -migrate Migrate file versions from your default target to the specified URL. -checktarget Check your default target for volume failures and fix them -setstate [] Set Security and Maintenance state and optional timestamp. -rehydrate Applies the supplied config file and starts rehydration.Supported options: -quiet Suppress all outputExamples: fhmanage -enable fhmanage -backupnow fhmanage -cleanup 30 -quiet
0x4AAA0700File History Service has entered the maintenance mode.Wait for completion or press Ctrl-C to return to the normal mode...%0 File History Service has entered the maintenance mode.Wait for completion or press Ctrl-C to return to the normal mode...%0
0x4AAA0701File History Service has exited the maintenance mode. File History Service has exited the maintenance mode.
0x4AAA0800File History is disabled. File History is disabled.
0x4AAA0801File History is enabled. File History is enabled.
0x4AAA0802File History runtime status is '%1!s!', user data is protected until %2!s! File History runtime status is '%1!s!', user data is protected until %2!s!
0x4AAA0803File History runtime status is '%1!s!' File History runtime status is '%1!s!'
0x4AAA0804There are %1!d! user(s) on this machine with File History enabled. There are %1!d! user(s) on this machine with File History enabled.
0x4AAA0806not tracked%0 not tracked%0
0x4AAA0807disabled%0 disabled%0
0x4AAA0808disabled via Group Policy%0 disabled via Group Policy%0
0x4AAA0809fatal failure occurred%0 fatal failure occurred%0
0x4AAA080Atarget full%0 target full%0
0x4AAA080Blocal cache full%0 local cache full%0
0x4AAA080Ctarget low on space%0 target low on space%0
0x4AAA080Dtarget disconnected for too long%0 target disconnected for too long%0
0x4AAA080Efiles unprotected for too long%0 files unprotected for too long%0
0x4AAA080Foperational%0 operational%0
0x4AAA0810idle / %1!s!%0 idle / %1!s!%0
0x4AAA0811running / %1!s!%0 running / %1!s!%0
0x4AAA0900Deleting file versions older than %1!d! day(s) Deleting file versions older than %1!d! day(s)
0x4AAA0901%rWait for completion or press Ctrl-C to interrupt... %1!d!%% complete%0 %rWait for completion or press Ctrl-C to interrupt... %1!d!%% complete%0
0x4AAA0A00Migrating file versions from your default target to %1!s! Migrating file versions from your default target to %1!s!
0x4AAA1000ERROR: %1!s!%0 ERROR: %1!s!%0
0x4AAA1001WARNING: %1!s!%0 WARNING: %1!s!%0
0x4AAA1002Failiajalugu%0 File History%0
0x4AAA1003Rakendust Failiajalugu ei saanud lubada%0 Could not enable File History%0
0x4AAA1004Rakendust Failiajalugu ei saanud keelata%0 Could not disable File History%0
0x4AAA1005Faile ei saa failiajaloo draivile kopeerida%0 We can't copy files to your File History drive%0
0x4AAA1006Varundustsüklit ei saanud peatada%0 Could not stop backup cycle%0
0x4AAA1007Rakenduse Failiajalugu andmeid ei saanud puhastada%0 Could not clean up File History data%0
0x4AAA1008Teie andmeid ei saa sellesse asukohta kopeerida%0 We can't copy your files to this location%0
0x4AAA1009Rakenduse Failiajalugu tõrge%0 File History error%0
0x4AAA100ARakenduse Failiajalugu hoiatus%0 File History warning%0
0x4AAA100BÜhendage draiv uuesti%0 Reconnect your drive%0
0x4AAA100CFailiajaloo draivi ei saanud kontrollida ja parandada%0 Could not verify and repair File History drive%0
0x4AAA100DVabastage lukustatud draiv%0 Unlock your drive%0
0x4AAA100ETeie failidest ei leitud nii vanu versioone%0 We didn't find any versions of your files that were that old%0
0x4AAA100FTeil on avatud rakendusi, mis kasutavad rakendust Failiajalugu%0 You have apps open that are using File History%0
0x4AAA1010Failiajaloo puhastamine%0 File History Cleanup%0
0x8AAA0504Teie failid kopeeritakse ajutiselt arvuti kõvakettale, kuni ühendate failiajaloo draivi uuesti ja käivitate varundamise. Your files will be temporarily copied to your hard drive until you reconnect your File History drive and run a backup.
0x8AAA0505Teie failid kopeeritakse ajutiselt arvuti kõvakettale, kuni vabastate failiajaloo draivi ja käivitate varundamise. Your files will be temporarily copied to your hard drive until you unlock your File History drive and run a backup.
0x8AAA0906Valige lühem ajavahemik ja proovige uuesti. Choose a shorter period of time and try again.
0x8AAA0C01Teie failiajaloo draiv on lahutatud. Draivil tõrgete leidmiseks ja parandamiseks ühendage draiv oma arvutiga ja proovige uuesti. Your File History drive is disconnected. To find and repair errors on the drive, connect it to your PC and try again.
0xCAAA0200Unrecognized command: %1!s! Unrecognized command: %1!s!
0xCAAA0201Command is missing some arguments: %1!s! Command is missing some arguments: %1!s!
0xCAAA0202Argument cannot be parsed: %1!s! Argument cannot be parsed: %1!s!
0xCAAA0203Failiajaloo teenus pole juurdepääsetav File History Service is not accessible
0xCAAA0204Ilmnes sisemine tõrge: %1!08x!. An internal error has occurred: %1!08x!.
0xCAAA0205A single command must be executed at a time. A single command must be executed at a time.
0xCAAA0206Sulgege rakendused Failiajalugu ja Kettapuhastus ning seejärel proovige uuesti. Close the File History and Disk Cleanup apps, and then try again.
0xCAAA0301Failed to create File History configuration (error %1!08x!) Failed to create File History configuration (error %1!08x!)
0xCAAA0401Failed to modify File History configuration (error %1!08x!) Failed to modify File History configuration (error %1!08x!)
0xCAAA0502Kasutajaandmete varundamist ei saanud käivitada (tõrge %1!08x!) Failed to initiate user data backup (error %1!08x!)
0xCAAA0503Failed to reload the File History configuration of the current user (error %1!08x!) Failed to reload the File History configuration of the current user (error %1!08x!)
0xCAAA0601Kasutajaandmete varundamist ei saanud peatada (tõrge %1!08x!) Failed to stop user data backup (error %1!08x!)
0xCAAA0805Failed to query File History status (error %1!08x!) Failed to query File History status (error %1!08x!)
0xCAAA0904Teie rakenduse Failiajalugu draivi ühendus on katkestatud. Looge uuesti ühendus ja proovige uuesti. Your File History drive is disconnected. Reconnect it and try again.
0xCAAA0905Failiajalugu ei saanud puhastada (tõrge %1!08x!) Failed to perform File History cleanup (error %1!08x!)
0xCAAA0908%1!s! %1!s!
0xCAAA0A01Migratsiooni kohta %1!s! ei saanud lõpule viia (tõrge %2!08x!) Failed to complete migration to %1!s! (error %2!08x!)
0xCAAA0A02Teie praegune failiajaloo draiv on lahutatud. Ühendage draiv uuesti ja proovige veel kord. Your current File History drive is disconnected. Reconnect the drive and try again.
0xCAAA0A03Sellel draivil pole teie praeguste failide talletamiseks piisavalt vaba ruumi. This drive doesn't have enough free space available to store your current files.
0xCAAA0A04Migratsiooni ei saanud lõpule viia: %1!s!%n%nTõrge 0x%2!08x!: %3!s!%0 Failed to complete migration to %1!s!%n%nError 0x%2!08x!: %3!s!%0
0xCAAA0A05Valige mõni muu asukoht ja proovige uuesti.%n%nTõrge 0x%1!08x!: tee ületab pikkusepiirangud.%0 Choose a different location and try again.%n%nError 0x%1!08x!: The path exceeds length restrictions.%0
0xCAAA0B00Juhtpaneeli apleti avamine nurjus (tõrge %1!08x!). Failed to open Control Panel applet (error %1!08x!).
0xCAAA0C02Failiajaloo draivi kontrollimine ja parandamine nurjus (tõrge %1!08x!). Failed to verify and repair the File History drive (error %1!08x!).


File Name:fhmanagew.exe.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:13312
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Estonian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Failiajaloo haldustööriist
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:fhmanagew.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kõik õigused kaitstud.
Original File Name:fhmanagew.exe.mui
Product Name:Operatsioonisüsteem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is fhmanagew.exe.mui?

fhmanagew.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Estonian language for file fhmanagew.exe (Failiajaloo haldustööriist).

File version info

File Description:Failiajaloo haldustööriist
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:fhmanagew.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kõik õigused kaitstud.
Original Filename:fhmanagew.exe.mui
Product Name:Operatsioonisüsteem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x425, 1200