blbres.dll.mui Microsoft® 區塊層級備份引擎服務資源 37c01dc94e4b3afbe8fc1b09892aa896

File info

File name: blbres.dll.mui
Size: 25088 byte
MD5: 37c01dc94e4b3afbe8fc1b09892aa896
SHA1: dc25661539a8c9c7847427539be3945b64754561
SHA256: 13e9742a6d6fcdc6388799bc49b7ae6709ab490f6bd2da4d137a4394d972911e
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
100%ws [%ws] %ws [%ws]
101NoLabel NoLabel
102NoMount NoMount
103%1(%2) %1(%2)
0x00780001在機器上的備份類別目錄已損毀。請使用 wbadmin.exe 命令列工具來還原該類別目錄。 The backup catalog on the machine is corrupt. Please restore the catalog using the wbadmin.exe command line tool.
0x00780002系統通用類別目錄不存在。 The system global catalog is not present.
0x00780003要求的類別目錄已載入。 The requested catalog is already loaded.
0x80780001備份類別目錄上的操作失敗,因為該類別目錄已損毀。請使用 wbadmin.exe 命令列工具還原該類別目錄。 An operation on the backup catalog failed because the catalog is corrupted. Please restore the catalog using the wbadmin.exe command line tool.
0x80780002本機類別目錄上的操作失敗,因為該類別目錄已損毀。 An operation on a local catalog failed because the catalog is corrupted.
0x80780003嘗試抓取備份組的內容失敗,因為該備份組不在類別目錄中。 An attempt to retrieve the properties for the backup set failed because the backup set is not in the catalog.
0x80780004嘗試抓取範本的內容失敗,因為該範本不在類別目錄中。 An attempt to retrieve the properties for the template failed because the template is not in the catalog.
0x80780005嘗試建立新的備份集失敗,因為具有相同備份集識別碼的備份集已經存在。 An attempt to create a new backup set failed because a backup set with the same backup set ID already exists.
0x80780006嘗試建立新的範本失敗,因為具有相同範本識別碼的備份集已經存在。 An attempt to create a new template failed because a template with the same template ID already exists.
0x80780007備份組包含的某個元件位於不是要備份的磁碟區中。 The backup set contains a component that is on a volume that is not being backed up.
0x80780009區塊層級備份引擎服務無法初始化超過一次。 The Block Level Backup Engine Service cannot be initialized more than once.
0x8078000A操作失敗,因為尚未初始化區塊層級備份引擎服務。 The operation failed because the Block Level Backup Engine Service has not been initialized.
0x8078000B區塊層級備份引擎服務無法初始化,因為有其他引擎正在使用中。 The Block Level Backup Engine Service cannot be initialized because another engine is active.
0x8078000C指定的備份存放位置不正確。 The specified backup storage location is invalid.
0x8078000D指定的備份存放位置不是 DVD 光碟機或其他抽取式媒體。 The specified backup storage location is not a DVD drive or other removable media.
0x8078000E指定的備份存放位置不包含任何媒體。 The specified backup storage location does not contain any media.
0x8078000F記憶體中未載入任何通用類別目錄。 There is no global catalog loaded in memory.
0x80780010指定的磁碟區數目無效。 The specified number of volumes is invalid.
0x80780011指定的媒體類型無效。 The specified media type is invalid.
0x80780013指定的磁碟區清單包含重複的項目。 The specified list of volumes contains duplicates.
0x80780014備份中不包含任何指定的磁碟區。 None of the specified volumes is included in the backup.
0x80780015通用類別目錄不存在。 The global catalog does not exist.
0x80780016記憶體內部通用類別目錄是唯讀的。 The in-memory global catalog is read-only.
0x80780017正在進行另一個備份或復原操作。 Another backup or recovery operation is in progress.
0x80780018備份中並未包括所有內含系統資料的磁碟區。 Not all volumes that contain system data are included in the backup.
0x80780019備份操作失敗,因為其中一個磁碟區包含無法備份的系統資料。 The backup operation failed because one of the volumes containing system data could not be backed up.
0x8078001B在範本中指定的磁碟區清單與備份集類型不符。 The list of volumes specified in the template does not match the backup set type.
0x8078001C操作已完成。 The operation has completed.
0x8078001D操作已經在完成前結束。 The operation ended before completion.
0x8078001E這項操作已取消。 The operation was canceled.
0x8078001FWindows 備份找不到共用保護點。 Windows Backup cannot find the shared protection point.
0x80780020Windows 備份找不到來源磁碟區的陰影複製。 Windows Backup cannot find the shadow copy of the source volume.
0x80780021Windows 備份已在建立共用保護點前逾時。 Windows Backup timed-out before the shared protection point was created.
0x80780022Windows 備份無法建立共用保護點。 Windows Backup failed to create the shared protection point.
0x80780023磁碟上寫入器中繼資料檔案已損毀。 The on-disk writer metadata file is corrupted.
0x80780024指定的 Windows 安裝點不包含系統識別碼檔案。 The specified Windows installation point does not contain a system ID file.
0x80780025已取消建立共用保護點的操作。 The operation to create the shared protection point was canceled.
0x80780026指定的備份組未包含所有重要的磁碟區。 The specified backup set does not contain all the critical volumes.
0x80780027Windows 備份在媒體上找不到備份組目錄。 Windows Backup cannot find the backup set directory on the media.
0x80780028備份元件文件已損毀。 The backup components document is corrupted.
0x80780029從來源的磁碟區陰影複製進行讀取操作時失敗。 The read operation from the volume shadow copy on the source failed.
0x8078002A無法建立其中一個備份檔案。 One of the backup files could not be created.
0x8078002B無法開啟其中一個備份檔案。 One of the backup files could not be opened.
0x8078002C其中一個備份檔案已損毀。 One of the backup files is corrupted.
0x8078002D無法開啟復原磁碟區,進行復原的 I/O。 The recovery volume could not be opened for I/O for recovery.
0x8078002FWindows 備份無法讀取復原磁碟區。 Windows Backup failed to read from the recovery volume.
0x80780030媒體已滿。 The media is full.
0x80780031操作未等候媒體的插入。 The operation was not waiting for media to be inserted.
0x80780032此媒體上的操作已完成。 The operation is completed on this media.
0x80780033操作需要的不是此媒體的內容。 The operation was not expecting the content of this media.
0x80780034Windows 備份無法在存放位置上建立陰影複製。 Windows Backup failed to create the shadow copy on the storage location.
0x80780036在存放位置建立陰影複製前操作已逾時。 The operation timed-out before the shadow copy was created on the storage location.
0x80780037使用指定的媒體類型來存放備份時,無法排除檔案。 You cannot exclude files when using the specified media type to store backups.
0x80780038指定的備份存放位置擁有其他磁碟區的陰影複製儲存區。 The specified backup storage location has the shadow copy storage on another volume.
0x80780039Windows 備份在存放位置找不到備份組的陰影複製。 Windows Backup cannot find a shadow copy of the backup set on the storage location.
0x8078003A指定的復原目的地不正確。 The specified destination for recovery is invalid.
0x80780040備份存放位置不正確。您不能使用備份中所含的磁碟區做為存放位置。 The backup storage location is invalid. You cannot use a volume that is included in the backup as a storage location.
0x80780041指定要復原的磁碟區不在備份中。 The specified volume to recover is not in the backup.
0x80780043內部錯誤: 備份存放位置的磁碟區與該位置的原始陰影複製磁碟區不符。 Internal error: The volume for the backup storage location does not match the shadow copy's original volume for that location.
0x80780045指定的媒體標籤無效。 The media label specified is invalid.
0x80780046Windows 備份無法格式化媒體。 Windows Backup failed to format the media.
0x80780047Windows 備份無法寫入備份存放位置。 Windows Backup cannot write to the backup storage location.
0x80780048備份存放位置的可用空間不足,無法用來備份資料。 There is not enough free space on the backup storage location to back up the data.
0x80780049沒有備份任何包含在備份中的項目。 None of the items included in backup were backed up.
0x8078004A已經啟動其中一個復原操作。不允許同時進行多個復原操作。 One recovery operation has already started. Multiple recovery operations are not allowed simultaneously.
0x8078004B內部錯誤: 已呼叫 RecoveryProcessFinished,但未呼叫 RecoveryProcessStarted。 Internal error: RecoveryProcessFinished was called without calling RecoveryProcessStarted.
0x8078004CWindows 備份無法為驅動程式控制裝置建立控制代碼。請檢查是否已正確安裝 blbdrive.sys 驅動程式。 Windows Backup could not create a handle to the driver control device. Check whether the driver blbdrive.sys is installed correctly.
0x8078004D另一個復原操作正在進行中。 Another recovery operation is in process.
0x8078004E您只能從存放在 DVD 或抽取式媒體上的備份修復整個磁碟區。不支援檔案修復。 You can only recover entire volumes from backups stored on DVDs or removable media. File recovery is not supported.
0x8078004F無法存取掛接的備份磁碟區。請重試操作。 The mounted backup volume is inaccessible. Please retry the operation.
0x80780050不支援復原指定應用程式的元件。 Recovering a component of the specified application is not supported.
0x80780051指定的元件不屬於備份的一部分。 The specified component was not a part of the backup.
0x80780052寫入器中繼資料文件已損毀。 The writer metadata document is corrupted.
0x80780053準備指定要復原的元件時發生錯誤。 A failure occurred while preparing the specified component for recovery.
0x80780055無法還原指定的元件。 Failed to recover the specified component.
0x80780057指定的復原路徑不正確。 The path specified for recovery is invalid.
0x80780058指定的復原路徑不屬於相同磁碟區的一部分。 The paths specified for recovery are not part of the same volume.
0x80780059未復原任何元件。 No components were recovered.
0x8078005B備份操作失敗,因為備份存放位置上的可用空間不足。內部錯誤: 無法寫入備份存放磁碟區,因為無法減少陰影複製區域。 The backup operation failed because there is not enough free space on your backup storage location. Internal error: Cannot write to the backup storage volume because the shadow copy area could not be decreased.
0x8078005CWindows 備份無法寫入指定的媒體,因為該媒體是目前備份的一部分。 Windows Backup cannot write to the specified media because it is part of the current backup.
0x8078005DWindows 備份找不到任何備份存放位置。 Windows Backup cannot find any of the backup storage locations.
0x8078005E未指定任何備份存放位置。 No locations have been specified to store backups.
0x8078005F指定的備份存放目的地清單包含重複的項目。 The specified list of backup storage destinations contains duplicates.
0x80780060只有選擇備份到磁碟時,才允許使用多重備份存放目的地。 Multiple backup storage destinations are allowed only when backing up to disk.
0x80780061指定的磁碟區太小。磁碟區必須大於 1GB 才能夠受到保護。 The specified volume is too small. Volumes must be larger than 1 gigabyte to be protected.
0x80780062未復原任何來源磁碟區。 None of the source volumes were recovered.
0x80780063Windows 備份無法繼續操作,因為磁碟區已損毀、離線或因其他原因而無法存取。 Windows Backup cannot continue the operation because the volume is corrupted, offline, or inaccessible for another reason.
0x80780064磁碟區的備份操作未啟動。 The backup operation of the volume did not start.
0x80780065內部錯誤: 用於執行非同步操作的引擎參照無法用於載入不同的類別目錄。請建立新的引擎參照,然後再試一次。 Internal error: An engine reference used to do an asynchronous operation cannot be used to load a different catalog. Create a new engine reference and retry.
0x80780066備份無法存放在壓縮的磁碟區上。請將該磁碟區解壓縮,然後重試操作。 Backups cannot be stored on a compressed volume. Decompress the volume, and then retry the operation.
0x80780067備份存放位置無法加密。請將指定的存放位置解密,然後重試操作。 The backup storage location cannot be encrypted. Decrypt the specified storage location, and then retry the operation.
0x80780069磁碟區不能復原到重要的磁碟區。 A volume cannot be recovered to a critical volume.
0x8078006BWindows 備份無法在來源磁碟區上建立共用保護點。 Windows Backup failed to create the shared protection point on the source volumes.
0x8078006C區塊層級備份引擎服務忙碌中,無法關閉。 The Block Level Backup Engine Service is busy and cannot shut down.
0x8078006DWindows 備份無法在備份存放目的地上建立備份組目錄。 Windows Backup failed to create the backup set directory on the backup storage destination.
0x8078006E備份操作失敗,因為儲存媒體故障。 The backup operation failed because the storage media failed.
0x8078006FWindows 備份無法讀取備份目的地。 Windows Backup cannot read the backup destination.
0x80780071遠端共用資料夾不存在。 The remote shared folder does not exist.
0x80780072由於發生內部錯誤,導致操作失敗。請重試操作。內部錯誤: 區塊層級備份引擎服務無法產生 GUID。 The operation failed due to an internal error. Please retry the operation.Internal error: The Block Level Backup Engine Service was unable to generate a GUID.
0x80780073備份操作失敗,因為 Windows 備份無法從其中一個備份映像讀取控制項目。 The backup operation failed because Windows Backup could not read control items from one of the backup images.
0x80780074可用空間不足,無法存放備份。 There is not enough free space to store the backup.
0x80780075區塊層級備份引擎服務正在關閉。請重試操作。 The Block Level Backup Engine Service is shutting down. Please retry the operation.
0x80780076磁碟區具有無法辨識的檔案系統。 The volume has an unrecognized file system.
0x80780077Windows 備份無法寫入復原位置。 Windows Backup cannot write to the recovery location.
0x80780078提供的共用路徑比 Windows Backup 可以支援的路徑長。支援的網路路徑上限是 110 個字元。 The provided share path is longer than Windows Backup can support. The maximum network path supported is 110 characters.
0x80780079準備備份時發生錯誤。內部錯誤: Windows 備份無法在指定要儲存備份的磁碟區上建立相異區域檔案。 Error while preparing the backup. Internal error: Windows Backup cannot create the diff area file on the volume specified to store the backup.
0x8078007A在備份存放位置發現多部電腦的備份。 Backups of more than one computer were found on the backup storage location.
0x8078007BWindows 備份無法驗證備份資料。 Windows Backup failed to verify backup data.
0x8078007CWindows 備份找不到可當做復原位置使用的磁碟區,因而無法復原磁碟區。 Windows Backup cannot find the volume to use as the recovery location and so cannot recover the volume.
0x8078007D在來源磁碟區上發現新的錯誤叢集。這些叢集並未備份。 New bad clusters were found on the source volume. These clusters were not backed up.
0x8078007FWindows 備份無法寫入備份存放位置,因為發現錯誤的叢集。 Windows Backup failed to write to the backup storage location because bad clusters were found.
0x80780080目的地媒體大小必須至少 1GB 才能完成此備份。 The destination media size must be at least 1 gigabyte to complete this backup.
0x80780081找不到指定的備份磁碟。 The specified backup disk cannot be found.
0x80780082不允許復原到 CD 或 DVD 光碟機或是其他抽取式媒體。 Recovery to CD or DVD disk drives, or other removable media, is not allowed.
0x80780083不允許復原到遠端共用資料夾。 Recovery to a remote shared folder is not allowed.
0x80780084不允許將檔案復原到非 NTFS/ReFS 格式的磁碟區。 File recovery to non-NTFS/ReFS formatted volume is not allowed.
0x80780085復原目的地路徑是檔案,而非目錄。 The recovery destination path is a file, not a directory.
0x80780086復原路徑是系統目錄。 The recovery path is a system directory.
0x80780087不允許復原到備份存放位置。 Recovery to the backup storage location is not allowed.
0x80780088指定要復原的磁碟區清單包含重複的項目。 The specified list of volumes to recover contains duplicates.
0x80780089在目前的電腦上找不到備份中的其中一個磁碟區。 One of the volumes in the backup is not found on the current computer.
0x8078008A錯誤: 其中一個來源磁碟區上的磁碟區陰影複製讀取操作失敗。請確定包括在備份操作中所有的磁碟區可用且可存取,然後再嘗試該操作。 Error: The read operation from the volume shadow copy on one of the source volumes failed. Make sure all the volumes included in the backup operation are available and accessible, and then retry the operation.
0x8078008B包含遠端共用資料夾的電腦無法辨識用來執行備份的使用者名稱。 The user name being used to perform the backup is not recognized by the computer that contains the remote shared folder.
0x8078008CWindows 備份無法將所復原作業系統的作業系統載入器項目匯入到開機功能表。 Windows Backup failed to import the operating system loader entry for the recovered operating system into the boot menu.
0x8078008D無法連接 Windows 備份引擎。請重試操作。 The Windows Backup engine could not be contacted. Retry the operation.
0x8078008E目前的群組原則設定禁止備份到遠端共用資料夾。 Current Group Policy settings prevent backing up to a remote shared folder.
0x8078008F目前的群組原則設定禁止備份到本機連結的磁碟。 Current Group Policy settings prevent backing up to a locally-attached disk.
0x80780090目前的群組原則設定指定在備份中只能包括重要的磁碟區。 Current Group Policy settings specify that only critical volumes can be included in a backup.
0x80780091找不到備份排程。請新增備份位置、要備份的項目以及執行備份的時間,來設定排定的備份。 The backup schedule was not found. Configure the scheduled backup by adding a backup location, items to back up, and times of day to run backups.
0x80780093系統磁碟機上至少需有 1 GB 的可用空間才能執行還原。請釋放系統磁碟區上的空間,然後重試操作。 Restore needs at least 1 gigabyte of free space on the system drive. Free up space on the system drive, and then retry the operation.
0x80780094找不到要排除的其中一個指定的磁碟。 One of the disks specified to be excluded is not found.
0x80780095Windows 修復環境的處理器架構或作業系統版本和已備份電腦的不同。例如,Vista x64 電腦的備份只能使用 Vista x64 版本的 Windows 修復環境進行復原。 The processor architecture or OS version of Windows Recovery Environment is not the same as that of the computer that was backed up. For example, a backup of an Vista x64-based computer can be recovered only by using an Vista x64-based version of Windows Recovery Environment.
0x80780096Windows 備份無法判斷開機磁碟區。 Windows Backup is unable to determine the boot volume.
0x80780097指定的效能設定類型無效。 The performance setting type specified is not valid.
0x80780098Windows 備份無法查詢效能設定。指定的效能設定不正確。 Windows Backup is unable to query the performance settings. The performance settings specified are invalid.
0x80780099備份存放目的地沒有指定電腦的備份。 No backups for the specified computer are present on the backup storage destination.
0x8078009AWindows 備份無法復原任何檔案。 No files could be recovered by Windows Backup.
0x8078009B並非所有的檔案都可以使用 Windows 備份復原。 Not all files could be recovered by Windows Backup.
0x8078009C無法使用虛擬磁碟服務。 The Virtual Disk service is unavailable.
0x8078009E無法使用磁碟區陰影複製服務。 The Volume Shadow Copy Service is unavailable.
0x8078009F無法還原元件,因其位於遠端電腦上。 The component cannot be restored because it is on a remote computer.
0x807800A0Windows 備份無法評估要還原的資料大小。 Windows Backup failed to estimate the size of the data to be restored.
0x807800A1磁碟區陰影複製服務操作失敗。如需詳細資訊,請檢查 VSS 與 SPP 應用程式事件記錄檔。 A Volume Shadow Copy Service operation failed. Please check \"VSS\" and \"SPP\" application event logs for more information.
0x807800A2Windows 備份無法排定備份,因為提供的使用者認證不是本機 Administrators 或 Backup Operators 群組的成員。 Windows Backup cannot schedule a backup because the user credentials provided are not a member of the local Administrators or Backup Operators groups.
0x807800A3備份包含 Active Directory 網域服務,只有在電腦以目錄服務復原模式 (DSRM) 啟動時才能將其復原。請以 DSRM 啟動電腦,或是對其他位置執行系統狀態復原來嘗試復原。 The backup contains the Active Directory Domain Service which can be recovered only when the computer is started in Directory Services Recovery Mode (DSRM). Either start the computer in DSRM or try recovering by performing a system state recovery to an alternate location.
0x807800A4區塊層級備份引擎服務未在等待確認以執行後續復原工作。 The Block Level Backup Engine Service is not waiting for confirmation to perform post-recovery tasks.
0x807800A5指定要備份的磁碟區具有不支援的檔案系統。只能備份 NTFS/ReFS 格式的磁碟區或是以 FAT 或 FAT32 檔案系統格式化的 EFI 系統磁碟分割。若要將磁碟區中的檔案系統從 FAT32 轉換到 NTFS,請在提升權限的命令提示字元中輸入: CONVERT /FS:NTFS The volume specified to back up has a file system which is not supported. Only NTFS/ReFS-formatted volumes or EFI system partitions formatted with FAT or FAT32 file systems can be backed up.To convert the file system on a volume from FAT32 to NTFS, at an elevated command prompt type: CONVERT /FS:NTFS
0x807800A6這台電腦的處理器架構與要備份之電腦的處理器架構不同。例如,x64 型電腦的系統狀態只能從 x64 型電腦的備份復原。 The processor architecture of this computer is not the same as that of the computer that was backed up. For example, system state for an x64-based computer can be recovered only from a backup for an x64-based computer.
0x807800A7不支援使用以不同電腦建立的備份來將應用程式復原到原始位置。不過,如果您只是嘗試存取應用程式資料,而不是復原應用程式本身,則可以將應用程式復原到其他位置並取得檔案。 Application recovery to the original location is not supported using a backup created of a different computer. However, if you are just trying to access the application data and not recover the application itself, you can perform an application recovery to an alternate location and get the files.
0x807800A8在指定的備份中找不到寫入器 XML 資料。 No writer XML data was found in the specified backup.
0x807800A9在指定的備份中找不到 SYSVOL 元件。 No SYSVOL component was found in the specified backup.
0x807800AA無法執行 SYSVOL 的權威復原以復原到其他目的地。 An authoritative recovery of SYSVOL cannot be performed for recovery to an alternate destination.
0x807800ABWindows 備份無法為登錄中的檔案複寫服務寫入者新增授權和非授權資訊。 Windows Backup failed to add the authoritative and non-authoritative information for the File Replication Service writer in the registry.
0x807800ACWindows 備份無法為登錄中的分散式檔案系統複寫寫入者新增授權和非授權資訊。 Windows Backup failed to add the authoritative and non-authoritative information for the Distributed File System Replication writer in the registry.
0x807800ADWindows 備份無法停止檔案複寫服務。 Windows Backup failed to stop the File Replication Service.
0x807800AEWindows 備份無法停止分散式檔案系統複寫服務。 Windows Backup failed to stop the Distributed File System Replication service.
0x807800AF磁碟區陰影複製服務備份完成操作失敗。請參閱事件記錄檔以取得詳細資料。 The Volume Shadow Copy Service backup complete operation failed. See the event logs for more details.
0x807800B0無法備份到不是以 NTFS/ReFS 格式化的磁碟區所裝載的遠端共用資料夾。 A backup cannot be done to a remote shared folder which is not hosted on a volume formatted with NTFS/ReFS.
0x807800B1無法為磁碟區建立陰影複製,因為 Bitlocker 磁碟機加密已鎖定它。 A shadow copy cannot be created for the volume because it is locked by Bitlocker Drive Encryption.
0x807800B2Bitlocker 磁碟機加密已鎖定備份中所含的其中一個磁碟區,將無法備份該磁碟區。 One of the volumes included in the backup is locked by Bitlocker Drive Encryption and cannot be backed up.
0x807800B3無法存取備份目的地,因為已被 Bitlocker 磁碟機加密鎖定。 The backup destination is not accessible because it is locked by Bitlocker Drive Encryption.
0x807800B4無法保護大於 16777216 MB 的磁碟區。 Volumes larger than 16777216 megabytes cannot be protected.
0x807800B5系統自動復原 (ASR) 後續復原操作失敗。 The Automated System Recovery (ASR) post-recovery operation failed.
0x807800B6在離線作業系統中為系統自動復原 (ASR) 設定登錄機碼的後續復原操作失敗。 The post-recovery operation to set registry keys for Automated System Recovery (ASR) in the offline operating system failed.
0x807800B7在離線作業系統中為分散式檔案系統複寫設定登錄機碼的後續復原操作失敗。 The post-recovery operation to set registry keys for Distributed File System Replication in the offline operating system failed.
0x807800B8在離線作業系統中安裝驅動程式的後續復原操作失敗。 The post-recovery operation to install drivers in the offline operating system failed.
0x807800B9系統自動復原 (ASR) 前置復原操作失敗。 The Automated System Recovery (ASR) pre-recovery operation failed.
0x807800BA無法從 DVD 或其他抽取式媒體復原系統狀態。 The system state cannot be recovered from a DVD or other removable media.
0x807800BB應用程式擴充外掛程式登錄的類別識別碼不正確。 The class ID registered by the application extension plug-in is invalid.
0x807800BC應用程式擴充外掛程式傳回不正確的元件復原順序。 The application extension plug-in returned an invalid recovery order for the components.
0x807800BD應用程式擴充外掛程式無法傳回元件的復原順序。 The application extension plug-in failed to return the recovery order for the components.
0x807800BE為復原操作指定的其中一個檔案路徑位於重新分析點之下。不支援在重新分析點之下復原檔案。請指定包含重新分析點目的地的檔案路徑,然後重試操作。 One of the file paths specified for the recovery operation is under a reparse point. Recovery of files under a reparse point is not supported. Specify a file path that contains the destination of the reparse point, and then retry the operation.
0x807800BF應用程式寫入器未執行。請確定應用程式寫入器正在執行,然後重試復原操作。 The application writer is not running. Make sure the application writer is running, and then retry the recovery operation.
0x807800C1您無法將系統狀態備份儲存到 DVD 或其他抽取式磁碟磁碟。 You cannot save a system state backup to DVDs or other removable disks.
0x807800C2在復原目標磁碟區上查詢 bitlocker 狀態失敗。請檢查 Bitlocker 磁碟機加密是否正確安裝。 Querying bitlocker status on the recovery target volume failed. Check if Bitlocker Drive Encryption is properly installed.
0x807800C4刪除備份組期間發生錯誤。 There was a failure during the deletion of the backup set.
0x807800C5為備份組中的其中一個磁碟區準備備份映像時失敗。 There was a failure in preparing the backup image of one of the volumes in the backup set.
0x807800C6為備份指定的其中一個磁碟區不存在。 One of the volumes specified for backup does not exist.
0x807800C7無法存取復原目的地,因為已被 Bitlocker 磁碟機加密鎖定。 The recovery destination is not accessible because it is locked by Bitlocker Drive Encryption.
0x80780101系統狀態復原失敗,因為開機磁碟區位置與備份時的開機磁碟區位置不同。 System state recovery failed because boot volume location is different from the one at the time of backup.
0x80780102在備份中找不到系統寫入者。 The system writer is not found in the backup.
0x80780103在備份中找不到登錄寫入器。 The registry writer is not found in the backup.
0x80780104掛接備份中的磁碟區失敗。請重試操作。 Mounting of the volumes in the backup failed. Please retry the operation.
0x80780105在其中一個重要磁碟區中刪除執行目錄時失敗。可能會擱置之前系統狀態復原操作的重新啟動。 Deleting the staging directory in one of the critical volumes failed. A restart might be pending for an earlier system state recovery operation.
0x80780106在其中一個重要磁碟區中建立執行目錄時失敗。 Creation of the staging directory in one of the critical volumes failed.
0x80780107建立系統磁碟區資訊目錄時失敗。 Creation of the System Volume Information directory failed.
0x80780108其他系統檔案的中繼資料資訊損毀。 The metadata information for additional system files is corrupted.
0x80780109Windows 備份無法停止憑證伺服器服務。 Windows Backup failed to stop the Certificate Server service.
0x8078010AWindows 備份無法還原登錄。 Windows Backup failed to restore the registry.
0x8078010B登錄的前置復原操作失敗。 Pre-recovery operations for the registry failed.
0x8078010C登錄的後續復原操作失敗。 Post-recovery operations for the registry failed.
0x8078010D檔案的列舉失敗。 Enumeration of the files failed.
0x8078010E檔案複製失敗。 Copy of the files failed.
0x8078010F檔案清除失敗。 Cleanup of the files failed.
0x80780110磁碟區的檔案規格與備份中的任何重要磁碟區都不相符。 There is a file specification on a volume that did not match any of the critical volumes in the backup.
0x80780111在復原目的地之下建立磁碟區路徑首碼目錄時失敗。 Creating the volume path prefix directory under the recovery destination failed.
0x80780112將登錄檔案複製到執行目錄時失敗。 Copying the registry files to the staging directory failed.
0x80780113掛接登錄區失敗。 Mounting registry hives failed.
0x80780114開啟登錄機碼以登錄下次電腦重新啟動期間的系統狀態復原操作時失敗。 Opening the registry key to register the system state recovery operation during the next computer restart failed.
0x80780115為延遲的操作建立 SystemRestore 機碼時失敗。 Creating the SystemRestore key for delayed operations failed.
0x80780116開啟登錄機碼以登錄要在重新啟動時報告狀態的系統狀態復原操作時失敗。 Opening the registry key to register the system state recovery operation to report status on restart failed.
0x80780117建立 DelayedOperations 檔案失敗。 Creating the DelayedOperations file failed.
0x80780118復原磁碟區小於來源磁碟區。請使用大小相同或較大的復原磁碟區來重試操作。 The recovery volume is smaller than the source volume. Retry the operation with a recovery volume of the same or a bigger size.
0x80780119存放位置上的磁碟空間不足,無法建立磁碟區陰影複製。請確定所有要備份的磁碟區,都具備建立陰影複製所需的最小磁碟空間。這適用於備份存放目的地與備份中包含的磁碟區。最低需求: 對於小於 500 MB 的磁碟區,至少要有 50 MB 的可用空間。對於大於 500 MB 的磁碟區,至少要有 320 MB 的可用空間。建議: 如果磁碟區大小超過 1 GB,每個磁碟區上至少要有 1 GB 的可用磁碟空間。 There is not enough disk space to create the volume shadow copy on the storage location. Make sure that, for all volumes to be backup up, the minimum required disk space for shadow copy creation is available. This applies to both the backup storage destination and volumes included in the backup.Minimum requirement: For volumes less than 500 megabytes, the minimum is 50 megabytes of free space. For volumes more than 500 megabytes, the minimum is 320 megabytes of free space. Recommended: At least 1 gigabyte of free disk space on each volume if volume size is more than 1 gigabyte.
0x8078011A無法完成備份,因為備份存放目的地是對應到磁碟機代號的共用資料夾。請改用備份存放目的地的通用命名慣例 (UNC) 路徑 (\\\\servername\\sharename\\)。 The backup cannot be completed because the backup storage destination is a shared folder mapped to a drive letter. Use the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path (\\\\servername\\sharename\\) of the backup storage destination instead.
0x8078011BWindows 備份無法還原檔案。 Windows Backup failed to restore the files.
0x8078011CWindows 備份無法執行目前操作。正在進行另一個復原計畫操作。 Windows Backup failed to perform the current operation. Another operation for recovery planning is in progress.
0x8078011D為備份指定的其中一個磁碟區不正確,因為該磁碟區不在固定磁碟機上、不是 NTFS/ReFS 格式或是唯讀。若要將磁碟區中的檔案系統從 FAT32 轉換到 NTFS,請在提升權限的命令提示字元中輸入: CONVERT /FS:NTFS One of the volumes specified for backup is invalid because it is either not on a fixed drive, is not formatted NTFS/ReFS, or is read-only. To convert the file system on a volume from FAT32 to NTFS, at an elevated command prompt type: CONVERT /FS:NTFS
0x8078011EWindows 備份無法在 EFI 系統磁碟分割 (ESP) 上取得獨佔鎖定。如果有另一個應用程式正在使用 ESP 上的檔案,可能就會發生這種情況。請重試操作。 Windows Backup failed to get an exclusive lock on the EFI system partition (ESP). This may happen if another application is using files on the ESP. Please retry the operation.
0x8078011FWindows 備份無法為使用者在 '\\WindowsImageBackup\\' 之下的檔案與資料夾設定安全性。請檢查使用者是否具有覆寫之前備份的權限。 Windows Backup failed to set security for the files and folders under '\\WindowsImageBackup\\' for the user. Check that the user has permissions to overwrite the previous backup.
0x80780120Windows 備份無法在 '\\WindowsImageBackup\\' 之下的檔案與資料夾設定安全性。請檢查 SYSTEM 是否具有覆寫之前備份的權限。 Windows Backup failed to set security on the files and folders under '\\WindowsImageBackup\\'. Check that SYSTEM has permissions to overwrite the previous backup.
0x80780121Windows 備份無法讀取檔案: '\\WindowsImageBackup\\\\MediaId'。 Windows Backup failed to read the file: '\\WindowsImageBackup\\\\MediaId'.
0x80780122Windows 備份無法寫入檔案: '\\WindowsImageBackup\\\\MediaId'。 Windows Backup failed to write the file: '\\WindowsImageBackup\\\\MediaId'.
0x80780123無法對與備份磁碟區的磁區大小不同的磁碟執行復原操作。 A recovery operation cannot be performed to a disk of a sector size that is different than the sector size of the backed up volume.
0x80780124Windows 備份無法在復原的磁碟區上擴充或掛接檔案系統。 Windows Backup failed to extend or mount the file system on the recovered volume.
0x80780125Windows 備份無法將復原的系統磁碟分割設為使用中。 Windows Backup failed to set the recovered system partition as active.
0x80780126Windows 備份無法從備份存放目的地匯入備份組資訊。 Windows Backup failed to import the backup set information from the backup storage destination.
0x80780127Windows 備份無法在該位置更新舊備份組中的備份存放目的地資訊。 Windows Backup failed to update the backup storage destination information in old backup sets at that location.
0x80780128Windows 備份無法啟動要求的服務。 Windows Backup failed to start the requested service.
0x80780129Windows 備份無法停止要求的服務。 Windows Backup failed to stop the requested service.
0x8078012AWindows 備份無法啟動叢集服務。 Windows Backup failed to start the Cluster service.
0x8078012BWindows 備份無法停止叢集服務。 Windows Backup failed to stop the Cluster service.
0x8078012C復原位置中的應用程式元件已經變更。請將應用程式復原到替代位置。 An application component in the recovery location has changed. Please recover the application to an alternate location.
0x8078012D操作失敗,因為來源或目的地發生裝置錯誤。如果來源或目的磁碟區位於磁碟上,請在來源或目的磁碟區上執行 CHKDSK /R,然後重試操作。 The operation failed due to a device error encountered with either the source or the destination. If the source or destination volume is on a disk, run CHKDSK /R on the source or destination volume, and then retry the operation.
0x8078012E此備份組沒有關聯的共用保護點中繼資料。 This backup set does not have Shared Protection Point metadata associated with it.
0x8078012F無法對抽取式媒體類型執行復原操作。請改對本機連結的磁碟執行復原,然後將復原的項目複製到想要的位置。 The recovery operation cannot be performed to a removable media type. Instead, perform the recovery to a locally attached disk, and then copy the recovered items to desired location.
0x80780130無法使用 WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY 搭配 recreatedisks 參數執行系統復原操作,因為備份儲存在動態磁碟上。請中斷磁碟的連線、將備份複製到基本磁碟,然後重試復原操作。否則,請嘗試不要使用 recreatedisks 參數來執行操作。 The system recovery operation using WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY with the recreatedisks parameter cannot be performed because the backup is stored on a dynamic disk. Please move the disk offline, copy the backup to a basic disk, and then retry the recovery operation. Otherwise, try the operation without using the recreatedisks parameter.
0x80780131指定要卸載的 VHD 並未掛接。 The VHD specified for dismounting is not mounted.
0x80780132無法讓磁碟上線,因其不支援該操作。 The disk cannot be brought online because it does not support the operation.
0x80780133Windows 備份無法讓磁碟上線,因為找不到該磁碟。 Windows Backup failed to bring the disk online because it was not found.
0x80780134無法刪除遠端共用資料夾中的備份。若要回收該空間,請刪除 WindowsImageBackup 下的電腦名稱資料夾。 Backups in the remote shared folder cannot be deleted. To reclaim the space, delete the computer name folder under WindowsImageBackup.
0x80780135無法刪除存放在 DVD 或其他抽取式媒體上的備份。若要回收該空間,請刪除 WindowsImageBackup 下的電腦名稱資料夾。 Backups stored on DVDs or other removable media cannot be deleted. To reclaim the space, delete the computer name folder under WindowsImageBackup.
0x80780136指定的檔案路徑不存在,或是不在本機連結的磁碟上。 The specified file path does not exist or is not on a locally attached disk.
0x80780137檔案規格中指定的檔案名稱無效。 The specified file name in the file spec is invalid.
0x80780138指定的其中一個來源磁碟區格式無效,因此無法使用 Windows 備份來保護。只能保護以 NTFS/ReFS 格式化的磁碟區。 One of the source volumes specified has an invalid format and cannot be protected using Windows Backup. Only volumes formatted with NTFS/ReFS can be protected.
0x80780139其中一個來源磁碟區已標示為唯讀,因此無法使用 Windows 備份來保護。 One of the source volume is marked read-only and cannot be protected using Windows Backup.
0x80780140沒有包含任何要進行備份的磁碟區。 No volume has been included for backup.
0x80780141無法對 DVD 光碟機或其他抽取式媒體執行部分磁碟區或元件檔案備份。 A partial backup of volumes or component files cannot be performed to a DVD drive or other removable media.
0x80780142包含還原的檔案清單的檔案不符合任何磁碟區。 The file containing the Restored File List does not match any volumes.
0x80780143Windows 備份無法建立掛接備份映像所需的暫存檔案。 Windows Backup failed to create temporary files required for mounting the backup image.
0x80780144Windows 備份無法建立差異 VHD,因為備份映像已損毀。請選擇另一個備份,然後重試操作。 Windows Backup failed to create a differencing VHD because backup image is corrupted. Please choose another backup, and then retry the operation.
0x80780145指定的備份映像只能用於 Windows Server 2008 的檔案和應用程式還原。 The specified backup image can be used for file and application restore on Windows Server 2008 only.
0x80780147這個 Windows 版本不支援部分磁碟區備份。 A partial backup of volumes is not supported on this version of Windows.
0x80780148為排程備份工作指定的動作格式不正確。 The action specified for the scheduled backup task is not in a correct format.
0x80780149指定之備份的 Windows 版本與目前的版本不同。無法使用指定的備份執行系統狀態復原。 The specified backup is for a version of Windows that is different from the current version. System state recovery cannot be performed using the specified backup.
0x8078014A未備份任何指定的檔案。 None of the specified files were backed up.
0x8078014B在備份存放位置建立目錄時失敗。 There was a failure in creating a directory on the backup storage location.
0x8078014CWindows 備份無法卸載備份映像。 Windows Backup failed to dismount the backup image.
0x8078014D為刪除的項目更新備份時發生失敗。 There was a failure in updating the backup for deleted items.
0x8078014EUSN 日誌中有不一致。請重試操作。 There is an inconsistency in the USN journal. Retry the operation.
0x8078014F無法建立裸機復原 (BMR) 的備份,因為系統的重要磁碟區位於 VHD。請使用 DISKPART 命令直譯器搭配 DETACH 命令以中斷連結 VHD,或是重新設定備份並移除該選項,然後重試操作。 A backup for bare metal recovery (BMR) cannot be created because a critical volume on the system is located on a VHD. Use the DISKPART command interpreter with the DETACH command to detach the VHD, or reconfigure the backup and remove the option. Then retry the operation.
0x80780150為備份指定的其中一個檔案路徑位於重新分析點之下。不支援在重新分析點之下備份檔案。請指定包含重新分析點目的地的檔案路徑,然後重試操作。 One of the file paths specified for backup is under a reparse point. Backup of files under a reparse point is not supported. Specify a file path that contains the destination of the reparse point, and then retry the operation.
0x80780151在備份位置上壓縮虛擬硬碟時失敗。 There was a failure while compacting the virtual hard disk on the backup location.
0x80780152Windows 備份偵測到所選取備份設定內含的項目大小,可能無法放入選取的備份存放目的地。請清出存放目的地的空間,或選取不同的位置。 Windows Backup detected that the size of items included in the backup configuration you selected may not fit on the selected backup storage destination. Free up space on the storage destination or select a different location.
0x80780153備份存放位置是依存於復原位置的虛擬磁碟區。請選擇替代復原位置,然後重試操作。 The backup storage location is a virtual volume that is dependent on the recovery location. Choose an alternate recovery location and then retry the operation.
0x80780154在原始位置的操作完成之前,不可以在系統狀態復原期間重新啟動電腦。 You cannot restart your computer during a system state recovery before the operation to original location has completed.
0x80780155備份中的 Active Directory 標記存留期屬性已到期。此備份無法用來執行 Active Directory 復原。請選擇較新的備份。 The Active Directory tombstone-lifetime attribute in the backup has expired. This backup cannot be used to perform a recovery of Active Directory. Choose a more recent backup.
0x80780156此備份未含復原 Active Directory 所需的標記存留期屬性。請選擇另一個備份。 The backup does not contain the tombstone-lifetime attribute required for recovery of Active Directory. Choose another backup.
0x80780157磁碟區包含系統資料,但未併入備份設定中。 The volume contains system data but is not included in the backup configuration.
0x80780159在備份中,不能同時包含虛擬磁碟區以及包含該虛擬磁碟區的實體磁碟區。請只包含實體磁碟區或虛擬磁碟區。 You cannot include both the virtual volume and the physical volume that contains the virtual volume in the backup. Include only the physical volume or the virtual volume.
0x8078015A因為其中一個含有系統檔案的磁碟區是虛擬磁碟區,但不是系統或開機磁碟區,所以您不能執行系統狀態備份。 You cannot perform a system state backup because one of the volume(s) containing system files is a virtual volume, but not the system or boot volume.
0x8078015BWindows 備份在存取遠端共用資料夾時發生錯誤。請先確定遠端共用資料夾可以使用且可存取,然後重試操作。 Windows Backup encountered an error when accessing the remote shared folder. Please retry the operation after making sure that the remote shared folder is available and accessible.
0x8078015CHyper-V 寫入者未安裝或未執行。 The Hyper-V writer is not installed or not running.
0x8078015E備份位置的空間不足。請釋放空間,或減少要備份的資料大小。 Backup location is running low on space. Free up space or reduce size of data getting backed up.
0x8078015F一或多個您加入備份的項目位於叢集共用磁碟區上。Windows 備份不支援叢集共用磁碟區的備份。若要繼續,請從要備份的項目中移除叢集共用磁碟區上的項目。 One or more items that you have included for backup reside on Clustered Shared Volumes. Windows Backup does not support backup of Clustered Shared Volumes. To continue, remove the items on Clustered Shared Volumes from the items to back up.
0x80780161Windows 備份不支援在叢集共用磁碟區上存放備份。請選擇另一個存放位置並重新執行備份操作。 Windows Backup does not support storing backups on Clustered Shared Volumes. Choose another storage location and then re-run the backup operation.
0x80780162本機電腦無法識別存取遠端共用資料夾所用的使用者名稱。 The user name being used for accessing the remote share folder is not recognized by the local computer.
0x80780163備份無法完成,因為另一個程式正在存取備份程序使用的暫存檔案。請停止或關閉安裝 Windows 之磁碟機以及備份目標位置中的防毒程式,然後再試一次備份。 The backup cannot finish because another program is accessing temporary files used by the backup process. Stop or close any anti-virus programs on the drive where Windows is installed and also on the backup target location. Then try the backup again.
0x80780164無法在備份掛接磁碟區,因為在開機磁碟區上的可用空間不足。請釋放更多空間並重試操作。 Failed to mount volumes in backup because enough free space is not available on boot volume. Please free up more space and retry the operation.
0x80780165其中一個指定要備份的檔案路徑屬於遠端共用資料夾。不允許備份遠端共用資料夾。 One of the file paths specified for backup is that of a remote shared folder. Backup of a remote shared folder is not allowed.
0x80780166Windows Backup 將資料寫入備份目標時發生錯誤。 Windows Backup encountered an error when writing data to the backup target.
0x80780167使用者取消了操作。 The operation was cancelled by the user.
0x80780168包含開機關鍵檔案的磁碟區不是以受支援的檔案系統格式化。這個設定不支援裸機復原。 The volume containing boot critical files is not formatted with a supported filesystem. Bare metal recovery is not supported for this configuration.
0x80780169備份失敗,因為在來源磁碟區上的陰影複製已遭刪除。這可能是因為磁碟區上有大量寫入活動所致。請重試備份。如果問題持續發生,請考慮使用 'VSSADMIN Resize ShadowStorage' 命令增加陰影複製儲存區。 Backup failed as shadow copy on source volume got deleted. This might caused by high write activity on the volume. Please retry the backup. If the issue persists consider increasing shadow copy storage using 'VSSADMIN Resize ShadowStorage' command.
0x80780170Windows Backup 在執行要求的操作時,發生意外的錯誤。 Windows Backup encountered an unexpected error when performing the requested operation.
0x80780171指定的元件規格不正確。 The specified component spec is invalid.
0x80780172沒有指定要備份的項目。 There are no items specified to be backed up.
0x80780173其中一個系統元件在針對備份而建立的陰影複製中不一致。 One of the system components is not consistent in the shadow copy created for backup.
0x80780174包含在備份中的所有元件都失敗。 All components included in backup failed.
0x80780175磁碟區陰影複製略過元件。 Component was skipped from volume shadow copy.
0x80780176VSS 寫入者沒有報告指定的元件。 The specified component was not reported by the VSS writer.
0x80780177元件重要磁碟區無法快照。 A component critical volume failed to snapshot.
0x80780178BMR 備份失敗,因為 ASR 寫入者在建立陰影複製時失敗,並已略過。 BMR backup failed as ASR writer failed while creating shadow copy and was skipped.
0x80780179寫入備份目標時發生錯誤。 An error occured while writing to the backup target.
0x80780180複製資料失敗。 Copying of the data failed.
0x80780181其中一個備份來源磁碟區已刪除重複項目。將檔案以非最佳化形式備份到磁碟區失敗,因為目標已無空間。請確定目標有足夠空間可以容納非最佳化形式的檔案。 One of the backup source volumes is deduped. Unoptimized backup of files to the volume failed because the target ran out of space. Please ensure that the target has enough space to accomodate files in their unoptimized form.
0x80780182從刪除重複項目的最佳化備份以非最佳化形式復原檔案失敗,因為復原目標的空間不足。 Unoptimized recovery of files from backup of a dedup optimized backup failed because the recovery target does not have enough space.
0x80780183Windows Server Backup 偵測到選取的備份目的地包含使用舊版 Windows 執行的備份。對目的地執行新的備份會導致先前的備份遭到清除。請將現有備份複製到不同的位置並執行 [修改排程],以確認現在可以刪除備份,或在設定排程時,使用 -allowDeleteOldBackups 旗標透過 Powershell 或命令列來重新設定備份排程。 Windows Server Backup has detected that the selected backup destination contains backups taken with a previous version of Windows. Performing a new backup to the destination will cause previous backups to get erased.Copy the existing backups to a different location and run Modify Schedule to confirm that the backups can now be deleted, or reconfigure the backup schedule via Powershell or command-line by using the -allowDeleteOldBackups flag when setting the schedule.
0x80780184僅支援將磁碟區復原到磁區大小與原始來源磁碟磁區大小相同的復原目標。 Volume recovery is supported only to a recovery target with the same sector size as the original source disk sector size.
0x80780185Windows 備份無法執行此磁碟區的完整磁碟區備份,因為其叢集大小大於 64K。若要繼續,請將資料夾納入為個別的備份項目。 Windows Backup cannot perform a full volume backup of this volume as its cluster size is greater than 64K. To continue, include the folders as separate backup items.
0x80780186Windows 備份無法執行此磁碟區的完整磁碟區復原,因為其叢集大小大於 64K。若要繼續,請將資料夾納入為個別的可復原項目。 Windows Backup cannot perform a full volume recovery of this volume as its cluster size is greater than 64K. To continue, include the folders as separate recoverable items.
0x80780187Windows 備份無法執行此電腦的裸機備份,因為其中一個重要磁碟區的叢集大小大於 64K。 Windows Backup cannot perform a Bare Metal Backup of this computer as one of the critical volumes has a cluster size more than 64K.
0x80780188Windows 備份無法在相同備份中執行來自 CSVFS 和非 CSVFS 格式磁碟區的檔案備份。 Windows Backup cannot perform a backup of files from both CSVFS and non-CSVFS formatted volumes in the same backup.
0x80780189Windows 備份無法備份檔案放在 CSV 磁碟區上的應用程式。 Windows Backup cannot backup an application with files on a CSV volume.
0x80780190Windows 備份無法對 CSVFS 格式的磁碟區執行磁碟區復原作業。 Windows Backup cannot perform a volume recovery operation to a CSVFS formatted volume.
0x80780191Windows 備份無法對做為備份位置的 CSVFS 格式磁碟區,執行支援裸機復原的備份。 Windows Backup cannot perform a Bare Metal Recovery capable backup to a CSVFS formatted volume as the backup location.
0x80780192Windows 備份無法格式化磁碟,因為它位於叢集共用裝置上。請選取磁碟上的磁碟區,做為儲存備份的位置。 Windows Backup cannot format the disk as it is on a clustered shared device. Select a volume on the disk as the location for storing backups.
0x80780193不支援將檔案復原到 CSVFS 格式磁碟區根目錄。請選取 CSVFS 磁碟區下的目錄做為復原位置。 Recovery of files to a CSVFS formatted volume root is not supported. Select a directory under the CSVFS volume as the recovery location.


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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft® 區塊層級備份引擎服務資源
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:blbres.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:blbres.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is blbres.dll.mui?

blbres.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file blbres.dll (Microsoft® 區塊層級備份引擎服務資源).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft® 區塊層級備份引擎服務資源
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:blbres.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:blbres.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200