tcpipcfg.dll.mui Predmeti omrežne konfiguracije 3769873358f9ec41b1bb5fbeb42400d1

File info

File name: tcpipcfg.dll.mui
Size: 32256 byte
MD5: 3769873358f9ec41b1bb5fbeb42400d1
SHA1: 1fa240c424fee83720a9da781ae449d04c2333b6
SHA256: c7d03ac363d7059731568b9824b40bef2905fe25b41771614bd13ca165607ec9
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovenian English
23001Microsoft TCP/IP Microsoft TCP/IP
23002Vnesena maska podomrežja za naslov IP ni veljavna. Vnesite veljavno masko podomrežja. The subnet mask that you have entered for the IP address is not valid. Please enter a valid mask.
23003Kartica zahteva najmanj en naslov IP. Vnesite ga. The adapter requires at least one IP address. Please enter one.
23004Vnesli ste naslov, ki mu manjka maska podomrežja. Dodajte masko podomrežja You have entered an address that is missing its subnet mask. Please add a subnet mask
23005Neveljaven naslov IP ali naslov maske podomrežja. Invalid IP or subnet mask address.
23006Naslovi IP, ki se začnejo z %1 niso veljavni, ker so rezervirani za naslove povratne zanke. Navedite druge veljavne vrednosti med %2 in %3. IP addresses starting with %1 are not valid because they are reserved for loopback addresses. Please specify some other valid value between %2 and %3.
23007%1 ni veljaven vnos za prvo polje gostiteljevega naslova IP. Navedite vrednost med %2 in %3. %1 is not a valid entry as the first field of a host IP address. Please specify a value between %2 and %3.
23008DHCP protokol bo poskušal samodejno konfigurirati vašo delovno postajo med inicializacijo sistema. Vsi parametri, navedeni v teh lastnostih, strani bodo prepisali katere koli vrednosti, pridobljene od DHCP. Ali želite omogočiti DHCP? DHCP protocol will attempt to automatically configure your workstation during system initialization. Any parameters specified in these property pages will override any values obtained by DHCP. Do you want to enable DHCP?
23009Naslov IP IP address
23010Maska podomrežja Subnet mask
23011Dolžina predpone podomrežja Subnet prefix length
23012Neveljaven naslov IP Invalid IP address
23013Neveljaven privzeti naslov prehoda Invalid default gateway address
23015Niste izbrali elementa. Izberite ga. You have not selected an item. Select one first.
23016DHCP je omogočen DHCP Enabled
23017Le samodejna konfiguracija Automatic configuration only
23020Ime domene ni veljavno ime. Domain name is not a valid name.
23021Trenutne nastavitve načina iskanja zahtevajo najmanj eno pripono DNS. Vnesite jo ali spremenite nastavitve. The current setting of search method requires at least one DNS suffix. Please enter one or change the setting.
23022Pripona domene ni veljavna pripona. Domain suffix is not a valid suffix.
23024Dodatne nastavitve TCP/IP Advanced TCP/IP Settings
23027Varnost IP IP security
23028Varnost IP zaščiti zaupnost, integriteto in preverjanje pristnosti paketa IP med dvema računalnikoma v omrežju. Nastavitve varnosti IP veljajo za vse povezave, za katere je omogočen TCP/IP. IP security protects the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of IP packets between two computers on a network. IP security settings apply to all connections for which TCP/IP is enabled.
23029Nastavitve PPP PPP settings
23030PPP PPP
23031Nastavitve SLIP SLIP settings
23036Ni mogoče ustvariti datoteke %1. Poskusite znova in podajte drugo ime datoteke. Cannot create file %1. Try again, providing a different filename.
23037Konfiguracija ni uspela najti sistemske poti. Kopirajte datoteko LMHOSTS v imenik %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc. Configuration failed to find the system path. Copy the LMHOSTS file to the directory %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc.
23038Konfiguracija ni uspela kopirati datoteke LMHOSTS. Kopirajte datoteko LMHOSTS v imenik %1\drivers\etc. Configuration was not able to copy the LMHOSTS file. Please copy the LMHOSTS file to the directory %1\drivers\etc.
23039Pravkar konfigurirani naslov IP je že uporabljen v omrežju. Znova konfigurirajte drug naslov IP. The static IP address that was just configured is already in use on the network. Please reconfigure a different IP address.
23040Če želite konfigurirati TCP/IP, morate namestiti in omogočiti omrežno kartico. In order to configure TCP/IP, you must install and enable a network adapter card.
23041%1 ni veljaven vnos. Navedite vrednost med %2 in %3. %1 is not a valid entry. Please specify a value between %2 and %3.
23042Zmanjkalo je pomnilnika. Out of memory.
23043Napaka Error
23046Naslov IP mora biti enoličen za vsako omrežno kartico. Odstranite podvojeni naslov IP s seznama naslovov IP v pogovornem oknu »Dodatno«. IP addresses must be unique for each network card. Please remove the duplicate IP address from the IP addresses list in the Advanced dialog box.
23047Vneseni naslov IP %1, naveden za to omrežno kartico, je že določen drugi omrežni kartici »%2« v računalniku. Če je enak naslov pripisan obema karticama in obe postaneta aktivni, ga bo uporabljala le ena kartica. To se lahko pokaže v napačni konfiguraciji sistema.

Ali želite odpraviti težavo z vnosom drugega naslova IP za to kartico na seznamu naslovov IP v pogovornem oknu »Dodatno«?
The IP address %1 you have entered for this network adapter is already assigned to another adapter '%2' on this computer. If the same address is assigned to both adapters and they both become active, only one of them will use this address. This may result in incorrect system configuration.

Do you want to fix the problem by entering a different IP address for this adapter in the list of IP addresses in the Advanced dialog box?
23061Seznam strežnikov DNS je prazen. Lokalni naslov IP bo konfiguriran kot primarni strežniški naslov DNS, ker je Microsoft strežnik DNS nameščen v računalniku. The DNS server list is empty. The local IP address will be configured as the primary DNS server address because Microsoft DNS server is installed on this machine.
23062Metrika Metric
23063Vnesite metriko med 1 in %1. Please enter a metric between 1 and %1.
23064Prehod Gateway
23065Vneseni naslov IP (%1), naveden za to omrežno kartico, je že dodeljen drugi kartici (%2), ki ni več prisotna v računalniku. Če je enak naslov pripisan obema karticama in obe postaneta aktivni, ga bo uporabljala le ena. To lahko povzroči napačno konfiguracijo sistema.

Ali želite odstraniti konfiguracijo statičnega IP-ja za manjkajočo kartico?
The IP address %1 you have entered for this network adapter is already assigned to another adapter (%2) which is no longer present in the computer. If the same address is assigned to both adapters and they both become active, only one of them will use this address. This may result in incorrect system configuration.

Do you want to remove the static IP configuration for the absent adapter?
23066Vnesli ste neveljavno masko podomrežja. Maska podomrežja mora biti zvezna. Vnesite veljavno masko. You entered an invalid subnet mask. The subnet mask has to be contiguous. Please enter a valid mask.
23067Ime DNS domene »%1« ni veljavno ime DNS. The DNS domain name '%1' is not a valid DNS name.
23068Datoteka »%1« z odgovori vsebuje neveljavno DNS ime.
Pripona domene »%2« ni veljavno DNS ime.
The '%1' in the answer file contains invalid DNS name.
The Domain Suffix '%2' is not a valid DNS name.
23069Nastavitve IP-ja za »%1« so neveljavne v datoteki z odgovori.
Neveljaven naslov IP ali naslov maske podomrežja.
IP settings of '%1' in the answer file is invalid.
Invalid IP or subnet mask address.
23070Nastavitve IP-ja za »%1« so neveljavne v datoteki z odgovori.
DHCP je onemogočen in statičnih naslovov IP ni.
IP settings of '%1' in the answer file is invalid.
DHCP is disabled and there are no static IP addresses.
23071Nastavitve IP-ja za »%1« so neveljavne v datoteki z odgovori.
DHCP je onemogočen in mask podomrežja za naslove IP ni.
IP settings of '%1' in the answer file is invalid.
DHCP is disabled and there are no subnet masks for IP addresses.
23072DNS domena »%1« v datoteki z odgovori ni veljavno DNS ime. The DNS domain of '%1' in the answer file is not a valid DNS name.
23073»%1« od »%2« v datoteki z odgovori vsebuje neveljaven naslov IP »%3«. The '%1' of '%2' in the answer file contains an invalid IP address '%3'.
23074Ime DNS domene računalnika »%1« ni veljavno DNS ime. The computer DNS domain name '%1' is not a valid DNS name.
23075%1%2 %1%2
23077»%1« od »%2« v datoteki z odgovori vsebuje neveljavne nastavitve »%3«. The '%1' of '%2' in the answer file contains an invalid setting '%3'.
23078Strežnik DNS »%1« je že na seznamu. The DNS server '%1' is already on the list.
23079Pripona DNS »%1« je že na seznamu. The DNS suffix '%1' is already on the list.
23080Strežnik WINS »%1« je že na seznamu. The WINS server '%1' is already on the list.
23081Naslov IP »%1« je že na seznamu. The IP address '%1' is already on the list.
23082Privzeti prehod »%1« je že na seznamu. The default gateway '%1' is already on the list.
23083Nadomestni strežnik DNS ne more biti isti kot prednostni strežnik DNS. Vnesite drugačen naslov IP za nadomestni strežnik DNS. The alternate DNS server cannot be the same as the preferred DNS server. Please enter a different IP address for the alternate DNS server.
23084Kombinacija naslova IP in maske podomrežja je neveljavna. Vsi biti v delu naslova gostitelja so nastavljeni na 1. Vnesite veljavno kombinacijo naslova IP in maske podomrežja. The combination of IP address and subnet mask is invalid. All of the bits in the host address portion of the IP address are set to 1. Please enter a valid combination of IP address and subnet mask.
23085Kombinacija naslova IP in maske podomrežja je neveljavna. Vsi biti v delu naslova gostitelja so nastavljeni na 0. Vnesite veljavno kombinacijo naslova IP in maske podomrežja. The combination of IP address and subnet mask is invalid. All of the bits in the host address portion of the IP address are set to 0. Please enter a valid combination of IP address and subnet mask.
23086Kombinacija naslova IP in maske podomrežja je neveljavna. Vsi biti v delu omrežnega naslova so nastavljeni na 0. Vnesite veljavno kombinacijo naslova IP in maske podomrežja. The combination of IP address and subnet mask is invalid. All of the bits in the network address portion of the IP address are set to 0. Please enter a valid combination of IP address and subnet mask.
23087Samodejno Automatic
23088Opozorilo – Več privzetih prehodov zagotavlja redundanco enemu samemu omrežju (kot je intranet ali internet). Če so prehodi na dveh ločenih omrežjih (kot je omrežje na vašem intranetu in na internetu), ne delujejo pravilno. Ali želite shraniti to konfiguracijo? Warning - Multiple default gateways are intended to provide redundancy to a single network (such as an intranet or the Internet). They will not function properly when the gateways are on two separate, disjoint networks (such as one on your intranet and one on the Internet). Do you want to save this configuration?
23089Opozorilo – Privzeti prehod ni na istem delu omrežja (podomrežja), kot ga določa naslov IP in maska podomrežja. Ali želite shraniti to konfiguracijo? Warning - The default gateway is not on the same network segment (subnet) that is defined by the IP address and subnet mask. Do you want to save this configuration?
23090Vnesli ste neveljavno dolžino predpone. Dolžina predpone IPv6 mora biti med 0 in 128 (vključno). Vnesite veljavno dolžino predpone. You entered an invalid prefix length. IPv6 prefix length must be between 0 and 128 (inclusive). Please enter a valid prefix length.
23091Naslov IP za strežnik DNS »%1« ni veljaven. The DNS server '%1' is not a valid IP address.
24002Vse datoteke (*.*) All Files (*.*)
24005Neznana omrežna kartica. Unknown network card.
24500Preverjanje veljavnosti nastavitev TCP/IP Validate TCP/IP settings
24501Spremenili ste statične nastavitve protokola TCP/IP. Ali želite preveriti njihovo veljavnost? Če želite potrditi, pritisnite »Naprej«, če želite preklicati, pa pritisnite »Prekliči«. You have modified static TCP/IP settings. Would you like to validate them? To confirm, press 'Next'. To cancel, press 'Cancel'.
50001TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). Privzeti WAN (wide area network) protokol, ki omogoča komunikacijo prek različno povezanih omrežij. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The default wide area network protocol that provides communication across diverse interconnected networks.
50002TCP/IP različica 6. Najsodobnejša različica internetnega protokola, ki omogoča komunikacijo po raznolikih, medsebojno povezanih omrežjih. TCP/IP version 6. The latest version of the internet protocol that provides communication across diverse interconnected networks.
50003Gonilnik protokola TCP/IP TCP/IP Protocol Driver
50004Gonilnik za podporo NetIO za podedovani TDI NetIO Legacy TDI Support Driver
50005Protokola TCP/IP in TCP/IPv6 za sporočila (seja SMB) Message-oriented TCP/IP and TCP/IPv6 Protocol (SMB session)
50006Gonilnik za napravo Microsoft NetbiosSmb Microsoft NetbiosSmb Device Driver


File Name:tcpipcfg.dll.mui
File Size:32 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:31744
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovenian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Predmeti omrežne konfiguracije
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:netcfgx.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original File Name:netcfgx.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is tcpipcfg.dll.mui?

tcpipcfg.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovenian language for file tcpipcfg.dll (Predmeti omrežne konfiguracije).

File version info

File Description:Predmeti omrežne konfiguracije
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:netcfgx.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original Filename:netcfgx.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x424, 1200