1000 | VSP Synth3D Microsoft RemoteFX |
Microsoft RemoteFX Synth3D VSP |
1002 | VSP Synth3D RemoteFX |
RemoteFX Synth3D VSP |
1003 | RemoteFX Synth3D VSP |
RemoteFX Synth3D VSP |
1004 | Numero di dispositivi macchina virtuale creati |
Number of created VM devices |
1007 | Number of created VM devices |
Number of created VM devices |
2000 | Dispositivo macchina virtuale VSP Synth3D Microsoft RemoteFX |
Microsoft RemoteFX Synth3D VSP VM Device |
2002 | Dispositivo macchina virtuale VSP Synth3D RemoteFX |
RemoteFX Synth3D VSP VM Device |
2003 | RemoteFX Synth3D VSP VM Device |
RemoteFX Synth3D VSP VM Device |
2004 | Numero di canali VMT creati |
Number of created VMT channels |
2007 | Number of created VMT channels |
Number of created VMT channels |
2008 | Numero di canali VMT in attesa |
Number of waiting VMT channels |
2011 | Number of waiting VMT channels |
Number of waiting VMT channels |
2012 | Numero di canali VMT connessi |
Number of connected VMT channels |
2015 | Number of connected VMT channels |
Number of connected VMT channels |
2016 | Numero di canali VMT disconnessi |
Number of disconnected VMT channels |
2019 | Number of disconnected VMT channels |
Number of disconnected VMT channels |
2020 | Numero totale di canali VMT creati |
Total number of created VMT channels |
2023 | Total number of created VMT channels |
Total number of created VMT channels |
2024 | Numero di notifiche riavviate RDVGM |
Number of RDVGM restarted notifications |
2027 | Number of RDVGM restarted notifications |
Number of RDVGM restarted notifications |
3000 | Canale di trasporto macchina virtuale VSP Synth3D Microsoft RemoteFX |
Microsoft RemoteFX Synth3D VSP VM Transport Channel |
3002 | Canale di trasporto macchina virtuale VSP Synth3D RemoteFX |
RemoteFX Synth3D VSP VM Transport Channel |
3003 | RemoteFX Synth3D VSP VM Transport Channel |
RemoteFX Synth3D VSP VM Transport Channel |
3004 | Numero di segnali di spazio disponibile ricevuti |
Number of space available signals received |
3007 | Number of space available signals received |
Number of space available signals received |
3008 | Numero di segnali di spazio disponibile ricevuti al secondo |
Number of space available signals received per second |
3011 | Number of space available signals received per second |
Number of space available signals received per second |
3012 | Numero di segnali di dati disponibili ricevuti |
Number of data available signals received |
3015 | Number of data available signals received |
Number of data available signals received |
3016 | Numero di segnali di dati disponibili ricevuti al secondo |
Number of data available signals received per second |
3019 | Number of data available signals received per second |
Number of data available signals received per second |
3020 | Numero di segnali di spazio disponibile inviati. |
Number of space available signals sent. |
3022 | Numero di segnali di spazio disponibile inviati |
Number of space available signals sent |
3023 | Number of space available signals sent |
Number of space available signals sent |
3024 | Numero di segnali di spazio disponibile inviati al secondo. |
Number of space available signals sent per second. |
3026 | Numero di segnali di spazio disponibile inviati al secondo |
Number of space available signals sent per second |
3027 | Number of space available signals sent per second |
Number of space available signals sent per second |
3028 | Numero di segnali di dati disponibili inviati |
Number of data available signals sent |
3031 | Number of data available signals sent |
Number of data available signals sent |
3032 | Numero di segnali di dati disponibili inviati al secondo |
Number of data available signals sent per second |
3035 | Number of data available signals sent per second |
Number of data available signals sent per second |
3036 | Numero di eventi dati disponibili reimpostati |
Number of data available event was reset |
3039 | Number of data available event was reset |
Number of data available event was reset |
3040 | Numero di eventi dati disponibili reimpostati al secondo |
Number of data available event was reset per second |
3043 | Number of data available event was reset per second |
Number of data available event was reset per second |
3044 | Numero di eventi spazio disponibile reimpostati |
Number of space available event was reset |
3047 | Number of space available event was reset |
Number of space available event was reset |
3048 | Numero di eventi spazio disponibile reimpostati al secondo |
Number of space available event was reset per second |
3051 | Number of space available event was reset per second |
Number of space available event was reset per second |
0x50000004 | Informazioni |
Information |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RemoteFX-Synth3dvsp |
Microsoft-Windows-RemoteDesktopServices-RemoteFX-Synth3dvsp |
0x90000002 | Admin |
Admin |
0xB0000001 | VSP video Synth3D Microsoft RemoteFX caricato. |
Microsoft RemoteFX Synth3D Video VSP loaded. |
0xB0000002 | VSP video Synth3D Microsoft RemoteFX scaricato. |
Microsoft RemoteFX Synth3D Video VSP unloaded. |
0xB0000004 | La macchina virtuale abilitata per RemoteFX %1 ha negoziato la versione protocollo: %2.%3 |
The RemoteFX-enabled virtual machine %1 negotiated protcol version: %2.%3 |