MusNotificationUx.exe MusNotificationUx.exe 34de566d09c1deaff3588d6726b491c7

File info

File name: MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
Size: 15872 byte
MD5: 34de566d09c1deaff3588d6726b491c7
SHA1: 3e8799731fb2f241cc62c683ae828d12cc127187
SHA256: dd97afd2d6b00a1f33110d7f7636e02b3acde39dc6e7b39da6c913bee3e18a68
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: MusNotificationUx.exe MusNotificationUx.exe (32-bit)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in turkmence (Turkmenistan) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id turkmence (Turkmenistan) English
100Windows Update Windows Update
101Başlalyň onda Heads up
102Zerur bir täzelenmäni göçürip almaly bolarys. Düzetmek üçin şu habary saýlaň. We need to download a required update. Select this message to fix.
103Täzeden işletmek %1 senesine meýilleşdirildi. Restart scheduled at %1.
104Şu wagt täzeden işledip bolmady. We couldn't restart right now.
105Enjamyňyzy täzeläp bolanok, sebäbi käbir meseleler tapyldy. Olary nädip düzetmelidigini görkezeris. We can't update your device because we found some issues. We'll show you how to fix them.
106Täzelenmäni göçürip almagy tamamlap bolmady. We can't finish downloading your update.
107Size käbir täzelenmeler zerur. You need some updates.
108Her gezek has ajaýyp Better every time
109Täzelenmeleri gurnamagy tamamlap bolmady. We couldn't finish installing updates.
110Käbir täzelenmeleri gurnadyk we birnäçe meseläni çözdük. We installed some updates and fixed a few issues.
111Käbir täzelenmeler dogry gurnalmady. Some updates didn't install correctly.
112Giňişleýin maglumat üçin bu habary saýlaň. Select this message to learn more.
113Basym täzeläp, Windows-y has ajaýyp ederis. Açyp ýapjak wagtymyz, size ýatladyjy görkezeris. We're going to make Windows better by updating soon. We'll show a reminder when we're going to restart.
114Üýtgetmek üçin bu habary saýlaň. Select this message to change.
115Düzetmek üçin bu habary saýlaň. Select this message to fix.
116Gurnamak üçin bu habary saýlaň. Select this message to install.
117Täzelenmeleri gurnap bolanok. Can't install updates.
118Enjamyňyzy täzeläp bolmady. We couldn't update your device.
119Giňişleýin öwreniň we enjamyňyzy täzeden işletmek üçin täze wagty meýilleşdiriň. Learn more and schedule a new time to restart your device.
120Zerur täzelenmeleri gurnamaly. Required updates need to be installed.
121Gurna Install
123Kompýuteriňizi täzeleýäris. We're getting your PC up to date.
124Häzir täzeden işlet Restart now
126Möhüm täzelemeler elýeterli. Ulanmaýan wagtyňyz, olary göçürip alyp işlemegimiz üçin, kompýuteri açyp goýuň. Important updates are available. Please leave your machine on so we can download and process them while you aren't using your computer.
127Sazlamalara git Go To Settings
128Görüş sazlamalary View settings
129Windows täze ýa-da üýtgedilen zatlary görüň See what's new or changed in Windows
401Meýilleşdir Schedule
402Soňky mümkinçilik! Last chance!
403%1 bolanynda täzelenmeleri gurnamak üçin täzeden işletmek meýilleşdirilen. Bu sagat amatly däl bolsa, ony gijräge süýşüriň. A restart is scheduled to install updates at %1. Postpone if this isn't a good time.
404Käbir täzelenmeleri gurnamaga taýýar. We're ready to install some updates.
405Täzelenmeleri häzir gurnamak üçin täzeden işlediň ýa-da soňrä täzeden işletmegi meýilleşdiriň. Restart to install updates now, or schedule for later.
406Täzelenmeler elýeterli Updates are available
407Zerur täzelenmeleri göçürip almaly. Required updates need to be downloaded.
408Täzelemeleri gör View updates
409Täzelenmeleri göçürip alyp bolanok Can't download updates
410Käbir täzelenmeleri göçürip alyp bolmady. We couldn't download some updates.
411Has giňişleýin maglumat More info
413Täzeden işletmek üçin täze bir wagty meýilleşdiriň. Schedule a new time to restart.
414Täzeden işlet Restart now
415Ýap Close
416Awtomatiki täzeden işletmek meýilleşdirildi Automatic restart scheduled
417Täzelenmeleri gurnamagy tamamlamak üçin enjamyňyz %1 bolanynda täzeden işlediler. Işleriňizi ýatda saklamak üçin «Ýap» düwmesini ýa-da dessine täzeden işletmek üçin «Täzeden işlet» düwmesini saýlaň. Your device will restart at %1 to finish installing updates. Select Close to save your work, or Restart now to restart right away.
418Täzelenmeleri gurnap bolanok Can't install updates
419Täzelenmeleri gurnap bolmady. We weren't able to install updates.
422Täzelenmeleri gurnamagy tamamlamak üçin %1 bolanynda täzeden işlederis. Işleriňizi ýatda saklamak üçin «Ýap» düwmesini ýa-da ertir gaýtadan synanyşmak üçin «Gijikdir» düwmesini saýlaň. We'll restart at %1 to finish installing updates. Select Close to save your work, or Postpone to try again tomorrow.
424Gijikdir Postpone
425Täzeden meýilleşdir Reschedule
430Täzelenme tamamlandy Update complete
431Täzelenmäňiz tamamlandy, ýöne meseleler bardy. Dogry işlemeýän bolsa maglumatlaryňyzy ätiýaçlandyrmaga synanyşyň, soňra «Telefonymy nol et» aýratynlygyny ulanyň. Your update completed, but there were some problems. If things aren't working right, try backing up your data and then using Reset My Phone.
433Goýbolsun Dismiss
434Goşmaça maglumat More info
435Täzelemeleri gurnamaga taýýar Ready to install updates
436Häzir täzelemeleri gurnamak üçin açyp ýap Restart to install updates now
437Enjamy täzeläp bolmady Couldn’t update device
439Täzelemäňiz tamamlandy, ýöne käbir problemalar ýüze çykdy. Eger näsazlyk bar bolsa, maglumatyňyzy ätiýaçlap, Enjamy nol et-i ulanyp görüň. Your update completed, but there were some problems. If things aren't working right, try backing up your data and then using Reset device.
440Enjamyňyzy täzeden işletmegiň wagty boldy diýen ýaly It's almost time to restart your device
441Täzelemeleri gurnap gutarmak üçin, enjamyňyz %1 sagatda täzeden işlediler. Eger şol wagt size bolýan bolsa, Tassykla-ny saýlaň. Isleseňiz, häzir täzeden işledip ýa-da başga bir wagta belläp hem bilersiňiz. Your device will restart at %1 to finish installing updates. If this time works for you, select Confirm. If you want, you can restart now or reschedule for a different time.
444Tassykla Confirm
445Siziň üçin täzelemämiz bar We've got an update for you
446Windows hyzmat bolup, täzelemeler onuň gurat işlemegi üçin zerur bolan adaty ýagdaýdyr. Täzelemäňiz %1 wagta rejelenen. Ýa-da, oňa häzir taýýar bolsaňyz, şu wagt Açyp ýap-a basyň. Windows is a service and updates are a normal part of keeping it running smoothly. Your update is scheduled for %1. Or, select Restart now if you're ready to do it now.
448Başga wagt Another time
449OK OK
450Täzeden işletmegiň wagty bolup barýar Almost time for your restart
451Täzelemeleri gurnamak üçin, enjamyňyz %1 sagatda täzeden işlediler. Eger şo wagt size bolýan bolsa, Tassykla-ny saýlaň ýa-da täzeden bellemek üçin, Sazlamalar Täzeleme we howpsuzlyk Telefon täzelemesi-ne baryp bilersiňiz. Your device will restart at %1 to install updates. If this time works, select Confirm or you can visit Settings Update & Security Phone Update to reschedule.
544Siz täzeleme alýarsyňyz You’re getting an update
545Windows-y täzeläp dynmak üçin, edaraňyz %1 sagatda enjamyňyzy açyp ýapar. Şondan öň işiňizi ýatda saklaň. Ýa-da, taýýar bolsaňyz, häzir açyp ýapyň. Your organization will restart your device at %1 to finish updating Windows. Make sure you save your work before then. Or, restart now if you're ready.
550Täzelemeler elýeterli Updates are available
566Windows hyzmat bolup, täzelemeler onuň gurat işlemegi üçin zerur bolan adaty ýagdaýdyr. Şuny gurnamaga siziň kömegiňiz gerek.
Taýýarmy? Häzir açyp ýapyň. Taýýar dälmi? Özüňize oňaýly wagt saýlaň.
Windows is a service and updates are a normal part of keeping it running smoothly. We need your help installing this one.
Ready? Restart now. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
567Geliň, bile işleşeliň Let's get better together
568Bu täzelemede uklama - Windows gurat we has goragly işlär ýaly, siziň iň täze gowulandyrmalary almagyňyzy isleýäris.
Taýýarmy? Häzir açyp ýapyň. Taýýar dälmi? Özüňize oňaýly wagt saýlaň.
Don't sleep on this update - we want you to have the latest improvements so Windows runs smoothly and more securely.
Ready? Restart now. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
569Gowulyga tarap sanaýyş... Countdown to goodness...
570Biz öz bellän %1 wagtyňyzda täzeleme geçireris. Ýa-da, oňa häzir taýýar bolsaňyz, şu wagt Açyp ýap-a basyň. We're going to do the update you scheduled at %1. Or, select Restart now if you're ready to do it now.
571Maňa soň ýatlat Remind me later
572Geliň, ýene bir göreliň Let's get our groove back
573Windows-y täzeläp bilmedik, sebäbi enjamyňyz %1, %2 senämizde görünmedi. Belki, ol ýapylandyr ýa-da zarýady az bolandyr? Dowam etmek üçin, häzir Açyp ýap-a basyň. We couldn't update Windows because your device didn't show up for our date at %1 on %2. Maybe it was turned off or the battery was low? Select Restart now to get going again.
574Bir sagat garaş Wait an hour
575Geliň, muny sanawyňyzdan çyzalyň Let's cross this one off your list
576Häzir täzeleseňiz, Windows has gowy we has goragly işlär. Bu täzelemäni gurnamaga siziň kömegiňiz gerek.
Taýýarmy? Häzir açyp ýapyň. Taýýar dälmi? Özüňize oňaýly wagt saýlaň.
Getting up to date now means Windows will run better and be more secure. We need your help installing this update.
Ready? Restart now. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
577Windows hyzmat bolup, täzelemeleri onuň gurat işlemegi üçin zerur bolan adaty ýagdaýdyr. Şuny gurnamaga siziň kömegiňiz gerek.
Taýýarmy? Özüňize oňaýly wagt saýlaň.
Windows is a service and updates are a normal part of keeping it running smoothly. We need your help installing this one.
Ready? Pick a time that works for you.
578Bu täzelemede uklama - Windows gurat we has goragly işlär ýaly, siziň iň täze gowulandyrmalary almagyňyzy isleýäris.
Taýýarmy? Özüňize oňaýly wagt saýlaň.
Don't sleep on this update - we want you to have the latest improvements so Windows runs smoothly and more securely.
Ready? Pick a time that works for you.
579Häzir täzeleseňiz, Windows has gowy we has goragly işlär. Bu täzelemäni gurnamaga siziň kömegiňiz gerek.
Taýýarmy? Özüňize oňaýly wagt saýlaň.
Getting up to date now means Windows will run better and be more secure. We need your help installing this update.
Ready? Pick a time that works for you.
580Biz öz bellän %1, %2 wagtyňyzda täzeleme geçireris. Siz taýýar dälmi? Özüňize oňaýly wagt saýlaň. We’re going to do the update you scheduled at %1 on %2. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
582Wagt saýla Pick a time
583Soňa goý Snooze
584Soňa goýuber Keep snoozing
585Maňa ýatladyber Keep bugging me


File Name:MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
File Size:16 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
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Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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Initialized Data Size:15360
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OS Version:10.0
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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
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Language Code:Unknown (0442)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:MusNotificationUx.exe
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MusNotificationUx.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original File Name:MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is MusNotificationUx.exe.mui?

MusNotificationUx.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain turkmence (Turkmenistan) language for file MusNotificationUx.exe (MusNotificationUx.exe).

File version info

File Description:MusNotificationUx.exe
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MusNotificationUx.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Ähli hukuklary goralýar.
Original Filename:MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x442, 1200