File name: | DMAppsRes.dll.mui |
Size: | 12800 byte |
MD5: | 30b4895b3114b86c939d8a19a1ff89a1 |
SHA1: | eac60fc98430b8a572627dffe5eef75c639845fa |
SHA256: | ddbf1340211542e06912360380d6fa953c0714bacf62f2f6637381919d02efff |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Maltese | English |
26002 | Il-ħażna tal-mowbajl mimlija. Tista’ tneħħi applikazzjonijiet mhux użati jekk tixtieq tillibera l-ispazju. | Phone storage is full. You can remove unused applications if you want to free up space. |
26004 | Is-settings tal-mowbajl tiegħek ma setgħux jiġu mibdula. | Your phone's settings couldn't be changed. |
26007 | Il-bidla fis-settings tal-mowbajl ma rnexxietx | Phone settings change unsuccessful |
26008 | Is-settings tal-mowbajl ġew mibdula | Phone settings changed |
26009 | Il-fornitur tas-servizz tiegħek (%1!s!) irnexxielu jibdel is-settings tal-mowbajl tiegħek. | successfully changed your phone's settings. |
26010 | Il-bidliet fis-settings tal-mowbajl tiegħek irnexxew. | The changes to your phone's settings were successful. |
26011 | Notifika tas-sistema | System notification |
26012 | Hemm bidliet disponibbli | Changes are available |
26024 | Mittent mhux identifikat | Unidentified sender |
26027 | %1 bgħatlek xi settings ġodda tal-mowbajl. Jekk taf lill-mittent u tixtieq taċċetta dawn il-bidliet, ittajpja l-PIN tal-mittent, u mbagħad taptap Enter. Tirċievi SMS meta l-bidliet ikunu lesti.
Jekk ma tixtieqx tagħmel dan issa agħfas il-buttuna Lura biex tipposponi l-bidliet. Taptap Ikkanċella biex tirrifjutahom. |
%1 has sent you some new phone settings. If you know the sender and want to accept these changes, type the sender's PIN, and then tap Enter. You'll get a text message when the changes are complete.
If you don't want to do this right now press the Back button to postpone the changes. Tap Cancel to decline them. |
26028 | Irċevejt xi settings ġodda tal-mowbajl minn sors mhux identifikat. Jekk taf il-mittent u tixtieq taċċetta dawn il-bidliet, ittajpja l-PIN tal-mittent, u mbagħad taptap Enter. Tirċievi SMS meta l-bidliet ikunu lesti.
Jekk ma tixtieqx tagħmel dan issa, agħfas il-buttuna Lura biex tipposponi l-bidliet. Taptap Ikkanċella biex tirrifjutahom. |
You’ve received some new phone settings from an unidentified source. If you know the sender and want to accept these changes, type the sender's PIN, and then tap Enter. You'll get a text message when the changes are complete.
If you don’t want to do this right now, press the Back button to postpone the changes. Tap Cancel to decline them. |
26030 | Il-PIN li daħħalt kien ħażin. Erġa’ pprova daħħlu.
Tentattivi li fadal: %1 |
The PIN you entered was incorrect. Try entering it again.
Remaining attempts: %1 |
26031 | PIN ħażin | Incorrect PIN |
26043 | Il-PIN li daħħalt kien ħażin. | The PIN you entered was incorrect. |
26045 | Meħtieġa bidliet fil-mowbajl | Phone changes needed |
26046 | L-operatur tal-mowbajl tiegħek (%1) jeħtieġ jagħmel xi bidliet fil-mowbajl tiegħek biex ikompli jaħdem sew fuq in-netwerk. Biex tagħmel il-bidla, teħtieġ taqbad ma’ Wi-Fi jew tixgħel dejta ċellulari.
Tirċievi SMS meta jkun lest. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network. To make the change, you need to connect to Wi-Fi or turn on cellular data.
You'll get a text message when it's complete. |
26047 | &L-operatur tal-mowbajl tiegħek (%1) jeħtieġ jagħmel xi bidliet fil-mowbajl tiegħek biex ikompli jaħdem sew fuq in-netwerk. Biex tagħmel il-bidla, teħtieġ taqbad ma’ Wi-Fi jew tixgħel dejta ċellulari.
Tirċievi SMS meta jkun lest. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network. To make the change, you need to connect to Wi-Fi or turn on cellular data.
You'll get a text message when it's complete. To cancel the update, go to Cellular & SIM Settings. |
26048 | %1 lest, u l-bidliet fil-mowbajl tiegħek huma lesti. | %1 is finished, and the changes to your phone are complete. |
26050 | ok | ok |
26051 | ikkanċella | cancel |
26052 | agħlaq | close |
26053 | iva | yes |
26054 | le | no |
26055 | lest | done |
26057 | aċċetta | accept |
26058 | aqbad | connect |
26059 | idħol | enter |
26060 | irristartja issa | restart now |
26061 | irristartja aktar tard | restart later |
26062 | Dan se jibdel is-settings tal-mowbajl tiegħek. | This will change your phone's settings. |
26063 | %1 bgħatlek xi settings ġodda tal-mowbajl. Jekk taf lill-mittent u tixtieq taċċetta dawn il-bidliet, taptap Aċċetta. Tirċievi SMS meta l-bidliet ikunu lesti.
Jekk ma tixtieqx tagħmel dan issa stess, agħfas il-buttuna Lura biex tipposponi l-bidliet. Taptap Ikkanċella biex tirrifjutahom. |
%1 has sent you some new phone settings. If you know the sender and want to accept these changes, tap Accept. You'll get a text message when the changes are complete.
If you don’t want to do this right now, press the Back button to postpone the changes. Tap Cancel to decline them. |
26064 | Irċevejt xi settings ġodda tal-mowbajl minn sors mhux identifikat. Jekk taf lill-mittent u tixtieq taċċetta dawn il-bidliet, taptap Aċċetta. Tirċievi SMS meta l-bidliet ikunu lesti.
Jekk ma tixtieqx tagħmel dan issa stess, agħfas il-buttuna Lura biex tipposponi l-bidliet. Taptap Ikkanċella biex tirrifjutahom. |
You’ve received some new phone settings from an unidentified source. If you know the sender and want to accept these changes, tap Accept. You'll get a text message when the changes are complete.
If you don’t want to do this right now, press the Back button to postpone the changes. Tap Cancel to decline them. |
26065 | %1 ma setax ilesti l-bidliet fil-mowbajl tiegħek billi ma stajtx taqbad mas-server. | %1 couldn't finish making changes to your phone because you couldn't connect to the server. |
26078 | L-operatur tal-mowbajl tiegħek (%1) jeħtieġ jagħmel xi bidliet fil-mowbajl tiegħek biex ikompli jaħdem sew fuq in-netwerk.
Hawn id-dettalji mill-operatur tal-mowbajl tiegħek: |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network.
Here are the details from your mobile operator: |
26080 | ara | view |
26081 | Daħħal numri biss. | Please enter only numbers. |
26082 | L-operatur tal-mowbajl tiegħek (%1) jeħtieġ jagħmel xi bidliet fil-mowbajl tiegħek biex ikompli jaħdem sew fuq in-netwerk.
Tirċievi SMS meta jkun lest. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network.
You'll get a text message when it's finished. |
26083 | L-operatur tal-mowbajl tiegħek (%1) jeħtieġ jimmodifika l-mowbajl tiegħek biex ikompli jaħdem sew fuq in-netwerk.
Tirċievi SMS meta jkun lest. Biex tikkanċella l-aġġornament, mur fis-Settings ta’ Cellular & SIM. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to modify your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network.
You'll get a text message when it's finished. To cancel the update, go to Cellular & SIM Settings. |
26085 | Taptap biex taġġorna s-settings tad-dejta ċellulari | Tap to update cellular data settings |
26086 | It-tagħmir tiegħek jeħtieġ jirristartja | Your device needs to restart |
26087 | L-organizzazzjoni awtorizzat politiki li jeħtieġu li t-tagħmir tiegħek jirristartja. Jista’ jkun li ma tkunx tista’ taċċessa r-riżorsi tax-xogħol jew in-netwerk tax-xogħol tiegħek sakemm jiġi rristartjat. | Your organization has pushed down policies that require your device to restart. You may be unable to access work resources or your work network until it is restarted. |
26088 | Daħħal il-PIN tiegħek biex tikkonferma l-identità tiegħek u temm ir-reġistrazzjoni tal-PIN tiegħek. | Enter your PIN to confirm your identity and finish your PIN enrollment. |
26089 | Your device administrator has scheduled a reboot | Your device administrator has scheduled a reboot |
26090 | RebootCSP scheduled reboot | RebootCSP scheduled reboot |
26091 | RebootCSP daily recurrent reboot | RebootCSP daily recurrent reboot |
26092 | Il-kumpanija sakkritlek it-tagħamir. Tista' tuża l-PIN tiegħek biex tiftħu. | Your company has locked your device. You can use your PIN to unlock it. |
26093 | Il-kumpanija tiegħek irrisettjat il-PIN tiegħek. Ikkuntattja lill-persuna tal-appoġġ tal-kumpanija tiegħek biex issir taf il-PIN. | Your company has reset your PIN. Contact your company’s support person to learn the PIN. |
26094 | Ġestjoni Dinamika | Dynamic Management |
26095 | Is-settings tal-amministrazzjoni tiegħek inbidlu minħabba bidla reċenti fil-kuntest tal-apparat tiegħek. | Your management settings have changed because of a recent change to your device context. |
50002 | &L-operatur tal-mowbajl tiegħek (%1) jeħtieġ jagħmel xi bidliet fil-mowbajl tiegħek biex ikompli jaħdem sew fuq in-netwerk. Biex tagħmel il-bidla, teħtieġ taqbad ma’ WLAN jew tixgħel id-dejta ċellulari.
Tirċievi SMS meta jkun lest. Biex tikkanċella l-aġġornament, mur fis-Settings Ċellulari+SIM. |
Your mobile operator (%1) needs to make some changes to your phone so it'll continue to work well on the network. To make the change, you need to connect to WLAN or turn on cellular data.
You'll get a text message when it's complete. To cancel the update, go to Cellular & SIM Settings. |
50003 | Aġġornament tan-netwerk disponibbli | Network update available |
50004 | L-operatur tal-mowbajl tiegħek qed jaġġorna n-netwerk tal-mowbajl tiegħek biex tkun tista’ tagħmel telefonati, tibgħat SMS, u aktar.
Tirċievi SMS meta l-aġġornament ikun lest. |
Your mobile operator is updating your phone network so you'll be able to make phone calls, send text messages, and more.
You'll get a text message when the update is done. |
50005 | Il-profil tan-netwerk tiegħek huwa aġġornat u lest biex jibda. | Your network profile is updated and ready to go. |
50006 | ikkanċella l-aġġornament | cancel update |
50007 | L-operatur tal-mowbajl tiegħek ma setax jaġġorna l-profil tan-netwerk tiegħek. Jekk iċċempel għall-għajnuna, għid li rajt dawn il-kodiċi tal-iżball: %1. | Your mobile operator wasn't able to update your network profile. If you call them for help, tell them you saw this error code: %1. |
50009 | Qed iniżżel applikazzjonijiet addizzjonali | Downloading additional apps |
File Description: | DMAppsRes |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | DMAppsRes |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat. |
Original Filename: | DMAppsRes.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x43A, 1200 |