If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id |
Croato-Serbian (Latin) |
English |
100 | IEXtag |
IEXtag |
114 | Pričekajte dok Internet Explorer traži %ls. |
Please wait while Internet Explorer searches for %ls. |
115 | Došlo je do interne pogreške. |
There was an internal error. |
116 | Interna pogreška |
Internal Error |
117 | %ls nije valjano mjesto. |
%ls is not a valid location. |
118 | Pogreška |
Error |
121 | Internet Explorer ne može otvoriti %ls kao web-mapu. Želite li pogledati taj objekt na zadani način? |
Internet Explorer could not open %ls as a web Folder. Would you like to see its default view instead? |
122 | Otvori mapu |
Open Folder |
123 | Nema dovoljno memorije za dovršavanje ove operacije. Zatvorite neke aplikacije da biste oslobodili memoriju. |
There was insufficient memory to complete this operation. Please close some applications to free up memory. |
124 | Nema dovoljno memorije |
Insufficient Memory |
125 | Mapa %ls više nije dostupna. |
The folder %ls is no longer available. |
126 | Web mapa više nije valjana |
Web Folder No Longer Valid |
127 | Adresa web-mape koju je dobio Internet Explorer je predugačka. Koristite kraću adresu. |
The web folder address Internet Explorer was given was too long. Please use a shorter address. |
128 | Adresa je predugačka |
Address Too Long |
129 | Traženu operaciju nije moguće dovršiti jer je resurs izvan mreže. |
The requested operation could not be completed because the resource is offline. |
130 | Izvanmrežni resurs |
Resource Offline |