MusNotificationUx.exe MusNotificationUx.exe 373853c7da7df5e98e7de363b783eefb

File info

File name: MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
Size: 19968 byte
MD5: 373853c7da7df5e98e7de363b783eefb
SHA1: 4f3b67c6aae63489c81f8021e12507540dde8758
SHA256: 273711fe52423800e2fad7352e7609f32e07f59387e1756a1a6f044cbd50b378
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: MusNotificationUx.exe MusNotificationUx.exe (32 biot)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Cornish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Cornish English
100Windows Update Windows Update
101An aire Heads up
102Feumaidh sinn ùrachadh air a bheil feum a luchdadh a-nuas. Tagh an teachdaireachd seo airson a chàradh. We need to download a required update. Select this message to fix.
103Tha ath-thòiseachadh air an sgeideil aig %1. Restart scheduled at %1.
104Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn ath-thòiseachadh an-dràsta fhèin. We couldn't restart right now.
105Chan urrainn dhuinn an t-uidheam agad ùrachadh oir lorg sinn duilgheadasan. Seallaidh sinn dhut mar a chàiricheas tu iad. We can't update your device because we found some issues. We'll show you how to fix them.
106Chan urrainn dhuinn luchdadh a-nuas an ùrachaidh a choileanadh. We can't finish downloading your update.
107Feumaidh tu grunn ùrachaidhean. You need some updates.
108Nas fhearr gach turas Better every time
109Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn stàladh nan ùrachaidhean a choileanadh. We couldn't finish installing updates.
110Stàlaich sinn cuid dhe na h-ùrachaidhean is chàirich sinn grunn dhuilgheadasan. We installed some updates and fixed a few issues.
111Cha deach cuid dhe na h-ùrachaidhean a stàladh mar bu chòir. Some updates didn't install correctly.
112Tagh an teachdaireachd seo airson barrachd fiosrachaidh. Select this message to learn more.
113Nì sinn ùrachadh air Windows a dh’aithghearr gus piseach a thoirt air. Seallaidh sinn cuimhneachan dhut nuair a bhios sinn gu bhith ath-thòiseachadh. We're going to make Windows better by updating soon. We'll show a reminder when we're going to restart.
114Tagh an teachdaireachd seo airson atharrachadh. Select this message to change.
115Tagh an teachdaireachd seo airson a chàradh. Select this message to fix.
116Tagh an teachdaireachd seo airson a stàladh. Select this message to install.
117Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na h-ùrachaidhean a stàladh. Can't install updates.
118Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an t-uidheam agad ùrachadh. We couldn't update your device.
119Faigh barrachd fiosrachaidh is cuir àm ùr air an sgeideal airson ath-thòiseachadh an uidheim agad. Learn more and schedule a new time to restart your device.
120Feumaidh tu ùrachaidhean air a bheil feum a stàladh. Required updates need to be installed.
121Stàlaich Install
123Tha sinn ag ùrachadh an uidheim agad. We're getting your PC up to date.
124Ath-thòisich an-dràsta Restart now
126Tha ùrachaidhean cudromach ri fhaighinn. Na cuir dheth an t-inneal agad ach an urrainn dhuinn an luchdadh a-nuas is am pròiseasadh nuair nach bi thu a’ cleachdadh a’ choimpiutair agad. Important updates are available. Please leave your machine on so we can download and process them while you aren't using your computer.
127Tadhail air na roghainnean Go To Settings
128Seall na roghainnean View settings
129Seall na tha ùr ’s na dh’atharraich ann an Windows See what's new or changed in Windows
401Sgeidealaich Schedule
402An cothrom mu dheireadh! Last chance!
403Tha an siostam gu bhith ath-thòiseachadh aig %1 gus na h-ùrachaidhean a stàladh. Cuir dàil air mur eil e goireasach dhut an-dràsta. A restart is scheduled to install updates at %1. Postpone if this isn't a good time.
404Tha sinn deiseil gu ùrachaidhean a stàladh. We're ready to install some updates.
405Dèan ath-thòiseachadh airson na h-ùrachaidhean a stàladh an-dràsta no sgeidealaich iad airson uaireigin eile. Restart to install updates now, or schedule for later.
406Tha ùrachaidhean ri am faighinn Updates are available
407Feumaidh tu ùrachaidhean air a bheil feum a luchdadh a-nuas. Required updates need to be downloaded.
408Seall na h-ùrachaidhean View updates
409Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na h-ùrachaidhean a luchdadh a-nuas Can't download updates
410Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn cuid dhe na h-ùrachaidhean a luchdadh a-nuas. We couldn't download some updates.
411Barrachd fiosrachaidh More info
412Cha b’ urrainn an t-uidheam agad ùrachadh. We weren't able to update your device.
413Cuir àm ath-thòiseachaidh ùr air an sgeideal. Schedule a new time to restart.
414Ath-thòisich Restart now
415Dùin Close
416Chaidh ath-thòiseachadh fèin-obrachail a chur air an sgeideal Automatic restart scheduled
417Thèid an t-uidheam agad ath-thòiseachadh aig %1 gus stàladh nan ùrachaidhean a choileanadh. Tagh “Dùin” gus d’ obair a shàbhaladh no “Ath-thòisich” gus ath-thòiseachadh sa bhad. Your device will restart at %1 to finish installing updates. Select Close to save your work, or Restart now to restart right away.
418Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn na h-ùrachaidhean a stàladh Can't install updates
422Ath-thòisichidh sinn aig %1 gus stàladh nan ùrachaidhean a choileanadh. Tagh “Dùin” gus d’ obair a shàbhaladh no “Cuir dàil air” gus fheuchainn ris a-rithist a-màireach. We'll restart at %1 to finish installing updates. Select Close to save your work, or Postpone to try again tomorrow.
424Cuir dàil air Postpone
425Tagh àm eile Reschedule
430Chaidh ùrachadh Update complete
431Chaidh an t-ùrachadh a choileanadh ach bha duilgheadasan ann. Mur eil rudan ag obair mar bu chòir, dèan lethbhreac-glèidhidh dhen dàta agad is feuch “Ath-shuidhich am fòn agam”. Your update completed, but there were some problems. If things aren't working right, try backing up your data and then using Reset My Phone.
433Leig seachad Dismiss
435Deiseil gus na ùrachaidhean a stàladh Ready to install updates
436Dèan ath-thòiseachadh airson na h-ùrachaidhean a stàladh an-dràsta Restart to install updates now
437Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an t-uidheam ùrachadh Couldn’t update device
439Chaidh an t-ùrachadh a choileanadh ach bha duilgheadasan ann. Mur eil rudan ag obair mar bu chòir, dèan lethbhreac-glèidhidh dhen dàta agad is feuch gun Ath-shuidhich thu an t-uidheam an uairsin. Your update completed, but there were some problems. If things aren't working right, try backing up your data and then using Reset device.
440Tha an t-uidheam gu bhith ath-thòiseachadh a dh’aithghearr It's almost time to restart your device
441Thèid an t-uidheam ath-thòiseachadh aig %1 a choileanadh ùrachaidhean. Ma tha an t-àm sin freagarrach, tagh “Dearbh”. Ma thogras tu, ’s urrainn dhut ath-thòiseachadh an-dràsta no àm nas fhreagarraiche a thaghadh. Your device will restart at %1 to finish installing updates. If this time works for you, select Confirm. If you want, you can restart now or reschedule for a different time.
444Dearbh Confirm
445Tha ùrachadh againn dhut We've got an update for you
446’S e seirbheis a th’ ann an Windows agus ’s e obair-ghlèidhidh àbhaisteach a th’ ann a bhith ga ùrachadh ach an ruith e cho rèidh ’s a ghabhas. Chaidh an t-ùrachadh agad a chur air an sgeideal %1. No tagh “Ath-thòisich an-dràsta” ma tha thu deiseil gus a dhèanamh an-dràsta. Windows is a service and updates are a normal part of keeping it running smoothly. Your update is scheduled for %1. Or, select Restart now if you're ready to do it now.
448Àm eile Another time
449Ceart ma-thà OK
450Tha an t-uidheam gu bhith ath-thòiseachadh Almost time for your restart
451Thèid an t-uidheam ath-thòiseachadh aig %1 a stàladh ùrachaidhean. Ma tha an t-àm sin freagarrach, tagh “Dearbh” no tadhail air “Roghainnean” » “Ùrachadh ⁊ tèarainteachd” » “Ùrachadh an fhòn” a thaghadh àm eile. Your device will restart at %1 to install updates. If this time works, select Confirm or you can visit Settings Update & Security Phone Update to reschedule.
544Gheibh thu ùrachadh You’re getting an update
545Ath-thòisichidh am buidheann agad an t-uidheam agad %1 gus an t-ùrachadh air Windows a chrìochnachadh. Dèan cinnteach gun sàbhail thu d’ obair roimhe sin no ath-thòisich an-dràsta ma tha thu deiseil. Your organization will restart your device at %1 to finish updating Windows. Make sure you save your work before then. Or, restart now if you're ready.
566’S e seirbheis a th’ ann an Windows agus ’s e obair-glèidhidh àbhaisteach a th’ ann a bhith ga ùrachadh ach an ruith e cho rèidh ’s a ghabhas. Tha sinn feumach air do thaic gus an t-ùrachadh seo a stàladh.
Ma tha thu deiseil, ath-thòisich an-dràsta. Mur eil, tagh àm a bhios freagarrach dhut.
Windows is a service and updates are a normal part of keeping it running smoothly. We need your help installing this one.
Ready? Restart now. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
567Bitheamaid nas fhearr còmhla Let's get better together
568Na cuir an t-ùrachadh seo dhan dàrna taobh - tha sinn airson ’s gum faigh thu am piseach as ùire air Windows ach an ruith e nas fearr agus nas tèarainte.
Ma tha thu deiseil, ath-thòisich an-dràsta. Mur eil, tagh àm a bhios freagarrach dhut.
Don't sleep on this update - we want you to have the latest improvements so Windows runs smoothly and more securely.
Ready? Restart now. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
569Tha pisich gu bhith tighinn… Countdown to goodness...
570Nì sinn an t-ùrachadh a chuir thu air an sgeideal %1. No tagh “Ath-thòisich an-dràsta” ma tha thu deiseil gus a dhèanamh an-dràsta. We're going to do the update you scheduled at %1. Or, select Restart now if you're ready to do it now.
571Cuir nam chuimhne uaireigin eile Remind me later
572Leanamaid air adhart Let's get our groove back
573Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn Windows ùrachadh air sgàth ’s nach robh an t-uidheam agad an làthair %1 %2. ’S docha gun deach a chur dheth no gun robh am bataraidh fann? Tagh “Ath-thòisich an-dràsta” gus an t-ùrachadh a chur gu dol a-rithist. We couldn't update Windows because your device didn't show up for our date at %1 on %2. Maybe it was turned off or the battery was low? Select Restart now to get going again.
574Fan uair a thìde Wait an hour
575Nach coilean sinn am fear seo dhut? Let's cross this one off your list
576Ma bhios a h-uile càil cho ùr ’s a ghabhas, ruithidh Windows nas fearr agus nas tèarainte. Tha sinn feumach air do thaic gus an t-ùrachadh seo a stàladh.
Ma tha thu deiseil, ath-thòisich an-dràsta. Mur eil, tagh àm a bhios freagarrach dhut.
Getting up to date now means Windows will run better and be more secure. We need your help installing this update.
Ready? Restart now. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
577’S e seirbheis a th’ ann an Windows agus ’s e obair-glèidhidh àbhaisteach a th’ ann a bhith ga ùrachadh ach an ruith e cho rèidh ’s a ghabhas. Tha sinn feumach air do thaic gus an t-ùrachadh seo a stàladh.
A bheil thu deiseil? Tagh àm a bhios freagarrach dhut.
Windows is a service and updates are a normal part of keeping it running smoothly. We need your help installing this one.
Ready? Pick a time that works for you.
578Na cuir an t-ùrachadh seo dhan dàrna taobh - tha sinn airson ’s gum faigh thu am piseach as ùire air Windows ach an ruith e nas fearr agus nas tèarainte.
A bheil thu deiseil? Tagh àm a bhios freagarrach dhut.
Don't sleep on this update - we want you to have the latest improvements so Windows runs smoothly and more securely.
Ready? Pick a time that works for you.
579Ma bhios a h-uile càil cho ùr ’s a ghabhas, ruithidh Windows nas fearr agus nas tèarainte. Tha sinn feumach air do thaic gus an t-ùrachadh seo a stàladh.
A bheil thu deiseil? Tagh àm a bhios freagarrach dhut.
Getting up to date now means Windows will run better and be more secure. We need your help installing this update.
Ready? Pick a time that works for you.
580Nì sinn an t-ùrachadh a chuir thu air an sgeideal %1 %2. Nach eil thu deiseil? Tagh àm a bhios freagarrach dhut. We’re going to do the update you scheduled at %1 on %2. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
582Tagh àm Pick a time
583Dèan dùsal Snooze
584Dèan dùsal fhathast Keep snoozing
585Cumaibh oirbh a’ cur brath thugam Keep bugging me


File Name:MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
File Size:20 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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OS Version:10.0
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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
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Language Code:Cornish
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:MusNotificationUx.exe
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MusNotificationUx.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte.
Original File Name:MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is MusNotificationUx.exe.mui?

MusNotificationUx.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Cornish language for file MusNotificationUx.exe (MusNotificationUx.exe).

File version info

File Description:MusNotificationUx.exe
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MusNotificationUx.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte.
Original Filename:MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x491, 1200